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Author Topic: Marvel Love Chapter 13  (Read 7861 times)


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Marvel Love Chapter 13
« on: January 11, 2019, 10:42:41 AM »
Summary and Disclaimer
This is set in a version of the MCU. But with the addition of some new characters, concepts, and other franchises. Including all of the MCU movies AND TV shows and a few other things too. I DO NOT own any characters that I myself have not come up with and the rightful owners are Disney, FOX (for right now), Warner Bros., and others. No copyright infringement intended.

This is not Gal Gadot's version of Wonder Woman. I don't really know if she had been cast as Wonder Woman when I wrote this. But I wanted Wonder Woman to be the first DC hero to be brought into what I've come to call My MCU. And as I started to write this chapter I was watching a lot of things with one of my favorite Japanese actresses. And it got stuck in my head that she should be my Wonder Woman. I would give you her name here but I m actually going to introduce a version of her into the story a while down the road. So I'll keep it under my hat for now. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 13
Wonder Woman Arrives Part 1

“Your plane went down just off the coast of Themyscira. I swam out and pulled you out of the wreckage,” she said.

A plane, why was I in a…oh my god my father made me a part of their origins. I thought to myself. Well, I did say that I wanted to be there when they made their debut. I thought back to myself.

When Wonder Woman first debuted in DC comics she was found by a guy that’s plane crash-landed on or near Themyscira. Princess Diana nursed him back to health and fell in love with him. There was a twitch in my pants when I remembered that. A part of me wanted it to play out like that too. I mean she is sooo beautiful. I didn’t recognize her as Wonder Woman right away because the picture that the Life Entity had was taken in battle and I could only see her outfit that said quite clearly that it was Wonder Woman. But I couldn’t help but wonder if my father hadn’t changed her looks a little. She’s so beautiful. I thought again.

“Are you alright?” she asked. Clearly, she could see that I was having some kind of internal monolog.

“Yes. Yes, I’m fine.” I said to her.

“I see that your patient is doing much better my daughter.” a woman said walking in.

“Queen Hippolyta?” I asked her.

“You told him my name?” the Queen asked her daughter.

“No mother. How did you know her name?” Princess Diana asked.

“I knew her name because I’ve met both of you before…in other universes.” I explained. Then I told them my story, careful to edit the parts that would make them suspicious about their own connection to this universe.

“So you’ve been to Themyscira before?” Princess Diana asked.

“Yes. I was brought here by your greatest champion in that universe.” I explained. That part was true once when I was in a DC universe I was indeed brought to Themyscira by that worlds’ Wonder Woman. I was careful not to mention who this champion was for reasons you will find out later.

“Why was our greatest champion off of Themyscira?” Queen Hippolyta asked.

“Well, I believe it is customary for Themyscira to send their greatest champion into the world if the world is in true need of her,” I said.

“Correct.” Princess Diana said with a smile.

“It is a good thing that nothing like that has come to this universe.” Queen Hippolyta said to me.

“I’m sorry to tell you this Queen Hippolyta the world could use a champion from Themyscira,” I said.

“What has happened?” Princess Diana asked concerned now.

“It all started slowly. They had war after war, fighting dictators and terrorists from all over the world. People who thought that they and they alone have the right to make decisions that could affect millions if not hundreds of millions of lives. And that is just the ordinary threats.” I said.

“What do you mean by ‘ordinary threats’?” Princess Diana asked.

“There have been in recent years beyond the ordinary. Like the organization known as HYDRA . They use scientific research and experiments that most people don’t have access to all to take over the world. Like when they tried, unsuccessfully, to launch three deadly helicarriers a few months ago, so they could kill whoever they determined to be a threat to HYDRA. They would have killed thousands of people in minutes. Some not even knowing why they were even targeted.” I said.

“By the heavens.” Queen Hippolyta said, covering her mouth.

“Then there’s the Battle of New York,” I said.

“What is the ‘Battle of New York’?” Queen Hippolyta asked. It looked like she was afraid of the answer.

“It was an alien invasion, creatures from beyond the stars came here to take over or destroy the planet. That took place in one of the biggest cities on the planet, New York. And it was touch and go there for a while on whether or not the planet would fall. But a small group did pull off protecting us all in the end.” I said.

“And this is commonplace for this planet?” Princess Diana asked me. She looked like she was about to cry. I couldn’t bear to see that, especially knowing that it was me that made her do it.

“Yes and no,” I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“It is true that HYDRA is still a threat. But the alien invasion was a first. And with any luck, a last.” I said trying to put her mind at ease.

“You are right the world could use a champion from Themyscira. We shall have a contest and the winner of this contest will wear the mantle of Wonder Woman and accompany you back to the world.” Queen Hippolyta said importantly.

“Mother, can I participate?” Princess Diana asked her mother.

“No, you may not. You are my daughter and Princess to this island, your place is here,” she said.

“May I watch this contest?” I asked.

“Yes of course.” Queen Hippolyta said to me. She then went off to start preparations for the contest.

* * *

I sat there and watched as women went into the arena fighting each other. The winner would be chosen to be Themyscira’s great champion Wonder Woman. I did notice that my father did change one thing. This Themyscira had an equal number of men and women. But women were still on top of the hierarchy. I already knew who was going to win. And how she would enter this contest without her mother knowing who she was. I could see her wearing a mask that covered the upper portion of her face. And I knew it was Princess Diana right away.

It was coming down to her and another woman. And with a mighty strike using her shield that would make Captain America jealous, she was declared the winner. “Step forward.” Queen Hippolyta said to her daughter, still unaware that she was her daughter. “Remove your mask,” she said. It was the moment of truth. Princess Diana removed her mask revealing that she was indeed her daughter.

“Diana ?” her mother asked, seeing her daughter.

“I am sorry mother but I could not just sit by and watch without trying to help the people of the world,” Diana said to her mother.

“I don’t know whether I am proud of you for standing up for what you believe in or mad that you disobeyed my orders and participated in this contest.” Queen Hippolyta said to her daughter with a smile.

“You Diana are now the champion of Themyscira and there is nothing that I could do to stop that. Here is the outfit that you’ll wear as you protect the world.” Queen Hippolyta said as she presented her daughter with the costume she would be wearing as Wonder Woman. It was a one-piece bathing suit. Made with red, blue and gold colors and with matching red and white boots.

“And here are the weapons that you will be using: a shield and sword...both belonging to your father. Now more than ever before, I think that he would be most proud of the woman that stands before me,” she said both mother and daughter needed a moment before they could go on. “Lastly these bracelets and your tiara. Both are made from the strongest metals found only on the island of Themyscira,” she said.

“Now the Gods shall bestow upon you the powers that you will need. Demeter Goddess of Earth,” she said, holding up a hand and a flash of green light came down and illuminated her. “She has granted you superhuman strength, durability, and enhanced healing.” Queen Hippolyta said to her daughter.

“Next Hermes the Messenger God,” she said again holding up her hand and another flash of blue light came down and hit Princess Diana. “Hermes has granted you superhuman speed and reflexes and the power of flight.” Queen Hippolyta said.

“With the help of the Gods you will become the world’s great champion: Wonder Woman,” she said as her daughter was lifted into the air. Then there was a flash and she hit the ground once more she was standing but now she was wearing the costume, the tiara, and the bracelets and holding the shield and the sword.

Seeing her like that. I knew that I wanted her to be my next girlfriend. I now realize that I had been falling in love with her this whole time. While she went off to enjoy the cheers of her people I went up to her mother.

“Queen Hippolyta, I know this is going to sound rude. But can she date outsiders?” I asked. I asked only because in a few universes if she were to date men she would lose her powers.

“Yes, she can. And I think that she feels the same way that you do. Even if she will just become another one of your girlfriends.” she said. I looked at her.

“You have seen the Lasso of Truth, have you not?” she looked at me.

“Yes. But I was unsure if you had it here in this universe. Does she know about them?” I asked checking to see what else I had said while under the lasso’s influence.

“She was there when I put it on you when you were still only semi-conscious, now if you’ll excuse me I want to be with my daughter,” she said going up to her daughter and hugging her with a smile on her face, leaving me standing there staring at her daughter and happy that I didn’t tell them about them being from another universe.

* * *

“Here you are.” Princess Diana said to me. I was in the room where she had been taking care of me. I turned around to see her wearing a beautiful sundress.

“What are you wearing?” I asked.

“Well, I know the traditional clothes of Themyscira would stick out in the world that we are about to head to so I picked this dress out. How do you like it?” she asked, giving a little twirl. She looked so amazing I couldn’t stand it.

I went up to her and gave her a kiss. She did not push me away but pulled me in. Our mouths started fighting for dominance. I needed some contact but was afraid that she would push me away if I made a move. She broke the kiss. “Make love to me like I was one of your girlfriends,” she said in a seductive whisper. That was all the encouragement I needed.

I gently pushed her on the bed that she had taken care of me. I kissed up her legs as I crawled on top of her. I carefully rolled up her sundress pulling it over her head. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath and she laid there in all her naked glory. It was too much for me. I needed to be inside her now. I undid my pants and pushed them and my underwear down just enough that my erection sprang free. I plunged it into her as she moaned with delight. Both of us knew instinctively what the other wanted. This was only the case with Skye, Claire, and Laura. Knowing that made this all the more special. When we came, we both knew that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives.

“That happened,” I said holding her to my chest.

“Yes, it did. Will they be upset with this?” she asked.

“They will love you, almost as much as I do,” I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

“I hope so,” she said looking a little worried.

“Hey. I love you, remember that sweetie.” I said, giving her a kiss.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 10:54:02 PM by CaptainNinnin »


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Re: Marvel Love Chapter 13
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 06:09:34 AM »
Nice work, loving these stories.
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