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Author Topic: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale  (Read 26952 times)


TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:49:28 AM »
featuring Kate Beckinsale

Written by Hearsz
Codes: MF, handjob, oral, cunn, finger, creampie

WARNING: This FICTIONAL story contains sexually explicit situations. If you're under age or easily offended STOP READING!! Fantasy is Legal.

I'd been dating Lily for almost seven months when she decided to break up with me. I guess you could say I saw it coming, but despite this I was still pretty down about the way things ended. She said that I didn't understand what she was going through, and she didn't even give me the opportunity to change her mind.

Lily was adamant that it was over, and despite the anger I felt deep inside, I bottled things up and restrained myself from verbally tearing shreds through her. We'd originally met at a friends party and hit it off right away. I'm a few years older than Lily but that never seemed to be an issue with either of her parents.

But even though things were great in the beginning of our relationship, Lily was certainly a troubled teen, not helped by the fact she'd been in the media spotlight pretty much from the day she was born. She was always fighting with her mother and even though Len (Kate's former husband and famous director) wasn't Lily's Dad, he was still like a father to her. Lily was angry with her mother for separating then later divorcing Len, and that took its toll on our respective relationship.

It had been well over a year since Kate and Len's divorce, and that fact had only really hit home to Lily in recent weeks. A part of me thinks that Lily latched on to me because I was five years her senior, the teen somewhat seeing me as the best option to fill the void with not having an older male to look up to.

I hadn't seen her mother much, but the times that I had, I can tell you that she was even more breathtaking to meet in person. I suppose I hadn't seen Mrs. Beckinsale a lot because I'd spent so much time with Lily, and the more that I did, the less likely the two of them would get into a heated argument.

Naturally, I had a number of sexual dreams about Kate when I was at home alone. But there was a part of me that always felt guilty for doing so, like I was betraying my girlfriend by fantasizing about her stunning MILF of a mother. It would be strange if I hadn't though, right?
I mean, the "Underworld" actress was regarded by Esquire Magazine readers as "The Sexiest Woman Alive" not too long ago.

Now that Lily wanted me out of her life, it made it all the worse that I hadn't used the time we were together to get to know her world-famous mother better. I mean, how many normal guys would even get the chance to be this close to a celebrity, without being one or dating one themselves? Nevertheless, the chance was gone, and I had to suck it up, as there really was nothing I could do about it now.

Lily had asked me to collect some things that I'd left in her bedroom at her mother's house. She told me it would be easier on both of us if she wasn't home when I arrived, as she didn't really want to see me nor give me the chance to change her mind I guess. She text to let me know that the security code for the side gate that I'd used when we were dating was still the same.

It was early afternoon when I entered Lily and her mother's two storey Hollywood home. It was dead quiet, the sliding glass door near the pool and outdoor entertainment area was left open just as Lily had advised me. I made my way to the living room, where a cardboard box with my name on it contained my belongings, such as clothes and even some photos of she and I which I found a little insulting, as they were near the top of the box so she knew that I would definitely notice.

Wanting to get the hell out of there, my attention was quickly drawn towards the front section of the house, hearing the front door open then quickly shut. My heart skipped a beat, wondering if Lily had come to her senses and decided to give things another chance. I heard the click of heels against the tiled floor as she came through the hallway that led towards the living room I was standing in. Taking a deep breath before she made her way to me, I thought of all the things I wanted to say to her. But also figured that maybe I should let her do the talking.

However, instead of Lily walking towards me, it was the sight of her highly desirable mother Kate whom was the mystery person that had returned home.

"Chad? What are you doing here?" Kate asked in evident surprise as she saw me seated on the really expensive sofa in her living room.

"Hi Mrs. Beckinsale. Sorry, I just came to collect some of my things. I take it you already know about Lily and I?"

"Yeah, I'm real sorry to hear about that. I just can't get through to her, and she's taking all her anger out on everyone at the moment".

As she spoke, I couldn't help but take sneaky looks at those perfect legs in high heels. Even her North Londoner accent was incredibly sexy.

Putting her shopping bags down on the kitchen counter, Kate sighed, as even just talking about her daughter was enough to stress her out.

"You alright Mrs. Beckinsale?" I asked with concern.

"I'll be fine. The past eighteen months have been incredibly tough. The divorce and the arguments with Lily.
Look, I really have to apologise that you have had to endure all of that. It must have made me look like a terrible mother".

By this time, Kate had made her way into the living room with me as she spoke, sitting on the recliner next to the couch that I was seated upon. It was obvious she needed to take a break or to relieve some stress, so I tried to console her.

"You're a great mum. Lily's just going through a lot at the moment but won't speak to anyone about what's on her mind. If it helps, I feel like I've let her down in some way“.

"Certainly not Chad. When you two started seeing each other, it's the happiest I'd seen her in ages. You're a great guy, a good catch I suspect. Hell I'd snap you up if the circumstances were different!"

We both laughed at the last comment. I figured she was being sarcastic yet, I had to wonder.
I didn't really know what else to say, so I thought it best that I should leave.

"Anyways, I really should get going, I don't want to intrude".

"No! Please, stay for a drink, keep me company? Perhaps we can vent together?" she asked, as though she was a needy jilted character in a Hollywood movie, possibly one of her own.

"Umm, okay” I replied, resting my belongings onto the coffee table and sitting back down.

Kate stood up to go to the liquor cabinet and the bar setup she had set up in one corner of the room. My eyes followed her around the living room, falling upon her tight looking ass and those incredible pins. “How was this woman nearly twice my age?” I asked myself.

"Scotch and coke okay?” she asked.

"Sure!" I replied, happy to accept any drink she was offering, even it wasn't my alcohol of choice.

We chinked our glasses as she sat opposite to me, crossing her legs and keeping her eyes on mine as she took more than just a sip of her drink.

Kate laid all her thoughts on me over the next half an hour or so, filling me in on all the details of her personal life over the past couple of years, including the break up of her marriage. She also mentioned that she took a year off from doing any films so she could spend more time with Lily. This was around about the time when she and Len were on the verge of separating.

"So I kinda know what you're going through Chad. It hurts to be alone, to be dumped by someone you thought you knew well".

"Wait, Len dumped you? What is he crazy??”

I was astounded, did this guy seriously break it off with one of the worlds hottest females in recent memory?

"On the contrary, he said that I was the crazy one".

This story began to get weirder and weirder the more we conversed. Three glasses of scotch in and the two of us had vented everything about our now ex-partners, getting it all off of our chests. By now she had moved to sit next to me on the sofa, which I'd thought nothing of at the time. It was actually a huge relief to find Kate to be so understanding, even if it was her own daughter I was being critical of.

Due to the alcohol, I was inexplicably complimenting Kate and saying things I wouldn't have if I'd been sober.

"Well it's his loss Mrs. Beckinsale. If it helps, Len's probably one of the most despised men in the world right now. Even more so than when the two of you were married!"

Kate laughed out loud at that remark. But she knew that I was giving her a huge compliment as well.

"I can see why Lily liked you. I bet you've always been a bit of charmer right?" she asked, finishing what remained in her scotch glass.

"Well, maybe just a little?" I replied, going bright red from embarrassment.

And then I had to ask myself, "Was Lily's mother hitting on me??"

"I bet you'll have no troubles finding another girl or woman soon. Especially with what you are packing down there" she said, seductively stroking my hair like it was no big deal, whilst referring to the huge bulge in my pants!

"Miss Beckinsale I..."

"Kate.. call me Kate..."

"Umm… Okay, Kate..." But before I could get my question of concern out, Kate spoke first.

“You find me attractive, don’t you Chad?" that seductive English voice making me go weak at the knees and making my erection throb.

"Ummm... Yeah if course" I uttered in reply as I looked into her gorgeous hazel eyes. She was even sexier with a little alcohol in her system.

"Well I have a way we can help each other get over our respective break-ups" she said, just as she sucked in her full red lips.

Kate pulled my face towards hers to kiss me, her tongue slipping into my mouth as we shared our scotch flavoured saliva. Her sweet perfume was incredibly intoxicating, my hands reacting as they went to her outer thigh, caressing and squeezing them which made her moan into my mouth. If this went any further, I was worried that I couldn't meet her needs, given I was nearly half her age and Kate was still one of the most desired women of her generation. I defy any guy in my position not to feel even a little apprehensive.

"Are you sure we should be doing this Kate? I mean, what about Lily?"

She seemed unperturbed by my questions, unbuttoning her blouse to show me that flawless stomach, and those perky breasts, looking even more enticing in a lacy black brassiere. At that moment I felt stupid for bringing up her daughter, but it didn't seem to bother Kate, as she was now kissing the side of my neck and then my earlobe.

"This is the best thing for us both Chad. It will help us both forget", Kate whispered as she exhaled her warm breath against my ear.

“So play your cards right, and I'll let you fuck me whenever you like…”

Maybe she was as crazy as her ex-husband had suggested. I mean, she was after all willing to fool around with me, her daughter's ex-boyfriend, the day after we split. Yet, the feeling of my cock stiffening to full mast showed at least one part of my anatomy wanted this to happen as much as Kate did. I cursed inwardly at my conscience for yet again leading me towards showing some morality.

"But what if Lily ever finds out? What if anyone else finds out?" I asked, having to stop the insatiable actress from smothering more kisses upon me, and allowing her hands to sneak a way underneath my shirt and onto my quivering chest, just to get a focussed answer from her.

"Lily's at her friends house for the night. And I've already sent the maid home for the rest of the day. No-one will disturb us Chad" Kate remarked as she switched her phone off. Then she picked up my I-Phone on the coffee table and turned that off too.

She had this all worked out, despite some doubt in my mind remaining. Kate kissed me deeply, using her tongue to massage against mine. She was an excellent kisser, but then again she'd had a lot of practise.

The "Serendipity" actress began unbuttoning my shirt, raking her polished nails over my strong chest and abs, her eyes roaming over my body, sparkling as if she was looking at expensive jewellery.

"I should have paid more attention to you whilst you were with Lily huh? And what exactly do you have down here for me?" she asked, referring to the hard bulge in my shorts.

Kate's hand rubbing my crotch made my hips gyrate with excitement, and I could feel my cock pulsate when she began taking my pants off.

"Such a nice, big cock Chad. Just want I need right now" she moaned as her face moved down alongside my meaty tool.

I shivered when I felt her warm breath against my length. Kate licked her full red lips, then began licking around the spongy crown, making me pant as I knew where this was leading.

"Just relax Chad and let yourself go. You clearly want this, so let me show you how much I want to do this for you too".

Kate stroked my cock softly a few times, and with a loud groan, the English MILF took my cock inside her wondrous mouth, closing her soft moist lips around my thick member.

"Ohhh fuckk.." I exclaimed, Kate's head bobbing in my lap as she effortlessly sucked me, occasionally licking my cock slit before swallowing most of my sword again.

To say she was a pro at sucking dick would have been the understatement of the century. She knew when to take me deep, when to caress the head with her delightful tongue, whilst she stroked me from the base upwards.

And if she couldn't be anymore sexier, she then looked up at me with those heavenly innocent eyes and asked me,

"Want me to lick your balls?"

"Ohh god yes!" I groaned.

Kate continued to stroke my slick cock as she licked, lashed and suckled on my nuts, before returning to the tip of my shaft by licking all the way up its spine. Her manicured nails scraped against my bare thighs as she blew me, taking my hand and putting it upon the back of her head, allowing me to control her bobbing or pushing her down so she took more of my cock inside her hard working mouth. I was moaning erratically, signalling my imminent eruption.

Kate knew what was going on in the pit of my balls, and was willing to help me relieve the tension I was feeling.

"Do it Chad. Cum in my mouth. I want you to.."

Kate sat the tip of my cock on her extended tongue, looking into my eyes as she jerked me off. Seeing her slithery tongue caress my plum shaped tip was enough to make the built up load surge through my cock.

“UHHHH!!!!” I groaned, spurting copious amounts of cum inside of her open mouth, the horny actress showing me the milky load that had settled upon her tongue, before gulping it all down.

Slumping my weight back into the sofa, I watched on as my once erect manhood begin to deflate. Kate stood up, not saying a word as she headed towards the staircase leading to the top floor.

"When you're ready, feel free to join me in the bedroom".

She gave a sexy little smirk as she made her way up the stairs, that tight little ass of hers just one of her many great assets that beckoned me to follow her up. Once I pulled my shorts up and tucked in my semi-hard member, I hurriedly followed Kate up to the next floor, down the hallway to her master bedroom.

Heading inside, the room looked deserted. That was until Kate attacked me from behind, jumping upon me like a lion on a gazelle, until we both tumbled onto her king-sized bed.

The MILF brunette was laying on top of me as we made out, grinding her perfect figure against me, as though she were a dog in heat.

"Wait here" she said as she broke our kiss.

"Take your clothes off whilst I go and slip into something more comfortable".

I watched in awe as Kate headed into her huge looking walk-in closet. No doubt she had several alluring outfits to choose from.
My jaw practically dropped when she returned in some sheer black panties and brassiere, and a pair of white six inch heels. The matching bra and panties set that she had chosen was like watching her behind the scenes shoot for GQ or Maxim magazine. What amazed me just as much was how this forty-something woman was still fit as fuck!

Lily's mother hopped into bed with me, and we quickly got down to business. Lying beside her, I kissed her swan like neck as she re-commenced stroking my reinvigorated tool. Kate intentionally parted her legs, taking my nervy hand and in her own way signally for me to slide my hand inside her silk black panties.

My penis involuntarily twitched when I felt her freshly shaved peach, rubbing her slit with the tips of my fingers. As I continued to tease the hard little nub at the top of her labial lips, Kate removed her lacy bra, her 32B cup breasts looking nice and firm, succulent enough to get my mouth on.

Moving my head down, I licked and sucked on Kate's hard nipples, making her moan and curse, as I was simultaneously finger fucking her dripping snatch whilst orally pleasuring her celebrity chest. Once she had removed her now well soaked panties, I was now lying in my ex-girlfriend's mother's bed, both of us without a stitch of clothing on.

"Eat my pussy Chad... I'm so fucking wet and I need you in between my legs!" she begged, holding my face with both hands, a look of wanton lust in her eyes.

Once I lay my head in between her hot creamy thighs, she forcefully pushed my head in between her incredibly toned pins, my mouth pressed firmly against her warm wet plenge.

"Lick me Chad!"

And lick I did, burying my tongue as far as possible in between those soft pink lips, slurping on her slimy taco. I had to pin her legs and hips down to stop her flailing about, breathing through my nose as my mouth was like a hoover upon her juicy mound.

"God damn these legs are incredible..." I murmured as I caught my breath, feeling up the underside of Kate’s silky smooth calves.

Kate was swivelling her hips in circular motions as I tongue fucked her closer towards nirvana. To try and help finish her off quicker, I stuck two fingers inside her unyielding honeypot, and began rimming Kate's puckered backdoor.

"Holy fuck!" she cursed out loud.

Sure enough, the sensation of my fingers gliding inside her spasming cunt combined with my hard tongue probing her waxed asshole made the actress cum, and cum hard.

“YES!! That’s it, eat my ass!!”

Kate's squirted her warm juices all over my surprised face, drenching me in her womanly secretions. Seeing her laugh and be apologetic at the same time made me also laugh considering neither one of us had expected this to happen. I figured that she may need a few minutes to recover. But once she looked over to see that my cock had regained it's full potential, that's when she pounced, again.

The bare naked divorcee hopped on top of me, rubbing her slimy wet folds against my steel hard rod, using it to somewhat lube me up and to also tease me. But just as I expected her to impale me, Kate leaned over me so her lovely tits hung above my face. I figured she wanted me to take them in my mouth again, but when she reached under my pillow, I was distracted by what she was looking for.

Pulling out what looked like a long silk scarf, Kate took each of my hands and pinned them against the metal bed frame behind my head. She tied the silk material around my wrists, so I was unable to move. I never imagined Missus Beckinsale to be this kinky, but I'm sure there was plenty of other things I still hadn't learnt about her as yet.

With my restrained body in place, Kate had me where she wanted me. She took my cock in hand, rubbing my length against her slit, before hovering her pink fuckhole over the plum shaped tip. Lily and I never had unprotected sex during the time we were dating, so this was certainly going to be a whole new experience.

"Oooohhh" she cooed as my thick girth opened up her moist folds so that most of my cock was buried inside the dreamy looking actress.

“Mmm it feels so good inside of me. It’s been so long…” she admitted as Kate savoured the feeling of a smooth hard cock inside of her for the first time in months.

I could feel her inner pussy muscles milking my length as she began rocking her body upon me gradually faster, allowing me to eventually fill her warm cunt to the hilt. Despite having an orgasm already, Kate seemed determined to get off again as quickly as possible. Much like myself, she was doing this to forget about her past troubles, riding me wildly like a sex obsessed maniac.

She had deceptively strong legs, using her lower limbs to keep me pinned down as she bounced harder upon me. I felt a tingle up my spine when I felt her white naked buttocks graze occasionally against my bare thighs. Kate was panting and heaving like crazy, her pair shaped breasts lovingly bouncing, as she arched her body backwards. This made my cock bend painfully in the opposite direction to what it was used to, making me suffer more as I wasn't able to use my hands to stop her.

"Uhhhh, uhhh, Oh My God, cumming again!!” she wailed, my cock grateful to be bent back towards my stomach when Kate collapsed her satisfied figure upon me.

This time we lay there for a few minutes, the exhausted Pearl Harbour actress still twitching in the afterglow of her climax. When she freed my from my restraints, I was keen to have some control of my own, catching her off guard by cupping her sweaty pale white buttocks and flipping her over so I was on top. Kate seemed to like my assertiveness, smiling in the sexiest way possibly as I settled my weight upon her upper thighs.

"Come to Mumma Chad.." she said, stretching out her arms.

We kissed again as I lay upon her, the single parent eager to have me inside her again as she reached down to direct my cock towards her warm holy haven.
I began pumping away at her, feeling Kate curl her smooth legs around my waist and her soft manicured hands digging into the back of my neck and shoulder blades as I pounded her pussy frenetically.

"Oh that's it Chad! Give it to me hun!"

It was doing wonders for my libido hearing the way Kate was moaning and meeting my hard thrusts, not to mention how incredibly wet she was, soaking my stomach and the mattress beneath us.

"Shag my brains out!" she squealed, my torso slapping against her pussy and splayed thighs.

I could feel myself moving around inside of her, and started to wonder if I had done something right in a past life to be fortunate enough to be here, of all positions. Seeing her beautiful beaming eyes light up and Kate continually asking for more only further assured me that I was pushing all her right buttons.

"Take it out. Let me have a taste" she asked.

Stunned, I did as she asked, slipping my soaked member out of her sopping hole and guiding it into her open mouth.

"Grrrrr" I grunted as Kate sucked her juices so deliciously off my tool.

"Mmm, I taste really good" she gasped, licking her sumptuous lips.

"Your turn" Kate said as she handed me the silk scarf from the bed frame, insinuating that I tie her up the same way she did to me and allowing me to have my domineering way with her.

"Don't go easy on me because I'm tied up. Give it to me HARD Chad!" she implored as I sealed her in tight against each bedpost.

I kissed her erotically as I soon penetrated that soaking hole once again, holding her slender hips as I fiercely pounded the restrained actress into the mattress, making her shriek ecstatically whilst the bed frame thudded firmly against the wall.

"Don't stop until you've cum inside me Chad!" she demanded, her luscious boobs shifting back and forth throughout our love making.

Man she really was crazy. But I didn't care, I was having the time of my life. And if I ended up with a ball gag in my mouth whilst she spanked me with wooden paddle by the time we were at a conclusion, then so be it.

"Oh God… Here it comes!” I cried as I blew my huge load deep inside the hot English MILF.

I had my cock all the way inside of Kate and balls pressed against her ass, her legs wrapped around me her and ankles locking up behind me as I spurted what felt like several streams of cum inside of her womb.

"That's it, fill me! It feels so warm Chad!"

"Oh Kate!"

"Call me Missus Beckinsale!"

"Ohhh Missus Beckinsale.. Grrrr!!!"

After thirty seconds of glorious non-stop ejaculating, I dropped my face down onto Kate's soft bosoms, my wilting cock still nestled inside of her warm wet haven.

That afternoon at Kate Beckinsale's house, or more specifically her bedroom, was hopefully the beginning of a long, sex fuelled friendship…

— — — — — — —

Waking several hours later, the evening had already set in, and I was still there, laying in Missus Beckinsale's bed. What was even more surprising was she was still next to me, my arm over her as we spooned in the centre of the mattress, the sheets only half covering us.

We both were seemingly in a state of relaxation, now that some time had passed since what had been an exhausting session of supposed forbidden sex. Having her this close with that cute naked derrière grinding against me had got me all hard again. Feeling my stiffening erection rubbing between those tender cheeks of hers must have woken her, the A-List star looking over her shoulder to lock her eyes on mine.

Now that we had both sobered up, I feared she might tell me that sleeping together was a drunken mistake. That she should feel ashamed of herself for taking advantage of her daughters ex-boyfriend. The longer things went without either of us saying a word to each other, the more I started to worry.

But when she wiggled her incredible ass along my turgid length, I knew that I had nothing to worry about. She was clearly still horny for more, as was I. Her state of arousal allowed me to move my hand up from her taut stomach and cup her succulent breast, using my other hand to slide down and tease her clitoris.

"Ohhhh" she sighed with a short gasp.

As she continued to tease my cock with her ass, I began to kiss Kate on the nape of her neck, whilst pinching her nipple and now working two fingers inside her re-lubricating hole. The actress was writhing back against me as though she was having a fit. I worked my sloshing digits inside her quicker, wanting to get her off in a hurry.

But before she would let me, Kate pulled my fingers out of her slightly gaping hole, reached behind her to grasp my cock, and guided the tip to the opening of her sex.

Pushing firmly against her, Lily's mom was tighter than when we fucked several hours ago, which made the friction of driving my thick cock inside of her all the more pleasurable. Kate held me close so our hips, legs and upper bodies were fused together. It felt so good to be inside of her again, not to mention having those incredible globes of ass flesh rubbing against my inner thighs.

I still had one hand squeezing her breast, the other in between her legs, and now my thick shaft was pounding her quaking pussy.
All of this was all that was required to bring on another one of her earth-shattering climaxes.

"Ohhh God!, Ohhh GOD!!!” she cried as her cunt spasmed around me.

I could feel her pussy walls contract around me, but fortunately I didn't follow suit by climaxing with her, as I wasn't quite done yet.

Once she had stopped heaving, I repositioned Kate like she was my own personal mannequin, her body still limp. I moved her so she was on all fours, and just when I thought she wasn't going to say anything and just let me take control, the actress turned back to me and spoke.

"Do it Chad. Fuck me like an animal!" she seductively begged, her upturned ass twerking invitingly in this position.

I kneeled in behind Kate, held her hips, and roughly slammed my eager cock inside her dripping taco.

"Uhhhh! Give it to me Chad!!"

I could never get enough of that sexy voice of hers, Kate sounding like a strict English headmaster disciplining one of her students. Only difference was, I was going to be the one handing out some punishment from here on in. Her ass jiggled as we fucked doggy-style, the flushed brunette pushing back against my sawing shaft to get me deeper and deeper inside her with each forward thrust.

"Spank me Chad! Pull my hair!" she demanded.

I continued to drill her loosened hole, I twirled Kate's long silky hair into a makeshift leash, jerking her head back, so she knew who was in charge. As she requested, I spanked her shapely derriere, relishing the way her ass rippled and began to redden with my sharp smacks.

"Ohhh f-f-fuck!!” she moaned, hanging her head down but reaching her arms out to grasp the metallic poles of the bed frame.

Kate was completely out of breath when I felt myself on edge. Having already cum inside her once, somewhere in my devilish mind was calling out for me to do something different this time. To do something that I knew I could store away in my memory bank, and bring up again whenever I chose to think back to this incredible night in the future.

Just when I could feel myself tense up, I quickly withdrew my juice soaked member from Kate's battered orifice, and began stroking it until I shot my last batch of seed for that night, all over Kate's taut ass and lower back.

"Ahhh-haaa!!" I grunted as stream after stream of white goo erupted out of my cocktip and upon her perfect skin.

Seeing my cum splatter onto Kate Beckinsale's raised ass and slinky looking back, was the lasting impression of her that I sorely desired. When she collapsed on her side, I lay my sweaty body behind hers again, my chest pressed against her back. I kissed the back of her head, and had my cum soaked cock pressed up against her tender lower lips, both of our genitals still twitching after our respective climaxes.

I'm not sure how long we were laying there in bed after sex for this time around, but I saw Kate's head prop up when a voice called from her bedroom door.

"MOM?" I heard the voice call.

My eyes widened when I realised who was there. Raising my head up from behind Kate's, I was like a deer caught in headlights.

"CHAD?!?" a horrified Lily shouted, after realising I was lying in bed naked with her mother...


« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 06:49:16 PM by HearszAM »
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The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, Viri


Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2019, 08:43:57 PM »
Great story here, loved it. You remind me why I wanted to do Kate in SSE.

I like the idea of her and Len being divorced and the title too. Reminds me of Parliament-Funkadelic's song 'Handcuffs' which had the lyric "do I have to put my handcuffs on your mama?"  ;D ;D
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2019, 10:14:44 PM »
Hot damn!  I enjoyed this!
The following users thanked this post: HearszAM


Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2019, 01:13:31 AM »
Not sure if you’re aware Cadeaxxx but Kate and Len have been officially divorced since 2016. Which was a few months before I originally wrote this story, as it tied in with it. :D
Follow my visual novel writing at:
http://mrdotsgames.com or at http://patreon.com/mrdotsgames

More information about our current game "Thief of Hearts" @  https://mrdotsgames.com/toh/

One of our promotional videos:



Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2019, 06:32:55 PM »
Not sure if you’re aware Cadeaxxx but Kate and Len have been officially divorced since 2016. Which was a few months before I originally wrote this story, as it tied in with it. :D

I didn't know at all. I assumed they were still married cause I thought he had put her in a film recently in the last 3 years. Good way to tie the story in!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 01:47:31 PM »
PRIME MILF and you treated her just right! GREAT story!!!!
The following users thanked this post: HearszAM


Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 03:21:40 AM »
Excellence should always be associated with your name. Just a handful of your stories have managed to completely wow me to the point I will read anything you post now, regardless if I like the celeb or not. Thank you for more stories, it's been a great pleasure getting to read them.
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Re: TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN featuring Kate Beckinsale
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2019, 07:02:49 PM »
This is great. I remember years ago having a chat with a friend about Kate. So proper and posh.

We both decided then that she was probably dirty in the sack as girls like her usually are haha
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