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Author Topic: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread  (Read 5465 times)


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2023, 08:30:23 AM »
Troll train has arrived

Okay fine Dallas you won big surprise it was a woodshed game with the even worse giants rematch from week one do you want a cookie? Do you want a belly rub for doing something everyone expected of you? Just remember that there are no bye weeks left and the schedule gets harder from here

I still see you getting bounced in the playoffs if you make it but even then you still have to see eagle ass if you look up in the standings you need a big umbrella for that


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2023, 11:30:40 AM »
Okay Dallas fans now I'm going to laugh at you for this so just sit back and take it

Your leader Jerry is now on record saying Dak is on par with HOF QB Drew Brees I honestly think Jerry has lost it at least Brees has been to a super bowl

These are the kind of statements that make me want to bang my head on a wall where being realistic means nothing its all hype and snake oil

Enjoy the rest of your season just know I'm still laughing at you


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #62 on: December 02, 2023, 09:45:02 PM »
Troll train has returned Dallas fans and I'm still laughing

I'm still trying to figure out why Jerry would make it public that Dallas is close to signing with them after visits with 49ers and Philly I can see he wants to make an impact on a solid team with a shot at a ring before he retires dude has been cracking heads for 11 years in the trenches

So now it is down to playing time he wanted more but Indy didn't have what he needed so 49ers, Philly, and Dallas get to wine and dine him right before a playoff run I'd be eating steak if someone else foots the bill like that

If Dallas does land him you have a solid starter but I still see gaps that are open in the secondary


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2023, 05:24:01 PM »
Shaq wanted that ring more than a big check so Jerry has to go before the fans and explain why he didn't sign a solid player that would have helped out in the middle and given #11 some much needed backup on the edge



Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2023, 12:18:31 PM »
After all that talking Jerry does get to see Shaq Leonard up close dude will be wearing Philly green on Sunday night Dak had better have his running shoes on


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #65 on: December 19, 2023, 08:06:39 PM »
The troll train has arrived next stop Buffalo

And it happened Dallas fans you got curb stomped into pudding I knew I have heard of this flavor before I believe its called "Dallas vanilla cream with nuts" the taste is rather bland but strong, you barely taste anything beyond the overpowering hype and it has sprinkles of delusional fans mixed in on top of the added sting of Philly getting into the playoffs while you are fighting for a wildcard berth that is slipping away


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #66 on: December 24, 2023, 10:05:30 PM »
Troll train next stop Miami

Okay Dallas fans you had that game up until you started shoving people around getting hit with stupid penalties WTF was that? Miami is now in the playoffs and you still backed into your spot but anything can happen over the next few games cross your fingers things don't go horribly wrong and Philly takes the division title and #1 seed your wanting so bad

You played a solid game I'll give you that but if you don't keep your emotions in check you will be shown the exit faster than a bouncer at a club on ladies night


Re: Money's Dallas Cowboys updates thread
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2024, 08:25:10 PM »
Okay after some thought I have decided to not troll Dallas again this year plenty of sports show hosts have done a way better job than I was going to so my hats off to them I was just tracking all the stupid things I was hearing all year to prove a point of Jerry isn't as smart as he thinks he is

In closing I have never been a Dallas fan I was just using this thread to vent during the year now that my life has changed in a very positive direction I will focus more on that aspect of my life if someone from admin would like to delete this thread be my guest I'm returning to writing for now


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