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Author Topic: Khloe Cuckolds the Captain (Khloe Kardashian and Ariana Richards)  (Read 10908 times)


        It finally happened. Following her trip to Japan to shoot a few scenes for a new porno, my...friend Ariana Richards left her husband and decided to move in with me. The last of her things finally unpacked I decided to give her some space these last few days. I didn't want to rush her into anything sexual, thinking it would be better to let her adjust to our new...living arrangement. She previously told me that she didn't want to jump into another relationship right now, but she'd consider something similar to an open relationship. And that's fine by me if that meant I'd basically have 24/7 access to Ariana.

        As Ariana was getting ready for a business meeting with her agent, I get a text message from Khloe Kardashian, one of my more recent...conquests? No, after the way our sexual encounter went I think it was safer to say Khloe conquered me. Her message said she would be in the area and want to come by...for a "visit". Not one to turn down a good time I reply, telling her to come over. About half a hour later the doorbell rings. As I rush to the door I'm surprised to see Ariana's not only still here but that she beat me to the door. "I thought you had a meeting," I ask her confused, especially considering the thigh high silk robe she's wearing. "I did, but they cancelled," she replies, opening the door before I can stop her. "Hi Captain," Khloe says, raising her eyebrows as she looks the scantily clad Ariana up and down. "Who's your friend?" Khloe asks. "Hi, I'm Ariana," she replies before I can answer. "And I'm Khloe," the brunette replies, shaking Ariana's hand.

        "Come in," Ariana says, closing the door once Khloe enters. "I didn't know Cptnstrwrs knew you," Ariana says, giving me a look. "Yeah, we met a few weeks ago and let's just say I won't forget it any time soon," Khloe says with a grin, Ariana raising an eyebrow at her comment. "I like her. She's cute," Khloe giggles. As I try to come up with a response Khloe takes Ariana by the hand and begins walking deeper into the house. I follow close behind, the three of us stopping in the living room. Khloe is wearing a black tank top that's cut low, showing off her impressive cleavage and a pair of tight black jeans. She has Ariana sit on the couch next to her. "No! You go sit over there!" Khloe snaps, pointing to a nearby chair. "I figured you invited me over for some kind of threesome but I don't have time for that. Once your friend here opened the door I decided to change today's plans. She's mine and you'll just have to watch," Khloe says with a sly grin.

        "Umm?" Ariana and I say at the same time. Khloe ignores us, pouncing like a big cat and the next thing I know she's kissing Ariana, longer and harder than I've ever seen two women kiss before. Khloe pulls away, grinning at Ariana, the blonde blushing as she stares back at Khloe in a daze. "Cptnstrwrs helped me out when I was at a low point a few weeks back. I hadn't been laid in awhile but he let me go wild with him and it was just what I needed to get out of my slump...Or at least it was until you answered the door," Khloe says softly, staring deep into Ariana's eyes.  "I realized then that I've never been with another woman before and today's the day to change that," she adds before going back to kissing Ariana. This time around both women are equal and active participants. Just from watching them I can tell when Khloe sticks her tongue in Ariana's mouth or vice versa. I'm so focused on watching the two of them make out that I don't even realize I have my dick in my hand until Khloe yells at me from across the room.

         "What part of 'watch' did you not understand? This isn't a threesome. You were going to fuck me behind Ariana's back when she left today weren't you?! How could you do that to a woman this hot?" Khloe shouts. "Actually he wouldn't have been doing it behind my back. Cptnstrwrs and I have an...unusual relationship, sort of an open relationship. We're not really sure yet..." Ariana says. "Well even if that's the case...I still think it would be fun to tease the Captain. All he's allowed to do is watch...and maybe, MAYBE if he behaves we can give him a...special treat," Khloe says, evil smirk on her face. Turning back to Ariana, Khloe reaches for the belt around her waist, pulling it gently. "Let's see what you're hiding under there," Khloe says, slipping the robe off of Ariana to reveal a strapless red bra and matching thong.

        Khloe's eyes go wide, the brunette letting out a whistle. "Damn! I may be permanently switching sides after this," Khloe laughs. "Now it's my turn. Fair is fair. You showed me yours so I'll show you mine," Khloe says, pulling the tank top up and off, tossing it aside. She stands and reaches for her belt, Ariana beating her to it. Ariana undoes the buckle as Khloe unbuttons her jeans. She's too slow again and Ariana unzips Khloe's jeans, Khloe laughing as she slides the down her legs, kicking them aside as the two of them go back to making out. Khloe's black bra and panties do a good job of showing off her curves but I watch eagerly hoping that one or both women will be completely naked soon.

        As if she's able to read my mind, Khloe reaches behind Ariana, undoing the clasp of her bra. Ariana slips it off quickly, Khloe's eyes fixed on Ariana's breasts. I must have seen them dozens of times before but it never gets old. Khloe, on the other hand seems mesmerized by Ariana's breasts, leaning in towards them. "Look at those pretty titties," she says softly before she starts licking and sucking on them. "Ugh! That feels so good!" Ariana groans, pulling Khloe's head closer to her. Khloe goes back and forth between them for what feels like forever before Ariana undoes Khloe's bra. I know Ariana's been with other women before but watching her suck and lick Khloe's tits like a starving baby makes my cock instantly hard. "Oh fuck! Please don't stop!" Khloe whines as Ariana moves back and forth between her breasts.

        Unfortunately for Khloe, Ariana DOES stop just a moment later, both women staring deep into each other's eyes. You'd swear they could read each other's mind as they go back to making out hard and heavy. As if that wasn't enough, I can't believe my eyes when both women slip their hand into the other's panties at the same time, rubbing each other's clit and fingering each other as they kiss. "Ugh! Uggghhhhh! Aggghhhh!" Both women moan and groan in pleasure as they race to bring the other closer to climax. I figure one of them will cum soon, my money on Ariana and the volume of her cries. But once again the women switch gears, pulling their hands out of the other's panties before pulling them completely off of each other.

        "Lie down on your back," Khloe says, stroking Ariana's cheek softly. "Alright," Ariana replies, doing as she's told. Khloe silently positions herself above Ariana and the two begin to 69, eating each other's pussy right in front of me. It's nearly impossible to tell which woman was enjoying themself more, Ariana with a Kardashian sitting on her face, or Khloe who's getting eaten out by another woman for the first time in her life. My cock aches as I watch the two of them, their tongues exploring every inch of space between the other's legs, hungrily devouring their partner's pussy. I'm so entranced by the scene that I jump in surprise when Khloe lets out a loud cry. "Oh fuck! Oh my God! I'm going to cum! Oh fuck! OH FUCK!!" Khloe exclaims, her thighs clamping tightly around Ariana's head as she cums, her body shaking violently. Ariana powers through, licking and lapping at Khloe's pussy the whole time. Finally her orgasm subsides and Khloe slowly repositions herself so she's facing the same direction as Ariana, the two of them kissing softly as Khloe gasps for air. "I'm sorry I didn't make you cum too," Khloe says, running her fingers through Ariana's long blonde hair. "It's alright. I think I can fix that...and maybe even make you cum again too," Ariana giggles as she hops off the couch, running into another part of the house. Khloe and I exchange confused looks, Ariana returning almost as quickly as she left.

        Both mine and Khloe's eyes go wide as we see what's in Ariana's hands. She's holding the longest double ended black rubber dildo I've ever seen. "This is Tyrone. I named him that since he's long, hard and hung like a black man," Ariana giggles, showing it to us. "You named your sex toy?!" I laugh. "Hey, don't make fun of me. You have no idea how many lonely nights Tyrone has gotten me through," Ariana replies with a smirk. "I can only imagine," I reply, shaking my head. Ariana takes Khloe by the hand, walking her back to the couch and has her sit facing Ariana. Giving the other end of it to Khloe, the two women working on positioning themselves so that they can stick the end between their legs. Watching the huge dildo slide into both women simultaneously with no resistance I can only imagine how wet they both are. They waste no time, grinding and wiggling their hips, both women groaning as the rubber cock burrows deeper and deeper between their legs. Starting slow, they gradually pick up speed as they get used to the feel of the dildo inside them. "I'm so full! It's stretching me out!" Khloe whines as she tries to get her end to go in even further. "I knew you'd love this! Tyrone knows how to please his woman," Ariana laughs, sliding her hips towards Khloe's.

        They move closer and closer until only a couple of inches remain visible between their bodies. Ariana reaches out, rubbing Khloe's clit as they fuck the dildo. Khloe decides to repay the favorite, rubbing Ariana's clit hard and fast. Judging by my past sexual experiences with Ariana and the way her body is tensing up, I can tell she's about to blow. "Fuck! That feels amazing! Are you sure you've never been with another woman before?" Ariana moans. Khloe just shakes her head, rubbing Ariana even harder and faster. "Ugghhhhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming so fucking hard!" Ariana wails, her body shaking even harder than Khloe did when she climaxed. Ariana lets herself drop onto her back, groaning and panting as the last bit of her orgasm fades. "I needed that," Ariana moans. "Not as much as I did. But I still feel like something's missing," Khloe says softly. Catching sight of my huge, hard cock Arians grins at me. "I think it's over there. And if you say you're sorry maybe Cptnstrwrs will give it to you," Ariana says.

        Sighing, Khloe stands up, walking over to me. Looking down at me, Khloe tries not to seem too eager for my cock. "Well..." I say, smirking up at her.  "I'm sorry about before. Can I have it now?" Khloe asks softly. "Have what? What is it that you want me to give you?" I ask. "Your cock," Khloe mumbles. "Louder please. I can't hear you," I reply, Ariana giggling. "I want your cock inside me!" Khloe growls, practically shouting. "Who am I to tell my guest no? Get down here and turn around," I say, Khloe obeying. She lowers herself onto me in a reverse cowgirl position, my cock sliding into her with ease. Just like I thought Khloe's super wet, maybe even wetter than the first time we fucked. Even though I'm about to get what I wanted from the beginning I decide to tease her again. "Show me how bad you want that cock! I want you to fuck it until I cum!" I say, slapping her on the ass. Khloe springs into action throwing herself onto my cock as hard and fast as she can. No longer content to imagine her tits bouncing up and down as she fucks me, I decide to reach up, grabbing one of her tits in each hand, squeezing them tightly as Khloe moans her approval. "Are you just going to sit there and watch or were you getting in on the action?" I ask Ariana.

        Forcing herself up and off the couch I can see Ariana approaching Khloe and I. Stopping in front of us, Ariana crouches down and starts licking Khloe's clit as the reality star bounces on my cock. Her pussy grips my cock harder than before, Khloe enjoying the attention Ariana and I are giving her. "Oh fuck! I'm cumming again! God Damn it!" Khloe sobs as she twitches and cums all over my cock. The feeling of her pussy clamping down on my cock as she cums is the last straw. "Fuck! I'm about to cum too!" I grunt. I feel a hand grab the base of my cock, Ariana's if I had to guess. Pulling me out of Khloe's cunt I feel Ariana's lips wrap around my dick like a vise grip, hungrily sucking every last drop of cum out of me. She motions to Khloe to join her, Ariana using her tongue to drop a huge glob of my cum into Khloe's waiting mouth. I watch as the two kiss and cum swap for several minutes before Khloe swallows the cum wad with authority.

        The first several minutes after sex are always a little awkward and today is no exception. I put my cock away, zipping up my pants as Ariana and Khloe dress in silence. We slowly walk Khloe to the door, giving her a hug and kiss as she leaves. "Promise me we'll do this again some time," Khloe says with a wink as she walks out the door. "Oh, we definitely will," Ariana laughs, closing the door behind her. We walk back to the living room hand in hand, flopping onto the couch, exhausting. Ariana stares at me, something clearly on her mind. "What's wrong?" I ask, stroking her cheek. "Nothing's wrong... I just..." Ariana begins. I stare at her intently. "You're not the only one who's made a few new friends. I think I should invite my friend from the plane ride back from Japan over for a...special get together," Ariana says, a sly grin on her face. "Is it one of your new Japanese pornstar friends?" I ask. "No, she's American. How do you feel about redheads?" Ariana laughs, getting up off the couch as she heads towards the bedroom. I've seen that look before and I know I'd be stupid not to follow her. "If what they say about redheads is true then I can't wait to meet her," I say. "Any chance you're going to tell me her name?" I ask. "Nope!" Ariana giggles, closing the bedroom door behind me...

The end
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Viri, thewildcard, James_scandalous, MILFhunter


Re: Khloe Cuckolds the Captain (Khloe Kardashian and Ariana Richards)
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2024, 12:51:08 AM »
The Kardashians are such hot, slutty MILFs.
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


Re: Khloe Cuckolds the Captain (Khloe Kardashian and Ariana Richards)
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2024, 05:24:02 AM »
That was fucking wild lol
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


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