Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Celebrity Titwank (Helen Flanagan, Georgia May Foote, Lucy Pinder and more)  (Read 13384 times)


Disclaimer: This did not happen. Fantasy is legal.

Codes: M+F+, Oral, Titwank

Celebrities: Helen Flanagan, Georgia May Foote, Catherine Tyldesley, Lucy Pinder, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Marina Diamandis

Celebrity Titwank

The studio was abuzz with excitement as the lights dimmed and the audience clamoured with anticipation. Channel 5's latest offering, Celebrity Titwank, was about to make its grand entrance. The show, a one-off for charity, featured six UK female celebrities. They had all agreed to take part in this unique fundraiser, each one eager to help make a difference.

As the spotlight shone on the centre of the stage, host Bob Spunkhouse emerged, looking dapper in his tuxedo. He waved to the cheering crowd and began to introduce the rules of the show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Celebrity Titwank!" he boomed into the microphone. "Tonight, our six lovely celebrities will meet with six lucky audience members to see who can hold out the longest without crossing the finish line. So to speak."

The crowd roared with laughter, and Bob continued.

"Each celebrity will be paired up with a male audience member, and the celebrity will pleasure that audience member until they finish. The catch is that the audience member must resist coming. The audience member who can hold out the longest will earn a huge lump sum of cash for their chosen charity."

The audience clapped and cheered, as Bob continued.

"Remember as well, that you at home can also make a donation to charity by calling the number on the screens below. So get dialing! It's all good fun, and all for a good cause! Now, shall we meet our celebrities?"

The audience cheered, and with a flourish, Bob Spunkhouse motioned for the curtain to part, revealing a line of six podiums, each with a sexy celebrity standing beside it. The audience roared with approval as they recognised some of their favourites. Lucy Pinder, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Catherine Tyldesley, Georgia May Foote, Helen Flanagan, and Marina Diamandis all waved and blew kisses to the cheering crowd. All were clad in different coloured bra and panties combinations that accentuated their more than ample cleavages. Bob strode up to the first podium with Lucy to talk to her.

"Lucy, you're our first celebrity. Have you been practicing your titwanking skills?" he teased, causing the crowd to erupt into laughter. Lucy giggled bashfully and adjusted her bra.

"Well, Bob, I've certainly been working out a lot recently!" she replied, giving her ample breasts a squeeze through the lace of her black bra. "But it's not just about that. It's about the mind games, too. You have to be strong, focus on the task at hand."

"Any tips for the audience out there on how to give a good titwank?"

"Well, Bob," Lucy replied with a sly smile, "it's all about communication. You have to be attentive to your partner's needs. Listen to their breathing, feel their body tense up. And of course, use your hands, and your mouth... and explore every inch of them."

"There you go ladies and gentlemen! A tip from the top! Good luck to you Lucy."

Bob moved onto Belinda next.

"Belinda, the audience probably knows you best as Will's hot mum from the TV show The Inbetweeners. What do you think Will would say if he saw you now?"

"Oh, you know Will. He'd probably be embarrassed and say something inappropriate." Belinda laughed, leaning in toward Bob.

"And what do you think his friends would say?"

Belinda shrugged playfully. "Oh, probably the same as they always did on that show. You know, "Will's mum's hot and has huge tits!'" She winked at the crowd, who laughed and cheered. "But I'm here to have fun and help raise money for charity. And who doesn't love a little bit of male attention?"

"That's right Belinda. Well good luck to you tonight!"

Bob smiled and moved on to Catherine next. "Catherine, you're one of Britain's most popular soap stars. How does it feel to be here tonight?"

Catherine smiled coyly. "Well, Bob, I have to admit, it's a bit of a change from my usual day job! But I'm here to have fun and help raise money for charity. And I have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing how the contest unfolds."

"Any advice for the audience at home how they can give a good titwank?"

Catherine chuckled. "Well, Bob, I think it's all about being gentle and attentive. Pay attention to your partner's reactions, and don't be afraid to ask what they like. And of course, don't forget the importance of foreplay. A good titwank is just one part of a satisfying sexual experience."

"Good advice," Bob nodded. "Good luck tonight Catherine!"

Bob moved onto Georgia.

"Georgia, Georgia, Georgia. I've got Georgia on my mind." Bob sang badly "How are you today Georgia?"

Georgia laughed, her green eyes sparkling. "I'm doing well, thanks for asking, Bob. And I'm feeling very lucky to be here tonight. I'm ready to give these girls a run for their money!"

"It's a long way from Coronation Street though, right?"

Georgia laughed. "It sure is! But you know, it's great to be here and do something a bit different. And who doesn't love a good old-fashioned contest, right?" She winked at Bob. "I'm ready to give it my best shot."

"And what charity are you representing tonight, Georgia?"

"I'm here for the animal shelter where I volunteer," she said "We take care of so many stray cats and dogs, and I think it's important to raise awareness for their cause."

"A worthy cause indeed. Good luck tonight, Georgia."

Bob moved on to Helen Flanagan.

"Helen, you're a familiar face to many British households. How does it feel to be here tonight?"

Helen smiled shyly. "It's a bit surreal, to be honest. But I'm thrilled to be here and help raise money for such a great cause. I've got my game face on and I'm ready to give it my best shot."

"And which charity are you representing tonight?"

Helen looked slightly nervous. "I'm here for the children's hospital where I used to volunteer. I spent a lot of time there when I was younger, and it meant a lot to me. I really hope I can help them raise some money tonight."

"I'm sure you will, Helen. And good luck to you as well."

Finally, Bob introduced Marina.

"Marina. I'm not even going to attempt to sing any of your songs, because, well, I'll just butcher them badly. How are you feeling tonight?"

Marina smiled brightly. "I'm feeling great, Bob. It's such an honour to be here and represent the charity that means so much to me. I'm ready to put on a good show and hopefully raise lots of money."

"Given you perform in front of thousands of people on stage for your day job, do you think that makes you the favourite here?"

Marina laughed. "Oh, you never know, Bob. This is a very different kind of performance, though. But I've been practicing my ummm...titwanking skills, so we'll see how it goes."

"Well good luck to you Marina!" Bob boomed into his mike. "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our celebrities!"

The audience erupted in cheers and applause as the girls took their places on their podiums. Each podium had a pillow on the floor, where the girls would kneel to service their partners.

"And now, let's meet our six audience members!" Bob boomed as six men appeared from behind a curtain, and stood beside Bob. Each had a number tag that matched one of the celebrity women.

Bob took his mike and introduced each of the men.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first contestant! Number One, please step forward!" One of the men stepped forward, wearing a number tag that matched the number one on the podium. "And your name is...?"

"Mark," he said, the short, stocky dark-haired man in his thirties said, grinning nervously.

"Nice to meet you Mark. How are you feeling about tonight?"

"A bit nervous, but mostly excited."

"Well Mark, you have the number one tag, so you will be paired with the Lovely Lucy Pinder!"

Mark looked a bit starstruck as he gazed at the curvy brunette standing at the podium. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, greeting her with a hug, barely able to keep his eyes off her chest.

Bob continued.

"Number two, what is your name, and where are you from?"

"My name is John, and I'm from down in Cornwall." the tall blonde haired, twenty-something man said sheepishly.

"And are you looking forward to tonight?"

"Oh yes, definitely!" John exclaimed, his eyes lighting up.

"Well John, you have the number two tag, so you will be paired with Wills hot...I mean Belinda!" Bob exclaimed.

John walked over to the podium, where Belinda greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Number three." Bob exclaimed "Number three. Number three. Number three. How are you today, son?"

"Oh, I'm doing great, Bob. Thanks for asking," the young, good-looking man replied, grinning nervously.

"What's your name and where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm Steve, and I'm from Leeds." he replied, stealing glances at Catherine, who was the celebrity he had been paired with.

"Well Steve, you have the number three tag, so you are paired with Catherine." Bob said, pointing to the blonde bombshell standing at the podium.

The audience cheered as Steve walked onto the podium, receiving a peck on the cheek from Catherine as he stood beside her.

"And now for our fourth contestant," Bob announced. "Number four, please step forward." A young man with a shaved head and a muscular build stepped forward, wearing a tag with the number four. "Your name, sir?"

"Darren," he grinned, his white teeth gleaming in the stage lights.

"And where are you from, Darren?" Bob prompted.

"Just up the road, really," Darren replied with a grin. "From Birmingham."

"Well then, Darren," Bob said, "it's your lucky night! You're number four, so you'll be paired with the lovely Miss Georgia May Foote!"

As Darren stepped forward, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Georgia met him with a smile and a hug, and he stood beside her.

"Number five!" Bob exclaimed "What is your name?"

"My name is Tim," the young man replied, a nervous grin spreading across his face. "I'm from Nottingham."

"Well, Tim, you're in luck. As number five, you get to partner up with none other than the lovely Helen Flanagan!" Bob announced, gesturing to the radiant blonde standing at the podium.

Tim couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness as he walked over to Helen. She greeted him with a warm smile and a hug, her curves pressing against him. As they stood together, he couldn't take his eyes off her perfect figure and her glowing skin.

"And finally, last, but not least. It's number six! What is your name and where are you from?"

"My name is Joe," the young man said, "and I'm from Manchester."

"Well, Joe," Bob replied, "as number six, you're paired with none other than the lovely and talented Marina Diamandis!"

Joe couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement as he walked over to Marina. As he stood beside her, he couldn't help but admire her long, dark hair and her striking features. She smiled warmly at him, and he felt a surge of confidence.

"Well now we know who our six celebrities and their partners are. But who will win the competition?" Bob exclaimed, walking over to the podiums. "Now the rules of this competition are simple, each celebrity must pleasure their partner using their boobs. Now you are allowed stimulate your partner with your mouth and hands, ladies. But use of both are limited, and you will be given a cue when to stop this stimulation. If our judge sees you using your hand or mouth on your partner after that time, you will be disqualified. Do you understand?"

All the couples nodded their understanding.

"The man that can hold on the longest, without coming, wins the competition and the huge cash donation to the charity of their celebrity partner!"

Bob paused for effect before continuing. "For those in the audience, we have a scoreboard with a clock beside the name of each couple. This will start once we begin, and as each man finishes, it will stop, until the last man has finished!"

The audience cheered, leaning forward on their seats to get a better look.

"And so, without further ado, let's get started. Ladies, if you'd like to kneel before your partners, and...get your tits out for the lads!"

The crowd roared with excitement as the celebrities knelt down in front of their partners, exposing their ample breasts. The men in the audience cheered and whistled as they watched, anticipation building.

"Lad's, it's time to get your todgers out!" Bob laughed.

The six men complied, their erect members springing free from their trousers, as their celebrity partners helped them out of their trousers. Soon they were naked, and waiting for the countdown to begin.

"Ladies are you ready?" Bob asked, his voice echoing through the studio.

The women all shouted yes.

"Gentlemen, are you ready!" Bob asked

The men all shouted yes.

"3,2....1...GO!" Bob and the audience chanted in unison.

All six women began to immediately pleasure their partners.

Lucy started by slowly stroking Marks' cock, looking into his eyes as he fondled her breasts. Belinda was licking and sucking on the head of John's large cock, whilst cupping his balls in her hand. He gasped as he reached down and held the back of her head. Steve groaned in pleasure as Catherine bobbed her head up and down on his cock, sucking him hard. Georgia was licking and sucking on Darren's scrotum, whilst jerking off his cock.

Helen was slowly sucking on Tim's thick prick, her free hand stroking his chest, whilst Marina was rubbing the head of Joe's cock against her nipples.

"Fuck, that feels good!" Tim groaned, his hips bucking forward into Helen's mouth. "You're so fucking hot!"

Georgia moaned as she felt Darren's cock throb in her hand. "That feels so good, Darren. I can't wait to feel you in between my tits!"

Steve groaned loudly as Catherine began to use her teeth on him. "Fuck, Catherine! Yes! That's it!" His hips bucked forward, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth.

Lucy smiled up at Mark as she stroked him, his grip on her breasts tightening. She whispered. "You want to fuck these tits, don't you?"

John groaned as Belinda continued flicking her tongue around his cockhead. "That's it, baby." he panted. His hands began fondling her breasts, as she licked him to heaven.

Catherine looked up at Steve as she continued to stroke his cock. "You like that, Steve? You want me to make you feel good?" Her words were punctuated by wet slurping noises as she sucked him deeper into her mouth.

As Helen sucked on Tim's cock, she felt it begin to throb inside her mouth. "Oh, God, Tim," she moaned "I can't wait to have you between my tits!"

Marina continued to rub Joe's cock against her nipples as she stroked it with her hand. "You're so big, Joe," she panted, as she lowered her head and licked the head of his cock.

"God, yes Marina," Joe groaned, his hips thrusting forward. "You're so fucking sexy." His hands fondled her breasts, marvelling at their size.

Mark groaned, his hips moving instinctively with each stroke of Lucy's hand. "Fuck, Lucy," he gasped. She smiled up at him and took him in her mouth, sucking hard on him.

Belinda moaned around John's cock as she licked and sucked at him. She kept her hand on his balls, massaging them gently as she took him deeper into her throat.

"Alright ladies! The judge has indicated that it's time to Titwank!" Bob boomed into his mike "So stop what you are doing, and start tittyfucking those todgers!"

Each woman took their partners cock, and slid it in between their breasts.

"Oh, God, Tim," she gasped. "That feels so good!" Helen moaned as she felt Tim's cock slide between her large, firm breasts, feeling the heat of his body against her chest as he thrust into her cleavage.

Darren groaned as he felt his cock slide between Georgia's breasts. "Fuck, that feels incredible." He reached down, stroking her cheek as she began to pump her tits up and down his cock.

Catherine moaned as she felt Steve's cock slide between her breasts. "Oh, Steve," she gasped, as she began to move her tits up and down his shaft.

"You like that, Mark?" Lucy smiled up at him as she held his cock in the vice like grip of her tits.

"Fuck, yeah," he moaned. His hips bucked forward, thrusting through her cleavage. "So fucking tight."

Belinda arched her back as John's cock slid between her tits. "Oh, John. I love how that feels." she gasped, feeling him push deeper. Her nipples hardened and ached as they rubbed against the skin of his prick.

Marina gasped as she felt Joe's cock slide between her breasts. "Oh, yes," she moaned, arching her back. Her nipples were hard and aching, and she could feel every inch of his length pressing against her chest. "Fuck, Joe," she breathed, "that feels soooo good."

Lucy held Mark's cock firmly in her cleavage, her tits moving up and down his shaft as she titwanked him. "You like that, Mark?" she asked, her voice husky with desire. His hips bucked against her, thrusting deeper into her cleavage with each stroke.

Marina moaned, arching her back as she felt Joe's cock slide between her breasts. "Oh, yes," she groaned. "Fuck, Joe," she gasped, "it feels so good to have your cock like this." Her breasts were squeezing him tightly, and she could feel the heat of his body against her chest.

Helen groaned as she felt Tim's cock slide between her breasts. "Oh, Tim," she moaned. "It feels incredible." Her nipples were hard and erect, and she could feel the strength in his arms as he held her close.

Darren grunted as he thrust deeper into Georgia's cleavage. "Fuck, yeah," he panted. "Your tits feel so good." His hips bucked forward, sliding his cock between her breasts.

Catherine moaned as she felt Steve's cock thrust deeper between her breasts. "Oh, Steve," she gasped, arching her back. Her nipples were hard and aching, and she could feel every inch of his length pressed against her chest.

"You like that, Catherine?" Steve groaned, his hips moving faster as he fucked her breasts. He reached down, cupping her face as he held her close.

Belinda moaned, arching her back as John's cock slid deeper between her tits. "Oh, God," she gasped. "John, that feels amazing! I can't wait for you to give me your cum."

Helen moaned, feeling the heat of Tim's body against hers as he held her close. "Oh, Tim," she panted, "your cock feels so good." Her breasts moved up and down his shaft, her nipples rubbing against his skin.

Joe growled, feeling the tight grip of Marina's cleavage on his cock. "Fuck, that's right," he groaned, thrusting deeper between her tits. "Squeeze me, baby." His hips bucked forward, pushing himself deeper into her cleavage with every stroke.

Marina groaned, her muscles tensing as she felt Joe's cock thrust deeper between her breasts. "Fuck, yes," she gasped, her hips moving in time with his thrusts. She could feel the warmth of his body against hers, and it only heightened her desire.

Lucy arched her back, her breasts moving up and down Mark's shaft as she tittyfucked him. "Oh, God," she moaned. "It feels so good to have your cock like this."

Helen arched her back, pressing her breasts harder against Tim's groin as she felt him thrust deeper between her tits.

"Don't stop." she moaned as she met his thrusts with her own pumping, her breasts sliding up and down his shaft.

"You're so tight," Darren groaned He thrust harder, his cock sliding between her breasts, her nipples brushing against his skin. "Fuck, I'm close," he grunted, his hips bucking faster.

Catherine arched her back, her breasts moving up and down Steve's shaft as she tittyfucked him. "Yes," she moaned. "Give it to me." Her hips met his thrusts, her body moving in perfect rhythm with his.

Darren's thrusts grew faster and deeper as he felt himself nearing climax. "Fuck, yeah," he growled, his eyes locked on Georgia's face. "You're going to make me cum all over your tits." He let out a groan, his hips bucking wildly as he finally released his load, painting her cleavage with his hot seed.

Georgia arched her back, her breasts trembling as they were covered in Darren's cum. "Oh, God," she moaned, as she took his cock in her mouth and licked it clean.

"Well! We have the first elimination of our competition! Georgia and Darren, can you please leave the podium!" Bob Spunkhouse exclaimed as the audience applauded their efforts.

As Georgia and Darren stepped off the podium, they could feel the eyes of everyone on them. Georgia bit her lip, feeling a mixture of embarrassment for being the first eliminated, but also a strange sense of pride at what she'd done. Darren winked at her, and she couldn't help but smile back.

As the contest wore on, the atmosphere in the studio became increasingly sensual. The women's breasts, slick with sweat and arousal, slid up and down the men's shafts,  The men's hands gripped their partners' tits, pushing their cocks deeper into their cleavage, feeling the warmth of their bodies against their skin.

Marina and Joe's tittyfucking had progressed into a frenzied rhythm. She felt him push deeper between her breasts, her body trembling with the force of his thrusts. He groaned, his eyes closed tightly, feeling the pressure building inside him, fighting off the urge to cum.

Catherine and Steve's tittyfucking became even more intense as they both felt his climax approaching. Her breasts moved up and down his shaft, and he gripped her shoulders, his eyes locked on hers, their gazes meeting in a heated exchange of desire and need.

"I'm close," he gasped, his hips bucking faster. "Don't stop." His cock throbbed inside her cleavage, the head pressing against her neck.

Catherine arched her back, her breasts sliding up and down his shaft as she tittyfucked him. "Yes," she moaned. "Give it to me." Her hips met his thrusts, her body moving in perfect rhythm with his.

Steve's thrusts grew faster and deeper as he felt himself nearing climax. His grip on Catherine's shoulders tightened, his gaze locked on hers. "Catherine," he groaned, his hips bucking wildly. "Fuck, yes."

And with that, he exploded into her cleavage, covering her breasts and neck with his cum.

Catherine cried out in ecstasy as she felt the hot jets of his seed on her skin. She arched her back, her breasts still moving up and down his shaft, her nipples brushing against his chest.

"Oh, God, Steve," she gasped, her eyes closed tightly. "That was incredible." She leaned forward, his cock still trapped between her breasts, licked the head of it.

"And another couple are eliminated! Catherine and Steve, can you please leave the podium!" Bob boomed as the audience applauded their efforts.

As Catherine and Steve stepped off the podium, they could feel the eyes of everyone on them. Steve wiped the sweat from his brow, his cock still throbbing from his release. Catherine smiled at him, her breasts still slick with his cum.

The remaining couples continued the tittyfucking, each one trying to outlast the other.

Lucy and Mark's tittyfucking was a study in sensuality, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony. Her breasts slid up and down his shaft, and he gripped them, feeling the warmth of her skin against his fingers. She looked up at him, encouraging him on.

Belinda and John's tittyfucking had taken on a frantic pace. Her breasts bounced and jiggled with each thrust, her nipples hard and erect. He gripped her hands, as he pumped his cock through her cleavage. She looked up at him and moaned her encouragement.

As they continued, Marina and Joe's tittyfucking grew more intense. Her breasts moved up and down his shaft, her nipples brushing against his skin. He groaned, feeling the pressure building inside him. He thrust deeper, his hips pumping faster.

"I don't think I'm gonna last much longer!"  Joe moaned.

"You can do it, Joe! Just a little longer!" Marina encouraged him.

Helen and Tim's tittyfucking was a study in controlled aggression. Their bodies moved together in a furious rhythm, their eyes locked on each other. Helen gripped Tim's thighs, her breasts bouncing and jiggling with each of his thrusts. Tim's hips bucked wildly, his cock sliding in and out of Helen's cleavage.

"Come on, Tim! You can do it! Keep going!" Helen encouraged him.

Tim groaned, feeling the pressure building inside him. His hips bucked faster, his cock sliding in and out of Helen's cleavage. He gripped her shoulders tightly, feeling her breasts bounce around his cock.

"That's it, Tim! Give it all to me!" Helen moaned, her voice husky with desire. Her breasts jiggled with each thrust, her nipples hard and aching.

As they continued their tittyfucking, the other couples began to slow down, their movements growing more gentle and sensual. They were trying to outlast each other, trying to win at all costs.

Belinda and John were the first to surrender. Unable to refrain from cumming, John exploded on Belinda's tits, painting them with his seed.

"Oh, yes!" Belinda cried out, arching her back as his hot cum coated her breasts. She looked up at him, her face flushed with pleasure.

"Shit, I'm sorry I couldn't hold back." John cursed himself, looking at her sorrowfully.

Belinda stood up and kissed him gently on the lips. "Don't be sorry. You were brilliant, John."

Lucy and Mark were the next to surrender, with Mark letting out a loud groan as he erupted, shooting his cum on Lucy's breasts and face.

"Oh, Mark!" Lucy cried out, her body trembling with pleasure as his warm seed covered her. She looked up at him, her chest still heaving from the exertion, and smiled. "That was amazing."

Which left two couples fighting it out to win the competition, Marina and Joe, and Helen and Tim. As the other couples finished and cheered them on, the remaining two pairs redoubled their efforts.

Marina and Joe's tittyfucking was slow and sensual, their bodies glistening with sweat under the studio lights, as they moved together. Marina's breasts bounced and jiggled wildly, while Joe's hips bucked furiously, driving his cock deeper into her cleavage. They grunted and moaned in unison, their eyes locked on each other.

"Just a little longer, Joe! You can do it!" Marina urged him on, her words laced with desire. Joe grunted, his tired hips thrusting, as he drove his cock deeper through her cleavage.

Tim was close to finishing too, his cock throbbing in between Helen's breasts. The actress looked up at him, encouraging him.

"Come on, Tim! Keep going! Show them what you've got!"

Tim groaned, his hips thrusting, his cock sliding in and out of Helen's cleavage. He could feel the pressure building, the release imminent.

"Fuck, I can't..." he groaned and his cock started to twitch.

Helen felt it too, the sudden tremor in Tim's body.

"Hold on for a little longer Tim!" she urged him, as her breasts bounced around his cock.

But it was too late, as Tim exploded all over her tits.

"Oh, fuck!" Helen cried out, arching her back as his hot cum coated her breasts. She looked down at herself, amazed at the amount of cum that had just erupted from Tim.

"Well, we only have one more couple now! Marina and Joe are the winners! But let's see how long young Joe can last with the gorgeous Miss Diamandis!" Bob Spunkhouse bellowed into his mike.

Marina and Joe were still going at it, their tittyfucking growing more and more intense. Marina's breasts were a mess of sweat and pre-cum.

"We've won, Joe! You did it!" Marina exclaimed "Give me your cum! Now"

As the last words left her lips, Marina began pumping Joe's cock aggressively with her breasts.

"Come on, Joe!" she moaned, her voice a mixture of desire and encouragement. "Give me your spunk!"

Joe's cock twitched in her cleavage, the head beginning to redden as he neared the end. His hips bucked wildly, driving his cock deeper into her cleavage. He gasped and groaned as he felt his cock twitch.

"I'm going to cum, Marina!" he groaned.

Marina smiled up at him, her breasts still pumping with each thrust of his cock. "That's right, Joe. Give it all to me!"

As if sensing that the moment had come, the crowd erupted into cheers. Bob Spunkhouse's voice boomed through the speakers, urging them on. "Come on, you two! Show us what you've got!"

Marina and Joe locked eyes, his breath became ragged. With one final thrust, Joe's cock twitched and he let out a long, shuddering moan, filling Marina's cleavage with his hot cum. She arched her back, her breasts jiggling with each spurt as she milked every last drop from him.

"Holy fuck!" Joe cried out, his head thrown back, eyes closed in ecstasy.

Marina grinned up at him, feeling the warmth of his cum on her skin. "That was amazing, Joe," she panted, still catching her breath.

"Oh my God, Marina!" he groaned as he looked down at her.

Marina grinned up at him, her breasts covered in his cum. He leaned down and kissed her, and she returned his kiss with passion.

Bob interrupted their moment.

"Marina! Joe! Congratulations! You are the winners of the first ever Celebrity Titwank! How are you both feeling?"

Marina stood up beside Joe, slipping her arm around his waist "I feel incredible, Bob. I can't believe we just did that in front of all these people. But Joe was amazing. I knew he could do it."

Joe blushed at her words, his cock still twitching. "I feel... amazing. I mean, I didn't think I could last that long."

"Oh, you did more than last," Marina teased, kissing him on the cheek.

"So since you lasted the longest of all the pairings, you have won the grand cash prize donation to your chosen charity. Marina, what is the charity that you are representing, tonight?"

Marina beamed at Bob. "Thank you, Bob. I'm here tonight as the ambassador for the Cancer Research Center. It's a cause very dear to my heart, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to raise awareness and support for them."

"Well the good news Marina, is that you have just won £1.5 million for that charity tonight!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Bob announced the grand prize. Marina's heart leapt with joy; she couldn't believe they had actually done it. She looked over at Joe, who was beaming at her,  and she put her hands over her eyes, unable to believe the amount. Joe took her in his arms and hugged her, congratulating her as he did.

"How do you feel about that, Marina?" Bob asked her.

"I can't even begin to describe it, Bob. I'm just so grateful to everyone who donated, and to you for giving us this incredible opportunity. I wanted to do my best for the charity, and I think I did that."

"Well, that's wonderful, Marina. And just to let the audience here, and at home also know that in total, we have raised £15 million for charity tonight thanks to this show!" Bob exclaimed.

"We couldn't have done it without all of you here on the stage tonight! Your passion, dedication and let's face it, daring, have made this an incredible night for charities around the country. So give yourselves a round of applause!"

Turning back to the camera's, addressing the audience.

"What a night it's been. We've seen tits, todgers, lots of spunk and a whole ton of money raised. I think this has been a RAGING success. Hopefully, you'll join us next year for the another installment of....CELEBRITY TITWANK!"

The crowd cheered and applauded as the studio lights went down, with Bob guiding all the couples off stage.


Hilarious! I love this idea of a parody show, great job!!!!!!!
The following users thanked this post: Ellessio

Blocboy VC

This was fun! Can't wait to see it also on AO3.
The following users thanked this post: Ellessio


I would like to take credit for getting my girlfriend Lucy Pinder on this show. It was all thanks to me, and Mr. Ellessio who knows how to tickle her funny bone and make someone else have a boner reading this awesome stuff.


Great story! Love the concept and it's also great to see some Helen Flanagan representation!!
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC, Ellessio


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