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Author Topic: The Wet a Dick Foundation, Starring Lily Collins  (Read 5314 times)


The Wet a Dick Foundation, Starring Lily Collins
« on: May 28, 2019, 11:03:58 PM »
The Wet A Dick Foundation
Starring: Lily Collins
By Noopster.

Disclaimer: The following is in no way real. Everything you are about to read came from the mind of the author.

Thank you to Pyrofanity for the original idea and introduction.


Just about everyone with internet access or anyone who watches the news has heard about the Make A Wish Foundation. The charitable organization works to help fulfill the dreams of kids with life threatening illnesses and diseases. Many of these kids wish to go to Disneyland or meet their favorite superhero. Older kids may ask for a vacation with their family or the latest electronics.

However, there comes a certain age where people dealing with the same issues as Make A Wish kids do not want any of those things. This is especially true for young men. The Make A Wish Foundation only grants wishes to kids 18 and under for a reason. Young men in their twenties would ask for things that a public charitable foundation simply could not even consider.

For many years, those young men were simply out of luck and left to deal with their illnesses or hardships with nothing to make them happier. This left many of the men unmotivated to keep fighting to get better. One father, who was quite wealthy, wanted to give his ailing son a boost to his confidence and a reason to get better. He used his vast resources and Hollywood connections to arrange a date for his son with his favorite actress. No one knows anything more about what happened on that first date, but that is where the Wet A Dick Foundation got its start.

One of the most well kept secrets in the philanthropic world, the Wet A Dick Foundation has the goal of connecting young men who have faced serious health hardships with the celebrity of their dreams for a private encounter. Although not every celebrity is willing to give herself to a random stranger for a sexual encounter, many more than might be expected are more than willing. Some do it for the secret thrill. Some do it for the well-being of the young men. Some do it for the money the organization pays those who are reluctant. Some do it for reasons known only to themselves.

In its history, the Wet A Dick Foundation has coordinated many successful encounters. The organization has evolved over the years. Currently, potential beneficiaries are able to submit their information to the charity’s website. If their medical records check out, they can then search the database for their desired celebrity and arrange an encounter. Each celebrity’s profile page lists what they are willing and not willing to do along with outfits lucky beneficiaries are able to choose from for their match to wear. There is even a private messaging system for communication between the match and the beneficiary prior to the encounter so that both parties are comfortable with how the encounter will happen.

These are the stories of the Wet A Dick Foundation.


"Look, over there, that's the spot."

"Oh God, I'm so nervous!"

"Just try to relax, Lily!"

"How can I? I've never done anything remotely like this before!"

"I know, but you gotta remember that it's for a good cause. Look, maybe... maybe you should try approaching this like it's just another role in a movie!"

"Umm, but I've never even done a nude scene before, now I'm supposed to pretend I'm having real sex on camera? No, that's not gonna work for me."

"Look, if you really don't want to do this, I can call the foundation and--"

"No! Are you crazy? I already agreed to this, I can't just back out of it now! And besides, he's going through something truly awful and what he wrote about me on the website was so sweet... I really want to make him feel better."

"Well there you go, that's how you should look at it. Today you get to make a fan's dream come true!"

"But what if I disappoint him? I don't want to waste his one wish before they take out his brain tumor. I read that he has like a 50% chance of making it, so what if he doesn't and the last thing he remembers is how bad I was and--"

"Lily, stop talking crazy! We're here."

"Okay, okay. So, how do I look?"

"Like a dream come true."

"Oh shut up!"

"Good luck out there!

"Yeah... thanks."



15 minutes had gone by since Lily Collins had left her assistant's company and there was still no sign of Alessandro, the devoted fan that would be enjoying her company that special day. His wish had been a little unusual, even by the foundations standards: To make love to his dream girl, Lily Collins, in public, and to do it at the beach so that he would be able to enjoy his two favorite things in life at the same time before going into the operation room for a extremely risky procedure. It had not been cheap, but the foundation had made the proper arrangements with the Regina Hotel in Ischia, Italy, so that everything would go according to plan. Now, the petite British-American actress and model was waiting for him in a tight navy blue bikini, trying to relax and make piece with the fact that she was about to have sex in front of all those unsuspecting strangers going about their vacations.


Another 10 minutes passed without him showing up and Lily's anxiety started building up. Had something happened? she wondered while biting one of her nails, Did he have second thoughts? Had he chosen someone else? But how could that be? There was no way the foundation would've made her fly all the way out there for nothing, that wasn't the way they operated. Still biting her carefully manicured nails, the gorgeous brunette continued to nervously survey the beach and the buildings surrounding it until she finally noticed something. A camera pointed at her from a balcony. Having grown up with a very famous father and modeling since a very young age, Lily was no stranger to the paparazzi, that was probably why she had not given a second thought about the man up there with the long lens camera. But then she remembered that the hotel had assured her that there wouldn't be any kids or cameras of any type near the premises, that's how they had gotten her to agree to do it in the first place. She looked at Alessandro's profile photo on the W.A.D.F. app again, he was a bit too far to be 100% sure, but his general appearance matched the one in the photo. It had to be him. Lily let out a sigh of relief and smiled, laughing at her own silliness as she lifted her arms and stretched her back, proudly showing off her well-defined abs and cute belly button.


I guess he wants a show first, she thought, walking slowly towards the water among the wealthy tourists sharing the beach with her. After a quick dip she headed back to her lounge chair and took her time drying off with a towel, her pale, porcelain skin glistening under the hot Mediterranean sun while she pretended to be just another random girl at the beach.


 She laid down on the lounge chair and stretched again, rubbing sun lotion all over herself and trying different positions that she assumed Alessandro would enjoy. Finally, she turned face down, making sure to stick out her plump, irresistible bottom, and waited.


"Umm... hello."

Finally!, she thought, she had only gotten more nervous while waiting, the idea of just running away becoming almost irresistible with each passing second. Now that he was actually there she had to stay, she had to go through with it. Looking back over her shoulder she greeted him, "Oh, you're finally here!"

"Yes, sorry, I was... little nervous."

"Aww, that's cute," she replied, pretending to be more confident than him, "But don't worry, I guess that's to be expected with something like this..."

"It' is nice to meet you, Miss Collins."

"It's nice to meet you too, Alessandro, but please, call me Lily. I see no need for formality since we're about to... you know."

"Uh, yes, yes, I think you are right."

He was a nerdy-looking guy with light brown hair and thick-rimmed glasses, a little chubby around the waist, looking a little older than 22, the age on his online profile, but not by much. Not a terrible-looking guy, but definitely not the dreamy Italian-lover she had dreamed of as a teenager. Could be worse, she thought, waiting for him to make his move. He was hesitant to say the least, standing over her awkwardly with his hands stuck to his sides and his eyes furiously engaged in ogling her deliciously petite form from head to toe; so much that she could almost feel them on the back of her thighs and on her rear, but he neither did or said anything else. She felt even more uncomfortable now.

"So... like what you see?" Lily asked, wiggling her little butt in front of him.

"Yes! I, uhh-- of course! You have great legs, Lily."

"Aww, thank you!" she said, genuinely flattered. She worked on her legs a lot, and she liked that he noticed. Plus, his accent was kind of cute.

"So..." she said, trying to make something happen.

Another awkward pause, she could see the erection growing in his swim trunks but nothing else was moving. He wasn't making it easy for her.

"So, Alesandro, shall we... um, begin?"

"Uh, yes, yes, please. It's just, um... How to...  What can I..."

"Well, you could start by putting lotion on me, if you want."

"Oh, yes, yes, of course!"

The young man squeezed the bottle over her and she giggled as the cold cream landed on her lower back, sending a shiver through her slender body. She could hear the young man's breathing becoming heavier as he rubbed the lotion over her with awkward, unsteady hands. The 29 year-old beauty queen encouraged him with a long but subdued moan until he clumsily unhooked her top. Finally he's taking the initiative, she thought. 

"Your back... very beautiful," he said with a shaky voice while he massaged the delicate muscles of her bare back as well as her dainty little shoulders. "Thanks," she replied, trying not to chuckle at his awkward compliment, "You could go a little lower... if you want to,"  she added, trying to get things moving.

Every second that went by made her more anxious about what she was doing. She felt bad for the guy and in her heart she really wanted to give him something special before he had to face death at such a young age, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was the right way to go about it. I really hope my dad doesn't find out about this, she thought as she pulled her bikini top from under her and set it aside. Alessandro's hands had moved to her lower back, but still shy of her cute little butt, squeezed tightly under her wet bikini. Frustrated by his lack of drive, Lily sighed and grabbed the edge of her bathing suit, pulling it down a little bit, until it rested about half-way down her well-rounded bottom. Her admirer exhaled profusely as he rested his hands on her perfect ass cheeks. "Go on, don't be so shy," the impatient actress prompted him. Again, he exhaled loudly and, overtaken by lust, pulled down the small garment all the way down before digging his fingers into the soft but firm flesh, squeezing her buns hard, playing with them and spreading them apart, then exclaiming "Dio mio..." when her rosy little button came into view. Surprised but intrigued, Lily gasped and immediately looked around to see if anyone was watching. The other guests seemed to be completely unaware of what was about to happen.

"Oh, sorry, going too fast? I'm very sorry."

"No, no... it's fine," she replied, a little winded. She parted her legs just a little bit more, "This is your wish, you can do whatever you want with me."

"Uh... whatever I want? Are you-- are you sure?"

"Absolutely. That was your wish, right?"


"Then go ahead, I'm only here to make your wish come true, so I want you to do whatever you want with me and don't apologize anymore, okay?"

Too focused on her magnificent pink asshole, he did not answer. Instead, he spread her ass cheeks even further and buried his face between them. Lily's back arched suddenly and she gasped louder this time, feeling his tongue licking around her anus. No one had ever kissed her there before, she had always been too shy for anything like that, but she was a charitable person and if helping out a sick young man meant letting him absolutely feast on her ass, then she would endure.

His short beard tickled her taint as the loud and wild slurping sounds began to attract the attention of an older couple having cocktails next to them. Lily's face turned red when she felt him pushing his finger inside, violating the virgin hole she had never imagined giving up for anyone. After struggling to get it in, he carefully fingered her anus for a while, planting quick little kisses up and down her back and on her butt cheeks as he did so. "You sure this okay?" he asked politely with his index finger knuckle-deep inside her rectum.

"Ye--yeah, it's fine, I just-- I had never..."

Slowly, he pulled his finger out to the sound of a short whimper from her.

"I am sorry, it is just-- you are perfect woman!"

"No, really, I'm fine, you can keep--"

His finger on her lips interrupted her, the same finger that had just been inside her ass. She hesitated. "Whatever I want, you said," he insisted, until the finger slipped between her lips. Lily closed her eyes and tasted her own ass for the first time in her life. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but she couldn't stop now. She'd made a promise to this young man and her word was her bond. Or at least that what she kept saying to herself, because she was slowly getting more and more aroused. Maybe her assistant's suggestion about treating it like a part in a movie wasn't so crazy after all... 

After having Lily clean his finger, Alessandro laid down on top of her very carefully, putting most of the weight on his arms so that he wouldn't crush her. He pulled down the front of his swim trunks and pressed his erect member against her backside, tenderly kissing her shoulders and the back of her neck and rubbing his hard dick between her soft cheeks.

"I can't believe this happening," he said with a shaky voice and the warm sensation of her flawless skin making him even harder.

Lily sighed softly, "Yeah, me neither..." feeling his hard-on now roaming around the back of her thighs, leaving warm little drops of pre-cum on her delicate skin. A couple of men drinking beer nearby under a big thatch umbrella had noticed them, Lily could see them grinning and laughing. Best to ignore them, she thought, soon enough there would be too many witnesses to keep track of. Alessandro adjusted his hips so that his member aligned between her milky white thighs and pushed forward very carefully. Lily moaned softly when the the tip reached her labia, but he surprised her by stopping right there. "Go ahead, do it," she said impatiently, but instead of entering her, he pulled back. The gorgeous actress looked back at him with genuine desire in her eyes and felt his cock sliding over her cunt lips again, teasing her and making her so wet for him. "Don't stop," she pleaded as he kept sliding up and down her cunt lips. She was moaning and moving her hips around in response to the feel of his cock against her, but no matter how much she tried to push back so that he would finally enter her, Alessandro kept pulling back so that she would only feel the head of his cock. With her pussy now dripping wet, Lily started biting the small cushion to stop her moans from alerting the whole beach to what they were doing. It didn't help much, though, as a small crowd of curious tourists had already began to gather around their spot.

"Alessandro, please, I want you inside of me..." she softly begged him, hoping to get it over with before even more people showed up to watch them. Turning her head towards him, she reached out for his face and pulled him into a kiss, pushing her tongue right into his mouth. Alessandro put his arm under her body so that he could hold both of her small tits and helped her get on her hands and knees. Lily cried out when the head of her admirer's cock finally made its way between her pink walls.

"I'm sorry, I'm very small," she apologized, biting her lower lip as he struggled to penetrate her.

"Oh wow, Lily, you are so tight, I--"

"Keep going, don't worry about me! Just push it in, all the way."

Alessandro could not resist any longer, he grabbed Lily's small hips and shoved his cock with determination until he had filled her completely. "YES!" she cried out loud, thrusting her head up, through the wet hair draped over her perfect face she could see the strangers watching her. She figured there were a dozen or so but whatever shame she was feeling was quickly overshadowed by how full Alessandro's cock was making her feel.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" she cried out as her Italian fan drilled her with his shaggy prick time and time again until the wall of people surrounding them began cheering them on. She was so embarrassed at how loud he was making her scream that she had to look down to avoid meeting the strangers' gaze. That quickly became impossible when Alessandro grabbed a handful of her wet hair and pulled her hair back, fucking her more violently than before. "Oh, Lily! Oh, Lily!" he grunted between gritted teeth, pumping Lily hard and fast. "Oh fuck, you feel so good inside of me!" she cried with her eyes closed, her tiny little tits dangling and thrashing below her while she bit her lower lip and got lost in the massive waves of pleasure coursing all over her.

Suddenly, she felt him pulling out of her and picking her up. He made her switch positions with him, so that he was lying down face up on the beach chair, waiting for her to climb on top. Lily found herself standing up completely naked, except for her bikini bottom still wrapped around her ankles. Oh my God, there are so many people here! she thought, frozen for a moment under the piercing eyes of all those tourists staring at her exposed little body. Well, there's no point in stopping now, she said to herself before climbing on top of the chair and squatting over Alessandro's hairy anatomy. She grabbed his dick and guided into her opening, whimpering softly as it penetrated her again. He held on to her hips and kept her tiny frame in place as he thrust forward into her. Running both her hands through her hair, Lily cried out, "YES! YES! YES!". She grabbed his hand and sucked on his finger while he fucked her, her slight and firm little body bouncing up and down on top of his and her pretty lips wrapped around his finger and a look of distressed pleasure drawn across her hazel eyes and thick eyebrows.

He put his hand on her abdomen and pushed her back. Lily rested her weight on her arms behind her and spread open her athletic thighs. Her cute little pussy glowing bright pink and completely exposed to the excited public. Alessandro's thrusts became erratic and she could see him getting tired, "Let me do it, let me pleasure you," she told him before she began moving her hips around in a circular motion, so that her dripping cunt could massage his fan's turgid cock while he rested for a bit.

"Is that good? Do you like it?" she asked, out of breath and glowing with sweat, while he ran his fingers over the well-defined abs on her flat tummy. Panting like a thirsty dog, he shouted, "YES, YES! ODDIO MIO!" and began rapidly thrusting into her again and again until he let out a long, deep sigh and stopped completely. The pretty actress felt a pulsation inside of her, followed by the warm sensation of cum filling her up.

"Oh my-- umm... did you... did you cum inside of me?!" she cried out, looking at the expression of pure bliss now drawn across his face.

"I am... I am sorry, you say--"

"I said whatever you want, yeah... You're right, It's... okay, I guess."

Alessandro slid out of her as he went soft. Lily was about to get off him when he stopped her, "No, please, wait one moment." Embarrassed and somewhat annoyed, the beautiful actress acquiesced to his wish and remained on top with her legs spread open.

"Show me, Lily. Please, show to me."

"Show you what?"   

"The creampie."

Lily's face became even more flushed. She sighed and leaned back, spreading her cunt lips wide open with her fingers as the young man's semen began to drip out of her tiny pink hole.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" she laughed nervously, her pale face glowing red with shame, the fresh sea breeze making her shiver and cooling down the goo dripping from her insides. The fan stared in amazement at his cum coming out of his dream woman, "You are very beautiful, I can't believe you are real."

"Thank you, that's very sweet, Alessandro." She scooped the last glob of goo out of her pink opening and said, "Well, I think that's all of it..." Ready to say goodbye and get the hell out of there she reached for her discarded bathing suit.

"Wait!" he stopped her again, "You have to clean now."

"Clean what?" Lily replied, trying to get her bikini on again. Alessandro nodded in the direction of his stomach, where a small pool of cum had formed around his belly button.

"You can't be serious."

"Please, Lily, you say..."

She looked at the people surrounding them, rubbed her forehead a couple of times and sighed with resignation. A couple of short guys started whistling as she got down on her knees. She got her face close to Alessandro's stomach and stuck out her tongue. After hesitating and withdrawing a couple of times, she finally dragged her tongue across his belly button, gathering the viscous substance that had been inside her just a minute ago. It tasted bitter and Lily winced after swallowing every gulp of cum, but she was adamant about keeping her promise. When Lily did a job, she liked to do it well and, after swallowing most of the cum, the cute actress buried her tongue right in the middle of Alessandro's belly button to get whatever residue there was left. It was then that she felt something warm and sticky rubbing against her right temple.

"Are you seriously getting hard again?" she said incredulously.

"Please, can you..."

She scowled but complied. Wrapping her hands around the shaft, she let out another sigh and cradled the end of his uncircumcised prick with her lips, then she went further down the cum-stained shaft and recognized the familiar taste of her own pussy, feeling Alessandro's hard-on enlarging again inside her mouth.

"Lily, you so pretty with cock in mouth," he praised her as he adoringly stroked her moist hair.

"Thnkf yff," she replied with a stuffed mouth, continuing to suck his cock in front of dozens of people.

"Lily, can I..."


"I want to fuck you in ass."

Her big beautiful eyes shot open and the meat slid out of her mouth. "Oh... I... I don't know, Alessandro, that's... WHOA!" she screamed when he suddenly picked her tiny frame up and turned her to the side. Manhandling her petite anatomy with ease, he brought her next to him, placing her in front with her back to his chest. "Alessandro, wait..." she said nervously, feeling her bikini bottom being pulled down. He got it off and threw it on the sand while he spooned her. "You say whatever I want," he replied while his fingers creeped inside her ass crack, until his middle one found her tight hole and slipped inside.

"Mmmn! ...Okay, but... just be gentle, all right? I've never done that before..."

The young man began fingering her tight asshole while he kissed and nibbled on her neck until she relaxed a bit and started moaning and sighing softly in his hands. "Wait, just let me get ready..." she told him. Her devoted fan watched over her shoulder as she stuck two fingers into her dirty pussy and used her own juices and whatever was left of his cum to lube her asshole. "Okay," she said nervously, "Let's try it..." The insatiable fan placed the tip against her anus and waited. Lily slowly pushed back at his cock, feeling the head starting to make its way inside, whimpering softly as her little asshole fought back. "Oh God it's in!" she screamed when her ass finally stretched around the fat mushroom. "Ow! That's...!" The petite girl cried out loud as her virgin asshole was fucked for the first time. Her teeth clenched tight. her tiny hands gripping the edge of the chair and one of his thighs like claws as he filled her rectum with his meat. "OhmyGod,OhmyGod,OhmyGod!" she kept repeating with a mix of fear and pleasure, the excited crowd laughing and shouting things in Italian as they got a full view of the young man's hairy cock disappearing into that slender girl's ass.   

"Are you okay?" he asked, pushing in and out of her ass very slowly.

It was an awkward feeling, not just the anal sex but doing it in front of dozens of people, but completely different than she would've ever thought.
"It's... not as bad as I expected. Keep going..." she replied, reaching back and stretching her butt cheeks wide open. Alessandro caught her just as she was about to fall from the chair and wrapped his left arm around her neck, keeping her pinned against him as he continued to ram his cock up her rectum and two fingers into her gooey cunt. To Lily's surprise, she enjoyed having both of her holes stimulated at the same time. Never in a million years could she have imagined that a dorky fan was what she needed to discover those things about herself. And slowly but surely, the pain and awkwardness began to give way to pure excitement and lust. She hadn't forgotten about the crowd of strangers watching her get her ass pummeled but she was just too intoxicated with her own pleasure to care about the laughs, the whistling and everything else. What she was doing was not charity anymore, as evidenced by the way she kept turning her head and pulling him in to kiss him deeply and slowly, eyes closed and tongues intertwined, not at all differently from the way she used to kiss her last boyfriend.

Alessandro was giving her everything he had and the lounge chair was squeaking like it was about to surrender, "Lily, you feel so good... so tight!" His words fanned the fire in her, "Oh God I love you in my ass!" she cried out, pushing her ass back and holding him with one hand so that she could enjoy feeling him all the way in her rectum for just a little bit longer. Lily kept smiling with her eyes closed as her devoted fan continued to whisper praises into her ear while slowly moving in and out of her. Completely fixated in the new and amazing sensation of her tight asshole expanding to its limit and the intense pleasure that came with it, Lily could no longer hold on and fell off the chair. Alessandro jumped after her like a panther and squatted down, grabbing hold of her ass cheeks he aimed for her gaping hole and plunged into her again with full force.

"NNNNNGGHH!!!" the tiny actress whimpered with one side of her face buried in the sand and her butt sticking out in the air. From her awkward position she could see Alessandro's furry arms keeping her in place while he continued to thrust into her tight asshole from his new position, pounding down using his weight to go balls deep. She strained herself further by putting her weight on just one arm so the other could be free to reach between her legs and rub her clit ferociously. His cock was so deep in her that she couldn't talk anymore and even her moans had turned into feral, deep-throated grunts. "You like?! You like cock in ass?!" a frenzied Alesandro kept shouting almost out of breath and ruthlessly spanking the bottom of her right cheek. She wanted to scream "YES!", she wanted everyone to hear how much she loved all of it but all she could do was whimper and grunt like a bitch while trying not to choke with the hot sand getting into her nose and mouth. Alessandro stopped himself at the last moment before cumming and in that same moment he felt her tiny body squirming under his with the violent tremors and spasms of pleasure from a huge orgasm. Lily's slender body went limp and a soft and an almost inaudible sigh escaped her lips when her sore and abused hole was finally unplugged and allowed respite.

Her Italian lover picked her up and carefully laid her to rest on the lounge chair. Completely naked and half-covered in sand, Lily was a sight to behold. A sweaty, shimmering, heavenly creature still panting from the strain of her first anal experience with a warm smile across her perfect face. Alessandro stood over her with his hairy cock pointing at the sky and massaged her exquisite little breasts while jerking off to her, but soon found his hand replaced with hers. "Mmmm, thank you for that..." she moaned as she stroked him as fast as she could under her weakened state, lovingly kissing the head of his cock where the strange but exciting taste of her asshole was now significantly more vivid than before. It didn't take long for the young man's knees to weaken, "ODDIO!" he grunted and, wrapping Lily's jerking hand with his, pointed the reddened crown of his prick straight at her forehead, covering each of her famously thick eyebrows with a creamy layer of cum. The specificity of the spot he had chosen did not surprise Lily in the least, having heard many men over the years confess a lewd desire to do exactly that, and so, she giggled and flinched as the warm shots of jizz hit her face and dripped down to her bright and elegant hazel eyes, forcing her eyelids to close under the weight of such a heavy load.

Alessandro finally released her hand after almost crushing it in the frenzy of his climax and pulled up his swimming trunks to a chorus of excited tourists cheering and clapping for the explicit performance they had just provided.

"Was that everything you wanted?" the pretty actress said, searching blindly for her bikini with half of her face covered with sand and the rest with semen.

Tumbling down onto the sand an out of breath Alessandro replied "Oh yes, I like it very much, thank you!"

"No, thank you for all of that, Alessandro. I actually learned a lot about me today..."

Lily's assistant arrived to cover her with a robe and wipe her face clean with a small wet towel. Several men and women working for the Foundation gathered the crowd of onlookers and explained to them that what they had just witnessed was nothing more than a scene from an upcoming movie, the title of which they could not yet disclose. Before leaving, Lily gave Alessandro one final hug and wished him luck with his procedure.

"You have to be very brave, Alessandro," she said, holding his hands and looking straight into his eyes, "I promise you that when you get through this I will visit you in the hospital and we'll celebrate together, okay?"

"Yes. I will be strong for you.”

“Then it’s a promise!”



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The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, Shane81uk, Viri


Re: The Wet a Dick Foundation, Starring Lily Collins
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 03:36:58 PM »
Nice, this series is great.


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Re: The Wet a Dick Foundation, Starring Lily Collins
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2019, 06:19:06 PM »
This was great!  Enjoyed the public aspect of it very much!


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