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Author Topic: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]  (Read 64869 times)


Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« on: January 02, 2023, 05:20:05 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the people, places etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Lindsey Pelas or any other current/former influencers, models or celebrities etc.

Starring: Lindsey Pelas (Glamour model, influencer)

Full Body Workout: Lindsey Pelas

An erotic fan-fiction story.   

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral.

* * *

“Well well, I’ll be damned…” The mature man said, walking in the front sliding doors of the Gym. “My boy is actually up front, doing his darn job for once!” He said with a sly, but teasing tone. Not exactly dressed for a workout with the casual shirt and pants he had on.
“And you actually stopped by the business you’re supposed to be running for once, Dad!” The younger man, who indeed bore a striking resemblance to the older one said. “What, did the golf club run out of balls for once?” He joked back as he stood up straight from behind the front counter. Clad in a more expected for an American-style gym set of loose shorts and a snug, sleeveless top.
“Very good, kid… And how exactly has been business then, since you know so much about it?” Theodore Moore, otherwise known as just Theo for short or ‘Teddy’ to his friends, asked as he went to the desk.
“Business has been… Well, I want to say snail-like but that would be an insult to animals with how slow it’s been…” His son Samson, aka ‘Sammy’ or plain old Sam, responded with a grumble in his tone.

“I was sort of hoping for a different answer, kid… But then we’d both be lying to each other and ourselves.” Theodore stated with a sigh. Leaning against the counter. “The accountant was painting not exactly a fine picture of this place… I mean, we’re above water right now… But we need to get more feet through the door before this ship starts sinking.”
“Easier said than done, Dad.” Samson stated the obvious as he glanced to the sign on the wall of the entrance area. ‘MOORE MUSCLE’ in bright neon lettering. “We can’t just go renting billboards or newspaper ads. For all the good it did last time.”
“Yeah, when those damn wannabe… What are they called? Bankers did their spray painting?” Theo scoffed.
“I think you mean Banksy, Dad?” Sammy raised an eyebrow.
“Sure, whatever. Anyway, you understand what I’m getting at, right?” Theo said as his son nodded. “We just need to get the word out about us. Show that we’ve got that special something that’s different from just buying one of those bikes with the screens and sprinting away at home. You’re a smart enough kid. You should be able to come up with an idea or two to get more folks through these doors!” He said, just as those sliding doors automatically opened up. “And that one doesn’t count…” He said as footsteps approached. “I’ll leave you to it and we’ll talk in a sec.”

With Theodore stepping to the side, it left Samson free to look up and put on his best smile for the approaching woman. His eyes however unable to hide the surprise from seeing not just a drop dead gorgeous blonde woman but one packing her wonderful curves into a tight set of gym wear. Recognising the influencer and Glamour model Lindsey Pelas instantly as she had her hair tied up in a ponytail. Her huge tits packed into a sleeveless short top that even while zipped up couldn’t stop them from jiggling with each step. Her often overlooked but rounded backside filling out a grey set of leggings more than nicely too, while carrying a small gym bag over her shoulder.

“W-Welcome!” Samson stuttered, before turning his face away to cough into his arm to clear his throat. “Sorry about that…” He looked back as she stepped to the counter. “Welcome to Moore Muscle gym and fitness studio. Is this your first time here?”
“...A little bold to say that off the bat.” Lindsey raised an eyebrow. “Hitting me with a ‘come here often’ line?”
“Uh, I meant more of your first time being here? So you could take advantage of our trial offer for new customers.” He explained with a flush across his cheeks.
“Oh? Well, and here I was just teasing you…” Pelas started to smile, showing she’d just been messing with the younger man to her early 30s age. “But an offer? I’m liking what I’m hearing now.”
Sammy breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes. Half price for the first day so you can, you know? Try our place out, see if you like it and want to stop by again.”

“Sounds simple enough! Sure…” She glanced to the side, checking out the corridor and noticing the older man across the way before she looked back to him. “My usual place had a power outage so I figured why not try this place out?”
“Well we appreciate you stopping by, Miss Pelas.” He said, perhaps not thinking it through as he let slip he knew who she was. “Just a little basic details to jot down here.” He said, passing over a clipboard with paper and pen. “Then we’ll be good to go and you can pay on your way out.”
“Sure.” Pelas said, a brief eyebrow raise as hearing her name but letting it slip as she took the pen and filled in the row of details. “And it’s just through there?”
“Yes, Miss. It’s all signposted with the, uh, signs on the walls. But feel free to check in here or ask one of the staff going around if you need any assistance or need to know where to go.” Sammy explained.

“Well then, I’ll be sure to stop by here after I’m done and I can give you my review.” She said with a smile as she put the pen down. Moving away from the desk as Sammy nodded and smiled back as the blonde turned and headed into the gym. As she walked, glancing again at Theodore as she paused when the two passed. Looking over her shoulder as her eyes swapped between the older of the two men and the younger. “Hmmmm…” Her head lifted a bit, seeing the similarities in handsome looks with a sly smile before she turned back and headed through to check out the gym.

“Well, you at least didn’t screw that up, son…” Theodore said as he reached the desk. Reaching over to give his son a smack on the back. “Even if your eyes were like you were in a rocket going up to Mars!” He joked.
“I couldn’t help that!” Samson said defensively. “It’s not every day that damn Lindsey Pelas walks into the family business!”
“The say who now?” Teddy questioned.
“Lindsey Pelas! She’s a famous model! Influencer!” He explained but just saw the brow furrowing on his father. “She’s like, one of those mega hot women who post pictures all the time on social media.”
“Oh? Well, she was sure damn pretty. I could understand your reaction in that regard.” Theo chuckled. “You know I ain’t understanding all that online stuff. That’s why I got tech experts like you to manage the web pages and all that.”

“Dad, hold on. This could…” Sam tapped the paper on the clipboard for a moment. “This might be what we’re looking for.” He said, getting an interested look from his father. “Gals like Pelas? They do all sorts of brand deals, you know? Post pics of themselves holding a product or putting hashtags about in in posts, stuff like that. Advertising real easy and to like tons of people! Like way beyond just the city alone!”
“Advertising, eh?” Theo glanced back towards the entrance to the gym area then back to his son. “Well I bet she catches plenty of eyes. Not sure we’ve got the budget though if a gal like her might have high celeb fees to book.” He noted.
“Oh, yeah… That’s a thing. I bet she’s got an agent or something like that.” Sam frowned. “Maybe it’s not a good idea then…”
“Well hold on there, kid. Us Moores didn’t get to where we are now without getting over a few bumps in the road.” Theo said. “Let’s get to thinking about this. I’m sure we can come up with something that could sway that lovely lady to hearing us out…”

* * *

Many minutes and a solid day’s workout later…

“Well, this place isn’t so bad after all…” Lindsey Pelas remarked to herself as she headed out of the gym’s main area. A healthy, light shine of sweat on the exposed skin of her arms, stomach and above the chest from a solid workout. “A little quiet as well which isn’t so bad… Half expected that cute guy at the front to be leering around the corner at me every couple of minutes.” She said, smiling to herself as she stepped into the reception area. “Speaking of…” She remarked, seeing the young man still at the counter and the older man from before.

“How was the gym, Miss Pelas?” Sammy asked as he smiled while Theo stepped back from the desk slightly.
“Oh it was nice! No complaints at all.” Lindsey said and didn’t need to fake politeness about it either.
“That’s great to hear, Miss.” Theo said as her attention turned to him. “Sorry for cutting in, but my name is Theodore Moore. I’m the owner of this gym.” He introduced. “And I’m sure you’ve already met my son, Samson here.” He motioned to the younger male.
“Well, that answers a question that I’d had on my mind seeing the two of you before…” Pelas glanced between the duo. “The resemblance as you’d call it is pretty obvious!”

“Can’t argue with that! I’ll take that as a compliment as well.” Teddy said with a smile of his own. “Now forgive me for being so bold about this, Miss. But my son here was telling about how you’re quite the famous lady online on the old social media as it’s called.”
“I did notice that your son seemed to be a fan of mine…” Pelas teased, giving a sly look to the man younger than her own age and very much younger than his father’s. “I half expected an autograph book to be waiting for me when I came back out!” She said playfully, much to Sammy’s flushed look again.
“Oh no, I’ve kept the kid on a leash today!” Theo said with a laugh. “However, getting back to my point? I have a little bit of a proposition for you, Miss.” He said.

“Oh?” She turned to look at him. “Not every day I get approached by a father and son wanting something from me…” Lindsey remarked.
“Well Miss, it’s real simple as it goes. Our little family run gym here could do with a big old boost to the footfall and getting new folks in through the doors. And you’re a leading lady who could do us a real big favour of getting our place out there way beyond what we’ve been able to drum up.” Theodore explained. “But don’t get me wrong! We ain’t asking you to do this for free.” He said, as Samson nodded in agreement. “We were thinking that if you enjoyed our gym so much? We could fix you up with a membership here on the house, in return for some posts from you to put us on the map.”

“Now… Now that’s not the sort of offer I’d usually be getting from two gym hunks after a workout!” Pelas smiled as the remark caught the men off guard as they glanced at one another. “But I will say? That doesn’t sound like a half bad offer… Gyms these days aren’t cheap. And going from a half price to, well, no price for me? Sounds almost too good to be true…” She mused as she put her hands on her shapely hips. “So, what’s the catch?”
“Catch?” Sammy blinked as Lindsey locked onto him. “Oh no, no catch! We just need you to put our gym’s name out there, you know? Maybe, uh, I dunno… Having our logo in the background of a selfie? Holding up a drinks bottle that’s got our logo on it? Tagging our account on a social post with a bunch of gym, lifestyle hashtags?”
“Hmmmm… Are you two so sure? That’s all I need to do to get the membership?” She seemed to be waiting to hear the ‘small print’ about this deal. “No offence but I’m not so sure that I’m buying this all, and not just because it’s all so out of the blue and all.”

“Ah, you know, Miss? That’s understandable.” Theodore apologised as he raised a hand. “We were out of line just asking you out of nowhere to do something like this.” He said, believing that he’d offended her. “You know what, forget about it. Don’t even bother yourself about even thinking it over. Guess my son here jumped the gun with his idea and I was foolish to not think it over either.” He said as Sammy looked a little sheepish behind the counter. “So I’ll tell you what, how about we…”
“Now hang on here, guys.” Lindsey cut in. “You guys are really serious about this all, aren’t you?” She looked between them both as they nodded. “Really offering me up a big gym membership for free, just for making a few posts?” She said again. “I mean, it does sound tempting… But your son here should know that with all the deals I do? I just can’t go and accept anything that’s sent my way. I’m a businesswoman after all.” She stated. “So…” Another glance was cast between the younger and older men. “So… Let’s talk this over. You know, a little business meeting between client and, well, gym owners in this case.”
“Actually, it’s just my Dad who owns the place.” Sammy pointed out.
“Let’s not fret over those details for the lovely lady now, kid.” Theo cut in. “Well Miss, that’s awfully generous of you to hear us out. When can we pencil you in for a meeting then so we can talk this all out?”

“Well… How about now?” Lindsey was the one being bold now, like she was trying to call their bluff to see if this deal was legit or not. “I’m sure a place like this has an office or something, right?”
“Well, sure it does.” Teddy said. “My office when I need to interview new hires and the like. We can talk things out in there.”
“OK then… And you’re coming too, right?” Pelas looked to Samson again.
“Uh, do I need to? I’m sure Dad can explain things enough about the business side of things.” Sammy said, taken aback by being requested.
“Well if you two are the package deal I think you two are? You need to be front and centre too so I know what I’m in for.” Pelas said as she kept that blush on his cheeks.
“Well now, Son. I think you can’t turn down the lady’s request now, can you?” Theo said with a chuckle.
“I’ll uh, just make a call.” Samson reached for a handheld walkie-talkie, nearly fumbling it as he brought it to his mouth. “Hey, gonna need you to take over at the front desk for a while. Dad’s got a business meeting I need to attend… No, it ain’t about the water cooler incident again! Just get over here!”

* * *

A couple minutes later and Pelas was being walked into the Owner’s office of the gym. A plain enough room with the expected desk and chairs with a couple in front and one behind. Along with pictures and posters on the walls and a computer desk at the very back corner.

“So then…” Lindsey put her bag down by the door as Theo closed it behind them. “What have you boys got for me?”
“Well, if you’d like to take a seat Miss? I’ll just fish out the leaflets and stuff that we’ve got to hand about…” Theodore was about to say.
“Oh no no. You two can drop the act.” Pelas said, drawing confused looks from the two. “I mean, I’ll give you two credit. You’ve dragged this out and played hard ball a lot longer than other gym rats I have to deal with.” She said, smirking as she was the one making an assumption now.
“Uh, Miss? I don’t quite follow you.” Theo said as Samson just shrugged.
“Sure you don’t…” She smirked, standing in front of the two guys. “I’ll admit though, you two are hunky and you at least keep your eyes up where they should be…” Pelas said as she shocked them again by lowering herself down to her knees in front of them both. “And taking on a father and son at the same time is a new one in my book.”
“Uh… Uh… Uh?!?” Sammy just stuttered, staring with wide eyes as he got a good look at the deep cleavage her top provided at this angle.
“Miss? I think you might be misunderstanding what we meant by an offer…” Theodore tried to explain but even he could only just gaze on when he hands reached up and loosened his belt.

“Oh sure, I’m misunderstanding when two guys want me to take an ‘offer’ from them….” She kept a sly smile on as she took a hold of the waistbands of both men. “Like I’ve not heard that before from a couple beefy guys at a gym…” Pelas added. “As if you just wanted…” She was going to tease more as she helped herself to yank their clothing down. Now her turn to have widened eyes as the phrase ‘Like Father, Like Son’ was translating to a very pleasant surprise for her. Seeing both men packing impressively thick, meaty and long cocks with neither looking less than about ten inches or so, with the older of the two perhaps even longer. “...Now that?? That’s not what I usually see from dudes at a gym!” She glanced from up at them to their dicks and then back as she started to grin. “All fucking natural!”

“Miss? I think…” Theo was about to explain when he had to groan as she took a hold of his and his son’s shafts.
“Dad. I think Lindsey wants to, uh, well?” Samson was staring in disbelief. “I mean, if she wants to have some fun with us? Then I’m not going to stop her!”
“Smart kid you raised there…” Lindsey smirked for a moment as she started to stroke their cocks. “So what do you say, Mister Moore? Think you can handle a different kind of ‘pump and grind’ than you usually do at the gym?” It sounded like a challenge from her as she looked up at him.
“This was not how I expected my day to turn out… But lady, I think we’re all too far into this thing already to talk about backing out now…” Theo said for a confirmation even with his own still stunned expression.

“Kinda cute how you’re still keeping the act up, both of you…” She smirked, still misreading this all as she gave them what she only thought they were after from her all along. Stroking along their thick lengths as she leaned in. Using her tongue to brush around the head of Theo’s cock to make him moan, before she moved across to give Sam’s dick the same quick swirl treatment. “Biggest fucking cocks I’ve seen in a long time either…” She mused as she went back to the older of the two and worked her tongue around him. A measured series of swirls this time to go around the nicely fat head of his shaft. Groaning herself from the taste before she pulled away. Just to repeat the motion onto the younger stud’s shaft while her hand moved right over the whole length of the freshly licked dick. Working a little bit of saliva onto their inches from the switching of licking to strokes as she darted back and forth. Not playing favourites with either man as she made them groan out.

“Mmmm… And you’ve already lasted longer than a couple guys I’ve had to deal with already.” She added for a rather naughty form of compliment. Not giving either a chance to respond though as she leaned down and this time took Theo’s shaft into her mouth. Making them both moan as she wrapped her juicy, full lips around his member with an approving slurp. Gazing up as she began to pump her blonde haired head along his length while her hand stroke off not just the rest of his size not yet in her mouth, but the inches of his own son standing next to him. Easily multitasking and making her huge tits jiggle as she worked her arms. “Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Shhhrrrlllppp! Mmmmmphhh…” Her groans already bouncing off his prick as she bobbed along him. Gliding smoothly along him and letting him feel how warm and wet her oral hole was. A display already that this wasn’t her first time sucking dick as she put those pouty lips of hers to perfect use. A look in her eyes along with the sin as she gave some head that she seemed impressed already that this mature stud was able to handle what her mouth could dish out.

“MMMMM! God damn, lady! MMMM… Where’d you… AHHHHH… Learn to do a thing like that? MMMMM…” Theodore marvelled as he looked on. His eyes following the motion of her gorgeous face as the Glamour model sucked him off. Applying her saliva onto his more than generous size as she slid her built for pleasuring dick lips back and forth along him. Even moving her hand down to just hold his rod at the base as she rather greedily, and eagerly for a woman believing all these two hunks wanted was just sex out of her, stuffed more of his big cock into her hungry oral hole. “AHHHH… Not anywhere in this kind of gym I bet! MMMMM! God damn, that’s real good! MMMMM…” He moaned as already his moans and the groans from his son filled his office along with her lusty slurps as she handled his size. Easily multitasking as she sucked off one big dick while jerking off another like the sort of online content she’s skilled at is of the more XXX nature than just modelling and brand ads on social media.

“Mmmmmphh!! Mmmmm… Mmmmmphh!!” Pelas sucked away with a steady pace as she nearly took down all of his cock. Having already moved past the ‘testing’ stage of him to see how he can handle some head from a woman younger than him. Her saliva nicely coating his rod and dripping a little down her chin from the repeated motion. “Mmmmmphhh… GAAAAAAAHHH… HHHHHLLLLKKK… Mmmmmm!!” She even found herself choking when pushing down. Making the head of his dick hit the back of her mouth as she filled herself up more than she’s used to. Only lifting back for a moment before going back to slurping away. Keeping the motion going but finding herself gagging again, without any discomfort, as she couldn’t help but push down further to enjoy the sensation of a huge mouthful of thick cock.

“Mmmmm… That’s fucking good…” Lindsey said with a slight purr as she lifted off that cock. “Now let’s see what your kid can handle…” She decided as she turned to the other cock. Guiding Sam into her talented mouth to make him moan out as he titled his head back in delight. Feeling those plump lips wrapping perfectly around his meat as she went to work on him. A matching series of steady, deep slurps along his pole that she’d just been dishing out to the cock she was now stroking her saliva into. “Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm! Shhhhrrrlllpp… Mmmmmphhh…” Her groans were muffled by his dick as she took him in and out. Her spit starting to fall from off her chin, hitting her workout top as she made a mess over this cock to go with the layering she’s already given to the older but just as meaty dick in her other hand. Looking to see if the son could handle what his father already has as her eyes locked up at him while she worked her head up and down.

“Oh fuuuuuuuuuuck! MMMMM! God, that’s fucking good! MMMM!” Sammy was stating the obvious here as he looked down and saw that that sinful expression that alone would make many men blow a load right there and then. Her stunning face effortlessly sliding along his shaft with just a couple strands of her blonde locks falling out of place from the motion. Taking his dick nice and deep into her oral hole while still stroking away at the other cock in front of her. “MMMMM! Oh fuck that’s… MMMMM! That’s fucking awesome! Fuck me! MMMMM!” He moaned as he stood and stared down. For once, even the sight of her big, shaking tits wasn’t distracting as he focus was on her face plunging up and down on his rod to ensure he was nicely dripping with her saliva. More than matching what his father had just enjoyed minutes before as he got his turn, but certainly not treated like sloppy seconds as he got the same pace of smooth and steady slurps.

“Mmmmmphh… GAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHRRRLLKKK… Mmmmmm!” The model continued showing off her oral talents as she feasted on another big, long cock. Taking Sammy in so deep she was choking on his prick and making more saliva drool down not just over his length but all the way onto her own tits. Leaving a shine on the skin at the top even more profound than the sweat there from her workout earlier on. “Mmmmm… GAAAAAAAHHH! GAAAAAAHHHH… Shhhhrrrlllppp!! HHHHLLLKK!” Yet even as she gagged on that dick, her eyes weren’t watering up at all as she kept lifting her head up before racing back down to stuff herself full. Never pulling completely off from his length when she rose up and then driving down to almost meet her fingers around his base. Her own moans bouncing off his young inches, showing how she was getting off on sucking dick. As already shown by the hard nubs poking through her gym top.

Lifting her mouth off, she let out a porn star-level groan before drawing in air. Smirking up at the two men as she gave their dicks some strokes, further working her spit into them. “Not bad, not damn bad at all…” Lindsey said with approval, clearly meaning how impressed she was with them not having blown a load between her lips.
“I think we could say the exact same for you as well, Miss.” Theodore said, and while he’d not planned this to happen even one bit (despite what she believed their intentions were) his smile showed he was very happy by this turn of events.
“I think we can skip past the formalities now, right?” Pelas smirked, letting go of their shafts. “Unless you want me to start called you Daddy and you Son?” She teased as her hand whet to the zipper of her top as she pulled it down.
“Y-You can call me whatever you want…” Samson half-mumbled as he stared as those huge, rounded tits were revealed as she pulled the zip right down, peeling the top off to toss it aside.
“Promises, promises, kid.” Pelas said as she moved to kneel down in front of the older man. “How about you get behind me and show me what you can do? While I give your old man here a good time with the ‘girls’ here?”
“Yes Miss!” Sammy nearly tripped over his own feet as he moved around the kneeling woman as she leaned forward towards Theo’s crotch. “I mean, yes Lindsey!” He said as he eased down her tight leggings, showing off her rounded backside and the smoothly shaved pussy she had. “Wait, uh… Shouldn’t I put on, you know, a rubber first?”

“Guess you’ll need to impress me by lasting like you did in my mouth, Son…” She said, glancing over her shoulder with a wicked lick of her lips and not just from teasing with that ‘nickname’. “I’m gonna take care of Daddy here and earn that ‘deal’ of ours…” She said as she brought up her often lusted over assets up to the older hunk’s cock. Easily making him moan as she captured that big dick with her soft, ample breasts. Making his dick near vanish between them with the sandwich as she used her own hands to press them against and around his fuck-stick. Smearing her own saliva onto her skin even before she’d started pumping but when she did, she got him moaning out just as loud as he’d been when between her lips. “Mmmmm… Like that, Daddy? Huh? Mmmmm… Like these big fucking tits wrapped around your big fucking cock?” She purred, clearly enjoying the ‘Daddy’ talk more than just as a pet name as she raised and lowered her tits along his shaft. Already making a smack ring out when her mounds dropped down and hit into his crotch before quickly lifting them up to make the head of his dick disappear just to repeat the motion. A sure sign already this is far from the first time the former Playboy model has pleasured a cock with her chest.

“MMMMM… This is a new one for me! AHHHHH… Didn’t think… MMMMM… Ladies were actually into doing this…” The mature man, easily old enough to be this stunning blonde’s father, smiled down as he moaned. At least not too stunned by this all to not know to unbutton his shirt as he took it off. Seeing that rather hypnotic sight of a huge set of tits pumped along his cock as her flesh jiggled about even around her own fingers despite the firm hold she had on herself. Going from being fucked by her pouty lips to now getting massaged by her breasts and still able to be rock hard to take it as the influencer put her prized assets to perfect use. “MMMM… Feels damn good to me, young lady! MMMM… I just hope you’re enjoying yourself too…” He added with a groan as her tits smacked into his body without leaving a sting of pain as she worked over every fat inch of his dick with her mounds. Seeing the drops of sweat, and not from the workout earlier on either, rolling down her mounds as she put in the work to pleasure a man she’s only just met today. Perhaps taking advantage, ironic considering how she’s still thinking they’ve been trying to do that to her, of the fact this is finally a cock that can last between her fantastic breasts so she can go to town on them.

With the approval given to get a piece of her bareback, Sammy had finally gotten over his shock as he pushed his thick rod into the waiting, and already a little wet, pussy of the stunning model. Making them both moan out as Lindsey looked over her shoulder for a moment with an approving grin before turning her attention back to the front. Taking on two big cocks at once as Sam took a hold of her toned waist. Starting to thrust in and out of her snatch to keep their moans sounding out around his father’s office. Pumping firmly as he built up into a motion, showing a big of sexual experience himself so that even with him being the youngest in the room this wasn’t his first round of action. Lucky for them both as Pelas moaned out in approval, feeling her snatch spread to accept him. Another sign that her talk about both these men being more hung than she’s used too wasn’t just ego stroking.

“MMMM FUCK… Oh yessssss… MMMMM! Give me that big fucking dick…” Lindsey groaned out, looking back at the young stud pumping away into her snatch. The feeling pleasurable enough to set her off to rock back on her knees against his motion. Helping to fit that big cock into her wet tunnel as she shamelessly took him in raw. “MMMMM! Fucking fill me up, kid! MMMM… Nice and fucking deep! AHHHH FUCK!” She moaned before turning back to the front. Not forgetting to keep multitasking here as she delivered some pumping action while getting banged from behind. Keeping her tits sliding away along Theo’s equally meaty shaft so both father and son at both ends of her were getting serviced. One deep between a set of rounded, juicy tits and the other sliding in and out of her snug, damp pussy.

“OH FUCK… MMMM! God, you’re so fucking tight! MMMM! It feels… AHHHHH… Fucking awesome! MMMM!” Sammy gave his own dirty commentary as he stared down and watched that rounded ass start to shake as she backed herself up into his pumps. His inches vanishing into her deeper and deeper while he pumped steadily into her. His grip on her waist allowing him to go in and out smoothly and help her stay in place with only her knees and legs on the round. Her hands otherwise busy servicing his father as she kept her mounds pressed around the older hunk’s cock. “AHHHH… MMMMM! Damn! God, and I thought your mouth was… MMMM! Fucking something out of heaven! OH FUCK!!” He groaned again. Watching her plump backside start to smack off his waist as he got in deep into her love tunnel. That sound of skin hitting tanned, sweat-covered skin now ringing out to mix with all the moans in the room. Turning the gym office into a personal sex den for the unexpected threesome as the stacked blonde took on a man younger than her while pleasuring an older hunk at the same time.

“OH FUCK! MMMM! Your kid… UHHHH! Ain’t half fucking bad, Daddy! MMMM FUCK…” She moaned, staring up at the moaning, handsome features of the mature stud she was pumping her tits up and down on the cock off. No doubt enjoying having a cock finally lasting between her tits for more than a second as, seemingly for the first time in his life, enjoyed the joys of a titty wank. “MMMM… Can’t fucking wait to see if Daddy can match what his… AHHHH FUCK! Kid can fucking do! MMMMM! SHIT!!” She added between gasps of delight as she kept her tits pressed around Teddy’s long shaft. Unable to help herself as she leaned her head down and wrapped those huge, porn star-quality lips around the crown of his dick. Slurping on it to further make him moan while the tops of her tits brushed into her cheeks as she held her own rack up and out. Moaning around his dick as she suckled on the mushroom head and swatted at him with her tongue.

“MMMMM! Keep that stuff up, young lady? MMMM! GOD DAMN… MMMM! I might not make it for you… AHHHHH! You to find out! MMMM…” Theodore moaned with a smile, beads of sweat trickling slowly down the side of his head, as he got an outstanding double team. The best of both worlds with those huge, juicy tits wrapped around his prick while the top got slurped on by her big, pouty lips. Saliva dripping down just to get smeared over his inches along with onto her tits as she pumped her rack up and down. Working overtime to please both father and son as she kept on shifting back to meet the balls deep thrusts filling up her snatch from behind at the same time. The remark just getting a narrowed eyed look of desire from the blonde bombshell sandwiched, and all too willingly so, between them both. Like she didn’t believe for a second that this was ending before she got fucked by his cock as well.

For the moment as her muffled moans showed she was more than pleased with the younger dick getting thrust firmly into her wet snatch. The man more than rising to the occasion to show a lot more experience at the art of fucking a hot, busty babe than his years would indicate. His pace swift and steady as the smack of his crotch hitting into her backside rang out like a metronome. Her full cheeks rippling with the impact, helped by her own eager shoves back to ensure she was getting not just filled up to the hilt, but getting it bareback as she’d demanded. The risk of not getting a load blown in her and the horny instinct that he could handle her paying off as her groans showed. A new shine of sweat all across her already stunning body that’s looking even more profound than she’d been from the workout half an hour before.

Lifting her head off from the elder’s cock, she moaned out and let go of her tits. Needing a moment to get on her hands and knees and just look back at the stud banging her from the back with a burning stare of desire. “MMMMM FUCK YES!!! That’s fucking it, kid! MMMMM! Fuck that fucking tight fucking pussy! MMMM! Nice and… AHHHH FUCK! Nice and fucking deep! MMMMM! With that big, fat fucking young cock of yours! OH FUCK!!” She moaned out as she herself wasn’t more than ten or less years older than him, but regardless loving the feeling of the thick length stretching her out nicely with pump after stiff and quick pump. Her ponytail swaying as she took the time to shove herself right back even harder than before, and she couldn’t care less about the strands of blonde hair falling loose from her lusty action. “MMMMM FUCK! AHHHH… FUCK ME! Yeah, nice and fucking hard! MMMMM FUCK!!” She said before clenching her teeth. Knowing full well that this man was a fan boy of hers and her social media posts, but unlike most could deliver the kind of hot, hard action that her curvaceous body was built to handle but hasn’t gotten.

“MMMM! I don’t think you’d let me slack off… MMMMM FUCK!! Even if I wanted to, Lindsey! AWWWWW DAMN!!” Sammy groaned out, sweating healthy himself as he worked his hips back and forth to keep the firm pace going. Almost getting rocked back a bit by the force of her own motion to drive her slot into his big cock. Keeping that slap ringing out loudly but still doing nothing to mask either of their moans. Especially now that without a cock to muffle her lips she was letting out a soundtrack for a skin flick with her cries of approval. Her huge tits swaying underneath her as she got taken on all fours but giving back as good as she was getting. Her backside rippling away with each connection into the hunky, muscular body behind her to make it look like they’ve been fuck buddies or more for many months rather than the one afternoon.

So caught up in the moment that neither of them noticed the eldest in the room cracking open a bottle of water to chug down a liquid boost. The opening however making her look over and see him as she narrowed her eyes. “Who fucking said… MMMM!! FUCK!! You could take a fucking break??” Pelas lustfully hissed as she looked him over.
“Who? Me?” Theodore just laughed as he approached. “You seemed so busy enjoying my son that I figured I’d just let you get what you wanted.” He claimed as he took another swing of water.
“Oh, I fucking know… MMMMM! What I fucking want…” Lindsey licked her lips as she shifted forward. Making herself and Sam groan from the empty feeling as his dick left her wet snatch. “I want Daddy… On the fucking floor, now!” She said and her fired up tone made it sound like an order than a mere request.
“Don’t keep our guest waiting now, Pops!” Samson said, just managing to catch the bottle tossed to him. About to offer her a drink but she was too busy swinging a leg over his father the moment he laid down on his office floor. Shrugging as he took a couple deep glugs for a break of his own as it left the horny blonde free to position herself to face Theo and reach down under herself to line his cock up with her entrance.

“Sorry for keeping Daddy waiting…” Lindsey licked her pouty lips, and with the use of that nickname it might make others wonder if that was just to tease or if she had a kink of hers she was letting lose. Whatever the reason, it was getting her all worked up as she dropped down firmly to not even give the older of her two new lovers a chance to adjust to her tightness. Slamming down with need to bury his shaft bareback into her love tunnel balls deep already with the first motion. Groans escaping them both as her hands went onto his more than impressively muscular body, stroking across his chest. Making them both moan out as she took the time to grind her wet pussy down into his body as she savoured the feeling of a cock that was equally thick to the one she’s just been taking but a little extra inch to him that clearly made all the difference.

“MMMM FUCK!! OH YEAH… REALLY… MMMMM!! FUCKING SORRY!! FUCK!!” She gasped out as even before his hands could grip her waist she was starting to bounce up and down on his big cock. Once again the slap of her ass crashing down into a man’s body ringing out but this time from a vertical motion. Her big tits bouncing in time with the swift rhythm she quickly built into. “MMMMM FUCK YES! Come on! MMMM FUCK!! Show me… UHHHH!! A real fucking workout, Daddy! MMMMM!! Give me that big fucking cock!! MMMMM!! Right up into… AHHHH FUCK! FUCK! MMMMM… My tight little fucking pussy! MMMMM!!” She seductively moaned, even as she was using a pace that was more than doing the work for this fuck for the both of them. Barely giving him time even to work under his own power as she reached down, grabbing one of his hands to bring it off her body and make him take a hold of her already very familiar tits to encourage a squeeze.

“MMMMM!! God damn, young lady! MMMM! I’d try my damn best to! MMMM! If you weren’t so wild like this!! MMMMM!!” Theodore moaned out as he laid back. Trying his best to match her lusty pace as she drove herself down sharply onto his prick again and again to leave her tits jiggling and her ponytail becoming more of a sprawled mess as it swung around. Having to settle, as if there was anything bad from having a beauty young enough to be his daughter delivering a wild ride onto him, for matching half of her motion. Pumping upward every other bounce that she gave so she still got a bit of what she wanted. It worked, leaving her tilting back her head in delight at the sensation as he was able to just about match the timing of her to plunge in deep. Moaning himself as her walls clung to his shaft as she rode away on him like she was more used to this as a hot and heavy workout than any sort of other ‘pump and grind’.

So caught up now with this session of one-on-one that the Glamour model had forgotten about the other hunk in the room until she felt her head being turned to bring her back down and around to face the side. Her mouth already opening up to let out a groan before she sunk forward under her own power as Samson slid his cock between those fantastic, juicy lips of hers. Her cries of delight now muffled as she began to bob along this cock and in the process tasting her own pussy off his that shaft. The gagging she let out having nothing to do with the flavour of her own juices as the crown of his prick hit the back of her mouth as unlike the first round of oral, this dick was being actively thrust into her mouth. Another sultry stare that was even hotter than one of modelling pictures as she looked up at the young man who had gone from fucking her lower hole to now thrusting into her oral one.

“GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMM!! SHHHHRRRLLLPPP! HHHHRRRKK!!” The lusty gagging carried on as she took on a double team that made it seem like she was not just taking on the challenge of two big dicks with ease but was the one winning the contest. Deeply taking the younger man’s shaft deep into her mouth as her saliva began to drip down his length, all while she shifted up and down sharply on a just as fat and delicious slab of cock that she was impaled on. Driving her soaking pussy right down with a slap before shifting up a few inches just to repeat the motion. “HHHHRRRKK! MMMMM!! GAH GAHH GAH HHHRRRKK!! MMMMMPHHHH!!” One hand still clamped onto the back of Teddy’s hand to keep him groping at her tits while the other stroked over his chest and not even needing to reach down for support. Showing this was far from her first time riding some cock but going at this with even more effort than she’s done with a partner for months. Coupled with being able to dish out a fine round of head at the same time. Each thrust into either of her holes making it seem like to really test her she’d need four men or more to take her on.

“MMMMM! Young lady! AHHHHH… I’d say that with how good you are? MMMMM… I might be tempted to… AHHHH! GOD DAMN… Check out you social media types a lot more now… MMMM!!” Theo was able to moan out as he was laying on his back with his own moisture rolling off him to form on the floor. Keeping up his end of the deal here to drive his cock up nice and stiff into her box as she lowered herself down. His balls smacking off her skin as he heard her groan in delight around the cock she was slobbering away on. “MMMMM! But I ain’t so sure… AHHHHH! There can be any other lady able to get… MMMM! Wild like a demon like you can! MMMMM!” He added with a smile, and not just saying that to butter her up either. Almost having no choice but to take it as she drove herself sharply up and down to slam her snatch down over and over. But happily taking a ride of his life from this horny blonde who was acting like she was more suited for a career on porn sets than the mere skin-showing modelling she’s known for.

That remark got a narrowed eyed look, but with her mouth so busy slurping away on a meaty dick she couldn’t say if she was agreeing with his statement or a little mad at the idea of anyone else getting this dick than her. Certainly showing a form of appreciation by still slamming her pussy down into his fuck-stick for that contrast of being slit open thanks to the fucking she’s delivered and taken from both of the hunks so far. Yet still being tight for her dripping walls to grip his thickness as she works up and down. Keeping her tits shaking even as she reaches down and makes both his hands grope at her rack for any extra boost of pleasure she can get. All as she kept her head rocking back and forth along the cock being pumped between her full lips top ensure both studs get their fair share of pleasure out of this threesome.

“GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHRRRKK! MMMMMMPHHH! GAHHHH HHHHLLLKKK RRRHHHKKK!!” Draining her own energy as she got wild on both cocks left her soaked in sweat and strands of hair across her stunning face. Groaning as she encouraged the older man’s fingers to dig into the jiggling flesh of her big tits with a clearly possessive touch of her own to clamp the back of his hands. While still bobbing her head along to the side as she feasted on the big cock that was filling her mouth right up. Her eyes rolling back in delight when she pushed a little further than she’d planned and found that the young stud’s dick ventured into her snug throat. “GAAAAAAAAAAAAHH HHHHHHLLLKKKK!!! GAAAAAAAAAAHHH HHHHHRRRKKK…” Her nose pressing into the crotch of Sam while her saliva drooled down onto his balls from the close contact. Not objecting to the deep throating as it allowed her to grind her snatch down onto the other big cock she was handling. Before pulling up a bit as she choked again and her own spit spilled out of her lips but tellingly never lifting fully off his dick as she went back to sucking him off.

Attempting to get both doses of being stuffed balls deep ending up being her undoing. Shoving her face down into the younger man’s dick while dropping down onto the elder’s with her pussy leaving her eyes fluttering as that already stunning body of hers shivered in delight. Enjoying a hard orgasm that further left the cock filling up her twat more soaked than ever in her juices. Her bounces missing the timing so for once she was more getting jolted upward by the thrusts entering into her from underneath. Her hands finally falling away from his as she needed to get a grip with hers, clutching one of Theodore’s arms while the other held onto Samson’s thigh to keep herself up and supported. Still able to finish off dishing out some head with a couple slurps as she rode out the last waves of her orgasm.

“MMMMM FUCK… I’m fucking close, Lindsey!” The statement from Sammy was followed by a groan as he pulled out of her groaning mouth.
“Same here, Son!” Teddy added as he reached to her waist, lifting her off from his cock so she could dismount.
“F-Fuck! Fuck!!” Lindsey panted as she stayed kneeling, watching as Theodore got back to his feet. “I fucking want you to fucking paint me!” She lustfully demanded. “All over my face, my fucking tits! I don’t give a fuck! Just fucking drown me!” She almost growled.

“My fucking pleasure!” Sam grinned as he stepped in front of her. His hands going down to grab onto her tits and sink his digits in as he now took a turn to enjoy the sandwich provided by her fantastic rack. Making himself moan as he began to thrust up and sent his crotch into her ample flesh for a fresh slapping sound. “MMMMM OH FUCK!! This is… MMMMM!! SHIT! This is a fucking dream right here! FUCK!!” He groaned out as he pumped briskly up into her tits to make the crown of his dick pop out from between her mounds. Even as stiff as he was fucking her rack, she just let out a hiss of desire and let him have his fun without even needing to pump her mountains once along his familiar size.

Her attention going to the other cock that it’s felt like she’s known for years rather than just an hour. Turning her face to the side as Theodore stood up and she didn’t need to be told even once to do as she parted those big, ripe lips of hers. Letting him slide in and, even with how tired she is from her intense orgasm, she was able to must a little bit more energy to slide along that cock as it was fed into her talented oral hole. The pace now not nearly as wild as how she’d been going at them earlier on but more than enough to make the oldest in the room moan out. Once again the influencer and social media darling able to enjoy the flavour of her own pussy, and no doubt getting a stronger taste thanks to her peak all over him, from off a fat piece of dick.

“MMMMPHHH… SHHHHRRLLLPPP… Mmmm mmmmphh mmmm! SHHHHRRRLLLPPP…” Her eyes were half closed and still full of desire after perhaps one of, if not, the best rounds of sex in her life. Things finishing almost close to how they started as she was once again blowing one of their long, thick shafts but doing so while offering up her tits for pleasure at the same time. Her mounds jiggling with a bounce up even in Samson’s firm grip as he kept her tits pressed against the sides of his fuck-stick. “MMMM… Shhhrrrppp… Mmmmmmm!! Mmmmmphh!! SLLLRRRPPP…” All as she drooled away on the cock pumping in and out of her mouth to come close to hitting the back of her mouth but sliding smoothly back before Theodore could reach that point. Perhaps making up for the lack of roughness in this moment by being able to lash up with her tongue across the bottom and the sides of his prick to further the pleasure.

Even now, she still found her eyes rolling up with a shiver of delight as she felt the two gym studs cocks start to pulse between her tits and lips. More than happy to let them get off after giving her a mind-blowing time. Even using a hand to stroke a thigh of each hunk while her eyes darted between the father-son duo. Watching either the cock sliding towards then back out of her plump set of cock suckers, or down at the mushroom head popping out of her rack as he felt the younger man fondling the huge rack that he, like plenty of other social media users, have fantasied about doing this to ever since her Playboy days. He wasn’t disappointing as he pumped away to even at this late stage of the action last a whole lot longer than most men would be able to do between a set of world class breasts like this.

However even with as impressive as Samson has been? Even he had a limit as he soon reached it with a deep grunt as he kept pumping into her tits. The first blasts of thick jizz fired up and hit across her neck for a wicked form of pearl necklace. Pulling out in order to stroke his cock off and aim down at her already heaving tits to send the ropes across both of her well fucked boobs. A generous glazing for both along with some dripping down into the gap between as he pumped furiously to milk each last drop out of his shaft. Little wonder that he had a mile-wide grin as he admired the mess he’d made on the chest that’s one of the most famous across the Internet.

Not that it was a contest, but his father managed to last a hint longer than he did as he pulled out of Lindsey’s groaning oral hole. Stroking away himself as she stared up with her tongue sticking right out. Moaning escaping them both when began to give her the facial she’d begged for. Dumping his seed, and an impressive amount of it at that, across her stunning features from forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Of course, the offer of an open mouth and tongue too good to miss as he smiled and aimed down to give her mouth a nice little filling up with the tail ends of shots hitting across those plump lips. When he’d flicked the last drips onto her, she hauled that tongue in and closed her lips up. Another display to make her seem like more of an adult film actress than a mere influencer as she greedily swallowed down mouthful. Even going the extra mile of leaning in to him afterward and sneaking a last suckle of his bell-end to make sure she had gotten ever bit of his seed for a last sample of those perfect dick-drainers of hers.

She finally pulled off and had to use her arms to prop herself up as she leaned back. “Holy shit… That? That was fucking amazing…” Lindsey grinned, with a look all the more hotter with the spunk all across her tits and face.
“I think you just read our minds right there, young lady!” Theodore confirmed with a grin. “Ain’t that right, Son?” He said, looking to the side.
“I… I don’t have fucking words!” Samson admitted to confirm the opinion. “I mean, just… Wow… I just fucking had sex with Lindsey fucking Pelas!”
“And you didn’t mind putting up with your old man in order to do it…” Theo added with a chuckle.

“I hope you’ve got some spare water, because I fucking need it…” Lindsey said as she pushed herself up. “Still a gentleman even after all that?” She smiled as she took the offered hand from the older man to help her up and into one of the chairs in his office. “You guys push that wholesome offer act really out there, don’t you?” She said, glancing as Sammy came over with a fresh bottle of water. “Even after getting what you wanted out of me.”

“About that, Miss.” Teddy opened up a cupboard, picking out a towel from it. “I think you and us still had a misunderstanding about all of this…” He admitted as he approached her as she chugged down some water.
Pelas just smirked, still reading the intentions that these men had from the start all wrong. “Oh, I understand it… And I think after all of that? We can certainly do a fucking deal to give you guys some ‘promotion’…” She said, glancing down at the two men and their cocks still on display. “As long as I get paid ‘in kind’ as they say by you two… Especially you, ‘Daddy’…” She said, accepting the towel.

“Well, shit… When you put it all like that? Guess it all works out after all! Right, Dad?” Samson just shrugged his shoulders.
“The means justifying the ends I guess!” He smiled back. “And I guess one heck of a good deal for all of us in the end… I’ll just need to get a whole pack of water for the next time you’re here, young lady…”
“Get a whole damn water cooler installed in here…” Lindsey teased as she paused from wiping the hot spunk from off her face. “Because now I know you studs can handle me? I’ll be needing another Full Body Workout like that real fucking soon!” She stated with a grin. One equally matched by her new friends with benefits.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for any future stories/chapters to write, or for any characters etc to use in future stories. However, feel free to leave any comments or feedback etc as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 05:10:00 PM by daxg2001 »
Please consider supporting my stories on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001

Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 03:10:39 PM »
What an awesome story with an underrated lady around here. I love the father and son set up for a threesome. Don't see that used often and Lindsey is just the type for it. You really put her and those big tits to work.
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2023, 08:44:30 AM »
That was very hot. I LOVED IT!
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2023, 01:25:48 PM »
I loved this story! What a way to start off 2023 with a father and son duo tag team with this busty babe!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2023, 03:36:05 PM »
She got the Full Dax Workout  @@  8#=D
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2023, 05:33:15 PM »
What a fucking story. Lindsey's tits were made for fucking.
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas]
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2024, 07:26:08 PM »
I wish I could give her a work out lol
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2024, 05:09:35 PM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the people, places etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Abigail Ratchford or any other current/former influencers, models or celebrities etc.
Starring: Abigail Ratchford (Glamour model, influencer)
Full Body Workout: Abigail Ratchford
An erotic fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral.
* * *

Set in the same universe/as a follow-up to Full Body Workout: Lindsey Pelas. Prior reading of that story is not required but recommended.

* * *

“Moore Muscle… Yeah, this is the place…” Abigail Ratchford, the stunning, curvaceous social media influencer, Glamour model and general online eye candy remarked, closing her phone up as she looked over the entrance to the Moore Muscle Gym. “This shouldn’t take long…” The American beauty said to herself as she walked forward. Already her massive tits shaking in the intentionally tight, low-cut sleeveless top she wore to show off deep and sexy cleavage. Matching with the snug, short skirt that gripped her thick hips and wide ass. Not dressed for any workout as she brushed her long, dark hair back and approached the front desk. “Hey, sorry to bother you…” She purred, putting on a well-practised sensual look with a tone to match as she already leaned forward a bit onto the desk to show off her jugs.

“Hold up! Just sorting this…” Samson Moore’s voice called from under the desk as he fixed a cable. “There… That should sort the damn phone line…” He chuckled to himself, moving to stand as he was clad in a uniform for the Gym of workout-style shorts and a branded top, nicely fitting to his toned frame. “How can I…” The handsome young man was about to say more but found his eyes staring at the set of huge tanned tits on display as he cleared his throat. “Woah…” Was all he could come up with as he saw the woman looking at him.

“Woah indeed…” Abigail teased, raising an eyebrow with the sort of smirk that showed not only had she seen that look before from a guy, but this was getting her the exact attention she made a living off of. “Like I said, sorry to bother you…” Her tone continued as she locked eyes with him. “But would it be possible to speak to the owner of this Gym, if you don’t mind?”
“Uhhhhh… Sorry!” He snapped out of it as she kept her leaning-over position to show off. “Yeah, that’s my Dad, actually. Mister Theodore Moore.” Samson explained. “I can go see…”
“Oh? Your father? Well then, this might work out fine…” Ratchford said like a gold-digger eyeing up an old millionaire as her eyes lit up. “Then perhaps you and I can have a little talk about this Gym of yours?” She said. Her plans quickly changed since she didn’t think that this hunky man wouldn’t be such a bad option to work her ‘magic’ on instead of his father.
“The Gym? What’s wrong with it?” Sam was confused now. “No offence, uh, Miss Ratchford? But you’re not exactly dressed for a workout.” He noted, even as he let slip that he knew who she was.

“Oh Hell no! No offence, but workouts in a place like this don’t work for me.” Abigail claimed. “After like 20 minutes I get bored and get glued to my phone again… Pilates are more my thing when I can fit them in.” She said, before pausing as she locked onto him again. “Hang on… You know my name?” She twigged with a slight smile.
“Well, I mean, any guy with a social media account must have heard of you if not be following you already!” Samson pointed out. “Girls like you, Jessica Nigri, Demi Rose, Lindsey Pelas…”
“That bitch!!” Ratchford’s well-kept expression faded at that name as she narrowed her eyes. Causing him to raise an eyebrow. “Oh, trust me, you don’t want to know… I don’t want to even say her name.” She said, making it sound like there was some petty beef or drama between the two.

“Yeah, sounds like too much of a hassle to get into…” Sam went along with it, struggling to keep eye contact with the busty beauty.
“OK, let me cut to the chase.” Abigail said, composing herself and brushing her hair back. “I didn’t come here to work out. I came here to cut a deal.” She boldly said. “I want you, your Dad or whoever to ditch the deal you have with that fake-faced blonde bimbo!" She said rudely, and rather ironically considering her admissions of having work done on herself. And I want you to take me on as your new socials advertisers. Now usually I’d charge but if it means sticking it to her over some place as simple as this? Then I’ll take it.” She said with quite a bitchy tone.
“Now, hang on there, Miss Ratchford…” Samson tried to stay polite about this all, even while seeing how pissed she was about another model. “Us and Miss Pelas we have, well, an arrangement shall we say…” He tried to explain. Although he wasn’t planning on mentioning the part about how he and his father ended up fucking Lindsey in the back office and that as a result, she was doing some free advertising for their business.
“Like I give a shit! I mean, come on!” She motioned down to her hanging tits. “Look at me! You’re telling me that all of this can’t sell this Gym of yours better than that whore can?”
“Hey, I never said you didn’t look amazing! You look awesome!” He stated the obvious. “But you know, a deal is a deal and I don’t think…”
He was cut off again when she reached forward, taking hold of his wrist. “Honey, listen… I was just gonna come in here and maybe flutter my eyelashes, sweet talk your old man…” She bluntly said as she looked him over again. “But you? You look like you can at least make this fun for me…” Her voice returned to having a seductive bass to it. “So how about I show you exactly how much better I am than the blonde bitch you settled for?” She offered but sounded like she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. And this was without even knowing that she’d be proving if she was better than her ‘rival’ since she hadn’t a clue he’s banged Pelas before.

“...We’ve got an office we can use.” Samson wisely stated. Grabbing a sign to put on the front of the desk that read ‘OUT TO BREAK’.

* * *

“Your Dad has a nice office.” Abigail mused with a ‘not bad’ expression as Sammy locked the door behind him. “Must pay well…” She added to show part of her attitude as she licked her upper teeth, turning to lock onto her target. “Now then…” She smirked wickedly, pulling him over by the shirt and having him back up against the desk of the office. “Let’s see about ‘convincing’ you to cut ties with that blonde bitch…” She bluntly said as she moved to the floor, showing off her tits even more thanks to the angle. Her hands already working to pull down the shorts and boxers he had on, bringing them to his ankles.

“I think you’ve got this all wrong, Abigail…” Samson tried to explain but even he couldn’t help but smile at this all. Especially as the eyes of the dark-haired beauty went wide with a quite lusty surprise seeing the nicely thick and long cock that the young Gym stud was packing. “But no way I’m turning down getting a piece of you!” He said, almost being as blunt as she was.

“Smart guy…” Her eyes glanced at him as she gripped his dick. “And packing too! Guess this will be fun for us both… If you can last…” She said with a bit of an over-confident hint to her voice like she was used to encounters like this finishing quickly. Not even giving him the chance to respond as the Glamour model leaned in. Taking that hardening cock in between her large, plump lips to make him moan as she slurped downward. Staring up as her hands went to both of his thighs as she raised back before pushing down. Groaning a little around him as she felt his length get nice and erect, making her lips stretch out as she purred into his rod. And only picked up the pace when his cock got to that full size and she could tell that she would be having some fun alongside sucking her way to get one over on a rival in the modelling world.

“Mmmm! Shit! God damn! Mmmmmm!” He moaned, watching that stunning face slide along his meaty cock. Her full lips were perfectly wrapped like they were made, or perhaps more likely enhanced, just for this purpose to pleasure a fat dick like his. Staring down and seeing her big tits jiggle a little bit as she worked along him and left her groans vibrating off his length. “Can fucking see… Mmmmm… Why guys might not be able to last against something feeling this… Mmmm! This damn good! Mmmmm…” He stated the obvious between his loud moans. Getting the warmth and dampness of her oral hole as the busty beauty gazed up with that well-practised look of bedroom eyes. Even making sure to brush her hair back not just from her features but away from her chest to keep her cleavage on full show. In turn, she let the sight of her hard nipples poking through be seen as she wasn’t exactly hating having both a big cock and a handsome man to play with.

“Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm! Shhhhhrrrkkkk…” Abigail moaned around that cock. Not used to having a man lasting this long between lips so juicy and porn star-like let alone against her far from novice oral technique. Smoothly pumping along this length with a steady pace and loud, noisy slurps to put on another show. Brushing a hand across her tits for a moment before going back to sliding along his thigh, not forgetting that she was seducing him to get what she wanted. “Mmmmm… Shhhhrrrpppp… Shhhhrrrlllkkk… Mmmmmm!” More groans as she bobbed up and down to nicely fill up her oral cavern with his prick. Taking a moment to pause and twist her head from one side to the other. Making her tanned cheek bulge out when the bulbous crown pushed against her mouth as she expertly rubbed her lips around that thickness. Before moving right back to blowing him as she applied her saliva to that more than generously long rod.

“Ahhhhh… Geez! That’s some… Mmmmm! Some killer head right there…” Sammy groaned, impressing in his own right to handle such a cock sucking performance more expected of a seasoned skin flick starlet than a millions-followed social media influencer. Those plump lips glided smoothly along his pole as she handled more than half his size and only lifted to reach just below the crown before diving back down. Getting a little bit of her spit dripping down her chin as she coated him, with the splats hitting down onto the ample, exposed flesh of her rack. “Mmmmm damn! Ahhhhhh fuck!! Mmmmmm…” Moaning again as he watched that vanishing act as she feasted on his dick and took him in deep to keep groaning around that tool. She might not be a fan of gym time but she was getting a nice workout here to bob away on his man-meat. Even the occasional flick of her tongue up into his underside not setting him off into the sort of early finish she was used to getting from the men she wanted something out of.

The two of them were so caught up in this act of oral sex that they didn’t notice the door handle turning while the rattle of someone trying to enter was masked by his moans and her horny slurps. Pumping along his thickness and keeping her lips wrapped around him to leave that sinful coating of drool over him. Finding out first-hand that it was going to take a lot more than even her stunning mouth of the sight of those beautiful features moving along his pole to finish him off. So into the moment that her hands left his thighs, going onto her top and not even faking like she was trying to just adjust herself. Giving both of her huge breasts a firm grope so she still moaned around his dick while slurping away.

“Son, you in here?” Not imagining a need to knock before walking in, and after all, this was his office and the Gym he owned, Theodore Moore stepped into his office. His eyes widened in surprise, to match the looks of the two inside as he saw his son getting blown by a curvy dark-haired beauty. “Well… Guess it’s damn different from seeing you slacking off on your phone in the storage room!” He laughed with a shake of the head, getting in and closing the door behind him. Showing off his set of office keys as he locked the door behind him now he was in.
“D-Dad! I can explain!” Samson tried to say as he stepped back, making his dick fall from her mouth.
“This is your Dad?” Abigail showed another look of the hungry more than just attention or cash side to herself as her seductive gaze now moved over to lock onto the older, handsome man. “Good looks run in the family I guess…” She licked her teeth as she approved of the look of him as well.
“Young lady? Would you mind explaining why you were doing… ‘You know what’ to my son?” Theo raised an eyebrow as he approached.
“Well, I could…” Ratchford shamelessly shrugged, glancing back at his son’s dick before she looked over his crotch. “Or? I could just, you know…” She boldly moved a hand forward as she moved to stand. “Make it up to you for ‘borrowing’ your son for a bit?” She smirked, giving his package a squeeze through his gym shorts.

“...Samson?” The older stud looked over at his son who was finding his feet quite interesting to look at. “You can explain this all later to me. And young lady?” He turned his look to hers. “I’m not quite sure what’s going on here, but this all seems to be a whole lot of trouble in my book.” He said with a chuckle and tellingly wasn’t objecting to her feeling up his crotch.
“I don’t mind getting into some trouble… Once in a while at least…” She licked her lips, leaning over forwards as she pushed down Theodore’s shorts. Making a grin appear as she saw that like father, like son, he was also packing a big, thick dick. “Oh, a whole lot of trouble!” She purred, stroking his shaft to get him hard before she looked over her shoulder at the other man. “Well? Don’t just stand there… I might as well take on both of you at once if I’m gonna earn that deal.”
“I’ll, uh, talk to you about it later, like you said, Dad.” Samson claimed as he moved quickly back in. Avoiding the questioning gaze of his old man for the moment as he eased down that tight skirt she had on. Exposing her thick, rounded backside and smoothly shaved pussy and helping her to step out of it to leave her in heels, a tight top and bent over forwards to push all that big booty out.

“I’m sure it’s quite the story… Mmmmm!” Theodore remarked with a sly tone, before moaning out as with just the same greed as she’d just been doing to his son, she gobbled down his long, thick cock into her hungry, talented mouth. Wrapping those plump lips around him as she started to suck and held onto his nicely toned waist as she bobbed along him. Staring up with narrowed eyes as if she didn’t even care about not telling him the full reasons behind her blowing his son. Now just doing the same lewd act to the older of the two Gym hunks and enjoying herself just as much from the groans she was letting out around his shaft. “Ahhhhh… Quite a friend you’ve got here, son! Mmmmm… But at least you had the sense to lock the door when you went at it!” He joked, shaking his head again but even as confused as he is about this sudden situation, he can’t help but moan when a rod hot, damp and soothing mouth was gliding along his length as she quickly got to work getting her saliva applied to him.

“Honestly? I don’t think anything I can come up with is gonna get me out of trouble now!” Samson admitted as he pushed his cock against the tight pussy of the stunning model. He felt the moisture down there already as he pushed in to make both himself and the beauty he was now banging from behind moan out. Sliding into her tightness, feeling her grip his length as she stayed bent over. Pushing against him as he started to thrust and held those very shapely hips to take her bareback. “MMMMM… And Abigail here… MMMMM… Is all kinds of trouble…” He added with a smile of his own, knowing he’d have a very awkward conversation later with his father so he might as well enjoy the moment. Moaning as he pumped in firmly, working his cock into her snug hole as he stared down. Seeing her juicy backside rippling already as she stayed in place, keeping all that ass raised high while her pussy got filled up.

“MMMMMPHHH! MMMMM! MMMMMPHHH… SHHHHRRLLLPPP…” Loud, muffled moans escaped the curvaceous model as she rocked herself back and forth between the two hunks and their meaty cocks. Sucking away on one as her long hair swayed in time, while her big tits jiggled and tested how much her low-cut top could keep backed in from the bounces. Shifting on her high heels to work her hips back and send her pussy along that dick she’d just been blowing moments ago. “MMMM! SHHHRRLLLPPP… MMMMMPHHH… SSSSHHHHKKK…” And not even trying to hide her delight at having not just two hunks and their fat rods to play with, but men who could handle a woman built like her. Her slurps and groans sounded out around the office as she encouraged more of those inches, slick with her spit, to drive into her twat as she made just as much of a mess over the dick in front of her. Younger cock stuffing her slot nicely full while she slurped on an older shaft in front. Bridged between the two but managed to give back as much action as she was getting at both ends.

“MMMM… Abigail, huh? MMMM… Well Miss… AHHHHH… Nice to see you don’t seem to be playing favourites now I’ve… MMMM… Interrupted your private time with my son…” Theo was still able to joke, knowing how unusual this was to step in and then join to make a sudden threesome happen. Even if it wasn’t the first time it’s happened in his own office. Making the most of it as any man should, as he smiled and watched her stunning face slide along his thick member as she pumped away to get her saliva dripping down him. All as she shifted to back her fat ass up against the thrusts into her pussy. Her hands were busy stroking his sides, trying to encourage him to send his meat deeper into her mouth but he was more than happy to let her bob away. Even doing a job for her to brush her long dark hair away from her face for a clear look at her lusty expression as she kept those massive lips of hers wrapped around his tool to make him groan out in delight.

“MMMMMPHHH! MMMMM… MMMMMM!! SHHHHRRRLLLPPP…” Drooling away over the older stud’s cock, any response just came in more moans as she kept up a narrowed stare. Keeping her big tits shaking as the hint of her nipples and the rings around them poked out from her top thanks to the energetic way she was moving back and forth between this big weapon in her mouth and the one pumping into her twat from the back. A fresh, lusty groan let out around the father’s dick when she felt the crotch of the son finally meeting her juicy cheeks. Her eyes rolled back for a moment in delight for a feeling she wasn’t used to getting of taking every inch of a cock more suited for a porn set than a Gym. “MMMMM! SHHHRRRLLLKK… MMMMMPHH!! MMMMM…” Then again, there weren’t many men, let alone two at once, who could handle either of her stunning, tight holes this well as this duo were doing. Filling her front and back to keep her not just moaning away but starting to break out in a sweat as they let her shift between their members. One dick coated now in her saliva and the other nicely soaked in forming juices as she was almost spit roasted while very willingly bent over between the men.
 “MMMM… She’s really good, Dad! MMMMM… You should try her out!” Samson groaned out, not thinking about how perverted that sounded to offer up to his father some fine, tight and now very wet pussy. Especially after fucking her raw as he’s been doing. Then again,
 he was fucking a stacked, online-famous model and sharing her with his flesh and blood and this isn’t the first time they’ve done so. “AHHHH… OK, that sounded better in my head, I swear! MMMM! FUCK…” He moaned as her plump backside crashed firmly into his waist over and over thanks to her perfectly timed motion to cock against his thrusts. She kept his dick stuffed in deep to fill her up as her love tunnel stayed clamped all around him. This hole was equally equipped to take dick as she’d already proven to him with her mouth and currently was doing to the just as lengthy shaft now between her lips. Handling two big cocks at the same time to show that she’s a woman who can not just look amazing with steamy photoshoots but she can deliver in the sack as well. Or in this case, a private office to make it a personal sex den with a couple of hunks she’s only laid eyes on today.

Lifting her head, Abigail grinned as she licked her lips. “That sounds like… MMMM! FUCK… A fucking good idea…” She purred, glancing back at the younger hunk. “Let your old man get to pound me… MMMM… While I see if that big dick can last between my big fucking tits…” He said it with the sort of tone that made it more of an order than a suggestion.
“Hell yeah!” Samson wisely agreed, pulling out of her wet slot and making them both groan from that void briefly now left between her legs.
“You know, young lady… It’s rather rude to boss around the guy whose office you’re borrowing for this…” Theodore joked but watched as she stood up. Moving to his desk and clearing off the top of the items to leave him shaking his head. “And making a mess too? You’re something else, lady!” He said, smiling as he moved in as she laid on her back on his desk.
“I’m not fucking planning on being a lady today!” She almost snapped her response, smirking wickedly as she watched the younger of the two men climb up to join her and mount her chest. “Now come stuff that big fucking dick in me! Make you both forget about doing any deals with that blonde bitch!” Ratchford encouraged as she spread her legs invitingly wide. Even without being able to see the older man now that his son was sliding his cock between her mounds.

“Blonde? Hmmmm… Now I wonder what that’s all about…” That statement sounded to Theo like it should remind him of something but considering he was caught up with this current threesome, he’d be forgiven for not having made a link to the one he’d been in before in this same room. His focus was on sliding his cock into the wet, snug pussy his son had just been balls-deep moments before as he took his turn to moan out as he pumped her. He took hold of her smooth, tanned legs to ensure they stayed apart as he darted his cock into her slot. Taking advantage of the previous work done to her box as he could get in nicely deep already. The almost matching length and thickness of him resulted in him getting to the hilt as his crotch smacked off hers. His moans sounded out as he banged a woman old enough to be his daughter if not even younger, considering the age of the other man in the mix of this fun.

“MMMMM! FUCK…” Abigail meanwhile was busy not just taking a fucking, but dishing one out with that outstanding, hourglass body of hers. Pushing her huge tits up and out as she captured the cock fresh out of her snatch and barely giving herself the time to register the feeling of smearing her pussy juices onto those mounds. Too eager to slide her rack along this big cock to make his prick vanish before sending those tanned orbs right back down. Smacking into his body before repeating the motion. “Oh yeah! MMMMM! Fuck that pussy… Fuck these big fucking tits! MMMMM FUCK! Fucking fill me up with those… MMMM! Those big fucking dicks! MMMMM FUCK!!” She moaned out, multi-tasking to service one meaty tool as she took another. Her love tunnel squeezed around the older cock, already coating him in juices as Theo’s thrusts ensured she was moaning loudly. But getting a thrill as she put her money-makers to proper use. Doing a pumping of her own to send that younger stud’s manhood vanishing between her knockers before the head popped back out as she dished out the titty fuck.

“AHHHH… God damn! MMMMM! Might feel even fucking better… MMMM! That being deep in her did!” Samson let out a groan as he shifted his hips forward. Sending his fat cock between her juicy knockers as she did a fine job herself of working her chest along his size. Making that lewd smack ring out when her tanned rack connected with his toned, starting to sweat body. His eyes fixed onto her bust like he was in a trance, missing out on that sinful look across her moaning face as she firmly pushed her mounds right down along him while keeping him trapped in all that ample flesh. “MMMMM… I can barely see my cock between… AHHHH! FUCK… Between those big tits! MMMM!” He added with another moan. Experiencing her swift and steady technique that proves this is far from the first time she’s pleasured a lucky guy’s cock with her fantastic tits. And for her, she had plenty of reasons to moan out as she finally got to take on a dick that could last inside of such deep and sexy cleavage. Along with the joy she was getting from taking a fucking in her snatch at the same time.

“MMMM FUCK!! That’s fucking it! MMMMM! Fucking fill me up! Fuck me!! AHHHH FUCK! God!! It’s been… UHHHHH!! Too fucking long! FUCK!!” She was sounding like she’d forgotten why she’d tried to seduce the man mounted on top of her in the first place now, getting action so good and from two well-equipped hunks all at once. Her tight slot soaking wet now and gripping the rod acting like a piston to feed quickly in and out of her with a firm pace. As she gripped her big breasts to keep the other cock sandwiched as she raised and lowered them at a not too dissimilar speedy motion. “MMMMM… FUCK… If you guys offer this kind of fucking workout? MMMM! I might have to fucking sign up for a gym at last! AHHHHH FUCK!” She grinned before moaning again as she took a balls-deep pump. Not even seeing the older man railing her right now as she was busy taking care of his son. Making sure to tilt her head up and spit out as the dick between her tits popped out before her stroking action with her mounds got her saliva rubbed both all over his pole and onto her skin as she serviced him.

“Young Lady! MMMMM… You are a little bit too all worked up about this than you should be…” Theo shook his head again, not believing that he was once again fucking another busty beauty and doing so along with his son. And he didn’t even know the full story about her status as an online sex symbol. His attention was on how snug and wet her needy twat is as he filled her up with stiff strokes, making his crotch smack into hers as she showed off how built she was to take some dick. His hands kept her legs spread and that body in position, not that she was moving much anyway with another stud keeping her pinned down. The father-son duo double-teamed her to test out one of her lovely holes and her juicy tits as a more than healthy shine of sweat now left her body looking even more desirable than she usually is.

“MMMMM… If you think this is me… UHHHH! FUCK… All worked up? MMMM… You haven’t seen anything yet…” Abigail didn’t even directly look at the older of the two as she spoke, as her eyes watched the fat crown of the younger popping out from her tits as she kept his prick smothered and stroked off by those tanned, rounded mounds. Moaning even as his pace to fuck her jugs along with her firm motion meant a hard slap rang out as their bodies met, but neither felt a sting of pain. “MMMMM… Don’t believe me? MMMM… Then maybe… AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK… I need to take both of you studs on at once…” She purred, licking her lips as she let them both try out her titties and snatch for another round. Moaning away as she got a hole and her body used, only further showing that she could easily make the switch to full-on porn work and make a killing instead of just the Glamour modelling she’s such an expert at. Rubbing her breasts along the cock stuck between them one more time before she let go. Reaching over to sinfully smack the crown of him against her tit as she groaned from the cock still filling her pussy up.

“Now young lady… MMMMM…” Theodore groans as he pulls out of her snatch. “We’re already taking you on at the same time.” He points out, helping his son to dismount and move back to the floor.
Ratchford tosses her hair back with a saucy smile. “I mean both of you at the same time, inside of me. Both holes…” She said and made it clear what she wanted with a firm slap onto her stunning backside.
“...Let me grab some lube.” Samson quickly says, moving around the desk just as she hops off of it.
“Damn, you guys have everything at this gym?” Abigail smirks, pleasantly surprised. “You studs just lure in any hot girl that comes your way to take your turns on?” She teases, before guiding the older of the two to sit down on one of the chairs in his office.
“Well, young Lady? If I had a dime for every time that happened? I’d have about two dimes right now…” Theo says as he watched the busty woman climb onto him and mount his lap. Making them both moan out as she lowered onto his cock to take him back into her needy pussy.

“I knew it…” She licked her lips while she performed a rub down with her crotch against his to work his dick into her slot. “Wait… Who was it that you fucked in here before?” She raised an eyebrow like that idea made her think of a certain blonde rival. “No, I’m serious. Who did… MMMM…” Thankfully, her questioning was cut off when Samson appeared behind her. Pushing a lubed-up finger into her tight asshole to make her not just groan, but actively push all that delicious cake of hers back against the digit. Looking over her shoulder with naughty approval as he worked the finger in and out. Meeting
 resistance for a hole rarely offered up so he had to ease it in to apply the lube. That hip motion made her pussy slide back and forth to keep the man she was on top of groaning as her ass got finger fucked. Taking a good couple of minutes to prepare her and get in knuckle deep before he pulled out. A quick moment to lube himself up for good measure before he moved behind her and spread those fantastic, wide cheeks apart to line up with the last of her holes to sample.

“OH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Her head tilted back in delight. Both lower holes now getting filled up as she got her snatch stuffed to the hilt with dick and now took one from behind into her stunning backside. Already shifting against both rods before they’d started to move, leaving them playing catch up to thrust into her as she bounced. Her huge tits jiggled and her dark hair swayed as she worked her holes. Her hands gripped the shoulders of the stud she was mounted on even as he took hold of her waist. “OH FUCK YESSSSSSSS! MMMMM! FUCK ME! OOOOOOOOH! FUCK ME SO FUCKING HARD! AHHHHHH FUCK!!” She groaned in delight, able to gaze over her shoulder again at the man tapping her ass as her booty was vice-like, making him groan as even with all the lubing up he still needed to ease into a hole that very few men could ever last to even think about getting a piece of.

“MMMMM! Easy there, young Lady! MMMM! You’re gonna break me before you break this poor chair!” Theodore laughed, almost getting her mountains smacking into his handsome, mature features as she clutched him and rode his cock. Backing up her fat ass in the process to take more cock even though the amount currently stuffed up into her soaking pussy would be more than enough to satisfy most normal women. “MMMM… Be one Hell of a fine way to go out though! MMMMM! Damn, that’s good! MMMM…” He said, a nice shine of moisture over his toned frame as at this point he didn’t even really need to thrust up at all with how eagerly she was bouncing away to do all the work needed. Especially with her multi-tasking to take two big cocks at once. Another display of her porn star potential to grind back and forth and help get those thick inches nice and deep into her built to be fucked holes.

“Holy fuck! MMMMM! This fucking ass… God damn! MMMM! FUCK! Fucking awesome!” Sammy is a lot less shy about revelling in getting to tap one of the finest cock-teases on the Internet today as he pumps his fat cock in and out of that vice-like asshole. Watching her juicy cheeks shake all over the place as she drives that rump back against him. Making her booty clap back into him to strike his toned body as that connection rang out to go with all their moans. “MMMMM! You can come hang out at our Gym… AHHHH FUCK! Any fucking time you want! MMMM!” He said without even locking eyes with her. Just staring down in awe as she bucked against him to keep her cheeks rippling and a sight many a man would pay just to see a few seconds of. Let alone experience all around their cock as this young stud completed the hat trick of being in all of her holes, alongside getting to fuck her tits before being balls deep in her rump.

“UHHHHH!! YES! FUCK! BIG FUCKING DICKS! OH FUCK! SO FUCKING DEEP… MMMM! FUCKING MY PUSSY!! AHHHH FUCK! FUCKING MY FUCKING ASS!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She almost howled out in delight as the sweat rolled off her already smoking-hot frame. Leaning in, making her big titties rub and smack against the handsome features of the father of the duo she’s getting screwed by. Even caressing the back of his head to encourage him to moan and taste her breasts as she bounced away on his still rock-hard shaft. All as she backed her thick rump up into the just as lengthy cock drilling her from the back. Her gaze switched between down at the man caught in her that jiggling rack and back over her shoulder to the hunk getting deep into her booty. “MMMMM! FUCK! DON’T STOP! OH FUCK! FUCK! MMMMMM FUCK FUCK FUCK!” It sounded like the pleasure was building as her eyes started rolling upward. Not used at all to getting railed by two studs, never mind men who could handle her and give that hourglass body of hers the action it deserves. Treating her like a Grade-A porn star to keep her ass clapping, tits shaking and pussy soaking.

For two studs who earn their living working and maintaining a Gym, this was one Hell of a workout to remember as they double-teamed the busty Glamour model. Keeping her shifting between their thrusts even as she happily bounced against them and those big cocks. Her wet snatch still gripping the cock she’s become very familiar with as it feels her up from underneath. Behind her, a just as lengthy rod stuffed into her juicy backside to hit in deeper than perhaps she’s ever taken a dick there before. Not that she’s used to any man, let alone a duo, managing to keep up with her high needs and handle those fantastic curves. Those full lips of hers were left in a perfect O-shape to let her moans pour out while she bucked against those stiff thrusts. A sight that if seen by the masses online would ensure her exclusive content pages rocketed to the very top for going even more XXX-rated than her already teasing shoots are currently.

“FUCK!! FUCK YES! YES!! AHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Abigail called out in delight as her bounces finally missed the timing, leaving her to shudder but keep her curves shaking deliciously as she came hard. Leaving the older of the studs groaning into her chest as her snatch clamped around his pole, soaking him with more juices to drip and strain not just over his crotch but the chair they were using to bang on. Behind her, the younger hunk hissed as her back passage gripped his shaft to test his limits, considering he’d been sampling her longer. Managing to last as he and his father fucked her through that peak until she leaned against him with a long groan. Licking her lips with glances between the two as Samson pulled out of her ass to see the nicely gaping state of her asshole from his stiff work on her.

“Mmmmmmm… Fuck…” Abigail purred, a wide smile on her sweat-coated face as she lifted off of Theo’s dick. “I’m so gonna come back here for this kind of workout…” She said, slipping down and moving to her knees in front of the still-seated man.
“Not so sure I can commit to this kind of ‘class’ young Lady…” Theodore teased with a smile.
“Sounds like I just need to convince you…” Ratchford said, cupping her tits and bringing them around his dick. “Both of you, in fact…” She said, turning her head even while capturing one cock already as she eyed up the second one.
“Well, I mean…” Samson had a big smile on as well as he stared down, seeing her hungry look even after a strong orgasm. “As much as I’d love that? Shouldn’t I wipe myself off first, before...”

He didn’t get the chance to finish as he let out a moan. Abigail looked even more like a porn star as she had one big cock between her tits and now another wrapped by her pouty lips. Eagerly getting involved in some ass-to-mouth action as she moaned around that meaty dick. Bobbing along him to clean off the flavour of her nicely fucked backside and make the hunk getting blown groan out in delight. His moans joined those of his father as she pumped her titties straight up and down to fuck his cock with her rack. Making a slap ring out as her mounds hit his crotch to work over every thick inch as she squeezed the pole firmly with her chest. Almost timing both actions perfectly to shift in sync to slurp on one dick with wanking off the other with those shaking mounds.

“AWWWWW FUCK!! MMMM!! FUCK…” Samson groaned loudly, watching her stunning face slide along his rod as her long dark hair swayed back and forth. Her lusty eyes told without words (not that should speak, muffling herself with his thickness) that she wanted to drain him dry. Perhaps the sight of her sucking dick was even hotter than it would be alone thanks to her delivering a wicked tit fuck at the same time. Getting her rack stained with the juices of her orgasm minutes before with pumps up and down along the older cock at a quick pace to go with how she was slurping over this just as delicious prick. Feeling it pulse between her lips but not stopping either motion as she once again tackled two Gym hunks at the same time. Making it seem like getting into threesomes with people she’s only just met is a regular hobby for her.

Having gotten to enjoy her the longest, along with being deep in all three of her pleasurable holes as well as between those huge tits, it wasn’t too much of a surprise that Sam was hitting his limit first as she pulled out of her talented mouth to stroke off. Her lips pressed together for a big pout for an added target before she closed her eyes. Taking a facial as the thick ropes of spunk splashed over her cheeks, nose and those full lips. One shot even went up over her forehead so it had been a wise decision to close up. Unable to help herself as she leaned in while ‘blind’ and captured the head of his prick even before he was finished. Suckling on the crown to make him groan as she drained the last drips from me. Lifting away with a ‘pop’ sound to swallow down that dose of spunk with an approving gulp.

Even with only one eye now able to open, it didn’t stop driving her mountains straight up and down along the older stud’s dick as she groaned out. Loving the feeling of a hot cock between her tits and was no doubt more turned on now that she had a thick load stained over her face. Hissing as she gazed up, wanting even more spunk than was already on the Glamour model. She kept him groaning out with the quick pace and firm grip her tits had around him. Topped off with her licking those glazed lips, stealing another taste of his son’s jizz. Perhaps a sign here that this might not be the first time she’s finished off one lucky guy after letting another paint her features,
 but usually it’s never been this late or satisfying into some filthy action. The smack of her tits hitting his lap was just as loud as the moans he was letting out from her superb motion as the minutes passed as she drove those glistening titties right along his pole as it started to pulse.

So despite her doing this to get a second load of spunk, she moaned out as well when his limit hit and she took a spray of cum across her tanned neck. A sinful pearl necklace was left over her skin as she kept driving her rack along his dick. The jizz fired up just to splatter onto her mounds and back into her cleavage as she kept her mounds wrapped around his dick. Not stopping until the last drips eased out and she felt him going soft. Sitting back with a grin, using her hands to play with the hot cum and massage it all across her heaving tits and making herself groan in approval. Even lifting stained fingers to her lips. Slurping them clean to see if the taste of the father’s spunk was just as tasty as his son’s was and from her groan that was the case.

“Damn good workout…” Abigail said with a still seductive tone. Only now finally reaching up to clear away her eye of the jizz so she could properly look up. “I’m not a Gym girl by any means, but I’ll gladly swing by here to get some more of this!”
“That sounds like a deal we can work with!” Samson grinned at the idea of that.
“Now, not to sound ungrateful about all the fun we’ve just had…” Theodore let out a groan as he rose to get to his feet. “But I think you both need to explain something to me about how this all ended up happening in the first place.” He said, remembering that he’d walked in on the two of them going at it in his office.
“Oh, well speaking of a deal…” Ratchford smirked. “I was just showing your son the benefits of picking me as your new social media ambassador over that blonde bitch.” She said with a smug tone.

“Uh, she means Miss Pelas, Dad.” Sam explained.
“Oh! Huh. That’s ironic. Considering how you and me ended up in that misunderstanding to end up having fun with her here, and now…” Theo recalled, finally piecing things together.
“You did what?? With that slut?!” Abigail sounded outraged, storming to her feet. And not exactly looking like a saint herself with cum all over her face and chest.
“Hey! Easy now! I was, uh, gonna explain that! Honest!” Samson pleaded as he moved back. “But things happened, and you know… Everything happened.”
“Easy there, young Lady!” Theodore tried to calm things down, moving between them. “Sounds like things were assumed. I’m sure we can all work something out.”

“Oh? Like what?” Abigail raised an eyebrow as she put her hands on her thick hips. “You guys just have me come around to fuck me like you do that bitch? Just for some fucking free promo I bet!”
Both men stayed silent as they exchanged glances before looking at her. “Well, young Lady, that’s sort of how things have gone if you want to be blunt about it.”
As much as she was narrowing her eyes, having played herself in this situation, she couldn’t help but glance at their big cocks. “Well… I mean, I’m not a Gym person… So I wouldn’t be looking for a free membership…” She lightly licked her upper lip. “Guess a free fuck once in a while wouldn’t hurt too bad… How many posts a month are we talking about here?” She was warming to this idea, even if it was the same one her ‘rival’ was enjoying.

“Young Lady? Get yourself dressed. My son will get some water for us, and we can talk things over… I’m sure you’ll like our deal just fine.” Theodore gave a handsome smile. “Benefits all included, as you’ve already seen…”
“Sounds like a deal…” Abigail smirked, her mood already improving at the promise of getting more dick. “Especially if it gets me another Full Body Workout like that again!”

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for any future stories/chapters to write, or for any characters etc to use in future stories. However, feel free to leave any comments or feedback etc as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.

Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2024, 04:46:53 PM »
Awesome story with these two hot sluts.
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2024, 06:26:21 AM »
Hell of a job with dirty Abigail!  ;D
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2024, 12:30:16 PM »
Hell yeah, bang those sluts.
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001


Re: Full Body Workout [w/h Lindsey Pelas, Abigail Ratchford]
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2024, 05:17:38 AM »
Abigail is a fucking hot nasty bimbo I'd love to do bad things with.
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