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Swords, Sorcery and Sex
« on: February 24, 2024, 09:59:54 AM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Swords, Sorcery, & Sex: The Impossible Tower starring Elizabeth Gillies
(MF, cons)
by MaxwellLord

The thieves didn't realize that the name "The Impossible Tower" was quite so literal, but upon entrance both Liz Gillies and Renan Voleur looked up and all around and found it to be exactly that. While there definitely was some sort of platform above the pair saw no way to actually get up there. All they saw were several torches that drove back just enough to beat back the darkness that blanketed the surroundings outside the tower.

However, the surprise at just how literally the tower was named didn't last too long. Renan looked to the buxom brunette.

"I'm going to guess you have a better idea then feeling around the wall for the right stone to press?" he asked. Of course, Liz had an answer.

"Have you forgotten who you're working with?" she asked while wearing her trademark cocky smirk. She reached into the pouch she wore on her side and took out a hand full of powder that seemed to sparkle brighter than the torches that sparsely lit up the room. The brunette blew into her palm and the effervescent dust flew off her hand swirled around the room, hugging the walls before finally settling on one that was right behind Renan. "Would you look at that, a nice and shiny button just waiting to be pressed."

Renan nodded at the blue-eyed beauty and walked towards where the powder had settled. The piece of the stone wall almost looked normal without the crackling sparkle the powder provided. However, there was a bit of an indentation to it, showing it had received a bit more attention than the rest. He pressed down on the presumed button to find it was less presumption and more fact. A spiral staircase emerged from the ground in a way that almost appeared like it was growing like a tree.

In matter of moments a spiraling path upward was formed, however both Renan and Liz knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

"Now it's time for my trick," he said, for Renan had a pouch of his own and within it was a tiny wooden box. He opened it to reveal a crystal clear sphere with a few things floating in it. Not suspended, but floating. A tooth, a tuft of hair and other such biological trinkets were contained in this sphere of liquid. The dashing rogue whispered a phrase of ancient Elvish of kind Liz had never heard before to the liquid sphere before letting it fall to the floor. Instead of a splat however, it landed like a cat and soon after began to form a more humanoid shape. Just as quickly as the staircase had risen so had this homunculus, just to about bust high on Elizabeth.

The crystal-clear, jellied simulacrum sprinted up the stairs, activating a series of traps. Arrows, darts, blades of all shapes and sizes shot at the unliving thing with zero effect, no barrier from keeping it from getting to the top. With the traps triggered, the thieves made their way up the stairs, making it just in time to watch the humanoid return to it's spheroid shape. Their eyes also took in what was on this high-up platform, and the sights only added to the descriptor of "impossible".

The tower seem to go on even further but there were no more floors seen, just an inky blackness that supposedly ended where the roof went. The floor they were on seem much more pedestrian. Bookshelves filled to the brim with tomes, some of which just had to be forbidden. There was a table with beakers and and assorted chemicals just waiting for an alchemist to come along and make it complete.

And right in the center of it all, on a pedestal, rested the object the duo had been called upon to steal. To the naked eye it would appear to simply be a ruby, albeit a large one around the size of a grapefruit. Of course once if one were to get close to it that would start to believe it was sparkling from within. Even closer and one would say it was churning and swirling within as well.

Of course, that meant it wasn't a simple gemstone. This was the infamous Devil's Heart, an enchanted and ancient stone that was the dream of many a witch, wizard, enchanter, warlock and necromancer and not a one of them could really be trusted with it. Which was where Renan and Liz came in. They were hired by a party who had great interest in keeping the stone away from those who could get the most use out of it in potentially the most devastating way possible.

Both Liz and Renan took out golden talisman encrusted with emerald runes and walked a complete circle around where the pedestal stood, chanting another Elvish phrase(one in a tongue they both knew this time) until they both had made a full revolution.

"No enchantments on it," Liz said. "And it's just sitting there on a silk pillow too good to be true."

"Yeah, far too good to be true," agreed Renan. "But here we are. You want to do the grab or shall I?"

"Be my guest," Liz said, backing away. With that, Renan began to get himself ready for the grab. The only angle he didn't have a view of was the obvious one, that being whatever was underneath the ruby. He shrugged and quickly grabbed the ruby to find nothing underneath but the cushion it rested upon.

"That was disturbingly easy," Renan said. "We should run now before we find out why."

"I knew you were more than good looks," Liz said before the two started sprinting down the stairs. Of course, both of their doubts were proven to be correct when the ground started rumbling so furiously the both nearly fell the rest of the way down. When they burst out the door they saw why as it emerged from behind the Impossible Tower.

It was a large, wyrm like creature and could have in fact been mistaken for such a dragon if not for the way the metal pieces caught the moonlight. It was a contraption that looked like it could have come straight from the Ferrolands, especially with the steam ports covering the back.

The two paused for a moment, fear struck as the took the visage of the mechanical creature in full.

"Well it's definitely not magic," Renan said.

"What makes you say that?"

"Our talisman's would have picked up something that size that needed an enchantment to be mobile."

"Good point," she agreed. "Which means whatever is fueling it isn't going to last long."

"So, my thought?", Renan said. "Just keep running right into that field of high grass over there for however long it takes for it to retreat or just fall out of the sky like a boulder."

"Read my mind." The two began a made sprint to the tall grass with the booming bionic beast behind them.

They were close together in the tall grass, hearing each other's heavy breathing as their hearts pounded so loud it shook their skulls. Liz's heart began to beat a bit faster when a thought occurred to her that made their running through a field of tall grass a not-too-pleasing of a situation.

"Does this thing breathe fire?" she asked. "I'm pretty sure that's something dragons do!"

"Real ones absolutely do," Renan answered. "This mechanical monstrosity? No. It doesn't have enough fuel for that. If it could it would have done it already."

And Renan was right, the steam-powered dragon was not built to breath fire. However, it was more than capable of firing off very sharp metal projectiles at the pair of thieves. There was no accuracy in the shots and their didn't need to be due to the sheer number flying from the creature's maw.

"I'm actually missing fire," Liz said. "At leas there's no chance in that."

Sharp edges flew fast the ears and all about them, embedding not just in the soil but the random stones that had their resting place among the grass.

"How long until we hit the inn?" Renan asked.

"At this pace? Probably another hour if we don't stop running. How long you think this thing has in it?"

"About an hour," Renan answered. "Unless we do something really stupid."

"Don't you mean stupider?" Liz replied before leaping forward into a front somersault to dodge a projectile, moving a in smooth motion back into running. "I'm game."

With that Renan broke off and out of the the field with Liz right besides him and the flying contraption in pursuit, though now with it's targets in it's sight it went faster and got much closer than Liz was comfortable with.

"You weren't kidding about stupider were you?!?" she yelled.

"I admit," he said taking a breath. "My ideas on risk versus reward have never really been all that well put together."

The pair and ran and ran, feeling their lungs burn and their legs go past the point of pain to feeling nothing at all. And still they kept on step ahead of the bionic beast, even as they slowed down until finally the thing broke its chase and flew back to wherever its hiding place near the tower was and finally Renan and Liz could stop running.

"What the Hells happened?" the buxom thief asked.

"A gamble," he replied. "A really stupid one but a gamble nonetheless. I figured it would waste more of whatever was powering it chasing us instead of trying to fish us out of that field. Looks like I was right. Barely."

"Yeah," she said, taking leaning over and putting her hands on her knees and she took in several deep breaths.

"How long would you say we are from the inn now?"

"Best guess? Maybe fifteen minutes."

"We ran for that long huh?"

"Yup," Liz nodded.

"Cool. I'm just gonna take a few minutes to throw up by that tree over there."

"Yeah, you earned that," Liz said with a nod and a sarcastic thumbs up.


Once breaths were caught and stomachs emptied the pair walked the rest of the short distance to the inn, the Wandering Jester. It was located right in the middle of a small but busy village built for housing tired travelers called Lunah. This was where they were to meet their contact and the person meant to pay them for the enchanted gemstone they now held in their possession and some kind of consolation for Renan's lost lunch.

They entered the Jester with little fanfare and what they saw didn't surprise them. It was all the usual sights and sounds of such an establishment. Cooked meets and strong drinks mixed with the scent of various types of pipeweed filled the air, mixing in well the the din of merriment that only food and drink could bring. All types of beings speaking all types of languages in varying levels of intoxication. And in the corner booth was their contact; a goblin half breed. In the light you could barely make out his olive green skin, but even that wouldn't have necessarily given his lineage away. Not with his long black hair and fit, six foot frame. With the exception of of the green skin and bright yellow eyes, K'Raz had gotten most of his mother's looks and taste for fine clothing. Fortunately he got his father M'Grash's affable personality along with the golden eyes. He was the rare goblin who didn't seem to be a born shit stirrer and his son inherited this.

However, K'Raz was much like his mother who would bath in liquid gold if such a thing was possible for mere mortals. This of course was what led him to a career as a Connector. He knew people who knew people who got the right jobs done for the right people and he knew Renan and Liz and the people who needed their aid.

"Ah, if it isn't two of my favorite thieves," he said, clapping his hands as they approached. "Please, do take a seat."

"Thanks for the lack of false platitudes by flat out calling us your favorites," Liz said as she and Renan took their seats.

"Well we all know flattery doesn't get anyone anywhere with true professionals like yourself and Mr. Voleur here."

"True but it never hurts," Renan responded.

"Duly noted," K'Raz said. "I can only guess you didn't return of the tower empty handed."

"You guess right," Renan said, taking the gem out. "You almost didn't get this or us here."

"Oh, I'm sure a little magic never bothered two well-prepared professionals like yourselves."

"You're correct," Liz said. "Too bad it was a Tinkerer."

"A Tinkerer?" asked K'Raz with a heavy hint of concern. "That's pretty far off from friendly territory for them. And with a magic artifact no less."

"You didn't know?" Renan asked, a tone of disbelief in his voice.

"I doubt my contact even knew." The Goblin Half-breed shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "That is not pleasant news to saw the least."

"Try living through it," Liz said. "You'll like it even less."

"I'm sure. And with that new bit of information I think I'll skip any celebratory drinks." K'Raz brought a leather case up on the table and opened it, removing two sizable bags filled with gemstones and golden coins. One went to each of the thieves and before K'Raz got up to leave, he had one last little bonus for his mercenary thieves. "You both also have the Nobleman's Suite here along with full food and drinks taken care of until check out time in the morning. The Innkeeper is aware of it all. Just tell him it's all on then Underhill account."

"Thanks K'Raz," Renan, grabbing for his money as Liz grabbed for hers. "Safe travels."

"Safe travels," the goblin said to them both before making his exit.

"Looks like we got ourselves a nice little bonus," said Renan. "Actual beds to sleep in."

"And a hot bath. It turns out running for your life leaves a girl sweaty."

"Think they have two?"

"I don't think we need more than one," said Liz, raising her eyebrow.


The room was lavish to the point calling it noble seemed an insult. Royal would have been for more fitting and two things proved this description to be perfect more than any other were the bed, a huge canopy bed with lush pillows and sheets of silk and sating, and the large porcelain tub. A tub so large it could comfortably fit two. Yet despite all that Renan and Liz found themselves getting rather close on the right end of the tub.

It was far from the first time the two had enjoyed carnal pleasure with each other; a successful job got their blood flowing so much that sex always seemed to be the perfect way to celebrate. And now as they bathed they were getting ready to get deep into the celebration.

Their hands roamed over well-known territory, each thief taking special time at their favorite areas, and Renan had more than a few on the fit yet curvy form of Elizabeth Gillies. The pair's mouths were also occupied, though not traveling just yet. Instead the lovers were trapped in a passionate lip lock, their tongues rolling and wrestling with each other and every second made their passion burn hotter and hotter.

Water churned around their as their tongues wrestled until their kiss broke, though Renan's mouth wouldn't be too far from Liz's body. His hand rose from the water where they had been squeezing her apple bottom and went to her melons, squeezing them in his hands before burying his face in them.

"Yes...suck those titties...yesss Renan..." Liz sighed, her head rolling back while Renan's mouth made content with her busty bounty. The feel and taste of Liz was all too familiar to Renan, it was a flavor who couldn't ever imagine turning down. Kisses hotter than the water they were bathing in began to sizzle on her breasts followed by his tongue licking and swirling on them, writing aphrodisiac runes all over them that felt like they were activated by the flick of his tongue on her aroused nipples, followed by suckling on them.

Through all this Liz could feel his hard cock aching for her against her thigh as she straddled him, ready to be let in and at that moment, she saw no reason to deny him entry. Her blue eyes focused on his, providing her own natural enchantment. That enchantment only grew when he hands reached under the water to grab his hard rod. The buxom brunette rose in the water before slowly sinking down on his cock, the pair suddenly getting shivers and goosebumps in the steaming waters.

Elizabeth wore a smile on her face, parting her lips with her tongue a she began to move on Renan's cock. Soft moans escaped both their mouths, small waves beginning to form in the pool. Liz's hands were gripping the lips of the tub just behind Renan while his hands plunged back beneath the water and gripped her ass while Liz's rhythm began to form.

Rising, falling and moaning, the flame of pleasure slowly being kindled deep within the pale brunette's body. She'd always loved the way Renan's cock felt within her and tonight was no different. And how he touched her, hungered for her, how he massaged and squeezed her ass and kissed her breasts with both a savage urgency and tender desire at the same time was always so amazing one could be correct in saying she was addicted; she couldn't imagine meeting up with him and not fucking him.

Renan felt exactly the same. Liz was too intoxicating a treat to ever pass up. Her pussy was so magical that he'd almost swear she was a sorceress if her didn't know better. The way her cunt squeezed him like a vice and massaged him in a way he could have sworn was beyond what a human could do. And of course there was the views of her nude form riding him. It was always a sight to be seen and this time was almost no difference. This difference being this round was the way the candlelight of the room made her wet skin almost sparkle like she was one of the fae. Of course, the look behind her sapphire eyes showed a bit of sin as well. It was all good of course, being a thief, Renan loved a bit of good sinning.

Liz began to ride his cock harder, the water in the tub churning and splashing like a growing storm. She moved her head forward, extending her pink tongue from red lips. Mirroring her movement, Renan's tongue also escaped and reached out towards hers. They licked at each other, an erotic game of chicken that ended in a mutual collision of burning passion, sucking on each other's tongues until once more their lips separated, a sexy and confident sneer on Liz's face.

"What you got for me Renan?" Liz asked. "Show me what you got for me."

Of course, Renan was always eager to give Liz what she was asking for. More water splashed out the tub as the lustful lovers shifted positions, Liz now bent over, her heaving tits pressed against the edge of the pool and Renan sliding up behind her.

"Fuck!" she grunted as he re-entered her pussy. "Nnng...yeah...just like that...fuck me...give me that cock and make me cum...fuck yes!"

"My...nngg...pleasure," he replied. Soon water was splashing and spilling over as Renan drove into paradise. "Liz...fuck...gods damn yes..."

"Mmmm mmm," she hummed, ruby lips smiling from both Renan's fantastic swordsmanship and well as feeling the return of his kisses to her neck and shoulders. "Give it to me...make me cum...give me that dick....please...mmm yes Renan...don't stop..."

And he didn't. Harder and faster, working his cock at every angle and making Liz melt like a candle. Hot breaths and filthy talk exploded from there mouths as both of them rushed towards an intense climax.

"In me," Liz purred, telling from the shortness of Renan's breath and the desperate tone of his moans. "You can cum in me....I want to feel it...cum in my cunt...cum with me...cum!"

Words ended, now completely replaced by moans and gasps of carnal pleasures. Liz's mouth was open, a huge smile on her face as Renan drove so deep into her, hit all the right spots over and over again until all the stars in the sky were in her eyes.

With a loud squeal of "YES! GODS YES!" Liz came, pleasure washing over her like a tidal wave, drowning her in carnal delights, delights that just got better and better with Renan's continued thrusting. Deep and hard and giving Liz the most delicious chills and making her pussy spasm and constrict until finally it pushed him into the same stratosphere Liz was in.

"Oh yes fuck yes!" Renan grunted before shooting his load within Liz's hungry pussy, his cock buried deep and still as at throbbed and pulsed.

"Yesssss," Liz hissed, dreamily smiling. "Feels so fucking good when you fill me up Renan...mmmm give it all to me baby...one last bit of treasure...some white gold..." Liz turned her head to the side while gently grabbing his face, leading Renan's lips to hers for a kiss as the last of his cum emptied from his balls and his cock began to soften.

"And to think," Renan said. "We haven't even tried the bed yet."


The sounds of singing birds woke Renan from his slumber and to the surprise of no one, Liz was gone. He could have sworn it was his turn to leave with nothing but a note left behind but one look at the pillow where Liz had laid her head the night before proved him wrong.

Renan picked up the note to read the short but sweet not Liz had left him.

We simply must do this again sometime.


It was always nice when a friendly tradition was continued. However, that wasn't the only message he would be getting before even getting dressed. Not all of the birds were singing. One of them, a white dove, was tapping at his door and instead of trying to shoo it away Renan went to the window and open it, allowing the bird in.

Renan held his palm out and the dover landed in it before turning into a note in a flash of light. This note wasn't quite as pleasant as Liz's goodbye.

Your presence is required at the guild post haste. I'm calling in what you owe me.


"You know, just one of these days I'd actually like to enjoy my earnings before taking on the next job," Renan said as the note once more became a bird and flew off in the direction he'd soon be heading, The Westland and specifically the Thieves' Guild Headquarters. He had a good idea of what he was being called in for and it wasn't something he was looking forward to. Still, he had to do it.

Payment was due.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2024, 10:13:34 AM by MaxwellLord »
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Blocboy VC

Re: Swords, Sorcery and Sex
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2024, 05:40:19 PM »
Great job.
Always in for more Liz Gillies.
I kinda hope the Kate is Kate Winslet, I feel like she'd fit well in this series.
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


Re: Swords, Sorcery and Sex
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2024, 04:56:22 AM »
I liked this. Very interesting to see celebs merged with Fantasy settings. I also really enjoyed the imaginative way in which magic and supernatural things were described, like the trap-triggering mini golem made from a sphere and the mechanical wyrm. Makes me wanna drop a celeb into an off-color setting just to see how they fit in. And being inspiring is always a fantastic quality for a story. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Swords, Sorcery and Sex
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2024, 01:42:36 PM »
Great job.
Always in for more Liz Gillies.
I kinda hope the Kate is Kate Winslet, I feel like she'd fit well in this series.

It’s definitely a British Kate.
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Re: Swords, Sorcery and Sex
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2024, 02:32:46 PM »
Wow!  Such a great mixing of fantasy and celeb erotica, really loved it!  Hope to see more!
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord, Blocboy VC


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