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Author Topic: "Stranded In Barstow" with Maia Mitchell  (Read 3668 times)


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"Stranded In Barstow" with Maia Mitchell
« on: May 27, 2023, 11:08:14 PM »
Stranded In Barstow
Starring Maia Mitchell
Codes: MF, Oral
Written By MiamiLyfe
Disclaimer: The following is completely fictional and it is nothing but pure fantasy

Brian was exhausted.  He was waking up in a hotel bed on the Tuesday after Memorial Day. He and a group of friends had gone to Vegas from LA on Friday for the long weekend. Some people in the group bought tickets and flew to Las Vegas, while Brian made the drive out to Vegas with five of his friends in his Land Rover. After a fun Friday and Saturday, Brian had warned those who rode with him not to go too hard on Sunday night because they needed to get on the road early on Monday, or else the four-hour drive could turn into an eight-hour slog with all the Californians heading home from their Vegas weekend. Of course, no one listened to him. His friends partied hard and slept in, and when they got up they wanted to get brunch. By the time they were finishing eating, Brian could see on his phone that the traffic was starting to build up.  Someone then suggested that they should just fly back, and after about 20 minutes they found seats on a flight back to LA that night.  So now, not only do they get to skip the long drive, but they get to spend most of the day hanging out at a pool in Vegas.

Brian was pissed. He had wanted to leave early to beat the traffic, and now not only was he not leaving when he wanted, but his friends were ditching him as well.  Thankfully he had one friend in the group who said she would keep him company for the ride. She was also the one person who was ready to leave with him that morning before brunch.

Sure enough, they hit bumper-to-bumper not even an hour into the trip home.  He spent the next 30 minutes venting about his asshole friends, and she let him. She was agreeing with a lot of what he had to say. If that was not bad enough, three hours later they were about halfway to Los Angeles when there was a loud bang from the engine and it began sputtering.  Thankfully they were just outside of Barstow.  So Brian’s car rattled on until he could pull into one of the only open mechanics he could find on his phone. It was late in the afternoon and the mechanic told Brian the best-case scenario was he could have it ready for him by morning, but since he’d have to overnight any part for a Land Rover, if something was really wrong it could take longer.

There was a hotel just down the street, so Brian and his friend grabbed their bags and walked to the hotel. Brian groaned when the hotel said that they only had rooms with single king beds available. He offered his friend to go find another place, but she said it was fine and a king bed was big enough for them to share.  The two of them took a room and ordered some delivery pizza and breadsticks, and watched some movies on Netflix before they crashed for the night. He wore a t-shirt and boxers to sleep in, while she had on a tank top, running shorts, and some long socks.  She joked about no funny business while they slept, which he of course agreed to. Though in his head, as he watched her approach the bed, he could not help but wish that they would mess around. As the lights turned out and the remainder of the last movie they were watching played, Brian turned away from his friend and in minutes his eyes were closed and he was sound asleep.

As he was waking up, he knew immediately that he was in a different position from the one he fell asleep in. No longer was he facing away from his friend but he had turned to face her and had his arm wrapped around her stomach, and his face close enough that he inhaled the scent of her hair with each breath.  Though she had moved as well too.  No longer was she on her half of the bed, but she had backup and was on his part of the bed, and the two of them were sharing the same third of the king mattress.

His body was pressed against hers. As she shifted, be became aware that his morning wood was pressing against her ass. She too seemed to be aware of it as her body wiggled and pressed back into her. He then also realized something else, his morning wood was not encased in his boxers as it should be. Instead, it was jutting through the open fly.  A fact that he became more aware of when he suddenly felt a female hand grab onto his manhood. Brian froze and practically held his breath as he felt the hand moving up and down his cock.  Feeling all over, as if sizing him up. Getting a good sense of the length, girth, and shape. When she felt his balls and gave them a bit of squeeze, a slight unintended groan escaped his lips.

“Brian?” she said.

“Yeah?” he replied meekly.

“Are you awake?”

“I am now.”

With that, she let go of his cock, and rolled over.  Though once she was facing him, her hand went right back onto his shaft. Brian was now laying with his head on the pillow less than a foot away from Maia Mitchell, who was looking right back into his eyes. Even without any makeup and some bedhead, Maia still looked incredible. When his dick twitched, he was reminded that his platonic friend, who he did feel some lust for, had a grip on his shaft.

“Your holding my penis,” Brian stated.

“I was trying to figure out what had been poking my arse for the last 10 minutes,” she answered, “and then I was making sure I was touching what I thought I was touching.”

“Why don’t you take a look, just so you are positive it is what you think it is,” he dared her. With her free hand, Maia lifted the comforter and looked under the covers at her hand holding his dick.

“Your cock is way nicer than I would have thought.”


“No, I never thought you had anything bad. It’s just prettier than I guessed,” she said as she dropped the covers back down.

“Well, now you know how I felt when I watched No Way Out.”

She smiled at that comment, “Like that scene, did you?”

“Very much. I knew they were nice, I just didn’t think you had literal perfection hiding under your shirts.”  Under normal circumstances, he never would have answered with such blunt honesty. But with them looking into each other’s eyes and her hand wrapped around his manhood, he saw no reason to play things cool.

“Be honest with me,” she said as she squeezed his dick, “Have you ever touched yourself while thinking about that scene?”

“Honestly? Yes,” he answered her.

“More than once?”

“More than once that night alone.” While he was firm before, Maia could feel him going even firmer as they spoke.

The two then went silent. Maia and Brian were left looking into each other's eyes as they were just now inches apart. There was a clear sexual tension in the air.  Brian finally broke the silence. “Is this actually going to happen?” he asked.

“Do you have a rubber?” Maia asked in response.

‘A condom? Yeah, I have one.” He said, but he didn’t move. He just laid there for a moment. When Maia finally gave a nervous lip bite, he finally made the connection on why she asked. “Oh, umm, let me go get it.”

Brian jumped out of bed. He began taking off his clothes as he moved to his suitcase.  He had gotten lucky one of the nights they were in Vegas, but luckily he knew he still had one condom left after that night.  He only had his boxers left on as he squatted over his suitcase and went through his toiletries bag. “Got it!” he said as he stood up, and pushed down his boxers. “I only have the one, but I got one!” he said as he turned around ready to tear it open.

“Just the one?” Maia asked, but Brian could not answer.  He was in total awe of the vision before him. Maia was sitting upright on the foot of the bed, leaning back with her arms behind her. Like Brian, she two had removed all of her clothes. Though he’d seen the still images of her topless on the bed enough to have them memorized, those pictures didn’t compare to seeing just how exquisite her breasts are in person. And when his eyes traveled down, he could see that her exquisite legs were separated just enough for him to have a clear view of her nearly shaved snatch, with just a thin brunette landing strip. Between the fact that it looked like e was about to start drooling and the way his dick twitched, it was obvious to Maia that he liked what he saw. “Brian!” she said to snap him out of his trance.

“Huh? What?”

“You said that’s your only one?” referring to the condom.

“Uh, yeah it is. Sorry,” He said as he ripped open the package.

“Wait, before you take it out, can I ask you a question?” she stopped him from pulling the condom out of the packaging.

“Yeah, sure.”

“I’m not trying to be mean or embarrass you, but how long would you last if we did it right now?”

Brian sighed and looked down at his dick for a minute while he contemplated his answer. “I…uhhh?” he tried to think of a good response before resigning to tell the truth. “Honestly, if I lasted a full two minutes I should hang a full-sized replica of George Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ sign.”

Maia laughed at his answer, “Glad to see all that blood rushing from your brain to your penis hasn’t cost you your sense of humor.”


“Only ask because it would be a shame to let our condom go to waste after just a few minutes,” as she said that Brian’s heart began to sink, thinking maybe she was turning him down. “But maybe I can help alleviate some of the tension before we put the rubber to use.”

“As in…”

“As in come over here and let me suck your cock, doofus.”

Brian approached and when he was within reach, she wrapped her hand around his dick and pulled him closer. When he was close enough, Maia began lowering her lips towards his tip.

“Wait,” Brian stopped her.  Maia looked up to see why he stopped her.  He bent down and put a hand on the back of her neck.  He then planted a kiss on her, and Maia quickly reciprocated.  While they started with their mouths closed, they soon adjusted and began frenching. For a moment, he forgot that his erection was in her hand as they kissed.  She was a fantastic kisser.  He was reminded that she was touching him as she slowly stroked his shaft. He then broke off the kiss, telling her, “I thought we should kiss first before I cum in your mouth.”

“Such a romantic,” Maia joked. She then went back to what she was about to do before the kiss, taking his big mushroom-shaped head between her lips. Considering what a great kisser she was, it was not surprising that she also gave amazing oral.  She started with kissing and sucking on his head before moving on to giving the full shaft a tongue bath and then returning to the tip. While he wanted to hold out for as long as he could, that was not the case.  He was so excited, in two minutes he was set to blow.

“Shit, I’m gonna cum, Maia. Can’t hold back,” he warned her.  She only responded by looking up at him and giving him a wink as he sucked harder on the tip. Once he felt her tongue tickle the sensitive spot just under the tip, he couldn’t hold back.  He came hard. She coughed a bit from how hard he came at first, hitting the back of her throat, but she still swallowed his entire load. She continued to suck on him and stroke his shaft a bit, thinking he might soften a bit after cumming. However, he was on the precipice of having sex with Maia, so there was nothing in the world that could cause his cock to deflate.

In a flash, his dick was out of his mouth and Maia not only had the condom wrapper open, she was about to slide it on him.  She used both her hand to unroll the latex along his rigid member. Once it was on she moved back onto the bed, and took his hand to lead him on as well.  She told him to lie on his back, and he complied. Maia started off laying next to him and the two began kissing.  As they made out for several minutes, Brian took the time to take his first feel of Maia’s soft but firm breasts. Giving them a light squeeze before brushing his fingers over her hard nipples.  As they continued to make out, Maia first move one leg over him while she was on her side.  Then after another minute, she moved again, and now she was on top of him with her legs straddling his crotch. His hand had moved down and was rubbing her wet pussy while she stroked his cock.  Finally, it was time. Hold his dick in place she moved over it and then began lowering herself down his pole.

“Holy shit you feel amazing,” he said after he only had an inch inside of her, but could feel how tight her pussy was squeezing his dick.

“I know right? So good,” she answered as she enjoyed the way he was stretching this out. When she finally bottomed out, she paused there. Both of them taking in the feeling of the other. “I can’t believe we’re doing this, and I can’t believe we haven’t done it sooner,” she said.

“I know, and we haven’t even started.”

“Too right,” she answered and then raised her hips before dropping them back down. She rode his cock, with him meeting her pace and thrusting up as she came down.  His eyes locked on her bouncing breasts the entire time until he could not take it anymore. Wrapping his arms behind her back, he hugged her and pulled her down so that she was hunched over and her breasts now hung over him.  He moved quickly and attacked one of her breasts with his mouth.  Sucking on her nipple and giving it a soft love bite before moving to the other. Maia switched things up from a bounce to more of a grind as she was hunched naked over her friend. While his mouth was preoccupied, Brian did have the wherewithal to sneak his hand down between their bodies and rub her clit as they went at it.

Maia was glad that she had sucked that first load out of him. Both because that is something that she enjoyed doing, but also because he seemed to have some stamina in them as they went at it.  Maia could even feel the onset of her orgasm beginning. So that is when she stopped everything that they were both doing and told him she wanted him to take her from behind. Doggy was probably her favorite position and always seemed to have the easiest time cumming in that position. Especially if the guy knew what he was doing in doggy, and after the first few strokes of his cock and feeling how he was trying to angle it to hit her G-spot, she was pretty confident her friend knew what he was doing.

“Yes right there, keep going,” she egged him on a few minutes later.  She was so close. Right on the edge. Brian knew she was near and doubled down on his efforts until he hear and felt her cum, and her orgasm overtake her body. Even through the condom, he could sense how she seemed to have gushed when she climaxed around his cock. He then heard a slightly happy laugh come out of her as she calmed down from her orgasm. 

”Can you roll over?” he asked her when she was ready to continue.

“Are you one of those guys who likes to look a girl in the eyes when he tosses off?” She asked as she rolled onto her back.

“Sometimes eyes, sometimes other things,” he replied.  While he did not know the phrase ‘toss off’ from context he had a decent idea of what it meant.

“You’re obsessed with tits aren’t you,” she said, giving them a little shake with her hands as Brian got into place between her legs.

“Most of the time no, but with your yes,” he said, and then buried his full length inside of her with a hard thrust. As they resumed having sex, Brian knew he was not going to last much longer. However, if he was going to do it he much rather do so either looking at her gorgeous face or perfect tits, than the back of her head. With him on his knees and hunched over her, Maia could not help but smile as she watched his eye dart up and down between her face and her breast.  She almost let out a laugh, but then she saw his facial expression change. She’d seen that face before on a lot of guys. He needed to cum, badly, but was desperate to try to hold on just a little bit longer.

“Do it, Brian. Cum for me,” She said and put her hand on the back of his neck to get his attention focused back on her face. When he looked up, she looked him in the eyes and said “I NEED you to cum for me.”

“Oh fuck,” was all he could say in response as his dick exploded. If it was possible, he might have cum harder and more on his second load of the morning than on the first.  Even after he was done, he still kept his cock inside of Maia for another few minutes before finally pulling away.

“You’re still mostly hard,” she said as she watched him take off the spent condom.

“With you looking as good as you do, it’s going to take a lot more work to get me to ever go soft.”

“Flattery with get you everywhere,” she said jokingly.

“Does that include back between your legs?”

“That depends, do you have another condom?” she asked him. He thought a moment.

“Not at the moment. But I think I saw a CVS down the street, and I need to check on my car,” he said as the idea began to form in his head. “So, umm, I’ll go down the street, find out about the car, buy some condoms, and hopefully be back here in like, 20 minutes.” As he spoke he began to get dressed quickly. “So you say here just like that,” he said referring to her laying naked on the bed, “and I’ll be right back.

When he got back to the hotel room, it ended up being just over an hour since he left. Brian wasn’t happy it took so long, and he was disappointed to see the bed was empty. But he then heard the sound of the shower running. On any other day of his life, he would have waited in the room for her, but after the actions of this morning, he went to the bathroom door and found it unlocked.

“I’m back,” he announced as he entered the bathroom.

“Took you long enough,” she yelled from behind the shower curtain.

“If that’s your attitude I can throw out the coffee and muffins I got for you.”

“Thank you, but you were gone for a while.”

“Yeah, well, after going to the mechanic and CVS, it had taken so long I thought I should get breakfast. Plus I also added an extra night to the hotel room since the car probably won’t be ready until tomorrow morning…” he was interrupted by the curtain opening up.

“It won’t be ready until tomorrow?” she asked as she stood in the shower, her body fully on display as she spoke.

“Jesus, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of seeing that,” Brian said out loud to himself as he took in the sight of Maia’s nude body with water running down it.

“Hey,” Maia said loudly, snapping Brian back to attention once again.

“Sorry, yeah. Uh, the guy said it won’t be ready until either close to closing today or tomorrow morning, so I got the room as a precaution.”

“So what are we going to do until then?” she asked as she went back to washing herself, but she kept the curtain open and let Brian watch her scrub her body.

“Well there are rental car places, so if you want to just head back to LA…”

“I’m not just going to leave you here,” she shot reassured him quickly.

“Cool,” Brian perked up hearing that. “Umm, well there is an outlet mall the next exit down.  Or we can just hang out in the room.  I got us some drinks and snacks.” He then proceeded to pull items out of the shopping bag in his hand, showing what he had bought.

“Oh, and I also bought this, just in case you were interested in spending the day here without any clothes,” Brian then pulled out a box of condoms. He was glad to see a smile brighten her face when she saw the box in his hand.

“I can think of worse ways to spend a day cooped up in a hotel room.”

“So that means…”

“Why don’t you come in here with me.”  Once she said that Brian quickly striped out of his clothes and jumped into the shower with her.  He didn’t even have both feet in the shower before he put a hand behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss. The two made out with water raining down on them.

“By the way, I actually bought two boxes of condoms.  Didn’t want to run out again,” he said between kisses.

“You forgot to bring one in her with you,” she said as she wrapped both her hands around his pulsating manhood.

“No I didn’t,” he told her.  Maia then pulled away from him despite his attempt to continue kissing her.  She knew he did not bring a condom into the shower with him. When his lips didn’t connect with anything, Brian open his eyes and saw Maia looking back at him with a confused look on her face.  “Oh no,” he reassured her. “It’s just there is something else I wanted to do before we fuck again.”

He took Maia by the shoulders and shifted her around the shower so her back was against the tiled wall. He then began to drop down to his knee. “I didn’t get a chance to taste his pretty-looking pussy of yours earlier,” he said as he descended.

“Mmmm,” he moaned as he sucked the juices from her already leaking pussy. As he ate out the Good Trouble actress, he lifted one of her legs and rested it on his shoulder. Maia reached out and held onto a towel rack in the back of the shower to help her keep her balance. With her back pressed against the cold shower tile, Maia was surprised at how talented her friend was at licking her twat.

“Come on Maia. Cum for me. I want to feel your pussy gush all over my face.”

“Stop talking and keep going! So close!” she exclaimed, and Brian went right back to working her over with his tongue and lips. With her free hand, she grabbed onto the hair on Brian’s head as he worked her tight box until she reached orgasm.  Just like he requested, her pussy gushed all over his face as she came.  “Wow, yes,” she said with a laugh while she came down from her orgasm high.

“You like that?”

“You have more skills than I thought.”

“You want to go again?” he asked, eager to eat pussy again.

“Yes, but right now. Let's not let those rubber you bought go to waste,” she told him.  They quickly turned off the shower and used some of the towels to promptly dry themselves before throwing them on the floor to soak up the water that had fallen to the floor with the curtain open. Brian turned to open the condom box, but Maia beat him to it.  Opening the box and then the condom wrapper, she hopped up on the bathroom counter, and when Brian moved within range, she reached out and rolled the latex down his manhood. Once it was on, she gave his cock another tug, this time doing so to pull him closer until his cockhead was bushing up against her nearly-hairless mound. She then wrapped her legs behind him and pulled him forward. His tip missed its target on that attempt, but Brian quickly readjusted and thrust his dick into her. With her on the countertop in front of him, Brian went after her breasts as they fucked. Whether it was a hand or his mouth, one of her tits was always being played with as he humped into her. Even when Maia requested to switch things up and he had her bent over the sink, he still had one hand reached around her body and played with a breast. The two of them came simultaneously, with him filling up the condom like a water balloon inside of her.

“One down, twenty-three to go,” he said while taking off the condom and dropping it in the trash.

“Is that the goal?”

“It can be,” he replied following her out of the bathroom and back into the hotel bedroom.

They spent most of the day in the hotel room, never putting on any clothing.  They did it on just about every surface they could in every position they could think of until they were both too drained to continue.  The next morning, with the car ready, they fooled around a little in the shower as they washed the smell of sex off each other’s bodies. The drive from Barstow to Los Angeles was an easy one, with no real traffic other than the usual amount once they reached LA County. As they got closer and closer back to their normal lives, Brian began to think about the previous 24 hours and also whether or not that was a one-time thing, were they going to be friends with benefits going forward, or would she only keep up if he agreed to something more serious?

“Are you okay?” She finally asked him.

“Yeah, I am fine why?”

“Because you’ve barely said anything the last 45 minutes, and you have a raging boner in your pants.”  Brian looked down, and she was right.  There was no hiding the fact that you could clearly see his erection in his basketball shorts.

“Umm, sorry, I…”

“Do you want to come inside and talk?” Maia interrupted his mumbling and asked him as he stopped the car in her driveway.

“We probably should right?” he said with a sigh.

“Maybe could talk in my bedroom…” she said as she undid her seatbelt, and then leaned over to his ear and in a quiet seductive voice added,  “...naked.”  She then reached over and cupped the bulge in his pants, and kept talking, “while I slowly ride this nice cock of yours.”

Current Top 5
1. Hailee Steinfeld
2. Bailee Madison
3. Maia Mitchell
4. Olivia Holt
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Re: "Stranded In Barstow" with Maia Mitchell
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2023, 10:26:42 AM »
L hope thisngets a sequel
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