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Author Topic: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Final Part posted]  (Read 37043 times)


Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Final Part posted]
« on: June 16, 2022, 09:58:00 AM »
Written as a commission for Psylent21. Thank you to him for the story idea.

Cum Factor

Starring: Christina Hendricks

Part One

The clock struck nine on the western seaboard of the United States, and men took to their armchairs from Alaska to Alabama, tissues and lube at the ready as they settled in for their favourite show. The theme tune’s opening bars blasted from speakers up and down the country, accompanying a crudely drawn graphic of a veiny, swollen-headed penis, being vigorously jerked by a cartoon hand. The penis erupted, shooting its animated goo at TV screens of every size, colour and picture quality. The cartoon semen landed with a sound effect-enhanced splat, spelling out the name of the show in dripping, off-white bubble-style lettering.


The spunk-written title slopped to the bottom of the screen, and the camera swooped and glided across a poorly constructed TV set as a garishly-dressed, slicked back man with a pornstar moustache strolled across the stage. The overwhelmingly male audience whooped and applauded as the director counted down from five and flashed a thumbs up at the host.

“Good evening, ladies and gentleman, and welcome to a brand new episode of Cum Factor.  I’m your host, Perv Griffin, and tonight I’ll be joined by a very beautiful celebrity guest who will be gleefully debasing herself for the charity of her choice. Shall we meet our guest?”

A cheer went up from the studio audience, some already brandishing their cocks in anticipation.

“She’s a redheaded knockout with a set of tits that could feed the five thousand. Please give a warm and sticky Cum Factor welcome to Christina Hendricks!”

The crowd went wild, many aggressively jerking themselves off as the show’s celebrity guest emerged from the backstage area in all her buxom glory. Scantily clad in a skin tight purple dress that barely extended past the curves of her ass, the chesty actress bounced and jiggled every which way as she strutted across the stage. Perv greeted his guest with a warm embrace, and a cameraman zoomed in tight to the actress’ cleavage, being sure to capture her mountainous assets as they squished against his chest.

“Wow! Doesn’t she look stunning, folks?” he asked, already sporting a visible hardon as he turned to face the audience.

The crowd returned a chorus of whooping catcalls, and Christina blew them a kiss, nearly triggering a heart attack from a man in the front row.

“Great to have you here, Christina. Are you excited for tonight’s show?”

“I’m very excited, Perv. Thank you for having me on.”

“You are more than welcome. And I must say, that is quite the outfit you’re wearing there.”

“Yeah, I wore this to an awards show once, I seem to recall. I think it had a bit more fabric back then though.”

Perv grinned. “Our wardrobe department have been working their magic again, I see.”

The crowd laughed. The wardrobe department at Cum Factor were well known for their talents in dress modification. Once again they’d taken a classy gown fit for the red carpet and turned it into a frock so slutty it would make a pornstar blush. 

“So as you folks are well aware, all money generated in today’s will be donated to a charity of Miss Hendricks’ choosing. Christina, what charity will you be supporting today?”

“Well, Perv, today I will be raising money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It’s a cause that I hold very dear to my heart and…”

“So I see,” Perv interrupted, marvelling at the huge pair of boobs that were all but spilling out of her scanty attire.

The audience laughed.

“Sorry,” Perv continued, stifling an impish smirk. “A very noble cause. I mean, if there’s one part of the anatomy that needs more research it’s the female breast. Ain’t that right, guys?”

Whoops and cheers sounded loudly from all around the studio, some even coming from the cameramen and the producers backstage.

Perv grinned and looked at his guest. “Sounds like they approve. OK, let’s make some money.  Those tits ain’t gonna research themselves. So, as you guys are well aware, round one is the Blowjob Round, and our lovely celebrity guest here will have just 30 minutes to bring as many men to orgasm as she can. But here’s the kicker. She’s only allowed to use her mouth, her hands and, of course, those lovely big breasts of hers. Now, there is a total of $100,000 up for grabs for your chosen charity in this first round, Christina. Do you think you can get it all?”

“I hope so, Perv. I’ll certainly give it my best shot.”

“That’s what we like to hear. OK, let’s get on with the first round.”  A timer showing 30:00 appeared on a giant screen above their heads as a group of four young black men strutted out onto the stage.  “Fellas, take it away.”

The timer started ticking down and Perv stepped aside as the four men approached, forming a circle around the celebrity guest. Hands grabbed at her from all four sides, squeezing her ass and groping her enormous tits. One man gripped her by the hair, pulling her towards him and pushing his big, thick lips against her own, his tongue plunging halfway to her tonsils.

“Hmm, looks like the guys are getting a feel for the merchandise,” Perv declared, commentating for the folks back home. “Doesn’t look like the best use of time, but, hey, can’t really blame them, right?”

Christina was pulled towards another, and a second second sloppy kiss quickly and messily ensued. A light tug at the top of her dress and her huge tits popped out, drawing further cheers from the enraptured audience. Hands pawed at those big, freed breasts and two men latched onto her nipples, suckling with greedy intent. 

“Damn!” said Perv. “Looks like these guys are feeling a little peckish, huh?  Let’s see if our guest has an appetite of her own.”

Lips peeled from her nipples and a pair of dark hands rested on her shoulder blades, pushing her towards the studio floor.  Christina settled at her knees, surrounded on all sides by hefty lumps, bulging beneath the fabric of their pants.  Belts were unbuckled and drawstrings untied, unveiling for the longest, thickest black cocks that the actress had ever seen. She stared in disbelief from one fat prick to the next, eyes nearly springing from their sockets. Her mouth fell open and the orifice was quickly filled by the man in front as he steered his cock towards her lips. 

“MMPF!” Christina exclaimed, her voice muffled as a hardy portion was stuffed into her mouth.

Her lips wrapped around his veiny shaft and a hand gripped the back of her head, guiding her down his length. Fingers wound around her spindly wrists, pulling them in different directions before a pulsing tube was slapped down into each of her palms. She gripped each member tight, jerking them in tandem as the man behind slapped his cock against her shoulders, eagerly awaiting his turn.

Veins throbbed against her tongue as her full lips slid along the shaft, saliva coating every inch. One last push and her lips touched base, her nose vanishing into his wiry pubes as she choked him down in the name of charity. Christina slurped and sucked, feeling him swell inside her mouth as a helpless groan flew forth from the young man’s lips.

“Ooh!  Hear that, fellas?” asked Perv. “Looks like we might have our first load.”

His grip loosened at the back of her head and he retracted desperately from down her throat, jerking his dick at a mile a minute. Her lips stayed open as he jerked and pulled, his dick pointed at the drooling target. One last stroke and his bellend erupted, firing a spunky blast straight into her waiting mouth. A cameraman moved in for a close up, shoving his lens into the redhead’s face.

“Damn! Look at all that goop!” Perv exclaimed, the image of her spunk-filled mouth now plastered across the giant screen. “Looks like you’ve got triplets in your mouth there, Christina!” Laughter rung around the studio. “Swallow it down for us, honey.”
Christina closed her lips, wincing slightly as the strong-tasting fluid slid down her esophagus.  Her lips parted and her mouth was dry as a bone, the first thick load now winging its way to her stomach. A giant number one flashed up on the screen, and the crowd cheered as the show’s load count was officially initiated.

“There’s a good girl,” Perv grinned.

Fingers threaded through her vibrant red hair, and her head was turned to the left, a second dark rod steered past her gaping lips. He gripped her firmly and started thrusting, mining through her oral cavity. His huge brown bellend soared past her tonsils, drawing a harsh gag as it pushed down into her throat. 

A hand grasped onto one of her boobs and Christina peered down to her chest as a hefty trunk was slapped down between them. Pale mounds of flesh enveloped his pulsing shaft, and soon the young man was thrusting in time with his buddy, slicing his dick between the actress’ tits. 

The thrusts quickened and soon a fat scrotum was slapping against her chin, balls swollen with her next thick wad of the evening. Spit rained down from her chin as her face was fucked, dripping down onto her jugs and lubing them thoroughly for the second huge cock that was buried between them. 

Christina felt a stir in both men’s genitals and within seconds, both her throat and cleavage were quickly evacuated. Two large rods were pointed at her face, tips winking in unison as both dark wonders were stroked towards completion. Her mouth stayed open as both dicks detonated mere fractions of a second apart, filling her mouth with so much goop that thick drops of the stuff started to leak from the sides of her mouths, trickling down her flushed red cheeks.

“Hmm, how about that, Christina? A two-for-one special!” Perv quipped, much to the amusement of his fans. 

Christina closed her lips and swallowed, but it wasn’t until she’d scooped up the escaping seed that the counter on the screen ticked up to load number three. 

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed. “Our celebrity guest is making light work of these loads, huh, fellas?  Just one man left.”

Fisting two clumps of fiery red hair, the last man standing held the actress still as he guided his cock between her lips, driving to the hilt with a single thrust. Holding her hair like a set of handlebars, he kept her exactly where he wanted her, listening to her cough and gag around his fuckstick as her lips stayed glued to the base. A sharp tug of her hair and his dick was retrieved, popping from between her lips in a spray of spittle. Christina gasped, refilling her lungs before the dripping black cock was stuffed back down her throat and the fucking quickly resumed. 

It was right around then that the enormous pictures of the sloppy interracial blowbang claimed their first victim. A man leapt up desperately from his seat in the audience, furiously pounding off as he scurried towards the aisle. An observant cameraman caught him in the act and the rampant facefucking was briefly interrupted as the man’s wincing red face was broadcast to the entire studio. 

“Oh!” said Perv. “I almost forgot. The audience here at Cum Factor have been known to get a little overexcited at times, so we’ve placed a few containers around the studio in which to do their filthy business. I fully expect every one of these receptacles to be filled to the brim by the end of the show, and if our celebrity guest would be so kind as to empty them for us then she will receive an additional $500,000 for her chosen charity.”

The director cut back to the audience where three other men were now hunched over plastic containers, pulling at their pricks like their lives depended on it.

The camera returned to the host, a wicked grin now etched across his face. “And it looks like there could be a lot of it!”

Back on stage, the last of the four men was building to an explosion of his own. Pumping his pelvis at a furious pace, he drilled his dick into Christina’s face, generating loud and nasty squelching sounds from the deepest parts of her throat. His balls were bloated and Christina could feel the thick cum swirling around inside them as they cannoned against her throat.  Burying himself to the hilt one final time, those big, swollen orbs squished against her chin, deflating rapidly as he nutted straight down her throat.

“FUUUCCCKKK!!!” he yelled, rattling light fixtures as he tilted his head towards the ceiling.

Hands gripping tight to the back of her head, he pinned her face to his groin, keeping her there until his sack had been emptied. 

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed. “That sounded like the biggest one yet!”

The man pried his dick from Christina’s throat and the four men trudged off-stage, leaving the panting redhead with a stomachful of the hottest, gloopiest semen that any of them had ever produced.

“Four down, Christina. How you feeling?”

“I’m…doing…great…Perv!” the actress replied, punctuating each word with a sharp intake of breath.

The remaining time read 20:37.

“Twenty minutes left, honey,” said Perv, ushering out the next six men. “Better pick up the pace.”

Christina remained on her knees as a half-dozen white guys marched across the stage, forming a tight circle around her. Time was of the essence, so the starlet got right down to business.  Reaching up to the man in front of her, she undid the clasp on his belt and whipped his shorts down, his long vanilla pole springing out before her very eyes. She took it in her hands and started stroking as a further five dongs flopped out all around her, pointing at her from every direction. 

She grabbed hold of another, stroking them in tandem as her lips opened to accept a third.  A hand gripped tight to the back of her head, pushing her down the shaft until her full set of lips were puckered at the base. Hands groped her tits and Christina kept jerking the two fat cocks that throbbed in the palms of her hands. Spit sloshed around her oral cavity, soaking the juicy rod now lodged in her gullet. Her cheeks hollowed inward, forming an airtight vacuum seal as she greedily sucked at the thick slab of meat. The crown twitched against her tonsils and the man cussed loudly as one particularly voracious suck nearly brought up the contents of his balls.


The hand came free from the back of her head and the man retrieved his dick from down her esophagus. Christina turned without missing a beat, swallowing up the next huge cock and taking it straight to the balls. Her left hand grabbed another, jerking it steadily as her right went back to the first, fingers curling around the thick shaft now drenched in her saliva. Her hair was gathered into a pair of bright red pigtails and the man in front of her started humping ferociously, powering his helmet deep into her oral canal. Spit slopped from the underside, dripping down from her chin and onto the tops of her titties. 

The man pulled out and another took over, quickly picking up from where his friend left off.  Slotting his crown between her dripping pink lips, he pumped his hips like a man possessed, driving his cock into her face with matching ferocity. Holding tight to her pretty red head, he used her mouth like a fleshlight, pumping into her gullet with very little self-control.

“Yeah! Take my dick!” he growled, baring his teeth as he kept on thrusting, beating her throat with his ballsack.

Christina coughed and spluttered, her large chest heaving as a thick, meaty sausage was crammed down her esophagus. 

The others were growing restless, and having stood idly by for three long minutes while the busty actress sucked and stroked his buddies, one man in particular had grown tired of waiting.  Gripping a fistful of tousled red hair, he gave a sharp yank, dislodging the cock from her windpipe as he pulled her head back. Now all she could see was the ceiling above her, and Christina stared helplessly at the studio lighting until four fat rods were steered into her field of vision. They hovered there for a fraction of a second, and Christina braced herself as the iron cross was beaten down onto her face. Spit and precum peppered her skin and she took the brunt of each smack as four swollen crowns bounced off her lips and cannoned against her cheeks and brow.

“Shit!” said Perv, now visibly stroking himself through the fabric of his pants. “Looks like our guest is getting quite the beat down, huh?”

The blows continued, helmets hammering her face until the guy in front stepped back, beating his rod against her tits before sliding it between them. Her face remained skyward as the man behind her took a step forward, pushing his cock into her mouth. Balls squished against her nose and his shaft pounded against her tongue as he thrust down into her face.Grabbing her wrists, the two on either side gave her a handful of meat, palms filled with pulsating girth. She gripped them firmly and started jerking, synching each stroke with the fucking of her face and tits. 

Her breasts hugged tight around the cock in between them, enveloping it entirely as it bore through her chestal chasm. One more thrust and her tits were vacated, the gorge quickly filled by a second fat cock that was smothered by her weighty melons. Boobs moulded in the palms of his hands, doughy flesh bulged through the gaps in his fingers as he bucked his hips, driving his cock through her tight, wet tit tunnel.

Christina felt a throb in her gullet and in the dick in her mouth was hastily withdrawn. Another man stepped up, dragging his balls across her face and the actress opened wide as he slotted his scrotum between her lips. Her face was smothered, nose pressed against the man’s hairy taint as she sucked on his sack, feeling the cum churn in both of his oversized orbs. 

Balls were pulled from between her lips, and Christina licked across the young man’s taint and right up to his asscrack. His crevice was just as hairy as the rest of him and Christina burrowed into the dense brown forest, fighting through foliage until she found his asshole.  Poking out her tongue, she pushed it deep into his anal cavity, attempting a prostate exam with the slick red flesh. And if that wasn’t enough, she gripped hold of his twitching cock and promptly started jerking, tooting the trombone like she was first chair in the school band.

“Wow!” said Perv.  “Looks like our guest today is a true professional!  Not many women can multitask like that!”

The clock ticked down to the thirteen minute mark and with ten men still to come, Christina was keen to move things along.

“Come on, boys,” she said, gripping two pairs of balls. “I haven’t got all day here. Empty these things already!”

The men were happy to oblige and a couple of them got in one last titjob or facefuck before they unleashed hell. Meaty cock held tight in her rack, Christina could feel the hot surge of impending eruption soaring through the shaft as it sliced through the gap in her tits. Parting her lips, she sucked at the head each time it emerged, releasing it with an audible *POP*. The man kept pumping, terminating in her mouth each time until his ballsack was fit to burst. The thrusting stopped and the man remained buried in her cleavage as he started spewing, voiding his sack between the actress’ lips. She sucked at the head, feeling the cum pumping through his tit-wrapped shaft as countless thick volleys were sprayed into her oral cavity. 

A hand gripped her head and the cock fell from between her lips as she turned to the right, where another was ready and waiting. Slotting his dick between her lips, the man exploded almost immediately, filling her mouth with a second thick wad that bulged her cheeks like a puffer fish. A big swallow and the first two loads were down in her tummy, swimming about amongst the others. The man retracted and Christina kept her mouth agape as another replaced him. A couple of thrusts and he too erupted, splashing her tonsils and the insides of her cheeks. 

The dick slid out from between her lips as a pair of others were pushed into her face, their owners jerking them ferociously. Her mouth stayed open and she poked out her tongue, offering it up as a writhing pink spunk target. Both men hit it with unerring accuracy, splashing her tongue with two hot wads that set her taste buds ablaze. Now there was just one left, and as the two men stepped aside, another fat cock was thrust between her lips. Gripping the back of her head, he pushed her down to the hilt and blasted straight down her throat, filling her stomach with load number ten. 

“Damn!” said Perv. “Ten loads and counting. Well done, Christina. You’re halfway there with ten minutes left. Let’s see if we can hit that high score!”

The men pulled up their jeans, passing the final ten as they strode out onto the stage.  Encircling the celebrity guest, they formed a ring around her two men deep, almost blocking her from the cameras entirely. Pants were lowered and a vast array of wildly differing dicks were flopped out before her eyes. Some were hooded and some were uncut. Some hairy, some trimmed. Some veiny, some smooth. Some white, some black, some brown. But regardless of the colour and whatever it looked like, all ten cocks had one thing in common. They were all huge. Ten inches at least and girthy beyond belief. 

Christina could scarcely comprehend the sheer volume of meat on display all around her. And before she knew it, all ten cocks were being propelled in her direction, slotted and shoved into hole or gap that they’d fit into. Her mouth opened and a big black one was steered towards it, sinking to the hilt with the very first thrust. Her hands went up and grabbed two more, stroking them in unison while the black man fucked her throat. Another was slapped down onto the top of her head, while two thick helmets were beaten against her shoulders. 

Hands gripped her head and the black guy’s ass was a blur as he drove his dick into her face, pumping with little restraint. Spit dripped from the underside, making a mess of the studio floor.  Balls rebounded off her chin, swinging back and forth until the man pulled out and her face was angled toward another. 

Her mouth gaped open as a well-hung white guy filled it with his cock, taking over from his dark-skinned buddy. His technique was different but equally ferocious, and he used her red hair like a set of reins to pull her in on his dick. The guys were getting impatient, and as her full lips slid up and down that long white pole, her wrists were grabbed and pulled towards a pair of others. Her fingers coiled around a black one and a brown one, and she stroked them smoothly as her face was impaled.

And so it continued, from one man to the next. One after another they stepped up to the plate, sticking their dicks into every slot and crevice. Some chose her mouth, some chose her tits.  Some went a different route altogether, backing up before her and pulling her face into their asscracks, jerking themselves off she rimmed them into a coma. Then, once every man on stage had taken a turn in her mouth or cleavage, a couple of nervous looking production assistants skulked out onto the stage, a camera following as they rolled a leather ottoman across the crowded platform. 

“Well, well,” said Perv, watching with everyone else as the new piece of furniture was wheeled into position. “What do we have here? Make way for the furniture, fellas. Think y’all will have some fun with this!”

The men moved in around the ottoman, forming a ring around it as the PAs scurried off stage.  Christina was helped to her knees and laid on her back across the leather surface with her head hanging over the edge. One man stepped up before her, gripping his dick at the base and shoving into her open socket. Another climbed up onto the ottoman, kneeling over the redheaded beauty and dropping his dick between her full set of tits. Gathering them in his big, strong hands, he pushed those big puppies around his shaft and thrusted with all he had. Two more appeared at her left and right, waiting with stiff knobs as she took them in her hands and started stroking.

The guys were under strict instructions from the show’s producer not to stick their dick in the redhead’s pussy. But he hadn’t said anything about fingers. With this in mind, a man knelt at the edge of the ottoman and spread her legs apart, ramming two fingers up her burning cooch.  Frigging her wildly with his invading digits, her pussy squelched at considerable volume as he stuffed them into her depths. Two more men took hold of her legs, holding them steady, lest the writhing and thrashing disrupt the meaty schlong that was tunnelling through her oral canal. 

One final jab at the actress’ g-spot and a loud squeal flew forth from her lips, muffled considerably by the juicy cock that was lodged inside it. Her clit throbbed and the man pulled his fingers out at the last possible second as a powerful jet of crystalline fluids squirted forth from her quivering cunt. A roar went up from the audience and a cameraman moved in close, both he and his lens getting a thorough dousing as the dam burst open in spectacular fashion. 

“Fuck!” yelled Perv, a few drops of liquid even splattering across his suit. “Look at that fluid fly!  No extra cash for that I’m afraid, Christina, but our audience seemed to enjoy it. Isn’t that right, fellas?”

The cheers grew louder and as the director cut briefly to a shot of the crowd, it seemed like the squirting had sparked further eruptions throughout the TV studio. Men were queuing up and down the aisles, ready to make a deposit into the various spunk receptacles that were rapidly filling towards the brim. 

The fingering continued and Christina squirted several more times, puddles of lady liquid starting to form on the studio floor. At the other end, it was business as usual, and great volumes of spit were slopping down the redhead’s face as a big, buff black guy went to town on her upturned face. Violently jackhammering his strong and sturdy dark hips, his long black cock was propelled through her oral tunnel at a blistering speed, loud splat sounds pouring into the various boom mics as his huge set of balls rebounded off her spit-drenched brow. 

Another dick was lodged between her tits, slicing through her cleavage like a knife through butter, while two more were in her mits, enjoying the best pair of handjobs that either had ever received. But time was ticking down, and the amount of guys she could pleasure at once and the length of dick she could fit down her throat meant nothing without the resulting cumshots. 

“Three minutes left, Christina,” said Perv from the side of the stage. 

Christina pushed against the black guy’s thighs and pried his dick from down her throat, a thick mess of saliva dripping down onto the studio floor. 

“OK,” she gasped, sucking in lungfuls of air, “I’m gonna need you boys to cum for me now.”

The men pulled her up from the ottoman and set her down onto her knees. Gathering in close, dicks of every length, width and colour were thrust in her direction, pointing at her face, her tits or the back of her head. A plucky cameraman stood front row centre, ready to capture the ensuing bukkake in crystal clear UHD. 

Each and every cock was being violently jerked, knuckles shuffling in every direction until a pair of thick cumshots were fired at the actress’ face. One from her left and one from her right, the first two loads were seconds apart, splashing across her cheeks and messing the sides of her hair. Then came another as someone behind her left two warm clumps of thick clotted semen wobbling on top of her head. The next two loads were aimed at her chest, leaving long, gooey strands of piping hot jism to run down her oversized breasts. 

The cameraman stayed in close, capturing every detail and paying little mind to the stray drops of semen now peppering his expensive lens. Men stepped aside and others replaced them, gifting the star of the show with one thick wad after another. One hit her full in the face, spraying across her lips and nose and covering one of her eyes. Another hit the side of her head, leaving off-white streaks in the strands of her hair. Two more loads were fired at her tits, coating her snow-white flesh. 

Nine down, one to go, and with three trios of well-hung men already on their way backstage, the one that remained was the biggest of the lot. Dick clasped firmly in a strong black hand, the man gripped onto the back of her head, careful to avoid the countless streaks of semen as he held her in place. Christina stared in disbelief at the tool in his hand, the tip winking with every stroke. 

The clock ticked down to the final seconds and the crowd chanted out the numbers as they descended towards zero.

“Ten! Nine! Eight!”

“Come on. Gimme that cum,” Christina begged, looking up at the dark-skinned stud and batting her baby blues. 

“Seven! Six! Five!”

A hand reached up and she cupped his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze.

“Four! Three!”

He tipped his head back, closing his eyes as a deafening roar ripped forth from the bowels of his throat.

“Two! One!”

Cum struck her face as the sound of the buzzer carried through the expanse of the studio. The man recalibrated and fired again, spewing further ropes of seed over her big, milky tits. 

“Damn!” said Perv. “Talk about a buzzer beater!”

Christina opened her mouth and the men squeezed at the swell of his crown, pushing out the last few drops. She closed her lips and swallowed them down and the camera moved in for a close up. Panning up slowly from the actress’ midriff, he followed the streaks of cum that trailed from her scalp right down to her belly. Cum clung to her nose and lashes, streaked her lips and dripped down the strands of her hair. 

“Phew!” Perv whistled from across the stage. “Well, wasn’t that something! How you feeling, Christina?”

“Covered,” the redhead replied, wiping cum from out of her eyes.

Perv laughed. “Those guys made a mess of you, huh? Don’t worry, honey. We’ll clean you up.  Well, there you have it, folks. Our celebrity guest scored no fewer than twenty thick, hot cumshots, netting her chosen charity a grand total of $100,000 for the opening round.” 

A loud ‘ooo’ went up from the audience, followed by a lengthy round of rapturous applause. 

“Just think of all the tits that they’ll save with that!” the host quipped, pausing for the laughter that inevitably followed. “Well, guys, that’s about it for part one, but don’t go anywhere ‘cause in just a few moments four legends of adult entertainment will be joining our guest as she tackles round two. We’ll be right back after this commercial message.”

End of Part One
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 11:07:52 AM by DarkSwordsman »
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks)
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2022, 11:28:30 AM »
Perv Griffin, that was good lol.

This was a funny story with hot titfucking.
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, Nikko, Psylent21


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks)
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2022, 12:04:20 PM »
I loved this, I could actually hear the crowd in my head lol.

What a fun idea turned into something cool.
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, Nikko, Psylent21


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks)
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2022, 02:46:13 PM »
You did an amazing job with this. I can't wait to read part 2!

Love the set up with a game show and playing up with erotica and comedy, that's something unique.

I am so glad to see another author writing for Psylent. He has become a dear friend of mine the more I got to know him. He comes up with some of the coolest ideas for Christina Hendricks.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, Nikko, Psylent21


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks)
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2022, 12:30:21 AM »
This story is hilarious!

Oh my god, I want more! Can't wait to see the next part.

What channel is this on? Someone needs to put this in a cable package lmao
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, Nikko, Psylent21


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks)
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2022, 11:38:48 AM »
Part Two

Starring: Christina Hendricks

With: Angela White

Lacy Lennon

Anna de Ville

Adriana Chechik

and Madelaine Petsch


The camera faded in from black, coming to focus on an exquisitely designed, restaurant-size kitchen.  A woman stepped into frame, clad in skin tight light blue spandex with her fiery red hair tied up in a bun.  The woman bent forward at the waist, thrusting her peachy ass into the air.  The camera zoomed in tight, framing her perky, round cheeks as she rummaged through her kitchen cupboards.

“Oh, hi.  Didn’t see you there,” she said, turning to face the camera.  A blender and various foodstuffs were assembled across the worktop.  “I’m Madelaine Petsch, and before I work out, I give my body the fuel it needs with this.”  She plucked a small bottle from the kitchen counter and held it up to the camera.  “Slutamix.  WhorObics’ unique concoction of essential vitamins and minerals that is just bound to put a spring in your step.  I love this stuff.  Add this bad boy to the smoothie of your choice and you’ll really feel that extra kick.  Here’s a little favourite of mine.”

Madelaine checked off the list of ingredients, adding them to the blender one by one. 

“Kale.  Oats.  Splash of almond milk.  And of course, no shake is complete without a little protein.  Boys.”

Two men- one white, one black- stepped into frame, flanking the redhead from either side.  Both were entirely nude and already sporting a pair of firm-looking hardons, two sets of oversized balls swinging down between their thighs. 

“Wow!” said Madelaine, the camera zooming in as she cupped the black man’s nuts.  “Lots of protein in there, huh, guys?  Right, let’s get that out of there.”

She curled her fingers around the black guy’s tool and started jerking, her knuckles shuffling from bellened to base. 

“It’s better if it’s freshly extracted,” the actress grinned.  “I only use the freshest ingredients and so should you.”

She took hold of the white one and repeated the action, stroking both monsters in tandem.

“The more, the merrier, right, guys?  Our bodies need all the fuel they can get, so don’t be afraid to fill that blender to the brim.”

She stroked them faster, both shafts throbbing in her manicured hands.  A thick bead of precum formed in the black man’s tip and Madelaine dropped to her knees for a closer inspection.

“Oooh, look at that.  This guy’s giving us a little sample.  Remember, it’s always best to try your ingredients before you add them to the mixture.”

Madelaine poked out her tongue and lapped at the tip of his penis, scooping out a thick dollop of translucent goop.  She smacked her lips together appreciatively, enjoying the salty flavour.

“Mmm, perfect!  Rich in protein and tastes divine.  Now let’s try this one.”

She turned to the white man and gripped him hard, squeezing the head until a second helping appeared in his wide open slit.  She licked along the tip of his penis, gathering the precum that pooled there in copious volume.

“Ooh, that one’s good too!  Honestly can’t decide which one I like better.”

She turned to the black guy and tasted him again, then back to the white one, extracting further goop from his urethra.

“Mmm, both are delicious!  And should taste great all mixed together.  I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it!”

She jacked them harder and Madelaine felt the black one throb in the palm of her hand.

“Ooo!  I think this one’s ready.”

She rose to her feet, hand clasped firmly around the coal dark schlong as she aimed it at the rim of the blender.  A few more strokes and his bellend erupted, hot spurts of cum jetting from the tip of his prick.  Cum splashed up the sides of the blender, leaving a murky trail across the plastic as it dripped down into the bowl. 

“Damn!” said Madelaine, brown eyes bulging as further ropes of seed squirted from the black man’s tip.  “That’s a lot, huh?”

She squeezed hard at the head of his penis, coaxing out the last few beads of cum.

“Make sure you get it all out.  Don’t let a drop go to waste.”

She continued to squeeze at the black man’s crown, not stopping until she’d wrung out every last drop.

“OK, now the other one.”

She gripped the white one and jacked it furiously, the swollen crown getting angry and red. 

“Mmm, this is gonna be a big one, I can tell.  Come on, baby.  Shoot that wad.”

No further encouragement was required and as Madelaine’s hand slid down the length of his shaft, the stud let loose, dressing the remaining ingredients with a hearty splash of gentleman’s relish.

“Phew!  Look at that, guys,” said Madelaine, holding the blender up to the nearest camera. 

The cup was filled halfway with the various ingredients, the key component making up the lion’s share. 

“Looks good, huh?  Then all you gotta do is mix it together.”

Madelaine pushed the button and the blender whirred into action, whisking the concoction into a viscous, off-white fluid.  She popped the lid off the blender, pouring the mixture into a tall glass tumbler. 

“Doesn’t that look yummy?  Let’s give it a try.”

She put the glass to her lips and tipped her head back, gulping a creamy mouthful.

“Mmm, delicious!”  She gave a chef’s kiss of approval, a thick moustache of spunk and kale left behind on her upper lip.  “Well, that is just perfect.  A few mouthfuls of this and I’ll be good to go for hours on end.  It’s chock full of energy, tastes incredible and it’s all thanks to this.”  She held up a small bottle and the camera zoomed in close.  “Slutamix from WhorObics.  Available now from all good health stores and WhorObics.com.  Power your workout the right way with Slutamix.  Order now!”


The camera swept smoothly across the TV studio, accompanied by an excerpt of the show’s main theme, and an overlay of the familiar title card.  Panning across the studio audience, it finally settled upon the host, Perv Griffin, and the buxom guest that was stood by his side.  Freshly cleaned and with her red hair fluffed and makeup reapplied, Christina Hendricks had been returned to her former glory.  Stuffed tight into a new red dress, her incredible FF tits looked bigger than ever, all but spilling from her low cut bodice.

“Welcome back to Cum Factor.  If you’re just joining us then a) where the fuck have you been? And b) our celebrity guest has already earned $100,000 for her chosen charity, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  And in round two, Christina here has the chance to triple her prize pot, with a whopping $200,000 up for grabs,” the host declared, pausing for whoops and cheers.

“BUT, after making all those guys explode earlier in the show, this round is all about the squirting, and Christina will be joined by four titans of adult entertainment to help her win some cash.  Who wants to meet them?”

The crowd went wild, some brandishing cocks that were still red raw from the previous round.

“First, she’s a brunette knockout with a rack so big it almost puts our guest to shame.  Almost.  She’s from New South Wales and her tits are off the scales!  The wonder from down under, Angela White!”

The volume increased and the jerking began in earnest as Australia’s bustiest export jiggled out onto the stage.  Tightly squeezed into a red latex dress, her epic 32GG breasts were all but squished on top of one another, forming a cleavage so deep and cavernous it could make the Sydney Opera House disappear.  Clutched in her hand was a large two pronged strap on dildo, and the buxom starlet held it aloft like a WWE Championship belt as she strutted across the stage.  She stopped to give Christina a big, fat kiss on the lips and a cameraman moved in close, capturing the meeting of the four best boobs on the planet.  Then she gave Perv a hug and he immediately popped a chubby as those world famous tits squished against his torso.

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed, looking her up and down.  “Great to have you here, Angela.  And I must say you look even better than you do on my computer screen.”

“Well, thanks, mate,” Angela replied, beaming her familiar smile.  “Perv by name, perv by nature, huh?”

“And I see you’ve brought a toy with you.  Doesn’t look for the faint of heart, I’ve got to say.”

“Uh uh.  One for her pussy and one for her arse,” said Angela, smiling deviously as she ran her hand along both thick shafts.  “But she’s a slut, I’m sure she can handle it.”

“Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we?” the host replied.  “OK, let’s bring out our next guest.  She’s a fiery young redhead who is just as proficient with a vagina as she is with a big, fat cock.  She loves to tweet and she’ll swallow your meat!  Please welcome Lacy Lennon!”

Lacy Lennon emerged from the backstage area to a chorus of wolf-whistles.  Clad in a classy green set of frilly French lingerie, the redhead’s trademark RBF was out all for force as the joined the host, his guest and her fellow pornstar at the front of the stage. 

“Lacy,” said Perv.  “Looking lovely this evening.  Another redhead.  We’re gonna have to turn the house lights down before we give you both skin cancer!”

The audience laughed but Lacy’s resting bitchface remained as stubborn as ever.

“Yes, Perv, I am a redhead,” the starlet replied.  “A real one too.  Not an imposter like Big Tits over there,” she added, pointing at Christina.  “See.  Even got the freckles to prove it.”

“So I see.  And you’ve brought something with you as well,” said Perv, clocking the double-ended dildo that was clutched in her manicured hands.  “I must say, I didn’t realise it was Bring Your Dildo to Work Day.”

“Shame.  I’d have liked to have seen yours, Perv,” Lacy quipped, the small hint of a smile now tickling her deadpan features. 

The crowd laughed raucously and the host’s face turned a deep shade of red.

“OK…moving on.  Up next we have a former gymnast, whose asshole is as stretchy as she is.  Prague’s favourite adopted daughter, Anna de Ville!”

Anna de Ville stepped out onto the stage, dressed in a black bra and panties, a sheer dark top  and a kinky pair of fishnet stockings.  Her jet black hair contrasted heavily with her pale white skin, and her lips had been coated a deep shade of red that matched her rosy eyeshadow.  Clasped in her hand was a very large and veiny red dildo.  She kissed her fellow guests, leaving a little bite on their lower lips, then squeezed Perv’s crotch as she slotted in beside him.

“Hi, Anna.  Welcome to the show.  That’s a very interesting toy you’ve brought with you today.”

“Yeah,” said Anna, holding her toy up to the nearest camera.  “This dildo comes courtesy of my good friends at Wonder Toys.  They said if I gave them a plug, they’d give me some in return.  If you get what I mean.”

“I see.  And last but certainly not least, we have the self-proclaimed nastiest holes in porn.  She’s had more cocks than John Wayne’s pistol, Brat Nasty herself, Adriana Chechik!”

Loud, whooping catcalls greeted Adriana as she crossed the stage.  Dressed in a short pair of frayed denim cutoffs, a pink cowboy hat and matching boots, the new D-sized additions to her stunning figure bulged from a thin white crop top.  Her toy of choice was an anatomically correct 12 inch BBC dildo and she gave a brief display of her deepthroating prowess as she made her way to the front of the stage.  Turning her back to the audience, she gave her ass a good hard spank, generating a sharp smack sound that echoed around the studio. 

“Ladies,” she said, blowing kisses to her fellow starlets.  “Perv.”

“Adriana,” said the host.  “Thanks for joining us.  Having followed your work for a great many years, it seems that a job like this would be right up your alley.”

“A lot of things are right up my alley, Perv.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen those scenes as well,” Perv replied, hoots of laughter erupting across the studio.  “And as a true squirt goddess, I trust you’ve come nice and hydrated for our scene today?”

“Of course, Perv.  Rest assured, our celebrity guest will be drowning in cum by the time I’m done with her.”

“Good to hear.  So, ladies, we’ve upped the sum to $20,000 for each spray of ejaculate.  So to get the full amount, you’re going to have to make our guest squirt a total of ten times.  Think you can do that?”

“Absolutely!” said Lacy.

“Oh, for sure!” added Adriana.

“Piece of piss, mate,” claimed Angela White.

“OK,” said Perv.  “Well, you know that means, guys.  We’re gonna need some wands.  Candy, the Hitachis please.”

Stilettos clicked against the floor, somewhere in the distance and the already vastly over-stimulated audience went absolutely wild as Perv’s busty…sorry, trusty…assistant, Candy, came strutting out onto the stage.  Held out in front of her was a shiny silver tray, and laid out across said tray were four very powerful looking vibrating wands. 

“Now, I’d like to take a moment to thank the folks at Hitachi for providing these toys today.”  Perv plucked a wand from his assistant’s tray and held it up to the camera.  “And believe it or not, these wands have been specially designed for the occasion.”

A loud ‘ooo!’ went up from the studio audience.

“But never fear, ladies, if you’re watching out there, ‘cause these bad boys will be on general sale from tomorrow.  Entirely battery powered, these wands have THREE separate settings.  ‘Slut’.”

He turned the toy up to the lowest setting, and loud buzz filled the expanse of the studio.


He cranked it up a notch and the volume increased, the toy visibly rumbling in his hands.

“And ‘Adriana Chechik’.”

He turned it up to the highest setting and the buzzing intensified, thundering so hard he could barely keep hold of it.

“Pfft!” scoffed Adriana, snatching the wand from Perv.  “I’ll be the judge of that!”

Tugging down her cutoff shorts, Adriana held the wand to her clit, the intense vibrations sending shivers down her spine.

“OK,” she said, scarcely able to speak as the powerful sensations shook her to the core.  “That’s…pretty…powerful…actually.”

Adriana pulled the wand from her quivering clit and a hot gush of fluid sprayed forth from her urethra, leaving a large puddle on the studio floor.

“Wow!” she said, unleashing a deep sigh as the final few tremors coursed through her trembling form.

“And there you have it,” Perv grinned.  “If it turns Adriana into a quivering mess then you know it’s not for the faint of heart.”

The camera cut back to Christina, looking nervous as she realised that she would soon be assaulted by FOUR of these things at once. 

“OK, let’s get to it, shall we?” said Perv.  “Ladies, over to you.”

The timer returned to the big screen and ticked down from 30:00 as the ladies moved in on the celebrity guest, grabbing various parts of her buxom frame and leading her over to the white leather ottoman.  Three brunettes gathered around the furniture as Lacy Lennon pushed the busty actress down onto the expensive leather.  Climbing up onto the ottoman, Lacy knelt before her fellow redhead, a menacing grin stretched across her face as she clutched her twin-headed dildo.

“Open your mouth,” the redhead instructed, and Christina duly obliged, gaping her full set of lips as wide as they’d go.

A bulbous crown slid past her lips as Lacy’s mouth enveloped the other, and both of the auburn beauties began to slide down the rubbery shaft.  The remaining women took to the ottoman and hands were all over her in the blink of an eye, groping her ass and fondling her big, full boobs.  The hem of her dress was hiked up to her midriff, and Adriana’s heavily Botoxed lips curled up into a filthy grin as she delivered a hard smack to the redhead’s tushy. 

Twin sets of lips slid down the double-ended dildo, edging nearer to one another with each passing second, the twin plastic crowns jabbing at the backs of their throats.  One of the most accomplished deepthroaters in the industry, Lacy managed her half with ease.  But Christina, less experienced than her professional counterpart, had run into some trouble.  Her gag reflex had kicked in in full force, and the buxom redhead was retching violently as she shoved the dildo down her throat.

“Come on, bitch,” Anna encouraged, sneering into the actress’ ear.  “You’re not done yet!”

Gripping tightly to the back of her head, she pushed her down the remaining length, not stopping until Christina’s lips sat flush against her fellow redhead’s.  The plastic crown pushed down into her esophagus and their lips stayed fastened shut, all twenty inches lodged down their respective gullets.  Christina gagged around the plastic shaft and Anna tugged at her flame-red hair, retrieving the dildo from down her throat. 

“Phew!” Lacy gasped.  “Not bad for a newbie.  Now let’s see how much you can get down your throat.”

Christina opened wide and the double ended dildo was pushed into her oral cavity, sliding down to the midway point with minimal resistance.  The crown pushed against the back of her throat and began to descend down the actress’ gullet as Lacy kept pushing, feeding her inch after inch.  The remaining women gathered around her as she choked down the plastic shaft, each one offering their own unique brand of encouragement. 

“Yes, come on, mate,” said Angela, squeezing one of Christina’s tits.  “Swallow that cock!”

“Come on, slut.  Take it down,” added Adriana.  “You can go deeper than that!”

“You wanna suck like a pornstar?” asked Anna.  “Then make that thing disappear!”

The first few inches were plunged down her throat and her gag reflex began to kick in, coughs and splutters starting to emanate from her darkest depths.  Spit started to drip from her chin, soaking her enormous tits through the fabric of her dress.  Her eyes turned red and began to tear, inky black trails of mascara spilling down her cheeks.  Another stretch of plastic was shoved down her throat, and one particularly violent wretch nearly brought up the contents of the redhead’s tummy (which by this stage, of course, was mostly semen).

“Keep going, bitch!” Lacy exclaimed, her filthy grin growing wider by the second.  “Nearly there!”

A few short inches were all that remained, and Christina closed her eyes as the first plastic crown edged down towards her stomach.   One more push and the whole thing had gone, every rubbery inch concealed in her mouth and gullet.  The women cheered and Lacy pressed her lips against her fellow redhead’s, kissing the mouth that she’d stuffed full of plastic.  The crown poked out from between her lips and Lacy pulled, extracting it inch by inch.  One large heave and the rubbery snake slid out from Christina’s windpipe, drenched in saliva from bottom to top.

“Phew!” Adriana whistled.  “Damn, girl!  You’re a natural!”

“I think she could do with a career change!” Anna suggested, grinning from ear to ear.

“She’s definitely got the tits for it,” Angela declared, undoubtedly an expert.

Anna laughed and patted the leather ottoman, the surface soaked with the actress’ spit. 

“OK, Big Tits, on your back.  Not you, Angela.”

Christina nodded and laid on her back, her face finally returning to its usual colour.  Anna knelt on the floor before her and pushed her legs back, thrusting the ginger’s ass up into the air. 

“Mmm, what a cute little asshole,” the porn star remarked, admiring Christina’s sphincter.  “When did you last have something in there?”

Christina thought for a moment.  “Like a week ago?”

“Hmm, guess I better lube you up first then, huh?”

And with that a thick jet of spittle was propelled from between her lips, hitting Christina’s asshole with unerring accuracy.  Her tongue followed, plunging deep into the redhead’s sphincter.  Angela and Lacy gripped onto her ankles, making sure her legs remained as wide as possible.  Anna tongue fucked her taught muscle, loosening and lubing it in the process. Retrieving her tongue from deep in her rectum, she spat a thick glob of spittle onto Christina’s butthole, then climbed into her strap on. 

Gripping her dildo at the girthy red base, Anna pressed the tip against Christina’s sphincter, guiding it in with a single push.  The dildo was thick, but the redhead’s ass was extremely accommodating, stretching around the plastic girth.  Anna gripped onto Christina’s thighs and quickly started thrusting, driving her plastic cock deep into her tight back passage. 

Somewhere in the midst of the action, Adriana had gotten her hands on a vibrating wand, a loud buzz filling the studio as she cranked it up to the highest setting.  Holding it to Christina’s crotch, the big, buzzing boyfriend-replacer worked its magic on her stiff pink clit. 

“Oh, fuck!” Christina squealed, the powerful vibrations sending tremors through her body.

“Yeah, you like that, bitch?” Lacy laughed, jiggling a huge breast.  “Feels good on your pussy, huh?”

“Uh huh,” Christina groaned, her features violently contorted.
“You gonna cum for us, bitch?”

“Yes!  Yes, I’m gonna cum!”

“Cum then.  Fucking cum for us, you big-titted slut!”

Anna pumped harder into Christina’s rectum, and a few strokes was all it took to ignite an orgasm from deep inside her.  The wand was pulled from her clit and Christina’s body spasmed from head to foot as a powerful jet of clear, warm fluid sprayed forth from her quivering cunt, soaking both Anna and the nearest cameraman.

“Yeah!” yelped Adriana.  “That’s it, bitch!”

Anna was drenched from top to bottom, but she didn’t let it break her stride.  She rolled her hips on an endless loop, perky tits jiggling as she drove her girthy dildo into the redhead’s ass.  Hands were roaming all across her frame, tweaking her nipples and grabbing big handfuls of tit.  Tongues licked sweat from her body and lips were pressed against her open mouth, devouring her greedily as her ass was pummelled.  Adriana grabbed a Hitachi and held it to her groin, the large round head thundering against her clit until she showered the busty actress with a violently spray of sizzling girlspunk.  Christina yelped as the juice struck her skin, soaking her chest and face. 

“Ooh, yeah!  Take it, slut!” Adriana laughed, and she returned the toy to her clit, holding it there for less than a minute before erupting again, soaking the redhead with a second load.

“Damn!  Girl’s really making it rain, huh?” Perv quipped, drawing laughter from across the studio.

Anna held tight to Christina’s thighs, slamming deep into her asshole with each new stroke.  Burying herself to the hilt one final time, Anna stayed deep in her rectum for a few more seconds before pulling out, her asshole gaping wide as the crown popped out from her sphincter.  A cameraman moved in close, nearly pushing his lens up her rectum as he captured her yawning hole. 

“Wow!” said Perv.  “Look at that black hole!  Could suck up the entire universe with that thing, huh?”

Anna knelt on the ottoman beside Christina, thrusting her dildo into the actress’ face.

“Clean me up, slut.”

Christina nodded and turned her head, sucking up the plastic schlong and cleaning off her various fluids. 

“My turn, mates,” said Angela, strapped up and ready to go.

Two large dildos jutted forth from the starlet’s groin, both shafts dripping with lube.  The Aussie took up position between her legs, pointing the two thick helmet’s at the redhead’s tight twin holes. 

“Yeah, you want it, bitch?” the pornstar asked, teasing both orifices.  “You want these big cocks in you?”

“Yes, I want them!” Christina begged.  “Fill me up with your big, fat cocks!”

She didn’t need a second invitation, and all it took was the slightest push to fill the actress to the brim. 

“Oh, GOD!” Christina shrieked, as two fat prosthetic cocks entered her in unison, stretching both her holes.

Twin prosthetic crowns pushed deep inside her, vanishing into her rectum and jabbing at her g-spot.  Holding her thighs for leverage, Angela pumped her child-bearing hips, huge tits flopping this way and that as one enormously busty woman slammed into another.  Every thrust took her straight to the hilt and Christina felt the cool steel rivets pressed against her taint as both the two huge dildos were drilled into her innards.  She’d been DP’d before, of course, but having both her holes filled by a single person was something she was yet to experience.  It was an unwieldy piece of equipment but Angela handled it with aplomb, driving both dildos into the redhead’s holes as deep as they would go. 

“Yeah, take those dicks, bitch,” said Lacy, lightly choking the buxom actress as she was pounded into next July.

Adriana passed her Hitachi onto Anna who held it to her pussy, the huge white head rumbling against her clit.  She wasn’t famed for her squirting like her fellow brunette, but the honorary European blasted like a firehose all the same, soaking Christina with a second blast of fiery fluid.

“Ugh!  JESUS!” she squealed, spraying her face, her midriff, and of course those lovely big tits. 

Even flopping up and down as violently as they were, Christina’s breasts were an easy target, and the pale brunette paid them special attention, drenching those tanks in litres of fluid. 

“Fuck!  Look at these fat fucking titties!” Adriana gushed, burying her face in between them and slurping up the crystalline fluids.

Motorboating with furious intent, the brunette didn’t emerge from the chestal chasm until both huge tits were dry as a bone, her face smeared with Anna’s juices.  Meanwhile, Anna moved the wand from her pussy and onto Christina’s, the powerful toy vibrating against her clit as Angela drilled her with those two big dicks.  Adrianna jiggled and slapped her big, wobbling tits, while Lacy pushed her mouth against the actress’ own, muffling the squeals that spewed from between her lips. 

The wand rumbled against her pinkest pleasure point, violent tremors rocking her every inch.  The twin crowns of Angela’s toy plunged deep inside her, hitting her g-spot and tunnelling further up her backside than any man could even dream of.  One last thrust and the spark was ignited, fiery pleasure engulfing her body.  Anna pulled the wand away at the very last second as a sharp burst of fluid was fired across the studio, splashing crew members and destroying expensive equipment.

“FUUUCCCKKK!!!” Christina screamed, nearly deafening the audience and crew as she roared into the studio mics.

Angela gripped one of her plastic cocks, prying both shafts from Christina’s holes. 

“Well done, mate,” said the Aussie.  “Guess you’re not just a pair of tits after all.  I’ve still got the better ones though,” she grinned, jiggling her massive breasts as she climbed down from the ottoman. 

Adriana had been waiting patiently and as the space between Christina’s thighs was vacated, Brat Nasty herself was quick to occupy it.  Sliding her hands underneath the redhead’s ass, Adriana lifted her legs into the air, pushing back on her thighs until her feet nearly touched her head.  Her fellow pornstars moved in close, holding the actress in position with her ass thrust high. 

“Hmmhmm.  Look at you, you little whore!” sneered Adriana, pushing into the small of her back.  “These slutty holes are ripe for the taking, huh?”

The other girls laughed, licking along the redhead’s thighs and up to her meaty ass.

Adriana clutched her BBC dildo, feeding the crown between her lips.  Her deepthroating skills were the stuff of legend, and the brunette treated the audience to an extended display of her God-given gifts.  A cameraman moved in close, capturing the action in crystal clear UHD as the enormously thick plastic shaft descended as if by magic down the tunnel of her throat. 

“Goddamn!” said Perv, puffing his flushed cheeks.  “I’ve never had my dick sucked like that before!”

Adriana pried the toy from down her throat, thick trails of spit trickling down the plastic shaft.

“Wait ‘til after the show,” the porn slut quipped, quickly returning the dildo from whence it came.

Perv stared down the nearest camera, looking nervous and excited in equal measure at the prospect of being eaten alive, penis first. 

A lens stayed trained on Adriana’s throat, capturing the bulge in her world class gullet as the chocolate dildo was pushed down towards her stomach.  With a push of her index finger, the final inch slid past her lips, her mouth closing around the base of the big fake cock, holding it inside her with the greatest of ease.  The crown was lodged in the depths of her esophagus, yet there was no coughing, no retching; and the telltale lump in the brunette’s throat was the only indicator that she had anything in her mouth at all. 

The entire studio watched in amazement as the plastic BBC remained stuck in her oral cavity, some even wondering if she’d swallowed it whole and was now accommodating it somewhere in her digestive system.  But then, after what must have been a two minute long game of Hide the Dildo, her mouth came open and the brown base of the thick fake schlong slid out from between her lips.  Adriana gripped the shaft of the dildo, freeing the remaining plastic from inside her famous throat.  The cock was soaked from top to bottom, every inch of veiny brown plastic dripping with the pornstar’s saliva.  There was a brief spell of silence as the audience, producers and crew tried to wrap their heads around what they’d just seen.

“Wow!” Perv finally said, almost forgetting what show he was presenting, why he was presenting it or even where he was.  “Looks like the art of sword swallowing is alive and well, huh?”

The silence broke as laughter spread across the audience.  Adriana grinned then spat a thick string of saliva onto Chrstina’s asshole, lubing it thoroughly.  The plastic tip pressed against the actress’ sphincter and a stunned gasp flew forth from between her lips as the large plastic crown was steered into her anal cavity. 

“Yeahhh, that’s a thick one, huh?” laughed Adriana, watching as the redhead’s asshole stretched around the width of her toy.

It was, without a doubt, the biggest thing she’d had in her ass and the tightness of her anal passage was making it difficult to accommodate.  But luckily for her, Christina was in the presence of some of the most prodigious talents in the adult business, all of whom were happy to help her in any way they could.  Three of them were vastly experienced in the art of anal, and chimed in regularly with useful tidbits to assist in the entry of such a large foreign object. 

“Relax those ass muscles, girl,” Anna instructed, an expert on anal insertions.  “The more you fight it, the harder it’ll be.”

“Play with your clit, mate,” said Angela.  “It’ll loosen you up.”

Even Lacy, the backdoor virgin of the group (on camera, at least), found her own way of providing assistance, applying extra spittle to Christina’s sphincter at every opportunity.  But it wasn’t enough, and even with her rectal muscles entirely unclenched and two fingers strumming at the nub of her clit, the giant dildo wouldn’t budge but a single inch.

“Hmm, looks like we might need some extra lube,” Adriana suggested, and just like that the thick brown helmet of her huge prosthetic cock was plucked from the redhead’s asshole.

Sliding the tip along her taint, she switched her attention to Christina’s snatch, gaping wide and soaked like a sponge.  This hole was easier to breach, and a gentle push was all that was required to sheath her big fake schlong right down to the plastic balls.

“Oh, my!” Christina gasped, eyes bulging wide as the massive dildo was plunged to the hilt, a cylindrical lump protruding from her belly and rounding off just shy of her navel.

Adriana kept it in there for several seconds, twisting and turning it, making sure the prosthetic helmet touched all of her deepest parts.  Then once her insides had been thoroughly explored, Adriana pulled at the plastic balls, extracting the dildo in a single tug.  The entire shaft was dripping with juices, soaked with arousal from bellend to base.

“There,” she grinned.  “That oughta do it.”

Adriana returned to the redhead’s asshole, rubbing the tip against her puckered sphincter.  The extra lubricant worked like a charm and the prosthetic crown vanished into her anal cavity with minimal fuss or effort. 

“Ahh!  Oh, fuck!” Christina gasped, playing with her clit all the while as the first two inches of thick plastic shaft were pushed into her rectum. 

Further globs of mother nature’s lube were added from all around her, easing the entry of the impossibly huge black dildo. 

“Fuck!” said Lacy, jiggling her fellow redhead’s giant FF tits and pulling at her stiff pink nipples.  “You’re taking that like a pro, huh?”

“You’re wasting your time with that acting shit, mate,” Angela quipped.  “I think it’s time we got you in some real movies!”

Praise and acclaim continued from all around her but Christina ignored it, focusing fully on the enormous fake cock inching its way up her anal passage.  Even at the midway point, Christina’s ass was more thoroughly stuffed than it had been with any man, and soon the plastic tip was pushing into depths that she hadn’t even known existed.  The last few inches were particularly gruelling, and Christina breathed through the pain as further stretches of veiny, dark plastic were forced into her backside. 

“Nearly there, mate,” Angela encouraged.  “You’ve got this!”

The Aussie had taken some big men in her butt during her time on screen- Dredd, Mandingo and Manuel Ferrara to name but a few- but even she was amazed by the ease with which the huge black dildo vanished into her large intestine.

One more push and the studio went silent, a cameraman moving in close as the final girthy inch slid into Christina’s rectum, the fake plastic balls wedged up against her taint. 

“Wow!” said Perv, prompting a deafening cheer that spread across the studio like a virus.

Adriana fistpumped and blew kisses to the crowd then, getting caught up a little in all the excitement, shoved four fingers into the redhead’s cooch, frigging wildly until she sprayed across the studio.  The sudden explosion made her asshole contract, propelling the toy from her rectum like a dick-shaped missile. 

“Oh, fuck!” Perv exclaimed.  “Those are some powerful ass muscles, huh?”

Adriana grabbed the dildo, smeared from top to bottom with Christina’s juices.

“You gotta clean this up now,” she said, putting her nose to the shaft and inhaling the redhead’s scent.  “On your back, head over the edge.”

Christina did as instructed, assuming the position with the aid of her helpers. 

Adriana knelt before her, and clasped her dildo at the base, promptly stuffing it into the actress’ mouth.  Christina tasted her asshole as her lips were stretched by the first six inches, then gagged a little as the plastic tip nudged against the back of her throat.

“Oh, come on, slut!” laughed Adriana.  “You can take it deeper than that!”

Adriana shoved the dildo deeper into the starlet’s mouth until the tip pushed past her tonsils, invading her esophagus.  A loud splutter sounded from deep in her throat and thick ropes of spittle gushed out from between her lips, pouring down her face and messing her bright orange hair.  The additional saliva provided some much needed lubricant and the remaining length slid down her throat with relative ease.  Adriana pushed against the base of the sextoy, not stopping until the redhead’s lips sat flush against the plastic balls, twelve black inches stowed inside her gullet.  Holding it there for close to a minute, Christina choked around the thick lump of plastic. Her massive tits jiggled as she squirmed with the big fake cock buried in her throat, a further wave of spit pouring from her mouth as the dildo was finally retrieved. 

“Well done, girl,” Adriana grinned, giving the redhead a playful slap on the cheek.  “Had to make sure you’re ready for the next round.  From what I hear, those guys are even thicker than this,” she declared, shaking the spit-drenched schlong.

Christina’s eyes bulged and she gulped nervously, trying to wrap her head around what would be coming up after the commercial break.  A pair of arms wrapped around her thighs, pulling her back up to the ottoman.  Knelt before her on the now very sticky white leather was Anna de Ville, still sporting her big red strapon.

“I gotta get seconds with you, ho,” said the brunette, stroking her cock with a menacing leer.  “Turn around.  Show me that ass.”

Christina turned, and as she stuck her butt out beyond her, a second fake schlong was thrust into her face.  This one, an anatomically correct ten inch whopper, was strapped to the waist of Miss Lacy Lennon, the thick base clutched in a manicured hand.

“Mouth open,” the pornstar grinned and Christina quickly obliged.

Placing a hand at the back of her head, Lacy steered forward with a powerful thrust, ramming her plastic rod deep into Christina’s mouth.  The tip touched the back of her throat and Lacy’s right hand joined her left at the back of Christina’s head, pushing the two few inches past her full set of lips.  Then, as her nose pressed against the leather harness of Lacy’s strap on prick, a second man made penis was pushed up against her sphincter.

Anna gripped onto Christina’s hips, entering her with a single thrust and skewering her like a shish kebab.  Rowing in deep on the very first pass, she buried her fat red prick in Christina’s asshole, sheathing herself to the hilt.  Fingers digging into the actress’ flesh, Anna bucked her skinny hips, slamming into her anal passage with little restraint.  Drawing her hand back in exaggerated fashion, Anna’s fingers cut through the air as she delivered a smack to the redhead’s kiester, leaving a handprint on her pale white cheek.

Christina groaned around the dildo in her mouth as the powerful slap stung her buttcheeks, her hair now gathered in Lacy’s hands as she humped in time with her fellow pornstar, synching each thrust to perfection.  Her dildo tunnelled deep into Christina’s mouth, the plastic crown jabbing at the back of her throat.  Spit poured out from between her lips, making a mess of her chin and the lifelike shaft of Lacy’s big, fake schlong. 

Anna’s hands migrated downhards, gripping her big, plump asscheeks and spreading them wide as she plucked her cock from the actress’ rectum.  The result was a gaping hole of truly epic proportions, the likes of which the Prague-based American had rarely seen in all her years in porn.

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed, as the filthy images stretched across the enormous screen.  “Look at that black hole.  Don’t even think Adriana can gape like that!”

“No, I can,” Adriana replied.  “Not bad for a newbie though!”

Adriana and Angela moved in from opposing sides, firing globs of spit at Christina’s rim before Anna rammed her strapped on dick straight back into her rectum.  The thrusting resumed, each stroke harder than the last as thick plastic rods snaked through her esophagus and sunk into the depths of her colon.  Lacy held tight to her hair, pulling so hard that she almost yanked it out at the roots, showing little mercy as she fucked Christina’s face.  Lacy kept thrusting, railing the redhead’s mouth until a tap on her shoulder signalled that her time was up.

“My turn, Ginge,” said Angela, and Lacy gave one last thrust into Christina’s throat before retrieving her plastic cock.

Two huge dongs still strapped to her waist, Angela adopted a different stance altogether, laying longways across the ottoman with her thick twin crowns pointed up towards the ceiling.

“Let’s see if you can fit both in at once,” the Aussie declared, a filthy grin stretched across her face. 

There was a hush in the studio and Anna plucked her cock from the redheads ass as her fellow pornstars settled in to watch the show. 

Christina was stunned.  She thought her ears had deceived her.  Did she both?  In her mouth?  At the same time?  Both cocks were huge, with girth in the realm of the average pornstar.  Not to mention a two inch gap in between.  How on earth was she going to fit both in her mouth at once?! 

“Did I fucking stutter?” Angela snapped.  “Open that slutty mouth of yours and wrap those lips around these cocks!”

Christina did as instructed, her mouth gaping open as she sunk down into Angela’s groin.  The first attempt was unsuccessful.  Her lips enveloped one of the plastic crowns but missed the other entirely, the thick fake cockhead rubbing against her cheek. 

“Gonna have to go wider than that, mate,” Angela grinned.  “Come on, stretch that mouth out.”

Christina tried again.  Fitting one crown into the corner of her mouth, she gaped her lips as wide as she could as she attempted to accommodate the other.  Her lip pressed against the tip of the second dildo, spreading wide like they were made of elastic.  It hurt like hell and she worried that her cheeks might tear in two, but Christina persisted, her lips stretching to the point of rupture as she slotted both helmets inside.

The crowd gasped.

“Damn,” said Perv, his jaw swinging in disbelief.

Even the pornstars were speechless, including Adriana, who’d had two big cocks in her mouth more times than she could count. 

A hand reached up and Angela pushed down on Christina’s head, forcing her down the thick twin schlongs.  She couldn’t take them very far down, but her lips stretched lewdly as two large helmets were stuffed into her cheeks, spit dripping from her mouth and into the Australian’s lap.  Gathering her hair in a makeshift ponytail, Angela gave a sharp tug to the back of Christina’s head, plastic crowns popping from between her lips as her mouth returned to its normal size. 

“Well done, mate,” said Angela.  “We’ll make a pornstar out of you yet.”

“My turn!” yelped Adriana.

Christina was still refilling her lungs when Brat Nasty herself hopped up onto the ottoman.  Strapped to her waist was a brand new toy- a jet black dildo that had a curve in the shaft for deeper penetration.  Adriana wasted no time in pointing the tip at Christina’s asshole and her rectum was filled in the blink of an eye.  But the anal insertions didn’t end there, and no sooner had Adriana buried herself to the hilt in Christina’s ass, Lacy had climbed up behind her and gotten in on the action.  She too was freshly strapped up, with a lifelike BWC, and she aligned the head with Adriana’s butthole, entering her with practised ease.

“Woah!” Perv exclaimed, his eyes widened.  “That’s quite a train, huh, fellas?”

A loud roar went up from the audience, many of them jerking into the strategically-placed cumpots until they were overflowing. 

Lacy gripped Adriana’s hips, sheathing her fake cock right down to the plastic base, making her the meat in a redhead sandwich.  It was quite the spectacle; a sexy version of The Human Centipede.  Pulling back to the tip of her dildo, Lacy drove forward with all her might, driving deep into Adriana’s world-famous asshole.  Then she, in turn, slammed into the depths of Christina’s rectum.  Conditions were cramped and they couldn’t use their full range of motion, but each woman pumped into the next one with as much force as they could generate.  Adriana pulled back, Lacy pulled back.  Adriana thrusted, Lacy thrusted, and so the cycle continued. 

But with so much thrusting and so many phallic objects stuffed into so many holes, something was going to give, and a particularly hard squeeze of Christina’s rectal muscles popped Adriana’s dildo straight out of her anal cavity.  Lacy didn’t stop thrusting just because Adriana had, and the auburn haired girl gave the brunette’s cock a perfectly executed reacharound as she pounded her seasoned backdoor.  But Christina’s holes didn’t stay unoccupied for long, and quick as a flash, Angela spotted her chance, entering her with her big twin cocks and getting another turn in her pussy and ass.

And so it continued from one hour and into the next.  The clock had ticked down to zero some time ago, but no-one dared interrupt the all-girl fuckfest raging under the studio lights.  Pounding her furiously until she squirted once more, Angela pulled her two thick schlongs from Christina’s gaping holes.  Anna took over, pushing her custom dildo into the redhead’s ass.  Adriana joined her, squeezing in front of her fellow brunette and laying claim to the actress’ cunt.  Both women pounded in unison until the buxom starlet was once more overcome by the violent quake of orgasm. 

And on and on it went.  Christina was ravaged from all sides, stuffed full of foreign objects, too numerous to mention.  Dildos went in, dildos came out.  Fingers went in, squirt juice came out.  Thick rubber rods snaked through her colon, while long plastic pricks were shoved so far down her throat that she was practically swallowing them whole. 

Men jerked themselves to climax from one end of the studio to the next, blasting spunk into any receptacle they could get their hands on.  Finally, and with the entire studio whipped into a frenzy, Christina sprayed like a firehose until she seemingly ran out of juice.  Collapsing back onto the sodden wet leather of the ottoman, Christina stared at the ceiling above her, chest heaving violently as her pornstar counterparts gathered around her one last time, squeezing her tits and kissing her panting mouth. 

Visibly stunned, Perv Griffin returned to centre stage, pitching a tent in his lime green pants that could house an entire circus.

“Wow!” he said, gawping listlessly as he addressed the cameras.  “Just...wow!  How many times did you cum, Christina?  I’m not gonna lie, I lost count some time ago.”

“Hmm?” the redhead replied, still utterly overcome by the events of the previous hour.  “Oh, err…yeah, me too.”

“Right.  Fuck it,” Perv shrugged.  “We’ll give you the money.  Let’s hear it for our four special guests, Angela White, Anna de Ville, Lacy Lennon, Adriana Chechik and, of course, the woman of the hour, Miss Christina Hendricks, who has bagged another 200K for her chosen charity.”

The audience rose to their feet, many naked from the waist down as they broke into rapturous applause.

“But,” Perv continued, “it’s not just titty doctors who will be benefiting from tonight’s show, and there is a total $20,000 up for grabs for four lucky members of our studio audience, all of whom will be handpicked by our wonderful special guests.  Ladies, over to you.”

The pornstars nodded and headed into the audience, inspecting the men aisle by aisle in search of the perfect candidates.  Their criteria was simple.  They wanted the men with the four biggest cocks, and the fullest pairs of balls.  Though as nigh on every one of them had been jerking himself silly for the past 90 minutes, the pickings were noticeably slim.  After much deliberation, the women made their selections and escorted their studs to the stage.

“OK, guys,” said Perv, “so the game is a simple one.  Christina here will assume the position, and our guests will jerk off their chosen studs and shoot all of that hot, thick cum over this beautiful, buxom body.  Spray those tits and you’ll win yourselves a grand.  They’re an easy target, after all.”  The audience laughed.  “Facial: two thousand bucks.  And the grand prize: a big, fat oral cumshot for five thousand dollars!”

“OOOOH!” the audience exclaimed, brandishing their cocks in anticipation.

“Sound good, fellas?”

The guys nodded enthusiastically.  Sure, the money would be great, but the real prize was nutting on Christina Hendricks!

“OK, on with the game.  Christina.”

Christina knelt on the studio floor as the girls formed a line before her, their handpicked studs at the ready.

“First, we have Angela White.”  The audience cheered.  “Who’s this young man, Angela?” Perv asked, gesturing to the black man beside her.

“Um…I’m not sure actually.  That bulge in his shorts looks good though, huh?  What’s your name, mate?”


“Tre, OK,” said Angela.  “Lose the shorts, Tre.  Let’s see that cock.”

Tre lowered the waistband of his baggy fit basketball shorts, unveiling his thick brown schlong. 

“Strewth!” the Aussie exclaimed, eyes growing wide at the sight of his cock.  “OK, I can work with that.”

Curling her fingers around his rod, she gripped it hard and started jerking, shuffling her knuckles from bellend to base.  Her handjob technique was second to none and Tre’s black rod was twitching in her palm in a matter of moments.  Angela looked up at him, her huge tits jiggling as she tugged him off.

“You gonna cum for me, baby?  You gonna shoot that big load?”

“Uh huh,” the black man groaned, tilting his head towards the studio ceiling as the buxom pornstar spanked this thick brown plank.

“Mmm, yeah,” she said with a grin.  “Make it a good one, OK?”  She looked down at Christina.  “Open that mouth, mate.  Give him something to aim at.”

She did as instructed, gaping her lips as wide as they’d go. 

“And hold those titties up.  There’s a good slut.”

Christina cupped her enormous tits, giving her rack an enticing jiggle.  Angela kept jerking, feeling the black cock throb in her hand until finally it erupted, thick jets of hot white fluid spurting forth from the wide open tip.  She aimed at Christina’s mouth as best she could, but Tre’s cock had a mind of its own, spasming in her grip as she jerked it to climax.  Cum sprayed violently across the actress’ face, dousing her cheeks, nose and forehead, sealing an eye shut and streaking her matted red hair.  But the one place it didn’t land was in her mouth, so the top prize of $5,000 remained elusive.

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed.  “That is one big facial and it nets our boy Tre a cool two G’s!”

The audience cheered as Angela dropped to her knees, wrapping her lips around Tre’s thick shaft and sucking out the last of his load.  Turning to face Christina, she spat a few thick drops of spunk into the redhead's gaping maw.

“There!  There’s some in her mouth now!” the Aussie squawked, waving her arms at the host.  “Give him the five grand, mate!”

“Uh uh,” said Perv, shaking his head dismissively.  “Nice try, Angela, but I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way.  Let’s hear it once more for Tre and Angela White!”

Rapturous applause rang around the studio as Angela took Tre by his still very hard cock and led him across the stage.  He may not have won the full jackpot, but he definitely wouldn’t be leaving emptied handed. 

Next in line was Anna de Ville, in the company of a California surfer type with beach-tanned skin and locks of long blonde hair.

“So, next we have Anna de Ville.  Anna, who do we have here?”

Anna looked at the guy beside her.  “Brad, right?”

“Brad…yeah, right.  Totally,” the man replied, speaking in that drugged-out hippy way that only a true beach bum can.

“OK,” said Perv.  “Ready to win some money, Brad?”

“Uhh…yeah, sure.  Whatever you say, man.”

“Right.  I think that was a ‘yes’.  Anna, over to you.”

Anna whipped down Brad’s boardshorts, unveiling his nine inch schlong.  Gripping it hard, she spat a thick glob of spit onto the surfer’s shaft, using it as lube as she started pumping.

“Woah!” Brad exclaimed, conveying as much surprise as his weed-addled brain would permit.  “Like…woah!”

“How’s that feel, Brad?” asked Perv.

“That’s like…far out, man!” the beach bum replied, staring down gormlessly as the honorary-European jerked his big, thick cock. 

His dick started pulsing, exhibiting more life and vitality than the rest of him put together as it throbbed in the brunette’s palm. 

“Shit!” Brad yelped.  “I’m, like…gonna cum, man!”

His sack was swollen to the point of bursting and one last stroke was all it took to deflate his balls back down to their normal size.  A hot jet spunk burst forth from the tip of his penis, spraying copiously across Christina’s enormous chest.  Anna did her best to recalibrate her aim, pointing Brad’s dick at the redhead’s mouth.  But the fat schlong spasmed in her hand, sending the last few volleys sailing past Christina’s shoulder and down onto the studio floor.

“Ooh!” Perv winced.  “Bad luck there, Brad.  Looks like Anna here’s gotta work on her aim.  But you gave those tits a good dousing so you’ll leave here a grand better off.  Go and spend it on hacky sacks, or Phish CDs, or whatever the fuck you beach bums like.”

The crowd laughed as Anna gripped Brad by the arm, ushering him off the stage. 

“Right, next we have Adriana Chechik.  And who’s this with you?” Perv asked, gesturing to the slicked back Mexican dude that was standing at her side.

“Uhh…don’t know,” said Adriana.  “I don’t think he speaks English.”

“Hmm, let’s see.  What’s your name, buddy?”

The man said nothing, returning naught but a vacant stare.

“Your name?”


“Your…oh, forget it.  Do you want to spunk on these tits?” Perv asked, pointing at Christina’s rack.


“Tits!  El titas!  Grande, si?”

A grin stretched across the Latino’s face and he nodded in agreement.  “Si, senor.  Muy grande!”

“OK!” Perv exclaimed.  “Now we’re getting somewhere!”

“Ready, Adriana?”

“Que?” the Mexican replied, prompting a facepalm from the frustrated presenter.

“Just jerk him off already.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” said Adriana, grinning as she saluted the host.

Adriana positioned the Mexican in front of Christina, then dropped to her knees behind him.  Spreading his ass cheeks as wide as she could, she proceeded to shove her face in between them like only a true porn slut can.  Pushing her tongue into his asshole, she reached around and gripped the Latino’s pole, sliding her fist up and down his shaft. 

“Ay, dios mio!” the young man squawked, eyes nearly popping out of their sockets as the filthiest girl in adult entertainment sunk her tongue into his rectum.

Stroking and jerking his long brown pole, she kissed his sphincter repeatedly as she bobbed her head, attempting a prostate massage with the tip of her tongue.  Already the Hispanic was throbbing incessantly, precum dripping from the tip of his prick. 

“Damn!” said Perv.  “He looks ready to blow, huh?  Get ready, Christina.  Looks like you’re gonna get some Mexican hot sauce!”

The crowd laughed and Christina closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impending tsunami.  A few more strokes and out it came.  A deafening roar burst forth from the Latino’s throat, and Christina winced as what must have been close to a pint of spunk spurted from his dick like a firehose.  But unfortunately for the Mexican, the redhead needn’t have bothered.  Tonguing the young man’s ass may have made his dick erupt like an active volcano, but it didn’t help Adriana’s aim, which was erratic to say the least. 

Ropes of spunk sprayed from the contestant’s prick, squirting out in different directions.  Some struck her shoulders and belly, somehow missing her chest altogether as it plastered the redhead’s abdomen.  Coos and groans echoed around the studio as rope after rope missed its intended target.  Adriana kept jerking and his rod spasmed as yet more splooge was pumped out from his slit, spraying straight past her face and adding to the mess already splattered across the studio floor.  Adriana was persistent and she kept on going until the bitter end.  But the Latino had run out of juice and the last few drops of spunk dripped tamely onto the floor at his feet.

“Yikes!” said Perv as he moved in close, inspecting Christina’s body for fresh streaks of spunk.  “Damn, Adriana, you gotta work on that aim.  I don’t think you hit her once!  So, I’m afraid that’s a big fat zero for our Latino friend.”

“Que?” the Mexican asked, befuddled as ever.

“Zero!” Perv snapped.  “Nothing!  Zilcho!”

Adriana pried her face from between his cheeks, looking up at him from her spot on the floor.  “Whoops.  Sorry about that, man.”  She cupped his now very shrunken balls and gave them a hearty squeeze.  “Once these things have refilled, I’ll make it up to you.  OK, buddy?”


“I’ll bounce my ass up and down your dick then jerk you off ‘til you explode all over my face,” the pornstar grinned.  “And this time, I won’t miss.”


Perv sighed.  “OK, let’s move on, shall we?  A big hand for Adriana and…well, whatever his name was.”

The crowd applauded and Perv ushered the naked Hispanic off the stage as quickly as he possibly could.

“Right,” he said, “last but not least, we have Lacy Lennon.”

Stood at her side was a well-muscled frat boy type that came equipped with an irritatingly cocky smile and a small fortune’s worth of hair product. 

“Hey, buddy,” said Perv.  “Welcome to the show.  Please tell me you speak English?”

“Englisch?” he replied in an overly contrived German accent.  “Was ist das?”

“Oh, God!” Perv whimpered, burying his head in his hands.

The frat boy laughed, looking like he was God’s gift to comedy.  “Nah, I’m just fucking with you, dude.”

“Right,” said Perv, his face unmoved.  “Looks like we’ve got a regular Lenny Bruce in our hands, huh?”  The crowd laughed.  “What’s your name, man?”


“Matt, OK.  Right, let’s get this over with, shall we?  Ready, Lacy?”

“Uh huh.”

“Alright, fire away.”

Matt whipped out his cock and Lacy latched onto it, pumping with a tightly-closed fist.  The college kid’s dick was hard as a rock and Lacy’s strokes were timed to perfection, jerking smoothly from base to tip.  His cock was throbbing in the palm of her hand and it didn’t take long for a rockpool of precum to form in the tip of his prick, drops of errant fluid dripping down to the floor beneath.

“Yeah,” Lacy purred, gazing into his eyes as she pulled his pork.  “You gonna cum for me?  Huh?”

“Fuck yeah, I am,” Matt returned, that cocksure grin spreading across his face in all its shit-eating glory. 

“Open your mouth, Big Tits,” Lacy instructed, looking down at her fellow redhead.  “This one’s going between your lips.”

Christina gaped her lips apart and Lacy delivered on her promise.  Jerking the frat boy to climax, she aimed is cock at Christina’s mouth, shooting thick volleys of burning hot semen straight onto her tongue.  Her aim was perfect, and not a single drop of spunk missed its intended target.  A cameraman moved in close, capturing the hot load of jism that filled her mouth to the brim. 

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed.  “She shoots, she scores!  Fantastic aim from Miss Lennon and it earns her partner here a cool five grand.  As if he wasn’t cocky enough already!  Now all that’s left is for Christina to swallow that cum.”

Christina closed her lips, and with an exaggerated gulp, swallowed the load in a single hit. 

“And there it goes.  Down in one.  And there we have it,” said the host, helping his guest to her feet.  “A big thank you to our four…”

“Hang on, Perv,” Adriana interrupted.  “Shouldn’t we clean her up a little first?  I mean, we can’t send her back to makeup looking like that, can we?”

Perv looked at his celebrity guest, caked in splooge from the chest up.

“Maybe you’re right.  Would you like to do the honours?”

“You bet I would,” grinned Adriana, guiding Christina back down to her knees. 

Putting two fingers to her clit, she thrummed herself with abandon, firing a jet of crystalline ‘cleaning fluid’ straight at the actress’ face.  It struck her copiously, but did little to shift the thick ropes of cum still plastered across her face and chest.

“Hmm,” she said, “well that didn’t really work, did it?  Guess I’ll have to use the old-fashioned method.”

Dropping to her knees before the spunky guest, she poked out her world-famous tongue and licked from Christina’s chin, right up to her left cheek, scooping up a mixture of semen and squirt juice.  She signalled to Christina to open her lips and the redhead complied, a hot mess of fluid landing with a splat upon her outstretched tongue.  Moving down to her chest, Adriana cleaned her huge tits off one by one until each was sparkling clean, spitting cum into her mouth until her lips were overflowing. 


Christina nodded and closed her lips, gulping down the spunky-squirt cocktail without the slightest flinch. 

“There, that’s better,” grinned Adriana.  “Now, are you going to thank me for cleaning you up?”

“Yes, thank you, Adriana.”

The pornstar shook her head.  “Uh uh.  Not like that.  Like this.”  She turned on her heels, prying apart her peach-shaped buttcheeks and baring her sphincter to the kneeling redhead.  “Thank me properly.  Lick my asshole.”

Christina gulped, staring ahead at the gaping ring that had been entered by so many men in adult entertainment.  Sometimes two or even three at a time. 

“Come on, bitch,” Adriana snapped.  “Get your face in there.”

Gripping a handful of tousled red hair, she pulled the famous actress between her even more famous set of asscheeks, burying her to the ears in her buttcrack.

“Get your tongue in my ass.  Show me how grateful you are.”

Christina poked her tongue out from between her lips, pushing it into Adriana’s asshole.  Swirling it around in concentric circles, she licked all around the porn slut’s rim.  Puckering her full set of lips, the redhead kissed Adriana’s sphincter, plunging her tongue into her rectum. 

“Yeah, that’s it, slut,” purred Adriana, her grin growing wider.  “That’s how we say ‘thank you’ in this industry.”

Tugging at her messy red locks, she pulled Christina’s face from between her cheeks, then leant over to kiss her, tasting her asshole as she plunged her tongue into the actress’ mouth. 

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed.  “What a way to end the round.  Well, unless anyone else wants their asshole licked, I think it’s time we cut to commercial.”

“She can lick mine if she likes,” said Anna, clearly not picking up on the joke.

“And mine,” Lacy chimed in.

“Yeah, I’m never gonna say no to an arse licking,” said Angela, and three of them formed a line in front of the buxom actress.

Perv facepalmed in comic fashion, waving a hand at the nearest camera.  “Just roll the commercials.”

End of Part Two
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Part Two posted]
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2022, 09:43:16 PM »
I love the lineup to this. Great varied set of porn stars that stack up well next to Christina. The TV parody is brilliant and not something done often. Love all the details in this, excellent work.
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Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Part Two posted]
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2022, 09:28:37 AM »
This was a great chapter, Dark. And I loved the commercial with Madelaine.
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, Nikko, Psylent21


Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Part Two posted]
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2023, 09:10:22 AM »
Part Three

Starring: Christina Hendricks and Madelaine Petsch


The camera opened on a large, exquisitely decorated living space.  Though various expensive items of luxury furniture crept into the corners of the room, the bulk of the frame was nothing but carpet and wall.  Madelaine Petsch stepped into frame, still wearing the light blue workout threads from her previous commercial. 

“Ah,” she said as she spotted the camera, “you’re still here.  Well since you are, you can take a look at our latest product.”

Madelaine whipped a plastic cone-shaped object from behind her back and held it up to the camera.

“The Slut Plug, Whorobics’ brand new workout assisting gadget.  Think FitBit but more fun,” she declared, the editor cutting to a closeup to reveal the grin now stretched across her face.  “Are you tired of stuffing your phone into your workout gear?”

The commercial cut to a shot of Madelaine pulling out the waistband of her leggings and stuffing her iPhone inside them.  The camera then switched to a closeup of her ass, a long rectangular lump now stretched across her two plump buttocks.  Madelaine shrugged at the camera, her lips curled in a goofy ‘I dunno’ type grin.

“I know I am.  But The Slut Plug comes with its own very manageable memory card.”

Madelaine opened the base of the gadget, removing a small plastic card, about the size of a mobile sim. 

“Just plug this into your computer and voila!  You’ve logged all those important reps.”

The commercial then cut to a clip of Madelaine inserting the memory card into her Macbook Pro, and flexing a bicep as the rep counter on her screen ticked up into the quadruple digits.

“The Slut Plug is small and compact and fits right in your back pocket.”

She turned to face the wall and stuck out her ass for the camera.  Peeling down her skin-tight leggings, she revealed a round plastic object that had been stuffed in between her buttcheeks.

“Oh, sorry, did I say ‘back pocket’?  I meant ‘back passage’.”  The editor cut to a close up as she pointed at the object.  “Here’s one I popped in earlier.”  Clasping the base with her fingers, Madelaine pulled the Slut Plug from inside her rectum, her asshole stretching around its plastic girth.  Spreading her ass cheek with a manicured hand, she promptly returned it from whence it came, pushing it back into her bottom with minimal fuss or effort. 

“As you can see, the Slut Plug is easy to take in and out and comes with this free bottle of lube.”
She held the small bottle aloft and the camera cut to a close up.

“Of course, I don’t need any of that,” she said, tossing it over her shoulder.  “But for you novices, it can certainly come in handy.  OK, so I know what you’re thinking.  ‘But, Madelaine, how does the Slut Plug count my reps if I’ve got in my ass?’.  Well, allow me to explain.”

She pulled the Plug from her ass once more and held it up to the camera.  There was a ring of small lights around the base of the gadget, flashing and blinking in a variety of colours. 

“These sensors can detect even the slightest movement in your rectal muscles.  So each time your asshole contracts…”

A video overlay flashed on screen of a half-naked Madelaine performing a deep squat.  A close up shot showed the sensors blinking as her ass dropped down, then switching off as she rose back up.

“...the Slut Plug does its thing.  Now, this item can be used for a variety of different activities…”

The commercial then cut a montage of Madelaine performing a number of different exercises, while her voice narrated over the top.


The editor cut to a shot of Madelaine running down an affluent residential straight, titties bouncing as she went.


Next was a shot of the redhead in an indecently short white tennis skirt, the classic upskirt angle revealing a close up of the Slut Plug stuffed into the depths of her ass.

“Even soccer.”

Now Madelaine was dressed in a full soccer kit, the ball at her feet as she dribbled towards Lili Reinhart in the opposition’s goal.  Slotting the ball past the hapless blonde, she and teammate Camila Mendes ran off to celebrate, whipping down their shorts to reveal two matching Slut Plugs.

“But these things aren’t just limited to physical activity, by any means,” Madelaine continued.  “In fact, I have one of these in pretty much all the time.  When I’m at the grocery store, at the salon, even on set.”  She leaned in closer to the camera, putting her hand to her mouth and delivering the next two lines in a hushed mock-whisper.  “My friends like to use them too.  Lili likes the small, Cami likes the medium, and I, of course, use the biggest one there is.”  She looked into the camera lens and gave a naughty wink.  “So if you’re tired of messing around with pesky apps…”

The editor cut to a shot of Madelaine angrily tapping at her iPhone screen.

“...or those fiddly little bracelets…”

Next was a shot of her fumbling with a plastic FitBit bracelet before tossing it over her shoulder.

“...try the Slut Plug,” the redhead declared, holding one up to the camera, “just $19.99 at WhorObics.com.  Feel the burn with Slut Plug.  Available now!”


The camera panned across the brightly lit stage, stopping at the host, Perv Griffin, and Christina Hendricks, his celebrity guest.  Her pornstar accomplices from the previous round were now backstage, tending to the four lucky men that they’d plucked from the studio audience.  Most of said audience were looking a little worse for wear, sore and exhausted after two straight hours of nearly constant jerking off.  Christina had been through another wardrobe change and was now dressed in a slinky black dress that hugged her tight in all the right places, showing off ample cleavage in the process.

“Welcome back to the show,” said Griffin, speaking to the nearest camera.  “Before the break, our guest Christina Hendricks was joined by four legends of adult entertainment, who helped her earn an extra $200,000 for the chosen charity.”  The crowd whooped.  “Now we move onto Round Three, where there is a total of $300K available for our very own buxom redhead.  In just a moment, three groups of guys will be joining Miss Hendricks on this very stage and…well, not to beat around the bush, pounding the living shit out of her.  Of course, these guys are all very well hung so they’re sure to give our guest here a good going over.”

There was a stir in the audience, cocks hardening at those words alone.

“And since there’ll be so many men for our guest to take care of- fifteen in total- we’ve decided to give her a little assistance.  She’s a natural redhead with lips for days and an ass that won’t quit.  You might know her better as Cheryl Blossom on The CW’s shitshow…sorry, hit show…I’m always doing that…Riverdale.  But around here we call her Madelaine Petsch!”

The crowd cheered as a rotating panel turned slowly at the back of the stage.  Even the ear-splitting chords of the show’s main theme couldn’t drown out the unmistakable sounds of facefucking as Madelaine Petsch was revealed to the audience.  Down on her knees, no fewer than five muscular black men were already surrounding the athletic redhead.  A cock in each hand, Madelaine’s wrists were pumping something fierce as an enormous ebony dick was stuffed straight down her throat. 

“Damn!  Look at the lips on this nasty slut,” one man proclaimed.

“Shit, bitch sucks dick like it’s going out of my style!” another declared.

The panel stopped and the mini-blowbang went uninterrupted as Perv continued his piece to camera.

“So, as you can see, Madelaine will be acting as our very own celebrity fluffer, making sure those guys are nice and hard for our special guest.  And what a job she’s doing.  You guys ready?”

Response was minimal, most of them still enjoying the feel of Madelaine’s mouth or hands, but a couple of grunts could be heard amongst the coughs and sputters.

“I think that was a ‘yes’.  OK, Madelaine, you can put those cocks down now.”

“Aww!” Madelaine whined as meat was withdrawn from her face and hands, and the guys made their way to the front of the studio.

Before she knew it, five more men stepped out onto the stage, turning her frown upside down as they gathered around her, whipping out their very large cocks.

The first group stopped at the front of the stage and moved in around Christina, eyeing her voluptuous body.  All five were rippling with muscle, their skin as black as the ace of spades.  Huge thick cocks swung down between their thighs, each one ten inches or longer and girthy beyond belief. 

“OK, so you guys know the drill by now,” Perv declared.  “Three groups of guys.  20 minutes per group.  If she makes them all cum, she wins some cash.  Right, now let’s get some cock in her.  Guys, take it away.”

Hands reached up from all around her, grabbing various parts of her body.  She felt a push between her shoulders and Christina accepted it, sticking her ass out behind her as she bent at the waist.  A man behind her pulled her dress up to her hips, ripping off her lacy panties and tossing them aside.  Two on either side gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head.  One balled it up and tossed it into the crowd, where two men promptly tussled over its possession.  The other unhooked her bra and threw it across the stage.  It landed on Perv’s head, a massive cup almost covering his skull completely.

“Damn!” he exclaimed.  “You could camp under this thing!”

The audience laughed as he plucked it from his scalp and waited until no-one was looking before stuffing it in his pocket for later use.

A swollen crown pushed up against Christina’s pussy and a loud gasp flew from between her lips as he steered himself inside her.  Grabbing her hips, he rammed in deep, sheathing himself to the hilt with a single thrust.  Her mouth stayed open as he hit her cervix and a man in front was quick to capitalise, stuffing his black cock between her full set of lips.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, locks of glossy red hair flowed through the gaps in his fingers as he pushed her down his shaft, guiding her straight to the base.  Cameras pulled in tight on the action, revealing the bulge in her throat.  Two moved in from either side and were promptly treated to a pair of handjobs as Christina gripped their cocks, jerking from base to tip.  The fifth man watched on high-alert, ready to fill whichever slot or orifice was first vacated.  Furiously fucked from in front and behind, Christina was used like a see-saw as ballsdeep thrusts were alternated into her mouth and cunt.

“Wow!” said Perv.  “These guys are getting right to it, huh?  Let’s see how Madelaine’s doing back there.”

The camera cut to the rear of the stage where Madelaine Petsch was down on her knees, barely visible amidst a ring of naked studs.  Some black, some white, all five men had one thing in common, a big meaty cock that was thicker than Madelaine’s wrist. Hands gripped tightly around a pair of pipes, two shiny handfuls of fiery red hair were clutched in a black man’s fists as he bucked his hips, aggressively fucking her face.  Her jaw was stretched as wide as possible to wrap those famous DSL’s around his girthy shaft.  Cutting to a closer camera, the skilled lensman provided a fantastic top down shot of the athletic redhead surrounded by meaty cocks, a particularly thick one plunging into the depths of her throat.

“Phew!” Perv whistled.  “Mads is fluffing those guys up good, huh?  Make sure you save some for our guest, fellas.”

Back at the front of the stage, the guys were in the midst of a change.  Pulling out of Christina’s pussy, the first man moved to the side and was promptly jerked off by the buxom actress as another took his place.  Rubbing his tip against her drippy wet slit, he gripped his pole at the base and steered himself in, entering her with a single thrust.  A new cock filled her mouth and her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft as he pushed his crown past her lips, sinking straight down to the hilt.  A set of tears rolled down from each eye as he worked her head down to the root of his cock, holding her there for close to a minute.

Loud slaps echoed around the studio as the man behind her drove into the depths of her pussy, her asscheeks rippling with every thrust.  An army of hands reached down underneath her, grabbing and squeezing those fantastic FF breasts.  Her dyed red hair was clutched in a strong black hand, his long dark cock pushing past her tonsils with every row of his hips.  Thick ropes of spit were being jettisoned from her lovely pout with each rep.

Men across the audience were jerking their cocks in a frenzy, some making use of the many large spunk receptacles that were dotted around the studio. 

Christina was passed back and forth from one man to the next, drilled hard in her pussy until a pair of production assistants appeared on stage, manning the same ottoman from the previous round and wheeling it into place.  One of the guys took a seat on it, his long black cock pointing up towards the ceiling as he laid back across the leather. 

“Be a good whore and ride my cock,” the man said crudely.

Christina climbed up after him, straddling him in the cowgirl position.  Gripping her thighs as she squatted above him, he gripped the base of his shaft as he guided her down, lowering her onto his cock.  Christina gasped as she felt him enter, sinking down low until her ass touched his thighs and his entire ten inch cock lodged in her tight pink pussy.

The remaining men gathered around her as she started to ride his cock, her thick ass jiggling as it slammed down onto his thighs.  One was stood in front of her, gathering dyed red locks in his meaty fist as he pulled her towards him, plugging her mouth with his shaft.  Two more came in from the left and right, grabbing her wrists and pulling her hands to their long black cocks. 

“Here, baby.  Stroke these cocks.” one of them said and Christina immediately obliged.

Curling her fingers around their thick twin shafts, her arms were a blur as she started stroking, jerking both monsters from base to tip. 

Now there was just one man left and one hole remaining in which to accommodate him.  Stepping up behind her, he knelt at the edge of the ottoman as he pointed his cock at Christina’s sphincter.  Adriana and co had warmed her up nicely and all it took was a single thrust of his strong black hips to split her asshole open. 

“MMM!!” Christina shrieked around the cock in her mouth as a second black dick was pushed into her rectum.

Sinking to the base, he remained there for a moment with his huge black balls flush against the redhead’s taint. 

“Fuck, that’s a tight ass,” he winced, sucking in air through twin rows of clenched white teeth.

Dexterous fingers dug into her asscheeks as he drew his hips back and started thrusting, timing each stroke with the man underneath him.  Soon both cocks were ramming into her body at maximum velocity, twin black helmets hitting her g-spot and tunnelling into the depths of her rectum. 

Pulling hard at her bright red hair, the man in front quickly found the rhythm.  Pumping his hips, each and every stroke was flawlessly synched as he drove his cock into her gullet, making her gag around his invading tool.  Even the frantic tugging motions of her two tight, jerking fists were timed to perfection, warm, sticky precum leaking out onto her knuckles with every stroke and pull. 

A hand came free from her hip and the next thing Christina heard were long dark fingers slicing through the air as a meaty hand was brought down onto her ass, leaving a red palm print on her porcelain skin. 

“MMM-UHHH!!!” she moaned, as he drew his hand back again and again, repeatedly slapping her big white ass.

Underneath, the man in her pussy lifted his head from the leather ottoman and shoved his face into those famous tits, motorboating ‘til his heart’s content.  Grabbing and squeezing them with both his hands, his mouth slid back and forth from one large nipple to the next, feeling them grow in between his lips.

“Mmm, these titties though,” the black man declared, mumbling through mouthfuls of tit.

Christina was on cloud nine, large cocks assaulting her body from every conceivable angle, and that extra stimulation was all that was needed to spark an orgasm from within her buxom frame. 

“MMMMM-MMPHH!!” Christina squealed as she was dicked through the throes of climax, her moans blocked by the meaty cock still fucking her mouth and throat.

The tremors finally ceased and her body was evacuated, one black cock at a time.  Hands grabbed her body and lifted her from the ottoman so the guys could change places.  One of the two she’d been jerking off was first to react, dropping his ass onto the leather before anyone else could.  Gripping his cock at the base, he pointed the tip at Christina’s butthole as her thick, curvaceous body was lowered down on top of his.  His dick was still lubed from the A-list fluffer and her asshole slid down onto it with consummate ease.  Sinking right down to the base, she planted her feet either side of him as she straddled his muscular frame, taking her earlier cowgirl and giving it the full one-eighty. 

Spreading her legs as wide as they’d go, the man she’d been blowing took a step forward, parking himself in between them.  Pressing his tip up against her clit, it wasn’t long before his still very slick black cock was sheathed straight down to the balls. 

“Mmm, shit!” he exclaimed, cussing as he rowed in deep.  “Damn, this bitch got a hot pussy!”

Two more men climbed up onto the ottoman and Christina got an intimate taste of her anal fluids as the guy who’d been fucking her ass shoved his rod in between her lips.  Pushing his cock right down to the base, he pinned her head to his groin as he started thrusting, fucking her skinny little throat.  Plunging to the balls one final time, he kept her there for several seconds, listening to her gag around this thick black meat before pulling it out and steering her towards his buddy.  His friend did the same and soon her taste buds were tingling with a cocktail of pussy and ass juice as a second fat cock was stuffed down the actress’ gullet. 

Slamming viciously into the redhead’s snatch, the man in front of her licked a meaty black thumb and pressed against her clit, kneading it vigorously as he continued to thrust.  Her pussy throbbed in response and a few more pumps of his strong black hips were all it took to ignite an orgasm from deep inside her.  Wrenching his cock from the grip of her pussy, he backed away slightly but remained in the line of fire as a warm burst of clear, wet fluids sprayed forth from the actress’ cunt, dousing his member from bellend to base.

“Oh, shit!” said Perv.  “Looks like we’ve got some squirt left over from the previous round.  Any more in there, fellas?”

The guys switched places again and now one of the men she’d been jerking off was balls deep in her pussy.  A few hard thrusts and Perv’s question was answered.  Pulling back out just as quickly as he’d entered, he too was hosed down with a quart of squirt juice as a second explosive eruption sprayed forth from the redhead’s cooch.  Stroking his now very squirt-soaked cock, he shoved it back in her pussy, tearing into her with a flurry of thrusts.

Across the studio, Madelaine was marooned in her very own circle of studs.  Fully utilising her full set of lips and both her dexterous hands, she handled no fewer than three at a time as she sucked, stroked, jerked and rimmed her way around the ring of cocks.  One in each hand and a third one in her mouth, the redhead pumped each cock like it was going out of style as the third meaty fuckstick was shoved deep into her oral cavity.  The very first thrust took his tip past her tonsils.  Two more and his crown was lodged in her gullet, those fat pink lips of hers puckered at the base of his shaft.  Gripping two handfuls of long red hair, he used them like reins as he thrusted harder, making a mess of her makeup as he forced her down his pole. 

“Yeah, that’s it, slut,” he growled.  “Take that fucking cock.”

Spit started leaking from between her lips, dripping from her chin as his balls slapped against it, loud, wet thuds pouring into the studio mics.  Sinking to the base one last time, he gripped tight to the back of her head, pinning her face to his torso.  Madelaine coughed and sputtered as his crown slid down her throat, precum leaking straight down her esophagus.  His hands came free from the back of her head and he retracted swiftly, wrenching his cock from her gullet.  Madelaine gasped for breath, spit dripping down her chin as she was pulled to another thick shaft.

The cameras returned to Christina in the midst of another orgasm, screaming around the cock in her mouth as a pair of huge black dicks pounded the redhead senseless.  Tremors rumbled through her buxom body, but Christina was scarcely given time to recover before the man in her pussy wrapped his arms around her back and hoisted her into the air.  Hands moving down to her ass, he clutched both cheeks as he held her aloft, dick still stuffed in her snatch. 

His friends hopped down from the ottoman and again she found herself surrounded, ringed from all sides by well hung black men, all five studs stroking their cocks in anticipation.  One stepped up to the plate, pushing his cock up against her asshole and shoving it deep inside.

“Ugh!  Fuck!” Christina yelped, sandwiched between the two huge black men like the filling in an Oreo.

Two sets of hands grabbing at her ass and thighs, Christina was lifted upwards until two very large dark crowns were all that remained inside her.  Holding her there for a fraction of a second, the feeling of emptiness barely had a chance to register before they dropped her back down, letting her plummet to the base of their shafts.

“Oh my God!  FUCK!” Christina screamed, tilting her head toward the studio ceiling as her slutty MILF holes were impaled on a pair of big black cocks.  One dark, skinless helmet vanished into the depths of her colon, while the other bumped her cervix, touching parts inside her she hadn’t even known existed.

But it didn’t end there, and Christina scarcely had time to recover before she was lifted back to the top and dropped back down again, her body stuffed to capacity.  The last three men gathered around her, stroking their cocks as they awaited their turn, watching the busty redhead getting skewered on an endless loop.  Her tits were flopping and bouncing all around her chest, hitting the man in front of her and nearly rendering him unconscious as he pulled her down into him, slamming her pelvis into his. 

Five minutes on the clock were all that remained and the guys passed her back and forth for the rest of their allotted time, each one vying for a turn in her pussy or ass.  The man in her pussy was first to depart, another taking his place and filling her with his big black dick.  The remaining three stayed close to the action, keeping themselves thoroughly rigid as they watched two of their friends pound the auburn MILF into next July.  Some tossed her up and down on their thick twin cocks, impaling her repeatedly, while others held her still and threw themselves into her, slamming into her buxom body with endless savage thrusts.  But however they fucked her, the result was the same, and Christina came more times than she could count as she was passed back and forth from one pair of studs to the next.

Soon the men could take no more and Christina was lowered to her knees as five big black ball sacks swelled to the point of bursting. 

“Here we go!” Perv exclaimed, an excited grin stretched across his face.  “Looks like our boys are ready!”

The clock bore 2.30 as the guys gathered around her, cocks pointing at her from every direction. 

“Open your mouth, bitch,” one man instructed, feeding his tip between her lips as she gaped them open.

He jerked himself once, then twice, then the third time proved the charm.  Tilting his head towards the ceiling, a deep grunt launched forth from the bowels of his throat as he fired a thick rope of semen that splattered across the length of her tongue.  Fingers squeezing at the tip of his prick, he pushed out the last few drops then took a step back, another quick to replace him. 

Christina kept her tongue outstretched as the man stepped forward, slapping his cock against it several times then laying it across the slick red flesh.  He was so close to cumming that he didn’t even need to jerk off, he simply rested it against her tongue and let nature take its course.  A few seconds later and his bellend erupted, firing hot jets of off-white magma that formed a murky pool within the confines of her mouth.  Taking his cock in his large black hand, he too squeezed the swollen tip with two meaty fingers, wiping the last of his load onto the redhead’s lower lip. 

He moved back slowly as two more studs swooped in from either side.  Jerking themselves silly, both men came at the exact same time, blasting thick ropes of goo that crossed in mid-air, splattering the sides of her mouth.  A hot mess of spunk slopped down the insides of her cheeks, the level of collected fluid rising dramatically as it merged with the first two loads.

Four down, one to go.  The men parted and went their separate ways as the last of the five moved into position.

“Room for one more?” he asked.

Given that cum was already spilling out of her mouth and trickling down her cheeks, the answer was probably ‘no’, but Christina ignored it and gave an emphatic nod.  The man looked up at the clock.  There was a minute left.  Plenty of time.  Gripping his cock at the base, he slapped it down between Christina’s tits and gathered them in his hands, kneading the dough-like flesh as he wrapped them around his pipe. 

His cock was particularly thick, but such was the size of Christina’s rack that his meaty schlong almost disappeared entirely as he buried it between her tits.  Basted in spit from earlier throat-fucking, his dick slid through the gap in her tits with minimal resistance, his swollen brown bellend poking out of her cleavage with every thrust of his hips.  Christina craned her head down as he fucked her tits, gaping her lips apart and catching his crown in between them.  Precum leaked from his wide open tip, trickling across her tongue each time his swollen helmet plunged into her mouth.  Heavy black balls swung back and forth with every saw and thrust, growing larger by the second as they slapped against her sternum. 

His dick was throbbing, pulsing harder each time he bucked his hips.  Christina sucked at the head each time it snuck into her oral cavity and with but a handful of seconds left on the studio clock, the black man roared at the top of his lungs as he blasted a thick load of cum that sprayed across the roof of her mouth.  She could feel his cock throbbing between her tits as he pumped out the last few ropes, her cheeks now bulging with the sheer volume of piping hot spunk swilling around inside them.  His crown popped out from between her lips and a thick mess of spunk spilled out after it, landing with a splat on top of her enormous rack.

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed, his eyebrows raised in shock.  “Think that was the biggest of the lot.  Right, where’s my fluffer?”

The director cut to the back of the stage where Madelaine was smack dab in the middle of the second group of studs, a cock down her throat, another in each of her hands.

“Ah, there she is.  Come here, please, Madelaine.  We have some cum that needs collecting.”

The guy in her throat quickly retracted and the actress was hauled to her feet, several hands grabbing at her ass as she took off across the stage.  Squatting down in front of Christina, Madelaine licked up ropes of stray cum from around her mouth and the tops of her massive tits.  Then, gaping her lips as wide as she could, her fellow redhead spat a seemingly endless stream of spunk straight into her waiting mouth.

“Yeah, that’s it, Madelaine,” Perv encouraged, watching with a grin from the side of the stage.  “Careful.  Don’t spill any.”

By the time they were done, Madelaine’s mouth was almost overflowing, just as Christina’s had been a minute or so before.  Closing her lips, she swallowed it down with a single gulp, re-opening her lips and showing her empty mouth to the camera.

The first group of guys gathered back around Christina, getting their knobs polished one last time before heading backstage. 

“OK,” said Perv.  “Five down, ten to go.  Looks like the next group is ready, so let’s continue.  Guys.”

The next five men marched from the back of the stage, forming a circle around the buxom redhead.  Three were white and two black, each one sporting a cock that was thicker than Christina’s forearm.  A hulking great white dude with a bald head and a beard grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her towards the ottoman.  Christina stumbled along on her heels as he plonked himself down on the leather and pulled her up on top of him.  Her tits went in his face as she straddled him, and he buried himself between them as he shoved his cock in her pussy.

Christina gasped as she felt him enter, her mouth quickly filled by a thick black rod as two more men appeared on either side.  Gripping the back of her head, he drove his dick into her mouth with a flurry of thrusts that sent his crown gliding straight past her tonsils.  Her wrist was grabbed and pulled towards the third big cock, a thick, veiny white one that filled her entire palm.  Curling her fingers around his shaft, she jerked his cock at a furious pace, synching each stroke with the ramming of her mouth and cunt.

As Christina got acquainted with group number two, the last five guys strolled out onto the stage, forming a circle around her assistant.  Dropping to her knees, Madelaine’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as five massive cocks were all unleashed at once, pointing at her head like long flesh arrows.  She took two in her hands and started pumping, opening her mouth for a third.  Her fingers travelled nearly four hand widths as they made their journey up and down their shafts.  A long, thick cock was steered towards her and Madelaine gagged as it sunk in deep, straight to the back of her throat. 

Her plump set of lips puckered even larger as she kissed his groin, every inch of him secured inside her mouth.  Her eyes started to roll back as her throat massaged his lengthy shaft. Gripping the back of her head, he held her tight as he started thrusting, ramming straight down to the balls with every row of his hips.  Spit rained down from the underside, dripping from her chin as he fucked her face, every thrust sending his swollen cockhead soaring past her tonsils.

Prying a dick from down her throat, Christina turned to the man on her right, mouth gaping wide as he steered his monster inside it.  Hands reaching out, she gripped hold of the two men in front of her, jerking them swiftly as the final man got into position behind her.  She felt his tip nudge up against her asshole and she moaned around the cock in her mouth as he pushed himself in, infiltrating the last of her holes.  Christina sucked and jerked the three men in front of her, performing both actions to a T as the two remaining studs went to town on her pussy and ass.  Thrusting hard, big pairs of balls both white and black were slapping against her taint as they threw themselves into her, bottoming out with every thrust. 

They pounded her holes for several minutes, slamming into her buxom frame, until the man behind pulled his cock from her rectum.  At first she just thought he was simply tapping out but the well hung black man had different ideas.  Pointing his cock an inch or two lower, he pressed his swollen crown up against her occupied snatch, attempting to slot his big black cock in alongside the white one that was already in there. 

“Ooh, what do we have here?” said Perv, spotting the image on the screen above his head.  “Looks like our Chrissy’s about to get her pussy stuffed.”

There were murmurings throughout the studio, audience members engaging one another in excited discussion.

“Oh, damn!  Bitch bout to get filled UP!”

“Shit, man!  Hendricks’ pussy gonna be looser than a bucket of fishing worms!”

“Hope she’s changed her mind about having kids.  Little fuckers are gonna falling out of her by the time she’s done!”

Christina's eyes bulged wildly as she felt him enter, her pussy stretching as he pushed his helmet inside her.

“Oh my God!” she shrieked, spitting a cock from her mouth as she looked back at the dark-skinned stud, her snatch filled with a potent blend of chocolate and vanilla.  “Go slow.  You guys are so thick!”

“I gotchu, baby,” the black man returned, thrusting slowly as he fed her the first few inches.

His girth was astonishing and already her pussy was stretched like never before.  A camera guy appeared in front of her, thrusting his lens into her face and capturing the look of anguish plastered across it as the hung black stud treated her A-list cunt to a second dose of dick.  A few more thrusts and he was sheathed to the hilt, her insides taxed as two fat cocks were stuffed balls deep into her once tight pussy.  The guys remained there for just a few seconds, enjoying the additional tightness that the extra cock provided.  They didn’t seem to mind that their dicks were touching and probably would have had a full on sword fight if it meant getting a crack at Christina Hendricks.

Pulling back until only their tips remained, the redhead was left with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness before both men thrusted forward once more, a pair of swollen helmet’s jabbing at her cervix.  The three remaining men watched for a while, enjoying the sight of the actress’ coochie getting stretched to its limits, then gathered in around her, wagging their cocks at her in all directions.  Christina, knowing time wasn’t on her side, reached out and gripped the pair on her left and right, stroking them tenderly as her mouth fell open, inviting the third one in.  He took the invitation, steering his cock past her lips and plunging straight down to the hilt.  Gripping the back of her head, he held it tightly as he started thrusting, driving his helmet into the deepest parts of her throat.

With two fat cocks stretching her pussy and another lodged in her esophagus, Chrstina was well and truly being put through her paces.  But she wasn’t the only one.  Back at the rear of the stage, Madelaine’s jaw had just began to recover from the last bout of furious facefucking when two men stepped up in front of her, both sporting devilish grins as they pushed their cocks into her face. 

“Think you can fit two in there, huh?” one of them asked.

Madelaine nodded.

“Bet you can, you fucking slut,” the other man said, exchanging laughs with his buddy.

A nervous gulp escaped her throat as she gaped her lips apart, stretching them as wide as she could.  A hand grabbed her head and one dribbling cockhead was pushed past those plump DSLs settling on her tongue as another one followed, criss crossing with the first inside of her famous mouth.  Thrusting forward, they drove their cocks in different directions, her cheeks bulging obscenely as two swollen crowns pushed against them from the inside.  Twin rivers of thick, sticky precum trailed across the length of her tongue, merging as one and flowing straight down her throat.  The men even tried to line up their cocks in her mouth to see if she could deepthroat both of them at once.

Just then, a second leather ottoman was wheeled out onto the stage and both cocks her pried from Madelaine’s lips as she was gripped by the wrist and dragged up to her feet.  She climbed up onto the new piece of furniture and laid out across it, flowing locks of vibrant red hair dangling down to the floor as her head hung over the edge.  The men formed a line, each one intent on fucking her upturned face. 

Lips wide open, a thick black cock was steered towards her gaping orifice, plugging it shut as it plunged straight down to the hilt.  His nuts pressed against her nose and he kept them there for close to a minute before he started thrusting. Pinning her arms down against her leather, he held her in place as he slammed in deep, hitting her throat wall with every pelvic slam.  Sinking impossibly deep, he enjoyed the view of the outline of his massive dong in her throat.  Her throat muscles flexed on the massive cock as spit spilled from her open mouth, gushing down her face and into her hair as he spanked her nose with his giant, plum-sized balls. 

A few more thrusts and the first man pulled out, his black cock dripping with thick ropes of spit, as another took his place.  This one started differently, backing up towards her and squatting down low, parking his ass on her face.  Her tongue came out and found his butthole, licking it several times before pushing inside.  The man groaned, vigorously stroking his long white cock as the nasty redhead plunged her tongue into his anal passage.

“Yeah, that’s it, slut,” the man growled.  “Get in there good.”

She bobbed her head as much as she was able, fucking his rectum with her tongue until he shifted forward, dipping his balls into her mouth.  Her cheeks bulged lewdly one again as both fat orbs were squeezed into her mouth at once, swelling and churning against her tongue. 

“Jerk my cock,” he instructed, grabbing her wrist and guiding her to hand to his shaft.

Madelaine did as instructed, wrapping her fingers around his pipe and pumping it vigorously as she sucked on his bloated nuts.  With her mouth occupied, another man moved in between her legs, wetting two fingers and shoving them into her cunt.  Madelaine groaned around the cock in her mouth as he fucked her pussy with his probing digits, pushing them in deep until her clit started throbbing.  Pulling them back out, the nearest camera was doused in water as a hot jet of crystalline fluids sprayed from her urethra, soaking the studio floor.  The man buried his head between her thighs without missing a beat, and licked up the remaining fluids, making her coo and moan as she licked the other man’s ass.

Meanwhile, the second group of guys were running a train on Christina Hendricks.  One stayed underneath her, pounding away at her snatch while the others stepped up behind her one at a time, stuffing their cocks into her ass, her pussy or both.  As the last man pulled out from the depths of her snatch, the man underneath her grabbed her by the thighs and scooped her into the air, thrusting a few times before he lowered her body to the studio floor. 

Christina settled on her knees as the men gathered around her, trusting their cocks into her face.  Gripping two fistfuls of matted red hair, a hung black stud pulled the actress towards him and onto his cock, the tip touching the back of her throat as he pulled her down to the base.  Christina sucked hard at his long black dick, tasting a mixture of pussy and ass as he stuffed his cock down her throat.  A few hard thrusts and he pried himself loose, slapping his cock down between her tits.  Christina grabbed hold of her famous assets and wrapped them around his schlong as he started thrusting, smacking his crown against her chin. 

Another man came in from the left and gripped the back of her head, turning her towards him.  Her mouth came open and the man was quick to fill it, feeding her his vanilla popsicle until the tip pushed her tonsils and her lips were puckered at the base.  He too thrusted in time with his buddy, his big, spunk-filled balls slapping against her chin with every row of his hips.  Spit dripped from the underside as he rammed his cock in deep, driving balls deep with every thrust. 

Her eyes started welling up, inky black tears running down her cheeks as he furiously fucked the actress’ face.  One last thrust and he sheathed himself inside her, both hands gripping at the back of her head as he held her in place, wet, soggy balls now flush against her chin.  He kept her there for close to a minute, listening to her gag around his thick piece of meat before finally releasing her.

Christina sucked in air, hastily refilling her lungs as the black man pushed her in the direction of his friend, a second dark cock getting stuffed down her throat as the white guy in the middle continued to fuck her tits.  Taking them in his hands, stretches of creamy, pale flesh bulged through the gaps in his fingers as he squeezed them tight, sawing his cock in between them.  Christina could feel him throbbing, veins pulsing in his shaft with every row of his hips. 

Scooping red hair into a makeshift ponytail, the black man thrusted just as hard as the others, ramming his coal-dark schlong deep into the bowels of her throat.  Balls swinging back and forth, Christina could feel them as they beat down on her neck, smacking against her gullet with every thrust he took.

“Ugh, yeah!  Take it, bitch!” the black man growled, listening to her cough and gag as he gave her all ten inches, driving to the hilt each time.

Abs hit her brow.  Balls slapped against her chin.  Veins throbbed in the deepest parts of her esophagus.  He thrusted a few more times then pinned her face to his groin, pushing his balls against her lower lip.

“Lick my nuts,” he instructed, and Christina poked out her tongue, licking his scrotum as best she could with his dick lodged down her throat. 

He kept her there for several seconds, then pulled at her bright red hair, freeing her his veiny shaft.

Madelaine, meanwhile, had gone one better.  Jerking two cocks while her throat was fucked by another, she turned to the man on her left, his thick crown pointed at the redhead’s face.

“Open up wide, bitch. Let’s see what this mouth was made for,” he instructed and Madelaine obliged, gaping her lips as wide as she could.

Wrapping a hand around the base of his shaft, he squished his heavy balls up against the veiny underside as he steered it towards her mouth.

“Oh, damn!” said Perv.  “She’s going for it now, huh?”

The audience watched with bated breath as he pushed his junk into her gaping mouth.  Madelaine wrapped her lips around his cock and balls, until all that was left of his genital area was a small batch of partly-trimmed pubes.  Her cheeks bulged like never before and she coughed and retched as his swollen crown nudged at the back of her throat, his bloated, cum-filled gonads churning against her tongue.  She kept him there for as long as she could then plucked him from between her lips, spit dripping from his cock and balls.

Back at the front of the stage, Christina was helped to her feet, having just deepthroated all five men, a cock at a time.  A guy sat down on the ottoman, grabbing hold of her wrist as he pulled her towards him.  The man laid back across the leather as Christina mounted him, giving both the man himself, and the camera behind him, a fantastic view of her ass as she lowered herself onto him, sliding her pussy down the length of his cock.  Grabbing her child-bearing hips, he helped her up and down as she started to ride him, her thick ass crashing against his pelvis as she worked her pussy along the length of his shaft.

As can be expected, her tits started flopping up and down as she rode him faster, and a nearby cameraman was treated to one hell of a view as those huge, ripe melons of hers bounced all around her chest.  The men watched for a moment, in awe of the size of her cans, before one stepped forward, his dick clasped in the palm of his hand.

“Hold her back,” he told his buddy.  “I’m coming in.”

The man on the bottom wrapped his arms around the redhead’s waist then pulled her down on top of him, grabbing her thighs and spreading them wide as a second fat cock pressed up against her pussy.  Steering himself forward with a violent thrust, he breached her snatch with force and assertion, stuffing her to the brim.  Entry was easier the second time around and he was able to sheath himself fully in a single thrust.  Hands groped her tits from underneath and pawed at the insides of her thighs as the two men thrusted in unison, ramming their thick twin cocks into her tight pink pussy.  Christina screamed as they rowed in deep, their combined girth stretching her snatch as both men drove to the hilt, bottoming out inside her. 

As Christina’s pussy was stuffed to the brim, two more men climbed onto the ottoman, standing on either side.  A hand gripped the back of her head and Christina was turned to the left where a third thick cock was ready and waiting.  Wrapping his fingers around the base, he held his cock tightly and steered it forward, silencing the squeals as he filled her gaping mouoth.  Still gripping tightly to the back of her head, locks of sweaty red hair spilled through the gaps in his fingers as he pushed her down his length, not stopping until she reached the base.  Holding her there with a good firm grip, he listened to her choke around the width of his penis, the crown stuck somewhere in her gullet. 

Then, just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, a hand gripped tightly to each of her wrists and pulled them to her right.  A fourth huge prick was slapped into her waiting palms and Christina curled her fingers around it like a good little slut, stroking it smoothly as her face as fucked and her cunt was stretched by a pair of big fat cocks.  The men were throbbing violently; Christina could feel it in her hands, in her mouth and most of all in her widely stretched, double stuffed pussy.

“Ugh, shit!” said one of the men, growling fiercely as he shared her tight snatch with his buddy.  “I’m gonna cum!”

“Oh, fuck!  Me too,” said the other, and both men started thrusting harder, tearing into her stretched out cunt with a sudden intensity that only an imminent orgasm can bring.

Sheathing themselves inside her one last time, their cocks throbbed against each other as both men erupted, firing twin streams of potent jism deep into the redhead’s snatch.  Christina screamed as she took both loads, getting pumped to the brim with so much spunk she thought her womb was going to burst. 

The first man pulled out and Christina climbed down from the second as two loads of cum slopped out messily from deep in her cunt.  The last three men all gathered around her and Christina was pushed to her knees as they moved in close, shoving their cocks in her face.  She looked back and forth from one twitching cockhead to the next, precum leaking from each and every one. 

It was the one to her left that went off first, firing copiously as he splashed her cheek, streaking the side of her mouth.  Then came the one to her right.  Aiming a little higher than his buddy before him, he shot a thick load that struck Christina’s forehead, leaving lines of white in her bright red hair.   Jerking his cock like a man possessed, the last man came with a deafening roar, leaving a thick streak of cum that stretched across her face from hairline to chin.

The men took a step back and a cameraman moved in close to capture their handiwork.  Christina’s face was thoroughly basted, nearly every stretch of skin coated in a thick mess of spunk.  Men across the audience had been jerking themselves silly for the last ten minutes and for many the sight of a cum-drenched Christina Hendricks was enough to finish them off.  Grabbing hold of the nearest receptacle, dozens upon dozens of horny fans made a generous contribution to the rapidly filling pots of semen.

“Wow!” said Perv, looking at the camera with his eyebrows raised.  “Those guys made a mess, huh?  Looks like our guests needs cleaning up.  Madelaine!”

Madelaine plucked a black cock from down her throat as she heard her name, the men grabbing onto her arms and hauling her to her feet.  Madelaine hurried to the front of the stage and dropped down to her knees.  A nearby camera was thrust in her face as she poked her tongue out from between her lips and licked Christina’s face, gathering as much spunk as she could as he rolled her tongue from chin to cheekbone.  Madelaine swallowed the mouthful of cum then went back for more, licking up the other cheek and across Christina’s forehead.  This time she pushed her lips against her fellow redhead’s and the camera pushed in closer as they shared a messy kiss, spunk sloshing back and forth from one pretty mouth to the next. 

“Woah!  Wasn’t expecting that!” Perv exclaimed, crossing his legs slightly to cover the hardon poking at the fabric of his trousers.  “OK, let’s get the next group of guys down here before I have to change my pants!  Fellas!”

The last five men turned en masse and headed to the front of the stage.  Two climbed up onto the ottoman, positioning themselves either side of Christina, while another got behind Madeleine.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, he pushed her down between Christina’s legs, shoving her face into the older woman’s snatch.

“Lick that cum out of her pussy,” the man instructed, pointing his cock at Madelaine’s slit.

Her tongue came out at the point of penetration, moaning a little as he pushed her tongue into Christina’s twat.  The man rowed in deep, bottoming out inside her as she scooped out a tongueful of jism from deep in Miss Hendricks’ snatch, closing her plump set of lips and swallowing it in a single hit.  The stud thrusted harder as she went back for more, her lengthy tongue probing that tight MILF pussy and hurriedly retrieving any semen that remained inside. 

Christina, meanwhile, was being put to good use herself.  Head turned to her right, a thick dark cock had been stuffed into her mouth, her bright red hair held like a length of rope as the black man bucked his hips, driving his cock into her oral cavity.  Her tits swung back and forth, huge funbags violently under siege by the man on her left, her own hands clasped around his throbbing white pole.  Hands sliding from bottom to top, Christina jerked him off with the perfect pace and tempo, his shaft already slick from the numerous deepthroating passes she’d already taken down the length of his dick.

Madelaine pulled her tongue from deep in Christina’s snatch, moving it up to her clit and licking ferociously as she was railed from behind, her big ass bearing the brunt of countless deafening smacks.  Christina moaned around the cock in her mouth as Madelaine licked her clit, her tongue swirling around it in concentric circles even as the man behind her all but pounded her into a coma.  Hips pumping at a mile a minute, every pass took him straight to the balls, his heavy scrotum slapping against her slit each time he thrust inside. 

A few more thrusts and the man pulled out, stepping to the side as the next man in line moved in behind her.  Holding his cock at the base, he aimed it a little higher, pointing his large black helmet at the redhead’s puckered asshole.  There was no oil to hand but the spit basting his shaft from the sloppy sucking she’d treated him to earlier was lubricant enough.  Gripping her ass with both of his hands, his fingers sunk into her layers of muscle as he pried them apart, her butthole splitting open in the process.  He pressed his crown against it, entering her with the slightest push. 

“Uhh!” Madelaine groaned, peeling her tongue from Christina’s clit as the man’s wide girth stretched her asshole like an elastic band.

“Keep lickin’, slut!” the black man snarled, putting his hand to the back of her head and pushing her back between Christina’s thighs.

Madelaine obliged, rolling her tongue out and returning it to the older woman’s pussy, licking her as she best she could as that huge black cock slammed into her plump backside.  He went at her hard from the very first thrust, bottoming out in her famous ass.

Meanwhile, Christina was going back and forth from the two thick cocks that were hanging either side of her, red hair swishing this way and that as she switched from one to the other.  Big, heavy tits swung back and forth, occasionally grabbed and squeezed by a roving hand as she blew both men, taking them deeper each time. 

Madelaine’s ass cheeks bounced and jiggled as the black guy reamed her, giving her his entire length.   Her head swung back and forth as she was furiously pounded, still pleasuring the older woman through the onslaught of thrusts.  Raising his hand into the air, he spread his fingers as wide as he could, bringing it forward with an audible swish.  His hand struck her ass, hitting it with such force that it almost deafened the sound guys.  He gave a few more thrusts then did it again, leaving a large red handprint on one of her enormous cheeks. 

Gripping her buttcheeks with both of his hands, his fingers dug into the muscles as he pulled them apart, prying his cock from her rectum.  A cameraman moved in close, capturing a gape so large that it almost swallowed his entire lens.  Slotting his cock back inside, he sunk straight down to the base and thrusted harder than ever, bottoming out inside her with every row of his hips.  His scrotum swung back and forth as he continued to thrust and Madelaine’s wetness was picked up by the camera mics as his balls slapped against her dripping pink slit.

Madelaine kept licking Christina’s pussy as she was fucked in the ass, continuing to do until the older woman screamed in delight and her tongue was drenched by a hot gush of sticky warm fluid. 

“Damn!“ said Perv.  “Girl knows how to eat pussy!  Let’s see what she’s like with the ass!”

Christina turned over onto her knees and presented her  with a second well fucked hole to push her tongue inside.  Kneeling on the ottoman in front of Christina, a bearded stud with numerous tattoos leaned right over her buxom frame, grabbing her thick pale ass as he stuffed his cock down the redhead’s throat.  Digging his fingers into both her cheeks, he gripped them tightly as he pulled in different directions, spreading her ass as wide as he could.

Meanwhile, a second huge cock was shoved into Madelaine’s pussy as a hand took hold of the back of head, pushing it towards Christina’s ass.  Madelaine poked out her tongue as her head was shoved forward, steering it unerringly into the older woman’s asshole.  Her full lips puckered as she kissed her sphincter, pushing her tongue into Christina’s rectum, as deep as it would go.  Pulling her hair as he started thrusting, her tongue slid back and forth in Christina’s ass, sinking deeper with every enforced bob of her pretty red head.

“Yeah, get in that ass, bitch,” he growled, sneering into her ear as she tongue fucked Christina’s asshole.

Every so often he’d wrench her head back listening to her scream as he slammed into her pussy.  As he did that, the other man kept Christina’s ass cheeks spread as wide as he possibly could, showing her gaping asshole as he bucked his hips, driving his cock into her mouth.  His hunched over stance meant his dick was embedded in her mouth and throat, spit dripping from the underside and running down her chin as he fucked the actress’ face. 

One particularly hard yank and Madelaine was pulled into an upright position, her head pulled back until she was staring at the ceiling above her.  One hand groped her perky tits while the other clasped around her throat, cutting off her screams as he thrusted harder, ramming into her pussy with very little self control.  Christina’s asshole was left unoccupied, but it didn’t stay like that for long.  Keeping her cheeks spread widely apart, the man in the redhead’s throat pushed two fingers from each of his hands directly into her sphincter, stretching it wide as he kept on thrusting, driving his cock into the bowels of her throat.  A cameraman moved in for a close up, capturing her assisted gape in all its yawning glory.

“Wow!  Look at that!” Perv exclaimed.  “Someone call NASA.  I think we’ve found a new black hole!”  The audience fell about laughing.  “Let’s see how many fingers you can fit in there.”

The man nodded, promptly slotting in two more fingers, one from each of his hands.  Her asshole stretched wider as he pushed them in, then quickly followed them with a pair of others.  A cameraman moved in close, pushing his lens into the action as no fewer than eight long digits were shoved inside her, pulling her asshole apart.  Spreading it wide, he fed his cock back in without the use of his hands, then slowly retrieved his fingers, using both hands to pry her buttcheeks apart. 

A tall black stud moved into position, slotting himself between Christina and Madelaine.  Curling his fingers around the base of his shaft, he shoved his cock into Christina’s gaping asshole, sinking straight down to the hilt.  Gripping a fistful of sweaty red hair, he held it like reins as he started thrusting, slamming his cock into her anal passage.

A hand still gripped to the back of her head, Madelaine was pushed face first into the black man’s asscrack.  Poking out her tongue, she licked his ass as he thrusted hard, making him throb in Christina’s rectum.  He pounded her ass for several minutes, enjoying the feeling of Madelaine’s tongue as it pushed into his anal cavity. 

Then, tucking his arms underneath her thighs, he hoisted Christina into the air, his cock still in her ass as he held her aloft.  She threw an arm around his shoulders, holding on tight as a second black stud stepped up to the plate and filled her vacant hole.  Wrapping an arm around the black man’s neck, Christina clung on tight as the men gripped onto her ass and thighs, tossing her up and down as she was sandwiched between them.  Lifting her high into the air, they pulled her body up the length of their shafts, keeping her there for a fraction of a second before dropping her back down again, impaling her repeatedly on their long thick cocks.  Christina yelled and screamed, her pussy and asshole squeezing the two men tighter every time she plunged to the base of their shafts.

“You, over here,” one of the men called out, pointing at Madelaine with an outstretched hand.

A cock was pried from Madelaine’s ass and she rose to her feet, hurrying across the stage as fast as her legs would carry her.

“On your knees,” the man ordered and Madelaine quickly obliged him, hitting the deck in front of him. 

Lifting Christina up off of their cocks, the two men held her with a single hand as they gripped their cocks with the other, pointing them at her assistant.  Her mouth fell open and Madelaine steered it towards the big black cock that had been in Christina's pussy.  Wrapping her lips around the ridge of his crown, she plunged down deep on the very first pass, taking it to the base in the blink of an eye.  Holding it there for close to a minute, she coughed and gagged around the width of his shaft as it throbbed and pulsed inside her, the thick tip rubbing at the back of her throat.

Prying his dick from her gullet, she turned her head to the right, where the second cock was ready and waiting.  Stuffing it deep into her oral cavity, she bobbed up and down on that long white fuckstick, taking it to the base each time.  Sucking and slurping at the width of his shaft, she cleaned up the fluids left behind by Christina’s asshole, not stopping until his dick was sparkling.

The guys returned to Christina’s holes, quickly picking up from where they’d left off.  This time, instead of lifting her body up and down their cocks, the men simply held her in place, driving their dicks into both her holes.  Christina squealed as they started pounding, hitting her deepest parts with each dual thrust.  She came in a matter of minutes, screaming at the ceiling above her as her curvaceous body was racked to its very core. 

She stayed like that for several minutes as they guys took turns in her holes.  Cocks came out, others went in.  Some threw her buxom body up and down on their dicks, while others chose to pound her senseless, all of them making use of Madelaine’s mouth to clean their cocks at regular intervals. 

“Fuck!  She’s really getting used, eh, fellas?” said Perv.  “Let’s see if that ass can handle two at a time.”

A big black cock was plucked from her pussy and the man in her asshole took a seat on the futon, keeping his dick buried deep in her colon as he parked his ass on the leather.  A man stepped forward, dousing his cock in a fresh dose of lube as he pointed it at the buxom redhead’s already occupied bunghole.  He pushed forward and Christina squealed as her already taxed sphincter was stretched even wider against the tip of his prick.  The entry was slow, laboriously so, and a slew of swears flew from the actress’ mouth as the thick cock entered her an inch at a time.


Gripping her thighs as he spread them wide, he used them for leverage as he pushed a little harder, stuffing further inches into her stubborn backdoor.  When he reached halfway he started thrusting, slowly at first, pulling back to the tip and pushing himself back in a bit further with every row of his hips.  The man underneath started thrusting too and soon both were working their cocks deep into her anal cavity.

Two other man climbed up onto the futon, standing either side of Christina.  One fat cock was shoved between her lips, while the other found a home in her tightly clenched fist.  The man in her mouth started thrusting his hips in time with the others, driving his cock into her mouth while the two thick slabs of meat stretched her asshole to the point of rupture. 

One hand stroking a big, juicy cock, the other reached down and started rubbing her pussy, her clit throbbing harder as her ass was destroyed.  Her thick body spasmed and she mewled around the cock in her throat as a hot jet of crystalline fluids flew forth from her quivering cunt, drenching the man in front of her.  A few more thrusts and she came again, spraying his chest and abs. 

The man she was jerking off began to grow impatient and he grabbed a fistful of her matted red hair, pulling her mouth off his buddy’s dick.  Turning her towards him, her lips stayed wide as he thrust himself forward, shoving his cock into her open mouth.  The man on her left grabbed hold of her wrist and soon her palm was full once more as he clenched her fingers around his shaft, jerking him from base to tip. 

The man in front pulled out her ass, another quickly replacing him.  This new cock was even thicker, and her moans were muffled by the dick in her mouth as a second fat slab stretched her ass to its limits.  The man who pulled out grabbed hold of Madelaine and pulled her towards him, stuffing her mouth with his penis and giving her an intimate taste of Christina’s asshole as he pulled her lips to the base.

The two men inside her pumped like a pair of pistons, alternating thrusts into her juicy behind.  One man plunged to the base as another retracted, ensuring that her ass was always filled with cock.  Gripping his cock and jerking it furiously, the man to her right dangled his nutsack into her mouth, feeding it to her a ball at a time.  Reaching to her left, she grabbed hold of the fourth big cock and started stroking, jerking from base to tip as she sucked on his buddy’s gonads. 

The men switched tactics and started slamming her asshole in tandem, driving to the base with each joint thrust.  Christina came with shuddering force, screaming around the balls in her mouth as her body was racked by violent convulsions.  The cocks in her ass were squeezed extra hard as her orgasm hit, bringing both men to the brink of climax.  Their faces screwed as kept on thrusting, clinging to their loads like their lives depended on it.

“Oof!  Looks like our boys are about to nut,” Perv observed.  “Dunno about y’all, but I’d love to see them shoot their loads in that big, fat ass!  How ‘about it, fellas?  Think you can do that for us?”’

The men grunted in response, three of them jerking their cocks while the remaining two plucked their pricks from Christina’s ass.  Positioning her on the ottoman with her ass stuck high in the air, the men formed a queue behind her, ready to run a train on her tight backdoor.  A bald-headed black man was first to enter.  He gripped on tight to her meaty ass and with a few pumps, his head had tilted towards the ceiling above and he roared at the top of his lungs as he was brought to climax, firing his spunk into Christina’s rectum.  He came non-stop for close to a  minute, finally pulling out with his ballsack utterly voided. 

Madelaine kept the last three busy as the next man entered, pushing his cock into Christina’s rectum and pounding with all of his might.  He too came in a matter of minutes, firing off blasts of burning off-white splooge that splashed the inner walls of the redhead’s rectum.  The next three came in rapid succession, entering her one at a time and pumping the actress with semen until her anal cavity was filled to the brim.  The last guy pulled out, a thick dollop of virile spunk trickling out after him as he pried his cock from her tight backdoor. 

“Wow!” said Perv.  “There’s a lotta cum in there, huh?  Think we better get it outta there before she bursts!  Madelaine, you ready.”

Madelaine nodded and the men got her into position.  Kneeling in front of the ottoman, her gaping mouth was mere inches from Christina’s leaking butthole.  Christina pushed, relaxing her asshole as much as she could.  A thick mess of cum flooded out of her gaping sphincter, pouring into Madelaine’s mouth and across her outstretched tongue. 

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed.  “That’s a real mouthful, huh, Madelaine?”

The actress nodded as she closed her mouth, her cheeks bulging like a squirrel with a nut.

“Be a good girl and swallow that down for us.”

 Madelaine nodded and tipped her head back, gulping down the semen in a single hit.  A cameraman moved in close as Madelaine opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue as proof that the cum had vanished.  Panning to the right, he pointed his camera at Christina’s ass, a few small drops of nut still trickling from her gaping sphincter.

“Looks like you missed a bit there, honey,” said Perv.  “Go ahead and clean that up.”

Madelaine poked her tongue out and steered it towards Christina’s asshole, licking slowly around her gaping rim and lapping up the remaining spunk.  Christina climbed down from the futon and joined her assistant on the floor of the studio, landing a big kiss upon her now very spunky mouth.  Loud cheers spread across the studio, some in the audience jerking themselves extra hard as they watched the two babes make out. 

“Well, wasn’t that something, folks?” the host exclaimed.  “Another great round for our celebrity guest who successfully extracted all fifteen loads, earning her a whooping $300,000 for her chosen charity!”

The cheers grew louder as the audience gave a standing ovation, some rising to their feet with their pants around their ankles as they jerked their throbbing cocks. 

“We’re going to shake a short break, but don’t go anywhere ‘cause we’ll be back for our final round after this commercial message.”

End of Part Three
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Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Part Three posted]
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2024, 10:14:36 AM »
So the conclusion of Cum Factor is finally here! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Psylent21 for commissioning the story and for his continued help through the very, very long writing process. Couldn't have done it without him!

Part Four

Starring: Christina Hendricks

With: Angela White

Lacy Lennon

Anna de Ville

Adriana Chechik

and Madelaine Petsch


The camera faded in slowly, focusing on the exterior of a luxury house, a breathtaking view of the Hollywood Hills stretching across the horizon.  The front door opened and the director cut to a close up as Madelaine Petsch stepped into the open doorway, closely followed by two very large black studs.

“Oh, there you are,” said Madelaine as she spotted the camera.  “I was wondering where’d you’d got to.”  She glanced at the two men then blushed a little as she looked back at the camera.  “These are my…uh…personal trainers.  Yes, that sounds believable.  Thanks for the…uh…workout, guys.  Same time tomorrow?”

The men nodded as they passed, both sporting a huge erection that stretched the fabric of their basketball shorts as they climbed into a blingy red sports car.

“Boy, those guys really stretched me out good.  My muscles, I mean.  Anyway, since you’re here, I have another product to show you.  Why don’t you come in and take a look?”

The cameraman followed her as she went back inside, his lens trained on her perfect ass she led him through to the living room.  Madelaine walked to the centre of the room where a large phallic looking object was stuck to the floor via suction cup.  She plucked the device from the hardwood floor and held it up to the camera. 

“This is the Ass Trainer, a brand new Whorobics device that helps you train your ass in more ways than one.  Allow me to demonstrate.”

Madelaine stuck the Ass Trainer to the hardwood floor and whipped down her skin tight leggings, bearing her peach of an ass.  Dropping down into a squat, the cameraman moved in closer as the tip of the phallic device pressed against her puckered sphincter.  Her asshole spread around the rounded tip, inching down the shaft as she dipped down lower.  She sunk straight down to the base of the toy, her asscheeks hovering just an inch from the ground as she held the pose.  Lights blinked at the bottom of the toy and the device made a buzzing noise that was picked up by the camera’s mic.

“See that?” asked Madelaine.  “Those sensors at the base react to the pressure of my tight little asshole.  And when you’ve heard that sound, that means your asshole is clenching like it should.”

Madelaine rose up slowly, her asshole sliding up the length of the shaft.

“Remember to come all the way up to complete a full rep.  Make sure the tip pops out of your ass.”  The crown popped free from her sphincter and the camera pointed up at her as a satisfied grin stretched across her face.  “Like so.  You can do as many of these as you like,” she explained as she squatted back down, her asshole stretching around the base of the toy.  “I like to do at least fifty a day.  Not only does it feel great, but do enough squats and your ass will look as good as mine in no time at all.  Plus, if you complete a set of twenty, the Ass Trainer rewards you with a little vibration.”

She sunk down the base, eyelids fluttering in delight as the phallic object buzzed inside her rectum.  “Yeah, like that.  If that doesn’t make you push for the burn then I don’t know what will.”

Her asshole slid up the plastic shaft and popped free as she rose to her feet, plucking the toy from the floor and holding it up to the camera.

“So if you’re looking to spice up your workouts, look no further than the Ass Trainer, brand new from Whorobics.  In stores now!”


The camera panned across the stage, coming to focus on host Perv Griffin and his busty celebrity guest.  After one final costume change, Christina’s thick body was squeezed into a dark green dress, its silken fabric clinging to every contour. 

“Welcome back to Cum Factor,” said Perv, addressing the nearest camera.  “Christina’s had a fantastic evening so far and with a grand total of $600,000 already bagged for her chosen charity, we move on to our final round, which will require the assistance of Madelaine Petsch.  Madelaine, out you come.”

The crowd roared as Madelaine Petsch strode back onto the stage.  Dressed in an ultra-tight, figure-hugging green dress, her big, beautiful ass swayed back and forth with every step she took, much to the delight of her cheering fans.

“Welcome back, Madelaine,” said Perv.  “Ready to earn some cash?”

“I’m always ready, Perv!” Madelaine exclaimed.  “Let’s drink some cum for charity!”

“That’s the spirit,” Perv replied, turning back to the camera.  “Which reminds me, our audience tonight have been making some generous donations of their own throughout the course of the show and now our two celebrity guests are going to drink it all down for them.  Now, please welcome back our gorgeous pornstars Angela White, Adriana Chechik, Lacy Lennon and Anna de Ville!”

The volume in the studio increased by several decibels as Christina’s companions from the second round marched out onto the stage, each one carrying a large pot filled to the brim with potent, bubbling jism. 

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed.  “Look at all that cum!  Or as Adrianna calls it, a light snack!” 

The crowd fell about laughing, while Adrianna grinned, dipping her finger into one of the pots and popping it into her mouth.  A cameraman moved in close, taking a pan of the stage as the ladies lined up across it, each of them having undergone a costume change since their earlier appearance.

Angela had squeezed her buxom frame into a small gold bikini, her huge tits all but spilling from the top as she struck a pose for the camera.  Adriana wore nothing but a hot pink body harness, her ass, tits and pussy completely exposed.  Lacy looked stunning in a sheer black lingerie set and knee high leather brown boots, her lightly curled red hair dangling down over her shoulders.  While Anna wore a teeny blue set of lacy lingerie with thigh high stockings and black stiletto heels.  In short, there was a lot of flesh on display and Perv didn’t know quite where to look as the hottest sluts in adult entertainment formed a line across the Cum Factor stage.

“So I’m not sure even Adriana could manage one of those pots on her own,” Perv explained, “so let’s get these girls some glasses.  Candy!”

Perv’s trusty assistant stepped out onto the stage, balancing a tray that held six oversized martini glasses.  She distributed them amongst the women on stage, waving to the crowd as she departed.   

“OK, let’s get to it, shall we?  And where better to start than with our buxom philanthropist?  Adriana, would you like to do the honours?”

“Absolutely,” said Adriana, grabbing her cum pot as she strutted across the stage.

The cameraman zoomed in close as Adriana filled Christina’s glass, thick drops of cum spilling out over the rim.  The director cut to Christina’s face, her eyes bulging in disbelief as the tall glass was filled to the top.

“Damn!” said Perv.  “That is thick, huh?  Think you can manage all that, Christina?”

“Umm…I’ll try.”

“Good girl.  OK, whenever you’re ready.”

Christina gulped nervously, and lifted the glass to her lips, tilting her head back as her mouth came open.  The cum dripped slowly into her waiting mouth, trickling across her tongue and into her throat.  Christina kept swallowing as the cum poured into her mouth, her eyes starting to water as she slowly gulped it down, chugging for close to a minute.  She swallowed every drop, even licking off the murky residue that clung to the edge of the glass.

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed, turning to face the audience.  “Down in one, huh, fellas?  OK, who’s got some cum for Madelaine?”

Anna stepped forward, spunk spilling from the top of her cum pot as she moved towards the redhead.  Anna filled Madelaine’s glass to about midway then tipped her head back, lifting the pot to her lips and pouring a mouthful into her gaping maw.  Keeping her lips held open, a cameraman moved in close, pointing his lens at her mouth as she gargled the mouthful of spunk.  The cum of nearly 30 men bubbled up and mixed with her saliva as the audience cheered and catcalled.  Closing her lips, she swirled it around her mouth a few times then spat into Madelaine’s glass, filling it up to the top. 

“Drink up,” she said with a grin, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

“Let’s see how many times that cum fills your mouth,” said Perv, watching intently with the folks back home.

Madelaine did as instructed, putting the glass to her lips and pouring it into her mouth.  Filling her mouth to the brim, she lowered the glass and peered into it, looking slightly horrified that she’d only gulped up one small portion.  A camera was shoved into her face, capturing the large bulge in her throat as she swallowed the cum.

“OK, that’s one,” said Perv, encouraging the men on the stage to count along with him.

Returning the glass to her full set of lips, Madelaine poured more cum into her thirsty mouth, holding it between her cheeks.


Madelaine repeated that several more times, finally emptying the glass with her tenth big mouthful of spunk.

“Wow!  Ten!” Perv exclaimed.  “You’ve got a way to go to beat Adriana’s record, Madelaine, but that’s not bad at all for a first timer.  Now gargle with that spunk like a good little whore.”

Madelaine did as instructed, keeping her lips spread wide as she gargled with the spunky cocktail.  Closing her lips, she sloshed it around in between her cheeks, before swallowing it down to her tummy.

“Ahh!” she said as she opened her lips, sounding refreshed as she wiped a thin spunk moustache from her upper lip.

“Very good, Madelaine!” Perv exclaimed.  “Looks like you needed that, huh?”

“Mmhmm,” said the redhead, scooping out the last of the cum with her finger before popping it into her mouth.

“OK, I think it’s time our pornstars wet their whistles as well.  Lacy, would you like to go first?”

“Sure, Perv.”

She held her glass out to Angela who promptly filled it up, pouring out spunk until it was spilling from the rim.  Lacy licked around the edge of the glass, cleaning up the run off before bringing it to her lips. 

“Hmm, not sure I can manage all of this on my own,” Lacy declared.  She inspected her glass as she held it up, then turned towards Christina.  “I think you’re gonna have to share it with me.”

Lacy raised her glass up to her lips, filling her mouth with the gloopy concoction.  Taking Christina’s face in her hands, she guided her down until her face was level with her chest, then adjusted her head to the appropriate angle.  Christina’s lips gaped widely apart as Lacy spat a long thick spring of gooey, off-white spunk straight into her mouth.  The girls adjusted positions and Christina reciprocated, returning the hot mess of goop right back where it had come from.  They repeated it several times, swapping the cum back and forth until Christina held it in her mouth under Lacy’s instructions.

“Swallow,” said the pornstar and the actress did so without further delay, adding to the sea of splooge already swimming in the pit of her belly.

Lacy put the glass back to her lips and drained the last of the cum.  Holding it between her lips, she and Christina repeated the previous procedure, spitting the cum from one mouth to another until it pooled between Lacy’s cheeks.  This time the porn slut swallowed it herself, gulping down the enormous load in a single, unflinching hit.  Putting her hands to Christina’s face, Lacy pulled her in for a long and lingering kiss, the taste of cum still heavy on their lips and tongues.

“OK, my turn,” said Angela, boobs bouncing up and down as she strutted across the stage. 

Standing before Christina and Madelaine, she quickly shed her gold bikini top, freeing her famous tits.  Tilting her glass, she poured the contents all over her chest, soaking her massive jugs in the cum of one hundred men. 

“Oh, wow!” Angela chuckled, looking down at her spunk-drenched tits.  “You know, these tits have had a lot of cum on them over the years, but I think this might be a record!”  The crowd laughed.  “Well, come on then, girls.  Clean them up for me.”

Angela cupped her messy tits and shook them for the camera.  Christina and Madelaine looked at one another, godsmacked, and then leaned in, taking a nipple in between their lips.  Sucking hard at Angela’s tits, they slurped up the spunk that was coating her nipples then licked the remaining flesh, lapping up as much cum as their mouths could hold.

“Not bad, ladies,” said Angela, looking down at her half-clean tits.  “But it looks like you missed a bit.”

Grabbing the back of Christina’s head, she pulled the actress in between her tits, smearing her cheeks with cum as she pushed them into her face.

“That’s a bit better,” said Angela.  She gripped a fistful of hair, pulling Christina from between her tits.  “I think we can get them cleaner than that though.”

Angela cupped her boobs in her hands and shoved them into Madelaine’s face.  Wrapping her arms around the back of her head, she shifted her shoulders from side to side, slapping her jugs into the actress’ face.  Madelaine was powerless to resist and simply stood there like a statue as the heavy, cum-soaked tits smacked against her flushed red cheeks.  Angela did that for several minutes then pulled on Madelaine’s hair, freeing the redhead from her world class rack.

“There, good as new,” the Aussie declared, a smug grin pulling at the sides of her mouth.

“OK,” said Perv, “ next we have Anna de Ville, who has something very special planned for us.  Sounds exciting, huh?  Anna, take it away.”

“Thanks, Perv,” said Anna, ushering Candy back onto the stage.

Perv’s assistant hurried across the stage, carrying two jet black anal douches.  She handed one to Anna and one to Adriana.

“Thanks, Honeytits,” said Anna, slapping the blonde on the ass as she returned to the side of the stage. 

“Wow!” Perv exclaimed.  “What’s she gonna do with that?!”

Moments later, his question was answered as Anna peeled off her lacy blue panties, pulling the waistband like a slingshot and firing them into the crowd.  One man grabbed them and held them to his nose, fighting off those around him as he breathed in the pornstar’s scent.

Anna dipped the nozzle of the anal douche into her pot of cum and squeezed the bulb, filling it to the point of bursting.  Anna turned and bent at the waist, sticking out her peachy behind.  Pointing the douche at her famous asshole, a cameraman moved in close as she pushed the nozzle inside and gave the bulb a hearty squeeze, filling her rectum with bubbling seed.

“Damn!” said Perv.  “Semen enema.  Semenema!  That’s gotta be a first, huh, Anna?”

“Yep!” the brunette laughed.  “I’ve had lots of cum in my ass over the years but it’s never got in there like that before!”  She looked up at Christina and Madelaine, both of them stunned by what they’d just seen.  “You,” she said, pointing at Madelaine, “on your knees.”

Madelaine nodded slowly and knelt on the floor. 

“Open your mouth,” the pornstar instructed, and Madelaine did as she said, parting her lips as wide as they’d go.

Anna plucked the nozzle from her sphincter, a warm drop of cum dripping out and down onto the studio floor. 

“OK, here goes.”

Anna squeezed her rectal muscles and a thick jet of semen was fired from her butthole, hitting Madelaine square in the eye.

“Ahh!” she screamed, closing her eyes instinctively as the high-velocity semen splattered across her face. The redhead recoiled as webs of white jism clung to her eyelashes.

“Whoops!” Anna laughed, looking at the nearest camera.  “Guess my aim’s a little off.  Let’s try that again, shall we?”

She refilled the douche with a fresh load of spunk and squeezed it into her ass.  She contracted her muscles and fired once more.  Aiming lower this time, she sprayed her anal filling at Madelaine’s chest, dousing her perky tits. 

“Hmm, too low.  Well, you know what they say, third time’s a charm.”

Anna filled her ass and fired again, and indeed it was third time lucky.  The cum from her ass doused Madelaine’s face in tremendous fashion.  Most went in her mouth, with some excess semen splattering across her lips, nose and cheeks.  It looked like fifty men had cum on her face at once, thick drops of the stuff dripping from her nose and chin. 

“Damn!” said Anna, turning back around to admire her handiwork.  “I fuckin’ drenched you, huh?”

She grabbed a fistful of Madelaine’s hair, wrenching her head back and as she bent down towards her, licking some of the cum from her lips and chin.

“Now swallow that sounk.”

Madelaine nodded and closed her lips, swallowing the cum in a single hit.

“Good slut,” Anna grinned, giving the redhead a very sloppy and cum-soaked kiss before moving onto Christina. 

“Your turn, honey,” she said, as she turned on her heels, sticking her ass out behind her.

She refilled the douche with a fresh load of cum then pushed the nozzle into her asshole, emptying the contents into her rectum.

“Keep that mouth open,” she said as she turned, peering at Christina from over her shoulder.

Christina obliged, opening her mouth as wide as she could.  Anna squeezed and the cum came out, a thin stream arching into the redhead’s mouth. 

“Wow!” said Anna, grinning at the nearest camera.  “I’m getting the hang of this, huh?”  She refilled the douche and returned it to her asshole.  “I gotta get those titties too.”

Pulling her asscheeks apart, she fired copiously at Christina’s huge rack, drenching her tits more thoroughly than any one man could ever dream of.  Anna turned and dropped to her knees, taking those tits in her hands.  Putting her lips to one of Christina’s nipples, Anna sucked up as much cum as she could fit in her mouth, holding it between her cheeks as she brought it up to the redhead’s lips.

Christina’s lips separated and Anna spat the cum straight into her mouth, filling it to the brim.  A cameraman moved in closer, capturing a close up of her spunk-filled trap as she closed her lips, swallowing it without flinching.  Anna helped her up then grabbed onto her tits and shoved her face in between them, happily smearing cum all over her face as she immersed herself in the world-class rack.

“OK, mate, you’ve had your fun,” said Angela, practically barging Anna out of the way.  “It’s my turn.  Cup those tits for me,” she instructed, grabbing hold of her own huge boobs as she stepped in front of Christina.

The redhead held up her tits as per her instructions and a cameraman moved in as close as possible as Angela squished her own huge tits up against Christina’s.  The crowd fell silent as the biggest boobs in porn and TV were pushed together, both chests so large and heavy it was impossible to tell where one set of tits ended and the other huge pair began.  Someone handed her a glass and Angela poured it over both pairs of tits, soaking them thoroughly in a cocktail of splooge.

“Oh, wow!” the Aussie exclaimed.  “Even *I* haven’t had this much cum on my tits before.  Not even when I did that blowbang for Jules Jordan!”

Angela cupped Christina’s tits and rolled her tongue out from between her lips, lapping up a big dollop of gooey, warm seed.  She spat the cum into Christina’s mouth, going back for another as the redhead swallowed it.  She licked up a mouthful from Christina’s other tit, swallowing this one herself before Christina returned the favour.  She licked a hardy portion from the Aussie’s big boobs, partially cleaning them before they pushed their tits back together, smearing the remaining spunk across both of their massive chests. 

“Mmm, I love big titties, don’t you?” said Angela, looking into the nearest camera as she flashed the audience a wink. 

Taking Christina by the hand, she led her over to the white leather ottoman, laying her across it as she fetched another glass.  Anna handed her douche to Angela who promptly dunked it into her semen shandy, filling the bulb with a fresh dose of cum.  Angela pushed the nozzle into her famous butthole and squeezed the bulb, emptying it into her rectum. 

“Open your mouth,” said Angela and Christina did as instructed, parting her lips nice and wide.

Angela climbed up onto the ottoman, planting her knees either side of Christina and straddling the actress’ face.  Gripping both buttcheeks, Angela split her sphincter open as she clenched her rectal muscles, emptying her asshole into redhead’s mouth. 

“Oooh, yeah!” said the Aussie.  “Think that was most of it.  Why don’t you see if there’s any left in there?”

Christina understood and poked her tongue out from between her lips, pushing it into Angela’s ass.  There was still a coat of semen lining the walls of the pornstar’s rectum but Christina made light work of it, swirling her tongue around inside that famous tunnel.  Once she’d cleaned out most of the remaining spunk, Christina retrieved her tongue from deep in Angela’s butt, keeping it outstretched as the Aussie placed a hand at the top of her head and ground her backside against it.  The last few drops of cum smeared across the redhead’s mouth as Angela rubbed up against it, using her tongue as toilet paper.

“Yeah, that’s it, slut,” the porn star grinned.  “Get that arse nice and clean.”

Angela lifted her ass from Christina’s face and stuck a finger inside it, inspecting it closely to make sure it was clean.

“There, good as new,” she declared, climbing down from the ottoman as she knelt beside it, leaning over Christina and planting her lips on the redhead’s mouth.

She pushed her tongue into Christina’s mouth, getting a taste of her asshole off the redhead’s tongue.  Their lips came apart and Angela gave Christina’s tits a little ‘goodbye’ motorboat before she turned to her fellow pornstars.

“Alright, who’s next?”

“Me,” said Adriana, striding forward assertively.  “You,” she said, taking Madelaine’s hand, “come with me.”

She led her across to the white leather ottoman and ordered her onto her knees.  Madelaine complied, kneeling on the studio floor as Adriana climbed onto the ottoman, pulling her legs back as she laid across the surface.  A cameraman moved in quickly, capturing a close up as she tucked her heels up behind her head, bending her body into a pretzel.  She dipped her douche into the glass of semen and filled it up, slotting the nozzle into her butthole.  She squeezed it gently, filling her ass with half its contents before pulling it loose and doing the same to her pussy.  The camera guy stayed close, pointing his lens at her crotch as little twin trails of cum dripped out of both her holes. 

“Open your mouth,” she instructed, gripping both buttcheeks as Madelaine gaped her lips, presenting her tongue as an appealing target.

Adriana put two fingers to the nub of her clit and strummed herself wildly, screaming at the top of her lungs as a cocktail of cum and squirt juice shot forth from her famous snatch, spraying unerringly into the redhead’s mouth.  The cameraman turned, pointing his lens at Madelaine’s mouth as her lips stayed open, capturing the mixture of squirt and spunk as it pooled in her gaping maw.

“Swallow,” said Adriana.

Madelaine complied, closing her lips and swallowing the cocktail in one big gulp.  The cameraman stayed in close and Madelaine gaped her lips apart, providing proof that she’d swallowed every drop. 

“Good slut,” said Adriana.  “Now bring that mouth back over here.  I’ve got some more for you.”

Madelaine kept her mouth open as she moved in closer, her lips mere inches from the pornstar’s sphincter.  Adriana flexed her anal muscles and the load in her ass came bursting out, shooting into Madelaine’s mouth and straight down her throat, merging in her stomach with the previous mixture.  Adriana grinned and put her fingers to her clit again, squirting once more for good measure and soaking the redhead’s face.

“Wow!” said Perv.  “Well, that was quite a show.  And we haven’t even had any dick on stage yet!  Speaking of which,” he added, directly addressing the audience, “it’s the moment you guys have been waiting for.  The producers of this show couldn’t possibly hire enough guys to give these girls the fucking they deserve so this is where you come in.  I hope you guys have staved off a little, though judging by the amount of cum in those glasses just now it certainly doesn’t look like it!  Now, who’s ready to fuck some sluts?”

The crowd went mental, whooping and hollering as they hugged one another in celebration, some of them weeping in fits of joy. 

“Sounds like they’re up for it,” said Perv, grinning at the nearest camera.  “OK, fellas, down you come.”

What happened next can only be described as a veritable stampede as men in the stands filed into the aisles in their droves, tumbling over each other as they raced towards the stage.  The camera focused on Christina and Madelaine, their jaws almost hitting the floor as hundreds of men all stormed the stage at once.

“Now, remember, ladies,” Perv announced, raising his voice over the shuffling feet, “our guests are in charge today,” he added, gesturing towards the pornstars, “so what they say goes, OK?”

Christina and Madelaine nodded.

“Good.  Now, before you guys get carried away, we’re gonna have to make sure you’re all nice and hard before you get to our guests.  Not sure that will be a problem,” he added, noting that many of the men already had their cocks out, most of them thoroughly rigid.  “But this is where our pornstars come in.  If any of you guys are suffering with a little stage fright, our pros will take good care of you.”  He turned towards the pornstars, each of them looking at the endless rows of men with a good degree of relish.  “Ready, ladies?”

“Uh huh,” said Lacy.

“Born ready, Perv,” said Angela, waving at some of the guys.

“Think you can handle that many at once?”

“You kidding me?!” scoffed Adriana.  “I had more than that at my last birthday party!”

“Why am I not surprised?” Perv said with a grin.  “OK, let’s get to it.  Fellas, whenever you’re ready.”

The security stepped aside and the stage was swarmed by an army of horny males, forming circles some ten rows deep around the adult film stars.  The women dropped to their knees as cocks of all shapes, sizes and colours were thrust into their faces.  Long ones, girthy ones.  Hairy ones, shaved ones.  Uncut ones, circumcised ones.  White ones, black ones and brown ones. 

Lacy reached out to her left and right, grabbing a pair of cocks as a big, thick black one was shoved in her face.  Lips gaping wildly apart, she took the black cock into her mouth, stroking the two either side as her lips slid down the long dark shaft.  The crown pushed past her tonsils and her full lips puckered at the girthy base, lodging it in her throat as the man placed a hand at the back of her head, pinning her face to his torso.  Lacy choked on his fat black schlong, the other two throbbing in her hands as she jerked them off, pumping her fists from top to bottom. 

The man let go and her lips pulled back to the tip, popping his crown from between them.  Her mouth stayed open and Lacy barely had time to catch her breath before a particularly long and slender white cock was thrust towards her lips, steering straight past them and down into her gullet.  Bringing two hands to the back of her head, the man started thrusting at a furious speed, driving his long pale cock into the depths of her esophagus, making her gag and laying claim to the make-up touch up she’d received during the last intermission.  Spit rained down from his veiny underside, dripping from Lacy’s chin and down onto the floor as her face was so savagely fucked.

A few feet to Lacy’s left, a fat black cock was pried from Anna’s mouth as two long white ones were thrust towards it, precum leaking from their open slits.  She grabbed them both and started jerking, pumping both shafts as she took one between her lips, taking it down to around mid-shaft.  Her lips pulled back to the tip and she turned her head, locks of dark hair swishing across her shoulders as she wrapped her lips around the second thick schlong, sucking it swiftly as she jerked off the other. 

Popping his crown from between her lips, she open her mouth wide as she gripped both cocks, pulling them towards her gaping face hole.  Steering both cocks past her stretched open lips, she crossed them both at around mid-shaft as she stuffed them into her face, pale cheeks bulging like a squirrel with a nut.  Cocks pushed in from all around her, hanging in her face in hope of being next.  Others slapped against the top of her head, leaving small beads of precum clinging to her long dark hair. 

Angela, meanwhile, was busy acquainting herself with as many cocks as she could, accompanying as many of the big, meaty fucksticks as her buxom frame would allow.  A black one was embedded in the depths of her throat, two more were clutched tightly in her wildly jerking hands, while another was clamped between her huge, world famous tits.  Pumping his hips at a furious pace, the man in front of her sawed his fat cock from through her rack like it was going out of style, his helmet impaling itself on the pornstar’s chin as it poked out from between her tits. 

Hands roaming up and down their shafts, the men in her hands were throbbing like crazy as she tugged them silly, drops of precum leaking from their tips and down onto the studio floor.  Coming in from the side, between the man in her tits and the one in left hand, the man in between her lips was fucking her face like his life depended on it, driving into her mouth with hard, full-blooded thrusts that sent his black cock tunnelling down the Australian’s throat, spit raining down from the underside as he buried it repeatedly in her seasoned esophagus.   

Adriana, meanwhile, was surrounded by so many men that the cameras couldn’t even pick her up.  Fightly bravely through an army of cock-weilding studs, a diligent camera man finally found her in the midst of a twenty man swarm, with dicks of all lengths and girths acquainting themselves with her upper body in every manner imaginable.  Two were in her mouth, one was in each hand.  Two more were fucking her armpits while another was entangled in her light brown hair, thick locks of the stuff winding around his veiny shaft as he jerked his fat cock at a mile a minute. 

The herd began to thin once the men had been tended to and some began to move across the stage to where Christina and Madelaine were ready and waiting.  Two large men grabbed hold of Madelaine and escorted her across to a nearby ottoman, pushing her down onto it as they stood at opposite ends.  Madelaine knelt on the plush white leather, sticking out that famous ass.  The man behind grabbed his cock and shoved it into her pussy, going at her hard from the very first thrust. 

The redhead screamed as she was taken from behind and the man in front was quick to capitalise, steering his cock into her open mouth.  Grabbing two handfuls of vibrant red hair, he started thrusting in time with his buddy, drilling his fat rod into the actress’ face.  More men gathered around the ottoman, each of them stroking their big, meaty schlongs as they watched the fit redhead get plowed from both ends, thick cocks drilling into her mouth and cunt.

Christina, meanwhile, was pushed down onto her knees as men swarmed around her.  A black man grabbed onto her massive tits and slapped his cock in between them, wrapping them around his shaft as he started thrusting.  Two more cocks appeared on either side and Christina took hold of them as the third one fucked her tits, stroking both monsters in tandem.  A hand gripped tightly to the back of her head, turning it to the side and pulling it forward until a fourth thick cock invaded her drooling mouth. 

Christina gagged as the thick slab of meat was shoved down her throat, her full lips puckering as they kissed the base of his shaft.  The black dick pulsed as it sawed through her cleavage, the sticky tip impaling itself on her chin as it poked out from between them.  While her clenched fists roamed up and down the two cocks as they flanked her from either side, jerking them frantically as they throbbed in the palms of her hands. 

The surrounding men started to grow impatient, stroking their cocks as they awaited their turns.  One man behind her grew tired of waiting and gathered a handful of flame-red hair, yanking her locks until her head tipped backwards.  Looming above her upturned face, he took his fat cock in his large dark hands and jerked himself steadily as he dipped his shaven ballsack into the actress’ mouth.  Christina’s cheeks bulged as his big black balls squeezed in her mouth, brewing and churning against her writhing pink tongue. 

The cock retreated from between her tits and was quickly replaced by another, this one longer and thicker than the one that preceded it.  Christina could feel him throbbing as his cock cut through her cleavage, big, weighty balls swinging back and forth and slapping against her sternum. 

The balls spilled out from between her lips and she licked along the base of his shaft as he dragged it across her face, pointing his crown at her open mouth.  Slotting it snugly in between her plump pink lips, he tightly gripped the side of her head as he thrusted down into it, forcing his cock into the redhead’s gullet.  He thrusted several times then pried himself loose, dragging his balls across her face as he took a step forward.  Christina poked her tongue out from between her lips and pushed it into his hairless buttcrack, licking across his asshole before pushing it inside. 

Back across the stage, the pornstars were hard at work, servicing the last few dozens of men and making sure their cocks were stiff as a board.  Laid on her back across a white leather ottoman, Angela’s head hung over the edge as a line of studs took turns in her mouth, humping ferociously as they forced their cocks down her throat, long streaks of spit dripping down the pornstar’s face.  But that wasn’t all and as the Australian was facially abused, another long line had formed in front of her, each man waiting to drill his rod through her world class tits.

Planting his knees either side of her chest, a huge thick cock was slapped in between her tits as a black man straddled her, wrapping those beauties around the width of his shaft.  Two more men appeared either side of her and Angela happily jerked them off as a pair of fat cocks throbbed in between her tits and deep inside her gullet.

Knelt back to back on the studio floor, Anna and Lacy were ringed by a big group of studs, cocks hanging out and waiting to be sucked.  The girls were obliging them as best they could, switching between cocks as regularly as clockwork.  A huge thick black one was lodged in Lacy’s throat while a big, thick white one was clasped in each hand, enjoying the slick embrace of her fists as she jerked both men into a coma. 

Adriana, meanwhile, had assembled the men around her into a long line that stretched halfway across the stage.  Circling around behind the first in the queue, she dropped down to her knees behind him, pulling his asscheeks apart as she threw her face into his buttcrack.  Licking several times across his ball sack and taint, she ran her tongue across his hairless asshole then pushed it into his sphincter, probing him deeply as she bobbed her head.  Taking his cock in the palm of his hand, he stroked his hand up and down his shaft, veins pulsing as the pornstar rimmed him.  Once his cock was fit to burst, Adriana dismissed him, pushing him in the direction of Christina and Madelaine as she moved onto man number two.

As the group around Madelaine continued to grow, the men moved on from the actress’ pussy and started taking turns in her thick, juicy ass.  First up was a black man whose nine inch cock was one of the thickest in the studio.  Dousing his shaft in lube, he pointed his crown at her puckered sphincter and steered his cock inside, spreading her asscheeks as he plunged in deep.  Madelaine’s eyes popped out of her skull as he shoved his huge cock into her asshole, massive black balls sitting flush against her pussy as he rammed it in there, sheathing himself to the hilt.

“Oh, fuck yeah!” he groaned.  “Shit, you’ve got a tight ass, slut!”

Spreading her buttcheeks as wide as he could, he slammed into her backside with a series of brutal thrusts, keeping her spread as he wrenched himself free. 

“Here,” said Perv, waving over the nearest cameraman.  “Come and get a shot of this gape!”

Barging past the men that were gathered around her, the cameraman fought his way to the front of the queue, capturing her gaping asshole in all its wide open glory.  Spitting a glob of saliva into her stretched out asshole, the man gripped his cock and shoved back inside her, pounding her even harder as the thrusting resumed. 

And it wasn’t just Madelaine that was taking a pounding.  Just a few feet away from her athletic assistant, Christina’s curvy body had been hauled up off the studio floor and lifted up into the air.  Cradled in the arms of a strong black stud, her big, heavy tits were flopping around like nobody’s business as he bounced her up and down his dick, impaling her repeatedly on his thick, veiny shaft.  Christina moaned and groaned as she was used like a fuck doll by the dark-skinned hunk.

Another man moved in behind her and the black guy pulled out as the new kid on the block shoved his white cock straight into her ass.  Grabbing her by the thighs, he took hold of the redhead as the black guy passed him over, giving his strong arms a workout as he worked her asshole along the length of his shaft, dropping her down to the hilt with every precipitous plunge.

Another man stepped up in front of her and gripped his cock at the base, shoving it into her pussy.  The men gripped tight to her thick, curvy body, holding her still as they started to thrust, driving their cocks into her pussy and ass.  Fiery red hair spilled down Christina’s back as she threw her head back, screaming at the studio ceiling as they slammed into her unison, twin sets of spunk-filled balls slapping against her taint as they drilled their cocks into her, pounding hard and fast.

Back across the stage, Angela was still laid out across the white leather ottoman with her head hanging over the edge, thick meaty cocks sinking into her gullet and sawing through the gap in her tits.  Wrenching her legs apart, a third man positioned himself between her meaty thighs, wetting two fingers with spit before he shoved them up her cunt.  Fingering her wildly, a loud, throaty scream was blocked by the cock in her mouth as he brought her to climax.  Pulling his fingers away, a warm jet of fluid sprayed from the pornstar’s cooch, soaking the nearest cameraman and nearly damaging his expensive equipment. 

Ringed from all sides by a big pack of studs, Lacy had a cock in each hand while two more thick ones were stuffed inside her mouth, stretching her lips to the breaking point.  Poking her tongue out from between her lips, she licked both members as best she could, sliding her tongue down one meaty shaft before switching to the other.

Meanwhile, the row of men lined up before Adriana was getting larger by the second.  Only now, Anna had joined her and was knelt in front of the long line of men, blowing them all in turn as Adriana rimmed them.  Plucking a thick black cock from between her lips, Anna moved onto the next man without missing a beat, vanishing his ten inch whopper in the blink of an eye.  Sinking her lips to the base of his shaft, she kept his cock lodged in her gullet as he gripped the back of her head, thrusting several times before pulling back slowly and popping his crown from between her lips.

Anna caught her breath and moved onto the next man, taking his cock in her hands.  This one she sucked off seductively, lapping at the tip of his penis and swirling her tongue around his swollen helmet.  Wrapping her lips around the ridge of his crown, she stroked his girthy shaft as she sucked at the tip, coaxing out precum from his wide open tip.  Gently bobbing her brunette head, she worked her lips up and down his shaft, going down deeper with each pass she took.  Uncurling her fingers from around his shaft, she grabbed onto his hips as she sucked up the last few inches, her full lips puckering at the base of his shaft.

With more and more men reaching full rigidity, the crowd of studs congregating around the celebrity guests was getting larger by the second.  And with less men left to fluff, the four adult film stars began to get restless.  As the cast of dozens once gathered around her dwindled down into the single figures, Angela was the first of the pornstars to abandon her post and get in where the action was.  Pushing her way through a horde of naked men, the Australian model found herself right in the centre of it, where her fellow buxom babe Christina Hendricks was in the midst of some double penetration. 

Passed back and forth from one pair of the studs to the next, the large-chested redhead had been fucked in both holes more than twenty times over and was beginning to recover from her latest orgasm as the queen of porn knelt down beside her.

“Take those cocks out, boys,” the Aussie commanded.  “Let me clean ‘em up for ya.”

The guys did as directed, plucking their cocks from the amateur’s holes and pointing them towards the professional.  The big, long black one that had been in her pussy was literally glistening, shining with arousal from the base to the tip.  Angela turned towards that one first and gaped her lips apart, keeping them wide as he steered himself in.  She took every inch that he stuffed down her throat, wrapping her lips around the base of his shaft.  Getting a grip on the black guy’s ass, she used it for leverage as she pulled herself in on him, impaling her face on his long dark cock. 

She took him to the balls several times then plucked his helmet from between her lips, locks of long brown hair swishing across her shoulders as she turned to the man on her left.  His light-skinned cock was shorter, yet thicker, and was caked in the juices of Christina’s asshole.  Such a thick coat of anal fluids might have deterred some women, but not Angela White.  She pounced on it without a moment’s pause, taking it to the hilt on the very first pass.  The man gripped tightly to the back of her head and started thrusting into it, balls slapping against her chin as he drove his thick helmet deep into her throat.  Holding his rig down closer to the floor, the cameraman made sure her tits were always in shot as they jiggled around her chest, slapping against the man’s thighs as he pumped his hips, drilling his cock into her oral cavity.

He thrusted into her mouth a few more times then plucked himself free, pointing his cock at Christina’s asshole and violently shoving it back in.  The white man re-entered her pussy and the men got back to fucking her in no time at all, her huge, heavy tits bouncing around all over the place as they worked her body up and down their dicks.

Next to make the move across stage was Anna Deville.  A huge group of men were gathered around Madelaine as she knelt on the white leather ottoman, each of them relishing a turn between those famous lips or in that even more famous ass.  Climbing up onto the ottoman, Anna knelt beside Madelaine with her head just above her ass, gripping her buttcheeks and pulling them apart.  A huge black cock was drilling deep into the redhead’s asshole, a huge pair of balls swinging back and forth and slapping against her pussy.  Anna gazed up at the man that was pounding her, licking her full set of lips as she eyed his massive cock.

“Gimme it,” she said, beckoning him with her tongue.  “I wanna taste her ass off your cock.”

He didn’t need a second invitation.  He pried his black cock from Madelaine’s asshole and steered it forward, stuffing his crown into the pornstar’s mouth.  Anna closed her lips around his swollen helmet and he gripped the back of her head as he drove himself forward, pushing her down his shaft.  Her plump lips puckered at the base of his shaft and he kept her there as she sucked him clean, slurping up fluid from the length of his pipe.

Pulling his cock from between her lips, he pointed his dick back at Madelaine’s asshole and guided it in, sinking to the balls on the very first thrust.  Anna’s dark nails dug into her asscheeks, spreading it wide as the man slammed into it, sinking to the balls with each new thrust.  He gave a few thrusts then pried himself loose, plucking his cock from the redhead’s colon.  He expected Anna’s lips to sink back down onto his cock, but this time she did nothing of the sort. 

“Grip her ass,” the pornstar instructed.  “Make her gape for me.”

The man gave a shrug and did as instructed, gripping her asscheeks and spreading them wide.  Anna pushed three fingers in between her lips and stuffed them down her throat, choking as she soaked them in spittle.  Arranging her fingers in a cone-like shape, she pushed them deep into Madelaine’s gape, sinking them down to the knuckle.  Pulling back slowly to the tips of her fingers, she kept them there for a second then plunged them back in, fucking her ass with her three slick digits.

“Oh my God!” Madelaine gasped, eyes bulging wide as Anna’s fingers sunk into the depths of her ass,

She pushed them into her asshole several times then plucked them from the actress’ rectum. 

“Let’s see what this Riverdale ass can do,” Anna grinned as she put the three fingers back between her lips, sucking them clean and tasting her asshole before adding a fourth. 

Soaking her fingers in a fresh coat of fluid, she pushed them back into Madelaine’s asshole, stretching it wider this time as she added another to three that were already in there.  Madelaine’s teeth clenched as the four long digits were shoved into her rectum.

Then, just when she thought that her asshole couldn’t stretch any further, Anna sucked on her thumb, coating it in spittle before she pushed that in there too.  Madelaine’s eyes bulged as all five fingers were stuffed into her backside, spreading it wider than any cock.  But Anna wasn’t finished yet and she made her hand into a fist as she pushed it in deeper, sinking it past her knuckles.  Madelaine squealed, emitting little agonised grunts as her asshole stretched to the point of rupture. 

Anna kept pushing, and the men around them gawped as her hand disappeared, Madelaine’s asshole stretched around her wrist.  A quick thinking stud took a step forward, shoving his cock into the redhead’s pussy.  The fist in her ass made her pussy even tighter and the man thrusted slowly, relishing the feeling of taxed inner muscles as they squeezed at the width of his shaft.   

Lacy and Adriana, meanwhile, had remained at the right of the stage, tending to the last few dozen or so men that had yet to swell to their maximum size.  Lined up in a row stretching halfway across the stage, the guys were assembled in a forward-back-forward formation, with one man facing one way and the next man facing the other.  Knelt either side of this long row of studs were the two remaining pornstars, working their way down the line, one lucky fucker at a time.

Knelt before the first man with his dick deep in her throat, Adriana’s head was bobbing ferociously, taking his cock to the base with every pass she took.  Lacy meanwhile was squatted behind him, buried ear deep in the young man’s asscrack, attempting a prostate exam with the tip of her tongue.  Pulling back slowly to the tip of his shaft, Adriana plucked his large crown from between her lips, spitting a glob of spit onto his already dripping cock as she continued down the line, moving onto stud number two.  Lacy surfaced from the first man’s crack, giving his asshole a kiss goodbye as she rejoined her fellow slut.  The girls continued down the line, sucking and rimming each man until his dick was fit to burst, sending them across to their colleagues with a hugely distended ballsack just waiting to be emptied. 

Back across the stage, Christina and Angela were on their knees, the busty redhead taking a short break from being double penetrated to help her new best friend clean off the multitude of dicks now smeared with her pussy or ass juice.  Knelt back to back, the two buxom beauties were surrounded by a swarming mass of horned-up males, thick rods pointing at them from every conceivable angle. 

Head turned to the side, a huge black cock was stuffed down Angela’s throat as she jerked off another, the copious amounts of spittle dripping from his shaft providing sufficient lubrication for the big, meaty white schlong that was clamped in between her tits.  Humping and pumping like a man possessed, he squeezed her tits around his thick, veiny shaft as he sawed through her world class cleavage, precum leaking from his crown as it poked out from between them.

Christina, meanwhile, had a pair of light and dark dongs clasped in both her hands as a black man fucked her breasts, his massive fat schlong slicing through her titties like a knife through butter.  Head swivelling back and forth, she wrapped her plump lips around each man’s cockhead, sucking out precum from inside his urethra before turning to the next man and repeating the trick. 

Over at the ottoman, a man was slamming hard into Madelaine’s pussy, Anna’s fist still stuffed up her tight backdoor.  Madelaine could feel him throbbing as he drilled up into her cunt, his cockhead pulsing like it could go off at any second.  A few more thrusts and it did just that.  Sheathing himself to the balls, he erupted deep in the redhead’s snatch, flooding her womb with a burning wad of off-white semen.

A filthy grin stretched across Anna’s face as she felt Madelaine’s asshole contract, tightening its grip on her wrist as the dick went off in her pussy.  Once his balls were finally emptied, her asshole began to loosen, allowing the pornstar to retrieve her buried fist. 

“Damn, girl!” Anna exclaimed.  “You are one hell of a slut!  Talent like that is wasted in Hollywood.  You should come back to Prague with me and make some real money!”

Madelaine climbed down from the man in her pussy, a thick mess of cum trickling down her thigh as she joined Anna on the studio floor.

“Oh, look!  You’ve sprung a leak,” said Anna.  “Spread those slutty legs apart and I’ll clean that up for ya.”

Madelaine nodded and spread her legs as Anna crawled in between them, licking the cum from the actress’ thigh.  Running her tongue along Madelaine’s slit, she cleaned up the spunk from her vaginal lips then stuck two fingers inside her, scooping up the last of the load. 

“Here, have a taste,” she said, holding her fingers up to Madelaine’s lips.

Madelaine gaped her lips apart and took Anna’s fingers inside them, cleaning up a mixture of spunk and pussy juice. 

With every man on stage now hard as a rock, Adriana and Lacy accompanied the last few stragglers as they gathered around Christina and Madelaine.  Angela and Christina were in the midst of a huge mass blowbang when Adriana dropped to her knees beside the busty Australian, prying a black cock from between her tits and stuffing it between her lips.  Taking it to the base in her usual style, she kept it there for several seconds before pulling back up again, the meaty dark shaft basted in spittle as she plucked it from between her lips.

“My turn, Ange,” Brat Nasty exclaimed, grabbing hold of a pair of cocks and stroking them vigorously as the dripping black cock was returned to her mouth.

The man placed a hand at the back of her head, pushing her down to the base and holding her there as he started his thrusting; big, sagging balls slapping against her chin.  Angela shrugged and rose to her feet, huge tits jiggling as she marched across the stage. 

Lacy and Angela joined Anna and Madelaine at centre stage, just as the pornstar was cleaning a thick creampie from the actress’ tight pink cunt.  Lacy clasped onto Madelaine’s hands and helped her fellow redhead to her feet, leading her across to the ottoman.  Madelaine knelt across the surface under Lacy’s direction, sticking out that peachy behind as she dropped to all fours.  Lacy knelt on the floor behind her, throwing her head forward and shoving her face in Madelaine's ass.  An accomplished girl-girl performer, Lacy ate Madelaine’s ass with some degree of relish, sticking out her famous tongue and pushing it deep into the actress’ freshly fisted rectum.

While Lacy was tongue-deep in Madelaine’s backside, a man stepped up behind her.  Aware of her status as a vaginal-only performer, he pushed his cock into the pornstar’s snatch, sinking in deep on the very first thrust.  A contented sigh spewed forth from her lips and she moaned directly into Madelaine’s asshole as she bobbed her head, kissing her sphincter repeatedly. 

Madelaine’s mouth came open as she unleashed a moan of her own.  A black man in front of her was quick to capitalise, stuffing his dark rod into the redhead’s mouth.  He gripped on tight to the back of her head as he began to buck his hips, drilling his dick straight down her throat.  Madelaine coughed and sputtered as his balls slapped against her chin, his swollen helmet peaking somewhere in her chest. 

A large group of men gathered around Anna and Angela as they knelt back to back on the studio floor.  Each grabbing hold of a pair of cocks, they jerked them furiously as others were thrusted towards them, finding a home in a hole or crevice.  A big, meaty black one was slapped between Angela’s tits, her huge, weighty fucktanks pushed around his shaft as he started thrust, slicing through her famous rack.  Anna, meanwhile, took one in her mouth, a big, long, thick one that pushed straight past her tonsils, touching the back of her throat.  Her lips touched the base and she kept him there as she grabbed two others, stroking and jerking ‘til her heart's content. 

Adriana, meanwhile, helped Christina to her feet, leading her across the stage.

“OK, let’s get some cock in you,” said the pornstar, ushering over some men who hurried towards her as fast as they could.

One of them took a seat on the nearby ottoman and Adriana told the buxom redhead what she wanted her to do.

“Sit on his cock,” she said.  “Cowgirl position.”

Christina nodded and climbed up onto the ottoman.  Throwing a leg over his thighs, she planted her knees on the leather as she straddled him, gripping his meaty cock and feeding it into her pussy.  Christina gasped as she lowered herself onto it, sinking down to the base.  Wrapping his arms around the small of her back, the man took her with him as he laid out across the ottoman, gripping her buttcheeks as she thrust them out behind her.

Adriana grabbed a second man by his long, veiny cock and pulled him towards Christina, pointing him in the direction of the redhead’s pussy.  The man grinned and took a step forward, pointing his big cock at her already occupied snatch.  Nudging his crown against her tight pink pussy, Christina’s eyes bulged as he nudged himself forward, stretching her vaginal walls as he pushed his cockhead inside her. 

“Ohhh, fuck!” groaned Christina, looking slightly pained as the second fat cock stretched out her pussy.

“Oh, come on,” said Adriana, rolling her eyes.  “This is a cakewalk, honey.  I do this shit as a warmup!”

The second cock sunk into her pussy until the tips of both were pressed against her cervix.  Then they started to thrust, driving into her snatch in perfect unison and bottoming out inside her with every pass they took.  Another man appeared in front of her and grabbed the back of her head, steering his BBC towards her open mouth.  Slotting the crown between her plump set of lips, he sunk down to the base on the very first pass, his bulbous crown peaking somewhere in her gullet. 

Adriana looked at the men all around her, stroking themselves as they watched Christina get stuffed full of cock. 

“Come on, boys,” the brunette squawked.  “She’s not done yet.  You haven’t even filled her hands yet!”

Two of them stepped forward and stood on either side of her, grabbing her wrists and pulling them towards their cocks.  Christina’s fingers curled around the two fat pricks, getting a firm grip as she started jerking.  Gripping two fistfuls of hair, the man in front started bucking his hips, drilling his cock into her oral cavity.  Drops of spit dripped down from her chin, making a mess of her huge set of tits as he thrusted harder, sinking to the base each time.

Adriana moved in behind her, shoving four fingers down her own throat until she heaved, lubing them up with lots of spittle.  Pressing two fingers against Christina’s sphincter, she pushed them straight down to the knuckle, filling the last of her holes. 

“Oh, damn!” she said, feeling how tight the redhead’s asshole was with two thick cocks still stuffed up her cunt.

She pulled her fingers back to the tip then pushed them in deep again, repeating it several times before adding a third.  Christina’s asshole stretched around her fingers and she could feel the two cocks throbbing through the thin strip of flesh that separated her pussy and ass.  Christina kept sucking on the cock in her mouth, almost biting down on the base of his shaft as Adriana’s pinky slid into her asshole and she pushed her four fingers right down to the hilt.  Two thick cocks were slamming into her snatch and she came almost immediately as her asshole was stretched like never before.  Her sphincter tightened as her orgasm hit, nearly snapping Adriana’s fingers off as she stuffed them into her rectum.

“Ohh, fuck!” Adriana squealed, prying her fingers from Christina’s asshole and stuffing them into her mouth, tasting the redhead’s juices as she sucked them clean.  “Damn, girl, you really are a slut in the making!”  She looked at the man that was standing behind her and slapped Christina on the ass.  “Now get your dick in that butthole!”

The man nodded and pulled his cock from Christina’s snatch, shoving it into her asshole in one quick motion. The cameraman pushed in closer, capturing the perfect close up as Christina’s body was stuffed full of cock.

Across the stage, Lacy and Madelaine had changed positions.  Sprawled out across the white leather ottoman, Lacy’s legs were splayed out wide as a man was parked in between them, steadily feeding his big black cock into the pornstar’s tight pink pussy.  Madelaine was laid on top of her, her pretty red head buried between Lacy’s thighs, tonguing at her clit as the black man fucked her.  Knees planted either side of her head, Lacy had a firm grip on Madelaine’s muscular asscheeks, digging her fingers into both huge orbs as she licked the actress’ pussy.  Another black man was positioned behind her, ramming his cock into her thick white ass. 

Both women screamed as the two men fucked them, drilling in deep into their various holes.  The man fucking Lacy pulled out of her pussy and his steered his dick towards Madelaine; her thick juicy lips were gaping wide to receive it.  He placed a hand at the back of her head and pushed his cock inside her, sinking straight down to the base of his shaft.  Her full lips puckered and her cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked his prick, cleaning up the fluids that basted every inch of his rod.  His eyes clamped shut and he tipped his head back, groaning as she worked him over. 

He let her suck him for several seconds then pulled back slowly, plucking his cock from between her lips.  His meaty shaft was soaked in spittle and he promptly returned it to Lacy’s snatch, guiding it back in with a single thrust.  He pumped into her pussy with long deep thrusts, thick creamy streaks smearing along the length of his shaft.  Madelaine’s tongue remained on her clit and he felt her tighten as the actress licked her, spinning her tongue around her stiff nub of pleasure.

At the other end, the man gripped tight to Madelaine’s juicy buns, spreading them wide as he grabbed his cock, prying it free from her asshole.  Lacy opened her lips and he steered his cock in between them, balls squished up against her nose as he plunged straight down to the hilt.  Lacy sucked at his jet black pipe, slurping up the ass juices that coated his meaty shaft. 

Madelaine’s asshole was gaping open and he retrieved his cock from Lacy’s throat, shoving it deep into Madelaine’s rectum.  He thrusted several times then pulled it back out again, steering it back into Lacy’s mouth, a fresh coat of anal fluids smeared across his shaft for the pornstar to suck clean.

Back across the stage, the crowd of men gathered around Anna and Angela had continued to grow.  Now numbered well into the hundreds, the men were jostling for position as they ringed the famous sluts, each of them vying for a turn in their mouths or hands.  A big black cock clasped in each hand, Anna stroked and jerked like her life depended on it as a white dude stood in front of her, fucking her mouth like it was going out of style.  Thick ropes of spit dripped down from his shaft, making a mess of the studio floor as he bucked his hips, drilling his dick into the back of her throat.

Angela, meanwhile, had gone one better.  Head tilted back towards the ceiling, the Aussie’s lips were gaping open as a man stood tall above her, balls squished up against her nose as he thrusted down into her mouth.  Another was stood in front of her, massive tits clasped tightly in his hands as he thrusted like a madman, drilling his black cock in between them.  Two more men were stood on either side, enjoying the tight embrace of her very dexterous hands. 

Angela gagged as the cock pushed into her throat and he pulled back slowly from between her lips, jerking his spit-drenched prick as he took a step forward, practically sitting on the pornstar’s face.  Angela poked her tongue out, licking from his balls, along his waxed taint and all the way up to his asshole, sliding her tongue across it before pushing it inside.  Her full lips puckered as she kissed his sphincter, seeking out his prostate with the tip of her tongue.  The man started groaning, jerking his meaty cock as she tonguefucked his rectum. 

“Oh, shit!  I’m gonna cum!” he yelled suddenly.

He took a step back, jacking himself harder as she pointed his cock down, aiming the tip at her open mouth.  A few more strokes and his bellend erupted, a thick blast of semen spurting into Angela’s mouth.  A camera appeared as if from nowhere, pointing down at her face as her lips stayed open, gargling with the cum as it pooled in her open mouth.  She felt the black cock start throbbing in between her tits and after a few more thrusts through her phenomenal cleavage, the massive, thick rod was prised from between them, the dark slit winking as he aimed it at her mouth. 

He jerked it twice and it promptly exploded, firing a second load of thick, gooey spunk straight into her mouth.  The camera stayed shoved in her face as the hot wad of jism merged with the other, thin trails of semen trickling down her cheeks as her mouth was filled to the brim.  Angela closed her lips and swallowed, gulping down the cum in a single hit.  Two more stepped up to the plate and as the spunk slid down to the pit of their belly, both of them jerked themselves like it was going out of style, coating her face with thick blasts of semen. 

Her mouth came open and she lapped at their tips, licking out the last few drops before the two men parted, making room for a fifth man now standing in front of her.  Stroking it vigorously, he pointed his cock at her two huge tits and fired copiously, drenching both melons with a glass worth of jism.  Angela smiled and blew a little kiss to the camera, covered in spunk from forehead to chest.

Anna, meanwhile, was getting much the same treatment.  She’d already swallowed three thick loads of cum when a pair of studs appeared on either side, jerking their cocks at a furious pace.  It was the guy to her left that went off first, making a mess of her cheek, nose and lips.  The man on her right came five seconds later, leaving thick lines of cum that streaked her dark brown hair, stretched across her forehead and covered one of her eyes.

The men stepped aside and the girls turned to face each other, taking turns to lick each other clean.  Angela went first, licking long lines of spunk from Anna’s coated face.  Gathering them up with her nimble pornstar’s tongue, she let them pool in her mouth as a cameraman moved in close, pointing his lens at her gaping lips.  She closed her mouth and swallowed, gulping it down in a single hit.

Then it was Anna’s turn.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, she started with Angela’s tits, gathering them in her hands and squeezing them playfully as she licked all the seed from around her nipples.  Lapping up streaks from the Australian’s face, a murky pool began to gather in her mouth, one she was all too happy to show off to the camera guy as he thrust his lens in her face, even gargling with the thick warm mess as it swilled in between her cheeks.  The girls then shared a long, messy kiss and swallowed the last of the spunk, blowing kisses at the camera. 

A group of guys began to crowd around Lacy and Madelaine as they 69’d on one of the ottomans.  The guy fucking Lacy held her legs against his chest as he threw himself into her; loud, dull smacks echoing through the studio as he his abs smacked against the backs of her thighs.  Sinking to the base with each new thrust, his cock started throbbing as he drilled it inside her, her pussy steadily tightening as Madelaine licked her clit.  A few more thrusts and the man let loose, burying himself to the hilt as his cock exploded, a thick wad of burning hot cum shooting straight into the pornstar’s womb.  He stayed inside her once his dick went off, thrusting slowly as he milked out the last of his load, making sure his cum stayed deep in her pussy.

At the other end, a man gripped tight to Madelaine’s thick ass cheeks as he slammed into her rectum, her big orbs jiggling as he pounded hard and fast.  Madelaine’s asshole tightened as Lacy tongued her clit, squeezing his cock for all it was worth.  He came shortly after, burying himself to the balls as he unloaded into her colon, firing ropes of jism into the redhead’s juicy butt.  He kept it there for several seconds then pulled out slowly, pulling her ass cheeks apart as he pried his cock from inside her.  A thick mess of cum gushed from deep in her rectum, dripping across her pussy and into Lacy’s mouth, her lips gaping wide to receive it.  She closed her mouth and swallowed it whole, licking her full set of lips as she savoured the taste of his seed.  Poking her tongue out, she licked along Madelaine’s pussy and up to her ass, cleaning up the last of the spunk. 

Then two guys grabbed Madelaine by the arms and lifted her up from the ottoman.  The man pulled out of Lacy’s pussy as Madelaine knelt on the studio floor, parking herself between the pornstar’s legs.  Poking out her tongue, she lapped up the cum as it dripped from her pussy, letting it slide straight down her throat and pool in the pit of her belly.  Then, to wrap things up, she took a long lick along the length of Lacy’s snatch, licking out the last of the man’s thick load. 

Lacy sat up from the surface of the ottoman, taking Madelaine’s face in her hands as he planted a big, wet kiss on her full set of lips.  Then, she placed her hands on the actresses’ shoulders, turning her around to face the big crowd of men that had gathered around her.

Lacy spoke into her ear, but loud enough that it was picked up clearly by the nearest mic.  “Look at all those men who are going to treat you like a fuck doll. There’s too many to count.  Or too many for Adriana to count anyway.”

Some of the men laughed.

“Hey!  Fucking bitch!” came a voice from across the stage. 

Lacy giggled and winked at the camera.  “But that’s exactly the type of whore you wanted to be, isn’t it?”

Madelaine nodded, her head swirling as the words poured into her ear.

“Well, boys, what are you waiting for?” the pornstar smirked.  “Someone come fuck this face.”

Lacy licked along Madelaine’s cheek as a guy took a step forward, shoving his cock into the actress’ mouth.  Placing her hands at the back of her head, Lacy pushed her down to the base of his shaft, keeping her there as his swollen tip nudged against the back of her throat, making her cough and sputter. 10 seconds, then 20, then 30 seconds ticked by as Lacy held her head down on the fat, throbbing cock.  Madelaine’s throat would spasm, unleashing warmth and tightness on the man’s thick meat.  Moving her hands to the side of her head, Lacy pulled her back and forth along the man’s long prick, fucking Madelaine’s mouth. 

“That’s a good slut,” she said with a grin, speaking directly into Madelaine’s ear.  “Take that cock down your tight fucking throat.”

She pushed her down his shaft a few more times then scooped her hair into a makeshift ponytail, pulling it back like a length of rope.  Her lips slid swiftly up the length of his shaft then his crown popped free from between them, his member drenched in Madelaine’s spit.  He stepped to the side and another replaced him, enjoying the feel of her wet, warm mouth as Lacy pushed her head forward, guiding her onto his cock.

“Don’t just stand there,” the pornstar said.  “Fuck this slutty mouth.”

Lacy kept pushing her head forward as the man started thrusting, driving his cock into the back of her throat.  Spit dripped down from Madelaine’s chin and her eyes began to water as he fucked her face, laying claim to the last of her makeup.  He gave a few more thrusts then pried himself loose, moving to the back of the queue as a black guy stepped forward, shoving his cock into Madelaine’s mouth. 

Lacy stood and turned on her heels, pressing her ass back against Madelaine’s head and pushing her lips to the base of the black man’s shaft.  Her forehead pressed against his strong dark abs, her head sandwiched between Lacy’s ass and the black man’s chiseled torso.  Madelaine choked as his crown pushed into her gullet, his large balls churning as they squished against her throat. 

He pulled back slowly to the ridge of his crown then threw himself forward with a powerful thrust, bottoming out in her oral cavity.  He repeated it several times, drilling hard into Madelaine’s mouth and fucking her head back into Lacy’s ass.  The man stepped back and another took over, steering his cock between Madelaine’s lips.  This one stayed still with his dick pointing out before him, standing there like a statue as Lacy backed her ass up, pushing Madelaine down the length of his cock.  Every pass took her straight to the base, his crown peaking somewhere in her gullet as she impaled her face on his cock with the pornstar’s assistance.

The man pulled out from between her lips and Lacy climbed down from the ottoman, gripping a fistful of Madelaine’s hair and pulling her out of the way.  A man took a seat on the white leather ottoman and Lacy led Madelaine towards him, pushing her mouth down onto his cock.  Shoving her down to the base of his shaft, she placed a hand at the back of her head, keeping her pinned there as the meaty fuckstick vanished down her throat. 

Holding her hair like a length of rope, Lacy pulled her up and down his schlong, dragging her lips back to the tip of his prick, only to push her back down to the base of his shaft.  She did this several times then loosened her grip on Madelaine’s red hair, instructing the man to lift his legs up.  He did as the pornstar told him, thrusting his ass out as he lifted his legs up, holding them high in the air.

“Lick his ass, slut,” Lacy instructed and she pushed the actress towards the man’s hairy buttcrack, shoving her face in between his cheeks.

Pushing her tongue into his rectum, Madelaine bobbed her head under Lacy’s direction, greedily tonguefucking his hairy butthole.  Retrieving her tongue from inside his ass, Madelaine licked across his taint and ballsack, trailing her tongue along the veiny underside of his long, thick shaft.  She licked right up to the tip of his penis then wrapped her lips around it, guiding them slowly down the length of his shaft. 

Placing his hands at the top of her head, he pushed her down to the hilt, holding her there as he crossed his legs, locking her in place with his muscular thighs.  A camera appeared over his shoulder, capturing a fantastic POV shot as Madelaine’s head was held in a leg lock, brown eyes rolling into the back of her head as she gagged on his meaty fuckstick, every thick inch of it now lodged in her mouth and throat.  He kept her there for several minutes, using his legs as much as he was able to pull her in on his cock, making sure her thick lips stayed glued to the base of his shaft. 

“Damn!” said Perv.  “Girl must have had scuba training to hold her breath like that!”

“Uhh, fuck!  I’m gonna cum!” the man blurted suddenly.

Madelaine’s eyes bulged in comical fashion as thick streaks of cum started spurting from the tip of penis, shooting straight down her throat as his legs stayed fastened around the back of her head, pinning her in place.  Once the last rope of semen splashed the back of her throat, the man’s grip loosened and Lacy grabbed her hair as he dropped his legs down, leaning over as she pulled her up and putting her lips to Madelaine’s mouth.  Kissing her aggressively and with lots of tongue, Lacy licked around the inside of her mouth, cleaning out any excess spunk that may have lingered in her oral cavity.  And no sooner had Lacy cleared the cum from the actress’ mouth had another big cock appeared in front of her, rock hard and ready to be sucked.

Back across the stage, Angela and Christina were sprawled out across one of the ottoman’s, engaging in what can only be described as at titty 69.  Laying flat across the plush white leather, Christina’s head had almost vanished from view entirely as Angela pushed her enormous fat tits straight into the redhead’s face.  And as she smothered her with her enormous tits, the pornstar immersed herself in the actress’ famous rack, cupping those huge jugs in her hands as she slapped them against her face. 

Men surrounded them from every angle, jerking themselves off as they watched the action.  Slowly emerging from Christina’s tits, Angela licked along her tummy as she crawled across the leather.  Scouring the crowd that were gathered around them, Angela picked out a lucky individual and beckoned him towards her.

“You,” she said, pointing at his big black cock, “put that thing in my arse.”

The man nodded and climbed up onto the ottoman, planting his knees either side of Christina’s head.  Wrapping her arms around Christina’s thighs, Angela buried her face in between her thighs, putting her tongue to the redhead’s clit.  Gripping his cock at the base of the shaft, the black man pointed his swollen round tip at the rim of Angela’s asshole, steering it in with a single thrust.  Angela moaned into Christina’s wet snatch as he pushed in deep, sheathing himself to the hilt. 

Getting a hold of the Aussie’s thick hips, he started thrusting hard and fast, drilling his thick cock into the porn slut’s colon.  Christina lapped at Angela’s clit, feeling the man’s black balls slapping against the top of her head as they swung back and forth, both of them churning with a thick load of cum.  Raising a hand into the air, he brought it back down with force and venom, slapping Angela on her big, thick ass. 

“Yeah, that’s it,” the Aussie encouraged, peeling her tongue from Christina’s clit.  “Slap that fucking arse!”

He did as instructed, slapping her again with twice the force and leaving a red handprint on her sizable cheek.  He spanked her once more for good measure then grabbed her ass, moulding it with his fingers as he thrusted hard, his ass but a blur as he reamed the Queen of Porn. 

“Put it in her mouth,” Angela screamed, looking back at the black man as he pounded her ass.  “I want her to taste my arse!”

Again, he did as the pornstar told him.  Retrieving his black cock from Angela’s rectum, he fisted a handful of sweaty red hair and pulled Christina to the edge of the ottoman, leaving her head hanging over the edge.  Curling his fingers around the base of his shaft, he shoved it forward without warning or control, stuffing it deep into Christina’s esophagus.  Moving his hands to Angela’s hips, he used them for leverage as he threw himself forward, drilling hard into the redhead’s mouth. 

Humping and pumping with little restraint, her throat bulged obscenely as he fucked her upturned face, thick layers of slop dripping down her face as his balls swung like pendulums, slapping against her forehead.  By the time it was finally retrieved, his cock was drenched in a gallon of spittle and he pointed it back at Angela’s asshole, pushing back inside her with a single thrust. 

Meanwhile, Madelaine was on her knees on the other side of the stage as Anna and Adrianna appeared on either side of her, pushing their asses into the sides of her face.  Her cheeks squished inward, moulding her lips into a thick, crude blowjob hole that the men surrounding her were more than happy to fill.  A black guy stepped up first, steering his cock into Madelaine’s face.  The pornstar’s asses kept her firmly in place, so he didn’t even have to hold her head as he started thrusting, drilling his cock into the depths of her throat.

A few thrusts in and his dick was sodden, dripping with saliva from bottom to top.  Pulling back swiftly from between her lips, he placed his hands on Anna’s shoulders and turned her ninety degrees, pushing his cock into her stretchy butthole.  Gripping onto her shoulders as she bent her knees, he slammed into her ass as he stuck it out behind her, clapping her buttcheeks with every stroke.

Plucking his cock from her famous bunghole, his shaft was smeared with anal fluids as he gripped it at the base, steering it into Madelaine’s mouth.  Thrusting several times into her dripping wet maw, the juices had been cleaned from his big black cock, the shaft now drenched with sticky wet spittle.  Turning his focus to Adriana, she adopted the same position as he drilled himself forward, bottoming out in her world-class rear.  He gave a few pumps into the pornstar’s colon then wrenched himself free, shoving his cock into Madelaine’s face.  And so the cycle continued.  Man after man stepped up to the plate, each of them fucking one or both pornstars then using Madelaine’s mouth to clean all the mess from their long, thick cocks.

Back across the stage Christina, Angela and Lacy were knelt on the studio floor, back to back to back, closely surrounded by a huge group of guys.  Two cocks clasped in her dainty hands, Lacy jerked them both with vigorous strokes while a third large man was positioned before her, furiously fucking her beautiful face.  Angela, meanwhile, had gone one better, jerking two cocks and sucking another, while a fourth one sawed through her massive, fat tits.  But the star of the show was Christina Hendricks, jerking three cocks with her hands and breasts, the redheaded MILF had two thick rods crossed in between her lips, the bulging heads stuffed into her cheeks, making them bulge like a squirrel with a nut.

A thick black cock pulled from Angela’s lips, drenched in spittle having just been stuffed down her bottomless throat.

“Phew!” she said, coughing slightly as she sucked in air.  “Fuck, that was a big one!  OK, now you guys are ready, I think it’s time you ran a train on this slutty little arsehole.”  A cameraman zoomed in close, focusing on the two long fingers that had been shoved up Christina’s backside.  “Who’s first?”

“Me!” said two men together, not so much as a millisecond between one man’s voice and the other.

“Hmm,” said Angela, “you boys are eager, huh?  I don’t even know who answered first.  How about you, Lace?”

“Uh uh,” said Lacy, answering as best she could with a meaty fat cock still embedded in her gullet.

“Well, since you guys are so quick on the draw, I guess you’ll have to go in together.  You OK with that?”

“Mmhmm,” said one of the men.

“Fine by me,” the other replied.

“Good,” Angela grinned, then turned towards Christina.  “OK then, honeytits, up you get.  Let’s see what that arse can do.”

Christina gulped nervously as she rose to her feet.  Angela grabbed her by the hand, shooing men out of the way as she led her across to the nearest ottoman.  The two lucky men followed closely behind, looking at the big, pale ass that they would soon be both inside.  Angela stopped by the ottoman and pointed at one of the men.

“You, sit down.”

The man did as she told him, laying back across the leather with his dick pointed up at the ceiling. 

“OK, up you get,” the Aussie instructed, slapping Christina on the ass as she pushed her towards the ottoman.

Christina climbed up and straddled the man, planting her knees either side of his torso.  Reaching back behind her, she gripped his cock at the base of the shaft and pointed it upwards, aiming his tip at her puckered pink sphincter.  She fed it inside her and lowered herself onto it, sinking her asshole to the base of his shaft. 

“OK, that’s one,” said Angela.  “Now let’s get another in there.”

Wrapping his arms around the small of her back, he pulled Christina down and held her against him, her huge, heavy tits now squished against his two large pecs.  The second man stepped up behind her.  Resting his knees on the edge of the ottoman, he pointed the tip of his long, thick cock at her already occupied asshole.  He gave a hard push and shoved it inside, feeding her the tip of his schlong.

Christina gasped as she felt him enter, her ass stretching lewdly as a second fat cock was pushed up inside it.  She’d done double anal in the previous round but she was still something of a novice, especially compared to Anna, Adriana or even Angela herself.  The man pushed in slowly, feeling her asshole stretch around the width of his cock.  His dick was rubbing against another man, but he didn’t seem to mind; this is Christina Hendricks we’re talking about here!

Once his tip had squeezed inside, he started to gently thrust, steadily feeding her inch after inch.  A cameraman appeared as if from nowhere and pushed his lens into the redhead’s face, capturing her expression as a second fat cock was pushed into her tight backdoor.  Her eyes clamped shut and she bit down hard on her lower lip, nearly piercing the flesh as the second fat cock inched its way inside her. 

Once his dick was halfway in, both men started thrusting, working their cocks back and forth in her rectum with perfect synchronicity.  Each new thrust took them one inch deeper until both thick rods had bottomed out inside her, twenty inches of pulsing, veiny manmeat now lodged in her tight backdoor.  From here on out the men went hard and fast, slamming into her asshole with very little self-control. 

Angela knelt in front of her, hollering encouragement as she pushed her fat tits into the redhead’s face, smothering her with their weighty fullness.

“Yeah, that’s it, slut!  Take those fat cocks up your arse!”

Christina squealed into Angela’s tits, screaming at the top of her lungs, as the two large men went to town on her thick, round ass. 

“Oh, fuck!  I’m gonna cum in this ass!” one man yelled, tearing into her butthole with a sudden hectic fury that only imminent eruption can bring.

A few more thrusts and he did just that.  But it didn’t end there and Christina got two for the price of one as both men stiffened, spurting copiously as they unloaded inside her.  Taking a moment to catch his breath, the man behind her stepped back slowly, a thick mess of cum trickling down the shaft of the man underneath as the first fat cock was plucked from her asshole.

“Holy fuck!  Look at all that jizz!” Angela exclaimed.

Circling around behind Christina, she dropped to her knees on the studio floor, licking the cum off the man’s thick shaft as he pulled back to the tip, then caught the rest in her mouth as he prized his crown from Christina’s backside.  Wrapping up, Angela ran her tongue around Christina’s gaping asshole then pushed into the redhead’s rectum, gathering the last of the seed.

In the midst of the action, a third man had sat on the ottoman beside the first one, who promptly lifted Christina off his long, thick cock and handed her over to the new guy.  Placing his hands underneath her thighs, he pried them apart as she laid down on top of him, taking his cock in the palm of his hand and pushing it into her butthole.  As the first two guys returned to the circle, another man stepped up to the plate, pointing his cock against Christina’s sphincter and shoving it up inside her. 

And so it continued.  The guys run a train on the buxom redhead, doubling up on her A-list asshole and pounding her into a coma.  But it didn’t end there, and back across stage, Madelaine soon found herself in a similar situation.  Laid atop one man with her legs spread wide, he slammed his black cock into the depths of her rectum as another black man was positioned before, driving even deeper into her tight pink pussy.  Men ringed her from all directions, stroking their cocks while they awaited their turn in her asshole or cunt.

Feeling a hand tap against his shoulder, the guy in her pussy reluctantly tapped out, another man ready to take his place.  Gripping his cock at the base of the shaft, he pointed his tip against the slit of her pussy then reconsidered.  Aiming it lower, he aimed his crown at her stretched out asshole and started to push it inside.  Twenty years younger and considerably more athletic, Madelaine’s asshole was even tighter than Christina’s.  But with a tube full of lube and some good old fashioned exertion, he squeezed his black cock into her already taken butthole.  The men started thrusting, balls squishing together as they slammed into her tight backdoor.

“Wow!  Look at her go!” said Adriana.  She turned towards the men, picking one out at random.  “You, get up here,” she instructed, pointing at the ottoman.  “Get your cock in her pussy.”

The man stepped forward, climbing up onto the plush white furniture.  Squeezing snugly in front of his friend, he pointed his cock at Madelaine’s pussy and buried his monster inside her.  Madelaine screamed, creaming on the spot as a third black cock was thrust up inside her, stuffing her body to the brim. 

The trio fucked her as hard as they could, getting in each others way as all three of them thrusted in close proximity.  One cock drilled into her slick pink pussy, repeatedly hitting her g-spot, while two more slammed into the actress’ colon, stretching her asshole to the point of rupture.  Madelaine came again and again, screaming around the cock that was jammed in her throat as repeated orgasms assaulted her athletic frame.  The men took turns on her, switching from hole to hole with increasing regularity, while a whole host of others watched with their cocks in hand, patiently waiting their turn.   

Meanwhile, Christina was sandwiched in the middle of two large studs as they thrusted wildly, double teaming her tight backdoor.  She’d cum three times already from these two alone, and as the final tremors of her latest climax surged their way to her furthest extremities, Anna watched in observation, studiously planning the next activity.

“Alright, boys, that’s enough,” the pornstar declared, and both men groaned as they pulled back slowly, plucking their cocks from Christina’s ass.

The first man climbed down from the ottoman, helping Christina down after him.  The man underneath her rose to his feet and both of them returned to the large circle of studs that were gathered around the ottoman, the size of which was growing by the minute. 

“OK, I think it’s time we prepped you for the grand finale,” said Anna, stroking Christina’s hair as she returned to the ottoman.  She turned to look at the men.  “I need a volunteer.”

Every man in the circle raised their hands.  Anna rolled her eyes then pointed at a man at random.

“You, come here.”

The man did a fist pump and took a step forward.  Anna smirked, thinking to herself what an apt gesture he’d chose to make.  She turned back to Christina.

“You, on your knees, ass in the air.”

Christina nodded and assumed the position.  Kneeling at the edge of the ottoman, she turned her head to the side, resting her face on the leather as she pushed her ass out, sticking it high in the air. 

“Perfect,” said Anna then looked back at the guy.  “Ready?” she asked, making the fisting motion with her hands.

The man grinned and nodded his head.

“Good,” said Anna.  “Over to you.”

The man knelt down at the edge of the ottoman and gripped Christina’s asscheeks, spitting a thick glob of saliva directly onto the redhead’s sphincter.  Releasing her buttcheek with one of his hands, he pressed the tip of his finger against her anus and pushed it inside, sinking it down to the knuckle.

“Oh, wow!” said Anna, watching closeby.  “That went in there easy, huh?  See if you can get another one in there.  She’s just had two cocks in there so it shouldn’t be too difficult,” she added, laughing to herself.

The man retrieved his finger then reapplied spit, pushing two digits against her puckered pink asshole.  Again, they went in with consummate ease and he sunk them into her several times then added a third without further prompting. 

“Damn!” said Anna.  “Going in there a treat, huh?  Looks like we’ve got a real anal slut on our hands.  Let’s see if you can get all four.”

Plucking his fingers from the redhead’s asshole, he added his pinky to the equation as he promptly returned them from whence they’d came, pushing them in until he was knuckle deep in Christina’s rectum.  Christina groaned, feeling his fingers push into her colon.

“Fuck!  What a filthy whore!” Anna exclaimed, flashing a grin at the camera.  “Now gape that ass for me.  I wanna see how wide it spreads.”

The man nodded and used his free hand to grab Christina’s buttcheek, pulling it open as he retrieved his fingers, plucking them slowly from the redhead’s ass.  Once it was free, he gripped her other asscheek and pulled them both apart, stretching her butthole as much as he could and even using his thumbs to spread it extra wide.  The result was a gape so large it made even Anna blush which, is anyone who’s watched her scenes will know, is a feat not easily achieved. 

“Jesus!  Even *I* don’t gape like that!” the brunette gushed.  “Maybe you should be teaching me!  Alright, buddy, pop that hand back in there.  I wanna see if you can get the whole thing in.”

The man spat into Christina’s rectum to provide some extra lube then set about fitting his hand inside her.  Moulding his hand into a cone-like shape, he slid his fingers into the redhead’s ass, making a fist inside her rectum as he sunk them in deeper, pushing them down to the knuckles.  A camera appeared in Christina’s face, capturing her expression as a big male hand was stuffed up her once-tight asshole.  Eyes clamped shut, her features skewed with an interesting mixture of pleasure and pain as the man’s clenched fist sunk into the depths of her rectum.  Cutting back to the previous camera, the images appeared on the screen above her as the guy’s large hand disappeared up Christina’s ass, her butthole gripped around the width of his wrist.

“Holy shit!” yelped Anna, her mouth gaped open in shock.  “Fucking slut took the whole thing!  Now fuck her with it.”

The man nodded and drew his arm back, pulling back slowly to the widest part of his fist before pushing back in to his forearm, feeding her the first two inches.  Climbing up onto the ottoman, Anna set her ass down on Christina’s head, getting a better view as her chosen stud fucked Christina with his meaty fist. 

“Yeah, that’s it, buddy,” the brunette encouraged, gripping her asscheeks to keep them spread.  “Get in there good.”

He pushed his fist in several times, plunging so deep that Christina half-expected him to be clutching a handful of innards by the time he pried it loose.  Anna kept her asscheeks spread, spitting into her gape. 

“Fuck!  What a hungry little asshole you have,” the pornstar grinned.  “Now be a good whore and clean his fingers.”

Anna hopped down from Christina’s head as the man knelt down in front of her, feeding two fingers into the redhead’s mouth.  Her lips dragged smoothly along the length of his fingers, slurping up ass juice as she sucked them clean.  Another finger pressed against the side of her mouth and she opened it wider to take that one too.  Then she took a fourth, gagging slightly as he pushed them in as deep as he could.  Retrieving his fingers from down her throat, he grabbed the back of Christina’s head, shoving his cock into her mouth and thrusting a few times for shits and giggles.  He then pulled back, shifting his hips from side to side and slapping her in the face with his newly wet cock.

Anna laughed.  “Fuck, what a whore!”  She slapped Christina on the ass then ordered her to, “turn around.  Get on your back.  I gotta get a piece of that.”

Christina did as the pornstar told her, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs.  Anna knelt in front of the ottoman and pushed her legs back, lifting her ass off the leather surface.  Firing a glob of spittle at Christina’s butthole, she shoved two fingers inside it, fucking her several times before adding a third.  Planting her knees on the edge of the ottoman, she pushed her back further so her ass went higher, practically bending her in half with her feet either side of her head.

Using both hands to grip her buttcheeks, Anna pressed three fingers from her right hand against Christina’s asshole and began to push them inside.  Her fingers slid into the redhead’s rectum, making it stretch around the width of her digits and three other fingers already inside.  Sinking them down to the knuckle she gripped her butthole with all six fingers and pulled in different directions, stretching her sphincter and making it gape. 

“Fuuuuck!” she exclaimed.  “Is this thing made of elastic?!  Fuck, you’re taking it like a slut, huh?”

Anna spat into Christina’s asshole then added two more fingers, one from each of her hands. 

“Rub your clit,” the pornstar instructed.  “I wanna see how hard you can cum.”

Christina did as the brunette told her, putting two fingers to the nub of her clit.  A slippery wet sound could immediately be heard as she started to strum at her throbbing pink pussy, her moans getting louder as Anna upped the ante, pushing her thumbs into the redhead’s butthole.  Steadily feeding them into her ass, Anna started to curl her fingers, making two fists in Christina’s rectum.

Christina's clit started throbbing harder and once both hands slid down to the wrist, the actress screamed at the top of her lungs as a potent blast of squirt juice sprayed forth from her quivering cunt, hitting Anna full in the face.

“Ohhh, fuck yeah!” the pornstar squealed, enjoying the warmth of the sticky, clean fluids as dripped down her face.

Christina kept rubbing and fired again, this time squirting into Anna’s mouth.  Anna closed her lips and tipped her head back, gargling with the juices before she lowered her head again and spat it back into Christina’s mouth.  Stretching her fingers out, Anna slowly retrieved her hands, easing both paws from the redhead’s ass.  Plucking them free, she lowered Christina to a seated position and knelt on the floor in front of her.

“Very good, slut,” the brunette said.  “Now open that mouth up.”

Christina did as the pornstar told her, gaping her lips as wide as she could.  Anna brought her hands up, pushing eight fingers, four from each hand, straight into the redhead’s mouth.  Using her fingers to stretch them open, Anna spat a glob of saliva between Christina’s gaping lips.  Retrieving her fingers from the actress’ mouth, she took Christina’s face in her hands, wrapping things up with a big, sloppy kiss.

Back across the stage, Madelaine was down on her knees, tending to the dozens of men who had just taken turns triple teaming her pussy and ass.  Jerking two cocks with her dexterous hands, her face was fucked by a seemingly endless line of men, each one ramming his long, girthy cock deep into the redhead’s gullet.  Her eyes began to water, causing long tears of mascara to run down her flushed red cheeks.  Her lipstick was smeared and her hair dishevelled.

Gripping her by the wrist, one man pulled to her feet and back towards the ottoman.  Laying back across the leather surface, he helped her up on top of him, gripping his cock as she straddled him and pushing it into her pussy.  Another man appeared behind her and before she knew, both her holes were ravaged by a pair of thick, throbbing cocks. 

But that was just the beginning.  Kneeling down behind the man in her asshole, Adriana reached around from behind him and pressed her fingertips against the rim of Madelaine’s asshole.  Confused, the man looked back at her as he kept on thrusting, drilling his cock into the redhead’s ass. 

“Don’t mind me,” the pornstar grinned.  “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

The man shrugged and kept on railing, looking down at Madelaine’s asshole as the tips of Adriana’s fingers began to push inside it.  Sinking her fingers down to the knuckle, Adriana wrapped them around the man’s fat cock, jerking him off as he assfucked Madelaine. Madelaine’s eyes bulged, nearly popping straight out of her skull as Adriana’s hand was squeezed into her already occupied asshole.

“Holy shit!” the man exclaimed, enjoying the odd sensation.  “I’ve never been jerked off while fucking someone before!”

But it didn’t end there, and as he drilled his cock into Madelaine’s asshole, Adriana threw her head forward as she jerked his cock, burying her face in his buttcrack.  Licking several times across his hairless sphincter, her tongue came out and pushed inside, fucking his butthole as he continued to thrust.  His cock started twitching, veins pulsing harder from the triple sensation; the tight grip of Ariana’s hand, the even tighter grip of Madelaine’s asshole and the warm, slick feeling of the pornstar’s tongue as she jabbed it into his asshole.

He came hard, firing ropes of spunk into the redhead’s rectum.  Adriana kept stroking as she felt him cum, jerking out volleys of semen and making sure his orgasm was as long and as explosive as possible.  Still slamming up into the depths of her pussy, the man underneath her came shortly after, spurting copiously into Madelaine’s womb.  Then, inevitably, Madelaine came as well, squeezing both cocks at the point of climax as ropes of hot nut butter were splashed up her inner walls. 

Adriana unclenched her fist and retrieved it from Madelaine’s asshole, bringing the cock along with it.  Grabbing the actress by her long red hair, Adriana pulled her up off the ottoman, freeing the cock that was in her pussy.  Adriana pushed her down onto her knees and waved the two men over. 

“Open your mouth, slut,” the pornstar instructed and Madelaine did so, gaping her lips as wide as she could. 

The men didn’t need to be told what to do.  At the exact same time they thrusted forward, pushing their cocks into the redhead’s mouth.  Crossing at around mid-shaft, they stuffed their crowns into Madelaine’s cheeks, making them bulge like a squirrel with a nut.  Closing her lips around the criss-crossed shafts, Madelaine sucked them as best she could, tasting a mixture of pussy and ass.

“OK, boys, that’s enough,” said Adriana.  “Make some room for me.”

The man who’d been in Madelaine’s pussy plucked his cock from between her lips as the pornstar knelt before her.  Tucking her thumb in against her palm, she pressed the tips of her fingers against her big, thick lips and pushed them inside, sinking them down to the knuckle with the second fat cock still lodged in her mouth.  Madelaine gagged as Adriana pushed her fist in, trying to stuff it down the redhead’s throat.

Back across the stage, a man was laid out across the white leather ottoman.  Christina was squatted above him, her huge, heavy tits flopping up and down as she rode him, working her asshole up and down his cock, much to the delight of the surrounding audience. 

“Goddamn, look at those fucking tits!” one man hollered.

“Yeah, ride that cock, you fucking slut!” added another.

One of the men strode swiftly forward, stroking his girthy rod.  The man underneath wrapped his arms around Christina’s torso and pulled her down on top of him.  Reaching underneath her, he gripped the insides of her meaty thighs and pulled them apart, pointing her feet at opposing walls.

Resting his knees on the edge of the ottoman, the man before her gripped his cock and pointed it at her asshole, his friend’s fat cock already inside it.  Pushing forward, he squeezed his crown into her occupied hole, slowly entering her an inch at a time.  Christina moaned, biting her bottom lip as the second thick cock was forced inside her, her asshole stretching like it was made of elastic.  One more push and he was sheathed to the balls, his cock resting on top of the other in the redhead’s gripping rectum.

But the guys weren’t finished yet.  Another moved forward as her asshole was filled.  Climbing up onto the ottoman, he slotted his body between the second man and Christina.  Squatting down low, he gripped his cock at the base of the shaft and pointed it at her pussy, entering her fully with a single thrust.  Christina screamed, cumming on the spot as he thrust inside.  She tightened all over, nearly popping the two men from her backside as her asshole contracted, firmly gripping the two cocks that were buried inside it.  They took a few seconds to steady themselves then started thrusting, slamming their cocks into both her holes.  One thick rod sunk into her pussy, repeatedly hitting her g-spot, while the other two throbbed in her tight rear end, drilling into her colon with perfectly synchronised thrusts. 

Her eyes clamped shut as the three men fucked her and when she re-opened them another fat cock was hanging in her face.  Without even thinking, Christina’s lips came gaping open, giving the man in front of her plenty of room to slot his cock into her mouth.  His crown pushed into the back of her throat and two strong hands got a grip on her head as he started thrusting, drilling his cock into the depths of her gullet.  Then, just when she thought she was at capacity, two more men appeared either side of her, their dicks rock hard and ready for stroking.  Christina obliged them, curling her fingers around both thick cocks and vigorously jerking ‘til her hearts content, working her hands up and down their shafts as her three lovely holes were reamed into next July. 

The four men pounded her with little restraint, thrusting into the depths of her mouth, ass and pussy while the two remaining studs were jerked into a coma.  Even whilst getting so furiously fucked, Christina’s handjob technique was second to none, her dainty paws roaming along the length of each throbbing shaft at the perfect speed and with just the right amount of pressure. 

Christina came again and again, each new climax more vigorous than the last.  Then once her final orgasm had run its course, it was time for the men to unleash some of their own.  The two men in her asshole went off first.  Burying themselves to the hilt, both men came at the exact same time, firing twin blasts that shot up her rectum like heat-seeking missiles, splattering the walls of her anal cavity.

Her pussy tightened as she felt them cum, squeezing a load from the man inside it.  Erupting inside her with explosive force, he fired copiously into the actress’ womb, draining his swollen balls.  Next up was the man in her mouth.  Furiously thrusting into the depths of her throat, he gripped on tight to the back of her head, pinning her face to his groin as his cockhead exploded, shooting his semen straight down her throat.  Vigorously jerking the last two cocks, Christina received two blasts to the face as she stroked both men to climax, cum spraying across her face and hair. 

Appearing in front of her, Angela gripped onto her matted red hair, staring down at her as she wrenched her head back.  Leaning in, she licked all the spunk from the redhead’s face, spitting it back into her mouth. 

“Not bad, slut,” the Aussie declared.  “Think you can go one better?”

Christina wasn’t sure what that meant exactly but she nodded all the same.

“Good,” grinned Angela.

Hair still clenched in the pornstar’s fist, she dragged her back to the ottoman where three new guys were ready and waiting.  One of the men sat down on the surface as Christina climbed on top of him, straddling him in the cowgirl position.  Gripping his cock at the base, he pointed the tip at the redhead’s asshole, pushing it inside her with a forceful shove.  Another man came up behind her and knelt on the edge of the ottoman.  He too stuffed his cock in her asshole, shoving it inside her with relative ease considering said hole was already occupied. 

But the guys weren’t finished yet.  As the two thick cocks sunk into her rectum, another man climbed onto the ottoman, squeezing his body in between the two others.  She felt his tip press against her anus and prayed to God inside her head that she would make it out alive as the third fat cock began to push inside her. 

“Oh, FUCK!” Christina screamed, her eyes bulging in comical fashion.

Her asshole stretched like never before and Christina clung to the man underneath her, wondering how on earth her sphincter hadn’t ripped in two.  The guys took a moment to secure their positions and then the trio started thrusting.  Their cocks pushed deep into the redhead’s colon, jostling for position inside her body.  They couldn’t thrust particularly hard, but their cocks were stuffed so tightly inside her that every movement was intensified to the absolute max. 

How these men had forced their way inside, she didn’t know.  And what havoc they were wreaking on her once pristine insides, she daren't even think about.  All she knew is that they were fucking the life out of her, sinking into her depths with their three thick cocks and pushing her body to its limits.

Then, just when she thought her body couldn’t get anymore full, four men appeared in front of her, each one armed with a big, fat cock that he was itching to shove inside her.  The two either side of her grabbed onto her wrists and pulled them towards their cocks.  Gripping them tightly,  Christina stroked them vigorously as the two men in the middle moved closer together, gripping their cocks at the base as they pushed them forward, steering them unerringly into the redhead’s open mouth. 

Christina was mid-scream as they thrusted forward, and any further sounds were immediately cut off as two large rods were stuffed in between her lips.  Her eyes bulged, her mouth stretched to the point of rapture as the fat pair of cocks pushed their way inside it.  Crossing at around mid-shaft, their cockheads poked at the insides of her cheeks, making them bulge as her full lips puckered, tightly locked around the thick twin dongs. 

Two hands gripped onto the back of her head, pulling her forwards as she jerked the two cocks on either side of her, three huge dongs still slamming into her asshole.  The guys pulled her closer, getting their dicks in as deep as they could.  Christina gagged as she felt the duo try to double team her throat.  Their cocks were too thick to fit down her gullet but both men got a feel of her tonsils as they ventured deep into her oral cavity, their thick rods throbbing against the redhead’s tongue. 

“Last call, fellas,” Perv announced.  “Anyone wanting a piece of that ass better get in while you can.”

The image was plastered across the giant screen and every man on stage was drawn to it instantly.  Cocks were plucked from Lacy’s mouth, between Angela’s tits and even from Adriana’s asshole as the men raced across the massive stage, forming a group around Christina that numbered well into the hundreds.  Cocks came out of her mouth and asshole as others moved in to replace them.  Cocks throbbed in her throat and rectum, leaking precum into both her orifices, her holes stretched to the absolute limit.  They passed her around for over an hour, fucking her hard and fast, andmaking her cum again and again.  Then, once every man had pounded her asshole or drilled his hard cock into the depths of her throat, they lifted her body up off of the ottoman, hoisting her high as they carried her across the stage.

Placing her down on the floor, Madelaine and the pornstars lined up behind her as the guys all gathered in front, forming a semi-circle that had to be at least twenty layers deep. 

“I think these guys are about to cum!” said Anna, a grin pulling at the sides of her mouth.

“Looks like it to me,” Angela agreed.  “But where do you think they should do it?  Over those massive tits?”

“How about this pretty face?” suggested Lacy, stroking Christina’s cheek.

“Don’t forget that whorish mouth!” said Adriana.  “And I want some in my asshole too!”

“So do I!” Anna chimed in.

Angela laughed.  “Well, why doesn’t that surprise me?  Don’t worry, you sluts will get your cum.  As long as you feed it to Big Tits here,” she added, running her fingers through Christina’s red hair.  Angela turned and looked at the guys, gathered in front of her in a swarming mass.  “So,” she said, “who’s ready to cum?”

A group of eight rushed up to the front, forming a circle around Christina.  A dozen or so others gathered around Madelaine as she dropped to her knees, grasping onto a pair of cocks while another was stuffed in her face.  Working her way around the circle of guys, she sucked and jerked them to the point of bursting, making sure their balls were full of spunk for the older, bustier redhead.

Angela and her fellow sluts immersed themselves into the ring of studs that were circled around Christina.  Sandwiched between a pair of black studs, Lacy had a long dark cock clasped in each of her hands, jerking both members in perfect unison.  Both men came at the exact same time, hot ropes of seed spraying forth from their pricks and splattering across Christina’s face, coating her right cheek along with her mouth and nose. 

Kneeling side by side behind two large men, Anna and Adriana had their faces buried in the cracks of their asses, reaching around in front of them to jerk their cocks while they licked the two men’s assholes.  Their cockheads erupted in explosive fashion, and twin thick blasts of burning splooge squirted from their urethras, leaving long, thick streaks across the left side of her face and even messing her sweaty red hair. 

Standing behind a black man and nibbling on his ear, Angela curled her arms around his muscular torso and worked a dainty hand along his big black cock.  Feeling him throbbing in the palm of his hand, she whispered sweet nothings straight into his ear as she jerked back and forth, stroking his big black cock. 

“Mmm, look at those tits!  You wanna shoot your thick load all over them, huh?  Drench them in your hot fucking cum?  Come on, big boy.  Shoot that spunk for me.  Soak those fucking tits!”

A few more pumps and he did just that, promptly emitting an explosive blast that sprayed all over Christina’s tits, coating them thoroughly in criss-crossing lines of scolding jism. 

“Oh, wow!” said Angela, blue eyes bulging as she stroked his rod, jerking out the last few drops.  “Fuck, that’s a lot of cum!  Stay right there, girl.  I gotta get some of that.”

Strolling around from behind the black stud, she dropped to her knees in front of Christina, taking those cum-streaked tits in the palms of her hands.  Poking her tongue out, she ran it slowly across Christina’s left breast, licking up some of the spunk.  Keeping it in her mouth, she lifted her head to Christina’s eyeline, and slid two fingers in between her lips, fish hooking her lips until her mouth was gaping wide.  Pursing her full set of lips, she spat the cum into Christina’s mouth, then tilted her head back, looming up above the redhead as she held the load in between her cheeks.

“Mouth open,” said Angela and Christina did as instructed, showing the cum in between her lips.  Angela turned to the men behind her.  “Who’s ready to cum?”

“Me!  Me!  Me!” said three of the guys that were gathered around Madelaine, prying their cocks from her fingers and mouth.

Angela scooched back as the trio approached, forming a line in front of Christina. 

“Shoot those loads, boys,” Angela instructed.  “Fill that mouth to the brim.”

The three men nodded and started jerking, firing three loads in quick succession.  A camera pointed at her open mouth, the levels inside it rising dramatically as the three men climaxed, shooting their seed in between her lips.  Jerking out the last of their loads, the men took a step back as Angela returned to her previous position, kneeling in front of Christina. 

“Fuuuck, look that at,” the pornstar grinned.  “Filled to the brim.  Close that mouth up.”

Christina did as the Aussie instructed, two thick drops of semen spilling from her lips as she clamped them shut and trickling down the sides of her face.  Angela scooped one up with her index finger and slid it between her lips, dutifully sucking it clean.  Poking out her tongue, she licked along Christina’s cheek and across her full set of lips, cleaning the rest of the spunk.

“Mmm, delicious,” said the busty brunette, smacking her lips together.  “Now be a good whore and swallow that cum.”

The camera moved closer as she tipped her head back, capturing the exaggerated gulp that Christina gave as she gulped down the semen shandy, seeing it away in a single hit. 

“All gone?” asked Angela.

“Mmhmm,” said Christina, nodding her pretty red head.

“Show me.”

Her lips came open and she stuck out her tongue, proving that the cum had disappeared. 

“Mmm, good little slut,” Angela smirked, then waved some more men over.  “Fill it back up,” she said to the guys, pointing at Christina’s mouth.

While the guys got into position, more were gathered around the remaining sluts, particularly Anna and Adriana who were in the midst of getting railed by some big black cocks.  Arms wrapped around their slender frames, the guys were going hell for leather as they drilled their fat cocks into those famous assholes.  Sheathing themselves to the base of their shafts, both men came in explosive fashion, firing twin loads of spunk deep into the pornstars’ rectums. 

Christina swallowed the next load of cum as Angela appeared in front of her, barging men out of her way.  Gripping a fistful of vibrant red hair, the Aussie wrapped it around her knuckles, tugging it sharply as she pulled her forwards.

“Come with me,” said Angela, Christina crawling behind her as she led her across the stage.

She led her around behind Anna and Adriana as two men plucked their cocks from their tight backsides, their asses filled with cum.  Christina knelt behind Anna as she spread her cheeks, giving her a sight of her puckered asshole, a drop of hot cum trickling from inside it.

“Lick it up,” said Angela, pointing at the escaping semen.

Poking her tongue out, Christina licked from Anna’s pussy and up to her ass, scooping up the salty jism. 

“Good slut,” Angela grinned.  “Now keep that mouth nice and wide.”

Christina did as the pornstar told her, stretching her lips as wide as she could.

“OK, Anna.  Fire away, mate,” the Aussie instructed.

Anna flexed her rectal muscles, making her butthole wink a few times before a hot blast of jism sprayed forth from her famous ass.  Tongue outstretched, it made Christina flinch as it splattered against it, instantly filling her open mouth.

“Damn!” Perv exclaimed.  “I’ve heard of an anal cumshot, but that’s ridiculous!”

“Keep it in your mouth,” Angela instructed, as Anna stepped aside and Adriana took her place. 

Adriana gripped her buttcheeks, spreading them apart as she too sprayed an assful of jism straight into Christna’s mouth.  A cameraman moved in close, capturing a close up as her mouth stayed open, gurgling with the semen before swallowing it down.

The men kept coming in waves and waves.  Gripping a fistful of hair, Angela wrenched her head back as the first wave came all over her, shooting their loads one at a time until there wasn’t a stretch of skin on her face or tits that wasn’t coated with rich, warm goop.  Then one of the pornstars would kneel in front of her and lick it up, spitting it into her mouth.  The next wave fired straight into her mouth, filling it with ten or twelve loads at a time before the redhead swallowed it to make room for the next one. 

As all this was taking place, Madelaine was playing fluffer; sucking, deepthroating, rimming and getting her facefucked by six, seven, eight men at time, making sure each one of them was fit to burst by the time he got to Christina.  And all that prep had worked like a charm.  Each man came like his life depended on it, blasting more seed in a single load than most would manage in a week or more. 

Even the pornstars were getting in on the act.  They were more used to lesser mortals fluffing for them but were more than happy to switch up the roles if it meant getting their throats around those fat, throbbing cocks.  Lacy was sucking off one and jerking two others, a champagne flute clutched in her hand, ready to be filled with semen and passed along to her fellow redhead.

Angela had one clamped between her tits while two others took turns in her mouth, fucking her face until their cockheads were ready to blow.  Once they had, Angela kept it in between her cheeks, spitting into Christina’s mouth as a little snack between massive bukkakes.  Anna took six or seven loads to the face then knelt in front of Christina, not budging until the redhead had licked her clean.  Adriana’s mouth was filled with semen, which she promptly spat into Christina’s mouth and all over her massive tits.

Guys took turns cumming between Madelaine’s thick set of lips, filling her mouth with spunk until her cheeks were bugling.  Gripping a fistful of bright red hair, Anna lead her over towards Christina and placed a finger underneath her chin, angling her head up.  Bending at the waist under Anna’s direction, Madelaine’s spat the ocean of cum straight into Christina’s mouth, not even stopping as it started to overflow.  Cum gushed from her lips like an off-white waterfall, soaking her chin and the tops of her titties.

After close to an hour of non-stop eruptions, the crowd had thinned down to the last few guys.  Christina’s face was covered in cum as the final guys stepped up to the plate, shooting into her mouth one after the other.  Christina gathered it in between her lips, a cameraman getting in close to the action, capturing one last massive cum swallow as she closed her lips and gulped it all down.  For a minute, all was silent.  A collective hush fell over the audience, now gathered in a mob scene at the rear of the stage.  Everyone in the studio was temporarily stunned by what they’d just seen.  Even the likes of Adriana and Anna.  Known as two of the filthiest performers in the whole adult industry, it made even their usual hijinks look like mere child's play. 

“Wow!” said Perv, breaking the silence.  “Just…wow!  What a performance.  How about a hand for our celebrity guest?”

The men on stage all started clapping and were promptly joined by Perv, the pornstars and even Madelaine.  The camera stayed on Christina’s face, smiling and blushing as she wiped all the cum from her face. 

“And her assistant, Miss Madelaine Petsch.  And of course, our lovely porn stars.”

The applause continued, the women on stage all clapping each other as they basked in the glory of a job well done.

“Well, that’s all we’ve got time for on today’s show,” said Perv as he addressed the camera.  “A huge thank you to all our guests, particularly Christina Hendricks, who raised a whopping…erm, how much did she raise again?” asked the host, looking at his producers at the side of the stage.

A number of them looked at each other, exchanging befuddled looks, then looked back at Perv with a shrug.

“Ermm…OK.  A whopping…amount of money for her chosen charity.  Join us next week when another famous guest will take on the Cum Factor challenge.  Will they have what it takes?  We’ll find out next week in another exciting episode of everyone’s favourite show.  I’m Perv Griffin, and I bid you a fond farewell.”

Perv gave a wave to the folks back home and a camera took a sweep of the studio, capturing the sheer mass of naked males who were gathered across the stage, most heading straight for the nearest woman for a spot of after-show action.  The show may have come to an end, but the filthy fun in the Cum Factor studio was only just beginning.   

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Re: Cum Factor (Christina Hendricks) [Final Part posted]
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2024, 03:08:55 PM »
Even the commercials are hot lol
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