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Author Topic: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt  (Read 108248 times)


Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« on: April 27, 2022, 05:46:44 PM »
A/N This is a follow up to a couple of previpus stories I wrote with Jennifer Love Hewitt. If you haven't read those, I'd start there. Otherwise enjoy!

"Don't forget to the lock up on the way out, make sure you turn the machine on as well and put the dishes away." Maggie smiled at me.

"I won't and I will start it of before I get going." I added smiling at her as she looked at me. She nodded once blew me a kiss and then slipped out the door closing it behind her. Living with someone was still something I was getting used to, but it was a challenge I quite liked.

I'd been dating Maggie since before my last encounter with Jennifer. It might not have been quite as serious then, but it was becoming more so. We got on well, enjoyed each other's company and so far, were finding living together something that was working well.

Apart from that last wild romp with Jennifer there hadn't been any distractions and even that I pushed aside since we hadn't been as serious back then. Things were different now I was enjoying life, enjoying being with someone and as yet hadn't been anywhere near Jennifer again.

I finished getting myself ready for work went back put the washing machine on and then was taking care of the dishes when I heard the doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting anything, it was also early so I had no idea what it might be. Frowning I grabbed a towel, dried my hands and left the kitchen heading into the hallway and made my way to the front door.

Opening the door though I just stood and stared baffled by the sight that confronted me. Something that seemed to please her immensely if the slow sultry smile that crossed her face was anything to go by. I swallowed hard just looking at her my heart giving a lazy extra beat thudding in my chest.I

"Hi!" Jennifer Love Hewitt murmured softly. "Aren't you going to let me in?" She continued the sultry sound of her voice making me shiver.

It was stupid maybe, or maybe just the affect she had on me, but I stepped back gave her room to enter past me. Her body brushed mine as she entered, and I shivered another little teasing smile crossing her face as if she had seen and recognised exactly the effect, she had on me.

I closed the door behind her slowly almost knowing it meant trouble as I did. Me and Jennifer had too much of a connection at this point. Turning around and looking at her made me want to drag her down and enjoy her all over again. I bit back the urge and just breathed deeply taking her in.

She smiled at me a hand resting on her hip, a knowing look as if she had the exact sense of all the thoughts that were currently running through my mind. She probably knew me to well. Already I felt tense just an added sense of awareness with Jennifer so close to me again.

"Jennifer....." I began again trying to clear my head and just work out exactly what she was doing here.

"Aren't you going to offer me a drink or show me around?" She smiled laughing again. "Your hosting skills need some work." She looked around as she took in the little of what she could see of my house.

I smiled ruefully and shook my head. "Can I take your coat?" I asked her my eyes running across her figure which currently consisted of a large black leather number which concealed her curvy figure while she clutched a bag in her hand. She smiled again a slow lazy gesture.

"No, your fine." I would like the tour though." She added again.

"I mean if you’re sure you know it isn't what your used to though." I began before she cut me off.

"It doesn't matter. It's yours. I'm curious to see what you live like."

"Well, it isn't just me now really. My girlfriend lives here to so it's the two of us really."

"Doesn't matter call it curiosity." She interrupted. "I just want to take a look I always love seeing how people use space and decorate things." She continued while I absorbed it all in.

I sighed a little, the bright smile on her face made it impossible for me to resist her. I think she knew it well enough. I knew her well enough she had something in mind but trying to keep stoic about it all instead I offered her my arm much more formal. Jennifer just smiled at me.

She dipped into a slight curtsey. "Why thank you good sir." She added chuckling taking my arm and linking it with her own.

Of course, Jennifer being Jennifer she leaned and pressed herself in against my side. I could feel the softness of her body as it brushed against me, the scent of her perfume. I suspected she did it on purpose simply to awaken old memories, again she knew I couldn't resist.

But I led her out of the hall through a doorway and into the living room. We did only have a small space cosy but nothing like her place. Having seen as much of it as I had I knew that. There was a sofa, a small table, a tv to one side and then several bookshelves and other scattered pieces in here. Jennifer made a soft sound of pleasure.

"I love the colours here, and the furnishings." She murmured leading me now as she paused to run her fingers across a cushion.

I watched her smiling. "I can't take the credit Maggie, my girlfriend changed a lot when we moved in together.

"Ah so you needed a woman's touch." She teased me gently nudging me with her hip. "Come on next." She continued.

I led her on through the living room through an adjoining doorway and on into the smaller room. We used it more as a snug and office space. It had a desk set up along one wall another couch on the opposite side. I paused again feeling Jennifer's fingers brushing my arm.

"This is more just an office space, if we need it or to relax sometimes as well but mostly work." I murmured softly watching as Jennifer paused to take a look. There wasn't much to be said about it. It wasn't a room that had changed much. Instead after a few minutes I led her back to the hallway.

Once there I continued straight on leading her through the far end out into kitchen beyond. That had been brightened a little but was otherwise mostly the same. Plenty of worktops, a breakfast bar for early mornings, a dining table if we ever had anyone around. At the far end a door led out onto the patio beyond and the small garden we had.

I paused there giving her a chance to look around the kitchen such as it was and then moved towards the doors that led outside on the patio.

"We haven't done much out there yet. Not really had to much chance or opportunity to really make the most of it. Although there isn't a huge space anyway." I explained as we looked out.

"It doesn't matter, it is what you make of it and I’m sure that given the chance you could do a lot." She murmured smiling at me.

"Well, that's really it to see." I added turning and glancing at her again. Jennifer merely grinned and gave me a nudge.

"I don't think so. I mean there is an upstairs isn't there. You still have to show me the bedrooms." She replied, a wicked flash of a smile passing across her face. I knew it meant trouble. Protesting probably wasn't worth it. Instead, I nodded slowly and led her back out.

We made our way back to the hallway and then went up a flight of stairs that led towards the landing above. Once there it wasn't like there was to much more to see. A bathroom led through one door, a spare bedroom through another. Once we had a look inside of those Jennifer herself steered me through the final doorway into the master bedroom.

"Well, this is it." I murmured slowly. "You've seen everything." I escaped her grip then and moved away just to give myself room to think a little more clearly.

"Maybe, although I don't think you've seen everything yet." Her voice was soft, and alluring threaded with amusement as I heard a soft thud as she dropped her bag, then suddenly felt the weight of her body pressing into my back. Her hands reached around and ran up my chest. I swallowed hard licking my lips as I looked down at them.

"Jennifer......." I began before she cut me off.

"I've got something for you to see as well." I didn't like the sound of that at all, at least in the sense that I really did and was just trying to avoid temptation. Hard when Jennifer's hands were already running up my chest slowly exploring.

"Now you listen mister. I picked a perfect gift for you to see. I think you're going to love it so why don't you just take a seat and let me show you. No buts." She chided me her voice a soft teasing drawl in my ear as she spoke drawing her hand back to pat my rear.

Before I knew it, she had turned me around placed me on the edge of the bed and had me sitting down there looking back up at her, as her hands rested on her hips. She looked entirely pleased with herself which was why I knew I was in trouble, at least even more than I already was.

She took a step back and just smiled slow and seductive as her hands slipped down over the front of her body to the coat she was wearing. It was belted at her waist but her clever fingers found the clasp and just held my gaze as they slowly drew it open slipping it free and then letting the coat fall apart.

She shrugged it off letting it fall to the floor still smiling playfully at me and suddenly she was there and wearing just a thin layer of lace, sheer and seductive it covered it torso falling to the middle of her thighs just held up by two thin straps. I ran my eyes across her seeing the darker shade of her nipples peeking out and then she was turning around showing it off.

"What do you think, how do I look?" She asked slowly.

I closed my eyes swallowing hard. "Breath taking." I muttered after a moment. I was about to continue when she cut me off and walked forwards to stand in front of me.

"Let's see. What I think you’re going to say is that you have a girlfriend, and you can't do this right? I'll remind you I’m married, and we played this game last time and we both know how that ended right." Her head dipped down to breath into my ear. "That ended when you filled me again, for the second time that day I’ll add." She smirked slowly moving forwards to sit on my lap straddling my thighs.

She sat back a little her hands resting on my shoulders. At this angle she rose above me, so her perfect sheer clad lacy breasts were right in front of my face. It made me ache and I had the urgent desire to grab hold of them and squeeze, or to just tear the lace open and press my face against them.

Valiantly I tried to resist. "Jennifer......." I began again only to have her silence me.

She placed a finger on my lips and held it there rubbing lightly. "Ssssshhhhh!" She whispered softly the tip of her finger caressing my mouth parting my lips and just brushing my tongue. "Just listen for a moment." She murmured again and she settled forward leaning into me.

"I keep having some really wicked thoughts, which I blame you for really, and mostly it's fine they make fun fantasies for myself. Every now and again though..........well you can see the fantasy isn't quite enough. Then the only real thing to do is to well explore them. So here I am, and here you are, and you know what that means don't you?" She smirked as she looked at me."

I shook my head feeling her finger pressing on my mouth as she teased me.

"Well, that means of course I'm not leaving here until I am perfectly satisfied. Remember I'm a client and customer service always comes first. Beside think about things practically. I'm not going to be telling anyone. You’re not going to be telling anyone. So, unless your girlfriend walks back in and sees us there isn't anything at all to be worried about." She smirked a little still caressing my mouth. 

"We can just relax and enjoying ourselves. This is simply a case of you giving a client of yours some good advice isn't it." She gave a wicked little shimmy grinding into me. "You know as well as I do how much fun we have. All those wicked little naughty things you like to do. You know how good it makes you feel."

She sank forward pressing her breasts into me as her mouth moved closer to my ear. "I bet as good as sex might be with your girlfriend it isn't good as with me. I bet she doesn't make you feel as good, or cum so hard as you have done with me. I bet when you fuck me on this bed soon it will feel so much sweeter than with her. I bet she could walk in, and you still wouldn't be able to stop yourself enjoying me more. I can guarantee that after you've fucked me right here on this bed, after the scent of me is all over your sheets you won't ever be able to forget how good it was to have me here right on your bed. I bet you won't be able to not think of me again every time your here, every time you’re with her." She practically purred the words out whispering in my ear.

I shivered as I listened to her. She was right. You couldn't fault her logic. I had a hard time not being distracted by thoughts of Jennifer as it was. After this escapade I would be hard pressed to forget the sight of her showing of that lacy sheer clad figure as she had just done, and I knew she was far from finished still.

She reached down and grasped my hands holding my fingers and then guiding them to her thighs running the tips along the smooth muscled flesh where her lingerie had ridden up exposing more of her body. She was soft and tempting drawing me in further and deeper with every moment we lingered together.

"There now, that's already starting to feel pretty good I bet." She teased me softly her voice gentle and smooth as she murmured to me. "Just remember how good this feels, and then let yourself relax. I can make you feel so good if you let me. You know that I can." She continued.

I breathed slowly just feeling the weight of her body on my lap, the feel of her thighs as my fingers edged and caressed their way along the soft silky smooth skin, the touch of her breath as she whispered and teased my ear sultry and seductive. It was a hard combination to resist.

She continued to guide my hands along her thighs moving higher so I stroked them around her hips and then around behind her, so I found her rear. I sucked in a breath as I felt bare skin soft under my hands groaning even more as she squeezed my hands against her bare flesh, so I tightened my grip around her ass.

"There didn't seem much point in dressing up too much when I've just been thinking of your hands on my bare skin. The less layers I wore the quicker I could get them where I wanted." She murmured softly again so I almost heard the wicked amusement in her voice at my discovery of her scantily clad state. Just that one thin layer of sheer lace covering her body.

She moulded my hands to her rear, so I cupped and squeezed the firm flesh feeling her mouth brush the skin of my neck making me shiver as she trailed her lips over it. She rose a little higher and her breasts big and soft surged into view bouncing just in front of my face.

"See this already feels better doesn't it." She teased softly. "I know what you want. I know how to make you ache better than anyone else." She released a hand which I couldn't tear away from her body. Instead, she slipped it around my neck cradling my head and drew it forward to press my face against her breasts.

Delicate lace scraped against my face as I felt the warmth of her body, the scent of her skin. It was a subtle thing but drew me in even more an enticing mix of sensations that threatened to drown me. It was slow and sultry a measured seduction, but Jennifer was a master of it. She knew what I liked.

I felt the harder tip of her nipple brush my cheek where it thrust out against the delicate lace just holding it in. I wanted to take it in my fingers and tease it, wanted to close my lips around it and suck gently while I heard her moan softly as she strained against me.

Her head tilted my head back so I could look up and see her watching me, her eyes full of simmering heat and tension. "All you need to do is let me take care of you. I promise you I’ll make you feel better than anyone else all you have to do is forget about everyone else and just let me enjoy you."

I swallowed hard my hands tightening their grip on her bare ass even as she lowered her head to meet mine. I shivered watching her, felt her tongue as she flicked it out and traced my mouth slow, teasing before her lips full and soft brushed mine. It was light and soft but even as I sucked in a breath, she caught me again taking my mouth in a deeper harder kiss letting me taste her excitement.

I could almost taste her desire. Felt it bubbling up inside her hot and tempting as she kissed me. Her tongue eagerly parted my lips and stroked across mine her body pressed snugly against me moulding her lush curves against my chest as I tightened my grip on her even more.

She moaned softly again grinding and sliding herself slowly on my lap rubbing against my erection as she held me close against her. She pulled back just looking at me, her eyes all simmering heat as she licked her lips running her hands through my hair until she lowered her mouth and kissed me again.

It was slower more seductive and teasing as she nibbled on my lips and stroked her tongue across my mouth a delicate gesture that made me shiver all over. I couldn't help my hands moving over her body fondling her rear, squeezing it, moving up to her back and then edging back to knead her again.

She pulled back a small, satisfied smile on her face as she looked at me. "There now this is starting to feel better, but I think we can still improve on it. You're starting to come around to my point of view, but I know something else that will convince you this is for the best."

She smirked at me her tongue playing across my lips as she sat back on my lap opening a little space my eyes followed her every movement looking on as they dipped down to slowly caress the swells of her breasts caressing the soft slopes with the tips.

Her hand slowly moved up to her shoulder and grasped the strap of the thin lingerie she wore. Slowly she edged it down loosening the hold it had on her breast which surged up threatening to spill out. I made a sound at the back of my throat, and she laughed softly as she looked at me.

"There now see, I know exactly what you want, and right now, what you want is this."

She smiled slowly her eyes bright as she reached down and scooped up her breast freeing it from the confines of the lace. I stared watching her fingers press into that soft flesh and squeeze it before they captured her nipple and tweaked it gently the dark tips already hard and erect.

I couldn't look away; it was a captivating intense sight watching her free her breast and then just gently attend to it's evident need. It made me ache, hungry for more, hungry to take it and enjoy it as she likely knew it would do. Big soft and tempting it bounced there tantalising close as I looked and stared and found myself unable to stop.

"There." She breathed out slowly that's better. Or maybe at least half better." She smiled teasingly and reached for the other strap.

I watched her gently push it down and slip her arm free as the sheer lace fell to her waist. Her other breast surged free to join the first, so she provided a veritable visual feast to stare at now both breasts bare and proud directly in front of my face. Even then she was far from finished.

Her arms circled my head again holding me, her fingers sliding through my fair as she stretched and moved my eyes following each and every movement of her breasts as they bounced and jiggled in front of me. They were impossible to resist a fact I well knew.

"Now that is better." She grinned as she leaned closer pushing herself up straighter, so her head was above me her breasts moving ever closer to my face making it even harder to resist. My erection strained with need and every moment I felt the urge to grab her and take harder to resist.

"We always have so much fun together you and me. I know exactly what you need, and you know how to give me exactly what I need so I don't think there is ever any problem with us just giving each other a helping hand." She breathed out again leaning into me once more.

Delicately her fingers tightened their grip on my head tugging my head back so she could look at me again. The look made me shiver, it was pure sex a sultry temptation I couldn't even begin to refuse even if I’d had the wish to and that thought was long gone now.

"Right now, what you need, and what I want this this." She murmured simply.

Then she pulled my head forward and buried my face in between her breasts smothering it with her soft delicious cleavage. I groaned against her skin feeling the silky softness brush my face. I heard her gasp as my rougher skin scraped against that delicate softness as we came together.

"Touch me." She murmured again. "I want your hands on them."

Her hands reached for mine again pulling them of her ass and guiding them up the sides of her body until she pressed them onto her breasts. I gripped them pressing against the sides of them and squeezed which only pushed and rubbed them against my face even more. The abundant soft flesh rubbed against me as my fingers kneaded and squeezed them enjoying it all.

As my face sank into her cleavage the scent of her swirled around me invading every sense I had just making me ache for her even more. I swept my finger across her skin slowly exploring tracing across that delicious softness touching it and loving how it felt. Jennifer still wanted more.

She eased back pulling her breasts from my face looking down at me again her fingers still tangled in my hair as she arched her back and pushed her breast forward. This time I felt her nipple rub against my skin hard and erect as she guided it to my mouth tracing it across my lips.

"I want......." She murmured softly ending on a sigh of pleasure.

I hadn't been able to resist it. That hard tender flesh rubbing against me had been to inviting. I'd opened my mouth and drawn it inside, a deep moan of my own escaping as I'd latched on and slowly started to enjoy it. I set my teeth against her skin and bit down gently.

My fingers held it close, and I circled it with the tip of my tongue sliding over the hard nub and sucking gently. Jennifer moaned softly pressing me against her bare flesh and I squeezed her breast taking the swollen tip between my teeth and tugging it before I swept my tongue over it again.

I could have done nothing else but enjoy her breasts and I’d have been more than happy. They were an exquisite temptation. I filled my hands with them as she pressed forward eagerly and just ravished her nipple teasing it to an ever harder point until she pulled back.

I almost growled looking at it in front of me hard and wet glistening from my mouth at least until she shifted slightly and brought the other breast across towards me. I watched as her nipple came across brushed delicately across my lips and parted them latching onto the stiff peak and started to suck.

Jennifer moaned again her head falling back as she cradled my head against her breast, and I swirled my tongue over it just sucking and teasing it using my teeth to tug and pull it on it even more as she rocked against me. Her breasts, how they felt, how they tasted it all drove me wild making me ache as I enjoyed her.

After a few more minutes she nudged me back and I drew in a shaky breath as I looked up at her watching me. Her skin was flushed as she looked back, my hands still firmly on her bare breasts as we watched one another. I felt her fingers run through my hair.

I drank in the sight of her letting my eyes run across every bare inch of her breasts watching as my fingers squeezed the lush big mounds and teased and played with hard nipples. Now we had started I couldn't stop myself I only wanted more and more of her.

"There's that wicked look again." She murmured softly leaning closer to press my face into her cleavage. "That wicked bad look that tells me you’re thinking of doing some very, very naughty things with me." She teased continuing. "So, tell me what are you going to do?”

I groaned against her skin dragging my face up her cleavage until I could nibble on her throat while my hands rode up her back until I could catch a handful of her hair and just tugged her back, so her body arched, and those gorgeous bare breasts bounced in front of me.

I drew in a breath and met her heated gaze. "I'm going to enjoy you Jennifer. I'm going to enjoy those breasts again, I’m going to slide myself over them, between them, I’m going to fuck them and enjoy them."

"I think you did that before." She teased smirking at me.

"In part maybe but I haven't fucked them and cum on them doing it and I will today. You are not leaving here now, not until I’ve exploded all over those gorgeous big boobs of yours. I want to see you covered in it, the scent of me all over you after I've finished with you."

I heard her hum softly sliding over my lap as she ground against me. "Now that is definitely very, very naughty of you." She smirked slowly reaching out briefly to trace her finger across my lip. Then she pulled it back covered her big heaving breasts and squeezed them tight, so they poured out around her hands.

"Do you have any idea exactly how bad it is that you want to take that hard aching cock of yours, and then slide it slowly all over these lovely big luscious soft warm breasts. Then for me to squeeze them nice and tightly around you just to make it even nicer for when you fuck them until we both watch you explode all over them........" She drawled softly her eyes glinting as she watched me.

"I mean just thinking about it sounds very bad to me let alone doing it." She smirked at me.

"Bad or not it's going to happen." I groaned again watching as Jennifer just squeezed her breasts again rubbing them together as she caught my gaze just watching them.

"Luckily for you Mister, I think that it just might." She chuckled softly. "You’re going to make them a nice sticky mess by the time were finished, and I can guarantee you won't ever look at this room again without thinking of it, without think of exactly how good it felt when you fucked me right in your bed and then sprayed all that hot cum over my breasts. But I think we have ourselves a deal." She added laughing holding out a hand.

I let my eyes run over her ruefully. I guessed that since she had turned up there wasn't much to be done about it happening. I couldn't resist her. I especially couldn't resist the thought of exploding out all over her breasts. Bad or not it was going to happen. I reached out took her hand and shook it. Then I tugged her forward and crushed my mouth against hers as I toppled backwards to the bed taking her with me.

She laughed playfully against my mouth, the sound muffled by our hungry lips as they moved on one another. We battled for position wrestling on the covers both eagerly sliding hands over one another exploring hungrily but it was Jennifer who won out maintaining her position.

She straddled my waist and kept me pressed back on the bed leaning over as her hands pulled at my t-shirt tugging it up and lifting it up. I raised my arms up allowing her to strip it away and she tossed it aside as her mouth skimmed over my skin licking and kissing across my chest.

She looked up smiling and watching my reaction as her lips briefly sucked my nipples and her tongue flicked out to tease down the middle of my chest and over my belly. Her fingers found my jeans and began to open them up popping open the button and as she continued to watch me slowly drew the zip down.

I looked down and watched her a groan escaping my lips my hips rising enough for her to tug my jeans down over my hips and then edge back enough to give herself room to tug them down my legs. Then I just watched as her hands climbed back up my legs my caressing as she went.

Her fingers crept along the inside of my thighs and then she slowly rubbed her palm along the firm bulge of my erection where it pushed against my boxers. She flashed a teasing smile as she bit her lip gazing up at me and pressed her lips to my belly teasing it with a kiss.

Her quick clever fingers snagged the waistband of my boxers and then she just pulled them back, so my erection was spilled out to rest against my belly as she then tugged them down my legs and tossed them away as well. I breathed out deeply sucking in a breath as she smiled at me again.

My cock now finally free pulsed happily. I had a moment to breath and then Jennifer caught it. Soft gentle fingers edged up my thighs, massaged and cupped my balls, her fingers rubbing them gently. Then she was reaching wrapping around my cock and slowly grasping it as it throbbed against her touch.

She pushed herself up the length of my body until she was laying alongside me, fingers still squeezing my cock as she teased it. Her body pressed against me, and I turned her head towards me taking her mouth hungrily kissing it, plundering it as she moaned.

She pumped my cock up and down her fingers edging along the shaft as our mouths tasted one another. "I'll take perfect care of this. Don't you worry." She mumbled against my mouth. "We'll make each other feel so good, you're going to thank me." She smiled at me and began to slide down my body.

I just groaned looking down at her as her mouth trailed across my skin, licking, kissing biting. Everything was sensitive to her careful delicate touch, she teased me her hand wrapped around my cock stroking it until she reached it with her head, her hair trailing across my skin as she moved.

She stood it upright, her fingers holding me just beneath the head and then lowered her mouth to meet it. Our eyes met, she flashed me a wicked sultry smile and then her lips were rubbing against me soft and moist as her glossy lipstick smeared over me.

I groaned again as she parted around me and drew me inside her mouth. She moaned as well feeling that solid hard length edging against her as she sucked and stroked, her fingers and mouth working together to make me ache with pleasure. We watched one another as she did it, she just let me watch and enjoy her work.

She felt exquisite her lips closed around me just below the head using her tongue to rub and tease it swirling around over while her fingers edged up and down the rest of my shaft. I throbbed with pleasure straining against her as she teased me before she slipped free with a pop.

She grinned at me licking around the head again and then pulled me back and edged the head of my cock around her nipple. I groaned again and tried to thrust against her, but she pulled herself back just teasing still. "Ah, ah." She teased softly. "Not too much of that now. After I've had my fun, you can enjoy them properly until then you only get a taste."

She laughed softly tapped the head of my cock against her nipple again and then leaned over once more. Her lips parted and her mouth surrounded me again sliding down my cock deeper and deeper now. I reached up, pushed her hair back and just enjoyed the view of her sucking me.

She went all the way down to the base held herself there as I groaned and then rose back smoothly to the head once more swirling her tongue around it taking a breath and then diving down on me once more. This time I thrust up a little pushing against her eager mouth.

I throbbed in her mouth feeling her lips tight around my shaft as she sucked. The weight of her body, her bare breasts pressed into my thighs and her hands ran across my skin one on my balls the other just roaming across my thigh and belly as she touched me and teased.

I was so hard I ached. As she came back up, I raised myself and reached for her tugging her forwards so she spilled against me laughing. I didn't give her the chance to for long I took her mouth and kissed her deep and hard moaning against her lips as I let my hands roam over her body.

I gripped her tightly hands tugging the lacy garment she had been wearing around her waist before I flipped her over, so she tumbled back on the bed laying back spread out lush soft and utterly tempting. I covered her in an instant my thigh pressing hers legs apart exposing her bare sex.

I didn't want to wait, couldn't if I was being honest with myself at that point. I settled myself between her spread thighs and lined myself up with her nudging the head of my cock against her entrance already feeling the heat and wetness spilling from her. Rocking my hips, I pushed the head up and down obviously not quick enough for Jennifer who reached down grasped the head and guided it right where she wanted it.

"Fuck me." She moaned the only thing she managed before a long moan escaped her lips.

I didn't wait then, just pushed forward with my hips and let us both watch as I guided my cock inside her sliding effortlessly into her slick wet folds. She parted around me easily a soft sigh of pleasure escaping her lips as I plunged inside her, eyes fluttering with enjoyment.

She felt exquisite as always. I held myself there just savouring it feeling her squeeze down around my cock as she gripped it. But it wasn't what she wanted, it wasn't exactly what I wanted either. She had me riled up and I couldn't resist. I drew back my hips pulling back to her entrance and thrust again slapping against her body.

She groaned beneath me those luscious big breasts bouncing and swaying as I took her just another reason to do it again which I promptly did. The sight of them bouncing again had me reaching forwards grasping one squeezing it tugging on her nipple and teasing it as I pressed tight against her.

She moaned and arched beneath me. "Yes." She hissed out biting her lip. "Give it to me." She urged me on rippling around my shaft and tightening on me as I thrust again in and out driving myself inside her fucking her, enjoying how she felt and how she looked as she lay back sprawled across my bed.

I ended up on top of her the weight of my body pinning her to the bed as she squirmed beneath me. Her legs spread wide giving me more room to pump inside her and then she drew them back and hooked them over my hips pulling me even closer against her body. Her lips captured mine and she moaned against my mouth.

I drew back and thrust forward sinking myself deep inside her, plunging on until my balls were pressed tight against her entrance just feeling the slick lush heat of her coating my shaft dripping out being smeared over us both. It was erotic and exquisite and impossible to resist.

We rolled and moved together bodies slipping and sliding while hands and mouths roamed over bare skin nipping and kissing as we went. She ended up on top of me grinding back onto my cock as I drew my legs up so her soft behind bounced against my thighs. She moaned against my mouth breasts squashed against my chest her nipples hard tips scraping over my skin.

"See how good I make you feel." She moaned against me softly. "I bet it doesn't feel this good with anyone else. Not with your girlfriend she doesn't know what you need. Not like I do." Her voice a soft drawl, every word a sultry tease as her lips teased my skin little kisses every time, she spoke that made me ache.

I ran my hands up her sides squeezing her boobs just pushing up against her as she ground back onto my thighs. Her body quivered lush and tempting. It was hard to argue with her assessment. We hadn't spent a lot of time together but when we did it was never not memorable. Something about the busty brunette beauty fired me up.

She pushed herself up and began to bounce more, her thighs slapping on my hips as she pushed back. Those lush big breasts began to bounce and sway sliding against my face as she rose higher until I was almost buried between them. I turned slightly caught a nipple and bit down sucking hungrily.

She gasped and moaned hands sliding around my head and slowing down once more. We were almost face to face again with her sitting on me now while holding my face against her breasts while she moaned softly. All that smooth soft flesh brushed against me, and I made the most of it kissing and nibbling until I caught her other nipple and sucked that to.

I grasped her breasts squeezed them tightly pressing them against my skin inhaling the sweet scent of her skin before I let them slide slowly back down to grasp her hips as she squirmed on my cock slowly rocking. The pleasure was exquisite just being buried deep inside her as she gripped me. The friction of her soaking wet flesh on my hard cock was immense.

Her hands settled on my shoulders gripping me tightly and holding on using it as leverage to lift herself up sliding up the length of my shaft before she bounced back down her rear quivering as it hit my thighs. I pulsed against her as she came back down just feeling her grip my cock and squeeze it with her muscles.

She ground on me panting and straining and then pushed herself up once more. This time I helped her my hands on her hips guiding her up smoothly and then as she came back down, I pulled her onto me deep and hard, so she moaned jerking at the impact as her sex engulfed my cock in one quick go.

Still moaning she pressed forward again her breasts sliding against my face as she began to move more quickly up and down slick and smooth on my cock. I held her hips and helped her move scraping my teeth against her soft flesh teasing her nipples or else just nipping at the abundant lush curves that were being pushed against me.

I let her ride it out feeling her quiver and shake as she did her breath hot on my ear as her hands slid around my head and held me close against her again. She used my body to build her pleasure just sliding up and down on my cock and then squeezing and tightening around me as she came down and gripped me tightly.

She slowed again licking her lips as she shuddered. She held herself on me and then slowly arched back her hands reaching back sliding along my legs until she gripped them holding herself steady as she just pushed and rocked herself against my cock grinding against my body as she pulsed around my shaft.

I moaned again my length throbbing inside her as she worked it just tightening around me and squeezing as she bit down on her lips. I reached out for her one hand back up to squeeze her breast the other up to where we joined so I could play with her clit rubbing it teasing her, toying with her. She moaned again her eyes opening as she looked at me.

"That's why I needed to come." She stammered breathlessly. "Just to see that look on your face when you look at me, when you enjoy me. Like there isn't anything else in the world you want to do other than to fuck me and enjoy me. Just real good hot sex. I know I make you feel better than anyone else just enjoy it."

Every word she spoke made me ache. I couldn't dispute the fact or argue against it. She knew all too well how good she could make me feel. She'd enjoyed the result; she could feel it now. She squirmed against my cock squeezing and tightening around me as she ground on my hips, and she knew there wasn't anything I’d rather be doing than enjoying her.

I gripped her hips fingers digging into her flesh as I tightened my grip and then bucked up throwing her of rolling her over, so she was underneath me now. My weight fell across her holding her in place and I lunged forwards hips surging, thrusting and I drove myself inside her again.

We both moaned at the same time. Her leg came up squeezing my hip and I gripped it holding it against me as I thrust against her short sharp movements that pushed my cock in and out of her, pumping my aching length in and out of her quivering flesh. She moaned again gripping me tightly rearing up to nip at my neck as she did pulling me even more tightly against her.

I gritted my teeth and just continued to take her slapping against the front of her body pressed tightly together. Her breasts bounced and moved and again my mouth dipped down to kiss and suck at her nipples listening to her gasp as she felt my teeth graze the sensitive tips. She arched beneath me and pressed them into my face.

I made a sound half groan, half growl. I heard her throaty chuckle of pleasure as she basked in the attention lips teasing my shoulder as we pressed close together. Everything made me ache, the way she felt, the way she moved, the noises she made. The excitement and desire made me just want to take her again and again.

I held myself there breathing deeply. Neither of us really moved we just took a moment hands and mouths exploring one another as we caught our breathes. I felt Jennifer squeezing and contracting around my cock and just ground my hips against her trying to push myself as deep inside her as I could.

My hands just caressed along her sides stroking and exploring running down to her hips and slowly back up again until I held her face lightly. She smiled at me lifting herself up and stealing a kiss her mouth soft and exquisite as she nipped at my lips and squashed her breasts into my chest. I shook my head at her ruefully.

"I knew it was a bad idea letting you inside." I murmured withdrawing from her.

"Ah but then you would have missed out on so many fun experiences." She teased me again.

Rolling over onto her side her mouth captured my cock again lips parting around the head as she sucked lightly teasing it with her tongue as she tasted us both glistening all over it. I moaned my head falling back just enjoying it. You couldn't fault her logic.

My hips bucked and I rocked them slowly working myself in and out of her mouth, just feeling the soft touch of her lips on my shaft and her fingers grasping the base holding it steady. I couldn't stay there and do nothing else. I had to reach out myself exploring and caressing her in turn.

My hand closed over her breast kneading, squeezing pinching her nipple just making her moan around me as she sucked. I reached on down further sliding over her belly and then lower still pressing on down between her thighs and then reaching back to massage her sex sliding my palm across the swollen hot entrance.

Using the tips of my fingers I spread her open and pushed one inside stroking deep listening to her moan even more around me. It was all too easy then adding another slowly using them to fuck her whilst she sucked hungrily around my cock her mouth easily taking all of me in and out as my hips thrust and I drove against her watching her take it.

I was doomed I knew that. She had been entirely right. I wasn't going to be able to forget doing this anytime soon. Her naked sprawled over my bed hungrily enjoying me. This was before we'd even finished. She just did things to me, and I couldn't have explained it. Even now she pulled back just resting the tip of my cock on her tongue and licked as I pushed my fingers repeatedly in and out of her.

She drove her hips to meet me always wanting more. A single drop of fluid gathered at the head of my shaft and carefully and very deliberately she looked at me as her tongue danced up and swirled over it licking gently flashing a smile at me as she did. I groaned again feeling my cock ache and twitch under her skilful attention.

"If I admit your right do I win a prize or some other added bonus?" I asked her just using my thumb to rub at her clit.

She smiled even as she shuddered. "No but I'm sure the personal memories of how bad you were with me here right here will be their own reward. I mean just look at how bad you are being........" 

She continued to tease, this time wrapping her hand over my shaft as she stroked it, squeezing the head until more pre cum seeped from it. She leaned back and arched lifting her breasts until the head brushed slowly over her hard nipple.

"This is pretty bad of you isn't it covering me, and you haven't even really started yet we both know you'll do far more when you finish. We both know your girlfriend could probably walk in right now and you wouldn't be able to stop because you want these so so bad." She pushed herself up brought her head close to mine as she talked that voice just pure sex.

My cock slipped and fell between her cleavage, almost on instinct my hips drew back and then thrust forward. I groaned feeling my shaft sliding over her cleavage.

"Oops!" She chuckled softly. "But you can't have that just, yet you need to give me more of what I want. You need to make me cum all over you, all over your bed first and then I'll let you do as much of that as you like until we both see how good I look when you've finished."

I eased my fingers out of her slowly pulling them free as she looked back at me smiling. I wanted that, more than anything else right then I wanted that. I crushed my mouth down against hers again kissing her hard and deep. She pressed that soft body against me arching and rubbing as she did moaning softly as she nipped at my lips until I dropped a hand on her shoulder.

I spun her around reached around and cupped her breasts nibbling on her ear as I squeezed them groaning at the feel of her. Then after I released them, I moved my hands to her back and pushed her over. She was laughing as she laid face down on the bed and then pushed herself up on all fours tossing her head as she looked back over her shoulder at me smirking.

"Come on then. Come and take me." She teased just rocking and bouncing her rear at me.

I spanked her then a firm slap making the flesh jiggle and bounce as I moved myself behind her and guided the head of my cock back to her entrance. I stroked it up and down her lips and as she drew a breath, I thrust forward driving myself inside her. She was aroused enough and open enough now that she took my length easily, my shaft plunging deep as we both moaned together.

I pushed inside only stopping when my hips were pressed against her rear. I held myself there running my hands across all that smooth skin squeezing it as I went and just feeling Jennifer tighten and milk my cock working the shaft. She arched her back pushing back against me driving me ever deeper inside her just making me ache at the sensation.

Then she gripped the bed hands tightening on the sheets as she slowly pulled herself forward and then slowly pushed back again. I groaned watching her slowly fucking my cock using it like a toy. My shaft glistened from her juices, but I had the delicious sight of her sex spread apart by the head of my cock watched her lips just gripping and squeezing it as she moved along me.

She sped up a little moving smoothly sliding slowly back and forth her breath catching a little at the friction. I swallowed hard just holding myself back still, letting her use me as she liked at least for the moment. I was content enough to just let my hands wonder across her exploring, touching, watching her take my cock so perfectly. She almost pulled herself free every time, just the very head resting inside her before she thrust back and pushed herself back onto me until her ass rested on my hips.

There was only so much I could take, however. Finally, as she pushed back to meet me, I thrust forward again lunging until I drove deeper once more, and we came together. I heard her moan then, her body quivering under the impact. She pulled herself forward and pushed back again. I thrust to meet her, and this time gripped her hips pulling her towards me for good measure making her take even more.

She arched again her heavy full breasts swinging as she moved. My fingers dug into her hips gripping them tight just holding her steady as I pumped her full of cock gritting my teeth as she gripped and squeezed my shaft sliding herself along it. She always felt too good like this something I was utterly unable to resist.

I thrust harder and deeper speeding up as I found it impossible to resist her that hunger and need clawing at me. She pushed herself up higher and arched her back, matching my pace thrusting back so her rear quivered as we came together my hips slapping against her. Head thrown back moaning in pleasure she looked even more enticing.

Groaning I spanked her and squeezed her ass stroking my hand over her before spanking her again making that flesh bounce and jiggle. Then I pushed my hand up her flank following the curve of her body until I found her breast and squeezed it even as she bounced against me taking my cock over and over again.

"Fuck me, fuck me." She panted out the words, her voice straining from the pleasure and exertion urging me on. It was sex just raw and primal that urgent rapid need overwhelming us both. It might be wrong, but it felt to good and I wanted to leave Jennifer a sticky hot mess after I'd exploded across her.

But I gave her what she wanted keeping a hand on her breast the other on her hip and just fucked her hard. Gritting my teeth to bite back the moans I drove inside her, greedily enjoying the sight of her lush figure bouncing against my hips, my cock spreading her open pushing inside.

She thrust herself back against me her back arched an endless stream of moans, pants and other noises spilling from her lips as she took what she wanted. I was happy to give it, I knew as soon as she was finished, I'd have the chance to satisfy my own aching need and enjoy her breasts again.

My shaft gleamed with her juices, her skin glistened with it where it dripped out or was smeared against her. She continued to hold herself up pushing and thrusting back on me trying to take as much of me as she could. She squeezed and contracted around me with every stroke making me ache as I fought to hold back.

She pushed herself back up wrapping an arm around my neck and kissed me hungrily her lips, her tongue, her teeth all devouring my mouth, licking, sucking nibbling on me. I wrapped an arm around her breasts squeezing them as I held her against my chest just feeling her grind on my cock.

"Fuck me." She told me succinctly. "Fuck me, make me cum all over your bed so that you won't be able to ever come here and not think of me or how good I made you feel again. I know I make you feel good. I can feel it, I can see it. Prove it, fuck me give me what I need, what I want and then you know I'll take care of you better than anyone else can." She teased me lips grazing across my skin my lips, my throat. I shuddered under her attention a hot aching mess.

I groaned just completely unable to resist her. I thrust her down pushing her forwards this time planting her torso into the bed my hand resting on her shoulders just holding her there her rear raised up just all too tempting to resist. Then I drove deep inside her again ruthlessly now just using her.

It was raw and hard now, bodies, pleasure, the noises. Jennifer panted and strained clutching at the bed even as she pushed back impaling herself on my hard cock. I lunged steadily driving myself in and out repeatedly, hips slapping against her ass still holding her down with one hand.

The other just reached across her sliding over her hip and down between her thighs until I could find her swollen clit and start to rub and play with it stroking the tip of my finger over the swollen hard bud in rapid circles. Jennifer groaned again grinding against me every breath she took ragged.

I gripped her shoulder and squeezed just holding her and using her to balance myself as I thrust plunging inside her greedy hot sex. She quivered and shook under the onslaught just gasping and moaning as I pummelled her repeatedly. But she took it all tight hot and wet she squeezed me and bounced herself of my hips.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." The words spilled from her lips like a chant urging me on.

I gripped her shoulder again just making her back arch as I held her using her for support. I knew she was close, could feel it in the way she moved, the way she sounded. I just thrust against her deep and hard and continued to focus on teasing her swollen clit rubbing it with my fingers.

Her head came up again another deep groan of pleasure spilling from her mouth as she hungrily took my cock and then I felt her climax. She squeezed my cock her body rippling around my shaft tightening almost making me explode with her. Instead, I just about managed to resist the temptation.

I fucked her, I played with her, I let her ride out that pleasure moaning as she worked my cock shivering along the entire length until she just slowly started to relax, the tension draining from her as she lay sprawled on the bed. I slowed down breathing deeply taking a moment to calm myself.

I was half laying over her just running my hands along her back, my lips skimming across her neck as she panted softly into the sheets beneath us. I edged myself in and out of her although it was more a case of me teasing us both rather than anything more deliberate.

I was aching for more though; I was aching for the feel of breasts big and soft wrapped around my cock. I was aching to feel them as I slid between them slowly. I wanted to feel them and watch her as all that pent up need and desire exploded out and I left her a sticky hot mess glistening after I'd finished.

To hungry to stop myself I stroked along her shoulder and rolled her over, so she was laid back. She fluttered her eyes stretching out and just smiled at me. I covered her body and kissed her hungrily as she laughed against my mouth hands encircling me and pulling me down.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She teased softly.

"Oh, I think so, I definitely think so." I muttered pulling myself free and lowering my head back to her breasts again.

I found them with my hands, my mouth and greedily enjoyed them. Squeezing them I filled my hands with their abundant softness and captured her nipples, first one and then the other lazily dragging my tongue over the hard tips swirling and then just biting gently.

She groaned beneath me arching up to push them against me even more, surrounding my face in her lush soft cleavage. I would have been content with that I think, but as it was aching hard and with her intent on making sure I didn't forget one moment of this there was more to be done.

"Lotion." She murmured softly cradling my head as I continued to squeeze and suck and enjoy her.

Lazily I looked up at her. "Lotion." She repeated softly smirking at me as she arched again pushing her boobs against me. I got the point and sat up.

Reaching across I pulled open the drawer beside the bed and grabbed a bottle of massage oil lavender scented. Jennifer stole it from my fingers and flicked the top open. She took a sniff and humming appreciatively drizzled some across the tops of her breasts.

It ran down trailing across her skin glistening slick lines as I pushed myself up further slowly making my way up, so I ended up straddling her body just looking down as she laid back watching me. More oil followed spreading across her nipples dripping down between them.

Once she was satisfied, she had enough she added a measure to her hand and then recapped the bottle before dropping it beside her. She made a show then holding my gaze just a perfect teasing smile on her lips as she began to slowly stroke and rub her breasts for me.

She spread the oil over herself squeezing and playing, lazy strokes with sticky fingers tracing over her nipples. She squeezed them, she massaged them, she left them slick and glistening and coated in a shimmering layer of oil before she reached a hand to take hold of me.

I shivered as her oil coated fingers touched the head of my cock brushing slowly over it and encircled the head. She formed a loose circle squeezed it lightly and just edged over the head of my cock making me throb even more than I already was just teasing me.

"Looks like someone is looking forward to this part." She teased softly. "I told you I’d make you feel better than anyone else could and now I will, and you really won't forget how this looks afterwards let alone feels. You’re just aching to enjoy me, let alone explode all over me."

She smiled at me one hand just squeezing her breast lifting it as her finger and thumb continued to caress the swollen head of my cock. Her back arched and she pressed her breast into me, a nipple just dragging over the head of my shaft as I swallowed hard biting back another moan.

"Just see how good that looks. Your aching hard cock and my luscious soft breast just waiting for you to enjoy them." She purred softly.

Her hand surrounded me and slowly worked it’s way down the length of my shaft until she reached the base and then slowly worked her way back up towards the head once more. It was light and teasing just coating me in the oil adding to the sensation of her own wetness that still clung to me.

I throbbed under her attention swelling and hardening even more if it was possible. With my head back I just let her stroke me barely able to even watch without the urge there to just let go and explode all over her. I wanted it so bad it was like a ferocious ache that pulled at me.

The slick oily handjob Jennifer was giving was exquisite. Expertly her fingers caressed me paying attention to every inch of my shaft. Rubbing, stroking, squeezing she played and toyed to her hearts content keeping me on the edge. When a drop of pre cum gathered on the head of my shaft just hanging there her fingertip swooped in gathered it up and brought it to her mouth to just suck clean.

Her wicked smile and excited eyes made me melt even before the sight of her heaving glistening cleavage. It was this that made her irresistible. She was a lush, gorgeous temptation, combined with that playful teasing and her naughty sense of humour she enthralled me. There was no escaping it. I didn't want to then either I just wanted to cover her.

"Come on, let's get you where you want to be." She teased me again my cock still throbbing under her attention as her palm ran up the length of my shaft and her fingers wrapped around the head squeezing softly.

She guided me down arching to meet me. I sighed softly just as I felt myself brush her breasts again, the touch of her glistening cleavage made me ache even before we both just enjoyed how good it looked. All that glistening skin and my cock lightly rubbing against the slopes of her breasts.

"Come on, fuck them. We both know you are aching to." She smirked at me slowly and her hands let go of my cock and moved down her body instead.

She cupped her breasts glossy fingers squeezing those huge soft mounds lifting them up invitingly as she smiled at me. "Come on." She repeated softly. "We both know you'll feel so much better between them. I want to see you between them. You wanted to fuck them, you wanted to cover them. I want to see you erupt out all over them, I want to see your face when you know no one else makes you feel as good as I do." She teased me.

I groaned watching her reaching down to take hold of my own aching shaft. I gripped the base and nudged it down pressing the head against the slopes of her breasts rubbing it over that slick soft skin. I traced it across her nipple just enjoying the friction of that hard flesh rubbing against me.

I worked myself down sliding across the slopes of her breasts gradually pushing myself down to nestle between them and watched as she squeezed her breasts together just wrapping them around my cock surrounding me in that delicious soft teasing flesh that just made me ache with pleasure.

The sensation was exquisite. I held myself there pressed between them just the pure blissful satisfaction of those gorgeous big soft breasts wrapped snugly around my aching length. Enough thought, enough effort and I could probably have come like that just blasting across them. But I wanted more, I was aching for it.

I pulled my hips back and slowly thrust forwards pushing my engorged cock between them. The head slid against the curves as she held them pressed against me. I drew back and thrust again slowly still just savouring how good it felt to be pressed between them.

She released them turning slightly she reached above and grabbed a pillow bringing it back to prop under her head, so it was raised up and she was looking directly back at me. I groaned watching her, just waited for her to squeeze her breasts once more and push them around my cock so I could start thrusting again.

As soon as her breasts surrounded me, I started thrusting again just pushing my hips back and forth as we both watched. I quivered under the sensation. She just felt so good I ached as I moved, little glistening trails being left on her skin in my wake as I grazed over her skin.

Her fingers reached over the tops of her breasts as she squeezed them just brushing against my cock teasing the shaft playing over my skin as we rubbed together. She looked on a teasing hungry smile on her face. She knew what would happen, she wanted this. She was eager for it.

As I thrust myself smoothly in and out of her cleavage just poking the tip of my cock out between them, she flicked her tongue out and licked across the head grinning at me as I groaned. I drew back and thrust forward more. She leaned back out of reach just teasing me with a smile. The next thrust and her mouth parted engulfing my cock making me shudder all over again.

I groaned at the sensation watching as she smirked at me. Pulling back, she licked her lips dabbing them with her tongue and I thrust forward once more pushing between her breasts and sinking deeper inside her mouth making her moan as her lips and tongue teased me.

Sometimes it was more shallow pressing into her soft tempting cleavage. Sometimes I went further pushing forwards until her mouth closed around the head of my cock.

Jennifer clutched her breasts squeezing them, making sure they were pressed tightly around my cock. Using her palms, she rubbed them against me sliding them along my hard length, the glistening oil making the sensation exquisite to enjoy. The leaking pre cum only made it feel even better.

"That's it." She teased me softly. "Fuck them for me. You know you like how good they feel wrapped around you like this. You're going to feel so good just letting go. Just imagine how good it will feel, how pretty I’ll look as you explode, as you cum, as you shoot out and cover every inch of me in that creamy cum." She urged me on making me ache even more.

It was hard to resist. Her soft teasing words made me want to erupt all over her right then. I was tempted to. But I wanted to wring every ounce of pleasure from the moment. I wanted to fuck her big boobs and just let myself go splashing out all over them. I did want to leave her dripping in it.

I began to speed up again sliding myself back and forth pressing firmly into her cleavage and letting her surround me in it. I groaned at the sensation her wicked soft flesh, her harder nipples, the scrape of her nails as they brushed against me. I thrust harder, faster, watching my cock swell dripping across her skin watching as she moaned her eyes drinking in the sight of it.

I felt myself ache, felt it build more and more with every second now. The pleasure built lapping against me, rising, surging making me groan as I fucked Jennifer's gorgeous breasts. I was smothered in cleavage those lush round mounds just surrounding me tightly as she squeezed them.

She continued to watch me urging me on her mouth hungrily teasing the head of my cock as I thrust it out the top of her cleavage. She'd swirl it over me flicking and teasing or sink her lips around the head as I thrust forward and pushed myself deeper. She kept rubbing and bouncing her boobs along the length of me adding to the pleasure making sure that even when I stopped, she was still playing with me.

I couldn't stop myself now, I was aching to much the need clawing at me. I wanted to explode, wanted to cover her groaning as I just fucked and thrust all over her glorious boobs. She knew what was coming she arched beneath me moaning and urging me on her voice another sultry tease.

Her voice, the way she looked, the way she felt it was all pure sex. The sight of it was burned into my mind. She was entirely right. I wouldn't be able to forget this. The irresistible tease that she was had driven me crazy lured me into this and I couldn't help but enjoy it fully.

She was sticky and wet with the oil, with my leaking pre cum. Her skin glistened with it, shining as I thrust against her only spilling out more and more. I wanted nothing more than to cover her just to let go, explode and spurt out see her gorgeous cleavage and heaving breasts covered. It was too much to resist.

Her molten gaze was pure sex urging me on. "Come on." She murmured softly. "That's it, cum for me, give me what I want. Just cum all over me. Your girlfriend can't make you feel as good as I can." She murmured encouragingly. She was right she'd been right this whole time.

I couldn't resist her. I didn't even want too maybe. It felt to good enjoying her just fucking those big soft tits knowing I was going to explode. Knowing I was going to turn Jennifer into a sticky hot mess right there in my bedroom and that it wasn't ever going to be anything that I'd ever forget.

I reached down covering Jennifer's hands with my own squeezing her abundant cleavage tight around my shaft. I couldn't stop now, didn't even want to. Hips bucking, I pumped my cock in and out of her soft flesh feeling the slick sensation of it surrounding me warm and enticing.

Groaning I began to move faster long deep strokes pulling back and thrusting forward working the length of my cock all over her delicious breasts until it escaped the top and peeked out. Jennifer didn't tease me now she looked on hungrily waiting for what we both knew was coming. We both wanted to see it, we both wanted it over her.

My hips surged back and forth, I felt the rush of pleasure building and spreading through me from my balls right the way up the length of my shaft until it reached the head which swelled and throbbed more and more with every moment. I powered forward felt that pleasure rush through me suddenly erupting uncontrollable and pulled back a final time.

I was already moaning as I thrust a final time pushing up between Jennifer's gorgeous breasts as she held them squeezing and rubbing them around my cock. I slid smoothly sliding all the way up until I pushed free of the top, the two of us watching the glossy head, swollen and thick dripping over her.

A little pull back and then I thrust again rocking forward as much as anything but more than enough to tip me finally over that edge. Groaning I came, the first shot erupting out, arcing up blasting against Jennifer's cheek as she jerked her head, the second struck across her mouth diagonally spilling back down across her skin.

She squeezed her breasts around me over the head of my shaft as I thrust again pushing into them more cum surging out spreading across her cleavage just being smeared and rubbed into it as I moved.  I pushed out the top and another shot spurted across her neck even as I pulled myself back.

I angled my hips sat back and thrust again, still moaning this time my cock sliding up along her breasts almost vertically shooting out again sending more cum splashing across the slopes of one breast where it left a glistening trail. Another thrust, another shot across her cleavage.

I began to slow now just panting more cum dripping from me running down my shaft and just being smeared and rubbed across her soft skin as I edged against her. Jennifer released her breasts and took my cock wrapping her fingers around the shaft and just started to stroke and squeeze me.

Her delicate soft touch pumped out the rest spilling it across her fingers and over more of her breasts. Between us we ran it over them circling her nipples leaving them sticky and wet with it and then as it finally slowed and stopped, she sat up and took the head between her lips sucking it clean and swirling her tongue around me just making me ache.

I moaned again sensitive after my climax just feeling her lips and tongue playing over the head of my shaft before she finally released me and gave a pleased sound of pleasure. Her eyes glittered as she looked at me and then drifted down over her glistening breast.

"How’s that for a picture?" She teased me grinning. "You did say that you wanted to leave me a sticky mess. I'm sure this qualifies as one and I just bet this isn't one you’re going to forget." She chuckled softly her hands squeezing and lifting her breasts briefly. I could only groan in response. 

She was right about that. As she arched up naked on my bed my eyes just drank in what I'd done to her. Glistening trails of cum were splattered liberally across her breasts and over her face. Even as I watched she used her fingers to dab at some beside her mouth and wipe it of before she licked her finger clean.

I sat back and rolled of her sitting down beside her. I trailed a hand lightly up her leg until it rested on her thigh still unable to take my eyes of her laying there naked bare and glistening all over. Beside me she chuckled again and stretched out just drawing my gaze even more.

"I did say I'd make it worth your while, didn't I?" She teased me. "I bet your girlfriend is nice, but I bet it doesn't match this. I told you I'd give you something you wouldn't ever forget. I'm certain I succeeded." She smirked playfully. "And to think you tried to resist, just see what you would have missed out on." She continued softly.

Her fingers still trailed over herself combined with the state she was in it made an alluring sight. Beside me she sighed. "I do however need to be moving. I'm just going to use your shower and then see if I can't borrow a shirt afterwards. Just think once I clean it, I guess I'll have to bring it back for you. I'm sure you'll appreciate that." She smiled wickedly at me just a little bit of her lips.

I looked at her ruefully. "It's going to take me enough time to get over this given how you look right now, and what we just did." I replied my eyes drifting down and running across her bare breasts.

"I think in a few minutes you'll be recovered enough. I'm sure there was enough motivation here to inspire you, and if not......well I'm sure I can think of something else." She smiled again pushing herself up and leaning close just nipping at my ear.

"Why don't you join me in the shower and help scrub my back, we can discuss when I should bring your shirt back and what you'll want for it." She added softly laughing as she moved of the bed and sauntered towards the bathroom.

Work it seemed would have to wait. I had a few more negotiations to make with Jennifer first.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 07:40:09 PM by Peronath »


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2022, 10:32:35 PM »
One of the hottest stories I have ever read.

Love your dialogue. It feels so real, the conversations unfolding. Love all the dirty talk Jennifer does. Great big ending with a titfuck, but also loved how she told him that his girlfriend can't make him cum like she can. Yes, a great picture he's going to remember forever.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2022, 12:08:21 PM »
What a great fantasy story from JLH! I took advantage of it thank you. It was hot, really hot, the intro is cool and the dialogues are awesome. Jennifer is perfect, the lace and lingerie are made to be worn over her beautiful sexy body..

She would make a great wild sex woman.
Thank you 😊
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2022, 09:18:14 AM »
An amazing story, superbly written with lots of details.

This is quite a series you've made out of JLH.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2022, 11:57:24 PM »
This is for you. I loved this story so much it deserved a cover.

Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Viri, diamond_luv, Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2022, 07:02:12 PM »
Even better than the earlier chapters, amazing work.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2022, 01:58:28 PM »
Oh my god, what a story.

This is one of the best stories of JLH I have ever read.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2022, 01:34:04 AM »
I absolutely loved this story

Read it last night and it hits every mark I love about Jennifer. You played her seductive side well for a hot cheating story.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2022, 02:28:04 AM »
Good god, that tittyfuck with all of Jen's dirty talk was so fucking hot.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Morning Diversions featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2022, 05:21:48 PM »
Every chapter gets better and better. This one might be my favorite. Your description and writing Jennifer as a cheating seductress is so hot.
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


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