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Author Topic: Spanish Nights (Bar Refaeli)  (Read 1738 times)


Spanish Nights (Bar Refaeli)
« on: August 29, 2024, 06:41:49 AM »
Written as a commission.

Spanish Nights

Starring: Bar Refaeli

November, 2016

A luxury car pulled up to the curb outside the Mandarin Ritz, a fancy hotel in the Salamanca district of Madrid.  A smartly dressed driver stepped out from behind the driver’s seat and strolled around to the rear of the vehicle.  The door came open and a laced up pair of canvas sneakers planted themselves on the floor as Bar Refaeli emerged from within.  Casually dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a white striped top and a matching stetson, Bar was doing her best not to be noticed as the driver fetched her luggage from the trunk of the car.  Wheeling it up to the hotel doors, he bid the model a fond farewell, gladly accepting a generous tip that she thrusted into his hands.

Bar commandeered her suitcase and wheeled it into the lobby.  She was something of a regular at the five-star establishment and was immediately recognisable to the hotel staff, even dressed down like she was right now.

“Good afternoon, Miss Refaeli,” said the woman at reception, smiling at her as she approached the desk.  “Great to have you with us again.”

“Ola, Isabella,” the model replied.  “It’s great to be back.  I trust my room is ready?”

“Of course, Miss Refaeli.  Your usual suite is ready as always.  I’ll call a bellboy to fetch your bags.”

Isabella looked up and got the attention of a passing employee who promptly joined her at the reception desk.  “Lucas, take Miss Refaeli’s bags up to her usual suite.”

“Si,” said Lucas as he fetched the model’s suitcase and wheeled it towards the elevator. 

Isabella slid a key across the reception desk.  “Thank you again, Miss Refaeli, and I hope you enjoy your stay.”

“Gracias,” Bar replied, stashing the key in her handbag as she began across the hotel lobby.

“Oh, Miss Refaeli, I almost forgot,” said Isabella, stopping her in her tracks.  “We have a package for you.”

Bar turned back to the reception where a small, box-shaped package was sitting on the desk.

“For me?” she asked, looking surprised.  Gifts from admirers were common in her line of work, but those were usually sent to her agent, not left behind reception at her favourite hotel. 

“Yes, it arrived this afternoon.  I guess someone knew you were going to be staying here,” Isabella informed her, doing her best to stifle a grin.

“I guess so,” Bar replied, giving a nervous chuckle.

She picked up the package and looked at it quizzically.  This package, small though it was in size, could contain any number of things and could have been sent to her by pretty much anyone.  So of course she was a little suspicious.  The name on the tag said Miguel, which took the blonde by surprise.  Miguel was a man she had met at an event a few years before.  She came to Spain regularly for events and appearances, and whenever she did, she’d hook up with Miguel so he could fuck her brains out.  The thing was though, Bar hadn’t told him she was coming to Madrid, so she wasn’t quite sure how Miguel found out.  Maybe someone at the hotel had tipped him off.

“Thank you,” she said, pocketing the package as she headed towards the lifts.

She rode the elevator to the top floor, peering at her package and wondering what it could be.  The two had been fucking on a semi-regular basis, but their sex had always been on a casual basis with zero romantic overtones.  So the sudden receipt of a mystery gift was strange to say the least.  Miguel knew she had expensive tastes and he had a high-paying job so could definitely have afforded something pricey.  Jewellery perhaps?  Maybe even a car key?

She was itching with excitement as the doors slid open and she stepped into the hallway.  The top floor of the hotel housed just a single room, the presidential suite, where Bar always stayed during trips to Madrid.  She stopped outside the door to her room and swiped her keycard through the slot on the wall.  The door unlocked and she stepped inside.  Her bags were waiting for her as she entered the room.

The top floor suite of the Mandarin Ritz was about as luxurious as hotel rooms get, exquisitely designed with the finest decor and the most expensive materials.  Bar wheeled her case into the bedroom area and took a seat on the kingsize bed.  Fishing her iPhone from the pocket of her jeans, she punched out a message to her friend Miguel.

Bar: Got your package. 

Miguel: Good [wink emoji].  Have you opened it yet?

Bar: Not yet.  Shall I do it now?

Miguel: No time like the present.

Bar set her phone down and removed the wrapping paper, revealing a small white cardboard box.  Popping it open, her breath got caught in her throat as she saw what was inside.  Sitting on a bed of red velvet was a small metal buttplug, its bejewelled tip sparking in the bedroom lights.  Bar picked up her phone.

Bar: Wow!

Miguel: Surprised? [wink emoji]

Bar: Just a little.

Miguel: You can wear that to your thing tonight.  Send me a picture so I know it’s in there.  And make sure it’s still in when you get to my place.

Bar: I can do that.

Miguel: Good.  And btw, I have a friend who’d like to meet you.

Bar felt her heart beat faster.  She’d had threesomes before of both kinds, but never before had she and Miguel even talked about the possibility of including another person, male or female, so for him to go ahead and do it without prior discussion was something of a surprise.  He hadn’t specified in his message whether this ‘friend’ of his was a woman or a man; Bar considered asking him but ultimately decided against it, concluding that she’d rather it be a surprise.  Either way, the Israeli supermodel was very, very excited.

Bar stripped off and went to take a shower, washing off the sweat that accumulated during the course of her flight and the drive from the airport.  Stepping out of the en suite bathroom and back into the bedroom, Bar removed the towel that she’d wrapped herself up in and dried her naked body.  Sitting down nude at the oaken vanity, Bar went through the rigorous process of selecting and applying her designer cosmetics, then drying and styling her long blonde hair.  Usually she had a team of stylists with her to take care of things like that, but this trip to Spain was a flying visit and thus she was travelling light. 

Next, she picked out her clothes for the evening and laid them on the edge of her bed.  Her custom-made dress had just been finished the week before and Bar couldn’t wait to count how many heads she turned when she arrived at the venue later that evening.  But before she could try it on, she had something else to take care of.  She’d picked up her new toy from the spot she’d left it: on the small table beside her bed.  As luck would have it, she’d brought some lube with her on her trip.  Bar loved having anal sex and took a small bottle with her everywhere she went, just in case a situation arose where she’d get to use it. 

Bar climbed up onto the bed.  Flipping the cap off the bottle of lube, she squirted a small blob onto the tip of the buttplug and rubbed it in, smearing it smoothly over the bulbous toy.  She knelt on the mattress, her head pressed against the pillows as she stuck her ass out.  Pressing the toy against her puckered sphincter, she took a deep breath and pushed it inside, emitting a little whine as her asshole stretched around the width of the buttplug.  It had been a few months since she’d last done anal so her ass was a little rusty, stubbornly resisting the invading item.  With a forceful push, her butthole stretched around the widest part, closing back up as it sucked up the cone-shaped toy. 

Stepping back down off the bed, she walked across to the full length mirror on the far side of the room, peering over her shoulder as she turned her back to it.  Bar gripped her asscheeks and pulled them apart, revealing the bejewelled tip now sticking out of her backside.  The model grinned and bit her lip.  She thought about all the guests that would be at the event and all the conversations she’d have to have with people, none of which would have the faintest clue that there was a conical piece of metal stuffed inside her ass.  It was so naughty and the thought really turned her on.  In the spirit of feeling naughty, she decided not to wear any panites.

Grabbing her phone, she kept herself spread with one of her hands as she snapped a pic with the other, sending it to Miguel.  She got a reply just a few seconds later. 

Miguel: That’s my girl.  Make sure you keep that in til you get to mine.  I want your ass to be nice and ready.

Her heart skipped a beat.  Of course, she’d assumed that he’d be taking her ass tonight, but having it confirmed made her very excited.

Bar:  Yes, baby.  Can’t wait for you to fuck my ass [wink emoji]

Miguel: Me neither.  Have fun at your event.  We’ll see you tonight.

An excited smile stretched across her face as she locked her phone and placed it in her handbag, leaving her hotel suite and making her way back down to the lobby.  A car was waiting for her as she left the hotel and the driver opened the door to the luxury vehicle, ushering the model inside.  Bar was whisked off to attend her event, hoping that the evening went as quickly as possible and she could get to the real festivities that were happening later.

Bar’s event was pretty standard fare.  She plastered on her best ‘totally want to be here’ smile as she sipped champagne and shook the hands of important looking people, delving into her bag of affable small talk.  Dressed to the nines in her spectacular dress, she swanned around the venue with elegance and poise, giving little indication of the buttplug in her ass.  Her only tell was the slightest smirk that formed on her face when someone in a suit asked her what she was up to these days.  Bar bit her lip to keep from replying, “I’m right up to the stem.  What are you up to?”

In spite of her hopes and wishes, the evening dragged like she’d suspected it would.  Every so often she’d check her phone- clockwatching more than anything- and see that Miguel had sent her a text, checking on the status of the gift he’d given her.

Miguel: Haven’t taken it out, have you?

Bar: Are you kidding?  It’s only thing about this that I’m actually enjoying [wink emoji]

Finally, the evening began to wind down and Bar dipped out at the first opportunity, breathing a sigh of relief as she climbed into the back of her car.  The driver greeted her as she strapped herself in and asked if he was to take her back to her hotel.  Bar shook her head and told him where she’d like him to take her.  He’d driven her before on her trips to Spain and she knew she could rely on his total discretion. 

The drive to Miguel’s place took around twenty minutes.  The car pulled up to the sidewalk outside the swanky apartment block and the driver opened the door so Bar could step out.  She thanked him for the journey and told him she’d need him again late that evening.  The driver climbed back into the vehicle and pulled away slowly as Bar walked up to the entrance.  A doorman was waiting for her, and Bar told him who she was visiting.

“Ah, si, Senor Lopez said he was expecting a guest.  You can go right up, Miss.”

“Thank you,” said Bar as she took off across the lobby and stepped into the elevator, riding it up to the seventh floor.

She found Miguel’s apartment and rang the bell, hurriedly fixing her hair as she heard him approaching.  The door swung open and there he stood, looking dapper as ever in a neatly pressed shirt, a pair of tailored slacks and some neatly buffed loafers.  He always dressed nicely, which was one of the things she liked about him. 

“Ola,” he said, regarding the model with a confident smile, stepping to the side as he ushered her in.

“Ola to you too,” Bar replied, grinning as she stepped through the threshold, swanning in like she owned the place.

“Let me get that for you,” said Miguel, gesturing to her light summer jacket.

“Such a gentleman,” said Bar, turning her back and shrugging her shoulders as he slid the jacket down her arms, hanging it on a stand by the door.  “Is your friend here yet?”

Bar went to turn but Miguel stopped her, wrapping his arms around her tight model’s torso.

“He’s here.”

“Ooo, aggressive, huh?” said Bar, craning her neck as she turned to face him, a grin stretched across her face. 

Miguel said nothing, placing his hand over her mouth and turning her back so she was facing forward, sliding his hand down to her throat. 

“Is it still in there?” he asked, hissing into her ear as he tightened his grip, applying some pressure to the model’s throat.

“Mmhmm,” Bar nodded, always enjoying it when he took control.

Miguel drew his arm back, then quickly threw it forward, slapping her hard on the ass.

“Show me,” he said.

Bar leant forward at the waist and Miguel slapped her ass again as she gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it up to her waist.  Keeping it bunched just above her ass, Bar gripped onto her shapely asscheeks and pulled them apart, revealing the sparkling tip of the small metal buttplug. 

“Mmm, good girl,” said Miguel, smiling approvingly.  “Take off my belt.”

“Ooh, yes!” said Bar excitedly and quickly did as she told him. 

She had it undone in a matter of seconds and went for the fly of his pants, ready to unclasp them when the Spaniard stopped her.

“Uh uh,” he said, shaking his head back and forth.  “I told you to take off my belt.”

Bar shrugged and grabbed his belt by the buckle, threading it out through the loops of his pants. 

“Give it to me,” Miguel instructed and the model handed it over.

Miguel looped it around the back of her head, feeding the end of the belt through the metal buckle and wrapping it around her neck.  He began to slowly pull it tight, until he enclosed it fully around her throat, tugging at the end of the belt with just the right amount of pressure.  It was tight enough for her to feel it, but not so tight that it cut off her airways.

“Come with me,” he said, then stepped in front of her, tugging at the belt as he started to walk.

Bar began to walk behind him as he led her through to the lounge, using his belt as a leash.  He led her through to the living room where his friend was ready and waiting.  Miguel’s friend was sitting on the couch.  Dressed similarly in a button up shirt and pants, he was slightly older than Bar’s fuckbuddy and considerably less good looking. 

His friend shifted forward to the edge of the couch, a wily grin stretched across his face as he watched the famous model being led into the room. 

“This is Juan,” said Miguel.

“Hi,” said Bar, blushing slightly as she stood there submissively before the two men, the belt still hanging from around her throat.

“Ola,” said Juan, his smirk growing wider as he looked at his buddy.  “Fuck, amigo.  So you really are fucking a model?”

 “What, you didn’t believe me?” Miguel said back, and the two men chuckled.

Juan rose from his seat at the couch and went and stood to the model’s right, running his hand down the small of her back.  Miguel stood on her left, trailing a hand across her midriff and up to her chest, groping a titty through the fabric of her dress.

“She’s sexy, huh?” Miguel declared, looking across at his friend.

“Fuck yeah, she is,” Juan agreed, grabbing a handful of Bar’s thick ass.  Juan turned to look at Bar, pushing his face right up against hers, his nose almost touching her cheek.  “You think you can handle both of us, huh?”

“Mmhmm,” Bar nodded, flashing a confident grin.  “I’ve fucked two guys before.”

“Oh, so you’re experienced, huh?  Well, you haven’t had the two of us before, have you, baby?”

“What?” said Bar.  “You think you’re too much for me?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Juan declared, looking at Miguel and exchanging grins. 

“Oh, yeah?” Bar asked, sliding her hands down to the crotch of his pants and grabbing his cock through the fabric.  “Then why don’t you try me.”

Without a word, Juan placed his hands on the model’s shoulders and pushed her down to the floor.  Undoing the buckle on his leather belt, he unclasped his pants and zipped them down.  Dropping his pants, he left them pooled at his ankles as he ran his hand over the lump in his boxers, his cock already visibly hard.  Sizewise, he looked about the same as Miguel, eight or so inches and incredibly thick. 

Placing a finger underneath her chin, he angled her head up until her eyes met his. 

“You want to see this cock?” he asked as he grabbed his shaft, gripping it through his boxers.

Bar looked up at him, nodding her head as best she could.  Juan reached around and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back roughly.

“I want to hear you say it,” the Spaniard declared, baring his teeth as he snarled.

“I want to see it,” Bar declared, looking him straight in the eyes.  “I want to see your cock.”

Juan grinned then slid his fingers underneath his waistband, whipping down his boxers in one fell swoop.  His meaty cock came springing out, flopping up and down in front of Bar’s face.

“Open your mouth,” he sternly instructed, and Bar immediately obeyed, parting her lips as wide as they’d go.

Gripping his cock at the base, Juan placed his free hand at the back of her head, pulling her into him as he steered himself forward.  His cock pushed into the back of her throat, pushing her tonsils aside like they weren’t even there.  Her lips slid down to the base of his shaft and he tightened his grip on the back of her head, holding her in place.  Bar choked around the width of his cock, her face turning red as he filled her throat up, tears welling in her bright blue eyes.  He held her there for several seconds, finally relinquishing his grip.  Bar pulled back to the ridge of his crown then popped it out from between her lips, sucking in lungfuls of air.

“Shit!” Juan exclaimed.  “You were right about her, amigo!”

Miguel grinned.  “What I tell you, man?  She’s a fucking slut.  Aren’t you, baby?” he asked, stroking Bar’s blonde hair. 

Bar nodded, still breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath.  Moving his hands to the side of her head, Juan turned her to face Miguel.  Miguel undid the clasp on his pants and lowered the zipper of his fly.  Pulling down his pants and boxers, his long, thick cock came springing out.

“Suck his dick too,” Juan instructed and Bar’s lips came open as he pushed her towards his friend’s big cock. 

Keeping her lips stretched nice and wide, she sunk down deeply on Miguel’s fat cock, taking him to the base on the very first pass.  Juan relinquished his grip on her head and Miguel took over as he started thrusting, drilling his cock into the back of her throat.  Juan moved around behind her.  He took the belt in the palm of his hand and wrapped his fingers around it, getting a firm grip as he slowly pulled.  Bar choked instinctively as she felt it tightened around her throat.

Miguel’s cock pulled back just a little, allowing her to adjust as the belt contracted slowly.  She could feel that her airways were getting cut off and her face turned red just a little as Juan continued to choke her.

“You like that?  Huh, chica?” he snarled, baring his gritted teeth.

Bar nodded as best she could, feeling herself getting wet as the Spaniard choked her.  Miguel pushed his cock back into her throat then placed both hands at the back of her head as he bucked his hips, driving to the hilt with each new thrust.  Her throat tightened around his invading shaft, to the extent that it almost felt like he was fucking a pussy.  Spit dripped down from his shaft, running down her chin as his balls slapped against it.

Sinking to the base one final time, he kept it there for close to a minute, watching Bar’s face turn steadily redder as the belt continued to tighten.  He counted to three inside his head, then looked up at Juan and gave him a nod, his signal that she’d had enough.  Juan released his grip and Bar felt the belt loosen from around her constricted throat, just as Miguel’s thick cock pulled back from deep inside it.  His crown popped free from between her lips and Bar gasped for air, desperately filling her freed up airways. 

“Stand up,” Juan ordered. 

Bar nodded and rose to her feet.  Juan stepped up behind her while Miguel appeared in front.  Juan grabbed a fistful of light blonde hair, wrenching her head back as he tugged it sharply.  Pushing his lips against hers, Miguel kissed her aggressively, wrangling her tongue with his own and wrestling it into submission.  As Miguel’s lips were locked against hers, Bar heard a rip from behind her as Juan gripped onto the thin straps that were holding her dress up and snapped them both in two.

Prying her lips from Miguel’s, Bar gasped as the expensive garment fell from her body, forming a heap on the living room floor.  Bar thought that the designer wouldn’t be too happy, but at this moment she didn’t much care.  Miguel latched onto her C-cup tits, getting a firm grip on them as he brought his head down and put his mouth to one of her nipples.  Greedily sucking at Bar’s left tit, he raised his hand up and slapped the other one, leaving a red mark on her sizeable breast. 

Juan, meanwhile, had dropped down behind her, gripping onto her asscheeks as he pried them apart.

“Mierda!” he said as he saw it.  “Did you wear this thing out?” the Spaniard asked, tugging lightly at the stem of her buttplug.

“Mmhmm,” Bar replied, moaning gently as Miguel sucked on her titties.

“Fuck, you dirty bitch,” Juan exclaimed, then slapped Bar on the ass, hard enough to make her yelp.

“Bend over,” Juan instructed, placing a hand at the small of her back and dominantly pushing her forward.

Bar did as instructed, bending at the waist under his direction.  Grabbing one of her asscheeks, he took the base of the metal buttplug between two of his fingers and started pulling.  Bar moaned, her asshole stretching around the width of the buttplug as he pulled it from her ass.  Reaching around in front, he pointed the plug at her full set of lips, the metal smeared with a layer of assjuice.

“Taste your ass,” the Spaniard instructed.

Bar did as she told him.  Taking the plug in between her lips, she tasted her asshole as she sucked it clean.  Juan plucked the toy from between her lips and brought it back around to her ass.  Spitting on the buttplug for extra lube, he pointed the tip at the model’s sphincter and pressed it forward, her asshole stretching as he pushed it inside.  Her asshole spread around the widest part then promptly closed back up again as it pressed against the sparkling base.

Juan gripped onto both her cheeks and spread her ass apart, revealing the toy now nestled between them.   He looked at the toy for a couple of seconds then threw himself forward, burying his face in her ass.

“OH!” Bar yelped as he stuck his tongue out, putting it straight to her clit.  “Mmm, yeah, that’s it.  Eat my pussy.”

He started licking her hard and fast, giving short, firm flicks of his tongue straight to the nub of her clit.  Her legs began to tremble and she put her hands on her knees to steady herself as the Spaniard ate her pussy. 

Miguel grinned and stepped in front of her, gripping his cock at the base as he pointed the tip at her open mouth.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, he pulled her towards him in domineering fashion, slotting his crown in between her lips.  He moved his other hand to the back of her head and interlocked his fingers as he started thrusting, ramming his cock into her mouth.  Bar reached up and grabbed his hips, holding on tightly as he fucked her face.

Juan locked his arms around Bar’s long legs and gripped them tightly as he licked her pussy, focusing solely on the nub of her clit.  The Spaniard’s tonguework was second to none and it made her moan around the cock in her mouth as it pushed into her esophagus, going balls deep with every stroke.   

Bar was teetering now and a few hard flicks of Juan’s stiff tongue were all that were needed to push her over the edge.  She came hard, fluid gushing from the depths of her pussy and soaking the Spaniard’s tongue as he licked the model through the throes of climax.  Her eyes bulged wide and a loud scream was blocked by Miguel’s thick cock as he drilled it in deep, bottoming out in her oral cavity. 

Juan peeled his tongue from the nub of her clit and lifted a hand up high, bringing it down hard onto Bar’s supple ass.  Bar yelped as Miguel pulled back, plucking his cock from between her lips, his shaft drenched in sticky saliva. 

“Get up here,” said Juan, slapping his palm down onto a nearby ottoman.  “I want that pussy.”

Bar nodded and rose to her feet, still breathing heavily as she climbed up onto the ottoman.  Bar knelt on all fours, with her ass stuck out behind her.  Juan stepped up behind her, curling his fingers around the base of his shaft and pointing the tip at her pussy. 

“Show me your tongue,” said Miguel, stroking his cock as she stepped in front of her.

Bar did as the Spaniard instructed, poking her tongue out from between her lips.  He curled his fingers around the base of his shaft and slapped his crown against her outstretched tongue. 

“Keep that mouth open,” Miguel instructed as he fed his cock in between her lips.

At almost the exact same time, Bar felt her pussy lips spread around the width of Juan’s thick rod as he pushed himself inside her, sliding right down to the base.  Bar’s mouth stayed as wide as possible, moaning around Miguel’s fat cock as he went in deeper, pushing his crown past her tonsils.  Only when her face was pressed against his abs, did Bar close her lips together, locking them tightly around the base of his shaft.  Miguel placed his hands at the back of her head and gripped a fistful of hair, holding her tight as he started thrusting.  Juan tightened his grip on her hips as he started thrusting too, drilling into her pussy with powerful pelvic slams.

“Ugh!  Ugh!  Ugh!” the Spaniard moaned, grunting deeply with every thrust.  “Fuck, that’s a tight pussy.”

He wasn’t wrong.  Bar’s vagina was snug to begin with, but the buttplug in her ass made it even tighter.  Juan drew his hand back, fingers cutting through the air as he brought it back forward and slapped it hard against Bar’s thick ass.  Bar yelped around the cock in her mouth as the force of the strike reverberated through her meaty ass, leaving a handprint on one of her cheeks.

“Grip this ass for me,” said Juan, and again she did as instructed.

She removed her hands from Miguel’s strong hips and reached back behind her, grabbing her asscheeks and spreading them wide.  Juan gripped onto the base of the buttplug and pulled it back slowly as he continued to thrust, driving his cock into her tight pink pussy.  He pulled the plug past its widest part and plucked it free from her sphincter, her ass still gaping as he gripped her asscheeks, spreading them nice and wide.  Juan spat into her gaping asshole then pushed the plug back inside her, pinning her hands to the small of her back as he thrusted harder, slamming into her pussy with little restraint. 

“Mmm, fuck!” the Spaniard cussed.  “That’s some good pussy.  You want some of this, man?”

“Fuck yeah, I do,” Miguel replied, still pumping his cock into Bar’s tight throat.

He gripped her hair with both his fists and plucked his cock from between her lips.  Juan pulled out from the depths of her pussy and Bar turned under their direction, staying bent at the waist with her ass stuck out behind her.

“Open your mouth,” Juan instructed.

“Give me your cock,” Bar said, then promptly did as the Spaniard told her, gaping her lips as wide as they’d go.

Juan gripped his dick at the base and stuffed it into her mouth, sinking straight down to the hilt.  Bar closed her lips around the base of his cock, sucking her pussy juices off his thick, throbbing shaft as his tip pressed against the back of her throat. 

Miguel slapped her hard on the ass then shoved his cock into her pussy, sheathing himself to the hilt.  Getting a grip on her womanly hips, he started thrusting hard and fast, drilling his cock into the depths of her pussy. 

Bar latched onto Juan’s strong thighs as he placed his hands at the back of her head, scooping up two fistfuls of hair as he thrusted in time with his buddy.  Bar gagged on his big, fat cock, spit dripping down from the base of his shaft as he fucked her pretty face, balls swinging back and forth and slapping against her chin.  She could feel him throbbing against her tongue, precum leaking from the tip of his prick and dripping straight down her throat.

Miguel leaned forward, gripping his belt as it dangled from around her neck.  He pulled the belt with a sudden yank and Bar felt it tighten around her throat as he pulled it back behind her, using it for leverage as he slammed into her pussy.  Bar’s face began to turn red, her head getting swimmy as Miguel pulled hard on the leather belt, nearly cutting her airways off as Juan kept thrusting into the model’s constricted throat. 

Bar was overcome by the sudden intensity, the feeling of being choked only adding to the exhilaration as the two handsome Spaniards fucked her from either end.  She could feel her pussy getting noticeably wetter, leaving thick layers of cream on Miguel’s fat cock as he thrusted harder, hitting her g-spot with every pass.  Her butthole tightened around the plug in her ass, to the point that she thought she might snap the stem off. 

She could feel herself taking leave of her senses and her eyes glossed over as the two men thrusted, fucking the model as hard as they could.  Suddenly a hand struck the side of her face, pulling her from her reverie.

“You like that, huh?” Juan snapped at her.  “You like getting choked, you fucking slut?”

Bar nodded as best she could, unable to move her head much, such was the pressure of the belt around her neck.  Miguel kept it taut until the last possible second, bringing Bar to the edge of consciousness before finally letting go, leaving it to dangle as he grabbed her ass, revealing the plug as he kept on thrusting. 

“You want it in the ass now?” Miguel asked her.

Juan pulled his cock back from between her lips so she could answer, but Bar did not- nay, could not- speak as Miguel kept railing her, ramming his cock into her tight pink pussy.  Miguel slapped her hard on the ass, producing a loud, sharp smacking sound that echoed through the room.

“Answer me, baby.  I said do you want this cock in your fucking ass?”

“Yes!  Yes!” Bar blurted out, turning back to face him as he pounded her out.  “I want your cock in my ass!”

“Yeah, that’s my whore,” Miguel replied, flashing a devilish grin.  “Now grip that ass like a good fucking slut.”

Bar reached back behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling them apart as Miguel gave one final thrust, burying himself in her pussy.  Gripping the base of the toy, he pulled it slowly from Bar’s tight ass, her sphincter gaping as he plucked it free. 

“You want to taste your ass?  Huh?”

“Yes.  Please let me taste my ass.”

Miguel passed the toy to Juan who pressed the tip against Bar’s full lips.  Pulling back slowly, Miguel pried his cock from Bar’s tight pussy, then went to his bedroom to fetch some lube.

“Open your mouth,” said Juan, and again Bar did as instructed, gaping her lips as wide as they’d go.

As Juan fed the toy into her open mouth, Bar wrapped her lips around the base, lapping up the juices as she swirled her tongue around the shaft.  Juan plucked it from between her lips, the plug now soaked in her sticky saliva.  Juan tossed the buttplug aside and gripped his cock at the base, stuffing it in between her lips.  Placing his hands at the back of her head, he started thrusting hard and fast, drilling his cock into the back of her throat.

Miguel returned, lube in hand, and squeezed a line of it onto his cock, tossing the bottle onto the couch nearby as he gripped his cock at the base, smearing the lube all along his shaft as he stroked it up and down.  Curling his fingers around the base of his shaft, he pointed the tip at Bar’s pink sphincter.  Pushing forward, he heard her moan around Juan’s thick cock as he squeezed the crown inside her, watching her spread around the width of his tip.  Her asshole stretched around the ridge of his crown, gripping it tightly as he pushed in deeper, feeding her the first few inches.

Juan grabbed onto Bar’s wide hips, gripping them tightly as he started thrusting.  He started slowly as he worked his cock inside her, giving her an extra inch with every thrust he took.  Bar moaned as he pushed in deeper, the sounds blocked by Miguel’s thick cock as it sunk into her oral cavity.  Juan started thrusting harder, his heavy balls swinging back and forth and slapping wetly against her dripping pink snatch.  Soon he was doing ballsdeep and loud, sharp smacking sounds started filling the room as his pelvis crashed into her thick backside, making her asscheeks jiggle.

Scooping up two handfuls of hair, Miguel started pumping his muscular hips, drilling his cock into the back of her throat as he thrusted in time with his buddy.   Releasing his grip on Bar’s right hip, Juan slapped her ass he kept on thrusting, making her yelp as she sucked his friend’s fat cock. 

“You like that, Bar?” the Spaniard asked.  “You like getting fucked in the ass?”

Slapping her ass again, he left a red hand print on one of her cheeks.

“Mmm!” Bar moaned back, answering as best she could while her mouth was stuffed with cock. 

“Grab this ass for me,” said Juan, dropping his hands to his sides.  “Let me see this shit.”

Bar did as he told her, reaching back behind her and grabbing her peach-shaped ass.

“Spread it wide,” Juan instructed, “like a good little slut.”

Bar dug her fingers in, gripping his asscheeks firmly and pulling them apart.  Juan gripped the base of his shaft and plucked his cock from her asshole, her sphincter gaping as he pried it loose. 

“Yeah, that’s a good whore,” he said with a grin.  “Spread that fucking ass for me.”

He slipped two fingers into her gaping asshole and pushed them deep inside her, sinking right down to the knuckle. 

“You want me to fuck you some more?” he asked, pumping his fingers back and forth. 

“Mmhmm,” Bar mumbled, her voice cut off by Miguel’s big cock.

Juan raised a hand, bringing it down hard against Bar’s thick ass.

“Answer me!”

Miguel pulled his dick back, plucking it from between her lips so she could answer.

“Yes!” the model shrieked.  “Yes, I want you to fuck my ass!”

Juan gripped his cock without a second thought and stuffed it back into her asshole.  Gripping her hips, he quickly picked up from where he left off, ramming into her backside with rough, hard thrusts.  Miguel placed a hand at the side of her head and steered his cock back between her lips.  Keeping her lips nice and loose, spit dripped from the Israeli’s chin as Miguel started thrusting, drilling his cock into the back of her throat.  * UK * UK * UK * came the sounds as the Spaniard bucked his hips, furiously fucking her face. 

Bar gripped onto Miguel’s strong hips, trying to steady herself as she was fucked from both ends.  Juan’s thick cock tore through her anal cavity, his crown peaking somewhere in her colon as he pounded her harder, going balls deep with each new thrust.  It was the kind of rough handling the model was used to and she loved every second of it, being used and abused like a cheap little slut.

She could feel the sensation building within her, growing stronger by the second as the two men thrusted, going in hard on her ass and mouth.  One more thrust and the spark ignited.  She came hard, digging her hands into Miguel’s tanned skin as a powerful climax ravaged her curvy frame.

“MMM!” she squealed, her screams blocked off by Miguel’s fat cock as it sunk into the depths of her throat.

“You cumming, baby?” asked Juan behind her, panting a little as he threw himself into her, pounding hard and fast.

“MMM!” she repeated, answering as best she could.

“Take your dick out, amigo,” said Juan, looking across at his friend.  “I want to hear her scream!”

Miguel pried his cock from between her lips as Juan reached forward, grabbing her arms and pulling her back.  Pinning her arms behind her, Miguel used them for leverage as he unleashed a flurry of hard, rough thrusts into the model’s tight asshole. 

“Ohh, YES!” Bar exclaimed, tilting her head back and screaming at the ceiling above her.  “YES!  FUCK ME!”

Miguel leaned forward, sneering straight into her ear as he kept on thrusting, ramming his cock into Bar’s rear end. 

“Yeah, you like that, bitch?  You like that fat cock in your ass?”   

“YES!” Bar screamed back.  “I love that big cock in my ass!  Fuck me harder!”

She didn’t have to tell him twice.  Miguel tightened his grip, pulling her arms back as hard as he could as he drilled his cock into her tight backdoor, slamming into her body with hard, unbridled thrusts. 

Juan moved in closer, putting his hand to her throat.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” the Spaniard growled, looking her straight in the eyes.  “Take that dick.”

He adjusted his belt as it hung around her throat, moving the buckle to the back of her neck.  Taking the strap in the palm of his hand, he wrapped the leather around his knuckles, getting a firm grip as he pulled it sharply, tightening it around her throat.  Bar’s face turned red and a muffled moan spilled free from her lips as blood rushed up to her skull.  She could feel her oxygen depleting, her head starting to swim as Miguel kept thrusting, savagely reaming her taut backside. 

“Yeah, you gonna cum, bitch?” asked Juan, taunting her.  “You gonna fucking cum?”

Bar nodded as her face turned redder, struggling to breathe as his belt pulled tighter.  One more thrust was all it took.  Miguel buried his cock inside her and Bar came with shuddering force.  Violent tremors wracked her body and her asshole tightened around the width of his shaft, squeezing his cock to the point of bursting.  Bar tried to scream as the feeling coursed through her but the belt was tied so tightly around her throat that she couldn’t utter a single sound.  She simply knelt there with her mouth hanging open, eyes glossed over as her face turned beet red.

Miguel plucked his cock from her asshole and released his grip on the belt.  The leather came loose from around her throat and Bar desperately gasped for breath, sucking in air as fast as she could.  She took a few moments to regain her senses, still overcome by the intensity. 

The belt hung down in between her breasts as she straightened her back, placing her hands just above her knee caps.  The men appeared on either side of her, pointing their cocks at her panting mouth.

“Open your mouth,” Miguel instructed.  “Clean your ass off my dick.”

Bar turned her head to the side and gaped her lips apart, inviting him into her mouth.  Miguel accepted, gripping his cock at the base of the shaft and steering it between her lips.  He shoved himself in to around mid-shaft then released his grip on the base, moving his hand to the back of her head.  With a sharp, sudden tug, he pulled her down the rest of the way, her lips wrapping around the base of his shaft.

Tip pressed against the back of her throat, Bar sucked at his meaty, fat cock, slurping up the juices that coated every inch.  He released his grip on the back of her head and Bar pulled back up to the tip, his girthy cock now drenched in spittle as it spilled from between her lips.  She barely had a moment to catch her breath before a second large hand gripped onto her head, pulling her in the opposite direction. 

Lips gaping open, Juan gripped his cock at the base and steered it in between them.  Uncurling his fingers from the base of his shaft, he placed a hand at the back of her head and pulled her down the rest of the way, full lips puckering as she kissed his shaven groin.  He gave a few thrusts into Bar’s tight throat then pulled back slowly, plucking his crown from between her lips. 

Gripping his cock at around mid-shaft, he stroked it vigorously as Bar moved lower, wrapping her lips around one of his balls.  Sucking on his testicles one at a time, both were drenched in the supermodel’s spittle as she popped the second from her thick set of lips, licking along the underside of Juan’s throbbing cock.  Taking his crown back between her lips, she promptly took him down to the base, keeping him there for close to a minute before she finally released him. 

Both their cocks now soaked with spit, they led her over to the nearest couch.  Juan sat down and gripped his cock, slowly stroking from base to tip.

“Sit on my dick,” he instructed.

Bar did as he told her and climbed up onto the couch.  Planting her knees either side of his legs, she wrapped her arms around the Spaniard’s shoulders as she straddled his bulky frame.  She felt his tip press against her asshole and a moan spilled free from between her lips as she lowered herself down onto it, her sphincter spittling open as his cockhead slipped inside. 

Bar began to slide down Juan’s thick cock, working her way down it an inch at time until her ass touched down on the tips of his thighs.  Juan latched onto her shapely hips as the supermodel sat in his lap, enjoying how big he felt inside her skinny rectum. 

Bar began to rise up slowly and Juan reached down and grabbed her ass, lifting her up to the ridge of his crown.  He kept her there for a fraction of a second then slammed her back down again.  Her ass struck his thighs with a deafening smack and Bar threw her head back sharply, screaming at the ceiling above her as he pushed her right down to the hilt. 


She proceeded to ride him hard and fast, helped considerably by Juan’s strong arms as he lifted her up to the tip of his prick and pulled her back down on an endless loop.  Miguel climbed up onto the couch and stood beside his buddy, gripping his cock at the base and pointing it at Bar. 

“Suck my dick, baby,” the Spaniard ordered.

Bar turned and opened her mouth.  At first she simply stuck her tongue out, licking the tip of his penis as she rode Juan’s cock.  Juan reached down and grabbed her ass, lifting her up a little and holding her still as he started to thrust, bucking his ass up off the couch cushions as he drilled into her colon. 

Now that Juan was holding her steady, Miguel was free to make use of her mouth.  And that’s exactly what he did.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, he shoved his cock in between her lips.  Uncurling his fingers from the base of the shaft, he gripped her head with both his hands as he pushed himself deeper, sinking right down to the base. 

Miguel began to buck his hips, driving his cock into the model’s throat.  Bar gagged as she took him down, moaning all the while as Juan fucked her ass.  Gripping her ass as hard as he could, his fingers dug into Bar’s thick buttcheeks as he thrusted harder, making them jiggle in the palms of his hands. 

Bar started moaning louder, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as Juan drilled into the depths of her rectum.  Miguel pulled back from between her lips, placing a finger underneath her chin and angling her up to face him.

“You gonna cum, baby?” the Spaniard asked, looking her straight in the eyes.

“Uh huh,” Bar groaned back, her eyes glossing over as his buddy fucked her ass.

Miguel moved his hand down and wrapped it around her throat, squeezing it tightly as she took Juan’s cock. 

“Answer me, bitch,” Miguel snarled.  “I said ‘are you gonna cum?’.”

“Yes!  Yes, I’m gonna cum!” Bar responded, her voice slightly muffled as he tightened his grip on her.

A few more thrusts and she did just that.  Juan drilled hard into the model’s thigh ass, sparking an orgasm that shook her down to the core.  Bar tried to scream but nothing came out, the hand around her throat blocking any semblance of sound.  Instead her lips hung limply apart, her eyes turning red and skin changing colour as the feeling pulsed through her entire body, working its way to her furthest extremities. 

Juan delivered the final thrust, a hard slam that made her buttcheeks jiggle.  Miguel finally released his grip and a deafening scream flew forth from her lips, which was promptly followed by a lengthy intake of breath.


Juan kept himself buried inside her, enjoying the way her rectal muscles squeezed every inch of his cock.  The feeling of pleasure began to subside and Bar collapsed onto the man underneath her, her body going limp in his arms.  He gave her a moment to regain her senses then lifted her up off his dick, setting her down on the floor. 

Bar knelt on the expensive carpet and tried to catch her breath, still overcome by the intensity.  Juan and Miguel climbed down from the couch and appeared on either side of her, their cocks pointed at her open mouth.  Bar turned to Juan and her lips gaped wider as he placed a hand at the back of her head, feeding his cock in between her lips.

Pushing forward, he kept a firm grip at the back of her head as he entered her mouth an inch at a time, feeding her his Latin cock.  Bar sucked him as she took him down, tasting her ass off his thick slab of meat.  He sunk right down to the back of her throat, thrusting several times before he pulled back slowly and pried his cock from her oral cavity.

Bar turned her head, a string of spit connecting her mouth to Juan’s big cock as she gaped her lips apart, inviting Miguel inside.  He took the invitation, steering his cock in without a moment’s delay.  He sunk right down to the base of his shaft then gripped the back of her head, pumping his cock into the depths of her throat.  He gave a few thrusts then pulled back out again, spit now stretched in every direction as she turned straight back to his buddy.

Juan pushed his cock back between her lips.  One single deepthroating pass and he plucked himself free once more.  Bar kept that for several minutes, her head on a swivel as she spun back and forth, sucking each cock in turn and allowing each man just a single deep thrust before she switched straight back to his friend.

This continued for several minutes, only stopping when Miguel stepped back and sat on the couch behind her.

“Come here, baby,” the Spaniard instructed.  “Gimme that fucking ass.”

Juan gripped a handful of Bar’s blonde hair and pulled her towards his buddy.  Juan tugged her hair like a leash and pulled her up to her feet.  Miguel spread his legs apart as Bar packed up towards him, squatting down towards his cock as her ass stuck out behind her.  Miguel watched as her ass dropped down, the tip of his cock pressed against the model’s sphincter. 

Miguel gripped his dick at the base, keeping it steady as she dipped down lower and the tip of his cock slid into her ass.  Her sphincter stretched around the width of his crown, slowly engulfing the Spaniard’s helmet as she slid down onto his rod, taking the first few inches.  Bar placed her hands just above her knees and began to pitch herself back and forth, working her ass up and down his dick.  Each new pass took another thick inch and Miguel latched onto Bar’s wide hips as she rode him harder, pulling her down the rest of the way.  Soon her ass was hitting his torso, her big cheeks rippling as they slapped against his abs.

“Yes, bitch, ride that dick,” Miguel encouraged, starting to thrust up into her asshole as she dropped back down on his groin.

Soon their bodies were crashing together, producing loud, dull smacking sounds that echoed around the room. 

Miguel leaned forward and grabbed her thighs, taking the model with him as he slumped back into the couch, lifting her up on top of him.  Spreading her legs as wide they’d go, her feet were pointing at opposite walls as he balanced her body on top of him, driving his cock into her ass. 

“Oh, fuck!  Yes!  Fuck me!” Bar screamed, her features contorting as the Spaniard reamed her taut backside.

“Hold your legs,” Miguel instructed, and Bar promptly did so, gripping her thighs as hard as she could to keep them nice and spread.

Miguel put a hand to the nub of her clit, vigorously rubbing her soaking wet pussy as he drilled up into her ass.  He felt her clit begin to throb, pulsing violently as he strummed her sloppy twat.  He knew what was coming next.  A few more thrusts into Bar’s backside and he pulled his hand from the model’s tight pussy as a sharp spray of crystalline fluid shot from her urethra, drenching his expensive furniture. 

“Fuck!” said Juan.  “Your bitch is a squirter, huh?”

“Uh huh,” Miguel replied.  “She always squirts when I fuck her in the ass.  Don’t you, baby?”

Bar nodded, moaning all the while as Miguel kept thrusting, savagely reaming her tight backdoor.

“What if I finger your tight little pussy?” Juan sneered.  “Will that make you fucking cum?”

Bar nodded again, seemingly unable to formulate speech as her ass was pounded hard.  Juan filled the space in front of her, pushing his middle and ring fingers into Bar’s sopping twat, keeping his pinky and index fingers pointed up as he fucked her hard with the inserted digits.  He could hear her wetness squelching inside her and as he pulled his fingers out, a veritable fountain came gushing out after them, spraying across his buddy’s carpet.

“You like that, bitch?” the Spaniard asked, putting one hand to her throat as he slapped her face with the other, leaving a mark on Bar’s right cheek. 

“Yes, yes!  I fucking love it!” Bar shot back, her voice slightly muffled as he tightened his grip.

“You want me to fuck you now?”

Bar nodded, her face turning red.

“Tell me, slut.  Tell me you want my cock.”

“I want it,” Bar wheezed.  “I want your fucking cock.”

Juan kept his grip on her throat as he gripped his cock with his remaining hand, straddling Miguel’s right thigh as he shoved it into her pussy. 

“Ohhh, fuuuccckkk!!!” Bar screamed, her eyes going wide as the second big cock was thrust inside her. 

Juan sunk down to the base of his shaft, his tip pressed against the model’s cervix.  Pulling back out to the ridge of his crown, he kept it there for a fraction of a second then slammed back in again, driving back into her pussy with full, unrelenting force.  Soon both men were pounding hard, bottoming out in her pussy and ass with perfectly synchronised thrusts.  Twin sets of balls swung back and forth, slapping against her taint. 

Juan put a hand in front of her mouth, blocking out the screams as the two men fucked her. 

“Play with your clit,” he ordered, sneering at her as he thrusted harder, drilling his cock into her tight pink snatch.

Bar did as the Spaniard told her.  Reaching down in between her legs, she put two fingers to nub of her clit, rubbing herself with tireless vigour.  The men could feel her holes contract, muscles clenching around both hard shafts as they drilled into her body.

“You gonna cum, bitch?” Juan asked her.

“MMM!” Bar screamed back, her voice muffled by the Spaniard’s hand.

“Cum then, baby.  Cum on these fucking cocks!”

For the next few minutes, the men went hell for leather, slamming into both her holes with equally hard, equally pitiless thrusts.  Bar’s body tensed all over and she kept on rubbing at the nub of her clit, sparking a powerful orgasm that was undoubtedly her best of the evening.  The climax hit her with the force of a truck, tearing through her body and reducing the model to a squealing, crying mess.  Juan pulled his hand from in front of her mouth and the resulting screams nearly burst his eardrums.

“FUUU-HUUU-HUUUCCCKKK!!!” she shrieked, her face contorting in all kinds of unflattering ways as the pleasure took control of her body, spreading to her every inch.

The men kept thrusting as they felt her cum, enjoying the feeling of her muscles tightening as she gripped the width of their cocks.  Finally her climax reached its peak and Juan gripped his cock at the base, prying himself from Bar’s tight pussy.  Miguel latched onto Bar’s wide hips and lifted her up off his cock.  Bar dropped to her knees on the floor as Miguel stood up off the couch, and both men stood either side of her.

Bar grabbed onto both their cocks and steered Miguel in between her lips, tasting her asshole off his big, thick rod as her lips slid down the shaft.  Uncurling her fingers from the base of his shaft, Bar sucked up the last few inches, her full lips puckering as she kissed the Spaniard’s groin.  Miguel gripped onto the back of her head and pulled his dick right back to the tip, keeping it there for a couple of seconds before he drove back forward, bottoming out in her oral cavity.  The tip of his cock rammed into her throat and Bar gagged just a little as he drew right back to the ridge of his crown, then slammed back in at twice the force. 

He kept that up for a over a minute, his balls slapping against Bar’s wet chin as he brutally fucked her face.  Gripping a fistful of sweaty blonde hair, he pulled her mouth back up to the tip then plucked his crown from between her lips.  Wrenching her head back, he gripped his cock like a policeman’s nightstick as he slapped it down on Bar’s red face, savagely beating her with his thick slab of meat. 

Tightening his grip on Bar’s long hair, he turned towards his body and Bar’s full lips came gaping open as he pushed her towards his cock.  Juan gripped his cock at the base and stuffed it into her open mouth. 

“Suck his dick,” Miguel ordered, pushing against the back of her head as Juan started thrusting, drilling his cock into Bar’s wet mouth.

Miguel pushed her down to the base and her eyes began to water as Juan gave several deep thrusts right into the back of her throat.  Bar sucked hard as he fed her his dick, cleaning her fluids off his big, thick cock.  Juan stuffed his cock in her throat, holding it there until he heard her wretch.  Juan pulled back from between her lips, retrieving his cock in a spray of spit. 

“Come here,” said Juan as he gripped a handful of Bar’s blonde hair and pulled her to her feet.

Wrapping his arms around her, he got a firm grip on the backs of her thighs, digging his fingers in as he lifted her into the air.  Clutching his cock at the base, he held her up with a single arm as he lowered her down onto it.  Juan’s tip slid into her pussy and she felt his member stretch her out as he slid her down to the base. 

Stepping up behind her, Miguel grabbed onto Bar’s thick ass as he gripped his cock with the other, pointing the tip at her sphincter. 

“You want my cock in your ass, baby?” the Spanaird asked, sneering into her ear.

“Yes,” said Bar as she turned her head, looking back at him from over her shoulder, “I want your fucking cock.”

“Beg for it, bitch,” Miguel instructed.  He pressed his tip against her asshole but didn’t put it in.

“I want it.  Please.  I want your cock in my ass.” 

Miguel pushed forward without further delay, shoving his cock into her asshole.

“Oh, yes!” said Bar, her eyes flying open as Miguel’s thick cock filled her anal passage.  “Gimme that cock!”

The men tightened their grip on her body as they pulled her up to the ridge of their crowns, holding her there for a couple of seconds before they dropped her straight back down. 

“Ohhh, ssshhhiiittt!!!” Bar exclaimed, her features twisting in all kinds of unflattering ways as her body was skewered on the big Spanish cocks.

They fucked her like that several minutes.  Lifting and dropping her, they impaled her repeatedly on their long, thick cocks, making her scream at the top of her lungs.  Pleasure spread across her face, her tits jiggling as they bounced her up and down.  They kept that up until their arms began to tire then opted for a change of tactic. 

Tightly gripping her thighs and ass, the men held her steady as they started to thrust, bucking their hips in perfect unison as they drilled their cocks up into her body.  Bar threw her head back, screaming at the ceiling above as the two men fucked her as hard sas they could, slamming into her tight twin holes with perfectly syncronised thrusts. 


The men were throbbing as they pounded her out, her holes squeezing around each of their cocks they drilled her into a coma.  Bar came in a matter of minutes, nearly screaming the walls down as the men plowed into her with probing, pitiless thrusts.  The men kept pounding as they felt her cum, even as fluid gushed forth, soaking Juan’s cock, and her asshole clenched around Miguel’s thick shaft, nearly milking the Spaniard dry. 

The two men waited until her body stopped shaking then lifted her off their cocks.  Again, they placed her down on the floor and stood on either side of her, both cocks pointed at her lovely set of lips.  Turning towards Miguel, Bar gaped her lips open and took him inside, gripping onto the Spaniard’s hips as she gleefully swallowed his meaty, thick cock.  Slurping and sucking as she took him down, she tasted her asshole off the Spaniard’s shaft as she took his cock right down to the base, his testes churning as they pressed against her chin. 

Miguel gripped the back of her head, thrusting several times into the back of her throat before he pulled back slowly, wrenching his crown from between her lips.  Miguel kept his grip on her head as he turned her around to face his buddy. 

“Suck him too,” the Spaniard ordered, and Bar was keen to oblige him.

She parted her lips as he pushed her forward, taking Juan’s cock into her mouth.  Miguel pushed her right down to the base, and Bar clamped her eyes shut, gagging slightly as he felt his crown push into her throat.  Juan began to buck his hips, driving his cock into her mouth and throat as his buddy kept her head in place.  Spit began to drip from her chin, falling down to Bar’s big tits as Juan fucked her face.  A few more thrusts and he pried himself loose, his cock wet with her sticky saliva. 

“Come here,” said Juan, pulling roughly at Bar’s blonde hair as he dragged her towards the couch. 

Juan took a seat on the couch, keeping his grip on Bar’s long hair as he hauled her to her feet.  Bar stood under his direction as Juan grabbed onto her shapely hips and pulled her down on top of him.

“Sit on my dick,” the Spaniard instructed as Bar knelt down on top of him, planting her knees either side of his legs.

Juan gripped his cock at the base, keeping hold of one her hips as he pushed her down onto his cock. 

“UGHHH!!!” Bar growled, throwing her head back as his big, thick cock was roughly thrust inside her. 

Miguel stepped up behind her, placing a hand at the small of her back as he gripped his cock with the other.  Pushing her forward, he put the model exactly where he wanted her as he pointed his crown at Bar’s tight sphincter.  With one hard thrust his cock was inside her, and he moved his hand from the base of the shaft as he latched onto Bar’s thick hips, sheathing his cock to the hilt inside her. 

They stayed like that for close to a minute, letting her feel how deep they were, and then they started thrusting.  This time they opted to alternate thrusts.  As Miguel pulled back out to the tip, Juan slammed up into her pussy, hitting her g-spot with every stroke.  Then, when Juan pulled back to the ridge of his crown, it was his buddy’s turn to drill his cock into Bar’s tight ass, bottoming out each time he thrusted. 

Bar wrapped her arms around Juan’s broad shoulders, clinging on for dear life as the two men fucked her.  The piston-like thrusts into her curvy body meant that Bar was in a constant state of mind-numbing pleasure, with one fat cock inside her at all times; huge, bloated nuts taking in turns to slap against her taint. 

They kept that up for several minutes then started to sync their thrusts, slamming into both her holes with equally powerful slams.  It triggered something from deep inside her and Bar began  to cum with a force that she couldn’t comprehend.  A huge force shook her body and Bar screamed until she was hoarse, her eyes falling shut as her body turned to jelly.  Juan looked up at her as he kept on railing, ramming his cock into her pussy.  Her body had fallen utterly still, looking almost lifeless as the two men fucked her.

“Oh, shit!” Juan laughed.  “I think she passed out, amigo!”

Miguel responded by raising his hand and bringing it forward with an audible swish, landing a slap on Bar’s big ass. 

“Hey!” he barked.  “Wake up, slut!  We’re not done with you yet!”

Bar’s eyes flew open, suddenly coming to as the guys went even harder, drilling into her curvy body with another series of pitiless thrusts.  She felt their members stiffen inside her, then a few seconds later, voices roared from behind and beneath her as the men delivered the last few thrusts.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Miguel exclaimed as he rammed his cock into Bar’s thick ass.

“Shit, me too!” Juan followed, tightening his grip on Bar’s wide hips as his thick Latin cock rocketed into her pussy.

Quick as a flash, Miguel pulled out of Bar’s tight asshole as Juan lifted her up off his cock.  Bar hopped down off the couch, kneeling on the carpeted floor as the men appeared on either side of her, vigorously stroking their long, thick cocks as they pointed them at her face.

“You want this cum?” Juan asked, looking down at Bar as he stroked his prick.

“Yes!  Yes, I want it!” Bar replied, readying herself for each big load.

“Beg for it, baby!” Miguel snapped, his cockhead twitching like it could blow at any second.

“Please!” Bar exclaimed.  “Cum for me, please!  I want it all over my face!”

The men didn’t need any further encouragement.  A few more strokes and their cockheads erupted, spurting ropes of semen that criss-crossed over each other as they struck the model’s face. 

“Oh my God!” Bar exclaimed as the first few volleys struck her pretty face, amazed by how thick and warm it was as it covered her flushed red skin.

Bar stuck her tongue out as the men kept cumming, pulling it back in between her lips once the men had cum on it, savouring the taste of their virile semen as she gulped it down into her stomach.  Aiming lower, their cocks were pointed at Bar’s large tits as the men jerked out the last of their loads, peppering her chest with whatever was left.

Once the men were finally finished, Bar reached up and gripped their cocks.  Squeezing them tightly just below the tip, she poked her tongue out from between her lips and lapped at Miguel’s slit, squeezing out the last few drops that had stayed in his urethra.  She turned to Juan and did the same, pulling the cum back into her mouth and swallowing it in a single hit.  Sticking her tongue out from between her lips, Bar licked the cum from around her mouth.

“Mmm,” said Bar as she savoured their taste.  “Yummy!”

“How was that, baby?” asked Miguel, breathing heavily.  “We fuck you good or what?”

“Oh my God, SO good!” Bar exclaimed.  “Thank you, boys.  Thank you for fucking me so good.”

“You’re welcome, baby,” Miguel replied.  “And make sure you thank Isabella for hooking this up.”

“Wait…what?!” said Bar, looking confused.

“What, she didn’t tell you?” Miguel asked.  “I’m tapping that ass as well.  She’s almost as nasty as you.  Isn’t she, amigo?”

“She sure is, buddy,” Juan agreed.  “You know all the nastiest sluts.  That’s why I like being friends with you. 

The two men laughed then looked at Bar as she knelt on the living room floor, her face covered in both men’s cum.

“Go get yourself clean, baby,” Miguel instructed.  “We ain’t done with you yet.”

Bar grinned and rose to her feet, giving a little excited yelp as Juan reached out and slapped her ass as it skipped off to the bathroom.  Fuck, I love this city, she thought to herself.

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