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Author Topic: Every Rose Has it's Thornes (Bella Thorne and Ariana Richards)  (Read 1405 times)


        "Are you kidding me right now?!" I exclaim, unable to believe what my..."roommate" Ariana Richards just told me. It had been a few days since the two of us have a threesome with Khloe Kardashian. Minutes after Khloe left, Ariana had teased me, saying she met a new redheaded friend on her plane ride back from Japan. She said her friend was a big fan of mine and would do...anything to meet me. After days of bugging her nonstop for the name of her friend Ariana finally caved. Bella Thorne, singer, actress and...semi porn star? Some of her online videos I'd seen were enough to tell Ariana to set up a meeting for the three of us as soon as possible. She surprised me a second time in the last few days when she tells me that she's already called Bella and that she's going to be here any minute.

        "So what's the plan here? How are we doing this?" I ask Ariana. "Well, Bella really wants to meet you, probably fuck you, if we're being honest so I think we use that to make sure we're both taken care of today," Ariana says, grinning at me. "We use her as our fuck toy until you're ready to fuck her. Really make her work for it," Ariana adds. The more I think about it, the more I like her plan. Act like we want Bella to prove she's 'worthy' to fuck Cptnstrwrs by first pleasuring Ariana and I with a little foreplay, then...boom! I'll give Bella a fucking so hard and fast that she'll never forget it. The doorbell rings loudly and we rush to the front door. I let Ariana open it, watching as Bella walks in, hugging Ariana and kissing her on the cheek. The way the two of them are acting makes me wonder if something happened between the two of them on their plane ride from Japan but that's a story for another time. I try to keep my eyes from going wide as I see what Bella's wearing.

        The redheaded actress is wearing the shortest pair of jeans shorts I've ever seen. Her 'top' if you can call it that, is a skimpy yellow bra like top that's not covering a whole lot besides Bella's nipples. If you thought her tits were big in pictures, well, they're even bigger when you're standing a few feet from her. "Hi, I'm Bella. You must be Cptnstrwrs. It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you," Bella says, turning a shade of red that almost matches her hair. There's nothing better than when a hot girl is totally starstruck by you, and I have every intention of using that to my advantage. "Hi. I'm Cptnstrwrs. Glad to meet you too," I say, shaking her hand. We walk into the living room where I sit down on one couch, Ariana sitting next to Bella on the other couch. "So Bella, how long are you in town for?" I ask. "Only for a couple of days. I have an audition tomorrow and then I'm flying back home," Bella replies. "So that means you have nothing but time today?" I say, smirking at her. "Uhh...Yeah, I guess. Ariana told me over the phone that you two had something special planned for the three of us?" Bella asks nervously.

        "Yeah, I guess you could say that," Ariana says, giving Bella a sly grin as she leans in, turns Bella's face towards her own and kisses her hard on the lips, Bella's eyes going wide. Ariana lets out a giggle as she pulls away from Bella. "Here's the deal baby. You want to get with the Captain, and I KNOW you do, you'll have to a few things for us first," Ariana says, smirking at Bella. "O-okay," Bella says, her voice shaky as she looks back and forth between Ariana and I. "What did you have in mind?" Bella asks, Ariana smirking at me. "Why don't you start by sucking his cock? Make him big and hard. Trust me, you'll thank me later," Ariana growls in Bella's ear, her voice full of lust. Bella looks at me nervously and I give her a reassuring nod.

        Standing slowly, she walks over to me, kneeling down in front of me.  She reaches for my belt, unbuckles it, then unbuttons my jeans. I stop her as she reaches for the zipper, gently grabbing her wrist, both Bella and Ariana looking at me confused. "We'll get back to that in a few minutes. But first I want to see those nice big pretty tits. Bella smiles slowly, reaching behind her back and undoing the clasp on her top. Not able to wait a second longer than I have to, I reach over and pulling the bra like top off of her, whistling at the impressive tits underneath.

        The first thing that catches my eye is that she's got pierced nipples, the second thing is obviously the size of her tits. " Come on up here and let me get a closer look at those," I say, grinning at her. Bella straddles me, leaning in as I begin licking and sucking on her tits, careful to avoid the piercings. I go at it, going wild on her tits until her nipples are nice and hard. "Alright, you've had enough attention. Get back down there," I laugh as Bella climbs off of me. Kneeling down in front of me, Bella takes a tit in each hand, pushing them together. Leaning in she begins to titfuck my cock, moving her tits up and down the length of my shaft as it grows harder and longer. I can tell she's had experience with titfucking before, her skill evident as she rubs her huge, soft tits all over my cock. It only takes a few moments of her tit fucking me to make my cock fully hard. "Good girl! You got that cock rock hard so fast! I think you deserve a reward. How'd you like to taste that cock?" I ask, Ariana smirking at me again from her spot on the other couch. "Yes...Please. If that's ok?" Bella says softly. "Go nuts," I reply, smirking at my lame joke.

        Bella wraps one hand around the base of my cock, her eyes more excited than a kid on Christmas, as she leans down, mouth open. I can't help but groan as she wraps those perky red lips tightly around the head of my cock, wasting no time as she slides it deep into her hungry mouth. You can tell she's conflicted, her head going from slow and sensual to fast and hard, and back again to slow, as her head bobs up and down between my legs. "Wait! Stop!" I exclaim, getting both women by surprise. "I know you've been dreaming of this moment for a long time. So why don't you show me how you'd touch yourself when you fantasized about fucking me? Take that hand and stick it between those sexy little legs of yours. Rub that clit as hard as you can while you blow me!" I say.

        As Bella frantically struggles to undo the button on her shorts with her one free hand Ariana rushes to the rescue, pulling the shorts down and off of Bella's legs. The shorts haven't even reached the floor as Bella plunges her free hand into her now exposed panties, furiously rubbing her clit as she blows and strokes my cock with her other hand. I watch as Ariana runs her hands up the sides of Bella's body, cupping the redhead's breasts in her hands before squeezing and kneading them tightly. Bella moans, the sound muffled by my cock. Between the two of them it's almost enough to make me blow right then and there. Thinking back to what Ariana said just a few minutes earlier gives me just the opening I need. "Hey Bella. You're doing an amazing job down there, but if you want to fuck me there's something I need you to do for me," I say. The redhead pulls her head up and off of my cock, staring me right in the eyes. "What's that?" Bella asks eagerly. "I think you and Ariana should...entertain each other on the couch over there. Why don't you start by eating her pussy? I bet the sexy mouth of yours is just as good with pussy as it was with my cock," I laugh as the women sit down next to each other.

        Ariana slips her tank top up over her head as Bella undoes the button on Ariana's shorts. The redhead scrambles to remove Ariana's panties, while Ariana is working on removing her bra. Once both women are completely naked Ariana lies on her back, Bella burying her head between Ariana's legs. I wonder if Bella is as good at eating pussy as she is at sucking dick and almost immediately get my answer. "Oh fuck! Shit! That feels amazing! Right there baby! Your tongue feels so good on my clit!" Ariana shrieks as Bella, on all fours, goes down on her. I'm mesmerized by the sight of Bella eating out Ariana on all fours, especially since it gives me a perfect view of Bella's holes. After only a few minutes I can't take it anymore. Walking over to them, I put a hand on each of Bella's toned asscheeks and spread them as wide as I can before shoving my face in between her legs. Bella lets out a muffled groan of pleasure as my tongue explores every nook and cranny around her clit. I speed up my tongue, Bella's groans getting louder in volume, but they're still not as loud as Ariana's moans of pleasure. "This is so fucking hot! I can't believe this is happening!" Arians exclaims as the three of us pleasure each other. "See baby? I told you if you did what we said you'd be rewarded. You went down on me so now Cptnstrwrs is eating you out too," Ariana groans, grabbing Bella's head as she pulls the redhead closer.

        Bella lets out a yelp as I stick my tongue into her pussy, only for a second, but long enough for her to feel it. I replace the tongue with a few fingers, exploring her tight, little pussy as I run my fingers along her walls, probing her. Hearing her moans is the last straw. Positioning myself behind her, I slowly push my cock into her, letting her feel every inch as I do. "Ugghhh! It's so big!" Bella groans. "Trust me, you get used to it," Ariana smirks. "I think you should go hard but slow on our new friend," Ariana says. Grabbing Bella's hips I give her one hard thrust, the redhead letting out a yelp. SMACK!...SMACK!... SMACK! Our hips smash together as I give her a few more slow but powerful thrusts. "Had enough?" Ariana laughs as she looks Bella in the eyes. "N-no. I like it rough," Bella groans unconvincingly. "Why don't you prove it by riding the Captain's cock?" Ariana says.

        I pull out of Bella, sitting on the couch behind her. She quickly and quietly climbs onto me, straddling my hips. As Bella lowers herself onto my cock I'm surprised to see Ariana get off the couch and hurry out of the room. "Fuck! Ugghhh! It's even deeper inside me than before!" Bella moans as she's finally got me as far as I'll fit between her legs. "Just take it slow baby. We're in no rush," I say, grabbing her ass and squeezing it gently. She slowly slides her hips up and down my shaft, every inch agonizing for the redhead. "Uggghhh! Agghhh! It feels so fucking good!" Bella cries. "Here. Let me do it for you," I say, grabbing her gently by the hips. I thrust upward into Bella's cock hungry pussy as hard and fast as I can. Bella moans and groans as I hold her in place, turning the redhead into my life size sex toy. She feels so good, her pussy walls wrapped tightly around my cock. Just when I think things can't get anymore interesting Ariana returns...wearing a strap on.

        Ariana walks over to the two of us, a sly grin on her face. Bella's eyes go wide at the sight, despite her exhaustion. "What are you going to do with that?" Bella asks nervously. "Well, it's not for me and the Captain's not into that kind of stuff, so..." Ariana replies. "By the time the Captain's done with me I don't think I'll be able to go again," Bella says. "Oh, I wasn't planning on waiting," Ariana laughs. "Have you ever been double penetrated before?" I ask. "No..." Bella says softly. "You want to try it?" I ask. "Only if you're the one in my ass first. I've never done anal either and I want you to be the first," Bella replies. "Fine with me. Turn around," I say. Bella climbs off of my cock, carefully turning herself around. I use my hands to guide her hips towards mine since the awkward position requires her to use her hands to keep herself balanced. She jumps a little when the head of my cock presses against her asshole. "Come on Bella. You can do it," I say in a gentle voice. Slowly she lowers herself onto me, the cock pushing into her asshole, the small hole gripping me tightly as I stretch her wide. "Oh fuck! It's too big!" Bella whines, as I reach around her placing my hands on her inner thighs.

        "Let's do this before she changes her mind," I say to Ariana with a smirk, using my hands to spread Bella's legs wide open as I ass fuck her. Ariana wastes no time, spitting on Bella's exposed pussy before she plunges the rubber strap on into Bella. "Fuck! I'm so full! Both my holes are being fucked!" Bella wails as Ariana and I start pumping the redhead's holes, alternating our thrusts. Bella flails limp like a rag doll between us, overcome with a pleasure she's never experienced before. We both speed up at the same time, Bella's cries getting louder as she rambles incoherently. Ariana begins kissing Bella, using one of her hands to rub Bella's clit. Not to be left out, I reach around Bella, grab a tit in each hand and squeeze hard, massaging her tits as we double team her without mercy. I feel Bella's body tense up, surprised that she lasted this long. Pulling her face away from Ariana's, Bella lets out a shriek as she cums violently, shaking between us. "Oh fuck! Oh God! I'm cumming! I'm cumming so Goddamn hard!" Bella sobs as she climaxes, Ariana and I having our way with her holes the whole time.

        Eventually we decide to cut Bella some slack. I nod to Ariana and she pulls the almost footlong rubber cock from between Bella's legs. Bella lets out an exhausted groan as I slowly pull my cock out of her ass. I gently lay her on the couch between myself and Ariana, Bella curling into a fetal position. Ariana and I stroke her nude body softly as the redhead attempts to gather herself. "That..was...incredible!" Bella gasps as she lies on the couch. "I knew you'd enjoy that," Ariana laughs, rubbing her hand up and down Bella's wet slit, the redhead groaning. "Yeah, but I would've enjoyed it more if I could've seen the look on Bella's face as she got fucked by two cocks," I sigh. "I think I can go again," Bella says, pulling herself up into in a sitting position. Ariana and I exchange surprised glances, but I know we're both thinking the same thing. "Well in that case, get on up here," I say, patting my thighs. Bella slowly climbs back on top of me, straddling my hips. She lets out a groan as I slide back inside her. I let her do her thing, watching as she rides me slowly, her hips moving up and down my cock.

        Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ariana stand up, getting into position. Without warning she rams the rubber cock into Bella's ass, the redhead letting out a cry. "Oh fuck! It's even bigger than the last one!" Bella whines as Ariana and I begin double fucking her again, alternating thrusts once again. I can tell by the look on Bella's face that she's definitely enjoying it. Her face is a mix of a small amount of pain, but that pain is out matched by the overwhelming pleasure she's feeling from having both holes stretched out at the same time. I watch as Ariana grabs Bella's arms at the wrists, pulling her arms back. As Bella's back arches I reach up cupping my hands on Bella's tits once again, squeezing and massaging them in my hands. "Ugghhh! I'm being manhandled by you two and it feels so fucking good! Make me your dirty little redheaded whore!" Bella growls as we start pounding her holes even harder and faster. "Uhh..I think we already did that," Ariana laughs, flashing me that sly grin that she does when she's up to no good.

        We both let go of Bella, Ariana deciding she wants to play with the redhead's breasts while I slip a hand between our bodies. Finding my target, I begin furiously rubbing Bella's clit, hoping to move things along. "Ugh! Aggghhh! I love the way you two touch me! This is just what I've been...Aahhhhh! Uggghhh! Oh shit! I'm cumming again!" Bella wails. I move my hands from her clit to her ass, grabbing her toned asscheeks as Ariana puts her hands on Bella's shoulders. The two of us hold her in position as she cums, Ariana and I still drilling our new friend without mercy. As Bella starts to come down from the wave of ecstasy she just experienced, we decide to lay her on the couch again. As I long over at Ariana I recognize the face she's making instantly. It's the face that says that even though she's enjoying herself she could become bored at any second. One look at Bella lets me know she's not going anywhere any time soon.

        Getting up off the couch I push the huge foot stool closer to the couch, Ariana raising an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "You know the drill. Assume the position," I laugh, motioning to the foot stool. Ariana gives me the look that lets me know I need to choose my next words carefully. To my surprise she does as requested, laying on the foot stool on her back. I'm mesmerized as she opens her legs in a spread eagle position, giving me that stare that means she horny as Hell and needs it badly. Never one to turn down a chance to fuck Ariana I climb onto the foot stool, hovering above her as I lower my hips into place. I'm not even all the way down and I feel her hand wrap tightly around my cock, guiding it towards her pussy. "Let's show her how it's done Baby!" Ariana growls, her voice full of lust. "I thought you'd never ask," I say, pushing myself into her. It doesn't matter if it's the first time or the millionth time, Ariana's pussy feels like heaven on earth. We fit together perfectly, two parts of a well oiled sex machine. Once I'm inside her we don't need words. The two of us fuck like it's the end of the world, my hips drilling into Ariana as she moves her hips in sync with mine.

        "Oh shit! That's so fucking hot!" Bella groans from the couch and she couldn't be more right. Ariana has her legs wrapped tightly around my hips, trying to pull me even closer. I feel the tiny, sharp pinches as her fingernails dig into my shoulders. Her sexy little, rock hard nipples press into my chest as I thrust hard, over and over determined to get deeper inside her with each one. "Ugh! Fuck me Baby! Fuck me until I cum all over that big hard Captain Cock!" Ariana growls. I speed up my thrusts, moving a hand between the two of us, reaching for her clit when she stops me. "I'll do that. You just keep doing what you're doing," Ariana groans as she starts rubbing her clit. We kiss hard as we fuck, making out as I demolish her pussy, Ariana somehow finding the strength to rub her clit even harder. She let's out a whimper and I know what's about to happen. Wrapping her arms and legs around me as tight as she can, Ariana cums, and cums HARD. "Uggghhhh! Ooo oooh Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm cumming and it feels so fucking great!" Ariana cries out. I feel my cock start to twitch inside her, Ariana's eyes going wide despite her orgasm. "No! Don't cum inside me!" Ariana exclaims.

        Time slows down for a moment. I'm confused by her outburst, seeing as how she's on birth control, plus the fact she's never had a problem with me blowing my load inside her before on MANY occasions. Then it hits me, an I realize what she wants me to do. Pulling my dick out of Ariana faster than I thought possible, I turn facing my target. Bella realizes too late what's about to happen. Still, she's able to close her eyes as the first shots of my cum blast her in the face. And just like that she surrenders, leaning forward as I shoot the rest of my load all over her face. "Now THAT'S hot!" Ariana laughs at the sight of Bella's cum covered face. She leaps up, licking the cum off of Bella with long, slow strokes of her tongue. "No. THAT'S hot!" I say, watching Ariana clean off Bella's entire face with her tongue. Mouth full of cum Ariana gives me a look. "Open up Baby," I tell Bella, the redhead reluctantly obeying. I watch as Ariana uses her tongue to drop a huge wad of cum into Bella's mouth. As Bella closes her mouth Ariana puts one hand under Bella's chin, the other on the top of Bella's head. "Swallow it, you dirty little cum slut!" Ariana snaps. With one hard gulp, Bella swallows my cum. "Open up! Show me!" Ariana growls. "Aaaahh!" Bella says, mouth open wide as she sticks her tongue out.

         "Wow! I'm not sure what just happened but that was amazing! The way you took charge like that was so hot!" I say, slapping Ariana playfully on the ass. "She only did that to get me back. You should've seen the way I dominated her on the plane ride from Japan," Bella says with a smirk. "What are you talking about? Did you two hook up on that flight from Japan?" I ask. "Babe I promise I'll tell you about it later. Right now we need to get cleaned up. I forgot we're supposed to be going to Kourtney and Travis' house in a few hours," Ariana says. "I bet that will be tons of fun. I'd go but I have that audition and I can't skip it," Bella says, frowning. "Trust me. I'll tell you all about it later," Ariana says. "AFTER you tell me what happened on that plane!" I exclaim as both women laugh....

The End
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