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Author Topic: Fameless Future Chapter 2 Language barrier starring: Kylie Jenner  (Read 16213 times)


Description: Nurse Kylie Jenner is tired of waiting for her friends to get their lives together to travel abroad. In Santorini, Greece, Kylie encounters a sexy stranger who doesn’t speak great English on the beach

None of this ever happened, nor would it ever. This is purely for entertainment purposes. Feedback is welcome

Chapter3" border="0

“What a fucking disaster,” Kylie said aloud to herself sitting on the floor of her villa. The normally 14 hour flight had to divert to Austria, where it was tarmaced for several hours before finally carrying on to Santorini Greece. All in all, it took Kylie the better part of two days to get from Los Angeles to the most scenic island in the entire world. Adorned in a gray jumpsuit with silver lined open toed sandals, Kylie debated taking a wash on the first day of her trip.

Maybe she should just call up room service, shower and get to bed, Kylie thought to herself. It would let the 26-year-old get a jumpstart nice and early on her second day. “No, fuck that,” she said aloud, getting up to her feet and stripping from the jumpsuit down to a brown bikini with pseudo gold plated chains holding the skimpy fabric together. Kylie gave herself a little twirl in the body length mirror at the foot of her bed and smirked. Pilates worked. 6 days a week sculpted her tight abs and bubble butt. Part of the allure of this trip was showing off. Kylie was tired of going out in LA after a 12 hour shift and only getting hit on by money managers and agents.

Kylie grabbed her cream colored beach tote and pulled down her Dior sunglasses to head for the beach. With a towel, speaker, book and sun block in tow, she made her way out of the villa, turning on her way out. She inserted the key and turned left, locking the door. With a pink plastic wrist strap on the key, Kylie tugged it on her left wrist, her right wrist jingling with gold Cartier bracelets.

Walking down the resort’s stairs towards the ocean, the bustle of people was a beautiful sight. So many groups talking to each other, some in English, others in Greek, something Kylie assumed was German. Her sandals thwacked against her foot down onto the cobble stoned sidewalk. After a few minutes she was finally met with white sand and the gentile crashes of Mediterranean waves about 15 feet down the beach. The 26-year-old panned down the lip of the sand, debating where to lay out her towel and bag.

Kylie decided near the wooden resort information booth was a good idea. Someone that could keep an eye on her stuff would be able to put her at ease. As she got closer to the booth, she froze. Turning around was a towering, hulk of a man, his white Oxford shirt unbuttoned exposing olive skinned washboard abs. As the man took a step, he noticed Kylie looking at him and offered a faint smile. His lower half was covered by a pair of peach colored cotton shorts, his feet in old school two strap sandals. As Kylie’s eyes made their way back up his body, she was met by the sight of a gold crucifix, a defined jawline and a faint five o'clock shadow. On the top of his head, flowing brown hair which was dangling down over his forehead. The man walked up to her and said “English?” With a heavy Greek accent.

Kylie wasn’t sure if he worked for the resort or was a guest but replied “Yes, English,” with a smile, maintaining eye contact through her sunglasses. “My English, it’s getting better,” he explained, smiling proudly. “I’m Dimitrios,” he said, offering his right hand to shake, “my job, it’s beach,” he followed up. Kylie politely shook his hand and tilted her sunglasses up onto her forehead. “Stay? After work?” Kylie said, trying to convey her wishes. She wanted to get her message across but didn’t want to come off as rude or condescending.

“On beach?” Dimitrios asked, cocking his eyebrow. “I stay,” he said, pointing at the sand under him. Kylie had a moment of panic. Was he playing her? Was this a ploy to get her guard down? A man as conventionally hot as him definitely wasn’t ignorant. There might be a language barrier, but he knew she was into him. The man stood at least 6’3, Kylie only came up to about mid torso on him. The LA resident turned, laying out her towel, being sure to bend over super slowly, flossing the brown bikini bottom between her bountiful ass cheeks intentionally, giving the man a show. Kylie didn’t know how Greek women were traditionally built, but she knew this man had never seen someone as curvy as her.

She turned back towards him, coyly smirking, then patted the towel as she sat, inviting him to join her.

It was about 5:30 local time, totally jet lagged, Kylie had no concept of time. She only wanted fun.

With the UV index below 3 and no longer a threat in the late afternoon, she laid flat on her back, c-cup breasts perfectly symmetrical in the middle of her chest. Kylie then said, “sit, please,” patting to her right on the towel.

Dimitrios nodded, and got down to her level, resting his soft shorts against the towel. Her thighs were glistening in the Mediterranean sun and she felt like a goddess. This complete stranger could’ve been married, had kids, been a murderer. Kylie didn’t know or care. She just wanted adventure.

The man, in his late 20s or early 30s placed his hand, palm down on the towel, fingertips inches away from the LA goddess next to him. She playfully rubbed her palm over the top of his hand trying to get him to understand. Dimitrios put his hand square on the center of her thigh, and rubbed in a small circle before pulling it back away.

Was he playing shy? Was he actually shy? She thought to herself with a smirk.

Kylie looked left then right, the sun was pretty low in the sky giving the landscape an orange, golden tint. There were scattered chairs across the beach and a few swimmers still out in the ocean, but no one particularly close. The young woman felt a wave of travel delirium infused confidence sweep over her and she grabbed the stranger by his wrist, guiding the right hand between her legs over the bikini bottom. Holding it there for a moment, Kylie said “Wet,” biting her lip and pointing towards the ocean.

It clicked.

Dimitrios scooted closer to his mystery lover, and continued to rub over her panties between her perfect thighs. Kylie’s body started to wiggle ever so slightly, she bit down on her lip not to audibly sigh. She pointed at her face and said “Kylie,” before blowing him a kiss. Those pouty injected lips probably felt like heaven Dimitrios thought to himself. He knew it was only a matter of when.


He said sliding his right index finger passed the designer bikini bottom over her laser hair removal’d pussy. He was immediately enamored. Most native Greek women had some kind of pubes if not an outright bush. Kylie was exotic, a conquest to be proud of.

He continued to rub her pussy, slowly. Agonizingly slow. She was getting more riled up with each flick of his wrist and knew she needed to fuck him. They couldn't here? Could they? She thought to herself. Kylie panned up and down the beach again and then glanced at the ocean. She quickly deduced her lover couldn’t take her in the ocean, his silk shorts would be ruined. She turned her neck up towards the resort, pointed and said “villa,” nodding, trying to encourage him to follow her.

At this point, Kylie was thinking with the fire in her stomach that was begging to be railed. All she ever heard about at work was her fellow nurses’ complete stranger hookups. The financial planners and lawyers who would poorly perform and cut out as soon as they fell asleep. Kylie wanted to have her own fun. She was already over here and Dimitrios was gorgeous. His olive toned skin glowed in the golden hour light and she needed his body on top of her.

Kylie got up to her feet and grabbed her bag, pointing towards the villa, she grabbed her spontaneous lover by the wrist, and tugged. He nodded, smiling, and stuck out his hand, offering to carry her bag. She smiled and returned the nod, handing it over. As they began walking towards the steps up to the villas, Kylie felt a hand on the small of her bare back, delicately comforting her body as they walked along.

When they reached her Villa, she reached up with the wrist that had her key wrapped around it and slid the key in the hole. As she turned the key, she felt Dimitrios slide his hand from the small of her back down to her left butt cheek where he took a firm squeeze. It wasn’t imposing, but inviting. She wanted him all over her. Every last inch.

As Kylie pushed the door open, the two took a step inside where she slammed it closed behind them. Before the door had all the way closed, Dimitrios had grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, pinning her to the door. Pressing his waist into her pelvis, he used his body to leverage the two. In the privacy of the room, he pressed his pink lips against her and Kylie cooed into his mouth. Dimitrios grinded up against her, his bulging length protruding out into a tent pressed against her barely there bikini bottoms. As they kissed, Kylie reached up at his shoulders, tugging the unbuttoned shirt off and exposing his perfectly sculpted torso. Their bare skin pressed against each other, she broke the kiss to groan out in pleasure. He buried his face into her neck leaving a trail of kisses from the nape down to her collarbone and back up again.

Kylie threw her head back from the stimulation, her neck hypersensitive. He took a beat then playfully bit on her neck. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention. On the rare occasion she did get intimate with a man, she always was on her knees servicing. This was blissfully refreshing, she reached up onto his back, her perfectly manicured hot pink nails dug in and scratched down which elicited a groan from Dimitrios who returned to kissing her plump lips. While kissing, he reached up and squeezed her left breast.

Kylie wasn’t shy about it, she’d had work done. She loved her body, but these breasts made her feel like a goddess. Even under her scrubs, she couldn’t help but enjoy the glances she got at work. Kylie loved attention but never actually got any in her day to day life. Dimitrios, who she met 30 minutes ago, was the first intimate partner since her best friend’s wedding the previous summer. So this was incredibly empowering to be in control of this gorgeous man.

She pointed with her right index finger towards the private balcony which overlooked the beach. He brought his hands down to her ass, squeezed firmly, again. She wrapped her ample thighs around his abs and he began to walk her towards the patio.

Out on the balcony, there was a hot tub, glass railing, two chairs and a table. Kylie put her feet back on the ground, and pushed herself up onto the table and leaned back. Biting her lip, she extended her middle finger and rubbed it over the damp brown bikini bottom. There was no way to be sure he totally understood the message, but when she brought it up to her lips and slid it past into her mouth simulating head, he got onto his knees at the base of the table and dove face first into the fabric.

Dimitrios wasn’t ecstatic to be getting a mouth full of fabric but the moans from Kylie’s lips were plenty of encouragement. He reached up, inside the chain lining of the bikini and tugged down towards the floor. Kylie fucking needed this. She facilitated the motion and in an instant was bottomless. With a hairless American twat before him, Dimitrios ran his tongue up and down several times gaining a familiarity with her taste. His nose was fully smothered against her, he could only catch his breath by pulling back his head.

Kylie reached down with both hands and instinctively grabbed the top of his fluffy haired head and angled his mouth towards her clit. He was precise in the swirls of his tongue in pleasing her, she writhed up in pleasure, her butt rising up off the table occasionally. Kylie cried out “fuck that’s so good,” as if she were on the verge of tears. Looking down between her legs, she saw the ridge of his nose, the sideburns of his beard and the top of his head. Dimitrios hadn’t been going down on her for long but he was lapping her up like a dog after a long walk on a hot summer day.

As her body rhythmically wiggled, her bracelets jingled, giving his oral pleasure sound effects. “Take your clothes off,” she said, not sure if he heard or understood. “Naked, no clothes,” she continued on, hoping he got it. This gave her a straightforward idea. Kylie reached up behind her back and felt around for the clasp that held the bikini upright until the tension released and the fabric popped up exposing her pink tip nipples. He ran her hands down her sides, and pointed at her bare body, “Sex,” she said in a sultry tone, begging for his cock.

He pulled his head back from her mound with a confused look. He stood up and then pointed between his legs bluntly, wanting to be sure. Kylie nodded and bit her lip, holding her breasts, spreading her legs wider. Dimitrios took a step back and tugged down his shorts revealing 6.5 inches of throbbing Greek cock. He looked down at his length and parted his lips, dripping spit down onto his shaft and stroked. He took a step, dick in hand and nodded at Kylie, seeking further confirmation.

She reached down grabbed his length, forcing off his hand and guiding his length towards her wet pussy. He was thick like a snickers and the penetration was outright uncomfortable. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, Kylie leaned forward and bit down on his collarbone as he stood still, allowing her pussy to stretch out along his member. He thrusted, ever so slightly, barely getting any movement and Kylie yelped out “FUCK ME,” in agonizing bliss. His strokes hurt, but she was getting used to the length and beginning to enjoy it.

After a few minutes of discomfort, he was effortlessly sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. He leaned in forward pressing his forehead against hers, their mouths both ajar, gasps going back and forth. Dimitrios had found his hands at rest along her hips, both thrusting upwards, and using his grip to leverage, pulling Kylie back down onto him.

Kylie was absolutely on fire from head to toe. She’d never been intimate outside and the feeling of a delicate summer breeze against her bare back as this adonis fucked her with the vigor of a mechanical bull. His grunts were primal and turning her on to no end. It made Kylie feel like the most important person in the world, to reduce a sexy man to a whimpering mess with her divine cunt. It was a power trip.

Kylie was in a hazy state of euphoria when all the sudden, Dimitrios reached down at Kylie’s ankle and guided her right foot up to his mouth, running his tongue along her pink painted nails. She’d never been with a guy who enjoyed feet, but his boldness and confidence, it was only furthering her ego boost. He opened his mouth, sliding her toes in and began to worship her toes as he continued pounding away at her cunt. Their bodies were in a combined state of delirium, the pleasure, the risk of being caught, just how hot they both were. It was a beautiful sight.

Kylie wasn’t used to her toes being played with during intimacy and the swirls of his gifted tongue elicited a giggle. She smiled as he looked at her with a blank stare, clearly focusing on trying not to cum. The veins on his neck protruding, his body looked all the more powerful as he strained his muscles as he thrusted.

“Behind? Try from behind?” Kylie suggested, pointing towards the balcony, wanting the feeling of onlooking eyes. The villas were reasonably spaced out and the beach was quite a bit further away. The sun was almost entirely set, so only the glare of moonlight off of Kylie’s bracelets or Dimitrios’ cross would give away their position. It didn’t matter. She wanted the danger. 

He seemed to understand she wanted to stop, so he reached down and withdrew his member with a pop from her gushing wet pussy. Kylie groaned as he pulled out, she hadn’t been empty in close to 20 minutes and fuck was Dimitrios filling.

Kylie got up to her feet, her perfectly sculpted bottom swaying, bare feet against the tiled floor. Kylie bent over at the waist, poking her fat ass in his direction and beckoned him inward. “More please,” she sluttily teased, spanking her own ass and pointing towards her mound. Dimitrios walked over, closing the distance and Cock in hand. He reached down, angling her back more to make up for their height difference. His member re-entered with ease, he was beginning to fit like a glove.

Kylie had been with well-endowed men before, but there was a desire in Dimitrios’ body that was different. He was seemingly more determined to please her than get off. The tenderness of his kisses was hard to fake, their tongues were apart now, but he was leaning over, fucking her from behind and kissing on the top of her shoulder, whispering in Greek. She had no idea what he was saying, which she felt, guiltily, made it all the more arousing. She never hooked up with randoms, this was wholly out of character but it might have unlocked something new in her.

As Dimitrios thrusted, he slid his right hand up her hip, and squeezed a breast before reaching up for her neck. Squeezing Kylie’s neck, he pulled her body back up towards him, their skin pressed together, his thrusts speeding up in pace, his breathing picking up. Dimitrios began to grunt harder and harder, he was clearly getting close and Kylie needed him to finish inside her. To truly unlock the new her, Kylie wanted to get creampied, she pleaded even though she knew he couldn’t understand “harder, please, fuck me with that beautiful cock,” she pleaded.

He obliged.

His pace reached an uncomfortable rate before he groaned out a short phrase and squeezed down on her body from both sides, stopped thrusting and exploded. As he orgasmed, he pulled their bodies close again and grunted into her ear as his load filled up her hairless American cunt.

He pulled out, collapsing backward and stumbling a few steps before blinking to bring the sight back into focus. Dimitrios rubbed his eyes and said “money?” In an inquisitive tone.

Kylie tilted her head sideways in confusion. He reached for his formerly disposed of shorts and pulled out his wallet and extended several hundred in Euros. “For sex” he said waving the money around.

He thought she was a hooker. She gasped and immediately covered her face with both hands in horror. He dropped the money on the table which was damp with their sweat and her pussy juice as he began to get dressed. Kylie stood there, starting to tear up in embarrassment and felt his cum leaking out of her cunt down her right thigh.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 10:39:24 AM by FamelessFuture »
Feedback is always welcome
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC, MIvory5, KKJ97

Blocboy VC

Re: Frameless Future Chapter 2 Language barrier sarring: Kylie Jenner
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2024, 09:53:47 AM »
This was fantastic. I like how you wrote Kylie. She knew what she wanted, and she got her fun. Also you wrote a foreign dude pretty well too, I'm glad he wasn't creepy. Looking forward to the next one.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 12:01:10 PM by Blocboy VC »
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