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Author Topic: Marvel Love Chapter 16  (Read 7328 times)


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Marvel Love Chapter 16
« on: January 14, 2019, 01:36:08 PM »
Summary and Disclaimer
This is set in a version of the MCU. But with the addition of some new characters, concepts, and other franchises. Including all of the MCU movies AND TV shows and a few other things too. I DO NOT own any characters that I myself have not come up with and the rightful owners are Disney, FOX (for right now), Warner Bros., and others. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter 16
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Making Friends and Influencing People”

There were gunshots. Then May came up to Skye. “Not bad,” she said looking at Skye’s target.

“I pretended it was Ward.” Skye gloated.

“Don’t get cocky,” May said.

“I don’t know why you are bothering with these things? I believe a sword is the best weapon.” Diana said.

“Diana, I prefer my claws. But I can see the need for guns.” Laura said, popping her claws on both of her hands and feet with a snikt.

“Do you ruin all your silly shoes when you pop those?” Claire asked, seeing the two claws coming from her feet.

“62 beats per minute. No small feat.” May said walking over to a crate.

“And neither is that,” I said seeing the gun that May was holding as Mack and Hunter came up to us.

“Skye, you went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy right?” Hunter asked.

“Nope, afraid not,” Skye said to him. Hunter looked defeated and Mack was smiling.

“Why do you ask?” I asked, confused.

“I bet Hunter that if Skye didn’t go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy that he would have to do the inventory. And I won.” Mack said handing Hunter the inventory clipboard.

“I thought you said that you were a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah. It was kinda a work in progress type of thing. I only had the badge one day before S.H.I.E.L.D. went boom.” Skye said with matching jesters.

“And you would know that if you went to the Academy,” May said.

“For the four hundredth time, I’m sorry for shooting you,” Hunter said to her.

“Don’t you have inventory to do?” May said coolly and he walked off.

“Now I want you to get used to the kickback of the sniper rifle,” May said to her. That’s when May and I noticed Coulson coming back. We went after him.

“I see you’re alone. Can I assume that your trip-” May began to ask.

“Was a colossal waste of jet fuel then you’re right,” Coulson said.

“Then, please tell me that this ‘Agent 33’ is retired?” I asked hopefully.

“Nope. Instead of a land grab, it’s a talent grab. And I’m tired of losing.” Coulson said.

* * *

“Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out?” Coulson asked Jemma as she walked into her apartment gun drawn. She had just returned from her job working as a scientist for HYDRA.

“Sriracha and beer. What kind of diet is that?” Coulson asked, opening her fridge and grabbing the bottle of Sriracha.

“I’ve been listening to him for the past twenty minutes about this,” I complained to her.

“Well maybe if the dead drops didn’t involve fast food,” Jemma said with a smile and put her gun away.

Jemma was actually working UNDERCOVER in HYDRA. And we started to debrief over dinner that Coulson had made. “So I knew Donnie was a gifted scientist, but not a GIFTED scientist,” Coulson said. She had found out that someone that the team had encountered before now had powers.

“Yes. Where these powers came from is conjecture at this point. They’re keeping me in the basement.” Jemma complained.

Coulson and Jemma talked about everything, how she was doing in HYDRA and the best ways to move up the ranks. There wasn’t much that I could contribute to this conversation. The only reason that I was there, to begin with, was to make sure that the mental firewalls that both Coulson and Jemma had to ask me to put in her head were still there and working so that if they decide to take her in for brainwashing like other versions of HYDRA had done before she was safe. But there was one other thing that I did know that they didn’t and they were shocked when I told them.

* * *

“I still can’t believe you knew Blizzard.” I said at the ‘war room’ meeting, where we were talking about our next move.

“Who’s Blizzard mate?” Hunter asked.

“Donnie.” everyone said together.

“This is your first time since you and Mack found out about the Omniverse. David often speaks about guys he has met before that is either an ally or enemy. Like when he brought up Absorbing Man before. He had run into a different Creel but we wanted to keep all this under wraps for as long as we could, sorry.” Director Coulson said to them.

“So which is it this time?” Hunter asked.

“It’s both actually. Donald ‘Donnie’ Gill was a member of the ‘superhero’ team known as the Thunderbolts. A team of supervillains, some seeking redemption others using the team as a means to an end.” I explained.

“So was he seeking redemption or using the team?” Fitz asked.

He looked like he was hoping/fearing the answer that I would give. “Coulson already told me that you and he were friends and you should be happy to hear that he was...seeking redemption. He hoped to prove to his people that he was a changed man. Especially after he went through terrigenesis.” I said.

“And what’s ‘terrigenesis’ ?” Mack asked.

“On some Earths in the Marvel Multiverse, there are three different species of humanity at least. Regular humans like all of you, mutants like Laura, Clarice, Sarah and I and last but not least the Inhumans. Inhumans are unique; some are unaware that there is anything different about them until they go through terrigenesis. And then their powers are awakened and sometimes even their appearance changes. When Donnie went through terrigenesis his power was awakened and he could create and control electricity. The Blizzard name comes from the suit that he wears. It grants the wearer the power to do exactly what your Donnie is seen doing here. My Donnie Gill was the second person to wear it.” I said.

“Can this version be an asset in your opinion?” May asked.

“Yes. With what this, Donnie, went through he could easily be a hero. We need to get him under our protection.” I said.

“So we have to find him before they do. According to the asset, HYDRA will try to recruit him and if that doesn’t work they’ll kill him.” Skye said joining the room.

“Who’s the asset?” Fitz asked.

We decided to hide the fact that Ward was in Vault D from him. He took it hard when he found out that he was HYDRA. He was always trying to believe that he would come back to the team that is until he plunged him and Jemma to the bottom of the ocean. And when Jemma went undercover in HYDRA she did it in secret. Only Coulson, May and I knew where she had gone. I hadn’t even told my girlfriends out of respect for the trust that Coulson had given me. None of the other team members knew yet, and he blames Ward more than anything else for her departure.

“What matters right now is that we find him,” I said, changing the subject.

“I would believe I have done that,” Sarah said looking down at her tablet.

“What have you got cutie?” Skye asked her look alike.

“A ship in Casablanca, Morocco was supposed to depart early this morning. But it couldn’t because it was frozen in place.” Sarah said showing them all the pictures.

“Okay, Skye, Hunter, May, and S-Class you go and recruit Donnie.” Director Coulson said to the four of us.

* * *

“Where are you going?” I asked. We were in the hangar bay with the Bus preparing to leave. But he was heading towards the Bus.

“On the mission,” he said looking at me like I had about three heads

“Hunter we’re not taking the Bus,” Skye said with a smile.

“Then how are we going to Casablanca?” he asked, confused.

“Teleportation,” May said as we teleported out of there.

“How did we-” Hunter asked with confusion on his face.

“It’s one of my powers. To teleport anything I want up to interstellar distances. I didn’t use it with Hartley and Idaho because the Absorbing Man that I knew would never have done what your Creel did.” I explained. And then we split up and went to work finding Donnie.

“Guys apparently HYDRA has already brainwashed Donnie, that’s how they took the Sandbox in the first place,” Coulson said over the coms.

“So we were right? But how did we find this out?” I asked.

“Fitz went down to Vault D. And we’ll talk about that later,” he said that last part was clearly to Fitz.

“So the conversation that Donnie is having with HYDRA?” Hunter asked over the coms.

“Don’t let that conversation continue.” Coulson said over the coms.

As he was lining up the shot May and I realized who the HYDRA Agent was. “Jemma,” she said. She then lined up a shot herself and fired...at Hunter. Who was wearing a bulletproof vest. I knew that she was going to do that.

“Next time don’t shoot my girlfriend.” I joked making sure he was ok.

“Coulson, it’s Jemma. They sent Jemma. Do we maintain her cover?” May asked.

“Yes. Maintain her cover.” Coulson said.

While this was going on we lost sight of Donnie. But I knew what was happening. They had gotten to him and turned his programming back on. Skye got an eye on Donnie and fired, he then went over the side of the boat. Then seeing an opportunity to help Jemma make a new “friend” in HYDRA she fired a shot that wasn’t going to hit either Jemma or the man she was with but Jemma managed to push him “out of the way” in time. “They’re leaving empty-handed. But we’re not.” Skye said seeing all the HYDRA boxes lying around.

* * *[/size]

“This is a great haul. Great work guys.” Mack said as the Bus, which we had to come back and get, was being unloaded with all the HYDRA tech and equipment that we had taken from the ship.

“You think that’s amazing, wait ‘til you see what else the lovebirds managed to get their hands on,” Hunter said as he left the plane.

“What are you talking about?” Fitz asked.

“I believe he’s talking about me,” Donnie said as he left the plane flanked by Skye and myself. Fitz came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder looking both happy to see him again and glad that Skye didn’t have to kill him.

“How is this possible?” Fitz asked us.

“Simple, we were in sync,” Skye said, seeing Diana. They both shared a smile.

“When Skye fired she knew I was down on deck. And also that one of the powers that I got when I went home was the power of time manipulation. I can slow down and speed up time for me and anyone I touch or stop time all together for a few minutes at a time for me anyway. I slowed time down until the bullet broke not the skin but his jacket. Then I stopped time, removed the bullet and tied some string to him and jumped over the railing. I then started up time again pulling him overboard with me. And then sped time up around Donnie and I so that Sunil Bakshi wouldn’t see either of us but would see the hole that Donnie and I made in the ice. Once out of sight I opened a wormhole to my home universe. And brought him to see my mentor Professor Charles Xavier and had him remove the brainwashing.” I said.

“I can’t thank you enough,” Donnie said to me.

“Don’t worry kid it was free of charge, this time. Next time you’re going to have to pay out the wazoo.” I joked and he laughed.

“So did you get any new powers going back there?” Skye asked, cozying up to me.

“New powers?” Donnie asked.

“Yes, whenever I’m around mutants like myself I obtain their powers. Sometimes but not all the time those powers are permanent. And yes I got five new powers and a new mode.” I said turning into a mode I was going to call my Bling mode. I was made up of a diamond-hard material and I also could shoot out shards of diamonds too.

“You know I think the old saying is true: diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Skye joked seeing this. And everyone laughed.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 11:24:21 PM by CaptainNinnin »


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