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Author Topic: A Vampire's Lust (Sofia Gomez)  (Read 10787 times)


A Vampire's Lust (Sofia Gomez)
« on: August 17, 2024, 11:13:54 AM »

Note: It's been a long time since I wrote anything; I'm getting back into it slowly; Apologies if there's some repeated word usage!

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction, and fantasy.

MF, Oral, Sex, Titfuck, Rough Sex, Supernatural

A Vampire's Lust

"So, what's up in Missouri?"

Sofia leaned across the table to her best friend, Brittany, as she munched on a salad at a diner in town.

"Well, you know, the same ol' same ol'," Brittany said with a shrug, reaching for her milkshake.

"Yeah, right," Sofia said playfully. "I'm sure it's more interesting than Florida."

"True," Brittany said with a chuckle. "But it's not like I've got some big secret that'll blow your mind."

"Come on, Britt," Sofia teased. "You have something interesting or unique around here that I could use for content?" Sofia was no stranger to content creation. With over five million subscribers on her TikTok and over one million on Instagram, her career social media starlet was booming. Cosplays, Twitch streams, and an OnlyFans page, she had plenty of outlets for creativity. But nothing lately was giving her good ideas for new content.

Brittany raised an eyebrow over her straw. "Didn’t you fly out here to hang out?"

"I did come out to hang out, but I've been feeling pretty flat lately," Sofia said. "I need some inspiration. It's the same dancing TikToks, merch hauls, or highlights from my trips to cons. I want something different that will excite my viewers."

Brittany took a sip of her shake. She twirled the straw around her tongue, biting down on the edge. "Flat? Not with those tits, hon. Don't you have your OnlyFans for that? Parading around in your underwear, or less, covering yourself with just your hands so boys can jack off to you?" Sofia stuck her tongue out at her. "I mean Youtube, and TikTok. People get tired of dances all the time, and there’s no cons coming up.”

Brittany shifted uneasily in her seat, poking at her remaining fries. "There is something, but I really shouldn't say..." Sofia leaned over the table and propped her chin in her hands. "Oh, come on Britt, spill. I'm begging you!" Brittany heaved a sigh, setting her shake down and folding her arms across her chest. "Well, if I tell you, I'm gonna make you swear that this goes no further than you." Sofia held up three fingers, giggling. "Girl Scout's honor!"

"There's this castle. Deep in the forest that surrounds our town, near the campground. The outside is a total ruin. It looks like it's been abandoned for centuries. The stones are cracked, there's moss growing in between them, ivy hanging off the sides..." Sofia's eyes widened in excitement. "It looks like something out of a crappy horror movie; Like someone forgot to tear down a set. Everyone thinks it's haunted. There's something...eerie about that place."

"Oh my god, Britt!!!" Sofia exclaimed, "That's exactly what I need!!" Brittany noticed her excitement and tried to reel it back in. "Nope! You're getting too excited; Whenever you get that look in your eyes, it's always something." Sofia made a pouting face, her full lips pursed forward, batting her long lashes at her best friend. Brittany relented, knowing it was pointless to try and keep the rest of the story from her. "Okay, okay, you win. I'll finish telling you. I know you're thinking that it's probably just dumb shit people say, but you don't know...the stories...what people have seen...what they've heard..." Sofia's eyes were glued to her. "This time of year," Brittany continued, "is usually when people come to our town to camp. The campground is usually full of people around about now; The weather is cool, the breeze is nice. The lake looks absolutely beautiful at all hours, including at night with the moon. But recently, it's been empty...And I don't mean only a few people camping; I mean it is entirely vacant. Not a single camper."

"All this over some superstition?" Sofia chuckled, her interest piqued.

"Campers leaving said they started hearing strange noises at night around the area surrounding the castle." Sofia's excitement hearing this was making her jittery. "What kind of noises?" Sofia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Strange howling, moans..." Sofia giggled, imagining this all in her head and the absurdity. “Sounds like the wind to me." Brittany shook her head. “People swore they saw lights in the castle, and some claimed they would see a shadow moving past the windows.” Sofia rolled her eyes. “This sounds like the locals wanting to play tricks on tourists, so they go tell their friends, and more people come visit...” She stopped for a second, considering Brittany’s words. "Actually, this is perfect! An overnight stay in a haunted castle! I'll sneak in, get some footage edit it into a super creepy video and it'll be a hit! Maybe I’ll bring some stuff along to shoot some sets, too.”

Brittany choked on a French fry she just put in her mouth, stifling a laugh. "You're going to parade around a dusty old castle in your thong? Yeah, I'm sure that's what all the guys want to see when they click on the buy button...Hope you're up to date on your shots." Sofia flicked a raisin from her salad at Brittany's cleavage. "Asshole," she laughed. Sofia's grin widened as she tapped the table enthusiastically. "This is going to end up being some of my best content, hands down!" Her best friend looked at her, shaking her head. "Don't come crying to me when the boogeyman jumps out from behind a pillar and you run all the way home crying...Just make sure you're careful, okay? No one actually knows the condition of the inside, it could be dangerous.” Sofia snatched Brittany's milkshake and polished it off, her tongue dancing around the head of the straw.

"What could go wrong?"

Sofia drove her rental car to the campsite, feeling a slight chill run down her spine as she approached the empty lot. There was a sign at the entrance to the campground that read "Open" but it was a complete ghost town. She pulled up to the site that was marked as #1, and parked her car. She got out and began walking toward the castle's gates. She had only brought her camera and cellphone. Her outfit that she planned to wear for her photoset was underneath her blue jeans and loose T-shirt that shifted against her as she grabbed her bag. She didn’t need an entire

She began making her way through the forest path that led to the castle's gates. She heard the chirping of crickets and birds, as well as the rustling of leaves beneath her feet. Branches could be heard snapping in the distance, likely from a deer roaming about. The atmosphere was indeed as creepy as Brittany told her, and she felt as though she was walking through an abandoned theme park. She smiled, believing when she’d get inside the castle she’d find all sort of contraptions the locals set up to scare tourists. As she continued down the path, she thought she heard strange noises echoing around her, like someone whispering her name. She shook her head slightly, fighting off an odd sensation of dizziness. An owl hooted above as she made her way forward, until she came to a clearing.

In the center was the castle, looming high and grand, illuminated by the moon. The wind seemed to carry words along the edge of the castle's walls, sounds like whispers in her ears. It was a grand and beautiful building once, but to call it run down was an understatement. The stone was cracked, and overgrown with weeds and moss. The front entrance looked as though it had been torn off at some point and left as is. It looked exactly like a haunted house should. "Outside of the castle is certainly not something to write home about," she mused, her hands on her hip.

She walked up to the gate, her hands grasping the bars and looking inside the castle. There was a large fountain in the middle, surrounded by marble statues that looked older than time itself.. A path near the fountain led up to the castle's entrance. There was a heavy oak door that looked intact, and solid. The castle walls seemed to loom over Sofia, the wind blowing against the stone walls, whistling a tune of foreboding. She took out her camera, setting it on the rail of the stone steps and pointed it towards the entrance. She stood in front, an excited and giddy smile on her lips.

"Hello my loves!" she said cheerfully, "It is your girl Sofia here with a special treat for you tonight. I'm out in the middle of nowhere, at this abandoned castle. There are rumors of strange happenings here, so I'm going to be exploring this castle in search of the supernatural! I'll be checking the castle from the top down, and I'm going to show you every little thing I find and hear while we look for signs of the unknown!" As she stopped the recording, a faint glimmer of light caught the corner of her eye. She looked up at one of the windows, thinking she saw a candle flame, only to be met with darkness.

Sofia pushed open the large oak door, finding it surprisingly easy to enter. There were no chains or signs of caution to note demolition, furthering her belief this castle was a local prank spot. As she stepped into the main foyer, the large door slammed shut behind her. She turned to go and try and open it again, but it would not budge. “Well, shit,” she mumbled, kicking the door with her sneaker. I’ll have to find another way out when I’m done, I guess.” The foyer was lit from the moonlight streaming through the windows, and she found her staring at a massive open area. She flipped the camera on herself, and pressed record while walking around the room. "The door seems to be stuck shut. Probably just the humidity from the lake. We're in now, so it's time to see what creepiness awaits!"

Entering the first room she saw, she couldn't help but gasp. There was a massive chandelier hanging above her, surrounded by ornate gold molding. There were several tapestries hanging on the walls, depicting scenes of war, death, and destruction. There was a large table in the center of the room, with many chairs surrounding it. She walked over to a candle, noticing a thin whisp of smoke. She held her hand over the wick, feeling a slight heat emanating from it. She looked around the room, but there was only one door in and out.

Maybe Brit had some of her friends sneak in before I got here to fuck with me, Sofia thought, annoyed, but not surprised at her friend trying to scare her. As she continued exploring the castle and recording, she noticed small signs of life. Dying embers in a fireplace, recently disturbed dust on some books in an otherwise ancient library. All the while, though, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched...By something that wasn’t human. As she reached a massive ebony door, a large screech from behind her caused her to whip around. She felt a gust of wind near her head and looked up to see a large bat fluttering around the room. “Figures.” she said, taking a deep breath to slow her heart.

As she pushed open the large door, she was met with a grand and opulent looking room, a large throne sitting almost directly in the middle. The room looked well maintained and clean with fur rugs and soft cushions scattered around, along with a table holding an assortment of wine. Sofia looked curiously at a glass that was still a quarter full, its contents looking recently disturbed. She rolled her eyes.

“Ha ha, Brit. Very funny...Alright, you guys can show yourselves! I’m on to your little joke!” Sofia was met with no answer. She grew annoyed. Whatever, she thought. I’ll give you boys a show, since this spot is perfect for some pics.

She stripped off her T-Shirt and jeans, revealing a skimpy red lace bra and thong, a pair of ribbons at the sides on her thighs. Her large breasts jiggled as she adjusted herself, her chest spilling out of the small cups. She did a twirl in place with a smirk, trying to tease whoever was watching. She took her smart phone, and leaned against the throne, her hands running over her body as she posed seductively.

Suddenly, Sofia’s phone beeped a low battery warning. Sofia's heart sunk as she looked. Her phone was fully charged when she drove up here; She couldn’t understand the sudden shut down "No, no, no..." she said to herself, watching helplessly as the screen went black. “...I guess I can use the camera.” As she picked up the camera, however, the screen was black as well. “You can’t be serious…” She waited a moment, figuring whoever was trying to scare her might come out. But no one came.

She turned around, prepared to pack up and head back to her hotel room, but her path was blocked by a mysterious man. His height was well over six foot, and his face looked as though it belonged on a Greek statue. He was dressed in all black, with a silk shirt and fitted pants that accentuated his broad chest. His short, brown hair was perfectly messy, and his dark green eyes seemed to bore directly into Sofia’s soul. As he looked at her, his eyes seemed to grow dark with an odd tension, his sharp jawline and perfectly defined cheekbones forming a curious smile.

"I must say," he said, his voice low and gravelly, "You are quite the treasure. I wonder how you got into my home." Sofia stood there, her hands on her hips, attempting to hide the embarrassment of being in her lingerie with annoyance. “This has all been a real funny joke. How long did it take you to set this up?”

The man began walking closer to her, his movements paced, deliberate, a look of curiosity across his brow. "You seem to have mistaken me for someone else, perhaps? However, I've forgotten my manners, and have yet to introduce myself. I am Xander, and despite your trespass, I welcome you to my home."

Sofia stepped back slightly to make up for the distance he was closing in. She felt something off with this man. Joke or not, she felt odd vibes around this man. But for every step, he took one in the same direction, keeping the distance.

“What do you mean, your home? Don’t you think this joke has gone a little too far? I know you’re one of the folks from town just trying to scare me.”

Sofia caught an odd glimmer from the corners of his mouth as Xander chuckled. "I think you fail to understand..." he said, his voice sounding slightly feral and trailing off as he snapped his fingers, the fireplace in the coming to life, candles around the room popping as their flames burned brightly, “...But I have lived here for a very long time.” As she looked into his eyes, she saw something that gave her a chill. Something inhuman. Something dark. He watched Sofia begin to strafe around the room to maintain distance as she headed towards the doorway. She had no chance of grabbing her clothes with him hovering near them; Cutting her losses, she reached for the large door to pry it open, to find it was tightly shut, just like the main door when it slammed behind her earlier.

Xander laughed behind her, his tone suggestive. "You're not leaving until I've had my fun with you, Sofia."

Sofia stopped dead in her tracks. She was breathing hard and her heart was racing; Panic was settling in her the pit of her stomach. “Did Brittany put you up to this? Because this is beyond funny anymore. I want to leave! Save these tricks for tourists!” Xander laughed again at her attempts at bravery. “Tricks? Do you realize what you are in the presence of?”

Sofia watched in horror as Xander vanished before her eyes, a cloud of vapor, and reconstituted himself a moment later, six feet closer in an instant. The glimmer she noticed earlier became obvious now that he was within an uncomfortable closeness: Two fangs poked from the corner of his mouth. His eyes began to show a sinister ruby color creeping across his green irises. The terror creeping up in her finally escaped, and a short scream escaped her lips.

Oh my god, He's a fucking vampire! He's going to kill me and drain me of my blood!

Xander cackled as Sofia's thoughts entered his mind. "No harm shall come to you. Humanity has such an antiquated and fictional account of vampires that you consider us driven by blood lust..." he said, his voice smooth and low. "Your silly Hollywood movies made us look like absolute monsters. No...We do not kill humans and drain them of blood...We desire the same things humans do, including the most basic and...primal...of needs.” His gaze moved down her body, lingering on her shapely hips and her round ass. His mouth watered at the sight of her perfect cleavage before staring at her neck. "I must say that lingerie is quite elegant; I can't wait to peel it off you and see everything in full. You're truly a vision of lust and sex at such a young age...I can't wait to taste you." Xander licked his lips, the bulge in his pants noticeably tight.

Sofia trembled as she noticed his eyes were burning with a hungry intensity that made her skin crawl. She backed away slightly, her hands reaching up to cover herself. “Stay away from me,” she hissed.

"No, no...Don't be shy. You were so confident a few minutes ago." Xander expressed, as the red in his eyes flashed. Suddenly, Sofia looked down in horror as her arms moved themselves away from her chest and groin towards her sides. They felt like cinder blocks as she tried to move. A scream formed in her throat, but as she tried to cry out, there was only a quiet whimper.

"You are quite the intoxicating and beautiful woman up close." As Xander said this, his words oozed charm and eloquence; Sofia felt a shocking warm sensation between her legs.

I can't be getting turned on by this...

There was a fire pooling in her abdomen. She wriggled her legs nervously.

His eyes continued roaming, fixating on her perfect tits spilling out of the top of her bra. "I can smell you from here. Your pussy is calling to me, wanting my attention. It seems I've made you wet, Sofia, and you’d be a fool to deny it"

Sofia ignored the truth in his words as she banged on the door, her breasts bouncing in her bra with each bang of her fist. "Let me out of here! Someone!" She shouted hoping by some miracle someone would hear her crying for help. But she knew it was futile. There was no one around to hear her plea.

Suddenly, she felt Xander directly behind her, his presence magnetic and unavoidable. She felt her body being coaxed to turn toward him. His breath was hot against her cheek.

"I must say," he said, his voice low and amused, "that I am entertained by your attempts at escape. But I have been looking at you long enough."

"T-T-There's people who know I'm here, and they'll look for me if I'm gone," Sofia stammered out, goosebumps forming across her bare skin. She looked on, terrified at his fangs, her mind racing. Xander chuckled. "Do you mean your friend Brittany? I paid her a personal visit yesterday evening, after you two parted ways. I’ve had my eye on you since you arrived in town, and I wanted no interruptions between us. She has no recollection of you ever coming to visit." His smile was something devious.

"What did you do?!" Sofia exclaimed, a small squeal of terror escaping.

"...Allow me to show you."

He reached out with one hand to gently cup Sofia's chin, her breath catching in her throat as her eye locked with his She watched as the hue of Xander's irises shift to a sinister rouge, feeling her thoughts drifting away as she was transfixed on his gaze. She attempted to struggle, but found herself unable to resist his charms as her mind went blank, her pupils dilating. She stood in a trance like state. He brushed her brown hair away from her face to no reaction; She stared directly ahead, her mind a blank canvas.

"After I wake you from your trance, you will be as you were when you entered my domain..." he spoke, his words worming into her mind as his voice echoed in the chamber. "but you will crave

my touch, my kiss. You will accept my love unconditionally, your lust for me unquestionable. I am your master, and your body belongs to me" Sofia nodded, her mind obeying Xander's commands.

"These words are absolute, forever etched into your mind, and at my control. " He leaned in closer, his breath hot in her ear. She smelled of lilacs, her perfume's aroma intensified from the heat of her body.

"I want you to remember every sensation that I make you feel tonight...You are my fuck doll, Sofia." His hand rested against her breast, lightly squeezing through the satin fabric of her bra. Xander placed his other hand against Sofia's forehead, his palm cool to her skin. Sofia blinked, her senses returning; Her head spun for a brief moment, her thoughts fuzzy and disorganized. She looked around, and saw Xander standing in front of her, looking at her quietly. Her eyes followed down his body, noticing the sizable bulge in the front of his pants; She grinned at the sight with lust in her eyes, her breath quickening.

Xander’s touch was warm as he gently caressed her shoulder, fingers tracing up her neck to her cheek. His hand hovered inches from her lips, fingers brushing against her lip gloss.

With a sinister smile, Xander inquired, "Who do you belong to?"

"I belong to you, Xander." Sofia answered without hesitation.

He placed his hand in her hair, gripping it at the root and pulling slightly. "Ah!" she gasped, as her eyes rolled back in pleasure, her mouth slightly opening to receive him. He leaned in closer to her, his breath tickling her skin as his lips pressed against Sofia's, her mouth opening wider as he sought to claim her. Her mouth tasted of sweet nectar, as their tongues danced together. Xander's hand released her hair and slid down her back, feeling the curve of her waist as he reached her ass. He squeezed her bare cheeks firmly "Mmm," she moaned into his mouth as she pressed her body into his, her hands wrapping around his neck. Xander groaned at the feel of her soft skin against him, her breasts pressing against his chest. He stepped behind her, his hand reaching up to her bra clasp. His fingers expertly worked the latch, and the fabric fell to the floor. Her tits fell free from the bra's confines, bouncing slightly as gravity took hold. They were glorious, perfect orbs of creamy flesh. His arms snaked around her waist, stroking gently at the sensitive flesh of her breasts. He moved his fingertips around her nipples, teasing deliberately with the prospect of actually touching them. Sofia’s eyes closed in ecstasy, her mouth open slightly as a sensual sigh escaped. His other hand gently tipped her head to the side as he began to plant soft kisses at the hollow of her neck.

"Ah...yes," Sofia mewled softly as Xander's kisses continued their slow assault on her senses. She felt his mouth open against her skin, and his tongue licking a trail of wetness down the length of her throat. At the juncture of her neck, he could feel his hot breath against her skin, ragged and heaving. His lips parted, fangs at the ready, as he slowly sank his fangs into the tender flesh of Sofia's neck, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. Venom numbed her pain receptors as surge of euphoria flooded her body. She shivered in delight as she felt him gently sucking at the entry wounds. His free hand continued to knead her breast, his fingers sinking into their warmth. "Oh my godddd," she cried out, her arms grasping at Xander’s head.

Her pussy throbbed at the sensation of Xander feeding, his fangs buried deep into her skin. His fingers continued to work her nipple into a hard nub as he suckled, her juices beginning to drip down her thighs. She could feel the pulse of her blood as it flowed out of the wound and into Xander. He detached from her neck, licking his lips in delight as she continued to writhe against him. Gently licking the wounds on her neck, the puncture marks rapidly faded. His hand slipped under the fabric of her thong to her pussy. His fingers teased her entrance, drawing circles around the rim. "Ohhhhhh!!!" Sofia squealed, her pussy convulsing in pleasure as his finger brushed against her clit. Xander continued to massage her the slightly swollen nub with his thumb as his forefingers teased the entrance of her pussy, causing Sofia's body to jerk.

"Mmm, you like that, don't you?" he asked, his voice husky with lust. "Mmhm," she whimpered, her pussy aching for him. He rubbed his finger around her hole, coating his finger with her juices. "Tell me you want my fingers inside of you," Xander commanded, his voice firm yet smooth. "Please put your finger inside me, master," she gasped, grinding herself against his hand.

His fingers slid into her pussy, slowly pumping, her juices coating his hand as he ran his fingers back and forth. His fingertips brushed against a soft, spongy pad, and Sofia’s mewl told him he found her sweet spot, her head tossing back against his shoulder.

"That's it," Xander said. "Do you like it, Sofia?" She uttered a lusty groan, unable to speak as his fingers slipped in and out, his fingers slick with her juices. His pace grew rougher and more intense; His thumb strumming at her clit furiously as his fingers mercilessly pumped into her like a jackhammer. "Fuck..." Sofia panted, "I'm cumming...!" Her pussy seized up, clenching Xander's fingers inside her. Her orgasm ripped through her like a tidal wave, her body trembling as she came. Xander removed his shirt, the white silk crumpling to the floor as he moved around to face Sofia. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of his chest. It was perfect, with sculpted muscles rippling beneath the surface of his pale skin. Sofia reached forward to run her fingers across his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin.

He pulled her close, kissing her passionately. Xander's lips continued to move down her body, kissing at her collarbone, then down her chest. Sofia shivered in delight at the feel of Xander's lips on her skin. "You have such beautiful breasts; Such a wonderful size for your age," he purred, his breath tickling against Sofia's sensitive areolas. His hands reached out around her breasts, rough palms enclosing her stiff nipples as he licked a trail across her heaving breasts. Sofia gasped from the attack of his mouth, her hands running along his back and neck, encouraging his lips as they found her nipples, sucking hard. She cried out at the feel of his teeth against the buds, his tongue flicking her nipples into a delirium of pleasured tingles. An evil look flashed through his eyes as his fangs gently bit down on the surrounding flesh.

"Ah!!" she cried out, her grip tightening on his hair. She could feel a warm trickle running down her inner thigh as he feasted on her breasts, her legs rubbing together impatiently. Xander growled, his pants on the verge of ripping. He stood, unclasping the ebony buckle on his slacks. They fell to the floor, a metallic echoing as the belt hit the stones.

"Soon, my Sofia...Soon, my pet. First...You will please me."

His cock sprang forth, a magnificent specimen of a man. Sofia stared at the length of it, her eyes widening as she saw the thickness. It looked like a veiny baseball bat, the tip glistening with pre-cum. A small part of her wondered how it would ever fit in her petite frame; He grabbed her by the wrist and led her over the throne, seating himself. He was massive, a tent pole straining towards the ceiling.

Sofia got on her knees, wrapping her hands around the base of his member, fingers struggling to reach around his girth. Her tongue darted out, licking at the slit. Xander groaned in pleasure at the feel of her hot tongue on his tip. Sofia began stroking him, moving her hands in tandem across his ridged member. Her tongue slid along the underside of his shaft as she stroked him, her mouth opening to swallow the first drops of his cum that dripped from the tip. Her tongue swirled around his length and up to the head circle, moving in a circular motion. "Mmm," Xander cooed, his hands running through her hair, gripping a fistful of her silky brown locks. Her mouth plunged over his swollen dick, taking as much as she could on the first go. He held control, a fistful of hair in his clutches as she bobbed up and down on him.

Sofia’s hand drifted down and dipped underneath her thong to rub at her sex. Her pussy ached desperately for him. She felt Xander’s hand pull on her hair, his dick disappearing inch by inch into her mouth as he coerced her throat to take him deeper. She gagged on the sudden movement, tears springing to her eyes as he fucked her throat. His length slid towards the back of her mouth as he held her there, bucking his hips forward as he fucked her face listening to her muffled moans.

As he released her hair, she pulled back, coughing, strands of pre-cum and saliva hanging from her mouth to his dick. She straightened herself, taking his head in her mouth again as she began to slide her breasts around his girth. His length slipped between the channel formed by her breasts, the head peeking out of the top as she moved up and down his shaft. She suckled at his cockhead as she glided herself up and down on him. Xander watched in delight as Sofia's breasts squeezed against him, their warm softness turning slick with her saliva and his pre-cum lubing her chest. He could feel himself stirring, a throbbing sensation signaling his first release. As Sofia unclasped her tits, her mouth remained as she felt him throb against her cheek, nearing his release. Xander grunted, feeling his shaft fill.

"Mmmfff!!!", her muffled surprised resonated against his cock as he unloaded cum into her awaiting mouth, bringing her to orgasm as well. It tasted salty, coating her tongue as she swallowed eagerly, feeling the warm sensation of fluid coat her throat. A small trickle dripped on her heaving breasts; Xander took his finger and swirled it around, rubbing it in like lotion. Sofia's tongue lapping at the tip for one last desperate drop. She licked her lips clean, seductively eyeing Xander towering over her. "Mmm," she mumbled, her cheeks flush with color, brown eyes sparkling. "You taste delicious," she purred. Xander's eyes burned hot with satisfaction and lust. Hoisting Sofia to her feet, He led her by the wrist behind the throne, up a large set of stairs.

At the top of the stairs, Xander pushed open a large door adorned with intricate carvings of nude women and men intertwined with each other, revealing the master bedroom. A massive bed sat in the center of the room, with a large, velvet curtain draping down over it. The bed itself was adorned in satin sheets, embroidered with gold thread. The room itself was beautiful; It screamed of both sensuality, and darkness. Without a word, Xander pushed Sofia towards one of the bed posts reaching to the ceiling. As she braced herself against the post, he watched her ass jiggle slightly as she stuck her hips out. With one fluid motion, his fingers wrapped around the side strap of her thong and tore it away like it was little more than a scrap of paper. His hand ran down the curve of her ass, seeing her wetness slide down her leg. Her thighs trembled as she felt him, solid again, teasing her entrance, letting out a deep moan as his head pushed between her folds. He slid into her slowly, gripping her shapely ass as his rod disappeared inch by inch into her warmth. Xander groaned in pleasure as he sunk into her depths, feeling himself bottom out inside of Sofia. She moaned loudly, her back arching in response to him filling her pussy, stretching to accommodate his girth.

"Fuck," she moaned, "it feels so good..."

Xander took slow strokes to start, pulling and pushing his way in and out of her with slow, deliberate strokes. Sofia whimpered as his speed increased, fingers digging into her as he held her in place. "Ahh, you're going to make me cum," Sofia moaned, her voice trembling with each thrust. Her cries of pleasure grew louder as his thrusts grew more forceful. He groaned in delight, wanting nothing more than to make her scream in ecstasy. Her body whipped back, pressing up against his chest and he continued to pound her. Sofia squealed, her voice high-pitched and animalistic as she was driven closer to her climax. Xander reached up to cup her breasts rolling her nipples between his fingers. She could feel herself cresting, her body trembling as Xander's cock sent waves of pleasure coursing through her.

"I'm going to cum!!" she squealed as the first wave hit her. Her pussy clamped down around Xander's dick as she came, the first burst of pleasure firing through her like a lightning bolt. He continued slamming into her, her orgasm intensifying with each thrust. "Fuuuck!!!" she screamed, as he continued fucking her through her climax, her ass jiggling as his pelvis slapped against her.Her head drooped forward, her breathing ragged.

"Please," she panted, "please...You’re going to break me!"

Xander gripped at her hair, yanking her head back to meet his eyes, raging with lust. Sofia let out a pleasurable whimper as he growled in her ear, slamming deep into her.

"You will take every inch of my cock until I'm satisfied."

His eyes burned red, and Sofia felt herself weaken at his glare. His fangs bore down on her again with fierce passion, a small trickle of blood sinking down her neck. Sofia’s cry was feral, a husky moan as she felt the vacuum of his mouth against her skin. He released himself from her neck, licking up the remains as he pulled out of her slowly. As she tried to catch her breath, she suddenly felt herself being lifted into the air as Xander turned her around in his arms, shoving her down to the bed. Her breasts jumped as her back hit the soft satin sheets, feeling like heaven against her skin. She'd never felt something so luxurious before.

Xander looked Sofia up and down again, marveling at his prey. Her brown hair cascaded on the sheets and her shoulder, her large breasts prominent and inviting. Her skin glowed in the pearlescent moonlight and flickering of the candles in the room. He could see a damp spot forming under her thighs, her pussy dripping with want and need. His cock twitched, veins pulsing angrily. "You are exquisite," he murmured as hovered over her, brushing his thumb along her bottom lip, "Such a perfect little toy. What you've experienced so far is a better life than droning away on that video channel of yours, isn't it?" Sofia's eyes fluttered close as she felt his his thumb trace her lips. "Mmmm, yessh..." she sigh

ed, feeling his fingers trace down her body. Xander twitched at the sight of her writhing as his fingers teased their way down towards her navel and pelvis, resting on her inner thighs. "Your fans must fantasize about seeing what I see now...How jealous they would be knowing that what they only dream of is my personal pleasure."

He pulled her gently to the edge of the bed, her legs hanging off the mattress. The intoxicating scent of her sex wafted up, and his eyes met hers as he knelt down, parting her thighs further, his breath hot against her skin. Sofia shivered as he kissed her inner thighs, slowly moving towards the folds of her pussy. Resting her legs on his shoulders, Xavier acquainted his tongue with Sofia’s clit, gently licking the nub back and forth.

"My little toy is so delicious," Xander murmured, "You're making me hungry..."

He slid his tongue inside of Sofia, causing her to cry out in pleasure. "Fuckkkkk," she stammered out, feeling her juices gush down as he lapped at her opening, his tongue swirling around the inside walls of her pussy. His fingers squeezed at her lips while his tongue snaked inside her.

"Please," she panted, "Please let me cum..." She pressed her thighs around Xander’s head, his tongue darting inside her folds with skilled wet strokes. Sofia threw her head back and screamed in pleasure, spasming as she came hard on his tongue. He lapped at her opening, catching every drop of her juices that she released.

Xander stood up, his cock a statue against her inner thigh. She gazed wide eyed at his massive member as he positioned it at her opening the head of it teasing her wet folds. "Are you ready to be fucked again, my pet?" he murmured as he pressed his shaft against her slit. His eyes were burning with desire. Despite his unrelenting appetite, her sex screamed for more. "Y-yess," she stammered, her fingers gripping the sheets in preparation. "I'm ready...please..."

"Please what?" Xander asked, his words mocking with amusement at her begging. He reached forward, spreading her legs further. She was fully spread across the edge of the bed, her brown eyes staring pleadingly. "Please fill my pussy with your cock!" she cried out. Without warning, he entered hard, sliding deep inside of her. "FUCK!" she cried out as he drove himself deep, his entire length disappearing into her. The sheer force of his thrusts had her shifting on the bed as she took him in, her breasts bouncing up and down wildly with each of Xander's pumps.

"You've got quite a mouth on you," he stated, his voice calm, and darkly amused as he watched her shake on his dick. "Do you want me to continue to fill your slutty pussy?" Xander asked again as he began pumping her. "Yes!" Sofia shouted, "Please...please I want to feel you cum inside of me; Make a mess of me!"

Xander slowed his pace, finding a sweet spot in his timing. He watched intently as she bounced on his dick with a satisfying wet sound. She was gasping in pleasure, her body arching off the bed with each blow. His balls slapped loudly against her ass, her legs spread wide on the sheets "Fuck...fuckkkk!" Sofia screamed, "I'm gonna cum!!!" Xander's thrusts getting more violent and primal as he slammed into her.

"Cum for your master," he growled. "Show me you're worth keeping." Sofia's head thrashed back and forth as her orgasm exploded, lasting longer than before. Xander enjoyed the tight clasp of her pussy on his cock as she rode out her peak, a loud cry escaping her parted lips. He felt her begin to come down, her body relaxing. He felt himself stir, his balls tightening as his dick yearned to explode; He took a deep breath, resisting the urge to let go. He felt Sofia inch herself on the bed, slipping out of her as she moved.

"I'm not done with you yet," Xander said, his voice gruff as he grabbed her by the waist, lifting her up against his chest. He held her in the air for a moment, like she was weightless, before crashing her down on his shaft. "Ohhh god!" Sofia cried out, feeling her insides impaled by his stiffness. He maneuvered them over to a nearby wall, pressing her against it for support. The brilliant moonlight bathed her in a sensual glow as he rocketed into her, his thrusts

deep and heavy. "Mmmm...you feel so good," he whispered in her ear, "I have wonderful plans for you and your body." Her breasts rubbed against his chest as he pressed her tight between himself and the wall. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, her moans in sync with his rhythm. Her moans grew louder as she felt herself climaxing, waves of pleasure flooding through her again. "I'm going to cum!!!" she screamed. He felt her tighten around him hard. His fingers gripped at her ass as her felt her pussy constrict around him like a vice.

"You're going to make me cum," he growled in her ear.

"Please," she gasped, "please cum in my pussy!" Xander's breath hitched at her request, swelling inside of her as she clenched against him. He felt himself tightening up, and instinctively his fangs found her neck one more time, slurping as he erupted inside her, a massive stream of hot cum rocketing straight into her womb.. "Oh my fucking goddddd!!!" she squealed as his cock swelled, dumping cum into her. Sofia felt her world spinning, a second massive orgasm brought on by Xander's release and his bite, rocking her to her core. The world started to go fuzzy as the room spun, her head collapsing onto Xander's shoulder as she passed out. Xander stood there, clutching Sofia as his release subsided. As he slid out of her, cum began to leak down her thighs, a satisfied smile crossing Xander’s please expression. He carried Sofia over to the bed, placing her under the covers. She was unconscious, her chest slowly rising and settling at a steady rhythm. He bent close to her ear, speaking directly into her subconscious, eyes burning crimson.


"I will come to collect you when I am ready, my sweet Sofia. For now...Sleep."

...Sofia jolted awake with a scream. She looked around in a panic, figuring our her surroundings in the dark. Familiar shapes came in to focus as realized it was her own bedroom, moonlight shining through her windows. Her mind felt foggy, and her body ached all over. She looked over at the clock and noticed it was one in the morning. Her mind was a sea of questions.

"Was that all just in my head…?", she muttered to the darkness. She sat for a minute, letting her mind try to focus. Everything was a jumble; She swore she went on a trip to visit a friend and went to a haunted castle to film a video... Sofia turned her computer on, and began scroll through her B-roll.

I know I was there, I remember taking video of the place, I remember shooting a set to put on my page!

She scanned her videos, looking for footage she shot. Everything turned up empty. She looked at her phone. There were calls back and forth between her and Brittany around the time she had planned to go visit. The pictures she managed to take before her phone had gone dead were absent as well. She noticed a half drank bottle of wine at her desk, and her streaming equipment was still partially on.

Did I really just imagine all of this?!

She remembered a mysterious man with green eyes. She remembered his voice, cold but commanding. She was shocked by her body’s reaction, her pussy growing hot at the thought of him. The detail were crystal clear, except his name. She remembered his lingering gaze, his roughness as he dominated her...She remembered fangs, and leapt up, knocking her chair over as she rushed to her mirror. She looked herself over, top to bottom. Her neck had no marks. She lifted her shirt and pulled down her shorts, looking for bruises, hickeys, stains...Nothing. She sighed as she went to the kitchen to get some water. “...It really was just a nightmare,” she said as she took a sip.

A sharp rapping at her front door spooked her, causing her to drop her cup on the counter.

Crap, I must have scared Ms. Bel with my scream... I should go tell her I’m okay.

She walked to the door, rubbing her eyelids. “I’m sorry, Ms. Bel, I just had a bad dream…” she spoke as she twisted the knob to greet her neighbor. Her eyes went wide as the door opened, allowing entry for a tall man dressed in a dazzling black cloak. His brown hair fluttered with the wind, his deep emerald eyes glowing a faint crimson. She realized it wasn’t a dream.

“Hello, Sofia,” His fangs poked out from his lips as he spoke. “Are you ready to give yourself to me for an eternity of pleasure?” She felt all reason leave her the moment their eyes locked, the commands Xander embedded deep in her subconscious overriding her thoughts.

She smiled, pulling her shirt up over her head, and letting her shorts fall to the floor.

“Yes, master.”
« Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 10:01:26 AM by The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame »


Re: A Vampire's Lust (Sofia Gomez)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2024, 05:23:40 PM »
Amazing writing
The following users thanked this post: The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame


Re: A Vampire's Lust (Sofia Gomez)
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2024, 05:39:44 PM »
Appreciate the compliment!


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