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Author Topic: Kylie and Dua's Close Encounter  (Read 3292 times)


Kylie and Dua's Close Encounter
« on: February 26, 2025, 05:03:54 PM »
Kylie and Dua's Close Encounter

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Sauntering up the stairs, the luscious Dua Lipa carefully put each foot in front of the other as she manoeuvred her high heels up the stairs of the luxurious London hotel. She’d chosen the stairs over the lift as she couldn’t be bothered to wait for it and it gave her a moment to think about what she was letting herself in for. It was the first time for her which only stirred her nerves as she found her way onto the fifth floor and stepped along the hallway, looking for the hotel room she’d been invited to. A new experience awaited as she paused outside the door, taking in then engraved sign for a moment as she held her breath before reaching out and tapping at the wood.

She glanced down the corridor to see if anyone else was about, pleased to be alone as she waited, only the sound of her thumping heart to break her stillness. Dua was almost inclined to knock again, fearing she hadn’t been heard, when the sound of slight feet emanated from within, crossing the carpet to the door, growing in volume until the inevitable moment when the door was opened to reveal her host.

“Good evening,” said the delectable, diminutive Kylie Minogue, standing before her on her own high heels but still enticingly petite, wearing a long strapless dark blue side corseted dress.

“Hey,” Dua replied, a nervous smile breaking across her lips.

“Changed your mind huh?”

“Yeah,” she replied shyly, looking down at the floor.

“Well I’m very glad you did, come in, please,” Kylie said, standing back and holding the door open to welcome her into the opulent, expensive hotel suite.

How Dua had come to this moment had been a mix of sheer luck and boldness by the petite Australian singer...and temptation on her own part. A couple of years earlier they’d met one another when they’d collaborated on a song and they’d just clicked, becoming fast friends which had blossomed quickly.

They met again at a few awards shows, chatted on the phone despite their different places around the world as they worked and met up every time they were back in London together, enjoying secluded dinners and time away from the spotlight. Their friendship however came with an edge of chemistry, something Dua couldn’t quite explain, but her attraction to the Australian pop princess was undoubted.

Kylie made no secret about noticing, flirting back in equal measure and after a couple of glasses of wine things could get quite forward. Dua had never felt that way before about another woman, and had certainly never imagined having a crush on the illustrious pop princess but she was captivated by her bouncy personality and sheer magnetism. Kylie was twice her age but her attraction was undimmed and despite her assumption that her initial feelings were an infatuation, a fleeting emotion that would fade with time, they did not and she only found her attraction growing and Kylie certainly did nothing to discourage it.

It was always put on hold, in between times when they met up on the award circuit but every time they got back together it seemed to burst into flames again and Dua found herself looking forward to it more and more. However, she wasn’t going to approach Kylie about it; as far as she was aware Kylie was completely straight and she feared such a move would only be rejected, followed by her pulling away as a friend and so she resolved to keep it to herself, hoping it didn’t show too intently when they were together.

Kylie had instead made the move for her, her experience leading the way. They’d been preparing for the Brit awards in London, with Dua lined up to potentially receive them and Kylie slated for a big set. They’d arrived earlier than really necessary to see each other before the show, before they each had to head for hair and make-up to get ready for the ceremony. And it was there that Kylie caught Dua taking a rather deliberate look at her legs, encased in her skintight jeans.

“You like them?” Kylie had commented.

“Sure,” Dua somewhat snorted, flustered at being caught, “what time do they open?”

The instant she cracked the old joke she felt immediately embarrassed, looking down and turning red, hearing Kylie giggling as she shied away.

“After the show, if you want them to,” Kylie had then purred, deliberately changing the tone and making Dua shiver and suddenly look up. She stared into Kylie’s eyes like a deer in the headlights for a moment, completely unsure what to say.

“Dua, have you ever been with another woman?” Kylie asked, the question clear and straightforward, a sudden moment of clarity in their relationship.

“I...well...no, I haven’t,” she replied, looking away unsurely.

“Do you want to?”

“Well, maybe,” she conceded, her body language giving away far more than her words, chest tight.

“I think it’s a little more than maybe,” Kylie smiled, breaking the tension a little.

“Look, I’m just a bit confused by it,” Dua said. The boldness of Kylie’s approach was arousing and surprising, clarifying to her that she was interested and felt the spark as well.

“We all are, first time around.”

The silence hung between them for a moment, Dua choosing not to speak, heart pumping hard as it tried to carry the oxygen from her shallow breaths through her slender body, wondering if what she’d dreamed of might be abruptly made real.

“Look, I’m not putting you on the spot here,” Kylie said, “how about you come to my hotel tonight if you want to give it a try?”

“Really?” Dua blurted out, louder than she intended, the offer suddenly before her, in reach, a place where she might blend her fantasies with a very intense reality. If she had the guts to try it.

“Sure. Look, all you have to do is ask,” Kylie replied with a smile and little wink.

“I…” Dua started, struggling to form word.

“I’ll send you my hotel details. Invitation is all yours,” she said.

“Thank you,” Dua managed quietly, overcome by it all.

“I’ve got to get to my dressing room, I’ll catch you in the show,” Kylie said, standing and blowing her a kiss, heading off to give Dua a chance to check out her ass in the tight denim. She felt breathless, completely at sea as her head swirled with thoughts of what could be as the retreating Australian superstar didn’t even look back.

And that had been it. Kylie had seized control and propositioned her, and left the ball completely in her court. She knew it was up to her whether she wanted to show up; she could have just messaged her a polite refusal or not shown at all, if she liked. She had wavered and been close to doing that, fretting over taking the step and slipping into bed with another woman for the first time. It was more concern about her own performance than anything else, worried she’d never be able to please Kylie if she did it.

Instead she’d accepted the offer and with her heart in her mouth had knocked at the pop princess’s door, only for her fears to be unfounded as she was politely and warmly welcomed inside. Kylie held the door open for her to quickly step inside and then closed it behind her, locking it with an air splitting clunk of security...and privacy.

“I know it’s a big step,” Kylie said, still leaning back against the door, frustratingly nonchalant about it all with an excited little smile on her lips. She was referencing Dua’s hesitation at the invite earlier on, her indecisiveness palpable.

“Yeah it’s...yeah.”

“Well don’t worry, I’m gonna take very good care of you,” Kylie replied, stepping towards her.

“Yeah?” Dua asked hopefully, heart pumping hard.

“Yes, you’re gonna be absolutely fine, I’ve done this before,” Kylie said, slowly approaching.

“I’m sure, I just don’t know what to do. You’ll have to guide me,” Dua replied, voice trembling a little as the beautifully diminutive pop princess invaded her personal space. Minogue was tiny in comparison; Dua was almost eight inches taller than her Australian counterpart, they were both wearing heels so it stayed about the same but the younger singer was always struck by how tiny and feminine Kylie was, so petite...and so very in charge.

“No problem,” Kylie replied, reaching up boldly to grab the front of Dua’s dress, pulling her down and straight into a kiss. It was her first proper kiss with another woman and she was surprised as Kylie’s abrupt initiation...despite the entire situation. Kylie’s tongue slipped straight into her mouth, gliding over her own as she pushed it in confidently and pressed her lips to her.

Dua mumbled in a mix of sensations as the petite Australian snogged her, sliding an arm around her back to hold her close. Kylie’s lips were full and soft, locked with her own, tongue massaging at hers so gently yet skillfully that it just tempted her to kiss back with equal intensity. Her hands instinctively went around her more experienced lover, sliding round her back and through her long hair, pulling the diminutive star to her as Kylie gave a knowing little giggle.

It was because she knew she had her, Dua was reciprocating right off the bat and Kylie knew it was full steam ahead from there. She’d had girls before who were so brash, full of bravado and brimming with confidence but the second she kicked things off they’d recoiled, suddenly hit with the cold shower of reality and they’d backed off the moment she’d locked lips with them. It wasn’t common but it had happened, and she was pleased to find Dua excited and welcoming.

Dua was wearing a high neck backless black dress, elegant and sexy straight, from the awards show which fitted to her body perfectly. Kylie’s hand slid up over her silky skin, Dua tingling as her fingers went straight to the knot of the halter neck dress, digging into it and working it open. Kylie was pushing up onto her toes a little, high heels off the floor as she craned to reach her much taller conquest, hand in the small of her back as her fingers pushed into the tight knot of her dress and wiggled it loose. She immediately grabbed it as soon as the opportunity presented itself and drew the fabric apart to free it, and Dua’s incredible body from its confines.

Kylie carefully but firmly bit Dua’s tongue, pulling away from her to stretch it a little before she slipped off and at the same time took her dress with her, dainty hands guiding it out the way to let it drop loose in front of her and reveal her perky breasts. Dua’s nipples were already hard and she felt a rush in her chest, heart pausing a moment as Kylie revealed her, stripped in front of another woman in anything but a professional setting for the first time.

“Very nice,” Kylie commented with a smile, immediately kissing her again as her hands shoved matter of factly down Dua’s sides to push the dress from her hips, over the smooth waistband of her panties to send it tumbling to the floor around her feet.

“Take those heels off as well,” Kylie mumbled through their kiss as Dua stepped out of the dress, leaving her in just her black tights and smooth black thong. Kylie wanted Dua down closer to her level and she dutifully obliged, doing exactly what she was told by the Australian superstar that was fully in control of proceedings.

“Good girl,” she commented as Dua kicked the shoes off one by one, making the much taller pop star shiver. She loved how in charge Kylie was, taking control of everything and just leading her through it, giving her full confidence that what was coming was about to be her. Much more on the level of Kylie made things easier and they made out hungrily, all that tension, all that lust, that boiling, bubbling, brewing hunger suddenly released – unleashed. Kylie was ready for it, having been looking forward to it since she’d first sensed Dua might be interested in more than friendship.

She welcomed the focus of Dua’s intensity, off the chain. She mumbled in surprise as Dua suddenly surged forward into her, taking more initiative and kissing Kylie deeply, shoving her tongue into her mouth hard as her hands fumbled around her for her dress. Minogue’s hands pushed down into her tights to push them down but Dua immediately stopped her, holding her still as they broke the kiss momentarily.

“No, take your dress off first,” she gasped, heart pounding, wanting Kylie to reciprocate before she rendered her completely nude. It wasn’t that she was shy about that but she wanted to see the petite, slender form of the delicious Australian first, if only in her underwear.

“Make me,” Kylie challenged, wanting Dua to participate, not looking to strip in front of her. She’d done it for plenty of other women but she knew how much the British-Albanian singer wanted to so she invited it, challenging her to reveal what she wanted to see. Their kiss resumed with the same intensity as Dua’s hands fumbled round her back, shaking fingers struggling to find purchase on the delicate, fiddly button and zipper at her spine. She let her fumble for a moment before her hands snapped around, demonstrating her phenomenal flexibility as she reached up her back to calm Dua’s trembling touch.

“Calm down,” she whispered, pulling back just a fraction from their kiss, lips still tantalisingly close together, noses brushing together as Kylie guided her new protege in unfastening the button at the back of the very expensive designer dress, pushing her fingertips to the small, delicate zipper which she managed to get a good hold on.

“Pull it down,” she breathed slowly, nuzzling her before pushing forward and pressing her lips to Dua very so softly, teasing and tentative, as if waiting to see if she could deliver on the most simple of commands to unzip her dress.

“Like this?” she replied, steeling her nerves, hands steady as rock for the moment she pulled it down in one smooth motion along her spine to, the tactile feel delightful as it moved down over Kylie’s beautifully toned body to expose her bra strap and the indentations of her spin until it reached the top of her bum. The satin and silk of the dark blue dress slid apart but stayed around her petite body, the corseting holding it stiff, covering her to Dua’s gaze. Unexpectedly Minogue stepped back, gently pushing the singer half her age away from her as she stepped back to present herself.

Putting her hands to her hips, shes stared into Dua’s eyes, intent and meaningful.

“Tell me what you want,” she said softly, but with purpose.

“Take your dress off,” Dua breathed, barely able to put any power to her voice through her shallow breaths, heart pounding in her naked chest as she stared at the gorgeous singer. She never imagined it would come to this, all her temptation, all her idle thoughts, her intense fantasies that she’d fingered herself to.

Kylie just gave a little flex to her eyebrow, maintaining eye contact with Dua, daring her to gaze upon her body as she pushed down at the hips, rocking them side to side, accentuating the motion as she worked the snug dress from her petite but pronounced curves. It slid down from her chest to reveal her strapless bra, black and with an exquisite lace design but with enough sheer panels to show the pale skin beneath.

Dua tried not to look, holding Kylie’s gaze even as she stooped a little to push the slender dress past the flare of her hips with a wiggle and let it cascade down her legs to the floor, but she couldn’t as the diminutive star stood back up fully on her high heels before her. Her eyes were drawn to the gorgeous female body before her, presented solely for her eyes; from Kylie’s pretty face her eyes scanned down her slender neck and smooth shoulders in a blink to her perky breasts, not large but firm with stiff, dark nipples that were screwed up in arousal, clearly visible through the sheer material of her bra.

She was drawn by Minogue’s slender, toned waist, a hint of definition to her abs as they pinched in above her hips and led straight down to her completely naked pussy; Kylie wasn’t wearing any underwear, only her fishnet thigh highs which the dress slid so silkily over to reveal herself, standing before Dua revealed. Her eyes were locked on Kylie’s naked treasures, completely smooth without a hint of pubic hair, the first woman she’d ever really looked at in such a way and she was just stunning.

“Holy fuck,” Dua breathed, caught completely off guard that Kylie was going commando.

“Like it?” Kylie pressed, smiling as she watched her younger lover staring at her.

“I...yeah, it’s so hot,” she replied, “were you going commando for the whole show?”

“No, just the after party when I put this dress on,” Kylie replied, “I played it safe for the rest of the show.”

“Naughty,” Dua replied, recovering some of her confidence, smiling as she looked into Kylie’s eyes once more.

“It’s more fun that way,” she said, biting her lip as she approached once more but with more intent, stepping it up again.

“Now,” she said, kicking the expensive, vampy dress aside and walking with utter confidence on her heels, “you’ll do as you’re told.”

“What do you…” Dua started, cut off by Kylie kissing her hard, hand shoving into her dark hair to wrench her dominantly, startling her and making her yield to her petite mistress. Kylie kissed her then, with surprising strength, shoved her back hard so she staggered uncontrollably and collapsed back onto the bed.

“Shit,” Dua exclaimed, pushing up onto her elbows only to be shoved back down by Kylie, powerfully pressing her to the bed.

“You wanted me to lead, so do as you’re told. Stay still,” she ordered, making Dua rush with arousal, tingling in a way that made her breath catch, sinking back onto the sheets.

“Ok…” she breathed carefully, hoping her evident excitement wasn’t as obvious as she thought it was. Of course it was to Kylie, she’d fucked dozens of other women, especially pop stars, and she could read them like a book. Every little twitch and tingle, every shake and shudder were like a billboard to her and she reacted accordingly. She knew Dua was getting off on her being domineering, taking charge and guiding her like she’d requested so she pressed on with it and threw her down so she could do her thing.

“Right, these are coming off, now,” Kylie said sternly, grabbing her black tights and peeling them straight down. Dua lifted her ass obediently to let them roll out from under her ass, Kylie rolling them neatly down her perfectly smooth legs and casting them aside to the floor with the rest of their clothes. Her slender finger then slid straight back up her thighs, Dua jumping a little at the direct touch to her skin as her much older yet first lesbian lover caressed her. They slid straight to her panties, the wide waistband wrapped around her hips, pulled up a little higher than they might be to accentuate the look in readiness for her encounter with Kylie.

It was a wide, seamless black thong, the thin waistband wrapping around to plunge into her ass in a perfect triangle, not a tiny G-string but a proper thong which she preferred. Kylie also seemed to love it as she ran her hands over it, teasing her, her fingers flightily dragging across the front of the silky fabric and following it around her hips before she pulled it down. Dua bit her lip and lifted her hips, nervous but letting Kylie pull her knickers off, the first time she’d ever let another woman do it to her. The petite blonde slid them down her skin then rolled them to peel them away with torturous patience, slowly pulling them down to reveal her smooth pussy to match Kylie’s, the singer taking the time to drink in the view of Dua’s perfectly hairless lips that were just neatly rolled in to conceal her.

“Fuck that’s smooth,” Kylie murmured, pulling the panties away down her thighs as she stared at the delectable pussy she was soon to devour.

“Thanks,” Dua breathed, “so’s yours.”

“I do my best,” Kylie smiled, “do you shave or wax?”

“Wax, it’s easier that way,” she replied, feeling Kylie stroke her leg in response to feel her fingers glide perfectly across her skin.

“I shave, I prefer doing it myself, but I’ve had a bit of laser done as well,” Kylie said.

“Well it’s gorgeous,” Dua said, finding Kylie’s smooth figure so beautifully enticing.

“So’s this pussy, it’s gonna be delicious,” she commented as she dispensed with the thong, sliding it off Dua’s well-manicured feet and throwing it to the floor.

“Just let me get rid of this,” she commented, kneeling back up and reaching behind her for the strapless bra, easily pinching the clasp and letting it sag around her chest. Dua pushed up on her elbows to watch, taking in the popstar as she pulled the bra off and nonchalantly threw it aside, leaving her perky breasts completely free for Dua’s attention. Staring at them, she realised she couldn’t wait to get her hands on them, to squeeze and fondle them, pinch and suck at her nipples. But her train of thought was broken by Kylie taking command again.

“Lay down,” she ordered, leaning up over Dua to shove her flat once more.

“Fuck, ok,” she breathed, pushing her hair back from her face as Kylie swiftly sank down between her thighs, shoving them apart then using them to yank Dua to the edge of the bed. She was impressed by the petite artists strength but those thoughts were swept aside by Kylie’s hot tongue pressing to her bald, bulging labia.

“Fuck…” Dua managed with a strained, stuttering rasp, Kylie’s tongue splitting her lips perfectly and hitting her clit easily with practiced precision. She hooked beneath her delicate hood to drive the tip around the nerve laden button, delving in and circling it hard as Dua shook hard beneath her, unable to cope with the sudden intensity Kylie inflicted upon her.

“Jesus Christ…” she struggled even as she dug her fingernails into the bedding and pushed her hips up, an invitation, submission to her much older lover. The experience was evident however and she knew she was converted as her body tingled and tensed under the ministrations of another woman.

Minogue wasted no time to break for small talk however, Dua’s enjoyment evident so she hardly needed to rub it in her face. She loved that she was pleasing her and strove to continue as she’d begun, pulling away from her clit to lap more softly over her sweet, smooth lips. The waxing kept her smooth as glass and Kylie loved gliding her tongue across the soft skin, lapping skillfully over her lips to give her a moments break and teasing her to want more.

Dua’s hips pushing up to her told her all she needed to know and she didn’t make her wait, pushing her hands into the taper of her waist and dipping down to the soaking entrance of her slick pussy. Her tongue effortlessly split the soft, puffy lips once more as she pushed the tip into her newest conquest and drew slowly up, tasting the sweet tang of her abundant juices as she drew up and once again stimulated her clit to make Dua’s moan turn to a hard gasp, body jolting at the intense touch again.

Dua didn’t talk, she couldn’t, knew she shouldn’t as Kylie had full control of things and was bringing such incredible sensations to her. Her evidently experienced tongue seemed to know just where to press, her pressure and technique perfect to push her just hard enough whilst exciting every possible nerve ending, lighting them up with delicate, focused sweeps of her tongue. She took her time, the efforts of her tongue not fast or rushed, never deviating from her agonisingly precise technique, knowing exactly what she was doing to drive the younger pop singer towards climax.

She was already well on her way, having been horny since before she’d knocked at the door, her hormones bubbling despite her trepidation. Now Kylie was bringing it all to the boil and all Dua could do was lay back and let her cook, knowing she was at the mercy of what might be the best pussy eater she’d ever had in her life. Her eyes squeezed shut as she lost herself to it all, pulling her legs back to make herself more accessible, wanting every possible touch and tease that Minogue offered.

Despite it, Kylie never slipped her fingers inside her. She knew Dua was dripping wet and her fingers would easily plunge inside the hot, snug tunnel that awaited her but she chose not to, instead keeping with just her tongue. It was hardly a loss as she knew she had everything required to make the singer burst, the much younger star grabbing the bedding and gasping hungrily. She had her completely overwhelmed and had no intention of letting up, not wanting to give Dua a chance to think it was some everyday experience. It wasn’t, it was her first lesbian encounter and she wanted to make sure she never forgot it.

Her intent, delicate yet stimulating motions picked up in pace, Kylie putting her skills to work as she expertly attacked Dua’s hard clit, tongue darting and circling underneath the delicate pink hood. She could only rasp in pleasure, her breaths harder and more intense, turning to grunts as Kylie’s attack accelerated in both speed and power leaving her eyes screwed shut as her body tightened in imminent release.

Kylie knew exactly where she had Dua and backed off just a touch, the slightest reduction in her intimate ministrations enough to keep her right on the boil but not let her climax. Instead Dua just kept gasping and writhing beneath her, pushing her pelvis up hopefully to encourage Kylie to bring her the orgasm she needed but not daring to speak. She was totally under the spell of the petite Australian and didn’t care question her, not wanting Kylie to stop, to question her, to punish her by leaving her unfulfilled.

She didn’t have to worry however as Kylie didn’t keep her hanging on, not cruelly denying her, instead just taking a minute or so to tease her with longer, lingering circles around her clit that tingled every nerve ending and kept her alight. With that done and Dua ready to explode she suddenly attacked with inexorable power and precision, digging her tongue in around her hard button and driving it rapidly.

“Oh fuck! Kylie…!” Dua screamed, hit hard like a hammer blow, immediately blushing, well, blushing more at her outburst to the opulent hotel suite. She hoped nobody heard that in the hallway beyond the locked door but it was hard to care in that moment as Kylie devoured her, tongue spinning round her clit before mixing in swipes across it in all directions and firm little digs to make her body rush. It was all a blur to Dua and for a few seconds her body just shuddered and twisted on the bed, pinned down by Kylie’s slender hands with unexpected strength as she attacked her most delicate spot.

Dua gave a scream of ecstasy as she hit orgasm, back arching up from the bed so hard she thought she’d hear a crack. Her hands pulled the sheets hard, fingers white as the immense climax burst through her body, pleasure overwhelming, focused right where Kylie was licking her and spreading like an electric shock. The zing shot up her spine as she shuddered, pussy convulsing like never before as she felt herself clench hard and the immense wetness as she practically squirted. She’d never done that before and it was certainly the closest thing to it as her slick juices ran down her lips under Kylie’s expert touch.

“Holy fuck…” Dua managed to stutter, heart pounding as she unwound a little, body still tingling and toes numb, Kylie giggling a little as she tried to take in the most intense orgasm of her life...brought to her by another woman.

“I told you I’d do a good job,” Kylie teased her, pausing momentarily before administering several soft, wet kisses through her clit hood to make her quake in barely withstood intensity as she gasped. Kylie reached up again and groped her chest, squeezing her perky tits firmly and letting the hard nipples press into her palm as she felt up her younger lover. Pulling her hands down over her taut, toned abs, Kylie slid away from her and pushed up on her feet, swiftly climbing up and over Dua.

Dua was exhausted but Kylie gave her absolutely no time for a break, sliding over her easily, moving with delicious flexibility as she kept control and wasted no time going for what she wanted. She dipped down and kissed her hard, tongue driving into Dua’s mouth, pausing to make out with her for a moment before she broke away noisily and pushed over her, crawling across her almost dismissively as she got over her and knelt up. She swept her fishnet-clad leg over her latest lesbian lover, beautifully slender legs still in their gorgeous lingerie as she spun round over her and in an instant was in the perfect position to sit on her face.

“Whoa!” Dua blurted out, caught by surprise as Kylie assumed the position for what she wanted next seemingly in a blink.

“You’re gonna return the favour,” Kylie told her simply, her legs pinning Dua to the bed, dainty feet dug into the bed behind her shoulders as she glanced back over her own.

“But I’ve no idea what to do,” Dua protested, wanting to please Kylie but rushing with nerves at the sudden demand to perform.

“You’ll figure it out,” she replied and let herself sink down onto Dua’s face, pressing her sweet, smoothly shaven pussy to her lips for the first time. Hearing the younger popstar mumble through it was hot, smiling to herself as she reached down to grab Dua’s hands and pulled them onto her thighs, pressing them firmly so she squeezed, feeling the netting and lace of the stockings under her grip.

“Lick,” Kylie ordered, having to kick Dua off, momentarily paralysed as she got things going. She leaned forward and pushed her hands over her smooth, toned abs, reaching round her sides a little to give the slightest prod that made the tall singer jump. It immediately spurred her into action however and she started to eat pussy for the first time in her life, pressing her tongue to the soft pink lips of the pop goddess straddling her.

Kylie murmured in pleasure, giving a little shiver as Dua’s tongue made contact and rubbed over her clit through its soft hood to immediately stimulate her. She knew the younger singer would have a voyage of exploration, she was just glad it was with her and looked forward to teaching her all the ways to bring them both maximum ecstasy.

Dua found it nerve wracking, her heart pounding as she tried to grab breaths between her licks to Kylie’s most intimate treasures. She’d never imagined that when she’d gone to the show earlier that day that she’d end up blurting out a stupid joke that would lead her to that moment, pinned underneath one of the sexiest women in music, having her first experience eating pussy. Despite her tension she was excited, finding it so hot, her own pussy absolutely soaked...especially in the wake of Kylie devouring her moments before.

She worked her tongue up and down Kylie’s hot, silky lips, loving the yield of the soft, delicate flesh as she explored. She liked how the Australian star just gave her time to find her way around and test things out despite her dominant position. Kylie had commandingly sat on her face and made her get on with it, but she wasn’t pushy now she was there, instead just enjoying as Dua tried it out for the first time in her life. It was a gesture she appreciated immensely and it only spurred her to try and find out what Kylie liked.

“Mm keep going,” Kylie murmured, shivering gently as Dua’s hot tongue worked up and down her soft inner lips, brushing over her clit. She might be new to it but she certainly had the touch, evidently applying what she liked herself, working her tongue over her smooth pussy gently yet firmly enough to stimulate her right. The tip of her tongue started flicking more intently over her clit, still through the hood, not taking the chance to push it out the way and go for it properly. Kylie figured she’d get there, giving her a minute as she looked down at Dua’s impressive abs. Despite all her own focus on fitness she’d never rocked anything close to a six pack and loved the definition and evident strength of the younger pop star, running her hands gently over her.

“Tense your abs for me,” she said, hoping Dua could hear her past her thighs. She could and obeyed immediately, doing as she was told, just keeping her hold on Kylie’s lace-clad thighs and licking her sweet, smooth pussy while she tightened her muscles hard. The Australian pop princess could only watch in awe as Dua clenched her abs, defining her six pack beautifully for her, the muscles perfectly outlined above her smoothly waxed pussy.

“That’s gorgeous,” Kylie breathed, smiling as she leaned forward a little to push her hands over Dua’s tight midsection before she relaxed. Dua just kept on working, excited to explore something completely new in a woman sitting on her face, letting her tongue slide and probe much the way she liked it. She figured Kylie would naturally guide her towards what she preferred so she just kept going, loving the softness of the folds and tang of the singers slick juices on her tongue. She ground down a bit firmer into her, rocking her hips back and forth gently to start getting into a rhythm with her tongue, Dua following along perfectly with her to start pushing her tongue under her delicate clit hood.

“Mmm that’s the it,” Kylie murmured, taking in the sensations, the illicit touch as Dua’s tongue started to probe her more intently. The direct touch to her nerve-laden button was what she’d been waiting for and it made her shiver, closing her eyes a moment as she resisted the urge to just sink right down on Dua’s face and smother her. Her hands were still resting on Dua’s tummy, gently stroking over her smooth skin and into the beautiful feminine taper of her waist, just playing over her lustfully.

“Tense your abs again,” Kylie ordered her, indulging her want to see Dua’s hard six pack again. The younger star didn’t deny her, happy to please her new mistress and flexed tightly. Her abs popped out hard, delicious definition immediately on show as her lean, toned body showed its strength. Kylie’s hands immediately pushed over her again, rubbing over the firm muscle and feeling every little contour and gym-honed part of Dua, finding it so hot that she dedicated herself to looking that amazing.

Kylie’s hand pushed further down, a fleeting reach to push her skilful fingers over Dua’s smoothy waxed pussy, finger effortlessly splitting the lips and gliding over her clit, pressing the hood down firmly into her nub to make her shudder with the sudden, intense touch. She hesitated, her lips pulling from Kylie’s as she gasped in pleasure, the touch so unexpected and hot, lighting her up and making her shake beneath the experienced Aussie. Kylie however was in no mood for Dua to back off and only gave her a moment to quake before she pressed herself back down, fairly grinding herself into her lips to give a very clear signal what she wanted.

Dua took the message without complaint and immediately started eating pussy again, going for it as Kylie rocked herself back and forth more intently, stroking herself across her younger lovers lips. It was all Dua could do to keep working her tongue, probing between Kylie’s soft labia and thrusting it back and forth. She had however managed to figure out that she needed to work her tongue in and sweep up underneath Kylie’s soft hood to get direct, powerful stimulation, the pop princess responding immediately with shakes and gasps she did so.

Kylie was quietly impressed with her skill and how fast she was picking it up, her enthusiasm a definite plus as she just went for it and did everything she could. She gasped as Dua held her fishnet-clad thighs and then pulled back to delve her tongue inside her, pushing into her snug, squeezing tunnel to stimulate different nerve endings, fairly burying her face in the diminutive Australian singer. She rode intently, getting more powerful and deliberate, loving as Dua’s talented tongue swirled and flexed inside her before it withdrew to assault her clit again.

“Fuck, don’t stop,” Kylie breathed, keeping the tension from her voice, refraining from pleading as she felt it all hitting her at once. Dua was doing a fantastic job and she didn’t want her to change what she was doing one bit. Her long sweeping licks were gone, replaced instead by focus on her clitoris, pushing the tip of her tongue under the soft barrier to attack her button again. She easily found the stiff nub and worked at it, circling around it and flicking across it, using more pressure than she’d personally like but Kylie seemed to thrive on it, shuddering and tensing over her, grinding harder and faster towards an inevitable conclusion.

All it took was a few more dedicated seconds of Dua’s tongue, fighting through the ache in her tongue, something she’d never experienced before but she was determined not to let Kylie down. She was sure she’d had plenty of pop stars eating her pussy who’s disappointed her previously and she wasn’t going to be one of them. It only made her double her efforts, tongue working hard and fast, thrashing around at Kylie’s delicate button to crank her orgasm up, making her gasp and groan desperately in the final seconds before she popped.

The pop was an explosion, Kylie giving in to all the orgasm her to offer and shaking brutally as her whole body quaked from the wave that hit her, eliciting a squeal, swelling from her soul and sweeping her along, tumbling into the pleasure of it as Dua brought her to climax. She always came hard when new girls made her, loving that first time, digging her fingers into the abs beneath her which Dua dutifully clenched again for her. Dua just kept going, immensely turned on as she made another woman come for the first time in her life, holding Kylie to her by her thighs, loving the feel of the wide lace tops under her hands she pulled her close and kept going, tongue dancing tiredly to maintain every last moment of stimulation. Kylie rode her hard, shoving down so she practically suffocated her newest conquest, thick juices coating her face as her hips gave sharp, stuttering grinds to accentuate every little bit of it.

“Stop,” Kylie gasped, pulling up away from Dua to break the moment, feeling too sensitive as it all faded, heart pounding hard as she breathed deeply. The younger singer kept her hands at her thighs but dropped back heavily onto the bed beneath her, letting her tongue go still, lolling to one side as she got a break. The throb in her tongue took over, muscle twisting up in response as she lay back after a successful first attempt at eating pussy, not caring for the pain and simply enjoying the victory. She’d brought Kylie to orgasm which was all she’d wanted, not letting her down after months of chemistry.

“Good job, Dua,” she smiled, glancing over her shoulder. Of course she couldn’t see her face, hidden underneath her, just her long black hair spread out on the bed. Kylie knelt up more, stretching and pushing her hair back, the long blonde mane swinging down her back. Dua was taking a break and just relaxing, breathing calmly, letting her brain drown in the oxygen she didn’t realise she’d been lacking when Kylie suddenly shifted, settling her knees into the bedding and lowering her sweet pussy back down to her mouth.

“Keep going,” she ordered sweetly, but with the vaguest suggestion that Dua might receive some kind of punishment if she refused. Her body tensed in arousal at the mere thought of Kylie, the petite, perfect pop star being so much more dominant with her but she obediently started licking again. She kicked her tongue back into action and applied it to Kylie, plunging straight between her puffy folds to target her stiff clit again, immediately digging in and circling hard. The Australian star winced and let out a startled, strained gasp as she pulled herself clear, kneeling up again over her.

“Slowly, take it easy on me, you know it’s sensitive,” she chided, kindly but telling Dua off all the same as she had gone for it way too fast. Carefully settling back down, she sighed in satisfaction as she felt Dua’s tongue press to her gently, giving wide, flat licks along her slick lips to do as she was told. She spread her legs a little more and rolled her hips slowly to get Dua’s ministrations in just the right place, feeling the delicious tingle as she carefully touched her clit, using just enough pressure to stimulate her but not overwhelm her tiny body.

“That’s it, good girl,” Kylie breathed, shivering a little as Dua dutifully licked her sweetly shaven lips. It seemed so silly but Dua blushed, thankfully unseen by her much older mistress, shivering in excitement as she was praised for her first efforts licking pussy, feeling proud that she’d brought Kylie pleasure and done a good job. She just kept going slowly and carefully as the heat spread across her cheeks unseen.

Kylie gazed down across Dua, still tensing her abs sporadically for her to let her see the hard definition and feel the effects of her hard work at the gym, her fingers playing lightly over her tummy. She reached forward and pushed her dainty hand over Dua’s smoothly waxed pussy, stroking the lips as the singer murmured beneath her. She was so perfectly soft and strokable, inviting her to play, pulling her hand back and letting her middle finger press between her puffy lips to stroke through her slick juices and over her clit to make her jolt.

Suddenly stimulated and immediately electrified as Kylie touched her intimately once more, the Australian’s experience and skill evident as she perfectly teased Dua’s tingling body. She took her time, just gently rubbing back and forth over her beautiful body and letting her fingers rock between her swollen labia to tease and tempt her. Kylie loved that she was so smooth, as if prepared for this moment between them, stimulating her carefully to build her up even though she knew Dua was absolutely gagging for another round.

They just enjoyed a soft moment together as Dua licked gently and Kylie stroked precisely at her pussy, fingers dipping into her slick lips, loving how easily they split puffily around her touch and the hood pulled back to let her touch her sensitive button. Dua murmured and shifted beneath her as they worked, tempting Kylie to turn it up a little. With a flick of her blonde hair and stretch of her back, she leaned forward and bent easily down into position over Dua, her flexibility effortless as she lowered her head and pressed her soft, full lips to her silky labia.

The British-Albanian star immediately tensed up and groaned, tongue stuttering as she shuddered in pleasure, loving the gorgeous Australian licking her pussy again. She didn’t rush and applied herself gently, much as she’d asked Dua to do to her, licking gently along her soft pink lips and dipping her tongue into her. She loved how wet she was, enjoying the tang of her abundant juices as her tongue slid inside her squeezing muscles before pulling it back up over her to tickle her clit. The little, nerve-laden button was stiff beneath her touch and she worked across it carefully, not hard enough to rush her to orgasm but plenty to make her bubble.

She circled and swiped at it, driving lots of different sensations through Dua much as she had the first time around only it had a different twist the second time as she was inverted from her previous position. Her hips rocked down onto Dua’s tongue as she continued to lick at her pussy, unable to stop herself going a bit faster however as the stimulation twitched and tingled through her. Kylie’s skill was evident and she’d eaten enough pretty pop stars to read her latest lover like a book, working her up slowly.

Kylie gave a lingering suck to Dua’s clit and placed soft kisses across her lips before sitting back up, flexing easily back to sit over her. She kept rocking her hips as she reached out to play her fingers over the smooth lips once again, trailing them up and over her toned tummy again. She played down again and stroked her, stimulating her as she had before as her fingertips gently touch her clit and kept her going. She took a few more seconds to tease her clit before she reached down and hooked her fingers back inside her, rubbing the heel of her hand into her button all the same as she delved two digits into the soft, succulent heat of Dua’s velvet vagina.

She hooked her fingers back, reaching over her more to delve as much as she could inside her. Her position made it difficult as she tried to press her G-spot, unable to make her contorted limb work effectively and instead slipped them in and out of the silky haven. Dua mumbled with pleasure and Kylie loved how easily she could work them in and out, her younger lover very wet but also stretchy, pussy snug but forgiving. She wanted more of it, to give Dua more than an awkward two fingers from her vantage point and slid them out, pushing up and pulling her knees together to lift off the pop star at last.

Hearing Dua breathe deeply made her smile, glad her dark haired conquest had been pushing herself to eat pussy intently as she carefully climbed off her and turned to sit beside her with a smile.

“You good?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Dua smiled, still a little flushed, laid back on the bed.

“Well I’ve got something else for you, come here,” Kylie said, reaching down to pull her hands under her arms, kneeling up to pull. Dua was surprised at the strength and dominance of the petite princess as she rather easily pulled her up the bed, her size not holding her back as she slid her back towards the pillows and dragged her feet fully back onto the bed. The fishnet-clad pop goddess then sprung lightly past her, giving Dua a fantastic look at her ass and the sweet pussy she’d just been licking in the process, jumping down by her legs and swivelling quickly to drop down between them.

“I think you’ll like this,” Kylie said, wasting no time in sliding her hand to Dua’s dripping entrance and probing deeply with two fingers once more. She just murmured with pleasure as Kylie’s position easily allowed her to put her skill to use and she started thrusting them in and out with short, fast motions, working her fingertips to probe at her G-spot in the process. Dua’s fingers dug into the bedding slowly as Kylie got to work and pumped into her snug, hot tunnel, the younger star letting her legs sink wide open, pulling her knees up a little so her older lesbian lover had better access to her.

Kylie pulled back and introduced another finger, Dua’s svelte body easily accepting her, wrapping around it with no problem just like the first two as the petite pop star pushed them deeply inside her. Dua’s delicious wetness made it easy and she thrust them in and out easily, rotating her wrists as she did to drive different sensations into her, hooking back to pull her fingertips more aggressively into her G-spot. It drove deep, tensing sensations through her toned abs, accentuating the clenches not only to maximise the sensations to herself but also to let Kylie see it, watching the Australian star fixated on her tummy.

Dua gasped, then sighed in pleasure as Kylie pulled back to add her pinky finger, sliding them back inside with a slight stretch. She was so petite that her hand was small and it was probably less than when some men used three on her, and her touch was delicate and practiced. Relaxing into it welcomed Kylie to probe deeply, quite effortlessly slipping into her, her toned body swallowing them to the knuckles. Dua was wet and willing, under Kylie’s control and it gave her an idea, something really special for her first lesbian encounter.

“I’ve got a proposal for you,” Kylie said softly, looking up with a smile, a little flick to her arched eyebrow.

“Yeah?” Dua breathed, raising her head to look down at the singer between her legs.

“Dua,” Kylie said, addressing her to get her attention, “have you ever been fisted?”

“No,” she replied tentatively after a pause, cold shock and excitement hitting her, the proposition certain unexpected.

“I’d like to introduce you to it.”

“I...well I mean, I’m not sure it’s gonna fit,” Dua said, pushing up on her elbows and looking down over her gorgeous naked body to where Kylie’s hand was buried inside her, still massaging intently.

“I think it will, my hand is tiny and you’re so wet, I think it’s gonna pop right in there,” Kylie said, trying it persuade Dua to give it a go.

“You think so?” she replied, still unsure but wavering. It was all the opening Minogue needed, always loving introducing girls to different aspects of lesbian sex.

“It will, you’re gonna stretch just right and it’ll fit, and I promise you’re gonna love it,” Kylie said with a smile, reaching over her hip using her other hand to start softly circling her clit in unison with her penetrating fingers. Dua thought it over for a few more seconds, hips rocking into Kylie’s ministrations; the gorgeous, petite blonde superstar hadn’t led her wrong so far and their encounter had been everything she’d ever fantasized about whilst fingering herself on lonely nights at hotels, as hot yet gentle as she wanted and it encouraged her to go with the flow.

“Ok,” she whispered, nerves trembling as she let herself sink back down on the bed to await what came.

“Just relax and enjoy it, like you were, it’ll make this easy,” Kylie replied, essentially acknowledging that the stretch when she pushed her hand in would be a big moment.

“I’ll try,” Dua said with a slight laugh, the tension and nerves tingling her even as she was excited to let Kylie lead her and try something completely new. Frankly she would have let Kylie do most things to her, utterly infatuated with the experienced, dominant pop star. Her fingers worked inside her intently, with more pressure and intent than before as Kylie wanted to really get an idea of her task. She kept rubbing her clit gently at the same time to keep her bubbling nicely, not that she needed to as she was so wet and pushing down into her efforts.

“Hold on,” Kylie said, pausing and slipping her fingers back out, “I’m gonna get a bit of lube.”

Dua sighed, feeling suddenly empty as the gorgeous star withdrew and hopped off the end of the bed. She watched as Kylie went to her bag, discarded to one side, and swiftly found the tube of lube that she wanted, uncapping it as she stepped back over to the bed. Dua took in her beautiful body, standing near naked before her at the end of the bed as she squeezed the lube abundantly into her fingers. She worked them together and over one another as she spread it around, adding a bit more before throwing it aside on the bed, right before she slid back on with her fishnet-clad knees.

“Just relax,” she said as she pressed her fingers to Dua’s wet and waiting pussy, the cool lube making her flinch just a little as Kylie applied it directly to her entrance then pushed it inside her, immediately getting straight back into it as her lube coated fingers delved in effortlessly. With the double whammy of wetness Kylie had no trouble plunging all four fingers inside her, pumping them briskly and then giving one firmer push to squeeze her hand past the knuckles and bury it inside.

Dua gasped, a sudden peak to the stretching as Kylie’s petite hand entered her to leave just her thumb out, pushed up over her clit where she wasted no time in pressing it down to massage her. Dua squeezed her pussy a couple of times to feel it, the pop stars hand so petite yet so filling for her, stretching her vagina just a little bit more than she’d ever felt before. Keeping her thumb working at her button, Kylie started rocking her wrist to work her hand in and out, having no hesitation in letting her knuckles back out of her before thrusting into her again, pumping her fingers a few times then burying her hand again to make Dua grunt.

It was different and new, but she liked it. The stretch was noticeable enough but that’s all, no discomfort or pain and it was hot, tempting her to push down into it to accentuate Kylie’s efforts. She pulled her knees back a little more and let her long legs sag a bit wider, relaxing as the singer proved she could be trusted...not that Dua had ever doubted her. She sagged onto the bed and breathed deeply, just taking in all the different sensations Kylie’s slender hand drove inside her, feeling all four fingers working deeply as the girth of her knuckles just opened her up.

Her pussy was slick and easy for Kylie to enjoy, pumping her hand busily and curling her fingers to stimulate her latest conquest. Her thumb was pressed into Dua’s delicate centre just right, massaging and circling furiously to drive her pleasure, loving how the lithe star was gasping and grunting beneath her, shifting hungrily as she shoved down towards her. She was very into it, Kylie could tell, and knew that all it would take was the right push at the right moment to seal the deal.

She kept going, working intently, feeling Dua just reacting and working with her, helping stretch her slippery pussy perfectly, her hand pumping in easier and easier. Kylie dipped down and pressed her tongue onto her clit, making the younger singer gasp loudly and shudder in pleasure, tingling while Kylie pulled her hand back and rolled her thumb into her palm, making her hand as streamlined as possible for the inevitable moment. She pushed it back in and up to the knuckles, working them in and out just enough to stretch Dua fully as her tongue went to work.

Kylie made it dance as she licked and teased her raven haired lover, relishing the smooth pussy beneath her as she worked her into a frenzy. Dua was gasping hungrily and pulled her legs back, knees up with her feet in the air as she spread herself fully for Kylie’s assault, making herself as enticing and open as possible...and as vulnerable as possible. All there was to fill the air was the wet sounds of Kylie working at her, thrusting her hand in unison with the thrashes of her tongue as Dua moaned her pleasure to the opulent hotel suite.

And then Dua tensed up, a momentary flinch as she tremble of orgasm rattled through her, a flicker of the release to come as she gave a stuttering breath. Her pause was fleeting, body tightening on Kylie’s hand for an instant before she pushed down again instinctively to chase the pleasure and gave herself over to the older singer, which was the perfect opportunity she’d been waiting for. In one smooth, firm motion Kylie pushed her whole hand forward, Dua’s body easily swallowing her knuckles to let her press deep until it resisted in a momentary, time-slowing blink as her body held it back, a token fight before her body swallowed it whole with a jolt that made her cry out.

Dua’s eyes snapped open wide and her hands dug into the bedding, the sudden stretch like nothing she’d ever felt before, her vagina pushed to its limits as Kylie’s small, slender hand delved inside her. There was just a tiniest twinge of pain, stretched a bit further than she could handle but it was over in a second and she was left with the full, unique feel of a petite fist buried inside her for the first time.

“Holy shit,” she mumbled, craning up from the bed to look down at the Australian sunk into her up to her wrist, tentatively squeezing to feel her muscles clamp down around it.

“That feel good, Dua?” Kylie asked, smiling excitedly as Dua rolled her hips carefully and collapsed back on the bed, overwhelmed by it all.

“Yeah,” she breathed, relaxing into it and spreading her legs as she pulled them back, a sign of her submission as much as anything else, pussy relaxing around Kylie’s wrist to give her clearance to continue. She wasted no time and eased her hand back, being careful not to pull it back too far as she gently rolled her fingers inside her, loving the silky sensations of her vagina around her hand as she concealed her sharp fingernails and pushed it in once more to test the way.

Dua managed to stay calm and Kylie’s hand was able to slide deeper inside her, deeper than she expected, her tight pussy completely relaxed and just ready to let the Australian go to town. She got straight to work exploiting it, loving how Dua was taking her hand, how her body was letting her in, further than she expected, the snug muscles gripping softly around her arm as she pushed inside her.

“Fuck…” Dua groaned, gripping the bed as she pushed herself into Kylie. The fist was so big and filling, easily the biggest thing she’d ever put in her vagina, but it felt great. There was no discomfort, only pleasure as the unique sensation of being fisted for the first time spread through her, nerve endings stretched and stroked. The Australian star just relished it and loved how she squeezed and pulsed around her, obviously wanting to clench a little harder but taking it carefully lest she be hit by a twinge of pain. She kept going and delved deeply into Dua, body swallowing her fist easily as she picked up the pace a little.

“Uhh...keep going,” the British star moaned, loving as Kylie started to step it up, just in full control and leading her through it. She’d never imagined her night would end like this, her first lesbian experience with the beautiful Kylie Minogue, laid spread eagle on a posh hotel bed with the stunning Australian pop goddess fisting her pussy to boot. And she absolutely loved it, rocking her hips in rhythm with Kylie’s fist, the slender yet filling hand buried deeply inside her again and again as she pumped it inside her. The dancing of her fingers and twists of her wrist only accentuated the tingling to her nerve endings, the stretch pushing her hard clit out where it begged for Kylie to play with it.

Kylie could tell Dua was well into it, happily swept along and loving the feeling so she added to it by twisting her hand over and pulling her thumb back, pushing it firmly up into the silky wall above it. It put pressure directly onto her G-spot and she immediately reacted, giving a deeper groan, nearly a growl in her throat as the extra stimulation was pushed into her. Kylie’s hand rocked vigorously back and forward inside her, easily able to accelerate her pace with the lube and looseness of her pussy, thumb pulling intently against the spot with every motion.

It ratcheted Dua’s orgasm up, the building peak suddenly picking up steam and barrelling ahead, making her heart pump harder as she gasped for breath, reaching up to push her long hair back from her face as she laid helpless on the bed. She was completely surrendered to Minogue, the petite, perfect pop star that she’d lusted after for so long had finally got her into bed and it was everything she’d ever dreamed it could be. It was more, in fact, as she gasped and groaned in increasing pleasure as she fisted for the first time in her life. Kylie was fairly pumping her arm now to drive her hand into her, splaying and twisting her fingers to give maximum stimulation which she knew full well was working.

“Fuck, don’t stop!” Dua shouted desperately, the orgasm imminent, that little more that told her she was ready to pop kicking in. She worked her hips hard onto Kylie’s fist, shoving down to grind her thumb into her G-spot. It all went into overdrive when her lovers other hand slid over her hips and onto her deliciously smooth pussy, fingers expertly sliding between her stretched lips and splitting around her clit. Dua cried out in pleasure as Kylie stroked her hood out the way in a blink and attacked her stiff nub with two fingers, rubbing briskly down the sides of it as she continued to fist her.

There were a few more intense seconds of stimulation, Dua’s body overwhelmed as she tensed up and up, coiling like a spring as her breaths got shallow and tight, perky breasts heaving as Kylie absolutely owned her, making her a personal glove puppet as she pushed every single button. Dua suddenly snapped with a huge wail of pleasure, slamming her hands into the bed as she dug her nails in and hit a huge orgasm. Her hips bucked up and her muscles squeezed tight, clamping hard on her wrist though it didn’t stop Kylie pumping her fist into her hard, fingers still dancing at her clit to push her hard.

Dua gave sharp, desperate cries of overwhelmed ecstasy to the hotel suite as loud as possible it seemed, her trained lungs letting her wail every ounce of her pleasure to the wise walls. Kylie just grinned as she aggressively fisted her, giving short, hard drives to maximise the sensations as she pulled back at her muscles, against her G-spot, letting the bucking younger star ride her hand. She shuddered with deep, powerful breaths as she rode past the peak and slid down the side of it, managing to get a little sense of herself.

“Take it easy,” she gasped, heart pounding in her ears as she almost begged for relief, hips slowing but not stopping as she couldn’t help but chase every miniscule moment of joy. Kylie read her like a book and was already easing off, dropping the speed considerably and switching back to slow, full strokes of her hand as Dua wound down. She felt her body prickling with heat, flushed and sweaty in the aftermath of the most intense sexual experience she might have ever had, clenching and squeezing with her vagina to feel Kylie’s dainty hand still embedded within her. The Australian jumped moved carefully, having left her clit alone as she worked down slowly with Dua, the singer sinking back onto the and sagging exhausted as she felt the wash of oxytocin and dopamine slosh through her system.

She couldn’t speak, and Kylie didn’t try to encourage it, both of them just resting in the wake of it all. Kylie slid down to sit on the bed, relaxing from her tensed position which she’d held as she applied power to Dua. She on the other hand was completely collapsed on the bed, arms out limply with long legs sagging wide open onto the bed, her delightful flexibility allowing them to spread right out. Kylie didn’t interrupt, giving it a couple of minutes for Dua to just bask in the glow of her climax and unwind a little, knowing she would need to let her body catch up and relax again in the aftermath of tensing so intently, the convulsions of her muscles having tightened her vaginal grip around her wrist.

“You ok?” she asked tentatively, Dua still flopped back, tight body and perky breasts rising and falling with her deep yet urgent breathing.

“Yeah,” she replied quietly, still basking in it all.

“Just relax,” Kylie said and pulled her hand back, unfolding it into the most slender shape possible again as she withdrew. Dua’s body was tired and loosened but her snug tunnel still gripped and fought her for a moment, her pussy stretching delightfully for a second before Kylie’s hand slipped wetly back out of her in a sudden motion that made the slender singer gasp intently. She felt empty, stretched and somehow all new, broken into something completely different. Kylie paused to wipe off her hand, using one of the complementary towels from the hotel, before sliding back onto the bed with Dua and crawling up beside her.

She leaned down to kiss her sensually, a lingering, tongue-entwining lip lock before she slid down to lay beside her with her arm draped across Dua’s slim body. The two gorgeous singers laid together on the bed, Kylie so petite beside her, stretching a leg over Dua’s as they took a little break.

“That was amazing,” Dua said to break the silence, stirring to look over at her much older lesbian lover as she felt the intimate satisfaction of her first ever fisting.

“Thought you’d enjoy it,” Kylie replied, biting her lip as she smiled at her devilishly.

“I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Exciting to try something new.”

“Definitely,” Dua replied, reaching down to entwine her hand with Kylie’s as it laid across her tummy.

“Whole night’s been something new,” she added thoughtfully.

“Yes, just like you wanted,” Kylie replied.

“Do you have any toys with you?” Dua asked.


“Yeah like a vibrator or something, I want to pay you back,” Dua said.

“Sure I’ve got some stuff, over there in my bag,” Kylie replied. Dua craned up to look past their feet, well her feet as the Australian beside her was so petite she hardly counted compared to her own. She laid back, then turned and locked lips with Kylie again, a kiss that seemed to linger for longer than she would expect of a quick one night stand before she broke away and peeled herself from the bed, extracting herself from Kylie to slide off onto her somewhat shaky legs.

Kylie laid on the bed and watched Dua as the gorgeously naked singer walked across the room, taking in her back profile, loving the tall, slender shape of her with the taper of her waist and flare of her hips as she padded across the carpet and crouched down to look through the large leather bag she’d brought with her. It was where she’d had the lube, and it just went with a small selection of illicit items she’d brought with her. Dua pulled it open and gazed over the choices, reaching down with surprise at the little collection Kylie had brought along for the evening.

She was sure she didn’t carry them around normally, likely just a little bullet vibrator in her handbag like so many women did...including herself. In the bag there was a purple vibrator, butt plug, some handcuffs and, most noticeably, a sizeable blue pink strap-on. She considered it for a moment, wondering just what Kylie had intended to do to her when she brought all this stuff, but also realised it was a perfect way to pay the petite singer back. Dua grabbed the strap-on and stood back up, turning round to hold the pink silicone cock and its black strappy harness up.

“How about…?” she said, giving it a little shake towards Kylie.

“Very racy, not what I expected,” she replied with a smile, stretching out and sitting up on the bed.

“You fancy it?”

“Sure, but do you know what you’re doing? Ever worn one before?” she asked.

“Well...I’ve tried one on before but never, you know, used it,” Dua replied, looking away a little embarrassed.

“How does that happen?” Kylie asked, curious the situation that had led to it.

“I won’t go into it all, but I tried one on with a suggestion of using it but it never went that far,” she said cryptically.

“Well you can try it now if you want to,” Kylie said, moving on and offering her the chance.

“If you’re cool with it?”

“Absolutely, put it on and let’s go,” Kylie encouraged, shuffling down the bed as Dua smiled, feeling herself rush with adrenaline as she focused on the toy and unwound the straps.

“These are tiny,” Dua commented as she pulled at the thigh straps, working the sliders to release them.

“It’s set up for me, that’s why,” Kylie replied with a naughty smile, sitting on the end of the bed waiting.

“Who did you use it on last?” Dua blurted out, curiosity overwhelming any sense of tact in her question.

“Do you really wanna know?”


“Bear in mind, if I tell you, I’ll tell them you asked...and exactly what we were doing when you did,” she added, raising her eyebrows. Dua paused a moment, thinking about it as she realised it would no longer be just between them if she sated her curiosity in finding out who else Minogue had been bedding prior to her. She continued loosening the straps, getting the toy ready for her as she took another second to think about it.

“Who else will you tell?” she asked, wanting clarification as she straightened the harness out in front of her.

“Nobody besides her.”

“Only her?”

“Yes, only her, I won’t be telling anyone else, and like you she doesn’t want anyone else to know either so she won’t say a word,” Kylie said.

“Wait, so how do you have permission to tell me?” Dua asked, a little confused.

“Like you’re considering, she agreed to let me tell people so she could find out. That’s the deal, if you want these secrets then yours get shared as well...amongst those involved at least.”

“Who did she find out about?” Dua asked.

“You don’t get to know that,” Kylie smiled, “it’s beyond your reach.”

“Right, right,” she muttered, slightly embarrassed she’d overplayed herself, bending down to step into the harness and pull it up her legs. She’d got the straps pretty close to where she wanted them, quite deftly slipping it up into position and then drawing at each strap on the wide waist strap, pulling it tight around her hips before she pulled it a bit to get it just right.

“So who was it?”

“You absolutely sure?” Kylie confirmed.

“Yeah, tell me,” Dua said after another moment of contemplation. She just had to know who else was on the receiving end of Kylie’s energy. Well, she figured lots of women had been, but she wanted to know who she was most recently competing with.

“Sabrina Carpenter.”

“Really? Where did you meet her?”

“At some awards thing, the places we all mingle.”

“Wow, I just somehow didn’t expect her,” Dua replied with a smile, pulling at the long straps to tighten the harness round the top of her thighs, getting it set as best she could so she could properly slam Kylie with it. She hardly knew how to put it on, or how she was going to use it, but it all seemed to come naturally as she prepared.

“Well I meet a lot of people,” Kylie teased.

“Was she any good?” Dua asked, wanting to know the details of the American star.

“She was lots of fun, yes. Very enthusiastic.”

“Good. A lot more petite than me,” Dua smiled, ready to go, hand playing with the toy as Kylie glanced down.

“She was basically the same size as me, which was fun. I don’t meet many other women that are,” she replied as she rolled over onto her knees at the side of the bed and sank into doggy style position, her back arched and legs wide to let Dua have at her.

“Do you prefer it that way?” Dua asked, genuinely curious.

“I love all women, tall or short, slender or curvy. There’s things to enjoy about all different people. So just get on and fuck me,” she said, looking over her shoulder to deliver the order. It stirred Dua to get back to what she should be doing, immediately stepping to the bed behind the gorgeous Australian singer, prone and ready for her.

“Just take your time, get used to it,” Kylie said, her voice calm and soothing to Dua’s twitching nerves. She was excited to finally use a strap-on and on her beautiful, dominant lover but she was also nervous and shaky with it too. Dua breathed deep and calmed herself down, steeling her nerves as she just tried to enjoy it, grasping the firm yet yielding silicone cock at her hips and guiding it to Kylie’s slick, waiting pussy. Her hand slid over her ass and onto her pelvis, directing her as she stepped in behind and pushed the head up her entrance, working it up and down a couple of times to get a feel for it and slick it in readiness.

“Go for it,” Kylie breathed sensually over her shoulder, encouraging the beautiful young singer to take what she wanted. Dua decided to dive in and swim, fingers tightening on Minogue as she gripped the pink silicone firmly and pushed forward with her hips to nudge it between her slick, waiting lips. It easily stretched them open and she let herself go, sagging forwards to plunge it inside, the contours of the head popping neatly inside her and several inches following. Kylie gasped loudly, shivering as she was penetrated, having not taken a strap-on herself in a few months.

“Oh fuck,” Dua breathed, loving the sight of it all, her silicone cock sinking inside the world famous singer as she pushed forward. The temptation to go further was something she couldn’t resist and she tugged against Kylie’s hips as she drove herself into her firmly to feed more of the fairly impressive pink dildo into her tight, slippery pussy. Minogue groaned in pleasure as Dua plunged the toy inside her, glad she was confident with it and didn’t hold back, reading her body and the reactions to realise when she’d bottomed out for the first stroke before carefully pulling back.

She didn’t want to slip out, not withdrawing quickly and instead taking her time for a slow, smooth pull back before she thrust again. Dua was a bit firmer and she sank more inside Kylie as she aimed to make her take every inch, wanting her to enjoy herself, aiming to drive as much pleasure into the diminutive Aussie as she could. It felt a little strange to work her body in that manner, to thrust her hips forward with the intent to drive the toy forward, feeling awkward despite how well the toy was strapped onto her. It was certainly different but she aimed to persevere and fuck Kylie as well as she could manage. Standing at the foot of the bed, she held onto the singer tightly and started working her hips more quickly to get into a rhythm, pumping the toy in and out.

“Mm that’s it, like that,” Kylie sighed, sinking down to rest her head on her arms, back arched tightly to present herself for Dua’s enjoyment. Truth was the enjoyment was mostly hers, just loving the dildo thrusting into her snug pussy and tickling her thousands of nerve endings. The younger singer was encouraged by Kylie’s enjoyment and she pumped faster, strokes shortening a little as a worked hard, using her beautifully toned abs as they should be to move her body. Both of them breathed short and faster, cadence accelerating as Minogue braced herself on the end of the bed, her fishnet covered feet sticking off the side of the as she presented herself for Dua.

“Keep it deep,” she murmured, rocking back into her as she relished feeling every contour of the pink silicone toy. It had been a while since she’d had it inside her and she realised she’d missed it, usually being the one wearing it as she broke in another singer or actress. It was a pleasure to feel it thrusting into her and that was accentuated as Dua did exactly as she wanted and pushed it deep, making her tiny body take it full depth.

“Fuck…” she gasped, loving as the toy bumped her cervix, Dua pressing her hips forward firmly to thump the harness against her incredible ass. Despite it being her first time using one she certainly seemed to be a natural with the strap-on and worked busily, using the shorter strokes to keep it deep and bring Kylie exactly the pleasure she was looking for. Her power increased, Dua finding her groove and getting it right as she pumped her hips forward intently to plunge the pink toy deep into Kylie’s clenching pussy. Her tight ass and toned abs clenched hard with every thrust, using all the work she put in at the gym to nail the Australian star; it was certainly a situation she never imagined being in but she loved it.

“That what you wanted?” Dua asked, finding some attitude and taking the upper hand a little, something she hadn’t had all evening.

“Absolutely,” she breathed, shivering as a little wave of pre-orgasmic intensity trembled through her, her peak building.

“Maybe I’d better go harder,” Dua teased, hands pulling hard into Kylie’s hips as she held her, looking down at her gorgeous ass and snug pussy as it wrapped tightly around the dildo.

“Do it,” Kylie moaned, “fuck me harder. As hard as you want.”

“You got it,” she replied decisively, taking charge and immediately burying the toy hard, making Kylie cry out in surprise and delight. Dua held her tightly and stepped up the pace, digging her feet into the floor as she rocked onto her toes and pumped her hips powerfully against the diminutive songstress. She’d never even thought of them doing this before tonight and was lost to the excitement of it, eager to please and determined to keep going, to give Kylie what she wanted. She wasn’t going to disappoint her first ever lesbian lover and put all she had into it. She breathed energetically, heart pounding as she worked determinedly to fuck her, realising how much hard work she was having to put into it as Kylie just pushed back into her and groaned with pleasure.

“God, don’t stop!” she exclaimed, feeling herself tingling as the firm yet flexible pink cock ploughed through her velvet walls. Dua loved it, feeling the excitement as she pushed Kylie towards an evident climax and it only made her forget the burn in her legs. She was aching from the position and effort she was putting in, thrusting her hips against the petite star as she knelt on the side of the bed, collapsed down on the sheets with her fingernails digging into the sheets...much as she had been shortly before.

The harness felt a little odd around her still but she liked it, tight and snug, like it was part of her and she used it as such. She was pleased with how much confidence and power she was able to exert on Minogue, who seemed to be happy to just soak it up. Her gasps and grunts just told Dua she wanted more and she did all she could to give it to her, but she was running out of energy and the burn in her muscles was starting to get too much. She only hoped to hold on for long enough to make Kylie bubble over, to bring the gorgeous singer to the boil and make her come all over the strap-on in a delicious endorsement of her efforts.

Dua held Kylie tightly, gripping her hips and pulling back on her, cranking her onto the strap-on as she pumped forward to plunge every inch inside her, both of them exhaling hard as they fucked, lost to it now as she pumped herself hard. She fought the burn of her muscles, focused only on pleasing Kylie, the grunts and moans now guiding her as she could tell she had her on the brink. Kylie gave a struggled, straining noise and tensed up, holding it back as she threatened to tumble over the edge. Dua just took it as a signal however and somehow found a bit more pace, the last bit of energy she had driven into her thighs to thump her pelvis forward in a series of sharp, hard thrusts that slammed the bulging head of the pink dildo deep inside Kylie’s sweet pussy and slender body.

Kylie let out a long, loud cry of pleasure as the orgasm hit her, ecstasy shooting through her body as it exploded throughout. It was sharp and intense, hitting her hard as it made her quake with an intensity she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her whole body shook and she threatened to collapse completely under Dua as she kept fucking, pumping the dildo hard and fast, gasping behind her as she struggled to stay in place. The younger star loved watching Kylie explode, feeling a rush of elation and arousal, proud that her fucking had made it happen and she held on to deliver the last few moments of pounding that she could handle, trembling and twisting in front of her before she put her hand up and cried enough.

There wasn’t a word to be said as they just stopped, both gasping hard, the only sound breaking the quiet of the room in the aftermath as the sweat prickled over both of them. Dua swept her long dark hair back from her face, giving a stretch as she realised how tight she’d been holding herself, groaning at the ache in her muscles as she straightened a bit. Kylie took a few seconds, rocking very gently before she slowly pulled forward and slipped easily off the toy, extracting herself before she sagged forwards to collapse on the bed face down, lost under a tangle of her blonde hair.

Dua turned and sat heavily on the end of the bed, legs sagging as she slumped down exhausted. She knew she was going to feel it the next day and reclined to collapse back beside Kylie, toy sticking up from her hips as she leg her legs go limp. She breathed deeply and let the sensations course through her as she pain and discomfort burned through her shaky legs, muscles in spasm for a moment as they wound up tightly and seared with payback. They both recovered, Kylie face down in the expensive sheets, Dua staring at the ornate ceiling as they hauled in oxygen

“Fuck that was good,” Kylie murmured, smiling to herself at the satisfying climax.

“Glad I could do it,” Dua said honestly, reaching down to free the toy, pulling the clasps to release the binding straps at her hips.

“You did great for your first try,” Kylie commended, glancing over and pushing her hair from her face, “really hit the spot.”

They slipped back into silence, Dua pulling the other straps loose but not getting up to remove the toy, laying back with her lesbian lover to enjoy the moment. They both basked in it for several minutes, cooling and calming down in the aftermath. Deciding not to outstay her welcome, Dua pushed herself to get up and steeled herself, standing on her aching legs to pull the toy off, wrapping the straps up before stepping over to drop it down by Kylie’s bag.

“Going somewhere?” Kylie asked casually, watching the tall, lithe singer putting it away, clearly a little unsure.

“Yeah...well, maybe? I guess we’re done so I figured…” she mumbled, unsure quite how to handle the situation. One night stands had never been her thing and to have the stunning Kylie Minogue laying on the bed for her only piled on the pressure.

“You figured I’d kick you out so you’d better go before I do?”

“Well...maybe not quite like that but I thought perhaps you’d want me to go.”

“Don’t be silly, Dua. We’ve been friends for ages, and now we’re more than that. I don’t want you going anywhere.”

“No?” she questioned, rather relieved that their existing relationship was intact.

“Of course not,” Kylie smiled, sitting up from the bed, “I want you to spend the night here with me, just snuggle up and enjoy yourself. Unless you want to leave, of course.”

“I’ll stay,” Dua replied with a nervous smile, biting her lip and blushing a little. She glanced away embarrassed, it seemed so silly to be bashful at that point.

“Excellent. Now, I’ll go run a bath for us, you get us some champagne,” Kylie said, slipping off the bed onto her tiny size three feet and standing up.

“Champagne? Sure, anything you want?”

“Something classic,” Kylie replied, not being too fussy, “just charge it to the room.”

“Won’t they ask what I’m doing here?” Dua asked, a little concerned their secret encounter would become public very quickly.

“They’re very discreet here, which is why I stay at this hotel. They’re paid a lot not to say a word and I’ve never had a problem,” Kylie replied, finality to her reply.

Dua went round to the bedroom phone as Kylie walked to the bathroom, her eyes unable to keep from staring at her fantastically toned ass in the process. She heard the water crashing into the bath as she picked up the phone, dialling for the reception to order the room service. In a brief call she asked for a bottle of champagne, choosing a vintage Moët from the selection they offered her and requesting it with two glasses which she asked to be brought up as soon as possible. They assured her it would be dealt with immediately, at which point Dua figured she better put some clothes on, quickly looking for a robe.

She heard Kylie splashing the bath water as she mixed in some bubbles, heading back out as Dua slid into a fluffy white gown supplied by the hotel. She watched the gorgeous Australian as she walked out into the room casually, near naked, which she made completely naked as she paused to roll the fishnet stockings from her legs. She took her time to give Dua a show, obvious to both of them but the younger star certainly didn’t complain as she watched Kylie remove the sexy underwear. Throwing them aside with the rest of the clothes, she paused to grab a hairband from her bag, lifting it up swiftly into a messy bun as she walked back to the bathroom, just grabbing a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure Dua was watching her.

“Don’t make me wait too long,” she whispered huskily, at which Dua trembled and felt a little rush go through her. She didn’t know why Kylie had such an effect on her, all she knew was she couldn’t resist it and would give herself completely to chase it. As the seconds ticked by she did the same as Kylie, finding a hairband from her own bag and pulling her dark hair up behind her head, doubling it over and twisting it into place just as she heard a short but effective knock at the door. Breathing deep, she trusted in Kylie and went over to open it, acting as if there was nothing strange about her being in Kylie Minogue’s room.

“Hey,” she said, holding the door open for a smartly dressed employee.

“Good evening, Miss Lipa,” he said, addressing her but also calling attention to the fact he knew who she was in an instant. Without another word he stepped in carrying the tray, the Champagne in a bucket of ice with two glasses as requested.

“Where would you like this?” he asked politely.

“Just stick it down on the table there, thanks,” she said, indicating a small table at the side of the room. He did as asked and carefully put it down, seeming uninterested in the whole situation though Dua was aware of everything on display. Not just the messed up bed, but both hers and Kylie’s dresses and underwear spread all over the floor and most conspicuously the strap-on still bundled up on the floor next to the tube of lube. He didn’t make any mention of it, discreet like Kylie had promised, but his eyes did glance around and take it all in; he knew exactly whose room it was and to find Dua Lipa opening the door meant only one thing. It was a thought he’d take with his dreams that night, the sight of the tall British-Albanian singer in her robe the cherry on top as he headed back out the door.

“I hope you enjoy the champagne,” he said, giving a slight bow as he stepped out.

“Thanks, I’m sure we will,” Dua said, immediately wincing as she’d just admitted it wasn’t only her in the room, if he didn’t know. She closed the door, shaking her head as she blushed a little, feeling silly then grabbing the glasses in one hand and the ice bucket in the other and heading for the bathroom. Kylie was already in the tub, the lights down low with bubbles around her, hiding the petite star as she sat waiting for Dua to join her.

“Lovely, pour us some and get in,” Kylie smiled. Dua leaned over and stood the glasses down on the furthest side of the bath, putting the ice bucket beside them. She pulled out the champagne, ice cold and ready as she reach over and grabbed one of the glasses. As she poured it a little too quickly it foamed up, making her pause, leant over the bath in an enticing position that Kylie took advantage of. With Dua’s handed engaged she could do nothing to stop the playful Aussie from smoothly undoing the gown and sliding her hands inside.

“Kylie…” she chided, twisting as the small, soft hands pushed up her sides to her perky breasts, easily cupping and squeezing at them as she tried to pour the champagne. Kylie just giggled as Dua managed to pour both glasses, almost spilling the second when a hand slipped down between her legs to stroke over her silky smooth pussy and bump her clit. She pulled away and put the champagne back in the ice bucket with a satisfying crunch, smiling to Kylie as she slid back in the bath to recline into the bubbles, curling her fingers enticingly to Dua as she picked up a glass with her other hand.

Dua shrugged off the gown to leave her stood in her naked glory and then stepped forward into the tub, careful not to slip as she got in and turned, crouching down to sit between Kylie’s thighs. Sinking onto her firm bum, she let her long legs slide out into the steaming water and stretch along the sizeable bathtub, sinking back into the grasp of the beautiful older woman. She took her glass of champagne and relaxed, Kylie’s arms sliding round her to cuddle her in, in control again despite the size difference between them. One arm glided across Dua’s toned midsection as the other cuddled round her and held the glass above the water, the perfect position to clink with her own, a beautiful sound of pure crystal breaking the air musically.

“To new experiences,” Kylie purred, leaning round to kiss Dua’s cheek.

“To quite a night,” Dua replied, both of them taking a long sip of the delicious drink, ice cold and refreshing. She settled back into Kylie, wiggling into her as they sank down into the hot water practically up to their shoulders. The petite Australian cuddled her closely, an intimate touch like they’d been together forever and this was just another close moment for them. She was still confused though and wasn’t sure how to address that, figuring she might as well just speak up as Kylie was understanding and genuine.

“I’m straight,” Dua said quietly, not sure herself where she was going with it.

“What we just enjoyed tells me you’re not,” Kylie countered gently, pausing as Dua sipped at her champagne.

“I...well...aside from that.”

“So you’re bi, what’s the problem?” Kylie asked.

“I just...I’m not looking for a girlfriend or something, I’m always attracted to men, except for you. With you it’s just…”

“Irresistible?” Kylie teased, bigging herself up playfully.

“Yeah,” Dua admitted with a slight sigh, conflicted. She loved Kylie and had enjoyed an amazing night with her, but she wasn’t sure it made her much other than straight. It really was the only time she’d ever felt so attracted to another woman and she wasn’t sure she’d want to pursue any others.

“So what’s your point?”

“My point...I’m not even sure what my point is,” Dua said, giving another sigh, “but I’m not looking for a girlfriend.”

“Nor am I,” Kylie replied, thinking she had it worked out.

“Look, you were very up for this, and it’s been great fun, but it doesn’t have to be anything more than this. I’m not asking you out for a date, Dua,” Kylie said.

“It was great fun,” Dua purred with a smile, turning and kissing Kylie softly, their lips meeting and lingering in an intimate kiss.

“So don’t worry, it can just be fun, our little secret. We can just meet up for little sessions like this and enjoy it. There’s no pressure, we can just have fun and indulge each other.”

“Meet up again after this?” Dua asked.

“Sure, I don’t want this to be a one time thing. I know you’ve wanted this for quite a while, and I’ve been waiting for you to be ready,” Kylie said.

“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long,” she said, reaching out for the champagne bottle to finish their glasses, which they’d both drain quite quickly.

“I just care that you enjoyed it, we ended up in the right place,” Kylie purred.

“We definitely did,” Dua smiled, topping their glasses off. With another clink they sipped and sank back into the hot, bubbly water. Dua relaxed, feeling completely content in Kylie’s arms, secure and safe, in the embrace of a woman that loved her. She murmured with pleasure as she felt a dainty hand snake teasingly down her tummy towards her smooth pussy, knowing her night was not over by a long shot. Kylie herself was sated and happy that Dua had finally taken what she wanted;



The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.


Blocboy VC

Re: Kylie and Dua's Close Encounter
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2025, 10:24:31 AM »
Nice to see you writing Kylie again, you're the best with her, and adding Dua to the mix just made things even more fun.
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