Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)  (Read 11270 times)


Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« on: September 12, 2024, 10:11:12 PM »
Demon's Delight: Entry One

NOTE: It is highly recommended to read Demon's Delight: Prologue to have a better understanding of the character and themes in this story!

Mornings at the Poseidon Hotel were an odd time, it seemed. Straggling check ins, secretive check outs…And the hinting promise of a thrill.

The Poseidon was a beautiful beachfront property with large, airy rooms, and a pool that stretched from the outside to the inside. Nestled on prime real estate, located close to many various amenities, it was a luxury I could definitely get used to. My room was spacious, with a king-size bed that overlooked the ocean. There was a living room with a couch and TV, and a separate bedroom with an enormous bathroom. The bathroom had double sinks, a huge tub, and a walk-in shower with eight different settings. It was heaven in every way...An ironic statement from one such as myself.

I was at the bar, finishing another glass of whiskey. It went down smooth, the amber liquid disappearing from the clear glass in one fell swoop. The bartender had been eyeing me for the better part of the hour, waiting for me to be a problem. While most bars don’t open early, the Poseidon’s bar was known for being 24 hours to maintain entertainment opportunities for all its guests. The bartender wanted to cut me off, looking for me to slur my words, or make an idiot of myself.

Joke's on you, pal. I'm a demon; This stuff does to me what soda does to a teenager.

My eyes scanned the room, taking in all the people enjoying their vacations. I wasn't one of them, unfortunately. I had been sent here for a business matter, but at least the hotel I was put in was swanky, to say the least. I had been here for almost two weeks. The business matter had been taken care of within my first night here…The perks of knowing the business for well over a century...Plus being a demon capable of "persuasive" negotiation helps immensely. What should have been a two week business transaction, a series of back and forth, give and take? I knocked it down to one day and secured a new account for Legion Enterprises. I had been bored out of my mind after that. Since the job was done, I figured why not use the remainder of the two weeks for some company paid R & R. So what is a demon to do?

I’d been up and down the boardwalk, browsing the shops. I’d watched numerous movies playing throughout the day at the theater, and eaten at most of the restaurants. I don’t exactly lay out on the beach and tan.

I’m a demon, I’ve been around fire far too much to really care about the sun microwaving my skin to a delicate golden brown…Looks good on the ladies though.

I’m missing something…Something that will really cap off this trip…

A commotion at the lobby caught my attention.and dragged me from my thoughts. Two men were talking amongst themselves about something happening over by the north end of the resort. I listened in just in time to hear the words “supermodel”, “beach photo shoot”, and”big tits”..

You had me at big tits.

I paid my tab to the bartender, leaving him a nice tip for tolerating what appeared to him like acute alcohol poisoning, and walked to the north side of the beach resort, the sun warming my skin, my footsteps crunching against the sand. The water rushed against the shore, a soothing sound that calmed my mind and body.

Yes, I appreciate calming and tranquil things. Life isn’t all brimstone and ash…

The waves rolled in and then receded, revealing an array of colorful coral, seashells, and sand dollars. The sun reflected off the water's surface, casting a warm glow over everything. The air smelled of salt and coconut sunscreen…It was a tropical paradise indeed.

I strolled past a group of women laying on beach towels, their bronzed bodies glistening from the coconut oil they slathered all over themselves. Each one stared at me with lustful eyes as I passed them. Their curvy hips wriggled against their towels as they propped themselves up to gaze at me, a few of them almost losing their barely held together tops, holding back their large and soft breasts. I chuckled;  One particularly daring beachgoer allowed her top to fall away as she moved her hand between her legs, licking her lips as she pressed against her crotch, a moan escaping her lips to the surprise of her friends. I knew exactly what was happening. The heat of the sun warming my body was causing a reaction with my pheromones; and it was obvious from the way this gal was getting into the mood. While I can easily manipulate the effects, outside stimuli can cause the effects to be intense…So much so to the point that women will lose all sense of inhibition, and they will see through my projected appearance.

They see the horns, the tail, the markings on my arms and legs. They see the subtle glow of my eyes when I speak, hearing ancient tongues entering their mind to sway them. Interestingly enough, women don't cower in fear when it happens. If anything, they get more turned on. Maybe it's because this world is so numb to taboo, things involving the occult. I blame media like movies and books. I also blame that this world is so desensitized to everything, that one of us could walk around in broad daylight, and it’ll phase no one. My kind know that fantasies of being taken by a demon for sexual pleasure is a big thing…Especially with the goth crowd, and those who worship us in cults.

I simply smiled and waved as I continued walking along the beach. I could hear the commotion behind me as the woman's girlfriends teased her for her “open’ display of affection toward me.

...I knew what I wanted. After hearing the pieces of the conversation in the lounge, there was something gnawing at me. I could feel myself drawn to whoever was at this villa. I had a suspicion of who it was. Let's just say I have a mental checklist of ladies I'm interested in meeting, and I get an inclination when they're near. But the dead giveaway was the latest issue of a swimsuit magazine that was practically everywhere in the hotel. Every side table...In the rooms.
On the cover? A certain curvy blonde with blue eyes, large breasts and a defining beauty mark above her lip.

I walked further towards the north end of the beach, passing the pool area where a DJ was playing music and a crowd of people danced and splashed in the water. I could smell the aroma of margaritas and piña coladas floating on the breeze, along with the scent of young love and lust. I turned a corner past some palm trees, and came across a large beachfront villa that overlooked the ocean. From what I had read in the brochure of this place on the trip here, the villas are the "crème de la crème" of the resort. They're essentially full size vacation homes, completely furnished, and due to their opulence, they are reserved for celebrities and high end clients.

I heard a noise coming from behind the villa. I went around the back to find a photoshoot session occurring near the water. There were several people around the area; One man holding a large umbrella to block the sun's glare, a couple people arranging the sand and rocks on the beach, and several others just carrying equipment. A photographer bounded around the sand, directing poses and looks to the model in front of him.

And what a model she was. I recognized her right away; There was no mistaking, considering she was on every magazine in the hotel..

Kate Upton.

The busty blonde bombshell was posed in the surf, the waves breaking at her legs and flowing around her ankles, an industrial fan blowing her silky blonde hair around for more dramatic effect. She had on a metallic silver bikini, about a size too small (Probably on purpose) that left little to the imagination, showcasing her perfect curves and large, ample breasts. Her skin was tan and smooth, and despite my distance from where she was, my sharp vision noticed her makeup was flawless, the beauty mark above her lip prominent, a trademark of her beauty. Her blue eyes conveyed confidence and an aura of sensuality as she laid against the sand, her breasts pressing against the soft grains. She looked like a vision of perfection.

But she looked more than that.

She looked delectable...And I was hungry.

I had found what I was looking for to end my two week stay with a bang.

I had seen many women before, clothed and not; I am a demon lord, after all. If there is one thing I crave, it's sex, and human women are splendid for a romp in the sheets. My powers permitted me a wealth of opportunity, to the point that the world was a veritable all I could eat buffet.

I couldn't help the way my body reacted to her; You try and tell me one of the sexiest supermodels to grace the pages of a magazine is near you, and you don't get a raging hard on with every fantasy imaginable bubbling to the surface. I felt my cock hardening under my slacks, blood thundering in my chest. I felt myself growl, low and feral, a sound dripping with unchecked lust. While there were many beautiful women at this resort, Kate Upton had no equal. This was the personal reward I wanted to claim for my hard work.

And I was going to have it.

I watched as she continued to posed on the sand, her legs bent to the side as she arched her back, her tits pushing towards the sky. She switched to laying on her side, her ass curving against the sand as the camera clicked away. Her movements were fluid and graceful, as if she had spent years perfecting her craft. Her beauty was captivating...Mesmerizing, even.

It took all the restraint I had not to walk over there and rip her clothes off. I wanted to bend her over a rock and fuck her like an animal.

…But I prefer restraint in public.

The sounds of the waves and the camera shutter clicking filled my ears, mingling with the smell of the sea and the coconut sunscreen. I was lost in the movement of her body, her supple curves making my mouth water. Suddenly, I heard the sound of someone crunching through the sand, followed by a stern voice. I broke out of my trance-like state to find Kate's assistant looking at me with an annoyed expression. She was pretty, and in any other time, any other place, she'd be accompanying me back to my room. But she paled in comparison to the treat that was in the waves behind her.

She stood there, hands resting on her hips. "I'm going to ask you politely. Leave. Please."

I could feel nervous energy radiating from her, like a second heartbeat, mingling with my own. She was determined, I'll give her that. But in my presence, meek kittens like this don't hold their ground for long.

I smiled at her and said, "I'm perfectly fine where I am, thank you. I'm just taking in the view."

Kate's assistant looked at me again, her face stern, but her eyes betraying her nervousness. "Listen...I don't know what you're trying to do, but you need to leave now. My boss doesn't like to be interrupted." She looked at me for a second before continuing, "and you're making her nervous. Please."

I looked at Kate in the waves, my eyes running up and down her body.. Her confidence was extraordinary; She commanded the camera's attention and gave it her all. I saw her glance in the direction of the commotion her assistant was making. Our eyes locked for a moment before she gave a quick assessment, eyeing me up and down. I saw the flash of a brief smile before she returned her attention to the camera.

"Nervous...Really now? Seems to me like she's doing just fine over there." Suddenly I heard the photographer shout as he brought the camera away from his face.

"Okay! That's a wrap! Another phenomenal shoot, Kate, as always!" The crew moved quickly to pack up the equipment, working to leave no trace they were ever there.

I watched as Kate rose to her feet gracefully, the waves lapping against her legs as she brushed the sand from her skin. The way her breasts jiggled as she moved was enough to make my mouth water. The sun cascaded against her skin, droplets of water clinging to her beautifully tanned legs and stomach. She grabbed a towel from a nearby lounge chair and walked towards myself and her assistant, drying herself as she went.

As she approached, Her assistant went rigid, as if expecting to be slapped for insubordination. "Kate, this gentleman was bothering you during your shoot! I'm terribly sorry, I asked him to leave so as to not interrupt you" the assistant explained as soon as Kate neared, bowing her head.

What are we, in Japan? Have some dignity, woman....

Kate looked me up and down with a hint of amusement, her blue eyes lustrous as she took in the sight of my firm abs exposed from my open shirt, coming to meet my hazel eyes looking directly at her. "Was he now?" she asked, her tone laced with sarcasm as she looked me over. "Is that so?" She turned her attention to her assistant. "Don't worry, Anna, he doesn't bother me at all." She placed her hand gently on Anna's shoulder, and Anna rose from her bow. "You worry too much. I have fans all over the world; It doesn't phase me if they watch a photoshoot." Anna nodded, and after offering a nod to me as an apology, took Kate's towel and walked away, leaving me in the presence of this goddess. Kate turned back to me and offered a smile.

"I'm surprised. Most men are too nervous when they see me in person to talk. But you...You don't seem the least bit phased by me." Her words hinted at curiosity. She knew something was different about me, that there was something she was being drawn to. I had made sure I stayed in the shade while I was watching her photoshoot so I wasn't exposing her to an overabundance of my charms. I didn't want her to see everything yet.

And I certainly didn’t want another situation like towel woman and her public masturbation.

"I'm full of surprises," I stated, stepping closer to her. My cock pulsed with excitement as my eyes ran up her long, shapely legs and her curvy hips, coming to rest on her supple breasts. I was acutely aware of the way her breathing sped up slightly with me in such close proximity

"Would you like to sit down and have a drink?" Kate asked, her smile a little wider, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

I smiled as I followed her back over to the lounge chairs, unable to tear my eyes from the sight of her ass moving in front of me as she walked.  She settled into one under an umbrella near the back of the villa, motioning me to sit beside her. As I settled in, I caught the scent of coconut sunscreen and the hint of salt water clinging to her skin. Reaching behind her into a cooler, she pulled out a beer and handed it to me as she grabbed one of her own. Seagulls squawked overhead as we sat there in silence briefly, sipping at our drinks. Kate had enough of the silence after a short while, and turned herself towards me.
"So, tell me about yourself." Her inquiry broke the silence. "I'd like to think I'm not just sitting next to a stranger sharing a beer. This is a high end hotel. Are you here on business, or pleasure?" She rolled her tongue saying pleasure, a playful tease hidden behind the question

I laughed at her response; I was going to have a lot of fun with this. "A bit of both, actually." She quirked her brow, intrigued.

"Well, what do you do?”

"I work for Legion Enterprises." Kate's eyebrows rose in surprise, but I continued before she could say anything. "I'm here on a business trip for an overseas development project. We're working to secure a contract to develop a new chip for computers. The whole thing was supposed to take about two weeks, start to finish. I managed to wrap everything up in a day. I've spent the remainder of these last few weeks mulling about, killing time. Problem is, I still have a couple of days left, and I’ve done everything I wanted to do.”

Kate's mouth dropped open hearing me tell her this. "You finished a business deal in one day...That was supposed to take you weeks?!" The shock and disbelief in her face was evident.

Now that I think about it, telling any normal person something like that is outlandish, isn't it?

"I've been with the company for a very long time. These kinds of business deals are child's play to me. I know what the clients want, and can easily make it happen. I helped build the company to the powerhouse that it is."

Kate's eye sparkled with amazement and admiration. "That's quite the accomplishment. I've heard about your company; You're like a jack of all trades company; It's very impressive how much you all take care of."

I smiled at her compliment as I took another sip from my beer, setting the bottle down between us. "Thank you. You’re right; We specialize in practically everything. We like to offer services for a great many things, through various subdivisions. It's been a lot of hard work from humble beginnings."

Kate laughed. "You make it sound like you helped open the doors of the place!"

I chuckled, picking my beer back up. That's because I did.

"So a question for you; How does it feel being one of the most lusted after women in the world? You are a sex symbol after all." I teased.

Her smile was coy. "I've been modeling for years; Being considered a sex symbol comes with the territory. I don't mind it, it makes me feel good knowing I'm desired."

She finished her beer, draining the remainder of the bottle. “With that, going back to a comment I made earlier...You don't seem the least bit phased being in the presence of a 'sex symbol'...You make me think I don't rank high on your list." I watched her finger trace her cleavage, drawing a slow line up her middle of pressed together breasts, lingering before moving up toward where she rested her chin on her palm. Clearly my presence was starting to have effect; Her inhibitions were less, and it certainly wasn't from one beer.

"Well, a rule I follow is a celebrity is still a regular person at the end of the day. I'm sure you get paparazzi hounding you hours a day, fans rushing you, star struck. It must get exhausting. So to treat you like you were just a beautiful woman I happened to pass by can sure be refreshing."

I watched her legs shift, her thighs rubbing together. My pheromones had her loosened up, but both of us seemed to want to draw this out a little more. I wouldn't have expected her to just yank my pants down here and mount me.

...Wish she would though...Less clothes on her to take off.

"I don't want to take you away from work or anything," I said, "but how much longer are you planning to be here at the resort?"

"We're checking out late tomorrow night. Today was the last day of the shoot; We were just shooting some extra shots in case the others didn't pan out," she replied.

"I see; I'm going to have to get you alone then before you leave, aren't I?"

A sly, seductive smile crossed her face.

"Probably. But maybe try asking for dinner first?" She winked.

I drained my beer and set it on the table. Kate grabbed the empty bottles to throw away. As she leaned down, I was treated to an excellent view of her cleavage again, her breasts hanging down, a tongue's distance from my face. I could feel the heat of her body with the proximity.

"How about tonight then? If this is likely your last full night, why not make the most of it?"

Kate looked at me, her blue eyes glinting with mischievous joy. "Okay! Come by around eight; We can have dinner here."

My eyes glimmered, my pupils glinting with a golden flame. "I'm looking forward to it."

She looked at me, briefly entranced from the light in my eyes, before a grin spread across her full lips.

 "Don't be late."

As eight approached, the sky was a beautiful mixture of pinks and purples, the sun a large orange orb sinking lower in the sky against the backdrop of the ocean. Lit tiki torches surrounded the villa, coupled with the soft glow of the lights inside. I heard the waves crashing against the rocks in the distance, the horn of a boat off somewhere. The hustle and bustle of the boardwalk was a dull roar behind me. It was the perfect romantic setting for a night Kate likely wouldn't forget.

I approached the front door of the villa. I had spent some time getting ready for tonight; My dark pants fit snugly around my hips and thighs, with a crisp white dress shirt rolled up to the elbows and open at the first few buttons, exposing my defined chest. I took a moment to run my fingers through my short hair, smoothing it down. I'd purchased a vintage bottle of wine earlier, and looked down at it in my hands.

"1869...That takes me back," I mumbled to myself, smiling. I knocked on the door, a thick rapping against the fine oak. It was only a brief pause before I heard Kate's voice call out from within.

"Come in, Lucian!"

I opened the door and entered the villa. The inside was even more grand than I imagined. The main living area had large windows and bay doors along the wall that overlooked the ocean, giving it a bright and airy feel. Sheer curtains drifted with the cool ocean breeze. The walls were painted a soft cream color. The floors were a beautiful oak, same as the door,  polished to a high shine, and a large ceiling fan spun lazily above.

I saw Kate coming down the staircase off to my right, the railing made of beautifully carved wood that matched the banister. She was wearing a somewhat modest sleeved red dress that clung to her curves perfectly, cinching at the waist before flowing out again in a flared skirt that ended mid-thigh. She was showing an impressive amount of cleavage at the low neckline. She completed the look with a pair of black heels. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, and her full lips, shining with pink gloss, curled in a smile as she descended the steps

 "A gift," holding out the wine to her.

"Oh, thank you!" She leaned in and kissed my cheek as she took the bottle. I could feel her breasts press against my arm as she leaned in, the scent of her perfume wafting around me as she stepped towards the kitchen. Grabbing two glasses from an overhead cabinet, she looked at the bottle.

"This must have been expensive..." She grabbed the corkscrew and jammed it in, twisting until the cork popped.

"Nothing I can't write off as a business expense," I said, watching her fill the glasses with the deep red liquid, and handing me one. I swirled the glass, watching the contents rotate, before taking a sip. It was well aged; Smooth going down. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Kate sip hers as she looked at me. Her blue eyes gave off a playfulness as she slowly licked her lips, setting down the glass.

"Awfully brazen of you to write this off. How will you explain that to your boss?"

"He's more than understanding. Like I said, we've been through a lot; I helped build the company with him. I'd like to think of this as a bit of a business transaction. I'm looking to close a deal."  There was no point in playing coy now. I'd secreted more than enough pheromones to shed my disguise any time I wanted. Anything she saw now would just add to her excitement.

Kate crossed her arms, her breasts shifting up in her dress as she looked at me, winking.

"...And what devilish little plan is in that head of yours?"

"Well, I've gotten you alone, for starters." My eyes burned with a carnal fire. My pupils looked like bonfires, yellow embers deep within as I set the glass down and approached Kate, my hands coming to rest at her waist.

"...But how about dinner first?"

Kate's arms draped across my collar, hands interlacing behind my neck. "I was thinking we skip right to dessert."

“What about your assistant? She might break down the door.”

“I gave her the night off.”

Her lips pressed against mine, soft and sweet. She tasted so good, like cherries. Her mouth opened, her tongue darting out to lick at my bottom lip. I responded in kind, inviting her in to let our tongues mingle. My grip tightened on her hips as her tongue swirled with mine. She felt so good, warm and inviting. My hand moved up to her chest, grasping at the outline of her breast through the material of her dress, drawing a moan from her throat as I squeezed with our mouths fighting each other.

I was lost in the moment, the taste of her intoxicating. She was a delight I wanted to savor as much as possible. My other hand moved to her ass, kneading the flesh through the dress, pulling her more firmly against me. The dress had a small slit in the back; I felt the warm flesh of her thigh as my fingers played with the fabric.

Kate moaned loudly in response, her legs parting slightly at the touch. I slid my fingers under the hem of her skirt and ran my hand over her ass cheek, my fingers digging in. She pulled back from our kiss, panting.

"You're certainly eager," she teased, a sly smile on her lips. "Why don't you show me what's really behind this mysterious, confident stranger I only met this morning?"

Ask, and you shall receive.

My hand still firmly on her breast, I squeezed harder, a soft cry of pleasure escaping with a gasp. "What you're about to see is something we save for treats like you. It's an experience unlike anything other, a testament of our desires toward beautiful human women such as you."

As the word left my lips, I let the facade start to fade. I moved away from Kate, unbuttoning my shirt, and undoing the clasp of my belt. I tossed everything aside like simple rags. Kate watched in astonishment as a pair of sleek horns appeared at the side of my head, my arms and legs turning a shade of brown, mimicking the appearance of gloves and long boots that ran up to the thigh. I kept my crotch covered for the moment; I didn't want to give away everything at once. She watched as a tail draped itself to my side on the floor, smooth and round at the tip. I gazed at her as she looked on, clearly excited by what she was seeing from her grin, and the way she was shifting her thighs together from the building heat between her legs.

"Oh my god..." She took it all, right down to the sizable bulge behind the covering of my crotch, looking at me with a mixture of both desire and slight trepidation. It was only natural; Despite our pheromones and that our true appearances invoke deep feelings of lust and sexual desires with humans (Well, most of us, at least), most still maintain a fight or flight response to the unknown. There are a few who are unfazed by a demon appearing almost naked in front of them, but for most, it's what was happening now.

I approached her, my hand brushing through her silken blond hair, before gently pulling, tilting her head back as my mouth enveloped hers again. My tail snaked up the side of her leg, finding its way slightly under her dress. I felt her shiver at the sensation. I pulled my mouth away, leaving her panting. She looked at me, a devilish little glint of her own in those beautiful baby blues as she turned her back toward me, lifting her hair to expose the zipper of her dress. I approached her, my hands grasping at her shoulders as I planted a kiss at the hollow of her neck, my hands moving to the metallic fastener impeding me.

"Well, Ms. Upton...I think we ought to continue with that dessert?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

With a slow metallic hiss, I carefully brought the zipper down to the end of Kate's dress.

She shrugged the dress off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor as she turned to me. I caught my breath at the sight of Kate's body. She wore black lingerie, her full, large breasts encased in a lace bra that barely seemed to be holding them. The thong was high-waisted, cutting in a smooth arc over the curves of her ass cheeks. She stood there, her hands on her hips.

"I knew you'd want something worth looking at," She said. I reached out and pulled her closer to me; She ran her hands along my chest, and up toward the side of my head. Her fingers traced the outline of my horns, as she admired them. "24 hours ago, a person could have told me someone like you was real, and I would have brushed it off. But now..." She trailed off as I leaned into her ear, sucking her earlobe into my mouth and gently rolling in between my teeth.

"Ah...god...Lucian..." Her eyes squeezed shut as my hands wrapped around her, pulling her in close. My hands wandered over her, exploring every part of her body that was exposed to me, feeling the warmth of her skin as I ran my fingers over her. Her skin was so soft; Smooth, tanned, and inviting.

I wanted to feel more.

I moved my lips down from her ear to the side of her neck, planting small kisses as I went. My tongue flicked out, tasting her, drinking in the flavor of her skin. She leaned her head back with a moan as I kissed down her chest, moving to the top of her breasts. Her breathing sped up as she watched me, her hands running through my short, coarse hair. I hooked my fingers into the front of her bra and pulled the cups down to expose her breasts.

"Oh, fuck..." Her words escaped in a quiet rush of breath as I captured her nipple in my mouth. It was hard as a bullet against my tongue as I swirled around it, flicking the hard bud, while my hand gently pinched at her other nipple, playing with it between my index and middle finger. Kate moaned as my tongue savored her exquisite chest.

"This feels...so good..." She was already panting as I moved to her other nipple, her body squirming under my touch as my teeth gently nibbled at her.

Her hands cupped my face, pulling me from my feast as she brought me up to her mouth, her tongue darted out to meet mine. She reached behind her back, quickly working the hook of her bra, tossing it aside. Her breasts were magnificent as they fell free from their remaining confinement. I felt her moan against my lips as I kneaded her tits in my palms before she pushed herself from me, her breasts bouncing as she playfully skipped a few steps away, her index finger motioning me to come hither as she moved towards the staircase, giggling all the way.

Playful minx, aren't you?

I responded by having my tail playfully spank her ass as she swayed her hips leading upstairs to the bedroom. She yelped and looked back at me, rubbing her cheek and sticking out her tongue as she darted upstairs, me swiftly following her like a game of tag.

The bedroom was sizable, with an expansive view of the ocean. Massive French doors were slid open, the refreshing ocean breeze blowing through the room. There was a massive king sized bed near the doors, adorned with pillows, a dresser off to the side, and a private balcony that overlooked the ocean.

I could see why a place like this was only reserved for the upper echelons of guests.

I’m going to enjoy making a mess of that bed with you, Kate..

She stood a short distance in front of me, teasing as she gyrated her hips, and ran her hands up her breasts and through her hair while she glanced back at me with a sultry look in her eyes.  She smiled as she caught me staring at the sight of her. I moved behind her, my hands running over her body as I kissed her collarbone, slowly splaying over her breasts, down her stomach, to the thin fabric of her thong. She moaned softly in response to my touch as my fingers pressed against the material, feeling the dampness between her thighs. My tail snaked up and around, coiling softly around her breast, as my fingers began to rub the fabric of her underwear against her folds.  She leaned back into me as she gasped with the sensation, her head resting against my shoulder, hands reaching out toward my face and horns.

"Lucian...fuck..." she moaned as my fingers expertly massaged her clit through the material of her panties. I moved my hand up, looping my finger around the strap on her thigh and pulling her thong down to her ankles. Kate responded in kind by lifting her feet to toss away the discarded article. As I straightened myself, I allowed my hands to slowly glide up her toned legs and shapely thighs back to my prize. I felt the smoothness of her skin as my middle finger found her warm slit, running my finger up and down, growing slick with her juices. I pressed a finger tip into her opening, rubbing her clit with my knuckle, my other hand running up and down her stomach to tease her navel, playing with it as she squirmed against me.

"Fuck me..." Kate gasped again, her breathing quickening as she continued to squirm against me, the wetness between her legs coating my fingers as she rocked her hips against my hand. Her eyes were closed, her head resting on my shoulder as she let my touch carry her higher. I could feel the muscles of her thighs tensing, her breath hitching as my fingers continued to massage her inside and out. She brought her hand to mine at her pussy,  gently gripping while she caught her breath.

"Don't stop," she whispered.

"Stop?" I teased in her ear.

"No! I'm so close. If you keep going like that, I'll cum..." She pouted.

I moaned against her ear, a feral mix of pleasure and desire as I continued to slowly move my fingers inside her against the resistance of her hand. "Am I going to feel you cum all over my fingers, you naughty thing? Hmmm? Isn't this what you want, Kate?"

Unable to hold my hand anymore, she gave in to the pleasure. "Yessss...please...fuck...I need to cum..." Her voice came in ragged gasps as I quickened the pace of my rubbing, my finger turning upwards to find the spongy pad I was hunting for. My thumb rolled her clit as I stroked at her insides, hearing her breathing rapidly hasten.

"Fuck, I'm so close..." She whimpered again, "Please Lucian...I want to cum. Pleaseee..."

Keeping my fingers embedded inside her, and releasing my tail from holding her breast hostage, I maneuvered us over to the large bed, as I slowly pulled my fingers from her, running my hand up to her mouth to offer her a taste. She took them greedily between her lips, sucking on the digits with a moan, tasting herself. I turned her around to face me, my eyes ravishing the sight of this beautiful super model in front of me. She was a sight to behold, standing in front of me naked, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Not quite yet. I want to taste my dessert first," I growled.

My mouth found its way back to her large breasts and I began to suck greedily again at her tits, her hands gripping running through my hair as I slowly knelt down, trailing my mouth down her stomach and abdomen.

Her legs trembled against me as she felt my hands run down to her thighs, and push them apart, spreading her open to me as I kneeled before her. Kate's pussy was smooth, the lips glistening in the light of the room. They were parted ever so slightly, and I could see her pink flesh waiting for me as I kissed up the inside of her thigh.

"Mmm...god..." Kate purred above me as I kissed closer to her center, running my tongue over her skin to lap at her juices.  I moved my mouth closer to her pussy, slowly bringing myself to her awaiting folds. She was burning hot, her scent a heady mix of desire and sweetness. She moaned, her hands in my hair again as she tried to guide my mouth to her center, her breath hitching as I ran my tongue over her outer lips, savoring her taste. She was so wet, I could see a stream of clear liquid dripping from between her lips, running down the insides of her thighs.  I brought my mouth down to her thigh, licking hungrily, leaving a trail of my own as I worked my way back up, my tongue flicking at her clit. I gently parted her as my tongue began to invade her pussy.

Her head fell back with a deep moan as my tongue began to lick at her folds, and up the inside of her opening. I worked slowly, tasting and exploring her wetness as I savored every inch of her. Kate's hands guided me as she bucked her hips against me, moaning as I pressed my mouth into her slit. I swirled around, twisting within her inner walls as my nose pressed against her swollen bud. She gasped as I laved over her, pressing her hips against my face as she tried to bury me further within her sweetness.

"Oh my god...fuck...Lucian..." Kate gasped as she pushed my head against her pelvis, controlling how much she wanted from me. I felt her fingers tug at my horns as I strummed at her swollen nub with my finger, the grip on them tightening as she came closer to cumming. Her thighs quivered against my cheeks as I continued to gleefully torment her, her hips shaking as her body tensed with anticipation for what was about to come. My tongue moved faster as I felt her body trembling more. Kate began to beg as she rode my face, her hands gripping my horns tighter as I latched on her clit. Her breath was coming in ragged pants, her moans loud and needy as I worked my tongue against her bud.

"Oh fuck...fuck yes..Please Lucian, I'm so closeee."

Kate was babbling now, unable to speak in coherent sentences as her mind knew nothing but euphoria from my mouth's assault.

"Yes...oh my godddd!!!!!"

Her plea came out in a scream as she felt herself crest over the edge, her body spasming as she came hard, splashing into my mouth and tongue. I lapped eagerly, like it was the finest brandy in all of Hell, swallowing her juices as she rode out her orgasm. She shook against me for a few seconds, gripping at my horns before finally releasing my head.

I moved slowly from between her legs, kissing my way back up her body to her glossy lips as my mouth met hers again, sharing her juices and taste with her as I squeezed her wonderful breasts again. As she regained her composure, she looked at me with an intensity as I could feel the lust and desire radiating from her eyes, hooded with satisfaction, a grin on her lips.

With a snap of my fingers, I made my underwear disappear, and Kate looked down in awe at my thick cock, licking her lips at the sight of my rigid and hard shaft.

"I see something I want to taste now."

She reached down, running a fingertip along my length, my cock solid as stone. I felt a rush from her touch, my tail angrily thumping against the wood floor from her tease. Suddenly, she turned us around, shoving me down to the bed. The sheets were soft as I landed with a soft thud. My cock stood tall as Kate gazed at it, a look of hunger flashing across her face.

"Now it's my turn," she cooed, climbing onto the bed on all fours. Her breasts hung marvelously underneath her, swaying back and forth as she crawled towards my dick, licking her lips all the way.

My tail curled around Kate's thigh; I wanted to make sure she knew she wasn't getting away. She smirked as she took my cock in her hand, her other hand gently cupping the heavy weight of my balls as she began to play with the both of them. "Do you like it when I touch your cock like this, Lucian?" she purred, her finger playing with the slit of my opening, rolling precum around my head.

I grunted in response. "I love when you touch it, Kate."  I watched as she slowly began to stroke it up and down, my cock twitching in her grasp. "Mmmm...look at how hard you get when you think about me," she teased, giggling. "Is this what men dream about when they look at me in magazines?" She glanced at me, whispering with the tone of a seductress. "Are you going to fill my mouth with this dick?"

You'd make one hell of a succubus, Kate...But I'm going to fill more than just your mouth.

I grinned, grabbing her hair and giving her a light yank of her blonde locks. She laughed at my roughness, leaning down to kiss my tip. My cock twitched with pleasure as I felt the wetness of her tongue slide along the bottom of my shaft. She traced her tongue along my underside, teasing me by running the tip along the rim of my cockhead.

"Oh you naughty girl..." I murmured, watching in rapture as she tormented me back for earlier.

"I know you want to be inside me," she said, looking up at me through her lashes, "I'll let you have all you want of me. But first..."

She gripped my cock firmly at the base, pressing her lips against the tip of my head, sucking and licking at it. She moaned softly in pleasure as she parted her lip, my dick disappearing slowly into her warm mouth, her tongue swirling over the head as she began to bob her head. I let out a rumble of satisfaction as her mouth engulfed me, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked. My eyes closed as I threw my head back in bliss, the blonde bombshell of so many human men's dreams having her mouth wrapped around the dock of a demon lord.

Humanity, eat your fucking heart out.

She was so warm and wet, and I loved the way her mouth felt wrapped around me. I felt myself growing larger as I listened to her slurping sounds, her hand stroking me with precision. Her tongue ran in circles around my head as she deep throated my shaft, my cock disappearing into the depths of her throat. Her moans vibrated against me as she worked me with ferocity.

"Fuck..." I hissed through clenched teeth as I felt her teeth lightly grazing my dick, "God, Kate..."

Hope I don't get smited for saying that.

I gripped her hair, forcing her to take more of me. I pumped into her mouth, as she kept her head steady, letting me use her mouth like a cock sleeve. Her mouth was absolutely divine, I could see saliva leaking down the side of her mouth as she moaned and groaned with pleasure at the treatment, clearly loving the sensation of my cock deep in her throat, my thrusts causing her breasts to bounce and sway. The view was glorious, watching her taking my cock with such passion and excitement.

I was close to exploding, and she knew it too.

"I can't wait to taste..." Kate mewled as she pulled away from my dick, her lips swollen and puffy from the use.  I watched her rub her mouth and chin, cleaning off the strands of saliva and pre-cum. She was going to be covered in me soon enough. She smirked, adjusting herself slightly into a crouch position as she brought her chest close to my shaft.

I watched as she took her tits and wrapped them around, clamping like a warm blanket around me. She began to squeeze and roll them together, her tongue flicking out to lick my head as she moved her tits up and down against my hardness. The sight of Kate's gorgeous breasts stroking my cock was almost too much to bear. The feeling of her nipples grazing me and the smoothness of her skin as I slid through the channel between her tits all felt exactly as one would dream. She quickened her pace, creating a friction as I felt my balls reacting to her increased tempo. I felt the base of my spine beginning to tingle with my build up, my tail coiling tighter around her thigh instinctively. I heard her giggle, knowing I was close. She was going to milk this cock for everything I had, and I wanted to give her every drop.

"Mmm..." she moaned. She released her hold on my shaft, her hand moving to my balls, which were already ready to explode. She massaged them expertly with her fingers, her other hand jerking me off with a tight grip.  My dick throbbed as she kept working me, her lips brushing the head of my cock. I was so close to exploding, I could barely keep myself from falling into ecstasy. She was about to be in for a surprise.

I growled, my body shaking as I felt the charge. I grabbed her by the head and guided her mouth back onto my dick as I exploded, my cock firing off with a fury. I heard a muffled gasp of delight as her mouth received my orgasm, my shaft throbbing as the stream of cum shot out of me like a fountain of molten lava. She struggled to keep up with the amount, as I watched cum spill from the corner of her mouth and slide down, glazing her breasts. My cock was still hard, but the tension of my impending orgasm was gone as I let out a groan of satisfaction, feeling spent…But just briefly. Her eyes flashed up to mine as she pulled off me, a light popping sound as she released.. She was giddy, almost cum drunk, as she wiped her mouth with her hand and licked the remaining cum from her palm.

I released my tail from her thigh as I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up to me. My tongue darted out to taste myself on her lips; She leaned in to receive my kiss, a moan of delight escaping from her as our tongues mingled together, tasting ourselves on each other. I took my finger and swirled my cum around on her breasts before taking another handful of their softness.Kate pulled away from me with a contented sigh, licking her lips, as I saw the mischief returning to her eyes. She looked back to see my cock was still erect and ready.


She kissed my neck, her voice whispering softly in my ear. "I promised you could have me any way you wanted; I want you to make me scream. Think you can?" She bit at my ear as she said this; My cock was painfully erect again, and if there was anything I desired most then and there, it was to have this sexpot of a supermodel impaled on me again.

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her and guiding her back on top of me. She straddled my midsection as I felt the warmth of her pussy radiating on her abdomen, her wetness leaving a mark.

"Oh, you bet your pretty ass I can.".

Kate scooched herself slightly down, grabbing my dick as she lifted herself, placing the head at her entrance. She paused, teasing me by rubbing her wetness against me, her breath hitching with anticipation. My cock was throbbing again, eager to fill the goddess above me, as she slowly began to sink down onto me. My head was going to explode at the sensation of her pussy enveloping me, her flesh clasping tightly around me. I felt the tip of my cock graze her cervix, her breath catching as she sat fully down, my cock completely buried deep in her cunt.

"Holy shit..." she gasped, her nails digging into my chest.

"Welcome to hell," I snickered.

A smirk traced across her puffy lips as she began to rock back and forth on me, her pussy clamping tightly on my shaft. The movement was slow at first, but deliberate as she built a rhythm, her body moving on me in a sinuous wave. Her intense wetness lubricated my dick as she began to move herself up and down against my groin. I allowed her to work, watching as her large breasts bounced with each hop on me. She was so warm, tight, and wet that I didn't think I would ever get tired of this cunt.

"You're so big...oh god..." she whimpered. "You feel so fucking good in me, Lucian..."

Her eyes rolled back into her head as she leaned backward, bracing herself against the mattress as she continued to impale herself on me. I could feel her pussy beginning to quiver and seize against my shaft as she ground into me. Kate's lips were parted in a silent scream, her breathing ragged as she rode me wildly, chasing her second orgasm. My hands found her hips as I dug my fingers into her soft hips. I could see her body shaking with pleasure, her muscles trembling with anticipation as her pussy clamped tighter. I sat up, my arms wrapping around her as she fell into me, burying her face in my neck.

"Yessss!!!" She screamed into my neck. "Lucian!"

I felt the floodgates of her pussy open as she came, coating my cock as she bucked against me in ecstasy. I growled as she bit down on my collarbone, my hands finding their way to her hips as held her down against me so I could feel her tightness. As she released her teeth from my skin, I could feel an imprint of ridges as I flexed my shoulder slightly, knowing she'd left a mark.

She’d give vampires a run for their money with how deep this imprint is…

Her breathing steadied as she leaned against me. I could feel her pussy quivering, the muscles still rippling with her aftershocks. She looked at me with a mix of contentment but longing.

"You are perfect," I purred, turning her head to kiss me. She smiled, biting her lip slightly as she pulled away from me with a pop.

"I'm not satisfied," she groaned, her eyes bright with desire. She climbed off me, laying on her stomach against the soft cotton sheets. She bent her knees ever so slightly, propping herself up.

"I'm waiting, Lucian," she breathed huskily. "Don't you dare leave me empty."

I growled, my hands finding her hips again as I positioned myself behind her. Her pussy lips were dripping wet as I rubbed the tip of my dick against her entrance again, readying for another go..

"You're quite the little whore, aren't you, Kate?" I reared my hand back and brought it down against her ass with a thunderous clap. Her cheeks jiggling from the impact, inciting a yelp from her, followed by a small whimper. She wiggled her ass, bumping into my cock as she did to toy with me.

"Please...fill me..." She gasped. "I'm waiting for it...I want to feel your cock so bad."

I gritted my teeth as I slowly entered her again, pushing into her with slow and deliberate precision. Kate groaned loudly, her breath catching as she felt me fill her once more. I paused to take in the sight of her tanned skin, dewy with sweat, and her glorious ass spread wide, my cock stretching her delicious pussy open again. Her hands gripped at the bedsheets as she remained flat against her belly as I pushed as far in as I could.

"Ohh God..." she breathed into the mattress. "Keep going...Lucian..."

I grabbed a fistful of her hair, and pulled her head up to mine.

"How does it feel, being fucked by a demon? Better than any man on this planet, I'd say." I cooed, my tongue snaking around her ear, drawing wet circles on the tender skin.

I felt her tremble under me, her pussy clamping harder against my shaft as I began to pump against her.

"Amazinggg." She cried, her hips bucking against me wildly. "I'm all yours, Lucian...Fill my pussy with your big dick...." I let go of her hair as her head collapsed on to the mattress.  I let out a loud grunt as I rammed into her harder.  Her ass was a thing of glory, cheeks rippling with each thrust. Her hands fisted the sheets in a death grip, her face buried in the bed as my hips pistoned into her faster, her tightness clenching around me.. I was fucking her harder than she ever had been before, and she was loving every second of it. I could feel her trembling again as I slammed hard into her depths, wanting to send her to heaven.

Scratch that...I'd never get to have another go at this fine woman if she did go there. I’d take her to Hell and chain her up in my castle to be ravished for all eternity if it meant getting to hear her scream in pleasure like this every day.

"Yes!!!" Kate screamed. "Oh Fuck! Oh yes! Harder! Don't stop fucking me!! Lucian!!" She yelled, her voice echoing through the room, lost among the sound of the crashing waves outside.

It was time for a changeup.

With my cock still lost in her, I placed a hand on her shoulder and her thigh, and using my tail, I flipped her around to face up at me. I felt her pussy twist against my cock as I turned her, hearing her gasping in pleasure as the feeling was nothing she'd experienced before. Laid out before me, I drank her in again. Her blonde hair was a mess on the sheets, her perfect, large breasts glistening from the intensity of our fucking and my earlier cum. She looked at me, her blue eyes sparkling with want. Her hands went to her tits as she pinched her own nipples, jiggling them in each hand to tease me.

"Fuck me, Lucian. Make a mess of me."

I laughed, my eyes glowing hot as I began thrusting again, feeling her legs coming around my hips to pull me further into her, moaning as I sunk into her depths. I adjusted my pace, keeping her guessing as I ground deep into her; Kate's hands desperately gripped my arms placed at either side of her, fingernails digging in. My tail wrapped itself around her leg, anchoring her further to me. I was lost in the sight of her heavy tits bouncing up and down as my thrusts moved her to and from against the sheet.

"Ohhh...fuck...oh my god..." She gasped as she felt my dick throbbing inside her with each massive thrust. She screamed as I slammed harder into her, her legs tightening their hold on me as I continued to fuck her deeper and faster, pounding into her pussy as she thrashed under me. The solid wood frame of the bed creaked angrily as I continued to fuck her relentlessly.

"Yes! Yes! Lucian! Don't stop!" She screamed again, her hands spasming, desperate to find something to grab on to. A portion of the fitted sheet came shearing off at the edge of the bed as she yanked at the sheet to brace herself.

"Ohhh...you feel so fucking good...fuckkkkkk!"

I felt my cock’s throbbings grow angrier, my tail squeezing her leg with anticipation; I could feel myself getting ready to burst like a volcano.

"Please Lucian...cum for me..." she begged, her eyes locked on mine as she writhed underneath me.

You’re gonna get that, and then some.

I snarled as I felt the sensation rise in my core, reaching my hand out to grab at her breast grasping it with a tight squeeze. She cried out as my hand claimed her tits with a vice grip. Her eyes were lit with excitement, her face flushed pink with anticipation, gasping for air as she awaited my release. The feeling grew as I fucked her, harder and faster.

She squealed with pleasure, her legs a death grip around me; I growled, the heat rising in my abdomen again. I could feel the tension building in me as she tightened her legs more around my hips, trying to draw me deeper. The heat and pleasure coursed through my body, my cock swelling within her depths.

"You want a mess?!" I hissed. "I'll make you a fucking mess!"

I gave one final, deep thrust, bringing my hand back down to brace myself before letting out a roar that could probably be heard all the way in the hotel lobby. My cock twitched hard, my balls convulsing as I exploded into her pussy. She screamed with delight, her nails clawing in the sheets as I came inside her, my hot load jettisoning deep into her womb. I pulled out after a few moments, continuing to shoot ropes of cum on to her stomach and upwards on to her breasts. I felt like it wouldn't stop, as I emptied everything I had stored up. Her tits were coated with sticky white fluid as she laid breathless, lazily moving the cum around with her hands, tracing circles around her nipples. Her pussy glistened with a mix of her own fluids and mine, puffy and spent. We made eye contact as she was swirling my essence into her tits, prompting her to giggle uncontrollably.

"Was that to your satisfaction, Ms. Upton?" I purred, my tail unwinding from her leg as I laid down beside her, interlocking my fingers with hers. She looked at me with a grin, her eyes hazy with lust.

"More than I could dream," she moaned, bringing her lips to mine for a slow kiss. My hand squeezed at her breast, damp with my fluid as I teased her tongue. "Mmmm... How do I gossip to my girlfriends I got fucked by something not human?" she asked, as her finger made listless circles on my chest.

I chuckled. "Give me their numbers, I can prove it to them." My response earned me a fist against my chest as Kate looked at me, pretending to be annoyed and jealous.

"You're all mine. They aren't getting a piece of this."

Her eyes appeared heavy, exhaustion starting to finally take hold. I grabbed the comforter hanging off the edge of the bed and pulled it up to our waists as I watched Kate drift off to sleep. I laid there for a moment, watching her breathing level off. My fingers traced her breasts and nipples, trailing down to her stomach before grabbing the comforter and pulling it up. She sighed as she fell deeper into slumber

I woke the next morning to find Kate was gone; The villa was devoid of any sign of her, telling me she fully checked out. Her personal effects were no where to be seen, and all I noticed was an empty coffee cup on her side of the bed at the end table. A note was scrawled on hotel stationary on the night-table, confirming my suspicions.


Had to leave early; Flight got moved up. The villa is paid for through tomorrow, feel free to use it!

Thank you for an amazing night.

P.S. I'll be a demon's whore anytime you want me to be.

- Kate

At the bottom of the note, she had left her phone number.

I smiled as I climbed out of bed and headed downstairs to collect my things. Shrugging on my pants, I slipped the note into my pocket, and took a brief look around, before making my way back to the main hotel to check out and head back home.

As I cloaked my features to blend in again, I knew I’d see Kate again, I was sure of that. One of the world’s sexiest women, at my beckon and call. A text message away. But for now, I had other matters to attend to.

I can only imagine what other fun is in store for me in the future...

-To Be Continued-

« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 10:39:35 PM by The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame »


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2024, 04:41:05 AM »
I loved this. Very personal kind of writing where you can feel the emotions and your character's motivations.

Great depiction of Kate with her seduction. I loved the dirty talk too and how it turned her on.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC, The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2024, 06:00:17 AM »
This is one of the most unique stories I've read on this site. The mix of fantasy elements made this into something amazing.

I've written some short stories with Kate, but nothing as great as this. Job well done, I hope to read more from you in the future
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC, The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2024, 07:17:38 AM »
I loved this. Very personal kind of writing where you can feel the emotions and your character's motivations.

Great depiction of Kate with her seduction. I loved the dirty talk too and how it turned her on.

Appreciate it, Cade!
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2024, 07:18:31 AM »
This is one of the most unique stories I've read on this site. The mix of fantasy elements made this into something amazing.

I've written some short stories with Kate, but nothing as great as this. Job well done, I hope to read more from you in the future

Thank you, wildcard! I'm looking to make a series out of this, and I have other ideas floating around for some standalones!
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2024, 05:23:06 AM »
What an amazing story. If Kate is going to be the demon's whore again, I'm here for it.
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC, The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2024, 05:54:02 PM »
It is so great to see Kate getting new stories.

This one is my favorite of the bunch. Lucian waited 200 years to get a feel of some of the best boobs ever.
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC, The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame


Re: Demon's Delight (Kate Upton)
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2024, 10:28:21 AM »
What an amazing story. If Kate is going to be the demon's whore again, I'm here for it.

I think another tryst with Kate can be in his future.
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


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