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Author Topic: You Bet Your Ass! (Jenna Ortega, feat. Sabrina Carpenter)  (Read 745 times)


You Bet Your Ass! (Jenna Ortega, feat. Sabrina Carpenter)
« on: February 25, 2025, 11:44:41 AM »
This story was quickly written since Jenna Ortega was the celebrity of the month for February. It has an anal focus and to make it interesting for myself I tried to write it as a hate-fuck of sorts between Jenna and the completely fabricated, fictional male co-star for a completely made-up movie. Sabrina plays a smaller role as someone encouraging Jenna and getting her in trouble. Alexander is deliberately written as someone awful and nasty.

As always, none of this is real, of course. It is all fantasy and never happened.

You Bet Your Ass!
MF, Anal, Oral, Ass-To-Mouth, Name-Calling

The sheer scope of the bustling wrap-party for the charming and not-so-independent horror movie called Shriek 4 surprised Jenna Ortega, recently turned 22-year-old actress, headlining star for the project and breakout talent with her own TV show. But that was to be expected, given the lengthy credits she had to sit through for the previous installment. Movies like this came with tons of crew, from make-up over catering to stunts and special effects.

There was a sense of elation and even relief in everyone attending as the recently finished re-shoots had been especially grueling given the shoddy weather in Toronto during winter time. Tension seemed to fall off everyone involved and the party was a testament to that, with drinks flowing freely and a hired DJ who was more than happy with all the activity on his dance-floor.

The theme of the party was ‘Cadaver Costumes’ and everyone did their best to pick a spooky get-up. Though to Jenna it just seemed like everyone dusted off their Halloween costumes for a little off-season event. She herself wore a stylized sexy nurse uniform, the coat made of white leather, complete with a matching bonnet and a white eye-patch that even featured the traditional red cross. The coat was cut to allow for ample cleavage, helpfully assisted by a push-up bra in her case, as well as a deep leg-slit that granted peeks all the way up her thighs. Her feet were in white high-heels, naturally. They helped with the posture, true, but by now this was a decisions she regretted as her toes especially just ached at this point. And taking them off wasn’t an option with the wooden floor of the large fest-tent rented by the production team was decorated with more than a few broken glasses.

Jenna even had a pair-up with another guest, her very own +1 who turned out to be Sabrina Carpenter, an old friend and fellow celebrity who happened to be in town and who always loved to get into parties like this. Maybe even a bit too much. Jenna recalled multiple times in the past where the lively little blonde got her in a bit of trouble with her eager partying.

And right now as it was close to 3 AM Sabrina was exactly the person Jenna had on her mind. The young actress wanted to retire for the day as she got tired and uncomfortable in her heels, but since Sabrina was her personal guest she didn’t want to leave without giving her a heads-up. Sadly she just couldn’t find the short singer anywhere, even after going through the crowd for the fifth time.

She sighed with relief when she noticed a familiar face: Liam Jones, the 30-something year old head of catering who always seemed to be aware of anything that might go on. If anyone knew where her guest of honor had disappeared to it would be him.

“Hey Liam!” she half-yelled to be heard over the thumping music, tapping his shoulder.

He turned around and gave her a smile. “Jenna! Good to see you, how have you been enjoying yourself?”

She smiled and nodded. “It’s great! Thanks for organizing all of this. But I’ve been looking for Sabrina, did you see her recently?”

Liam furrowed his brow and nodded. “Last I saw her was at that gambling corner. You know, the one Alexander ran? Though it seems everyone left and just started to mingle now.”

Jenna tried to stay calm when Alexander’s name got mentioned, but she just couldn’t keep from rolling her eyes.

Alexander Davies was an up-and-coming young actor from England who had become the darling of a few reviewers and movie studios due to his boyish charms, his good looks with his bright blue eyes and long brown hair as well as his acting chops. Yet Jenna had quickly learned that a posh accent and uncanny acting skills didn’t necessarily make for a good personality. It started with his name alone – he demanded to be called Alexander and any abbreviation was met with a smart-ass correction when it came from an equal or superior, or with a downright ugly excoriating scolding if it came from anyone who could possibly be below him in importance.

One of the first things Jenna noticed about him was him completely chewing out one of her friends who got curious about the movie business and asked Jenna to get her an internship on set. Alexander smelled blood in the water when he noticed her inexperience and seemed to just look for an excuse to yell at her. When she brought him a plate of food from the catering tent, as he instructed her to, he found the sandwiches offensive as he was on a strict zero-carb diet to accommodate his shirtless scenes in the movie. He used his famed British charm on Jenna’s friend that day, calling her among many other colorful titles a mindless slag and a shit-for-brains bint. Of course her friend quit her internship shortly after and Jenna could not fault her for it.

Sadly, that wasn’t where her distaste for Alexander stopped, as much of a bad first impression that was. She saw him dressing down lots of other staffers as well as acting like a total prick. Alexander thought he was god’s gift to women and acted with entitlement around any girl who was attractive. On more than one occasion had he tried to get into Jenna’s pants, using the most delusional tactics. She just showed him the cold shoulder and tried to keep her distance whenever possible. Sadly some of the scenes had them both in bed with each other and the forced intimacy only furthered her distaste for him, especially when he acted as if he lowered himself to granting her some bed-time with him during those shoots.

To the media he might be a mix of Timothy Chalamet’s looks with Daniel Day-Lewis’ versatility in front of the camera, but to her he was just a pompous creep. Sadly his charms had worked wonders on Sabrina who was immediately all over him when they arrived at the party. But maybe it was just one of Sabrina’s mind games, as she had heard countless tales of Alexander’s terrible personality, so her being flirty with him was just the thing she might do to playfully mess with Jenna.

So once that British creep invited the blonde singer to his poker round Jenna quickly took her leave to hang out with the make-up girls. She knew how those games went, with Alexander usually pushing them into a more and more explicit direction, going from betting chips to kisses and then the really lewd stuff.

A quick cloud of worry passed over Jenna’s head as she imagined Sabrina getting roped into a more lurid bet. Maybe she couldn’t find her because she was busy with Alexander in one of the backrooms? But a quick glance around showed him standing next to some of his cocaine fiend friends to the side, probably making rude comments about the girls attending the party, judging by their leering looks and gross expressions.

She shrugged and gave Liam a grateful nod. “Thanks anyway, hope I can catch her before I have to leave. She is a stranger to most people here, so just leaving her hanging feels wrong.”

“Now that you mention it,” the head of catering added thoughtfully, “I did see her out waiting for an uber in the driveway when I went to guide the delivery van with the stock-up order of alcohol into the garage. Maybe she went home?”

Jenna frowned at the revelation and shook her head. “No way, she’d totally tell me if she went away without me. Besides, she’s way more of a party girl than me. I’d be very surprised if she left before sunrise.” She pursed her lips and then followed up: “Did she look like she was in any sort of distress?”

He shook his head firmly. “On the contrary, she seemed in really high spirits, hanging out with Lynne from the stunt crew.”

“Maybe they just went out to get something to eat?”

“I doubt it, we got something for every flavor here. Unless she wanted to pick up something out of the ordinary?”

Jenna let that thought simmer for a while, chewing on the inside of her cheek. Maybe it was drugs? Though Sabrina had never struck her as someone who’d get into any of that stuff too deeply. She was a touring artist, however, and you could never tell what a few months on the road with a whole crew could turn someone into.

With a new set of worries holding her heart in a tight fist she still gave Liam’s shoulder a squeeze. “Thanks a lot. And shoot me a message if you see her, okay?”

She said her goodbyes and then fumbled for her phone, swiping to her inbox and re-reading the half dozen messages she had sent Sabrina. Just as she glanced at it the little blurb in the bottom corner let her know that Sabrina was typing. Jenna stared at the screen with bated breath.

‘Hey Jen! I’m all good, stop worrying so much. Just taking in the sights I am already omw back! Oh, and to make it up I am bringing you a gift!’

She sighed with relief and texted back: ‘Thank fuck! You are a jackass for leaving me alone here. See you soon? I’ll be next to the bar on the entrance that leads out to the parking area.’


The bar was right next to the entrance of the big fest-tent, and Jenna could feel the freezing February air waft in whenever party-goers headed out for a smoke-break, lifting up the overlapping rubber flaps that were supposed to create a somewhat capable seal to keep the heat in, so the petite, slender actress stood there, arms crossed and pulled tightly to her body to conserve her body-heat. Still, she found herself shivering and clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering.

She was at that point where she no longer wanted to attend the party for the better part of an hour now, and the revelry around her became more of a nuisance than something fun to partake in.

So when Sabrina entered the tent through the flaps, giggling and whispering with Lynne, one of the stunt-women on the team who had a bit of a reputation for being a party animal.

Sabrina wore a matching costume for Jenna’s sexy nurse-fit, dressed in a stylized version of a patient, complete with a fashionable faux hospital gown made out of pale-pink silk with a white polka-dot pattern, cut in a way that tightened the usually shapeless gown tightly around her feminine waist and short enough to reveal her legs entirely. They were clad in tan stockings, the garters moving up along a small stripe of her visible, soft thighs and then disappearing under the gown like a promise of more kinky lingerie awaiting whoever managed to get her out of that gown. She had furthermore insisted on pairing this outfit with slick, round-toed black platform-heels that had a mary-jane look with a single strap around her ankle. That way the very short blonde could at least stand to talk to some of the people here on eye-level. Jenna had no idea how she so easily went all night in those steep heels, considering her own feet were killing her two hours ago already.

When Sabrina spotted Jenna standing there she whispered a goodbye to Lynne who headed into the crowd again.

“Aww, Jenna!” she exclaimed, her voice brimming with perky energy despite her empathetic expression, “Promise not to be mad, okay?”

Jenna couldn’t help but shake her head. Sabrina had a way of always getting on her good side, no matter what. And seeing her friend move in and hug her made all the little verbal barbs she had prepared to unload on her melt into nothingness.

“It’s fine…” she said as if she had to convince herself that this was her stance, “I just didn’t want to leave without first catching up with you. After all, I was the one to invite you.”

This made Sabrina give her a slightly confused look. “But you don’t even know yet what you’re not supposed to be mad about?” Her expression turned a little mischievous. “Wait, you were already going to leave? Well, it’s good that I am here now! We will have a bit more fun before the night is over.”

The brunette chuckled at that and wiggled herself out of the tight embrace, giving Sabrina a mustering look. Her eyes squinted accusingly. “Oh god, do I even want to ask what the thing is you think I will be mad about?”

Sabrina smirked and tilted her head, glancing up with mock-innocence. “We can always make it a kinky surprise…”

With a chuckle Jenna playfully slapped her shoulder. “Kinky, huh? I gotta say I am a bit intrigued now.” Then she remembered the promised gift from Sabrina’s texts. She quickly added: “But you might be able to smooth over some wrinkles by handing me that gift you promised.”

“Oh that…” Sabrina almost seemed to blush at its mention, lowering her eyes. She dipped a hand into her purse and withdrew a small, cube-shaped box package, about 4 inches in all dimensions. It was made of typical, non-distinct brown carton, yet had a little red silk bow on it. “I am afraid it’s related to the thing I have to ask of you, Jenna.” She took a deep breath and then looked directly into her friend’s eyes. “Say Jenna, you did say that you have lots of experience with anal sex?”

The bluntness of the question shocked the young actress who immediately scrunched her nose at the words. She sighed and shrugged. Sabrina was a very adventurous girl, and very used to talking frankly and explicitly about all of her adventures. On one late night spent with drinks they started talking about anal sex in particular and Jenna didn’t want to feel left out. So she boasted that she did have a bit of experience with it, that she let her boyfriends fuck her ass if they were well behaved and deserved a treat. Now, that was not an outright lie since Jenna had indeed tried anal, but she deliberately exaggerated her experience. The truth of it was that she tried anal twice, with two different boys. One time it was just a bit of fingering and then quickly abandoned when the boy lost interest in that hole of hers after gagging at the smell. The second time another boy actually put the tip of his dick into her butt after some warming up and lots of lube, though Jenna was too surprised by the strange sensation and called it off when her body got tense in a way that made it almost impossible to push more deeply into her.

Keeping her poker-face Jenna said with an even voice: “I guess so, a bit.” Following her own embarrassment over being reminded of her late night boasts she squinted at Sabrina with renewed suspicion. “Why?”

The singer grinned. “Perfect! Soooo…” She stretched that word out, coating it in a sugary sweetness that she often used to get others to do her a favor. “You know about that high stakes poker game, right?”

Jenna nodded her head, still not sure where this was headed. “Yeah, I know it’s popular with the crew. But the guy who sets it up-”

“Alexander?” Sabrina interjected with a bright smile.

“Yeah, he and I don’t really get a long. So I don’t play much. And I like it that way. Honestly, I kind of hate the direction he usually pushes the game into. Feels like some weird frat-bro game with stripping and spanking and forced drinking. Just lame.”

Sabrina’s smile faltered a little and she said defensively: “Well, it was actually real good fun. Maybe you should try it?” But then a part of herself seemed to remember that she has a request to make so she quickly followed that up with: “Anyway, I played tonight. And it was great! I got really lucky at first. Made multiple jackpots and I won a ton of the weirder things people bet. Like, this one guy had a wager where I had to give him a kiss if I lost but he’d lick my high heels if I won. And I got two pairs and had him slobber all over my shoes while everyone was hollering.”

Jenna nodded slowly. That sounds about in line with what she heard about those games. Barely disguised fetishes and step by step those wagers went from harmless and fun to disgusting. What’s more, there were rumors that Alexander let people have an easy time during the fun wagers and then laid a thumb on the scale once the stakes were higher. No one proved the cheating allegations yet, but he got suspiciously lucky as soon as he would have to do something degrading or gross as part of his wager.

Sabrina sighed. “That luck didn’t last though. Alexander and I got into a bit of a duel. I won at first and he actually had to bend over and let me spank his ass! But he went all-or-nothing and we doubled up. One bet went to another and I lost big. It was pretty bad, actually. In the second to last round I offered him a blowjob and he would have had to eat me out under the table. He won with a King of Hearts as his high card! Can you believe it?”

Jenna grimaced at that information, finding it sickening to imagine giving either a blowjob to Alexander or letting him kiss her below the belt. She just couldn’t stand that creep. “Don’t tell me you fell for it?” she asked in a hushed tone.

The blonde gave her friend a regretful look. “Don’t be mad, you promised. I really didn’t want to smudge my lipstick. So I asked for one last round even though the game was officially over. And he told me there was nothing I could offer to make him consider another round.” She smirked at Jenna. “But I heard from some others how much he was into you, babe. I know you’re not exactly into him but since you are so out of reach I figured dangling you in front of him like the carrot on a stick would make him cave in and give me another chance.” She pouted her lower lip and admitted cautiously: “So I made another bet. And my wager was that you would be the one to give him the blowjob instead.”

Jenna’s eyes widened. “Hell no,” she just blurted out, “I told you, he’s fucking awful. Alexander is a pompous prick.”

Sabrina’s eyes lowered, heavy with guilt. “That’s not all though. At first he wasn’t into the idea. He said how you were an ice-cold bitch and more likely to bite it off than play with it.”

That thought made Jenna smirk, at least he was aware that not everyone fell for his play-acted charms.

The singer continued: “So he made another demand. He promised me that if I win all my previous losses would be forgiven and that he would be my personal chauffeur for a trip around the city tomorrow. But he raised the stakes to anal sex with you should he win.”

Jenna rolled her eyes. “And I guess you aren’t here to tell me about the upcoming downtown tour?”

Sabrina put all of her charm and personality into her smile. “I know it’s a lot to ask. But can you maybe consider it? I mean, you were the one telling me about you kind of liking it up the ass…”

“Yeah, but…” Jenna began, her voice drifting off as she didn’t want to admit to her boastful tales of the past. Instead she bit her lip and after a pause she said: “Brina, I really don’t like Alexander, you know that. Can’t stand him.”

With a giggle the blonde scrunched up her nose. “Aww, that’s so romantic, you want your heart to be in it?”

Something about the giggle and her tone of voice struck Jenna as mocking and for a moment she felt a pang of defiance. But she knew the way Sabrina’s mind worked, how she had this uncomplicated view of sex. To her it might seem weird to offer anything sexual as a bet, but according to Sabrina’s moral compass it was a wholly valid form of exchange. And it was true that in order to keep up with the short blonde Jenna might have portrayed herself as someone able to see it just like that as well.

“I… I just think that I won’t be able to relax with him,” Jenna said, nodding as if to convince herself of her argument, “it’s anal sex. If I can’t stand the creep I just won’t be able to do it.”

Suddenly Sabrina’s smile broadened and she lifted the little nondescript box she held, giving it a little wiggle. “That’s why Lynne and I went out. She knows this city and was able to guide me to a place where I could get what I need. What you need. Go on, open it!”

Jenna hesitated but then snatched the box from Sabrina’s hand with a sigh. She undid the bow and opened the flap. And inside the box, held by a carton insert that folded neatly around it, was a stainless steel butt-plug with a bright, pale-pink jewel on its foot. The sex-toy was about 4 inches tall, with a thick, almost onion-shaped body leading up to a slender stem, capped with the round foot that held the jewel. “You gotta be kidding me…” she whispered, quickly shutting the box again before someone could see.

“You like it?” Sabrina asked with an innocent glee, brows raised in expectation, “If you put it in and wear it for a little while you’ll be all prepped and ready to go for when Alexander collects his winnings.” She fluttered her lashes in over-acted sweetness. “Please Jenna. For me?”

The brunette grumbled and shook her head, fingers nestling the carton of the box. It felt damp and sticky against her skin. “I’d rather fuck that fat old producer than get in bed with Alexander.”

“Ugh, such a grouch!” Sabrina giggled, “You owe me though. Remember when you visited me on tour? I saved your ass when that cop wanted to bust you for the tiny bag of weed.”

“And now you want me to give my ass to a creep I hate in return?”

Sabrina sighed and reached out, taking one of Jenna’s hands. “There’s nothing to it, really. You don’t have to be in love with someone to have sex. Hell, sometimes it even feels better knowing that you hate whoever fucks you. I like it.” She got closer, the girls standing right next to each other. Sabrina took the box from Jenna and nodded over to the toilets. They were genuine bathrooms with plumbing, carried in on semi-truck trailers, each trailer offering three bathrooms, complete with tiled floors and walls and even showers. This was a bougie party.

“Come on, I’ll help you get ready,” whispered the blonde, “And then it’ll just be five minutes and it’s all over.”

Jenna gave a dismayed groan but Sabrina had already taken her by the hand. Together they scaled the corrugated metal ramp to the bathroom trailer, heading into the middle one. It was fairly luxurious for a mobile bathroom, leaps and bounds above the porter potties usually deployed to large fest tents in the middle of nowhere like this one. Quite spacious too.

Sabrina snatched the box from Jenna and tore the carton to free the plug, holding it by the slender stem and wiggling it with a big smile.

“Let’s get you prepped, my dear.” She seemed a little too eager for this.

Jenna glanced at her with timid reservation. But she knew Sabrina, knew that it was difficult to dissuade her once she had set her mind to something. And so, with a begrudging whine she shook her head. “I can’t believe I am doing this.” With shaky hands she wiggled up the smooth white leather of her skirt, the blonde watching, biting her lip.

“Tasteful,” Sabrina said curtly, smirking with a hint of mockery at Jenna’s simple cotton panties, white with small strawberries printed all over.

Jenna blushed and shrugged. “What? The leather doesn’t really show panty-lines through it, so I figured I’d take my most comfy pair.”

“And we won’t need these anymore,” Sabrina said with a nod, her thumbs hooking into the waistband and wiggling them down Jenna’s hips, along her thighs, all the way to the ground, and in the process she revealed Jenna's completely shaved, smooth pussy.

The actress swallowed, feeling Sabrina’s rather intimate touch, her fingertips sliding down her legs. She felt a shiver run up her spine. Maybe just the night’s chill? Awkwardly the brunette stepped out of her panties.

“Now, let’s see here,” Sabrina pondered aloud as she squatted down behind her friend.

Jenna let out a gasp as the blonde brushed her hands over her smooth ass. Her fingers were quite cold. She heard a plastic clicking sound and glanced down over her shoulder, seeing her retrieve a small bottle of lube from her purse, applying some to the fingers of her other hand. Due to her having to hold her rather heavy leather skirt up Jenna couldn’t participate. “Careful, okay?” she asked with a hesitant voice.

Sabrina lightly spanked her butt and giggled. “Like this?” she asked like a total smartass. “Just relax, I’ve done this, like, a million times.”

The lube was cold enough to make Jenna gasp when Sabrina’s fingertips slithered between her cheeks, caressing her asshole.

“Lean forward a bit. Bend over so your cheeks come apart.”

The request alone brought a blush to the actresses’ face but she complied, feeling her knees buckle a bit as she bent over.

“There you go…” To Sabrina’s credit, she was fairly tender and careful, at first just massaging the outside of Jenna’s asshole, testing the tightness by only poking it gently. And in time the firm resistance let off just a little bit, and with soft pressure and a gasp from Jenna, the blonde’s fingertip popped into her asshole. “How does that feel?”

“Weird…” Jenna let the word out as a whisper, drifting from her tight-lipped mouth as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Really Sabrina, I don’t think this will work. I… I am just too tense for this shit.”

“Nonsense!” Sabrina’s tone was at the same time amused and confident. With no sign of being discouraged she started to wiggle her fingertip back and forth, nudging the tight embrace of that bodily orifice open and working her way inside deeper. Soon she could work her index finger back and forth, the lube making slick sounds. “Look at that, you’re already opening up for me.”

The strange sensation left a worried buzz in Jenna’s stomach and she felt one of her eyes close as she made a face involuntarily. “It’s…. That’s just a finger. It’s a whole world of difference to what you want me to take.”

“Mhm,” Sabrina made, affirming her friend’s words. And without wasting time she listened to Jenna’s body, using a moment of easing tension to pop in her middle-finger as well. With two digits now slowly but steadily working in and out of Jenna’s asshole the blonde smiled in satisfaction. “Two fingers in. You’re a champ, babe!”

The added pressure made Jenna gasp and she shuffled her feet, lifting one heel off the ground. Her mind implored her to take a step forward, to just get away from the increasingly thickening invasion of her behind. Yet she swallowed, planting both feet on the floor again and glancing over her shoulder at where Sabrina squatted. The smirk on her face and the way she was totally focused on her ass reminded Jenna of some kind of artist paying dedicated attention to a particularly intricate detail she worked on. There was love and care in those eyes, but also the desire to push onward, to complete her artwork.

“You can take two fingers to my knuckles, you’ll be fine,” Sabrina cooed in a soothing tone, “How does it feel now?”

Jenna had to admit that the way Sabrina prepped her was gentle and made her seem proficient. Sure, sometimes it hurt, but other times it felt almost pleasant. Maybe it had to do with the fact that while Sabrina’s two fingers plunged into her asshole, her thumb rested across Jenna’s velvet pussy lips, not quite reaching her clit, but close enough to make her wiggling hand send some very sensual shivers along her spine. Of course she wouldn’t want to admit that. After all she still saw a chance to get out of paying a gambling debt to the pompous creep Alexander.

“It hurts… Ah! I… I am not sure.” She writhed around, sometimes twitches went through her hips when Sabrina hit a pain-point, when she tensed up and her asshole hugged around those digits more firmly. But always the blonde found a way to slow down and then teasingly begin again, waiting for a lull in the pressure to work her way in deeper.

“I’ve done this before,” Sabrina said in a casual tone that you’d apply when talking about the weather, “and you’re far from the worst. Pretty tight though. But that’s good news! You say you don’t like Alexander. And if you’re tight your butt will hug around his dick. Guys love that. He’ll be milked dry in minutes. Really, in and out. Super simple.”

“Well, I just don’t-”

Sabrina cut her off by adding a third finger to the ones already in Jenna’s ass. Previously she could feel the penetration but it was largely just like a thicker finger. With three fingers all at once the girth increased significantly though. Even with Sabrina taking it slow and so far only testing the waters with her very fingertips, the brunette had to gasp and wince multiple times.

“Ah, c-careful!” she said, her voice pressed and flat.

“Relax, you’re doing fine.” Jenna couldn’t see the eye-roll but she could hear it in Sabrina’s words. “See? You’re already getting used to all three fingers. I can go deeper already. This was way quicker than when I went from one to two fingers. Hold up…”

The blonde pushed in deeper and Jenna again gasped, eyes clenching shut. When she opened them again she glanced around, seeing the reflection of them in the mirror. She blushed at the lurid shape they made. Jenna standing up, both hands holding her white leather skirt out of the way, slightly bent over with a flushed expression somewhere between shame and pain. And behind her Sabrina squatted down, thick thighs looking amazing in her tan stockings, an eager, seemingly amused smirk etched on her face as her eyes were laser-focused on her task. It was weird looking at her fingers pumping in and out of the asshole. For a moment Jenna felt like it was an out-of-body experience, like she was glancing at a scene in a porn flick. But the sharp pain from her ass made her wince and taught her differently.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Sabrina scolded playfully, letting out a giggle. “No need to flinch, you are taking it well. And honestly, this is probably all we need. If your ass can take three fingers it can take a cock, no excuses.” She lifted her hand and brought it down on Jenna’s petite ass for a firm spank, smiling at the satisfying jiggle she caused.

Jenna winced all over and momentarily her asshole clenched tightly around the digits of her friend, trapping them with that tight, fleshy ring until Sabrina wiggled free and continued her prodding.

The three-finger penetration was leaps and bounds above what she felt before and ever since Sabrina started with it the young Latina found herself unable to stand still, squirming in place, hips wiggling and twitching, sometimes flinching away from the penetration. Sabrina used her free hand to grab onto the brunette’s waist, keeping her steady.

Until that hand fished for the plug.

“Wait,” Jenna gasped, “this is too rough, I don’t think-  MMPH!”

Just then Sabrina went from her squat into a bent over standing pose, allowing her to hold out the plug towards Jenna’s face. With not much fuss about it the blonde pushed the toy into her mouth. Jenna’s eyes widened in surprise, her sentence cut short, muffled by the slick toy. The rounded body of the plug was shaped a little like a teardrop, the pointed end smooth and rounded, but allowing it to slide into her mouth easily. Yet the thickest part of that bulbous body was towards the end of it, forcing her jaws apart. And then her lips closed tightly around the slender metallic stem, trapped between the body of the stainless steel butt plug and its flat foot.

Again Jenna peered into the mirror, feeling ridiculous. Instead of her mouth she saw only the round jewel of the plug, her own eyes wide and filled with surprise and shame in equal measure. The plug felt massive in her mouth, a big, round, smooth object that had a surprising heft to it.

“Relax,” Sabrina cooed, the hand that was not in the process of stretching out Jenna’s asshole soothingly brushing over the skin of her ass-cheeks, then down her inner thighs, “you’ll like it much more if the plug is heated up to body temperature. So keep it in your mouth for a bit. Just keep breathing through your nose.”

She seemed completely unperturbed, continuing her work diligently and now moving her fingers slightly apart when they were at the deepest point of entry, allowing her to stretch Jenna's asshole a little further still. And what she felt seemed promising, by now the tight clench-ups were few and far in between, while it was still an exceedingly tight little hole. Alexander would be very happy with his bet winnings.

“Alright, quickly now,” Sabrina said as she grabbed the small bottle of lube, squeezing a big dollop onto her penetrating fingers and spreading it around Jenna’s insides. Then she reached out and held onto the foot of the plug in Jenna’s mouth.

“Mmph!” made the petite actress as her jaws were forced apart to accommodate the girth of the bigger part of the toy, but she released it from her mouth, shamefully finding that she had drooled a lot around the toy, that slick saliva now dripping down her chin.

Then she removed her penetrating fingers but she gave the asshole little chance to fully close afterwards, Sabrina held the plug by its foot and ran it up and down through Jenna’s butt-crack, allowing the remnants of lube to coat it entirely, immediately pressing the rounded point of the plug against the opening.

“Oh fuck…” Jenna let out, the sound a whole lot like a moan. She clenched her eyes shut and a tremble visibly ran through her lower body. “It’s… Way too big!”

Sabrina snickered at that and her hand began a somewhat pulsating forward push, alternating between applying pressure firmly and then letting her wrist go limp which allowed Jenna’s ass to push the toy out again. Each time she repeated this the toy managed to sink a little more deeply into Jenna’s ass.

“Deep breaths!” instructed the singer, “This part is a little rough, not gonna lie. Getting the biggest girth past the ass is the real challenge here. Keep breathing, stay relaxed. It will hurt, but just a moment. Once the big part passes and you ass tightens around the toy it will actually feel good!”

Despite the harrowing situation and the encounter with Alexander that would doubtlessly end up being utterly awful, Jenna couldn’t help but feel a certain sense of arousal at all this. Just glancing up into the mirror to see Sabrina smirk as her asshole opened up more and more under her busy care, even that feeling of having her ass toyed with, it all turned her on and Sabrina seemed to take note when her fingers dipped between Jenna’s pussy lips to tease her a bit, allowing the stimulation to relax her ass a little more.

“All hot and bothered, huh?” the blonde asked with a teasing edge to her voice, “Can’t blame ‘ya, this can feel really hot. Glad you’re getting in the mood. Now, if you would just relax a little more as well…”

Sabrina let out a grunt as she applied more pressure and Jenna’s face screwed up as a sudden jolt of pain went through her, causing her lower body to wiggle. More firm pushes followed and each carried with it a similar pang of pain, until Sabrina firmly planted her thumb to the back of the plug. She applied pressure and instead of loosening her grip after she kept it up, forearm flexing and her hand trembling a little under duress.

“Come on, take it!” encouraged the singer.

Jenna flinched and threw her head back, feeling her long dark-brown hair on her bare shoulder. “Ah, fuck!” she whimpered. But the jolting movement caused a sudden shift in her and the plug passed through the tight ring of her asshole. All of the sudden it filled her up and Jenna seemed worried and shocked, glancing back at Sabrina who grinned victoriously.

“There it is!” she celebrated, “Look at that hungry ass eat that toy up!”

With worried eyes Jenna beheld the reflection in the mirror, saw how between her smooth, soft cheeks the round jewel now sparkled where her asshole had been. She swallowed and a twitch went through her body, causing the jewel to briefly bob up and down as her asshole contracted around it, hugging the stem. It felt weird that her asshole couldn’t close completely anymore, giving her a strange feeling of fullness and penetration.

Sabrina gave Jenna’s ass a playful spank. “You’re all set up, babe,” she said, getting to her feet, “You can let go of your dress. And no worries, that thing is in there nice and tight, it won’t fall out unless you really push it out. Even if it feels like it. A plug like this, you really gotta pull and wiggle on it to get it back out. Trust me, I know.”

Jenna followed her suggestion and dropped the skirt of her white leather nurse uniform. She stood upright and felt the toy shift in her a little bit, making her asshole clench around the stem tightly. Due to it being metal it had some weight, and Jenna could definitely feel the downwards pull. It made her swallow and worry that it might indeed just fall out of her body. But when it sunk down her ass almost instinctively clenched around it.

“This feels weird as fuck,” whispered the Latina.

“You’ll get used to it. I actually really like wearing these. I have one in pretty often. And always when I know I will do anal later that day. But just walking around with one in is super fun! You can really feel it bounce and bob with every step. But you gotta be a bit careful. Sometimes it’s a little difficult to get a strut going while plugged. You get stimulated as you walk. You’ll see, come let’s go to the trailer, Alexander is waiting.”

That made Jenna scrunch up her face. This wasn’t just a kinky little encounter between friends, she still had Sabrina’s gambling debt to pay. Under her breath she groaned: “Ah yeah… Almost forgot what this is all about.”

The blonde took her hand and squeezed it warmly. “You’re doing me a huge favor!”

And with that she gave Jenna’s hand a pull and the young actress let out a grumbling noise as she was compelled to follow her out of the bathroom and back into the night.


Alexander’s trailer might have been the perfect way to describe his personality. On the outside it was the biggest, fanciest trailer from the ones on set, large and the kind that could extend the outside walls to create a bigger inside, with chrome decorating it and a gorgeous, hand-drawn paint-job made by a local artist that featured a prominent mural depicting rolling meadows and a blue sky. Yet Alexander had of course complained about living in a default windows desktop wallpaper. But he had campaigned fiercely to be granted this particular trailer, more interested in the status it symbolized and eager to be the guy with the biggest trailer on set.

Yet on the inside it was a mess, with clothing strewn about everywhere in disorderly piles, empty beer cans and booze bottles lining the furniture – remnants from the regular parties he threw. There even was a gross odor in the air here, a mix of used gym socks and spilled hard liquor. It was a pig sty and Alexander seemed to have trouble keeping it in order without getting professional help once or twice a week. And even with maids showing up as often as that, he still let it deteriorate to its current state.

In a way it was just like him, pretty to look at but wretched and awful inside.

Jenna felt uncomfortable sitting on a spot on the couch she had to clear for herself by tossing some of the worn clothes that laid there onto the floor, after all Alexander had invited her on multiple occasions into this trailer with the clear intent of fucking her, and she always shot him down while letting him know that she’d never sink to the level of fucking him. Yet here she sat, squirming around, her ass plugged and feeling rather stuffed at the moment. The things she did for her friends…

Of course they had made their way over here only to find it abandoned, Alexander nowhere to be found. Unreliable and irresponsible even when they wanted to pay off a debt, very much in character for him.

The short trip over had proved to be pretty exciting for Jenna, with the plug in her ass teasing her with every step she took, gravity pulling on it and making her asshole clench up, which often caused her steps to falter. During multiple moments along the way she had to hold onto a sign or a tree to gather herself before she could continue or else the stimulation of the plug would have made her knees buckle, much to Sabrina's delight. So when they found Alexander’s trailer abandoned despite his promises to wait for them, the singer had been kind enough to offer hunting him down.

That meant that Jenna was left alone, and this provided her the opportunity to think. Was she really going through with this? Would she let that pig of a man fuck her just so her friend could pay her gambling debt? Should she be mad at Sabrina for even thinking of betting her ass while playing with a guy she knew Jenna disliked?

But no, she couldn’t stay mad at the blonde, this was just part of who Sabrina was and Jenna knew it. This bet was very much in line with her character and without her quirks Sabrina wouldn’t really be Sabrina. Even if it meant taking a dick up her ass for her.

She was startled out of her thoughts by the rattling of keys against the door and then it opened, briefly allowing the muffled sound of partying and music from outside to wash inside. With it came Sabrina, holding the hand of Alexander. She was smiling at him, having that flirty demeanor she so often displayed and Jenna felt a pang of jealousy. A creep like Alexander didn’t deserve to have her attention like that.

He followed close behind as she walked up the small steps into the trailer, smugly smirking as he glanced at her ass without even hiding his intentions. Jenna couldn’t help but scoff at how obvious his flaws were if you could look past the flashy exterior.

“Holy shit,” hollered Alexander, “You actually managed to get her in here. Bloody impressive.”

For now his interest in Sabrina was replaced by his lecherous gaze glancing up and down Jenna’s petite figure on the couch, her legs crossed and a cold shiver running up her spine. The muscles in her jaws clenched and for a moment she felt like only the bristling and hissing of a threatened cat would be able to convey how she wanted to react to the way he looked at her.

“Ready to finally drop that hard-to-get act, little Miss cocktease?” Alexander said in an arrogant tone, “Bet you were into me from the start.”

Jenna exchanged a glance with Sabrina and the blonde seemed to have a keener eye for the way Jenna reacted to Alexander’s words of greeting.

“Chill,” the singer said in a calming tone, chuckling softly, “he’s just being a dick.”

Jenna nodded at that. “Yeah, I can tell.”

“Speaking of dicks…” Alexander chipped in, his hand dipping to the crotch of his navy-blue slacks, adjusting what was inside. “You wanna get right to it? Or you wanna play with it first.”

The young actress bit her tongue just as she was about to tear into him verbally, taking a deep breath first. This fucker had to be yanked down a notch or two. Then she explained, with a voice that suggested she barely retained control of her emotions: “Listen, ‘Alexander’” she drew out his name, disliking even that and how he demanded people use it in full, “My friend here lost a bet. That’s the only reason I am here. I won’t act like I enjoy it or like I even enjoy your company. That’s not part of the bet. You won my ass and that is ALL you’re gonna get.”

He smiled and shrugged. “Suits me just fine. That way I don’t have to pretend to be interested in whatever dross you’re yapping about. You know? Always acting high and mighty, like you’re too good to get some of this.”

Without another word he unzipped his pants and got out his cock. He was fairly large for a guy. Maybe 8 inches? Uncut as well, which wasn’t surprising since he was a European. He seemed to be fully erect and when he grabbed it and jerked it a few times the foreskin withdrew to reveal a shiny, glistening, smooth head. To Jenna it seemed almost a little vulnerable and tender, now finally out of its hiding place.

“Damn, Alexander, you weren’t kidding!” Sabrina gasped, blue eyes wide open as she stared at the revealed cock. She gave Jenna a side-glance and slyly added: “Gotta admit, seeing his cock has me a little jealous that you get to be the one taking it up her ass.”

“Oh, I am all for sharing,” Alexander said in a magnanimous tone.

Jenna clenched a small fist hearing him boast and just in general act like god’s gift to women. “Let’s just get it over with,” she finally hissed, getting up from the couch.

“I knew it,” Alexander chuckled, “barely laid an eye on my dick and already eager for it? You’re a slut like all the others.”

“Don’t let him get to you,” whispered Sabrina from full, smiling lips, “or maybe do if that makes it better for you. Here, I’ll help you get ready. Is this place good for you?”

That last question wasn’t aimed at Jenna but at Alexander again and the cocky Brit shrugged. “Yeah whatever, just plop her down and make sure that ass is ready for me. I won’t be going easy on her.” 

Sabrina guided her friend to kneel on the ground, right in front of the couch. That way Jenna could rest her upper body and her elbows on the seat-cushions of the couch. She reached back and pulled up the supple white leather of her nurse uniform.

“Tight little ass,” grunted Alexander, his hand now pumping faster on his cock.

Sabrina was on her knees beside Jenna, palms brushing over the petite and shapely ass of the actress. Then she took the flat, bejeweled bottom of the plug between two fingers, wiggling it gently. Maybe she didn’t want to give Alexander the satisfaction of hearing it, as she leaned in to whisper: “Careful, it’s gonna hurt when I take it out. Just a bit though. I will go back and forth a few times to make sure you’re nice and ready for his dick, okay?”

Jenna nodded her head slowly, biting her lip as she felt Sabrina wiggle the toy inside of her. Right now it actually felt really good. That feeling of being full to the point of being stuffed, in addition to being stimulated so close to her pussy. She was definitely aroused, feeling a little ashamed about it due to Alexander’s proximity. It wasn’t due to him!

Sabrina’s fingertips dug into Jenna’s ass-cheek with gentle pressure as she switched from wiggling the toy to pulling back more firmly, and the actress gasped at the sensation. Once again her asshole had to stretch all the way to allow the girth of the toy out. It seemed like getting it out was definitely easier than getting it in, but it still hurt as her tight hole was stretched open more and more, making her clench her eyes shut and screw up her face.

After a little more pulling Sabrina eased up, her free hand caressing Jenna’s ass. “You’re doing good, babe,” cooed the singer, “almost made it all the way at the first attempt. Ready for more?”

Jenna’s eyes opened again and she was breathing heavily. And just as she looked up she saw Alexander standing right in front of her, smirking down on her as he stroked his dick.

“Looks like it hurts,” he said with a big smile, “Hot.”

She rolled her eyes at him and he pumped his dick more quickly, just inches away from Jenna’s face, getting off on her discomfort. With him being so close she could literally smell him, smell the scent of his dick. She scrunched up her nose in distaste and then turned her head away from him, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain again.

“I’m ready,” she whispered.

Sabrina once again grabbed her ass-cheek more firmly and pulled on the plug, letting out a little grunt. This time she not only pulled, but she also wiggled the toy from one side to the other, and before she knew it the plug game free rather suddenly.

Quickly Sabrina got up on her knees, glancing to Alexander. “Here you go, come claim your gambling winnings,” she announced.

Alexander strutted over, dick dangling from his hips. He went to his knees behind Jenna and glanced down at her ass wiggling in front of him. “Fuck, such a nice and tight little hole. This will be so good.” He brought down his hand on her cheek for a firm spank and Jenna yelped, but she bit her lip, stifling any words of derision she had for him. Best to get it over with quickly.

“Hang on handsome,” Sabrina purred, still kneeling beside Jenna. She regarded Alexander with bedroom eyes and then suggested: “Let me warm you up…”

Jenna swallowed, bracing for a rough fuck when she heard the sounds coming from behind her.

“Glrk! Glrk! GLRK!”

She glanced around insecurely and saw that Sabrina was sucking Alexander’s cock. This wasn’t the timid kind of blowjob Jenna often gave where it was all about just taking it in her mouth. Sabrina was really working that dick, sliding her lips up and down the entire length, eyes glancing up to him, the gagging making the vein on her forehead stand out. Spit and drool dangled down her chin in a heavy curtain, and when she finally pulled away off the cock she gasped for air, breathing heavily, her eye-liner running down her cheeks.

“There you go, tough guy. All prepped and ready to go.” Sabrina smiled at him and then gave Jenna a wink. From her position bent over the couch the actress saw that Alexander’s sizable cock was now absolutely covered in a gooey layer of throat-slime, dripping with wetness. Sabrina’s little blowjob performance had lubed him up for her. Jenna mouthed the words ‘Thank You’ to Sabrina without saying them, and the blonde gave her a playful smirk.

“Now let’s see how tight this ass really is,” Alexander grunted as he grabbed his dick by its root.

The fleshy head felt blunt against Jenna’s ass cheeks. He pushed with his hips, finding the tight entrance to her asshole.

“Ah fuck!” Jenna gasped, wincing at the rough approach.

Alexander grinned with satisfaction. “Mhh,” he moaned, “I like it when they struggle. Makes it so much tighter.”

She clenched her jaws, wanted so badly to give him a piece of her mind, to call him out for the lame pompous loser he was, but with his dick prodding her tight asshole she opened her mouth only to find her breath hitch and all that bluster deflate into a meek little gasp.

Even with his cock slathered in Sabrina’s spit and her asshole lubed up and stretched by the plug, his girth was still plenty enough to end up with Jenna struggling against the penetration. Though her ass was soon defeated as Alexander’s push against it remained firm and unyielding, and the couch pressing against her thighs meant there was no way for her to wiggle away from the dick.

“Mhhh fuck yeah, that’s it,” Alexander groaned, eyes closed, lips smiling as he felt his cock-head push apart the tight entrance to his colleague’s coveted ass. He glanced down, groaning in approval as he saw the amazing sight of his large cock pushing against the by comparison narrow hips of the petite Latina. He gave that ass a spank and let out another groan when the ass clenched around his sensitive head.

His hands reached down and he spanked both ass-cheeks at the same time, then repositioned so he could grab her slender waist. With a snarling smile he grumbled: “Shouldn’t have bet that tight little ass. ‘cause now I am gonna claim what is mine. I’ll use this tight hole until I cum in it.”

“Just get it over with,” Jenna gasped, squirming due to his girthy cock in her ass, “I don’t want to-”

She was roughly interrupted by his cock plunging into her. It was not a careful approach, no wiggling to test the waters, no preparation. He held her waist firmly and then just shoved every single inch forward, plunging in all the way until his hips were flush with her ass. Jenna gasped, clenched up, her whole body wincing, squirming, wiggling.

The butt-plug had mercifully prepared her for the girth and made taking it easier. But what the plug had in girth it lacked in length. Right now Alexander was pushing into areas of her body that had not been prepared to be penetrated, and it hurt like hell! She screwed her face up in discomfort and dismay, biting her lip firmly because she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of hearing her whimper, even though every fiber of her being wanted to do just that.

“That’s hot,” Alexander grunted. He could feel her body trembling around his erection, could feel her shift and try to accommodate him. Her wiggling and squirming actually made her warmth fold and twitch around his dick in a way that felt stimulating. “I love it so much when I can shut the smart mouth of a bitch up with my cock. You were saying?”

He was gloating. His lips curling up in a self-assured, cocky half-smirk.

Maintaining a firm grip on Jenna’s hips he pulled back and then shoved it all right in again.


Hard enough to create a slapping sound when his hips connected to her ass cheeks. He built a rhythm, plunging his cock in deep and hard and then retreating again, fucking the petite actress hard enough to make the heavy couch shift on the carpet, wooden pedestals scraping over the thick carpet. His smile broadened when he heard little whimpers coming from Jenna after each of the slapping impacts against her ass.

Just in that moment he felt the soft, damp touch between his legs.

“You love this, don’t you?” Sabrina purred. She had gotten on all fours behind Alexander, lowering her face and turning her head sideways. And now the famous singer was actually licking his balls! Alexander smirked and spread his legs a little more to allow for easier access.

“You know, you don’t have to do this, wasn’t actually part of he bet.” He lectured the blonde.

“Maybe I want to, though,” she purred against his balls, following her words up with a wet, slurping suck on his balls, tongue slithering from their front all the way to their back, leaning back a little to lewdly spit at his sack only to then spread the saliva all over his balls with her tongue.

Jenna took some deep breaths, her breathing previously to this shallow and controlled so no loud whimpers could bubble out. Sabrina had created some air for her and she felt her friend’s tongue on her pussy. She was spreading more spit on Alexander’s cock, easing his entry, as well as providing some stimulation for Jenna’s pussy by licking generously over her clit as well.

The intimate touch of her friend, and the stimulation of her pussy served as a potent and very welcome distraction from Alexander’s rough anal pounding, letting Jenna experience pleasure again. She breathed out an unspoken ‘thank you’ to Sabrina, knowing that she realized that Jenna was getting in her head about Alexander as he fucked her, only getting more and more tense along the way. But with this additional stimulation she could relax a bit.

Besides, with Sabrina nudging his balls from below Alexander quite naturally slowed down the punishing pace of his thrusts, switching to a more gentle back and forth so Sabrina could actually lavish his balls with the attention he enjoyed. Of course Alexander didn’t realize that what the blonde did actually served to alleviate Jenna’s trouble, otherwise he would have probably put a stop to it.

“Aww yeah, suck those balls,” he instead said with the cocky air of someone who gets whatever he wants, “Can’t help yourself, huh? Girls love getting all in there. You’re no different. Fucking a bitch’s ass while another licks by balls, this bet is just showing that I am a fucking winner.”

Jenna rolled her eyes at the grunted self-obsessed monologue of the man who was fucking her ass at the moment, thankful that in this bent over position he could not see her face. That had also helped when he fucked her more roughly and she grimaced in pain with her eyes clenched shut and her teeth bared. But now, with Sabrina’s tongue providing relief she actually had her mouth open, sometimes letting out soft moans, even as the deep penetration often made her gasp and shudder as well.

She hated to admit it, but this actually felt pretty good. She was getting into it. Not only Sabrina’s tongue, but also getting her ass fucked in the first place. Her previous experiments with anal were indeed just experiments, a boyfriend sticking it in and then quickly abandoning it, not much more than this. Never had anyone actually pounded her ass like Alexander had just done.

He smacked her ass and Jenna moaned out, blushing and making a surprised face, then frowning over her own reaction. She was so focused on enjoying Sabrina’s tongue that this moan slipped out. But it did slip out just when she felt it, she loved that slap.

Just like she loved getting fucked in the ass.

“You’re such a little devil,” Alexander chuckled. The way he tilted his head meant he directed these words at Sabrina. “Making me slow down and drag this out. Your little friend here could have had my load dumped into her ass by now. I like the way you think, make it last for her so she really learns her place. But move back, I wanna really fuck that whore now.”

Again he smacked Jenna’s ass and again she moaned involuntarily, cheeks flushed with shame.

Sabrina’s hand snaked onto the couch and found Jenna’s, clasping it and giving it a squeeze. Jenna squeezed it back, letting Sabrina know that it was okay. She could take it now and she was grateful for her intervention.

“Sure thing, tough guy,” Sabrina purred, moving back and letting go of Jenna’s hand. She knelt down beside them, shapely ass plopping down on her high heels, a big smile on her face as she observed the action. “Go on, show her a good time.”

“I’d rather have her whimper like a bitch in heat,” Alexander retorted in his usual, charming way.  The moment Sabrina was out of the way he had picked up the pace again and the words came pressed out between labored breaths. His hand came down for multiple spanks in a row.

Jenna breathed heavily as well, her body now able to take that cock much better. The initial pain still sometimes reared its head when he pushed all the way inside, but it was not constant now, and the moments it arose it actually managed to flare up around the latent arousal she felt, adding fuel to the fire of her lust.

“Mmhh fuck!” she moaned out, quickly biting her lip again to stifle further outbursts.

Alexander gave a weary chuckle at that. “Hurts doesn’t it, bitch?” He grunted as his efforts increased. He seemed to want to make it hurt deliberately, angling his cock back and forth, sometimes pulling all the way out so he could plunge it into her closed up asshole again, once more letting her feel the pain of the fresh penetration.

But Jenna’s arousal had peaked, taking all these sensations as part of her pleasure now, not focused on her hate for Alexander but instead at her love for this new feeling. The feeling of being anally stuffed. She already knew right now that she loved this, that she wanted more. She would call someone up she actually loved and try it with them again.

“Oh god yes!” Alexander moaned, “Fucking take it, you little slut! Mhhh take my load!”

She never even realized he was close, and with him fucking her ass she barely felt his little load going off inside, just recognizing the way he slowed his thrusts as he used her asshole to milk every last drop out of his dick.

“Oh fuck, yes, ah god…” Alexander grunted, finally pulling out of Jenna’s ass, though not without planting a last set of spanks on her already tender and reddened cheeks that left a tingle which Jenna had to admit felt quite nice.

Sabrina giggled and rushed to Jenna’s side, kneeling beside her as she took her into a tight embrace. Despite the harrowing ass-fuck the actress had to smile too, feeling Sabrina’s lips on hers as Alexander's thick load leaked out of her pounded asshole.

“You did it!” Sabrina cooed, “Thanks so much Jenna, I really owe you. That was kinda hot, actually. Did you like it?”

Still out of breath Jenna gave a side-glance to Alexander and then shook her head. “I… I am glad it’s over,” she lied, though when the girls looked at each other she was certain that the glint in Sabrina’s eyes together with the subtle smirk served as a form of non-verbal communication between them. She actually loved it, but she didn’t want to say so in front of Alexander.

And the British guy seemed a little miffed seeing the girls support each other like that, so he came a few steps closer, his semi-erect dick dangling down from his hips.

“You guys aren’t going to leave me hanging like this, right?” he asked with a cocky smirk, pointing down to his dick. It was slimy, shiny and coated with a mix of his cum, lube and Jenna’s anal juices.

Jenna made a face at the sight and glanced to Sabrina. The blonde seemed much more enthusiastic.

“Sure thing!” Sabrina cheerfully stated, but then pursed her lips. “Though I don’t wanna walk around with an aftertaste in my mouth all day.” She perked up on her knees and glanced at Jenna expectantly. “How about a little bet of our own? Loser has to clean him up?”

The actress rolled her eyes. “You clearly didn’t learn your lesson from this.”

With an innocent shrug Sabrina took Jenna’s dodging of her question for approval. “Awesome! Rock, paper, scissors then? Just one round.”

Jenna groaned and then rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

The two girls faced each other and Jenna couldn’t help but mirror Sabrina’s smile. Then they lifted their hands and made a waving motion.

“Rock, paper, scissors!” they said in unison as Alexander grinned behind them.

Jenna held her index- and middle-fingers out as a pair of scissors and Sabrina made the fist for rock, smiling victoriously.

“Hell yeah! Looks like my luck is turning around after losing at poker. And it seems to me that you’ll have to clean up after yourself.”

The brunette sighed theatrically but scooted closer to her fellow actor on her knees. Despite her reluctance to get close to him she couldn’t deny that she was brimming with arousal after the rough anal fuck. The dick hovering in front of her looked anything but appetizing though. She pursed her lips and glanced back to Sabrina who nodded encouragingly.

With a deep breath Jenna opened up and got closer, using her tongue to lift the head of the cock. She wrapped her lips around it, taking it into her mouth and immediately she grimaced at the flavor. While she had experienced anal play before, she never partook in ass-to-mouth, and the taste was not what she expected. She noticed the more familiar, bitter taste of cum. But underneath a more foul, lingering flavor that definitely wasn’t immediately pleasant.

‘I am tasting my own ass…’ she thought to herself as her head reluctantly moved back and forth along his cock. Due to it getting somewhat soft now it was actually quite easy to get him down pretty far, though once she felt her nose bump against his abs she did have to gag, partially because he was nudging the back of her throat, partially due to the taste.

“Go on,” Alexander urged impatiently, “actually clean it up. Use your tongue.”

Jenna looked up to him with his dick lodged in her mouth, giving him a glance that was cold enough to make that cocky smile falter, which in turn pleased her greatly. She let him feel the edge of her teeth, making him wince. Still, she started to use her tongue, washing his shaft with her saliva as she bobbed her head up and down his semi-flaccid cock.

After some repetitions she pulled back, letting him go from her sucking lips with a plop. He glanced down and gingerly stroked his sensitive post-orgasmic cock with his hand.

“That’ll do, I guess…” he stated.

Sabrina was on her feet already and reached out, pulling Jenna up beside her, kissing her lips. “You did well, babe,” she whispered, planting another kiss on her cheek.

“Thanks,” said a tired but somehow satisfied Jenna Ortega, “Just make sure you don’t bet any of my other body-parts next time.”

Sabrina giggled and playfully squeezed Jenna’s ass. “No promises. This was way too much fun in the end.”

The End
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