Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Method Acting (featuring Emmanuelle Chriqui, Laura Vandervoort)  (Read 5311 times)


Posted on C-S-S-A.com in 2009
By: Grahf

Codes: (FF cons)
Mail: AzurePhoenix9999@gmail.com

Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional; it contains descriptive scenes of explicit, sexual behavior between females and is not for those under 18 years of age. This is an untrue representation of the behavior and personalities of the women in question. If you find Lesbianism offensive, it is advised to not read any further.

Method Acting

Emmanuelle Chirqui watches the black hands of the large silver clock.

1:14; she has been waiting for the next girl to do the script reading for over 10 minutes. The director and 2 head writers for the new horror movie “Dark Campus” have taken their time getting back from lunch. Emmanuelle quietly exhales in frustration, as the trio chatter before finally sitting behind the large oak table. Standing a few feet away from it wearing a dark blue short sleeve top and a pair of black jeans tightly molded to her lower body, she readies herself. She no longer needs the script, having memorized the few pages after reading it a couple dozen times that morning with a variety of different young women. Running her hand through her jet black hair, she considers undoing the clip of her ponytail when the director finally instructs the readings to commence. No one has stood out so far, and Emmanuelle begins to regret deciding to do the readings herself.

She prefers to know beforehand who she will be working with, and tries to interact with them before filming starts. She recognizes the next name on the list but can’t remember the face. The door handle clicks and draws her stare.

Emmanuelle eyes the slender glistening legs of the blonde entering the room. She can’t help but compare her own body to this girl who is 7 years her junior. She can tell right away that she works out. Her legs jutting out from beneath a light blue jean skirt are lean and muscular, yet still feminine. Moving her eyes up, she glimpses tight abs between the exposed midriff. She has on a long-sleeved black dress shirt with the top 2 buttons undone giving a hint of cleavage. Her long blonde hair comes down just above her chest in slight curls. The Canadian brunette clears her throat preparing to say her lines. Before she can, the young blonde strides forward with her arm outstretched.

“Hi, I’m Laura, nice to meet you.” She says with a brilliant smile.

“Emmanuelle, nice to meet you.” She takes Laura’s hand in her own. Her skin is softer than it looks, yet her grip is strong and confident. Staring into her eyes, Emmanuelle can tell the girl knows her, but she doesn’t quite recognize her.

Another Canadian actress, Laura Vandervoort is an athletic blue eyed- blonde, best known for her role as Kara in the Smallville TV series. Laura is ready to finally break out, and she hopes this film will help her do it. She has prepared herself well for this audition. But she actually is more concerned about impressing Emmanuelle than anyone else. She knew Emmanuelle was cast but didn’t think she would be able to read with her. She has looked up to her as a fellow Canadian actress who is having success in Hollywood. Landing the role would be great, but she also hopes to learn from Emmanuelle.

Emmanuelle warmly smiles at Laura. “You ready?” She asks softly.

“Yes!” Laura replies trying to contain her excitement.

Emmanuelle smiles inwardly at the young girl’s passion, something which was lacking from the earlier participants.

Emmanuelle Begins.

“Stephanie, where were you?”

“L-L-Lara, it’s Greg. He He…..”

“Calm Down what’s wrong?”


During the reading, Emmanuelle finally recognizes Laura, and the work she’s done in Canada. Her time in the US made her forget. She always thought Laura was a good actress, and it was further proved by their read through.

“Thank you Laura, we will let you know before the end of the Month.” The Director says kindly for the umpteenth time today.

“Thank you very much.” Laura says and goes up to the table shaking each of their hands.

Emmanuelle watches impressed once again, since all the other girls turned on their heels and left. Before leaving, Laura comes up to her and shakes her hand as well.

“This was great, thank you so much.” She says beaming.

“Good work.” Emmanuelle smiles back.

As Laura disappears through the door, one of the head writers gets a phone call, and leaves the table.

Seeing this, Emmanuelle makes a quick decision and heads out the door. Looking down the Hall, she sees Laura bent over going through her bag. Eyeing her taut legs, Emmanuelle approaches.

“Hey. Just wanted say you were terrific inside, the best of the day.”

“What? Thank you so much! You know, I would really, really love to work with you.” Laura says letting her excitement get the better of her.

Emmanuelle blushes slightly at the compliment.

“Thanks. I didn’t remember right away, but you’ve done some good work back home, would love to have a fellow Canadian girl to work with.”

“Me too, I can catch you up. Laura giggles” Emmanuelle returns a laugh back.

“Thanks for the praise, but it’s been a lot of small stuff. I’m ready for the big time now.” Vandervoort asserts.

“Well I believe you. I hope this one does well too. Not to be a jinx or anything, but I really can’t picture anyone else but you for this part.” Emmanuelle says.

Right then A production assistant sticks their head out of the conference room door.

“Emmanuelle. We’re ready to start again.” They say before returning inside.

The two girls stare at each other for a moment. Laura brings her face towards Emmanuelle’s and kisses her softly on the cheek.

“I hope you’re right.” She calmly smiles and walks away.

Emmanuelle is slightly taken aback for some reason she can’t identify, but gathers her thoughts and returns to the room.

2 Weeks later;

“Emmanuelle, good to see you again. Grab a seat, we’re still going over the Stephanies.” The Director waves the brunette over to the table.

Emmanuelle adjusts her long green skirt and settles into a soft grey chair. Leaning forward with her elbows on the table she scans the various photos of actresses the men have narrowed it down to.

Her eyes scan the glossies quickly until she finds the one she’s hoping for. Her eyes lock onto the photo of Laura smiling brightly. A subtle calm comes over her body, relieved to see her among the group.

As they ask her opinion, Emmanuelle has little praise for the others, and bides her time until they come to Laura’s Photo.

Before anyone one else can speak, She makes her case. “I honestly think this girl is the best of the bunch. She’s more experienced, and hardly made any mistakes.”

“But Emmanuelle, Lisa Narin has more acting experience than her, and she didn’t make any mistakes.” Richard, the executive producer retorts.

“Yes, but that’s theatre experience, Laura is used to being in front of Cameras. And to be honest, I didn’t feel any chemistry with Lisa.”

“And you do with Laura?”

Emmanuelle feels her face flush slightly before answering. “Yes I do, more than any of the others.” Crossing her arms and leaning, she eyes the three men, awaiting their next objection.

“I don’t know Emmanuelle, can she really pull people in for this movie?”

“Do you know how dedicated the Smallville fan base is? They will watch her no matter what movie she is in. She counters. “And, and she’s beautiful.”

This catches their attention. “I’ve seen her body, she is extremely fit and toned, but still feminine and sexy. She’s the perfect girl next door, and men will love watching her in this movie.”

Once the words leave her mouth, she can hardly believe it was her who spoke them. But she believed everything she said.

Robert the director looks at the other two. “She is the most recognizable name next to Emmanuelle. Especially since Elisha Cuthbert dropped out. We’re already taking a chance casting two unknown male actors as it is.”

He turns his attention back to Emmanuelle. “You know this entire production will rest on you two if we choose her.

“I know, and I really believe she can do it.” A glimmer of hope fills her with anticipation.

We’ll let you know when we decide, but thank you for your input.” Her heart drops at the statement. She quietly thanks them and bids them goodbye. Drawing on her acting skills, she hides her true feelings from them.

Leaving the room she stops outside the door to catch her breath. Although she really does feel Laura is the best choice for the role, she can’t understand why she is so emotionally invested in the decision.

Knowing the choice is now out of her hands, she heads home and puts it in the back of her mind.

A week and a half later, Emmanuelle runs into her apartment living room towards the shrill ringing of her mobile phone. A soft white towel barley covering her light brown skin, her wet feet patter across the floor carrying her towards the crimson cell phone.

“Y-yes, this is Emmanuelle.” She says breathlessly answering the device in time.

“Hi Emmanuelle, it’s Richard, did I catch you at a bad time?”

“No, I’m good, go ahead.” Her black hair is drenched and matted to her face, and she cinches the damp towel across her chest waiting for the reason of the call.

“Just wanted to let you know, we will be ready to start shooting next month, and we decided on our Stephanie.” Emmanuelle freezes for a moment, deciding whether or not to ask who. Richard speaks again before she can.

“We decided to go with Laura Vandervoort, and it really came down to what you said.” He speaks before she asks. A smile breaks on her face as she remains silent.

“That was all I had to say, I’ll send the rest to you by e-mail. I’m actually going to call Laura right after this.”

“Wait! Do you mind if I tell her?” She requests hoping to be given the privilege.

“Well sure, that’s fine, but why?”

“It’s kind of an actor thing. We’re going to be working together for a while. Plus, I think she’d really get a kick out of hearing it from me.” She answers, waiting to finish the call so she can tell her co-star the news.

“Well, ok then, do you have a pen?” Brought back to reality for a moment, Emmanuelle feels the chill of the air on her exposed skin.

“Actually, I’m kind of indisposed right now, could you text it to me?” She holds back a giggle and unconsciously cinches her towel tighter.

“No problem. I’ll see you next month Emmanuelle, and Congratulations.” Emmanuelle thanks him and hangs up the phone. She slowly walks to her bedroom in a gleeful mood.

Slipping on a pair of tight blue jeans, and nothing else, her phone beeps before she can decide on her next article of clothing. She studies the number on the small screen for a few moments, and then dials it.

1 ring, 2 rings, 3. Her heart beats faster with each one. Leaving a message begins to seem like not so bad of an option before the rings stop with sudden click and she hears a soft feminine voice.


“Hi, is this Laura?” Emmanuelle asks just in case.

“Yes.” Emmanuelle can detect the suspicion in her voice at not knowing who she is speaking to.

“Hi, it’s Emmanuelle Chriqui.”

“Oh! Hi, how are you?” Emmanuelle is awash in relief at her change in demeanor.

“I’m great, how are you?” Emmanuelle waits for her moment.

“I’m good too, uhmm, what’s up?”

“Not much just wanted to let you know you got the part.” She says plainly grinning to herself.

“What?” Laura heard her, but in disbelief.

“I said you got the part!!!” Emmanuelle She screams back.

“Oh My God!” The blonde lets out an ear piercing scream through the receiver.

Emmanuelle laughs as Laura continues to scream.

“S-So, what do I? I mean when? I mean shit.” Flustered and Frustrated, Laura cannot articulate her thoughts.”

“We start shooting next month on the fifth; they’ll send you an E-mail today or tomorrow with all the details.” Emmanuelle responds, understanding what Laura was trying to ask.

“Thanks, sorry for trying to deafen you.” Laura laughs nervously.

“It’s cool, don’t worry about it. I’m happy to, I can’t wait to work with you.” Emmanuelle says as walks over to her full length mirror and stares at her reflection.

“Is that why you called me and not them?”

Emmanuelle hesitates for a moment at the question. “Well yeah, I know how it can be as an actress. I just wanted to tell you.”

“Thank you.” Laura replies softly and sincerely.

Emmanuelle is at a loss of words, and the line is silent.

“Well, this is a sure cause of celebration. When are you free.” Laura takes control of the conversation.

“Uh, Uh, I’m busy today, but tomorrow evening I’m free. Emmanuelle finally responds.

“Shoot, I’ve got something tomorrow, what about Friday?” Laura asks hopefully.

“I’m free!” Emmanuelle says quickly. “In fact, I know a great restaurant, paparazzi free.”

“Fantastic, make it nine-ish and I’ll take care of the rest of the night.” Laura says.

“Ok good. I’ll text you the details once I make the reservation.” Emmanuelle responds in giddy anticipation.

“Ok, I’ll meet you there.”

“Oh no. We’re celebrating you getting the part, I’ll pick you up and I’ll pay.” Emmanuelle takes back control of the conversation.

“No Emmanuelle, you don’t have to……”

“I’m not taking no for an answer, just be ready to have a good time.” Emmanuelle cuts her off.

“Ok, I’ll see you then.” Laura complies smiling, enjoying Emmanuelle’s assertiveness.

“I’ll See you then Laura.”

“Oh, Emmanuelle!” Laura says urgently.

“Yes, what is it?” Emmanuelle waits with concern.

“Thank you again.” She says gently, and hangs up.

Hearing the click, Emmanuelle sits on the edge of her bed. She leans forward clasping both hands over her phone, and ponders fragments of their conversation.

Friday Night;

Emmanuelle studies her outfit in her bedroom mirror. Her dark hair is down and slightly curled, falling just below her shoulders. A pair of gold triangle earrings dangle from her ears. She wears a sleeveless light brown silk dress with black trim that stops above her knees.

“Why am I dressing like I’m going to a movie or a premier? Or even on a date?” She thinks to herself. Debating whether or not to change into something less glamorous, she runs out of time and heads out.

Emmanuelle parks her black Mercedes across the street from Laura’s apartment complex. Luckily, Laura’s apartment is less than 30 minutes away from her own. Turning off the engine, she fishes her cell out of her purse. Emmanuelle texts “I am here” to Laura’s Phone. Hitting send, the corner of her eye catches some movement on the passenger side of her car.

Looking over, Laura is staring back at her through the window with a gleaming smile through dark red lipstick lips. Not taking her eyes off her, Emmanuelle clicks the switch unlocking the door. As Laura settles in, Emmanuelle’s eyes lock onto Laura’s glistening firm thigh, before she settles in fully into the beige car seat. Laura is wearing a very short white skirt with silver embroidery, and the scent of her strawberry perfume quickly fills Emmanuelle’s head.

“So, Let’s go, I’m starving!” Laura beams at Emmanuelle.

“Y-Yea, Were off.” Snapping out of it, Emmanuelle starts the car. “You look beautiful by the way.” She keeps her eyes on the road as an excuse not to look at Laura during her compliment.

“Thank you.” Laura blushes. “You look great too. I love your dress.”

“Thanks.” She’s able to smile at the blonde in appreciation. “I actually got it on Rodeo.”

The girls talk fashion and shopping until they reach the Restaurant. Being seated, Emmanuelle picks up the brown leather menu and begins to peruse it. Laura quickly opens hers and feigns knowledge of the food.

Emmanuelle notices from behind the menu, and locks eyes with her.

“I’m sorry. I’m not really used to eating in places like this.” Laura says self-consciously.

“That’s okay, me either. I just know a couple things I like and look for them.” She giggles, making Laura feel more at ease.

“In that case, where’s the seafood?” Both girls laugh, and eventually order dinner. They talk about the business, Canada, and other topics over Dinner. The two get along easily, and find they have more in common than they thought.

“Whew. After this, I’m going to have run twice as long on the weekend to burn this off.” Laura says leaning back.

“You run? Where?” Emmanuelle asks.

“I run the beach up east by the mall.”

“Really? I run too, why don’t you run the beach closer to your apartment?” The brunette asks.

“It’s too crowded, I can’t put up with all the people. Laura says dismissively. “You don’t mind?” She asks Emmanuelle.

“I did, but I go an hour earlier now, and it’s practically deserted. Just get there at 5:15 or so, and you should be good.”

“Well then I might see you there.” Laura says happily.

“It’s a date!” Emmanuelle catches herself as the table is silent. “Uh, well, are you ready to get going?” She says trying to divert from her previous choice of words.

“Yeah, I’m pretty good.” Laura says getting up.

Getting back into Emmanuelle’s car, Laura looks at her as they pull away.

“Now it’s my turn. Keep going west.” Emmanuelle follows her instructions until they arrive at the popular club ‘Hyde.’ A valet is already out front, and takes the car. The large doorman instantly recognizes them both, and lets them enter with no trouble.

Taking the lead, Laura grabs Emmanuelle and leads her inside and straight onto the Dance floor. Both a little buzzed from the wine at dinner, they begin dancing across from each other. It is not long before they begin to dance closer. Laura dances more energetically than Emmanuelle and grabs both of the brunette’s hands. Emmanuelle lets herself go more and smiles at Laura as the low pounding of the music fills the club.

Suddenly Laura wraps her arms around Emmanuelle’s waist and pulls her close. Staring into her eyes with a warm confidence, she continues move her body. Emmanuelle looks at her momentarily stunned. She smiles back weakly and continues to dance with her.

Eventually losing herself in the moment, Emmanuelle is only aware of the throbbing beat in her head and Laura’s face as the blonde’s body grinds into hers. Turning around, Laura gyrates her tight ass into Emmanuelle’s crotch.

Emmanuelle gasps in surprise, but it is drowned out by the music. Feeling the younger girl grinding into her takes her by surprise. She’s danced closely with girlfriends before, but never like this. Laura takes Emmanuelle’s hands from behind and guides them down her hips, encouraging the older woman to embrace her from behind.

Emmanuelle takes the hint and holds the blonde tightly against her. Her pussy grows warm, and even though she’s surprised, she can’t help but enjoy the sensation. She begins moving her body in unison with Laura’s, and loses herself to the music and her co-star even further.

Around 1:30am, the 2 finally run out of stamina. Leaving the dance floor under the guise of taking a break they agree to call it a night, or rather a morning.

Breathing heavily, and somewhat sweaty, the two drive away giggling gleefully.

Pulling up in front of Laura’s building, the girls prepare to say goodnight.

“Thank you so much for tonight Emmanuelle.” Laura says, tired but happy.

Emmanuelle is leaned back in her seat smiling at Laura. Her stare a silent “You’re welcome.”

Leaning over, Laura kisses her firmly on the cheek. Emmanuelle is caught off guard, but Laura slips out of the car before she can react, and disappears into the building. Surprised but tired, she pulls the car away and heads home.

Slipping off her dress back home, Emmanuelle heads into the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, she notices a red lipstick imprint on her cheek. She touches the area lightly with her fingertips, and smiles into the mirror.

Sunday Morning;

Black Eyed Peas ‘Boom Boom Pow’ blasts into Emmanuelle’s ears as she runs alone down the beach. A thin film of sweat covers her body, and her muscles contract and expand with each step. Wearing a sleeveless black top, the zipper low, letting her breasts free, and a pair of tight black pants molded to her legs, she pants steadily, and feels more invigorated than usual. The song ends and in the space between, the lapping of the waves takes its place. The beach is painted in a golden sheen of the rising sun.

In the distance she sees another runner, possessing a slender and lithe female body. The girl is running slightly faster than her, and she increases her pace as they approach each other. The sun’s rays cast a shadow over the girl’s face in the distance. Coming closer, she notices the girl purposely slow her gait. They come into each other’s vision within moments, and Emmanuelle is shocked to see Laura smiling at her.

“Hey! You were right about coming earlier.” Laura says breathing heavily.

“I can’t believe it. You’re here only a day later!” Emmanuelle smiles, pulling the blonde into a hug.

“Well so are you.” Laura says over the Brunette’s shoulder, returning the hug tightly. How are you?” The blonde asks as they break apart.

“I’m good, I’m good.” Emmanuelle replies removing her earphones. She studies Laura’s body in a blue sports top cut right below her chest. Her abdominal muscles undulate underneath a sheen of sweat, as she breathes heavily. Black spandex shorts are painted onto her legs, making her soft mound protrude. “How long have you been out?”

“Just about 20, 25 minutes.” Laura brings her left leg back to her butt cheek, grabbing the white sneaker to stretch it out. “Want to show me your route?” She asks.

“Sure, follow me.” The two take off down the beach. They ease into conversation easily once again, and run until they notice more people appearing on the beach. Nearing the parking lot, they begin to walk towards the sparse lot of cars.

“So how often do you run?” Laura asks, bringing a clear water bottle to her lips.

“I go about 3 times a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” Emmanuelle says looking at her shoes as they walk. “I went today because I kind of slacked off this week.”

“Why don’t we go together then? Much better than running alone.” Laura says.

“That’s cool. You’re right on the way, and I can pick you up.” Emmanuelle grins as they approach her car.

“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow, no skipping with me on your butt.” Laura laughs and walks away.

Emmanuelle blushes at her comments and watches her tight ass walk away in her black spandex shorts. Her golden skin shines with sweat. Staring for a moment, Emmanuelle enters her car almost exactly the same time Laura gets in hers.

They run regularly for two weeks, Laura making Emmanuelle stick to the schedule. They grow closer and playfully bump each other while running and laughing. They often go shopping afterwards, or run lines from the script later in the day.

One day, they are on the way back down a long straight stretch of beach that usually marks the end of the run. Laura looks at Emmanuelle mischievously.

“Last one there has to buy ice cream!” The blonde yells and starts to run ahead.

Emmanuelle starts to run faster before Laura gets far and catches up. The two smile silently as they push their bodies harder. Both already tired from the jogging, they continue to run forward as fast at they can.

Pulling ahead, Emmanuelle is at the last quarter before she feels a hand on her arm. Pulling her back, Laura laughs at Emmanuelle’s surprised scream. The two slow down forfeiting the race and tumble to the ground in exhaustion.

Emmanuelle lies flat on her back laughing and panting. Laura looks down at her with one hand on the ground, her legs tucked together. She takes her other and runs it slowly and gently over Emmanuelle’s stomach.

Emmanuelle’s laughter stops as her stomach muscles tense beneath Laura’s fingers.

“You have a beautiful body.” She smiles down at Emmanuelle still running her hand over the brunette’s belly.

“T-Thanks.” Emmanuelle replies shakily. “I’m beat.” She then says uncomfortably while rising up, forcing Laura’s hand to be removed. Laura watches her rise disappointedly.

“Ready to go?” Emmanuelle asks plainly.

“Yep.” Laura says, trying to return the mood to normal.

The two walk to the car in silence and get in. While driving, Emmanuelle looks over at Laura who is looking out the window emotionless.

“You know I would have won, right?” Emmanuelle asks smiling.

Laura looks at her surprised. She smiles and slaps her arm lightly. “Whatever.” The two laugh as the comfort returns.

A few days later they are back at the beach. . They both drive to the beach this time because Laura has an errand to do shortly after. Having just finished another run, they stop to catch their breath. Laura watches as Emmanuelle fans herself.

“Hot?” She asks innocently.

“Well, yeah.” Emmanuelle says rapidly pulling at her shirt collar trying to cool her chest.

Without warning Laura grabs her wrists and pulls her towards the surf. Emmanuelle resists in shock as Laura laughs loudly. Reacting too slowly she’s already up to her knees in water. Laura releases her before splashing her. Emmanuelle’s face drenched, she gives chase and splashes the blonde back. The two frolic in the surf before coming back onto the shore, Emmanuelle holding onto Laura, the pair giggling.

Spinning Emmanuelle around, Laura pushes her towards the ground, and Emmanuelle complies, falling onto her back, smiling and tired. Laura goes down with her and lies on top of her, staring into her eyes no longer smiling. Emmanuelle’s smile fades as well into confusion before she feels the blonde’s lips crash into her own.

Despite her momentary surprise, she kisses Laura back instantly, opening her mouth wide. She didn’t want to acknowledge it, but she has wanted this moment to happen. She wraps her arms around they younger girl, one across her shoulder pulling her closer, the other on her lower back, feeling the girl’s smooth skin.

They kiss faster and adjust to each other’s mouths perfectly. Laura kisses Emmanuelle harder, and a stifled whimper of pleasure escapes her throat. Their lips meld as their tongues brush lightly together.

Her lust overcoming her, Emmanuelle rolls the younger girl onto her back without breaking the kiss. Laura submits herself totally to the Brunette. She places one hand on Emmanuelle’s cheek as they kiss. Emmanuelle’s nipples stiffen against her sports bra as they continue. Emmanuelle’s body shivers while Laura’s steamy breath fills her mouth.

Emmanuelle puts both hands on the ground on either side of the blonde’s head and pulls away breaking the kiss. She looks at the girl beneath her. Laura smiles at her contently. The reality of the moments hitting her like lighting, Emmanuelle gets off of Laura and backs away.

Anticipating Emmanuelle’s potential reaction, Laura rises instantly to assure her. “It’s ok, it’s ok Emmanuelle.”

“No! I can’t do this.” Emmanuelle puts her hand to her lips in disbelief. She runs away towards the parking lot.


“EMMANUELLE!” Laura screams in desperation.

Emmanuelle can hear the girl’s voice breaking with each pleading shout. Tears well up in her eyes as she runs faster, refusing to look back.

The week before filming begins, Emmanuelle ignores Laura’s phone calls and e-mails. On the day of filming, Emmanuelle heads out her door and receives a text.

“I’m Sorry, L.”

Emmanuelle snaps the phone shut and heads out.

She is already in the make up chair when Laura walks in. “Hi.” Laura says apprehensively.

“Hey.” Emmanuelle quietly responds. They sit mostly in silence, only speaking in regards to their scenes together. Laura appears to have taken the hint, and is now all business.

“CUT! Ok girls take a break.” Emmanuelle quickly leaves the set, feeling Laura’s eyes on her back. Reaching a secluded area, her arm is grabbed firmly and she is soon staring into Laura’s eyes.

“Emmanuelle, can’t we just talk about this?” She pleads.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Emmanuelle says coldly attempting to walk by her. Laura blocks her path.

“We didn’t do anything wrong! I’m sorry for taking advantage, but you kissed me back!” Laura says assuredly.

“I am not gay!” Emmanuelle almost shouts, not denying Laura’s claim.

“I know you’re not, and neither am I.” She steps closer lowering her voice. “But I really like you.” Holding onto the brunette’s arms she looks at her for signs of hope.

Emmanuelle stares back at her, struck by her confession. “Laura, I, I…..”

“It’s okay.” Laura smiles gently and brushes a few strands of Emmanuelle’s dark locks away from her face. She moves her lips closer to Emmanuelle’s.

“Emmanuelle almost succumbs to the moment before her fear once again takes hold. She pushes Laura back.

“No, I can’t do this.” She hopes Laura will let her go.

“What are you scared of?” Laura asks flatly.

Emmanuelle has no answer for her. Her mind is blank as the blonde comes closer again.

“I c-can’t deal with this. I can’t deal with you.” She sees Laura’s bottom lip tremble at her words, and she runs from her again unable to witness the pain she has caused her.

It is after 11:00pm, as the girl’s film the last scene of the day. Emmanuelle notices Laura has refused to acknowledge her outside of the scene.

The two runs their lines perfectly, and Emmanuelle is once again struck by Laura’s acting ability, despite their situation. The smiles Laura gives trick even her into believing that things are ok between them.

“CUT! That’s it for today ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much.”

Turning her attention away from the director, Emmanuelle sees Laura already walking away off in the distance.

Her heart urges her to go after her, but she mechanically heads in the opposite direction to gather her things.

“As she packs up, Laura’s words fill her mind.

“We did nothing wrong”

“What are you scared of?”

“I really like you……. “

Emmanuelle freezes in place with her purse and jacket in her arms. She stares ahead at nothing for a few moments and then quietly sets the items down and walks towards Laura’s trailer.

On the way she passes a pair of female production assistants.

“Is she okay?” One with brown hair in a ponytail asks.

“I’m not sure, I think she was crying, oh hi Emmanuelle! Great work today!” The blonde with wide glasses replies.

“Thank you very much, good night.” Emmanuelle curtly replies and walks faster.

She finally arrives at the large egg white trailer and slowly walks up the silver steel steps. She opens the unlocked door quietly as her heart pounds in her chest. Staring inside, the interior is a dim brown. Directly across from her is a light blue mini fridge. She looks to the right and sees a small hallway heading to the front of the trailer. Stepping in further, her shoes sink into the soft carpet. Turning her head to the left, Laura is lying on her stomach, her head buried in her arms facing the back of the trailer.

Aware of someone entering, Laura turns onto her back and looks at Emmanuelle. Emmanuelle is silent and still. She sees Laura’s reddened eyes and matted hair and instantly moves towards joining her on the bed.

“Emma……” She is silenced by a soothing “Ssshh” By Emmanuelle, before the older brunette places her lips gently on hers. Laura returns kiss. Laying her body on top of hers, Emmanuelle firmly presses Laura back into the mattress as they kiss. Emmanuelle trails her lips down to Laura’s neck kissing and lightly licking it. Laura lets out small squeals of delight. Emmanuelle attacks the blonde’s slender neck more vigorously, feeling the girl move beneath her. She then slithers down lower, and raises Laura’s pink shirt up to her breasts. She attacks Laura’s taut stomach with soft kisses and gentle licks. Laura giggles and runs her hands through Emmanuelle’s black hair. Emmanuelle continues her ministrations feeling Laura’s stomach muscles contracting under her mouth.

She then slips her hands underneath Laura’s shirt and bra, placing her palms directly onto Laura’s pert breasts. Laura gasps as her hardened nipples jut into the soft skin of Emmanuelle’s hands. Emmanuelle squeezes the pair firmly, running her palms back and forth across the nipples erecting them even more. Laura rises up breaking contact for a moment, and raises her shirt and bra over her head, discarding them quickly. Emmanuelle leans in to kiss Laura before she lies back down. Breaking the kiss, they smile at one another as Laura returns to her back. Emmanuelle immediately follows her wrapping her mouth over Laura’s right breast, with her hand on the left. Sucking the tit hard into her mouth, Emmanuelle keeps her eyes on Laura’s reaction, whose head is thrown back in pleasure. Emmanuelle continues to slather the golden orb in her saliva, while lightly rubbing the nipple of Laura’s other breast between her thumb and index finger. Emmanuelle, gently sucking Laura’s tit, flicks the nipple with her tongue. Painting the crinkled nub with the flat of her tongue, she bathes it with long licks.

“Oh, Emma!” Laura squeaks out, reacting to the sensations rolling through her body.

Letting Laura’s breast pop out of her mouth, Emmanuelle rises up, smiling down at Laura. Her hands zero in on the button of Laura’s Jeans. Undoing the button and pulling down the zipper, Laura helps her by pushing the jeans down and wiggling her hips out of them. Emmanuelle removes them in one swift motion. Staring down at the young girl before her, her blonde hair splayed out on the pillows, in a pair of light blue silk panties, Emmanuelle is struck at her beauty. She gets off the bed and stands up, lifting her black dress off her head and tossing it aside. She reaches behind her to unclasp her bra. Laura sits up in anticipation. Unsnapping the clasp, Emmanuelle teasingly slides the bra down her arms slowly. Laura sitting up in the bed, her arms folded across her knees grins at Emmanuelle’s performance.

Finally letting the black bra drop to the floor, she reveals her pair of heavy, rounded breasts. They bounce at the slightest movement, and their perfect shape could not be recreated by even the best plastic surgeons. Laura stares at them in awe, focusing on the dark nipples in the centre which are as erect as her own. Emmanuelle smiles at Laura’s appreciation, hooking her thumbs into the sides of her panties. Bending over provocatively, she slides them down her legs smoothly. Her heart pounds heavily, being the first time she’s undressed in front of a woman sexually.

Laura’s mouth is agape as Emmanuelle comes closer. She has a small dark triangle of hair covering her pussy lips, but it cannot conceal the glistening moisture of her arousal. Returning to the bed, forcing Laura back with just her gaze, she grips Laura’s blue panties and slides them off. Laura’s thin slit is virtually bald with the exception of a thin layer of downy blonde hairs. Her pink clit peeks out just from under its hood. Emmanuelle is frozen for the first time, looking at Laura’s pussy. The young blonde spreads her legs wide, awaiting Emmanuelle.

Emmanuelle lowers her head slowly to the moist snatch. Laura’s natural scent fills her head, and she places her hands on Laura’s inner thighs. She takes her first taste, a long slow lick from bottom to top. She’s surprised at the warmth and softness of Laura’s pussy. She licks more, pressing more firmly each time. Laura’s hands are once again in her hair, gently tugging to let her know she wants more. The blonde moans quietly at the contact, and spreads herself even wider. The sweet saltiness of Vandervoort tinges Emmanuelle’s tongue, which she then snakes into the opening. Laura’s whole body spasms quickly at the intrusion. Emmanuelle worms her tongue deeper inside, her nose brushing Laura’s clit. Her lips coated in Laura’s juices, Emmanuelle spreads her wider with her fingers. She licks and stabs at Laura’s core with her tongue. Laura squirms wildly, her abs clenching, and Laura’s hair in her tightening fists her only anchor.

“S-suck my clit, please.” She pleadingly instructs Emmanuelle.

Emmanuelle obliges her, exposing the small organ using her fingers to push back its hood. She slips it past her lips and flicks it lightly and rapidly with her tongue. Laura throws her head back moaning loudly. Her feet move up down on the bed untucking the sheets. Sliding her lips back and forth along Laura’s clit, she doesn’t slow down her licking, despite Laura’s increasingly erratic movements. She then sucks Laura’s clit into her mouth and increases the suction as much as she can. Laura moans louder and louder. Emmanuelle continues to suck her clit like a straw, and she can barley keep Vandervoort’s legs on the bed.

Finally, only able to raise her head up, her neck muscles flexed, Laura looks down at Emmanuelle between her legs as her entire body locks up. Waves of intense pleasure radiate out from her centre, each ripple making her body spasm. She feels like she’s being rocked in an ocean of timeless pleasure.

Finally her muscles relax into pure putty. Her body is weak and tired, and little aftershocks still continue in her pussy.

Laura finally opens her eyes to see Emmanuelle on her left resting on her elbow and staring down at her smiling. Laura places her hand behind Emmanuelle’s head and wordlessly brings Emmanuelle’s mouth to her own, kissing her slowly and gratefully.

During the kiss, Laura feels a warm drop of liquid run down her cheek. Breaking the kiss she looks at Emmanuelle.

“I’m so sorry.” Emmanuelle sobs.

“No baby it’s ok.” Laura reassures her, quickly pulling her into an embrace. They lie together until morning.

They make love several times over the months of shooting. They become highly attuned to each other’s bodies and one another. They are so prepared for filming, that the film was actually ahead of schedule. On the opening weekend, the movie brings in a much higher than expected take of $34.2 million.

Laura Vandervoort is in her apartment on her computer. She stares at the screen through her glasses. She is wearing a snug, pink cotton t-shirt with no bra underneath, a tight pair of grey cargo shorts stopping just shy of her vagina, and is bare foot. Hearing her doorbell ring, she gets up and goes to the door. Looking through the peephole, she sees Emmanuelle grinning through the fish eye.

Opening the door, Emmanuelle walks in instantly, holding a bottle of wine in one hand. She is wearing a white cashmere top, and short black mini skirt and a pair of black thigh high leather boots.

“Yeah Baby! Isn’t it great?!!” Emmanuelle asks, placing the wine down on the marble grey counter top.

“What, what’s going on?” Laura asks in confusion, yet smiling due to Emmanuelle’s mood.

“The Movie! We made $34 mill!” Emmanuelle nearly shouts, awaiting Laura’s reaction.

“No Way?” Laura says in disbelief, her smile widening.

“Yep!” Emmanuelle says leaning back on the counter.

“Holy shit!” Laura says in shock, nearly laughing.

No one had expected the move to make that much. Making $20-25 Million would have been enough of a victory.

“That’s right.” Emmanuelle says slyly, walking up to Laura and wrapping her arms around her waist pulling her in close. “I thought we would celebrate.”

Laura responds with a smile, before pulling the brunette’s face to hers engaging in a heated kiss. The two kiss stumbling towards the bedroom. Laura throws her glasses onto the couch along the way.

“In Laura’s bedroom, they finally stop kissing to undress. Sitting on the bed, Emmanuelle unzips her boots and kicks them to the side. Standing up, she undoes the side zipper of her skirt and slips it off. Meanwhile, Laura removes her top swiftly, and pulls off both her shorts and panties at once. No sooner does Emmanuelle remove her top, does Laura attack her pushing her back onto the bed. She attacks Emmanuelle’s lips, kissing her vigorously. Emmanuelle barley keeps up.

They break the kiss, and Laura rotates Emmanuelle’s bra so that the clasp is now on the front of her chest. She undoes it quickly and throws the garment aside. Laura wraps her lips around Emmanuelle’s breast, sucking the nipple into her mouth hard. She pushes both breasts together firmly, darting from one dark nipple to the other with her tongue.

Emmanuelle winces slightly at Laura’s rough handling of her breasts, but her pleasure surpassing any discomfort. Focusing on Emmanuelle’s left breast, Laura’s hand makes its way down between their bodies into Emmanuelle’s panties. Laura rubs Emmanuelle’s outer lips with her middle finger. Emmanuelle squirms, her legs moving at the feeling. Nibbling on Emmanuelle’s nipple, Laura’s finger grows slick with her juices.

Laura finally slips her finger past Emmanuelle’s entrance, sliding it deep into her center. Emmanuelle’s raises her hips quickly at being entered. She holds onto Laura’s wrist, and moans from being penetrated.

Laura then uses her thumb and coaxes out Emmanuelle’s clit from under its hood.

“Oh God!” Emmanuelle moans at the feeling

Laura smiles and fingers her faster, while rubbing her clit with her thumb. Emmanuelle wiggles about, her grip tightening on Laura’s wrist. Laura rubs her clit beneath her thumb swiftly, and buries her finger as deep into Emmanuelle as she can. Emmanuelle’s breathing shortens as she feels her pussy ready to explode.

Her body goes still and her mouth hangs open. Laura watches her as she feels her pussy pulse around her finger.

Recovering, Emmanuelle watches as she removes her finger and sucks Emmanuelle’s juices off. Before Emmanuelle can react, Laura moves away. She lifts Emmanuelle’s right leg all the way up before settling her pussy right on top of Emmanuelle’s, scissoring her. Emmanuelle looks at her in shock.

Laura holds Emmanuelle’s leg tightly with both hands using it as leverage, and begins to grind her pussy into Emmanuelle’s roughly. The brief friction causes Emmanuelle to feel the beginnings of another orgasm already. Laura rubs her pussy and clit across Emmanuelle’s mound faster and faster. The bed shakes and Emmanuelle’s braces herself with her hands as the heat in her pussy rises rapidly.

“Uh, Uh Ugh, Oh, shit!” Emmanuelle grunts as Laura continues to work over her pussy.

Laura begins to sweat and her technique suffers because of her own impending orgasm. She rubs her pussy back and forth over Emmanuelle’s in a blur. She bites into Emmanuelle’s calf and grinds down harder. Emmanuelle doesn’t notice, overwhelmed by the sensation of her drenched pussy lips rubbing across Laura’s, and her clit fully engorged being ground away. Laura jerks her hips violently over Emmanuelle’s pussy. Each rub of contact compounding the pleasure. Her long blonde hair sways back and forth, and her face is a mask of effort and pleasure. Emmanuelle digs her finger nails into Laura’s thighs as she is barley able to remain in control of her body.

Moments away from her Climax, Laura sees Emmanuelle lie flat and begin to tremble. Her own orgasm forces her eyes shut, and her pussy spasms wildly on top of Emmanuelle’s. Laura leans her forehead against Emmanuelle’s leg and rides out the tremors of her climax. Emmanuelle can only look up and stay prone in her position as she cums.

Both girls finally spent, Laura falls lifelessly next to Emmanuelle on the bed. The two smile at each other in silence. They finally kiss before Emmanuelle scoots up to Laura. Laura instinctively turns her back and allows Emmanuelle to spoon her from behind, as the two women fall asleep.

At the London premier of ‘Dark Campus’, Paparazzi lens and major entertainment show cameras zero in on a black stretch limo. Out steps Emmanuelle Chriqui in a beautiful golden dress. She waits a moment before Laura Vandervoort emerges from the vehicle as well in a slinky black dress. The two lock hands, smile, and head down the red carpet

All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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