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Author Topic: Ways of Making Friends 2 (Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku)  (Read 13041 times)


Ways Of Making Friends by Raziel
Celeb(s) – Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku
Codes – FF, Lesbian
Originally posted on January 6 2004 at CSSA

Well, the second part to ways of making friends has been sitting on my hard drive for about 6 months just idling there… I decided that since its written I might as well release it, to be quite honest, I’m surprised I actually decided to release this, but here it is.

As for the name of the second part… Come on! You can’t possibly say its a bad title, and definitely gets the point across… so yeah… read part 1 or you won’t have a clue if you’re coming or going. I had to do some editing to the second part to make it work with the first part, and the second one didn’t go through such a heavy review as the first
one went, as such, I wasn’t sure if it’s really ready for release, but it’s been hiding too long. If I don’t get it out now, it’s just gonna end up catching dust for another 6 months…

Enjoy guys!





The next morning the three girls woke up when the doorbell rang…

“Oh fuck… who can that be?!?!” Alyson said as she woke up…

“Oh SHIT! its freddie…” Sarah said…

“Quick Aly, lets hide!!!” Eliza said, nearly bursting out with laughter…

“Back door! Quickly!!!” Sarah gasped… still naked from the night before.

She ran to the door and answered it hoping that Freddie would not be suspicious… Well, that thought passed when the mail man stood at the door… The whole idea of giving a mail man a free flash was not exactly a turn-on… Sarah immediately covered herself with her hands… She wasn’t exactly sure what to say, so she simply said “Do you wanna come in?”, then she realized that she just invited the mail man in… the only word that popped into her head was oops… and a big oops it was…

The mail man walked into Sarah’s home and Sarah wasn’t exactly sure what to do… She decided that she should prioritize things and solve them one at a time… her first priority was to get the door closed… and there were only four options… either she’d have to use her left hand… in that case she’d give the mail man a free look at her breasts… or the right hand… in which case she’d reveal her cunt which was still wet from her dream and miscellaneous activities that night… or she could turn around and simply walk against the door to close it… but then she’d flash the mailman her ass which wasn’t exactly any better, or she could walk forward against the door, but with the way the mailman was standing she’d still flash her ass to him once the door is closed…

Sarah then stepped left and out of the way of the open door… Just then Sarah looked at the lock and remembered that Freddie put on a new type of lock which was supposed to be better designed for security reasons… you had to pull the hand leaver down while turning the second lock… that was the only way to close the door… Sarah then thought to herself… so much for four options… She then decided to do the brave thing and just released both her hands to close the door… The first thing the mail man saw was Sarah Michelle Gellar’s tits… then he saw her cunt… and as soon as the door closed she was in a position where he could completely see her ass… then it finally occurred to her that she could have asked him to look away…

“I’m sorry, this isn’t what it looks like… I just had a rough morning.” Sarah tried to explain… still facing the closed door and fiddling with the locking system…

“I’m sure… So do you normally walk around naked???” the mail man inquired…

“No…” Sarah said, then covering herself up with her hands again she turned around…

“It’s a little too late for that… I’ve pretty much seen it all, you could have just asked me to look away…” The mail man said…

“Yeah… well, it’s a little too late for that too…” Sarah added, she could almost not believe how kind the guy was, well, she had to admit it didn’t really solve her problems… but knowing that the mail man seemed OK made it not seem so bad anymore… Sarah decided to let her guard down and let her arms dangle free, no longer covering her most private parts… She figured its not as if he brought a camera with him.

“Hey, you’re Buffy…” The mail man noticed…

“I thought you sort of worked that out already… And the names Sarah…” She added…

“I’m sorry… I don’t actually watch the show… I don’t actually have a TV… this mail delivery job does not exactly give you much money…” The mail man said.

“I can imagine… so what’s your name…” Sarah asked…

“Well, most people just call me Jim…” the mail man answered…

“OK, Jim… so you’re telling me you never ever saw the show at all???” Sarah asked in disbelieve…

“No, I haven’t, but I’ve seen the box sets for sale…” The mail man Jim said…

“Well, we could watch an episode together if you want…” Sarah said, still completely naked, but somehow the thought has passed her mind now.

“You should cover yourself up…” Jim said.

“Yeah. I’ll give you the tour on the way anyways…” Sarah said while walking towards her room; as she was doing so she pointed at other places and explained what they are, of course Jim was only staring at Sarah’s ass the whole time. The trip seemed to take forever but she finally reached her room, when it hit her… “Damn… Where are my clothes… Ah, here’s my panties…”

“Those are g-strings… it’s different…” Jim said while smiling.

“Oh shit! I actually said that allowed didn’t I?” Sarah asked in shame.

“Yeah… Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell anyone, and even if I did, they wouldn’t believe me” Jim replied with a smile.

“Well, yeah, I guess…” Sarah said also laughing. Sarah then started pulling her g-strings up, she was not intending to waste time cleaning up her still wet cunt since she just wanted to get this all over with… Just then Freddie came into the bedroom and then he saw the display… Sarah naked, pulling up her g-strings with a wet cunt, not to mention some guy that was there with her at the time.

“Sarah?!?!” Freddie asked, extremely shocked at the time.

“This really isn’t what it looks like…” Sarah tried to explain. It wasn’t as if she was lying, and perhaps now probably not the best time telling him but at least it would help to some extent, “Freddy, I’m a lesbian…”.

“You’re a lesbian???” Freddie asked, looking even more disturbed…

“No, Freddie, well, not exactly… I’m a bisexual” Sarah replied… hoping that made sense.

“But who’s this???” Freddie asked.

“It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, this was an accident… it’s not what it looks like at all, I thought it was you at the door so I jumped up to answer it… and I happened to be naked at the time…” Sarah said.

“Oh, but hang on! you’re a lesbian?!?!?” Freddie asked… still shocked and now pale as the thought sank in.

“… Yes Freddie… I’m sorry, it just happened” Sarah added.

“Why didn’t you tell me???” Freddie asked…

“Cause this only happened yesterday afternoon…” Sarah replied.

Freddie, filled with rage and anger simply said “OK, well, I’m gonna leave you to clean this mess up, if you want to stay with me… phone me before sunset… and if that’s your choice then you will stay loyal to me.”

The first thing that went into Sarah’s mind, was something along the lines of oh crap, what have I done, then her thoughts went on to how Alyson’s relationship ended, and just what a resemblance it was. It just made her wonder if this was accidental, or fate. “You don’t OWN me Freddie!” Sarah yelled… and with that Freddie rushed out of Sarah’s house with a lot of anger in him. But I mean, who could blame him. This really hurt Sarah, she did like Freddie and would have preferred breaking the news to him at a better time in a better situation… “OK Jim… get out!” Sarah screamed.

“Look, it’s not my fault…” Jim tried explaining…

“I know… but I’d like to be alone right now…” Sarah said.

“OK Sarah… I’ll leave now…” Jim said as he headed for the door… He knew a good part of it was his fault… he should not have come into the house, but it was simply too tempting. But even if he didn’t her boyfriend would still have found out some or another time. So either way, she was fucked…

* * * * *

Meanwhile Alyson and Eliza decided to go to Alyson’s house which was now vacant, with only Alyson living there. She decided to give Eliza the tour of the house… showing her everything ranging from he smallest little ornaments, to the general rooms. Most of the rooms were new to her, the most amazing room of all being Aly’s bedroom which had a very large bed, on-suite toilet, spa bath shower, and also a balcony…

“Wow Aly! This place is the kick!” Eliza said.

“Thanks, you get used to it after a while, especially with someone else living here. Well, someone was living here” Aly added with a slight frown.

“What? You and Alexis broke up?!?!” Eliza asked almost shocked.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it… our dating status only looked good in public. He was a real jerk. I’m glad he’s gone” Aly replied with a slight sigh of relief.

“Alyson… could we perhaps finish what we started yesterday? I just had so much fun last night! It was really something special” Eliza said.

“Yeah… and Eliza, if you ever want to talk about the problems you had with your dad… I’m here for you, I can see why you’re a lesbian now” Alyson said. Then she thought about it for a bit, “Which may explain why you’re so good at playing a troubled teen, and why you would cry in between shoots on the buffy set… oh, I’m sorry… I just always wondered what was on your mind. You seemed such a distant person whenever I brought it up” Aly added, “But now I know”.

“Yeah, well, correct on all of the above. I couldn’t tell anyone… and when Sarah did what she did, well, it really hurt me. I guess its OK though, she didn’t know. I try and avoid my dad most of the time… it just works out better that way.” Eliza said, then continued, “I really like Sarah, don’t get me wrong. But I’d rather share things like this with you.”

“I wish there was something I could say, but I don’t know of anything that could possibly make you feel any better” Alyson said moving closer to hug and comfort her friend.

“You don’t have to say anything… that’s one thing I love about you… your face tells me what you feel. At the moment it’s really comforting me” Eliza said, her fears put to rest by her friend.

“So, lets complete what we started last night” Alyson said with a huge smile on her face.

Eliza and Aly both rejoined in their position from earlier and started kissing each other again, when, just then, Alyson’s phone rang.

“Damnit! This time I wish it was off hook!” Alyson shouted as she broke the kiss and ran for the phone.

Eliza decided to listen to who it was, the best way to do so would be to listen to Alyson.

Alyson picked up the phone… “Hello… Sarah what’s wrong??? … oh … OH! …. I see … ummm, Freddie? … So is that a good thing or a bad thing? … Well, I was sort of hoping those may have been tears of joy … yeah … come over tonite and we’ll have a barbecue … I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way you planned Sarah … I’ll see you shortly … bye.” Alyson then put the phone down with a look that showed Eliza that she wasn’t about to hear good news.

“Alyson… what is it??? What happened with Freddie and Sarah??? Does he know?!?!” Eliza jumped at Aly with a million questions…

“Well, he knows, here’s the short version. Sarah answered the door naked and it was the mail man, she accidently invited him in and went to get some g-strings on… but if you can remember she was pretty wet when we left her, then Freddie burst in, and he saw the mail man, so he assumed they were sleeping together, and then Sarah told him the truth, about her being a bisexual. I know I only broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, but I feel like celebrating, I think Sarah should too, perhaps we were meant to be together. Maybe this is just fate’s way of making things work” Alyson explained changing between different emotions every 5 seconds of the way.

“That’s not good… I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens, if the public found out it could completely screw up our reputations” Eliza asked.

“Well, I don’t know, lesbianism is much more excepted nowadays… you never know” Aly replied… then added, “Oh, by the way she’s coming over for dinner, we’ll have a barbecue here… maybe I’ll make some steaks and stuff… we need to celebrate everything that’s happened… and hopefully it would get Sarah’s mind off her problems, of course if that doesn’t work I know of other alternatives”

“Yeah, and hopefully it would help me forget about mine…” Eliza said, “Don’t feel too bad for me though… I had a rough childhood, but that’s all over now, and I have people like you to help me through these issues now…”

“I understand my love…” Alyson said, hoping to cheer Eliza up a bit

“Heh, you called me love” She said with a smile on her face… “You should be a guidance councilor… You’re good at it… so do you think we could squeeze in a little bit of loving before the mega lesbian love fest later???” Eliza asked…

“Mega lesbian love fest??? I like the sound of that…” Alyson said as she started giggling… “No, it would be bad cause when Sarah arrives we’d already be tired and wouldn’t be able to keep her happy the entire night…”.

“OK, lets start on the food…” Eliza suggested… which seemed like a good idea as that would help them pass time and help them forget about sex for now…

As it was Alyson started working on the salad, unfortunately Eliza didn’t really know much about cooking, so she just mostly just watched as Aly prepared such a delicious looking salad, it was simply a Greek salad… but it looked extremely good…

“So Aly… what else are you going to make???” Eliza asked… amazed at Alyson’s skill at preparing food…

“Well, I was thinking a noodle based salad, maybe some sausages once we get outside and start up the gas barbecue, probably some steak for everyone… and a bottle of Champaign…” Alyson said…

“You know, at this party I threw up after downing a glass of Champaign and vodka…” Eliza said

“Champaign and Vodka??? yuck… I don’t blame you…” Alyson said.

“No, it was just a hint of Champaign, I was too pissed to work out what I was mixing, I only got told this the next morning…” She replied.

“OK, well, still, Champaign and Vodka does not sound good to begin with…” Alyson said as she giggled to herself at the thought…

“Maybe later you’d let me drink Champaign from your cunt???” Eliza then asked…

“Eliza… don’t start… if I get horny, I’d wanna fuck… and I can’t till Sarah gets here…” Alyson said… then continued “But yeah… I’d like that…”.

Just then the doorbell rang and Alyson rushed to the door, she opened it and invited Sarah in… “Sarah, come to the kitchen if you wanna help me make dinner” Alyson offered… Sarah liked cooking and Alyson knew this as they’ve cooked together before…

“That salad looks nice Aly!” Sarah said… her mind finally no longer on the breakup with her boyfriend.

“Thanks… I hope you like it…” Alyson said as she got the noodles from the cupboard, “This will take a while to prepare though… cause the noodles have to cool down and everything…”

“Ah, a cold noodle salad… I like those…” Sarah said..

“Don’t I know it!” Aly said with a big smile… “Remember at my last birthday you ate like 4 bowls of my noodle salad and couldn’t eat anything else???”

“Yeah” Sarah said… smiling, but a bit embarrassed…

“So can we have sex now?” Eliza asked… Typically something you’d expect her to say in her current state…

“Just hang on, let me get the noodles cooking, then we can have sex my young, hot, and cute slayer…” Alyson said as she smiled to that.

“Well, I had more than two minutes in mind” Eliza said with a disappointed look in her face.

“No!” Aly said smiling… “These aren’t two minute noodles… they are a pasta like noodle and will take about 15 to 20 minutes before they’re ready”…

“Hmmm, 20 minutes… that’s possible…” Eliza said with a smile.

The second Alyson got the noodles on the stove and turned around Eliza was right beside her… she grabbed Alyson’s arms and planted them against the wall as Aly and Eliza kissed each other passionately… Sarah couldn’t just stand and watch so she figured it was time to surprise them… she went up behind Eliza and undid her jeans’ top button and zip, she then pulled down Eliza’s jeans and panties, and just then, Sarah stuffed a vibrator she kept handy up in Eliza’s pussy who immediately got a fright but soon welcomed Sarah’s toy in her cunt.

Eliza then started unbuttoning the shirt Alyson was wearing… she was extremely happy when she found out that Alyson was not wearing a bra… this was the first time Eliza had gotten to see Alyson’s tits, and she was impressed… they were much bigger than she thought… by now Eliza was creaming the vibrator and Sarah knew she couldn’t even think of letting go cause it would definitely now slide out very easily due to the excessive amount of lubrication on the vibrator…

“Fuck me Sarah!” Eliza shouted when she briefly released Alyson’s nipples…

“Oh trust me, I am…” Sarah said quite happy to continue her handy work

“Stop with the… aaaahhh… small talk and make me cum already!” Alyson shouted in reply to the other two’s conversation… Eliza felt that it was her duty so she slapped her hand on Alyson’s cunt, which were still covered in her leather pants, she decided she’d wear them again since they always made the boys lust after her, and apparently it had the same effect on girls… Eliza continued to then rub her hand hard against Aly’s leather covered cunt…

“aaaahh… YES Eliza! GO IN… PLEASE!!!” Alyson screamed as she started getting wet… Eliza then released her hold on Alyson’s cunt and slipped her hand into Aly’s leather pants… it was a rather tight fit and Eliza figured she’d have to take Alyson’s pants off cause these pants would definitely cut off her blood circulation… when she reached Alyson’s cunt it was already soaking wet… “YES… DO IT…” Alyson encouraged her…

“Hang on…” Eliza said as she pulled her hand out… by now Eliza started feeling her orgasm coming on… She then managed to extend herself from having an orgasm a bit… and continued to pull Alyson’s pants down to her knees… “OK Alyson… I’m not going to touch you until you tell me how much you want me to…” Eliza said with a smile on her face… she then looked down at Alyson’s cunt and nearly creamed herself on the spot… it was the most beautiful pussy she had ever seen… and this also lead her to discover that Alyson is indeed a real redhead…

“OH PLEASE ELIZA!!! I’ll do anything you want!!!” Alyson said… not really caring about what the consequences of her words might be…

“As you wish…” Eliza said and her hands started rubbing Alyson’s labia… Then she inserted a finger into Alyson’s cunt and pressed right up into her clit… This drove Alyson off her head, she was always someone who cummed earlier than later… but she knew she had to resist the temptation for the moment… “You are so hot Alyson” Eliza managed to gasp as Sarah started massaging Eliza’s asshole… not penetrating, but just making her presence known there… Eliza started running her free hand up and down Alyson’s upper body, taking her tongue and running that over her nipples from time to time… there was also the occasional nibble of one of her nipples…

“Eliza… stop for a sec… I wanna see your tits…” Alyson said… and with that Eliza did just that… Aly then reached under Eliza’s shirt and pulled it all the way over her head… as it was, she was wearing a silky black bra which really complimented her extremely nice chest… Eliza then reached her hands behind her back and undid the bra and threw it to the floor… Without any hesitation Alyson immediately went for Eliza’s tits with her tongue.

Alyson was coming closer to an orgasm with Eliza rubbing her cunt, and the vibrator in Eliza was doing wonders to her soul… it was now only a question of when, and who… Sarah on the other hand was still quite far away from satisfaction having only her own fingers in herself…

Alyson was the first to let go… “I’M COMING! I’M COMING!” She screamed, sounding like a schoolgirl that’s called for dinner as she cummed all over Eliza’s hands, of course she didn’t mind at all and kept at it till Alyson was satisfied… and, completely dried out…

About a minute later Sarah hit a sensitive spot which threw Eliza over the edge as she started cumming over the already soaked vibrator which was humming away at her cunt. With both being satisfied there was only one task to complete… making sure that Sarah was being brought to complete pleasure.

Eliza quickly took position in front of Sarah, kissing the girl and running her hands over the poor girl, Alyson decided that she needed to sit down, but as soon as she did so she noticed the beautiful pussy that was right in front of her, as tired as she was she could not resist herself… She started teasing Sarah’s cunt lips with her tongue, but didn’t penetrate…

“Come on Alyson… do it!” Sarah gasped awaiting Alyson’s entry, and an entry it was… Alyson jammed her entire tongue into Sarah who could hardly believe Alyson’s tongue was that long and powerful.

Alyson took turns between sucking on Sarah’s clit and tonguing Sarah’s clit… As Sarah already started on herself she wasn’t far away from full release anymore. Only a moment later, screams of pleasure filled the room in what was now officially Sarah’s most amazing and powerful orgasm. The three girls were tired, but knew that it wouldn’t stop them from having an amazing barbeque.

“So Sarah, how was that?!?!” Alyson had to ask with a nice crooked smile accross her face…

“Tha… it… was good” Sarah managed to say between her gasps.

“Alyson… I think the noodles is ready…” Eliza brought up.

“Yeah… probably…” Alyson replied as she went to the boiling plate and turned it off. She then let the water down the drain and started preparing the salad which would soon go in the fridge to allow it to cool down.

“I think maybe we should sort out Sarah’s problems with Freddie don’t ya think?” Eliza suggested.

“I agree, Sarah, how do you feel about Freddy???” Alyson enquired.

“I just don’t know… I like him, if I didn’t know better, I’d say I even love him, but what we have is just much more special. But I really didn’t want to mess things up with him. I guess its too late for that, on top of everything else, the public image of me being with him would suggest I’m not a lesbian… is that not a good thing???” Sarah said as she tried explaining her feelings.

“So you’re ashamed of being with us… other girls?” Eliza asked, she didn’t really mean it, but it was an automatic reflex as her defences were normally up high.

“No, I’m not, but the rest of the world wouldn’t understand…” Sarah replied.

“Well, it’s not that bad actually, we’re not lesbians, we’re bi, there’s a difference” Alyson pointed out, then continued “so who cares if the media finds out you’re bi, it won’t destroy your carreer, I mean, sure, if Joss found out we’ve been sleeping together, he’d be pretty dissappointed that he doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to me” Alyson said with a smile, though Sarah interrupted her.

“Yeah, yeah, get over yourself flute girl…” Sarah taunted with a grin on her face.

“Yeah I bet you wouldn’t mind seeing me fucking a flute now would you???” Alyson replied.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Eliza interrupted before Sarah could say anything.

“OK, OK, we’re not gonna solve her problems by sitting around” Aly said as reality came back to her, “OK, Sarah, what would you like, I mean, in a perfect world”.

“Apart from seeing you with a flute I’d like to have Freddy as a friend, but the sorta friend which does push boundries occasionly… And someone who could keep the public image of us dating…” Sarah suggested.

“Well, perhaps it is a perfect world cause I’ll do a special flute show for you sometime” Alyson said with a cute but devilish smile on her face. “Look, it’s really not that much of an issue, what you need to do is talk to Freddie. Tell him what happened, and tell him exactly what you just told me, about a perfect world. I’d leave the flute part out though” Alyson suggested feeling rather helpless as she couldn’t really do much for her friend.

“OK, I guess you’re right…” Sarah said, “OK, since we can’t solve my problems now, how about we address yours Aly” Sarah then suggested.

“Ummm, what problems?” Aly asked, “Oh you mean Alexis??? I say fuck him”

“Fuck him???” Sarah asked with a new look in her eye.

Aly then decided to clear the situation up, “No! I didn’t mean that… I meant”

“I know what you meant… but thats the answer, I should fuck him, but before he cums you walk in and pull me off… then we make love, and I tell him that you’re better than he is, that way he’d feel really bad and would regret letting go of you” Sarah said.

“It’s too complicated… I say lets just leave it where it is…” Aly suggested.

“Look Aly, I’m not stupid, I know he meant a lot to you… and I was kiding about what I said, well, sorta… but that’s not important… I think you should talk to him, just clear things up for him, and hopefully you. Trust me Aly” Sarah said.

“OK, OK, I’ll do it” Alyson said, “but I think we should do it together… all three of us… the only question is, who do we talk to first, Freddie or Alexis?”

“I’d say Freddie…” Sarah suggested, “you see, if things go bad with Alexis I may not have the strength left to face Freddie”.

“OK, Freddie it is” Alyson agreed.

* * * * *

The three girls went to Freddie’s parents’ house and went into the cellar, only to find Freddy there crying his ass off.

“Freddie… it’s Sarah…” Sarah said, trying not to startle him too much.

“What do you want???” He asked.

“I just wanted us to be friends again, we were friends before we dated. I figured that maybe we can have that again” Sarah suggested.

“Who’s with you???” he asked, his eyes too soaked to see for himself.

“ummm, it’s Alyson and Eliza…” Sarah said, wondering what Freddie’s reply might be.

“oh…” Freddie said.

“oh? I sorta expected more than that from you” Sarah said.

“Well, it’s not like we’re really dating anymore so I can’t tell you whats right or wrong” Freddie replied.

“Look Freddie… they are the ones I really want to be with, but I want us to be close friends. I don’t want to leave you in this state. The news of me being bi got broken to you in a bad way… not really the way I intended you to hear it” Sarah said.

“And what about the mailman???” Freddie asked.

“I told you, NOTHING HAPPENED… it was one big misunderstanding” Sarah said.

“Oh, it’s ok then I guess” he said as he stood up and wiped the tears away.

“So were cool???” Sarah asked in disbelief…

“Yeah, I guess… I can’t stay mad at you forever… so yeah…” Freddie waited a few seconds, then said, “Friends…”

“Yippee!” Sarah shouted, knowing that her mission was accomplished. “So, would you like some coffee???”

“Yeah… why not…” Freddie said as they wondered upstairs.

* * * * *

They then went back to Alyson’s place to discuss the events, or more accurately, the coffee at Freddie’s house, “Damn that coffee was disgusting” Eliza said.

“Oh yeah! The coffee at their place alwais taste like that…” Sarah said with a grin on her face.

“It wasn’t that bad actually…” Alyson said, about to crack up with laughter but trying to suppress it, “ok, so it wasn’t that great”.

“Don’t worry its ok…” Sarah said as she started giggling. “I threw up the first time I drank that shit… and his mom still had to ask me if it was nice after I was done.”

“You’re kidding…” Alyson said as she finally gave in and burst into laughter. Then continued, “Yuck, I can still taste it in my mouth”

“Yeah… That stuff is not good, I wonder if its legal…” Eliza added, both Sarah and Alyson simply shot Eliza a weird look.

“Illegal coffee???” Sarah asked as she burst back into laughter.

“No, I’m serious… Like how they have illegal tobacco and stuff” Eliza said… now feeling rather stupid at the thought of illegal coffee.

“Well, for their sake I hope the government does make that coffee illegal” Alyson said with a cute grin on her face. “Hail to the illegal coffee beans!!!” Alyson then shouted for the fun of it.

“Ummm, O K…” Sarah said, wondering where that came from, “Well, lets sort your problems out Alyson”…

* * * * *

Eliza decided to stay behind this time as this was really a fight she could not contribute to… as Sarah and Alyson walked up to the door of his apartment, it was obvious that he was having sex…

“OK Sarah, I’m going in, I had enough of this shit of him cheating on me but still asking me to be faithful to him…” Alyson said as she opened to door, which as alwais, was never locked.

“OH SHIT!” Alexis yelped as he fell off the bed.

“I should go…” came from the lips of the girl who was fucking him.

“Well Alexis… I guess this makes us even… don’t come to me asking me to be faithful” Alyson said as she turned around and walked out… There was really nothing Alexis could do about the situation…

* * * * *

Back at Alyson’s house Eliza and Sarah joined her for another cup of coffee, perhaps not the greatest victory, but still a victory once again, “Alyson! you could have made things right…” Sarah said, almost angry at her friend.

“Come on! Did you see the look on his face? It was priceless… I can’t imagine things any better” Alyson replied.

“I guess, but still, I would have used a different approach…” Sarah replied

“Not me…” Eliza said, deciding to take Alyson’s side, “Men are pigs… I say he deserves what he gets”

“ok, that’s true as well…” Sarah said.

“Umm, guys… it’s really good that we solved our problems… but I really have to go for a pee…” Alyson said, her bladder not really able to hold much more coffee.

“Likewise…” Eliza said.

“Well, I’m first!” Sarah snapped as she jumped up and ran for the toilet.

All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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