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Author Topic: All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Deep Red Starring Hailee Steinfeld  (Read 3130 times)


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  • Picard in the streets, Kirk in the sheets
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Harlot's Eve 3: Midnight Dreams - Deep Red
Starring Hailee Steinfeld
(MF, Oral, Cons, Dreams)
By MaxwellLord

Dreams are an odd thing. No one is really sure why you humans do it. Some theorize it's a chemical reaction to you brain detoxing while you sleep. Others say it's your brain doing its best to organize all the days events, thoughts and fantasies. What are they actually? Hell if I know, and I'm the personification of dreams.

Over the millennia, I've gone by a few names. Oneiros, Morpheus, Baku, Niorun, almost as endless as how I've been seen by you lot. Sometimes a woman, sometimes genderless but many a time a male. Sometimes in a toga, a kimono, sometimes adorned with an eyeless headpiece that lives somewhere between a crown and a war helmet. In recent years due to pop culture many of you see as some sort of incredibly suave Goth god. What am I actually? Whatever you want. I'm not really something you can identify that easy. So, just think of what you want me to be and that's it. Come on, I'll give you a few seconds.

Got it? Now think on it for about five seconds and....there. Let me just check this out.

Hmmm, not bad. I like the way you think. I like the way a lot of you think. The dreams of your species in particular are amazing in what you can think of and in what you can do with them. And I'm not talking about in some romantic "dreams inspire" way. You people do things that are quite unique in the dreamscape.

For example, you ever talk to a friend to find out that you two shared an extremely similar dream? That wasn't a similar dream, it was the same dream. Ever see someone on the street, your eyes meet and you swear you know them? The only thing making that gaze awkward being the fact that you know there's no way you could know each other. Well here's the rub...you kind of do know that person. You connected in a dream.

See, most of the time you guys just create your own mini dreamscape. It is what it is, what you need it to be. However sometimes that need, that desire is so strong you draw someone in with similar needs and desires. Dreamers seek out other dreamers and you merge to create a unified fantasy. And to be honest, since humans, in addition to being incredibly creative you're also abnormally horny so those dreams tend to be about sex...a lot. Not that I'm offended by any means. I mean I'm about as old as sentient thought so I've seen some serious stuff in your heads to the point a little midnight fantasy is a welcome respite.

Of course it helps that when some people clicks, more desires beyond sex spill in from both. I mean after all, a dream is a multicourse meal, seasoned with what you want most. Take this dream I'm going to tell you about, or rather show you. I mean I'm not really going to be your narrator. think of me as your guide to how your brains work when you're not fully at the wheel.

Let's look at a dream that played into the fantasies and desires of two people who've never met in the waking world but what they long for has made them intersect.

First off, allow me to introduce you to Richard Martle. I suppose he's what you'd call a typical human male in his twenties. It's hard for me to really define what typical is considering how often your dream selves change. Humans are anything but typical. However from what I gather from him, in the waking world he doesn't see himself as anything too special. He does have a few unique things about him comparatively of his peers. The greatest of course being his fascination with old crime noir films. Well, not just the old, any of them. The black and white classics like Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard and Nightmare Alley, the ones that played with the genre like The Third Man and The Sweet Smell of Success to neo-noirs like Body Heat and Basic Instinct. Futuristic Noir like Blade Runner also had a place in his heart. The cynical hard boiled detective, the femme fatale, the murder, grime, sex and mayhem. Nothing in the realm of fiction and fantasy got his attention so.

One thing he definitely has in common with a great deal of other people in the Waking is his desire for an actress by the name of Hailee Steinfeld. A great many of you have dreamed of her as he has. And perhaps, she wandered in your dreams like she had wandered in Richard's. Her desires of late had been with her career to a degree, along with far more carnal, human desires. Watching the careers of other actresses, a big part of her ached for those kinds of roles, the edgier and darker ones. And that desire had moved to her dreams, and her dreams reached out to someone in some way on her wavelength. Desire met desire and, well...here we go.


It always seemed dark in the city. Dreamy haze of steam rising from the vents just adding the grays. The stars couldn't even be seen, the only light source that was ever there to illuminate the shadows were the artificial ones that lit up the neon signs for nightclubs, seedy motels, liquor store and other businesses you wouldn't tell your mother you step foot in lest you find out you were exactly the kind of person everyone told her you were.

In this city of night the only way to get things done was with money. Even the cops were on the take. Innocence came with a price tag and even that was negotiable. Hell, even the fire department had fire sales.

This was the world that Dick Slammer, Private Eye, lived in. If you gave him the cash, he'd handle it. Wanted to find out if your husband or wife was cheating on you? He was your guy. Wanted someone to fake that your husband or wife was cheating on you to get out a of a prenup? He could handle that too. He knew what was what in the city. Which of course helped him when he was hired to do actual detective work.

That was one very understood rule in the city. When you take a contract, someone's money, you honor it. Money was the only god recognized by anyone in that city and when you took it as payment you fulfilled your job. You took no higher bids in the middle to screw over your current employer, no matter how big on the food chain you thought you were. And at best Dick was a mackerel.

Still, mackerel had their uses as well as their needs and right now he was a mackerel who was in need of some work to pay a few bills and other assorted debts. Debts and bills he was looking through on his damn near ancient desk, barely illuminated by the lamp on it.

That was when she came through the door. The dame didn't even knock, she just walked in and told her story without saying a word.

She was a leggy brunette who wore a blue satin dress that brought a little color to the black and white of Dick's world, however her deep red lips brought even more. Her dark hair was long, hanging over her shoulder and her black heels gave the tall drink of water a few more inches.

She took the seat in front of his desk without asking and crossed her legs before taking out a cigarette and lighting it, again without asking nor offering one to Dick. She took a deep drag, savoring the smoke before letting it drift from her red lips.  That was when she spoke.

"You're Dick Slammer, right?" she asked. "The name's not on the door, just the number. I was told I could find him in this building in office number 69."

"That's me," he said. "And what might your name be?"

"Hailee Steinfeld."

"Name sounds familiar." Dick opened up a drawer in his desk and took out a bottle of cheap whiskey and two glasses. He poured himself one and gulped it down.

"Well I've been in the papers a lot in the last six months," she replied.

'Yeah, that's right. Some socialite kind of lady. Married some rich guy right? Older one, hence the headlines."

"Close enough. Allow me to flesh out the parts you missed."  She reached over and grabbed the empty glass. "Care to pour me one?"

"Figured this might be a little too cheap a taste for a lady like yourself." It was a half-truth. After all, he brought out two glasses for a reason, but mainly manners. Sometimes a polite gesture meant a few extra zeros on his price tag. He unscrewed the cap and poured her a bit.

"I have varied tastes," Hailee said. She took the glass and gulped the alcohol down, savoring the unique burn only cheap booze can bring. "I didn't marry Willard, but we were engaged. And yes, he was much older. Not an issue in my book so it's not in yours."

"I'm noticing a lot of past tense being used. He boot you for an even younger model?"

"After putting giving me everything in the will? Hardly. He's dead. Last week actually. Bullet to the back of the head. An execution. Before you ask, the police aren't even looking at me. To be honest they aren't looking at anyone. I may have access to some money but not all of it, not yet. And until I can I'm not worth paying attention to, either as a suspect or a potential victim."

"Potential victim?" He poured and took another drink. "You get some threats?"

"Suspicions. Warnings. Might be paranoia but considering the relationship I have with Willard's son, nothing's off the table until I get that money and get out of this country. I don't care how it looks, it's the only way to make sure I'm safe. Besides, I'm sure for the right price the police can find just the right person to send up the river before I go."

"But you might not make it until you get that much money, which is why you're here."

"Exactly. I might not be able to pay for the cops' ears but I can pay for you." Hailee took another deep drag from her cigarette and then the smoke escape her red lips. "They missed something at the house. They were barely in his study for a half hour. Hell I think some of his brain is still on the wall."

"Clearly your shaken by this," Dick sarcastically said.

"Mr. Slammer, it wasn't a marriage-to-be of love," said Hailee. "It was a business transaction and I more than earned my fee. I'm not saying I hated him or he deserved what he got. He was a nice enough old man and we both shared the same amount of cynicism. We knew what it was. Doesn't mean I wanted him dead. Hell, all I needed to do was wait a couple of years for life to take care of it on his own. I'm just lucky he put me in the will before the actual wedding date, something else which enraged his son to no end."

"This son have a name?"

"Conrad. I tend to think of him as Beelzebub. I also always thought of him as a bit spineless. That was one thing I genuinely admired about Willard, he had guts; guts that sonny boy lacks. But when this much money is on the line spontaneous spinal growth could very well happen."

"Fair enough. So what, need some muscle? Want me to rough up junior?"

"No. I want you to find out how it was done. From what I could tell when I got home, everything was locked. Not broken window or anything, just one dead husband with a bullet hole that went from the back of his head through the front, right between the eyes. Cops didn't find the bullet, though it's not like they really looked."

"How and not who?"

"I think the how is going to lead to the who. I'm offering you ten thousand dollars with five upfront. I have access to some money right now and in a few days I'll have it all."

"Any time frame?"

"Honestly?" she asked as she got up. It was then he noticed a black leather purse that she had laid at her side. She picked it up and took out a stack of hundreds and tossed it on the desk. "Once I get the money I don't particularly care. I'll be out of sight and mind. So let's say one week or less. Until then, you'll be at the mansion." Hailee then bent over and wrote down the address. "Be there in 90 minutes. The butler will let you in. I'll be out but do not leave until I get back, understood?"

He picked up the five grand and flipped through the bills. "For this?" he asked. "Sure thing, doll."


Dick was at the door right on time. It was a swanky joint, the kind of mansion where couldn't quite tell how many floors it had, let alone rooms. And that was just the front view, who knew if it had a pool house that had its own pool house or a guest house with it's own bell boy. It sure as hell had security. The mansion itself was about half a mile behind a ten foot tall wall of stone and mortar and the iron gate he came through was guarded by a group of three guard who looked like it was a good chance they were paid in in blood and raw meat than with cold hard cash. He was actually surprised they could talk instead of just grunting when he was allowed in.

Now the jaded P.I. found himself in front of a large oak door. It was decorated solely by a brass knocker right in front of him. It looked like some sort of weird, ancient god forgotten to time and no one gave a good god damn.

"Maybe I should have asked the cavemen at the gate what you are," he thought to himself. He searched for a doorbell but saw no such convenience until he noticed a rope hanging to his left, lost in the in shadows cast by the gargoyles overhead. He took hold of it and gave the rope a pull, the action doon followed by a booming ring that sounded like an off-kilter gong. He didn't wait long before it was answered, and it was the butler who did it.

The butler looked like a cartoon character. So old he couldn't figure out exactly how old, but not so crunchy he looked a like a hard sneeze would make his heart burst. The old bastard looked like he couldn't just take a punch but throw a couple. Part of that had to be the gentleman's eyebrows, which looked to be so thick it'd make Groucho Marx do a double take.

"You're Mr. Slammer I take it," the butler said.

"That's correct," Dick replied. "And what do I call you, Jeeves?"

"I genuinely couldn't care less sir. My shift's over. The study's on the left, first door. Ms. Steinfeld should be here shortly."

"You seem pretty mellow for a guy who's boss was executed in that room."

"With all due respect Mr. Slammer," the butler said, putting on his coat. "In this town going a day without seeing a dead body would be more shocking. Seeing one? That's just Tuesday."

"Good point." Without another word, the butler was gone and Dick was alone in an ornate mansion. The stairs in front of him only seemed to go up endlessly. Even when he was inside he couldn't tell how many stories high the mansion was. The more he looked around, the more he realized he could get lost on the first floor alone. The hall ahead of him seemed endless. The room to his right could fit two studio apartments but to the people who lived here it was just a living room. Despite the size and the gilded nature of the decorations Dick had little interest in investigating. There was no money in it. The money was in the room on the left.

The door was already open and he walked it. He reached to the wall on his right, finding the light switch instantly and turning it on. With the room lit, the study seemed absolutely dull despite being its own private library. Books that had to be at least three times older than Dick filled the shelves that lined the wall, shelves broken up only by oil paintings on the walls between. It was everything he's expect from a silver spoon, right down to an oversized globe in the middle of the room and a bust of Shakespeare in the corner.

Of course the thing that clashed with all the cash on display were the traces of homicide. Hailee was right, the cops didn't do much of a clean-up job. On a couple of paintings of what had to be distant relatives of the deceased he saw pieces of dried brain and skull along with a chalk outline still on the the floor.

"This is sloppy even for them," he muttered. He remembered that Hailee said her husband to be was executed and from the chalk outline, if the body wasn't messed with, the vic was on his knees when the bullet became the last thing to go through his mind. Since there was no bullet in the ground and the look of where his gray matter went the gun definitely was pressed down against the top of Willard's head. Dick got on his knees and looked forward for the bullet, figuring the trajectory had to be a straight line from the back to the front. He was right.

He walked forward to one of the bookcases embedded in the walls and kneeled down and found the bullet, or rather where it was. It had gone through Willard's skull and into his precious books, tearing through two of them right in the middle.

"Find something?" Hailee said, causing Dick to turn around. She was standing the doorway, leaning against the right side with her shoulder. Her long brunette locks were worn up and she was in a double slit leather dress, her killer legs on full display. The strapped black heels and leather gloves matched the dress and gave off a vibe that further solidified what Dick thought made her bride-to-be material for the deceased.

"The bullet," he replied. "Or where it went." He pulled out the two books, connected by one hole between them. Once the leatherbound tomes were separated the bullet tumbled to the ground. Dick took out a handkerchief and picked it up, examining it closely. "This is especially lazy, even for this city."

"Well, you get what you pay for," Hailee said, finally stepping foot in the room as Dick rose up. "That piece of metal tell you anything aside from the fact it went through Willard's skull?"

"A lot."

"Anything to share?"

"Not just yet," Dick said before putting the bullet in his pocket. "Just a lot of maybes right now." He turned to fully face her. "You're kind of dressed up, aren't you?"

"I just came from an event."

"A charity for orphans, I'm sure," he said, gesturing towards her dress. The comment made her smirk.

"Come, have a drink with me," she said. "We can discuss your thoughts in the living room." She led him to the room right across the hall. Once Dick stepped in he saw exactly how big it was, finding he had actually underestimated it. It had even more extravagance within than he had imagined with his doorway view, crowned with a full size bar and a grand piano.

The two arrived at the bar, Hailee stepping behind it and opening the full-size refrigerator behind it, more specifically the top freezer section. She pulled out a big bottle of Grey Goose and set it on the bar before reaching under to pull out two glasses.

"I thought you liked the cheap stuff," Dick said as she poured them both a drink.

"When it comes to whiskey?" she asked. "Yes. Vodka, you can taste the money and I'd rather not drink paint thinner." She took her glass and clinked it against his before they both took a sip of the cold, crystal alcohol. "So, tell me about your maybes."

"Well if he knew the person he knew what the person was capable of. Nothing was out of place except for his brains and the bullet. He knew if he didn't get on his knees something worse than a bullet might happen or he thought he might get out of it in some way."

"Hmmm," was the only response the brunette, her deep red lips pursing as she thought.

"You seem really broken up about all this," Dick sarcastically said.

"Make no mistake Mr. Slammer, I may not have loved Willard I don't particularly like the fact he's dead. He wasn't awful. He was a perfect business partner. That's what our relationship was, I remind you, a business transaction."

"No offense but wouldn't it have cost him a little less to do the same transaction on a street corner."

"None taken. After all, that's what it began as." Hailee poured another drink and walked around to the other side of the bar, Dick turning around as his gaze followed her. "We met at the Cornucopia Club. I was a cocktail waitress and you've seen the outfits they have us wear as uniforms."

"That I have."

"So did Willard. And some months back then I needed to pay my rent and he heard about how I did it. I'm not ashamed of it. It's not like they were dirty alleyway deals. Then he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. We didn't fuck more than once, he just wanted a taste. He liked it. Hell, I did too. For an old guy he wasn't half bad. I've had worse. But what he really wanted was a piece of arm candy. It made him feel powerful. All I had to do was keep any fun I had on the down low and show up on his arm everywhere he wanted anytime he wanted with this big damn diamond ring on my finger."

Hailee held her hand up, modeling the ring as it twinkled, a shining star on her finger. "It made him feel strong, put the right image out to his business rivals and partners. It told them he was the same lion they always feared and respected. I may not have loved him but I respected that. Understood it. Which is part of why I'd like to know what happened to him, if possible. If not, I don't think I'll lose too much sleep. Which would be something he understood."

"Would it be something his son understood?"

"Conrad understood very well," she answered, sipping her drink. "Which is one of the many reasons he wasn't a fan of his father's arrangement with me. That and the fact I fucked other men. Not openly, per the agreement Willard and I had. Still it infuriated Conrad."

"Thought it made his old man look weak I take it." Hailee nodded.

"He also wasn't a fan of me getting the lion's share of his father's estate. Image was everything to Willard and that's why he gave me what he did. He'd rather his empire fade away then such a spineless wart like Conrad get a penny. I don't disagree. Partly because it's none of my business and mainly because of all the commas and zeros attached to the value of what I'm getting."

"And what will you be doing with all of that?"

"Travel and be a bit more open with my dalliances." She grinned before finishing her drink off.

"Would any of those guys have reason to want Willard dead? Maybe move up the timeframe so you don't have to be so secretive with them."

"Maybe if I had a lover instead of men I fucked," she said, the bluntness in her statement mixing with a heavy dose of seduction in her voice.

"What's the difference?"

"Want me to show you?" Hailee moved her mouth, those red lips taking the lead, to Dick's. The P.I. made things a bit easier, moving closer to her as well. Soon he had left the stool and was on his feet and in her embrace. His lips were pressed firmly against hers, the heat coming off of her clashing with the ice cold vodka they had both just finished off.

Tongues and moans filled each of their mouths as hands roamed over each other. Dick hungrily gripped the shapely bottom of Hailee Steinfeld while the almost-widow pulled him close enough to feel his throbbing rod against her thigh through his pants.

The duo spun around with Hailee's back now facing the bar, soon to be pushed into it as the lusty chaos the two were lost in knocked the stools away. The leggy socialite was lifted on to the flat surface of the bar, lifting her ass up for a few moments as her leather skirt was bunched while Dick looked for a pair of panties to pull down but, alas, he found no barrier to the lovely ladies wet slit.

He dropped his coat and Hailee was speedy in unbuttoning and opening his shirt, raking her nails against his chest as his pants fell to the ground. She kissed him once more, biting his lips as it broke. When she released it, she used her own ruby reds to form two magic words, "Fuck me."

Dick did just that, thrusting into paradise while his hands reached to the back of Hailee's dress, unzipping it just enough for the top to fall and leave her breasts exposed. Hailee moaned as his rigid rod filled her while his mouth and hands hungrily went to her breasts, sucking, kissing and pawing them with unrepentant lust. The same lust that fueled him to give her everything he had from the start.

"Just like that, right fucking there," Hailee said, her lips in a savage sneer and her strong, shapely legs held him close. "Harder...use it...fuck that pussy...nnngg fucking need it...need to cum...cum on your cock.

Hailee leaned back, her long brown hair hanging over the bar. She held tight to the edge of the bar's surface, the structure shaking with Dick's thrusts. He was grunting now, every rhythmic and rough thrust came with the primitive sounds of his pleasure. She felt perfect around his cock, better than a dream and words were damn near useless in describing the perfection. Tight and warm, her velvet box both drained his stamina and urged him further.

Hailee's skin was soon covered in a sheen mixed of her own perspiration and his saliva. Her words and moans of support were beginning to get as primal as his own savage sounds.

"Don't stop...yesss. Mmmm give me that fucking cock..." She hissed in a breath between her teeth before sitting back up straight. She pried Dick's mouth away from her tits then reached for the bottle of vodka, the glass bottle slick with condensation. Dick's pumps slowed down as he watched her open the bottle and press the cold surface of it against her skin before taking a sip. Hailee Then leaned over and shared the double shot she just took with Dick, giving him a very literal intoxicating kiss. Then she took the bottle and poured the cool, crystal clear liquid on her body and Dick went for it, hungrily lapping it up and getting drunk on the beauty he was deep inside. Every lick and taste sent shivers up Hailee's spine, especially as the pace quickened once more.

"Fuck!" she screamed, knocking the bottle over moments after setting it down. "Yes...mmm fuck...make me cum...cum in me...come on Dick...need it...so do you...mmmm fucking say you need it...you need me..."

"Need....need it...need you Hailee," he groaned, sparks flying as every sense was overloaded; the sight of her glistening in sweat and spirits, the sound of her moans and pleads for his cock and his cum, the scent of her and the feel of her pussy squeezing him tight as he gave in to every desire he'd felt since the moment he saw her.

"Yessss....yes yes yes..." Hailee chanted like a prayer. "Ohhhhh close close close...cum...cum with meeeeee!!!!"

"Nnnnng Hailee!" Dick grunted as he came inside her. His body shook as his balls empties inside her, the pleasure only increasing as Hailee came as well, her cunt milking him even tighter as pleasure rocked her to the very core.

They gazed at each other satisfied and exhausted before their lips met in other kiss before Dick carried Hailee to the bedroom.


"Mmmmm you know you did a good job making a case for me to stay when this is all resolved," Hailee said. She, like Dick, was nude in her bed, their bodies tangled together in red satin sheets. After the tryst in the living room they did so much more in the bedroom for what felt like hours though it felt over all too soon. Everything they did blended together in a dreamy erotic haze that left them with nothing but smiles.

"That's something I should put on a business card," he replied. "Though think that might be pushing it, even for the cops in this town."

"With my money I could buy 'em off, but it'd be moot because I'd want you all to myself." Her voice was like the satin sheets of the bed, too smooth and sensual for words. She was still turning on the charm, the seduction wasn't over. Dick was all too aware of this but didn't really mind it coming from this beauty. He was still on the job though. However he wasn't going to stop her from providing more extra payment.

"Want a cigarette?" Hailee asked. "I know it's such a cliché but when the orgasms hit double digits I think it's fair to indulge."

"Sure." She rose up, the sheets falling from her body and she rose up and crawled to her dresser and grabbed her cigarette case. The brunette fatale took two from the case along with her chrome Zippo lighter. She then moved back alongside Dick, her nude body next to his as she lit both cigarettes and handed him his. The both took a deep drag and savored it it before the smoke released into the night air, looking almost solid as it hit the lights shining in through the window.

"I have this thing tomorrow," she said, the light from the cigarette giving her a glow. "A charity thing that Willard and I were going to. Not sure of the charity. Never really knew but I'll still be keeping up appearances. Just not at the arm candy this time. I want you there with me."

"As the arm candy?"

"Well, I may like the taste but no, more like muscle. Just in case there's any trouble. I mean I haven't gotten any threats unless you count the dead fiancé. No extra payment but you get to sleep in my bed...as well as other activities."

"I think I can swing that," Dick said. He then got up from the bed and and walked to the restroom connected to the bedroom. He took one last drag on the cigarette before flicking it into the toilet. He then opened the medicine cabinet to look for some aspirin to pre-empt even the possibility of a hangover. While he did find the medicine, he found something else that raised more questions. Before he could get a closer look he heard Hailee calling, ready to make the late night last until the sun came up. Answers could wait, the offer couldn't.


The charity event or ball; neither Dick nor Hailee really knew what the right term was; was filled to the brim with the city's elite and much like the rest of the city, despite all the pomp and circumstance it was a dreary as the rest of the city. Ribbons and gilded decorations showed how much money was spent putting this together, most likely much more than anything that would be potentially raised, but the neon signs of a triple x theater in the red light district had more actual character. Anything that stood out was frowned on, and Dick could feel it on him. To his surprise, he saw Hailee got the same treatment. The fake smiles and niceties seemed even more so when directed at her. They both knew why. For Dick, he was what he was and what he was was a P.I. who had an office on skid row. It didn't matter he was in a  Hell he'd probably the guy responsible for a good number of the alimony payments in the building from exposing cheating hearts.

As for Hailee, she just wasn't one of them. Everyone there knew where she came from and a few of the men there had probably helped pay her bills when she was still working at the Cornucopia. She could feel the loathing and the feeling was mutual. But the façade was kept up. She could destroy half the men in this room with one word to any number of reporters also in the room. They could fake the smiles, pleases and thank yous. Of course from the women it was just how much she stood out among them, the only color in their drab world. Red lips, red dress, red shoes and red thoughts. The sepia-toned others didn't rank and they all knew it, but even their icy reception couldn't turn her deep red into a freezing blue.

Still, the rounds were being made and Dick stayed close to her. He got to feel close up the contempt that the elite felt for Hailee. On the bright side, the contempt was mutual. When they had moments alone she would dish on them, savaging them with the secrets she knew as she whispered them into his ear. The soft tone of her voice and the heat of her breath made him crave the next time they'd be alone.

"How many more rounds you have?" asked Dick.

"Just a few more minutes" she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek followed by the swiftest of swipes of her tongue. "Just need to rub in how much more Willard donated. Subtly of course. Just a gentle reminder to them of it being just a fraction of the amount of money this former cocktail waitress is going to be getting and it's still more than any of them could afford."

"Far be it from me to prevent the rich from being embarrassed."

"Good. Besides, once we get into the limo the fun begins...been thinking about it since last night...and this morning." Her grin lit his soul afire. She knew this of course. A woman like Hailee couldn't survive in the city without knowing the effect she had on men. They were easy for her to read, to influence. Even if they knew what she could do like Dick clearly did, it didn't protect them. All it did was make them aware of it. Fortunately Dick was very willing.

Hailee continued to lead Dick along and he did his job, keeping his eyes open. The idea of her needing muscle was odd to him, or rather using him for it was. She probably had access to people trained for this. Though maybe they wouldn't be as naturally paranoid as a private dick. The paranoia was paying off though. He saw every vantage point from every place they stood. Hailee was leading him in a full circle around the room. When they hit dead center his paranoia would pay off more than before.

It began very small, rumblings and glasses clinking. The din grew louder, a cacophony of shouts and fallen trays until he was there, a normal guest in tuxedo then abnormal due to the ski mask on his head and the Walther PPK in hand, a Walther aimed at Hailee. He rushed forward once he was within ten feet, starting to shoot. The first few shots were wild but one was dead on to hit her if Dick had jumped in the bullet's path. He knocked Hailee over, shielding her as the bullet went in his shoulder.

"You okay?" asked Dick.

"Yeah," Hailee replied. "You?"

"I'll live." He looked to the assailant who was already running. Pushing the pain of the wound aside Dick jumped to his feet and sprinted after him, the chaotic mass of people parting the danger. The gunman threw everything he could to get in Dick's path. Chairs, pushcarts of food and drink and even potted plants; Dick dodged them all. Finally he was close to him, to focused on the anger and the job to feel a twinge of pain. The private eye lunged at him, leaping like a wolf on him. The force knocked both Dick and the gunman out a window and hard onto the concrete floor outside and down the stairs where a loud crack was heard.

The entire gala rushed out, Hailee at the head. Dick was fine aside from the bullet wound and some cuts and bruises. The gunman wasn't so lucky. His neck was broken and the pearl-handled PPK was lying in the loose grip of his dead hand. Dick reached over to remove the ski mask. Once it was off though, it was Hailee who reacted to the dead man's face.

"Conrad!?" she said, perplexed and shocked at the sight.

Or so it seemed.


The police station was more chaotic than usual. That tended to happen when bullets went flying at people with money. Of course the only ones from the charity event actually at the station were the ones actually effected by the shooter. Hailee was questioned and free to go. Dick had a biut harder time. The cops didn't take him to the hospital, but right to the precinct. Given that the city was a warzone into itself on a good night they had an in-house medic, one more than qualified to remove a bullet in the shoulder. Once he was bandaged up and given some aspirin, he was good to go get real treatment and painkillers. Before he did that, he wanted to speak with Hailee.

He walked out of the interrogation room and saw her waiting for him in a nearby chair. She looked up at him and walked over.

"How's the shoulder?" she asked, tenderly touching the wounded area. He didn't wince.

"I'll live," Dick answered. "Once spent a day with the bullet left in and the wound open. This? Much better."

"Well, that's good. And...thank you. I didn't expect you to get shot. Didn't expect any of this honestly. I can't believe Conrad did all this. I mean, if he killed me he had to have been the one to kill his dad, right? Who else could have gotten in the house without a struggle?"

"Yeah," said Dick. "Take a walk with me?"

"Sure." Hailee followed him down the hall then down a flight of stairs. Every step took them away from the chaos. As it got quiet and fewer people seemed to be around Hailee had a question, a rather obvious one. "Where are we going?"

"Would it surprise you to know that I know a lot about the cops here operate?"

"Not one bit," she replied. They stopped in front of a room, the sign on the door to it hung loosely by a screw that once held it tight. The sign read "INTERROGATION ROOM". He opened the door and lead her in, the bombshell standing in front of a lone table in the room.

"No on really comes down here anymore," he said, shutting the door behind him. "As you probably guessed. Don't know why they don't just abandon the building instead of building on to the old station but I'm guessing the right palms are being greased."

"I suppose," Hailee said. "Now, why did you bring me down here?"

"To tell you I figured out your mystery."

"Well of course you did Dick. I mean you took the bullet he fired at me, broke his neck. Case closed."

"Kinda, but I want to earn my money." He slid his jacket off and hung it on the door knob then loosened his bow tie completely.

"I'll still be paying you in full," assured Hailee.

Dick put his hand up. "Hear me out. Remember that gun he used? It's kind of small, with a genuine pearl handle. It's called a PPK. And without a doubt it probably matches that bullet I found. But the cops don't need that. Conrad kind of outed himself, didn't he?"

"He damn well did."

"Did you know I saw his gun before?" Dick asked. Hailee raised her eyebrow. "Now PPKs are a dime a dozen. Small, easy to get in just about anywhere. But that handle...real mother of pearl. That's rare, the real stuff. And I saw it last night." He began to pace in the room, Hailee's brown eyes watching him slowly ping pong across the room as he spoke. "When I went into your bathroom I went to grab some aspirin from your medicine cabinet-" he paused, looking for a reaction from Hailee. Nothing. "I found that too. The gun I mean. Pretty smart, having a false wall there. Probably handy to hide valuables like a murder weapon."

"Well done," Hailee said with a smirk. "You going to tell the cops your little theory? Did you come down here to brag?"

"Hardly. I mean they're happy. They have their guy and you're happy he's dead. I don't know if that was part of the original plan you two cooked up. Or, I'd wager, you cooked up and got him to go along with."

"He was supposed to use blanks tonight," Hailee said matter of factly. "He changed the plan on me."

"Then he deserved what he got. I take it you already agreed to the terms?"

"Yes," Hailee said. "And fucked him to seal the deal."

"Then by screwing you over he reneged on the deal. These are the consequences."

"Why are you telling me this? Why aren't you telling the cops?"

"That's not what you paid me for. You paid me to find out the how and the who. The how is you let him in or he came in on his own. Then bye bye Pops. The who, we both know. That's what I hired for. And that's what happened. What you do with that information is up to you."

"Really?" she asked, not quite believing it. "And that's it?"

"Well I expect to be paid in full as our agreement. Hence, why we're here talking about it away from the cops. I'm not involved with them. You and I...there's some involvement. Including maybe a return to your mansion that you alluded to earlier at the party, if that's still on the table."

Hailee smiled then stood straight up. She looked at him, the smile never leaving her face as she reached behind herself and unzipped her red dress, letting it fall to the floor. "I think it's safe say that's a yes. Along with a few other offers on the table." With that she hopped on the table behind her, legs open and just as inviting as her almond eyes. "Look at that, a new offer just came up. You going to take it, Dick?"

His answer was all action and it was definitely a yes. He rushed on on her, his lips pouncing on hers with a hungry kiss. Their tongues tangled and tasted each other while Dick's hands fumbled at his pants quickly getting them to drop to his ankles. The moment the jangling of his belt colliding with the old and faded linoleum floor he began to move his mouth down her body, tasting the flesh of her neck and breathing her in. Hailee moaned as he sucked her nipples and felt goosebumps pop up from the trail his tongue was leaving down her body until her got to her glistening, shaven cunt.

"Ooooh," she sighed as he began to kiss and caress her thighs. Neither knew exactly how alone they actually were down there but she had no intention of stopping Dick from getting a taste. His hands moved up the smooth skin of her perfect legs before finding a place to rest at Hailee's hip with a soft grip. His mouth continued to kiss her thighs, slowly moving between them and getting closer and closer to the sweet spot. The closer her got the more she felt on that sensitive flesh before he made it to her very sensitive lips. He slowly began to paintbrush them with his tongue, giving Hailee's lotus long, loving licks.

Her red lips quivered as the Femme Fatale breathed deep. She looked down at him when she was rolling her head back, her brown locks touching the table she was being serviced on. It'd been rare for her to have a man go down on her. Most of them just wanted to get their cookie and leave her with crumbs. Not that she didn't get off then but now Dick was bringing the whole damn bakery.

Dick's hands began to move with Hailee's hips as she began to move them to the pleasure waves radiating through her. His fingers tips stroked tenderly the sweaty flesh of her pelvis as his mouth moved to her clit. His right hand moved to help get at the target and softly rubbed against it, a mild jolt of pleasure going off in her head. However when Dick's mouth made contact with that engorged button what was a flickering light became a pinball machine and it was being played by a pro.

"Ohhhh my...fuck!" Hailee said, a slight miracle considering the flurry of filthy thoughts rushing through her head. it was a pure rush as he threw everything he had at her all at once, almost throwing her off the cliff before pulling her back as he pulled his mouth off. It was a rollercoaster and she'd just hit the peak before moving all the way down. She was revved up and ready for more as her toyed with her.

She looked down him, returning the grin on his glistening lips before her shut and her mouth opened to release another moan. Dick had returned attention her clit but wasn't quite taking for the loop to loop. It was slower now, adding kindling to the fire while his fingers plunged her velvet depths. He was pressing all the right buttons and Hailee's breaths got quick and shallow. He was genuinely trying to make her cum and he was in no rush. Dick wanted to keep her cumming, or just on the edge for as long as he could before she had no choice but to dive in the deep end.

Though the build up was slow Dick was interested cutting her any slack. Moment by moment with every tick of the clock he pushed her on and on. His tongue went from tantalizingly slow to as savage as a tempest, from conducting Mozart to playing speed metal. Hailee was panting now, her body somehow both relaxed and tense. She felt like taffy being pulled and shaped in every direction until finally the sweet flavor pleasure began to take full form.

"Oh god god yes yes yes cumming YESSSS!!!" Hailee cried out and if anyone could hear she didn't care. Her body shook with pleasure so great to table quaked along with her. And Dick? He was happily lapping it all up, which in turned brought an even bigger smile to Hailee's face as the pleasure didn't just end but slowly ebbed away, leaving an ember burning for what would come next. After all, Dick had more kindling for the fire.

Dick rose to his feet and Hailee rose up as well, glad to be sitting on the table because after cumming like that her knees weren't the most reliable. They kissed again, Hailee being the instigator, licking his face before lips sealed. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, making sure she got every last but of her own cum from his lips, tasting their shared lust.

When their lips parted, Hailee had a simple message for him. Short, simple and to the point, "Fuck me."

Once more Dick had no problem taking orders from the brunette bombshell, sinking his thick cock inside of her once more to the hilt, both of them gasping at the sensation. "Mmmm fuck, so fucking deep...so fucking good."

Hailee's right leg was loosely wrapped around Dick's waste while he took the other and place it against his chest. He kissed her from ankle to calf before letting it rest on his shoulder. He then pulled out slow before slamming back in hard, both earning his surname and going even deeper than before.

"Aahhh god yes," Hailee whined. "Oh Dick...fuck me baby... yeah...just like that..." Her tone was desperate and hungry. She was giving herself over to him for real this time and the private dick was going to take it all. He was forehead to forehead with her, thrusting hard and making the table she was on shake even more.

Hailee couldn't close her mouth, her face frozen in pleasure as her pussy was plundered by her personal private dick. She begged for more, needing every inch. "More more more more!" she pleaded. She felt his left hand grab her by the pass, pulling her closer as his mouth went to her neck, kissing and biting it. Not hard though, at least not hard enough to break the skin but enough she was going to have use a bit of concealer on that skin later on. Hailee was loving every moment of it. It was like a fever except there was no exhaustion. The heat was a thirst she didn't want quenched but was still desperate for even a drop of water.

"Fuck...Hailee...baby...so good...oh my god...anything for you...anything..."

"Then fuck me...fuck me!" She yelled, the devil in both her voice and smile. "Any...nnnng any fucking way you want me." When she said that a wry grin spread on on her face that her sparkling brown eyes twinkle like starry night in the country side. That grin and those eyes and those words turned Dick all the way up to eleven.

Dick pulled out of her sopping cunt and pulled Hailee of the table and onto her feet. However that wasn't for too long as he then spun her around and bent her over, a devilishly sweet laugh escaping her ruby lips as she gripped the sides of the table. She looked ahead to the two way mirror, almost wishing someone was on the other side, seeing the same sight she saw in the reflective surface. Dick was behind her, groaning loud as he entered her once more. Hailee moaned with him, both the feeling and the look on his face reflected in the mirror giving a new edge to the high.

"Yeeeesss," said Dick, his voice shaky. "Oh god...god damn yes..."  His hand gripped her shapely little peach, kneading the flesh as he drove into her pussy. It was a slow building up this time, both Dick and Hailee savoring each stroke, nerve endings lighting up like a Christmas display. The thrusts were slow but hard, the table squeaking a few times as it was pushed against the old linoleum floor.

"More," Hailee said. "Harder...come on...you won't break me...fuck me...make me cum again!"

Once more Dick took his orders from Hailee, picking up the paste and giving her every thing he had, making her howl like a she-wolf. It was unlike anything else either had felt. Beyond reality, beyond human sensation, this was sex beyond and they wanted more. Hailee moved her hands to the front of the table and pushed herself up and then began to push back at Dick's thrust, meeting him pump for pump. He pushed her, she pushed him.

Their eyes then met each other in the dirty mirror in front of them. Their lust seemed burn right through the years of grime and dirt; their filth was stronger. Looking him did in the eye via reflection Hailee began to speak. "Gonna cum again...gonna cum on the fat fucking cock...such a good cock...best I've ever had...mmmmm Dick...then I want you to cum...but I want to taste it like tasted me...give me your cum...full my mouth... Want it...ahhh...running down my throat...FUCK ME!!!"

'Oh fuuuuuck!" he said, giving Hailee a hard SMACK on her ass, the red hand print glowing almost as much as her red lips. They were both gulping, gasping for air and dripping with sweat, the final release right around the corner.

Dick reached for Hailee's right leg, lifting it on to the table and giving him a whole new angle to give it to her in, and that angle was like a key unlocking in her body, the tumblers falling and her voice cried out "THERE!!! FUCKING RIGHT THERE!!!" She slammed a fist down on the chair and moaned out "YESSSSSSS!" as she came again, harder than before with the pleasure climbing higher and higher with Dick not letting up, despite his own orgasm rushing up to him like a bullet train.

Soon Hailee felt loose as cooked noodle, somehow both drunk but containing all clarity. Which is why she understood every word when Dick declared he was going to cum. She knew exactly what to do when he pulled his throbbing cock from her still wonderfully electric cunt and spun to her knees taking the cock into her mouth sucking greedily, just as greedily as her had eaten her pussy. In return, Dick gave as freely of his cum as she had of hers.

"HAILEE!!!!" he cried out mere moments before filling her mouth with his hot seed. The socialite sucked the semen down greedily, gulping up every stream he gave her and worked for more. She sucked and stroked him furiously until there was not a drop left.

Finally Hailee pulled off Dick's cock and looked up at him. She had a bit of his cum still on her mouth and made a show off playing with it, the white clashing wonderfully against the ruby red of her now smeared lips before she gulped it down.

The two were breathing deep, letting the pleasure wash over them. It's almost as if the world was fading away after the release, and they along with it...


So...that was pretty wild huh? I mean to an outside observer like you. To me, not too wild but pretty hot. Even as something that's technically not even close to human I can tell that was damn hot. And best of all, those two had fun with no real consequences in the real world save for some moist sheets.  Besides, who knows, perhaps should these two ever meet they'll know how good they could be, even if just for a one night stand. Not guaranteed, but you never know.

That's what dreams are for, even nightmares. To get to live the fantastical life only possible via your imagination. In you dreams, your imagination truly runs wild. All desires are taken into account and your needs for the moment are given room to breathe, as you've just seen And this is just the first one I'm going to show you.

Until then though, see you in your dreams.

...well, not really. Hell if you notice me there I'm the one who's fucked up. Anyway, sweet dreams. Hopefully.

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Re: All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Deep Red Starring Hailee Steinfeld
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 05:52:17 PM »
You're creativity is always evident in your many many excellent stories, but this takes it to another level!  Total creative freedom to play with scenarios, and  this gritty noir is a simply excellent example.  Damn good job.
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