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Author Topic: Ana de Armas - Cuffed  (Read 25457 times)


Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« on: July 30, 2023, 05:23:42 AM »
Ana de Armas - Cuffed

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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This was written as a commission for Jack, so thanks to him for sharing this with you.

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Ana de Armas sat behind the wheel of her new Mercedes, a C-class coupe that she’d recently acquired due to her recent Hollywood successes. She was on location filming her latest movie, another action thriller that she hoped would set theatres alight come release but that was months away into the following year. She was just focused on getting things done for now and hoped the quality of production would be as good as it all seemed.

She was on her way to an evening with some of her friends from the movie and had opted to drive into the city after a day off. She’d been out hiking and taking a rest, just getting away from it all in the bright sunshine of the summers day before coming back into the city later on to have dinner and some casual drinks. The intention was to leave the car at a secure parking lot and then catch a cab back to her hotel after the night wrapped up, but for now she was still driving in.

It was early evening and traffic was building, it never seemed to abate frankly in some places, so after the enjoyment of getting her new car out onto some winding roads in the hills with a bit of space it was extra frustrating. She was sat behind the wheel in the leather seat, her bare legs pressed to it under her short summer dress, big sunglasses covering her eyes and feet daintily working the pedals through simple shoes. She’d save the heels for the night out.

She was nearing her destination at last but the traffic was agonising, including some person in front of her that dragged their ass towards a green light and then just conveniently nipped through before it turned red to leave Ana’s Mercedes stranded at the light. After cursing them out aggressively, and pointlessly, through the windscreen, she sat waiting for a couple more minutes as all the different stages changed and cycled through until it eventually got back to hers.

The road ahead was clear for a few hundred yards, a symptom of the way the light pattern worked, with a bit more space on her desired road turning to the right. As the light changed she revved the engine up and released the brake, flooring the accelerator pedal as it went green and freed her once more. The tyres spun up with a squeal, traction control lights flashing over the dashboard as they suddenly skittered, the system controlling the spin to propel the Mercedes forwards rapidly.

She was shoved back into her seat with a laugh, feeling the G-force as the revs climbed then shifted sharply into the next gear as the auto box balanced power and torque expertly. The cars in front at the next light were approaching fast and she gave it just a blink more before standing on the brakes, the coupe growling throatily as she lifted the throttle and stood it on its nose. She rapidly slowed behind the cars but was pleased to find the right hand turn going and just joined onto the cars ahead and swept round onto the next road.

It was a piece of seeming good fortune and she felt good...right up until a police motorbike swept round the corner behind her and turned on his lights.

“Shit!” she exclaimed, looking in the mirror, feeling a cold rush of adrenaline as he pulsed his siren and gestured for her to pull over.

“Ah fuck, fuck, fuck, dios Mio” she muttered, mumbling into her native Spanish as she saw a quieter road on the right ahead of her and indicated. The cop behind stuck on her tail as she slowed and pulled round into the road, cruising a hundred yards or so from the junction to pull over. He stopped behind her and kicked down his stand as Ana shut off the engine, fumbling her purse onto her lap to get her documents.

“Fuck,” she muttered, knowing she’d been stupid as she rolled down the window to await him.

“Good evening ma’am,” he addressed her, polite but professional.

“Hey,” she managed.

“Licence and registration please,” he instructed. Ana did as she was asked, handing over her details to him. He took them and read quickly but carefully through the documents to make sure they were all up to date...and quickly noticed her name. Recognising her from films like Blade Runner, he was immediately interested and glanced from the photo to her under the guise of making sure the details were right.

“Ok miss, this is in order,” he said, handing them back to her.

“Thank you,” she said, taking them as he looked over the new Mercedes coupe.

“I’m sure you know why I pulled you over,” he said, looking her in the eye.

“Yeah, I was speeding.”

“Speeding and reckless driving. That burnout you did away from the lights there. You can see how busy it is, there’s people all over and that’s not safe,” he told her sternly, commanding tones to his voice.

“I know, I’m sorry,” she mumbled, looking down. She’d learnt it was far better to be humble and amenable if things like this happened, not some diva making out she was somehow exempt.

“Then why did you do it? If you know.”

“I’m just frustrated with all this traffic and I lost my temper,” she tried.

“We’re all frustrated with traffic. You think I’m not frustrated with all this? I don’t need pretty Hollywood types coming into all this making it worse,” he said.

“Ok, I understand,” she replied. She really couldn’t say much as she waited for whatever punishment.

“I’m giving you a ticket,” he said, writing it out in front of her as she’d expected, “and you need to come downtown.”

“What?” she blurted out, suddenly more alert to it all.

“I’ll call for a tow truck and have you picked up,” he said.

“For speeding?” she asked.

“Speeding and reckless endangerment of other road users. This is no joke.”

“Come on, please, I’ve got a thing in the city, I can’t go to the station and I really don’t want to,” she said, knowing that would make publicity in the wrong way.

“Ma’am, you hit eighty on your little temper tantrum, you’re going downtown,” he said firmly.

“Please, is there any way we can work this out?” she asked, voice pleading and suggestive. She hope she could make a deal and knew he was interested. He clearly knew who she was and had seen the way he’d glanced down her pretty sundress and over her smooth, sexy legs as she sat in the car.

“Work this out?” he asked, barely looking over his pad as he completed the ticket. Ana steeled herself as her heart squeezed, knowing what she was suggesting to him, taking the chance in a quick decision as she decided she didn’t want to get arrested for this. He was a handsome looking guy in decent shape, maybe in his forties. It was hard to tell with the motorcycle gear he was wearing but she was sure she could have fun and get rid of this ticket, and he was clearly ripe for the suggestion.

“Yeah, maybe I can make you forget that ticket and we can just make this up between us,” she said softly. She reached up to pull her dark glasses off, letting him see her gorgeous face and pretty eyes in the low afternoon sun.

“Between us, huh?” he said, tearing the ticket off the pad.

“Yeah, just us,” she smiled.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked carefully and in that moment Ana knew that she had him. All she had to do was close the deal...and open her legs.

“A private punishment,” she smiled, a naughty little smile that said it was exactly the kind of telling off he thought. Wanting to make it clear, she reached down and hooked the hem of her little summer dress, gathering the red and white patterned fabric up to slowly reveal her toned thighs and then expose her panties, a contrasting black thong with red pouting lips all over them, concealing the treasures beneath.

“I think we can definitely make a deal then,” he said with a smile as she controlled her breathing heart racing, “when and where?”

“I’m going out now, like I said, but how about you come by my hotel tomorrow and we can work all this out?”

“Sure, where?” he asked. Ana turned and looked in her purse, pulling out a card she knew she had for a hotel near to where the studio had put her up for filming. She didn’t want him coming there, so other people working with her caught onto anything mostly, so she figured she could get a place nearby and have him over there.

“This place,” she said, handing over a card for the Wayfarer hotel in downtown. Her skirt was still bunched up at her waist but she made no effort to cover herself for him.

“Wayfarer? Sure I know it, what time?” he asked.

“About midday? That work alright?” she replied.

“Sure that works, what room?” he said. Ana was impressed by his directness and attention to the details, not letting her off the hook.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“Officer Anderson. Tom,” he replied.

“Ok, Officer Anderson,” she said, addressing him properly, “I’ll leave word for you at the desk. Just go to reception and tell them, they’ll give you the message.”

“Sounds great,” he smiled. Internally he was buzzing, knowing he’d got the luscious Ana de Armas on the hook for this by the fortune of a random traffic stop, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Anything else?” she asked, wanting to make a break and carry on with her evening. His eyes looked down again, locked on the smooth panties and her gorgeous legs.

“You want them?” she asked with a smile, the idea popping into her head. It could only help to sweeten the deal.

“Yeah,” he grinned. Ana gave a naughty smile in return and then reached down to shove her dress back down, covering herself before reaching underneath it and grabbing hold of her underwear. Pushing up on her feet, she pulled the warm fabric down and sat back into the seat, slipping them easily down her smooth legs and off her dainty feet before turning to the window and offering them through the gap.

“As requested,” she teased.

“As promised,” he smiled, handing her the ticket in his other hand as he took her cute thong, quickly tucking it into his pocket.

“I thought you weren’t giving me a ticket?” she pouted.

“I’m not...if we close our little deal tomorrow. For now I still have the ticket for you just in case,” he smiled. He had her covered and she knew she couldn’t back out of it, unless she wanted to be hauled into the station.

“Don’t worry, we will,” she smiled, a little flick of her eyebrows as she dropped the ticket aside on the seat.

“Until tomorrow then, and wear that dress,” he said, their interaction over for the time being but giving her a last instruction.

“Until tomorrow...and bring your handcuffs,” she added, a devilish flick of her tongue crossing her lips.

“You got it,” he smiled, her desire for playful punishment clear.

“Good evening, Officer Anderson,” she said politely, blowing him a kiss and then sliding her sunglasses back on.

“Have a good night,” he said, smiling as he turned and walked back to his bike. Ana gave a sigh, letting out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding, smoothing her skirt down as she looked in the mirror. Anderson tucked his things away and stepped over the bike, starting it up then turning the big cruiser round with fantastic skill in the narrow street to accelerate away back towards the main road.

Ana gave him time to leave and closed the window, pressing the button to fire the car back up and let the air conditioning blow coolly into the cabin again. She looked at the ticket, knowing her way out of it awaited tomorrow; the thought was illicit and exciting, a scandalous deal made for her body as payment...and she couldn’t wait. She carefully pulled away and turned the car around, heading back out to where she had been and onward towards her night with friends.

* * *

Tom Anderson got out onto the main road and revved his bike hard, just letting the thrill of it all overtake him as he accelerated with the traffic and let it cross his mind for a moment. Ana de Armas, the gorgeous actress, was going to be his...if she followed through with it and didn’t just leave her lawyer to make it all go away of course. He just figured it was 50-50 and he’d find out tomorrow. Even if he didn’t get to fuck her like she promised he still had her panties, tucked safely in his pocket.

He’d only recently gone back on the streets, having been behind a desk for years mostly at the behest of his wife while their kids grew up. However their recent divorce, which had all been completed a few months earlier, had been a catalyst for change. He’d found himself in his mid-40s, restless and frustrated, unable to just stay in the station and work what came across his desk and as a result had asked for a transfer back out onto the streets.

His superiors had been reluctant since he did a good job but had eventually decided to send him back out, if only until he got his fill. That was only a matter of weeks before and now, being out there on the mean streets of Los Angeles he’d pulled Ana de Armas in more ways than one. He’d stayed in good shape and handling the big bike around was no problem, and he was sure it’d helped in Ana making him such an offer to pay her fines. He wasn’t going to question it too much and simply hoped she would show up the following day.

Her card was tucked in alongside her underwear and he couldn’t help but keep checking it throughout the rest of his shift, making sure it hadn’t gone anywhere. It hardly mattered as he had the details of the hotel and time memorised, not letting this chance slip through his fingers. A perfect post-divorce tonic to lift his spirits right up he figured and the soft panties shortly off the petite Cuban only stiffened his cock.

As he sat on his sofa that night playing with them, idly twisting and turning the underwear gently in his fingers, he fought the compulsion to wrap them around his hard cock and stroke it to thoughts of what he might do to her, figuring he could do that any time. Instead he refrained, saving himself and every drop of his load for the gorgeous Latina the following day. A fitful nights sleep beckoned, thoughts of Ana keeping him awake, but a sip of whisky helped him save his energy and rest easily in readiness for her.

* * *

Ana woke up the next morning a little groggy, having enjoyed one too many glasses of wine with her friends the night before. However before the evening of drinks and fun she’d rung the hotel and made a reservation for one day in a nice but everyday double room of the hotel, opting for one with a king size bed. It wasn’t too fancy or ostentatious, and therefore wouldn't draw additional attention to whoever was staying in it.

She pulled herself out of bed and got ready, putting a few things in a bag including the little summer dress she’d had on the day before when she’d been pulled over. The whole situation was a deal after all so it made no sense not to give him exactly what he wanted, and she included a sexy sheer black underwear set to contrast starkly against the bright, cute summer dress. She took a cab there, not bothering to get her Mercedes back out of parking, and got to the hotel where she checked in. She kept her glasses on though she was sure the women working the desk recognised her, but if they did they didn’t say anything.

She left her note with the desk as she’d promised and took her key card, making her way to the elevators to ride up to the fourth floor, then headed along the halls until she found room 88. She let herself into the clean, fresh room and dropped her stuff down, pausing to open the window a little for some air before she sat down a moment. Taking her time, she glanced at her phone to see it was just after eleven, giving her plenty of time.

Ana wasted no time in stripping off naked, grabbing one of the towels provided before heading to the bathroom to get ready. She wanted to be fresh and ready for him when he arrived, unless he’d backed out of course but she doubted it since she was sure he wanted her petite body the second he’d seen her.

* * *

Officer Anderson, Tom, was thankfully off work on the day when Ana had proposed the clandestine meeting at the Wayfarer meaning he didn’t need to sneak off duty or anything. He had a shower and dressed casually but smartly enough, not to stand out in a crowd but that he’d made an effort for her. He of course made sure to slip his handcuffs into a pocket along with his other effects before heading to the hotel, parking nearby and walking in, trying to stay as cool as possible.

“Good afternoon, may I help you?” asked one of the receptionists with a smile as he walked to the desk.

“Good afternoon, there should be a message for Tom Anderson please,” he said, smiling in return before pulling his sunglasses off.

“One moment please,” she answered and quickly turned to flip through a small tray of such things, taking a second before finding an envelope.

“Here you go sir,” she smiled, handing over the envelope to him.

“Thanks,” he said, taking it as his heart gave a squeeze, telling him that maybe, just maybe it was for real. He’d hold judgment until he saw her in the flesh.

“Have a nice day,” she said, going back to her tasks as Tom stepped away and carefully unsealed the envelope. It was a simple piece of crisply folded note paper that he unfolded, taking a quick glance in case anyone was looking over his shoulder.

“4th floor, room 88. As promised, Ana” was all it said in her beautifully curly handwriting, signed off with ruby red lipstick kisses. There was nothing else for it to say, and Tom had to take a minute to calm himself down as he felt a rush of nervous excitement at the prospect. He tucked it back in the envelope and turned to the stairs, heading across to them and making his way up so he didn’t have to stand in the lobby waiting for the lift. It gave him a moment to ponder it and take in how he’d got so lucky even as he held a tiny bit of his elation back in case.

Walking out onto the fourth floor, he checked the signs and walked along to room 88. Nobody else was around though there was evidence of cleaners and people making up the vacant suites, the hall quiet as he headed along and found number 88 towards the end. He took a deep breath and held it, calming his heart rate as he brushed down his shirt and trousers to make sure he was smart, taking a final moment before he tapped on the door.

The sound of light footsteps emanated from behind the door and then it opened to reveal Ana standing in front of him in her red and white summer dress exactly as he’d asked for.

“Hello, Officer Anderson,” she said warmly, hanging onto the edge of the door as she slid behind it to welcome him inside.

“Hello Ana,” he replied, stifling the grin from his face as it all clicked into place, elation rushing through him that it was all go.

“Glad you found it alright,” she said, closing the door quickly behind him in case anyone walked along and saw them despite how quiet it was.

“It was no problem, and I was definitely gonna find my way here,” he smiled as she paused to lock the door, ensuring it was completely secure.

“Good, because I want out of that ticket,” she smiled as she turned back, joking about the somewhat flimsy pretense that had led them to the hotel room where they found themselves.

“I bet,” he replied, taking in the gorgeous Cuban as she stood before him in the sunlight from the windows, her pretty little summer dress even more appealing now she was standing in front of him. Her high heels sandals made her around 5’10 but she was deliciously petite, her skirt skimming her toned thighs as stood in front of him in the red and white dress, but with the black straps of her bra sticking out under the slender white strings over her shoulders.

“Just as you asked for,” she purred, smiling as she took a moment to turn around for him and show off her slender figure. The dress floated beautifully around her slender figure with the back showing her bra strap completely, the black straps slender with mesh in between that pressed just temptingly into her soft skin.

“I hope you like it,” she said with a winning smile as she turned back around, letting her accent bleed through more into her voice to give a sultry purr. She gave a casual flick of her skirt with a finger, throwing the light dress up to allow a fleeting glimpse of the matching panties beneath

“Love it,” he replied, drinking her in, trying to commit every possible aspect of her to memory in that moment.

“I hope your brought your handcuffs,” she said quietly, a devilish smile creeping across her full lips.

“Couldn’t forget them,” he said, pulling them from his pocket and dangling them in front of her.

“Because you’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you Ana?” he teased, stepping towards her.

“Yes, Officer Anderson,” she playfully replied, biting her lips and looking into his eyes.

“And now you’re gonna make it up, right?” he said, pulling her close to him as she stepped into his arms.

“Yes sir,” she whispered, their lips locking into a kiss, tonguing each other deeply as his arms pulled over her back, one reaching up to trail down over her exposed bra strap as the other grabbed a firm handful of her ass. She murmured in pleasure as they made out, her own hands clinging to him tightly, pulling into him so she was able to feel his erection already as it strained at his jeans.

“I thought you liked the dress?” she murmured as he grabbed it and peeled it up her body, Ana resisting his attempt to step back so he could remove it.

“I do, it’ll look even better on the floor,” he teased, making her laugh and relinquish her grip on him, stepping back to raise her arms and let him peel it smoothly off her. He relished revealing her lithe, tight body as the dress swept over her long brown hair, tumbling silkily over her shoulders as he threw the dress to the floor and left her in just the sexy underwear she’d worn for him.

The bra and panties were exactly what the strap had suggested, with black straps forming the outline and crucial parts with the rest of it filled in by sheer black mesh that let him see through to every inch of her. Her stiff nipples pointed out excitedly against the material, begging to be set free before her tummy led down into the panties that were equally revealing to show off her perfectly shaved arrow of pubic hair, a stark contrast to her creamy skin as it pointed the way.

“What do you think?” she smiled, knowing he loved it as she turned to shake her ass for him, showing the panties were a tight G-string. They were a token covering, and she’d never wear them normally and definitely not under a little summer sundress but this was a special occasion.

“Perfect,” he said, taking a moment to appreciate what he had in front of him. They embraced once more and kissed deeply, his hands roaming over her near naked body as he squeezed her tight ass again and took in her gorgeous figure, hands sliding over her skin as she shivered in anticipation. His fingers deftly released her bra strap with a pinch she barely noticed, going loose around her chest as they kissed, tongues entwined.

Pulling back, he drew the bra down her arms as she complied, revealing her perky breasts to him which he immediately squeezed as he tossed her bra aside. She giggled and kissed him again as he fondled her, having fun, just waiting to get into it as she tingled with excitement, reaching up to undo his shirt. He reached down and pulled the cuffs out of his pocket, the rattle breaking the air as they broke their kiss and Ana eyed them. She knew it was risky, letting him bind her up, but the thought turned her on so much and would properly let him teach her a lesson.

“Arms out,” he ordered, Ana instantly complying and putting them out in front of herself, a typical arrest type pose. He smiled and clicked the bracelets around her slender wrists, tightening the metal bracelets nicely, giving a final notch that made them feel almost too tight for her. Suddenly confined and helpless, she inhaled deeply and pulled at them testingly, loving the cold, hard sensation of them.

“I’m all yours,” she breathed, biting her lip.

“Time to pay for that ticket,” he smiled, grabbing her cuffs and pulling her towards the bed. She yelped a little as they pulled into her skin, having not been prepared for him to yank her forwards so she stumbled a bit on her heels. He sat down on the bed and yanked the near naked actress onto his lap, the petite Cuban tumbling over into him. She knew exactly what he had in mind however and shuffled into position, bound arms out in front of her with her peachy ass up.

“Are you sorry?” he asked her, taking charge, wanting to exude dominance over her even if his own heart was racing.

“Yes,” she breathed. Ana was met by an immediate spank, firmly across her toned ass that made her jiggle and gasp in surprise.

“Not sorry enough,” he replied. Ana smiled, enjoying the sensation. She’d been spanked before but never regularly and she had to admit she wished it was more frequent, it was playfully sexy. And she had a great ass so she liked guys paying attention, even if they were punishing her.

“No sir,” she mumbled, knowing he wanted to hear it.

“You can’t just get away with it you know,” he said, smacking her again to make her gasp.

“No sir,” she repeated as he squeezed her ass. Spreading her a little, he saw how the thin G-string was pulled tightly around her, barely covering her soft labia and doing little to hide her tight asshole given her position.

“You’re a bad girl,” he said, smacking her again, harder this time so she almost grunted.

“I’m your bad girl,” she replied after a moments hesitation.

“Damn right you are,” he said with another firm smack to her peachy ass that made her jolt, digging her toes into the carpet to hold still. He spanked her again, Ana making sure to gasp showily for him so he could hear her, then his fingers pushed under the tight waistband of her black G-string. He pulled it up into her a little, making her pussy lips bulge before he suddenly yanked it down her thighs and shoved it towards her feet to reveal her slick lips.

She was ready and waiting for him, already wet and down to fuck. It was why she’d arranged the whole idea in the first place to be honest and if he’d moved to just screw her from the off she’d have been fine with it. She’d expected him to, to just bend her over and go for it, pleasantly surprised that he refrained and seemed set on taking his time. Ana shuddered as his fingertips played up her soft, wet entrance to feel her welcoming heat.

“Wet already,” he commented as he probed his fingers into her, going straight for two and feeling her yield easily to his touch. Ana felt almost embarrassed, nearly blushing even though she didn’t feel it, knowing she was hot and horny for him now.

“Yes sir,” she responded. She was caught unaware when he suddenly pulled his teasing, massaging fingers from her and laid several stern spanks on her, making her ass jiggle as she gave gasping cries, the sting spreading across her toned flesh before he stood powerfully with her and threw her onto the bed on her back. Ana pushed up on her elbows to see what he was doing but he immediately pushed her down with a hand on her chest, near to her neck that made her submit, resting her bound hands on her tummy as his fingers immediately followed the arrow and went straight to her pussy.

“Oh fuck…” she managed in a strained, overwhelmed groan as he rapidly started stroking her clit, somehow hitting the spot perfectly and dancing his fingertips over the sensitive button. She was aroused and ready, clit pushing forward from underneath its soft hood for his attention and her body relished it. She gasped hungrily, desperately, spreading her legs and pulling her knees back for him to have full access as he held her down on the bed and rubbed her clit.

“Who’s my bad girl?” he smiled, loving watching her enjoy herself.

“I am, I’m your bad girl,” she breathed heavily, head tipping back into the bedding as she trembled in pleasure, hands pulling uselessly against the hard cuffs at her wrists.

“Louder,” he ordered, rubbing her more intently. Ana hesitated as she gave a huge shudder, the nerve endings overwhelming her soul as she was stimulated hard.

“I’m your bad girl!” she blurted out, practically shouting, immediately shy as she hoped nobody was walking past the door. He just smiled as he worked her clit briskly for a minutes or so more, building her up so she was gasping and flushed, head back into the sheets, before he switched it up and delved his fingers inside her sweet, tight tunnel.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, staggered breaths giving away her enjoyment as he hooked them deep inside her sweet pussy, feeling her clench firmly around him. He thrust them in and out of her, slowly at first but building up fast until he was driving them with pace that made her whine, wet sounds giving away how hard he was fingering her soaking pussy. She shook as she was aggressively stimulated, not expecting it at all but pleased he was so intent on bringing her pleasure, basking in it as she tugged at her cuffs.

“Christ…” she groaned, shifting on the bed and pushing her hips down into him as he buried his fingers deeply and hooked them back into her soft walls, seeking her G-spot with skill she’d not encountered before. He found it easily, just a few strokes identifying the rough spot on her velvet wall before his fingertips burrowed into it and started to dance rapidly. Her breaths turned to heavy, soulful grunts as he got to work on her most intimate spot and applied his evident skill, driving deep, conflicting sensations in her that made her legs tense.

“Fuck, fuck…” she breathed, accent thick as she got over the initial overwhelming sensations gave way to pure, deep pleasure they seemed to strum her very soul. It was just a perfect rhythm for her and stimulation she’d not felt in a long time, having not had her G-spot rubbed like that by anyone before and frankly she wasn’t great at hitting it with toys herself. She could rarely endure, getting too overwhelmed before the end so she had to stop, but with him she knew she could just ride it all the way and actively pushed down against him.

“Don’t stop,” she grunted, pulling at her cuffs, reaching up to grip his arm that still held her down not that she really needed to be. She wanted to rub at her clit and add to the stimulation but didn’t dare. She didn’t want to interfere with him or risk him stopping, needing what he gave her as she grunted and gasped hotly for his touch. The pleasure was immense and it cranked her climax up fast, the arousal and excitement she’d felt before they’d even begun boiling over quickly into an orgasm as he strummed at her G-spot.

“Oh dios Mio!” she cried, reverting to her native Spanish as the orgasm rushed over her, sweeping away her thoughts like a wave as it hit her fast and she bucked violently on the bed beneath him. Somehow he kept his hand in just the right place and kept working her G-spot hard, his fingertips dancing firmly with sweeps around and across it, mixing up the tempo and rhythm to provide maximum stimulation to the petite Cuban.

Ana just clutched him and shoved her pelvis against him, wanting everything he could give her as she rode the hardest orgasm she’d had in ages, gasping desperately, eyes screwed shut as she jammed her head back into the hotel mattress beneath her. Her legs twitched, knees jolting with every pulse as she rode the peak before surfing down as it faded, managing to hold on for a couple of seconds further stimulation before she clenched firmly and her legs squeezed shut, unable to take anything else.

“Oh my God,” she managed, switching back to English as she shuddered on the bed in the wake of it, trembling as she tried to open her eyes whilst the aching pleasure still wracked her slender body. His fingers slid from her juicy pussy, loving her exhausted grips and squeezes of him as he did, her legs sagging to the floor again as he stood up over her. The petite Cuban certainly hadn’t been expecting that, and he had plenty more for her. He gave her a moment to recover, knowing she needed it, stretching as the warm air of the hotel room was broken only by her hungry gasps for oxygen.

“Do you feel punished yet?” he smiled, looking to her splayed out, bound hands in front of her.

“Not sure, I don’t think punishment covers that,” she murmured with a grin.

“You’re right,” he replied, smiling in return as he stepped back to the bed and grabbed her handcuffs. Ana cried out as he pulled her up from the bed, the steel biting into her wrists as he dominated her and put her exactly where he wanted her. His cock was straining hard in his trousers and he’d taken his time with her, stripping her naked, spanking and stimulating her so now it was his turn. The petite Cuban knew it and was quite happy, expecting him to roll her over immediately after her orgasm but was interested as he stood her up.

“Down,” he commanded, pushing her to her knees at the end of the bed and what he wanted was clear.

“You know what to do,” he smiled, looking down at the gorgeous star before him.

“Gonna get out of this ticket,” she teased reaching up with her cuffed hands to find his zip, deftly releasing his rock hard cock to let it spring out in front of her. It almost hit her in the face as it sprung free and her eyes widened, not having ever seen a cock so hard for her and making her almost recoil as a smile spread across her face.

“Oh yeah,” she breathed, looking forward to it, reaching up to wrap her hands around him in a double grip and start jerking him firmly. He groaned and pulse in her palms, straining at her fingers as she smiled and stroked his cock. It was time for her to properly repay him now and it was literally what she’d invited him to the hotel for. Her dainty hands twisted and stroked at him, up and down his tense shaft, feeling the smooth ridge of his purple head and how he shuddered at her ministrations.

Her grasps moved to the base of him, squeezing his shaft to make it swell rock hard before she leaned forward and closed her hot mouth over his bulging tip. He groaned deeply as the pleasure of it hit him, her velvet touch enclosing him and sliding down as she methodically took him into her mouth. The saucy Cuban took him in as she sucked firmly and lovingly lapped at him, her tongue softly massaging side-to-side underneath his cock to add to the rush of sensations. Her chain rattled as she moved her hands, stimulating him in her grasp still as she got to work sucking his cock.

Her efforts were firm and perfectly measured, not too hard nor too soft, mouth a perfect haven for his aching cock. He shivered and murmured with pleasure as his hand dropped down into her soft brown hair, just letting the reality of it all capture him for a moment. Ana de Armas, world famous movie star, was sucking his cock with her hands cuff and she seemed only interested in his pleasure. She bobbed at a good pace and took him comfortably to the back of her throat, not willing to push any further but not needing to as she gave a master class with her tongue.

Her expert sucks were only a side show to the way her tongue danced, strong and skillful, sliding and teasing all around him. She lapped flatly along him and around the sides, mixing it with probing presses of the tip into the head of his cock to stimulate his delicate nerve endings. Ana pulled back to just his head, pursing her lips around his shaft just behind the ridge as her tongue danced under the end of his bulging head to make him give a strained groan as she overwhelmed him.

Ana loved how he shook under her efforts and it only spurred her to keep going, carefully squeezing his balls as she worked herself hard on him and shoved him down against the back of her throat. She let wet sounds of her effort escape into the room and sucked a bit harder, twisting her head to rub him into her cheek and attack him with her tongue from a different angle. His hand on her head was merely to guide her, quite happy with what she was doing and not forcing it at all, just letting her work since she was clearly quite an experienced cock sucker.

At least that was how it went for a few moments, letting her show off and pleasure him before his hand tightened in her hair and he took charge of her. Ana was quite happy with that and immediately became submissive, dropping her hands and letting him drive. He immediately pulled her onto him harder, shoving his cock into the back of her throat harder which almost made her gag as he caught her by surprise. She managed to hold it back and kept sucking, focusing on working her tongue as he took over the motion.

“Fuck Ana, keep sucking,” he breathed, loving how she used her mouth on him. She just hummed as she smiled around him to send a perfect buzz through him as he fucked her mouth, getting faster as he worked himself into her and loved gliding his cock across the entire length of her hot tongue as she probed and lapped at him. It was a perfect mix and he felt the buzz as she took him towards climax, his cock so hard for her, living the dream as the Hollywood star sucked his cock with his handcuffs on.

He couldn’t help himself and pulled back to slide his thick cock out of her, grabbing it and suddenly slapping it on her cute face to make her gasp. She smiled, open mouthed as she relished him treating her so dominantly, exactly as she really wanted as she knelt before him with her hands cuffed. He treated her as his little toy for a moment with slaps of his slick cock on her gorgeous face before shoving it back into her mouth, making her nearly gag once more as he shoved into her throat.

He wasted no further time now and could feel his climax close, both hands in her soft brown hair now as he pumped himself into her. Ana just sucked hard, inhaling his cock with every rapid thrust into her mouth, head bumping the back of her throat intently and probing just a bit deeper as his pace overwhelmed her resistance. He didn’t hold it there though and she coped fine, just breathing fast through her nose as he fucked her mouth.

His pace increased, breathing heavy, punctuated by groans as his fingers twisted in her hair, his strokes getting more labored as he twitched with imminent climax that he evidently tried to hold back. Ana wasn’t having that though and shoved her head into him, making up the thrust that he refused to as she aggressively drove her tongue over him in the most intense way she knew. She wanted him to come and wouldn’t take no for an answer, drilling her tongue into his most sensitive area even as he tried to hold back, to hesitate, to delay her lest she insist she was done once he finished. She had no intention of that however and would show him once he’d finished, which rushed up on them as his hands grabbed her head.

“Oh fuck!” he shouted as he gave a final quiver, struggling to thrust before he buried himself into her mouth and exploded with a rasping grunt of sheer pleasure. Ana moaned in equal enjoyment as she felt him give way and shoot his hot, thick load into the back of her throat, his cock somehow harder than it had already been as he bucked and jumped with every clench of his balls. She pulled back a little to let him spill across her tongue, tingling her taste buds with the salty edge as he did so which she loved.

She figured if she gave the blowjob she should get some pay off when he came to climax, her treat of a salty taste across the tongue, his thick load emptied into her mouth which she personally loved. It wasn’t something she went round shouting about but every man she slept with soon found out, much to their elation, that it was something she relished and were always happy to help her achieve. His grunts accentuated each burst into her mouth as she sucked hungrily and swallowed it down, never even considering spitting as she kept going until he was finished.

“Fuck, Ana…” he breathed as she smiled round him, rocking back on his hips as he gave a final squeeze while she sucked firmly, taking all he had before slipping off him noisily and swallowing again, sticking her tongue out to show him afterwards.

“All gone,” she smiled.

“Good girl,” he replied, breathing deeply to recover as the tingle left him, her blowjob a fantastic treat. Ana just smiled, sitting back on her heels and giving a stretch as he took a moment. She squealed in surprise as he suddenly swept down a moment later to wrap his arms around her naked body and lift her with ease, strength dominating her to haul her into his arms then cast her back down onto the bed.

“I’m not your good girl,” she whispered as she looked up at him, “I’m your bad girl.”

“A very bad girl,” he teased, both of them playing up to it.

“So punish your bad girl, give her what she deserves,” she whispered huskily, accent breaking through again.

There was a moment between them, a pause of equal lust and passion, both wanting the same thing. It was broken when he did something unexpected and suddenly shoved her legs wide open to expose her neatly shaven pussy and dropped to his knees at the end of the bed. Ana trembled as his lips touched her sweet vulva and his tongue delved between her folds, teasing along her soft pink labia.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, arms bound across her body as she shivered, staring at the ceiling as he licked her pussy. His tongue worked neatly up and down her soft opening, tasting her juices and loving how easily she yielded underneath his touch. It dipped between to stroke over her clit and make her shiver, breath catching in her throat.

“Do you treat all your prisoners this well?” she smiled, closing her eyes and pushing down against his touch, loving how his hot tongue worked into her pussy and exposed her clit to his stimulation.

“Not usually, no,” he said in a brief pause, smiling as he glanced up at her, enjoying how much she loved his efforts.

“Not usually?” she asked, immediately sighing again in pleasure as he worked at her.

“Only when I pick up hot Hollywood actresses, they’re the only ones,” he grinned.

“Meet a lot of them, do you?” she whispered, pushing her elbows into the bedding as she curled her fingers. He made her wait as he ate her pussy more intently, tongue driving into and around her hard clit to light up the thousands of nerve endings. Ana arched her back as a rush of pleasure spread through her, legs squeezing in against his hands that were holding her knees wide.

“Oh yeah, falling over them around here,” he joked.

“Well I think maybe they’re deliberately getting arrested just so they can enjoy this,” she murmured, “because this is the best arrest I’ve ever had.

“Been arrested before, have you?” he inquired, pausing a second.

“No comment,” she smiled, using her cuffed hands to push his head back down into her. Tom allowed it and went back to devouring her pussy. She was so hot and wet, lips puffy and soft, ready for him to just slide inside her. Her clit was stiff and she responded with grunts and moans as his tongue circled it, loving how his lips locked onto it as he sucked at her and mixed it with dabs directly onto the tip of it. She wanted him to keep going but was denied as he slipped away from her, his cock rock hard again and ready to fuck her which he fully intended on doing. It was time to make her pay for her ticket.

“Up,” he ordered, rocking back onto his feet and standing up, reaching out to grab Ana’s wrist as she looked up. He pulled the lithe actress up onto her feet at the end of the bed before grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face the bed. Ana felt his rock hard erection bump against her back, tingling in anticipation as he reached round and squeezed her perky tits for a moment, taking time to kiss at her neck before he released her.

“Kneel on the bed,” he indicated, pointing to the ruffled sheets. Ana leaned forwards onto it then hopped up, shuffling forwards on her kneels and glancing back to him. She saw him swiftly undressing to leave him naked for her, rock hard and ready, before he grabbed something from the pocket of his trousers. It was the keys for the cuffs, and he slid on besides her and grabbed her hands to release them. She thought he was going to take them off, which would be a disappointment, but was thrilled when he just released one then sat back up to pull them firmly round her back.

“Oh yeah,” she smiled in delight, breathing hard as she felt a rush of excitement at getting her hands properly cuffed behind her back where she couldn’t resist. He slid back off the bed and put the keys down, not wanting to lose them before he stepped up behind her and squeezed her shoulder.

“Time to pay,” he whispered huskily.

“Yes sir,” she replied, glancing back over her shoulder. He trailed his hand down her smooth back then pushed her forwards abruptly, plenty of power so she couldn’t help but tumble over. She squealed playfully as she stuck a leg out to try and balance herself, pulling instinctively at the cuffs as she tried to use her arms to helplessly stop the tumble forward but it was all in vain. The petite actress fell almost in slow motion then collapsed suddenly onto the bed, landing on her chest with her head to the side, spare leg flailing for a moment.

Ana recovered herself and did what she knew he wanted, pulling her other knee under herself and sliding them wider, arching her back to present herself in a perfect prone bone position. Defenceless, at his mercy and just waiting for his rock hard cock as she knelt ass up for him, his hand sliding over her ass beneath her bound cuffs to give a squeeze before a playful spank, just taking in the sight of her completely helpless before he eased onto the bed behind her.

Everything happened fast as he couldn’t resist her, the enticing Cuban cutie bent over in front of him and his cock rock hard with his second wind. He held her firmly and pulled in close, grabbing his prick to aim it down to her silky entrance, bulging head immediately soaked with her slick juices as he teased her entrance. She gave a loud cry as he plunged into her, unable to resist and letting his weight fall forward to drive his cock deep inside her with a throaty grunt. Ana felt him pulse inside her, muscles squeezing down around him in response as they were finally entwined, moaning as he pulled back and slowly worked it inside her again.

“Fuck that’s nice,” he breathed, loving how hot and wet she was, deliciously snug around him but easy to penetrate, her slick juices letting him dive deeply into her expectant pussy. Ana just giggled through her groan as he leaned his hands either side of her, a dominating stance as he thrust his hips down to force his cock through her tight, velvet walls. They didn’t need to speak as he got to work and pumped his hips into her, Ana arching her back just a little bit tighter to give him full access to get his entire length inside her.

“Don’t hold back,” she breathed, pushing back against his hips as they met her firm ass, wanting to get every possible millimetre of him inside her.

“I won’t,” he smiled, leaning down to put a quick kiss on her cheek as she murmured in pleasure, holding hip and riding her ass for a moment before he leaned back up and dug his hands in properly. She groaned as he started thrusting deliberately, pulling his cock back and burying it into her, not full depth but instead staying comfortably shallower and working his hips into a rhythm that quickly accelerated. It was plenty though and she groaned in equal pleasure to him as his rock hard prick slipped between her velvet walls.

His bulging head stretched her out and ignited her nerve endings, stroking them repeatedly as his prick reciprocated into her silky, squeezing tunnel. His hungry grunts were right by her ear, so intense and expressive, letting her feel his energy and passion for her as it blended in with the physical sensations of his hips rocking behind her. He leaned up to grab her pelvis, taking a more commanding position over her and thrusting harder, pulling back to feel her entrance squeeze snugly around his head before burying it back inside her.

He loved how she moaned, rocking on the bed in front of him as he pinned her down on the sheets and rode her. She just grunted and groaned in pure passion, loving every stroke of his cock inside her, squeezing her pussy down to clench the muscles on him and feel him pulse harder when she got it just right. Ana loved the noises he made when she did, powerful grunts that only spurred her to do it more, do it better or stronger, shoving her hips back up against him to help encourage him to go a little bit deeper and bring both of them more intense pleasure.

His pace was good, fast but not overwhelming her, building her ecstasy up nicely as he pumped down into her. Ana rocked her hips and pulled at her handcuffs, frustrated at being completely dominated but also loving it, knowing she’d asked for it and was reaping the rewards. The steel bit into her wrists and she only pulled harder to accentuate it, giving a shuddering gasp as a little bite of pain hit her and blended in with the pleasure, accelerating and peaking it s he continued to keep thrusting hard into her.

Her gasps and grunts were deeper, heavier, more soulful and it gave away that her orgasm was imminent. Tom only let himself be spurred on by that and fucked her harder. He pushed up over her,  riding up onto her ass to shove his cock down into her more intently and work his bulging head against the front wall of her vagina and crucially onto her G-spot.

“Ohh fuck,” she breathed, clenching intently around him as his cock started shoving down over her most sensitive spot. It had an instant effect and she felt her climax take several steps more towards bursting, the stimulation almost too much as she screwed her eyes shut and groaned in pleasure. Her hands pulled helplessly at her cuffs again as she felt a tingle spread through her as he pumped hard onto her, working deeply now as he leaned right over her. His hands pressed into the sheets around her as he shoved down into her, forcing his cock as deep as he could with every intense thrust over her G-spot.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped, feeling the sudden rush of electricity spread through her, telling her the big orgasm was trembling, almost ready to explode over her. He had no intention to stop, loving the gorgeous snugness of her pussy as it pulsed and squeezed around him, driving himself down intently against her shapely ass as he buried every inch of himself inside her and shoved his bulging head right to the entrance of her womb. Ana was loving it, yanking at the cuffs and gasping in a rush of sensations as he fucked her, pushing her ass into him and rocking her hips to get every last bit of stimulation she could.

Ana’s gasps turned to deep, heavy grunts as her eyes rolled, holding it back for a few seconds before it surged up and exploded over her, closing its fist around her soul in an instant and shaking her vigorously with pleasure. She let out a cry of ecstasy, a long wail that filled the room as he hammered on her and didn’t let up, his cock still driving down against her G-spot as he fucked her and piled more pressure on through her orgasm.

“Fuck, fuck…” she gasped, eyes opening wide as she breathed intensely through the ecstasy that wracked her petite body, shaking hard and screwing her hands into fists as he pounded on her and made it last as long as possible. He breathed hard and only added to the shaking of her slender form as he smashed against her ass, cock as deep as it could get given his position and she loved every second as she wailed and gasped in ecstasy.

Her eyes screwed shut again as she was overwhelmed by the surge of intensity as her peak faded and she couldn’t handle it any more, relieved when he slowed and left her gasping into the hotel sheets, sinking down behind her and sliding out to just resume slow, easy strokes into her exhausted body. He slowed to a stop then slipped his rock hard cock from her, leaving the gasping star breathing hard as she slumped down a little and tried to recover.

He gave her a minute to catch her breath then got on with it again, pushing over her prone form and pressing his cock back down between her thighs. Ana thought he’d shove back into her pussy and fuck her till his eventual peak but her eyes widened as he shifted up and pushed his bulging head against her tight asshole.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, glancing back, trying to pull at her cuffs.

“I think you should pay off your ticket properly,” he smiled, pressing himself at her asshole and feeling her yield a little, temptingly.

“Well, you should definitely punish your bad girl,” she breathed after a pause, knowing what she was inviting. It was an invitation he wasn’t going to pass up, not in a million years and he quickly spat into his fingers and wiped it over the bulging head of his cock. Ana breathed deeply and held it, keeping herself calm as his slick cock pushed at her tightest hole before he leaned on her to drive it inside. She resisted the urge to fight it, momentarily battling her natural instincts as she trembled then shoved her ass up into him and pushed out to welcome his rock hard prick into her.

He loved how she encouraged it, completely ready for him as he pressed in and feeling her relax was a treat, just giving way and letting her tight sphincter slide over his bulging head. It was like slow motion before it suddenly popped inside her, stretching out her tightest hole as he jolted forward and made her reflectively squeeze. Ana immediately winced, causing herself pain as she clamped down around him but it only made him strain and pulse harder.

Neither of them said a word as his hands shoved into the bed again and he pressed down to drive more of himself inside her, Ana whining as he slid himself into her still squeezing asshole. He pushed over half himself inside her, slow and powerful, just opening her up before he pulled back and gave several slow, intense strokes to get them going as she struggled. She gasped, grabbing her ass and spreading it for him, as much something to do with her hands as anything else while she fought herself and rode the discomfort of the squeezing her asshole tried to do.

“Oh fuck that’s tight,” he breathed, loving how she felt around his prick, gripping so firmly as he pushed his minimally lubed cock into her.

“Enjoy it, fuck it…” she gasped through gritted teeth, wanting him to have fun and make her pay, knowing he wanted his pleasure as he’d brought her own. He didn’t need telling twice as he started picking up pace to thrust himself into her, squeezing himself deeper with each push as he shoved down into her. Ana kept her back arched and pushed herself up, presenting her sweet booty to him to drive down against, groaning in a mix of sensations but giving a definite shiver of pleasure as he got it all inside her and his hips pressed into her ass.

She didn’t let him press her down though and maintained her position as he ground against her then picked up the intensity, his strokes shorter than he’d used on her pussy as he stayed deeper, fucking her with around half his cock as his speed accelerated quite rapidly to make her moan as he fucked her ass. It’d been a while since she’d last done anal but was quickly reminded why she enjoyed it, the illicit sensations, the naughtiest pleasure of his thick cock pumping into her ass even if it was mixed with the tight, slightly overwhelming discomfort as he split her in two.

He didn’t care however and was focused on his own enjoyment, dominating her completely now as he pumped himself down into her hard and fast. His strokes lengthened but he maintained he same pace, picking it up to plunge his cock into her fully from the tightness of her asshole to the hot depths as he shoved against her ass. Ana started grunting with every thrust as he put it to her hard and she marveled that she hadn’t been given such a brisk anal session in years. The breaths were almost knocked out of her with every hard thrust as he jammed his cock inside her and jolted her body.

“Ohh come on, harder,” she managed with a stuttered breath, not frankly sure she could handle it much harder but just wanting him to really enjoy fucking her ass. Her hands gripped her ass, squeezing herself tighter and pulling to spread it wide, giving him maximum access to fuck her but also showing her submission. She just about managed to keep her hips pushed up as he shoved her down in a proper prone bone, fucking her hard and driving her into the bed as he fairly hammered his big cock in and out of her.

He grunted in pleasure as she managed to squeeze him and she felt him shove down harder into her. His pace accelerated and his motion shortened, driving deep again now and pressing his hips into her ass with every intense shove. She moaned and held on, knees wide as she was forced down into the mattress and fucked hard, his grunting throaty as he built up towards what was an imminent climax. She could feel his prick rock hard inside her, twitching and jumping with his pleasure that he clearly tried to restrain.

Ana wasn’t having that though and shoved her ass up against him, squeezing her sphincter more intently now to grip around him, making herself tighter around his cock as he teetered on the edge. His grunts got more soulful and she felt it coming, knowing he was about to explode as he swelled that tiny bit more, getting pumped hard with his rock hard shaft for a few more seconds. They rocked together hard for those final seconds before he growled loudly and slammed into her, his cock jumping and exploding hard as he ejected himself into her.

She moaned in pleasure as he drove her down and blew his load deep in her ass, driving her into the bed now as she collapsed under him and relished him pulsing inside her. He managed a few short, stuttering thrusts of his hips to maximise every sensation he could while he clenched hard to empty every drop of himself inside her. Ana gasped in relief and pleasure as he climaxed, squeezing her asshole to draw every burst of his hot, thick load inside her, feeling him jetting it deep inside her to leave her with what she was sure would be a thick anal cream pie.

“Goddamn,” he groaned as he shook with the fading climax, giving a final grind down against her before sagging onto her exhausted, both of them gasping hard. He didn’t waste too much time however and took just a few moments to breathe deeply before he knelt up and slid himself back out of her to leave her tired asshole gaping wide. Ana’s hand were still holding herself and she spread herself a little more again so he could see it, knowing he’d love it. She glanced tiredly back towards him as he stood behind her.

“Suck it,” he ordered her, a cool command that made her heart surge.

“What?” she blinked.

“Come here and suck it,” he said, indicating his still hard prick.

“I’ve never done that,” she said, eyeing him.

“If you don’t I’ll leave you cuffed here for room service to find,” he teased.

“No, don’t!” she cried out, playful but also serious that she didn’t want to be found in this position.

“It’s a deal then,” he grinned and grabbed her hands, yanking her easily back to the edge of the bed then grabbing her hip to flip her over. Ana grumbled as she pressed down awkwardly on her hands, steel digging into her lower back as she wriggled as he pulled her round by her shoulders to make her head drop off the side of the bed.

She closed her eyes and opened wide as he dipped his hips and guided his still firm cock straight into her mouth. A gag met him as he pushed deep and tripped her reflex, making him hold back just a second before he started thrusting into her mouth, short and fast as he groaned with pleasure. Ana sucked firmly and just did it, knowing it was the key to her freedom but she couldn’t deny she loved how submissive it made her. Hooking up with him had scratched an itch she hadn’t realised was there and their little sex session was certainly satisfying, only making her suck more intently for the few more seconds he could stand before he pulled back, leaving her to swallow the last drop of his load.

“Fuck that was good,” he breathed, stepping back then turning to sit heavily on the bed beside her, flopping back to recover as Ana awkwardly threw her knees over to roll her hips and get off her arms, relieved as the pressure on her back was released. They lay together breathing hard and exhausted as the air blew through the open window, welcomingly cool to their hot bodies as they recovered.

Ana just lay satisfied, still restrained but unconcerned as he lay next to her, his hand on her thigh. Their rest was shared and they took a couple of minutes before he stirred, sitting up then pulling himself to his feet to find the key. He leaned down and, a little reluctantly he had to admit, unlocked the handcuffs from Ana’s wrists to free the gorgeous Cuban cutie. She slowly pulled her arms back around with a mumble, shoulders stiff from the position before sitting up properly with a stretch that she held before collapsing back, spread out in her gorgeous nudity on the bed.

“That was fantastic,” she smiled, loving how he enjoyed the view, seeing his eyes roam down her tight, petite form, from the firm peaks of her breasts topped with her stiff nipples, over her toned tummy and pinched waist to the alluring flare of her hips and neatly shaved pussy. The arrow now pointed down to her puffy, tired vulva with her clit hood protruding and labia swollen from how he’d fucked her, evidence of the job he’d done on the pretty Hollywood actress.

“Yeah,” he agreed simply with a satisfied smile that he couldn’t wipe from his face.

“I hope you do give all those actresses you arrest this treatment, they’d love it,” she teased.

“Well next time I get a chance to I’ll let you know,” he laughed.

“Let me know huh?” she said with a little flick of her eyebrow.

“Well...if you wanna hear about it of course,” he joked. Ana gave another stretch then pulled herself up, standing from the bed and stepping over to the table in the room. She grabbed a complimentary pen and one of their cards, as if patrons somehow forgot where they were staying, then turned it over to scribble on the bed. He couldn’t see what she was doing but didn’t mind the view as she bent over the table before him, seeing her arching her back a little to maximise his enjoyment of her firm ass and sweet pussy that bulged just a little between her thighs.

“You won’t be able to tell me without this,” she said, turning back and handing him the card. Taking it, his heart surged as he saw “Ana” scrawled in her lovely handwriting and her phone number underneath.

“Wow, thanks,” he said in genuine surprise, never having expected her number.

“I’m obviously busy, but if I’m in L.A. well...maybe I might need to speak with law enforcement,” she said with a devilish smile, flicking her eyebrows.

“I’m sure I can arrange that for you,” he smiled, contemplating the chances of another session with her.

“I’m sure you will,” she smiled knowingly. It’d been the best fuck she’d had in quite a while so she was hoping he would call her and it would be something she could look forward to amongst the hectic nature of shooting movies.

“How much time you got?” he asked, hoping she might be free to continue.

“Not much,” she said, glancing at the clock.

“Busy life of a movie star huh?” he said, disappointed but not remotely surprised. The surprise had been her offering and then following through with this entire encounter.

“I’m afraid so,” she said, sitting back onto the bed.

“What is it today?” he asked.

“Another meeting with producers and stuff, they want to go through what we’re doing this coming week and all that, and a script review I think,” she said, trying to recall it all.

“Sounds fun,” he smiled, taking the hint and picking his clothes up.

“It is overall, but there’s always these bits to deal with isn’t there. You’ve got your paperwork to do and I bet you don’t love that,” Ana said.

“That’s true,” he replied, already into his shorts before efficiently pulling his jeans up.

“Every job has good and bad things,” she added as she watched him dress.

“True. But this arrest was a very good thing,” he smiled, getting his shirt on.

“Very good,” she grinned. Gathering up his stuff, he took a last, lingering look at the stunning actress as she sat back to let him take it in, loving how he and so many other men looked at her before she stood to walk him to the door. They embraced tightly, their kiss intense and passionate as their tongues mixed, his hand squeezing her ass while she pulled herself close to him.

“Until next time,” she whispered, breaking away from him.

“Without a doubt,” he replied, giving a last smile before he opened the door and stepped out into the hall. It was still empty and Ana couldn’t help but lean forward around the frame to watch him go. Tom didn’t look back at her, internally elated at the incredible fortune and experience he’d add with her.

Putting his hand in his pocket, his fingers carefully ran around the edges of the card with her number on it as she watched him go, standing beautifully naked in the doorway behind him, watching him turn out of sight onto the stairs before she slipped back inside and closed the door. Walking back to the bed, Ana turned and threw herself onto it energetically so she spread out fully, laid out completely nude on the bed as she sighed in comfort.

She shivered as she felt his thick load slide from her asshole, closing her eyes – God, she hoped he’d call her...


The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 05:25:14 AM by Noj »
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, John Connors, Jack, Viri, Blocboy VC, VSM14, Dexter07, Sorale21

Blocboy VC

Re: Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2023, 10:33:44 AM »
Nice job. Also I laughed  when I realized that the male lead shares his name with the guy who created MySpace lol.

John Connors

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Re: Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2023, 06:04:17 PM »
Great story, @Noj. Ana is beautiful and you really did her justice with this story.
'What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.' - Werner Herzog

'Gotta head full of ideas that are driving me insane...' - Bob Dylan

'I sold a quart of blood, bought a half a pint of scotch' - Tom Waits
The following users thanked this post: Noj, Blocboy VC


Re: Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2023, 07:28:28 AM »
This is the first story I have read on here involving a cop and handcuffs. You did a great job with this theme, I had fun reading this one.
The following users thanked this post: Noj, Blocboy VC


Re: Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2023, 03:55:52 AM »
Classic theme here with the cop and a lady getting out of serious trouble. This is a theme I always wanted to explore.

Stories like this inspire me in great ways. This is what I mean when I tell you that your writing is some of the best and really makes me want to write. You gave me some great ideas with handcuffs lol.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Noj, Blocboy VC


Re: Ana de Armas - Cuffed
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2023, 02:21:46 PM »
Awesome stuff.
The following users thanked this post: Noj, Blocboy VC


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