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Author Topic: Going Black (Blake Lively)  (Read 4205 times)


Going Black (Blake Lively)
« on: January 14, 2024, 05:53:33 AM »
Written as a commission.

Going Black

Starring: Blake Lively

Gigi Hadid’s swanky Manhattan apartment was a hive of activity.  Friends had gathered from near and far to celebrate the model’s 28th birthday and the place was alive with the hum of chatter, smatterings of laughter and the clinking of glasses.  In attendance were a number of her nearest and dearest: Taylor Swift, Blake Lively, Martha Hunt and Karlie Kloss.  Sat in a circle around her five piece suite, each of the five women was dolled to the nines, dressed from head to toe in their finest evening wear.  Of particular note was Blake Lively, who had squeezed her curvy frame into a form-fitting, tight pink dress, the hem of which barely extended past of the curves of her meaty ass, locks of long blonde hair dangling over one of her shoulders. 

The liquor had been flowing since her girlfriends’ arrival and with the party moving into its third hour, Gigi and co. were sufficiently loosened up.  They’d already played a handful of drinking games, so when Taylor suggested a round of Never Have I Ever, most of her friends were up for it.  Most but not all.

“Seriously?” asked Blake, raising her eyebrows as she turned to face her.

“Yeah,” said Taylor, “why not?”

“Erm…’cause I’m 35.”

“And?” asked Taylor.  “Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, does it?”

“I am having fun!” Blake protested.  “I just don’t want to relive my high school years if that’s OK with you.”

“Oh, come on, Blake.  It might be fun to go back to the 90’s,” said Gigi, the baby of the group.

Blake gasped, clearing her throat in mock offence.  “Ahem.  Early 2000’s, thank you very much.”

“Alright, whatever,” said the birthday girl, waving a dismissive hand.  “We’re gonna play Never Have I Ever.  If you wanna be boring you can do it over there,” she added, pointing to the corner of the room. 

Blake rolled her eyes.  “Fine, I’ll play.  But you know I’ve been married for the last ten years, so don’t expect much from me.”

“I never expect much from you, Blake,” Gigi grinned and her friends all burst out laughing.

“Fucking bitch!” Blake shot back, wearing an expression that was one part jovial and two parts stunned.

“I’m kidding, hon’,” Gigi replied then blew her friend a kiss.  “OK, who’s going first?”

And so the game got underway.  The girls took turns to pitch a question, listing off acts of a sexual nature: public sex, lesbian sex, threesomes, anal, etc, etc.  To no-one’s surprise, Taylor had done the most.  Martha and Karlie weren’t far behind and Gigi, the youngest, was just below them.  Blake, unsurprisingly, was right at the bottom and, despite being older than all of her friends, had engaged in the fewest activities by some considerable distance. 

Her friends made note of her lack of experience, suggesting that she and Ryan should spice things up a bit more to keep their relationship fresh.  But there was one admission in particular that got their tongues wagging more than any other.  It was Taylor’s turn to pitch a question and she brought her glass to her lips and sipped, thinking long and hard about the next topic.

“OK, I’ve got one,” the singer declared.  “Never have I ever…slept with a black guy.”

Taylor drank.  Martha drank.  Karlie drank.  Even Gigi drank.  But Blake’s Cosmopolitan remained untouched.

“Wait…really?” asked Taylor, her eyebrows raised. 

“Erm…no,” said Blake.  “What, should I have?”

“Well, if you like big dicks then yes, you should,” said Martha, coaxing laughter from around the room.

“Really?” said Blake.  “I thought that was a myth.”

“Well, you thought wrong,” Karlie laughed.  “Nothing mythical about the last guy I was with, I can tell you that.”  She placed her glass down on the coffee table and indicated his size, holding her index fingers ten or so inches apart.

“Wow!” said Blake, staring at the gap between her friend’s two fingers and picturing a penis that matched that length. 

“Mmhmm,” Karlie grinned.  “You wouldn’t believe how deep they get.”

“Really?” asked Blake.

“Oh, yeah,” said Gigi.  “They touch parts you won’t even know existed.  Honestly, I didn’t know I could cum that many times.”

Blake wasn’t sure if they were serious or just yanking her chain, but she had to admit that she was kind of intrigued.  Sex with Ryan was fine and all, but it had been a while since she’d felt that certain something, had those kinds of orgasms that shake her down to the core.

“Wow,” she repeated, not really sure what else she should say.

“You’ve gotta try it, girl,” said Taylor, picking up on her interest.

“Me?” asked Blake.  “Oh my God, I couldn’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Erm…hello,” said Blake, brandishing her wedding ring.  “Remember?  You were at the wedding.”

“Oh, come on,” Taylor laughed, waving her hand dismissively.  “What he don’t know won’t hurt him.  We won’t tell him, will we, girls?”

Blake looked around the room as her friends all shook their heads, grinning at her from every direction.

“Guys, come on,” Blake protested.  “You know I can’t do that.  I mean, how would I even…?”

“Oh, I can hook it up for you, girl,” Taylor declared.  “I could have a guy here in ten minutes if you want me to.  Just say the word.”

“Well, I don’t want you to,” Blake retorted.  “I’m a happily married woman, thank you very much, and I don’t need to go cheating on my husband with some mystery black guy.  No matter how big his dick might be.”

“OK, honey, suit yourself,” Taylor relented.  “You know where I am if you change your mind.”

“Right, yes, thank you,” said Blake, rolling her eyes.  “You’re quite the friend.  Now, whose turn is it?”

The game wound down an hour or so later and shortly after that, the party did too.  The ladies said their goodbyes and gave some final well-wishes to the birthday girl before heading their separate ways.  Blake’s driver picked her up from Gigi’s apartment and gave her a ride back home.  More than a little tipsy from cocktails and champagne, Blake gazed out the window of her shiny black SUV as the lights of the city gave way to the quiet of NY suburbia, the words of her girlfriends playing on a loop inside her head.

“Nothing mythical about the last guy I was with, I can tell you that.”

“You wouldn’t believe how deep they get.”

“Honestly, I didn’t know I could cum that many times.”

“You’ve gotta try it, girl.”

That last one in particular, resonated ceaselessly in the actress’ mind.  She’d long been aware of the rumours about black men but had never even thought about being with one, even in her single days.  But her friends had piqued her curiosity.  Blake found herself picturing those sexual encounters that her friends had described, growing increasingly horny as her car crawled through the suburbs.  Images of handsome black men, rippling with muscle and covered in tattoos, started racing through her mind, kissing and caressing her friends’ light-skinned bodies in flurries of black and white passion.  Karlie’s.  Martha’s.  Gigi’s.  Taylor’s.  Hers.

Damn.  Where did that come from?  Imagining those guys with her friends was one thing but picturing these well-cut black men loving on her supple white body was another matter entirely.  She felt like she was cheating on Ryan just thinking about it!  But did that stop her?  No, it did not.  And for the rest of the journey her mind was racing as she thought about all the pleasure a big, strong black man would be able to give her. 

The driver pulled into the driveway of her home and Blake bid him a rushed farewell, climbing out of the car and sprinting to the front door as quickly as her legs would carry her.  The house was quiet and empty; Ryan was in the UK, seeing to the affairs of his professional soccer team, and he’d taken the children with him.  Blake ditched her handbag in the hallway of her home and went straight upstairs to the bedroom, opening her underwear drawer where she kept her secret vibrator.  Desperately rooting through designer panties, she finally found the elusive toy and was just about to switch it on when she heard her doorbell ring. 

Who the hell would be calling around there at this time of night?  She certainly hadn’t been expecting anyone.  Blake tossed her vibrator onto the bed and headed back downstairs.  Approaching the door with caution, she took a quick peep through the spyhole, seeing the distorted figures of two large black guys standing on her porch.  At first she gasped, wondering what these two strange men were doing on her property.  Then it hit her…Taylor. 

The singer had previous in this department and Blake could spot her handiwork from a mile away.  When Blake told her that she didn’t own a dildo, a suspiciously phallic shaped package appeared in her mailbox.  When she said she’d never had a threesome, Taylor herself stopped by to pay Ryan and her a visit.  And now, she’d sent her a pair of black men.  It had Taylor written all over it. 

Unsure of what to do, Blake decided to make extra sure.  Who knew, this could all be some massive coincidence.  Two black guys lost in her neighbourhood and in need of directions?  It was possible.  Unlikely, but possible. 

“Hello?” she called through the door.  “Who is it, please?”

“‘Sup, baby,” one of them replied.  “Your girl Taylor sent us.  Said you ain’t had no black dick befo’ and wanted to try it out.”

OK, so no coincidence.  Without even thinking, Blake threw the door open. 

“OK, I’d just like to clarify…I said the first bit, I didn’t say the second bit.”

She spat out those words as quick as she could then gave them a closer inspection.  Both stood tall, in the six foot four region, both very muscular and well put together.  They were around her age probably, or slightly younger, and both of them were very, very good looking.  One was darker than the other, with a short set of dreadlocks that brushed across his ears.  The light-skinned man sported a close cropped fade and was covered in tattoos, wearing a Lakers jersey to show them off.  On his legs was a ripped pair of skinnies, the hems bunched up over a pair of white hi tops.  The dark-skinned guy wore a plain white tee with a thick gold necklace hanging over it, dangling in between his pecs.  On his lower half was a pair of shorts, basketball ones by the looks of things, and he wore a pair of vintage Jordan’s on his very large feet. 

“It’s cool, girl,” said the light skinned man, raising his hands defensively.  “Our bad.  So you ain’t into black dudes then?”

“I mean, some are hot I guess,” she began to explain, then suddenly realised she was relaying personal details to a pair of total strangers.  “Wait, who are you guys exactly?”

 “Oh, shit, sorry, girl,” the darker guy said.  “I’m Isaiah.  This my boy Jevon.”

“Hi,” said Blake.  She offered her hand for a shake but the guys went one better, taking it in their hands one by one and planting two kisses on the front of it.  “I’m Blake.”

“Yeah, we know,” Jevon grinned, baring twin rows of sparkling white teeth.

Blake blushed.  “Oh, yeah.  Duh!  Taylor already told you my name, didn’t she?”

“Uh huh,” said Isaiah.  “Plus, you famous.  And fine as shit,” he added, biting his lip in approval as he looked her up and down.

Blake blushed further, fanning herself with her hand.  “Oh, well, thank you.  You guys aren’t too bad yourselves.”

“So, you gonna let us in, baby?” asked Jevon.  “Or do we gotta stand out on your porch all night?”

“Right, yes, sorry.  Please, come in.”

Blake stepped to the side, ushering them in. 

Isaiah whistled as he stepped through the doorway, looking impressed as he scanned the very large hall.

“Oowee!  This hallway bigger than my apartment, G!” he chuckled, turning towards his friend.  “Can’t believe I’m standin’ in Deadpool’s crib.”

Blake laughed.  “Well, it’s Mrs Deadpool’s crib as well.”

“A’ight, yeah.  My bad.  Mmm, sure like to see you in that tight-ass leather,” grinned Isaiah, making her blush even more. 

“The lounge is through there,” said Blake, pointing to a door at the end of the hall.  “Why don’t you guys take a seat and I’ll fetch you a drink.  I think there’s beer in the fridge.”

“Coo’,” said Jevon and the boys set off across the hall.

Blake went to the kitchen to fetch their drinks, taking a breath to steel herself as she plucked two beers from the door of the fridge.  It had been a long time since she’d been in this position and she was more than a little nervous.  Of course, she wasn’t going to do anything with these guys, but they might be fun to hang out with for a bit.  If nothing else, she could get some dirt on Taylor, get that bitch back for putting her in this situation. 

She took the beers through to the lounge where the guys were sitting on her black leather couch.  They shifted to the side as she entered the room, making some space for her to park her ample keister.  Blake took a seat in between them and they pushed back in again, closing the gap between her body and theirs.  She handed them the beers.  Both of them thanked her and took a hearty swig.

They set their drinks down on the coffee table and the three of them got to talking.  Blake asked them what they did for a living and it turned out they were models, which didn’t surprise her given their good looks and impressive physiques.  They mostly modelled underwear and had appeared in music videos as the standard chocolate studs for some notable female rappers.  Their link to the music biz is likely how Taylor had come to know them and Blake asked them if that was the case.  They confirmed that it was and even gave Blake a little insight into her friend’s sexual appetite.

“Your girl’s a freak,” Isaiah declared.  “We be hittin’ her up three, fo’ times a week sometimes!  Bitch can’t get enough!”

“Really?” Blake laughed.  “Wow!”

She knew that Taylor had a very busy sex life, she only had to look at her dating record to glean that much, but she wasn’t fully aware of the true extent of her girlfriend’s addiction.  She hadn’t seen too much of her lately and suddenly that was starting to make sense.  All those times she’d invited her out to eat and she’d said she was working; had she really been getting fucked by these big black studs?!

“Oh, fo’ sho’,” Jevon confirmed.  “Your girl hooked on the BBC.”

“Oh my God!” Blake laughed, covering her mouth in shock.  “Fuck, I had no idea!”

“Still, you shouldn’t be surprised, girl,” Isaiah chimed in.  “Gettin’ girls hooked is kind of our thang.”

“Oh, really?” said Blake, hoisting a neatly plucked brow.  “Well, you boys don’t lack for confidence, I’ll give you that.”

“We ain’t lack for nothin’, baby,” claimed Jevon.  “And neither do you.  Yo’ ass got it goin’ on.”

Blake could feel herself blushing again.  She wasn’t fully attuned to the way black people spoke but she was pretty sure he was paying her a compliment.

“Yeah,” Isaiah agreed.  “I mean, yo’ man makes some decent movies, but there’s no way no white boy is hittin’ that shit right.”

Blake turned and looked at him, stunned at his audacity.  “Ahem.  Excuse me, my husband fucks me just fine, thank you very much.”

“Fine, yeah, I’m sure,” Jevon agreed.  “You wanna settle for ‘fine’, girl, then be my guest.  But if you ever want a real dickin’ then you know where to find us.”

“Really?” asked Blake, her eyebrows raised in an ‘are you serious’ kind of way.  “You really think you’re that good, huh?”

Isaiah laughed.  “Just ask your girl Taylor.  Why you think her ass keep comin’ back for mo’.”

“Yeah, she sacked them white boys off like that when she met us two,” Jevon declared with a snap of his fingers.  “You know what they say ‘bout goin’ black.”

Blake rolled her eyes.  Had he really just trotted out that old cliche?  She was almost tempted to sleep with these guys just to prove them wrong.  That she could ‘go black’, as they put it, then happily return to sex with her husband, without the slightest need to go back for more.  Like…how much better could it really be?

“You guys talk a big game,” she said with a grin.  “I wonder if you can back it up.”

“Hmm,” said Jevon, looking across at his buddy, “sounds like an invitation to me, G.”

“Sho’ nuff,” Isaiah agreed.  “Think our girl’s a li’l curious.”

“Then why don’t we show her what she been missin’.”

With that the guys stood and Blake’s jaw dropped when she spotted their bulges; big, heavy lumps that tested the fabric of their pants.  She’d been refraining from peaking down there while they were both sat down, but now they were stood there was no getting away from them.  Even while tucked inside their pants, she could tell both dicks were bigger than Ryan’s.

“She like what she seein’,” Isaiah declared, a gold tooth sparkling as he grinned at his friend.

“Uh huh,” said Jevon.  “Maybe we oughta give her a closer look.”

Blake sat there dumbfounded as belts were unbuckled, flies unbuttoned and drawstrings undone.  The guys pulled down their pants and shorts and their cocks fell down in between their thighs.  Blake was stunned, and her suspicions were correct, both men did outmeasure her husband.  Thing was though, they weren’t even hard yet!  Though as they gazed at her bosom as it spilled from beneath her dress, their erectile status was rapidly changing. 

Isaiah curled his fingers around his long black cock and Blake stared in awe as he started to stroke, watching it stiffen in his very large hand.  She turned to her right and there was another, every bit as large as the first.  Blake sat there cross eyed as she stared at the two black cocks.  Both were big and only got bigger as they continued to stroke them, starting to point them at her gawking face. 

“You like that, baby girl?” asked Jevon, peering at her with an arrogant smirk.

Blake nodded slowly, her body reacting before her brain could stop it.

“Put your hand around it, baby,” Jevon instructed.  “See if you like how it feels.”

Blake reached for it tentatively, winding her fingers around the width of his shaft.  With his big black cock clasped tight in her hand, Blake started jerking from his base to his tip, feeling the juicy veins that ran down the length of his pipe. 

“Ugh, yeah,” Jevon groaned.  “Stroke that dick, baby.  Get my homie as well.”

Blake reached out and grabbed hold of the other, wrapping her fingers around it, just like she had with the first.  The first thing that struck her was the weight.  Goddamn, that thing was heavy!  Her hands started moving faster, jerking both cocks in perfect unison.  Blake was transfixed.  They way they throbbed in the palms of her hands; she’d never felt anything like it.

“Mmm, shit,” moaned Isaiah.  “Gimme dat mouth, bitch.”

Blake turned her head without even thinking, not even reacting to the blatant misogyny.  Her mouth came open and her lips gaped wide as she fed his crown in between them, wrapping them snugly around the tip of his prick.  She tightened her grip on the base of his shaft and started to bob her head, guiding her lips down the first few inches.  She’d only fit a few inside but already she could feel him throbbing, fat veins pulsing against her lips and tongue. 

She pushed her head forward in attempt to take more and her gag reflex kicked into action.  Her blue eyes bulged and her lips pulled back instinctively, coughing and sputtering as she wrenched him free.  She looked at his cock as she caught her breath, seeing that she’d taken about six of his eight black inches.  She’d always considered herself a talented cocksucker and could deepthroat Ryan without any trouble at all.  But not only was Isaiah’s cock longer than her husband’s, it was thicker as well, and her jaw was already aching from the effort taken to fit him inside. 

Isaiah chuckled as he watched her catch her breath, desperately sucking in air like her life depended on it.

“OK.  Not bad for a first time,” he said then pointed at his buddy.  “See if you can take my boy.”

Blake nodded, still panting heavily as she turned towards Jevon.  He wasn’t quite as thick as Isaiah, but Blake suspected him to be even longer!  She couldn’t fit half of the first cock in her mouth, how on Earth was she gonna take this one?!  She decided to take it slower this time.  Uncurling her fingers from Isaiah’s thick shaft, she wrapped her hand around Jevon’s swollen crown, the other still clasped around the base of his shaft.  Gazing up sweetly with her sultry blue eyes, she poked her tongue out from between her lips, lapping gently at the tip of his prick.  His big black cock was leaking already and she got a taste of the large man’s precum as she ran her tongue across his slit.  She couldn’t believe how strong it was and it set her taste buds ablaze as it lingered on her tongue. 

Her hands started stroking as she wrapped her lips around it, her tongue swirling around his bulging crown.  Jevon tipped his head back, moaning lightly as she tended to his prick.  He’d received a great many blowjobs in his life to date and he was impressed by Blake’s abilities.  For a first timer, she worked his black cock with textbook skill, stroking his member with a deftness of touch.  She’d struggled with the deepthroating, of course.  But things like that could be taught and he saw a lot of promise in her.

Blake’s tongue moved to his underside and her lips pushed further down, cheeks hollowing inward as she sucked with greater force.  Now his tip was leaking like a sieve, a river of precum trickling across her tongue as it oozed from his open slit.  The taste delighted her and she started moaning gently as she bobbed her head, her lips sinking lower with every pass.  Her hands jerked faster and her facial expression hardened as she stared into his eyes, showing an intensity she had thus far not possessed.

Jevon grinned.  He knew that look when he saw it; she was getting into it, breeding a need for BBC.

“Mmm, yeah.  Dassit, baby,” the black man groaned.  “Keep suckin’ that big black dick.”

Blake enjoyed it when he egged her on and she moved her hands to his strong dark thighs, blonde locks of hair brushing across her shoulders as her head moved faster, steering her lips up and down his dick.  Her lips pushed down towards the base of his shaft and she felt his tip push past her tonsils.  Her gag reflex kicked in again but this time she resisted it, letting him into the depths of her mouth.  His dick was slightly thinner which made it a little easier, plus her newfound hunger for big black cock was unearthing abilities that Blake didn’t know she had. 

Her head kept moving and her lips pushed deeper until his tip touched the back of her throat.  Her blue eyes widened as his crown made contact, impressed by her feat of magic but needing to rid herself of this huge, invading schlong.  She pushed against the black man’s thighs and her lips slid back in the direction they’d come, gliding back along the length of his shaft until the crown popped free from her lips. 

Blake coughed and sucked in air, thick ropes of spit now dripping from the thick black shaft.  A large, dark hand gripped the back of her head and Blake was turned to the left where Isaiah’s fat cock was ready and waiting.  Her lips came open as he brought her towards him, pulling her onto his dick.  This time he did all the work, using his meaty palm to work her mouth up and down his shaft.  Blake went along with it as best she could, trying her damndest to suck down every inch that the black man fed her.  Pushing her deeper, his crown once again pushed past her tonsils, only this time Blake simply let it happen, allowing it push to the back of her throat. 

Another big hand slithered into her hair and Isaiah held both sides of her head as he started thrusting, guiding his dick back and forth inside her perfect mouth.  His crown pushed deep into her oral cavity, repeatedly touching the back of her throat.  Blake gagged a little the first few times but soon grew accustomed to it, keeping her lips as loose as she could so he go at her faster, driving into her mouth with powerful thrusts.  Spit dripped down from the thick black shaft, making a mess of her expensive carpet. 

“Stroke my dick, bitch,” came a voice to her right and Blake obliged him almost immediately, reaching out and grabbing his cock as the first black fuckstick was stuffed into her facehole.

Winding her fingers around the width of his shaft, Blake jerked him off like it was going out of style, pumping her fist up and down his rod.  The pace and pressure was second to none and it made Jevon moan as she stroked his cock, knuckles shuffling from bottom to top.  Isaiah gave a few more thrusts then pulled back slowly, keeping his hands on her head as he turned her towards his friend. 

Jevon placed a hand at the back of her head as Isaiah gripped onto her wrists, pulling both hands in the direction of his groin.  Taking his cock in a two hand grip, she stroked him up and down as Jevon grabbed his dick, steering it towards her lips.  Moving both hands to the back of her head, he gripped it tightly as he started thrusting, driving his cock into her warm, wet mouth.  Blake simply watched as the jet black rod slid into her mouth, staring in disbelief as his meaty fuckstick was stuffed in between her lips. 

“Get dat ass up, baby,” came a voice from behind her.  “Daddy gon’ hit that pussy.”

The words alone sent tingles up and down her spine.  Both these cocks were incredible and she couldn’t wait to feel them inside her, stretching her tight white pussy.  Keeping Jevon in between her lips, she rose to her feet as gracefully as possible, bending at the waist as she stuck out her ass.

“Mmm, damn,” Isaiah mumbled, enjoying the sight of her tight pink dress as it stretched across her booty, hugging her every curve.  “White girl got ass!”

He slid two fingers under the hem of her dress and lifted it slowly, baring her buttcheeks an inch at a time.  The hem slid up past the crack of her ass, hugging her shapely hips as her ass was freed, looking fantastic in the small white thong she was wearing. 

“Oowee!” Isaiah exclaimed, gripping both ass cheeks and squeezing them hard.  “Got us a whooty right here, boy!”

The two men laughed.  Blake didn’t know what a ‘whooty’ was, but she assumed they were paying her a compliment.  Isaiah dropped down to his knees, still mumbling words of approval as he licked across both her cheeks, sucking up ass meat in between his lips and kissing her bare behind. 

Jevon, meanwhile, had scooped up a handful of shiny blonde hair and was holding it out like a length of rope as he pushed his cock into her mouth.  The change in angle had removed the flesh wall from the back of her throat and he could feel his crown start to push into her esophagus as he fed her his BBC.  Blake gagged a little the first few times but began to relish the feel of her gullet stretching as his long black snake slithered through her digestive tract. 
Hooking two fingers under the waistband of her thong, Isaiah whipped it downwards in one fell swoop, baring the slit of her fat, wet pussy and the puckered pink rim of her asshole. 

“Mmm, shit!” he cussed excitedly.  “Look at dat fine ass pussy!”

Pressing his thumbs against the swollen, red lips of her slit, he peeled it apart like a delicate flower, displaying her pink insides, the walls of her pussy already visibly moist. 

“Fuuuccckkk!” he exclaimed, drawing his head back slightly to take it all in.  “I gotta taste this real quick.”

And with that he threw himself forward, burying his face in between her cheeks.  Blake groaned around the cock in her mouth as he poked his tongue out, giving a long, slow lick along the length of her pussy.  Her lips were puffy and slick with arousal, and Isaiah relished the taste of her juices as he lapped them up gleefully, sliding his tongue up and down her slit.  He took a moment to savour the taste then settled at the nub of her clit, feeling it stiffen as his tongue swirled around it.

Blake’s legs began to shake and she gripped onto Jevon to steady herself as his friend went to town on her pussy, his tongue spinning this way and that.  Her eyes began to flutter as she stared at Jevon, his long black fuckstick still pushing in deep, tunnelling into her stretched out throat.  Blake sucked him as best she could, spit dripping from her lips and chin as she swallowed him down, taking inch after inch.  Blake gripped onto his muscular hips and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as Isaiah’s long tongue ringed her clit in concentric circles. 

She couldn’t remember the last time Ryan had licked her to climax.  Most of the time he didn’t bother doing it at all, just started rutting like a dog in heat.  A guy taking care of her needs for once was very refreshing, and he was really, really taking care of them.  Swirling his tongue around the nub of her clit, every so often he’d lick up and down the lips of her pussy, cleaning up the fluids as they seeped from within her, even venturing up to her asshole and pushing his tongue in, working it deep as he kissed her sphincter.  She’d never felt anything like it and it pulled her to the brink of climax in a matter of minutes.

A few more licks and she was putty in his hands.  Isaiah switched from long, slow spins to quick, hard flicks to the nub of her clit, and it was this change in tactic that proved decisive.  Blake came hard, sinking her nails into Jevon’s dark skin as a sharp surge of pleasure coursed through her body like an earthquake, making her shake as his tongue kept moving, licking her diligently through the throes of climax.  She screamed loudly around the cock in her mouth, her eyes bulging wide as Jevon kept thrusting, driving his dick into the bowels of her throat. Blake was overcome by the force of her orgasm and she clung to Jevon for dear life as the feeling raced through her, spreading through her body like electric current.  It seemed to go on forever, every new flick of his gifted tongue sparking new waves of pleasure. 

Finally the feeling began to subside and Isaiah grinned as he rose to his feet, gripping his cock at the base.  Rubbing his tip against the slit of her pussy, his cockhead twitched as he felt her wetness, heat radiating from her balmy insides.  Nerves washed through Blake’s thick body.  She’d never had anything even close to that size inside before and she wondered if she’d be able to take it. 

Isaiah pushed forward and Blake squealed around Jevon’s fat cock, his helmet stretching as she felt him enter.  Latching tightly onto her child-bearing hips, he pushed himself forward with agonising slowness, steadily feeding her inch after inch.  Jevon pulled back to the tip, allowing her to suck him at her own pace as his friend’s thick cock slowly filled her pussy.  Blake ignored him almost entirely, merely sucking at the tip a little as she stood there slack jawed, stunned by the width that was inching its way inside her.   

“Mmm!  Damn, that’s some good pussy!” Isaiah exclaimed, watching in awe as this thick black cock slowly slid into the white girl’s snatch, her tightness and warmth simply second to none.

He was crying out for more and it took all he had to keep from burying it inside her.  He went a little harder, testing her limits as he pushed in deeper.  Jevon’s tip popped out from between her lips and she turned to face Isaiah, a look on her face that was one part pain and two parts pleasure.

“Oh my God!  It’s so big,” she whined as her lips gaped open, her eyes taking on a glossy expression as he fed her his big black dick.

“Just breathe, baby girl,” he said with a grin.  “You doin’ fine.”

She really was.  For an interracial debutante she was taking his dick like a pro and the signs of her arousal were clear for all to see.  Turning back to face Jevon, her eyes began to roll into her head as she wrapped her lips around him, trying to take him back into her throat.  She was finding it difficult now that she was getting fucked, but the effort she was making was truly admirable.  Her pussy was sodden and a warm coat of creamy white fluid was smeared across Isaiah’s thick shaft, getting thicker and wetter with each pass he took. 

“Mmm, damn!” said Isaiah, looking across at his friend.  “You gotta try this shit, bruh.”

“Sheeet, boy!” his homie exclaimed.  “I thought you’d never ask!”

Isaiah laughed then pulled back slowly from Blake’s tight pussy. 

“Turn yo’ ass around, gurl,” he said and Blake did as instructed, sticking her ass out behind her as she turned around to face him. 

She gasped a little when she saw his prick, so thoroughly drenched with the juice of her pussy.  She’d never left Ryan’s cock looking like that, that was for sure!  Her lips came open and she took him inside, tasting her pussy off the tip of his penis.  Latching onto his hips, she clung to them tightly as she bobbed her head, steering her lips down the first few inches, moaning a little as she took him deeper.

“Yeah, yo’ pussy taste good off that shit, huh?” said Isaiah, looking down at her with a toothy grin.

Blake nodded, a mixture of precum and pussy juice lingering on her taste buds as she worked him over, basting his cock in ropes of spittle.

Jevon’s big cock pressed against her pussy and she moaned a bit louder as she felt him enter.  He wasn’t quite as thick as Isaiah and he gained admittance a little easier, giving her half on the very first thrust.  That was almost enough to fill her pussy and Blake’s light moans increased in volume as she felt his tip brush over her g-spot.  Her body clenched and her pussy tightened, gripping his cock as he pulled back smoothly, slowly withdrawing to the ridge of his crown.  Blake was stunned by the empty feeling as it washed over her body; it felt like she’d lost a pound in weight!

He tightened his grip on her meaty hips and threw himself into her, harder this time and deeper as well.  His crown hit her cervix and Blake yelped at the sudden intrusion, her loud squeals muffled by Isaiah’s thick cock as it throbbed against her lips and tongue.  He pulled back to the tip once more and this time Blake had a chance to prepare herself, bracing for impact as he drove himself forward, drilling hard into her tight pink pussy.  A loud shriek flew forth from her lips, partially blocked by the big black cock that was stuffed in between them.

“Damn!  She lovin’ that shit!” Jevon declared as he quickened his rhythm, slamming into her pussy with increasing vigour.

Soon his crown was hitting her cervix, his pelvis crashing into her with potent force and making her ass cheeks jiggle.

“Mmm!  Got!  Damn!  This!  Fuckin’!  ASS!” the man exclaimed, punctuating each word with a deep, hard thrust into Blake’s wet pussy.

A large dark rose high in the air, coming back down with an audible swish as his palmed touched down on the skin of her booty.

“MMM!” Blake yelped as he spanked her ass, her thick cheek reverberating with the force of the blow.

“Oh, shit, I think she like that, mayn!” Isaiah declared, and Jevon responded by doing it again, spanking her assertively and leaving a big red hand mark on her juicy behind.

Pushing back on his muscular thighs, Blake lips pulled back to the tip of Isaiah’s cock, the crown popping free from between them.  Taking his cock in her hand, she pumped her fist up and down his shaft as she peered back over her shoulder, looking at Jevon as he fucked her from behind.  The black man grinned as he grabbed her asscheeks, delivering a series of strokes that sent his thick cock drilling into the depths of her pussy. 

“You like that dick, baby?” asked Jevon, his grin growing wider as he fucked her harder, sinking to the base with each new powerful thrust.

“Uh huh,” Blake panted, unable to say a lot else as his long black dick was buried inside her, hitting her deepest parts.

“Tell me, baby,” Jevon shot back.  “Tell me how much you like it.”

“Oh, God!  Fuck, I love it!” the actress screamed, a look of pure ecstasy now etched across her face.  “I love that big black cock!”

“Yeah, you do, huh?” grunted Jevon, smacking her ass once more.

He thrusted harder and that’s when Blake felt it, that surging feeling that was building within her.  Every thrust brought her closer to climax as he went in hard on her tight white pussy, hitting her g-spot with every stroke.  One more thrust was all it took.  The floodgates opened in spectacular fashion and Blake screamed loudly as a hot rush of fluid surged forth from within her, drenching his cock from base to tip.

“Ahhh, FUCK!”

Hearing her scream like that only made him go harder, his ass but a blur as he threw himself into her, slamming into her pussy with very little self-control.  Jevon looked downwards, seeing how slick his cock was as he slammed it home, Blake’s greedy pussy taking his every inch.

“Damn!” he cussed.  “Bitch creamin’ on my dick!”

Now her body was trembling all over, long legs shaking like they could give out at any second.  Her knuckles turned white as she gripped Isaiah’s cock, nearly pulling it out at the stem as Jevon kept thrusting, pounding her into a coma.  Isaiah looked down as she held on for dear life, only seeing the whites of her eyes as her face glossed over, a look of pure ecstasy etched across her features. 

Blake couldn’t believe how long she’d been cumming.  She’d had orgasms before, of course, but nothing that had lasted as long as this.  Every thrust he gave seemed to prolong it further, to the point that she wondered if it was ever going to stop.  One last thrust and he buried himself inside her, feeling her hot pussy squeeze his cock one final time before her orgasm reached a crescendo. 

Her body gave a final shudder and her pupils rolled back to their usual position as post-orgasmic bliss washed through her curvy frame.  Now she was beginning to understand what her friends had been talking about earlier in the evening, about sex with black men being so much better.  Those were by far the most intense sensations she had ever experienced, and by the look of both men, they were just getting started.

Jevon pulled back slowly, popping his crown from her tight pink pussy.  His cock was soaked, Blake’s slick fluids now smeared across every inch. 

“Damn, girl!  You made a mess,” the black man exclaimed.  “Think you better clean this up.”

Blake nodded and assumed the position, still a little wobbly as she dropped to her knees.  Curling her fingers around the base of his shaft, she gaped her lips as wide as they’d go and steered his thick member inside, wrapping them firmly around the ridge of his crown.  Gripping his hips, she held them both tightly as she pulled herself deeper, sliding her lips down his long black pipe.  Her cheeks hollowed inward and she sucked him ravenously as she took him deep, slurping up her juices from his girthy shaft.

She slid her lips straight down to the base and sucked several times before pulling back up, a thick coat of spittle now basting every inch of his shaft.  Plucking the crown from between her lips, long strings of spit connected her lips to his helmet as she turned towards Isaiah, taking his cock in her mouth.  Just like his buddy, his cock was smeared from base to tip, but Blake took care of that.  Steering her lips down the length of the shaft, she kissed his groin as she made him vanish, greedily slurping up her fluid as she throated his big black cock.

“Got damn!” yelped Isaiah, his knees nearly buckling as she took him to the base.  “Bitch is a fast learner!”

Blake’s full lips slid back to the tip and she pried his crown from between them, looking mightily pleased with her accomplishment.

Jevon took a seat on the couch, stroking his long black rod as it pointed towards the ceiling.

“Bring dat ass over here, girl, “ he said, patting his big, strong thigh.  “Come sit on Daddy’s dick.”

Blake stood and moved towards him, planting her knees on the couch, ready to straddle his big black dick.

“Uh uh.  Turn around, baby,” the black man instructed, making the spin motion with a long black finger.  “Let me see dat fine white ass.”

Blake stepped down form the couch and turned one eighty degrees, sticking her ass out towards him. 

“Mmm!  Damn, that thing is fat!” he said as he reached out, gripping her buns with his large dark hands. 

Blake placed her hands on the edge of the sofa, lowering herself gently under his direction.  She felt his tip press against her pussy then gasped out loud as it split her open, her pink lips spreading around the width of his cock.  Her lips slid down to the ridge of his helmet and she began to ride him slowly, working her pussy down the first few inches. 

Isaiah sat beside his friend and took his big cock in the palm of his hand, stroking himself slowly as he watched the famous white woman take a ride on Jevon’s dark meat.  Both men watched with intense focus, almost transfixed by the shape of Blake’s ass and it rose and feel, the sight of her tight pussy stretching as she took the big black dick.  Jevon latched onto her child-bearing hips, gripping them firmly as he pulled her into him, working her deeper down his BBC.

Sharp, breathy moans spilled forth from her lips, increasing in volume as she sunk down lower, talking half of his length.  Her previous orgasm had only just finished and already she could feel another start growing, sparking to life from deep inside her.  She could feel the addiction swelling, a need that only grew bigger with every pass she took down the length of his thick black cock. 

Jevon’s grip tightened on Blake’s thick hips and he began to thrust upwards as he pulled her down into him, causing their bodies to violently collide.  The sudden thrust took Blake by surprise, his long black rod rocketing up into her pussy and hitting her cervix with gut-punching force.

“Oh, FUCK!” Blake screamed, as his muscular pelvis crashed into her ass, the resulting * SMACK * bouncing off the walls of her pristine lounge. 

“Ooowee!  Look at dat shit!” hollered Jevon, gawping listlessly as he drilled his fat cock into Blake’s tight pussy, her ass cheeks rippling with every stroke. 

“FUCK!  FUCK!  FUCK!” Blake shrieked, her voice getting shriller with every subsequent thrust.

“Yeah, dassit, baby.  Lemme hear that shit!” Jevon encouraged.

“FUCK!  FUCK!  FUCK!” Blake repeated, louder this time, her perky tits jiggling with the force of each thrust.

Blake’s muscles tightened and her body fell still as Jevon kept thrusting, allowing him to deliver the decisive strokes.  A few more thrusts and he sheathed himself inside her, pulling her down on top of it as her orgasm hit her with full, unrelenting force.  Her eyes clamped shut and she screamed out loud as the feeling flowed through her, engulfing her curvy frame.  Her pussy tightened around Jevon’s thick cock, squeezing his shaft to the point of bursting. 

“Oh, SHIT!” Jevon exclaimed.  “Goddamn, bitch!”

He kept his cock embedded inside her, enjoying the hot rush that flooded his shaft as she started creaming.  She could feel him throbbing as she doused his cock, blood pumping through his juicy veins.  Finally, the tremors began to recede and her muscles began to loosen, allowing Jevon to slip out of her pussy.  Blake climbed down from on top of his lap and knelt on the floor at his feet.  Gripping his cock at the base, she stared at it in disbelief.  Thick streaks of creamy white residue were smeared along the length of his shaft, the kind of which she had never seen before.

“Get your mouth round it, girl,” Jevon encouraged.  “Clean that shit up.”

Blake did as instructed, gaping her lips as wide as she could and sliding them down onto his big black cock.  Head bobbing slowly, her lips slid up and down his schlong, slurping up the juices from his meaty, thick shaft.  She enjoyed the flavour of her creamy arousal; it tasted so good off his chocolate cock.  Popping his crown from between her lips, his beefy black rod was sparkling clean, soaked in naught but her sticky saliva. 

“Come here, baby,” said Isaiah, sitting beside Jevon on the long black couch.  “Lemme get a piece of that.”

Rising to her feet, she straddled Isaiah as she climbed onto the couch, planting her knees either side of his lap.  Reaching back behind her, she gripped the base of his big black cock, rubbing the tip against the slit of her pussy.  She fed the crown in between her lips then relinquished her grip on the base as she sunk down onto it, plunging straight down to the hilt.

“Uhhh!” she hissed as her eyes clamped shut, a look of serenity now etched across her face.

She stayed like that for close to a minute, her juicy ass pressed against his thighs, his huge black dong now throbbing inside her.  Wrapping her arms around his big, broad shoulders, she lifted her ass to the ridge of his crown, keeping it there for several seconds before she dropped it back down again, crashing against his thighs with a deafening smack.

“Woah!  Damn, mama!” Isaiah exclaimed, his thick thighs stinging as her ass slapped against it. 

She waited a moment then did it again, raising her ass up into the air then crashing it back down at twice the intensity, generating a loud, dull slapping sound that echoed around the room.  She proceeded to ride him hard and fast, using her muscular thighs to power her pussy up and down his dick.  Keen to assist, Isaiah latched onto her shapely hips, lifting her up to the tip of his schlong and pulling her back down again with increasing force and gusto.  Her tits started jiggling as she bounced up and down, and Isaiah caught one in between his lips, suckling on her nipple as she rode his big black cock. 

“Ohh, fuck!” said Blake, as her head tipped back, moaning toward the heavens.  “Yeah, that’s it!”

Her pussy tightened and her moans increased in volume as the black man suckled her, nursing keenly at her bouncing breast.  Jevon stroked his cock as he watched the action, smacking her ass occasionally as it rose and fell, crashing down repeatedly onto Isaiah’s thighs.  Blake was in heaven and again the pleasure started swelling within her, working its way to her furthest extremities.  She rode him harder and her body started shaking as the feeling spread. 

Sinking to the base one final time, she slapped her hands down onto Isaiah’s strong chest and clawed at his pecs as the feeling engulfed her, shaking her down to the core.  Her eyes clamped shut and she screamed at the ceiling above her as her orgasm hit.

“Oh, yes!  Fuck, I’m cumming!  I’m cumming on your big black cock!”

Isaiah’s grip tightened and he dug his fingers into her pale white flesh as her pussy contracted, squeezing his cock like a vice.

“Shit!” he mumbled, grunting through gritted teeth.  “Goddamn, bitch ‘bout to snap my dick off!”

Blake doubled down and started grinding on his cock, stretching out her orgasm for another few seconds.  Her movements slowed then suddenly stopped as her body shuddered, her head falling back to its normal position.  Her eyes came open and a smile formed on her full set of lips as she looked down at Isaiah, his grip slowly loosening on her thick set of buns. 

“Damn, girl, you are something else,” Isaiah declared, his barrel chest heaving as he panted heavily.

Blake grinned at him and eased herself off his cock.  Without a word, she climbed down from the couch and turned on her heels, wandering off towards the door.  The guys looked at another, exchanging befuddled looks.

“Hey, girl, where you goin’?” called Jevon, and without even turning, Blake raised a hand out behind her, waving both of them over.

They looked at each other again then leapt up from the couch, hurrying across the room.  Blake reached back with both hands and grabbed onto their cocks, leading both men behind her as she walked out into the hallway.  The guys followed closely behind her, both of them staring at her shapely, thick ass as it swayed back and forth.  Leading them upstairs, she took them through to the master bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Both men closed in on her as she turned around to face them, wrapping their arms around her back.  Draping her own across their broad sets of shoulders, she placed her hands at the backs of their heads and pulled them in for a kiss, first Jevon and then Isaiah.  Tongues tussling underneath their cheeks, she pulled her lips away from Isaiah’s and walked towards the bed.  Both men followed her, Isaiah climbing up onto the mattress as Blake knelt at the edge of the bed, sticking her ass out behind her.

Jevon moved in behind her, gripping his cock at the base.  He pushed his tip against the slit of her pussy, then quickly reconsidered.  Aiming it higher, Blake felt his thick crown press against the rim of her asshole.  Her heart skipped a beat.  She’d taken a few cocks in the ass in her time but never one as big as that.  Eyes bulging, she turned around to face him, peering back over her shoulder.

“Erm…what do you think you’re doing?”

“‘Sup, girl?” asked Jevon.  “Don’t tell me you ain’t had no dick in yo’ ass befo’.”

“Well…I have,” Blake admitted.  “But not one that size.”

Jevon chuckled.  “It’s cool, baby.  I’ll go slow, a’ight?”

Blake pointed at him with an outstretched finger.  “Very slow, OK?”

“You got it, girl.  Guess we’re gonna need some lube then.”

Blake rolled her eyes.  “Hmm, let me think about that?” she said sarcastically.  “Yes, I think I will be requiring lubricant for that massive black cock.”

“Where it at?” asked Isaiah, waiting patiently at the side of the bed.

Blake pointed at the nightstand to the left of her bed.  “Top drawer.”

Isaiah walked up to the nightstand and opened the specified drawer.  The drawer was full of toys and vibrators, and Isaiah hoisted an eyebrow as he scoured her impressive collection.

“Damn, baby.  Gotchoo some shit up in here.”

“Ahem,” said Blake.   “Actually, I’d rather you didn’t go rooting through my belongings, thank you very much.  Just fetch the lube and close it back up.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Isaiah replied and he plucked a small bottle from inside the drawer before pushing it shut.  “Heads up, G,” he said, tossing the bottle to his friend.

Jevon caught it and flicked it open.  He pressed the rim against Blake’s puckered asshole and gave it a squeeze.  A small glob of clear, gelatinous fluid seeped out from the bottle, forming a bead on Blake’s pink rim.  Smearing it in with his thumb, he squeezed a line of lube along his thick black cock then rubbed it in slowly, distributing it evenly along the length of his shaft.  Tossing the bottle down onto the bed, he gripped his now slick cock just below the swell of his crown and streered it forward, returning the tip to Blake’s tight sphincter.  Blake held her breath, closing her eyes as he eased himself forward, splitting her asshole apart.

“AHHH!!!  OH MY GOD!” she shrieked.

She’d never felt anything like it and every cell in her body was screaming for her to remove it.  Of course both cocks were big, but they’d never felt bigger than they did right now.

“Ohhh, fuuuccckkk!” she whined.  “It’s so big!”

“It’s cool, baby,” Jevon replied, trying to sound reassuring.  “We gotchu.”

No, it’s not cool.  That cock hurts like a motherfucker.  Take it the fuck out!

That’s what she wanted to say.  But she’d done enough anal to know that the pleasure she’d feel once it really got going was worth the initial pain.  Though she’d never felt pain like this.  He’d only put the tip in and already her asshole was stretched like never before.  Pushing slowly, Jevon inserted another half inch, watching her asshole spread as it wrapped around the ridge of his crown.  Blake exhaled sharply, puffing out deep breaths of air as he slowly fed her his BBC.

“That’s it, girl,” siad Jevon.  “Just breathe through it.  You’re doin’ great.”

Isaiah laughed.  “Shit, she ain’t givin’ birth, G!”

“Feel like I am,” Blake said with a wince.  After popping out four kids in less than a decade, nobody knew the pain of childbirth quite like she did.

The two men chuckled and Jevon started thrusting harder as his cock sunk down to the halfway point.  Blake was growing more accustomed to the feeling, her moans sounding less like plain and more like pleasure with every thrust of his strong black hips. 

“Yeah, she gettin’ it now, boy!” Isaiah hollered, kneeling in front of Blake as he joined her on the bed.

His long dark cock hung in front of her face and Blake’s plump lips came open instinctively, lapping at the tip as she poked out her tongue.  Placing his hands at the back of her head, Isaiah gripped his cock and steered himself forward, slotting his crown in between her lips.  Closing her mouth around the width of his shaft, Blake started sucking as he fed her his cock, slowly thrusting into her warm, wet mouth. 

Jevon’s grip tightened on her meaty hips and he went at her harder, drilling six inches deep into her tight backdoor.  Blake moaned louder as she sucked Isaiah’s cock, her groans deeply muffled by his thick black shaft.  Gathering her hair in his large dark hands, Isaiah’s hips started moving faster, his cock sinking deeper until the tip touched the back of her throat.  With her head at this angle there was no back wall and he felt his crown push into her gullet as her lips went deeper, touching the base of his shaft.

“Oh, shit!” Isaiah hollered, tipping his head back as he held here there, her face pressed against his jet black torso.

Blake started gagging and that’s when he let her go, his cock drenched in spit as he pried it from between her lips.  Blake gasped for air, still mewling incessantly as Jevon kept railing, drilling in deeper with every thrust.  Soon he was going balls deep and her asscheeks rippled as he threw himself into her, bottoming out each time.

“Goddamn, this ass,” he mumbled, watching it jiggle as he slammed his fat cock into it. 

Heavy black balls started swinging back and forth, slapping noisily against her sopping wet pussy.

Blake clutched onto the sheets underneath her, bunching them up in her fists.  She could feel the sensation building within her, growing and swelling with every thrust.  She gave into the feeling and let it take her, seismic tremors now coursing through her body.  Her eyes bulged wide and her screams were blocked by Isaiah’s thick cock as her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. 

She’d cum from anal before, of course, not never quite like this.  Her muscles clenched instinctively, gripping Jevon’s cock as he kept on thrusting.

“UGH!  GODDAMN!” the black man hollered, tightening his grip on her shapely hips, pulling her back into him as she tried to pull away. 

Blake’s blue eyes bulged and she took a brief leave of her senses as Jevon slammed into her, pounding out the last few thrusts.  One last pump and he gripped her asscheeks, digging his fingers in as he spread them apart.  Her asshole gaped a little as he pried himself loose, popping his crown from her tight pink sphincter. 

Her eyes went back to their usual position and she looked at Isaiah as he grinned back down at her, wrenching his dick from the depths of her throat. 

“Damn, boy!  I gotta try that shit,” Isaiah declared, already moving to his desired position.

“All you, bruh,” Jevon responded, hopping up onto the bed as they both switched ends.

Dropping to his knees, Isaiah reached out and grabbed Blake’s ass cheeks, burying his face in between them.  Licking back and forth from pussy to ass, he cleaned up the fluids now smeared along the length of her slit.

“Mmm,” he said as he emerged.  “Damn, that shit taste good.  Turn around, baby,” he instructed, slapping Blake on the ass.  “Im’a hit that shit from the front.”

Blake rolled over onto her back.  Placing his hands underneath her thighs, Isaiah pushed her legs up and back towards her head, pulling her ass to the edge of the bed.  Throwing his head forward, he shoved his face back between her cheeks, licking her asshole several times before he moved up higher, trailing his tongue along the length of the slit.  Blake squealed and gripped the bedsheets, pulling them up off the mattress as his tongue moved higher, swirling smoothly around the nub of her clit.  Blake’s head fell back and she moaned towards the ceiling as his tongue span faster, twisting and turning at regular intervals. 

Suddenly he stopped and Blake was about to scold him when he rose to his feet, keeping her legs pushed back as he gripped his cock, pressing against the tip against the rim of her anus.  Entry this time came considerably easier, and all it took was a single push to bury himself to the hilt. 

“Uhhhh!  Fuck!” Blake moaned, eyes rolling backwards as she felt his balls press against her coccyx, his cockhead embedded somewhere inside her colon.

Jevon climbed onto the bed and knelt down beside her.  Turning her head to the side, Blake gripped tightly to the base of his cock as her lips came open, taking his crown in between them.  She felt Isaiah pull back to the tip and a feeling of emptiness washed through her body.  Isaiah placed a hand at the back of her head, holding it still as he started to thrust.  And as his cock slid into the back of her throat, that’s when Jevon threw himself forward, drilling back into the base of his shaft.  Blake mewled around the cock in her mouth as the impact hit her with full, excessive force.  Her whole body shifted, making her titties bounce and her ass cheeks ripple. 

“Damn, son!” Isaiah said as he looked at his buddy, feeling the force of his powerful slam.

Jevon grinned back at him then did it again, pulling back slowly to the tip of his penis before ramming back into her even harder, making the whole bed shake and slamming the headboard into the wall behind it.  From this point on he didn’t let up, drilling into her colon with rough, hard thrusts. 

Blake reached down as he threw himself into her, her asshole tightening as she put two fingers to the nub of her clit, rubbing it furiously.  Her head stayed turned as Isaiah kept thrusting, feeding her his member an inch at a time.  Blake kept moaning as she sucked his cock, accepting every inch and drenching his shaft in spittle. 

Jevon looked down as he bucked his hips, admiring the way his cock disappeared, vanishing into her colon with every thrust he took.  Warm, sticky fluids oozed forth from her pussy, making sure his cock stayed nice and lubed as he worked it back and forth, driving it deep into Blake’s tight ass.  Her fingers kept strumming against the nub of her clit, an audible wet sound filling the expanse of the room. 

Her legs started shaking, her right arm trembling as she rubbed her pussy, fingers naught but a blur.  Blake knew what was coming next.  Prying the cock from between her lips, she propped herself up with her elbows, watching in awe as the fat black cock drilled into her peachy behind.  Her features screwed, twisting in all kinds of unflattering ways as she strummed herself silly, the meaty black fuckstick impaling her tight backdoor.

Pulling away her fingers at the very last second, a geyser of fluid sprayed forth from her snatch, drenching Jevon from chest to groin.

“Oh, DAYUM!” the black man hollered, unprepared for the sudden burst. 

He slowed his thrusts as he watched her squirt, going in hard with a series of slow, deep thrusts, each one prompting a further sluice of liquid to spray from her quivering cunt, the streams getting weaker until she seemingly ran out of fluid.  Burying himself inside her, he felt her squeeze him for the very last time as her muscles loosened, relinquishing their grip on his BBC.  Pulling back slowly, he plucked his cock from Blake’s big ass, her butthole gaping for a second before it shrank back down to its usual size. 

“Phew!” said Blake as she puffed her cheeks, overcome by the intensity.  “Aren’t you boys ready to cum yet?”

“Mm-mm,” said Isaiah with a shake of his head.  “Not until you’ve rode my dick.”

“Hmm.”  Blake grinned and patted the mattress.  “Well you better get up here then, hadn’t you?”

Blake shifted to the edge of the bed as Isaiah climbed up, laying his long frame across it.  Swinging a leg over the black man’s torso, the actress straddled his muscular form, planting her knees either side of his stomach.  Reaching back behind her, she gripped his cock at round mid-shaft and pointed the crown at her winking asshole.  She felt the tip press against her sphincter and was just about to sink down onto it when he suddenly stopped her.

“Uh uh.  Gimme that pussy, girl.”

“Oh, yeah?”  Her grin growing wider, she uncurled her fingers from around his shaft and brought her hand up, slapping herself on the ass.  “Had too much of this ass, have ya?”

“Hell naw,” the black man declared.  “My boy ‘bout to hit that.”

Wait.  Had he just said what she thought he did?  They were going to fuck her pussy and ass…at the same time?!  Blake couldn’t believe it.  Taking those cocks in her ass had been one thing, but taking one in each of her holes was a whole other matter.

“You’re not serious?” she asked.

“Oh, we deadly serious, girl,” Jevon declared, already in position behind her.  “We know you can handle that shit.  Yo ass was made for BBC.” 

Blake had to admit that she was kind of intrigued.  Just one of those cocks had felt truly amazing.  Lord only knew how both of them would feel.  But would they split her in two?  She guessed she wouldn’t know unless she tried.

“OK,” she said.  “But go easy on me, alright?  I want to go to bed in one piece.”

Isaiah chuckled.  “A’ight, you got it, girl.”

Still gripping tightly to the base of his shaft, Blake said a prayer in side her head as she eased herself onto it, sinking straight down to the hilt.  She felt his crown nudge against her cervix as Isaiah wrapped his arms around her, locking them tightly at the small of her back.  Jevon placed a hand in between her shoulders and Blake leant forward under his direction, laying on top of Isaiah as he pulled her down onto him. 

Wrapping her arms around his big, broad shoulders, she clung on tightly as Jevon knelt behind her, pointing his crown at her sphincter.  Staring straight down into Isaiah’s brown eyes, her mouth fell open as Jevon pushed forward, a high-pitched cuss spilling forth from her lips.

“Oh, FUCK!”

Her eyes bulged open as she felt him enter, easing his crown into her thick backside.  Her pussy contracted as her asshole was breached, gripping extra tightly around Isaiah’s thick wang. 

“OHHH MY FUCKIIING GODDD!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO BIIIG!!!” the actress shrieked, her features twisting as she looked at Isaiah, clenching every muscle as her holes were filled.

Jevon fed her his long black pipe, steering it inside her an inch at a time.  He could scarcely believe how tight she felt.  Of course her asshole had been snug to begin with.  But when a fat cock was embedded in her snatch, it made her ass feel even tighter.  He could feel it gripping him as he fed it inside, sinking a little deeper with every thrust.  Soon he was going ballsdeep and the cries Blake gave as the two men banged could be heard halfway down her affluent street.

“FUCK!  FUCK!  FUCK!” she screamed, both men thrusting in perfect sync.

Thick, round cockheads sunk deep inside her, hitting her g-spot and tunnelling into the depths of her colon.  Swinging back and forth, heavy black balls slapped against her taint, the tempo increasing with each new thrust. 

For several minutes, Blake appeared to take leave of her senses.  The pleasure coursing through was like nothing she’d felt before.  At that point in time, nothing else mattered.  Not her kids.  Not her husband.  Not her money.  Not her career.  All she cared about were those two black cocks, plunging inside her with such force and ferocity that she was sure she felt her insides shift.  Sex with Ryan would never be the same.  Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she could even look at him again, much less let him put his dick inside her. 

For the next few minutes, Blake was in heaven.  Every joint thrust that the two men gave sent shockwaves through her system, violent tremors that coursed all the way to her fingers and toes.  It was, without question, the greatest sex she’d ever had and everything about it filled her body with lust and desire.  The smell of sweat as it filled the air.  The grunts and groans of both huge men as they dicked her senseless, loving the feeling of her tight twin holes.  Every grab and squeeze and slap of her ass. 

She could barely believe how great it felt and her holes gripped tighter around the two huge cocks as they drilled into her body.  Jevon noticed and he fisted a handful of long blonde hair, pulling Blake upright as he wrenched it back sharply.  She felt her back press against his torso and threw her arms back behind her, wrapping them firmly around the black man’s neck as he returned the favour, curling his beefy arms around the actress’ torso. 

A hand reached down and found her clit, and Blake’s eyes bulged cartoonishly as his fingers strummed at the nub of her pussy.  Isaiah’s hands slid round to her hips and he gripped on tightly as he thrusted harder, bouncing his ass off the mattress as he slammed his fat cock into the white girl’s snatch. 

“OHHH, JESUS!!!” Blake screamed.  “FUCK!  FUCK!  FUCK!  I’M GONNA CUM!  I’M GONNA CUM!”

Jevon's lips opened and the next thing she felt was his breath on her neck as he leaned in tenderly, snarling straight into ear.  “Yeah, come on, baby.  Give us that nut.”

His fingers kept strumming at the nub of her clit and his grip on her tightened as he went all in, using her body for leverage as he threw himself into her, pounding with little restraint. 

Blake came in explosive fashion.  Throwing her head back, a wordless scream flew forth from her lips, vaulting from her throat at such a high volume that she almost deafened her dark-skinned lovers.  A powerful burst shot forth from her pussy, drenching Isaiah as he kept on thrusting, drilling his cock into her deepest parts.  Her asshole contracted, squeezing so tight around Jevon’s thick rod that he thought she might snap it clean off. 

Slowing their thrusts, the men buried their cocks inside her, feeling her squeeze them one last time.  Pulling back slowly, Jevon withdrew from Blake’s rear end, watching her asshole close back up as he plucked his crown from inside it.  Blake was still trembling as she lifted herself slowly off Isaiah’s thick rod, dropping to her knees on the bedroom floor.  Both men stood and appeared either side of her, their big cocks pointing at her pretty pink lips. 

Gripping him at the base, Blake went for Jevon first, guiding his cockhead in between her lips.  Sinking them down to around mid-shaft, she dragged her lips back up to the tip, gleefully cleaning a layer of ass juice.  Wrenching him free with an audible *POP*, blonde hair swished across her shoulders as she turned to Isaiah and did the same to him, slurping up the taste of her pussy. 

Plucking his crown from between her lips, Isaiah climbed up onto the king-sized bed and laid out across the mattress.  Flicking the cap off the bottle of lube, he squirted a blob onto the tip of his prick, spreading the grease up and down his shaft.

“Come here, baby,” he said as he patted his thigh.  “Gimme that ass.”

Blake nodded and clambered up onto the bed.  Planting her knees either side of his, she stuck her big ass out as she backed up towards him.  Straightening her back, Isaiah reached out and grabbed her ass as she moved it closer, gripping both buns with his large black hands.  Curling his fingers around the base of his shaft, his left hand slid up to her hip as he pointed his cock at Blake’s tight sphincter.

Her asshole spread as he pulled her down onto him, stretching around the width of his helmet.  Latching his hands onto both of her hips, he pulled her down past the ridge of his crown, hearing her moan as he entered her.  Working her down slowly, he watched as her asshole swallowed his cock, vanishing it an inch at a time.  Blake’s breathing steadily increased, groaning softly as she slid down his long black pipe. 

Her big, plump buns pressed against his abs and he slid his hands underneath her legs, gripping the insides of her thighs.  Blake shrieked as he pulled them open, pointing her feet at opposite walls.  Her heart beat faster as she watched Jevon climb onto the bed, kneeling in front of her with his cock in hand.  Rubbing the tip up against her pussy, he pushed inside her with a single thrust, sheathing himself to his big black balls. 

Taking a hold of her meaty thighs, he pushed them back as he started thrusting, feeding her pussy with his fat black cock.  Isaiah gripped tighter to her meaty thighs, digging in his fingers as he thrusted upward, drilling up into her colon.  Now she was entirely at their mercy, sandwiched between them like the filling in an Oreo and supported by nothing but their big strong arms. 

They proceed to bang her hard and fast, alternating slams into her tight pink holes.  As Jevon withdrew to the ridge of his crown, Isaiah drove into the depths of her ass.  And when he pulled back to the tip of his penis, Jevon went hard into Blake’s wet pussy, bottoming out with each new thrust. 

Blake simply sat there and took each thrust, screaming and swearing at the top of her voice, getting louder and shriller with each passing second.  She still couldn’t believe what she was doing.  Getting dicked by two strangers in her marital bed, knowing full well that in just a few nights Ryan would be lying right there where this big black stud was he rammed his cock into her tight little asshole.  How would she react when Ryan tried to get some after they switched the lights off, after two huge black men had fucked her in ways he could only dream of? 

The men kept thrusting, drilling their cocks into both her holes.  Blake reached down and started rubbing her clit, her orifices tightening as she took each two pronged slam.  Her clit started throbbing, getting fatter and fatter as the men went harder, slamming into her perfect body with all they had left in the tank.

“OH MY GODDD!!! I’M GONNA CUUUMMM!!!” Blake squealed, frigging herself faster as Jevon pulled out of her pussy.

Pulling her fingers away at the last possible second, another warm burst of clear, wet fluids sprayed forth from her quivering cunt, dousing Jevon’s strong abs and of course his big black cock.  Her asshole tightened at the point of climax, gripping Isaiah’s prick and squeezing it for all it was worth.

“Oh, SHIT!” he said, flinching.  “Goddamn, woman!”

Blake ignored him as she rode the waves of pleasure, slowly working her asshole up and down his long black shaft. 

“Oh, wow!” said Blake, practically speechless.  “Fuck, you guys…”

Jevon stroked his cock as he stood there watching, a big, broad grin stretched across his face.  “We fuck you good tonight, girl?”

Blake looked back at him as she rubbed her pussy, shaking her head in disbelief.  “Oh my god.  SO good!”

“Ready for your reward now, baby?” asked Jevon, his cock noticeably throbbing as he stroked it up and down.

Blake said nothing but nodded her head, her lips curled up in an excited grin.  She climbed down off the bed and dropped to the floor on her knees.  Jevon and Isaiah appeared in front of her, jerking their big black cocks, the tips aimed at her gorgeous face.  Blake’s head was on a swivel as she looked back and forth from one to the other, wondering which member would go off first.  Her question was answered just a few seconds later when Jevon tipped his head back, roaring towards the ceiling as his bellend erupted, a spurt of hot magma spraying free from the slit.  His blast hit Blake full in the face, splattering across her lips and nose.  Blake was stunned.  She could scarcely believe how thick it was as it hit her skin, so warm and heavy as it slid down her flushed red face.

“You want some mo’?” came a voice to her right.

Blake turned, nodding at Isaiah as his big black cock pointed right at her face.  A few more strokes and his dick went off in explosive fashion, an unholy volume of rich, creamy spunk spurting forth from the tip of his prick.  Aiming higher, his load went over her forehead and cheek, completely covering Blake’s right eye.  She thought that some even went in her hair. 

“Mmm, shit!” Isaiah groaned, panting as he stroked his cock.  “Open that mouth for me, baby.”

Blake did as the black man told her, gaping her lips apart as he jerked his big, fat dick.  Pumping and pulling like a man possessed, Isaiah jerked out whatever was left, peppering her tongue with several drops of off-white semen.  Turning back to Jevon, she kept her tongue out as he did the same, spraying across her tongue as he jerked out the last of his load.  Pulling her tongue back between her lips, Blake made a show of swallowing their spunk, sticking her tongue to show that it had gone.

“Mmm, yummy!” she said with a grin, then took their cocks in both her hands, wrapping her lips around each of their tips as she sucked out the last few drops.

“Mmm, dayum!” Jevon exclaimed.  “Now that was some shit, right there.”  He held out a fist and his homeboy bumped it.

“A-list pussy da best pussy!” Isaiah remarked and the two men shared a chuckle. 

Jevon looked down at Blake, still rolling her tongue across the tip of his penis.  “How you feelin’, baby?”

“Fuck, guys,” the actress gushed, “that was…that was incredible.”

“We aim to please, baby,” said Isaiah.  “Anytime you want some mo’ you just hit us up, a’ight?”

“Mmhmm,” Blake grinned, giving each cock a kiss goodbye.  “OK, I think you guys better leave.  I’ve gotta be on set tomorrow.  You can see yourselves out.”

The trio said their goodbyes and the guys went back downstairs, returning to the lounge in search of their clothes.  Still a little overcome with a plethora of different emotions, Blake willed herself up off the bedroom floor and went to check her phone.  Seeing that Taylor had sent her a message, she tapped at the screen and popped it open.

Taylor: Hey babe. How was your surprise?

Blake: I might have known you’d have something to do with that.

Taylor: So…did you fuck them or not?

Blake: Of course I didn’t. I’m married in case you’d forgotten.

Taylor: Right, sure hon’. You know the guys are gonna tell me anyway so you might as well admit it.

Blake: Nothing to admit.

Taylor: OK, whatever. I’ll see you soon.

Blake tossed her phone down and went into the bathroom to take a shower.  She stepped under the showerhead and turned on the water, fiddling with knobs until she found the right temperature.  Blake was pelted by high velocity water, letting it wash all the cum from her face and hair.  Dousing her body in expensive soap, she took a moment to reflect on the past two hours and the bizarre events that had taken place.  Part of her couldn’t believe what she had just done, while another much larger part of her couldn’t wait to do it again.  To leap onto the next black man she saw and ride him into a coma. 

She thought again about that age old cliche: once you go black, you never go back.  Was it true? Once one had sampled the pleasures of black men, were their days of fucking white guys really all but over?  That could pose a significant problem since she was married to one, loved him dearly and shared four kids with him.  Could she really never enjoy sex with him again?  Was their relationship doomed from this point onwards?  It was then that Blake realised that she faced the ultimate test.  She’d just gone black, but could she go back?

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The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, MiamiLyfe, Calibur009, FAQ, Dexter07, wildspirit365, SnackAttack


Re: Going Black (Blake Lively)
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2024, 07:34:37 PM »
I'm having a blast reading this story. ;)
Tag team with Taylor would be dope.

Great story!!
The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, DarkSwordsman


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