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Author Topic: Pin Up Chapter 27: Maren Morris  (Read 2038 times)


Pin Up Chapter 27: Maren Morris
« on: September 04, 2023, 11:27:17 PM »
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It did not/will not happen and should not be mistaken as such. Everyone featured in this story is 18+.

Pin Up

Chapter 27: Maren Morris

-------three months have passed-------

I woke up alone in my Nashville hotel room. I hadn’t been able to get two women out of my mind. The one-night stand I’d had with Taylor after her Eras tour stop had rekindled a little bit of hope for me and her. But...feelings had developed for someone else. 

I got out of bed, swallowed a few pills and went to shower. As the hot water sprayed over me, I let my mind wander from Taylor to Lainey Wilson. Not just the mind-blowing sex, to the connection that had started to develop or at least I thought that happened. I had given her my number but I hadn’t gotten any calls or texts from her which really worried me. I shut off the water, picked up my phone and called her again.

"Hey, it's Lainey. I can't answer the phone right now. Leave me a message."

I sighed and said "Hey Lainey, it's Chase... again. I'm...kinda... still worried about you. Give me a call when you get this. Please."

I set the phone down and swallowed a couple more pills. As they kicked in, I remembered the last conversation I had with Taylor after the concert. Her words came back to me.

"Chase, please. Get help. If not for yourself, for me."

I stared at the pill bottle in my hand and thought that just maybe Taylor had been right. Maybe I did have a problem...

BUZZZZZZZ!!!! BUZZZZZZZ!!!! My phone's screen lit up with Ed's number. I answered. "Hey, chief."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Chase? You never cancel shoots, then in the past two weeks, you cancel FIVE???"

"Just haven't been feeling too well. That's all. Getting kinda sick of Nashville, too."

Ed sighed. "Well... you've got a couple more shoots lined up."

"Wait. A couple? I thought it was just one!"

"Calm the fuck down, Chase. Maren Morris is the first. Tonight at 5:00 at her place. I'll text you the address."

I took a deep breath and said "Okay, fine. Who's the other?"

Ed hesitated for a second then said "I gave her your number but told her you were still in Nashville. She's coming there from New York City."

"Great. Fucking great. Stuck here 'til God knows when." I muttered.

"Jesus Christ, Chase! What the fuck is going on with you? Wait... are you still taking those pills? Are you fucking high?" Ed asked

"Not right now..." I glanced at the pill bottle on the table.

"You have a problem with those things but you're such a stubborn little prick, you won't admit it."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, I promise. The shoot with Maren is at 5?"

"Yeah. I told you I'll send you the address. The other one will call you either tonight or tomorrow."

"Fine. Just waiting on two calls now."

Ed chuckled. "Waiting on Taylor still?"

"No. Uh...Lainey Wilson, actually."

"Oh...well... good luck with that."

-------5:00 p.m.------- 

I stood outside the address that Ed had texted me to meet Maren. A nice two story farmhouse somewhere outside Nashville.

My phone buzzed. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket. A text from Ed.

"Did you go to the shoot?"

I replied "Yes. I just knocked on the door" with a picture of the door. I stuck my phone back in my pocket and quickly popped a couple pills as Maren opened the door.


I nodded. "That's me. I might be a little late..."

Maren shook her head. "Nope, it's just now 5. Come on in."

As I followed Maren into the house, my eyes were drawn to her ass. I felt that too familiar stirring begin in my boxers.

As the shoot began, Maren said "So you're kinda hard to get a hold of."

"Been taking a break." I replied.

"Yeah I've heard some stuff about you. On top of the photography reputation..."

"Well... some of it may not be true." I said as I snapped a picture.

"I heard something about getting hit by a car and then Christina Hendricks leaving you."

I tensed a little. "Yeah, that's true. Christina was a mistake though. I should've kept it in my pants..."

Maren looked at me. "Well...you definitely won't have to worry about that today."

I set the camera down. "Oh...it's one of those shoots."

Maren came closer to me. "So that part..."

I pulled her close and finished her sentence. "...is completely true."

Maren smiled. "Good." She unbuttoned her white shirt and dropped it on the floor, followed by her jeans. She stood naked in front of me and said "Well? You gonna strip down?"

"Oh hell yes!" I quickly pulled my clothes off and as my hardened cock popped free, Maren's eyes widened.

"Oh. My. God! You're..." she didn't finish her sentence as she knelt and took me into her mouth.

"Ohhh fuck!" I groaned as Maren built up speed and took my entire length into her mouth.

Maren released me from her mouth and looked up at me. "I need that inside me now!" She got on her hands and knees and looked at me over her shoulder. "Come on! We ain't got much time before Ryan gets home!"

I got behind her and slid in. "Fuck... you feel so good!"

"Stop talking and FUCK ME!" Maren yelled.

I grabbed her hips and started thrusting harder. I raised my hand and brought it down on her ass. Maren screamed.

"AAAHHHHHH!!! Again! Harder!"

"As you wish!" I smacked her ass again and again until both cheeks were covered in bright red handprints.

"Turn over, babe! I wanna see that gorgeous face while I fuck you!" I said.

Maren laid down on her back and spread her legs. "Give it to me!"

I slid into her and started pounding into her as hard as I could.

Maren moaned "Lay down. I wanna give that cock a ride now."

I did as she ordered and laid down. Maren slid down and immediately started bouncing up and down on my cock like a bucking bronco. She dug her nails into my chest and dragged them down.

"FUCK!!!!!" I yelled. "I forgot how much I liked that!"

Maren grinned. "Yeah? Cowboy Chase likes a little kink?"

"Hell yeah!" I held her wrists and started thrusting up into her pussy.

"Shit! Fuck yes, Chase! I'm so fucking close! Finish me!!!!" Maren screamed.

I slammed up into Maren as hard as I could. She gave a loud, eardrum shattering scream and released her juices all over my cock.

I kept thrusting up until I felt my cock start to throb. "Shit, I'm gonna cum!!!"

"NOT INSIDE ME!" Maren yelled at me.

"Where then?! I can't hold back anymore!"

Maren quickly jumped off me and knelt, mouth open. "Cum in my mouth!"

I stood up as fast as I could. "FUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!" I roared as cum shot out of me into Maren's waiting mouth.

Maren winked at me and swallowed. "Mmmm. Yummy. Enjoy that?"

I gasped for breath. "Definitely." As we dressed, I remembered something. "Maren...You called me cowboy. How did you know about that?"

"Taylor. I...I don't want to lie to you. I talked to her the other day and mentioned that I had a shoot with you. She told me about the post-shoot fun and said calling you cowboy turns you loose."

At the mention of Taylor's name, my heart ached. Without thinking, I pulled my pills out and swallowed three. Maren noticed.

"Taylor mentioned the pills, too. Just...I'm not gonna tell you what to do about those."

"Good. I can handle it." I said. 

Maren walked me outside and kissed my cheek. "Thanks for today, Chase." In the distance, thunder rumbled. "I'm in a convertible, I better get going." I said.

Maren went inside as I ran to the 'Cuda and put the top up. I started it up and checked my phone. No messages or missed calls from anyone. I headed back to Nashville but got turned around on some backcountry roads as a late summer thunderstorm came down. 

I found myself in a little town I'd never heard of. As I tried to get my bearings, something in the headlights made me slam on the brakes. I looked and recognized Lainey walking in the rain.

Rolling down the window, I called out her name and she came toward me. I reached over and opened the door. Lainey sat down and as I looked at her, I started to shake.

Her face and arms were covered in fresh bruises, blood coming from her lip and her white shirt was torn. My blood started boiling. "Where is he?" I asked.

"Chase, don't..." she hesitated then pointed to a trailer a few blocks behind us.

I turned the 'Cuda around and drove to the trailer. I opened the glove box and pulled a revolver out. Lainey’s eyes widened.

"Wait here." I said as I got out and walked up to the trailer door. I knocked. Standing in the rain made my temper hit the roof so I kicked the door in.

I walked in and saw Lainey's boyfriend in a recliner. He jumped up. "Who the fuck...?"

I tackled him and started beating his head and chest with the gun. After 5 minutes, he laid on the floor unconscious at my feet. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a broken mirror. My shirt and hands were splattered in blood. I fired a shot into the floor next to his head and went outside. I threw the gun into a trashcan and got in the 'Cuda.

After a couple minutes of silence, Lainey said "Is he...?"

"I don't know." I looked in her eyes. She looked strangely relieved and relaxed. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Wh...wherever the car's going." Lainey said. She kissed my lips and laid her head in my lap as I drove off.

To be continued...
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Re: Pin Up Chapter 27: Maren Morris
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2023, 11:09:14 PM »
Hell of a cliff hanger to leave it on. Guess we'll find out where they are going in the next one.
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