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Author Topic: An Interview with...Grobnar  (Read 12066 times)

John Connors

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An Interview with...Grobnar
« on: March 31, 2019, 08:36:04 AM »
Here is the second of a series of interviews that we will be conducting with the authors that post their work on Celebrity Story Site.

In this interview, we are talking to Grobnar about how he got into writing celebrity erotica, who influenced him to write in this genre and other topics related to his writing.

You can visit his profile here Grobnar

1. Where are you from?

I am from the Chicago Area in the United States

2. How did you come up with your pen name and is there any meaning behind it?

Grobnar, if you google the name, will give you the name of a character from Neverwinter Nights 2. The character in question was a bard that sang about spring loaded Codpieces and other such devices. I liked the name and used it for my own D&D character. Grobnar, in my imagination, is a half orc barbarian that thinks he’s a musician. Due to his strength he has a penchant to break his lute or mandolin. I have a fondness for the name as it represents a different aspect of myself.

3. How long have you been writing celebrity erotic fiction?

My First attempt,and that’s putting it nicely, was in mid 2014. My first attempts were rather rough.

4. Who or What got you started writing erotic fiction?

There was no particular single reason for my start into erotic fiction. Partially because no one was writing what I wanted to read. This was before i knew of Literotica and other sites. A majority of my reading came from the Addventure on a particular website. There the quality varied from terrible to excellent. I didn’t set out to be an excellent writer, just one that did decent work and made content I enjoyed.

5. Who would you say are your biggest influences as a writer of less than appropriate celeb fiction? Which authors, if any, would have inspired you?

There are plenty of writers that are inspiring. When I first started writing in the Addventure you eventually start writing opposite someone. You write a chapter, they write a chapter. Quality can vary significantly. Back then it was a writer named Mr. Filler. We wrote several series opposite each other for awhile. As my writing evolved and I moved from the Addventure to Literotica and other sites, I started getting fans and followers. Now I listen to them and see what they like. Yet, it’s still my story and I will only go where I desire. Some readers have trouble realizing that. I don’t do commissions, and never will, but I do listen to requests. I also have a test reader that likes to see the process of writing and offer their own input on what I do.

6. Who are your favourite celeb sex story writers? Past and Present.

There are several writers I look forward to seeing their works Cadeauxxx for example has always produced good content as has ManUnited. For me it’s about world building. You can have a story that has some exquisite sexual content but if the world isn’t there it tends to fall flat. Some authors forego such processes and it makes the world they create very one dimensional. An example can be made in comic book tales. Readers know or will have vague notions of a specific hero or villain and making in character decisions help drive the narrative.

7. Any favourite sex stories that you've read that made you think - "Wow! That's incredible!"

There are a few works that come to mind. Dreamcloud is an extremely talented writer that has these marvelous stories. In addition there’s another writer that wrote a story called The Inheritance. It has sub/dom but it’s handled very tastefully. I started me looking into the subject and seeing if I can write something like that. The result was works like Cat Tales, On the Cat’s Web and Trials of a Mutant.

8. Which of your own stories are you the most proud of writing?

That’s a difficult question as there are many stories I’ve written that I see as good. There are a few that stand out:

The 3rd Chromosome series is mostly fan service and the celebrities involved are often fan requests. This is because the main series I was writing at the time didn’t allow for fan requests. Yet, I took the series in a different and risky direction when I made a non-celebrity story called Art. After publishing I was accused of leaving readers out because of the world crafting that went into it. It was just shy of 20 pages long and created some memorable characters according to feedback. That’s high praise for me.

I’ve also toyed with other concepts before. Taking to comic books and making some of the most standout dynamic characters and writing unique stories for them. In that regard, In the Cat’s Web remains a favorite as there’s a lot of world out there to tap into and keeping the story plausible for all characters involved while making it exciting is quite the challenge.

9. Which celebrities do you enjoy writing about the most?

As I've written several celebrities I’d say my favorites are those that exude sensuality. Catwoman and Black Cat, both characters but hear me out, count in that regard. Selina Kyle in particular is a joy because she’s incredibly smart at what she does. She’s on a universe filled with superheroes and she has no powers of her own. Selina is a force of will and character that makes her extremely compelling to write. She’s also human, especially in the later comics. Selina screws up a lot but uses her knowledge and skill to work out of her mistakes.

Beyond writing stories on comic books I also have two other long running series. Drug Trials and 3rd Chromosome. Both are specific fetishes but regardless I do writing for the main characters of Drug Trials Megan Fox, Lindsay Lohan, and Avril Lavigne all have their specific quirks that make that fascinating to write. Megan is doing her best while battling a hostile world, Lindsay is a sexual predator to everyone, and Avril never knows what she wants.

10. What type of sex scenes do you enjoy writing the most?

There are many authors I see that write sex scenes with no context. Much like one would see in a porno. While that could be good it doesn’t add much to me. I try to make every sex scene be for some reason. In the series Trials of a Mutant, the main character makes a dubious claim to his administrator. Said administrator then makes it a challenge for any girl to trip up his end of the deal. It makes for several good scenes with him at the edge of awareness of figuring out he’s being played or starting to believe his own claim.

In addition, works that are more sensual than sexy. While sexy works, ‘In the Cat’s Web’ for example stories like ‘First Love’ and ‘Someone to Love’ offer different views on sex and why people have it.

11. Do you have routine for how and when you write?

Writing comes in fits and bursts for me. My time is often limited and I try to write something when I can. Sometimes I’m able to get entire sections out when I sit down. Other times I’m only able to get a few sentences. Yet when I get an idea I usually drop it in my idea document for later review.

12. Do you sketch out a plan on paper/word/notes or write off the cuff with a basic idea and let it flow from there?

I usually have a basic idea of what I want. With the more complicated stories I try to develop a plan for what’s supposed to happen and where the end goal is. Ideas or inspirations come and a story going in one direction may suddenly turn to another. An example is actually Trials of a Mutant. It was originally a one off fan request. Instead, the idea grew and it became a multi chapter story. There’s a feeling I get when I’m on the right path. Fans and readers will tell me what they liked and want to see more of.

13. Apart from hot celebrities, does anything else influence your writing? Music, Fashion, TV etc.

I actually don’t watch TV. I’ve seen a few shows here and there but mainstream tv doesn’t interest me. I get some inspiration from music, especially with comic book stories. When Catwoman is in a fight there’s music in the background. It sets the mood. Fans and supporters also assist and give idea, random thoughts and comments in my everyday life work their way into stories that give a touch more realism.

14. Any tips for readers that may want to start writing celebrity erotic fiction?

Don’t be afraid to start. Get the pen to paper and start writing what you want. Don’t be afraid to write down your ideas.

However, you have to read what you wrote. Read it again and read it another time. Always ask ‘Does this make sense?’ Many a good story has been ruined because of poor or inadequate writing. Yet, you don’t need to be an expert. I certainly am not. As you start posting more and gaining confidence you’ll start to see your own fans write and say what they liked or didn’t. You may want to find a niche and make it your own. Yet none of that will happen if you don’t put your fingers to the keyboard.
'What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.' - Werner Herzog

'Gotta head full of ideas that are driving me insane...' - Bob Dylan

'I sold a quart of blood, bought a half a pint of scotch' - Tom Waits
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