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Author Topic: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)  (Read 34205 times)


Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« on: June 09, 2024, 09:07:18 PM »
This is a fictional story I wrote. It is not real, but I wish it was. Don't copy my story to put on another site. It's not real, blah blah blah, you know the deal.

Hollywood Connection

Home Sweet Home. That's what I called the Los Angeles sunsets over the hills. After my stint in Vegas, I returned home and picked up work at another talent agency. It was the usual work for me, as I handled contracts for models who were shooting with magazines and photographers across country. A few of them needed a deal broker to try and break into Hollywood on any level of mainstream studios or low budget B movies. Work was slow for a few weeks until one Friday afternoon I caught a lucky break with a big fish that landed in town from across the pond. A former glamour model was in town and looking to meet with an agent. My eyes got big when I heard the name told to me over the phone.

"Lucy Pinder? You gotta be shitting me." I knew that name. I had seen her in all those lads mags years ago when I worked in Britain. She was the biggest glamour model back in the day, beginning in Page 3 and crossing over into magazines. I could never forget all the times my dick got hard as rock and poked in the front of my pants when I saw her huge natural tits in those magazine spreads. I never got the chance to meet Lucy years ago, but now I had it. I wasn't about to blow this chance by any means.

"Tell Miss. Pinder that James S will meet with her anytime. Give her my number and tell her I'll be expecting a call," I told the assistant on the phone before hanging up. I was excited at this possibility. For years I had wanted to get up close and personal with her tits and today I might just get to, I thought to myself. I remembered years ago when I met and banged Michelle Marsh. I always wanted to meet Lucy back then. I didn't think I'd get the chance, but now luck was on my side.

An hour later I was riding in the back of my limo when I got the call from an unknown number. I answered it to a lovely, strong English accent.

"Hello, this is Lucy Pinder calling for James De-

I cut her off, correcting her.

"James Scandalous."

I heard her laugh on the other end of the phone. "Yes, Mister... Scandalous," she laughed again, making me blush.

"I heard you're looking for an agent and need some help getting work in Hollywood. You've got a pretty famous name back home in your country. What kind of work are you looking to get into?"

"Ummmmmm, I'm honestly not sure," I could hear the uncertainty in her voice, so I quickly responded. "That's okay. Look, I'm riding around town at the moment. How about I pick you up and we go someplace and have lunch?"

"That sounds lovely."

"Text me where to meet you and I'll swing by. Be on the lookout for a limo." I hung up the phone, putting the ball in her court to do the work before she had the chance to back out on me. If this was my one shot at the hottest model out of England, I surely wasn't going to miss my chance with her. A few seconds later, I got the text message with her GPS location. It was just ten minutes away. I told my driver where to go, and the show began on the road.

When we pulled up, I spotted a short woman with dark brown hair, sunglasses and wearing a black top that covered a massive chest. No sight of cleavage or anything. Below she had on a short black skirt and high heels. That was Lucy Pinder for sure, trying to conceal her sexy body as best as possible. The limo pulled up and she walked up to it. I rolled down the window and greeted her with a smile.

"Miss. Pinder?"

"Mr. Scandalous?" She replied in that posh accent. I opened the door, inviting her into the limo. She took my hand and got in.

"Call me James," I told her as I closed the door behind her. "So is this your first time in L.A.?"

"Yeah! I've always wanted to come here. I've been to the US a few times, but I guess you could say this is my first real business trip."

"It'll be business first then," I smiled to reassure her while looking at her gorgeous brown eyes. "You know, I remember seeing you in Nuts and Loaded magazines for years. I worked in England for a year and met your friend Michelle Marsh."

"Oh! You knew Marshy? I haven't seen her in some time. We used to be besties." I nodded to answer her. She blushed, trying to contain her smile. "So you've seen me in... much more revealing outfits than this?"

I laughed. "Oh yeah, I've seen your tits too." She blushed again and the smile went away from her face. I didn't mean to embarrass her, but how could I not mention her boobs? This was Lucy Pinder. A fucking goddess among women outside the U.S. She had one of the greatest racks to ever be printed in a magazine.

"So Lucy, since this is your first time in L.A., how about I treat you to lunch at one of the best places I know in town. Are you hungry?"

"Well, I did have a bit of an early breakfast, but I guess I could eat a little more." She nodded.

"You're gonna love this place. Best introduction to the city of angels, I can tell you that."

I reached across the seat to alert my driver and give him instructions. The restaurant was just a few minutes away from where we were in traffic. I took out my phone and called, making an early reservation and that turned this meeting into an official date. Lucy sat across from me, looking chill and sexy as ever.

A few minutes later, we pulled up and got out of the limo. She got out before I had the chance to open the door for her. We went into the fancy building and a table was already set for us. Lunch for two. We sat down, looked over a menu and I ordered a bottle of wine to go with it. A couple minutes later, we were eating and a conversation sprung up from her questioning me.

"What do you do in your spare time, James?" She asked, biting into a piece of bread.

"Nothing much. I focus on work and enjoy life in between. I've had a lot of clients as an agent. I just did some time in Las Vegas."

She smiled at that. "Vegas, really? I've always wanted to go there. What was it like?"

"It was interesting at times. Lots of bright lights, big crowds outside. I was working with a crew out of a casino for a big pop singer. One on the A list, so it was a big time job. Sometimes I missed the quiet life here in L.A." I took a sip from the wine, studying her eyes. I wanted to give her a good impression so I kept the conversation focused on business.

"So Lucy, you said you weren't sure what you want to do out here?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm unsure of where I want to go next in my career. The glamour industry just collapsed recently and I guess you could say I'm just looking to get a few paychecks in some small parts for movies or something.

"Small parts? Are you worried about how big the budgets are?" She shook her head.

"No, it don't matter. I just want a five-figure check, if you know what I mean."

I nodded, understanding her meaning. It sounded as if she wanted to stay out of the spotlight and keep a low profile "Well, I think I can get you that. I have some contacts across some smaller studios. They'll jump over your name. Anything specific you want?"

"Any role where I'm in the background is fine. I'm not looking to be the eye candy of some low budget shlock." I chuckled at her use of that last word. It sounded so sexy from her British voice.

"I have some friends who are casting directors for a few indie films. They'd love to work with you. And don't worry about the budget, I'll make sure you get the paycheck you want." I smiled at her, hoping to reassure her.

Lucy smiled back, taking a sip of her wine. "That's very kind of you, James. Thank you."

"Just doing my job. Think of me as your Hollywood connection."

We ate in silence for a moment, enjoying the food and the company. Lucy held her thoughts in. She seemed to have a lot on her mind, but I didn't press any issues with her. I was respecting her boundaries, just to show her she could trust me for when she signed her name on the contract for me to become her agent. After we finished eating, I dropped a tip on the table and we got up to leave and head back to the limo.

"There's a party at a director's mansion tonight. You wanna come along and be my date?" I asked her as we walked back to the car. "You'd fit right in and could introduce yourself to all the celebrity hot shots in town."

She shrugged. "I appreciate the invitation, but I think I'd rather just spend some time relaxing tonight. Maybe catch up on some sleep. I have been down with a big of jet lag."

"Of course, Lucy. If that's what you want to do, I don't blame you. Jet lag sucks, I know that feeling." I smiled at her and held the door open for her as we walked back to the limo.

Once inside, I gave the address of the party to the driver and we settled in for the ride. The limo was decked out with a mini-bar and a flat screen TV. I offered her another drink, but she declined. She seemed content to just sit there and enjoy the ride. Lucy leaned up to give the driver the address to drop her off at her hotel. I smiled, reassuring her that my driver would do that.

The entire ride back, I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense of sadness from her. I wanted to know what was wrong, but I didn't want to push her. She seemed like a private person and I didn't want to scare her off from my chance of a date. Maybe it was just jet lag and the stress of being in a new city away from her home country. I hoped that once she got some rest, she would be in better spirits

When we pulled up to her hotel, I thanked the driver and helped her out of the car. I offered to walk her to her room, but she politely declined. "Thank you so much for today, James. It was really nice meeting you. I hope we'll see each other again." She smiled at me, and I smiled back. "We'll be meeting again real soon, Lucy."

She gave me a quick handshake before walking away. As I watched her disappear into the hotel, I couldn't shake that strange, sad feeling I had in the car. I wasn't sure what was going on through her mind, but I knew I wanted to see her again sooner than latter.

It was rare for a girl to turn me down for a date. I was impressed that Lucy turned down the offer. As I sat in the back of the limo, I thought about it more. Maybe she wasn't a girl to do anything with a stranger, especially one she only knew for a few hours. Or maybe it was the parties themselves she didn't care for. I was going to have to up my game to impress her if I wanted to say Lucy Pinder was the next babe to get fucked by James Scandalous.

The next day, I decided to take it slow with her. I had to establish some trust with Lucy. Maybe I had went too fast, since she had yet to even sign her name on a contract to make me her agent. So I sent her a simple text message, asking how she was doing and if she wanted to grab coffee later in the afternoon. To my surprise, she agreed.

I met her at a local coffee shop near her hotel. As she walked in, Lucy smiled and waved at me from a distance. She was wearing a black crop top today that revealed a bit of her astounding rack. The cleavage was so big, it was going to be tough not to be distracted today. "Hey there, James," she greeted me.

"Hey Lucy, have you been waiting for me?" I asked, giving her a warm smile. She smirked back at me. "Not at all, but I figured we could grab a table and chat more."

"I couldn't believe you turned down the party last night. I take it that you don't like big crowds?" She nodded to answer my question.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not one for the whole Hollywood lifestyle. This is just work for me, you know?"

"I get it. The spotlight isn't for everyone." I asked, leaning back in my chair. "I'm sure you've had more than enough of it back home with the whole glamour modelling thing."

She shrugged. "I mean, it's not as bad as people think. I loved my work as a model, but since the industry collapsed, I guess I..." She paused, searching for the right words. "I guess I'm just looking for something new in life."

"You got a boyfriend?" I just blurted it out and watched Lucy shake her head.

"No, no boyfriend. Not for a while. Why, you interested?" She winked, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

I grinned. "Oh, yeah. I think that's what you might need to spice things up in life. I'm interested, Lucy."

She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think much of it yesterday, but I've had some thoughts today. You seem like an interesting guy. Maybe we could enjoy each other's company for a while. After all, you're going to be my agent." Her lips curled into a playful smile.

"Well, I'm free tonight. If you're interested, I could show you a good time." I offered, but she shook her head.

"There's no time like the present. I don't like to waste time. How about we go back to your place?"

I was stunned that she was asking to go back to my place. I grinned, ready to take her there immediately. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to my limo driver to pick us up.

"Come on, Lucy. I've got a luxury apartment you're gonna love." I took her hand, walking her outside and to the limo that was waiting for us.

The ride back to my place was short, but it felt like an eternity. I was so excited that I had Lucy Pinder coming up to my place. This was a dream come true. All those years I wanted to see her undressed, and now I was about to have the best chance at my place. All behind locked doors for my eyes only. The driver dropped us off at my building, and I led her inside, my keycard granting us access to the elevator. Once in my apartment, I took her hand and led her through the living room and into my bedroom.

"This is where I live when I'm not working," I said, gesturing around. The apartment was massive, with floor-to-ceiling windows that showed off the cityscape below. I watched Lucy's eyes wander around the massive space, looking impressed. The bed was enormous, covered in white sheets and a plush comforter. A massive walk-in closet was against one wall, filled with clothes and shoes. A luxurious bathroom was across the hall. "Make yourself at home."

Lucy walked over to the window, her back to me as she stared out at the city. She slowly pulled her hair over her shoulder, revealing her bare back. "It's beautiful," she murmured. "You must have worked really hard to get here."

"Hard work and a little luck," I replied, walking up behind her. I placed my hands on her hips, feeling the warmth of her body through the thin fabric of her dress. Lucy leaned back, almost submissively pushing herself against me. "I'm glad you like it." I studied our reflection in the glass, seeing her eyes look over the city, taking in the sense of what kind of woman she was and how she would act once she was naked. One way or another, she wasn't going to be leaving my place without saying she had been fucked by James Scandalous.

She turned her head to the side, her lips parted, her eyes fixed on mine in the reflection. "What are you thinking about right now, James?" she asked softly, turning her head to the side to invite my lips to her neck. She was speaking seductively and submissively with her body.

I took a step closer, my erection pressing against her ass. "I'm thinking you're the prettiest girl in the world, Lucy," I breathed, my hands sliding up her body to cup her breasts in the dress. "And I'm thinking you belong with me."

She moaned softly, arching her back into my touch. She didn't stop me from squeezing her breasts in the top, once more showing me a more submissive nature to her. "Maybe you're right," she told me.

"You need a man in your life, Lucy. Someone to guide you and show you the way. Me, not anyone else. No boys who don't know how to play with big toys." I squeezed her boobs after that remark and she turned around to face me. I pulled my hands away, looking her in the eyes, feeling the lustful heat sparking between us.

She bit her lower lip and took a step closer, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You're quite different from the other men I've known. You're not afraid to take control. I like that. There was a reason why I asked to go back to your place. Now you know."

"You like that, don't you?" I asked, my voice low and commanding. She nodded slowly, her eyes locked on mine. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Back when I used to bang your friend Michelle Marsh, I wanted you more than her."

I pulled her closer, my hands moving up her back to cup her neck. I kissed her deeply, tasting the sweetness of her lips as she responded with equal passion. Her body melted against mine, and I felt the heat between us grow even more intense.

I pulled away from her and gave the first command, "take off your clothes, Lucy. I want you to strip for me."

Her hands were shaking as she slowly began to unbutton her blouse, revealing a black lace bra underneath that contained her gigantic all natural breasts. She glanced up at me, a mix of nervousness and excitement in her eyes. I nodded, urging her to continue. Her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing a matching black thong.

She stepped out of the skirt, standing before me in all her glory in a bra and thong that would've matched one of her many Nuts magazine shoots. I took a deep breath, my eyes gazing across every inch of her body. She was absolutely perfect for a stacked, buxom babe. The lights from the city outside cast a warm glow over her pale skin, making her look like an angel. Lucy hooked one of her thumbs into a bra strap, and I nodded at her to pull it off and reveal her massive tits.

With a smile, she let the bra fall to the floor and pushed her breasts out, offering them to me. I was stunned at how huge they were. "Holy fuck," I said in amazement as I reached to grab them, feeling the soft firmness at my fingertips. I felt my cock twitch in anticipation as I cupped her heavy tits, feeling the weight of it as I squeezed gently. These were undoubtedly the biggest tits I had ever seen, let alone grasped in my hands. Lucy Pinder's tits were even better in person than all the photos I seen in magazines. "They're big, huh?" I laughed, nodding at her. "These are the biggest tits I've ever had. They're fucking perfect." I leaned forward and took one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking hard as she let out a sharp intake of breath.

Her thong was the next thing to go. She stepped out of it, revealing her smooth, shaven pussy to me. I quit sucking her nipple and took a step back to look at her pussy. I reached down and spread her lips, taking in the sight of her tight, pink entrance. She was already soaking wet, ready to be fucked. I shoved one finger inside of her, listening to her gasp in her cute British accent. My other hand went to cup her chin, grinning at her. "You're so fucking beautiful Lucy," I murmured, shoving my finger into her cunt deeper. "Now it's time for you to take off my clothes."

Lucy looked up at me as I pulled away from her. I was testing her, as I felt that I was in complete control and guiding her rightfully. She nodded slowly, pulling at my jacket to take it off. She carefully unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it to the floor before taking a step back and then kneeling down in front of me. My cock was hard as a rock, straining against my pants, and she reached for my zipper with both hands. She pulled it down, unbuttoned the front of my pants and pushed them down with my underwear to finally see my throbbing erection for her. "Bloody hell," she breathed, looking at it with a mix of awe and lust. "You're huge." Her hands wrapped around my base, giving me a gentle squeeze. "Start stroking it," I told her.

Lucy obeyed my words, moving her hands up and down my shaft, slowly at first and then with more speed to get it to the fullest length. "Oh God," she moaned, her eyes closing as she focused on pleasuring me. "Your cock is gorgeous." I would've smiled any other time a woman complimented my dick, but I was too excited. I reached down and gripped her hair, pulling her head back slightly. "Open your mouth," I commanded her again and Lucy opened wide. I guided my cock into her mouth, feeling her tongue lash across my dick. I pushed more of my dick into her mouth and she began to suck.

"Suck it, just like that," I breathed heavily as I tightened my grip in her hair. I was reminding her who was in control as I thrust my cock gently into her mouth. Lucy continued to suck. Her lips stretched, taking more of me as she deep-throated me, gagging on it. I stopped, making sure not to choke her with the full length of my dick. Her fingers were still wrapped around the base of my dick. I used my free hand to pull her hand off my cock. "No hands, baby. No hands," I told her as I then planted my other hand on her head and began into her mouth. She closed her eyes, making slobbering noises as I fucked her mouth. "That's it, Lucy," I groaned at her.

She gagged, but didn't choke. I took it slow, fucking her face like it was a cunt. Lucy kept her eyes shut. Her breasts bounced slightly, moving as I dug my fingers deeper into her hair for a tighter grip while thrusting my cock into her mouth. When I felt she was going to choke, I slowed to a stop. I was doing this to also hold myself back from blowing a load too soon. I was impressed with how submissive she was, letting me do what I wanted. "Fuck, that's it."

I took a step back, pulling my cock out of her mouth and slapping it against the right side of her face. She moaned at my dick smacking against her skin, so I did it a second time just for good measure. "Raise your arms above your head," I told her and she instantly obeyed, raising her arms up high, flexing her elbows and showing her shaved arm pits. It was a pose she knew all too well from her modelling days. My eyes focused on her gigantic tits. I slid by cock between them and used both hands to grip her tits, ready to fuck them while she kept her hands behind her head.

Lucy looked up at me, her eyes locking as she gritted her teeth. My cock disappeared entirely between her tits. It was a surreal moment to think about how I was truly living a fantasy now tittyfucking Lucy Pinder. What made it even better was how obedient she was as a true submissive. Her hands remained behind her head as her big brown eyes gazed up at me as I thrust my dick between her breasts. She surrendered herself to me and was letting me have all the fun I wanted fucking her tits.

"You like that, don't you, Lucy?" With each thrust, my cock slid deeper between her huge mammaries. She let out a soft moan with each thrust I made, feeling all of my cock move between her boobs. "Yes, I like it. It's been a while since I had my tits fucked. Can I hold them?"

"Sure, but only cause you asked." Lucy blushed, smirking at me as she finally moved her hands out from behind her head and cupped her breasts with them. She looked up at me, moaning as I moved my hands away so she could cup her boobs. "Fuck my tits, James."

I smiled at her as I continued to fuck those tits at a slow pace. I had always wanted to do this with her, so I took my time enjoying every last second of it. She moaned, never looking away from my face. I was ever so more impressed by the eye contact she gave me as I watched my dick disappear and the head poke up with each full thrust I gave her tits.

"You're such a good girl, Lucy..." I groaned, still moving my cock back and forth. She kept her hands squeezing her tits together around my dick. "I could do this all fucking day long."

She giggled as I just kept on thrusting between her tits. "You can fuck my tits for as long as you like."

"They're fucking perfect! Best tits I've ever had!" She laughed louder, still holding her tits together as I continued to fuck them. I was getting close to busting a nut, so I slowed down and stopped. Lucy kept her breasts squeezed around my dick, as if waiting for my next command. I pulled my dick out from between them and then grabbed one of her arms, pulling her up from the floor.

"To the prettiest girl in the world," I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her giant tits pressing against my bare chest as I found her lips and kissed her passionately.

"Oh, James..." She moaned into the kiss, her hands running through my hair. I broke the kiss and stepped out of my pants and underwear. I kept one arm wrapped around Lucy, guiding her to the bed. "Get up on the bed," I commanded her while thinking of what position I wanted to fuck her in first.

Lucy climbed onto the bed, moving on her hands and knees, her large breasts almost touching the white blankets below. I took a moment to look at the bed, smiling proudly at the fact I had her of all women in the world waiting for me "How do you want to take me?" she asked, turning her head to look at me. I climbed up on the bed, "Just like this is a good way to start."

I knelt behind her, positioning my cock at her wet entrance. I thrust forward, feeling her tightness engulf me. "Ohhhhhhh, yes," She moaned loudly, pushing her ass back towards me. I gripped her hips, holding her steady as I began fucking her, my cock sliding effortlessly in and out of her.

Lucy's moans filled the room, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. "Fuck me James," she moaned. I picked up the pace, slamming into her, feeling her wetness coat my cock. I reached around with both hands, fondling her breasts and squeezing them hard. She cried out, her body tense beneath me.

Her nails dug into the bed sheets, her hips bucking wildly as I fucked her harder. I let go of her breasts and snatched up several locks of her hair with my right hand. I pinned her against the bed, thrusting harder and faster. "Ohhhhh, OHHHHHH GOD!!" She squealed as I reminded her who was in control, my cock pumping faster in that tight pussy.

I slapped her ass with my other hand, listening to her groan. "FUCK ME, OHHHHHH GOD!! FUCK ME!!" I spanked her again, pulling her hair tighter with my right hand as I continued to pound her pussy. "Who do you belong to Lucy? Tell me!"

"I BELONG TO YOU JAMES!!!!" she cried out, her voice barely audible above the sounds of our bodies slapping together. Not satisfied with her reply, I spanked her ass even harder. "I'M ALL YOURS!!!"

I pulled her hair even harder, using it to control her movements as I was still fucking her. The left side of her ass sported big red marks from my hard spanking. She was mine now and she knew it.


I let go of her hair and shoved her against the blankets, preventing her breasts from bouncing around beneath. My cock was hammering her pussy again and again, giving it to her as best as I could. Her nails dug into the sheets, and I felt her body tighten around me.

Her orgasm hit her hard, and her body arched beneath me, her muscles tensing and relaxing as she rode out the wave. I could feel her pussy squeezing my cock as she came, and it was almost more than I could take. I pulled out as quickly as I could, watching as her legs shook and saw her eyes rolling to the back of her head. That was a sign I fucked her good.

"Oh god, that was brilliant," her voice was hoarse from all the moaning and screaming. Lucy rolled over on her back, exposing herself in full frontal nudity. I found a place sitting down on her stomach. I wasn't done with her tits yet. Fucking them once wasn't enough. She looked up at me as she saw my cock shiny in her own cum. "Put your hands behind your head again," I commanded.

She did as she was told, lifting her arms and moving her hands directly behind her head. I guided my cock between her tits as her eyes followed. Lucy moaned softly. "Are you going to fuck my tits again?"

I grinned. "Fuck yeah! Your tits were made for fucking! I wasn't gonna bust a nut in your pussy. Since you belong to me, there's only one thing left to make it so." I pushed forward slowly, letting my length slip between her breasts and then using my hands to squeeze them together around my cock. Lucy giggled at me, keeping her hands behind her head so obediently. I started fucking her tits as she looked me in the eyes.

"God, your tits are fucking amazing," I groaned, thrusting harder. "You like it, don't you? I bet there's thousands, probably even millions of guys who wished they could fuck your tits. I bet you get off on that. You like it when a cock is between your tits?" I knew she was loving it. The way she moaned told me that. I continued to pump my dick between her tits, fucking them as we exchanged glanced. Lucy would look away to gaze at my head poking up between her breasts with each full thrust.

"And I'm the only one who gets to do this. The luckiest mother fucker in the world right now. I'm the only one who gets to fuck your tits." She didn't say anything back, but grinned and chuckled softly. The looks she gave me were enough to egg me on fucking her tits.

As I continued to thrust into her chest, my voice growing more intense with every word, I could feel her begin to tremble beneath me. Her hips started to buck up into me, seeking more contact, more pressure. I could feel her nipples harden even more, digging into my skin as I fucked her tits.

"You want more of this, don't you?" I asked her, my voice straining. "You want me to cum, don't you? I want to cum all over your pretty fucking face as a reminder that you're mine now, baby." She didn't answer, but the way she raised her head told me everything I needed to know. I Kept fucking her tits, sliding my cock back and forth between them. "Say it," I told her. "Tell me you want it."

She hesitated for a moment, her breath coming in short little gasps, then making an innocent smile to tease me. "I want you to cum," she finally managed to say in her hot accent. "I want to feel your hot cum on me."

I pulled my cock from her tits and then watched as she closed her eyes and barred her teeth, waiting for me to blast my load all over her face. I grunted as I began stroking, aiming directly at her gorgeous face.

"Here it comes! Here it is, FUCKKKKK!!!" Lucy bravely opened her eyes slowly to witness my cock exploding. I came hard with a roaring groan. She let out a small gasp as the first hot streak hit her, then another as more followed, but she didn't move or try to wipe it away. Her hands remained behind her head, just where they needed to be from my instructions. Two ropes of cum shot across the left side of her face and reaching her forehead. Another missed entirely and went into her dark brown hair. A few droplets fell to her giant tits, covering both of them in excess cum. The final strand of my cum went on her chin. I was out of breath and exhausted, but happy to sit there and see my cum painted on the face of one of the most beautiful women in the world.  Lucy just lay there, her eyes locked on mine, watching me as I marked her with my seed.

After a moment, she reached up slowly and gently wiped the cum off her face, collecting it on her fingers. She brought her hand to her mouth and sucked the cum off her fingers, making a small moan. Then she smiled up at me and said, "Quite a big load, James. You made a mess."

I blushed as she began to laugh. If only she knew how many years I had been thinking about blasting her face like that. I remembered when I fucked Michelle Marsh, I gave her a facial like that. Now the two models were even all these years later. This was only the beginning of our relationship.


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 09:48:27 PM »
Another great story. I see you're working your way through all the fan favorites on the site  :D
The following users thanked this post: James_scandalous


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2024, 10:58:49 AM »
His scandalous penis rocked her fucking world.
The following users thanked this post: James_scandalous

Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2024, 01:01:54 AM »
This was amazing!!!!

I loved seeing Lucy go full sub for him! The way she put her arms behind her head mimicking the poses was perfect!
The following users thanked this post: James_scandalous


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2024, 11:00:52 AM »
That was fantastic. I can't wait to see what you do with Lucy next. You've been knocking it out with some of my favorite ladies lately. Cheers  :Y:
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: James_scandalous


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2024, 06:23:04 PM »
Nice!!! Put Lucy in her place where she belongs.
The following users thanked this post: James_scandalous


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2024, 01:25:08 AM »
So your first girlfriend who isn't a blonde ends up being the one with the best tits ever. Good taste lol.

The titfuck part was awesome.
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Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2024, 07:04:13 PM »
Will there be a part 2?


Re: Hollywood Connection (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2024, 08:27:39 PM »
Will there be a part 2?

Wait till next week. I'm still busy fucking her.


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