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Author Topic: Ways of Making Friends (Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku)  (Read 13256 times)


Ways Of Making Friends by Raziel
Celeb(s) – Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku
Codes – FF, Lesbian
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA

Well, first off, its 1am, so I’ll make this short intro quick… This story is meant for persons 18 or over… also, it’s only a creation of my creativity, this is not real (though I believe some wish it were)…

So basically here’s the setting of the story… it’s Alyson Hannigan’s birthday (Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is invited to a private party, though you should really read the story to get to its little twists, and you’ll find that there is more than one slayer featured in this story :) (*hint* *hint*… Eliza Dushku, aka. Faith). But yeah, if you like the idea of the girls from Buffy the Vampire Slayer making out then you’ll probably want to read this. I will add though that in Ep2 if I ever made one, other girls may be added to the list (aside from the buffy girls…), though I’d say I would definately center the story around the buffy cast.



As always, its been a long day for Alyson Hannigan on the set of buffy, she liked the idea of playing as a lesbian witch, but even though she loved it as much as she does, at the end of the day, she really can’t handle that much more… This day was different though, today was March the 24th, her birthday. Aly decided that since her boyfriend Alexis was out of town, she would invite Sarah to come over to her house that night. Aly was going through a rough time in her life and she figured through the pain of it all, some company would be really good for her… Alyson considered Sarah and her the closest of friends. Both Alyson and Sarah’s parents got divorced when they were quite young, and their acting career’s went along similar path’s, so they definitely had a lot in common, and finding something to talk about was never an issue, whether it was about boyfriends or the weather.

That night Alyson was wearing skin-tight leather pants and a skin-tight T-Shirt, which she considered casual, but still good enough to impress people on her birthday. This was one part she wasn’t sure she could handle though as her boyfriend Alexis basically admitted to cheating on her, the only person who knew about this was Alyson, and she tried keeping her relationship issues away from the press and people in general. As 7 o’clock rolled around Aly was sitting impatiently twiddling her thumbs awaiting Sarah’s arrival, at about quarter past the doorbell rang and Aly jumped up and rushed to the door to open it, to her surprise it wasn’t Sarah, but Eliza Dushku, Aly thought this was weird and just stood there with a crooked smile trying to work out what to make of the situation… after a brief period of silence Eliza asked, “May I come in?”, She felt a bit awkward by just simply showing up at her doorstep… Aly, being as polite as she always is couldn’t say no, so she said, “Sure, I haven’t seen you in a while”. Eliza stepped in, her wet hair making it obvious she has recently taken a shower, “Yeah, I nearly forgot it was your birthday and I thought that I’d surprise you, well, actually, your phone was engaged”. Aly pulled a frown and replied, “Hang on, my phone’s not engaged…”, she started walking towards the phone in the kitchen and noticed that the phone was completely knocked off the counter, “Damn, it’s probably one of my dogs, their fun to have around, but sometimes they do some rather annoying things”.

Aly and Eliza went into the large living room and sat down on a couch there, like Sarah, Eliza was an easy person to talk to as anything was interesting to her, or so it seemed. Eliza was in actual fact only deeply attuned to Aly as she’s been lusting after her for years, Eliza was staying with her brother these days, it’s not quite what it seems, but it’s the perfect cover for her so people don’t know she’s a lesbian. Of course she figured that cover wouldn’t last long since she constantly tried changing the subject to see if she could get Alyson hot for another woman, preferably her, but she found that the only one getting hot is herself. All that changed when Aly brought up her day at work and it all fell in place, Eliza figured that this was her chance, so she decided to take it…

“So Aly, what does it feel like to kiss another woman?”, Eliza asked, trying not to make it obvious what she’s trying to do. She noticed that Aly seemed a bit shocked at the question… Eliza was quite scared that perhaps she just pushed Alyson a bit over the edge.

“I…I’m not a lesbian!” she replied, more shocked than angry, which normally caused her to forget what she wanted to say before she even said anything. Her face went back to a relaxed view, then she said “Oh you… You mean at work???”.

“Yeah Aly, at work… how did it feel???” Eliza was now burning with heat, she felt like grabbing Aly’s hand and putting it where it belongs, but she figured now was not the time…

“Amazing! She’s a really good kisser…” Aly replied, almost shocked by her own words, but she knew it was true, she hoped she didn’t seem too excited as Eliza actually just pressed a soft spot… Aly really liked kissing Amber on set, though she didn’t really consider herself a lesbian… She’s never really done much more than kiss girls in her life, but she was much younger than she is now, so it didn’t really count in her opinion.

“Better than Alexis???” Eliza asked with a smile on her face… She was hoping for a reply that could help her get Alyson hotter, she could only hope.

“If I said yes, do you promise not to tell anyone?” Aly replied, hoping she didn’t just give Eliza the wrong idea…

And this was definitely a reply Eliza could work with… “On one condition… I want you to kiss me, just as a friend, as if you were doing it on the set” Eliza said, trying so hard not to show how excited she was, she knew that if Aly said yes then she’d have the best kiss of her life… she loved the way Alyson’s lips were, so delicate, she always wondered how Alyson always managed to smile so beautifully, and thinking this only made her hotter…

“I gues… well, not rea…”, Aly started misforming her words as Eliza went closer… obviously not really going to accept no for an answer… Aly figured it was pointless to resist, after all, it was only a kiss, and if she played the part of Tara then she would have done it constantly anyways…

Aly slowly moved towards Eliza as well, then she just placed a small kiss on Eliza’s lips… Not really expecting this Eliza’s lips tasted a lot different than Amber’s did… Eliza figured that was it and was about to say thank you, but then Aly reached her arms around Eliza’s neck, softly, but still hard enough to make sure Eliza couldn’t fight it, not that she would of anyhow… Alyson and Eliza just held each other and kissed each other passionately, what Aly was not expecting just happened, she felt Eliza’s mouth opening… She had never had another woman’s tongue in her mouth, and as Eliza’s tongue slowly penetrated Aly’s mouth her mind started racing with thoughts… new thoughts, ones she never had before, she really loved kissing Eliza, who seemed like an expert at it… but she felt that she wasn’t a lesbian and pushed those thoughts away as she kept telling herself it’s just a friendly kiss. Eliza knew that Aly has never gone this far with another woman, not even on the Buffy set, and she was just hoping that Alyson thought she didn’t know the rules of kissing on set.

Aly was getting shaky now, she couldn’t do it and started releasing her grip on Eliza who immediately stopped her and softly said “no” into her mouth… Eliza held Alyson tight to make sure she can’t fight it, then she continued, “look Aly, all I want is for you to kiss me like you kiss Amber Benson on set…”.

Eliza’s trick worked like a charm as Alyson actually believed that Eliza didn’t know that Amber’s tongue never went in her mouth… She didn’t really feel like fighting it though as she was definitely enjoying this, a part of her knew this was wrong, but for some reason she didn’t care. Alyson’s head was still flooding with thoughts, so much so that she didn’t notice Eliza’s hands near her breasts…

Eliza broke the kiss very softly and Alyson’s eyes were still shut, Eliza then said, “That was amazing…”, acting completely surprised, “so, I guess you also liked it when Jason Biggs did this to you”, she then grabbed hold of Alyson’s tits and started rubbing them slowly… Aly started moaning… then she said, “w… w.. well, he didn’t quite… oooh…”, Eliza figured that Aly was enjoying this quite a bit, so she decided to test a theory… She then pulled away and said, “Damn you have fun roles to play!”.

“No! don’t stop… Jason wouldn’t have stopped… P… Please don’t stop…” Alyson said, desperate now… she knew that those words could destroy a potential friendship as it was obvious that she wanted this… For some reason she just knew that Eliza wanted to continue, so she was hoping Eliza would understand… besides, she was the one that brought it up to begin with.

Eliza then decided its time to make her want this more… “What, so you think I’m a lesbian?!?!?”, Eliza could see the worry in Aly’s eyes, she then decided to put her fear’s to rest… She then softly said… “I am…” and then went back to kissing Alyson and softly massaging her tits…

Alyson was very relieved to find out that Eliza was a lesbian, so she probably wouldn’t mind… doing what she was doing right now… which was the only description that Alyson could think of that didn’t activate a part of her brain that might regret this before its over. She held Eliza like her life depended on it and Eliza was making sure she made Aly only hotter… Eliza slowly reached for Aly’s pussy but taking a stop at her tummy and feeling it up a bit, then softly saying… “I know you consider your tummy a holy area… well, I’ve just invaded that area… how does it make you feel?”

“Please don’t stop… just keep doing what you want with me…” Aly replied… This obviously told Eliza that Aly’s defenses were finally down, and perhaps she could now truly live her dream… she slowly started massaging Aly’s pussy lips… just stimulating her but not penetrating… Alyson felt herself getting wet, luckily her leather pants were water resistant so she figured it wasn’t too obvious… But even if it was, would she really mind?

“OH MY GOD…”, Completely unexpected Alyson nearly jumped at the sound of Sarah’s voice… There was Alyson and Eliza kissing each other passionately with Eliza’s hand between Alyson’s legs and the other at her breast…

“Alyson! YOU… you’re… a lesbian!?!?!” Sarah said… Sarah’s mind flooded with question’s until the shock of the situation finally started sinking in… She wondered whether Alyson wanted her to see this, or perhaps it was her that was intruding on her friend, either way, Sarah figured it wouldn’t be easy to look at her the same way again. Too confused and shocked with what she had just witnessed she said “Perverted slut!” as she stormed out the door before Alyson could come up with an explanation for what just happened.

“I’m really sorry Alyson… I’ll tell her that it was my fault… I should go…
I’m really sorry” Eliza said, Alyson tried stopping Eliza from going but
couldn’t… neither could she stop herself from crying… Sarah’s words were so
painful, like a dagger, and loosing her as a friend would be the worse thing
that could happen to her, this was a lot worse than her situation with Alexis.
The thought of losing her best friend was just too painful as she started
screaming as she cried…

Sarah on the other hand was actually just around the corner now panicking and
cursing herself for how she reacted… Although she was still shocked her last
words for Alyson only started sinking in then, and hearing Alyson scream like
that made her realize how bad she really acted. She still struggled to try and
work out what to make of the situation… She didn’t understand why this shocked
her so much, she herself had lusted after Alyson for years, and knowing that she
is a lesbian could have given her a better chance with Alyson. She wondered if
it was too late to apologize to Alyson, I mean, how would she ever want to speak
to her again. Sarah noticed Eliza fleeing, it all suddenly started falling in
place, it was pretty obvious then that Eliza was the one responsible for this,
she thought to herself and figured that Alyson probably had nothing to do with
it… Unfortunately that didn’t make her feel any better, she was way out of
line, and knowing that hurt her even more…

Meanwhile Aly was still in her home… she was simply sitting against the wall
crying her head off… Sarah could hear her friend from the outside as she
cried, she didn’t really mean it, and she loved Alyson, and all this made her
feel really bad. Sarah could hear Alyson talking to her dogs… She listened
carefully as Alyson explained why she was so upset to her dogs, who probably
only really knew she was upset…

“I am so alone… and now I’ve lost my only real friend… she thinks I’m a
slut… and a pervert… She is probably right” She said as she sniffed a bit
and continued “…even Alexis dumped me… this is the worse birthday ever! I
thought everything was going well, like I had everything under control… and I
didn’t… especially with Eliza, she wanted to be my friend, I didn’t mind, even
if she wanted to be that close a friend, I would have welcomed it… but instead
I ruined that friendship too…”, almost to the point of shouting it was obvious
that Sarah would have to do something quickly as Aly didn’t seem like she could
handle that much more…

Sarah then walked in… slowly moving so that she doesn’t startle Alyson… she
then put her arm around Aly’s neck and kissed her on the cheek and said “it’s
OK… I’m here…”… Aly’s cries went softer now but she was still crying a
bit… Sarah felt really bad and decided to tell Aly that, then perhaps she’d
stop crying… “Aly, I’m sorry, it was harsh, I was just shocked… it took me a
while to realize what I said… It’s Eliza’s doing… I know that…”.

Aly then started crying more again… Sarah couldn’t understand this, so she had
to clear things up, “Please don’t cry, you’re not a slut… I don’t think you
are one… why are you crying again… please Alyson, I’m sorry… I’ll do
anything”. Sarah started getting desperate as she knew she definitely pushed
Alyson further than she should have… Sarah knew that Aly was extremely
sensitive, and she knew how Alyson got if she was upset, and she has never seen
Alyson quite this upset before.

“You don’t understand, I wanted her to…” Alyson said, still very confused and

“You wanted her to stop…” Sarah tried to help Alyson out.

“That’s not what I meant…” Aly said, hoping she didn’t just freak out Sarah…

Sarah just sat there looking confused, then all of a sudden it hit her and her
face lit up, the only words she could get out was “oh! well, that’s really good
for you Aly”… Alyson then started crying again just as she finally stopped…
Sarah couldn’t stand seeing her friend like that… Sarah then added, “I’m
sorry…”, she slowly helped Alyson to her feet and helped her back to her couch
in the living room… there she let her friend sit down and she decided that Aly
probably wouldn’t try anything, but even if she did, Sarah knew it would be hard
to resist her, she always liked Alyson, and seeing her crying like this only
made her want Alyson more, she knew she had to fight these urges though as she
didn’t want to put herself under the label of being a lesbian freak… and even
more so, she didn’t want to be labeled a perverted slut… and that was exactly
what she called Alyson, and seeing her like this just showed that she needed to
be there with her… no matter what the cost… Sarah then looked down and saw
the wet spot Eliza left on the couch… for some reason it all started making

“Alyson, listen to me… I am here for you… OK, I’ll do anything for you…
just stop crying baby”, Sarah then stopped talking when she realized that she
just called Alyson baby by accident… But for some reason it made sense to
her… Sarah just noticed how beautiful and sensitive Alyson really was, and
what she wanted was right in front of her… Sarah then decided that it was time
to push all feelings of right or wrong away as it was obvious that Aly was going
to cry until she was happy, and Sarah knew that words were not going to do that
for her…

“Sarah, hold me!” Aly cried as she said those words… Sarah wanted to be with her friend and was fairly happy to do so… then she said something she never thought she’d ever say to her friend, the girl she longed after for such a long time.

“Alyson… I’m going to kiss you…” Sarah said as she carefully maneuvered Aly’s head so that her forehead was in line with her mouth… She only placed a small kiss on Aly’s head before moving down and taking the position that Eliza’s tongue held earlier… Sarah then realized what she was doing right now… she was kissing a girl… the thought was threatening to her, but in a way this was different cause it was not just any girl. She knew it would be bad to pull away from Alyson right now, but for some reason she figured that Alyson might blame her of sexual harassment once her head cleared up… She decided that it may be the best choice though so she decided to tell Alyson to stop…

“Aly! OK, that’s enough… we should stop this now while we still can”… Sarah hoped that Aly would understand… she did, though she didn’t look very happy at all…

Aly then snapped at Sarah… “No! you are not going to deny me!!! We will always be friends! you will not leave me!”… it was obvious to Sarah that Aly’s brain was not ticking right at that moment, she couldn’t blame the girl though… she was knee deep in ecstasy, then she walked in on her and freaked out, and she mostly did so because she didn’t know Alyson was a lesbian, and on top of that she couldn’t believe that Eliza nearly got to Alyson before she did, of course she knew that she would never have made the first move… Pushing those thoughts away, Sarah was a bit afraid of what Alyson may do to her though… Alyson then grabbed Sarah’s arms and pinned them against the couch, then she forcefully kissed Sarah who was only slightly resistant of this since she knew this was what she wanted… Alyson then went down and started nibbling on Sarah’s tits… Alyson then said, “Now hold your hands where they are or you’ll be very sorry”… Sarah somehow knew Aly wasn’t kidding, she just didn’t know why she’d be sorry… neither did she want to find out.

Alyson then went down to Sarah’s pussy which was already soaking wet… Aly saw that Sarah was clenching her legs together so she couldn’t get access to her cunt, Aly then, all of a sudden slapped Sarah’s legs until she loosened them up a bit, “Wider…” was the only thing Aly had to say and Sarah immediately opened her legs as wide as she could… Aly then started spanking Sarah’s pussy lips with her right hand, and occasionally going for Sarah’s thighs… Alyson then noticed the tears streaming down Sarah’s face… she suddenly realized she was busy raping her best and only true friend… that sent Aly over the edge again and caused her to burst out crying again… but this time Sarah didn’t come to her rescue, Sarah just kept her position then said…

“Aly, it’s OK… really, I’m here for you… but… you see… my hands… I am not allowed to move them and my pussy is hurting like hell… please… just stroke it a bit to get the pain away…”, Alyson then stopped crying and realized that her friend was actually enjoying that… Alyson then moved her hands down to Sarah’s pussy and started rubbing all the pain out and replacing it with pleasure…

“Sarah, I’m going to kiss you where it hurts and make it all better…” Aly said as her hands moved to the edges of Sarah’s skirt and started pulling them down… Aly almost screamed out in joy when she realized that Sarah was wearing a pair of black g-strings…

Sarah saw the excitement in Alyson’s eyes, then said, “I’ve always worn these while I was around you… I just never thought you’d see them, and seeing you with Eliza really hurt me, because I’ve wanted you for so long”…

Alyson started feeling better as Sarah explained how she loved her for a long time, and how she wore a black g-strings around her with the hope that maybe one day she might see them. It also occurred to her that Sarah was a risk taker, if her story was true… She probably hoped Aly would see it by accident. And that maybe she’d be turned on by it, which just perhaps she would have been. Aly pushed those thoughts away and pulled Sarah’s g-string down and realized how red she actually beat Sarah, it was easy to see as Sarah’s pussy, much like her own, was shaved… Aly then fulfilled her promise and kissed Sarah’s pussy like it was another pair of lips… Aly, started tonguing Sarah’s clit as hard as she could… This sent chills up and down Sarah’s spine and the only words of approval were a series of low toned oooh and aaaah sounds… Sarah, still very confused at the events of the night was still having guilty thoughts, but she quickly pushed them away when she realized that she was very close to cumming…

Alyson was still licking all over Sarah’s clit with one hand on one of Sarah’s breasts and the other heading towards Sarah’s ass, Sarah then felt Aly’s finger penetrate her backside and this was just too much for her to handle…

“HERE IT COMES!!! I’M COMING ALY!!!” Sarah screamed, and she wasn’t kidding either, Sarah’s entire body shook but Aly still kept licking at Sarah’s clit until she knew Sarah had been well dehydrated… Aly then looked up at Sarah, her face still covered in her best friends cum, Sarah studied Aly for a minute… Then decided that she should reward Aly for what she just did…

“Aly, strip for me, I’ve spent way too much time on set wondering what you look like naked, it’s time I finally found out…” Sarah said, this turned Alyson on a lot…

“Why didn’t you tell me you felt this way about me???” Alyson asked

“I just thought that you would freak at the thought, perhaps call me a disgusting lesbian, or something worse… like what I called you, and then you might hate me for the rest of your life… I mean, how could I tell you that I fantasize about your perfect figure and your small breasts, oh your breasts… You are so attractive, I think a lot about you when I finger myself… I always picture you in those tight exercise shorts and top that you wear sometimes when we work out together…” Sarah said with a slight smile.

“Tell me more… why did you like seeing me in them?” Alyson asked, really turned on at the thought of Sarah noticing her, and paying so much attention to her, and she never realized this was what she was thinking… Not to mention the thought of Sarah masturbating with her in mind…

“Well… I think about how the top only barely cover’s your breasts… and how your nipples always stick out of them after only a minute’s exercises… and when you face me and I’m doing sit-ups, I always looked between your legs as I could see the curves of your pussy… and I probably should not say this… but I’ve seen your tits before…”, hearing this made Alyson raise her eye brows a bit with a facial expression that showed a lot of excitement and interest… Sarah then continued, “I once peeked into your trailer’s window… and you were topless… you were so beautiful, you looked a bit upset as you were talking on the phone, and I couldn’t help myself…”

“Help yourself???” Alyson asked with a confused look on her face…

“Well, I didn’t care if someone saw me… so I put my hand under my pants and started rubbing my pussy till I came…”

“Wow! Sarah… I don’t know what to say…” Alyson said as she nearly burst out with laughter at the thought of being in Sarah’s position 10 minutes earlier…

“What’s so funny???” Sarah just had to ask…

“Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how it would have been for you 10 minutes ago… you know… about what I did… to you…” Alyson replied, blushing bright red.

Sarah then decided what her tactic would be to repay Alyson for everything she experienced that night… “Alyson, stop changing the subject and get undressed… now!” Sarah shouted, hoping to make Alyson feel threatened and forced into this… Alyson had tears starting to drop from her eyes, she didn’t understand the game Sarah was playing, this only turned Sarah on more and she decided that she was going to enjoy this more than she thought.

“Sarah, are you mad at me?” Aly said, followed by two sniffs through her nose as the cried a bit more…

“Alyson Lee Hannigan… I’m warning you, get undressed, now!” Sarah said raising her voice as she spoke…

Aly never heard Sarah speak her full name… she quickly grabbed at her t-shirt and pulled it off, Sarah then saw how badly Aly’s tits were compressed under that bra, she never understood why Alyson’s tits looked so small some days and fairly big for her physique at others…

“Alyson, why are you wearing a bra that is way too small for you??? and don’t lie to me…” Sarah said, not shouting, but still very direct…

“I am shy…” Alyson managed to mumble softly… she looked towards the ground, it was obvious that she was not lying…

“Take your bra off…” Sarah said in a stern voice…

“I… I.. can’t… please don’t make me do this…” Alyson said, still not making eye contact with Sarah, she was definitely more shy than Sarah ever thought Aly could possibly be, Sarah then realized how much she didn’t know about this girl, but the more she found out, the more she liked her.

“Alyson, you will do as I say! now, remove your bra this instant! It’s not as if I haven’t seen your tits before… I have… I told you I have…” Sarah said in a raised voice…

Alyson then slowly reached for the back of her bra, her hands were shaking and it took her a long time before she got the clip off, but when she did her breasts sprang free almost instantly…

“Not bad… you are very beautiful Aly” Sarah said softly, pleased with her performance, as an actress she knew she put on the best performance she could…

Alyson then reached for her leather pants, then Sarah stopped her… “No! don’t remove those yet”… Alyson stopped, she was actually relieved for a second but then started wondering why…

“Now Alyson, come over here and lie across my lap” Sarah commanded, her voice so gentle it almost convinced Aly that everything would be OK, then she realized what Sarah wanted to do to her…

“No Sarah! Please!!!” Aly begged, but this only made Sarah more excited.

“NOW ALY!” Sarah screamed, and Aly quickly went over Sarah’s lap… Sarah ran her hands up and down Alyson’s skin-tight leather pants, she felt everywhere she could reach, first up and down her friends legs, then in between her thighs just barely touching her friends pussy, she then started circling around Alyson’s butt which was clenching every now and then… then, Sarah just gave Alyson a quick spanking to the left cheek…

“That wasn’t so bad was it Aly” Sarah said… who knew that this was not enough to make up for the situation of 10 minutes earlier… she didn’t mind it though, it was Alyson after all.

“No it really wasn’t” Alyson replied, thankful that it wasn’t as serious as she thought… right then, that thought passed away as Sarah told her what lay ahead.

“Good. Because I’m only getting started Alyson, you don’t realize how many times I’ve dreamed of having you in this position, and now that I do, you are not leaving it any time soon.” Sarah told Alyson… who started crying again…

Sarah’s hand then came down full speed and smacked Alyson’s right butt cheek as hard as she could… Alyson screamed out in pain… her pants were so tight they hardly offered any protection at all.

“Please Sarah, I’ll do anything…” Alyson said while she was crying…

“I know, now, take your pants off…” Sarah said, this time there was less resistance from Alyson, she hoped that pleasing Sarah might make her stop…

Alyson immediately got up and then as her hand went to grab her butt Sarah immediately grabbed it… She didn’t even need to say anything, it was obvious what she wanted… Alyson then slowly went for the sides of her leather pants, staying well away from her butt which was burning at that time. As she pulled the skin-tight pants down she started crying as the leather rubbed against her beautiful butt. When Alyson finally got them all the way down she realized how exposed she was, she was standing there with all her window shades wide open with only a pair of panties preventing her from being classified as being nude. She started fiddling around and it was obvious to Sarah that her friend was very shy indeed, of course she knew that, but thinking about it made her really hot…

“OK Aly, now, come stand right in front of me so the first thing I see when you pull your panties down is your pussy, also, don’t look behind you, if you do, I’ll punish you harder than you could possibly imagine…” Sarah said… this really bothered Aly as she didn’t know why she wasn’t allowed to turn around…

“Sarah, why may I not look behind me?” Aly asked softly…

“Because your neighbor is looking at you from the glass door behind you… AND DON’T TURN AROUND!” Sarah made the last sentence very clear… Alyson got tears into her eyes again, just the thought of standing there like that was too much for her to handle…

“Sarah no! you can’t do this! Please let me put my clothes on, PLEASE!!!” Aly said now crying at the thought… This was really horrible she thought to herself, now she’s been turned into a stripper for her neighbors to look at.

“No Alyson, this is what you deserve…” Sarah said, then she looked behind Alyson and said “oh, don’t worry, he’s leaving…”. Aly could almost not believe it and she felt a great relief coming over her… then Sarah continued “… oh no, he’s back, he has his camera with him”… Aly was just then about to turn around but Sarah immediately stopped her…

“OK, now Alyson, I want you to take your panties off… but, as you do, make sure you bend over very far and let your neighbor see your beautiful pussy…” Sarah said… Alyson just stood there… not even moving a muscle… “NOW!” Sarah said… Alyson then moved her hands to the edges of her panties and started slowly pulling them down… “He’s taking many foto’s, I wonder how many films he has”, Sarah said, Aly started trembling as she reached for her panties… her whole body would in a moment be on display, and it was obvious to Sarah how much Alyson feared the thought.

“You have a really beautiful pussy Alyson… show your neighbor that pussy"

“Please Sarah, my entire acting career will be ruined, perhaps your’s too…” Aly said. She knew she was right… those photo’s could probably mean more than losing her career… She was very scared… but surprisingly, one part of her wanted this…

“No, don’t worry about it Alyson, I’ll make sure those photo’s are safe” Sarah reassured her, “now, do as you’re told, and remember, don’t look back…”.

Alyson then started bending over pulling her panties down to her feet, and being at the gym as often as she was that was fairly easy for her to do, she made sure to keep her head up the whole time so Sarah could see she’s not looking back…

“Good, now, spread your pussy lips apart so they can see you, all of you, and don’t bother resisting…”. Alyson then fell to the floor and started crying, but Sarah was with her right that second… “Don’t worry baby, everything is OK…”.

“No it’s not! How could you say that!” Aly screamed as she thought about her naked in front of her neighbor and his son… and what the photo’s could do to her career…

“Look behind you Alyson” Sarah said with a wide grin on her face… As Alyson did so she realized that Sarah was just having fun with her, there was no one looking at them… “Their car isn’t there so it’s safe to assume their not home… it’s safe Aly, and you’ve been a brave girl, now I’ll give you your reward…”.

With that said Alyson’s face lit up, extremely happy that everything that happened in the last 5 minutes were now truly over, and if she was right Sarah was about to bring her to an amazing orgasm.

Sarah then proceeded down to where Aly was lying down… she crawled right in between her friends legs and started licking Alyson’s pussy extremely hard… then she briefly stopped only to say one thing, “Damn Aly, it looks like a bomb exploded here, look at how wet you are… you must have had multiple orgasms tonite…”.

“I did, the last was when I fell down…” Aly said and Sarah started giggling…

“Oh so that’s why you fell down!” Sarah laughed, “I thought you were having a nervous breakdown”…

“Well, I had something equally as emotional” Aly said with a grin on her face… “Now get back to work you slutty whore”… Alyson said, she then realized she was being rude and really out of line… “Oh Sarah I didn’t mean th” but she was interrupted before completing her sentence

“It’s OK, I don’t mind being your slutty whore…” Sarah said with a smile on her face.

She then started licking at Alyson’s clit again with her two hands massaging at Alyson’s tits…

“Oh yes Sarah, just like that!!! show me how much of a slutty bitch you can be!” Alyson moaned, this was only more of an indication of how much Alyson was enjoying herself, and it was also a good indication that Sarah’s tounging was done just the way Alyson wanted it… Alyson loved the way Sarah was pinching her nipples, yes, it hurt, but it felt amazing, and right now Alyson wouldn’t care if Sarah bruised her as the only thing on her mind was cumming on this beautiful girl’s face… “Oh Sarah, I’ll cum just for you…” Alyson said as soon as the thought hit her Mind, and with that Sarah started sucking and nibbling at Alyson’s clit even harder until she finally reached her limit…

“I’M COMING!!” Alyson shouted as she completely soaked her friends face… Sarah made sure to lick up every drop of cum before it hit the carpet so that they wouldn’t have to do much cleaning after this… It was the most amazing thing that Alyson has ever done, and Sarah’s thinking was along the same lines…

When she was done cumming she just lay there naked on the floor, Sarah was also lying down but she still had a tank top on from earlier… and as unexpected as it was Alyson just had to ask…

“Sarah… could you show me what your breasts look like…”, with that Sarah was quite happy to comply, she reached for the bottom of her tank top and pulled it over her head, then she quickly maneuvered her hands and unclipped her bra with much more confidence than Alyson ever wished she had… “Wow Sarah… I can’t believe what you’ve just shown me…” Alyson said.

“What do you mean?” Sarah asked, not really sure why Alyson was so excited, OK, perhaps she discovered new feelings but still, she seemed much more excited than Sarah thought she’d be…

“Well, I’ve just seen something every guy in the world wished he was able to see, the one thing that’s in every boy’s dreams, your tits Sarah, you’ve just shown me your tits…” Alyson replied, still amazed at her friends perfectly formed breasts.

“Would you like to taste them too?” Sarah asked and without saying a word Alyson immediately went for her friends tits, while pinching and playing with Sarah’s left nipple she was sucking on the right, and while doing so developing a taste for something new, Sarah’s tits… This was the first time Alyson could really get a proper taste since, even though her tits are bigger than most people think… their still too small to reach her mouth, but with the help of her hands she occasionally did lick her own nipples…

After licking and sucking her friends tits for a while Sarah suggested that she make them some hot coffee and enjoy the moment while it lasted, Alyson accepted her offer so they ventured back into the kitchen, now, Alyson felt much more confident around Sarah, and Sarah felt that she had just taken a big step in her life. The step was equally large for Alyson, but it wasn’t such a big issue in her mind, after everything that’s happened she didn’t have a shadow of a doubt that this wasn’t meant to be. While drinking their coffee they both still had much on their mind as to the events that happened that evening.

“Sarah, I’m really sorry about earlier…” Alyson managed to whisper.

“It’s OK, just a question… do you get like that often?” Sarah said with a slight smile on her face as she remembered Aly’s behavior.

“No, that was the first time, well, not counting my performance in American Pie, I can’t believe it, my life has just been really bad lately and I went completely off my head… and then I raped you” Alyson said, she seemed really disappointed at herself, but who could blame her…

“Well, I wouldn’t say you raped me, I made the first move after all, you were just not letting me change my mind, and I am glad you didn’t allow me to” Sarah said with a huge smile on her face… then she added “But you know, the funniest part of it all was that I actually turned the tables and raped you as well… so we are in actual fact even”.

“Sarah, you really had me scared there, I am just glad you were only joking…” Alyson said now relieved that all was fine as she thought back to how scared and threatened she felt at that moment, so exposed, yet, so erotic…

“Aly, that was amazing…” Sarah said, still smiling as she thought about the events of the night.

“Yes, it definitely was…” Alyson replied.

“Oh, what did you mean when you said that Alexis dumped you???” Sarah asked. She figured that Alyson didn’t tell her, or probably anyone, apart from her dogs, probably because they can’t spread the news, and they did seem to care even though they didn’t really know what was wrong, they just knew Alyson was unhappy, and they were there for her. So I guess it’s true what they say, dog is man’s best friend…

“Well, it didn’t actually happen yet, but right now he’s with another girl, I know this because that’s what he told me, before he left, I guess I just don’t make a good girlfriend.” Alyson replied…

“Nonsense Aly, you are a great girlfriend, perhaps Alexis is just a bad boyfriend” Sarah replied, and she knew that she was right, Alexis had definitely left Aly in an unstable state before he left, telling her that he’s cheating on her right on her birthday, Sarah figured that must have been tough for Alyson.

“Oops…” Alyson suddenly said…

“What?” Sarah asked, she seemed quite worried, though she relaxed her face again when she noticed Alyson didn’t look too concerned.

“Oh it’s nothing… Alexis is home early… I heard his car” Alyson said.

“Nothing??? that’s major Aly! I’ll hide in the closet!” Sarah said quickly wanting to rush off and hide, but Alyson stopped her…

“No Sarah, I want him to see the two of us naked… together…” Alyson explained, who was now determined on hurting Alexis as bad as she could, besides, he hurt her a lot more than he could possibly imagine.

“Oh, he wouldn’t tell would he…” Sarah asked, she knew he wouldn’t… but still, she had to hear it from someone else as well.

“No, but he’ll realize what a mistake he made.” Alyson said… very confident that her plan was fool proof…

Just then the door flung open, Alexis was standing at the doorway, things didn’t quite work out the way he wanted them too… especially when he walked into the kitchen and saw his girlfriend Alyson Hannigan and Sarah Michelle Gellar stark naked together drinking coffee… he just stood there and then Alyson decided to make the first move…

“Well Alexis… I guess this isn’t quite what you were expecting was it???” Alyson taunted.

“N.. Not exactly… look.. I still want us to… you know…” Alexis tried to tell Alyson that he still wanted to be her boyfriend without hinting Aly that his plans with the other girl didn’t work out.

“Date??? in your dreams you fucking dog…” Alyson said, “let me guess… you got dumped?”.

“Well, no not exact” Alexis started but Aly interrupted him before he could finish.

“ctly… that’s bullshit Alexis… you just can’t stand it can you, well, you’re about to be dumped again today”. Alyson was quite happy as her wild side emerged… this was something she should have done years ago.

“No Alyson PLEASE… I’ll do anything” Alexis said.

“I know you would… but, I hate pointing this out to you but me and Sarah just fucked each others brains out… and she gave me a REAL orgasm…” Aly said…

“What?!?! Alexis didn’t give you real orgasms???” Sarah just had to ask, completely shocked at the thought…

“No, he didn’t… I cheated on him too you know, though flirting with a flute doesn’t seem as bad after what he did” Alyson said as the memories of her and her flute venture back to a clear memory…

Sarah just lifted an eyebrow and couldn’t believe what Alyson just admitted… “You got yourself off on a flute?!?!? Just like in the movie???” Sarah asked.

“How sick!” Alexis added…

“It’s not sick, it was amazing! and besides, no one else took the prop, so I asked if I can.” Alyson added.

“Cool” was the only thing Sarah could say, still studying her friend from a whole new perspective…

“I can’t believe you two did… it… but how… where… why!??!” Alexis said, still shocked about everything that just happened, he was so used to Alyson begging for him, now everything was quite the other way around as Alexis was getting desperate…

“Oh, on the couch and the carpet…” Alyson said and Sarah started giggling as Alexis left the kitchen to have a look… to his surprise it wasn’t as messy as he thought apart from the wet stain that was still on the couch…

“I hope you clean the couch Aly, I’d hate to live in a house like this, we can forget about what happened…” Alexis said, hoping to turn the tables to his favor once again, though he knew it was a bad attempt.

“Firstly, that isn’t me or Sarah’s wet stain” Alyson said and both of them burst out laughing… “It’s Eliza’s, I’ll get her to clean it later, oh, and about you living here, that’s not gonna happen, it’s my house, and I’m kicking you out!” Aly screamed, obviously very happy with that choice… “Now, get your things and get out… I’m going to Sarah’s for the night, you better be out of here by tomorrow morning” Alyson said in a stern and forceful voice… one she only learned she had earlier that night.

“But…” Alexis tried to say

“No! Pack your things… and get out!” Aly screamed.

Alexis was very quiet now and started walking towards the bedroom to collect his things… Meanwhile Alyson and Sarah decided to go to Sarah’s place for the night as neither one of them wanted to be around Alexis right now, or around males in general. They went back into the living room and started putting their clothes on, then they left in the car for the drive to Sarah’s house…

As soon as Alyson and Sarah got to the front door of her house Sarah’s cellphone rang, when Sarah answered the call she immediately recognized the voice… it was Eliza, her former co-star in Buffy, she kept her hand over the phone and told Alyson, who immediately told Sarah to get Eliza over to her house… but not by telling her what happened… Sarah took Alyson’s advice and played along…

“So Eliza, I see you’ve turned lesbian dyke these days…” Sarah said…

“Yes, look, I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have seen that…” Eliza replied in a desperate voice…

“But I did… didn’t I, you dirty bitch!” Sarah said in her meanest voice…

“Please don’t call me that! please!” Eliza begged for Sarah to forgive her…

“Oh you’re not getting off that easily… come to my house… and we’ll discuss what happens next…” Sarah said, with a pretty good idea of what would happen… a lesbian love fest…

“Please don’t be mad Sarah, I know Alyson is your friend…” Eliza said…

“She’s more than that!” Sarah accidently said… followed by a small oops while her hand covered the phone… “She’s my… ummm BEST friend…” Sarah continued, relieved that she found a way out of that one…

“I know, I realize this Sarah… Please, we have to remain friends Sarah, please…” Eliza was begging… “It’s all my fault, I wanted to make her love me! I can’t help it Sarah! But I promise I’ll never do it again…” Eliza reassured Sarah…

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep! you’re just a disgusting perverted whore!” Sarah shouted… this left Eliza crying on the other end of the phone… “Just make sure you’re here within 10 minutes or I’ll never speak to you again…” Sarah said…

“10 minutes! that’s impossible” Eliza cried…

“Well, that 10 minutes is already down to 9 minutes and 55 seconds so hurry up”… Sarah said…

“OK, I’ll be there! Bye!” Eliza said and put down the phone…

“Sarah, don’t you think you were a little rough on her???” Alyson asked…

“Yeah, I guess, but it was fun, she will come here expecting to be treated like a lesbian whore, well, that is how she will be treated I guess… but with respect… basically, she will be expecting hell, but will somehow end up in heaven” Sarah said with a huge smile across her face as she thought about different outcomes for the night…

“Yeah but 10 minutes… give me a break… even driving as fast as my grandmother you couldn’t get here in 10 minutes from her house… it is impossible…” Alyson said…

“Yes… but that will surely make her come earlier than later… no pun intended” Sarah said.

Alyson just giggled… “So are we going in?”…

“Yeah, come right through… freddy still lives with his parents so that works out nicely” Sarah said and Alyson just burst out laughing…

“He lives with his parents??? Let me guess, in the cellar???” Alyson said, still laughing…

“Umm, well, actually he does…” Sarah managed to say before bursting into
laughter herself…

They both just sat and laughed about things that happened until the doorbell rang and instantly the place was rendered silent…

“OK Aly, hide in the closet…” Sarah whispered… and Alyson did just that… from within the closet of Sarah’s room, Alyson could see everything in the room with the front door as her view was not obstructed by any objects, and where you’d expect a wall Sarah had an oversized door area for her room. Sarah then went to answer the door, when she opened the door there was Eliza in a black silk robe with tears streaming down her face.

“OK, get in…” Sarah said while grabbing Eliza’s arm and pulling her inside… “You’re 2 minutes late…”

“I know… I’m really sorry, I didn’t me…” Eliza tried to explain.

“Yes, you didn’t mean to, neither did you bother putting on some more clothes… what are you trying to do, turn me on???” Sarah said

“No Sarah… really, when you said 10 minutes I didn’t have time to change…” Eliza replied.

“Oh, so I’m not good enough for you??? but Alyson is!?!?” Sarah said…

“Sarah, you are good enough… you’re more than good enough… if I had the chance… well, sorry, I know… you’re not a lesbian, it’s why I didn’t try…” Eliza said and with that Sarah had to wonder one thing…

“So how did you know Alyson was???” Sarah asked…

“I didn’t… and she’s not… but she is very vulnerable… and I’ve longed after her for so long…” Eliza tried to explain… “You can’t understand, being with another girl is wonderful… when you are with a girl you always know you are in good hands…” Eliza continued…

Actually Sarah did know… but now was not the time to let her know that… “OK, so if I was apparently good enough for you… then prove it.” Sarah said.

“I ca… can’t… not without hurting our friendship…” Eliza said…

“Well, our friendship is hurt already… so be honest… honesty might save our friendship…” Sarah said, hoping that Eliza would tell her that she loved Sarah as well…

“Well, you are not as vulnerable as Alyson… but I do like you too… I dream of having you naked in front of me… with me licking your clit while getting licked by Alyson…” Eliza said, hoping that Sarah keep’s to her word on honesty…

“What are you wearing underneath this silky robe???” Sarah asked, hoping she was about to get the answer she wanted…

“N… Nothing…” Eliza said…

“Nothing?!?! Like a slut!” Sarah said…

“N.. No… Sarah it’s not like tha…” Eliza said but she was interrupted…

“Take the robe off…” Sarah said…

“B… But why??? What are you going to do to me???” Eliza asked, scared at what may lie ahead as she didn’t know what Sarah’s intentions were, as far as she could tell Sarah was not a lesbian, but just maybe… she figured that if Sarah saw her nude, maybe it might make Sarah lust after her… but that was a very long shot.

“Don’t argue… just do it” Sarah said in a stern voice… and with that Eliza removed the robe and let it drop to the floor… there she stood stark naked in front of Sarah who tried her best not to look at how perfectly formed her friends body was… Sarah walked around Eliza and looked at her butt… “So this is what you like… to let girls look at you like this??? You’re disgusting…” and with saying that Sarah planted a quick spank to her friends butt… not really putting any force into it…

“Ouch!” yelped Eliza… “Please no Sarah, you can’t, you’re not my dad…”

“Your dad still spanks you???” Sarah just had to ask…

“No… but he used to…” Eliza said… Sarah then realized how much that hurt Eliza… not physically, but mentally… she was obviously not very turned on by the idea of receiving a spanking… but Sarah just had to know more and the idea of Eliza’s dad spanking her really turned her on… Even Alyson started masturbating in the restricted space of the closet as she looked at the two through the doorway of Sarah’s bedroom…

“How did he spank you Eliza???” Sarah asked… now really hot, but still behind her friend teasing her friends butt cheeks…

“His hand, most of the time…” Eliza said nearly starting to cry again… “Please don” Eliza tried to say but Sarah immediately interrupted her…

“Naked?” Sarah asked…

“Huh?” Eliza asked…

“Naked??? as in, were you naked when he spanked you???” Sarah asked trying to clear the question up… Sarah expected no for an answer… but she couldn’t help it, these thoughts were rushing to her head, and she had a tendency to ask before she thought about it at times like this…

“No, well… once or twice… yeah…” Eliza said as the memories of that occasion came rushing back… she wasn’t that young either… she remembered getting spanked when she was 14 on her birthday. But it’s been a long time since she thought back to those days, but it still hurts her even today.

“Do you think he ever spanked you naked just because he knew what a slut you were???” Sarah asked, the thought sort of turned her on… but Eliza obviously didn’t like the direction this conversation was going in.

“Well… maybe…” Eliza said as an old memory came rushing back… “When I was 18, I stole some of my dad’s playboy magazine’s” she started then Sarah again had to ask…

“You were a lesbian since you were 18???” Sarah asked.

“No, but that’s when I became one…” Eliza replied… “So, anyways, I was masturbating in my room, I thought I had my door locked, I was lying back in a chair with my legs spread past the edge of the seat, there I was squeezing my nipples and fingering my pussy while looking at the magazine photo’s I displayed on my table… when my dad walked in, he was rather mad, and he spanked me as I was there… And that was the day I decided that I’ll be a lesbian.” Eliza explained.

Sarah thought about what it must have been like… and she definitely felt sorry for this girl, if her father spanked her as a child, then she did have quite a good reason to be a lesbian Sarah figured. “Well, I’m here for you Eliza, if you need to talk to someone, about anything, let it be me”

“So you’re not mad at me then???” Eliza asked with some hope in her voice…

“Well, there’s one thing that remains… go, bend over the bed…” Sarah said… not so much supportive anymore… but only one thing was on her mind right now… and it wasn’t quite what it seemed…

“No Sarah don’t…” Eliza said, not wanting to endure a spanking…

“You don’t even know what I’m going to do” and with saying that Sarah pulled Eliza across into her bedroom and bent her over her bed… then Alyson slowly came out of the closet, Sarah noticed that Alyson has stripped naked since she’d been in the closet… she then plunged her tongue all the way into Eliza who nearly jumped from the sudden pleasure…

“Oh yes!!! But who…” Eliza said… then she looked back and saw Alyson… “Alyaaaaahhh…. Yes! LIKE THAT!!!” she shouted as Alyson found her way to Eliza’s clit which was now swelling at the thought…

Sarah removed all her clothes as well, then she went and sat wide legged on the
bed and told Eliza that what she was getting comes at a price… luckily this price was one Eliza was more than willing to pay… to help Sarah to an orgasm… how could she ever reject that offer… this was it, this was her dream come true, and she could only hope this lasts a long time.

“Sarah… I had no idea!!!” Eliza said excitedly… really happy that everything ended up working out…

“It’s a long story… just lick me for now… and I’ll explain later…” Sarah said… again Eliza didn’t need to even think twice about that invitation… She jumped straight in and started work at Sarah’s pussy which was already aching from earlier…

“Yes Eliza!!! You know how!!!” Sarah moaned at her friend… The only one not getting stimulated was Alyson who decided to start at herself using her fingers… she then stuck two fingers in herself rubbing away at her sex…

After a few minutes of this it was obvious that someone was going to cum… but who would be first… just then Sarah screamed it out… “I’M CCOOOOOOOMMIIIIIINNGGG!!!”, and when Eliza heard that she just couldn’t hold on any longer and started cumming without warning in Alyson’s now soaked face… Alyson was not 100% happy though as she needed more stimulation, but that problem was quickly solved when both Sarah and Eliza went at Aly’s clit… this was too much… even for Alyson…

“I’m cumming you two!!!” she shouted… then released her girl cum over the two girls, not to mention the carpet… it was obvious that she was enjoying that… All three the girls just lay there on the floor… after a few minutes Alyson broke the silence… “That was amazing…”.

“Lets do it again” Sarah added… but panting so load it’s hard to believe she could even think she could handle more.

“Lets not… I don’t think I’ve ever cummed that hard in my life” Eliza added… “I think I need to rest a bit…”

And so the girls did, after about quarter of an hour the girls got up one by one, and once again, the idea of having a hot coffee was in their minds… that night the three girls giggled and shared stories of their past, and by morning they all knew each other well enough to know that they have now truly crossed the border between friends and lovers…

All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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