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Author Topic: The Harem (Original Episodes)  (Read 4232 times)


The Harem (Original Episodes)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:41:11 AM »
The Harem Episode 1 – Ghoulardi
Celeb(s) – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA


Do not read any further if you are under age 18 or if graphic sexual content offends you. The celebrities mentioned are characters used to arouse the innocent. This is not real. If you think for a second that it is you’re even more delusional than I. Reposting is permitted only without alterations.

Please send any and all feedback to GhoulardiX@hotmail.com. Basically if you read this I need to know what you think of this. Remember, without your takes this doesn’t happen. If you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it I can ask for nothing more, but I need to know.

Hollywood, city of a thousand lies and a million truths. Here anything could happen and often did, as was the case recently at a major motion picture studio.

Auditions were being held for Heartstrings, a planned rehash of the 70′s classic Love Story. This time around the script called for a Columbia music student from a prominent family to fall for an eccentric, self-made but socially troubled man in law school at NYU. The man would suffer debilitating paralysis from a car accident, but would battle back to a somewhat normal life thanks to the love and support of his soul mate.

Amongst showbiz insiders the project was all the rage; rumor had it whoever got the lead actress role would be almost guaranteed an Academy Award nomination. Also, considering the success of romance epics like Titanic, plus the success of remakes and covers throughout entertainment media, this was projected to be a box office megahit as well.

The line of actresses hoping for a shot at the lead part twisted and turned throughout the studio. Not that most of them would have a chance in hell of being considered. Normally in a project with such high expectations the producers would order a script to be custom-made for someone with major star value.

However, in this case the director demanded auditions to test the chemistry between the star actor and actress, arguing it was crucial that whoever the two were needed to have a captivating, almost addictive screen presence for this to work as planned. As such, most of those auditioning were given dummy scripts and were eliminated from consideration right away.

In a sense this was really a talent search for the next big thing to be tested in some smaller role. The true audition was for a few real stars that would seriously be considered for the role. One of them, waiting near the back of the line, in a light purple sundress to complement her bronzed skin and blonde locks, was Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Sarah had been dreaming about this opportunity for weeks. She was something of a film buff and absolutely adored classic romances. After Simply Irresistible bombed she just had to give it another shot. Even as popular as Buffy the Vampire Slayer was, she felt this was her breakout opportunity to become a major player on the Hollywood scene. Plus, most of the shooting was scheduled to take place in New York City, Sarah’s hometown.

There were few things in life Sarah was as fond of as The Big Apple, and there was no way she would let anyone snatch this chance away from her. But she had no worries, confident that no one here or anywhere else could thieve away this role; in her eyes she was made for it. That confidence was short-lived, however, as she glanced toward the back of the line.

Sarah noticed a few girls talking when one of them caught her eye. She looked strangely familiar – long light brown hair, white top, thigh-high black skirt covering a couple thin, creamy stems – but with her back turned Sarah couldn’t figure out who it was. Then the shock set in she turned around, revealing who else had shown up for the audition: Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Love needed this role as badly as Sarah, but for different motivations. She had enjoyed some box office success but always as a scream queen or a fantasy girl. This role would give her the critical acclaim she so desperately sought and would change her image from just a pretty face to a true acting talent. Neither Party of Five or her coming spin-off could ever accomplish that. Also, she felt her background as a recording artist fit perfectly in the part of a music student. Love seemed almost oblivious to such high stakes, just making small talk with the lesser talents around her.

Realizing her big chance was now in jeopardy, Sarah quickly turned from startled to enraged. This was a threat she just couldn’t ignore. She stormed out of line, marched down to where Love was, grabbed her wrist and pulled her aside like a little girl in need of a spanking.

"Hey, what the, what do you think you’re... Sarah! Hi! It’s great to see you, but, what are you." Once Love discovered who had grabbed her she thought this was a great surprise, but she was stopped short by Sarah’s ice cold stare, obviously not amused.

"No Love, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I’m here to get the role I’ve been waiting for, what else?"

"You mean the role I was made for?" Sarah snapped back.

"You?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get critics to take me seriously? Have you seen how many ridiculous parts I’ve been offered, all treating me like some kind of flesh plaything? Love had matched Sarah’s frustration by this point.

"It’s all about you, isn’t it Love? You think you’re the only one who needs this? You think you can appreciate great romances, let alone do this one justice? You really think you can play a better New Yorker?"

"Well, we’ll see when I win this audition, now won’t we?" Love responded, brimming with confidence.

"Only if you flash some for the director, you little slut." Sarah said, wanting to get personal.

"At least I can find a man!" That crack was a little too personal for Sarah. She had been a little lonely of late, even with her busy schedule.

"Well you can be sure that’s the only thing you’ll bag today."

"We’ll see," Love ended.

Both were furious after that exchange. But being actresses, they quickly managed to put on a different face and rejoined the rear of the line. Still, having to stand next to each other kept their animosity at a slow boil.

Fortunately they didn’t have to wait much longer for the real test to start. A few minutes later the only ones left to audition were Love and Sarah. The director, noticing this, took due action. "Ah, now there’s the ones I’ve been waiting for."

He motioned for the actor who was working alongside all the actresses in the audition. "Thank you Fred, we’ll call you again when you’re needed." Love and Sarah figured he was another wannabe from some acting academy. It wasn’t surprising, being standard Hollywood practice to let scrubs audition with other scrubs. Then the director turned his attention to the two starlets.

"Thank you both for coming, I’ll keep this brief. You know the scene, you know what to do, so let’s have at it, shall we?" The girls both just nodded in approval. "Pardon me just a moment and we’ll get started. Matt, could you come out please, we’re all set." The director was calling toward a back room behind the audition set.

Sarah and Love wondered who he could be calling for. They knew whoever the lead actor was would be as recognizable as either of them, but they were still startled when Matt Damon came walking onto the set. "Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise," he muttered as he saw who his screen test would be with. It was a marvel that Love and Sarah didn’t just melt right there after meeting one of the most attractive young men in the business, especially since the audition called only for a kissing scene, designed to gauge how the chemistry would develop between the two leads. The two felt like schoolgirls again, practically drooling over the sight before their eyes. They just stood there for a moment, wide-eyed and getting slightly moist down below.

"Can we all stop oogling each other and get down to business?" the director questioned, breaking all three out of their lustful trances.

"Sarah, let’s see you first," the director ordered. Like she needed any encouragement. She took her place next to Matt and waited for the crew to get ready, taking one long look into his eyes. "Quiet on the set, and action!" Both tilted their heads slightly, approaching slowly and then entering a prolonged liplock. Inside Sarah boiled over in emotion, freed of any tension, slowly but affectionately working her tongue with his. Knowing Love had to watch, she sneaked one passing glance over to her as if to say, "Top this."

Love was beside herself, seeing a former co-star who had insulted her, was trying to steal away the best role she had going, and now appeared content and relieved. God how she wanted to rip Sarah away from him. That and Love almost dripping between her legs didn’t help matters much. Sarah took one last look at Matt, stroking his face and gradually breaking the kiss.

"Cut!" the director barked out. "Very good effort indeed. Alright Jennifer, you’re up." Sarah just nonchalantly left the set, seeing the tremors she had just put into Matt. Love then took her place, waiting to let loose. On top of everything she was feeling, that director just had to call her by her first name. She was really starting to hate that. Meanwhile Matt just prayed he could withstand another round of this.

"And action!" Love tried to act as professionally as she could, but holding back was no longer an option. She quickly turned in and planted her lips on Matt’s, not hesitating to slip in some tongue, trying to generate some heat. She hoped speed and intensity would overmatch Sarah’s more caring, tender style. It took every ounce of restraint in Love not to start humping him right there. She knew Sarah was watching just off the set, and looked over with her eyes trying to show how much she was enjoying this.

Even though she had just been in Love’s place a few minutes before, Sarah couldn’t help but feel jealous of her, wanting so badly to win this part just to beat her. She also couldn’t help her arousal building up inside, simmering down only when Love ended the kiss almost as suddenly as she had starting it.

"Cut! Another fine performance," the director remarked. "I can tell this will be a tough one to decide. We’ll review tape with the producers very soon, and you can expect callbacks within a few days."

All three celebrities thought he was a complete stiff, but at least he got to the point. He then ordered the set crew, "All right, let’s clean this place up. Oh, and Matt, do I need to get some smelling salts for you?"

Matt was obviously flustered after having made out with two unbelievable hotties. After a moment passed he regained his composure, leaving the set even though he desperately wanted to stay around just a little longer. Who could blame him?

It took a short while for the crew to clear out and desert the set. Meanwhile Sarah was waiting in one of the prop rooms, searching for her rival. She thought Love appeared a little too eager in her performance and wanted to let her know with some spite mixed in.

"Gee, I didn’t know you were such a set rat." Damn, Sarah thought. She knew from the voice that Love had snuck up behind her and got the first word out. She was determined to get the last.

"Better than looking depraved and desperate in the most important audition of my life," Sarah retorted.

"You’re just jealous of him liking me better." Love was sure she’d landed the part at this point.

"Who, the stuffed shirt?"

"No, the one I sent into a seizure."

"You mean after I gave him the shakes." Sarah was fishing for anything to agitate her now.

"The only thing you’ll be shaking is your head when you see me accepting the Oscar thinking, `Why? Why couldn’t that be me?’" Love taunted, really enjoying rubbing it in even without winning anything yet.

"With that acting you’d be lucky to win Best Off-Screen Blowjob. I can see it now, `Thank you all so much, it’s such an honor." Sarah had to laugh at that crack.

"Wait a minute, what do you and your co-stars have to do with this?" Now Love really had Sarah mad. The anger was starting to show on her face.

"At least my show is popular enough to start a spin-off."

"So’s mine, and I’m the star, remember?" Love always seemed to have a comeback ready, further agitating Sarah.

"And that means it’s sure to bomb."

"You mean like your movies did?" Sarah couldn’t take much more of this verbal abuse without at least winning a few rounds. The argument relentlessly kept heating up.

"Yeah, well who’s a role model for millions?"

'You mean whose character is? Mine."

"Well, who made the cover of Cosmo?"

"Well who made Rolling Stone twice?"

"Well who’s the personal whore for the MTV veejays?!"

"Well who’s the wannabe whore for the WB whose only customer is her right hand?!"

"Well you never had to do this!!" With that, Sarah did the last thing she could think of to shut Love up: grabbing her, pulling her close and kissing her square on the lips. It was a skill Sarah first learned shooting Cruel Intentions. She hadn’t thought much of it then, another feather in her cap of acting talents, but about as useful as a party trick. After a few moments Sarah broke it off, hoping that would leave Love with nothing to say. It did, for a couple seconds. Then the last thing Sarah ever expected to take place happened.

Love forced herself onto Sarah, kissing her in return with a vengeance, sending her reeling. From the instant their lips met a jolt of electricity shot through Sarah like nothing she’d ever known. It felt strange but deeply satisfying, like a need she’d never known had just been fulfilled – the same force Love felt when Sarah made the first advance.

Love broke her kiss as suddenly as Sarah did, both still unsure of what had gone on between them. They both stared into each other’s eyes, seemingly paralyzed. Both felt terrified, unsettled, but also longed for the other in a completely unfamiliar way. All they knew was each had made the other feel something new, something wonderful. And they both wanted more.

Still they kept staring at each other, unable to speak and not knowing what to do next. After what seemed like ages, the pair slowly started leaning in. They kissed again, sending another potent charge through their bodies. Now there was no turning back. With all that had gone on that day, the chance meeting, the audition, and the nasty exchanges, their emotions were running off the charts. Now they could let it all go.

A series of quick pecks developed into one long kiss, building in passion by the second. Both wrapped their arms around each other, trying to get even closer together. As their tongues danced the rest of their bodies responded to the swelling heat, starting into a slow grind along with Sarah rubbing her leg up and down Love’s thigh. The pace accelerated, both looking caught in a whirlwind of pleasure as their figures danced as one.

Suddenly Love lost her balance, sending both crashing into the floor, but still entangled, not even breaking the kiss. The couple rolled back and forth all over the floor, banging into props and knocking down directors’ chairs, trying to get ever closer, quickening the friction between their flesh. When the rolling stopped both were doubly dizzy, from the motion outside and the fire ignited inside, with Sarah ending up on top.

Their lips broke again, both their faces showing signs of disbelief, desperately hoping they wouldn’t wake up any second now from this fantastic dream. Even so their eyes burned with lust, seemingly asking for permission to go further, each seeing it somehow in the other’s gaze. Quickly mouths remet, tongues entwined, bodies caressed, and both started tearing at each other’s clothes.

Love got the straps on Sarah’s dress down in a flash, pushing it down to her waist, leaving her topless. Sarah rapidly caught up, frantically unbuttoning Love’s shirt, pulling it over her head and through her arms, then rushing to unclasp her bra, exposing that magnificent rack.

Their hands instinctively moved down to knead each others’ tits, rubbing and teasing nipples, making them that much hotter. That didn’t last long as Sarah hurried to rip off her dress completely with nothing to hide underneath, their breasts still pressed together, their kisses ever more rabid, as Sarah moved to relieve Love of her skirt, sliding it down her legs and tossing it aside, leaving both totally exposed.

As they started grinding again their clits rubbed together for the first time, giving both of them a thunderous rush, causing each to scream in joy in the others’ mouth. Their hips picked up speed, bringing more intensity to the impulses from their aching love buttons, if that was even possible. As great as this felt it couldn’t last much longer. Both pussies were saturated with nectar from all the action. Someone had to get off soon.

Love worked her hands down Sarah’s back, looking to squeeze those sweet ass cheeks of hers. When she did Sarah’s tongue darted even faster as her lower body responded with an even more rapid clit stroking, making Love delirious. Love probed further, stroking throughout Sarah’s crack with her fingertips, eliciting a still greater reaction. Curious, and so wanting to please her, Love slipped a finger in Sarah’s asshole. The sensation proved to be too much, as Sarah shot up like a rocket, exclaiming in rapture,

"Yes!!! Right there, right there, mmmmm, uunnnnggghhh!!!!" Love immediately thrust her finger, and soon two, in and out of Sarah with blinding speed. That and their pussies still grinding was too much for Sarah to hold on any longer. "Unnngghh, oh god, oh god here it comes, mmmmmmm, unggghh, ungghhh, aaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Pressure built up all inside her, her thighs started shaking, and Sarah screamed uncontrollably as the most powerful orgasm she’d ever felt exploded through every ounce of her. Love relentlessly kept pumping her fingers until every last ounce of energy Sarah had left had transformed into ecstasy. After almost a full minute Sarah collapsed onto Love, barely able to breathe, but still reflexively stroking her clit into Love’s.

Now Sarah wanted nothing more in the world than to send Love over the edge she had just flown off of. She slid down Love’s chest, past her torso, right to her crotch, tracing her sopping wet cuntlips with her fingernails. This drove Love absolutely crazy, making her hips buck wildly just from the touch. Sarah knew what Love needed and wasn’t going to waste any time, sliding two fingers in her pussy and wiggling them around inside.

"Ummmmm, ooooohh, yeah!!! Don’t stop, faster, faster, uunnnngggghhhhh, more, MORE!!!!" Love was so close and Sarah was delighted to oblige, driving and wiggling her fingers throughout her, hitting as many pleasure spots as she could. It didn’t take long for Sarah to feel Love clamp around her digits, knowing what was next. "Yeah, fuck yeah, ummmmmm, oh shit, aaaaahhhhhhh, shitttttttaaaahhhhhhHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Love howled, coming with a flourish, her body releasing in unimaginable bliss.

Sarah prolonged it as long as she could, never stopping her hand until Love was spent to the last drop. Sarah couldn’t help but grin ear-to-ear, putting Love in the same heaven she had just visited. As Love wore out Sarah felt her fatigue hitting her, rolling over right beside Love, both still buzzed from the single most intense experience of their lives.

The pair, spent beyond belief, could barely keep from passing out, let alone realize what happened. Minutes passed by before either could speak.

"Wow," Sarah moaned slowly, breaking the prolonged silence.

"Did, did that really happen?" Love wondered, obviously dazed.

"You tell me," Sarah beckoned, leaning over for a caring kiss.

"Ooh, who’s the slut now?" Love teased.

"I don’t care." Sarah responded, embracing her new mate with a soft smooch. That was enough for both to regain some clarity of mind.

"Have you ever felt anything like that, even close to that?" Love asked, staring devotedly into Sarah’s eyes.

"No, never.but, now what happens? Now what do we do?" Love could see the worry showing on Sarah’s face as she said it.

"I don’t know, There’s so much.so much we shared.I don’t even know what to feel, what I feel." Love felt a pinch of anxiety building, trying to figure any of this out.

"So, you want to meet again sometime?" Sarah begged, desperately hoping this wouldn’t end here.

Suddenly Love’s face lit up with a smile, like something naughty just came to mind. "I’ve got just the thing, why don’t we make a little bet?"

"What kind of bet?" Sarah asked, intrigued by what Love had in mind.

"How about whoever loses the part gets three wishes?" Love revealed.

"What kind of wishes?"

"Anything you want."

"Anything?" Sarah asked, stroking her finger down Love’s chest, hoping anything involved that.

"Anything," Love answered, responding in kind.

"Oh yeah, I’m going to enjoy this," Sarah sneered with confidence.

"You just never stop, do you?" Love said, startled.

"Like you’d want to me to," Sarah answered, leaning over and meeting Love’s lips again. They shared one last intimate moment before getting ready to leave, having a good deal of fun and handfuls helping each other back into their clothes. Dressed and regrouped, they parted, knowing they would never be the same.

One week later.

Sarah had been pacing through her apartment for almost an hour now. Usually callbacks didn’t take this long unless something was very wrong with the project. She was so on edge it seemed a pin drop could make her jump. Just then the phone rang. Sarah dashed to it, hoping this was the one she’d been awaiting.

"Hello?" she said nervously.

"Hello, Sarah?" The voice on the other end sounded more tentative than she was. "It, it’s Love."

"Love thank god it’s you. Have you heard anything from the director yet? Anything at all?" Sarah spoke so fast one would think she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. The suspense was killing her.

"No, they haven’t called me. But that’s not what I." Sarah wouldn’t let her finish.

"They haven’t?? Something must have happened if they’re taking this long. Get your agent to set up a meeting with the producers, I’ll do the same. We’ve got to find out what’s going.." Sarah was almost hyperventilating now.

"Sarah!!!" Love shouted. Sarah thought she heard her almost crying in the background. Any thoughts concerning showbiz instantly dissipated.

"Love what’s wrong?"

"I, I can’t." Love sobbed.

"You can tell me, it’s alright, that’s why you called isn’t it?" Sarah said, trying to be reassuring.

"Ever since that day I.I can’t stop thinking about you.about us." Love admitted.

It hit Sarah like a wrecking ball. She’d been having the same feelings toward Love, almost like a drug she couldn’t live without. The only thing to break that train of thought was her building anxiety toward who would win the movie role she coveted so badly. And she almost put it ahead of Love, which she immediately regretted. She had to let that feeling out.

"I can’t either." The words sounded so soothing to Love. Now at least she knew she wasn’t crazy. "It’s like no matter where I go or what’s I’m doing, the only thing I can think about, the only face I see.is you," Sarah added. The letting out intensified the attraction already between them, which they had to satisfy, and soon.

"Tell you what Love, we’ve got to find out about the movie, but after that we can do anything we want. Let’s set up a meeting with the producers and then, maybe."

"Head back to your place?" Love said excitedly.


"Great! I’ve got to get those three wishes sometime, remember?" Love was quickly back to her bubbly self.

"Oh, you’ll get yours, you nasty little slut you." The girls both giggled at that and ended there, for now. Both quickly called their agents, setting up the meeting at the studio to get to the bottom of why no one was notified about getting or not getting the part.

A few days passed. It was almost 7:00 and the producers were expecting their guests very shortly. Love, in a casual black dress, walked in the studio meeting room first. Sarah entered shortly after, wearing a cream-colored tank top and jeans. The dressed-down attire matched the typical atmosphere of these meetings, but not this one, not with the stakes so high. The executive producer began.

"Alright, I understand both of you auditioned for Heartstrings and you want to know which of you won the role." Both girls just stared back, wanting to get this over with more than anything. "Well, here’s your answer. Nobody won. The studio has decided to scrap the project."

"WHAT???!!!!!" Sarah and Love sharply stood up, staring him down, visibly stunned by this turn of events.

"I know this seems surprising to you. Let me try to explain," the producer continued. "The studio executives believe there’s a better opportunity in comedies right now than this.date movie." He tried his best not to call it a sappy romance flick, but the actresses saw through that real fast. Sarah’s face was turning beet red, struggling against bursting out. After all, these people did have some influence throughout the industry. Love’s temper was growing shorter as well, but not nearly to that degree. "Here’s what they’ve chosen instead." He gave each of them a miniature poster of the replacement movie, which caused both to react in disgust after seeing the title in large red letters, "HICKS." On the poster were Chris Rock and Norm MacDonald with pitchforks, straw hats and overalls, standing in a barn with a slogan above reading, "Got teeth?"

The producer, oblivious to Love and Sarah’s growing anger, went on. "These days practically any film with Saturday Night Live alumni is grossing $100 million. Plus this kind of movie is much more fun to make, so that’s why the switch was made." Only now did he see his would-be stars with their arms folded, beyond just not being amused. "What, you don’t like it?" he asked.

Love stormed in first, "Don’t like it?? You scrapped a project with a guaranteed Oscar nomination because you don’t think it’s fun to make??!! You took away…"

"You pompous cock-sucking bastards!!!!!" Sarah exploded, her disbelief turning to rage. Love quickly ran over to try to calm her down, but it was futile. "You mean to tell me you scrapped a film, no, a work of art so you can make a bunch of redneck jokes??!! God, you people make me want to vomit when you pull off shit like this! And let me tell you something, you."

"Sarah, stop it!!" Love ordered, needing to restrain Sarah to keep her from trying to choke or slap anyone. It wasn’t helping.

"Stop it? They just took away the best role anyone ever scripted for either of us!! How can you not let `em have it?!" Sarah yelled, still hopping mad.

"Because they can do a lot more to you than you can to them." It was a lesson Love learned from her agent, and she was determined not to let herself or anyone she knew fall victim to it.

"You still want to work in this town?" The producer chimed in. Sarah knew she couldn’t argue with that, much as she hated it. She gnashed her teeth in disgust and stormed out of the room. Love quickly followed, remembering Sarah’s promise to meet afterwards. Still, she was reminded how studio types could be such dicks.

But that wasn’t important now, she had to find Sarah. Love couldn’t see her up ahead or down any side paths in the building. When she reached the exit she felt someone put tap her shoulder. Love turned around, seeing no one there, but felt something balancing on her other shoulder, what looked like a business card when she took it. It read, "Follow me," and had an address on it. She looked up in time to see Sarah waving from her car. Love thought this must be her apartment. She ran out of the studio smiling, it wouldn’t be long now.

A short while later Love was tingling with anticipation while riding in the elevator. Fortunately it hadn’t been that long of a ride from the studio to Santa Barbara and Sarah’s penthouse apartment. Sarah never could find it in herself to make one of the famous Southern California mansions her own. She always saw the area as little more than a place to work; her real home was still back on the East Coast. Must be the city girl in her.

Love reached the top floor and quickly found the door to Sarah’s place. She was so excited she almost couldn’t contain herself, barely able to knock on the door hard enough for anyone to hear. But now the wait was over. The door opened and Love rushed in, finding Sarah behind the door, as eager as she was, pushing the door shut. They immediately rushed toward each other, meeting in a wild, fiery kiss. Any shades of apprehension left had vanished on the way over, now they needed each other more than anything, and only that. They could have ground each other into a sea of orgasms right there, but this time they had the whole night.

"You don’t know how much I’ve missed you," Love said, breaking the kiss, her eyes swelling with desire.

"Oh I think so," Sarah managed to get out before proving it to Love with her tongue, lashing wildly in Love’s mouth for another few moments.

With that pleasantry out of the way Sarah gave Love a quick tour of the place. Every inch of it was plush, complete with a kitchen larger than that in most homes, soft inch thick carpeting, a luxurious living room, and a spacious bedroom, all complemented with a beautiful oceanside view, effective even at night. She led Love back to a velvety couch in the living room, hoping to get a little something for the both of them.

"Thirsty at all?" She asked.

"Oh, I can think of a little something I’ve got a taste for." Love responded, stroking her hand up Sarah’s jean-covered thigh with a radiant yet seductive glow on her face to match.

"Mmm, you don’t mess around, do you Love?" Sarah answered, Love responding with one of her trademark giggles. "Let me get some real drinks before we get to the hot stuff." She went to the kitchen, returning with two goblets and a bottle of red wine, sitting right beside Love while pouring a glass for each of them. After a few sips Love wrapped her arm around Sarah, staring tenderly into her clear green eyes.

"I guess we both lost the part." Love had to bring it up, considering what it meant. It didn’t matter to Sarah now, at least not in the way Love meant.

"Yeah, Hollywood sucks it like that sometimes." Sarah responded.

"You know what that means, don’t you?" Love almost trembled as she said it, knowing what was next.

"No, what?" Sarah wondered.

"It means we both get three wishes!" Love answered excitedly. Sarah’s face lit up in joy, remembering the bet they made and what cashing in would mean now. "Think of anything to wish for?"

Sarah wondered for a moment, then noticed how tense she’d become. It had been an trying day, and she needed something to relieve all that stress. "I wish you’d give me a massage."

"I’d love to!" Love quickly got up and quickly took a place on the couch behind Sarah, thinking this was too good to be true, at least the way she planned it. Sarah sat up and leaned back, trying to use Love as a pillow as she began rolling her hands over her shoulders. Sarah started moaning softly from the light, relaxing treatment.

"Like that huh?" Love knew the answer, she just needed to hear it.

"You have no idea." Sarah uttered between breaths.

"No, you don’t." Love replied, moving to Sarah’s top, sliding it down her arms, revealing Sarah’s chest and her intent – she was turning this into a full body massage. Love slowly slid her hands down toward Sarah’s breasts, which by the increased moaning showed she loved it. Love squeezed them delicately over and over, all the while taking Sarah’s nipples between her fingers, gratifying Sarah to no end.

"Love you’re so good to me." Sarah moaned in approval.

"Wait, I’m just getting started. There’s so much more of you to go." Love’s sweet words made Sarah awash in pure contentment, knowing her lover would soon be worshiping every piece of her body. What else could she wish for?

After a short while Love worked back to Sarah’s shoulders, then slowly down her back to her waist. Love moved to the floor beside the couch, leaning over to unbutton Sarah’s tight jeans, then pulling them down ever so slowly, savoring the gradual sight of her legs, leaving Sarah in only a pair of thin black lace panties. With this Love went back to Sarah’s waist, working down to her ass, squeezing for all she could take.

Slowly, almost painfully so, Love began moving down Sarah’s hip to her thigh and then down her leg, massaging each side with one hand, and now softly kissing it too. Sarah was caught in a paradox, totally at peace with Love’s treatment but so aroused she began to ache. She was so wet she could feel it all over herself.

Still Love would not go any faster, moist as she was also, touching each piece of Sarah with as much care as the first. Finally Love had made it down to Sarah’s foot, which only took that much longer to caress and only felt that much better. Love then started working up the other leg, seemingly taking twice as long to work up as she did to work down. Not like either of them minded, Love with total access to Sarah’s flesh and proving she was worth it.

The sight was getting to Love now, but even more so were the smells. Sarah’s scent, her perfume, the wine, the dripping juice between her thighs, it was all so arousing. Love couldn’t breathe enough of it in, almost getting off on it.

"Mmmm, I wish I could just bottle you up and have you whenever I.Wait a minute, I sort of can." Love cooed, reaching to pour another glass of wine.

"Ooh, what do you mean?" Sarah asked, wondering why Love had that mischievous smile on her face again. She was so excited it was almost painful.

"Well, I can make a one-of-a-kind drink that’ll blow your mind. But first I’ll need the other ingredient," Love teased.

"And that is." Sarah couldn’t wait even a second longer. Good thing she wouldn’t have to.

Just then Love rushed over, pulled off Sarah’s panties, slid them off, tossed them aside and dove right into Sarah’s pussy, frantically licking at every crevice and fold she could find.

"Yes, Love!!!!! Lick it up, oooooohhhh god yeah lick it all up!!!!!" Sarah shouted, begging for more, throwing a leg over Love’s shoulder to give her more room down there. Her cries became incessant, she was absolutely on fire, craving every one of Love’s touches. Love probed deeper into Sarah, tonguing as far as she could, then wrapping it around Sarah’s throbbing clit, sucking it with reckless abandon, forcing Sarah into squirming and screaming with every touch.

"Aaaahhhhhhh, suck that, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, suck it right there, more, please more!!!!!!! Make me come!!!!! Make me come now, mmmmmmuuuuuhhhhhh."

Right then Love pulled away, almost making Sarah insane. "It’s time to make the drink, remember?" Only then did she realize what Love meant, reaching for the goblet and pouring the wine all over and down her seething slit. The ice cold sensation shot through Sarah like a bullet, giving her more pleasure than she thought possible, only to be followed by Love lapping up every bit of it, no matter how deep in her cunt it got. That’s all Sarah needed, feeling her release trembling.

"Hope you enjoy this you little slut `cause here it, it, uunnnggghhhh, ahhhHHHHH, YES!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah cried, her pussy gushing like open floodgates, coming for the first time all over Love’s face.

The mixture of wine and cunt juice was everything Love imagined and so much more, sweet, salty, spicy and just plain good, never stopping until Sarah’s faucet ran dry. Love licked up the last few drops and leaned upward toward her, letting Sarah taste the mesmerizing concoction. Sarah adored it as much as Love did, trying not to swallow it for the longest time, relishing the flavor.

"Oh my god Love, what can’t you make me feel?" Sarah inquired into Love’s devoted eyes, adoring the state she had put Sarah in. Nothing had ever made Sarah so complete than the nymph in her arms.

"Something tells me we’ll have lots of time to find out. But now it’s your turn again. Got any more wishes?" Love couldn’t wait to see what Sarah had in store next, seeing her expression turn from orgasmic bliss to enticing hunger.

"Oh nothing much, I just wish you’d climb up here and sit on my face so I can lick you until you."

"How’s this?" Love asked, having straddled Sarah’s head before she could even finish.

"Just one thing," Sarah answered, raising Love’s dress from below, peeling it up and over her, throwing it to the floor. To Sarah’s delight Love wore nothing underneath, making her hot all over again. "Here comes your wish granter." Sarah jeered, grabbing Love’s ass and shoving her pussy into her face, slashing her tongue in as deep as she could, making Love gasp in excitement.

"Yeah Sarah, that’s how you treat a lady, mmmm." It didn’t take long for Love to start rocking on her friend’s face, treasuring every sensation from down below. Sarah, wasting no time, explored the rest of that body above her, stroking down all over those long legs, then back up to where she started, shoving Love’s ass to give her all the pussy she could handle, and more.

The pair established a rhythm of rocking, grinding, lapping, licking and feeling which Sarah set the pace for, accelerating it ever so slowly, wanting to give Love everything she’d received earlier. It was truly a sight to behold. Love groaned endlessly, her volume picking up right with the pace as Sarah felt her way up her torso right to her voluptuous tits, squeezing them like clay in need of molding. The pace quickened, Love rocking faster, almost making it difficult for Sarah to keep up her treatment.

Soon it became a frenzy, Sarah feeling anywhere and everywhere, hands and fingers darting all over Love, who was overcome in pleasure, still only building up. This was the time, Sarah thought, dragging her tongue across Love’s clit, shooting her into orbit.

"Uummmpppphhhhh, right there Sarah, don’t you ever fucking aaaaahhhhhhhh stop!!!!!!!" Love wailed, praying she would come soon. The passion overtook both of them, Sarah stabbing Love’s clit and cunt as fast as she could, Love gyrating all over her while the rest of her body swayed, from legs to chest to hair and face. She wondered if this was heaven. It wasn’t, feeling her thighs clench, her body tighten, and her pleasure intensifying. Heaven was just a release away, and with one gentle suck by Sarah on her clit, her ticket was well in hand.

"Oh god here it comes oh gggggmmmmmmaaaAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Love yelled, bursting in ecstasy on Sarah’s face, relentlessly keeping up the pace and sucking up every last morsel of her syrup.

Love rode out the unbelievable orgasm, milking all the pleasure she could out of it, leaving her exhausted but so fulfilled. As she came back to her senses though, something wasn’t quite right, something felt unfinished. Then it hit her: Sarah never stopped. She was still feeling, licking and sucking up a storm, returning Love to an erotic tempest. Not that she minded, but she couldn’t imagine why.

"Sarah, oooohhhh, Sarah, what are you doing down there?" Love tried to ask between extended moans.

"You never let me finish before," Sarah responded sporting a beaming grin.

"Finish what?"

"My wish, I’m gonna eat you until you scream." The words forced Love into an even more furious grind than before, resparking her arousal to new heights. She thrust herself into Sarah, grabbing her hands, doing the body wide fondling for her, hoping that would send her crashing into another orgasm. The pleasure rose, being even more intense than before as Love tried to feel every part of herself all at once while Sarah continued bathing her pussy. Love was nearing the point of pleasure overload, she felt she’d die without releasing soon. Then it started again, from the tips of her body down into the pit inside her, the tingling, building to a tension, raising to a peak and then.

"Yes, YES, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" climax, Love belting out a scream that almost shattered glass as she erupted in orgasm, twice as good as before, at least. Sarah tasted her once again, soaked in her essence, in awe of what she had made her feel.

After slowly grinding and licking to a halt, Love slid down Sarah’s body, holding her close, now completely drained. The two nude paramours shared an embrace, both utterly satisfied. There would be no more wishes tonight, as both drifted off to sleep, totally comforted, dreaming only of each other.

Love awoke to the morning sunbeams streaking in through the window shades, still as happy as she could have ever imagined. She still couldn’t believe she had come that hard last night, let alone twice. And there was the one behind it, her arms wrapped around her, that lovely naked Sarah beside her. Love wanted so badly to show her appreciation, then it came to her just how to do so: a little wake-up call.

She stroked her fingers down Sarah’s chest, trying to see how far asleep she was. Her breathing picked up, letting out a small moan, more of a reflex than anything. Sarah was still sound asleep. Love progressed down to her slit, slipping in the tip of her finger, still experimenting. Not much of a response. She pushed it all the way in and gently started inserting it in and out. Sarah’s breathing picked up and she started cracking a smile. Still her eyes were solidly shut.

After about a minute of this Love couldn’t wait any more. She slid down Sarah’s body, licking all the way, and started a delicate tonguing of her pussy. Sarah’s hips began to sway as did the rest of her, moaning contentedly with eyes still closed. Love knew she could feel it now. She probed deeper inside, washing Sarah’s walls, exciting both of them beyond any reason. This continued for a short while, Sarah’s mewing in sync with Love’s handling.

Once Sarah finally realized what and who was going on down there she’d didn’t mess around. She wanted it all, wrapping her legs around Love, her thighs clamping her face like a vice grip as she started bucking. This made Love so eager to top her off, striking her tongue into the slit while running her thumb over Sarah’s swelling clit. The speed was too much for her, grabbing for Love’s head, flowing in enjoyment and feeling the joy of orgasm pound through her once again. Love happily drank up, keeping most of it in her mouth so she could share it with Sarah, kissing affectionately, each in complete admiration for the one next to them.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Love just adored seeing Sarah glow like this, giving her a peck on the forehead.

"Damn, Love, where did you learn that?"

"Just now. Sure beats a buzzer waking you up, huh?"

"Oh wow, does it ever." Sarah quietly voiced, still in disbelief that Love could be that kinky that fast. The two laid back, enjoying each other’s caress for a while, then Love started reflecting.

"Why didn’t we figure this out sooner? I mean, how could we go that long not knowing life could be this good?" she wondered.

"I know," Sarah concurred, "Wait a minute, what if we never got into that fight at the studio? What if, what if this never happened?" The thought sent a shudder down both their spines.

"How horrible, we would have just. Just gone on not even knowing this was possible. what a waste of a life that would’ve been!" Love found the idea very disturbing.

"You don’t think." Sarah started.

"Think what?" Love inquired.

"You think there might be others out there? I mean, if it happened to us, could it be other people who could feel this. never would?"

"You’re right," Love answered, thinking of what they could do about it. "Maybe. maybe we could, you know, track some down and try out a few?"

"Yeah, just like a hunt, only they’d be the ones enjoying the thrills." Sarah brightened at the possibilities.

"Oooh, yeah, I like where this is going, but who?" Love asked.

"Don’t worry, we’ve got our whole lives for that," Sarah ended, knowing the only one who mattered now was lying next to her and feeling the same way. Now they had something of a mission, but it didn’t matter, at least not now. Not in each other’s grasp it didn’t.

And it all happened because of one audition, starting in hatred, ending in bliss. Only in Hollywood.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
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Re: The Harem (Original Episodes)
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2024, 01:54:18 AM »
The Harem Episode 2 – Ghoulardi
Celeb(s) – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Rose McGowan, Sarah Michelle Gellar
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA


Do not read any further if you are under age 18 or if graphic sexual content offends you. The celebrities mentioned are characters used to arouse the innocent. This is not real. If you think for a second that it is you’re even more delusional than I. Reposting is permitted only without alterations.

Please send any and all feedback to GhoulardiX@hotmail.com. If you read this I need to know what you think of this. Remember, without your takes this doesn’t happen. If you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it I can ask for nothing more, but I need to know.

This story is dedicated to a friend of mine who is by far the biggest Rose McGowan fan I’ve ever seen. May his fantasies come true.

Love and Sarah had never felt more alive. Neither of them could have imagined taking this turn in life, and that made their affair even more thrilling.

Even so there was one unanswered question: Were there others like them who, given the chance, could share their joy? During their affair they hadn’t given much effort to looking for someone who could help answer that riddle; they were much too busy with one another. But the answer would arrive shortly with one purchase.

Sarah was almost finished going through her mail, sitting on the couch in her living room with the TV going in the background. It was mostly standard stuff, unlike the stacks of fan mail typically waiting for her at the studio. Bills, a magazine or two, a marriage proposal from a deranged admirer who managed to thieve her address from a "Homes of the Stars" map, nothing unusual.

But when she got to the bottom of the pile, she found a video catalog. She leafed through it, hoping to find something worthwhile first under New Releases, then Romance, then Comedies. And it was there that she saw it: something funny, girly, and with enough stars to do a little scouting. Now talent had a whole new meaning. She rushed through the order form and sent it out, wondering what Love would think of this selection.

A couple days later.

"Here it is, finally," Sarah said, walking into her apartment with a cardboard package in her hand. Love looked back, waiting on the couch inside.

"So what’d you get?" Love asked, watching her walk while trying to claw open the box.

"You’ll see, just got to.there!" Sarah answered, ripping open the panel and pulling out the box inside. She walked over and handed it to Love. "How’s this?"

The first thing that struck Love were the colors: much too pastel for her taste. She had to get past that to see the title, "Jawbreaker," and the three stars on the front of the box: Rebecca Gayheart, Rose McGowan, and Julie Benz.

"Looking for a change of pace?" Love was a little surprised by the selection. She assumed Sarah had something less ostentatious and more mature in mind.

"Yeah, guess I needed a little something silly. But you think any of these have, um, potential?" Sarah didn’t quite know how to put it, but Love got the idea.

"Well there’s only one way to find out," Love replied, slipping the tape in the VCR and pressing play, then getting back to joining Sarah on the couch.

Both found the movie itself disappointing. The plot was flimsy and the setting reminded them both of all the high-schooler parts they’d had to play for most of their careers. Still, just being this close to each other made the film more than worth it.

Then there were the talents. In their eyes Rebecca wasn’t exactly horrible to look at, but no one else in the cast had anything to offer. No one, that was, except Rose.

Rose was a combination unlike anything they had ever seen, onscreen or off. Coy, yet flamboyant, yet shudderingly sinister, she made for quite a captivating screen presence. And then of course there were those unique and oh so dangerous curves.

Granted, this was only a character she played, but if it took two actresses to know an actress, this was one these two took a very close look at. Love sure did, her eyes were glued to the screen every time Rose appeared.

"So, whaddaya think?" Sarah needed to break Love out of her trance sometime.

"I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’m attracted or petrified," Love answered, staring up after leaning on Sarah’s shoulder for most of the flick.

"You’re curious. I’m starting to think she would be great to go after, and I know."

"Wait!" Love had to interrupt after Rose hit the screen again, not willing to miss a moment of seeing her. Sarah’s voice started seeming so distant as her attention became transfixed on the ivory-skinned beauty she was watching.

"Love, Love are you even here?" Sarah tried waving her hand in front of Love’s face, but she was too into it. Her mouth watered, her breathing picked up and her thighs began rubbing together, trying to provide some relief but doing exactly the opposite.

Sarah couldn’t believe her eyes. She’d seen Love get hot, but never this sensuous.

"You really want her, don’t you?" she whispered softly. Love still didn’t respond, mesmerized by the vision before her. Soon her breathing became a quiet moaning as her palm slid down her stomach and past her waist, almost to her panties.

Right then Sarah stopped her, breaking the spell Love was under and finally causing her to open her eyes. The look on her face begged Sarah, "Why?" in a mix of suspense and pent-up stimulation. Sarah answered tenderly,

"Let me."

She replaced Love’s hand with hers, continuing right where she left off. This made Love revert back into her daze, caught between staring at the images of Rose and closing her eyes to focus on the sensations coming over her. Sarah had been infected by her craving and she couldn’t bear to watch Love go at this alone. She glided her hand through Love’s skirt, tracing the last few inches with her fingernails before passing through her panties.

"Mmmuugghh." Love panted as she felt Sarah’s two fingers enter her wetness, making her lose any control she had left over her body. Her waist and hips swayed back and forth, gradually moving faster and further as her lover’s hand slipped in and out of her. Between Sarah’s action and Rose’s images Love was drowned in a sea of lust, and she couldn’t have cared less.

Seeing this new side of Love, Sarah hoped she could get in on the action. She took her hand and placed it just above her navel, hoping her elevated instincts would take over from there.

And did they ever. Once her hand made contact with Sarah’s flesh Love slithered it down right to her waiting snatch while Sarah’s fingers jabbed throughout her sex.

Sarah could feel Love’s building desire as two, then three digits penetrated her folds, inducing a short gasp before falling into a soft murmuring of excitement that was echoed right next to her. With every sensation received between the two came a desire to give even more back to the other, raising the tempo of their finger fucking, only to increase the speed of their pleasure flow. By now their eyes were useless, picking up only jagged images from the TV and throughout the room as each cried in delight and longed for more.

Love had Sarah going through her like a jackhammer, piercing through her pussy with blinding speed, met back by her gyrating pelvis, and not unlike Sarah beside her. With her moans becoming yells she announced her climax, saturating Sarah’s fingers with her juices while riding out the manual orgasm.

Yet as fast as she had plunged into Sarah it was no match to how fast Love’s hand was now moving inside her. The rest of Sarah’s body swirled in chorus, leaving her little time before she came, coating Love’s fingers with her sexual honey as she loudly voiced her satisfaction.

Watching Sarah reach her peak put a craving into Love for a little bit more of her, which she found as they withdrew their fingers from each other. Love brought her hand, dripping with Sarah’s fluids, up to her mouth and licked off a small portion, which tasted as good as she remembered. Then she started tonguing each of her fingers, even sucking them down to get everything she could, all the while glancing enticingly at Sarah, using those beady brown eyes of hers to tempt Sarah into trying this delicacy.

It worked beautifully, Sarah taking a taste of Love for herself, then licking and sucking away at her fingers, following Love’s lead. Sarah thought the orgasm was more than enough to satisfy her, but Love had reinspired her appetite, showing through the look of deep fulfillment on her face.

Through their expressions each saw the other wanting just a little more, causing each to reinsert their fingers into their pussies, and then in each others’, their hands now mixed with both of their juices. Love was about to lick herself off when Sarah stopped her, bringing Love’s hand near before tonguing and then almost deep-throating her fingers, tasting both of themselves at once. Love immediately did the same with Sarah’s sopping appendages, flicking rabidly away to capture every droplet.

The taste and the rush from Sarah’s tongue felt so good they caused Love to go one step further, moving over toward her, still licking away while tilting to the side. First she licked her own hand alongside Sarah’s, then she moved in for a deep kiss, tonguing around Sarah’s mouth for any remaining traces of their essences.

Sarah quickly caught on, each switching between licking fingers and sucking tongues. They kept on devouring each other, seemingly in heat, until their hands and faces combined into one gooey mess of girl cum.

It took several minutes before they had captured every drop and slowed down to a mild kissing, when Sarah leaned Love back to lay on the couch, both once again very gratified.

During this Love and Sarah caught one last glimpse of Rose on the TV, right as the movie flashed to black and the closing credits rolled. Realizing she was why this little carousal took place, there was only one thing racing through Love’s mind, and she wasted no time in saying it.

"We’ve gotta have her."

"I know," Sarah replied between their making out, "But there’s always later for that." The pair kept on from there for a short while, wishing only to prolong sharing with each other.

But after this experience both knew the time had come to attempt bringing someone else in to experience what they had found. It took a couple days for Love and Sarah to devise a plan to meet Rose and try to get her in their frame of mind.

They figured it wouldn’t be that hard to get in contact, except for a little arm-twisting of agents and production assistants. Even then, how could they seduce Rose? They found it quite an exciting problem to have, to which they had a great answer, or so they thought at the time.

Rose had just finished another session on the set of Monkey Bone, a largely animated movie where she played a half-human half-cat creature, or at least provided the voice for it. Typically animated features took very little time to complete, sometimes only a week or two for all of the stars to come in and say their lines, leaving the rest to the animators and editors.

But with Brendan Fraser’s main character being live-action throughout the picture, the director wanted to do the recording sessions alongside Brendan’s work on the blue-screen set. This would insure the dialogue flowed as planned with the action. Besides taking longer, it also made the working atmosphere more like that of most movie productions, only everything was done on one set.

At least she didn’t have to deal with makeup, Rose thought as she walked back to her trailer. Because of how long shooting would take the producers decided to provide trailers for all the stars, a perk to offset the sometimes lengthy days.

When she wasn’t on the set that’s where Rose spent most of her studio day, largely keeping to herself rather than mingling with the other stars. She occasionally talked with Bridget Fonda, knowing she was a great contact to have in the industry. She was pretty neutral on Whoopi Goldberg, and Brendan was okay, other than the few times he tried to hit on her.

She was glad to finally be working with some real star power. Other than Scream most of her roles had been in independent film, often in obscure productions. It was the only way she could play the roles she wanted, chiefly dark villains with a sultry touch. She didn’t mind it a whole lot, the money was enough and a few more bucks wasn’t worth taking some compromising parts. Still it was good to finally get noticed by some of the major industry players.

Rose opened her trailer door and walked in, expecting to relax for a while since she wasn’t expected back on the set for a couple hours. Then she heard it.

"Hey Rose, what’s.up?"

The voice from inside visibly startled her, taking a step back and showing by her expression. It took a second for the adrenaline rush to subside before she noticed who it was, then the shock set in. No, it can’t be, she convinced herself, that’s not Jennifer Love Hewitt standing here in my trailer. But with a couple more good looks she realized that’s exactly who stood before her.

Rose knew Love’s act and didn’t exactly like it. At times she was Hollywood’s pinnacle of cuteness, especially when dressed in outfits with little hearts or something all over them. Such sappy sweetness was enough to make her retch.

Otherwise Rose never thought much of it, her attitude being let others do what they want as long as she could also. Then again, those others usually didn’t sneak into trailers unannounced.

All the while Love was almost trembling. She was really excited by this first pursuit, but also that much more nervous. If something went wrong with this it could mean., no, she didn’t even want to consider it, not for a second.

It hadn’t been too difficult to get to this point, convincing her agent of wanting her for a co- starring opportunity in a future project. That got her where Rose was currently working. The PAs were somewhat leery of giving up access to her trailer, but nothing some light flirting couldn’t resolve. And now there was Rose, exciting her as much in that fuzzy peach top and tight lime green pants as much as all those more revealing outfits in Jawbreaker. She had to make her move, but Rose beat her to it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Rose demanded, staring Love down.

"I was hoping maybe we could work together sometime soon. I just saw Jawbreaker and I loved you in that role, you were."

"You didn’t answer my question. What are you doing in my trailer?" Rose didn’t appreciate the flattery one bit.

"Well I couldn’t exactly stand around on the set. I’d make a scene and distract everybody, and then."

"You’d make a scene?! God, you’re one arrogant little bitch!" Rose’s violent side was starting to come out. Love could see her anger percolating.

"No, no, that’s not what I meant, please don’t get mad at me." Love didn’t know how she could salvage this one. Right now she only hoped she wouldn’t leave with any candies lodged in her throat.

"Mad? Now why should I be mad? It’s only breaking and entering!!" Rose raised her voice as she advanced toward Love with fury in her eyes. Love, barely able to stand, tried to keep a safe distance, backing away from Rose nearing the end of the trailer.

"I’m sorry, please, let just forget this whole thing happened." Love’s exhilaration was turning to fear, even though this had been part of the plan.

"Yeah, as soon as you forget what happens when I tell the producers about this," Rose yelled in Love’s face. Just then Love’s expression changed, almost cracking a smile as she looked behind Rose.

"What are you looking at?!" Rose interrogated. Love tried to ignore what she saw, or at least make it seem that way.

"Oh nothing, weren’t you going to tell the producers something?"

"Just remember you asked for it." Rose was proud of that parting shot, knowing she might be about to destroy a career here.

She started to walk away, not paying attention to what was in front of her. Then it hit her: a force fired through her mouth and all throughout her, ending as suddenly as it started. Rose discovered afterward that she’d walked right into Sarah’s waiting lips.

"Want more?" she teased, with Rose left stunned as the blonde dove in for another kiss.

Sarah had arrived on the set separately, her excuse being she wanted to talk to the director about a script he’d asked her to read, which was a complete lie. Then again, it’s not like production assistants were that smart. To this point their plan had worked, Love got into the trailer, then let her in. Sarah had been hiding in a space between the closet along one wall and the sofa in front. Once Rose got in she waited for Love to lure her to the back, when she sneaked up with the surprise kiss. So far, so good. Or so they thought.

Sarah kept on her tonguing onslaught as Love crept up from behind, planting pecks on Rose’s neck. The resulting rush of emotions left Rose caught between resistance and paralysis. She tried with any might left at her disposal to pull away, but something inside her wanted to wait a while and take more of this in, just to know what this feeling was. Then a wicked idea came to mind, a way to do both and get these two back for invading her space.

"This is what you came here for?" Rose managed to get out before Sarah restarted their liplock.

"Not just this, wait `til we get down below," Love replied, starting to work her hands in that direction.

"You girls are sick!" Rose fired back, finally escaping their clutches. Love and Sarah thought this could be all, until they heard her finish that statement,

"Just the way I like it."

The words brought a beaming smile to both of their faces. They’d heard the rumors about Rose being totally uninhibited and about the wild parties she and her fianc‚ Marilyn Manson threw at times. This looked like it would become one of them, making Love and Sarah even more giddy. Seeing this work, Rose knew it was time to break out her scheme.

"Wait here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet."

"Who might that be?" Sarah asked excitedly.

"A little friend of mine called Mr. Snappy." Rose went to go get him, opening her closet. As the girls heard her rummaging through a box in there, they couldn’t imagine what Rose was looking for.

"Mr. Snappy?" They both asked each other. When Rose came back and they found out what she meant, their feelings turned from arousal to anxiety. She had brought back an 8 inch long, 1 and 1/2 inch thick, hard black plastic dildo, stroking it teasingly with her fingertips. Other than the color it looked and was shaped like a real cock in every detail; the only things missing were the veins.

"Mr. Snappy," Rose introduced, sporting a malicious grin. She was never short on toys, always keeping some handy anywhere she would be for an extended length of time, just in case someone unexpected dropped in. They were also convenient on those slow shooting days.

"All right Sarah, get on the bed and get ready to say hello." Sarah glanced at Love, not knowing what to do, but she could tell by Rose’s face that she wasn’t about to take no for an answer. She walked over to the bed and lied down on it. She was a little scared of what would be next, as was Love.

"Not like that. Roll over, there." Sarah obeyed Rose’s command, now on her stomach. Rose took a long look at those well-toned legs of hers, leading up to a pair of jean shorts ending just below her cheeks, as she walked over and stroked the head of Mr. Snappy up, down and around her thighs. She found them slightly attractive, but she had a job to do.

"This is what you wanted from me, isn’t it?" Sarah couldn’t respond, not until she knew how this would end up. She found out soon enough, once Rose grabbed at her shorts and pulled them off, revealing her tight ass.

"No underwear? You came here begging for it didn’t you?" Rose scoffed. Still no response. She took the dildo and glided the cockhead up and down Sarah’s crack, eliciting a small sound of sensual approval.

While this was going on Love had moved from the back of the trailer to the love seat opposite the bed. Her heart was racing and she didn’t want to disturb Rose in this state by having her legs give out, so she found this spot to sit down. Her eyes fixed on the other two as Rose used the tool to find Sarah’s rear entrance.

"Now where are you there." Rose uttered as she found the hole, twisting the plastic cockhead around it. Sarah, suspecting what might happen next, sharply looked back, alarmed and begging Rose,

"Oh my god, you’re not." The smile across Rose’s blood red lips gave Sarah the answer she wasn’t hoping for as she glanced at the size of the device she carried. "Oh god, please, no, not there, don’t." Sarah shook her head saying it, only to show Rose she was right where she wanted her. Love shared her fear from just a few feet away but she was powerless to do anything about it. The torture goddess had come out and would not be denied.

"Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle." Rose answered into Sarah’s eyes. A hint of calm passed over her, but only for a moment as.

"Uunnnggggghhhhhhh!!!" Sarah yelped after Rose shoved the dildo all the way down her ass in one thrust, then rapidly starting a pace of prick fucking in and out of her, the full length each time. Sarah glanced back, hoping that first thrust was just a joke, but the satisfaction she saw from Rose offered no hope of her letting up. Only Love’s fingers had been back there before and their size hardly compared to what was in there now.

Love was horrified by the sight. She never expected a reaction like this out of Rose, much less to see Sarah being violated and Rose getting off on it. She managed to keep her gasp upon entry quiet enough so she wouldn’t get Rose’s attention. And then there was the thought of what she had in store for her. She had to do something before it got that far, but what?

"You want to get fucked? So how’s it feel so far? You like that?"

"Uhhhhh, hurts."

Rose thought she was showing Sarah a thing or two, like not to invade trailers. She figured she’d let Sarah beg for mercy a little longer before letting her go. She’d sure didn’t expect the reaction she got,


After the initial push the friction became familiar to Sarah, getting her off somewhat, but not enough to counteract the pain. The rest she faked, trying anything she could to get out of this ordeal. Rose couldn’t believe it, even though she found Sarah’s enjoyment a little gratifying. That made her put more force into each stroke, determined she would remain in charge.

Love also felt her mood shift, stimulated by the show Sarah was able to put on under such adverse conditions. Yet she wanted to get Sarah out of that position, so much so she disregarded any consequences of what Rose might do to her. She had to try.

"How about now, Sarah? Now do you still like it?!" Rose mocked.

"Mmmm, yeah, keep it, unnggghh, up, ohhhhh."

The quickened rhythm made Sarah forget all about the initial pain, feeling only the sensations of imitation cock rubbing along her rear orifice, even fucking it back in a reverse grind. This agitated Rose all the more, watching her scheme backfiring. Then she remembered she’d forgotten all about Love. Right when Rose was about to give up on Sarah, she made her presence felt.

"Oooohhh, oooohhhhhhh, yeah." Rose never thought Love was capable of this, as she saw her skirt thrown to the floor, her legs spread eagle, one hand frigging away at her pussy and the other fondling one of her breasts through her partially unbuttoned blouse. She originally hoped this would distract Rose enough to give Sarah a break. Love instantly found out that was a mistake as the combination of eyeing Rose and Sarah turning the tables had turned her on incredibly fast. Her own pleasure quickly took priority as she pumped her fingers in and out of herself and around her barely clothed nipple, enjoying herself loud enough for both of the others to notice. Good thing soundproofing was a standard feature on trailers.

"You little slut!!" The words broke Love’s concentration right at the wrong time, she knew she would have come soon. But Rose, standing in front of her, having grabbed Love’s hand to stop its pumping, wasn’t about to have any of that.

"Get on the bed and don’t even think about getting away." Love did exactly as Rose ordered, she didn’t dare disobey her now. Meanwhile Sarah had moved off into the corner with a slight smirk, waiting.

Both heard Rose going through that box in her closet again, imagining what else she could dig out of there. She came back with two pairs of handcuffs. Upon seeing them Love was sure she was really in for it this time, especially after frustrating herself earlier. Rose twirled the cuffs around her fingers for a few seconds before clamping each on one of Love’s wrists, then each around a post on the bedstand.

"So Jennifer, ever thought you’d be chained up like this?" Rose was positive she’d have better luck with this one.

"Please, i..it’s Love," she responded instinctively, forgetting her precarious position..

"Oh, sorry Jennifer," Rose emphasized, "What else can I do for you? Oh that’s right, you’re the one that’s a little tied up." Rose laughed a bit before getting down to business. She got onto the bed, looking down on her from her knees and reaching down to unbutton the rest of Love’s blouse.

"No bra? I’ll bet you wanted me to lick all over these babies, just like." Rose kept her mouth just above Love’s breasts as she finished removing the blouse, relishing her uneasiness. She let out her tongue only an inch above one of the pointed nipples, merely to swiftly pull away.

"Yeah, you still want that, I can see it in your eyes," Rose taunted, hovering just above Love’s flesh as she neared her slit, glistening with moisture.

"But now here’s the main attraction." Love hoped against hope that maybe, just maybe Rose might give her some relief, staring back at her, as her lips were so close to her pussy she could feel it.

"That’s what you really want, and still do.yeah you do. You came here wishing you’d get me to stick my face in here and lick all over this, you wet little cunt." Love was seriously struggling now, pulling her cuffed wrists to their limits, praying they’d break off some way so she could bury Rose in herself, which they didn’t. Her futile response showed Rose her efforts had succeeded. Finally she had achieved dominance over one of them, smiling slightly as she did so.

"So Little Miss Hewitt, now what should I.what." Rose all of a sudden felt something tugging at her pants. Immediately she looked back to see what had interrupted her session, finding Sarah with a huge grin on her face trying to tear them down, as well as her panties. She’d been waiting in that corner for the perfect moment to strike, now seeing Rose’s eyes widen when she saw Mr. Snappy in her possession.

Aware of what she had in store, Rose instantly started struggling, trying to pull her clothes back on and get in a more formidable position than on all fours over Love. Actually she ended up making it easier for Sarah to get Rose bare from waist to thighs.

"Tell me, what’s it like to be on the other end?" Sarah asked, picking up the black rod.

"You bring that thing near me and I will." Rose couldn’t believe she’d lost her hold again, desperate for a way out of this trap. But Sarah wasn’t about to let up after the treatment she received.

"Sorry, too late. Now let’s put this back where it belongs!"

"I swear I’ll.ooouuUUGGHHH!!!!!" Rose shrieked as Sarah slammed the dildo deep into her cunt and thrust it briskly throughout her. The ensuing rush promptly made Rose lose all remaining composure, bucking back and moaning loudly.

With her favorite fucktoy being pumped in her faster than she ever had used it, Rose had lost any voluntary influence over her actions. She didn’t care who was handling the device, only her pleasure mattered now.

It was quite a contrast from her original attitude: When Love and Sarah first kissed her Rose figured she had a couple of beasts on her hands she could tame. Now she was the one who had lost her will.

Sarah clearly enjoyed her retaliation, snickering at making Rose grind with her own plaything. In contrast Love looked like she would burst at any moment, shaking in a feeble attempt to break free from her handcuffs. She found her craving intolerable, but then she noticed the keys to the cuffs right in front of Rose. Hotter than flames and so desperate, she would try anything to break free, including.

"Like that, don’t you Rose? You like that big thick black thing in you, huh? How it fills you up `til you hope it busts you open? Rubbing back and forth against your clit, shooting up all over you, getting you so wet you want to suck on it over and over when you’re done? And how."

"Love, what’s gotten into you?" Sarah asked, astonished that Love would even think that, much less say it. Love couldn’t hear her as she stared intently at Rose, keeping on.

".that just makes you want it worse? I can do that and so much more, please, just let me go, I’ll lick you anywhere, suck you everywhere, as long as you can stand it, just uncuff me, please!!!!!" She shook so hard even Sarah could feel it.

Rose was positive she wouldn’t last much longer with Sarah pounding Mr. Snappy inside of her, and in her state she couldn’t refuse this offer. She reached for the keys, shuddering from her own pleasure current, and reached over to unlock the cuffs.

Her hand trembled so much she couldn’t get the key in the lock, at least until Sarah slowed up a bit with the dildo. As she undid one cuff Love squirmed to break loose, now seconds away from fulfilling her promise. Rose then reached over for the other cuff, still groaning under Sarah’s prodding, seeing Love strain in expectation, and then.


That sound from the second cuff was the last thing Rose heard before feeling Love’s tongue shove through her mouth and almost down her throat. Rose was receiving every bit of her now unbridled passion, and even kissing back that little bit she could. Love had her at last, grabbing Rose as close as possible, all the while ripping off her top.

Rose didn’t even notice that Sarah had removed Mr. Snappy from her and was now sliding off the rest of her pants, then removing her own tank top. She was too occupied with Love who was lavishly kissing her way down her neck and to her chest while struggling with her bra, taking a few moments to undo the back and throw it to the side, leaving all three fully nude.

Wasting no time, Love licked all over Rose’s large and supple breasts like she hadn’t eaten in days. Sarah helped out, reaching from behind to stroke whatever nipple or part Love wasn’t sucking on, pressing her own flesh against hers as well. Rose enjoyed it beyond belief, her raven black hair swaying along with the rest of her, trying to claw her way to the bedstand so she could grab two of the posts for some support, some outlet for all this energy.

After she felt she’d done enough exploring Love progressed downward, kissing all the way through her tummy, around her waist and then all over her thighs, licking voraciously once she got there. Sarah followed, doing the same down her back, stopping to explore her buttocks with her lips.

Rose adored it, yet couldn’t stand it. Like Love earlier she needed release, as the two tongues played with her skin and both pairs of hands explored whatever they could reach but couldn’t taste. She’d lost control of herself long ago as her mewing continued, but now whispering something in it.


"What’s that Rose?" Love asked kiddingly.

"We can’t hear you." Sarah teased.

"F.M…F.M…F.M…" Rose tried to get it out despite the sensations
going through her.

"C’mon Rose, we need to hear it." Love thought she knew what was saying now, as did Sarah.

"We can’t do it if you don’t say it." The words and the tongue lashing sent Rose over the edge, screaming,


Love and Sarah instantly complied, overjoyed that now they had what they came for. Each smothered their faces into one of Rose’s orifices and sucked away, Love in her pussy and Sarah in the rear.

Right at that moment Rose managed to grab a bedpost with each hand and hung on for dear life as a storm of impulses racked her from head to toe. Nothing she’d ever done or experimented with was half as good as this double treatment. Love even had to hold her steady or else she might have been crushed by her wildly bucking hips. Sarah took care of the rest, reaching up to fondle her swaying tits.

As the pair below flogged inside her with their tongues, the taste and feel of each crevice elevated their desire, making them lick and suck even faster, and made Rose shriek louder still.

Sensing her oncoming climax, Sarah felt her way down to where Love was doing her, reaching straight for and running her fingertips over her clit, all the while with her tongue buried deep in Rose’s butt.

When Rose felt the jolt she almost shattered, as the two could hear. Love followed with a few tongue caressings of her own, and then one short suck, lighting Rose’s fuse and making her explode.

"Oh GOD you two are good you’re HHSSSSS, uugghhhh, UUNNGGHHHH,

Banshees would have been jealous as Rose roared through her orgasm, the other two licking furiously as long as she needed to feel it all through, Love taking care not to let any of that precious cum get away. They went on until Rose collapsed on the bed, finally easing her grip on the bedposts.

Once they got their last licks in, Sarah and Love slid up on each side of her, their urges relieved, looking proudly at the feat they’d accomplished. If not for that last friction Rose certainly would have fallen asleep. Instead, after taking several minutes to come back down to earth, she acknowledged the two interlopers.

"If I knew you had that in store for me I, I, oh my g.I still can’t get over it."

"So, what was it you swore you’d do to us?" Sarah jeered. Rose looked straight into her eyes, answering,

"Anything you want," as she kissed Sarah deep on the lips, "Any way you want," then turning back and kissing Love the same way, "Any time you want." If they could make her feel that again there was no limit to what she would do in return. Marilyn would always be her soul mate and the one who best understood her, but there was no way she’d ever give up what she had now. The trio laid there, all smiles until Rose glanced at the clock,

"Shit!! I’ve got to be back on the set in twenty minutes!" She tried to get up and rush to get ready but Love and Sarah held her down, making her enjoy the moment at least a little bit.

"Relax, you’ve got time." Love appealed.

"I know," Rose consented, "I’m such a man like that sometimes. A man with."

"We know." Sarah answered, then in tandem with Love, ".really nice breasts." That quote of Rose’s was well known throughout the entertainment world, including those beside her giggling at finishing it.

"Really nice." Love repeated, glancing down toward them with a smile, pressed against her own well-endowed set.

"What, want some more?" Rose derided back, coyly as ever. Love slightly
licked her lips in response.

"Okay you two, we’ll have plenty of time for that later." Sarah said, stepping in as the voice of reason. The three set up a time to meet again at Sarah’s apartment building, insuring there’d be more to come. Rose then dressed and headed out to the studio, telling Love and Sarah to wait in the trailer until after everyone was back on the set. That way they wouldn’t be noticed. It also gave the couple a few moments to lie back and take it all in.

"Isn’t she something?" Love marveled.

"Yeah, is she ever. So tell me, how does she, you know," Sarah asked.

"How does she what?"

"How she.you know what I mean."

"No, really, what?"

"Okay, I’ll spell it out for you. How does she taste?" Love glared in astonishment at Sarah’s question.

"Sarah, you little."

"Hey, don’t look at me after everything you said, and did."

"Well I, uh, um." Love couldn’t find a way to answer that.

"So, are you going to answer me or do I have to."

"No, please I’ve had enough with the threats today. She was really good,

"Better than me?" Sarah interrupted.

"Come on, no one’s sweeter than you." Love showing her so with an extended kiss.

"So, got any plans for next time?" Love inquired afterwards.

"Actually, I’ve got this crazy idea." Sarah answered, then describing it to her.

The next night Rose strolled through the halls of the apartment complex, searching for the bar. There she was supposed to meet one of the girls who would bring her upstairs. Her choice of attire showed what she was expecting, a scarlet silk dress ending above the knees but split up the side almost to her waist, the top cut to show off her ample cleavage, plus a matching purse and heels.

It took a few minutes to find the bar, making her only fashionably late. Being a weeknight the place wasn’t crowded, but there were a few men there for her to turn some heads. Rose loved being the center of attention, especially when it was because of her being reckless. She took a place at the bar, sitting cross-legged to inspire some drooling.

She surely didn’t know Sarah was watching her. Back in her bedroom she saw Rose order a drink on the closed-circuit video feed, intrigued by her choice of wardrobe. The building management offered the service to their more exclusive residents so they could keep tabs on certain key areas of the complex.

It came in handy when expecting visitors. This way people like Sarah wouldn’t get overwhelmed by fans or autograph hounds while chasing down their guests. Tonight she would play the role of voyeur, waiting for her plan to go into effect.

Rose took another sip of scotch, wondering what was taking them so long when a curious figure entered the bar. It one of the weirdest people Rose had ever seen: short, covered almost from head to toe in a trenchcoat, along with a detective’s hat to hide the hair, and sunglasses with a Groucho Marx nose attached. Add to that of the one of the worst fake mustaches ever made: thick, bushy and drastically oversized.

The person sat down at the bar a few seats from Rose and ordered a drink. She thought it was safe to ignore whoever this was. That’s when the bartender brought her another scotch and a message.

"This is from the, um.." At a loss for an apt description he pointed to the one in the trenchcoat. "So is this." He added, giving Rose a large book of matches. She opened it and read what was written on the inside,

"It’s me, Love. Sarah’s watching, so go along with it."

Rose didn’t know what to make of it, except to look down the bar and think, "No way, there’s no way that’s her." Noticing her reaction the cloaked individual moved down the bar, taking the seat next to her. Now Rose really didn’t know what to do. The figure spoke, in a voice trying to sound deep like a man’s but failing miserably,

"So, uh, what’s your sign?"

Rose hastily looked around the bar, relieved no one was seeing this, at least no one she was aware of. Now knowing it was Love she whispered,

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"It’s a game, play along and we’ll make it up to you later." Love quietly replied.

"So, um, come here often?" Love was back to using the male voice. Rose, bewildered, tried to go with the flow.

"No, it’s my first time here."

"Good, I like first-timers."

Back up top Sarah was laughing and having a great time watching the show being put on. Love had on a concealed microphone so she could hear everything down there as well as see it. Back in the trailer the thought of Love somehow picking up on Rose popped into her head. Must have been Rose repeating her infamous quote. She almost dismissed it, but when the image of Love dressed up like a dirty old man came to mind she couldn’t resist.

".what is it that you do?" Great, Rose thought, she’s trying to be a man and she’s pretentious.

"I’m an actress."

"Of course you are." Love sarcastically replied.

"No really, I am an actress." The insult got Rose simmering, now playing the character Love and Sarah had intended.

"So you want to see your name in lights, eh?" Love was really having fun with this. It was Sarah’s idea but she designed her part, mainly the facial part of the disguise. In a way this was revenge for all those bad pickup lines she’d heard since becoming a star.

By this time Sarah was laughing hysterically, doubled-over on the bed and almost unable to keep watching. She couldn’t tell which was worse: the lines Love dreamed up, Rose squirming at the situation or that horrible mustache.

"You know, I can give your career a real boost." Love let on.

"Oh yeah, how?" Rose replied with an edge.

"Come back with me to my place and you’ll find out."

"Hmmph! Knew that was coming."

"Would you like to be doing so later?" Love butted in, struggling to contain herself. In the corner of her eye she saw the bartender staring at them but pretending not to, with a look of confused disgust on his face, seemingly saying "What the fuck are they doing?"

"You sick, twisted."

"And let’s not forget perverted."

"That’s enough! Let’s go." Rose fumed, grabbing Love’s hand and heading for the door. They would have hurried out if it wasn’t for a man from a table nearby blocking their way. He’d been eyeing Rose since she came in.

"Hey there, what are ya doing leaving with this shrimp when you could have this?" He motioned to the obvious bulge in his pants. Seeing it, Rose gave him exactly what he deserved,


With that she rushed out of the bar with Love in hand, trying to remember if she’d ever slapped anyone that hard.

On the way up the elevator Love let Rose in on what she had just gone through, also removing the facial disguise and letting her hair down. Rose found it all a little amusing now, but she was still pretty pissed off about it.

By the time they got to Sarah’s door Love was softly chuckling, fighting an all-out laugh attack at what she had done. She couldn’t wait to see Sarah’s reaction. The door opened barely, revealing it: Sarah lying on the floor, unable to get up, still giggling so much she could hardly breathe. At first sight Love cracked up, falling over next to her in total hilarity.

"That has to be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!" Sarah scarcely mumbled out.

"D.did you see that look on the bartender’s face?!" Love had just as much trouble saying it.

"Yeah, that was so priceless!" Remembering the image put Sarah in a
full-blown fit.

"I’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves." Rose smirked, causing the others to calm down as she stared from above them.

"Oh, guess you want your end of the bargain." Sarah said, standing back up.

"Well how’s this?" Love replied, undoing her belt and taking off the trenchcoat. Seeing what was underneath made Sarah gasp in complete shock,

"Oh my god you didn’t.you really d.Love tell me you didn’t." She

"Tell me you did!" The sight was more than anything Rose had expected. The whole time Love was wearing only a lacy, skimpy, aqua blue set of bra and panties under the overcoat. It made Rose forget everything she felt previously that evening as she enticingly approached Love,

"Now that’s brave," she said, giving her a quick kiss, "And bravery should be rewarded."

"Rose, I swear, I didn’t put her up to that." Sarah said, still trying to regroup.

"You really should have," she responded, then addressing Love, "Ready for a surprise?" Love vigorously shook her head yes, and then Rose led her to the bedroom. Sarah followed close behind.

She got in there only seconds after the others, finding Rose already all over Love on the bed, her bra ripped off and briefly kissing throughout her breasts. Then making her way downward Rose slipped the waistband of Love’s panties between her thumbs and forefingers, sliding them off while feeling all the way down her shapely legs.

Sarah really wanted to join in but kept back for the moment, wanting to see what Rose would do next. Love was having a ball, until Rose reached into her purse and pulled out the handcuffs again.

"What do you need those for?" Love asked, surprised at seeing them again.

"They’re to steady you. You’re going to have a couple visitors, and they’re about to give you one hell of a ride." She rolled Love over on her front, then cuffed each of her ankles to a pole on the bedstand.

"And who are they?" Love was starting to get the hang of Rose’s games. She reached into her purse, bringing them out.

"Mr. Snappy."

"Is that all?"

".and his twin brother." Rose revealed, holding two identical black cocks, one in each hand. Ordinarily Love would have been uneasy about having both of those inside her, but Rose had made her so eager all she could do was stare back, anxiously waiting to be filled. It even got Sarah going, still looking on.

Love quivered weakly as Rose brought the two heads to her front and back holes, trying to brace herself with the bedsheets. She let out a calm, contended pant as the Rose inserted the rods. Sarah, intently watching the penetration, tried to hide her building titillation. However, she had one question about all this,

"Hey Rose, how are you gonna use both of those things at once?"

"Easy, I don’t have to." Rose answered, turning on a switch at the base of each phallus. She hadn’t told either of them that the dildoes were vibrators too.

"Unngghh, mmmmm, ooohh, ohhhhhhhhhh." Love reacted almost violently to the oncoming duel rush, her body shaking instantly. She’d never felt pleasure bolt through her so suddenly or so fast. Moments later she was flopping all over the bed and shouting in delight. Her hair, arms, and breasts swinged wildly in all directions possible, and her legs stretched out to the max. Without the cuffs she’d have launched herself across the room.

Sarah couldn’t stand it anymore, reaching under her curve-hugging floral print dress to stroke her hardening clit. Rose, very much enjoying the show, sat down on the bed, approaching Love.

"Told you you’d need some support. So how’s this, whoa!!!" As soon as she put one leg on the bed to get more comfortable Love grabbed at it, pulled it past her, reached for the other, did the same and shoved Rose’s crotch in her face. She rabidly pushed her dress up and jerked down the thong underneath, then thrust herself into Rose’s cunt, spearing it with her tongue faster than an amazon.

Rose more than happily stripped off the rest of her dress, only to have her flesh devoured by Love’s frenzied hands. After a few instants of that Love reached underneath Rose’s butt and grabbed on, going as deep into her as her tongue would allow and as fast as the dicks in her operated. It caused Rose to scream as loud as Love was inside her, oblivious to everything around her except Sarah, grinding against herself and the wall, making enough noise to be noticed.

"Sa, mmmmm, ohhhhh, Sarah you can get, aaaahhh, closer if you, aaaaahhh, want," Rose beckoned.

"Is this close enough?" Sarah hurriedly said after running over to the end of the bed.

"Mmmuuugh, no, mmmuuugh, closer." Rose extended her arms under Sarah’s thighs and grasped behind her, guiding her underside to her waiting lips. The way Love had her, Rose’s neck was right in line with the end of the bed. Sarah caught on at once, climbing over Rose with one leg, raising her dress and lowering her pussy onto her mouth, still standing.

"Close enough now?" Sarah solicited with a broad smile. Rose responded by inching her tongue into Sarah’s slit, unfamiliar with the new sensations and tastes. But Love wouldn’t let her get away with that for long, her ravenous eating of Rose leading her to do the same to Sarah, making her flail over Rose’s mouth. Sarah returned the favor by peeling off the rest of her dress, encouraging Rose to explore.

"Guess that’s close e, ohhhhh, ooooohh, you’re getting good at, mmmMMMMM, check that, uunnngGGHHH, really good at, aaaaaahhh, this." Sarah couldn’t imagine a first-time pussy eater being this good. Then again so was Love, and herself.

Rose eagerly took up Sarah’s invitation, her hands making their way up her frame as Sarah arched her back and placed all of her weight on Rose’s face. But that would have to wait as Love screeched, her pitch and rhythm indicating she’d just come, aggressively letting Rose know by gently scratching her clit with two fingernails, pressing her into a feverish orgasm.

Still, as much as she’d pleased herself earlier, Sarah wasn’t that close yet. But Rose latching on to keep her from falling over and the oral thrashing she delivered gave Sarah one hell of a charge.

"Damn you really know how to, OOOHHHH oh god, please, uuuugggghhh." Rose gave up trying to hold Sarah steady as she rocked across her face. Now all she could do was run her tongue as deep into whatever part of Sarah’s sex she could and whip around inside. Her pelvic rhythm was mimicked by the other two, Love’s still being the most intense.

Their joyous cries filled the room for another few minutes even though two of them became lost in the pleasure of another. Then suddenly Love became louder than the others combined, shaking like an earthquake went off inside her. Rose felt it right after as the heated breath sent her trembling, grappling onto Sarah’s waist and giving her clit her undivided sucking attention. It took only a few instants for Sarah to reach the others’ peaks,

"Ooohhhh Rose you’re killing me, mmmuuugghhh, killing me soooooo good, uhhhhhhhh, so good I’m gonna, AAAAAHHHHH, gonna, AAAHHHH, AAHHH, YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

She was the last but certainly not late, cheering in climax with the other two, their cum splashing all over each other. Rose had so much going through her she was ecstatic to lap it up, as was Love, still impaled by the twin cocks.

As Sarah’s orgasm died down she fell onto Rose, too spent to take any more but aware enough to slide over and remove the vibrators from Love, insuring she wouldn’t go into cardiac arrest. She handed them over to Rose to turn off, but she gave Sarah back the one that had been stuffed in Love’s pussy, hinting with a twisted smile.

"It wouldn’t be fair if we left you without dessert."

With one look at the cum-soaked cock Sarah was glad to oblige, staring straight at Love as she sucked it down inch by inch, tasting every delicious drip of her juices. Love looked back in beaming approval as Rose undid the cuffs around her ankles.

As Sarah finished her treat Love leaned over with a tender kiss of approval, Rose joining in soon after. The three cooled each other down in a relaxed making out, caressing throughout one another along with their kissing. After a long relaxing while they realigned on the bed, radiant with satisfaction.

"I never dreamed I could come that hard." Love marveled.

"See what happens when you let your bad self out?" Rose commented.

"Look who’s talking." Sarah teased.

"What, would you like me to be sweet and innocent for you?" Rose reacted.

"Only if I can tie you up." Sarah was really starting to like this role reversal stuff.

"I’ll remember that." Rose noted.

"Can I watch? Please?" That was a show Love wouldn’t miss for anything.

"Sure, maybe even as my assistant."

"So now what do you usually do?" Rose inquired.

"First we enjoy each other some more," Sarah answered,

"Then we start thinking about who else we can add to the party." Love added.

"Anyone you’d like to bring in?" Sarah’s question sort of blindsided Rose, never expecting to be asked anything like that. She mulled it over for a bit before one idea came to mind.

"I don’t know any names, but if I was going to do that I’d look for someone with some.experience."

"You mean like, someone’s who’s been around the block?" Sarah got the idea.

"Exactly. Want to do a little looking?" Rose asked, picking up the remote to the bedroom TV. Love and Sarah both nodded yes as Rose turned it on. She only had to flip through a few channels before she saw her. At first sight she knew this was her answer. The others, noticing her stunned, understood what Rose had in mind. The more they thought about it, the surer they were she would be their next target, already excited at the prospects as the theme music played,
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
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Re: The Harem (Original Episodes)
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2024, 02:13:58 AM »
The Harem Episode 3 – Ghoulardi
Celeb(s) – Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Rose McGowan, Sarah Michelle Gellar
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA

Do not read any further if you are under age 18 or if graphic sexual content offends you. The celebrities mentioned are characters used to arouse the innocent. This is not real. If you think for a second that it is you’re even more delusional than I. Reposting is permitted only without alterations.

Please send any and all feedback to GhoulardiX@hotmail.com. If you read this I need to know what you think of this. Detailed responses are especially appreciated. Remember, without your takes this doesn’t happen. If you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it I can ask for nothing more, but I need to know.

It had been quite a couple of days for Rose McGowan to say the least. She was invaded by Love, walked straight into Sarah, was overmatched by both, brought to new heights, tricked in a bar and now sandwiched between them, all in their birthday suits. And now she was lusting after another! Not like any of them minded as they watched Friends on the bedroom TV. It almost seemed like Rose was starstruck when she saw Jennifer Aniston in the opening credits, and Sarah and Love appraised.

They easily saw why as the show progressed, it was a half hour where Jennifer’s outfit proudly displayed two of the most gorgeous gams in the business, so well shaped and often crossed, allowing a view up almost her entire thigh. And as usual her attire for some reason allowed those small pointed nips of hers to slightly jut out of her top, putting Rose’s at attention as she lightly rubbed herself against her new companions, they not objecting at all.

“Guess it doesn’t take you long to find a new playmate.” Sarah kidded.

“Yeah, aren’t we good enough for you?” Love shared Sarah’s look of sarcasm.

“Now I have to settle for good enough? Why? Just look at her.” Rose had a point. “And didn’t you ask who I wanted to bring in?”

“Well I can’t argue with that…ooh she’s good all over…” Taking a closer look sent a few tingles through Sarah.

“There sure are a few things I could do with that, so many places to explore…” Love had no trouble understanding the other two.

“I know you would…wonder how she’d react to such a little slut.” Sarah secretly loved calling her that.

“Hey, just because I can please you doesn’t make me cheap.”

“You’re right, your little voyeuristic pimpette over here makes sure of that.” Now Rose had to deal with both of their glances.

“What are you saying? She’d never sell me out.” Love looked over to make sure.

“Not for money, anyway.” Sarah looked back with a flirtatious smirk. Love reacted with a playful slap on the thigh.

“Oh, you want to get rough…” Rose hinted, slithering over Sarah to get to her purse, the others stopping her progress.

“I thought you wanted someone new to use those on.” Love brought them all back to their senses and watching Jennifer. Then without warning Sarah broke out laughing, nearly busting her gut.

“The joke wasn’t that funny.” Rose didn’t get it.

“No,” Sarah struggled to speak, “Look at us. We sound like a bunch of horny guys.” Love broke down with her, but Rose was not amused and Love took notice.

“Okay, a bunch of horny guys with really nice boobs.” That reset put both Love and Sarah in a fit of silliness. It even made Rose snicker.

“Of course if you really want to be guys I can make the arrangements,” Rose hinted.

“Nah, I’ll settle for giving her a better time than she’s getting from Brad Pitt.” Sarah was ready for her now.

“I think we all can.” Love finished.

Unfortunately that would be all for that night. Rose was scheduled first thing on the Monkey Bone set the next day and Love had a magazine interview to do. They managed to keep in touch a few days later so they could plan their pursuit of the Friends star, as well as coordinate the necessary arrangements. It would all come to a head that next Friday night…

It had been a fairly typical Friday for Jennifer Aniston. The Friends taping went better than usual, taking less time to get through, yet getting a great reaction from the studio audience. Hearing the fans roar that loud at the jokes never got old.

These were the kind of days made her forget about salary haggling and other behind-the-scenes junk. If only she could get that affirmation from her movies she’d finally win the mythical title of America’s Sweetheart away from Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock, or at least be known for something other than her hairstyles or her revealing Rolling Stone shoots.

But right now she had less lofty whims to entertain, wondering when she’d be able to get away with her boyfriend Brad Pitt for another weekend as she changed back into street clothes, ready to call it a day. Back in her plain white blouse and blue jeans, she took a quick look in the dressing room mirror before leaving. She still couldn’t believe she was 30 already, much less looking this good at it.

She hit the autograph line for a few minutes, then headed over to the limousine waiting to take her home. Los Angeles on a Friday night wasn’t exactly the safest of places, even for drivers, except maybe in the nightclub circuit which wasn’t much better. And calling a cab just wouldn’t do, not with the upgrade to limo being an insignificant expense.

The chauffeur was waiting, holding the door open for her. Jennifer had done this enough to be automatic, step in, sit down or sometimes lie down, and enjoy the ride. Hitting the seat she closed her eyes, letting out a stress-relieving sigh, hoping it would be even shorter than usual to get home. She could really use a nice hot bubble bath.

Collecting herself, she opened her eyes as the vehicle started on its way. As she did many other thoughts entered her mind, seeing three other women in her private limo!

Her being startled was made apparent by a short shriek that didn’t phase any of the infiltrators. Love and Sarah just stared back from the seat opposite hers, and Rose did likewise down the seat she sat on, displaying a subtle yet devilish grin.

The girls didn’t have to do as much work before this hunt. Friends being taped at Universal City was common knowledge; the only question was where and how to meet Jennifer. Rose agreed to attend a previous taping in disguise, and that’s how she found out about the limo service.

So far everything had gone according to plan. They’d found Jennifer’s driver and slipped him a few Benjamins in exchange for his access and a few other favors. During the taping he offered, or more like demanded to take the three to dinner. A small price to pay for confidentiality, they thought, until he tried playing footsie with Sarah. That earned him a pair of bruised balls. But that was all they needed; after some patient waiting another now lied within their grasp.

As they made introductions Jennifer had to be told who Rose was, bugging her yet again. When would she get some respect in this town? Jennifer made nice with the others, being her nature. Inside she was incensed with the strange situation. Why these people, why here, and why now? Sarah opened the door for her to ask.

“We hope you don’t mind. We’re all really big fans.”

“Thanks, that’s great, really. But there’s something about going into peoples’ cars. It’s sort of, I don’t know, STALKING??!!!” They had apparently drawn out Jennifer’s bitchy side.

“I know, but it’s the best way we could think of. If we went in the studio it would start a riot, and we wouldn’t want ruin a taping.” Love tried to convince the other Jennifer, using her seemingly innocent eyes and smile.

“I wonder where I’ve heard that before…” Rose sarcastically looked up in wonder, purposely overdramatic in her expression. Sarah couldn’t hold back her giggling.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” Love replied, enjoying Rose’s pose nonetheless. It had also allowed Jennifer to put some pieces together.

“Wait a minute, this happened to you too?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, and it’s gonna happen real soon to you.” Rose answered back. Love and Sarah also stared back at her, only more intently now.

“What are you talking about? What’s gonna happen?” The response made Jennifer genuinely afraid, but only slightly. Stuck in a limo with three almost total strangers who had something planned for her…this couldn’t be good, she thought.

“We want to show you something. That’s why we’re here.” Rose replied, sliding down the seat, approaching Jennifer’s right side.

“It’s more like we’ve got something we’d like to share with you.” Love added, moving from the seat across to Jennifer’s left, then inching closer, starting to make her move.

“Or you could say we can give you something you’ll never stop giving back.” Sarah inserted, her eyes sparkling with that same gleam as Love’s and Rose’s, adding more nerves to Jennifer’s tensing bundle. She couldn’t put her finger on just where she’d seen that look before. That and a hundred other questions bombarded her, none of them clear enough for her to speak. Oblivious to her puzzled uneasiness, Sarah continued.

“It’ll light you on fire…” As the others crept next to Jennifer she sat down on her lap.

“It’ll go through you like lightning…” Love slipped her arm around Jennifer’s back, holding her closer. Rose did the same.

“And it’ll send chills through you like ice.” All of their hearts raced now, especially Jennifer’s, showing a rather quizzical look on her face, half from fear and half from adrenaline. With her in their clutches, Sarah made her way down her lap until their bodies pressed together. She stared into her eyes and softly murmured one last instruction.

“Just let go.”

With that she enclosed Jennifer with her arms and advanced with a gentle kiss, not wanting to do too much too soon. That
didn’t make it any less passionate though, as Sarah met her lips every way she could, tasting her lipstick and slowly trying to let Jennifer know what she felt for her. She could only get a fraction of the heat inside her across before speeding up for a few seconds and then letting go, leaning back to give the others some room. Now Jennifer was completely stupefied, unsure of just what was going on.

Rose moved in next, getting Jennifer in a wilder liplock as she tried to suck the tongue out of her mouth. Rose held nothing back, using a little extra force in trying to sway her to their persuasion. She stroked down her arms and across her cheek, hoping other sensations would distract her enough to lighten up. Jennifer, still resistant, didn’t let it happen.

Rose broke off and moved away, just in time for Love to take a swing at her. The second she saw the opening, Love reached for the back of Jennifer’s neck for support and gave her all she had. She kissed her with as much care as Sarah but even more viciously than Rose, striving to force her tongue into her mouth, trying to say, “Please, let us…” She bobbed and weaved with her face and lips, desperately wanting to get something out of her, but Jennifer would return nothing. A little disappointed but very hot, Love laid off.

As Jennifer tried to protest, Sarah tried again, meeting her lips ever so carefully, as Rose and Love went to the top of her blouse, fumbling with the top button, searching for a way to right the situation. When Jennifer felt this her mind finally cleared, alleviating the numbing feeling the girls were giving her.

Back in control of her actions she shook Sarah by the shoulders, breaking her off immediately. Sarah and the others looked back bewildered, not understanding how this became her reaction. She would soon find out.

“Stop it!! Get off of me!!!” Jennifer furiously yelled, shoving Sarah off her lap. Not wanting the same treatment, Love and Rose quickly joined her, helping her up to the opposite seat as Jennifer tried to gag the taste out of her mouth.

From the expression she gave, Sarah couldn’t comprehend what had happened and was a little hurt by it. Why would someone reject her affection so vigorously? She didn’t have time for that since Jennifer was just getting started.

“What are you doing? You think you can just come in here and do what you want with me? Am I some kind of toy for you or something? God, how did this ever…and how did you get in here anyway?!” The flustered actress stared back at the three with her arms crossed, demanding an answer. With Love still holding Sarah, Rose came to their defense.

“Oh, please. Don’t tell me you’ve never bought a few favors from a limo driver. Isn’t it a game all us Hollywood types play? And don’t bother complaining to him about this. For all he knows you set this up!”

“If he thought I set this up why did you need to pay him?” Rose paused, making Jennifer believe she had them now.

“Can’t tell. Guess he just needed a little help believing us,” Rose conjured up. Jennifer disregarded it, gaping out the window to avoid looking at them. The scenery looked totally unfamiliar, until she saw a Highway 101 sign flying by. It struck her a second later, where the hell were they? This wasn’t the way home, and the ride must have been longer than the usual 15 minutes. For all she knew they could be in Oxnard by now.

“Oh yeah, we made sure to have plenty of time with you, so we told the driver to wander around for a while,” Rose interjected, furthering her apprehension.

“That’s great, now I’m being kidnapped.” Jennifer’s head fell into her hands, obviously distraught.

“Kidnapped? All we wanted was to give you a good time.” Love softly replied.

“You’ve got some nerve in showing it.” Jennifer answered.

The four went silent for a while, still riding aimlessly around greater Los Angeles. Jennifer fidgeted around, hoping for an end to this experience. Rose did too, but more out of dissatisfaction. Love couldn’t decide what to do next, and Sarah, still a little wounded from Jennifer’s rejection, felt the same. After a while Sarah tried breaking the ice.

“So, land any good movie deals lately?”

Jennifer’s ice cold stare in return didn’t encourage her. Love tried again,

“How’s Brad doing these days?” Like a true actress Jennifer went straight from chilled indifference to a heated temper.

“You mean you knew?!”

“Come on, who doesn’t?” Sarah believed it was a given to most people.

“So let me get this straight, you knew I was dating?”

“Everyone knows it’s a lot more than that.” Love butted in. Jennifer pounded her fist into the seat in frustration.

“Damn it, I’m in love and you came here to tear me from him cause YOU want me? That is so sick, so manipulative it makes me want to…ugh!” Again she gave the seat an unfriendly fist before falling back into grief. The girls wouldn’t try that again.

Minutes ticked by, not offering any relief for the four. The limo quietly continued on its seemingly endless course, prolonging the monotony. Rose, unable to endure any longer, reached for Sarah’s thigh, stroking up to her inner reaches under that short canary yellow dress of hers.

“Rose, what are you doing?” Sarah coyly asked, the smile on her face growing with every touch.

“I didn’t come here to be bored. Just because she doesn’t want to have any fun doesn’t mean we can’t.” Rose answered, continuing to play her thigh like a harp. Sarah leaned over to show her gratitude but Rose beat her to it, starting a heated kiss with plenty of tongue-play for the both of them. Sarah mirrored her actions, crawling her fingers up through Rose’s thigh-high black skirt, making her kiss back harder. It soon got sloppy with Sarah trying to vocalize her pleasure, but Rose’s lips and tongue kept getting in the way.

Looking for a piece of the action, Love enthusiastically let Sarah taste a different tongue, kissing her savagely. She and Rose got Sarah’s arms out of the shoulder straps on her dress, pulling it down to her waist and putting a tan satin bra on display, nearly matching her skin. Love pecked her way down Sarah’s neck and chest as Rose went back to her treating her mouth. It only took a few seconds for Love to work on unclasping the garment and throwing it away, then licking and tasting all over Sarah’s perky breasts, making her moan into Rose’s relentless tongue.

Words couldn’t do justice to Jennifer’s reaction to what she was seeing. Whatever it was had left her unable to move, trying to turn her eyes away from the heated activity, struggling not to watch, but always inevitably being drawn back to the scene unfolding before her. They weren’t really going to have a threesome right here in front of her, were they? There weren’t any signs of letting up so far as she clasped her hands over her mouth, which would have dropped to the floor if it could have.

Jennifer helplessly witnessed Sarah going for the straps on Rose’s leopard print top, aiming to duplicate Love’s favors. Right then Sarah noticed Love abruptly picked up speed in licking one of her aureolas. In noticing why she swiftly changed her tone.

“Love, you bad girl!! Bad, bad girl!!!”

“Can’t you wait for us once in a while?” Rose chimed in. They had caught Love in a magic act, trying to get two fingers to disappear into her panties. Feigning embarrassment at being caught pleasing herself, Love tried to soften them up.

“I’m sorry, but you know how excited I get. Sometimes I can’t help myself.”

“You know sorry isn’t good enough. We’re going to have to punish you.” Sarah couldn’t wait to begin, nor could she hide it.

“Yeah, I’d say you need a nice hard spanking.” When the other two heard Rose say that they immediately brightened.

“Oh yeah…” Sarah energetically confirmed, grabbing for Love’s top as Rose went for her skirt. In mere moments they relieved Love of her clothes and underwear despite her squirming, pulling her across both their laps so she lied on her front. Her breasts hung free just beyond Sarah’s legs, her nipples hardened due to their exposure and her position. This put her butt right between Rose and Sarah, ready for striking.

“Please don’t be too rough with me. I didn’t mean it.” Love really hoped to encourage them. She especially liked these kinds of games, and it showed.

“We’ll be as rough as we need to be. And what were you doing matching your outfit with mine?” Rose demanded. It was really a coincidence that Love had shown up in a black top and leopard print skirt, mimicking her choice of clothing. “Here’s one for that.” Rose reached back and gave Love a swift smack on her ass, leaving just a slight red mark as she yelped in a giggly reaction.

After witnessing this Jennifer couldn’t take any more. But what could she do? Then she thought about how stupid she was not to use it sooner, seeing out of the corner of her eye, the limo phone! She lunged at it, picking up the receiver and talking frantically as though the driver would hear her. He never would as she found out, noticing the severed end of the phone cord. “NO!!!!!” Jennifer shouted in her mind, letting only her head hitting her arms be seen or heard as she broke down inside.

“Made sure of that long ago. Wouldn’t want to let our audience get away during the show.” Rose added to Jennifer’s distress. Now she had to watch even more.

“Rose, that was mean.” Sarah interrupted the session, feeling that might have been out of line.

“Maybe, but it was fun.” Rose had no sympathy regardless of the circumstances. However, one look back at Love lying beneath them reestablished their focus.

“And here’s one for your dirty, naughty, selfish little deed.” With that Sarah gave another whack to Love’s progressively pink bottom. It must have been something in the words or the way she said them, because Love was really getting off on this denigration, especially being at Sarah’s mercy.

“And here’s one for good measure!” Rose said, reaching back for the last strike.

“Owwww!” Love barked as the hardest spanking struck her behind. She’d had enough of this, but Sarah, with lust clouding her eyes, had other plans.

“And here’s something to teach you a lesson.” With Rose’s help she rapidly flipped Love over and turned her around, putting her pussy right in Sarah’s lap. The sight of Love’s freshly shaved patch made Jennifer cringe, as did her thinking she might have been in that predicament right now. Once in position Sarah went right at it, spreading Love’s labia and massaging their insides, making Love shiver in anticipation.

“Do you always have to tease me like that?” She hurriedly asked.

“Only when you’re bad,” Sarah teased back. Deciding she’d waited long enough, Sarah placed two fingers at Love’s entrance. Love wanted them so desperately she thrust her hips toward them, trying to fill herself up. Sarah gently pushed on her stomach to stop her.

“Now what do think you’re doing?” Love ignored the question, wiggling randomly, her face strained by desire. “Guess there’s no stopping you is there?” Out of options, Sarah let her digits penetrate into Love’s pink parts, but ever so slowly in doing so.

“Ohhhhhh yeessss!!!” Love exclaimed in her initial release, grabbing at Sarah’s wrist, begging it to go deeper. Rather, Sarah let her fingertips slide over her inner surfaces, arriving at one spot that made Love buck at the touch.

“Right there, right there, please, please, oooohhh yeah!!” She happily cried out at Sarah’s maneuvering.

“See how much better it is when you wait your turn?” She asked, both girls smiling from ear to ear.

“Do you guys have to be that loud?” Jennifer interrupted, barely able to look up at the scene across from her.

“No, they don’t.” Rose answered. Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief, claiming at least a moral victory. That was, until her next answer.

“They can be that loud if I can be too.” Looking down at her Love knew what she wanted. In between reacting to Sarah inside her Love reached up Rose’s skirt, glad there wasn’t any underwear there to deal with as she crept her fingers into Rose. Soon she was as loud as Love in enjoying her digital penetration.

As Rose got more and more into it, Sarah gave her that innocent “why don’t you help me too” look, beckoning her services to her exposed chest. Rose took no time in obliging, running her fingers over Sarah’s fully hardened nipples and offering the occasional tongue flicking in between her own pleasuring.

The circulated gratification led all three to speed up their efforts, only to repeat the effect and make it that much more enjoyable, as well as make them all louder in showing it. Jennifer, frustrated to no end yet grotesquely fascinated, finally had to pop the question that had been burning in her mind throughout this scene,

“How did you get this way?”

With all the shouting going on the others didn’t hear it that clearly. Slowing to a halt, Sarah asked back.

“What was that Jennifer? We couldn’t hear you.”

“I said…just how did you girls get to be like this?”

Hearing this Love, Sarah and Rose all exchanged glances, each signaling one message: this was their chance. Practically in heat, none of them were going to be delicate this time, evident as Love slithered to the floor right at Jennifer.

“I don’t know…it’s like, you meet someone and you get close to ‘em…” She said, making a suggestive glance back at the other two.

“And all you want to do is get closer…” Sarah continued, peeking back at Love while she made her own advance toward the other seat, “…and give yourself to them…”

“And closer…” Rose kept up with a sultry breathing in her voice, walking over as best she could under the limo roof, “…until you can’t get enough and you want everything from them.” She took a place on her knees just past Jennifer’s lap, staring into her eyes as Sarah climbed next to her.

“You don’t know when, where or why…” Sarah panted, her hands climbing up to Jennifer’s collar. She was so intent on listening that she barely noticed Love’s body and face drawing ever closer.

“It just sort of…happens…” She sighed seductively, giving Rose and Sarah one last eye-signal. She dove into Jennifer’s mouth, catching her off guard and finally slipping her tongue between her lips, flickering all over once inside. Catching her drift, Sarah furiously fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, working as fast as she could from the top down.

Rose also ran with the opportunity, undoing Jennifer’s jeans and pulling them off. It seemed like she didn’t mind this time. She was either taking in the affection or too flabbergasted to do anything about it.

The instant Rose got the jeans down, Love started grinding back and forth on Jennifer’s thigh, rubbing her clit against it and sending a potent charge through her. Jennifer felt it there and in the multiplied rush of passion from Love’s tongue. Sarah had brought Love so close she had to finish herself off, and the feel of it aroused Jennifer’s curiosity for the first time that evening. She cautiously kissed Love back, getting a sudden rush from the rolling of their tongues. She liked it enough to keep on lightly, though still disturbed by these new feelings.

At the same time Sarah undid the last button on Jennifer’s blouse and yanked it open, displaying a white designer bra, lacy enough to show some inner cleavage but still serving its purpose. Rose found matching panties underneath the jeans, which were then thrown away into a pile of all their discarded clothes.

Even with her fingers slipping all over the fabric, Sarah got the brazier down her arms and got rid of it, giving Jennifer’s chest some attention. She had more there than her garments let on, Sarah noticed as she kissed and licked smoothly throughout her breasts, leaving her nipples for last but giving them ample time, somewhat pointed despite her insecurities. Rose was about to follow suit when…

“Ohhhhh mmmmm, MMMMMMM!!!!!!”

…emerged from Love and Jennifer’s linked lips. From the speed of Love’s sliding on Jennifer’s thigh it was apparent she’d just climaxed. Feeling Love shouting down her throat almost made Jennifer’s pupils burst from their sockets. Did she make that happen, or was that all Love? If that wasn’t enough her cum streamed down the side of Jennifer’s leg as Love slowed her maneuvering. Rose greedily licked up the dripping fluid, tickling Jennifer in the process. Maybe this wasn’t so bad, she thought.

Shaken yet satisfied, Love crept off Jennifer’s leg and made her way to the floor, sliding her hands down her calf and giving it a kiss before closing her eyes, trying to recover. With her out of the way Rose could now get to Jennifer’s panties, slipping them off and leaving her with nothing to hide. She ware barely aware of it as Sarah kissed her way up her neck, careful not to leave any hickies, around her cheek and then taking Love’s previous place between her lips. As she did she saw something was different in Jennifer’s eyes, something had changed. After just a couple oral caressings she felt Jennifer kissing in return, but it still seemed like she was holding back.

That would change momentarily as Rose snuck between her legs and took a long look down Jennifer’s pussy. Rose teased her for a while, feeling her lips, then giving it some quick and a few longer strokes with her tongue up and down the slit, figuring that would lube it up a notch. Sarah felt it up top as Jennifer got more and more into the kiss.

Deciding enough was enough, Rose thrust her face into Jennifer’s cunnie, sticking her tongue as far into her as she could, then grazing every place inside within her range.

The shock was instantaneous and blinding, Jennifer not knowing if something had ever hit her that forcefully as she contorted Sarah’s tongue with hers, clutching her face as though she could be brought any closer. Even so Sarah broke free for a second, giving the others a message.

“I think she likes i…”

Jennifer cut her short, grabbing her back into the kiss she had started and letting her see just how much she was getting
to like this. For Sarah it more than made up for Jennifer’s earlier aggression. Rose couldn’t care less, engrossed in the aroma, feel and taste of her sex, and showing so in her eating and sucking. But it did reawaken Love, as did the sight above her. Aiming to add fuel to the fire, she made her way next to Rose and licked all around Jennifer’s inner thigh, or as much as she could with Rose beside her. As though single treatment wasn’t enough, this added shot got Jennifer to sliding on the seat, her inner need for completion driving her to buck lightly.

Being the only one still clothed and seeking some attention, Rose dislodged and headed upward, tongue still exposed, wet and working. Love then took her place in Jennifer, not missing a beat or losing any fervor as she tasted around. Seeing this change, Sarah broke off and made her way downward, giving Jennifer’s nips an impish pinch on the way down. She could only breathe out loud as her raiders switched positions.

Adding to this mix, Rose made her way up to Jennifer’s lap, turned around and stripped off her top. With her back to her, Rose reached for Jennifer’s hands, at the moment trying to brace herself, and ran them over her supple breasts, trying to get her to give something back and to offer up some flesh for her taking. She was content just to cup them in her hands, or at least until Sarah hit bottom and…

“Mmmuunnnnnnghh…oh god…ohhhh god…”

…latched herself onto Jennifer’s clit, enlarged to full-size, including giving it a nibble now and then between licks. Her and Love proved too much for Jennifer to withstand as she grabbed Rose’s tits like handlebars, her screams growing louder and louder with each new stroke.

Slyly looking back as if to say, “You like?” Rose loosened up her fingers. The impulses from down south took over from there, driving Jennifer to an increasingly harder fondling of Rose as the pleasure streamed through her nerves.

That only encouraged Love, going from dining on Jennifer’s privates to a full-blown sucking out, as Sarah, seeing her friend’s hollowed cheeks, soon imitated on her clit. Driven into a full-blown pelvic thrusting that she never saw coming, it threw the slender yet curvy Friends star over the edge.

“Ohhhhhhh, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, ugh…UUNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!”

With another double-sucking Jennifer’s face contorted in stress and groaned heartily from the magnitude of the bomb Sarah and Love had set off between her legs, her flowing cream being evidence of that and the pair made sure not to let any evidence spill on the seat. Up top, Rose tried to get Jennifer to loosen her grip on her boobs, squeezed harder than she’d ever felt when she came. She hoped there wouldn’t be any bruise marks.

The trio gradually disengaged, taking a last feel of her skin on their way out. Jennifer looked very much hung over, unable to collect herself. She panted for a short while with one arm
supporting herself on top of the seat and her head hung low. When she could look up the sight she encountered cracked her right back to sobriety.

“Shit!! That’s my street!!!”

The limo driver had roamed diligently as ordered but the two hours were up, and there was no way Jennifer could walk out of here in just an undone blouse. She rapidly got herself together with the girls’ help, right before the limo came to a halt at her home in residential L.A.

“Ms. Aniston?” the driver said, opening the passenger door. Thank god he didn’t look inside, the girls thought, still in various states of undress. Remaining hesitant over what had just gone on, Jennifer sheepishly said,

“Um, I’ll see you later?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Sarah replied for the group.

With that Jennifer got out, looking a little wobbly but not drunk, and got in her house. The door closed and the limo was off again.

“Some thanks that was. Ouch…” Rose was sore in a few places.

“Hey, some people can’t handle afterglow as quickly as you.” Love didn’t mind if this one would take some extra effort.

“Ask the expert,” Sarah heckled, receiving a slap on her shoulder for that, amusing Rose.

“So what do you think she’ll do?” It was on all their minds, Love was just the one to say it.

“I don’t know…looks like we’ll have to wait and see.” Sarah summed up. Egging on someone who just got an unexpected fit of lesbian intercourse probably wasn’t a good idea right now. That would have to do for that evening as they were too troubled to talk about anything else. Each was brought back to their respective places, glad but worried. Love ran into her trailer and slammed the door behind her, breathing a sigh of relief as she leaned against the entrance. It had been a busy morning on the Time of Your Life set but that wasn’t nearly the source of her tension as she brushed her hand across her thighs and up through her royal blue skirt. Ever since her discovery with Sarah she’d been taking a closer look at women in general, and it made her decision to for this series not to be a “chick show” fall under a whole new light.

Now that decision to take care of the guys by making the extras show some skin had her panties soaking almost daily on the set. All those bare stomachs, those v-necks, those short dresses…it was becoming a daily struggle not to relieve herself right there in public.

But a short, gentle clit massage when she could get away from everyone usually did the trick, and today was no different, using this practice to kick off her lunch break before reverting to her energetic, cheerful self. Or was that really a product of her recent encounters, or this?

Before hitting the set catering she decided to check her voice mail, expecting her agent might have something to tell her. She had one new message, but not quite one that she expected…

“Hey Love? Jennifer here. It feels really weird saying this but…I just wanted to tell you that night…that was incredible…and…can we get together and try it again? If you’re half as good as…sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. But if you want to meet up, here’s my number…”

Love hastily scribbled her phone number down, wasting no time in dialing it. There was no way she would pass this up. After a few rings she guessed Jennifer had gone shopping or something. Then…


“Hey Jennifer, it’s Love. I just got your message and…”

“You did? Great! How soon is good for you?”

“My, aren’t we anxious to get started?”

“You don’t know how much. Don’t tell me you don’t want me all over you… right now…” Jennifer’s tone had lowered significantly, apparently showing signs of desperation.

Love was blindsided. No one had ever tried seducing her on the phone before, but she wished more people would try to now. Did that ever get her hot! There was only one thing for her to do.

“Is tonight too soon?” She stammered.

“Tonight’s perfect. Your place sound good?” Jennifer asked, keeping up her alluring rhythm.

“Sounds great! Just ask the landlord and he’ll give you a key. How’s seven sound?”

“I’ll be waiting inside…see you then.” She hung up, leaving Love on edge. Usually only Sarah and Rose got her this excited. She couldn’t wait, but she’d have to.

The rest of the day straggled on for Love like it would never end. Whether it was someone messing up lines or bringing in the wrong props there was always some kind of delay going on. A few minutes before 7:00 she knew it was going to be a late night at the studio. When she got a break she called home, hoping Jennifer was already there so she could hear the message she left. Turned out she didn’t get out of there until 8:15. That had better not have ruined this night, she thought.

Finally at 9:00 she got back to her apartment in Marina Del Rey, thanks to the traffic. It was the perfect cover for getting away from fans; everyone thought she lived in Burbank with her mom. That was true until about 2 months ago when she struck out on her own, turning out not a moment too soon. Love and her mom were still very close, without her she never would have had the chance to pursue her dreams of stardom. She’d always been there for her, but she couldn’t live there forever.

She opened the door and walked in, hanging her jacket up in the closet. She just got past the kitchen when she saw her: Jennifer, lying on the wrap-around couch in her living room, in a black cocktail dress and matching hose, staring back with a tempting glare.

“Hey Love,” She took a quick overview of Love’s assets as she kicked off her pumps, “You sure are worth the wait.”

“Sorry I’m late. You wouldn’t believe how many tie-ups I had getting here…”

“It’s all right, it doesn’t matter now. Just come here…” Jennifer told her, sitting up to receive her. Love rushed over and sat next to her, making Jennifer get closer still, sliding up against the younger one.

“My aren’t you a little frisky?” She seemed so even by Love’s standards. Jennifer met Love’s giggly demeanor with an even firmer look, a smile, and then battered her with a fierce sealing of lips, pinning her to the couch. As Love’s back hit the cushions she got right back into her increasingly racy tendencies, the thrills inside her magnifying by the instant. Jennifer would have asked her to close her eyes but they were already, induced by the spell her mouth and perfume had put on Love.

With each passing moment it got better and better, Love felt as she zealously made out with her guest. Then it all stopped, only to resume a second later right where it all left off. As long as it kept up Love couldn’t complain. Then it happened again, this time the lips feeling a little different, but still very enjoyable. But right when she tried to take it a step further, everything stopped. Still dazed, she didn’t open her eyes to see what happened, not until she heard…

“It’s your turn now, slut!!!”

The voice visibly startled Love, not because of the words, but their source. That sounded like Sarah! Sure enough, that’s what she saw as she opened her eyes: Jennifer, Rose and Sarah, all in matching outfits, Rose’s minus the stockings, all laughing at her.

“You, you set me up!!” Love accused.

“Of course we did.” Sarah admitted.

“Did you think Jennifer was really that forward?” Rose taunted.

“Not that I can’t be…” Jennifer peeked back at Rose.

“Besides, you’re so easy we had to do it.” Sarah added.

“Oh I’m easy?! Take a look in the…”

“Ah, ah, ah!” Rose interrupted, “I believe you have a job to do.”

“Job? I never heard about any job!”

“No, but you did conveniently forget about us the other night, didn’t you?” Sarah hinted, motioning to herself and Rose.


“In case you forgot, we never came. And now you’re gonna make sure we do.” A grin emerged on Sarah’s face, stepping toward Love on the couch.

“But what about Jennifer?” Love wasn’t sure how she fit into this.

“Turns out she was more than a little curious. She called me first, and then we came up with this little idea.” Sarah resumed her approach.

“You didn’t do this believing I would just get you off, did you?”

“Oh please, Love, like you’d ever turn us down. You’re gonna lie there like a good girl and let us do as we please, aren’t you?”

“Oh no I’m not!”

“Oh yes you are.”

“Oh no I’m not!”

“Oh yes you are.” Sarah was now a step away from Love, reaching for her.

“Oh no I’m…not…” As Sarah leaned onto the couch Love couldn’t stop shaking. Was she really going to go through with this?

“Oh yes you are.” She sat up near Love’s position close to the armrest at the end of the couch.

“Oh no I’m…” That was all she could get out as Sarah lifted the bottom of her dress, showing off her not having bothered with panties this evening.

“See something you like?” Love had fixated her eyes between Sarah’s legs.

“I swear, I’m gonna get you back for this so bad.” Love threatened, her smile conveying the opposite. Fortunately Sarah had the right idea of which buttons of Love’s to push, brushing her lips, reaching down into her shirt and under her bra with one hand, reaching up her skirt with the other hand, and delicately feeling up each of these key areas. Judging she’d warmed her up enough, Sarah guided Love’s palms to her upper legs, guiding them up and down, until…

“Ooh! Go to it sluuuoooouuuugggghhhh…”

…Love slammed Sarah’s pelvis into her face, going straight for that laid open pussy in front of her. She didn’t bother with any outer features this time, going straight for Sarah’s pinkness, already humid and getting more so by the instant as the agile blonde picked up her pace. Love’s lips expanded to their fullest extent as forced by her glee, curving her tongue all around Sarah’s inner reaches.

Rose and Jennifer could focus on nothing else but this unfolding scene of raw sex as they sat in two oversized and comfortable chairs across from the action. At least for Rose she’d seen enough of these kinds of displays to control herself. Weaker ones would have been three fingers deep in themselves well before this point as she had seen before. As for Jennifer, this was still new enough for her to be reluctant about such a blatant display, even though in the back of her mind she knew she’d be in that position soon enough.

Now Love had her tongue deep enough in Sarah to drive her wild despite the deliberate slowness of her strokes. Despite her grinding, Love stayed within her, gaining a feel of exactly where to touch her, as she indicated a few minutes later.

“Ohhhhh deeper, deeper Love!!! Ugghhhhhh, I wish I could fuck your tongue all fucking night you, oh god you…uhhhhhhh, ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!”

Sarah groaned, throwing her head back as she bombarded Love with her orgasm, Love faithfully taking in her streaming juices. As Sarah tapered off to completion Rose made her way over, waiting patiently as next in line. Sarah dismounted Love and sunk down the side of the couch, unable to walk, still writhing in blind ecstasy.

Only now did Love see Rose advancing, wasting no time in securing Sarah’s place. Sporting no hesitations Rose rolled up the bottom of her dress, giving Love her signal.

“Ready for Round 2?”

Love answered that with a couple finger strokes around her slit before repeating that with her tongue, only too willing to restart her labor. Resting the hot box on her face Love went straight to it, emphasizing the sides of Rose’s interior, nudging her labia and clit from time to time. This mix of impulses gave Rose something she hadn’t felt before, and for her that was saying something. It made Rose even more ferocious than her appearance let on, and she showed this by banging herself against Love’s face, trying to ride her tongue as Sarah had desired earlier.

Back across the room Jennifer was becoming more and more strained. Could she really do that to her? What would that feel like, and could she handle it?

“More, more you fucking, ARRRGGGHHHH…” Rose groaned, grabbing Love and driving her right into her clit, Love still lapping away with no signs of fatigue. “…so close, get down there and, uggghhh, that’s better, faster, FASTER, FASTER…just a little more, just a little, ohhhh YEAH you sweet little WHOOOOOAARRRRGGGHHHH, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh…”

By her direction Rose got precisely what she wanted, a rock hard orgasm hitting her faster than a shot of peppermint Schnapps. Love could merely enjoy the beverage coming out of Rose as she fell into completion, arched back and all, nearly blacking out from the power of the experience.

As Rose slid down the couch Love immediately met Jennifer’s pensive eyes, awaiting her third course of this savory meal. Jennifer looked around cautiously, wondering in her mind if it really was okay to do this. She walked over and stood next to Sarah before Love, a hint of worry still showing on her face. With her best look of assurance Love sat up, peeling up Jennifer’s dress, this time all the way to the top and off.

Jennifer, still hesitant to becoming an active participant, stood there in nothing more than two black silk stockings as Love drooled over her exquisite Greek figure for a few moments. Following her stargazing Love reached for Jennifer’s right stocking and rolled it down, taking her time so as not to startle the beautiful recipient. Wow did she have nice legs, Love appraised, committing every curve of those stalks to memory.

She went for the other stocking with equal deliberateness, handling it with care and concentration, leaving Jennifer completely bare and so much more appetizing. Wrapping an arm around her waist Love guided her to the couch, gently laying her down and crawling up to her position.

“Are you ready?” Love made sure.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“I’ll say you are,” Love said, seeing how very wet she had become. Going to clean up some of this moisture, she gave Jennifer’s pussy a surface lick from the bottom of her crotch all the way up to honey brown bush. Jennifer was so sensitive it caused her to screech loudly. Scared, she started to pull away, but Love would stop her with a few touches around her waist.

“Just relax, I won’t hurt you.” She comforted.

“But, but what about what you did to them?” The more Jennifer looked back at them, the more she didn’t want to go through with this.

“Don’t worry about it, it won’t happen to you unless you let it.” Love leaned forward, retaking her spot. “Remember what Sarah said before?”

“No, what’s that?”

“You’ll be all right…just let go.” Love said into her confused eyes. Jennifer, nervous but trusting, leaned back and yielded to the younger one, shutting her eyes. Love tried stroking with her finger first instead, running up and down the length of the slit. The moan and the edges of a smile told Love to go on. This time Jennifer let Love’s tongue work its magic, giving her a greater effect than did the digit.

She worked up, down and around Jennifer’s opening, going a little further into her with each passing, getting more and more out of her each time. When at last Love got fully inside she made herself faster with every lick, getting Jennifer to push Love further inside as she started bucking. Wanting her to feel more Love slid her hands toward Jennifer’s breasts, cupping around and pulling at her rounded brown nipples. She had her now.

Love’s hands and lips had gotten Jennifer to relax, now it was time to turn it up a notch. Letting out a short breath Love gave Jennifer a big surprise in giving a potent suck to her pussy, making Jennifer scream in electric pleasure. Keeping it up she brought her hands back down her torso, still building her up until her fingers toyed with her inflated clit. That got a reaction out of her.

“OHHHHHH!!!!! Oh my god that feels SO good!!! Keep going, keep going, more, ooooohh more!!! Yeah, yeah, YEAH, OOOOOOHHH shit yeah give it to me, MMMMMMM, AAAHHHH, OOOHHHHHH YYEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!”

Jennifer burst both into tears and into Love’s mouth, causing her added shocks in picking up her cum. Jennifer had never felt anything like that, so intense and so completely satisfying, she was extremely glad she’d let Love put on that show for her.

Thinking that was all Love pulled out carefully and kissed her thighs good night, resting between them as a pulse raced through her from just above her knee. Then it rose up to her waistline as a second one hit her underside. She looked down to see Sarah and Rose refreshed and advancing toward her orifices, tongues, hands and all.

“We’re not going to let that go unrewarded.” Rose said upward.

“Yeah, and since we can’t give you a medal, this’ll have to do.”

“Well I, oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Love muttered as Sarah dove into her muff, shattering all the tension she’d built up from being entrenched in three separate groins.

“Wow that’s g, oooooooooooohhhhhhh YES!!!!!” As if that weren’t enough Rose thrust herself up Love’s asshole, as vicious as the treatment as she had received earlier. Love couldn’t take too much of this duel devouring as her body showed, her legs spread as wide as could be, her back curved like a small hill, and her body stretched as far as possible from head to toe. She pawed her breasts with reckless abandon, at least until the other two quickly took that over. The wait had been too long, the pleasure was racing too fast, and then Sarah sucked on her clit with all the force she could muster.


Love roared as she erupted into a series of orgasms, bombarding her as Rose kept up her pace and Sarah took in all of her gushing fluids, giving her everything she deserved after that night’s performance. As she finally died down a few minutes later Rose took in the last of her comings, being as Sarah’s face was drenched in Love’s ejaculate. A girl could only drink so much of another, after all.

That’s how it stayed, Jennifer at the head of the couch with Love nuzzled between her legs, and Sarah and Rose down by her privates, all latching on to each other with their arms, hugging their various devotees. Or that’s how it should have stayed for the rest of the night.

About a half-hour after all the fun had expired Jennifer and Sarah got up to go. They couldn’t stay the night due to morning commitments. Neither said anything to the others, thinking they were asleep. Love almost was until she no longer felt her companions around her. She was able to scoot down more towards Rose and embrace her, but it wasn’t enough. Why couldn’t they share all of this together? It was enough to almost make her cry, even after that experience. As she drifted off to slumber one thought kept pulsing through her mind.

Did it always have to be like this…?
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
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Re: The Harem (Original Episodes)
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2024, 03:06:03 AM »
The Harem Episode 4 – Ghoulardi
Celeb(s) – Alyson Hannigan, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Rose McGowan, Sarah Michelle Gellar
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA

Disclaimer: Do not read any further if you are under age 18 or if graphic sexual content offends you. The celebrities mentioned are characters used to arouse the innocent. This is not real. If you think for a second that it is you’re even more delusional than I. Reposting is permitted only without alterations.

Please send any and all feedback to GhoulardiX@hotmail.com. If you read this I need to know what you think of this.

Detailed responses are especially appreciated. Remember, without your takes this doesn’t happen. If you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it I can ask for nothing more, but I need to know. I’m not kidding. If I don’t start seeing some response there’s no reason for me to do this. That’s all I ask. The complete Harem series is officially archived in the vault at Stargazerz.

As three o’clock rolled around it had been another typical day of shooting Buffy The Vampire Slayer for Sarah. At least it would have been, if not for her carnal escapades of late.

More and more she caught herself spending her breaks trying to contact Love, Rose or Jennifer. Instead of going over lines for the next scene or talking with her castmates, she was always calling the others or missing them, sometimes to the point where it hurt to have to go home alone. Why did their schedules have to clash so much that they couldn’t find any time together?

Today her habit continued, as she picked up the cordless phone in her trailer as soon as she left the set. Without any hesitation she punched in the speed dial code for Love’s daytime phone number. Maybe this time she’d get through. Maybe she’d even get some dirty talk in these few minutes. Maybe !

"Hi! You’ve reached Love Hewitt’s voice mailbox. Please leave a message and phone number and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. See ya!"

!she wouldn’t have to settle for that again. Sarah left a short message, hoping Love would remember her on-set extension. On to Rose, she thought to herself. Sarah dialed the number, waited through the familiar four rings, then !

"Hey, it’s Rose. If you don’t know what to do, get a clue."

!answering machine. "Damn! Onto Jennifer, I guess," Sarah thought as she tried getting a hold of her. All she got was !

"Beep !beep !beep !beep !"

!another busy signal. Failed again, Sarah appraised, growing sick of this hassle. She put the phone down and stood there, head hung low, despondent and impatient. Her frustration took control, making her unable to move away, physically or emotionally. Once, just once, why couldn’t they be there? The sentiment unmercifully stuck in her head, paining her until a voice through the open trailer door broke the stupor.

"Sarah! Director wants you on the set, he’s cutting break short!"

"Wha !oh, thanks Rick."

Rick was one of the newer production assistants, taking a semester off from USC with this internship. He definitely looked like a showbiz type, scruffy with long wavy brown hair, 5’10" and medium build. The job didn’t pay much, but looking at some of the prettiest faces in the game on a daily basis made up for that, as did the behind-the-scenes experience.

"Hey, you sure you’re all right?" He asked Sarah walking out of the trailer.

"Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get back to the set before we’re missed," She replied.

"Sarah," he grabbed her wrist as she walked away, stopping her, "You sure you don’t want to go out for coffee or something after shooting? You’d feel a lot better."

"Rick, I already told you, I don’t date in the industry." Not publicly anyway, she said to herself with a sly smile threatening to break over her face.

"It wouldn’t be a date. Look, I can see you’re not at your best, and all I want to do is help you out." He was growing desperate.

"How would you know?! You’ve only been here three weeks, and !" Sarah became more assertive with every word.

"And what’s this about you not dating in the industry? I’ve heard about you and David !"

"Rick, that’s enough!" Sarah exclaimed.

" !and about the chemistry you two had. I don’t know, maybe the tabloids were right," His voice lowered, "Maybe you really are a lesbian."

"Why you little !" Sarah angrily reacted.

"Oouuuggghhhh!!" Rick tried to blurt out, but the swift knee to his groin from Sarah relieved him of his voice for the moment. He fell over, grabbing in pain right where he shouldn’t have, as she walked off to the next set, more irritated than ever.

After finishing off the last two scenes for the day Sarah went over to the catering table, pouring herself a glass of lemonade. She was about to head back to her trailer when she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Sarah, everything all right?"

She turned to see Alyson Hannigan, more familiar to the general public as the red-haired babbling sidekick Willow. Over the seasons the two had become very close friends, often going to awards shows and other media events together. That said something for Sarah, who was reluctant to trust anyone.

"Yeah, I’m great. Why wouldn’t I be?" Sarah tried to brush it off.

"You don’t seem great. I saw what you did to the new guy earlier."

Sarah’s demeanor quickly turned sour having been found out. Alyson continued, "Sarah, I know you too well, I can see something’s bothering you. You sure you don’t want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, I’ll be fine. You know that."

"This isn’t about David being gone, is it?" Alyson sheepishly asked. She meant David Boreanaz, now enjoying stardom on Angel, the Buffy spin-off show. Sarah casually laughed, knowing she and no one else on the set had any idea even close to what her situation was. But it did brighten her spirits somewhat.

"No, not at all." Sarah said with a small smile, "We just did that whole crossover thing last week, so how could I miss him that much, even if I did?" Alyson didn’t look convinced. "Come on, you know how it is between me and him. We had our roles to play, and we ended up producing some great on-screen scenes. But that’s all it was, on-screen."

Still, eyeballing and feeling that seemingly sculpted body of his had its advantages for Sarah. Alyson didn’t mind either, being able to watch.

"But there’s got to be something that’s getting to you. Lately you’ve seemed so distant, like you’re not yourself. That’s not the Sarah I know. There has to be something I can do." Alyson offered.

"Alyson, I really appreciate you being concerned at all, but it’s not something I can just tell someone. There’s family involved and !"

"Oh, okay, I get it." Alyson turned away, ashamed she’d bothered to

"No, no, please don’t take it the wrong way. I’d tell you if I could, but it’s something I have to deal with on my own. You know how things like that are." Sarah said, easing her friend’s anxiety.

"All right, but I miss seeing the old you on the set. You’re positive there’s no way I can help?"

Sarah thought about it for a few moments.

"Well !yeah there is. I could really use a hug right now. You don’t mind?"

Alyson offered her arms, accepting Sarah, who leaned more and more on her friend with each passing instant, letting her real emotions come out. Alyson kept wondering what Sarah really had to deal with, but at least she could make her feel better. As Sarah tightened the embrace she shed a tear, hoping she’d be in this position soon with the ones she really wanted. The droplet slid down her cheek as she looked at the nighttime sky set background not ten feet from her, praying she could wish on one of those stars for the stars she knew best.

Love picked up her phone in her trailer, done with her Time of Your Life shoots for the day. Finding a new message on her voice mail, she checked it immediately.

"Hey Love, it’s Sarah. I know you’re tired of hearing this, but I might have some extra time this afternoon, give me a buzz if you can. Later."

Love clumsily fumbled while dialing the numbers, undaunted by how many other times she’d done this and it hadn’t worked. Again, it didn’t today as she got Sarah’s voice mail. Not getting through this often was starting to be so much of a letdown.

Rose got back to her home in Encino, tired out from a long day of shopping. She made sure to leave a couple weeks between movie shootings for important tasks like supplementing her wardrobe. Today dance party gear was the target of choice, including a few metallic mesh tops, some go-go boots and a couple pairs of satin pants, one cherry red, one sky blue. Now all Rose needed to find was a rave party somewhere near the Sunset Strip.

Seeing her answering machine light flashing she punched the play button, hearing yet another set of messages from Love, Sarah and Jennifer. This one-way communication stuff without any direct contact really annoyed her. If only they could get right to the fucking they’d all be fine, she figured as she sent out another inevitable set of voice mail messages.

So far it has been a productive day for Jennifer and she had managed to get through everything with a couple of afternoon hours to spare. It was her mid-week off day from Friends rehearsals, time for her to meet with her agent, publicist, producers and the like for future projects. Hectic to be sure, but it seemed to pass quickly.

Back at her L.A. house she hoped there wouldn’t be too many messages to go through so she’d be free for a little while. She found one short note from some suit that she would pay attention to later. Then there they were again, Sarah, Love and Rose, trying again to establish contact.

Jennifer wasn’t sure what to make of it. Sure they’d shown her some
of the wildest times of her life, but was this something she wanted
to continue long-term? Maybe, or maybe not, but she couldn’t let it
fade away because of communication barriers.

She knew from experience that this game of phone tag probably wouldn’t ever end with a phone connection. Then she thought of something, a way that might get everyone together and get her out of eating something from her fridge again. With her evening free she mulled over setting up a dinner appointment. She almost didn’t though, hesitating before picking up her phone. "Should I really being doing this?" she wondered.

But she didn’t want to lose these three, not this way. That convinced her to make the reservations and then send out a group message:

"Hey everybody, it’s Jennifer. I know it’s short notice and all, but this phone tag stuff just isn’t working. If you can, come to Checkers at the Wyndham Hotel tonight around 8:30 or so. I’ve got reservations, ask for table 423, it’s in a private room. Don’t worry if you’re late, just please show if you can, cause I really want to see you guys. Hope I’ll meet you there!"

Putting down the phone she went right to her closet to pick out her evening wear, already motivated by what might happen later !

8:45 rolled by and Jennifer still sat alone in the downtown Los Angeles restaurant, caught in a rhythm checking her watch and delaying the waiter every few minutes. It seemed like a total waste of time on her part, something that wasn’t meant to be. Back to staring at the wallpaper for her, but as the clock struck ten ’til nine !

"Hey, there you are!"

!in walked Love, breaking the silence. Rose immediately followed, both greeted by Jennifer with a hug and some appreciative words. "Glad you could make it. Any of you hear >from Sarah?"

"Nope. Sure hope she makes it." Love answered. Rose said the same. The three of them sat down and settled in, chatting for a few minutes before their fourth joined in.

"Sorry guys, did I miss anything?" Sarah chimed in as she entered.

"No, not at all. We’re just happy you could show." Jennifer remarked, sharing a smile with the others.

"Really happy." Love added, leaning over with a peck for Sarah’s cheek as she sat down.

"Hey now," a flattered Sarah responded, "Don’t be leaving lipstick on me, at least not yet."

"Oh I will, and I know just where to stain you too." Love lewdly teased.

"Please. At least wait ’til you get her in the bathroom." Rose sneered.

"I’m sure you have." Sarah retorted.

"I’m not the only one. Like it takes anybody that long to powder a nose." Rose snapped back.

"Rose, did you just accuse me of !" Sarah tried to ask.

"Hell, I’ll take you back there now and show you what a good time really is." Rose cut her off, staring her dead in the eyes, hands on the table and leaning forward like a cat ready to pounce across the table. Jennifer couldn’t believe her eyes or ears.

"You guys! We’ve got the room to ourselves, but can we really say that stuff in public?"

"What, afraid maybe we’ll all do you right here?" Love added. Rose and Sarah reflexively did a double take after that line, then all three turned their gazes to the increasingly nervous Jennifer as though they might go through with it. She was trapped looking between Sarah’s friendly stare and Love’s big brown eyes before catching Rose take a quick peek down her physique. That forced Jennifer into gaping at those seemingly evil pupils as an equally devious smile formed from Rose’s lips. Picking up Jennifer’s focus got her to murmur a low, appetizing,


Sarah couldn’t help but snicker at the exchange, driving Love into a full belly laugh that the others joined. The waiter walked in just in time to miss the goings-on, asking for beverage requests.

"We’ll need a few more minutes," Sarah informed him. None of them had a chance to look at the menu yet.

"Get whatever you want, it’s on me." Jennifer said, opening hers.

"Really? Thanks!" Love brightly replied.

"That’s really nice of you, but you don’t have to do that. Isn’t this place one of the most expensive in town?" Sarah questioned.

"It is, but I don’t mind. I asked you here on such short notice it’s the least I can do." Jennifer generously answered.

"Are you kidding? That’s why we should cover the tab, especially after how we introduced ourselves." Sarah asserted.

"Yeah. Don’t take this the wrong way, we’re not ungrateful at all, it’s just !you don’t need to go out of your way for us." Love agreed.

"No, really, it’s okay. I like being with you guys." Jennifer reiterated.

"How so?" Rose inquired.

"It’s hard to say. I mean, I don’t know what it is about being around you three, it’s !it’s very exciting."

"Exciting?" Love asked.

"Oooh tell us more." Sarah flirted.

"It’s like !I don’t know what any of you’ll do next, and it’s !it keeps me on edge all the time. It’s thrilling, and I’ve never been in a relationship like that. You know what I mean?"

"You mean like right now?" Sarah kept on, with Love’s, Rose’s and her stares growing more intense.

"W !well, yeah you could say that." Jennifer confirmed.

"So we’re exciting? Exciting how? Exciting like eye candy? We arouse you? We make you wet? We’re here to arouse you? Thrilling how? How are we thrilling? Tell us! Tell us what’s thrilling!!" Love said, dropping her voice a couple octaves in her best impression of Joe Pesci from Goodfellas, bursting the whole gathering into riotous laughter, nearly ignoring the innuendo.

"Love, you are too much." Sarah said, trying her best to catch her breath.

"I’m not even going there," Rose supplemented, despite having the wind knocked out of her from laughing so hard.

If nothing else that gave everyone a chance to look over the menu, saving the waiter another few trips. Over white wine and salads they kept off of fleshy topics, talking about their current shows and projects.

The good-natured exchange kept on through the main courses. Two of the four took in one of the house’s seafood dishes: a salmon filet for Love, and Jennifer choosing baked trout. The exceptions were Rose, opting for veal medallions, and Sarah, enjoying that’s night’s special of stuffed tri-colored ravioli.

As they all took in the cuisine and conversation Jennifer felt a sudden nudging on her leg, sending a shock up her spine. She froze for a moment, then went back to eating and listening to Sarah and Love gab about this season’s new co-stars on their shows. Then she felt it again, more of a rubbing now, up and down her calf, coming from her left. Looking that way Jennifer saw Rose devour another piece of veal but little else.

Whatever it was pressed on, creeping up Jennifer’s leg to her knee, and farther still. She couldn’t tell what it felt like, despite its advancing. Jennifer grew more panicky as it brushed higher and higher up her leg, stroking faster as well. From the angle she knew it had to be coming from the left side, even though Rose appeared blameless enough, just eating, drinking and listening. As it moved closer to her groin Jennifer felt so tense she had to take action, reaching under the table to get a grip on this invader.

Some subtle touches confirmed Jennifer’s suspicions, feeling like the outside of a shoe. Knowing they were alone in the room, she took the opportunity to be a little daring, giving the imposing entity a quick yank.

"Hey!!" Rose blurted out, grabbing the table so as not to fall out of her seat, attracting everyone’s attention.

"Just what were you doing?" Jennifer demanded.

"Oh, you must be a footsie virgin." The other two glared confusedly
at how peculiar Rose’s answer was.

"What?? Since when do you get off doing that?" Jennifer fired back.

"Looked like you were, but the real fun was watching you squirm around. And don’t tell me you didn’t, I could see it in your eyes." Rose calmly explained. Jennifer stared back at her in disbelief, then looking toward Love and Sarah.

"Okay you two, tell me, where did you find this whore?"

"Oh really? You want to join me in Sarah’s toilet stall party and see what a whore I can be?" Rose took it as a dirty complement.

"Yeah, and watch her break out Mr. Snappy." Sarah added on. Love giggled away on the side.

"Mr. what?" A perplexed Jennifer asked.

"You’ll find out soon enough." Sarah informed.

"Wish I could. Thing is my agent wants to meet in the morning." Rose said.

"I knew it. I just knew it!" Love exclaimed almost on reflex, considerably shifting the mood at the table.

"Love, keep it down, it’s not that big a deal." Sarah tried to pacify her.

"Yes it is!! This can’t keep happening!! Every time we try to meet it’s ‘I’ve got this meeting’ or ‘There’s this morning shoot’ or ‘I have to be somewhere else.’ Why? Why, Sarah??"

"Love, settle down!" Sarah ordered.

"No, I can’t!! Why can’t we be together?? Why can’t we stay the night together without somebody leaving?? Why is it always something?!?!?" The plea had everyone taken aback and put Love into tears. Sarah moved closer to her, draping her arm around Love’s back, trying to comfort her.

"Love, you feel that strongly about it?" Love nodded sadly as an answer, still crying. "I’m sorry Love, but you know that’s the way it is. Of course I want to be with you, we all do, but we all have commitments. There’s things we need to get done and !"


The soft veto came from Jennifer, attracting everyone’s attention. She continued,

"It’s not fair. We should be there." She walked around to the opposite end of the table, kneeling down on the floor beside Love in her chair, holding her hand before going on.

"Love !Love, look at me." Love reluctantly lifted her eyes, still sniffling. "Remember that night at your place?"

"Yeah." She replied.

"Let me tell you, leaving that night was the last thing in the world I wanted to do." Jennifer confessed.

"Really?" Love sheepishly responded.

"Jenn, no offense, but you hardly know us at all." Sarah chimed in.

"It doesn’t matter. I would’ve given anything to stay with you. You guys put shivers in places I didn’t know I had."

"Wow." That kick-started the impulses to Love’s pleasure center. Sarah was stunned in like fashion.

"So we are better than Brad?" Rose’s question helped lighten the mood.

"In some ways yes, but he can do some fabulous things too." Everyone had their juices flowing after that comment, including Love with a small grin instead of the pronounced frown just seconds earlier.

"You feel any better?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah, I guess, but there’s got to be something we can do." Love suggested.

"Don’t worry, we’ll think of something." Sarah reassured.

"While we’re pondering that and other mysteries of the cosmos, let’s get some dessert!" Rose got the gang back in better spirits. Over cakes, coffee and pastries the foursome sweetened away the heavier issues, especially Love savoring her piece of strawberry cheesecake, her favorite treat.

"Looks like somebody’s enjoying theirs a little too much." Rose observed.

"Oh yeah?" Love saw it as a dare. She reached for another forkful and instead of eating it, she gave a little lick, then a few bigger ones before wrapping her lips around half of the fork and consuming all she could from that length, appearing to execute fellatio on her dessert. The others, mesmerized by this sudden display, couldn’t take their eyes off it.

Love followed that up by more vigorously taking down the rest of it on the silverware, then giving the fork a few suggestive licks to clean off any residue. Rose cheered her for putting on that show, as did Sarah and Jennifer once their stupor wore off.

"My, aren’t you naughty tonight?" Sarah marveled.

"And what doesn’t get you going?" Jennifer wondered. Love tried her best to put on a more innocent expression, which no one fell for.

"That’s why she’s our little sl !" Love instantly stared Sarah down at that attempted crack. "Oh, fine." Sarah backed down.

"Can I get you cheesecake next time?" Rose inquired.

"Sure you can, but what are you gonna do with it?" Love kidded.

"What would I do?" Rose grew devilish again, "Smear it !all over you, over every last inch !" The words made Love tense up as Rose unmercifully continued, " !of your face, and hair, and everywhere, spread it all around !but then I’d have to clean you up."

"Th..th..th..then what would you do?" Love excitedly tried to say as tremors rolled through her nerves.

"Rose! You can’t make her come right here." Sarah stepped in. Jennifer’s shock tolerance was tested again as she thought "Oh my god, is this really happening?"

"I guess. If you want to act it out you know where to find me." Rose abruptly ended, much to Love’s arousal letdown.

"With me stuffing toilet paper into her." Sarah timed it perfectly, getting everyone to laugh at Rose’s brand of insinuation.

"Don’t make me slam a roll up your ass." Rose threatened to everyone’s humor.

"All this and more next time on !on !oh forget it." Love said, trying to imitate an announcer’s voice, causing even more laughter.

"I’m not missing that show!" Jennifer declared between chuckles.

"Yeah, whenever that is." Rose sort of deflated the moment, bringing the group down to reality as the waiter cleared their plates >from the table.

"There is something we could do !" Love started to say.

"Like what?" Rose asked.

"Forget it, it would never work." Love tried passing it off.

"No, what is it? It can’t hurt." Jennifer encouraged.

"Yeah Love, what’s on your mind?" Sarah egged on.

"C’mon Sarah, we know what’s always on her mind." Rose prodded.

"Not this time." Love hinted.

"Okay Love, if it’s not about sex, then what is it?" Sarah humorously demanded. Love shook her head at the two of them, trying to say "You would." Then she spat it out.

"Well, I just thought of this, and it probably doesn’t make any sense, but !and we haven’t known each other that long !I was just thinking !maybe if we find somewhere !if we could find some place !maybe we could !live together?"

None of the others could say a word. Sarah peered back at Love with a speechless open mouth and wide-eyed wonder, Rose offered up another of her pernicious glances, and Jennifer appeared bewildered, her eyes pacing back and forth for suspicious characters.

"So what do you think?" Still no response. It seemed too much for Love to bear.

"You hate it don’t you? I knew it, I shouldn’t have said it, it’s so stupid. Why do I have to be such a dork like that?" Dejected, she looked down, ashamed she’d even bothered.

"No, Love !" Sarah rushed over to her chair, lifting Love’s chin and forcing her to stare back.

"Love that’s a great idea!" Sarah softly declared, her tone showing her devotion.

"Really?" Love asked, her face resembling a wounded doe.

"Yes! If that’s what we need to do to stay together, I’ll do it in a
second." Sarah put a small glow back in Love’s face.

"And if we’ve got problems getting together now imagine what would happen when we, you know, invite some others." Sarah continued.

"Invite some others?" Jennifer echoed.

"You didn’t think you’re the only one, did you?" Rose sneered.

"And if that means you could wake me up every morning !that’d be wonderful." Love got the brunt of Sarah’s tease.

"Maybe I will," Love returned saucily, "What about you guys?"

"I’d do it. With what it’s like being around you, if I had that all the time !phew! I don’t know if I could handle it, I’d be so hyper !" Jennifer agreed.

"You mean like every day would be an adventure?" Sarah guessed.

"Oh yeah, I’d be wet all the time." The others stared back at Jennifer bug-eyed, very much startling her into a shock-ridden pose.

"Shit, did I just say that?"

"Depends. You want to do something about that?" Rose threatened to the delight of the group.

"I don’t know, what is it about you guys that makes me like this?" Jennifer sought.

"What about you Rose? Would you go for this?" Love interrupted.

"I’m in, you kidding? There’d be an orgy every week, can’t miss that." Rose was eerily nonchalant about it.

"So where should we go? Jenn, you’ve got a pretty nice place." Sarah hinted.

"Oh no, not if you’re planning on bringing more in, it’s not nearly big enough." Jennifer explained.

"Same here." Rose said.

"And Love and I both have apartments !" With Sarah’s comment the group hit a roadblock. After some thought Jennifer came up with something.

"Tell you what, I’ll look through some real estate listings and see if anything pops up."

"Thanks Jenn!" Love applauded.

"I will too, there’s must be something in the Times." Sarah concurred.

"Yeah, there’s gotta be something." Love echoed, peering at her watch. "Did anyone notice it’s 11:30 already?"

"11:30? No way!" Rose contended.

"Yeah, guess we have to go." Love admitted.

"It’s okay, I’ll take care of the rest." Jennifer mentioned.

"All right," Love said while getting up, "If you insist." She gave Jennifer a quick, gleeful kiss on the lips before leaving.

"Figures. I, on the other hand, am worth the wait." Rose announced on her way out. In the doorway Love gave her a quick pinch on the behind for that. Jennifer took care of the check as the waiter cleared the dishes.

"Hey Jenn, can I ask you something?" Sarah asked.

"Sure, you want to know about where to look for real estate?"

"Not right now, it’s !I’ve got this problem on the Buffy set and !and you seem like you’d be good with this kind of thing !could you help me with it?"

"Fire away."

"Okay. There’s this guy !"

"Ohhh, you’ve got a case of the set hots, don’t you?" Jennifer guessed with a lighthearted face.

"Oh god no, I wish. There’s this P.A. that keeps hitting on me and he doesn’t get that I don’t want anything to do with him."

"Yeah, I know the kind." Jennifer understood.

"Today it got worse. I sort of !put a knee to his !"

"Where it counts?"

"Yep." Sarah was embarrassed to let it out.

"Well was he wearing a cup?"

Sarah had to laugh at Jennifer’s question.

"What does that have to do with it?"

"If he was you’d have a real problem right now, wouldn’t you?"

Jennifer’s insight sharply hit Sarah.

"Man, you’re right !"

"He’d probably be all over the set and it might even get to the press."

"Yeah !" Sarah shook her head in disbelief on how on target Jennifer was, "What was I thinking?"

"You weren’t. Let me guess, your temper got to you."

"Yes !" Sarah was even more dumbfounded, "How did you know?! Do you read tarot cards or something?"

"No, it’s this knack I have. I guess I have a sense for reading into people’s problems. Mom always said I should be a therapist." Sarah just stared back in astonishment.

"That and Lisa had a problem like that a couple years back."

"Lisa Kudrow? That seems so unlike her."

"Yeah, but if someone bugs you enough it can get to anybody."

"That’s something of a disappointment." Sarah abruptly changed course.

"How’s that?"

"Means you’re not really Dr. Laura, are you?" They both shared a laugh with that.

"Not even close. But it might make for a good movie script."

"So Ms. Advice Lady, what do I do about it?" Sarah asked lightheartedly with her trademark smile.

"First thing, you go to the director and get his ass out of there."

"Done. But what can I do so this doesn’t happen again?"

"That’s a little tougher. It’s not like you can hold your breath or count to ten or something like that."

"So no anger management lesson here?"

"Nope. You’ve got to get rid of the impulse that makes you go that far."

"How do I do that?"

"It just takes a little thought. You’ve worked a long time to get where you are, right?"

"Oh god yes, you have no idea."

"Actually I do, you’d be surprised. Anyway, you wouldn’t want to ruin that by letting one guy have it, even if he deserves it, right?"

"Yeah, my reputation would be shot."

"That’s it. If you appreciate what you have, you won’t blow it and you’ll never get to that point."

"Yeah !" Sarah felt like Jennifer had read into her soul, "You really are good with this stuff, thank you so much!"

"Don’t mention it. I like helping people though issues, it really helps when I have to deal with one." The conversation ended there as the waiter brought back the check.

"I guess we should be going." Sarah conceded.

"Yeah, guess so." Jennifer repeated, getting up from her chair.

"Thanks for everything." Sarah complimented, standing and giving Jennifer a hug.

"Like I said, don’t worry about it, it’s my pleasure."

"Yeah, but !thanks." Sarah looked up and kissed Jennifer on the lips, only for a second. It was meant to say good-bye, but it got both of them going, their eyes locked as pulses quickened. They peered around for onlookers, noticing no one, then moved in close for a deeper, faster kiss. First the tips, then their whole tongues twirled around each others’ as their lips met and remet, growing moister by the instant.

Sarah moved further, reaching for the back of Jennifer’s neck for support so her tongue could move farther into her, Jennifer responding in kind as best she could in the few seconds they had. Much as they hated to, they had to break it off.

"See you soon." Sarah breathlessly mouthed.

"Very soon." Jennifer conceded, ending their evening.

Early that next week Jennifer passed some of her time surfing AOL, getting her regular online fix. She’d already covered the fashion and the entertainment news sites, and for some reason there was hardly anyone in the chat rooms she frequented. She relished the chance they offered to be herself, just another someone, without a showbiz persona to live up to.

With that option eliminated for now, it gave her some spare moments. Remembering the conversation at the restaurant, she decided to take a peek at some real estate listings, not expecting to find anything but willing to see what was out there.

Jennifer browsed what AOL had to offer, finding it far from impressive. Then she tried hitting the Web, finding some Los Angeles area listings from a search engine, but none of them even came close to how large a place she and the girls would need, if they went that route. She was about to stop when a banner ad at the bottom of the page caught her eye.

"Lindsey Carlsen, one of a kind Southern California properties. Hmmm !"

She clicked on the ad, finding the site of an agent selling estates as odd as could be. She found an assortment of all-glass homes, building plans for castle, cathedral and coliseum style mansions, a hollowed donut style facility and several places that appeared more like small hotels. It was all very startling, as though she’d walked into a fairy tale properties auction.

Jennifer examined some of these eclectic offerings just for laughs. Towards the bottom of the listings page the homes began to seem slightly more normal, adding to her interest. The next-to-last one especially made an impression.

"Full-service business facility recently shut down, available at a fraction of market value. Easily convertible to large residence or small enterprise."

The words felt like they fit what she had in mind, even though she’dhadn’t the slightest idea what that was. She clicked the link, leading to a page with a more detailed description. The effect it had on her was spellbinding, almost cryptic as each image and every bullet point suited exactly what such a place should be, not to mention all the fantasies they generated.

Jennifer read and reread the page over and over, attempting to ensure this was in fact real and not her being overworked. It did more than intrigue her, it titillated her, just imagining what those three and their brand of frolicking could unleash in this place. She became so pent up with restlessness she immediately requested the property and excitedly left a message for Ms. Carlsen, eager and almost begging to tour the place.

Two days later Jennifer raced back into her house, fresh from touring the estate with Ms. Carlsen on her mid-week off day. The magnitude and richness of the place had won her over; she was completely bewitched by it.

First thing she did besides dropping the profile on the countertop was reach right for her phone, clumsily rushing through the buttons to dial Love’s home number. When she got the inevitable answering machine she let loose.

"Oh my god Love I just saw the perfect place for us, you’ve absolutely got to see it!!! I don’t care what you have to do, cancel everything you’ve got going on Saturday, we’ll meet here at 11:00 and I’ll drive you over there. It is so, so, ohhhh you have to see it to believe it, it is so great!!! See you then, bye!"

Jennifer was nearly spent after that effort, catching her breath and pouring a glass of mango & pineapple juice from the fridge. She had just enough left in her to notify Sarah and Rose before running upstairs and falling onto her bed, exhausted but thrilled to no end at what she had witnessed a couple hours earlier.

Come Saturday morning Jennifer woke up sluggishly, not having had a good night’s rest. She hadn’t been out late after shooting, but her feeling resembled a hangover. With some haze still in her eyes she glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, where the numbers made her fully alert: 10:50 am.

"Oh no!" Jennifer thought as a shot of panic pierced her. She swore she’d set the alarm the night before. The others would be here any minute if they’d gotten the messages !and made themselves available !and didn’t confuse 11:00 for night instead of morning.

Maybe that would buy her some time, she hoped, rushing to her closet desperate for something, anything to wear. Just then, "Ding-dong!"

The doorbell rang. Jennifer knew she had to get it, but she couldn’t go out there in what she had on, a short silk slip with nothing underneath. Then again, if whoever it was waited too long out there the paparazzi would take notice and have a field day with it. She had to act.

She rushed downstairs to the front door, opening it while standing behind it, avoiding exposing herself to the outside. Right when Sarah stepped through the doorway Jennifer hurried to shut the door. As it closed Sarah looked back, seeing who had been hiding behind it and why.

"Um, uh !" Sarah stammered, choked up by the sight of lightly clad
Jennifer in front of her. She couldn’t help but stare up and down Jennifer’s body a few times, down around the edge of the slip to the tops of those rounded breasts, further down to every inch of those long, well-defined, perfectly shaped legs, distinguished with curve after delectable curve. All the while Sarah slightly licked her lips against her will, gaping at this comely package in this wonderfully slim frame.

"Wh !what did you plan on !having for breakfast?" Sarah managed to sputter out. Jennifer snickered a little, realizing Sarah believed she was being seduced.

"No, I’m sorry. My alarm clock didn’t work and I just woke up." Jennifer’s explanation was wasted as Sarah advanced, almost pinning her to the door.

"There’s still a few minutes before Love and Rose get here. Sure you can’t fit in a quickie?" Sarah grilled with panting passion in her voice and lust in her eyes.

"I !I really need to get ready." Jennifer managed to get by and back up the stairs, leaving Sarah somewhat discouraged. She made her way to the living room, looking out for the others.

In the next 15 minutes Rose and Love showed, along with Jennifer putting a short, casual light green dress and nibbling down a cereal bar. After that Jennifer thanked everyone for making it, grabbed the estate profile and led the group to her Land Rover for the ride out.

The girls didn’t expect Jennifer to be driving an SUV, but it hardly surprised them considering the increasing popularity of those vehicles. It gave Jennifer a sort of ego kick to be behind the wheel of such an imposing machine yet not taking the risks associated with something like a motorcycle. It showed as she revved up the engine a few times along the on-ramp to the Pacific Coast Highway.

"So Jenn, where’s this absolutely spectacular place at?" Love questioned in her animated way from the back seat. Sarah was right next to her while Rose sat shotgun in front.

"Over in Malibu. It’ll be a while." By Jennifer’s prediction it was around a half-hour.

"Malibu !we’re not living next to Dick Clark are we?" Rose investigated.

"No!" A humored Jennifer answered, "But you might see him running on
the beach or something. There’s this great !"

"Jenn get out of the way!!!!!" Rose shouted. Seeing it at the last second, Jennifer swerved to the left of the slow-moving Ford Escort in front of her just in time to avoid a sure multiple-car pileup. It couldn’t have been doing more than 50 mph. The close call put everyone on edge, minus the driver.

"Don’t tell me you always drive like that!" Sarah commented.

"I don’t, that never happens to me. Figures it would now." Jennifer moped.

"You’re cute when you pout like that." Rose rarely took an indirect approach.

"Uhh !thanks." Jennifer wasn’t positive how to take that.

"You and Brad ever get it on in the back?" Rose struck again. Sarah rolled her eyes at Rose’s complete lack of tact.

"Wouldn’t you like to know?" Jennifer hinted. Love sat back, closing her eyes and picturing the scene, smiling.

A while later after replaying that scene in her mind a few times, Love gaped across the seat at Sarah, staring blankly out the side window. Unbuckling her seat belt, she leaned her way right next to Sarah, getting her attention and stroking kiddingly up and down her leg but not quite up her skirt.

Turning to face Love, Sarah didn’t need to say a word. She’d seen that look in Love’s eyes enough to know what she wanted, and the close encounter with Jennifer already had her worked up. As Sarah closed in she was only too happy to let Love take control, mouths meeting slowly in peck after prolonged peck.

Rose picked up on the sounds of repeated lip smacking right away, nudging Jennifer to take notice in the rear view mirror. She found it so adorable it took hold of her attention, to the point that she stopped concentrating on traffic. That changed when !

"Jenn get on the damn road!!!!!"

Rose informed her of a sharp left turn she was about to miss. Jerking the wheel all the way in that direction the vehicle got back on course without an instant to spare, disrupting Love and Sarah as the Land Rover almost tipped over. That put a less than pleasant charge into everyone’s system.

"Goddamn Jenn, do you have to keep doing that?" Sarah angrily demanded.

"Back seat drivers don’t help out any, you know!" Jennifer replied in kind.

"Or back seat kissers." Rose piled on.

"Hey, at least I didn’t learn to drive from a bunch of stuntmen!" As usual Love’s comments and giggling proved infectious in the group.

"Yeah Jenn, what’s Evel Kinevel’s phone number? He must have given your driving test." Rose butted in. Jennifer could only hope she’d laugh at this event someday.

Relieved but uneasy, the restless four rode their way to the estate’s gates, Jennifer punching in the passcode the agent had given her on the first visit for the keypad control. The gates opened and they progressed on into a forested driveway.

"So this is it?" Love impatiently surveyed.

"No, this is." Jennifer announced, pointing ahead as they made a turn. Exiting the timbered border, it created the effect of opening up the sky, revealing what she had led them to.

They witnessed the emergence of a magnificent two-story mansion, Mediterranean style in architecture with its stucco exterior, Spanish tiled roof and window frames of matching colored stone; yet conservative in form, a simple rectangle save the balconies on each side and the archway covering the front door. Windows adorned it all the way around.

Rose, Love and Sarah could do nothing but stare in wide-eyed, jaw-dropped astonishment as Jennifer slowly drove her way towards the garage. As they turned in that direction the girls saw a fountain highlighting a 10-foot high statue in front of the mansion, depicting a long-haired, voluptuous woman of striking beauty, leaning back a bit as though in great pleasure yet maintaining a firm presence. None of them recognized the greeting sculpture as Calypso, the nymph from Greek mythology.

Making a second turn they stopped, reaching the eight-car garage to the right of the mansion’s main entrance. Other than Jennifer they were all very slow to get out of the car, awestruck by the dwelling’s colossal yet inviting impression, not to mention the front landscaping, the gardens behind the garage, the surrounding trees in the background and the well-kept grasses in between it all, coupled with the pristine blue sky. If any of them could have found the words they would have described it as otherworldly, slowly taking hold of their surroundings, every moment and image stirring their souls.

"You do want to see what’s inside, right?" Jennifer broke them out of their enchantments, dangling the house keys in her hand.

Eager with fascination, the younger three dashed to the pillared and arched front doorway, yelling at Jennifer to hurry up and open the way to the riches of this palace. As she got there she fumbled with the keys before finding the one for the doors.

Once open the trio ran wildly inside and beyond, dashing around like thieves raiding a tomb. To their delight the mansion was entirely furnished as they soon observed. Jennifer looked around from the foyer near the main staircase to the upper floor, trying to track where everyone had run off to.

She saw Love prancing around the living room to her left, trying out one of the two large chairs, then jumping down and rolling through the thick, downy carpeting, not yet taking in the two love seats and oak coffee table or the large fireplace on the back wall.

Content to leave her where she was, Jennifer advanced straight ahead from the entrance to the kitchen, finding Rose strolling around. It was fit for a catering service, complete with every imaginable appliance and tons of cupboard space together taking up the back two walls of the room, all complimented with an Italian marble floor and tiling. It also featured a large island counter, sort of a mini-bar with four stools curved around it.

Having seen enough here Rose walked across to the dining room, boasting a long table large enough to seat twenty along with exquisite flatware and china inside the wall cabinets.

Advancing beyond the kitchen Jennifer found Sarah in the great room, peeking through the entertainment center to expose all of its riches. Similar to the living room but larger and more square, it offered a complete home theater and more, the centerpiece being a 61" projection TV. A few stray chairs garnished a large cushy wrap-around couch that could fit 10 easily. The whole place got to Jennifer too, not as much as her first visit, as a voice came from the foyer.

"Hey guys, come see what I found!"

Love’s voice carried well enough to beckon everyone back to the main entrance. Seemed she had found a small library in the staircase, the shelves built-in.

"This place is gonna be even more fun than I thought!" She’d picked a couple choice books from the shelves, handing them over to Sarah to peruse. She found the titles a little unexpected, including "101 Ways to Give an Erotic Massage," "Tasting Your Lover: A Romantic Cookbook," and the ever popular "Pleasures of Kama Sutra." As they all checked them out they took a closer examination of the shelved books. There must have been a couple hundred of them, all with obvious sexual themes. Love seemed ready to try them out, Rose and Jennifer saw them as darling and quaint. Sarah, however, believed they were a bit out of place, trying to figure out why they were there. It got her speculating that there was something more to this place than Jennifer had let on.

"There’s a lot more to see here. Want to check it out?"

Jennifer’s question got everyone away from that library, Love putting the books back before they all headed down the main hallway, left from the entrance. Across from the living room they turned right down another hall into the south wing. Jennifer took them into the first of three rooms on the left, a relatively vacant chamber with some standing easels and a couple blank canvases in a back corner. A couple of potters’ wheels resided on the opposite wall in what was apparently an art studio.

"Isn’t this great? I could do a whole gallery from here!" Jennifer had developed quite a habit for side art projects, as well as some sizable hidden talent. The others pretty much agreed, starting to develop cases of sensory overload.

Leaving there, they saw the other two rooms remained empty, the farthest one back having a hardwood floor, perhaps for dancing. There was another room on the right side Jennifer didn’t bother with, opting to direct the group back up the main hallway and into the north wing.

On the right side Jennifer brought them into an office room. There was so much equipment in there it could be used to run a small business, including a fairly recent computer, an industrial size printer/copier/scanner/fax machine, and a few mahogany desks with executive leather chairs.

"You could run a damn agency in here!" Sarah proclaimed.

"That’s not such a bad idea !" Jennifer pondered.

"Depends. Who’d be your secretary?" Rose glanced at Love and Sarah, promptly deciding between the two as all eyes turned to Love.

"Don’t look at me. I’m not your coffee maid!" Love pretended to protest. Jennifer walked up slowly towards her, stroking her cheek.

"Yeah, but, I need someone to take care of those !special needs in the morning." She played the part of the sleazy boss with that innuendo-lacing comment.

"Exactly. Someone needs to leave stains on the desk." Rose got a
quick laugh from everyone with that.

Leaving the office Jennifer led the group to the middle of three rooms across the hall, bringing them into a large game room. Two finely kept pool tables were the centerpiece of the room, along with a foosball table, an air hockey table and two dartboards near the back wall. Rose was especially interested in what lied along the left side of the room, a full service bar with several stools and fully stocked with a myriad of cocktail ingredients. It didn’t take her long to start playing bartender, taking a peek at all the equipment.

"Warm BJ anyone?" She merrily asked, finding a bottle of Bartles & James whiskey.

"Depends, who’s buying?" Jennifer played along, taking a cue stick from the rack on the right wall.

"I will if you can make a shot." Rose continued as Jennifer neared one of the pool tables.

"I don’t know, I might !need some help handling the stick." Jennifer hinted, bending over the table in an explicitly suggestive position with the cue stick in hand.

"You look fine, as long as you don’t !slip up!" Love took advantage of the situation, giving a quick stroke up one of Jennifer’s exposed legs. Jennifer nearly jumped at the touch, giggling along with Love and Rose at it. Sarah stood back and took it all in, still trying to figure out what it was about this place that felt so odd.

"Hey Rose, you coming or what?" Jennifer asked as the group headed for the door.

"I’m gonna check out the rest of the bar. I’ll catch up later."

"All right, we’ll be in this wing."

From the game room Jennifer led Love and Sarah down the hall into an exercise room, stocked with as many exercise bikes, treadmills and strength training machines as one could ever want. It wasn’t a home gym, it was a gym in a home. The setting got Love really excited for some reason.

"Isn’t this great?!" Love tugged on Sarah, trying to get her to enjoy this.

"Yeah, it’s very nice, but what’s this doing here?"

"Who cares?! This is so perfect for you! I know you’ve got to train for Buffy and now you wouldn’t have to go out across town to get it in!" Love encouraged.

"Yeah, but what about my personal trainer?" Sarah’s mood had tilted her thinking toward the negative side of things.

"You could have him come here for sessions !and maybe even share him !"

"Oh you’d want that wouldn’t you, you little !"

"Sarah !" Love saw what Sarah had coming a mile away.

" !hornball." Or maybe not, as the three snickered it off, but nothing had changed.

Jennifer then directed them to the two additions at the back of the room. One was a full sauna, the perfect treatment after a long workout. The other was a shower room with both group facilities and individual stalls, sized for as many as the gym could fit. The group reacted to that much as they had to the rest of the place.

Guiding them out of there Jennifer took Sarah and Love back up the hallway to the last room they had yet to explore, an expansive laundry room across from the office. Laundry room was almost a misnomer, there were almost enough washers, dryers and more to call it a laundromat. After a few looks Sarah had to express her building frustration.

"See, this is what I’m talking about. What kind of house needs this many washing machines? I mean, people are just living here, right?"

"That’s not what the !ummm !previous owners did." Jennifer mentioned.

"Wait a minute," Love interrupted. "Should we get Rose yet?"

"Good point, we need to head up to the second floor. Why don’t you go get her?" Jennifer instructed.

"Sure thing!" Love ran off to the game room. That left Jennifer and an increasingly dissatisfied Sarah.

"I thought you said this place was perfect." Sarah complained.

"Come on Sarah, what’s wrong with it? What could you possibly want
that this place doesn’t have?" Jennifer refuted.

"How about a reason why this house is so over the top?"

"Hey guys, I can’t find Rose anywhere." Love broke in, returning from the hallway.

"I promise, it’ll all make sense later," Jennifer assured Sarah.

"She’s not behind the bar at all?"

"Nope, or the office or the exercise room." Love reported. Slowly her eyes began to glaze over, like she was focusing on something distant.

"What is it Love?" Sarah inquired.

"Look." She pointed to a streak against the white back wall. "What’s that brown line doing there?"

The three of them hurried to the rear of the room, finding a vertical wood-colored line in the wall. It appeared as though something might be behind it. The three of them of looked at each other, perplexed. Jennifer surely didn’t know this was here.

Cautiously Love pushed on the streak. Nothing happened. Then she nudged the wall next to the door, jumping as she felt it move. As it did they noticed what looked like another end of the wall moving outward. Sarah gave it a firmer push and confirmed her suspicions, revealing that the crack was a hidden revolving door.

"What’s inside?" Love wondered.

"It looks like some kind of secret passage." Sarah appraised.

Disturbed but no less interested, Sarah led the gang into the corridor. The dark stone walls lit somehow by antique lanterns gave it a foreboding atmosphere, putting everyone on edge. Sarah felt like she’d stepped into a bad Buffy remake.

As they made a right turn in the passage they came to a set of wooden double doors, resembling what one would find on an old stone church. The right door had been left open a crack. All three of them sort of wanted to go in but were considerably spooked at this point. No one could say a word, startled into silence. Even so, with one look back Sarah somehow conveyed what everyone was thinking: They had to go on.

Sarah crept in first, followed by Love and Jennifer into the large ominous chamber, also lit by lanterns on stone walls, only now the floor and high ceiling were made of large, uneven but smoothed out rocks, reflecting very little of the light.

"Oh my god look!!" Sarah hurriedly said, pointing to the ceiling.

Hanging from it in several places in the room were metal chains with manacles attached to the end. Searching around the girls found more hanging down from the walls and stretching from their bases along the floor. It was a sight they wouldn’t soon forget. Jennifer and Love seemed nearly petrified, until Sarah noticed what she should have when she entered the room.

"Rose? That you?" She presumed, seeing her in the corner facing the wall.

"Mmmm !" Taking a closer look they saw Rose leaning against the stone wall, rubbing up against it and caressing it like it was a long lost lover. " !I miss the feel of a nice murky dungeon in the morning !oh hey, what’s up?" The reaction was too unusual for the others to process, even for Rose.

"You tell us." Jennifer responded.

"I’m telling you, we are so getting this place. No way I’m passing this up!" It wasn’t like Rose to get this enthusiastic about anything, except maybe her more dominant tendencies.

"Hey, how’d you find the passage?" Love queried.

"It’s really weird. I came out of the bar room, went into the laundry place, checked it out, and leaned against the back wall. The door turned and I fell in, and I’m so glad I did." Rose couldn’t get enough of this discovery.

"You like this place? You should see the bedrooms!" Jennifer didn’t even let Sarah get a word in edgewise as they all left the dungeon and walked out of the laundry room. Jennifer then guided the group up the staircase at the end of the north wing hall to the second floor.

Reaching the top the girls found a long hallway, floored with red carpeting and spanning the length of the mansion. The only distinguishing objects were doorways on the left and right sides for as far as they could see.

"Go ahead and explore, I’ve already seen them all. I’ll be in here when you’re done." Jennifer instructed, heading into the first room on their left.

"Now what else does this joint have to offer?" Rose sought, reaching to open the door to their right. The door, like all the rest, had an engraved brass nameplate on it stating the name of the room. Love and Sarah noticed that as they followed Rose into the Medieval Castle room.

Inside they found a luxuriously outfitted two-room suite that could easily cost $400 a night at a hotel. The décor was comprised of all sorts of feudal regalia, from the dusky castle brick walls and black tile floor to the swords, shields, and armor as decorations, adorning the curtains, chairs, tables and dressers with their trim of royal reds. But the first room hadn’t lost the modern touch, evidenced by the whirlpool in there, its appearance fitting in with the ambiance of the suite, except perhaps by the large mirror on the wall next to it.

"No !you’ve got to be kidding me!" Rose exclaimed, leading the others to the back chamber, finding a bed seemingly made for her. The queen-size model was styled like a rack, the old-fashioned torture device, complete with spoked wheels at its corners, wooden posts connected with thick jagged wire where the headboard would normally go, and two shackles tied close to the central post, apparently for keeping guests in their place. Rose jumped on the bed vivaciously, taking a closer look at the cuffs.

"We are so living here!" She proclaimed, glancing back with a fervent smile. Love would have agreed if not for the blank stare of being overwhelmed on Sarah’s face. The more Sarah saw the more the mansion became surreal to her. At least the bathrooms were normal, she thought as they checked it out across from the bedroom, a full bath complete with walk-in closet.

"You think all the rooms are like this?" Love excitedly imagined.

"Only one way to find out." Rose answered, leading them out and down the hall to the next door on the right, the Parisian Room.

Opening that door ushered them into a suite presumably straight out of the Palace of Versailles, with a less unusual flare this time. It featured the same dressers, table, chairs and more that the previous room had, only this time colored in hues of dark blues, purples and lavenders. Bouquets of lilacs could be found throughout the furniture as centerpieces, as well as on the walls. Again there was a whirlpool in the front room, along with another adjacent mirror. The only difference was the bed – it was round, ten-sided and its headboard, enclosing the back third of it, was completely covered in mirrors. The room wasn’t nearly as wild as the first, but that didn’t stop Love from needing to see more, showing it by running out and across the hall to a suite called Caesar’s Court.

It really felt like they had stepped into a throne room, dominated with burnished red marble, bronze Roman regalia, small statues, replica paintings, and Doric pillars. Another whirlpool was in the front room, again with a side wall mirror. Moving under the pillared double arch to the bedroom they found a king-sized number, enclosed with white silk curtains between its four corner pillars.

"Isn’t this great?! It’s like there’s a fantasy land behind every door!" Love proclaimed as she pranced around the room. "This is so cool!"

"This is cool?" Sarah challenged, still baffled.

"Know which room you’re going to take yet?" Rose investigated.

"No, not really, and there’s so many more we haven’t seen. Why?" Love pondered.

"Cause I want to know where I’m eating tonight." Rose tempted with a small flick of her tongue, drawing a smug grin out of Love.

"That’s it." Sarah stated, drawing the others’ attention. At this point it all became too much for her. "I’ve had enough of this."

"Sarah what are you talking about?" Love contested.

"Getting some damn answers, that’s what!" Sarah shouted, storming out the room. Love and Rose quickly followed.

Sarah angrily walked back down the hall to the room Jennifer was in, The Grecian, fashioned in much the same way as the Caesar’s Court suite. The differences were its dark green color scheme in its marble and furnishings. Together with olive green Greek figures, Ionic style columns, lavish bouquets of several kinds of flowers and a Mediterranean coast mural flowing along the walls they produced the room’s theme. Sarah saw Jennifer lying on the round bed reading the real estate prospectus along with her reflection in the wall mirror on the side as she entered, Rose and Love not far behind.

"Spill it!" Sarah commanded.

"What? What’s wrong?" An alarmed Jennifer responded.

"What’s up with this place?" Sarah snarled back.

"What do you mean?"

"This whole place !you said it’d be great to live in, but it’s anything but that. I mean, how many houses do you know that have this much stuff? How many houses have an office, a bar, a laundromat, a dungeon, and a jacuzzi in every bedroom? That’s what I mean!"

"I thought you guys would love it. It’s got everything." Jennifer mildly replied.

"And all of it just oozes sex." Rose nastily augmented.

"Yeah Sarah, what’s your problem? Is it that this place is so !sexual?" Love interrogated.

"Not at all Love. You know that better than anyone." Both Love and Sarah blushed for a second at that. "But that’s the thing !I’d expect this kind of stuff in something like the Playboy Mansion. That’s not what this is. It’s supposed to be a house. You know, where people live?!" Sarah sarcastically specified.

"Actually it’s closer to the Playboy Mansion." All eyes turned to Jennifer after hearing that from her.

"Let me explain what the real estate agent told me." Jennifer continued. "This mansion wasn’t a house at all, it was used for a business."

"Okay, that explains the office." Sarah interrupted.


"But what about everything else?"

"I’m getting to that. The reason behind the laundry room, the bar, the art stuff and especially the bedrooms !well, it’s that this place used to be !" Jennifer hesitated from the stigma often attached to what she was about to reveal, leaving everyone else anxious.

" !a brothel."

Astounded, Love, Sarah and Rose all glanced at each other, then around the room as the discovery triggered images from the rest of the estate to flash before their eyes. Rose seemed especially affected.

"Wait a minute !you mean you brought us out here to look at a whorehouse?" She demanded.

"Uhh !yeah, you could call it that." A pensive Jennifer conceded.

"Cool!" To Rose it was sort of a dream fulfilled, evident by the brightening smile on her face.

"Cool? Cool?! I’m sorry, but I am not living in a damn whorehouse!" Sarah fiercely asserted.

"Sarah, it’s not one anymore!" Love refuted.

"Besides, that’s why it’s such a great deal." Jennifer persisted.

"Yeah, how much does all this cost anyway?" Jennifer handed Sarah the prospectus on demand, guiding her to the right page.

"Shit Jenn!!" Sarah exclaimed.

"You try finding a better deal!! This place could easily go for five times that!!" Jennifer shouted back.

"Jennifer!! That’s almost four million dollars!! Where the hell are we gonna get that kind of money?! We can’t afford that!!" Sarah    roared in kind.

"You guys! Arguing like this isn’t going to help anything!" Love intervened, ending the escalation. "Sarah, come here." Love guided her to a chair next to hers across from the bed. Sarah went, not with any enthusiasm, but she was willing to hear from a different voice.

"Look, I know you don’t quite get it, and I know it’s expensive, but how else can we do this? How else can we live together? Let’s face it, places like this one don’t come along every day, maybe not every year."

"Love !" Sarah interceded.


"Have you made four million in your entire career?" Sarah probed.

"Well !no, but !"

"Have you ever seen four million dollars?" Sarah persisted.

"Sarah, you’ve got to trust me on this one. You’ve got to trust us. I don’t now how we’ll get the money, but give it time. We’ll make it work, we’ll find a way." The reassurance and optimism in Love’s eyes got through to Sarah, not totally but enough not to try fighting back.

"Maybe you’re right, Love. But maybe you’re not. I don’t know, I guess it’s !it’s too much to take in all at once. It all seems too risky to me. I don’t know." Sarah conceded.

"It’s not as hard as you think to get the money. I’ve got enough in the bank for a decent down payment and !" Jennifer disclosed.

"Jenn, I really don’t want to get into it, all right?" Sarah requested, standing up and heading out.

"Where are you going?" Love sought.

"Anywhere I don’t have to hear about this. I guess I’ll look at a couple of the other rooms or something. I’ll meet you back at the car." Saying that Sarah left the suite.

"Sarah, wait!" Jennifer tried to get her to come back.

"No, let her go." Love instructed. "She’ll come around when she wants to."

"Love, how did you do that?" Jennifer asked.


"Get through to Sarah like that." Jennifer was always looking for tips in that vein.

"I’m not sure, she gets really strong-willed like that sometimes. Now and then if she hears from one person too much she tends to tune them out." Love illustrated.

"Looks like I’ll have to break her in sometime." Rose declared.

"Uh, yeah. So what do you want to do now?" Jennifer explored.

"What else? Let’s check out the rest of the rooms!" Love animatedly cheered, running into the hallway to see more.

With Rose and Jennifer following they went through more of the suites in that half of the hall, the Spanish Villa, the Black Forest room, Pharaoh’s Chambers and the Jungle Safari room. Even with Jennifer’s pointing out details on her second time through Love couldn’t get enough of the diverse fantasy dwellings. If only she could have them all instead of just one. Rose took it all in with more composure, conjuring up all the ways she could use these new digs for her brand of sexual games. Occasionally they saw Sarah pass through the hall on the other side of the floor, leaving her alone to work out her issues.

Sarah only examined a couple suites that sounded intriguing, still stuck in lingering disbelief at the peculiarity of the mansion. The Northern Lights room sounded interesting until she found it was an arctic igloo theme, far from the starry night scene she had imagined. Then there was the Casino Royale room, styled in flashy roulette reds, blacks and more mirrors and lights than she could stand at the moment. As if this day hadn’t been trying enough without finding that elevator in the middle of the hall and mulling over what that was for.

Reaching the end of the hall Sarah’s interest was caught by the nameplate on the door to the right, pointing out the Empire Room, having no idea what that could be. She had some time to kill so she thought "What the hell," and opened the door.

"Oh my god!" The phrase penetrated Sarah’s mind over and over as the suite came into her view. It was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever viewed, the answer to a deeply held but rarely recognized need she believed she could never fulfill. Yet there it was, staring right back at her. Her eyes brightened as her smile widened as far as it could while her jaw slowly dropped almost as far. It felt like complete incredibility yet total bliss; it was like she’d found home again. That would be the last sensation she’d feel before passing out.

Stepping out of the Hawaiian Room, Love noticed Sarah seemingly lying on the floor down the hall. "Sarah?" Love asked, finding this situation very odd. The other two were still talking in the suite. Seeing no response Love walked closer to find Sarah lying face down in front of an open door. "Sarah? Sarah, talk to me." Still nothing. Growing serious, Love knelt down, raising Sarah’s chin up to see her face, only to show a blank, lifeless face with eyes shut. The sight so horrified Love it forced her to belt out a scream one could hear at the mansion’s gates.

Hearing that Jennifer ran out into the hallway to find a panicking Love kneeling at Sarah’s side, nearly hyperventilating.

"Sarah !Sarah, wake up, wake up! Sarah please, please be ok!!!" Love wailed with a couple tears sliding down her face, tapping her unresponsive friend on the cheek, desperately trying to revive her. Rose followed behind, taking her own sweet time as she approached the scene.

"Love, what happened?" Jennifer pursued.

"I don’t know, I walked out here and saw her lying down and I saw her face and !and she’s out cold and she won’t get up! Sarah, Sarah don’t do this to me!!!" Love cried, her emotions overflowing as more tears flowed down her face. Rose had knelt down on Sarah’s other side, checking her wrist.

"Relax. She’s got a pulse." She observed.

"Uhh !" Sarah started shaking her head slightly, starting to come out of it.

"Sarah! Sarah, open your eyes." Love hurriedly directed. Within moments Sarah’s eyes fluttered, slowly opening.

"Ughhhhhh !wha !what !happened?" She woozily asked.

"She needs to rest." Jennifer pointed out, seeing the open door to the Empire Room next to them. "Let’s get her in here."

Together the three of them got Sarah to her feet, lifting her on their shoulders to carry her inside. But when she looked up and saw the suite again her face instantly brightened. She still couldn’t believe her eyes. She also couldn’t stop her building joy at what she saw, shown by her head sinking down and fainting again in the others’ arms. The recurrence made Love drop everything and belt out another earsplitting scream.

"If she doesn’t wake up from that, she’s dead." Rose suggested.

"How can you say that?!" a shocked Love whimpered. "Sarah, Sarah wake up, please!!!" She pleaded as her tears flowed anew.

"Don’t worry, she’ll come out of it in a little while. Let’s get her on the bed and she’ll be fine." Jennifer guided. Getting her wits about her Love helped everyone to lie Sarah down on the room’s bed. Love clung to Sarah, refusing to let go until Jennifer tugged at her.

"Love, let her be and she’ll come out of it." She counseled. Reluctantly Love stepped away and took a chair surrounding the bed, as did the other two.

They all sat around waiting for Sarah to recover. One minute later, nothing had changed. Love tried getting up to take action, but with a firm stare from Jennifer she sat back down.

"So what could have made her faint like that?" Jennifer examined. Just then Sarah started to twitch, waking up. She couldn’t escape her surroundings now, collapsing, escaping or otherwise. Within seconds her face beamed with a smile from ear to ear as she shook back and forth, gawking at her new surroundings. "I can’t believe it !it’s like I’m home again! Look at this!" The others quickly did as Sarah sat up.

As the all noticed the suite was themed after the crown jewel of the Empire State, New York City. A detailed skyline mural of the city at night stretched across every wall, complementing the color scheme ranging from deep red to mauve to champagne. The furniture, dressers, mirrors, brass bed and more gave off a distinct art deco feel with their smoothed corners and sleek edges. It was as cosmopolitan as could be with becoming cheesy, right down to the Big Apple shaped hot tub and the ceiling chandelier.

"Look at this!! It’s like I’m back in mid-town Manhattan!" Sarah proclaimed.

"That’s it !" Love looked on the verge of figuring it all out.

"What?" Jennifer wondered.

"It’s like I’m really there !and I could go anywhere, but where? There’s Broadway, Central Park, the Empire State Building, Coney
Island, Times Square !" Sarah deliriously raced on and on, pointing
out each landmark on the wall mural as her speaking accelerated to
breakneck speed.

"She’s from New York, so it’s perfect for her. She must really miss
it." Love assessed as Sarah kept going.

" !the Statue of Liberty, Radio City, Carnegie Hall, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Stadium, the Garden !it’s all right here! And look! The mirrors, the furniture, the bed !it all screams home!" Sarah cheered, jumping up and down and then leaping onto the bed. All she could do was sway her head back and forth, chanting, "I’m home !I’m home !" Seeing Sarah slow down Love slowly approached her, lying next to her closest friend on the bed with just one question.

"So, now do you want to live here?"

"Where do I sign?" a hysterical Sarah answered. As she turned to Love her eyes displayed a thankfulness she couldn’t put into words, so she didn’t. Love’s eyes conveyed a similar feeling, happy that the mansion’s magic had finally won Sarah over. Jennifer smiled tenderly at the display, such a lovely scene between two people so devoted to each other. A bored Rose yawned, silently so as not to spoil the moment.

With the decision now unanimous the women took a peek at a few more rooms before calling it a day. Fortunately there weren’t any more near accidents on the drive back to Jennifer’s house before everyone went back to their homes. None of them could wait to move in.

That next week Jennifer worked on finalizing the arrangements, both with Lindsey Carlsen and the girls. Jennifer had a cash stash >from her recent movies so she was able to make a $2 million down payment on the estate. Sarah reimbursed her $500,000 from her recent Maybelline contract while Love and Rose agreed to make house payments for the time being, at least until a couple others were brought in and could contribute.

Until the purchase was finalized Lindsey agreed to allow Jennifer, and thus the others to move into the mansion. This wasn’t the first time Ms. Carlsen had dealt with celebrities and she knew how discreet such dealings needed to be. She also knew when the title deed was officially transferred the entertainment press would have a field day with it. Furthermore, the paparazzi would be out there lurking in that time and it pays to have moving done prior to that point, thus the reason for this practice. In the short term Jennifer would be the only name on the title deed but that could be changed as circumstances warranted.

Little by little each of them brought carload after carload of their stuff over the next few weeks, usually on weekends. They didn’t need to move fully since the place was already furnished, just bringing clothes, personal items and the like. As they did one issue came up, who would be in which bedroom? Two weeks into this transition they all found time to meet on a Sunday afternoon to pick out rooms. That way they wouldn’t have to dump their boxes in the south wing or wherever there was space.

Jennifer, accident-free, arrived first on that warm Southern California day with a few bins of belongings stuffed in her Land Rover. She barely got to her trunk keys when Rose parked up
alongside her in her BMW with the top down. Rose didn’t say anything at first, taking some moments to eye Jennifer from head to toe, staring right through those cutoff shorts and light pink top.

"Are you gonna say hi, or stare at me all day?" Jennifer asserted.

"You’re not exactly dressed for moving boxes, you know. I wouldn’t need to stare if you weren’t dressed for !"

Before Rose could finish they heard another car on its way in. As the white Ford Mustang convertible pulled up they saw Love in the driver’s seat, smiling as usual.

"What’s up?" She said, getting out of her car and leaning on the door.

"Got a question for you." Rose solicited.


"What’s Jennifer best dressed for today, moving or fucking?" Love should have known to expect that kind of thing from Rose by now.

"Geez Rose, are you always that direct?" A flabbergasted Love shot back.

"Well?" Rose asked again. Love took a stare at Jennifer, pestered but a little flattered in a way she’d rather not admit to.

"Well she isn’t exactly dressed like a handyman." Love evaluated.

"So she’s closer to fucking." Rose inferred.

"Don’t I get a say in this?" A pouting Jennifer claimed.

"Hey, Love is too." Love gave Rose a clueless "as if" look, to which Rose gave her the same eyeballing treatment she’d put on Jennifer. Rose was right, glaring through Love’s light and flowery summer dress, a smirk growing on her face as she envisioned it falling to the ground.

Her gawking would be interrupted by another car pulling in then. From the candy apple red color they could all tell it was Sarah’s Porsche rolling up alongside Love’s Mustang.

"Hey everybody." Sarah greeted.

"Hey, what’s up?" Love welcomed back. After just a second or two she and the others could tell there was something unusual in Sarah’s eyes, firmly staring back at Love like the rest of the world wasn’t there.

"Sarah? What’s wrong? You’re not gonna faint again, are you?"

Concern quickly showed through on Love’s face.

"No, I’m ok, it’s not that at all." Sarah reassured, getting out of her car. "It’s just !it’s been too long !" She still focused on Love with all the force her green eyes could muster.

"What are you talking about?" An unentertained Rose brashly imposed from her driver’s seat.

"Love !" Sarah’s swelling emotion showed as she struggled with her speech, visibly breathing strongly while her tongue brushed against her upper lip. As she regained her composure it appeared to increase.

" !I can’t wait anymore." The words acted as some kind of trigger for Sarah as she started walking toward Love with resolute that a freight train couldn’t stop.

"Sarah? Sarah what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?" Love’s words didn’t phase Sarah one bit, making her nervous.

"Sarah this isn’t funny! What are you gonna do to !!"

With unwavering resolution Sarah marched around the car to Love, walked straight to her, grabbed her and pressed her lips square against Love’s, kissing her as hard as she could. Over and over Sarah lashed her tongue into Love’s mouth whether she accepted it or not. The sudden but joyful surprise sent shivers throughout Love’s body, overcome in moments by the feel of Sarah having her way with her, trembling with instant arousal and a building desire for more.

It felt so good for Sarah too, letting out all kinds of sexual tension built up from having to wait for this moment, showing through the lessening intensity in her eyes.

"I need you Love !" Sarah begged, catching a breath between lip locking, " !I need you now !"

"Sarah, why didn’t you say so?" Love sought when she could escape
the hold of Sarah’s lips.

"Is this good enough?" Sarah prompted, reaching down with one hand and running her fingers smoothly up Love’s thigh, all the way to and over her moistening pussy, driving Love crazy and making her want Sarah as much as she wanted Love, showing in her more aggressive kissing. They had to have each other, all the way, right now.

"Let’s get inside!" Love pleaded. They tried getting to the main doors as fast as they could without letting go either with their hands or lips.

"You heard ‘em. Let’s go!" Rose implored Jennifer who was stuck between amazement and fascination at what she was seeing. Rose had to get out of her car and block Jennifer’s view to get her attention.

"Come on now, are you really going to let them have all the fun?" The grin of appetite on Rose’s face showed how much she liked this turn of events, taking Jennifer’s hand and running with her down to the mansion’s doors. Getting a grip on the situation Jennifer found the keys in her purse and opened the doors, leaving them that way for the intertwined Sarah and Love to kiss and feel their way through.

Once inside and through the foyer Sarah smashed Love against the wall, the pair kissing and tonguing as hard as ever as Jennifer closed the doors, Rose watching as well from behind her. Wild with lust, growing closer to being satisfied, Sarah reached down to the edge of Love’s dress, grabbed it with both hands and flung it over her head, breaking the kiss not a moment longer than she had to. Much to Sarah’s delight, Love wore nothing underneath as she rubbed up and down like an animal in heat against Love’s exposed body.

"Mmm, no underwear !good girl !" Sarah flattered.

Jennifer was mesmerized. Even after all she’d seen and done recently the idea of two popular actresses getting it on like this somehow didn’t register in her mind as possible, but that’s exactly what she was seeing. The passion between them was so intense, so real, it was really turning her on. So much so she didn’t even notice that Rose had undone her jean shorts and slid them down her legs to the floor, until Rose felt her way back up from behind.

"Looks like you didn’t bother with any either." Rose observed from the now bottomless Jennifer. "You really like to watch, don’t you?"

She asked rhetorically, stroking Jennifer’s wetness. Other than elevating her excitement Jennifer was powerless to respond. The more Sarah brushed against Love the more she needed to get that red dress off of herself too. It wasn’t skin tight but not nearly as loose as everyone else’s that day. "Now mine !" Sarah instructed, ungluing her lips from Love’s and placing her hands on the straps of her dress, " !please, peel it off, oh please !"

Without question or restraint Love tugged the straps down the shoulders, peeling the dress away from Sarah’s chest and further down her body. As Love revealed more and more of her, Sarah felt a stream of pleasure >from her skin being released from the confines of the fabric, tilting her head back and gasping at the descending sensations. Much like Love, she hadn’t bothered with any undergarments, this being evident as they ground against each other with growing fervor.

"You’re more dressed for fucking than I imagined." Rose stated, relieving the still entranced Jennifer of her top and gawking at her naked flesh. Right then Rose caught on to Jennifer making small motions with her hips and pelvis, swinging forward and back only a couple inches at a time. >From her experience Rose knew that was a sign of heightened sexual instinct, a telltale indicator of someone desperately craving to come.

"Now Jennifer, you want something and you want it very badly. You can’t fool me. Are you going to do something about it or do I have to !" As Rose again stepped in front of her Jennifer finally let her awakened desire be known, grabbing Rose closer and kissing her repeatedly on the lips.

"Give it to me !any way you want !just !I’ve just gotta come now !" Jennifer at last declared between smooches.

"About time." Rose grumbled. "But you’ve gotta strip me first. You can do that, can’t you?"

Without a word Jennifer picked up Rose’s light purple dress, raised it over her in one motion and threw it away, making Rose the last nude woman in the house. Very pleased with their exposure Rose took Jennifer’s hand and led her to the living room with the much entangled Love and Sarah promptly following.

Inside Rose sat down on the soft carpet, inviting Jennifer to lie down next to her. Jennifer needed no egging on as she did, but that’s just what Rose did to her, stroking the tip of her index finger inch by inch down Jennifer’s body. A couple touches to each breast, then down her chest, stomach and below. Solely from want Jennifer still pushed her hips up and down in small movements, sped up and frustrated by Rose’s stroking right to her pussy as she slid down into position.

"Told you I was worth the wait." Rose proclaimed, sticking her tongue out just above Jennifer’s crotch. Jennifer’s face showed a mix of stunned anticipation and yearning, made worse by Rose lying still between her legs with staring back with her tongue hanging out. Jennifer couldn’t possibly endure any more delays as Rose lowered herself to the bottom of Jennifer’s pussy lips. Then, finally,

"Oh ohh ohh ohh ohh!" Jennifer shuddered as Rose gave those lips a full lick from bottom to top before diving inside her pussy, licking and lashing at full force once inside. As Rose could hear Jennifer was still quite sensitive to oral treatment, but deeply appreciative as she ran her hands through Rose’s hair, pushing her farther inside.

As Rose and Jennifer had their fun Love and Sarah made their way beside them, kneeling and then sitting on the carpet. Their kissing and caressing hadn’t lost any potency as they zealously enjoyed one another. Then Sarah made a move to lean Love back, flat onto the carpet. Standing up Sarah walked up and turned around, kneeling above Love who stared straight at her glistening wet sex, even as Sarah ran her palms down over Love’s breasts and torso.

"You should show me this view more often." Love lustfully suggested.

"How about a close up?" Sarah agreed, slowly lowering herself onto Love’s waiting mouth. Before she did completely though Sarah slipped two fingers down into Love’s pussy, making Love jump at the touch as she tried to fuck Sarah’s digits right away.

"Oohhhhhh, one more !I need more!" Love urged.

"Whatever you say !uggghhhhh, yessss!!" Sarah yelled out, sitting on Love’s face and she drove a third finger into Love’s pussy while she
ferociously licked away at hers. It just made Sarah pump faster and farther into Love with her fingers, in turn forcing Love to dive in even more into Sarah. "God you get better at this every time, uhhhhhh!!" She shouted, lost in the shots of pleasure firing through her as she rode across Love’s face.

"Ahhhhhhhh, yesss, keep going !deeper, faster, ahhhhhhh !" Jennifer gasped, burying the hungry for pussy Rose as far into her as she could, shaking with indulgence all over. For the first time having a girl go down on her didn’t seem so sudden or startling and now Jennifer truly enjoyed every sensation. A smile replaced any prior stress as her inhibitions were gone for good. Each touch gave her nothing but pleasure, stronger with every succeeding one as the wild one below ate away.

"Ummmmm, come on Love, ugggghhhhh, keep going, ugggghhhhh, it’s getting closer, uggghhhh, closer, closer !" In contrast Sarah was in a state of tense electricity, pounding her fingers through Love’s pussy with deeper and harder strokes. Sarah felt them back inside her almost instantly as Love wiggled her tongue faster and wilder, not letting any place in Sarah go untouched. The impulses kept Sarah so on edge, getting her off but building her up, making her ache for release. Love’s hands running over her chest and fondling her tits intensified the effect, electric but still unfinished. The tension showed through Sarah’s face, gritting her teeth.

"Ohhhh !ohhhhhhh yes!!! Keep going, keep going, there it !oh god !ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Jennifer spasmed, capturing Rose between her legs as she licked her to a shuddering orgasm, every piece of her shaking uncontrollably as joy rocked her down to the bone. Rose thoroughly treasured it as Jennifer’s cum splashed onto her face, relishing its smell and taste. When it stopped flowing she slowed down to let Jennifer subside, for now anyway.

"That’s it Love, that’s the spot !mmmmuuuugghhhh !" Sarah couldn’t take it anymore, this waiting to climax was killing her. She had so much energy built up inside she was almost stabbing into Love with her fingers while rubbing her clit with her other hand. How much more of this could she take? Just then she got her answer as Love’s pussy gripped down, making Love thrust forward into them as she came, some of her ejaculate spilling out while most of it coated Sarah’s fingers. The rush of orgasm caused Love to lick even deeper into Sarah, hitting a few new spots way inside her. That was the trigger Sarah desperately needed.

"Yeah !ahhhhhh!!! Here it comes, ughhhhh, ahhhhhh, ohhh AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs as her back arched straight up and her orgasm jackknifed through her, releasing all that tension from waiting for Love, wanting her, and then the carnal climb to this point. She wanted to feel it all buzz through her and that’s exactly what she got as it all rushed inside her for those few seconds of total ecstasy. It left her exhausted for a few moments as she collapsed onto Love and rolled over beside her, gasping for breath. Once her vision cleared the first thing she saw was Love’s face, kissing her while stained with her cum.

"You were great." Love praised.

"That was the best !" Sarah affirmed, still shivering but peeking over at Rose slithering up Jennifer, " !but I think Jennifer needs some more help, don’t you?" Love was just as eager at Sarah’s suggestion as they crawled over to her.

As Rose advanced upward Jennifer didn’t stop her from advancing over her body, still recovering from Rose’s performance. Before she knew it Rose sat on her shoulders, looking down at her curious but eager face.

"Now what are you going to do to me?" Jennifer gladly asked.

"It’s time you learned how to eat. You want to learn how, don’t you?" Rose dictated.

"Right now I’d do anything." Jennifer obeyed without any reluctance.

"That’s more like it," Rose commended, prowling forward and placing her pussy right on top of Jennifer’s grinning mouth. "First rule, breathe it in. Smell how wet I am."

As told Jennifer lowered her nose to the humid slit. Taking a whiff she threw her head back in delight, loving the musky aroma.

"There you go. Second rule, take your tongue and run it up and down.

That’ll really get me hot." Without question Jennifer did so. "Mmmm! This is gonna be better than I thought." Rose appraised. "Okay, third rule !"

While those two focused on each other Sarah had positioned herself in between Jennifer’s legs. Love’s pleasures gave her not only one hell of a climax but a serious taste for pussy. Once where she wanted to be Sarah followed all the rules Rose had laid out for Jennifer, breathing in her scent and stroking the slit with both her tongue and fingers. Rose hadn’t caught on yet, believing Jennifer was just an apt pupil. But she’d find out all right when Sarah stuck her tongue all the way inside Jennifer’s damp slit, burying her face in it. The rush wasn’t so sudden for Jennifer, but it was so much fun, showing through as Jennifer dove into Rose likewise.

"Uggghhhh, all right, uhhhh, forget the rules, just, ohhhhhh, go with it, ugggghhhh yeah !" Rose grunted, slowly rocking over Jennifer’s face but picking up speed with each passing wave of satisfaction. To make matters better, Love climbed onto Jennifer, kissing Rose down and around her neck from behind as her boobs pressed against Rose’s back. Rose couldn’t get enough of it.

"Mmmmm, feel my tits, uggghhh, please !"

Love quickly complied, wrapping her hands around both sides of Rose and squeezing her breasts while kissing down her shoulder. Jennifer did too, reaching up to get a feel of Rose’s chest, still licking away like Sarah kept on with her. The four hands and tongue felt amazing to Rose, but she wanted something a little more intimate.

"Now lick ‘em, yeahhhhh !." As Love turned inside Jennifer let go, focusing at the task in front of her face and the one paying attention to her down below. Rose rocked harder against Jennifer as Love streamed back and forth across Rose’s right breast with her tongue, grazing the nipple with a few extra licks with each pass, all while feeling up the left one. Love greatly liked driving Rose wild with her playfulness, giggling as she licked and petted away before switching sides, doing it over again.

Back between Jennifer’s legs, Sarah looked up from her lapping away to see Jennifer’s clit at full arousal. With one glance Sarah had to taste it, moving up to kiss, lick and suck away at it, sticking two fingers into Jennifer’s pussy, energetically driving them in and out. If she wasn’t before Jennifer was really bucking now, made red hot by the change in styles. She even ran he thumb and forefingers over Rose’s clit, the resulting shriek inspiring her to go on with it.

"Oooooohhh, god yeah give it to me!! Fuck me!!! Uhhhhhh, yeah, pinch my nipples, now !yes, that’s it!!! Harder!!!"

Love had no problem with that command, doing so instantly. Rose knew just when to add a dash of pain into a sexual recipe and her timing was perfect. The mix gave her a feeling she usually only got at climax. It would only last for a short while though as Love saw the change Sarah made. Letting go of Rose she decided maybe there was room for her too down there. Temporarily deprived, Rose grabbed Jennifer’s free hand and ran it over her nipples until Jennifer caught her drift, alternating from twisting each nipple but mostly feeling whatever she could as she ate way.

Love swiftly slid down beside Sarah, trying to make her way inside Jennifer’s thighs. Catching her drift, Sarah moved over just enough to give Love some room but also maintain her licking and jabbing. Getting in, Love made her intentions known, slipping her tongue into the top of Jennifer’s pussy, making for a triple-fucking between Sarah’s fingers inside and her mouth latched onto Jennifer’s clit.

Jennifer was close before but this was too much, too many impulses, too powerful and too fast. Her buckings became shakes as this triple assault drove her into a fierce and prolonged coming as her moans could be heard from inside Rose. Only seconds later Jennifer’s appetite did the same to her.

"That’s it, that’s it, faster, faster, on my pussy, my tits, my clit, that’s it !that’s !ahhhhhHHHH YESSSSS!!!!! Ohhhhhh YEAHHHH!!!!!"

Rose roared, squeezing Jennifer’s face with her thighs and smothering it in her cum as the tremendous orgasm knocked her silly. Love and Sarah didn’t stop until they consumed every last drop. By connection neither did Jennifer, finally letting Rose dismount and lie next to her when they did.

"So how did I do?" Jennifer teased, still stricken by her high.

"Fantastic." Rose acknowledged, showing so by kissing Jennifer’s cum-stained face. "Tongues don’t get any better than that." She rolled over, leaning on Jennifer’s side, both slowly catching their breath.

Out of Jennifer, Sarah rolled over on her back. She was content to end it there, satisfied and with a great taste in her mouth. Tilting towards Love she thought that was all, until she saw something in Love’s eyes. She couldn’t explain it, but something in Love wasn’t done yet.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarah flirtatiously inquired.

"How about I give you something special?" Love’s growing smile showed she meant it.

"What could that be?" Sarah asked back.

"Remember this?" Love giggily replied, mounting Sarah so that their two pussies touched. "And this?" Love added, sliding across it then back again, just like that first time at the movie studio.

"Ohhh yes, mmmm yes Love!" Sarah yelled, rubbing back faster, sending instant shockwaves through both of them. Each sped up the other into a full-blown pussy fuck, giving each the pre-orgasmic tremors again. As great as the sensations were they didn’t compare to the sense of belonging Love and Sarah felt in each other arms, their lips sealed in kissing and moaning, each with an overwhelming feeling like this was meant to be. This wasn’t just sex, it felt to them like a meeting of soul mates grinding as one.

Watching them go at it reinspired Rose’s hunger as she hinted at Jennifer, "Let’s go lick ‘em up!" Jennifer stared back incredulous. How could Rose possibly want more? "Come on, what are you waiting for? They’re not." Rose repeated. Jennifer still couldn’t believe it.

"You girls are insatiable!" She professed.

"So you’re not in?" Rose inferred.

"No, I love it!" Jennifer nastily admitted. "Let’s go get us some!"

They didn’t need any more encouragement, speeding over to Love and Sarah on each side. As Rose looked across the grinding bodies she saw the Jennifer she never expected, sticking her tongue out with the same lewd intention as hers. Doing likewise Rose didn’t need to say a word, leading the way as she moved in between Love and Sarah with her tongue, stroking at their rubbing pussies and flicking away at their clits. Jennifer followed her lead exactly on the other side, thrilled to no end by the sheer naughtiness of it. That was about the only thing that could break the seal between Sarah and Love’s lips, and it did rather loudly as streams of pleasure coursed all over them.

"Ohhhhhh, mmmmmmm, yessssssss !" Sarah yelled.

"Ughhhhh, god yessss, uhhhhhh !" Love echoed.

"Ohhhhhh !"

"Mmmmmm !."

"Ughhhhhh, ugghhhhhhh, yeah !"

"Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh, yeah !"

"Ummmmm, ummmmmmm !yesssssss, yessssssss!!!!!"

They screamed as they came together, their juices flowing freely over each other, caught by Rose and Jennifer as much as they could in such tight spaces. As Love and Sarah slowed to a halt the other two snuck upward, greeting each of them with kisses to cool them down. Each smooch let them taste traces of the other three. Either from coming, making others come, or both, at last they were all satisfied. Not just sexually, but by having each other so close, Love and Sarah especially.

Content with kissing and light body rubbing but also very tired from all that exertion and release, they fell asleep on the cushy carpet – naked, tangled, sweaty, but most importantly very happy. A few hours later Sarah was the first to wake up.

From the windows and the fading light outside it appeared to be sunset. It really didn’t matter to her, even if she was at the bottom of the pile Sarah finally had what she wanted: the four of them, particularly Love, lying in afterglow, together. Unable to get out she stroked each of them with her legs to wake them up. Amongst several satisfied moans they all began to stir, smiling at everyone but not saying a word.

"Can it get any better than this?" Sarah fancied.

"How could it?" Love answered, still on top of her.

"I know. This feels perfect." Sarah believed.

"How about when we bring in some more?" Rose insinuated.

"More?" Jennifer investigated.

"What? You thought you were the only one?" Rose scoffed.

"Besides, you get to pick who’s next!" Love disclosed.

"Really?! How would I know who?" Jennifer mulled over.

"Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time for that once we’re moved in." Sarah mentioned. They all thought about who could join them like this for a while, until Rose made a point.

"So, who’s cleaning up the carpet stains?" Rose imagined, drawing laughs from the others at the dirty reference. "No seriously, who?" Rose petitioned. "And what about the rest of this place?"

"Hmmm, guess we’ll need some house help." Jennifer surmised.

"You mean like maids?" Sarah guessed.

"Maids? What kind of maids?" Love brightly inquired.

"How about the all you can eat variety?" Rose lecherously intimated, drawing an excited snicker from Love.

"I’m sure we’ll find we what need. We’ve got it all right here."

Sarah concluded with a smile, gathering the others for a naked group hug. All four of them felt so connected at this moment, bonding like one complete unit. There was still a transition to be made as the day came to an end but one thing was for sure, the adventures had only just begun.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
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