« on: February 28, 2019, 01:34:11 AM »
Summary and Disclaimer
This is set in a version of the MCU. But with the addition of some new characters, concepts, and other franchises. Including all of the MCU movies AND TV shows and a few other things too. I DO NOT own any characters that I myself have not come up with and the rightful owners are Disney, FOX (for right now), Warner Bros., and others. No copyright infringement intended.Chapter 49
Date Night “Martha Kent, Diana Prince & Samantha Graham”
“This was a nice idea sweetie,” Martha said as we watched the sunset over the ocean. We had decided to go on a vacation with the Superman family to the beach. But not OUR beach as we came to call it, but one on the California coastline. Martha and I were on the beach right now. She was wearing a colorful light shirt over her bikini top and bottoms.
“Well, I do have great ideas from time to time. And seeing you like this is a very nice bonus.” I said putting my arms around her from behind.
“Do you think that the others can find us?” she asked in a seductive voice.
“Oh, I think that we’ll be good for a little bit,” I said kissing her neck.
She turned around and pulled me into a passionate kiss. And then lay down on the beach pulling me with her. I was between her legs and she was making me horny. I pulled down the front of my shorts and let my fully erect penis spring free. I pushed her bikini bottoms to the side exposing her pussy. I kissed her as I plunged my entire length into her. We were so enthralled with one another that neither of us noticed that we were being watched.
Mia was behind some of the foliage staring at the two of us. She was wishing that she was the woman that I was making love to on the beach right now, not her grandmother. But seeing the two of us making love was exciting to her. It didn’t take long before she had to start playing with her pussy to quell the ache that she was having. As she started fingering herself I was cranking up the heat with Martha. I knew that sometimes Martha felt like she was the most undesirable of all my girlfriends. She was the oldest of all my girlfriends at forty-eight. But truthfully she still looked so amazing. So I would do anything I could to make her feel like she was one of the most beautiful women in the world. In this case, I was making love to her with as much passion as I could and it was working. I could feel her getting closer.
And she wasn’t the only one getting close. Mia was using three fingers now and she couldn’t stop staring at the looks on our faces as we approached our mutual orgasm. She wanted to have me look at her the same way I was looking at her grandmother. But what was really driving her wild right now was her grandmother’s moans of delight. As both of us came together an image popped in Mia’s head. Her grandmother was using a strap on dildo and was plowing away in her pussy as I was plunged, balls deep, into her ass pounding it like it was a piece of meat. Both of us asked her: Is this how you like it?
“Yes.” she moaned as silently as she could without letting us know that she was there. And she came too, sending a shudder through her body.
She looked on as both of us were getting to our feet. She couldn’t believe that she had just had a sexual fantasy involving her own grandmother. She had never thought of her like that before. And even now was a little disgusted by the fact that she had just made herself cum picturing her grandmother fucking her with a dildo. But she also knew that it was the best orgasm she had given herself. She watched the two of us as we walked off into the sunset, wishing more than ever that she was walking with us.* * *
“Are you ready baby?” Laura asked Diana. The two of them were about to test out a new device that I had made for the use of my girls only.
“Yeah,” Diana said, eyeing the strap-on that Laura was wearing. The strap on, while still using the mold of my penis, was designed not only to give pleasure to the woman that it was being used on but also the one wearing it; allowing the wearer to feel everything that was happening to it as if it were her own sex organ.
Laura kissed Diana hungrily. The two really enjoyed their time together both in bed and out on the town doing anything. They loved Daisy and Claire too, as much as they did me and each other but when they were with each other they found themselves smiling the same way they did with me. We often said that no one could have picked our true loves any better because of that. We truly did love each other more than anything or anyone else in the world.
Laura smiled as she lined up the fake dildo with Diana’s pussy. “Are you ready for this baby?” Laura asked with a smile.
“And waiting, my love,” Diana said as seductively as she could muster. She almost cried when she realized that I wasn’t in the room when she got there. She hoped that this would get her mind off her troubles.
Laura thrust into her causing Diana to moan with delight. After a minute Diana was curious. “Baby, do you feel a-anything?” Diana moaned out.
“Yes. Oh god yes. Is this what David feels every time he makes love to you?” Laura asked, moaning herself.
“Well, I do like to think that, oh god, that my body is a perfect fit for that p-penis that you’re using. Don’t stop baby.” Diana moaned as Laura made love to her. They kissed, even slipping each other their tongues. Laura mouthed the words “ I LOVE YOU. ” And Diana mouthed them right back as the two of them came in a scream of pleasure.
“Are you alright baby?” Laura asked Diana now that they were down from their orgasmic high.
“Yeah, I was just hoping that David would be here is all,” Diana said. She had wanted to spend the day with Daisy, Claire, Laura, and I. But Claire, Daisy and I were called away she had hoped that I at least would come back for this if only to watch.
“Let’s go get some ice cream. Maybe that will cheer you up.” Laura said with a smile.
They got dressed which Laura insisted that they do even though Diana wanted to come back to the bedroom and “test” the strap on some more. “Why are the lights off?” Diana asked as they entered the dining area at A-Force Base.
“SURPRISE!!!!” Everyone yelled as the lights came on and the entire place was decorated. Daisy, Claire, and I were standing in front of all of our friends and my other girlfriends.
It was Diana’s birthday, or as I called it the day her mother sculpted her from clay because that was how she was born in some universes. And we had decided to throw a surprise party for her. “How did you-?” Diana asked, realizing that we knew it was her birthday.
“I told them, my dear daughter.” Queen Hippolyta said with a smile coming into view.
“Mother?” Diana said running up and hugging her mother.
“Now you know why Daisy, Claire and I had to leave, we had to go pick up your mother,” I said kissing her cheek.
Diana smiled at me with happy tears in her eyes. It took some doing to surprise any of the five of us. But when we did, it was spectacular and she knew that she was going to thank all four of us later in ways that only a lover could. “You have never left Themyscira before mother,” Diana said.
“I never had a reason before now. Your father would be so proud of the work that you’re doing here.” Queen Hippolyta said, smiling at her daughter.
“How do you know the work that I’m doing here?” Diana asked with a smile.
“Well, that’s why we called and told Laura to test the... device without us,” I said, referring to the strap-on dildo.
“They have been sharing all of your exploits with the Avengers, helping to form A-Force, the time you helped David with the Guardians of the Galaxy and all the times you help the Lantern Corp. Every life you’ve saved, Themyscira couldn’t be more proud of their princess and champion.” Queen Hippolyta said with a broad smile.
“David,” Diana said knowing that all of this was my idea. She looked at the man that she was madly and passionately in love with. She couldn’t find the words to describe what she wanted to say.
“I love you,” Diana said, tears streaming down her face.
“And I you, my love,” I said giving her a kiss and drying her eyes.Samantha Graham/Full Chapter
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 12:45:30 AM by CaptainNinnin »
