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Author Topic: Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce  (Read 3117 times)


Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce
« on: August 09, 2023, 09:24:31 PM »
Mr. Myxlplyx needs to hide on Earth for 90 days and proposes a truce to Lois Lane, granting her a wish to satisfy her heart's desires if she doesn't blow his cover... Careful what you wish for.

This is a work of fiction, all characters are the property of DC comics.
Superman and Lois Lane
The Truce
Chapter 1

Winter on the Kent farm has always been a magical time. The white ocean of snow that surrounded the farm gave the impression that the farmhouse was an island in this vast sea of white. And inside the house, the feeling of isolation was the same. Lois Lane, the wife of the current farm owner was sitting in front of her laptop re-reading the documents she had just received from a reputable source. Their contents revealed that Lex Luthor had designed high-powered weapons with kryptonite as the power source. The goal these weapons were designed for obviously was to kill human and alien targets, especially Superman.

"Interesting..." Lois said while nibbling on the end of a pencil, "But I need more proof, like the storage locations or the blueprints of those weapons."

Suddenly a tremor overtook the house and a small bald imp wearing a bowler hat appeared in front of Lois Lane, making her cry out in surprise.

"Easy!" said the Imp "Don't call the big blue, I didn't come here to hurtcha!"

"Give me one good reason! Every time you show up, it's for some prank or to sow chaos!" Lois accused; holding up an emergency beacon in hand she'd been carrying with her to alert her husband if the need arose when he wasn’t on Earth.

"And its fun for all involved too, can’t you appreciate a little fun?" Mxy answered with a wink. "But this time, I come here with a proposal. I propose a truce for ninety days. You don’t hand me to the Blue Lumox nor to the sorcerous community while I hide on Earth while I run away from a fifth-dimension bully, a lightnin bolt called Gsptlsnz. "

"And what do you offer me in return?" Lois asked with interest in her eyes.

"I give you your heart's desire. What you want most in this world." Mxy said, already raising his hands to make a magic gesture.

"Hmm… I accept," said Lois. "And my heart's desire is to put Lex Luthor behind bars through my stories about his illegal weapons project."

Mxy just smiled and rolled his eyes, snapping his fingers where a poof of magical sparkles filled the makeshift office the two were in. 'Right… Let's see if that's what your heart REALLY desires toots. I'll see you in ninety days to see what happened and undo this magic if everything goes south…"

With a sparkle of glitter, the imp disappeared, leaving Lois alone in her room to sit back at her chair and back at the sources she was looking at about Luthor’s pet projects. Looking down at her hands, her laptop, and the papers she had around her, nothing seemed different.

“Huh, guess we’ll have to see if my investigating bears fruit.”

Going over all the locations believed to be the manufacturing plants to Luthor’s weapons development, Lois made plans to try and find out for herself and dig up enough details to give to Perry when she got back to Metropolis. Hearing someone come up the stairs of the farmhouse, Lois closed her laptop and smiled when she saw the door open.

“Hi Lois, enjoying the farm clean air?”

Smiling back at Clark Kent as he entered their shared room, Lois stood and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, pecking him on the chin and lips with chaste kisses. “I don’t know Smallville, it’s a little quiet for a city girl, I’d love the hustle and bustle of Metropolis MORE.”

“Well, the holidays are almost over, we can head back in a couple of days.”

“Good! I’ve been working on a scoop involving Luthor, seems he’s getting some nasty toys ready, and I want the first to get a scoop of that story.”

Rolling his eyes, Clark smiled and spun her around playfully, getting a laugh from the woman as her feet left the floor. “Heh, always the dutiful reporter, say… Was anyone here earlier? I thought I heard another voice in the house a few minutes ago when I came back.”

Shrugging, Lois looked around, playing coy to her husband. “Maybe your ears are playing tricks on you.”

“Hmm… Maybe.” Kissing his wife again, Clark went back downstairs, telling her that dinner would be ready in a few hours.


3 days later…

Leaning back against her office chair with a sigh, Lois sipped at her coffee and mulled over the reports on her computer, it was no different than what she found when she was back in Kansas; with many of the companies manufacturing Luthor’s weapons being dummy companies claiming to be military R&D facilities… Which meant she wasn’t allowed in.

“Any luck on your investigation Lois?” Asked Jimmy, handing her a second mug of coffee to replace the empty drink at her desk.

“No, not yet thanks Jimmy…” Taking a sip, she continued. “He REALLY doesn’t want to have his work spied on, not even my father has jurisdiction to allow press to walk in those facilities.”

“Ouch, too bad.”

“What’s WORSE is if I’m right, this means there’s going to be hundreds of weapons built specifically to take down Superman that will be circulating around Metropolis by the end of the month!”

“How could the military allow that?” Asked Jimmy, pulling up a chair and looking over Lois’s findings. “You’d think having a weapons division built to kill the one guy who saves us every week would be counter productive.”

“Sigh… Lex claims his weapons are powered by kryptonite crystals, and uses energy as a firing mechanism, it’ll work on anything, the fact it can ALSO harm superman is an afterthought, plus he’s making it all on a bargain, he wants this stuff out fast and cheap.”

“Pff, tough break, so what are you going to do?”

Tapping her pen against her lip, Lois began to form a plan in her head, smiling once she had an idea.


Later that night, outside the east Metropolis military R&D facility.

Keeping herself low and wearing a long heavy black coat, Lois Lane watched as the guards at the checkpoint halted a truck entering the lot and checked the paperwork of the driver, waving him in after a series of questions.

Nodding to herself, the woman checked her belongings, making sure her cameras and recorders were well hidden in her long black dress underneath before she undid her coat and made her way over to the checkpoint booth, wrapping her silk gloved hands around herself and shivering in the cold night air as the storm blew. Playing her part perfectly as she strolled up to the two guards at the booth in a pair of black heels.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry but you’re not allowed to enter this facility, can we ask who you are?”

Hugging herself more tightly in the cold snowstorm and showing off her bust as the cold made her nipples tent the fabric, Lois had made sure she was at her most stunning with her hair flowing down the side of her shoulder and expensive makeup and lipstick accentuating her face, with a silver necklace and earrings to complete the appearance. “C-can I get inside to get w-warm? I w-was on a date w-with Dr Gordans-s-s and he tossed me out of his car getting here, he didn’t even g-give me back my c-coat!” Shivering in the thin lace dress that exposed her neck, arms and left thigh, the woman looked like she was supposed to be in a warm ballroom sipping wine, instead of out in the cold at -20 degrees weather.

“I’m sorry miss, but you are not permitted on these grounds, we can call a cab to pick you up…” Just then the storm intensified, and Lois was knocked off her feet from the harsh winds and snow, collapsing on the snow and getting wet in the process. Frowning, the one guard looked to the other who frowned back and shook his head. “Alright, come inside, we’ll get you warmed up and call a cab for you to be picked up.”

Offering his hand, the guard helped Lois up to her heeled feet and waved the booth operator to let her in, oblivious to the smile Lois gave as she was led inside. Brought to a room inside the facility, Lois could sit and get warm while a mug of hot chocolate was offered to her. Nodding gratefully Lois sipped at her drink and waited until the Guard left the room and was out of sight. Getting up to her feet, she took off her heels and plucked out her tiny camera out of the cleavage of her dress, tying her hair back to keep it out of her way.

“Alright, time to see what I can find.”

Opening the door and looking around, Lois found the hallway empty except for the guard who’s back was turned away. Silently she closed the door and snuck out the hallway down the corridor towards where her sources claimed Lex’s weapons division was. Finding the door, she entered the workshop and looked around. All around her were racks of firearms and equipment, all of which was prepped and ready for shipping any day now. Taking as many pictures as she could, the woman came across a glass tray at the table where it gave off a green glow. Kryptonite, dozens of small crystals the size of peppercorns glowed from the petri dish sized tray on the table. From the looks of things, each rifle was fueled by one of these tiny crystals, but it was enough to give it the energy to fire as if they were firing bullets.

Picking up the handful of glowing green rocks in her hand, she wished she could find a way to dispose of them all, to keep her husband safe from Lex and others like him from using kryptonite to poison or even Kill her husband.

“Hey! Who’s in there? This is a restricted area!” Hearing the door open and guards rush into the lab, Lois panicked and swallowed the kryptonite crystals whole.


Captured and detained in the brig of the military facility, Lois sat handcuffed in her seat while a pair of armed guards stood nearby, glaring angrily at her. But more likely angry at themselves for letting her get as far as she did. Having been waiting for at least an hour, the door to the room opened and Lois looked up to find Lex Luthor step in and straighten his tie, a smug look on his face as he looked down at the detained woman.

“Why Lois Lane, we DO have to stop meeting like this, this is what? The eighth time you’ve snuck into my affairs?”

Shrugging, the woman thumbed at her hand cuffs, trying to play innocent. “I don’t keep count.”

“Well I do! This is becoming a nuisance Mrs. Lane! What did you do with the kryptonite?”

Looking between the guards and Lex, Lois looked down at her stomach and felt an ache of indigestion. She didn’t know what she was thinking at the time, acting out of impulse, now she wished she hadn’t as she felt the ache of heartburn creep up her chest and throat. “I ate it.”

Taken back and looking insulted, Lex snapped his fingers where one of the guards picked up a Geiger counter. Turning the machine, he waved it over her entire body, but to everyone’s surprise including Lois, the thing never blipped once. “Nothing sir.”

“What? Give me that!” Taking the Geiger counter from the guard, Lex made a more thorough scan of the woman, waving the baton over her head, her face, her body, everywhere, and found nothing. Standing straight and frowning more intensely, Luthor tossed the device to the guard and moved to loom over the woman. “No matter, we will find the kryptonite shards and continue my little endeavour and return to schedule, I have a contract with the US military to uphold and they don’t like delays.” Straightening his tie again, the man smirked back at her. “As for your little ‘covert espionage’, that will be forgiven for now.”

“Why? Because you destroyed all my equipment?”

“Well… That and I want you to tell the Man of Steel personally that his days are numbered. Once this hardware is put in circulation there will be no need for a ‘superman’ to stay in Metropolis.” Gesturing to the guards, the two uncuffed Lois Lane and guided her out the facility. Once outside where the blizzard persisted, Lois looked up to find a limousine ready along with Mercy Graves opening the door to let her in. Begrudgingly, Lois stepped into the limo and sat in the middle of the rear seat, rubbing her sore stomach as she mulled over what she just learned.

“No radiation… But how?” rubbing her stomach, she still felt a wicked sense of heartburn. Pressing the button to the intercom of the limo, Lois heard the chime at the driver seat.

“What is it Mrs. Lane?”

“Do you have any antacid?”

“We have water…” Hearing the intercom clock off, Lois frowned at the tiny speaker and crossed her arms. Looking out of the tinted windows, she watched the snow fall, rubbing her sore stomach all the way back to her shared apartment with her husband.


Masking her way up to her apartment, Lois sighed and rubbed her neck, exhausted and frustrated that her plan failed, now she had nothing and what was worse was there was not a thing she could do to stop Luthor from distributing those weapons. Getting herself some antacid from the counter and pouring herself a glass of water, Lois sat heavily on her living room chair and sighed. Her stomach had calmed down but now she felt anxious.

Seeing the screen door open at the balcony, Lois’s mood improved when she saw her husband come in through the balcony and close the screen behind him, dressed in his costume and heading to the couch to sit where she got up to join him. “Hi Lois, what did you do…” Caught off guard, Clark found the woman hugging him fiercely. “I screwed up Clark!”

“Hey, hey, it can’t be that bad.”

“Sigh… Lex made deals with the military to make kryptonite weapons, I tried to sneak in and get evidence so I could bring it to Perry, but I screwed up, and now that stuff will be out by…” Then it suddenly dawned on her, the kryptonite! She ate about a dozen shards of green glowing kryptonite and she was sitting next to her husband. Jumping off the couch, Lois pressed up against the wall and almost panicked, only to find Clark perfectly fine.

Looking down at herself and breathing a sigh of relief, Lois slowly crept back to the couch and sat back down with Superman, finding he wasn’t breaking into a sweat or getting flushed or sick in her presence.

“No radiation…”


“N-nothing Honey, just… a bit of heartburn this late.”

“Oh really? What did you eat?”

Not wanting to answer that question, Lois pressed up against his arm and shoulder and sighed, nuzzling into his chest. Feeling him wrap his strong arm around her, Lois swooned as she nuzzled into his chest. Looking up, she gave him a sultry look as she began to creep her way down to the floor on her knees, and begin tugging down his pants “Lois, I…” Hearing his wife shush him, Lois licked her lips when she finally got his pants and underwear down to free his crotch. Grabbing hold of his limp cock with delicate hands, Lois leered up to her husband and stroked him, letting his arousal rise along with his erection.

“Just let your loving wife show you how much she appreciates you.”

Bringing him to full mast, Lois opened her mouth and swallowed his cock to the hilt, swirling her tongue around his shaft. She wanted to make him feel good, if only because she felt she may be responsible for what might come in the coming months. Slurping and sucking at his length, hearing her husband gasp and grip at the couch made her smile. Feeling him grip at her dark hair, Lois’s eyes went wide when she finally brought her husband to orgasm, firing off ropes of cum down her throat which she eagerly swallowed. Leaning back and panting, Clark breathed in as Lois separated from his and licked her lips clean of his excess seed.

“WOW!... What brought that on?!”

“Who says I’m done yet?” She purred, pulling off her gown and underwear to stand naked in front of him and slowly crawl on top of his to sit in his lap, straddling his waist as she gripped at his growing erection to aim it between her nethers. “This night is just getting started…”


The next morning, Lois Lane sat in front of her office desk at the Daily Bugle, leaning back and smiling as she held a cup of coffee in her hands, still remembering the wild night she had with Clark, the woman hummed to herself squirming in her chair. She never remembered being that wild in bed before, or ever! They had gone at it for over an hour on the couch before she dragged him to the bedroom for another hour.

She even managed to tire him out when she found herself waking up on top of him in the morning, the big lug still snoring despite being at half mast inside if her. Smiling fondly at the memory, Lois took a sip of her coffee and looked over her paperwork and findings she hard stored on her system. Her attempt to break in the R&D complex to get hard evidence on Lex’s weapons didn’t pan out, but she was hoping she might get another chance. It worried her that the military who were funding the project thought Lex was creating laser weaponry with lithium batteries built small enough and powerful enough to pierce steel, it never occurred to them to check and find they were being powered by kryptonite crystals.

“What the…” Going back and forth over her own files, Lois discovered all her findings and sources had been deleted from her laptop. “That bald son of a…”

Lex Luthor had deleted all her findings AND her sources, probably over night as he gave her a ride back to her apartment. Now she had nothing except the knowledge of where the facilities were but no means of proving any foul play. She was back to square one, WORSE than square one, now she had nothing.

“LOIS? Get in my office, NOW!” Called out Perry from his door, going back out of sight and waiting for her to meet her inside. Sharing a look with Jimmy and Clark at their desks, Lois stood up and joined her boss at his office and closed the door behind her.

“Psk… What are they talking about?” Jimmy asked, leaning up to Kent so no one else could hear.

Looking into the office where the two talked, Clark grimaced when it started getting more and more heated, with Lois waving her arms out to the window to point at Lex Tower before Perry waved her off. Storming out of the office, Lois returned to her desk and began gathering her coat and things. “Mrs. Lane? What happened?”

“Perry put me on suspension for breaking and entering Lex’s R&D lab, he’s not pressing charges but Perry’s putting me off the story for 2 weeks with pay. What’s WORSE is all my evidence is gone!”

“What? How?”

“How do you think? Lex must have wiped my hard drive, the bastard!” Huffing in frustration, Lois stopped fishing for her stuff when Clark got up from his seat and gave his wife a hug, calming her down enough to slow down. “It’s okay Lois, its not the first time he’s gotten away with this kind of thing but you know what he’s like, he’ll slip soon enough and we’ll get him.”

“I’m more worried about you, what if those things get out into the streets?”

“We’ll figure something out when…” Darting his head to look out the window, Clark kissed his wife on the forehead and made his way out the door. “Sorry Lois, I just have to do something.”

Standing there in the middle of the work floor, Lois sighed to herself while turning her attention to Jimmy who just shook his head. “Jeez, priorities, right?”

Looking out the window, Lois could see the thin red blur in the sky of Superman flying off to save the day somewhere, somewhere his ears picked up someone crying for help. “I think I’m going to follow my husband’s idea and get some fresh air Jimmy, see you in 2 weeks.” Seeing the young man wave her off, Lois took her things and went to the elevator, pressing the roof floor button so she could go up to the roof to think and be alone. Getting up to the roof, Lois set her things down near the door and held herself as she made her way to the roof’s edge to look out onto the city, letting the wind blow her hair and sigh with disappointment. Right in front of her was the tall spire of Lex Tower sticking up in front of her like a big shiny middle finger.

She was mad, mad at her damn luck and mad at HIM for screwing with her investigation. Now in just a few weeks there were going to be a bunch of guns that had the potential to KILL Superman, it made her furious that she screwed up so badly that now it was going to happen. Gritting her teeth in a sneer, Lois balled up her fist and slammed it into the railing at the roof’s edge… And nearly took it off its moorings!

“What the hell?!” Looking down at the bent railing pipe, the thing now had a bend deep enough to fit her fist in, because it had molded to the shape of it. Confused and curious, Lois gripped at the 3-inch diameter metal pipe and squeezed with her fingers, surprised to find the solid steel squishing between her fingers like play dough. She was strong, like REALLY strong! Looking down at her hands she tried to think of what else she could do. Shrugging her shoulders, she bent at the knees and jumped as hard as she could… And ended up 40 feet in the air before landing on her feet and breaking her heels in the landing. Rolling onto her back, she quickly scrambled back to her bare feet after taking off her ruined shoes.

“How did this happen?” she wondered out loud, thinking about what the cause could be until she finally concluded. “The KRYPTONITE! But how? Eating that stuff should have made my hair fall out and killed me with radiation poisoning.” But then she remembered the Geiger counter read blank when she was scanned by it back at the R&D facility. Somehow, she had become a… Disposal unit for radioactive material, for kryptonite, and as an added bonus she was now strong enough to bend steel and leap over buildings.

A new idea cropped into her head, one that sounded better and better the longer she led it settle in her mind. “If I can’t expose Lex’s plans to the public, then maybe I can RUIN them, eat all the kryptonite stores he’s got, and make it so he could never hurt Clark ever again!” Smiling with renewed purpose, Lois spun around and gathered her things, heading back to the elevator to plan for tonight.


Later that night…

Clark had gone off overseas in response to a crisis on the Indian ocean that needed his attention, leaving Lois the time to do what she had planned to since she left the Daily Bugle. Getting dressed in black pants and a black jacket, the woman had also grabbed a pair of black winter gloves and a ski mask to hide her appearance when the time was ready. Taking a cab back to the military complex from the other day, Lois snuck into an alley close by to stay out of sight. Putting on the mask, Lois looked up while it was snowing in the night air, looking up at the five-story building and the roof up top. “This shouldn’t be hard right? After all if Batman can do it…” Crouching and bending at the knees, Lois jumped as hard as she could and nearly yelped when she propelled herself up in the air and almost missed the lip of the rooftop she was aiming for, grabbing hold of the brickwork and hoisting herself up easily thanks to her new strength.

“Okay Lois, mental note, AIM before you jump!” Breathing hard, the woman rolled off her back up to her feet again and looked over the roof top to the adjacent building across the street; the R&D lab she broke into yesterday. Last time she went in through the front door. With her new super strength, she had another opening in mind to get in. Looking down at the four-lane street down below and the high fence separating the building from the rest of the block, Lois backed up and stretched to give herself a running start. Sprinting to the edge of the roof, Lois jumped as hard as she could, wincing from the snow and cool wind in her eyes as she jumped across the street and past the fence to land in the yard, causing a small indentation in the concrete before she sped back up and jumped again, leaping up over the three story lab complex and ending up on the roof, looking around to make sure she wasn’t spotted.

Smiling under her ski mask, Lois wrung her hands in victory and ran to the door at the roof to get inside, prying the door handle off like it was tin foil and making her way inside. Being cautious now that she was inside the lab, Lois Lane kept herself low and retraced her steps back to the floor where she found the storage room. Checking the door, she frowned to find it locked, but with her new strength, ripping the door handle and lock off was no trouble. She was in. Looking around the dark room, Lois looked around for whatever kryptonite she could find… She didn’t have to look hard. All around her were the prototype weapons being prepared and charged, led lined containers filled with kryptonite shards and the battery packs they were being installed in. Without even realising it, Lois licked her lips. Making her way to the table she ripped open a led sealed container to find the green glow of kryptonite dust inside, opening her mouth she poured it past her lips and swallowed, followed swiftly by another container.

Finishing off seven soup-can sized containers of powdered kryptonite, Lois licked at her fingers as she went over the notes of the lab’s research. From what she found they were grinding the kryptonite down into a fine powder and mixing it with an alkaline to make a battery pack for the laser rifles. Checking a rifle on the rack, she found the battery attached and unplugged it. Unscrewing the top, she ripped it clean off when it wouldn’t give, rewarded with a container filled with a green glowing slurry. Opening her mouth, she downed the fluid without a second thought. For over half an hour she repeated the same process; prying off the power packs to each display rifle and feeding off its power source until they were all empty. Leaving at least 40 ruined weapons on the floor and a woman licking her fingers clean after guzzling what had to have been 2 liters of liquid kryptonite. Despite the amount she consumed, she didn’t feel sick, if anything she felt the opposite, she felt energised and alert. She could hear the footsteps of people outside or the chatter from guards several rooms down, her senses now heightened.

But had she been paying attention she would have found that her clothes were getting tight on her, her pants looking tight on her legs where the hem at her ankles exposed skin, along with the wrists to her jacket as it protested more loudly after finishing her meal. But she wasn’t finished yet, she still had to clean the lab out of everything that could hard Clark. Then she found it! A storage container the size of a small propane tank lined in lead with several warnings stamped on it, her nose told her it was the last source of kryptonite this lab had. Breathing hard with her eyes wild with excitement, she hefted the container up and ripped a small hole at the corner where a green glow leaked out. Hoisting it over her head, Lois drank the liquid kryptonite like she was drinking milk straight from the jug, controlling her breathing as she swallowed one gulp after the other until it was finally empty. Tossing the empty container away with a loud clank, Lois let loose a belch that caught her off guard but made her laugh when she regained her bearings.

She did it! She picked clean every gram of kryptonite the lab had, and apart from a feeling of fullness and a little heartburn, she felt fine. BETTER than fine, giving her full stomach a pat, she made to leave when she found the door kicked open and three armed guards stormed in and aimed their weapons at her. “FREEZE!” The one guard ordered as she raised her hands over her head. “Lady, I don’t know WHO you are, but you are coming with us!” Still wearing her ski mask, Lois was grateful the guards didn’t recognise her from last night. But now she was in a REAL pickle if she were captured again. Looking around for a means of escape, when one of the guards came behind her to cuff her, Lois tossed him aside. Surprising everyone when he was launched across the room and crashed into the display rack 10 feet away.


Gasping in terror, Lois shielded her hands in front of her when she heard the loud rapid fire of the assault rifles fire at her… Only to feel nothing. Blinking in surprise, Lois looked down to find her black jacket torn and full of holes with dozens of flattened bullets on the floor by her feet. Looking back up to the two stunned guards, they reloaded their weapons and fired again. This time Lois could see the bullets exiting the chambers and fly towards her, only to bounce off harmless against her chest and stomach, causing holes in her clothes but nothing else. It almost felt like someone was poking her with their finger with each gunshot, which she found funny since each ‘poke’ left a finger sized hole in her clothes.

“Wow…” Looking back at the two guards, she shoved them aside and ran out the door, running as fast as she could, she barreled through the door to the roof, snapping it off its hinges just as the security alarm went off. Looking behind her and back out across the street, Lois Lane ran as fast as she could to the edge of the roof and jumped just as half a dozen guards had managed to join her up top and began firing at her. Leaping off the roof, she managed not only to cross the fence and street but cross the building she used in the first place and land nearly half a block away! Looking back to find the place still going off like an angry hornet’s nest, Lois ran and jumped from one roof top to the next, making her way back home.


It was all such an incredible thrill; leaping from one building after the other with the same ease and grace as jumping on a trampoline. When she was miles away from the R&D facility, Lois finally stopped to catch her breath, her smile never leaving her lips the entire time even when she fell on her back on the roof of a 20-story building.

“This… This is AMAZING! I feel like I can do anything now.” Wringing her hands in excitement, she finally calmed down enough to get a look at herself after being shot by security. Taking off her black jacket she whistled at the tattered bullet holes at the front, checking the front to see it ruined but the back was untouched, meaning none of the bullets passed through her. Then she looked down to her shredded blouse underneath. Checking the skin on her stomach and chest she found that she didn’t have any injuries at all save for maybe a lot of little bruises, but apart from that she felt good, REALLY good. “I’ve got to show this to Clark!” Getting up to her feet, she suddenly realised finally that she had grown.

Taking a few careful steps, Lois looked down to find her ankles showing between her pant legs and her shoes. By how much skin she had exposed and how tight her black pants were, she assumed she was now 2 inches taller. Patting her legs over, she was surprised to find them firm and toned, like she had been a runner her entire life. Feeling up the rest of her body she discovered a few more things; her hips were a bit bigger now with a heart shaped rear, her thighs stronger, her waist narrower and flat smooth with definition, her shoulders were a bit wider with stronger muscle tone on her arms and her chest… Well, cupping her chest in both hands, Lois had to whistle, impressed that her once modest C cup bra had snapped and she never noticed, freeing a pair of perfect DD breasts that stood proudly from her chest and were barely being contained by a ruined button blouse. Her smirk growing from the realisation. “NOW I’ve got to show Clark!”

“help! Someone, anyone, help!”

Hearing the distant voice from down below, Lois looked down to find a mugger had cornered a woman, her purse held up as either a shield or a token to make the man leave her alone, until he pulled out a knife. Jumping from her perch, Lois Lane almost regretted jumping off the roof of a twenty story building until she landed on her feet without a single problem save for cracking the concrete under her toes and giving the woman and mugger the scare of their lives.

“Alright bucko, not tonight.” Lois said in her most confident voice she could muster, her fists at her waist posing like her husband would.

Panicking, the mugger grabbed the woman and pointed the knife at her neck, cornered between the wall behind him and Lois Lane in front of him. “BACK OFF BITCH! Or I stick the…” Unable to finish his sentence, Lois was already up close and had his knife hand up by his wrist easily in her own. Tightening her grip, the man gasped as he felt his wrist sprain and dropped the knife. Snatching it in mid air, Lois brought the knife up for the two to see as she pressed her thumb against the blade and bent it in half.

“Buzz off…”

With his hands up, the mugger ran for his life and out of sight.

“OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Asked Lois, wringing her hands and prancing on the spot in front of the scared woman with a wide smile, caught up in the same excitement as Lois, the other woman shared her enthusiasm.

“I KNOW, holy shit, how are you so strong?”

“I don’t KNOW, this is awesome! I wonder if I can lift a car…”

“Look what you did to that prick’s knife! You made a key chain out of it.”

“This is incredible, just think of what I can do with all this, I can… I can…” Reaching a fever pitch to her excitement, a single thought ran through Lois’s mind when her face went calm and she answered plainly. “I need to see my husband.” Looking up, Lois bent at the knees and jumped, propelling herself up into the air and landing on a rafter before jumping up again and again to reach the roof and head back to her apartment.


Meanwhile at Lex Tower…

“Mr. Luthor? I think you may want to see this!” Called out Mercy Graves as she stormed into Lex Luthor’s office unannounced, surprising the man while he was finishing up paperwork.

“Sigh… What is it Mercy?”

“There’s been another break in at the R&D lab, the one where Lois Lane tried to break into.” Handing an iPad replaying security footage to the man, Luthor watched as the cameras showed a woman EATING the kryptonite stores in the lab, before she was caught by security and was fired upon… Then tossed a guard across the room and escaped.


“Do you believe it is Lois Lane again, sir?”

“What?! Preposterous! Even if we aren’t as susceptible to kryptonite as that blue clad charlatan, the amount that woman ate should have had her hair fall out and her organs dissolve!”

“So, who do you think it is?”

Placing the pad on his desk, Lex stood up and looked out the window to his office, staring out into the city of Metropolis deep in thought with his hands behind his back.

“Mercy, tell the other facilities to double security just in case.”

“Yes sir.”

“And get a crew ready, perhaps a weapons demonstration is required.”

“Yes sir, right away sir.” Leaving the office and Lex alone, Luthor continued to look out into the city, deep in thought.


Meanwhile at the Kent apartment…

Returning home from the Indian Ocean after rescuing a cruise ship, Superman pulled off his cape and costume and sat heavily on the couch, feeling tired after today’s events. “Phew, what a day…” Pulling off his boots the man leaned back and sighed.

“Welcome back honey, how was India?” Called out Lois from the bedroom.

“Well, the cruise ship made it back to harbour in one piece, no fatalities but a few were shaken up after nearly capsizing in the storm.”

“Awww, poor babies, how are YOU?” She still called out from the bedroom, keeping herself hidden.

“Pretty tired, lifting a cruise ship back to port did a number on my shoulder.” He replied, rubbing his sore shoulder for effect.

“Well don’t worry sweetheart, your loving wife has that ALL covered.” She purred, finally stepping out of the bedroom to lean against the doorframe, wearing a red silk lingerie and thong and tracing her foot up the frame to show off her long, toned legs. Posing to give her husband a good look at her new figure before she sashayed down the hall towards the couch, smiling at her husband’s reaction while his eyes never blinked staring at her body.

“So, like the new me?” She asked, tossing her auburn hair over her shoulder and showing off her now taller and more athletic body to her husband, even giving her chest a slight shimmy to let her larger breasts wobble hypnotically.

“uhm… WOW!”

“Hmm, that’s what I like to hear.” Approaching her husband, she bent down to rest her hands on his knees and let her bust sway invitingly under her while she kissed his lips, smiling back at the fact he never moved a muscle, still staring at her athletic build and new curves. Crawling up to sit on his lap, Lois brought her hands up to rub at his shoulders, massaging his sore muscles with a pursed smile. “Ooh, they DO feel sore, good thing you have me to make you feel ALL better.”

“Wow, I can actually feel that honey, when did you?” Feeling her manicured finger press against his lip with a shush, Lois kissed him more deeply, pressing her lingerie clad chest against his and wrapping her arms behind his neck. “Just let your loving wife show you a wonderful evening.” Unclasping her top, Lois flung it across the living room and continued to make out with him, eventually slipping off her thong and helping him out with the rest of his cloths.


The following morning…

Sitting at the kitchen table with a pursed smile on her lips, Lois sipped from her coffee. Wearing a button blouse and panties while reminiscing on last night’s tryst with her husband. Stepping out of the bedroom a little haggard but getting dressed for work, Lois’s smirk grew when she caught her husband Clark fumble with his tie.

“Feeling out of sorts after last night sweetie?” Purred Lois, getting up from her seat to sashay up to the man and help him with the tie.

“Uhm… Well, you had quite the appetite last night, heh.” Blushed the man as Lois finished doing up his tie and kissed him on the chin. Her smile almost impish as she pinched his cheek affectionately. “Can you blame me? I was rather upset about being off the scoop for two weeks, you’re not complaining, are you?”

“Uhm… No?”

“Good! Enjoy your day at work Smallville, tell the staff I said hi.”

“Ok Lois, take it easy for the next few weeks.” The man waved, stepping out the door to make his way to work. Once her husband was gone, Lois went to the bedroom to get cleaned up and dressed for the day. After drying herself off from the shower, Lois looked at herself in her full body mirror and whistled, impressed by what stared back at her in her reflection. Turning and posing, the woman found her figure had improved significantly, now more toned and athletic, like she had been exercising her entire life, even flexing her arm to find a solid mass of muscle she squeezed between her fingers. Not only that her curves were fuller and more pronounced, her chest now a proud DD in cup size and her hips and rear wider and firm with a heart shaped rump. “Hmm, did I get taller?” Bringing her hand to the top of her head and tracing her way to the door frame, the woman found that while barefoot she was now 2-3 inches taller than before. “Huh… Guess that’s another improvement.” She smiled, enjoying the state of things so far, heck, she felt incredible, and all it took was to drink over 5 gallons of liquid kryptonite.

The kryptonite.

She had to plan another raid to stop Lex’s production of those weapons, she had already cleared out the one facility, and that meant there were only five others left to pick clean. If she did enough damage to his plans, Lex’s grants would be terminated and the project would be scrapped, leaving Clark safe and sound. Still a wayward thought did cross her mind; if five gallons of liquid kryptonite turned her into an amazon of a woman, what would more do?


Meanwhile across town…

The First National Bank had just opened for business this morning and the tellers were already busy with people making deposits and withdrawals. It eventually changed to something less mundane when five men dressed in black carrying duffle bags stormed into the bank wielding assault riffles fired up into the air and barked orders for everyone to get to the ground.

Storming up to the teller and demanding money, two of the black clad assailants whispered to each other while keeping an eye on everyone on the floor. “This is crazy man! Did the boss forget whose city this is?”

“Relax, the boss got something last night that’ll help deal with that red and blue boy scout!”

No sooner than when the first bag was filled that the bank could hear the clarions of police cruisers barricade the front of the back.


Getting dressed in a pair of denim slack and a red hoodie, Lois turned on the television to pass the time, going over her notes on the locations of the other five facilities Lex Luthor was creating kryptonite weapons. Remembering their addresses prior to when her files were wiped, she lost just about everything except for the notes she kept on paper just in case. “Here we are! Next facility is about 2 miles out of Metropolis, I can get a cab… Maybe take the bus out there.”

While she was thinking on her next plan of action, her ears picked up the news from the television as a breaking story cut in.

“We are live here from the heart of Metropolis where a bank robbery is being held up by police, the assailants seem to be using energy weapons we’ve never seen before… Wait, what’s this? We have the man of steel arriving on the scene folks.”

The shaking camera panned to Superman floating in mid air between the robbers and police, his arms crossed over his chest and his red cape flapping in the wind as he tried to talk down the thieves. Immediately the robbers fired upon Superman, their bullets bouncing off harmlessly off him, until Lois recognised one of the robbers aim a rifle at the Man of Steel, one she recognized from the lab she raided the other night. With a single shot, Superman was hit with a green light that stunned and hurt him, making Superman drop like a stone and tumble to the ground. Fired on again, Lois could hear her husband cry out as the kryptonite laser shot at him again.


Wide eyed and panicking, Lois bolted towards the balcony window and stepped out into the open, pulling the hoodie over her head, she jumped off the balcony, landing 30 stories down on the ground and causing a panic when she jumped up and vaulted over an apartment building nearby, desperately using all her newfound strength to make it to the bank and save her husband in time.


Staggering back and dragging himself to lean against a police cruiser, Superman gasped and clutched at his chest like he was having a heart attack, because he may have well had been. That hit to the chest hurt as much as when he went toe to toe with Shazam with that lightning bolt to the chest he gave him. Looking back at the bank, his vision was still blurred and dazed, but it was focussed enough to still recognize the laser rifle that hit him being aimed and ready to fire again. Ducking to the side just in time for the green tinted plasma blast to leave a harsh scorch mark in the car door he propped himself against, Superman dragged himself up to his feet, clutching at his chest while he tried to find cover.

He could feel his strength returning, but the speck of gunfire ricocheting off his side and shoulder from the other weaponry the bank robbers used stung fiercely. But he was quickly recovering, the poisoning was wearing off when he regained his footing. But before he could duck behind another car where a pair of officers were waving to him to reach safety, another blast of green light struck out and impacted the Man of Steel’s leg, sending him back to the ground to clutch at his injury. Recoiling in pain as the gunfire bouncing off his body hurt more.

Watching Superman recoil from the gunfire, three of the bank robbers laughed to themselves, reduced to making pot shots to keep the man down and using the kryptonite plasma rifle to knock him back down.

“Hey Mark! You finished cleaning out that vault?” Called out the ringleader, grinning to himself as he aimed the plasma rifle to fire again, enjoying the sound of Superman crying out with each cheap shot.

“Almost done here boss, you done plucking the wings off that blue butterfly out there?”

The group laughed out loud as the rifle pinged, indicating that it was fully charged for the next shot.

“Yep, time for the ol headshot and escape boys, get the tear gas ready so we can blow this place.”

Aiming the rifle at the injured blue and red hero gasping for air and clutching at his kryptonite burns, the leader of the robbery smirked and pulled the trigger. But the moment he did, something landed like a ton of bricks in front of him and slammed down on the ground, taking the energy bolt like it was a gust of air, and saving Superman’s life.

“The fuck?”

Whoever it was, she was standing in front of the dazed and bewildered Man of Steel and keeping the ringleader from taking any other shots at him.

“Hey! You wanna take shots at someone? Why don’t you take a shot at me!” The stranger called out, pointing a thumb at her chest.

Glaring back at the woman, the leader flicked a switch on the plasma rifle, setting the weapon to fully automatic and unloaded it on the hooded woman. Thin streaks of green light spat out of the doorway of the national bank towards the woman who crossed her arms in front of her to take the dozens of energy blasts. Her sleeves and chest scorched and caught on fire as the energy burned right through the fabric. For a moment he thought his mind was playing tricks on him when it looked like she was getting off on it. Spreading her arms out and taking the shots to the chest, but every time she did, the shooter thought he saw the green energy get soaked up through what bare skin was exposed behind the remains of her burned hoodie sweater. And if his eyes were playing more tricks on him… It looked like she was getting stronger.

Ceasing his fire and looking back confused, the ringleader blinked in surprise when he noticed her looking down at her now more defined abdominal muscles and back at him with green glowing eyes. If he did not know any better, he swore he read her lips say ‘More’ when she suddenly charged forward. Panicking, everyone fired at the woman as she stormed up the stairs and barreled through the doors off their hinges like they were made of cardboard, knocking the gunmen off their feet and roll into a tumble until they stopped midway across the bank floor.

Getting up and rubbing his sore head, the man looked up to find the woman had his kryptonite rifle in her hands and breathing hard with clenched teeth. The woman pried out the weapon’s battery pack and crushed the rifle in her hand like it was made of tinfoil before biting into the battery and filling the room with a bright green glow.

“Boss! The hell is she doing?”

“Is she nuts?”

Then the glow died down, its energies pulled into the woman’s mouth and being absorbed into her system until the glow quickly died and she looked down at the spent battery with disappointment. Tossing the power pack away and glaring back at the five robbers, the woman leered with green glowing eyes and a wide smile.

“Oh, you boys are in REAL trouble now!”


Helped back up to his feet with the help of a pair of police officers, Superman stood to his feet and shook his head to clear it as the kryptonite poisoning finally ebbed away. Regaining his equilibrium and strength to stand.

“Hey there Supes, you okay?” Asked one of the officers helping him up.

“Yes… Thank you, I’m feeling better now.”

Looking towards the front façade of the national bank as flickered lights of gunfire flashes could be seen within, Clark could hear cries for help, panic and what sounded like heavy impacts from inside the building before everything went silent. Minutes went by with no indication of any activity within the bank, making everyone outside nervous. Even Clark was unsure what happened with his X-ray vision still recovering. But then Superman and the police were startled when the roof blew out of the bank from something catapulting up and out like a cannon ball into the air to land several blocks away on the roof of a 50 story skyscraper before leaping again and disappearing faster than they could keep track of. Still too weakened to give chase, Superman stormed into the bank with his regaining strength to look inside and check who was unharmed.

“What in…”

What he found were the five robbers defeated and sitting together in the middle of the floor, bruised and unconscious. Bound on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs, their weapons had been crushed by bare hands as if they were the consistency of soft clay in front of their splayed feet.

Scratching his head, the man of steel was at a loss for words, as were the rest of the authorities who quickly joined him inside the bank to find the five culprits already in custody.

“You missed it!” Cried out one of the bank tellers as they all got up from the floor. “I can’t believe you missed it!”

“Missed what?”

“She was incredible!” Answered another, checking her wrists after the ropes were loosened around her arms. “She just barrelled through here and walloped those guys like they were toddlers! Then she flew out the roof!”

Looking around the bank floor and finding bullet shells everywhere and a few cracked tiles where it looked like something heavy made impacts, Superman then turned his attention to the hole in the ceiling where sunlight could be seen cutting in through the gaping hole.

“Got yourself another hero there Supes?” Asked one of the police as he too looked up at the hole in the ceiling and to the relieved hostages.


Looking around the floor, Superman’s red boot tapped against something metallic. Looking down he found what appeared to be the plasma rifle that was used on him, now crushed, and twisted into a proverbial tin-foil ball by his feet. Startled at first, he was worried of any residual kryptonite radiation… Only to find he was still okay. Hesitantly picking the weapon up, he still did not feel anything from it.

“Whatcha got there Supes?”

“Looks like this is what they used to drop me to my knees.” He answered, turning it back and forth over his hand. “It’s a shame I can’t make out what it used to be before it was crushed.”

“Well, I think we got this handled Superman, try to sit down somewhere or something and get your strength back.”

Seeing that the situation was now under control and the crisis over, Superman waved everyone farewell and made his exit through the main entrance. A loss for words to who his unfamiliar savior was or where they went off to.


Kent residence… 10 minutes later.

Flying through the open screen door to the balcony of their shared apartment, Superman stepped inside his home and closed the screen behind him. Looking around the living room, he did not find Lois at her work desk.

“Lois? Are you home?” He called out, undoing his cape, and draping it over the nearest chair while he rubbed the back of his neck and sat down, rubbing over the sore spots still recuperating after the kryptonite poisoning.

“Hey sweety, rough day?” Called out Lois from the bedroom, the door closed for privacy.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. You were right about Lex’s weapon plans; some goons were robbing a bank and had a prototype kryptonite powered plasma rifle with them. Even got shot up a few times by it too.”

Opening the bedroom door to step out and toss some ruined clothes into the garbage bin nearby, Lois gave her husband a worried look as she pulled her hair free from the back of her freshly changed blouse and came around his chair to hug the man from behind. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders to drape down his chest, Lois pecked a kiss over his cheek.

“Aww, poor baby, where does it hurt?” Lois purred in Clark’s ear, letting her hands gently roam over his shoulders to ease his sore limbs.

Taking off the shirt of his costume, Clark pointed towards a healing burn on his shoulder and over his back that still stung. Immediately the woman sunk to her knees and began to pepper the burns with dotting kisses, smiling as she looked up at the man while her lips were around the healing spot, only to linger when she began to taste the ebbing flavour of kryptonite energy still in his system. Not too long afterwards, her kissing became more impassioned, even going so far as to lick at the healing burns only to pout when she found the flavour had gone away after a few seconds. When that happened, she moved to another burn, the one still healing on his back.

“Hey… That tickles.”

“Oops, sorry Smallville, got a little carried away…”

Snapping out of her fixation, Lois smiled back to the man and stood up, giving him a final kiss on the forehead before heading back down the hallway towards the kitchen where she looked over her shoulder with a smile.

“I’m planning dinner tonight if you’re hungry. You in the mood for spaghetti?”

“Pasta? Sure, that sounds great…” Sighed Clark, rolling his shoulder and finding it back to normal again. Looking over to find the small scorch mark he was surprised to find it gone. “Are you cooking or ordering out again?”

“Pff… I’m a city girl Smallville, we’re ordering out. End of story.”

Chuckling to himself and shaking his head, Clark got up and made his way to the bedroom to change, kissing Lois on the way as she pulled the phone off the wall and dialed the nearest Italian restaurant to order out.

Looking down the hall and watching the man close the door behind him, Lois smiled and wrung her hands together with barely contained glee. She did it. She saved her husband from one of Luthor’s prototype weapons, and it was so EASY! She never felt so powerful in her life, and all because she ate all the kryptonite she could get her hands on.

“This is amazing… If I can find the rest of the kryptonite storage silos, then Clark won’t have to worry about another green glowing problem in his… OH! Yes? I’d like to order spaghetti with garlic bread for two… Yes, I’ll be paying by card, 30 minutes? Thanks.”

Putting the phone back on the receiver, she heard Clark exit the bedroom changed in casual wear and coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. Wrapping her arms around his, she smiled wider and leaned back against his chest.

“I take it dinner is coming in half an hour. I heard you over the phone.”

“Sure is, but that just means we have some time to ourselves before the delivery, how ever will we pass the time?” Lois asked playfully, tapping her husband’s cheek with her finger before taking his hands in hers and guiding him towards the living room couch. The moment they were both seated, Lois straddled the man’s waist and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and behind his back, pressing her chest under his chin and giggling out loud at how he’d blush at her forwardness.

“What’s with the frisky attitude Lois?”

Playfully combing her fingers through his hair, Lois leaned back and tapped her chin in thought.

“Hmm… I figured since I’ll be off the story for a little while, maybe I’ll enjoy it with my favorite hubbie.”

Chuckling back at her flirtatious attitude, Clark quickly tilted his head in confusion when he noticed something out of place with Lois. Even Lois stopped her act of affection when he stopped to stare at her.

“What is it Smallville?”

“Hey honey, are you wearing contacts?”

“No, why?”

“Well, its just I don’t remember your eyes being green before.”
« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 10:36:24 PM by Gorel29 »


Re: Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2023, 09:25:21 PM »
Superman and Lois Lane
The Truce
Chapter 2

Waking up with the morning light hitting her eyes, Lois moaned in discomfort and brought her arm up to block the offending light and roll over in bed. She had expected to find Clark sleeping there with her but instead found an empty spot where her arm draped over. Possibly some emergency at the last minute that he picked up with his hearing, she reasoned. She was kind of surprised he could wake up so early what with all the sex they had been having the past few days, last night alone they did it three times before Clark passed out from exhaustion. She did not mean to be so needy with him, but for days she had been voracious with him in bed. Even after he was too tired to keep her satisfied, she still wanted more. The memory of it all from last night made the woman bite her lower lip and hum to herself in delight.

Tossing the blankets over herself, she looked over to the alarm clock on the side table and pouted when her vision cleared enough to see it read 8 in the morning. Rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling, Lois sighed with frustration, wondering if she should stay in bed or finally get dressed. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling fan making her dizzy… She decided to get up. Standing up to her feet and scratching at her thigh, Lois stepped out of the bedroom and stretched out her arms to yawn.

Walking into the washroom to get cleaned up, Lois stepped into the shower stall after stripping down, waiting for the water to heat up, and after losing her patience, she began washing her hair. It had been a week since she had raided the Lexcorp facility and cleared it of all its kryptonite stores, and what a rush it was for her; the excitement, the thrill, the sense of power that came after. She was superhuman after she made her escape. She even managed to rescue her husband from a bank robbery. She felt amazing!

For a time…

Oh, she had become incredibly strong, and durable too. The likes of which she could not possibly imagine. But after a few days of it, she had learned there were downsides to her new abilities. Setting the hot water to its maximum and standing directly under the shower head, the entire bathroom had become fogged with steam from the scalding hot water spraying down on her, but to Lois, it all just felt lukewarm. Scrubbing herself down, she barely felt the sponge in her hand or the hot water or the shampoo in her hair. It was like she was numb.

After 20 minutes of washing herself down, Lois stepped out of the shower and dried herself off, wrapping a towel around her body and another around her hair. Looking at her reflection from the mirror despite the fog clouding the washroom, Lois took a long look at herself. Posing in front of the mirror with a hand at her hip and another holding up the towel around her hair, the woman gave her figure a quick look. If any thing positive came from eating all that kryptonite (apart from saving her husband’s life) was she looked absolutely gorgeous! She was taller now, almost a couple of inches taller and because of that she had to make a habit of wearing flats for Clark not to notice. Not only that she looked more athletic, she always exercised every now and then to maintain her figure, but the firm arm muscles, trim waist, toned long legs and heart shaped rear gave the impression she worked out extensively since she was a teenager. Not only that, with the way she had to quickly bring her arm back down to wrap around her towel, she tightened it back up lest the pressure her bust gave off would make it slip off.

She was a humble C-cup before all this, now she was sporting impressive double Ds. It was enough that she had to really loosen the straps to her bra just to contain them or just wear sweaters. As she stepped out of the washroom and filled the hallway with vapour mist returning to her bedroom to change. She flung the wet towels binding her hair and covering her body into the laundry bin and put on some slacks and a buttoned blouse. Making her way to the kitchen and pouring herself some juice and toast a cream cheese bagel to eat. After a bite of her breakfast, the woman rested her chin in the palm of her hand and sighed.

“Is this how it’s like for Clark everyday? Geez… How does he keep stimulated?”

Something was missing. That spark, that thrill just was not there anymore. And it got worse every day. Even the bagel she bit into did not have the same flavour she appreciated in the past. There was a flavour she wanted, one she had not had in over a week, and she wanted it again. Finishing her breakfast, Lois stepped over to her work desk and rummaged over the few remaining notes she still had over Lex Luthor’s weapons manufacturing. The next facility was just outside of Metropolis and after her fiasco with the last facility the security would most likely be doubled. Sitting heavily at her desk chair, Lois wiped her fingers through her hair and bit her finger. She did not want to admit it to herself but… She wanted that taste again, the taste of the green, the taste of kryptonite.

“Come ON Lois, snap out of it, you’re not doing this for a buzz, you’re doing this to keep Smallville safe!”

Rummaging through addresses in her hands, the reporter checked the map on her cellphone and planned for her next raid on the facilities. Gathering her jacket, she pocketed her things and headed out of the apartment for her destination.


Meanwhile across the country…

Lifting the water tower over his head and using it as a bucket of water to put out a fire blazing over a fifty-story building, Superman watched on intently as the flames went out and used his x-ray vision to keep an eye on firefighters as they pulled people inside out to safety. Once the fires were out and Superman flew over to another roof top to carefully let go of the water tower, Clark looked back and waved over to the firemen who alerted him that everyone was out, safe and sound.

Waving back at the fire chief with a smile, Superman flew off, heading back to Metropolis and back to his home with Lois. Mid flight he did feel a little guilty leaving Lois alone in bed so early in the morning, but he could not ignore the sirens forever. He figured he would make up for it with some breakfast.

Managing to get back to the apartment balcony of his shared home within seconds and without anyone noticing, Clark heads into the bedroom to find Lois already gone.

“Lois? Are you home?”

Looking around the apartment, he finally stopped when he spotted a note on the refrigerator, one in Lois’s handwriting. Plucking the taped note off the metal surface, Clark looked it over and read what she left behind for him.

“Dear SMALLVILLE, heading out for today, will be home tonight.” Looking at the back of the note and back to the front, Clark shrugs and gently sets it on the kitchen counter before making himself some toast. “Wonder what she’s doing so early in the morning.”


Booking a ticket for a greyhound bus for outside Metropolis limits, Lois got on the vehicle and sat over the window seat on the bus overlooking the station just as the vehicle lurched and began to head out. Looking out onto the streets as they passed by, she found herself tapping her foot on the floor, anxiously. She did not want Clark to know what she was doing, she knew without a doubt that he would stop her, especially with what happened last time when she was caught.

But THIS time will not be the same as last time, that Lois was sure of. Testing to see if her newfound abilities were still there, Lois pressed her thumb against the metal panel of the wall beside her seat, creating an indentation just as easily as moulding soft clay. She was strong now, REALLY strong. Strong enough to keep Clark safe and protect him from Luthor. All she had to do was get rid of all the kryptonite she could find, and Clark would be truly safe. Looking out the window of her seat, she watched on as over an hour later of travelling, the bus was already outside the city skirts and making its way out into the freeway. If she were right, she would be at the second weapons facility another hour later. Leaning back in her seat and hugging herself more tightly, the woman became even more anxious.

She could not put her finger on it, but… She felt hungry.

The next hour passed painfully slow to her, so much so she found herself tapping her foot non-stop the entire bus ride and gripping the stirrups to her seat until the arm rests cracked under her grip. When she felt the bus slow down and enter the next station the next town over outside of Metropolis, Lois finally let go of her arm rests and got up from her chair with relief. Stepping out of the bus and stretching her arms over her head, Lois made her way down the small town that sat just outside the massive Lexcorp facility that loomed over in the distance. The snow crunching underfoot as she made her way through the street. Despite the harsh cold winds and deep snowbanks, the woman did not feel cold, something that she found garnered some attention as a few people bundled up for the winter passed her by with some confusion as to how she could walk around in a skirt and light jacket and not shiver from the freezing cold.

“Okay… I should have brought a coat, too late for that now…” Seeing a couple pass her by and eye her in her choice in clothes like she was insane, Lois folded her arms together and huffed. “Now I stick out like a sore thumb, better find a place to get inside before people start wondering how I’m not frozen.”

Taking some time to get to know the layout of the small town, Lois noticed a lot of the store fronts and restaurants were populated with the staff from the facility, seeing guards or technicians still in their uniforms perusing through shops or drinking at the nearby bar. More than likely the town’s sole revenue ran on the facility itself, something that gave Lois an idea when she made her way over to one bar and took a seat and ordered a drink.

Watching the crowds of people eat and drink around her, the woman kept her eyes sharp on who she was looking for when she spotted a female technician pay for her drinks and made her way to the washroom to freshen up.


Turning from her seat and weaving her way through a few patrons to the women’s washroom, Lois closed the door behind her and locked it. Looking back inside the restroom, she found the other woman just finishing up washing her hands when she turned her attention back to Lois with confusion.

“Uhm… Can I help you?”

“No, I think I have what I need RIGHT here.” Answered Lois as she approached the confused technician and brought up her hand to playfully flick the woman off the forehead. The increased strength she possessed was enough that the woman reeled back against the wall and slide down to the floor spreadeagled and unconscious. Recoiling her hand in worry, Lois looked down at her manicured fingers and back at the unconscious woman. “Geez, guess don’t know my own strength.”

Crouching over the technician and sighing with relief to find she was still breathing; Lois began to check over her clothes and strip her down for her uniform and ID badge. Once she was wearing the woman’s clothes and pinned the ID badge onto the pocket of her blouse, Lois hoisted the woman with the same ease as lifting a duffle bag and gently placed her in a toilet stall and closed the stall door behind her. Turning and straightening her dress pants and blouse, Lois gave herself a look over to make sure she looked the part. Tilting her head back and forth and tying her hair back in a bun behind her, Lois eyed her more athletic and curvaceous figure and frowned at how the clothes fit snug over her figure.

“Hmm… Maybe I should have waited for that huskier lady to step in here.”

Her disguise fit, if just barely. The pants she wore was skin-tight over her long, toned legs and she had to keep the button undone just for it to fit over her hips. She also had to leave the top few buttons to her blouse undone for her chest to fit and she was forced to have the tie trace down her cleavage. Posing back and forth, she looked like an escort posing as a sexy scientist, but for now the look would do. Putting on the woman’s coat and unlocking the washroom, Lois kept her head down as she made her way out of the bar and pulled the coat close to pretend acting cold as she marched her way up to the front gates of the R&D facility for Lexcorp.

Once she was at the front gates, Lois managed to look up at the imposing wall and guard booth before waving her ID tag to the man and swiped it over the scanner. The pleasant ping and green light indicating she was permitted through and she stepped across the threshold past the door and entered the building. Once inside, she winced at the noise of machinery all around her, moving and loading supplies and cannisters in a loading bay she found herself in. Keeping her head down, she occasionally darted her eyes up to the directions on the wall to the kryptonite storage area. Making her way down the hall and making sure her face was not recognised by covering it with her hand or pretending to check on a progress chart on the wall, slowly making her way deeper into the building. Lois would have been lying to herself if she were not salivating at the prospect of tasting more of the mineral. She could almost smell the green glowing substance just out of reach of her fingers.

When she finally found the door that led to its storage, Lois darted her eyes to either end of the hallway to make sure she was not spotted and stepped inside.


Wide eyed and breathing in the scent of the room, Lois had to gulp to hold back the sliver of drool that nearly escaped her lips. All around her was the tantalizing green glow of Kryptonite fueled power packs, batteries, fuel cells and ammunition all around her. Taking a few steps, she did not know where to start until her hand reached out on its own and plucked a small power cell off the rack and brought it to her nose to sniff and inhale the radioactive scent. To her, it was the scent of mint mixed with the sensation of static charge that left goosebumps down her neck and made her shiver. Having waited long enough, she bit into the small metal object where the room glowed an intense green from the energies bleeding out before being sucked in past her lips. In just a scant few seconds, the glow disappeared, and Lois dropped the now empty cannister to the ground as she savoured the taste and rush of power flow through her.

Fluttering her eyes, she hugged herself tightly as she felt the burn of energy flow down her chest and into her arms and legs. Breathing hard and building with excitement, she reached for another, and another, and another. Time blurred for the woman as she fed off the energy packs in her hands, the influx of energy making her green eyes glow. Reaching for the rack again, she found the thing empty with a dozen empty power cells littered around her feet. Shrugging her shoulders, she moved on to the next rack and began to feed on more. Then sensation never lost its potency whenever she bit into a battery pack or ripped the metal cap off a fuel cannister and downed it like a pint of beer in one gulp. All the while the rush of energy she felt only grew and built to intensity. After her fifth pint of the glowing radioactive fluid, Lois gasped and gripped at a table’s edge to right herself as she felt a crescendo of power rush through her. Fluttering her eyes and gripping the metal table with such intensity, she was not even aware of how her fingers dug into the metal like soft clay. She could feel the sleeves of her lab coat grow tight on her arms and the back of that coat and her buttoned uniform blouse become almost skin-tight over her frame. It was not until she heard stitching pop and break and the seams to her coat’s shoulders burst open to reveal her button shirt underneath did it dawn on her that she was growing.

But when the high relented, she barely cared about that. Pulling off the offending coat with the same ease as tearing tissue paper, Lois went right back to feeding off the remaining kryptonite stores in front of her.


Meanwhile, in the security booth at the research facility…

Sipping at his coffee and scribbling down a report of the last inspection of the facility before his shift ended, the security guard did a last check of the cameras throughout the complex when he spotted something odd at camera 8. Leaning back with confusion and a raised eyebrow, the man turned to look over his chair to the other security officer behind him.

“Hey Lou, take a look at this.”

“Yeah, yeah, what you found this time? Another guy dumping trash in the recycling aga… What the fuck?!”

Both guards sat confused at the sight of an intruder in the kryptonite storage room EATING the material raw like a starving loon placed in front of a buffet table. Watching on, they did not know how to process the image of the woman guzzling kryptonite fuel like it was water from a fuel cell before tossing it across the room and reaching for another.

“They HELL is she doing?! Is she crazy?”

“I thought that stuff was harmless to people.”

“Not if you DRINK it… Geez, look at her go. How is she still standing? And how hasn’t her hair fallen out yet?”

Shaking his head in disbelief, the guard gathered his equipment and stepped out of the booth, looking back at the other guard with him.

“Call the others and set the alarm, hopefully we’re dealing with a nutcase who’s stomach we have to pump to avoid a lawsuit.”


Finishing off a cannister of kryptonite fluid and tossing it across the room with enough strength to crumple the metal cannister and chip the stone of the wall it collided with, Lois breathed in sharply and hugged herself as she savoured the heat of energy course down her heaving chest and flow into her body. In the span of just half an hour she had completely picked clean the room of all its kryptonite stores. Breathing hot steam from her mouth, she wandered around the cleaned-out storage room until she found a reflective surface off the wall to get a better look at herself.

She looked… Taller. She was not sure by how much, but by the amount of skin showing at the space between her shoes and pant leg it had to have been a few inches. The bun to her hair had come undone at some point in her frenzy, now flowing down her back and shoulders. Blinking, her hands caressed down her neck and swoon from the sweat that had made her skin slick, bringing her hands lower to trace down her blouse to discover it had burst open by at least three buttons during her feeding frenzy, now exposing cleavage belonging to G-cup breasts that struggled against the ruins of her bra with their mass and threaten to pierce the fabric of her top with her nipples.

Lowering her hands to her stomach, she should have been bloated to the size of a cow with the amount of kryptonite fluid and crystals she had ingested. Instead, her stomach was flat as a board and rock hard with abdominal muscles that were firm to the touch. If anything, the rest of her had become just as athletic and muscular. Looking over her shoulder, she found the sleeves up to the hem of her shoulder had split open to give room to her toned arms. A split had formed in the shirt behind her back after it failed to contain the rest of her body expanding with growing strength. Turning her attention down over the slopes of her breasts and to her legs, she found her hips and thighs had expanded along with the rest of her, solid in their physique and unyielding when she pressed a thumb over her pale skin. The seams to her pants had also ripped at the hemline and her shoes had burst open at some point in her feeding, freeing her wriggling toes to the air.

She looked like Big Barda after trying to squeeze into some office attire, posing with a hand at her thigh and her other tossing her hair, she smiled back at her reflection where her green eyes continued to give off the same glow as the kryptonite she imbibed. She felt amazing, she LOOKED amazing, right now she felt like she could lift a bus over her head, and with the last display of power she showed, she very well could. Not only that, but the heat that filled her body never left her. She almost felt inebriated with the warmth coursing through her chest and loins, she never felt so alive, wanted to… To…

“HALT! Stay right there, missy!”

Looking over her shoulder at the sound of the voice making demands and narrowing her eyes over the shaking leaf of a man pointing a pistol at her, Lois found herself smiling back at the security officer staring down a proverbial amazon and flare her nostrils. Turning to face him and tilt her hip to rest a hand at her side, Lois looked the man over and idly scratch a finger over her chest.

“Oooh, a big STRONG man in a uniform, you remind me of my husband.”

Sauntering towards the security officer and grabbing hold of a metal table and tossing it out of her way startled the guard into firing upon her until his clip was emptied. But all that did was pepper her skin and have spent bullets fall to the floor to be stepped over by the taller woman. Cornering the man as he continued to point the empty pistol and pull the trigger repeatedly in a futile gesture before she plucked the offending thing out of his hands and crushed it like tinfoil in her hand and toss it over her shoulder. With her other hand she slammed it against the brick wall behind the guard with enough force to cause the brickwork to crack.

“Mmm… Blew your load already? What else could you fire off, hmm?”

Stepping back and nearly fumbling as he reloaded his pistol, the guard aimed his firearm back at the tall, wild-eyed woman as she approached him. His aim shaky as the last rounds he fired were barely registered by the woman, let alone caused any damage as the bullets bounced off her skin. The moment she began to approach him he tried to fire again, only to find a hand reach out and crush his pistol like it was tin foil and toss it across the room before hoisting the man up by under his arms and pinning him to the wall where her breasts pressed up heavily against his chest with enough force to knock the wind out of him.

“Please… Don’t hurt me.”

Fluttering her green, glowing eyes and smiling down at the man, Lois plucked his security hat off his head and ruffled his hair playfully, tossing the hat to the floor. She barely registered the man kicking and flailing his feet, which were now dangling several inches off the ground. If anything, she found the behaviour adorable as she curled a lock of her hair around her finger, leering down at the man pinned against her breasts.

“Oh, I’m not going to HURT you little guy, my little Smallville…” She giggled again, staring down at the frightened face of the man as she traced a finger down his cheek. Her vision going hazy as the small, dark haired man she had pinned reminded her of her husband. “I didn’t like how you left early in the morning without our morning snuggles… I think you owe me for that.”

Pulling the man up, Lois gave him a smoldering kiss that left him struggling and slapping his hand against the wall behind him, trying to breath after she caught him off guard and drove her tongue into his mouth. He even tried pulling himself free or even punching her in the hip, only to nearly break his hand over just how solid her body felt. It was like she was made of iron. By the time she pulled away from the kiss, the guard coughed and struggled for air, much to Lois’s amusement.

“Aww, don’t be like that Clark, I don’t have cooties.”

Leaning forward for another kiss, Lois stopped when she felt a light sting at the back of her shoulder, around the same time as a gun shot behind her ringing off. Looking over her shoulder with a pout to her lip, she found another guard shaking like a leaf with a pistol in his hands staring her down.

“Lady! Let the man go and get down on your kne…”

“HEY!” Barked out Lois, turning around and tossing her hair over her shoulder with a hand at her hip. The guard she had in her grip early completely forgotten while he fell to the ground and scurried off to hide behind a table. “I’m TRYING to have a moment with my husband you little twerp. Quit ruining the mood!”

Still being shot at and looking down at the bullets being flattened against her chest and stomach, Lois fumed and looked around the room angrily. Grabbing hold of a nearby metal table, she hoisted it up off its legs with ease and tossed the heavy thing at the man just as he dove out of the way. The table smashing against the wall as if it had been collided with an oncoming vehicle at full speed. Blowing out the wall behind it and causing every alarm to go off across the entire facility. Clutching her head and wincing at the painful noise all around her, it was almost deafening.


Slamming her fist against another empty table, the thing flung over and collided with a row of empty shelves, sending shards and panels of metal everywhere but all it did was make the noise worse. By then, the number of guards had multiplied and were now firing on her from every hiding spot and corner they could hide behind. After the display of strength, she showed off, no one wanted to be out in plain sight of the towering woman. Shot at from all directions, her ears ringing from the alarm going off all around her and the stinging annoyance of bullets bouncing off her skin left a ringing in her ears that only grew worse the longer she had to endure it. Sneering in anger, the woman clenched her fists together and raised them over her head.


Slamming her fists into the floor, the small tremor was enough to knock everyone off their feet and send a small shockwave across the entire storage room. The ringing in her ears was starting to cause a splitting headache in her, clutching at her ears to shut out the alarms going off around her, the woman jumped with all her might, catapulting out of the room and the next five floors above her until she shot out of the facility roof… And kept right on flying up and out.

Stepping out of their hiding spots and out into the open to stand over where the woman was, two guards looked up at the hole in the ceiling where other staff floors ahead of them peered down back at them in shock.

“Who the hell was that?” Asked one of the guards, turning his attention to the one who was under her grasp.

“I’ve got a better question; who the hell is Smallville? And HOW does he survive a woman like that?”

Looking back up at the hole in the ceiling, the other guard shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. Stepping back when a piece of the roof tumbled down the hole, the rest of the guards finally gathered and cut the alarm.

“Man, this is going to be a hell of a report, I hope Mr. Luthor won’t be pissed after this…”


Crashing like a meteor into a snowbank several miles away from the Lexcorp facility, Lois laid splayed out while hot steam broiled off her body after contacting the freezing snow beneath her. Fluttering her eyes and shivering as the temperature change coursed through her, the haze and euphoria from earlier evaporated with the snow flash melting under her while her body sank deeper into the snow until she finally touched down onto solid ground. Breathing hard and shaking her head, Lois brought a hand to wipe the sweat from her brow and sat up in the foot and a half deep hole of snow and melted ice around her.

“Aww… My aching head… What was in that kryptonite?”

Looking around the empty plot of land she crashed into, she spotted a farmhouse in the distance but not one she recognized. Staggering to her feet and looking around while rubbing her sore head, the tall woman looked down at herself and found she was wearing scraps and rags of the uniform she stole to get into the facility. Now reduced to denim shorts and with a little work, a tied over top. Realising she looked like some southern county dixie chick out in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold, Lois made her way to the farmhouse and sighed to herself in frustration.

“I hope they have a phone… And maybe a coat that fits me.”


4 hours later…

Stepping through the front door of their shared apartment, Clark whistled out when he took his hat and coat off and hung them near the door and turned on the living room light. Looking around, he did not find Lois but still called out in the hopes she was still here.

“Hi sweetheart, I’m home.” He called out, smiling when he heard her welcome him home from the bedroom.

“Welcome home Smallville, have they started missing me back at work?”

Smiling more widely, Clark moved his way over to the couch to take off his shoes as he called out to answer his wife.

“Perry’s been barking out orders as loud as ever, something about a lexcorp facility outside of the city being attacked and demanding someone head out there for a scoop. He’s got Cat and Jimmy there now taking pictures and names but I’m sure you’d probably ask better questions then they could.”

“Give Cat some credit Clark, she knows what she’s doing.”

“Yeah… You’re right.” Finally taking his shoes off and placing them at the mat next to the door, he spotted a bundle of clothes folded next to the coat hanger. Pulling them up to take a better look, what he found were a pair of coveralls big enough for a man twice his weight and a shirt that read XXXXL on the back and a coat just as big. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, he turned his attention back to the bedroom door. “Say, Lois… Whose clothes are these?”

Finally stepping out of the bedroom, the sight of his wife was enough for Clark to drop the overalls he had in his hands to the ground. She was wearing a dress she bought at one time in the past as a bit of a joke, one that was baggy and loose, but on her current figure, it bordered on being skin-tight. Exposing her long toned legs and accentuating her flaring hips and narrow waist to a skirt that came just low enough to cover her underwear. The dress clung to her statuesque figure until it came to her chest, which heaved with a pair of breasts comparable to ripe melons that swayed with each step, full and proud, it was obvious she was not wearing a bra but with how full and round they were, they barely sagged and the only indication that Clark had that she wore nothing underneath were the stiff points of her nipples behind the fabric. Tossing her long flowing black hair behind her shoulder with a flourish, Clark was a little taken back by the woman who stood at least 4 inches taller than he was by the time she finally pressed up against him and gently draped her strong arms around his shoulders and pull him into a warm kiss.

“I got them from someone who helped me out when my clothes stopped fitting, so… Like the new look?”

To say that his wife looked Amazonian in proportions was putting it mildly, the towering woman smiled down at her husband with eyes so green, they almost appeared to glow. Her longer hair framed her angelic smile and draped down to the small of her back. Her muscles were corded like solid steel and yet her touch and curves were as soft as ever, her breasts pressing up against her husband’s chest and under his chin as she looked down at him and affectionately traced a finger down the side of his cheek. She never looked so healthy, so powerful, or so sexual in Clark’s eyes.

“Uhm… Wow…”

Smiling broadly at his reaction, the woman kissed him on the forehead and pulled away to turn around and sashay back down the hallway, giving her husband a view of her heart shaped rear and hips sway with each step as she looked over her shoulder with a pearly white smile and turned to the kitchen.

“I was planning some dinner later, are you hungry?”

Regaining his composure, Clark followed her into the kitchen where she plucked a few items from the shelf to get dinner ready. Gently reaching for her hand to stop and get her attention.

Lois, what is HAPPENING to you? You’re huge!” Stepping back, the man got a better look at her as she crossed her arms under her chest and looked away slightly, almost out of embarrassment. “Please tell me, what is going on.”

Sighing and tossing her long hair over her shoulder again, Lois eyed her husband and finally folded.

“A couple of weeks ago when we were at the farmhouse Mr. Myx showed up wanting a truce.”


“The little guy said he just wanted to vacation here for 90 days, and in return he granted me a wish. I wished I could personally get rid of all the kryptonite on Earth to keep you safe… And its working Clark.”

“Lois what were you thinking? You know he’s not trustworthy.” Clutching her hands in his, Clark then reached up to cup Lois’s face in his hands. “There’s no telling what kind of mischief he’s really planning.”

Gently clutching his hands in hers, Lois smiled back down at Clark, trying to reassure him of her choice.

“No Clark, this is GREAT, I’m strong enough to stand with you and now I can keep you safe from Luthor, if I can devour the rest of the kryptonite on Earth…”

“You’ve been EATING the stuff?!”

Pulling away from Clarks hands, Lois turned around and crossed her arms under her impressive bust once again, her lower lip pouting. “Well, its WORKING Clark! I don’t question the logic of it, I mean its magic, right?”

“My God Lois, just look at what it is doing to you, what if you eat more of the stuff?”

Turning sharply to face him, Lois glared into her husband’s eyes, intense with emotion as she gripped at his shoulders.

“Then I can finally keep you safe!”

Breathing hard and realising she was holding him strong enough that he could feel it hurt, Lois let go and stepped back, worried that she took it too far. It was not until she felt Clark gently pull at her hand to get her attention that she looked down to see Clark smiling back at her.

“Look, Lois, no matter what, I’m always going to be in danger; whether its kryptonite, or Luthor or anything else that might come our way, I’m willing to face it if it means doing the right thing.” Bringing his other hand to gently cup her chin, he pulled her in for a kiss that had the woman close her eyes and swoon before he pulled away and smiled when she did. “Just promise me that you won’t get swept up in this… Wish Mr. Myx has granted you, okay?”

Slowly nodding and looking away, Lois’s smile quickly turned into a sly grin as she pulled her husband close and pressed his chin into her cleavage.

“You know Smallville… Ever since I’ve been eating kryptonite, I’ve grown stronger and tougher, maybe even as tough as you.” Leaning her head down to whisper into his ear. “Wanna see what its like in bed with you not having to hold back anymore?”

Clark’s eyes went wide with what she was suggesting, that is until Lois guided him to come with her to their shared bedroom. Closing the door behind her with a gentle kick of her leg, followed with a giggle when she playfully shoved her husband into bed to jump on top of him.


Looking up at the gaping hole in the facility from the storage room for the kryptonite being used for his weapons manufacturing, Lex Luthor’s face was unreadable as he watched several crews clean up the damages and tried to patch up the holes as quickly as they could. Straightening his tie, the man stepped away from the construction work to the rest of the crews salvaging what they could of the storage room. Going over a report offered to him by the facility’s manager, Lex’s eyes narrowed at the findings.

“She picked the entire room clean, not a single spec of kryptonite was spared…”

“N-no sir, we’ve screened the room twice for anything that would have been left behind.” Answered the man, shaking like a leaf in front of his CEO who quickly went over the report and speaking over the heavy machinery. “We s-should have this place back up and running in just a few…”

“You’re fired, I’ll send someone to replace you this afternoon.”

Slapping the report against the man’s chest and walking away without batting an eye lash, Lex Luthor made his way out of the facility to the parking lot where Mercy was already there with a fur coat to put over the man’s shoulders before opening the passenger door to his limousine parked just out front. Leaning back into the leather of the seating, Lex poured himself a drink from the wet bar to the side of the limo and swirled his drink in his hand as he heard Mercy step into the driver’s seat and rev the engine.

“I’ve read the report offered by the security while you were in the storage room Mr. Luthor.” Spoke Mercy over her shoulder while she drove out of the parking lot and increased velocity once she was on the main road to return to the city. “They described a tall, muscular woman with long black hair posing as one of our researchers, we ended up finding the real one knocked out in a women’s washroom in a bar a block or two from the facility entrance. The police claim her arms were tied behind her back with the safety bar from the handi-capped stall, tied around her like it was easy as bending tin.”

“Fire her too. Because of her and the rest of those incompetents posing as professionals, about a third of my kryptonite stores are gone! A lot of money and resources went into gathering all of that mineral.”

“What do we do with the woman? You think it might be Lois Lane? Like last time?”

“Mrs. Lane?” Asked Luthor with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t be absurd, if it were, she would be 7 feet tall and built like a Norwegian Olympian athlete. No… More than likely we have a new player in town, one who is trying to gather all the kryptonite I’ve amassed all these years for some unforeseen plan…”

“What will you do Lex?”

Looking down at his glass and taking a sip of his brandy, Luthor turned his attention to the phone mounted on the armrest of his seat and began to make a series of calls. The drive back to Metropolis only took an hour, but by then Lex had finished with making an appointment with some parties he invited back to his corporation’s headquarters. Entering the building and not even waiting for Mercy to remove his coat for him, the man made his way to the elevator and to the top floor to his main office. When the elevator doors opened, he knew full well the men and women he called for were already there, if not because of the scorch marks on the wall or the smell of ozone in the air, then certainly the chatter behind the double doors to his office.

Opening the doors and stepping inside, the room became deathly quite as Lex made his way to his desk and sat in the cushioned, leather chair, pulling out a wooden box from the side cabinet of his desk to place it in front of him for his ‘visitors’ to see.

“Why’d you call us Luthor?” Asked a digital sounding voice, the hushed whirl of servos could be heard when the man crossed his arms.

“Yes. Fun and games, fun and games, but what toys are there to play with?” Giggled the other sitting on a nearby couch, fumbling with a rubix cube and a glossy percaline smile.

“Hsss…. It better be damn worth it Luthor, I don’t like coming out if there’s nothing to eat.”

“I have a job for all of you, something I believe would be in all of your best interests.” Opening the wooden box, it was revealed to be lined with led as Luthor plucked a green, glowing shard of crystal from within to wave in front of the group like it was a slip of gold to lure them.

“Oooh, shiny, shiny, you paying us with glowin rocks there Luthor?” Asked the woman at the back.

“I have someone raiding my weapons facilities, ones devoted to the manufacture of kryptonite powered weaponry. I have put a significant amount of effort and money into their production and for them to be green lit by the US government. I don’t know who’s doing this but from what the reports are telling me, she’s EATING my reserves.”

“Ha! Sounds like something YOU would do.” Chuckled the woman at the back to one of her compatriots as he turned and sneered back at her.

Admiring the glowing rock in his hands, Luthor explained himself to the others he requested. “I want her eliminated, however and whichever way it has to be done.”

“And what do we get out of it then hmm? Some of us aren’t look for ONLY money after all.”

“Yes, yes, how do we find player number two in this game then, hmm?”

Taking the shard of kryptonite and placing it on the table, Lex Luthor took a heavy ornament from the desk to smash it to pieces, dividing them into small piles next to each other and presenting them to the group he hired.

“This woman is attracted to kryptonite, if you have any on you, more than likely she’ll come to you. Take her out, and you’ll be rewarded with enough money to buy a small island.”

Approaching the table and gathering what was offered, the group of villains took their shares of kryptonite as a sign that they agreed to the terms and made their way out of the office. Before exiting the door, one of them turned to one of their compatriots and smirked.

“Not taking any of the shiny rocks there John?”

“I’ve got one of my own, thank you very much.” He smirked, opening a compartment in his chest and flooding the entire office with a sickening green glow. Laughing together, the four left the office, leaving Lex Luthor alone in his office to write up plans just in case of their failure.

Pressing a button on the intercom next to his seat, Luthor called for his assistant.

“Mercy, it is done, I want our… Guests a safe exit with no witnesses.”

“Yes Mr. Luthor.” Replied Mercy on the other line, the intercom clicking and going quiet, leaving Luthor to continue to make plans. Leaning back in his chair, Lex folded his hands under his chin and turned his chair to look out the window to his office from his 200-story high vantage point.

He had been planning this for far too long to be sidetracked by some oddity. Kryptonite weapons as widespread and distributed globally would turn the Earth into a death trap for the Man of Steel, everyone from an army at the hands of some paranoid despot from a third world country on the opposite end of the globe to a street punk down in the streets, this world would no longer be safe for Superman to so much as safe a kitten out of a tree. He had planned and spent too much to be sidetracked now. The fortune he would gain alone would allow him to leave a significant footprint in the country’s decisions after they were done planning the Kryptonian’s funeral.

But only if this woman was found and dealt with.

For now, no one knew where she was or where she fled to. From his own estimates on the damages back at the facility, this woman leapt with enough force to propel herself a mile into the air and most likely had landed ten miles away. For once his choice in building a facility out in the middle of nowhere left him with no clues as to where to start looking. What he did know, was this being was incredibly powerful and dangerous and from the reports of the injured security, completely insane!

But much to his annoyance, he was forced to wait patiently until this woman made a sound and called attention to herself again.


All throughout the apartment complex, everyone on the 30th floor and even some to the floor above and below winced and frowned, trying with every bit of their might to drown out the rhythmic thumping noises echoing across the building by any means they could. Out in the hallway, people opened the doors to their apartments to find out where all the construction work was coming from with all the heavy pounding and thumping noises that had been going on for so long. Some wrapped their pillows around their heads, others took to ear plugs, some even played loud music to drown it all out, even if it meant the plaster dust raining from the ceiling grew in intensity or the fir ehydrant on the hall finally gave up the ghost and fell to the floor. The neighbours pounded their fists against their adjacent walls in the hopes that the occupants would at least hear their protests. All of it was in vain as the noises not only increased in volume but in intensity. Punctuated by occasional moans and screams of…


Lois finally got what she wanted and had been GETTING what she wanted for over an hour. Straddling Clark’s waist and resting her hands over his shoulders while she felt his hands at her waist for leverage. The two had been grinding and pounding into each other with almost inhuman intensity, so much so the legs to the bed frame had given out in the first 10 minutes and the walls sported cracks from the force of their love making. Rearing up and thrusting out her chest, Lois tossed her sweat slick hair over her shoulder and back, a look of pure ecstasy on her lips as her breasts swayed with each grind of her hips against her husband’s. She always knew Clark held back every time. Afraid to hurt her with even the slightest bit of effort, like she was made of porcelain. Truth be told, the porcelain in the cupboards were likely shattered already.

“Hnngh… Honey… I’m getting close…”

“Yes Clark… I’m close too… So… CLOSE!”

Clark had managed to sit up and kiss up her chest and neck, making her gasp and cry out until she captured his lips in hers, she felt amazing, better than amazing. Letting her hands roam over his back and around to press against his barrel chest, she smiled when she playfully shoved him back to the bed and rested her hands at his shoulders for leverage, increasing her gyrations to feel him thrust into her over and over again. Letting out another throaty moan that caused the windows to rattle, Lois tossed her hair again, letting her hands cup and heft the mass of her breasts and lick at their slopes when she mashed them together. Enjoying her husband’s reaction to the show she was giving him.

Leaning back down to press against her husband’s chest and kiss him full on the lips, Lois moaned into his mouth and moved up to smother his face in her cleavage, grinning to herself as she felt him lick and kiss between her breasts. Feeling him smile underneath her, Lois cried out in surprise when she felt him wrap his arm around her waist and roll her onto her back. Instantly wrapping her legs around him, Lois keened and moaned as he pounded into her as hard as he could, the sound of wooden framing splintering with the effort. Raking her fingers over his back, she squeezed her thighs together as she felt him jackhammer into her repeatedly, making her eyes roll back and her impending release reach a boiling point.

Finally, it happened; with her eyes seeing stars and her whole world going blank, Lois shuddered as a mind crashing orgasm overcame her, causing her to cry out loud and slam her fist against the wall behind her and cause the plaster to shatter like glass and crumble to the side of the bed. Finally exhausted and satisfied, she slumped down into a sweaty heap with her panting husband no better for ware, resting his head on her chest like a pair of pliant pillows. After five minutes, the thumbing from the adjacent walls finally stopped, leaving the room in total silence save for the couples sporadic breathing.


“I know… Five times?... I didn’t think you were so… So…”

“Slutty? Voracious? Nymphomaniacal?”

“I was going to say aggressive.” He corrected, rolling off her and onto his back with a pout from his wife, Clark sighed and found Lois roll onto her side and rested her head over his shoulder, playfully tracing circles around his chest with her finger and giggling to herself in her little victory; having bedded him to exhaustion. “I think we may have woken up the neighbours… And broke the bed.”

“Well, I think we can afford a replacement. And I’m quite sure they’ll forgive us…”

“I hope so, the last thing we need is an eviction notice because of noise complaints.”

Smiling and giggling again, Lois shook her head and moved up to kiss Clark on the lips, sitting up in bed she tossed her long black hair over her back and reached for the floor to get her panties and top, finding the two almost skin-tight and snug on her toned and larger physique. Sitting up to stand, the woman made for the bedroom door and looked over her shoulder.

“I’m feeling hungry, are you still up for dinner? Or are you…”

His snoring already told her he was out like a light, making the tall woman roll her eyes and try to keep quiet so not to wake him up. Sneaking out of the bedroom door, she gently closed the door behind her, and tip toed down the hall to the kitchen for a bite to eat. Scratching her hair loose with her fingers again and yawning into the back of her hand, Lois opened a cupboard to get a can of soup from the pantry and pull a cast iron pot from the shelf to make some dinner. Checking the clock as she opened the soup can with an opener, she winced to find it was well past 10 o clock.

“Damn, I HOPE they forgive us… Heh, at least the sex was spectacular.” Still shivering from the experience, Lois poured the soup into the pot and turned on the oven. “Gotta love those Kansas farm hands of his, so firm, so strong, so warm…”

With a perpetual smile on her lips, Lois stewed away the soup she was cooking, occasionally taking sips to make sure it was exactly right. She still was not used to not getting burned from hot soup, she even put her finger to the pot to check its temperature, getting nothing save a hint of warmth were days before she would have been crying over a welt that would last for weeks. Letting the soup simmer and putting it on a timer so she would know when it was done, Lois looked through the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine to have with her dinner.

Pouring her soup into a bowl and setting her dinner at the table and pouring herself a drink to go with it, Lois took a sip and looked down at her meal in disappointment. It just tasted… Bland. The wine had no bite and the soup still felt cold to her, with a mild bit of flavour that did not agree with her. Leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms under her bust, Lois huffed and blew a strand of black hair out of her eyes. In front of her was a piping bowl of beef stew with a sandwich and glass of red wine, but to her it might as well have been a glass and bowl of lukewarm water. It was starting to get depressing, the only time she got anything she could claim was exciting was when she was eating the kryptonite. Closing her eyes, she hugged herself more tightly, the taste of it, the surge of warmth and excitement that flowed through her with every bite, the flavour was indescribable. It was delicious, addicting, all she could think of was having more.

Opening her eyes again, she shook herself awake from her little mental revelry and brought her attention back to her dinner, one that did not seem as appealing as the meal in her dream. With a sigh, she spooned another sip of her dinner and went back to eating, such as it was. Finishing off her soup and wine, Lois got up and made her way to the washroom to clean up.


Stepping out of the steaming shower stall and drying it off with a towel and wrapping another around her head to dry her hair, Lois gave her reflection a wink and gave herself a look over now that she had the chance to see the results of the kryptonite she had consumed. Posing with her hands behind her head to lift up her hair and with a tilt of her hip and taking a deep breath to heap up her chest, she looked herself up and down with a smile.

“Damn Lo… And you thought you could turn some heads before!”

Tall, athletic, voluptuous, she was all that and more now. With a hand at her hip and flexing with her other arm, she smirked at the chorded muscle, making other poses in front of her reflection that either showed off her trim and toned physique or the curves of her hips and chest. Pulling off the towel that barely wrapped around her chest and only just came down to her waist, Lois got a better look at her nude figure and her smirk grew. She was perfect. With a toothy grin she ran a hand down her arm and down her stomach to feel her abs, followed by running them down her hips and thighs and back up cradle her large breasts.

“I can see why the others keep lusting after the amazon princess with a body like this, if I were her, I’d be flaunting this all the time just for kicks.”

Turning to face away from the mirror and pulling her hair free of the towel to drape in front of her, Lois flexed both her arms and looked over her shoulder to check out the sight of her back and rear… Only to pause when she spotted something in the mirror.

“What the… What are those?”

Eyeing her back from the mirror’s reflection, she thought she spotted what looked like moles, but they were larger than that. Feeling behind her back, her fingers traced over what felt like jet-black snake scales running down her back to her lower waist. Feeling behind her back, she could feel the scales, like polished stone under her fingers. Picking at them with her finger, she was made noticeably clear that they were real and very much a part of her. When did they appear? She wondered, a little worried, until she considered for a moment what she had been down for two weeks; Eating almost her entire body weight in radioactive material. Was this because of the kryptonite?

“Maybe… Maybe Clark was right about the stuff…”

She promised him she would not go after anymore, but on the other hand, she could not let those weapons out into the world and be a threat to him. She would never forgive herself if he were in danger and she had the means to prevent that and do nothing. Just what was she supposed to do? Grabbing her clothes, Lois pulled over her top and put on her snug underwear and opened the door to head back into the bedroom to go to sleep. Taking her spot next to Clark, she snuggled against him a bit more tightly than she would normally do, a hint of worry on her features before sleep finally claimed her.


Re: Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2023, 09:25:57 PM »
Superman and Lois Lane
The Truce
Chapter 3

On the sun swept beach off some tropical island off the coast of the Caribbean, a small imp wearing purple swimming trunks sighed with relaxation while bikini wearing ladies ran across the sands or splashed each other in the waters, with soothing music played in the background. Turning over to a tray offered to his right, Mr. Myxlplyx smiled taking the offered iced tea and took a sip, sighing out loud again and leaning back in his tanning chair with his hands folded behind his head. It had been a month into his self-imposed exile and hiding from the council of imps. And so far, things were looking preeeeetty good.

“Aaah, this is the life, good sun, good drinks…” Tipping his sunglasses down to ogle the bikini wearing ladies passing by his tanning chair at the beach, his smile grew. “Good company, ah yeah, this is the life indeedy.”

Things were looking up for sure. He managed to keep a low profile for the last month or so and all thanks to that deal he made with Lois Lane. Scratching his chin in thought, the fifth dimensional imp thought on that. Wondering if the deal for her was as sweet as it was for him.

“Hmm, wonder if ol doll face is livin it up?”

He had not kept tabs on the woman thus far and did not want to pry on the matter. The second he would pop up in front of her husband he would be back in the fifth dimension facing the council for his many, MANY crimes. Taking a sip from his drink, Mr. Myx shrugged and leaned back in his chair to relax.

“Nah, who cares amirite? I’s got my drink and hula girls and sunny beaches, and she’s got her hubby of steel, give it another month and a half and they’ll be the happiest clams in the sea, and I can head off to the next paradise to hide and wait for all this to blow over. Dem mooks at the council will forget about me in no time.”

Seeing another waitress with a tray of drinks, Mr. Myxlplyx raised his empty glass and whistled to the short-skirted girl who looked over her shoulder to the tiny man and narrowed her eyes, hiding her scowl.

“Hey toots, can I get a refill? I’ll make it worth yer while.”

“You’ve gone through 20 already sir, I’d be impressed if not for the fact you haven’t paid for any one of them yet.”

Rolling his eyes and waving his hand with a scoff, the shorts wearing imp played bashful and tilted his empty glass in his hand back and forth.

“Hey… You know my tab is good, I’ll pay for it when I’m ready, isn’t that the best part of any deal?”

Snatching up the man’s empty glass and replacing it with a full one, the woman turned to leave when she felt a tiny hand slap at her rear. Glaring over her shoulder again with a look that would freeze fire, the imp giggled and enjoyed his new drink. Fuming to herself silently as she walked away.

“Yup… This is the life. No one’s got it better than me.”


Panting in a sweaty heap in bed, Clark stared up at the ceiling while Lois draped herself over his chest and nuzzled into his chest hair. A peaceful sated look on her face as she hugged him more tightly and swooned.

“Four… Four times… Four times in the morning?” Huffed Clark, hearing his wife giggle as she sat up and lounged on top of him, resting his chin in her cleavage while she looked down at him and combed her fingers playfully through his matted hair.

“Most husbands would be tickled pink at the thought of a wild morning in bed with their wife, Clark.”

“Yeah… But… Four times?”

Smiling down at her husband’s reaction, Lois leaned up to press her forehead against his, kissing his lips and wrapping her arms around his shoulders while she kicked her feet in the air playfully.

“Are you complaining about your wife’s affections Smallville?”

“No… No… Maybe her appetites…” Smirked the man, just as he was struck with a pillow to the face and felt the bed lurch when Lois rolled off and stepped over to the closet to pull out some clothes. Pulling the pillow off his face and sitting up, Clark watched as Lois put on a night coat and looked back at him with a grin before closing the door behind her.

“I’m just going to take a shower.” She called out from the hallway. “You can JOIN me if you still have the energy.”

“That’s okay Lois… I just need some time to recharge my batteries.”

“Suit yourself.”

Sitting up in bed and scratching the back of his neck, Clark had to take a breath just to regain his nerves after his wife’s morning ‘routine’. Now that she was almost as strong and resilient as he was, she had been monopolising on that with every night for the last three nights and mornings in a row. It was enough that even he was starting to feel it.

“Who needs kryptonite when you have a super powered wife draining the life out of you…”

“What was that Smallville?” He heard her call out in the hallway, making him grimace slightly before calling back to answer.

“Just… Thinking of your Lois.”

Pulling on something to wear and shaking his head while looking down at his feet, he suddenly noticed something on the carpeting. Reaching down and picking it up, he checked it back and forth in his hand like it was a coin, not understanding what he was looking at. It looked like a shard of black molten glass, the way it shimmered in the morning sunlight, with a strange green after tint when he held it exactly right.

“Huh… What’s this? A snake’s scale?”

Looking back to the bedroom door, Clark placed the strange scale on the side counter next to the bed and got up to put on a night coat of his own, stepping outside and waiting at the door of the bathroom for his turn to get cleaned up and ready for work. He did not have long to wait until his wife opened the door to the washroom with a plume of hot steam billowing out and her sticking her head out with a towel wrapped around her hair to keep it dry.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join me Smallville? Room for one more…”

Looking away sheepishly, Clark stepped aside to give her room to exit while tugging his night coat closed. “That’s… That’s alright Lois, I’ve got an early day at the Planet, and you know how Perry is like if you aren’t there for his opening speeches.”

Pouting with a soft moan of disappointment, Lois opened the door completely to reveal she was completely naked, stepping out of the washroom and making her way back to the bedroom to change, looking over her shoulder with that same look before turning to a grin and sticking out her tongue. “Spoil sport.”

Shaking his head and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers, Clark stepped into the washroom and got cleaned up for work. After a quick shower, shave and brushing his teeth, Clark made his way back to the bedroom through the hallway to find Lois in the kitchen wear a dress that looked painted on her tall and athletic figure, something he was sure she chose deliberately, especially when she leaned against the counter to fry some eggs and show off her thighs and rear. Under the hem of the dress.

Breakfast will be ready in a few Clark, are you hungry?”

“Sure, I’ll be right with you.” Stepping into their bedroom and quickly getting changed. He spotted the scale he found earlier and placed it in his pocket, for safe keeping just in case. When he went outside to join his wife, she already had a plate of toast and scrambled eggs ready for the both of them. “So, what are your plans today Lois?”

“Me? Hmm… Probably nothing, I might head out and enjoy the day since I’m still on paid leave until the end of the week.”

“Well, try to enjoy yourself until then, who knows, maybe Perry will put you back on the Lexcorp scoop to help.”

Resting her chin in the palm of her hand while she circled her scrambled eggs with her fork, Lois did not look interested in her meal, despite how hungry she looked. Her eyes stared into her plate with mild disinterest before she finally plucked a portion of egg off the plate and bit into it. “Mhhmm…” Seeing she was still upset about the matter, Clark finished his meal and got up to come to her side and give his wife a soft hug before kissing the side of her head, causing her to smile just as he turned to get his coat and briefcase.

“I’ll see you later tonight, if you want, we can make an early night of it, it’ll be my treat.”

Seeing her smile more eagerly, the woman turned in her chair and stood to pose for her husband, leaning forward to show off her impressive chest, and gently tracing a lock of her hair out of the way over her shoulder. “Well then Smallville, don’t keep a lady waiting when the time is right.”

Smiling bashfully, Clark carefully stepped out of the door and made his way off to work. But when the door finally closed, Lois slumped back down on her chair and sighed heavily. Looking down at the breakfast, the woman frowned. She was hungry, starving even, but the sight of the still warm scrambled eggs and toast had no appeal to her. There was something… Missing. And she noticed there was something with every meal. Leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, Lois pouted and sat up to clean her plate into the garbage. Titling her hip and resting her hands at her sides, the Amazonian woman turned on her heel and returned to the living room to sit back heavily into the couch and turn on the television.

“Maybe the news will take my mind off of things…”

Lounging on the couch, Lois skipped one channel after the other until she found the local news and placed the remote on the coffee table. According to the one broadcaster, the weather would be clear and sunny and there was currently some traffic on the freeway… Same old, same old. Feeling her stomach growl, Lois looked down at her toned abdominals and rubbed her flat stomach in annoyance. For over an hour, Lois watched the news events until she spotted something strange on the television. Blurry static filled the screen, making the image unreadable, that is until black fingers poked out of the center of the screen and pulled the static back like they were blinds. Revealing a pale skinned woman in a black leotard and sky-blue spiky hair smiling back at Lois.

“HELLO geeks and dweebs of Metropolis, Livewire here to give you the low down on a real shocker of a story happening right here in the heart of the city park.”

Sitting up on the couch and looking back out the window to the city, Lois listened intently to the woman’s threat over the television.

“Seems there’s a big bad bitch going around who’s got a taste for the green, and what do I have here but a green gold nugget of the stuff.” Showing a small glowing rock linked to a chain like a crude necklace, Livewire smiled as she swung it back and forth like a pendulum. To Lois, it was the equivalent of shaking a treat in front of a starving animal. “Here are the terms little Missy, show yourself by noon, and I don’t put up a major lightshow that’ll cause a 5-alarm fire in this ho hum boring town.” Pulling the rock away from sight, Lois nearly fell out of her seat, her eyes had been glued to the rock the entire time until it was gone.

“Better move fast… The clock is ticking…”

The static returned and the image cleared, showing confused newscasters trying to find the source of the immediate interruption to the broadcast and alerting the audience to remain calm. Lois heard none of that, as she had already raced out of the apartment to face her.


Panic filled the park as dozens of people fled for their lives, the park entrances were all blocked off by the local authorities and police stood armed and ready for anything. Anything except a bolt of lightning casting out from the trees and striking the police cruiser they hid behind, causing an explosion that send the pair of officers tumbling to the ground as their cruiser went up in flames and smoke. More lightning fired out in different directions, forcing the police and everyone else to flee to better cover.

Hovering off the ground with static charge flicking off her feet to keep her aloft, Livewire laughed as she charged electricity through her hands and out across the park, causing lamp posts to explode from the overcharge and small fires to erupt in the grass and shrubs.

“Come on Oooout Missy!” She called out playfully, zapping anything that moved with her electrical powers and giggling to herself at the reaction. She had been at this for 10 minutes and so far, she was starting to get impatient already. “If you don’t come out of hiding in the next five seconds, I’m going to turn my attention on those stupid dweebs in the…”

Suddenly, her attention fell to a gust of wind, and a chill in the air as the fires she caused suddenly went out. Shielding her eyes from the turbulence, her smile grew from ear to ear when she spotted the Man of Steel stop in mid air in front of her with his arms crossed.

“That’s enough Livewire. Why did you call me out like this?”

“You?!” Snorting and covering her face to hide her laughter, the pale woman wrung her hands together in glee at the prospect. “You think I did all of this to get YOUR attention?” Eyeing the man up and down, a gleeful idea spun through her head, just as she reached behind her for her little edge in the fight.

“You know what? Sure, you CAUGHT me, you big ol blue boy scout you. I think someone deserves a surprise.”

Pointing her hand at the man, an arc of lightning shot out between her fingers and zapped the floating Kryptonian straight to the chest. But much to her disappointment, he barely shrugged to over a million volts of electricity coursing around his body like a lightning rod.

“Come on Livewire, we’ve been down this road before, just give up and no harm will come to you.”

“Yeah… Maybe… But I’ve got an edge this time.” Pointing with her other hand, she gripped the kryptonite between her fingers and channeled her electricity through it like a lens. Green lightning struck out against Superman and this time, he felt it.

Crying out in pain and tumbling to the ground like a stone, Superman was pushed back by the intense bolt of green electricity until he struck against a bench which only made the matters worse as the metal in the framework acted like a conduit. Convulsing and twitching in agony, Superman gasped and coughed, barely strong enough to stagger to all fours before he was blasted with green lighting again.

“OOOH YEAH! Now this I like; I might not get to find that lady I’m looking for but putting you in an early grave will put my name on the map in this ho-hum town.”

Striking out with another bolt of green lightning, Clark cried out as the intensity of it set the bench on fire and threw him back even further until he collided into the plinth of a park statue. “Damn, that looks like it hurts big boy! Don’t worry though, this show’s nearly over.”

Bringing her hands up to create a ball of lightning through the lump of kryptonite in her possession, Clark looked up to the green glow in front of him as it intensified. Still too weak to move and fight back, he could feel his heart beating in his ears, too dizzy with vertigo to even sit up. But then Superman realised the loud thumping noise was not his heartbeat, but something coming this way. A tremor that was growing in intensity as it drew closer. Just as Livewire brought her hands out to fire a bolt of green lightning, the ground erupted from an impact of some object landing between the two. Whatever it was that intervened, absorbed the green energy like a sponge, surprising both Superman and Livewire.

With the dust of the impact clearing away, the two looked up at the woman that now stood in front of the prone Superman and faced Livewire in front of him. Wearing a dress that showed off her long-toned legs, ample chest, athletic figure, and clung to her like a second skin, Lois Lane clenched her fists and glared back at the albino woman with a serious look in her green eyes.

“You want me that bad? Well, here I am.”

Taken back slightly by the Amazonian woman staring daggers back at her, Livewire whistled out loud, impressed with the woman standing before her. Spreading her arms out to cast static electricity, the woman began to float in the air to match the woman eye to eye in height.

“Wow… Someone’s been taking their vitamins, been hitting the gym lady?”

“Keep talking and I’ll be hitting YOU!” Threatened Lois, her eyes darting between the woman’s face and the lump of kryptonite in her hand. “No one lays a hand on my husband.”

“Husband?” Leaning to the side to see Superman still recovering from the kryptonite poisoning, Livewire laughed out loud. “WOW! Aren’t you the lucky stud you, did I catch you on your anniversary? Cuz I sure as hell wouldn’t be wearing that out in public!” Mocked the woman, pointing back at Lois and her choice of attire. Seeing the dark-haired woman fume, Livewire’s grin became sadistic.

“Here, do you want a lightshow for your special day? I’ll bring the SPARKLERS!”

Firing twin arcs of kryptonite imbued lightning at the woman, Livewire laughed out loud watching Lois cross her arms to defend herself, enveloped in green tinted electricity that sparked between her arms and coursed through her body. But then something happened the woman did not expect. The dark-haired woman in the slinky red dress should have been screaming in agony, her body twitching and scorched with electrical burns and her hair catching fire. Instead, it was like her entire body was a super conductor. No matter how much current coursed through her, she drained it all completely, the villainess even felt the electricity she poured into the kryptonite nugget being pulled from her and drawn into Lois. What was worse was the red dress wearing amazon seemed to be getting bigger!

The dress she wore creaked and groaned audibly as stitching popped and split. The hem at her thighs split open to free her burgeoning hips and the top button in the v-cut popped off and the straps threatened to rip. Finding herself slowly hovering towards her, Livewire tried to will herself back as more kryptonite tinted lighting danced from her fingers, only to be absorbed by Lois. In panic, the villainess stopped her attack and stumbled back when her feet finally landed on terra firma. Breathing hard and shivering from the sensation, Lois looked up to the confused pale woman with green eyes that looked to be glowing.

Taking a heavy step forward, the act made Livewire step back to match as she met the wild-eyed gaze of the amazon woman, her smile was manic and her sharp, heavy breathing seemed far less out of exhaustion and more out of excitement. Breathing through flaring nostrils, the next few words out of Lois’s lips caused a chill to go down Livewire’s back.


Staggering back, Livewire looked around for an exit as the towering woman in front of her slowly began to advance on her. The look in her green glowing eyes telling her more than enough that she was too dangerous to handle, especially after taking the equivalent of a lightning bolt and not even shrug. Taking to the air again, the pale skinned woman flew past trees and brushes to the nearest power line she could escape through. Spotting a power transformer hidden in a garden display, the woman tried to make her escape only to reel back and guard her face when Lois landed heavily on top of the object and crushed it in the impact. Looking up from the concrete walkway she rolled into, Livewire looked up to find the woman staring down at her from the sparking wreckage, the wild look in her green eyes never left her face.


Scrambling to her feet, the electric villainess charged a ball of lightning over her head with both her hands, flinging the bundle of green, static energy at her opponent in the hopes of buying herself time… And being horrified that she still had the lump of kryptonite in her hand. The charge of 10 million volts flooded into Lois’s body, making her gasp and shiver as her physique soaked up all that energy, vitalizing her muscles and causing her to grow before Livewire’s eyes. By now the red dress looked like it would burst if the tall woman breathed too hard, and it did when the next button at the front gave up and exposed more of her cleavage.

“More! More! Give me MOAR!!!”

Dragging herself back and away from Lois, Livewire looked around for any kind of exit she could find. At this point she had fallen to running for her life, fearful of using her electrical powers lest they be drained any further. Nearly panicking when she could hear the screaming woman behind her give chase. Reaching an exit where a pair of upturned police cruisers she attacked earlier still burned, Livewire gasped and panted in her run, screaming when one of the cruisers blew out into a blast when Lois landed on top of it to get in front of the fleeing villainess. Terrified and cornered, Livewire slunk back against the other cruiser and stared up at the Amazonian, green eyed woman who focussed all her attention directly on her. No, not her, the rock in her hand. Meeting her gaze to the kryptonite still in her hand, Livewire offered it desperately to her attacker.

“You want it? Go ahead, take it, I don’t want it anymore.”

Rounding on her faster than the woman could react, Lois snatched the lump of kryptonite out of her hands and quickly devoured the rock in desperate hunger. The moment she swallowed it down, she stood to her full height and leaned her head back, her eyes fluttering as if she were having a psychotropic episode from the mineral. During that time, her body surged another inch taller, a third button popping off the front of her dress as her chest heaved and her breasts grew. Looking forward and breathing deeply, the now 7’2 woman looked down at the pale villainess and grabbed her by the loose fabric of her clothes and hoisted her up half a foot off the ground, glaring at her with smoldering green eyes with a look of maddened hunger.

“You have MORE with you, don’t you!”

Shaking her head and raising her hands up defensively, Livewire stuttered as she tried to answer.

“N-no, I don’t have anymore, I only got that to…”

“WHERE? Where did you get it? Where can I get more? ANSWER me!” She demanded, slamming her fist into the police cruiser in reach and folding in half from the strike. “I can SMELL it off you, you were near more kryptonite, LOTS of it, tell me where it is!”

Averting her eyes from Lois’s gaze, too scared to answer but too terrified to lie to this woman. “I DON’T KNOW! I don’t know where he keeps it, he only gave me enough to lure you out. I’m not paid enough for this! I was just expecting an easy job… Please don’t hurt me.”

Breathing hard and sneering down at the little pale woman, Lois raised a clenched fist over her head, scaring Livewire into shielding her face, only to hear the cruiser behind her get crushed by another strike before she was dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Looking up from the ground, Livewire curled up at the look of contempt Lois gave her before she leapt into the air and landed deeper into the park. When she was out of sight, the woman turned her head to the sound of a metallic click, finding herself surrounded by police who she gladly surrendered to. Anything to get away from that monster woman.


Slowly getting to his knees and feeling his vision and center of balance restore, Superman’s breathing grew stronger as the kryptonite sickness faded. Sitting up, he looked around to find where Livewire was, the pale electric themed villainess was nowhere to be seen at all. Getting to his feet, Clark pinched his fingers over his nose and brow, his head clearing enough to stand under his own power again.

Then he felt it again, the same tremor from before that stopped Livewire’s attacks followed by the sensation of a pair of arms snaking under his own and pulling him close to another body, warm to the touch and pressed against two pliant masses before warm inviting lips kissed into his. A tongue invaded his mouth as the arms holding him up, hugged him tenderly when the kiss finally broke off.

“Clark, are you alright?”

“Lois?!” Finally seeing clearly, he looked up to the smiling face of his wife propping him up and keeping him steady on his feet. “How… How did you get here so fast?”

“I ran, and… Jumped a few hurdles to get here.” Lois embellished. “Just stay here and keep safe, I’ll run off, so no one sees me.”

Seeing Clark nod and lean against the plinth he collided with earlier, Lois separated from the man and crouched, jumping into the air with the power of a cannon shell and landing on the roof of a 50-story building three blocks away before jumping again. While in the air, Lois fumed. Luthor was sending super villains armed with kryptonite to deal with her husband. The idea that he would stoop so low made her blood boil, but not only that, the lump of kryptonite was not enough to satisfy her. She wanted more, NEEDED more. Landing on the roof of a skyscraper, Lois sniffed at the air. The sweet scent of the mineral caught her nose and nearly made the woman salivate.

Leaping into the air again, she made her way towards the closest source. Had she been aware of it, the smooth black scales on her back had spread further down her back and to her shoulders, getting worse.


Quickly regaining his strength and standing up under his own power, Superman looked over to the police cuffing Livewire at the park’s exit. Whatever fight the woman had was long gone after whatever she had endured to make her surrender so quickly. Taking a few steps forward and feeling his head clear more, the man of steel looked around for Lois, but she was nowhere to be found. Walking down the park path to regain his strength, Clark managed his way to the park entrance and leaned against a tree. Breathing in deeply, he worried for his wife, wherever she was. Looking up, he set off and flew up into the air until he was at least high enough to crest the highest floors of the city’s skyscrapers.

Looking out into the horizon, Superman winced that his vision had not returned yet, all he could see was what everyone else could on Earth. There had to be some way of finding her or help her with what was going on and what she was going through. Then it came to him. Looking down at the hem of his belt line, he plucked the smooth black scale out that he kept from earlier this morning and held it up to his face to get a better look. The scale was like a shard of polished obsidian between his fingers, one with a glint of metallic green when it was tilted just the right angle in the sun.


Dr. Hamilton from Starr labs, he had been helping him for years with Kryptonian technologies and minerals in the past. If there was a way of finding Lois or helping her with what she was going through, he would be the one to speak to. Seeing the lab over the horizon of the city by the pier, Clark smiled and flew towards the research facility. He just hoped the man could find a solution quickly before things got any worse.

Landing at the front doors of the lab where a trio of scientists stepped back to the sight of the man in red and blue, Superman opened the door and made his way inside. If he was lucky, the doctor was in. If he was lucky, he’d have a chance.


Somewhere, miles away from Metropolis...

“If we’re lucky, she’ll probably keep her mouth shut.” Smirked John Corban, getting up from his seat and turning off the television after the news showed a traumatized Livewire being carted off into a police cruiser and into custody. In front of him were several of his crew, still reacting to the metahuman villainess giving up after dealing with whomever they were hired to stop.

“I dunno boss… She don’t look like the type to keep her mouth shut.”

“Yeah… Former radio host? Surprised she wasn’t yappin all the way to the car.”

“Which means whatever got her to stay quiet spooked her pretty good.” The chuckling from the dozen or so armed mercenaries died down when their employer made his way to a glass of wine sitting next to the bottle on a small table next to food and bread. The man easily popping the cork and pouring himself a glass but leaving it on the table, nodding to one of his men. “At least we know the woman we’re after is in Metropolis after that little stunt, and if I’m right, it shouldn’t be hard to flush someone like that out into the open.”

Gesturing with his hand to the wine glass to the man who stepped close to the table and picked it up, Corban watched intently as the other man hesitantly took a sip. As he did so, Corban’s eyes raised, a look of longing in them as he watched every split second of the man finishing his sip and placing the wine glass back down.


“It’s, uhm… It’s got a smokey flavour to it boss, with a hint of… Strawberry?”

A slight smile on his face, Metallo nodded before diverting his attention to the slices of rich bread and aged cheese near the wine bottle. “Ah yes, the French vintage of 1952, what a good year… With an oak after taste? Tell me there’s still the oak.”

“Uhm… Yeah…”

“And the rest? Tell me, how does the rest taste? Try the cheese man.”

Looking back at the man, the guard plucked a slice of cheese off a plate and ate it with a slice of French bread, taking his time to sample the flavour and dart his eyes back to Corban who watched him the entire time with great interest. In all honesty, John Corban, or Metallo as he was also known by was nothing more than a brain in a near indestructible exo-skeleton. He may have appeared human, but the appearance was all he had left. Numb to the world and denied even the simplest sensations, this little demonstration was all he had left.

“Tastes… Crispy boss, and the cheese is pretty old.”

Looking down at the half-bitten piece of cheese in his hand, the man didn’t hesitate to answer his employer, knowing full well what happened to the last of their crew who didn’t humour their boss. Taking another bite, he slowly shifted his eyes between the man and the rest of the crew behind him, nodding as he spoke with his mouth full. “Yeah… Bread’s a little dry too.”

Closing his eyes and leaning back with a smile, the man looked like he was experiencing a fond memory.

“Ah yes, I DO love the flavour of it…”

One of the mercenaries leaned to the other to whisper. “This is some Pirates of the Caribbean shit right here man.”

Then they all went silent when they heard a soft tremor, the wine bottle rattling on the small table before going still again. Looking around, they found the place was still, quiet, shrugging at the event. Until it happened again, with a little more intensity. And again. Looking around, Corban snapped his fingers and one of his crew tossed him a grenade launcher.

“Well then gentlemen, seems our target is coming to us.”

Another tremor echoed out across the warehouse Corban and his crew were hiding in, making everyone arm up and aim discriminately, not knowing where the tremors were coming from. I was almost like listening to distance thunder, slowly getting louder with each ‘thum’ that drew near. Then it stopped. Looking around and lowering their guard, the crew of mercenaries looked back to each other and shrugged. Some even chuckling to themselves from getting so worked up over nothing.

“Huh… Maybe it was a storm or something…”

“heh… Yeah… Look at us hide from the sound of…”

The ceiling caved in, sending sheet metal and girders to rain down with a near deafening clamour when something crashed down like a dead weight and cracked the concrete flooring when it landed. Everyone else dove out of the way, baking away with their weapons trained on what just picked herself from the ground as if falling from several thousand feet in the air was no different than jumping off a trampoline. Standing to her full height, the rest of the men blinked at the sight of the tall and athletic woman who stood a good head taller than any of them… And looked like she could lift any one them easily with one arm. She didn’t even bat an eye when they all aimed their weapons at her, instead she sniffed at the air and looked around wild eyed, like a predator… Or a junkie.

“Lois? Lois Lane?” He could hardly believe what he was looking at. Lowering his weapon and taken back for a split second, Metallo was surprised by who the proverbial giantess was who stood meters away from him wearing a tattered red dress and was built like some buxom warrior queen. “What the devil happened to YOU?!”

Hearing her name, Lois turned her attention to John Corban and inhaled sharply. Sniffing the air and narrowing her eyes as she focused her attention on Metallo, or more specifically his chest. Sluggishly taking a step forward and making every man in the warehouse cock their weapons back ready to fire, they all thought they heard something that sounded like the low growl of a crocodile from the woman as she sniffed the air one last time and sneered back at the stunned man in front of her.




Superman was rather confused, even stepping back from Dr. Hamilton’s deduction after the man looked away from the microscope and plucked the scale off its slide to admire it between his fingers. Thinking the item dangerous.

“Yes, the mineral composition is kryptonite, but its structure is ORGANIC in nature, almost like keratin. Not only that, its completely inert, there’s no radioactivity at all... Just where did you get this anyway?”

“I… I found it somewhere.” Superman told the man, not wanting to reveal too much yet or give the man anything to worry about. Shrugging to the answer, Dr. Hamilton gave the scale back to the Man of Steel and brought up on a screen what he had found from the item so far. The microscope had zoomed in and took pictures of the scale’s cellular structure and the dark green metallic substance seeped into it.

“Well, best I can come up with is it’s a scale, like that of a reptile or fish but with kryptonite minerals infused into it, forming a kind of natural carbon fiber. It’s almost as tough as YOU are, even the diamond drill we have in stock wasn’t enough to chip the surface. If anything, the scale chipped our drill.”


“Oh no, no worries with that. I’m rather impressed, you’ve brought so many different items to our lab to study, makes my job even more exciting.” Taking the scale back from Clark, Dr. Hamilton placed the scale into a small device where the interior was laced with a strange ceramic. The man shut the door to the compartment tight and went back to the screen to get a radioscopic readout of the scale. Checking the readings, the doctor leaned forward and scratched his chin in fascination. “Interesting…”

“What is it?”

“The kryptonite in this sample is giving off no radiation of any kind. It’s inert.” Pulling the scale out of the radioscope, the man admired it between his fingers again and handed it back to Superman who did the same. Utterly surprised to be in the presence of kryptonite that was not irradiated. “Element testing shows Its half-life has been completely depleted. Something drained it of all its ambient energy, normally this would take thousands of years for a radioactive mineral to transmute like this. Extraordinary.”

Looking down at the scale and pocketing it back into his costume, the Man of Steel looked back at the doctor as he repositioned his glasses.

“Doctor, you wouldn’t happen to have a way of detecting this mineral, would you?”

Shrugging, Dr. Hamilton shook his head and went back to his current notes. “If it were irradiated maybe, but as it is? You might as well ask if I can make a device that can detect wood.”

Thinking on that, Superman crossed his arms and thought deeply on the matter before proposing another idea. “What about kryptonite that’s still irradiated, can you build a device that can detect that?”

Turning in his seat with a smile, the doctor leaned back with a raised eyebrow.

“That I think I can do.”


Pandemonium erupted in the warehouse, with gunfire echoing across the entire structure with gun flashes sparking through the windows, only to be cut short by a forklift flying out the roof to land across the parking lot outside with a squeal of buckled metal when it landed on top of John Corban’s personal limo. Inside, Lois growled and fumed with her arms up as she was being shot at from all directions by the now panicking mercenaries after that display of her strength. Her dress now clung to her in bullet riddled taters and the green glow in her eyes intensified as her temper flared once again.

“The kryptonite, give it to me!”

Even with being fired on from 12 different directions, the bullets peppering her skin barely had the strength to bruise let alone damage her in any way. Dropping to the floor as soon as they belted off her skin to rattle and roll at her bare feet. Nothing they did damaged her, but it was still annoying, and it did nothing to curb her gnawing hunger. With the ricochet of a bullet off her left temple, Lois fumed and stormed towards her attacker, grabbing the man by his arm and tossing him out the hole she made when she descended into the complex when she arrived. The man screamed out loud with a yelp as he disappeared out the hole in the roof. Additional gunfire spat across her back, making the woman roar out in rage. Grabbing hold of some shelving she spun on her heel and flung the ton and a half of metal at the two firing at her from behind. The pair of men turning to run only to be pinned under the shrapnel she flung at them.


A blast to the face silenced her after the grenade went off in front of her. The explosion enveloping her and filing the warehouse with smoke. Flinging the spent shell from the grenade launcher, Metallo reloaded and fired again.

“That’s it. Keep at it men, wear her down.” Called out Corban, loading another shell into the grenade launcher after firing at the woman from a safe distance. The explosion caused everyone to guard their eyes and back off as the plume of smoke and shrapnel rained out in every direction. Reloading his grenade launcher, a form jumped out of the smoke and swatted the weapon out of his hand and pinned him against the wall with enough force to buckle the steel behind him. “What in blazes…”

“You have kryptonite! I can smell it off you!” Lois hissed; her eyes wild as she ignored the gunfire ricocheting off her back. “GIVE IT TO ME!”

Metallo’s body was specifically designed and built to take on Superman in a bare knuckle drawn fist fight. But Aa strong as he was, Metallo could tell that the woman holding him down was strong enough to match him. As hard as he was trying to pull her off him, he couldn’t make her budge.


“You want it love? Fine.” A compartment in his chest opened to reveal a green glow that flooded the entire warehouse, a light that grew in intensity and focused into a beam straight at Lois’s face. His ace in the hole if it ever came to brute force not being enough to taker down the man of steel. “Take as much as you can handle.”

The green laser carved up and out from Metallo’s chest, blinding the mercenaries nearby as they turned away. Lois screamed out loud as the laser enveloped her, burning her clothes off her body, and making her loosen her grip on Metallo’s arms. Stepping back from the man, the light only intensified, burning everything, it touched and carved a scar into the roof above. Getting back up to his feet and rolling his shoulder, Metallo smirked at the sight of the woman staggering back, her screams did not die down at the slightest until he finally decided to shut off the beam and close the compartment to his chest. He was not disappointed with the results after seeing her. Her body was charred black from the blast, breathing hard with her face frozen in a rictus cry of pain.

“Hmm, seems someone couldn’t handle the heat then, and here I was told you eat this kind of…”


Taken back by her response, the man realised she wasn’t charred to a crisp, far from it. Instead, her entire body was coated in a strange dark green material, its surface almost jet black and polished smooth like snake scales enveloping her entire body save for her stomach, chest, and face. Her finger and toenails seemed sharper, and just as jet black as her new coat of scales. She also seemed… Bigger. Her muscles were more defined and chorded underneath the scales, her thighs thicker and hips wider to accommodate them only to taper to her slim waist and rigid abdominal muscles underneath the twin shadows of her melon sized tits heaving with each breath. She had to have grown to almost seven and a half feet tall, towering over everyone in the warehouse even as they reloaded with trepidation, not knowing what could harm the now inhuman woman standing before them.

Panting and breathing hard, Lois hissed and shivered just as she looked up at John Corban, and the two of them locked eyes. Artificial blue stared back into black pools with green glowing irises staring deep into his own, filling the man with horror as he came to a sudden realization. The blush on her face, the heavy breathing, and the trickle of fluid trailing down her leg revealed much to his shock that she had not been screaming out of agony the entire time he blasted her with his kryptonite beam.

It was an orgasm.



Reloading the grenade launcher in his hands, Metallo took aim, only for a scale covered hand to swipe the weapon out of his hands with enough force to bend the stock of the gun into a ‘v’ shape and grab him by the neck. Hoisting him off his feet to dangle several inches off the floor, Corban punched at the woman’s arm to free himself only to find her unphased by his incredible strength. If anything, his efforts only made her manic smile split wider.

“You have it in you, you have kryptonite!” Breathing sharp breaths like she was hyperventilating, Lois stared down at the man’s chest, nearly salivating. “You’d use it against my husband, you HAVE used it against my husband! You were planning to us it to hurt him! But not anymore…”

Raking her fingers down his chest, John Corban looked down in shock as her blackened nails were sharp enough to carve into his artificial skin and expose the metal underneath. Scratching their way towards the compartment where his kryptonite heart was stored. “Give it to me…”


A cacophony of gunfire deafened the warehouse with muzzle fire and gun flashes, all while hundreds of bullets splattered against the scaly backside of the towering woman to get her off their employer. But every bullet they fired simply bounced off her hide and rattled to the concrete floor by her bare feet, barely felt by the woman save as a mild annoyance that finally made her sneer and look over her shoulder at the men reloading to fire again.

“Cut it OUT!” Lois yelled out in fury, looking for something nearby and picking up the remains of a storage shelf to throw behind her. The ton of screeching metal rolling towards them like a tumbleweed sent everyone fleeing for their lives. When it crashed against the opposite wall and took it down, the crew of mercenaries came to the collective decision that they were well outside of their depth and dropped their weapons, exiting the warehouse and running as far away as they could from the towering monster-woman. Now finally alone together, Lois Lane turned her attention back to the cybernetic man in front of her who still struggled impotently in her grasp. “I SAID GIVE ME THE KRYPTONITE!”

Taking a swing at the crazed, black scaled woman holding him up like a toddler, Metallo winced when all he heard was a metallic clank as his fist struck her chin… And barely phased it. Breathing in sharply and her green eyes glowing with anger, Lois quickly threw the man up where her hand grasped at his ankle and began smashing him against the floor over and over again like a crude mallet. Cracks formed in the concrete with each world-shattering impact, causing the windows around them to burst from the air pressure and crates to shift and skip a foot away from the shockwaves each blow made. John Corban could do nothing but scream and protest as he was swung around like a brick filled pillowcase and slammed into the floor repeatedly.

“You crazy…” CRACK! “Fucking…” SMASH! “Loon of a…” BOOM! “When I…” SMASH! “Get my hands…” KA-BOOM! “On you I’ll…” Losing his breath when he was slammed back first into the rubble of the floor, Corban looked up just in time to see Lois straddle his waist and pin his arms down to keeping him in place.

“You… You’ve ALWAYS wanted to hurt my husband, always wanted to make him feel weak and defeated, NOW who’s the weak one?” Holding his arms more tightly, the man could hear the metal squeal in protest, shocking him. Leaning forward, Lois pressed her chest into the man’s chin, smothering his mouth and leaving him to look up into her green glowing eyes looking back down at him, smoldering with contempt. “You’ve treated people like bugs all your life haven’t you Corban. Disposable little bugs you’ve squished under foot since you got that metal makeover. Now who’s the bug?”

“You can’t…”

“Give me what I want, and I wont start plucking limbs off you like a fly Corban.”

Hearing his arms buckle under her inhuman strength, Metallo relented and opened the compartment in his chest, filling the space between them both with a sickly green glow, but to Lois, it was the most tantalizing colour she had ever seen. Breathing hard and finally sitting up to look down at the baseball sized lump of kryptonite, the black scaled woman reached into his chest and pried the rock free of its cables and moorings. Sitting up to get to her feet, she ignored the man crawling on all fours to get as far away as possible from her, his head darting back and forth for anything to fill the void and give him power again before his internal battery went out.

Staring into the green crystalline object in her hands, the woman wiped a sliver of drool before opening her mouth wide and taking a bite out the rock as if it were an apple. The moment the first bite passed her blackened lips, her eyes went wide and the green glow in her irises grew in intensity. The fuel cells, the battery stores of diluted kryptonite and the shard off Livewire all paled in comparison to the enriched mineral being swallowed down. Taking another ravenous bite, Lois devoured the rock as if she were starving until there was nothing left but glowing dust on her fingers, she desperately licked clean.

Then she felt it, a surge of power like no other bloom in her chest and spread out down her body and into her limbs. Her blackened fingernails grew from their tips, becoming longer, sharper, curving into claws. Her toes did the same, lengthening and spreading out as he heels raised until she was standing on the balls of her toes. Her muscles throbbed and ached as they grew, swelling with size and strength as she grew in height, passing 8 feet tall and quickly reaching 9 feet tall. Her hips flared to make room for her swelling muscular thighs and rear and her chest heaved with her melon sized breasts passing well over the H-cup range and continuing to grow full and round. Her back bunched and creacked with her bones shifting, her muscles swelling and her spine changing, three stubby growths began to develop on her upper back down her spine until they stood out several inches like the fins of some predatory fish or reptile, poking out of her hair from behind. She could hear her heart boom in her chest and into her pointed ears while the rest of her body creaked and groaned from the changes.

Her teeth became sharp with exposed incisors and her eyes constantly glowed green from the stimulation. Stubs began to form just above her brow, until they finally erupted from the skin to form stubby, pointed horns. Combing her claws through her growing mane of flowing black hair that reached all the way down to her lower back, the woman was trapped in a constant flow of ecstasy that made her moan and breath hard, her tongue lolling out of her fanged mouth where steam plumed out with each panting breath. Just as quickly as the sensation overwhelmed her, it died just as quickly.

“No more…?”

Looking around confused and down at her enlarged frame, the woman sulked that the sensation was over. She wanted more, MUCH more. Feeling down at her stomach, it was built solid with steel hard abdominal muscles, permanently cast in the shadows of her full round breasts that stood proudly from her barrel chest. Feeling over the rest of her scale covered body and her steel chorded muscles, the surface of her skin was covered in polished black scales that shimmered a dark green tint in the sunlight coming from the hole in the ceiling. She was incredible now, powerful… But it was not enough. There was still kryptonite out there, kryptonite being used by people who wanted to hurt the man she loved.

“Need… More… Keep Clark… Safe…”

No, she needed more, she needed it all, needed to stop them if she wanted him to be safe. And when he was, she could finally be with him again. The mental image of the man adoring her powerful and curvaceous physique man the woman’s eyes flutter with arousal. Looking around her surroundings, Lois sniffed the air and jumped high into the air, bursting out the roof of the warehouse and landing on the roof of another, sniffing the air like a predator and turning her head out of the city. Licking her fanged lips, Lois jumped again, flying out into the air to land several miles away and causing a small crater from her landing before jumping again, following her nose to the next source of kryptonite that threatened her lover.


Stepping out of Starr labs, Superman waved back to Doctor Hamilton and his lab assistants as he flew up into the air to get a good vantage point and start looking for his wife Lois. looking down at the new Geiger counter the man gave him, the small device was about as large as a cellular phone but was keyed into the unique radiation signature of kryptonite. With this he could find the next deposit of the mineral that was most likely where his wife was heading. Looking around and waving the device in different directions high up in the sky, he could hear the slow ‘tick, tick, tick’ from the meter as it tried to pick up the sickly energies. Aiming it one direction the ticking slowed to almost a quiet blip, to another he got nothing. But when he turned his attention to the edge of Metropolis near the industrial side, the Geiger counter began to click again. The meter barely rose above a single bar but so far it was the closest source he could find in the city. Weaving through the air slowly, Superman followed the device like a divining rod searching for water, pausing at times to check the readings, and slowly following it again to a slightly different direction. He went about this for a few minutes until he spotted a building in front of him where the meter clicked up to two bars.

“Hmm, not enough to catch attention, but it’s the closest lead so far.”

Landing on the ground in front of a warehouse, Superman was taken back by the sight of the building in front of him. Blown out windows, knocked over walls, it was almost in ruins, with a forklift upturned and on its side on top of a couple of matching cars next to a demolished limousine. The Geiger counter continued to click and became rapid in its clicking when he pointed it towards a battered limo. Slowly walking towards it and keeping a safe distance, he spotted that the hood was propped open, looking inside, and finding the battery was pulled out of the engine. Looking around he discovered why. There sitting against the door of his ruined limousine with a car battery hooked up into the empty chamber in his chest where his kryptonite heart was, John Corban turned his head and sunk his shoulders in disappointment at the sight of the Man of Steel.

“Figured Lois’s husband would come looking for her if she made enough noise… Not a very dignified look for me hmm?”

“Lois? Lois Lane? She was here?” Crouching to check on the cyborg, John chuckled and clutched the car battery closer to himself like it was a lifeline. The man was battered and damaged like he had gone toe to toe with Superman himself, but his chest was marred with claw marks, something Clark did not recognise.

“Oh yes, she was here, and like some oversexed, craven drug addict looking for a quick fix, she sent my men running for their lives and stole my heart… Literally!”

Looking back at the ruined warehouse and back to Metallo, Superman pocketed the Geiger counter and looked down at the man with his hands at his sides. “Where is she now?”

“Where do YOU think?” Metallo asked sardonically, tapping his finger into the inner chamber in his chest where his kryptonite heart used to be located. “Your wifey has a taste for what’s green and glowing now Superman, she’s probably somewhere eating as much as she can get her claws on. If I were you, I’d probably consider getting a divorce before standing next to her gives you cancer.”

“I’m not going to give up on her Corban, I have to find her.”

Chuckling again and hugging the car battery in his lap, Metallo shook his head. “Good luck with that lover boy, I hope you realise she may be a bit too big to fit in bed anymore. Not unless you can handle thighs like hers crushing you.”

Hearing that confession made Clark worry. She had gotten worse, much worse. Turning to leave, the man of steel heard Metallo get up to his feet and juggled with the car battery in his arms while calling out to Superman.

“Wait, what about me? This thing won’t keep me active all day.”

Looking over his shoulder to the man holding his makeshift power source in his hands, Superman turned around and crossed his arms. “If you tell me what direction Lois went, I’ll offer you help in keeping you alive.”

Shifting his eyes and slowly nodding his head, Corban finally nodded in agreement and pointed north. “Just 25 miles from here in that direction is another research facility by Lexcorp making his new weapons, by the way she was sniffing the air like a blood hound she’s headed there now.”

Looking out to the direction Corben pointed to, Clark pulled out the Geiger counter and watched as the meter clicked in that direction. “Good, thank you, I’ll let the authorities know you’re here.”

“WAIT! You can’t leave me here, there’s probably only an hour left on this thing!”

Looking down at the car battery, Superman had to agree on that. Looking to the other two cars and the forklift, the man moved faster than the human eye could see, zipping from one vehicle to the next and appearing before Metallo with three additional batteries wired to the one he was carrying.

“There we go, that should hold you for another four hours until the police can hook you up to something more long term.” Jumping off the ground and gaining leverage to float overhead, Superman waved back to the surprised cyborg and smiled. “Thanks for the tip Corban, I’ll let the authorities know where to find you.”

Even after he flew away from the warehouse at breakneck speed, Clark could still hear the man swear up a storm behind him. Picking up speed, Clark looked up to where the facility was located, hoping that he could find his wife… Before it was too late.



Re: Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2023, 09:26:30 PM »
Superman and Lois Lane
The Truce
Chapter 4

From his desk at his own headquarters in Metropolis, Lex Luthor turned off the television feed showing the arrests of Livewire and Metallo and leaned back in his chair, turning his seat to look out over the city and fold his hands in front of him. In the span of just 4 hours after his ‘contract’ with those he invited to deal with his own personal problem, half the players were already knocked off the table. Breathing in slowly, the man exhaled a deep breath, just as the intercom to his desk chimed and the familiar voice of his attendant Mercy.

“Mr. Luthor, we’ve been getting calls from your kryptonite installation east of Gotham, they’re reporting they are being attacked by a massive assailant.”

Closing his eyes and turning his chair to tap the speak button to his intercom, Luthor spoke up for the woman to hear him. “Give me the security feed over my desk. I want to see what’s going on live.” Sitting back in his chair, the man waited impatiently as a small computer screen unfolded in front of his desk.

The image that came up showed the same woman who attacked his previous facility, only now she was larger, FAR larger. Compared to the footage from her last raid, she looked well over 9 feet tall and was wearing what appeared to be a black, skin-tight body suit from what the cameras were showing him. Her muscled physique was hard to miss, nor were her flaring womanly curves and ponderous chest. He tried to get a better view of her face, but it was obscured by her long black hair which flowed freely every time she darted her head to another source of kryptonite to feed off. From the scattered debris on the floor and sharp sunlight overhead, it appeared that she simply crashed through the roof like a ton of bricks and immediately went for the first source of kryptonite she could get her hands on. By the time stamp on the feed, she had been going over his stores of kryptonite batteries and ammunition for just 5 minutes before guards had surrounded her and began firing… To no effect.

Shielding her face with her arms, the bullets pelted off her body as if they had the driving force of a foam dart, dropping to the floor and leaving not even a bruise off her bare flesh let along the polished black material she was covered in. Then, Luthor spotted something when the woman went into convulsions and fell to the ground, still being fired upon. The woman seemed to glow from what looked like cracks in her costume, or at least he thought it was a costume until he noticed three prominent black spines begin to sprout from her back. She was getting… Bigger. It was subtle at first, but he could make out her body growing larger, taller, more physically built by the second. Her clawed toes became more reptilian as did her hands, becoming harsh looking talons while the stubby horns over her brow grew long and thick like ram’s horns. When the guards stopped to reload, the now 10 feet tall woman lowered her arms and brandished her claws while the green glow intensified. Her eyes became a pair of green glowing pools and her fanged mouth opened to fill the room with a green glow that caused the camera to blow out and become static.

Pressing a button to the side of his desk, Luthor let the screen retract back into his desk and turned around in his chair, his brow furrowed in frustration. In the span of days, his investitures had essentially been cut in half. Looking to the small lead laced wooden box where the last shard of kryptonite from his agreement was still contained, the man’s mind swam with plans in motion.

He had no room for mistakes now.


“RUN! RUN! She’s…”

Intense green light filled the storage room while security guards fled out the only exit, scattering and falling to the floor with their hands over their heads, just as said exit was blasted through by a column of energy that melted the steel like butter. Getting back to their feet, they all looked back to the molten hot door, just as a jet-black claw gripped at the melting steel with no ill effect. Pulling herself free of the room and sniffing the air, Lois sneered her fanged lips in disappointment at the guards who screamed and ran for their lives.

Stepping into the hallway with a lurch, Lois stood to her full height and growled in frustration when her horned head pierced the overhead lighting, causing sparks to rain down and glass to clatter to the shattered tiled floor. Her horns had grown more pronounced, thick, and curved up and out until they measure over a foot long each. The three spikes jutting out of her back were just as long and scraped against the molten doorframe as she pulled herself free of it. Her talons raked against the steel wall while she rubbed her head and looked around with her glowing green eyes.

“More kryptonite… Still more here…” Sniffing the air and darting her eyes back and forth in the cramped hallway, the metallic ping of a bullet ricochet off her horns, snapping her attention to a lone security guard shaking like a leaf and staring back into her eyes, immediately regretting his life choices as she stomped her way towards him and crouched to meet him eye to glowing eye. A low growl escaped her fanged lips as she brought her talons to gently pinch at his chin and turn his head back and forth. Clean shaven, blue eyed, and with black well-groomed hair, the snivelling guard reminder her of…

 “Smallville?” She purred, her demeanor quickly softened as she let go of his chin and hoisted him up by his arms to bring him up to her height. Pressing her pumpkin sized breasts against his chest and making him wheeze from their combined mass. Stroking her clawed fingers through the confused man’s hair, Lois’s glowing green eyes narrowed with a sultry allure, tossing her long flowing black hair behind her in attempt to appear coy and flirtatious. “Why if it isn’t my lovely farmboy of a husband, come to see how I’m doing?”

“Uhm… Lady, I’m sorry for…” Feeling a clawed finger press down on his upper lip, the man heard the towering scaly amazon shush him before pulling his face close to kiss. Bug eyed and mumbling out a cry to breath, Lois didn’t hear a word of it as she drove her tongue into the stranger’s mouth and moaned into the kiss, oblivious to the man’s eye twitch and his hand slapping her shoulder in a futile effort to cry uncle. By the time she pulled away, the man was coughing and sticking his tongue out to spit, making Lois giggle and bring her clawed hand to her smiling lips.

“Dawwww… What’s the matter Clark, think I have cooties?”

Another gunshot fired off and caused a bullet to ricochet off her shoulder, leaving the guard trapped between her breasts to yelp and try to lower his head between her tits while Lois looked behind her and narrowed her eyes threateningly. “HEY! Who through that? I’m TRYING to be with my husband here!” Ignoring the sounds of the man she had prisoner fall to his feet and scurry off to safety, Lois looked down at the three security guards who opened fire on her, their bullets bouncing off her chest and stomach painlessly but still annoying the scale covered woman to no end. Her eyes suddenly began to glow more brightly as did her mouth as some energy began to build up in her chest, the cracks and seams of her scales glowed just as brightly right as she leaned her head back and opened her mouth wide.


A column of green light escaped her mouth and flooded the hallway, blowing out the wall in front of her and scorching the brickwork like it was struck by a military grade laser cannon! The sight of which caused the security to drop their weapons and flee. Breathing hard and exhaling steam from her mouth and nostrils, Lois moaned and clutched at her horned head, feeling vertigo for a second before she righted herself and looked around. Her mind clearing a bit as she realised where she was.

“Clark?” Looking down to where she thought she saw her husband, Lois scratched at her horned head in confusion. “He’s gone… Is it because of me?” Feeling up her head and noticing her enlarged horns as if for the first time, the 9-foot-tall woman became a storm of emotions, until her nose picked up the sweet scent of radioactive mineral. “No… It’s because of the kryptonite, he can’t stand it, that’s why he’s gone, but I can bring him back, all I have to do is get rid of the problem.”

Licking her lips, Lois smiled as she could already taste the green glowing rock from here. “Once that’s gone, it’ll be no problem at all.”


Somewhere back in Metropolis…

Staring up at a collection of computer screens, each showing a different security feed from a Lexcorp facility in the country, manic giggling filled the dark storage facility as the feeds showed a monstrous woman tearing apart a research facility and currently devouring claws full of green glowing material.

“Hungry, Hungry Hippos! Hungry, Hungry Hippos! Eating all the pieces to win.”

Wringing his wooden hands together, the Toy Man cackled and giggled, turning to the open space of his hideout to the collection of oversized toys behind him. Just waiting to be activated and run amok. Normally he would have planned to have them go out into the city, but this? Before his deal with Luthor he would have just sent out his toys for just random fun, now he had a game to play.

“Hungry, Hungry Hippos! Hungry, Hungry Hippos! But how hungry IS this Hippo? Time to find out! Time to find OUT!” Typing away commands in front of his central computer screen, engines began to hum to life and a grated storage bay rolled up to let natural sunlight through, illuminating the darkened warehouse to reveal the giggling Toy Man mince his hands together and press the ‘activate’ button.

One by one his brightly painted machines rolled out of the storage bay door, unfolding, and spreading their wings now that they weren’t cramped in their lots in the warehouse. With the ‘thrum’ of miniature jet engines, the five machines took to the air.


Flying towards the facility Clark was pointed to by Metallo, Superman checked the kryptonite Geiger counter in his hands, hearing it click more rapidly as he flew several miles an hour to his destination. Looking up, he noticed a plume of smoke up ahead and worried that it might be where he was heading. A few seconds later he was regretfully proven right when he found a facility blaring with alarms and staff fleeing for their lives, waiting in the parking lot while fires were being put out. Looking down at the Geiger counter, the little meter clicked rapidly towards the building where he could hear metal groan and walls collapse inside. But then he noticed the meter began to click less and less, whatever radioactive material was inside was running out quickly.

Pocketing the device again, Superman flew off the ground and darted inside the manufacturing complex, waving smoke out of his way as he looked around with his x-ray vision. He could make out a large form moving through the building, but the sight of a few scientists and security trapped forced him to change his priorities, gathering those he could and bringing them out of the smoke choked building for fresh air.

“Just stay here, help is on the way.”

Smiling when the group he pulled out of the fire nodded back to him and were gathered up by the fire brigade, Superman flew back into the complex to find any others to help. By now the fire suppression sprinklers were going off and filled the halls and rooms with water to douse the flames but leave everywhere in blinding smoke. His x-ray vision still made out the large object at the center of the building, its frame crouched and scooping up something he couldn’t make out. It was almost as if the room was laced with lead, the only reason he noticed something in there was the sounds of… chewing?

“LOIS? LOIS? ARE YOU IN HERE?” The large mass suddenly stopped what it was doing and stood up, making the man of steel realise that it was a lot larger than he originally thought. Standing almost a meter taller than he did. “Lois?”

The impact took him by surprise when whatever was obscured by the lead lined storage vault barreled into him through three separate walls, pinning him down to the floor and practically smothering him in its mass. Looking up from his prone state, he was surprised to see the smiling face of his wife looking down at him. By the amount of space, she took up and how he could feel his boots press into her inner thighs where they were, he had to estimate that she was over 12 feet tall! Her physique was solid and powerful with tense muscles whose strength rivalled his own when she wrapped her arms under his head like a pillow, a pillow scaly muscles stronger than titanium. And yet her body was still feminine; sporting wide hips, flaring thighs, an apple bottom rear, narrow waist and pumpkin sized breasts that threatened to envelop Clark’s head if she so much as leaned down and bury his face in her cleavage.

“Hello love…” She purred, pursing her lips into a sultry smile. Almost her entire body was covered in smooth, polished black scales like a snake save for her beautiful face, chest, and stomach. Her skin was pale, almost sickly so, with blackened lips and eyes that looked like oily pools with piercing green, glowing irises. A pair of thick, heavy curved horns framed her face, drawing attention to those piercing eyes and long wild black hair that grew down to her lower back. She was a giantess to him now, one that looked down at him like a cat that caught a mouse. Steam billowed off her body, the cold water from the sprinklers flash boiling on contact with her scaly hide as if she were scorching hot on contact. “I FOUND you…”

Struggling under her mass and trying to move her without hurting her, his hands reached out only to grope under the heft of her breasts, making her purr at the effort. “Hmmm, feeling grabby Smallville?”

“Lois, LOOK at yourself, you’re huge.” Gasped the man, trying to ignore his wife’s clawed fingers combing through his hair affectionately. “Do you… Mmmmph!” Lois had taken this opportunity to press her lips against his and drive her tongue into his mouth, driving him to bug his eyes wide open as her longer, prehensile tongue explored the inside of his mouth. He could feel her squirm his feet between her thighs to brush against her nethers. When she finally released him from the kiss, Clark gasped from the sensation, making his towering wife giggle at his reaction.

“Lois. Do you even realise where you ARE right now? Or what you’re doing?”

Pouting and sitting to press her breasts against her husband’s chin, the woman looked hurt by his questions. “Of COURSE, I do! I’m… I’m…” Looking down either end of the corridor they were in, the towering woman blinked and shook her head, clearing her thoughts by scratching her fingers through her hair while her eyes shifted. The steam coming off her body began to dissipate as she cooled down, the green glow in her eyes fading as were the traces of green glow from seams in her scaly hide and armor. “I just needed to… They were…Were… Where am I?”

“You’re at one of Luthor’s research facilities Lois, you were investigating him because he was making kryptonite weapons, remember?”

Finally sitting up and continuing to scratch at her head, she finally noticed her own horns in confusion and that she was now soaking wet. Looking down at her arm and down at the palm of her taloned hand, the woman blinked, still in confusion as her mind began to clear. “Wha… What’s going on?”

Finally able to get back to his feet, it startled the man to realise that even on her knees she almost came eye to eye with him in height. Taking her clawed hands in his, Clark helped her up to her feet where she struggled to keep her balance, feeling vertigo now that her skin had gone dark and cold.

“We need to get you to Professor Hamilton back in Metropolis Lois, he might be able to help you with what’s going on.”

“I remember… I remember Livewire… And she was hurting you… With kryptonite… Sweet… Delicious…”

“It’s okay Lois, just come with me, everything will be alright.”

“W-Why is it so wet in here?”

Guided out of the building through a collapsed wall, the fire brigade and staff of the building gasped at the sight of the monster woman being led out by hand with Superman. Compared to her, he was the size of a toddler, pulling the towering, confused woman out into the winter cold to look around to see her surroundings as if for the first time.

“There we go, that’s it, now let’s see if we can get you…”

Stopping in his tracks, his ears caught the whistling sound of jet engines in the distance. Looking out in the direction it was coming from, he spotted 5 oversized novelty toy airplanes flying towards the facility. By the time they came into view with the rest of the people in the parking lot, all could be heard were jet engines and what sounded like video game music before a barrage of missiles fired towards their direction.


Spinning in his chair with laughter, the Toy Man was beside himself with glee. Clapping his wooden hands together and cackling with manic laughter at the opportunity he was seeing through his toy jet’s cameras, the wooden marionette tapped at the controls, getting ready for another salvo.

“And here we come to the DOUBLE BONUS ROUND in our high-flying simulator ladies and gentlemen! Two targets for the price of one. Oooh! I wonder if I’ll be paid double for getting rid of the kryptonite glutton AND the man of steel!”


The explosions were strong enough to send Superman and Lois off their feet and land several meters away from where they were standing. With Clark crashing headfirst into a car and folding it like a book while Lois tumbled into a van and kept going until she finally stopped in the caved in hood and engine compartment of a parked sedan. Looking up from her prone spot and up at the five fighter jets that flew over, the woman sneered when she thought she heard the five vessels flying overhead play an arcade version of Danger Zone. Along with the shrill, nasally voice of their operator giggling at his own bad humour.


Circling the now panicked crowd and the two targets from their first salvo, the wing of toy jets made another pass. Pulling himself free from where he landed, Superman looked up and spotted the toys make a dive to fire again. A barrage of missiles let loose from their wings, aiming directly for Lois who lumbered out of her landing sight and just looked up in time to see the red tipped explosives heading her way before they exploded meters overhead when her husband collided into the missile cluster.


Getting back to her clawed feet, Lois watched on as the Man of Steel crashed into the parking lot like a fiery comet into a parked van, causing it to explode and rain metal all around the crash site. All the while the wing of toy jets flew past with the Toy Man’s voice continuing to broadcast his jeers.

“Ooops! Party foul, no high score for him, time for the BONUS round!”

Gunfire rattled out of the jets in their third flyby, belting off Lois’s hide as she raised her arm to guard her eyes, the bullets bouncing off her harmlessly with sparks of metal falling to her feet. Seeing where Clark had crashed, Lois ran towards the fiery wreckage to check on him. Relief filling her heart when she found him crawling out of the fire unharmed. Shaking his head to clear it and looking up at the Toy Man’s weapons as they flew up to make another attack run, Superman frowned and looked up to his wife who crouched down to help him back up to his feet.

“Clark… He’s after ME Clark, him, Livewire and Metallo, Luthor paid them to find me.”

“We have to keep him away from the paramedics and the people they’re trying to help.” Stepping off the ground to float high enough to see his wife eye to eye, the Man of Steel gave his wife a nod before turning his attention back at the toy jets. “I’ll hold them off, YOU lead them out to safety.”

“Clark, wait!” She could sense something was wrong, something off about the jets that made her salivate.

Flying up to collide with one of the fighter jets, Superman grabbed hold of its wing to divert it into the others. But the moment he did, he cried out in pain, his skin burning just as he slipped off and crashed again into the ground and fired upon by missiles.


Ignoring the fly by of the toy jets, Lois scrambled to where her husband crashed, prying off debris and concrete out of her way to find the man burned and coughing up blood before passing out in her muscular arms.

“Ooops! Guess that’s not a pearl green paint job Pooperman, more like KRYPTONITE green.”

Ignoring the obnoxious laughter from behind her back, Lois cradled her husband in her arms as she tried to coax him to keep awake, seeing him recover but still out of it from the mineral’s exposure. “Toy… Man…”

“Shhh, its okay Clark, just stay with me, just stay…”

More explosions peeled across her back as a cluster of missiles exploded and enveloped white-hot heat across her entire body and around the crater they were both sitting in.


“Ha ha ha hee hee hee!” Spinning in his chair, the Toy Man was beside himself when his computer screen flashed in crude 8-bit lettering stating he won an all-time score.

“Ding, Ding, Ding, looks like Toy Man’s getting a new collectible after this paycheck… Oooh! I wonder if that mint condition Action Guy play set is still for sale?”

With his attention off the five camera feeds, the wooden marionette cried out and pulled the earphones off his wooden head when he head a bellowing roar that would have been better found off an angry lion… OR a tyrannosaurus. Quickly turning around to look back at the camera feeds, the first and last thing he saw was a massive scaly woman flying out of the plume of smoke and grabbing hold of the lead jet.

“Hey! You’re not supposed to do that!”


“That’s cheating!”

Lois didn’t hear a word of his complaints, so filled with rage all she had was tunnel vision focussing on the things that attacked her husband. Raking her claws across the hull of the man-sized jet, fuel sprayed out and ignited, causing the green tinted vessel to explode in mid flight and crash off into the distance. Landing on her feet, Lois looked up with bared fangs, her eyes wild with rage as she followed the four jets turning to make another air strike.

“You… Hurt… CLARK!”

A sickly green glow began to form in her mouth as her blackened eyes regained their pin prick green glow. Breathing in a deep breath, the monstrous woman roared out a column of green radiation that send the snow around her to blast and flash melt around her while the beam cut through a second and third fighter jet, exploding them on impact.

“You… HURT… CLARK!!!”

“My TOYS!” The Toy Man screamed over the intercom, any semblance of fun from the whole event sucked out as the man fumed at his controls like a disappointed child. “You broke my TOYS!”

Steering them back out to Metropolis, Lois watched the escaping toy jets try to escape and leapt into the air, swatted the closest one across the tail and snapping the jet in half, causing it to explode and rain down metal into the snowy field below before she landed with a blast of rubble and snow. Leaping again after forming a crater in her landing, she jumped up and grabbed hold of the last remaining jet, her weight too much for the thing to keep flight and they both came crashing down to the ground with her landing on her feet staring into the camera where the cockpit would be. The engines blasting at full thrust and even that wasn’t enough to break free of her grip.

All the Toy Man could see was blind rage on the woman’s face, her eyes and teeth glowing green and the image going static from the radiation pouring off her. “YOU BIG BITCH! YOU BROKE ALL MY TOYS!”

“Hurt… Clark!... HURT!... CLARK!!!”

“What the hell are you babbling abou…” With the groan of metal being bent and crushed, the jet exploded in Lois’s face, sending metal and debris everywhere. Completely unharmed by the blast, Lois breathed deep and hard, her anger still stoked but slowly ebbing down now that the thing that sent her into a fury was reduced to fiery metal in her hands. Looking down at the metal in her claws and the green glitter in the paint job, she brought out her tongue and licked at its surface, her eyes fluttering at the flavour as she could taste the kryptonite there.

They wanted to kill her husband; they nearly DID kill him just now. Never again. Darting her head back and forth, she sniffed at the air, her tongue licking her fanged lips when she spotted the scent of another cache of kryptonite in the air. Crouching, she jumped into the sky, sending herself miles up into the clouds where she disappeared.


Coughing and wheezing, Superman rolled onto his hands and knees as he quickly regained his strength, his injuries rapidly healing as the winter’s sunlight renewed his body. Getting up to his feet, Clark looked around to find the five toy jets destroyed… And his wife nowhere to be seen. Pulling out the kryptonite Geiger counter out of his belt pocket, he sighed in relief that it wasn’t destroyed in all the commotion.

“Well… Here we go again…”


Back at Lexcorp…

Turning off the feed to the security cameras and sitting back in his chair, Lex Luthor closed his eyes and breathed in sharply, exhaling out slowly to calm himself after seeing another of his facilities destroyed. More than half of his kryptonite stock had already been devoured by this… THING and what was worse, three of the four mercenaries he hired had already failed to stop her. Not even the images of Superman writhing in agony from kryptonite poisoning was enough to lighten his mood… Although he DID want to keep the recording for future viewing. Just in case he needed something to perk him up.

Just who or WHAT was this creature? And how did it know where his kryptonite facilities were? The only one who even came close to figuring that information out was… “Lois Lane.” Turning his attention back to the security feeds from the previous two facilities that had been attacked off his desk screens, he waited until the footage showed the woman’s faces in each screen in front of them and paused the images. Typing in a few commands, he brought up a stored picture of Lois Lane and used tracking software to compare the two together. What came back was a 98% match.

No! That could not be possible. From all the recordings he had gathered, this woman was EATING all his kryptonite reserves. Even if the radiation was mostly harmless to humans, with the amount she had ingested, her hair should have been falling out in clumps and her organs failing one by one, not to mention how sickly she should be looking she would have looked like a cancer patient. Instead, every picture of the woman from the security cameras and reports showed her bigger and stronger with each feeding. Somehow, the radioactive mineral was empowering her, to the point that she now rivalled Doomsday in both size and strength. Leaning back, the man’s brow furrowed in thought. IF things continued as they did, this woman would deplete all the known amount of kryptonite he had at his disposal, and she would become the most powerful being on Earth to rival Superman. The idea that there could be an entity that could go toe to toe with the man of steel and be fueled by the very thing that weakened him was too good to ignore. He needed a sample.

Turning back in his chair, the multi-billionaire pressed his finger to his desk’s intercom and waited for the soft beep. “Mercy?”

“Yes Mr. Luthor?”

“The materials for my long-term projects are no longer safe, I think its time we consolidated them to a more… Secure location.”

“Yes Mr. Luthor, anywhere in particular you would like them stored at?”

“I’d like to keep our resources close for this, have it all shipped to our headquarters here… Oh and Mercy?”

“Yes Mr. Luthor?”

“Have our last associate in our deal know of our updated plans, I believe he’ll want to be here for them.”

“Yes Mr. Luthor, I’ll let him know.”

Finally, alone with his thoughts, Luthor got up from his seat and went to the wet bar to the side of his office, where he poured himself a brandy and swirled the glass in his hand. Looking out the double paned glass window of his office overlooking the entire city of Metropolis, Luthor grinned to himself as he set up plans for Lois’s capture. The possibility of losing out on a military contract would be a minor set back but in the long run his original plans would bear fruit. A creature that could feed on Kryptonian matter, and was strong enough to face toe to toe with the man of steel? Every nation would pay half their treasuries for a weapon like that. If he could get a sample of the woman and replicate it, then he would have a small controllable army of the woman at his disposal.

Taking a sip of the liquor in his hand, the man’s smirk grew as his plans developed in his head. The means of capturing her would be difficult, as would being able to get a viable sample, but he was already prepared for that. The last of the four people he hired to stop her should be more that sufficient for what he had planned. It was only a matter of time. Finishing his drink, Luthor stepped out of his office and walked past Mercy who continued to make calls for the man, just getting off the phone with said benefactor still in the game. “Keep me appraised Mercy, let me know when all the kryptonite we have in store are sent here.”

“Yes Mr. Luthor.”

Stepping into the elevator, Lex pressed the button to the sub-basement and waited patiently to be brought to the floor. When it ‘pinged’ and the doors opened, the man marched out where more than a dozen crew and staff bowed and parted to let him pass as they went over his requests, bringing him charts and reports of the three remaining facilities moving the kryptonite fuel on site and bringing it all here. All of them were smart enough not to ask any questions as the man requested pieces of equipment from his other business holdings brought here as well, the lot keeping their heads down and scurrying off to do as they were told with Luthor standing with his hands in his pockets staring out into the closed loading bay, waiting for the shipment to arrive.

“You called me boss…?” Hissed the voice behind him.

“Yes, it would seem the other three I hired couldn’t get the job done, so… I’m changing the job from assassination to live capture.”

“All’s the same to me.” Chuckled the man, looking around the empty lot with curiosity. “You figured you could contain her in here? I’ve seen the news; lady can pack quite the whallop!”

“Well, that’s why I have YOU here after all, or are you not satisfied with apprehending a lunatic who eats radioactive material?”

“Apprehension? No satisfaction there, no… Everything leading UP to the apprehension? Oh, that’ll be a gas.”

Satisfied with the answer, Luthor turned and left the docking bay of his building and returned to the elevator, giving the purple-coloured man a final nod before pressing the button to his floor. “Well then Mr. Jones, I’ll leave the matter in your capable hands then.”


Somewhere miles away from Metropolis…

Landing heavily in the snow on all fours to stop her momentum and causing a wake of turbulence to blow thick snow and underbrush away from her in all directions, Lois stood to her full height and raised her horned head high to sniff the air. She could smell it; the kryptonite was moving. Narrowing her eyes, she looked in the direction she was heading, another facility manufacturing weapons that could hurt her husband, but the scent… It was heading East, the opposite direction she was heading. Back to Metropolis. She could also smell a feinter scent of the same mineral much farther away heading in the same direction. All of it converging back in her home city.

“sniff… Sniff… What are you planning Luthor?”

The reporter in her wondered what Luthor was scheming, why he would essentially put all his eggs in one basket, there had to be some plot he was scheming. But another side of her, one that was gnawing at the tooth to bite into more of the green glowing meteorite salivated at the prospect of more to devour, and all in one convenient location. Bending at the knees, Lois jumped into the air again with inhuman strength, catapulting herself a mile into the air and landing several miles away from where she jumped. Causing another small tremor with her landing, she jumped again, heading back to Metropolis one leap at a time.

After a few minutes of travel, snow covered fields were replaced with the snow-covered roofs of the city. Quickly going from one roof top to the other with the same ease as a frog would jump from one lily pad to the next in a pond. Looming over the rooftop of a skyscraper that stood near Lexcorp tower, Lois nearly salivated at the scent, seeing trucks worth of the mineral and all its containment cells and fuel cannisters heading down the sub entrance to the building. Wiping a sliver of drool from her lip with the back of her scaly arm, Lois simply jumped off the roof of the building and raked her claws down the wall to slide silently to the ground fifty stories down. When the final truck entered the tunnel and the automatic doors began to close, Lois took this chance to charge.

Running with all the momentum she had behind her, Lois turned her shoulder and rammed through the thick metal door like it was a sheet of cardboard. Sheet metal and sparks rained out in every direction, scaring the wits out of the truck drivers, and loading crew who looked up at the towering 12-foot-tall woman who roared out and slammed her clawed fist into the side of the truck, nearly tipping it over and sending the driver into the passenger seat and out the other door.


Seeing them all vacate their forklifts and trucks and flee out the ruined door, completely ignoring the blaring alarm overhead, Lois smiled a fanged grin as she had the warehouse all to herself. Stomping her way to the one truck whose rear gate was open for unloading, Lois grabbed the first cannister of glowing fuel and pried the top off with the same ease as unscrewing the cap to a drink bottle.

“Hold it right there, lady.”

Slowly turning her attention to the lone guard standing at the loading bay behind her, Lois narrowed her eyes and sneered, lowering the cannister of kryptonite in her hand to give the man a look. Dressed in the tan shirt and black pants of the building’s security, his head was low, and his face obscured by his black security cap.

“Really? Luthor only hired ONE security guard to protect all of this? I knew he cut corners in safety, but this is laughable.”

Going back to drink her prize, she felt a hand grab hold of her wrist. Snapping her attention back at the guard who grabbed her, a sudden wave of vertigo struck her, and she found the cannister suddenly feeling heavy in her clawed hand. Staggering back, she found the small hand holding her arm did so with increasingly inhuman strength, propping her up after she fell to her knees. Snorting and shaking her head, she looked back at the guard who finally decided to look up at her face to face… Only to discover he didn’t have one save for a pair of beady yellow eyes and a toothy grin best seen on a shark than a security guard.

“WOW! Don’t know what’s been coursing through YOU babe but let me tell yeah, I haven’t felt this good since I drained Superman a year ago.”


His clothes seemed to grow tight over his body, his muscles swelling underneath the fabric as he leeched more energy and life from the towering woman. Very quickly the seams of his buttoned shirt burst open to reveal more purple skin underneath all the while he grew stronger and larger. The more he took, the more it surprised Lois to find she was getting smaller, going from 12 feet tall to 10, then 9, then 8, while he grew up and out to match.

“Stop it! Get OFF me!” Threatened the towering woman with a faint voice, her strength and size leaving her, being stolen by the growing monster who chuckled at her loss of strength with every second he kept a death grip on her arm. Eventually she felt too weak to even stand, her eyes fluttering as it took everything she had to keep awake.

“Please… No more…”

She was having trouble breathing, her ears ringing painfully to the alarm still going off in the loading bay, everything was going dark, she believed this was the end until thankfully, the hulking brute finally let go of her arm and stepped back, leaving her to cough and breath raged breathes as she laid prone and defenseless. Aching all over and curling into a fetal position, Lois never felt so weakened, almost like she was sick.

“Don’t worry Lois, I’m not here to kill ya… Oh I know its you, so does my boss.” Chuckled the toothy parasite with a grin as he flexed his arm and looked pleased with the result. “Nope, Luthor’s been keeping an eye on you and wants to take a sample of ya, wants to know why you went and gone all… This.” He gestured with his hand, waving over her entire body as she laid there on the cold stone floor.

Turning away from the woman and heading towards a nearby office, Parasite was out of sight for almost a minute. During that time, Lois tried to drag herself across the floor, finally able to feel the stinging cold of the concrete underneath her and the biting wind coming from the hole in the loading bay she burst through earlier. Right in front of her was the diluted kryptonite fuel she spilt when she dropped the cannister, eyeing the glowing fluid, she extended her tongue, hoping she could get a taste and regain her strength. That is until she heard the giant purple skinned creature return with a briefcase and propped it open, revealing a large syringe the size of a calking gun in hand that he loaded with a glass cannister.

“Nu uh… None of that Lu Lu, I need you as weak as a newborn kitten for what Mr. Luthor has planned for you, as for me? There’s no reason we can’t have some fun first before we go straight to business. Who is this Mr. Mixelpicklicker or whoever? Sounds like someone I want to shake HANDS with.”

Turning to glare up at the grinning monster, Lois sneered in defiance. “You stole my memories along with my strength!”

“Yup, gotta love complex life energies, so full of vitality and chalk full of dirty little secrets. Does CLARK know about your little truce with the imp?”

Breathing hard and sneering fanged teeth back at the Parasite, it was all she could muster, having all her strength sapped from her. Eyeing the needle he wielded with both hands like a rifle, the brute chuckled when he turned on the drill tip at the end.

“Oh yeah, we’re gonna have a HELL of a time tonight.”


Slowly stirring awake and finding himself sitting in the cot of an ambulance, the Man of Steel looked around and rubbed his face with a free hand, quickly feeling a pair of gloved hands hold his arm and speak softly while helping him up and checking him over.

“Are you alright Superman? You got hurt pretty bad when those small jets attacked.” Commented the nurse as she checked his pulse and asked him to open his eyes to check for dilation. “Do you have a concussion? Do you know where you are right now? What’s the last thing you remember?”

“My wife… She’s in danger…”

“You have a wife?” He heard another nurse say out loud, helping the man sit up and check him for injuries. Feeling his vision clear, he looked up at the smiling woman, giving him a wink back in return. “She must be one lucky lady. I’m jealous already.”

Eventually he gently waved her aside and got back to his feet, if a bit unsteady in his stance when he took a step or two. A few steps more and regained his balance and looked back to the two nurses and around the lot itself. The crisis was being well contained and the authorities were already taking notes.

“Are you sure you’re okay Superman?”

“I’m… I’m good, I’m getting better.” Shaking his head and looking around. He made his way out of the parking lot for the Lexcorp facility he found Lois in. All around him he could see the debris from Toy man’s attack and stayed away from the kryptonite painted materia for his own safety. Checking his pocket for the kryptonite Geiger counter, Clark sighed when he found it had been damaged and was no longer working.

Looking out to the snow swept landscape and miles out ahead of him where the city was but a speck out in the horizon, Clark sighed. He tried to lift himself off the ground but was disappointed to find his powers of flight hadn’t been restored yet, but he was recuperating quickly.

“Lois, you REALLY need my help.”


“Clark… I need your help…” Lois whispered on the cold floor, a shadow looming over her as the Parasite turned on the drill tipped syringe in his hand and aimed it at the woman’s arm.

“Don’t worry doll face, this will all be over soon. Shame really, I was hoping for more than just a taste. If only the fun could last but a little longer… You know?” Parasite smiled his toothy grin like a shark.

Fluttering her eyes and looking up at the brute, Lois tried with all her strength to lift her head and glare up at him. “What’s wrong Rudy? Don’t want to finish what you started?”

“You don’t have much in the tank as it is Lois, what can you offer that I haven’t already taken?”

“You want to know where the imp is, right? Mr Myxlplyx?”

Turning off the drill and hoisting it up over his shoulder, the Parasite’s attention was piqued. “Go on.”

“I’m feeling pretty weak Rudy, I don’t think I can… Say it out loud… You may have to lift me up so I can whisper it in your ear.”

Smirking, the Parasite set the drill down and hoisted Lois up by her arm, his inhuman strength great enough to bring her up to her feet with ease. Looking drowsy and flushed, his touch drained more from her strength, causing her to diminish in size and grow pale. “Well gorgeous? What’s the secret?”

Her reply was her spitting into his eye.


Dropping her to the ground, Rudy stumbled aimlessly, trying to wipe the spit from his eye. Reaching out for something to steady himself, his massive hand touched the cap of the container Lois cracked open earlier and tipped it over by accident. Green, glowing fluid spilled over the ground and flowed towards Lois, while the rest of it pooled under the Parasite’s feet. The moment his foot touched the radioactive fluid, the monster screamed. He always had problems absorbing kryptonite, whether it was in its natural state or not. Slowly turning green from his foot up to his ankle, a green tinted static charge flowed up his leg, making the Parasite go stiff with pain.

Ignoring his cries, Lois extended her tongue to lap up the traces of the kryptonite fluid pouring in her direction. The moment her tongue touched the radioactive material, a heat bloomed in her chest that spread across her arms and legs. Strength returned to her, enough that she was sitting up and scooping the fluid in her hands to slurp up one handful at a time. With her strength to stand restored, Lois watched as the monster twitched and went into convulsions, the energies he sapped from the kryptonite wasn’t so much empowering him so much as taking up space in his cells, slowly making him green from the waist down as he soaked up more energy.

“What’s the matter Rudy? I thought you liked taking what isn’t yours.” Turning her attention to another cannister of kryptonite fuel, she pulled the cannister free from the truck and ripped the top off like it was cheap tinfoil. Lifting the cannister up with both hands, she doused the fluid over Parasite, making him scream louder as he absorbed the energies and became even more green all over. “You know what you are Rudy? You’re not a parasite, you’re a mosquito! Just some tiny, insignificant little bug that can only be noticed when you sting someone on the arm. But like all mosquitoes, you just need to be swatted, like the bug you are.”

The sound of glass fracturing could be heard as Parasite’s flesh began to calcify, almost as if he were TURNING into the kryptonite he was absorbing from. After just a few seconds, the massive brute went completely stiff. Sure, that he wasn’t going to be a problem anymore, Lois looked down at the cannister of kryptonite fuel and licked her lips. Upending the cannister over her head, the woman drank like a woman wracked with thirst. With each gulp, her muscles tensed, and her body grew. Crushing the cannister like an oversized soda can and with the same ease, Lois tossed it aside and reached for another, then another, and another. Her build and height were slowly being restored with each helping of kryptonite batteries she cracked open and drained like ripe oranges, or the fuel cannisters she downed, giving off an unlady-like belch that echoed across the loading bay before she tossed the cannister away behind her with a noisy clank of metal and reached for more.

Minutes passed, and heavy foot stomps announced Lois approaching the third truck parked in the loading bay and rip off its metal doors. With the same etiquette as a starving bear to a smorgasbord of salmon, Lois devoured what she could get her clawed hands on. By now she had fully regained her previous height and strength, and quickly grew even bigger. Shoulder checking the interior of the truck’s trailer for more room, the 12-foot-tall monster woman continued to grow as she ate more green glowing material in front of her. Her muscles throbbed and tensed, growing stronger, larger. Her hips and shoulders grew wider, brushing against the trailer walls and crumpling as they barely contained her powerful body. The spines on her back scratched against the roof and her horns would occasionally dent the walls when she’d turn her head to look for more cells or cannisters she hadn’t finished. When she finally reached the back and scratched at the backwall with her claws to reach for more and found none, Lois growled…

Her breath had become as hot as a furnace, with a green glow showing behind her fanged teeth and the metal walls going red when she exhaled. “More…” Tearing herself free of the constricting space, Lois stepped out of the ruined trailer and didn’t even realise she was as big as the transport truck that broad her meal there. She had already eaten more kryptonite in one sitting than she ever had in the past month or so combined. But she wanted more, NEEDED more.


Well over 14 feet tall and rivalling Doomsday in both size and power, the massive black scale covered woman breathed hard and rubbed a claw over her flat abdominal muscles. Sniffing the air, she then turned her attention back to the Parasite. In the span it took her to eat every crumb of kryptonite dust, shards, fluid and power cells, Rudy Jones had been absorbing the kryptonite he was exposed to. He had absorbed so much of the material his flesh had become pure kryptonite. Frozen in place and completely crystalized, he gave off a sickly green glow from where he stood. But to Lois, it was the most tantalizing thing she had ever seen. Licking her fanged lips and wiping a sliver of drool from her lip, Lois snorted as she approached the human shaped kryptonite formation, her eyes wild with hunger as she reached out for her dessert after her long meal.


Staring out the window to his office, Lex Luthor leaned back in his chair, patiently waiting for Parasite’s report in the loading bay of his building. The silent alarm already told him that Lois had arrived, as did the security feed of his staff fleeing for their lives. After thirty minutes of waiting, the man began to feel concerned. Turning in his seat, Luthor tapped a finger to his intercom to get his secretary’s attention.

“Mercy? Prep a helicopter to pick us up at the roof.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Luthor.”

“Ten minutes.”

Suddenly a tremor reverberated through the office, causing some of the furniture to shake ever so slightly. Narrowing his eyes, Luthor looked back at the intercom with some worry. “Better make it five.”

“Y-yes Mr. Luthor. Five minutes.”

Another tremor shook the office, stronger this time as he saw the glass of bourbon on his desk swish and rattle. Pulling away from the intercom, the tremor hit again, then again. They were coming in shorter bursts now, almost like they were heavy foot falls. The paintings and decorations in his office shook with each heavy ‘boom’ that quaked the top floor until he heard what sounded like an explosion out in the hallway. Gunfire echoed behind the door, making Lex stand up from his chair and check a drawer at his desk with a line of sweat trickle down the side of his face. Outside he could hear Mercy cry out, followed by a pistol shooting rapidly before another tremor rattled his desk and caused a lamp to fall over.

Stepping away from his chair and moving towards the far window, Lex Luthor eyed the door while clutching onto a remote in his hand he pulled from the desk like it was a shield. The gunfire outside stopped abruptly, leaving Lex in silence for only a few seconds before the double doors of his office burst open, sending wood splinters raining over the room and forcing Luthor to cover his eyes.

“Finally found you little mousey mouse…”

Lex heard a deep feminine voice purr, looking up, his eyes went wide with shock. A clawed hand gripped at the wooden frame of the door and crushed it easily in its grip as the owner to that claw made its presence known. Forced to crouch, Lois stepped into the head office while her back spikes raked over the door frame’s top. Saurian feet stomped into the room, her clawed toes tearing the expensive carpet making her way in, dragging a long and heavy reptilian tail that slithered behind her. Her body was at the peak of physical perfection, built solid with muscles that looked like they could bend steel with the same ease as folding tinfoil. Thighs as large as tree trunks, arms the size of light posts, every inch of her exuded power personified. Her jet-black scales shimmered in the overhead lights where a florescent green could be seen glowing through the seams of her hide, as if the power within her could barely be contained. Her black hair flowed down behind her and over her shoulders like an oil slick, tapered by a pair of massive horns that crowned her skull and framed her face like the horns of a bull. Standing to her full height of 16 feet, her chest heaved with her watermelon sized breasts standing full and proud off her pectoral muscles. Her cleavage along with her abdominal muscles and face the only thing uncovered by the kryptonite hardened scales covering her flesh. The woman looked down at the terrified man with utter contempt in her pitch-black eyes, their irises glowing a sickly green so intense it looked like she could burn the man with heat vision… If she had it.

“I’ve been meaning to have a word with you.” She cooed, tilting her hip and crossing her arms in front of her.

“Lois… This is very unexpected.”

“Unexpected? But you invited me Lex, you INSISTED I come here.” Unfolding her arms, the giantess stomped her way towards him, rolling her hips seductively with each step until she was standing in front of his desk, grabbing it with enough force her claws gouged the wooden surface and tossed it aside with such force that it flew out the side window and kept going until it landed across the street on the roof of a neighbouring skyscraper. “You brought ALL the kryptonite here to LURE me, so you could snip pieces off me to study, to study ANOTHER way to KILL MY HUSBAND!” She roared, a green glow emanating from within her mouth and spilling through her fanged teeth.

Just as Lex raised the remote in his hand, Lois was already in front of him and grabbed hold of his body like a rag doll, slamming him through the window to dangle over the skyline 200 stories up. Gasping and clutching onto her clawed arm, Lex looked down and back at the monster woman staring dagger back at him. “You’ve always been jealous of him Lex, just an insecure little man with no power of his own. Only the power to make him weak. Now I have that power, how does that make you feel Lex?”

“Oh… ‘cough’ I’ve always considered myself a resourceful man Miss Lane.” Smiling despite the situation, Lex raised the remote in his hand and pressed a button so that Lois could see. “Resourceful enough to have a backup plan if things ever went south like they are now.”

A low growl escaped Lois’s fanged lips, like the deep reverberating snarl of an alligator. “What?” Pulling him back into the ruined office, she continued to keep him hoisted up by her claw, his feet dangling almost a meter off the ground.

“I’ve spent a fortune gathering as much kryptonite as I could find for this little join project of mine, at least… The kryptonite I could use.”

Narrowing her eyes, Lois continued to listen, her grip tightening around the man’s chest to make him keep talking.

“Cough… Cough… There are ALL sorts of kryptonite in the world, every colour of the rainbow, but only the green stuff could weaken the man of steel’s body, the others poison the mind, the morals, the soul… If there is such a thing.” Seeing her eyes widen and her lips pull back in a sneer, Lex smiled at the reaction. “THOSE samples of kryptonite I kept in locked stores spread over my company’s properties across the nation, and the world.” Wriggling the remote in his hand to catch her attention, he continued. “I just sent a request to have that stuff taken out of storage so it could be dumped into the nearest food processor’s as ‘flavour additives’, so if you want to make sure your hubby doesn’t go on a mouth frothing murder spree after eating a granola bar spiked with black or red or polka dot kryptonite… I’d get moving, I’m sure you’ve got a nose for the mineral, after all its how you found my reserves in the sub-levels.”

Breathing hard and staring back at the man with murderous rage, the green glow in the woman’s mouth intensified. Tossing the man onto the ground where he scurried back to press against the wall behind him, Lois growled, her claws brandished as if she couldn’t decide whether to tear the man apart or pulverize him into paste. Eventually the green glow began to bloom in her eyes as the glow in her mouth became blinding. Rearing back, Lois roared out in impotent rage and fired a columned of green light from her mouth that blew out the ceiling and carved a gaping hole in the roof where molten slag dripped from the edges to sizzle and boil around her feet. The rest of the windows blew out and forced Lex to shield his face from raining glass shards.

Lois jumped out of the crude exit she made for herself and landed with a crouch on the top of Lex Tower. Sniffing the air, her eyes scanned the city for any kryptonite she could smell the scent of. Darting her horned head up out to see past the city, she jumped as hard as she could, and flew out of Metropolis with a gust of air and turbulence.

Getting up to his feet and wiping glass from his expensive suit, Lex Luthor looked around his destroyed office and frowned, just as Mercy staggered inside sporting a bruised face and cradling her arm. “Mercy, any word on my helicopter?”

“Uhm… No Lex, the lines died just as your ‘guest’ cleared the elevator.”

“Hmm, shame.” Kicking some debris out of his way, Lex handed the remote over to the woman in her free hand and walked down the lobby of his floor. Looking down at the item, Mercy gave a look of confusion.

“Mr. Luthor, what is this?”

“The remote control to the blinds of my office, I’m going to need a new one since I no longer have windows. I plan to take an impromptu vacation during this time and won’t be back for some time… Or at least when that monster of a woman is no longer searching for more kryptonite.”

“Uhm… Okay.”

“Oh and Mercy?” Lex spoke up as he looked at the ruined elevator and turned to head to the stairs, not even bothering to look back at the woman. “You’re fired.”

“Sigh… Yes Mr. Luthor…”


Re: Superman and Lois Lane: The Truce
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2023, 09:27:09 PM »
Superman and Lois Lane
The Truce
Chapter 5

The sunlight crept up from the window, slowly going over Clark’s eyes and causing him to stir in his sleep. Waking up in bed with a wince and snorting out a light cough, Clark rolled over to expect Lois by his side for him to drape his arm over affectionately, instead he found nothing there, the other side of the bed was cold and empty for quite some time now. Getting up, he rubbed the sore spots in his eyes and got up to get cleaned and dressed for the day, the alarm clock by the bed told him he had about 20 minutes before his shift began, and he couldn’t keep explaining why he was late for a third time for work. Then again if they knew what he was doing every OTHER hour of the day, they’d probably have given him some sick days to help him out.

It had been a month since Superman was saved by his wife at the kryptonite weapons facility, or more specifically what his wife was turning into. After regaining his strength from the kryptonite poisoning, he tried looking for her all over the state, but couldn’t find her. All he had to go on was the damage she left in her wake attacking Lexcorp tower and that Luthor himself was long gone, claiming a personal sabbatical for the press to report. He had no idea where she was… But he knew where she had been last. Turning on the television to show the global news, Clark brewed himself some coffee as he listened to the report in the living room.

“A string of burglaries captured the attention of those living in Northern Marseilles in France yesterday. three jewelry stores had been torn open as if by heavy machinery to get inside. Strangely, the only reported missing items were a pair of earrings, a wedding ring and a broach respectively from each store, their value as the shop keepers explained were almost negligible, leading to quite the mystery over the reason for such excessive property damage just to obtain…”

“It has been one week and the local authorities in the western prospect of Lanzhou China are still baffled at the destruction of an art collector’s home, the only item missing being a small red crystal called the star-rose which had stories of it falling from the sky some 300 years…”

Translators furiously tried to keep up with several witnesses from Chili, explaining a testimony of a monster with a woman’s face ransacking a uranium mine, despite the number of damages, there were no casualties. “It… Came from… The sky like… A black devil… Tearing apart… The mining equipment like toys… Roared out light and fire…” Eyewitnesses had provided sketches of the creature, showing what looked like some pitch-black dragon woman breathing green fire from her mouth.

Sipping from his coffee, Clark worried about her. When he found her last, she seemed… Delirious, inebriated, it made him wonder if consuming the radioactive material had more than just a physical effect on her. He needed to find her, to help her, but for now she seemed just as capable of being as fast as he was travelling the globe as he was. Checking the clock on the wall, he shook his head and put the empty mug on the counter before disappearing with a whoosh of air out the window of his apartment balcony to head to the Daily Planet.

A minute later, Clark fumbled through the door of the writer’s floor of where he worked, pretending to lose track of his footing as he adjusted his glasses and darted his way past one assistance after the other who marched past him with a bundle of papers in hand or a tray of drinks. Perry could be heard from his office at the far end of the floor barking orders and demanding another tray of doughnuts for the morning rat race. “Hey everyone, anything going on in Metropolis lately I’ve missed?”

“Morning Clark. Hey, you’re not late this morning.” Snarked Steve Lombard, combing his fingers through his feathered red hair. The Planet’s Sports editor leaned back in his chair to see the man stop at his own desk and carefully place his things near his monitor. “There’s a game between Metropolis and Phili later today, I’m gonna see if I can get some commentaries from the players… And the cheerleaders.”

Rolling his eyes, Clark sat at his desk and opened his computer to check for updates, casting a wistful look over to Lois’s empty desk across from his. “Well good luck to you Steve, just remember to keep your eye on the bat.”

“It’s ‘keep your eye on the BALL’ Clark, geez, no wonder you never got into sprots.”

“Come on Steve, go easy on the big lug.” Kat Grant spoke up as she made her way between the two desks with her laptop bag in hand as she made to her own desk. “He was probably too busy working the farm to toss a football back then.”

“Oh ha ha…” Smiling back at the woman winking back at him from her desk, Clark started going over his emails, seeing more notes of a strange creature spotted across the globe stealing rare florescent stones. But Clark knew better. They weren’t just some random rocks, they were kryptonite. All the kryptonite Luthor had managed to get his hands on were gone now, likely all consumed by his wife, and now she was hunting for the last scrapes she could get her hands on. Checking the dates of each event and supposed attack, he found the time between each one was getting longer. She was running out of ‘food’, which meant that sooner or later she was going to starve.

Leaning back in his chair, Clark crossed his arms and scratched at his chin in thought. “There has to be a way of saving her from herself before things became dire, but how?”

“Who you talking to Mr. Kent?”

Blinking and looking up from his seat, Clark found Jimmy juggling a couple of trays of coffee in his hands, paused where he was to offer coffee to Steve and Kat at their desks. “Oh, good morning, Jimmy. On a coffee run again?”

“Yeah… I lost the coin toss from Steve.”

“Should have brought your own coin Jimmy!” Called out Steve, sipping from his coffee and sputtering when he realised it was too hot.

“Any word from Mrs. Lane Mr. Kent?”

Looking away and drumming his fingers at the desk, Clark tried to be tactful to the young man as he came up with an answer. “Well… Last I checked, her paid leave is about done, but she’s had some things she needed to take care of first.”

Accepting the answer, Jimmy shrugged and made a face of thought before making his way to the next office desk ahead of him. “Well, tell her we miss her, hope she’s doing well.”

“Yes… Thanks Jimmy, I’ll let her…”

An explosion of glass bursting inward onto the floor and causing everyone to duck and scatter when a massive object crashed through, bulldozing through desks and furniture, and stopped at the center of the editing room, ceasing its momentum by raking its talons against the tiled floor and leaving deep gouges in its wake. A huge saurian tail swiped and unhinged an office cubicle wall off its moorings to either side of the monster and caused several editors to cry out and flee or be caught in its strike range. Standing to its full height and tossing a destroyed desk out of its way, everyone screamed and panicked when it stood so tall its horned head bumped the ceiling and growled in frustration, punching the ceiling, and causing plaster and brickwork to rain down over its shoulders and back. The act causing the light fixtures to spark and sputter, leaving the only source of light being the sunlight from the shattered windows and the sickly green glow from the creature’s body. Like fine cracks in its smooth scaled skin, streaks of florescent green could be seen accentuating its powerful frame and muscles.

A low growl like that of a crocodile or bear made everyone shiver when it darted its horned head to look over across the editor’s floor and back the other way. It’s green glowing eyes scanning the entire area while sniffing the air like a predator. Looking up from his hiding place behind his upturned desk, Clark looked up to the black scaled giantess who finally turned her attention down to him and smiled a fanged grin, where more green light shone from her mouth. Her green glowing eyes were wild with hunger and delirium, licking her fanged lips as she took on a sultrier pose by tilting her hip and resting a claw at her thigh, while her other claw idly traced down the cleavage of her breasts.

“Well now, I FOUND you… My tasty little morsel…


Meanwhile… Somewhere in Ireland…

In the dead of night, a pub door kicks wide open while the owner of the tavern tosses a small man dressed in purple onto the streets so hard, he flew across the roadside and into a pile of upturned garbage cans before wiping his gloved hands clean. Spitting on the cobblestone sidewalk, the barkeep watched the tiny imp stagger to his feet across the road, pulling a banana peel off his bald head and fall back to his hands and knees, blind stinking drunk.

“An STAY out you fockin little basterd, drinkin all my wares without a coin to show for it!”

“Yeah, yeah… Why doncha kiss a blarney stone and tell me if you get the gift of gap, maybe you’d make a good conversationali-hic… Conversa-ic… Sweet talker.”

Wiping his hands with his dish rag, the bar owner slammed the door behind him, leaving Mr. Myxlplyx to roll onto his back and chuckle to himself as he stared into the stars and moon overhead. It had been more than two and a half months into his personal exodus from the fifth dimension and he was having a blast. “Heh… This has been pretty sweet. Drinkin in the Bahamas, boozin it up in the Hawaiian Islands, downin liquer in Morocco, drinking in Moscow, sake sippin in Japan, wine’n & dinen in France… Huh… Maybe I’z gots a drinkin problem…”

Scratching his chin and rolling to sit up on the ground, Mr. Myxlplyx giggled and got to his feet where he wriggled his toes and began floating several feet into the air, floating aimlessly like a helium filled balloon as he made his way through the Irish streets at night. “Nah… Therz always a reason tooh celebrate, like Supes’s main squeeze, bet she’s havin the time of her life after that wish I gave’er… Must’ve, because ol big Blue hazn’t come knockin or the grand council show up ol fire and chocolate sauce… Heh, bunch oh stuffed up Keebler elves, they should open der own cookie brand er something…”

Eventually finding a wooden bench in front of a bus stop, the imp floundered around in the air, circling a light post and land headfirst into the bench seat, laughing to himself as he rolled back up and lounged to catch his breath, placing his purple bowler hat on top of his bald head.

“I wonderz what she’s doin now? Bet she’s giving her hubby the best day of his life knowing der’s no Kryptonite after she’s done.”


Scurrying between desks and ducking when he heard a roar that sent everyone falling to the floor with their hands at their ears, Clark winced and tried to find the exit. An office desk flew across the floor and sent everyone nearby crying out as they darted to get out of its way. Crawling under the following desk and keeping out of sight, Clark used his x-ray vision to find the stairway and make his escape.

“Where ARE you my little treat, you can’t hide from ME, I can smell you!”

Pausing on the spot, Clark looked up to see Jimmy hiding under a desk while more office furniture was scooped up and tossed out of the way of the monster woman rampaging through the editor’s floor. Their eyes locking for a split second, Jimmy’s eyes looked up and went wide, just in time for the desk Clark hid behind was hoisted up by a clawed hand to be tossed over the monster’s shoulder.

“THERE you are my delicious little gingerbread man you! Oooh, look at YOU, trying to get away?”

Grabbing Clark by the waist and lifting him as easily as lifting a toddler by the scruff of his jacket, Lois brought him close to breath in his scent and lick her tongue across his face. The act sizzled against his skin, instantly making Clark cry out in pain and leave burning smoke across his cheek when she pulled away to savour the taste. Her tongue felt like being exposed to the surface of the sun, even he felt that kind of heat off her. She must have absorbed so much radiation from all the kryptonite she consumed, she was a walking fusion reactor now. But that wasn’t the worst of it. When Lois stopped letting her eyes flutter from the taste and stare back into his frightened eyes, the look into her green, glowing irises told him everything he needed to know.

“Hmm…. You look JUST like my husband, and taste like him too… Oh, did Clark make you just for me? He always was the romantic, placing you on his desk like a treat.”

She was insane.

The delirium he found her in a month ago was a pale shadow to the state she was in now. Wild eyed, panting, breathing hard from her nostrils. Lois wasn’t just starving; she had become manic with kryptonite withdrawal. Even after scouring the Earth clean of the mineral, it wasn’t enough, and likely would never be enough to sate her current form.

“L-Lois, you have to…”

“GASP! And you TALK! Mmmm… Now its almost a shame to take a bite out of you.” Licking her fanged lips, Lois’s eyes became half lidded and sultry as she raised Clark over her head. “Maybe I’ll start with the head then… ‘giggle’… A little head from my talking, hubbie shaped…”

Her face went serious when an office chair struck her from behind, breaking apart after colliding with the craggy spines running down her back. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes glowed a sickly green and a dark and low growl filled everyone’s ears.

“Drop’em, you big ugly freak!”

There, holding a trash bin as his next item to toss at her, Steve stood on shaking legs as she dropped Clark and made her way towards him. Her looming shadow encompassing the man as she quickly snatched the bin out of his hands and crushed it with the same ease as an empty soda can. Realising he just bit off more than he could chew, the man raised his hands in surrender and began to back off.

“Heh, n-no hard feelings, you can have’em, I just…”

A green glow began to emit behind Lois’s fanged teeth, growing in intensity as she breathed in and caused her chest to thrust out. Realising what she was about to do, while on the floor, Clark used his powerful breath to blow a gust of air that knocked the man on his rear, just in time for a column of raw kryptonite radiation to blast out of Lois’s mouth and flash melt everything in front of her. Leaving a scorched hole through the cubicle walls leading out to a glazed hole in the window. Looking down at Steve, the man whimpered and cried out, running for his life. Crossing her arms, Lois’s tail flicked back and forth behind her.

“Never did like your articles Steve… NOW, where’s that juicy treat my husband left for me?”

Turning her attention back to where she dropped Clark, she found him gone. Darting her horned head across the editor’s floor, she didn’t see him anywhere, save finding the emergency exit click close at the far end of the hall.

Safely out of sight, Clark stripped off his grey-blue business suit to his blue and red costume and cape, flying up the emergency stairs to the roof of the Daily Planet. Even before he reached the door to the roof, he could hear a door below him burst off its hinges and a roar echoed out from the stair well. Exiting out into the open air, Superman was out of the doorway for just a split second before it exploded open from Lois jumping up to catch up to him, clawing her way out to freedom with a drooling grin on her pert lips.

“THERE you are… Slippery little thing you… Ooooh, and you changed COLOURS too! How did Clark know my favorite colour was red?”

Stepping back and keeping an eye on his wife, Clark watched her slowly approach, brandishing her claws like she was going to pounce on him. He had no idea if he were strong enough to stop her, and even if he did, he didn’t want to hurt her, not while she was like this. He was running out of options, that is until he noticed her step in a puddle of water, melted by the early March weather. When her clawed toes splashed into the puddle, the heat she gave off flash boiled it into steam. Just like when she was at the weapon’s facility. He had to cool her down somehow. Darting his eyes to look over the horizon to the North, he gave Lois one last look and flew off with enough speed to give off a sonic boom. If he were lucky, she would follow him to where he had planned.


“Is everyone alright?” Called out Perry, crawling out from his office to find the entire floor still reeling after the attack and the fire suppression system putting out the flames. All around the man, his editing floor looked like a bomb hit it, with smoke sizzling from where the column of kryptonite energy burned a hole through his building and everyone were getting up to their feet shivering from the cold water, standing close just to keep warm.

Stepping out of her hiding place and shivering with her arms hugged tightly around her, Kat blinked, wiping the make-up streaking down her eyes so she could see and nod back to the editor and chief of the Daily Planet.

“I-I’m here boss, p-p-peachy keen.” The woman answered, shivering as the fire suppression water soaked her clothes and made her white blouse sheer see-through.

“Good to hear Kat… You might want to get a coat on.”

“I’m good boss!” Called out Jimmy Olsen from behind a cubicle, waving over for the old man to see him. “I managed to save the coffee.”

“Good man Jimmy, I knew keeping you around would pay off when we changed photographers.” Looking around after the fire suppression system finally stopped to a sputter overhead, the man looked around and scratched his head. “Hey! Has anyone seen Clark?”


North, he had to fly north.

Travelling several times the speed of sound out of the city of Metropolis and directly north, Superman tried to keep his velocity ‘slow’ in the hopes of making sure his wife was chasing him. He needed to take her someplace cold to calm the energy reaction happening inside of her, help her clear her head from the kryptonite withdrawal she was enduring. He could have led her to any of the freezers located in Metropolis but there was no guarantee they would be cold enough to tackle the intense heat she was giving off. No. Only the North Pole, his Fortress of Solitude would suffice. A location so cold and remote she could finally burn out the fission going on in her body to no longer be a threat to anyone.

Behind him, he could hear her chasing him. He was grateful she couldn’t fly, it made tracking her easier now that he knew what to listen for, but he was shocked to find that her incredible strength granted her the power to jump several hundred miles at a time in a single bound. Something he became apparently aware of when he spotted a shadow behind him when he looked back and was body tackled out of the air by a pair of clawed hands. Crashing into a brush of trees just outside the Canadian border and causing branches and wood splinter to rain across the landscape. Laying on his back, dazed and looking around as the crater he formed burned from the heat of his pursuer, Clark looked up to find his wife smiling down at him with her clawed hands pinning down his shoulders.

“I CAUGHT YOU!” She giggled, leering down at her prized with a hungry eye. “You gave me quite a chase too, you must be a SPECIAL type of kryptonite to give me all this trouble.”

“Lois, you’re intoxicated with kryptonite poisoning, you have to listen to me.”

“No. No! NO!!!” Her smile quickly turning to an angry sneer, her grip on his shoulders tightened while her saurian tail behind her slammed down and broke a tree trunk in half. “You’re the toxic one here! You make my Clark sick. It’s why Lex made you, to trick me and hurt my Clark… But once you’re gone, NOTHING will hurt him, and we can be together again. You’ll see.”

Looking around him, he could see her presence alone was causing some of the wood splinters to smoke and sizzle before igniting into flames. The same searing heat that burned him when she licked his face in the office. Struggling against her grip, he was surprised to find she was just as strong as he was, narrowing his options on how to slip loose.

“Heh… So… What do I take a bite out of first?” Licking away some drool from her fanged lips, Lois opened her mouth wide, wide enough that Clark could see a sickly green glow. “I think I mentioned starting with the head.”

Taking a deep breath, Superman used his freezing breath to startle Lois into letting him go, staggering back as the intense cold caused a backlash of steam to blow back out and put out the flames all around them. Keeping up the cold, ice formed over the wooden splinters where there were once flames, the ruined tree trunks cracking with frost spreading over the scorched bark. He thought perhaps this could be enough to cool her off, seeing her stagger back and become sluggish. That is until the green glow intensified, and a beam of green light cut through the freezing column of air and burned Clark in the shoulder.

Screaming out in pain and landing against a tree 50 feet away, Superman clutched at his burned shoulder and back at Lois, rolling out of the way as the beam of raw kryptonite energy carved through the tree and nearly had it exploded into green flames. No, it wouldn’t be enough. Roaring out in rage and incinerating everything around her, the radiation beam continued to streak and sear the ground and forest around her until she closed her mouth and breathed through clenched teeth, exhaling hot smoke out of her mouth, and glaring around her.


Clumsily getting back to his feet, Clark regained the strength to fly and flew off as fast as he could, the turbulence from his exit causing Lois to dart her horned head towards where he escaped and roared out in rage. He no longer had any other chances to try, it was now or never to get Lois to the north pole and cool off, someplace where she couldn’t stop the intense cold to cool off her burning insides. He didn’t dare look back, knowing full well that Lois was chasing him. Before she was starving, now she was furious. Looking forward, he already crossed the Baffin Islands and was reaching Greenland in just a few more minutes. All the while he could hear his wife’s approach from her landings using his super hearing. He was close, he was so close he could already see his fortress of solitude up ahead. All he needed to do was fly for a few more seconds and he could get to the front…

With a guttural roar, Lois grabbed hold of Clark’s leg in the air and slammed down into the frozen glaciers below. The impact alone caused the ice to fracture for miles in every direction, rippling through the solid sheet of glaciers and causing island sized chunks of ice to roll and churn in the frozen waters. Clark barely had time to get up on his hands and knees when Lois slammed into him feet first into his back, sending another fracturing force to shatter the ice around them like a sheet of glass. Now so far north, the effects of her inner heat could be seen as steam blasted out from her back, chest, and stomach. Her entire body sizzled from the thermal shock of the frozen cold cooling her inner core and creating a thick fog of steam to erupt off her entire body. Even her mouth, nose and eyes billowed with hot steam escaping her body as she looked around, waving her clawed hands through the mist to clear her vision.

Looking down, her clawed feet trudged through boiling slush and water as she sank into a pool of her own making, with Clark pulling himself free from the boiling hot water and crawling his way away from his wife’s blind rage. Getting to his feet only to collapse again, Clark looked back to find Lois literally blind with rage as steam continued to blast off her skin and face, roaring out loud as she swiped and grabbed what she could, only for the ice she grabbed hold of to quickly melt and dissolve to her touch. But he could see it, the broiling hot steam was starting to give way, losing its intensity. When she was finally able to see again, Lois turned her attention to the prone Superman and growled out a snarl just as she reached out for his leg… And collapsed into the ice. The heat she had given off was so great, she had melted straight through the ice and fell into the frozen ocean below.

Collapsing onto his back and breathing hard, Clark looked up into the permanent day sun of the far north, seeing only clouds and the bright sun overhead. Every bone in his body ached, but thanks to the sunlight, he could feel his body healing. He didn’t have a lot of time; he didn’t know how long she could last in the water before she drowned. He hoped he could reach her under the ice and pull her free to breath again. Slowly he got to his feet and made his way to the bubbling pool of boiling water, finding that it was already starting to calm and frost over in the freezing winds around him.

Looking down into the pool, he tried to look deep down into the waters to spot his wife. What he found were a pair of green lights staring back at him. An explosion of hot water erupted out of the pool, sending Clark back when Lois exploded out to freedom and pinned him down to the ice with her claws. Wild with rage and desperation, Lois kept him where he was, baring her fanged teeth and staring murder into his eyes with her green glowing irises. Steam no longer fumed from her body, having finally cooled down, but the rage in her still hadn’t died down.

“Lois! It’s me! It’s…”

“EaT… YoU…”

Not hearing a word, Lois opened her maw and bit down on his wounded shoulder, causing the Man of Steel to cry out in agony as her razor-sharp teeth dug into his flesh. Flaring her nostrils to inhale the freezing air, Lois’s eyes rolled back with delight. She had done it; she had rid the entire world of kryptonite to save her husband. The thought brought a sense of ecstasy to the monstrous woman as she tasted her victory… Only to find it didn’t taste of the crunch of crystalline power. It tasted… Coppery, and sour. Sitting up and pulling away from what she had sunk her teeth into, Lois sat up and looked around, not recognizing where she was. All around her all she could see were glaciers slowly rolling and colliding with each other off in the horizon, and the biting cold of the northern winds over her scaly hide.

Reaching up to scratch her head, her clawed hand stopped when it met the curve of her horns, feeling them as if she didn’t recognise them, she looked down at her black, scale covered talon with surprise. She was immense. Her muscles bulged with barely contained strength, and her body was just as curvaceous as it was powerful, the slopes of her breasts heaved when she hugged her arms under them. looking down her broad shoulder she gasped at the sight of a massive tail behind her that was as thick around as her leg and twice as long. Breathing sharply in a panic, Lois felt up her face, closing her eyes when even with clawed fingers she could feel she still had a human face with narrow cheek bones, nose, and chin of a human. But when she pulled her hands from her mouth, she noticed her fingers were stained with a red fluid that was quickly drying in the cold. Confused, she rubbed the substance between her fingers, wondering why it reminded her of blood.


Looking down at what spoke to her, Lois’s eyes went wide with horror when she found her husband gasping for air and clutching a bleeding wound in his shoulder and trying to stem the bleeding.



Lounging on a tanning bed near a pool, Lex Luthor sighed and opened one of his eyes to looked over the rest of the pool to find a small band playing and hula dancers. He had decided to vacate to Hawaii after his tower had been ruined. Smiling, he leaned back and enjoyed the sun bake over him, until a shadow loomed over him, forcing him to look up again. Mercy stood over him wearing the same business dress she wore in Metropolis despite the tropical heat, holding a tray with a single drink she offered the man after leaning down to do so.

“Your drink Mr. Luthor.”

“Thank you, Mercy… Now get out of my light!”

Stepping aside and keeping near while Luthor took a sip from his drink and continued to sunbath, the made exhaled and placed his drink back on the tray Mercy offered while kneeling next to him.

“You have been here for some time Mr. Luthor, the repairs to the tower are complete, what are we waiting for?”

“Two things; first is there are any sightings of Lois Lane after I sent her off on that wild goose chase, the other is any sightings of Superman, or more specifically NO sightings of him.”

“Why would that be important?”

Folding her arms under his head as a pillow, the man smirked and tilted his sunglasses to look back at his assistant. “Because if he’s stopped showing up, its because she devoured the last piece of ‘kryptonite’ on Earth. I can prepare for either circumstance, but if she happens to kill her own husband out of maddened hunger, then THAT Mercy puts a smile on my face.”


Looking down at her husband clutching at his shoulder wound and coughing as he dragged himself back with his feet to away from her, Lois was beside herself with panic and guilt. Her clawed hands shaking, she no longer had the strength of will to stand on her two feet and fell to her knees with a heavy thud of her mass, crunching the snow and ice beneath her. Frozen tears streaked down her eyes seeing him wounded like that, and realising SHE was the one who caused it.

“No! No, no, no, NO, no, no…”

Crawling towards him and panicking at the sight of the wound she inflicted on him, she pressed her clawed hand against his shoulder to stem the bleeding and kissed him repeatedly over his forehead and face, careful not to harm him with her horns as she frantically tried to undo everything she did to him. The look of shock and pain in his eyes was like a knife to her heart as she tried to keep him with her.


“Shhh…. It’s okay, its okay, I’ll… I’ll get us help. You’ll see… I can fix this…”

Gently lifting him up in her arms to be cradled under her own strength, Lois stood up and bundled him close with his cape wrapped around him like a blanket. Standing to her full height and looking around the barren frozen wasteland around her, she realised she had no idea where she was.

“Where… Where are we?”

“Lois… The Fortress…”

Pointing out with a finger over the horizon, Lois followed his trembling finger and spotted the pyramid structure of the Fortress of Solitude just miles from where they were before passing out from his injury. Calming down but still scared for his well being, Lois crouched and propelled herself into the air with a leap, landing in the ice with the heft and inertia of a ton of bricks before jumping again, keeping Clark close and keeping him as safe as she could in her arms. Landing in front of the brass-coloured doors of the fortress, she gently laid Clark on the ice, still trembling as she searched for the key to get inside. Superman had created this simple means of keeping the fortress locked by creating an impenetrable door that could only be opened by a key molded from the material of a dwarf star, weighing millions of tons, only he or other Kryptonians like him would be able to lift it. Finding the dainty little key sitting on the rock bed outside the doors, Lois picked it up with her clawed fingers and effortlessly lifted it off the cold ground.

Frantically turning the lock, Lois dropped the key back to where she found it, cracking the landscape with a small tremor doing so and shoving the doors wide open to the Fortress of Solitude to enter. Oblivious to the realisation that she was now just as strong as her husband.

Hoisting him up into her arms again, Lois continued to shush and press his face against her chest while running through the great hall to the center of the Fortress. All around them, the crystal-clear fortress was as much a museum as it was a sanctuary for the Man of Steel, housing artifacts and equipment and history from his dead world and dozens of other worlds Superman had visited or rescued. The whole structure was carefully maintained by drones and automatons who cleaned and repaired what was needed at anytime. Pausing in their work, they all looked to the giantess of a woman storm the fortress with Superman in her arms. Coming to a stop, Lois cried out.


Hovering towards the two, a trio of drones in the shape of what could be best described as chess pieces unfolded and extended limbs to extract Clark from Lois’s arms and carefully brought him towards the medical wing of the Fortress of Solitude. Keeping in step with the robots, the woman’s face remained panicked the entire time she watched her husband be taken down the hall and be lowered onto a bed and scanned. Squirming on the spot and wringing her clawed hands together anxiously, a pair of thick glass partitions separated her from the rest of the medical bay, closing shut and leaving the monstrous woman to fret and press her hands against the glass wall as she watched her husband be tended to. Watching the drones work, another drone hovered towards Lois, elevating itself to see her face to face and unfolding to appear something hominid with eyes and a face to give the monstrous woman someone to address, speaking in a calm sterile voice.

“Kal’el is currently going through surgery, based on initial scans, he should be able to recover and be cognizant in… 2 hours, 33 minutes.”

Folding her hands over her heart, Lois stepped back and pressed up against the wall, looked around the Fortress of Solitude now that she was able to see it in its entirety. She had been here before, when she was human, but at her current height, it all seemed so different now.

“I… I think I’ll wait; can you tell me when he’s awake?”

“Request documented, you will be notified of Kal’el’s full recovery.”

Clamping itself back together, the drone flew off to perform other duties in the Fortress, leaving Lois alone to her thoughts. Giving Clark one more look over her shoulder, Lois stepped away from the medical wing and began to roam the massive crystal halls and corridors around her. For over an hour she watched the drones tend to a pair of statues dedicated to Clark’s first parents in the great central hall, the two holding up a marble globe of Krypton in their hands. Then she ventured deeper, passing through the menagerie of rare native and alien fauna and flora, noticing some hissed or snarled at her in alarm or simply fled from her presence when she walked down the walkway of the proverbial zoo.

“I know how you all feel… I’d run too…”

Nearby, she could see some of the drones feed the alien creatures or cleaned after their enclosures, making the woman sigh, wondering if she’d end up in the same place if she didn’t snap out of trying to eat her own husband. Hearing her stomach growl, Lois frowned down at her perfect abs, rubbing her stomach with her clawed hand, and making a face of disappointment. There was no more kryptonite, none left that she could find save for her own husband. What would happen if she starved? Would she try to attack him again in a bout of delirium like last time? Could she stop herself? Could he?

“I deserve to be in one of these cages.”

Moving past the menagerie and out to another exhibit, Lois looked over the art and artifacts around her, her mind still on Clark’s recovery. Stopping in front of a massive fresco on the wall of Krypton at the peak of its civilization, she also spotted a drone carving an irregular chunk of crystal out of the foundation pillars that stuck out like the burl of a tree, the moment it was carved free of the pillar, it fell to the polished floor and broke, tumbling towards her clawed feet to tap against her toes.

Picking it up in her hand, she looked back at the drone that smoothed over and polished the area the chunk was removed from, making the pillar presentable again.

“Hey, what is this?” Lois asked with the crystal in hand.

Turning its camera lenses over to the reptilian woman, the drone stopped in its duties and addressed the towering woman, her tail swishing behind her slowly as she waited on an answer.

“The crystalline nature of the fortress means that there are some growths unaccounted for when the Fortress was initially grown, these absence growths must be pruned regularly to maintain the initial structure of the Fortress.”

Accepting the explanation, Lois turned the crystal in her claw back and forth, observing its facets. It looked like a raw chunk of quartz crystal to the woman, along with something else that seemed familiar. Out of curiosity… Lois brought it to her lips and licked the surface of one of the crystal growths. The moment she did, her eyes went wide.

“Is this… Kryptonite?”

“Kryptonite is a misnomer, implying radioactive material of a singular element. The crystal is comprised of harmonium, irridentrite, and calcicrete. These minerals are native to Krypton but do not possess any of the radioactivity brought upon by exposure from cosmic energies.”

Blinking back at the explanation, Lois looked back down at the crystal and took a bite out of the mineral. It tasted… Bland, flavourless, but she did get a sense of nourishment from the material, it just didn’t have the same euphoric effect green kryptonite gave her. Like comparing wine to water, but at the very least, it was filling. Finishing off the crystal in her hand, her hunger was sated, for now. Looking up, she spotted a drone hover towards her and unfolded to appear as a face she could interact with.

“Kal’el has recovered from surgery and is requesting you perso…”

Not letting the drone finish, Lois galloped as fast as she could on all fours like a cat back to the medical wing of the fortress, alerting several drones and robots who quickly got out of her way when she finally reached the wing and got back up only to fall to her knees in front of Clark’s bed. Sedated but awake, the man turned to look over her worried features and smiles, not reacting in the slightest when she stroked his hair gently with her fingers.

“Hi Lois… Feeling better?” Not immediately answering her husband, Lois instead gently kissed at his lips and face, tears streaking down her cheeks as she whispered apologies repeatedly until Clark slowly raised a hand to gently cup her cheek and rub a thumb over a tear to dry it. “Hey, hey… It’s alright, I’m good, you didn’t kill me.”

“But I COULD have! I didn’t even recognise you; I was so out of it…” Sitting back and hugging herself, Lois looked away. “And all because I wanted to make your life safer.”

Slowly sitting up and looking over his patched-up shoulder, Superman made a face of thought over the matter before slowly getting to his feet and hobbling over to sit next to the towering woman on the floor, bringing a hand to stroke down her hair and gently pull her face to turn and look back at him.

“I’m a monster…”

“No… No, you’re not.” Slowly moving up to lean against her side and shoulder, Clark kissed her full on the lips and continued. “During the whole time you were chasing me down, you kept trying to tell me you were trying to keep ‘your’ Clark safe.”

Finding herself smiling again, Lois pulled the man up to kiss him fully on the lips, wrapping her arms around him and slowly falling over so that she would lay on top of him. Her tail curled at the tip as she made out with the man. Pulling up from the kiss, Lois found herself smiling into a laugh when she found the man nearly smothered by her chest. rolling onto her side to lounge and gently traced a clawed finger over the area where she tried to sink her teeth into him hours before, his hands quickly wrapped around hers to get her attention away from the injury.

“You’re still you Lois; you’re still the woman I love and married, even if you’ve gained… Uhm…”

“If you say I’ve gained some weight, I’ll bite you again.”

“I was going to say horns, they look nice on you though Lois, really demands attention to your face.”

Making a face at the man before slowly turning to a smile, the reptilian giantess playfully punched him in the shoulder and instantly regretted it when he winced, and both heard a ‘crack’ in his shoulder. Fawning over the man and peppering his arm and neck in kisses, it took nearly a minute to calm the woman down, resting her horned head on his chest feeling Clark stroke at her hair and down the spines of her back. The woman swooned, hearing his heartbeat against her ear, feeling calm again.

“So, any idea where Mr. Myxlplyx could be?”

Shrugging, Lois’s tail swung to the side to lay over her other leg. “Dunno… But he said his little hide away was going to be 90 days since I got my wish.”

“And that was 3 months ago. He’s probably going to find YOU to make sure the wish has gone its course.”

“That little imp…” Growling under her breath, Lois’s eyes glowed green. “If I ever see that little shit stain, I am going to…”



Kicking and screaming while two bouncers easily dragged him away from the wet bar, Mr. Myxlplyx continued to threaten and rant while flailing his stubby legs off the ground, being led out the door while two other bouncers held it wide open.


“Yeah, yeah pall, and we’z the Beatles. This here’s Ringo, that’s John and I’m Paul and that’s George… Buzz off you drunk little dwarf, you’z been warned after feelin up the waitresses.”

Flinging the imp like a foot ball out the double doors of the club, Mr. Myx stopped mid flight to float in mid air and wriggle his feet to keep aloft. Straightening his bow tie and tilting his hat forward, the fifth dimension being rolled up his sleeves and gestured to throw down for a fight.

“You think this imp is a push-over? You’z bozos got a LOT of trouble comin yer way if you think that…”

A light beeping nearby tore Mr. Myx’s attention from the four bouncers to a digital watch on his arm, letting him know his 90 days were almost at an end. Slumping his shoulders and slowly hovering to the ground with a wriggle of his shoes, the fifth dimensional imp snorted and undid his sleeves.

“Ah nuts, has it been 3 months already? Geez, time flies when you’z been drinkin it away around the world.” Straightening his tie again and floating back up in the air to cross his legs under him and lean forward on his knees, Mr. Myxlplyx scratched at his chin in thought before shrugging with his hands up in the air. “Well, time to give the News lady of Steel a visit, heh, bet she’s tickled pink with keeping her hubby safe for once.”

He was about to leave when he quickly remembered about the four bouncers at the door still watching him. Snapping his fingers, the imp spun around and smirked back at them.

“So you’z the Beatles huh? Well GOO GOO G’JOOB TO YOU TOO!”

Striking the four with lightning and disappearing with a puff of smoke, the four men stood and looked around, waving the smoke out of their faces to get an idea of where they were. Wearing the costumes they did for their Sgt. Peppers album, the Beatles looked across the street and back to the club they were standing in front of.

“Hmm, seems we’re at a concert lads.” Pointed out John as he read the sign overhead.


Gathering into the club and prepping their instruments, the music quickly changed followed by a chorus of screaming and cheering women when they started to play.


Reappearing in the grand halls of the Fortress of Solitude, Mr. Myx announced his arrival with streamers, confetti, and fireworks along with a mariachi band behind him playing celebratory music when he popped into existence with his bowler hat in hand for all to see.

“TA DA!”

He had hoped to find a very pleased woman snuggling up her husband in a bear hug and a grin that threatened to split ear to ear. Instead, what he found was Superman staring down at him angrily with his fists at his sides… With a 16-foot-tall woman behind him with black reptilian scales across her entire nude body draping her arms and clawed hands over his chest protectively and glaring down at the imp from over her pumpkin sized breasts with glowing green eyes. A look of pure contempt in her eyes as they both made eye contact and the imp gulped.

Seeing where he was and the proverbial and literal cold reception he got in the fortress, Mr. Myx looked over his shoulder to the band and made a ‘cut it out’ gesture with his gloved hand that made them all disappear. Wringing his hat between his hands, Mr. Myx chuckled nervously as he looked up at the towering reptilian woman glaring back at him, her tail swishing back and forth behind her and sounding heavy and powerful enough to knock over a car if one was nearby.

“H-hey there Lois… Looking good. Been taking your vitamins? Or is that from that new Kryptonite diet?”

A deep low growl like that of a crocodile filled the hall, just as Lois gripped at her husband’s shoulders more tightly and her green glowing eyes narrowed. “You tiny little sonofabitch! YOU did this to me!”

Waving his hands in front of him defensively, the fifth dimensional imp floated up into the air to see the towering woman at eye level, hiding behind his hat like it were a tiny shield.

“Hey! Whoa! Hold on there. I just granted yer wish, how was I supposed to know that a human eating ten times their body weight in radioactive material would turn them into a Queenzilla? Most just die of radiation poisoning!”

“You know you aren’t helping to calm my wife, right?” Smirked the Man of Steel, patting his hand over Lois’s claw affectionately just as she separated from her man and stood in front of the imp with her arms hugged under her bust. “It’s a very simple request Myxlplyx, can you return Lois to normal?”

“Uhm…” Scratching his head with his gloved hand and dripping so much sweat it formed a freezing puddle on the cold floor, the imp tried and failed to meet Lois’s green eyes before he whispered a “No…?”

“WhAt WaS ThAt ImP?!” Growled Lois, quickly snatching the being up between her two outstretched clawed fingers to the collar of his jacket and pulling him close until their noses were touching, her lips pulled back in a sneer that exposed all her fanged teeth and a sickly green glow coming from the back of her throat that was too ominous for the tiny man not to notice. By now Mr. Myxylplyx had no choice but to stare into the black pools of Lois’s eyes and focus on the twin pair of green irises staring into his soul.

“ThIs Is HoW ThIs Is GoInG tO gO iMp! YoU ArE GoInG To FiX ThIs Or I GeT tO FiNd OuT iF fIfTh DiMeNsIoNaL wEiRdO TaStEs LiKe KrYpToNiTe!!!”

“I’ve been told we taste like roasted peanuts…”

Raising the imp over her horned head, Lois opened her mouth wide, letting Mr. Myxlplyx see for himself her toothy maw and the green abyss they led to. Flailing and squirming on the spot to get free and failing miserably under the towering woman’s inhuman strength, the imp screamed and panicked.


Slowly closing her mouth and lowering the imp down to the floor, Lois dropped him unceremoniously at her feet where he scrambled and ran to hide behind Superman’s red boots for safety. Feeling safer behind the man of steel, Mr. Myx explained himself. Turning to look down at him, the blind rage on her face had fallen to whimpering and tear-filled eyes.

“You said if things went south, you’d undo the wish!”

“Hey. The rules are pretty clear doll face, I just grant the wish, if you do something in between then and now, well, that’s on you.”

Looking down at the imp hiding behind his boots and cape, Clark frowned down at the tiny man while he heard Lois wipe at her eyes, holding back crying.

“What exactly were you running from that warranted you hiding on Earth for 3 months?”

Fidgeting and still wringing his hat in his hands, Mr. Myxlplyx looked sheepish as he answered the man of steel.

“Well… You know, there’s this OTHER imp who’s been pesterin me to commit and I gots cold feet and…”


A plume of black smoke erupted in the heart of the fortress’s hall, clearing instantly to reveal a gorgeous woman with long legs, ample chest, luxurious red hair and wearing a wedding dress that looked so exquisite and expensive it could have been sold off to pay for a house. The woman was in every way stunning, except for streaks of spoiled makeup dripping down her eyes from hot tears. Throwing her platinum flower bouquet to the cold floor and stamping her glass heeled foot, Miss Gsptlsnz pointed an accusing finger at the frightened imp.


Stopping in her tirade to look around, the gorgeous woman looked down at Mr. Myx hiding behind Superman and the towering reptilian giantess nearby.

“The FUCK is going on here?!”

“Uhm… Hello Miss, we’re in the middle of a complicated…”

“Oh, I get it alright!” She glowered, lifting the front of her wedding dress to stomp her way towards the man of steel. At first it looked like she was going to hurt him when she immediately crouched to glare down at her fiancé. “YOU ran off and offered a wish to these two as collateral to keep their mouths shut! And… ‘sniff’, ‘sniff sniff’, did you…?” Getting up and approaching Lois, the human deathclaw brought her hands up and stood with some confusion and insecurity. “And you LIED to her?!!!!”

“I didn’t mean to…”

Breathing in sharply, Miss Gsptlsnz snapped her fingers and Mr. Myxlplyx disappeared and the woman took the time to clear her make-up and comb her hair with her fingers to clean her appearance. Pretending to wear a sweet smile as she snapped her fingers and the bouquet returned to her hands.

“I’m sorry for all of this, my future husband-to-be had cold feet and took it out on you both, and I’m sorry for that, it WON’T happen again, I promise.”

Slowly falling to her knees to see the woman face to face, Lois gave the woman a sullen look as she folded her clawed hands in her lap.

“Can you… Can you return me to normal?”

Slowly losing her smile, the woman shook her head.

“I take it he cast the ‘heart’s desire’ wish on you?” Seeing Lois slowly nod, Miss Gsptlsnz made a face of sympathy for the taller woman. “Sorry sister, my fiancé is a liar, but he wasn’t lying about that. If you ended up a big ol scary monster, its because you did it to yourself. The wish only helped.”

“So, there’s no help for her?”

Slowly shaking her head, the red-haired beauty snapped her fingers and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Looking up to his wife, the woman was beside herself until she felt Clark’s hand over hers.

“Don’t worry Lois, we can get through this together.”

Not saying a word, Lois slowly nodded her horned head and tried to calm herself, wiping her tears from her eyes with her thumb. As far as she was concerned, her life was over. She’d never be able to get back to what she used to have; her lifestyle, her career, her love life, it was all gone now. No! This was NOT going to be the end of her. She was Lois Lane, and nothing kept her from being the best. Closing her hands into fists, she looked down at her husband and gave the man a reassuringly warm smile, until her attention was diverted to a drone tending to another outcrop of crystal to be removed.

Seeing the spindly looking robot gather its equipment and pluck the crystal off the ground, the woman scratched her chin in thought, an idea making her lip curl into a smile.


One week later…

Sitting up in bed and looking over the empty spot where his wife would have slept, Clark frowned and sat up, scratching his fingers through his hair in frustration. Going through his morning ritual of getting himself coffee, cleaned up and dressed, Clark had his drink and left for work to start off the day. It had been a week since the matter with Mr. Myxlplyx and he had spent every day with his wife at the Fortress of Solitude to keep her company and help her through the transition living at the icy sanctuary. He found she would eat the scraps from the fortress maintenance drones, eating raw chunks of crystal. He was concerned but after a week, she didn’t seem to be having the same delirious episodes as before when she ate kryptonite. He also noticed she was being secretive with him, spending time in the drone maintenance bay where the robots who maintain the fortress go for repairs.

He figured she was trying to keep herself busy with something new, since she couldn’t go back to being a reporter.

Heading out of his apartment and taking the subway to work, Clark arrived at the Daily Planet on time to head to his desk while Perry was barking orders to cover the latest. Something about the Beatles being back? Clark couldn’t bring himself to listen as he took his seat at his repaired desk and opened his laptop to check his notes.

“Hey Mr. Kent, need another coffee?”

Looking up, Clark smiled to find Jimmy juggling two trays of coffee in his shaking hands, helping the man set them on his desk to give the man some time to regain the use of his fingers

“No Jimmy, I’m good, had coffee at home.”

“Any word from Mrs. Lane?”

Making a face and looking away briefly, Clark was running out of excuses to give Perry and the others about Lois’s absence. He couldn’t come clean… But he couldn’t hold off telling them something sooner or later. Slumping his shoulders, Clark looked up to the attentive Jimmy and nodded to give him an answer.

“Well Jimmy, its like this. Lois is…”

“Hey SMALLVILLE! What are you doing holding up Jimmy during a coffee run?” Blinking in surprise and looking up, Clark found Lois walking to her desk and checking her own notes to her laptop, smiling at the two men as she sat and tossed her black hair over her shoulder. “You KNOW Kat is just going to chew him out for making her wait.”

“Hi Lois, we’ve missed you.”

“Missed you too Jimmy, been feeling sick the last few days, stomach problems from my husband’s cooking back home.” Lois winked back at Clark, making the man smile.

“R-right, on my way. KAT? I have your double-double large coffee.” The young man called out, grabbing the two trays of coffee in his hands, and darting his way through the aisle to Kat Grant’s desk.

Surprised to find Lois human and back to normal, Clark narrowed his eyes and found himself surprised to find that it wasn’t her, but one of the maintenance drones from the Fortress of Solitude remodelled and dressed to look like a perfect imitation of her.


Crossing her arms and giving a smug grin to her husband as she leaned back in her chair, Lois crossed her leg over the other and ate up the look of surprise he gave her.

“You like it? I made her during the week with a little help from the maintenance drones.” Lois explained, checking her laptop. “I’m still at the Fortress chewing on a snack while I work this proxy with VR gear over my horned head.”

Smiling back at the woman’s ingenuity, Clark sat up and moved around the shared desk to hug his wife, getting a few cat calls from the staff but quickly ignoring them when he broke off the hug. “So, what do you have planned Lois? Now that you can have your cake and eat it too.”

Taping her chin with her pen and looking up in thought, the woman grinned back at him.

“Well… First off, I’m going to catch up on the last two weeks of work I missed and see if I can negotiate with Perry to find some stories to chase. After that…? I was thinking of spending a night with my darling husband and snuggle in for the night.”

“Heh, well, I don’t think the androids are designed for…”

“I’m not talking back at the apartment Clark.” She purred, raising her eyebrows to give him a hint. The moment he did, his own eyes went wide at the prospect. “I was thinking back at our new WINTER home… Up North.”

“Oh…” Feelings anxious, Clark subconscious rubbed at his shoulder, where she had bitten him two weeks ago. “Can’t we just cuddle? Maybe enjoy a good movie and have a bite to eat? I’ve checked and the drones managed to get you quiet a surplus of crystal to eat tonight.”

“It’s been a couple of weeks ‘sweetheart’, and I’ve got other appetites than eating in mind. Don’t worry, I think you can take it. They don’t call you the man of steel for nothing.”

Slowly raising his hands up over his head and smiling back at the sultry grin of his wife, the man looked like he was going to surrender.

“Can we call a truce?”

The end.


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