All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it ever occurred, nor would it.
Additional Disclaimer: This is not your standard celeb fan fiction. In this, the celebs are no themselves, but rather, students at a college. It's them, without the fame. Still the same hotness. If that is a big deal to you, this is your warning. Otherwise, enjoy.
All-Star College
by MaxwellLord
(MF, MFM, oral, anal, DP, slut)
Chapter 1
Celebs(sex roles in blue): Selena Gomez, Peyton Roi List,
Victoria Justice,
Kate Upton,
Lili Reinhart,
Bella Thorne, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Alison Brie, Camila Mendes, Gillian Jacobs
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for some of that old college debauchery," Paul Simmons said. He was in his dorm room, his dormmates and lifelong friends, Jesse Carr and Matt Nelson, by his side. He had just finished hanging the last poster in his section of the three man room.
"Because nothing screams sex and decadence like a John Belushi poster," Matt snidely said.
"Let the man have his cliche," Jesse added with a laugh. "Besides, we all know how that story ends, I don't think anyone wants to go full Belushi."
"Of course not m'boys," said Paul. "Kind of hard to get pussy when you're six feet under. You guys ready to check out the trim?"
"You mean go to the dining commons and see who's there?" Jesse asked.
"Yeah, but my way sounded better." Matt and Jesse decided to let Paul have it. After all, today was just the move in day, classes wouldn't start until Monday, so there was no need to add stress to the living situation before the college life began in full.
Since people were still coming in, the hallways were buzzing with students moving in. So much activity in fact, Jesse bumped into someone that would end up changing his and Paul's lives.
The two didn't even see each other, Jesse checking out his upcoming class schedule on his phone, the girl unable to see over the boxes she was carrying into her room. Sadly, those boxes soon came tumbling down.
"Oh fuck, I'm sorry," Jesse said, immediately going to help her. He reached out for her hand, which she took. It was then that their eyes met and Jesse saw the single most beautiful woman in his life.

"Oh, it's no problem," the blonde said, laughing at the situation. "Not like I could see either."
"Yeah," Jesse replied. He was having trouble forming sentences, still stunned by her beauty. The girl found herself in a similar situation, feeling a spark, an instant attraction to this stranger. "Um, let me help you with"
"Thanks." She replied. "Room 75." She picked up some of her boxes, and Jesse got the rest.
"75? I'm in 74, right across the hall."
"Oh, well in that case, hi neighbor." She flashed him a smile that somehow melted his already melted heart again. That's right, this lady could melt the same heart twice in a row.
"Um, my name's Jesse. Jesse Carr," Jesse blurted out. "Though, yeah, neighbor could be a good nickname."
"I think it's a bit too impersonal," the blonde smiled. "I'll stick with Jesse. And you should stick with Peyton. Peyton List."
"Well, I'd say we should shake hands but, you know, boxes."
"Totally." The pair wouldn't have to wait long for a more formal greeting. With a few more steps, they were at Peyton's door. The leggy blonde kick-knocked the door. In seconds it was answered, and Jesse met his second drop dead gorgeous girl of the day.

"Well," the sexy brunette said, a smirk on her lips. "Looks like you found yourself a new friend Pey."
"Victoria, this is Jesse," Peyton said. "Jesse this is my roommate, Victoria Justice."
“Hi,” Jesse said. “Just thought I'd help Peyton with her stuff after knocking it all down.”
“That's one way to get a date.” Victoria replied.
“Oh, be nice to him Vic.” Peyton put her boxes down on her bed and turned to Jesse. “You'll have to pardon the lioness, she hasn't had her meal today.”
“Well, at least not lunch, had real big breakfast.”
“The football player down the hall?”
Victoria grinned wide and nodded. “I feel it's a good idea to start early in getting to know the people on this floor. And the integrity of the beds.”
“I'm sure you and your crash test dummy had fun,” Peyton laughed. “But maybe some real food would interest you?”
“Hey, maybe we could eat together,” suggested Jesse. “I mean, um, well, me and my friends were already on our way down to the commons.”
“Oh, that sounds nice.” Peyton replied. “Where are your friends?”
“The might already be there actually, I was following them when I bumped into you, quite literally.”
With that cue, Paul and Matt entered the doorway.
“Found you fuckface, what happened to you?” asked Paul before setting his eyes on Peyton. “Well, what do we have here?”
“This is Peyton,” Jesse said, trying to stand between Paul the predator and Peyton the prey.
“Hi,” she said. “You're friends with Jesse?”
“Of course he is, he called him fuckface,” Victoria said, thoroughly unimpressed with Paul “Like all good friends.”
“Yeah, me and Jesse go way back. And I hope you and I can go even further, Peyton.”
“Well, since Paul won't do it, I'm Matt. The third wheel, apparently,” Matt said.
“That's not a bad thing,” Victoria said, taking and shaking Matt's hand. “In fact, I can think of quite a few activities that are quite fun and involve three people. I'm Victoria.”
“I'm Matt and I love the number three now.” Victoria gave him a wink, then turned her attention back to Jesse. “So, you were saying something about lunch right? You, Peyton, myself.”
“And me, now.” Paul added, on Peyton like white on rice. “Don't forget.”
“Sadly, I doubt I could if I tried.”
“Great,” Paul said, not remotely hearing or caring about what Victoria had to say. “Lunch is on me.” Paul took an enamored Peyton by the hand and lead her out the door.
“The genius who took my roommate is aware the D.C. is free this weekend, right?” asked Victoria, annoyance and disdain dripping from her voice.
“Trust me,” Jesse said. “The food is the last thing on his mind. Or hers, sadly.”
“Day's not over yet, man,” Matt said. “Besides, it's not like he ONLY goes after women you're's just the ones he tries to make his girlfriend.” He gave Jesse a sarcastic pat on the back and followed behind Peyton and Paul.
“If he only knew,” Jesse said in a laugh.
“Knew what?” asked Victoria.
“Long story.” he replied. “Want to watch slime at work over lunch?”
“I don't really think I have a choice if I'm going with you, but no way in Hell am I leaving my roommate alone with someone like that on the first day of knowing her.”
“You'd be the first to stop Paul.” Shrugging, Jesse and Victoria finally exited the room.
The dining commons was bustling with activity, as any place with free food tends to be. Though by the time both Jesse and Victoria had found their table, the sight of Paul having Peyton completely in his thrall was more than enough to make them lose their appetite.
“And he has her,” Jesse said. “Not record time, but not his worst.”
“Look, I might have only just met both of them, but I'd like to think my roommate is a bit to smart for whatever he's selling.”
“Trust me,” Jesse said. “I've known him since junior high. The smarter the girl, the nicer the girl, the easier they fall.”
“Then I must be a dumb, mean bitch then.” replied Victoria.
“No, you can just smell bullshit from a mile away. It's rare, but he can sense you just like you can sense him. Which is most likely why he won't even remember your name.”
“Jesse, Veronica,” Paul said upon the pair's arrival. “We were wondering when you'd show up.”
“Told you,” Jesse said.
“Well, we weren't really. These two were preoccupied with whatever and I was marveling at this bomb ass grilled cheese,” Matt said.
“This one?” Victoria asked when she sat. Matt nodded, and she reached over and grabbed half the sandwich and took a bite, making an over-exaggerated show of mulling over the flavor. Then another bite. Then another. Then finally the sandwich was gone. “Yeah, not bad.”
“Thanks,” Matt said, giving the brunette a sardonic grin. “So glad to make a new friend.”
“Victoria's nice when you get to know her a bit,” Peyton added. “Or seems to be.”
“I'm sure she is,” said Paul. “But enough about Veronica...”
“Whatever, weren't we making dinner plans?”
“Well, I don't think it'd be smart tonight,” Peyton said, making Jesse breath a sigh of relief that Paul could't care to notice. “And most of next week is just getting used to the Saturday though, that works for me, how about you?”
“Perfection.” replied Paul. “Much like yourself.”
Victoria rolled her eyes and tossed the sandwich half that remained back to Matt. “Take it. My appetite is long gone.”
"Thanks." he replied, tossed the crusted remains to the side.
“Yeah, I can relate,” Jesse said, picking at his food while watching Peyton go completely nuts for Paul's tricks. He knew it was stupid. He'd only just met her. Still, he knew he felt something, and then along came Paul.
Right when the nausea had reached it's zenith point for Victoria and Jesse, it spread to Matt when his own past came back to haunt him in the form of his ex-girlfriend, Demi Lovato.
He didn't see her approach at first, but the moment she came into focus, any feeling of hunger faded from him, replaced only with an all consuming dread.
“Hi Matt,” Demi said. “How've you been?”
“I was doing fine,” he said. “Now, I think I lost my appetite.” He stood up from his seat and looked Demi right in the eye. “What part of '
I never want to see you again' did you not understand?”
“You didn't even give me a chance to explain.”
“Yeah, that'd be kind of hard for you to do with his dick in your mouth!”
“Oh fuck you! Look, I came over here to try and be nice. We're on the same campus, we might bump into each other. I thought it might be best to be civil with you. But Matt Nelson? Go fuck yourself.” Demi stormed off, every bit as angry now as Matt had been.
“Demi, you okay?” Selena Gomez asked, getting up from her seat.
“Hey, you know how he feels about me?” Demi asked. “I feel double that for you. Go back to your new friend Taylor.” Demi continued her path out of the commons, leaving Matt still furious and standing alone in the middle of the massive room. Selena could only shrug and return to her table with the aforementioned Taylor Swift.
“What was that all about?” asked Taylor. “I thought you two were friends.”
“So did I.” Selena replied. “She thinks I ditched her for you so I'd have an easy in for your sorority.”
“Wow, jealous much?”
“That's Demi. Didn't help it came right when she and Matt broke up. Shit, they were like that couple that's always been together since, like, grade school or something that end up married. Then, well, something happened.”
“What happened?”
“Not my place to say. Even if she hates me, I'm not breaking her trust.”
“No problem,” Taylor said with a smirk.
I can always find out on my own, the blonde thought to herself. She didn't want to break Selena's trust. After all, Selena was her best friend. But Demi was part of Katy Perry's sorority, which made her the opposition. Taylor wanted all the information on the opposition she could get, just in case.
Back at Matt's table, he was still fuming, and Paul of all people seemed the most uncomfortable. This was a detail that did not escape Victoria.
“I think I'm gonna go tour the campus a bit more,” Paul said, his voice tense and nervous. “Peyton, you care to join me?”
“That sounds great,” she said smiling. The pair then left, hand in hand. Victoria and Jesse watched them leave, Victoria disgusted that any girl would fall for a viper like Paul and Jesse reeling from once again dealing with his “friend” swooping in and getting their before he could even contemplate making a move.
“Well, I think I'm going to go the parking lot and scream myself hoarse,” Matt said. “See you later.” With Matt gone, Victoria reached over to his tray to grab his grilled cheese and took a bite.
“Wow,” she said. “This IS fucking good.” She tore off a piece and offered to Jesse, who also partook of the sandwich.
“God damn,” he said. “I got my appetite back.”
“Me too. Want to finish up here then check out the campus as far away from your friend as possible?”
“Sure.” As the two newfound friends ate and made plans, they, nor anyone at the table noticed that they had been watched the entire time by Reggie Fisk. He was a well dressed young man who made film executives and lawyers look squeaky clean. Most people who knew him were surprised he didn't leave a trail of slime in his path.
But he did have his purposes. One of them was he was a great salesman. A superb middleman for people who sold a certain product. He could sell to anyone and always could find the best customers. And when he saw Matt and Demi, he knew he had a customer.
Before Matt could exit the commons completely, Reggie got in his way, his best car salesman smile on display. “Hey man, that seemed pretty rough,” he said. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Matt replied. “And who are you?”
“Straight to business. I like that. Look, I take it you knew that delicious babe pretty personally to get that worked up, correct?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well, first off, good job getting that. The ass on that girl, outta this world. Still, if you're pissed off, I think I could find a way to relieve your stress, for a price.”
“Whoa whoa whoa pal, sorry, but I'm strictly butter side up. No offense.”
“I'm not offering. I'm just your hook-up.” Reggie reached into his jacket and pulled out a business card with a phone number. “Call that number. If Bella answers, get ready for some fun. At a price.”
“What price?”
“Well, that's up to her. IF you even want to relieve that stress in the most fun way possible. And, take it from me pal, no woman can quite relieve that specific stress a bitchy ex provides quite like the girl on the other end of that phone number. Guaranteed.”
Matt took the business card, then looked at Reggie with an eyebrow raised. He saw that grin on the salesman when he bought his first car. The one that lasted all of a week and a half. However, what he was supposedly hooking him up with sounded appealing. He was pent up, and with more than just anger. Despite what happened between him and Demi, just the sight of her was enough to make him ready to go. If he didn't hate her guts he would have tried to take her to the restroom for a quickie.
“I might look into it,” Matt said. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Reggie grinned. Matt nodded and walked out of the commons. “We got one.”
While Matt was pondering his stress relief options, Jesse and Victoria took a look around the school store. They were just browsing, not really looking for anything in particular, though for people who had just met, the conversation was getting surprisingly deep.
“Jesse, you seem like an all right guy,” Victoria said. “And Matt seems a bit on the toadie side, but all right. So why are you two friends with someone like Paul? I mean I know him for what, maybe twenty minutes and I already want to feed his balls to my bulldog.”
“Well, and thanks for the image by the way, it's kind of complex.” he replied. “I mean, he wasn't always like this, or at least not as bad. But once he had sex for the first time and essentially discovered that, well, he was silver tongued both in and outside of bed, it all went to his head. And it often times leads to bad situations, as you saw.”
“Look, the Peyton thing makes me feel slimy too, but it might not be that bad.”
“That's not what I was talking about.”
Victoria took a moment, then realization hit her. Matt and Demi. “ way. Matt's like his sidekick!”
“Yep. That whole thing between Matt and Demi is because Matt walked in on Demi. The way he tells the story, some guy was fucking her, well, to be blunt fucking her up the ass. She was dressed like sexy Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and Matt was the Tin Man. Anyway, he walks in catches this, and is silent. Dumbstruck, right? Watches just to the end when the guy, in a mask, total coverage, pulls out and blasts on Demi's face. That's of course when Matt makes his presence known, breaks up with her on the spot. Storms out of the party, doesn't speak to her again until today.”
“Wow, and the guy in the mask was Paul?”
“Yep. Demi told me, then Paul confessed. Told me telling Matt would crush him because then he'd not only have lost a girlfriend but a best friend. I didn't buy it. Then Demi told me what happened and...I kind of had to keep quiet.”
“What did she tell you?” Victoria asked. “Paul didn't, you know...”
“Not exactly,” said Jesse. “Demi has kind of an addiction issue. Used to drink, do coke, a lot. She'd tried to get clean and stay clean in junior year of high school, if you can believe that. And she did pretty well. She fell of the wagon a few times, but no one, especially not Matt, judged her. If anything he was the single most supportive person I'd ever seen when that happened. But then came that Halloween party. Matt had volunteered for a beer run for the party. Demi was cool with this. When she was sober, she wasn't preachy about it. But Paul, being stone cold sober, started slipping her alcohol. First a shot, then a glass of wine, and soon she was doing beer bongs. All the while, Paul was dead sober. I think you can piece it together from there.”
“That motherfucker isn't getting near Peyton.” Victoria declared. “No way. I don't know the girl that well, but nope, not happening.”
“Your heart is in the right place on this, but the hooks are in. He's got her and the spell is unbreakable. Believe me, anyone who knows him has marveled in horror.”
“So why didn't you ever tell Matt?” Victoria asked. “Paul alone couldn't have been enough to stop you, and it sounds like Demi would want to tell the fucking cops, quite frankly.”
“Demi was ashamed and didn't want to hurt Matt more than he was. She wouldn't hear anything else. She took the total brunt of it all. Couldn't break my word to her, and if she'd come to you, I don't think you'd be able to refuse her request either.”
“Fair enough. Hope you don't mind if I make it my mission to destroy him.”
“Honestly, not at all.” replied Jesse. “Frankly, I'm starting to wonder why I'm still friends with the guy. Not just over Peyton either. Though that stings. It's not like he knew I was into her. But I also know that wouldn't have stopped him. I don't know, sometimes it's hard to cut ties. Especially when the person you used to know sometimes comes out to play from the house of shit he now lives in.”
“That's nice, kinda poetic. You an English major?”
“No, acting.”
“Really? So's Peyton. I think you have an in, good sir. Well, two. Because of three of you jokers we met today, you can be sure I won't be shit talking you.”
“Thanks,” Jesse said, sharing a quick look with Victoria. “Want to check out the gym? Somebody said they actually have three pools, one just for casual, non sports stuff.”
“Water slide?”
“Let's go.”
While those two headed to the gym, Matt, back in his dorm room, had decided to call the number on the card. He was a bit anxious, even when he heard a female voice pick up.
“Hello, this is Bella,” the voice said. “If you're calling me on this phone, I have a pretty good idea what you're looking for. How can I help?”
“Well, I guess an associate of your gave me this card,” he said, trying not to sound as nervous as he was. “He said you were the perfect, um stress reliever.”
“Not the best compliment Reggie has ever given me, but it worked. But let me ask you...what's your name?”
“Well Matt, rest-assured, I'm so much more. Sure, I can take care of any tension you may have. I'm also the most fun you can have doing the filthiest things imaginable for a reasonable price.”
“How reasonable?”
“Let me tell you what,” Bella began. “Meet me at the university library. Go right to the world history section and go down the hallway to the restroom. You'll see a door marked emergency exit. Go through it. No alarm will go off, trust me. Head straight down that hallway and out to the alleyway. That's where I'll be so we can discuss business. No commitment, but I'd recommend bringing cash. You can always say no, but no one's been able to do that with me yet. Bye.”
Bella hung up, confident Matt would come to her. And she was right. Matt's second head was doing the thinking now. He opened his lock box, took all the cash he had and headed to the library in a near sprint. He didn't even know what this woman looked like but the way she sounded was enough to make him stiff as a board.
Before too long Matt was in the library, following Bella's directions to a T. World history, hallway, fake emergency exit, alleyway, and there she was, the ultimate hooker right in front of him.

“You must be Matt,” Bella said, a sultry and slutty smile on her face. “I'm Bella. Bella Thorne if you want the full name.”
“Um, hi.” Matt replied. He was beginning to sweat, nerves taking over, which made Bella giggle.
“Am I making you nervous? That is so cute.” She walked toward him, sashaying her hips and licking her lips. “Sweetie, calm down. Let me give you the rundown. Usually, these are the prices. Oral is a hundred. My cunt, that's three hundred. Right to the ass? Five hundred. Total package, all three of my naughty little fuckholes? That's a sweet bargain at seven hundred. But you? My sexy little sweetheart, you can get the whole package for just five hundred.”
“Just five hundred?” he asked incredulously.
“I know, you think it's a lot. But here's why it's not. I'm not joking about usually charging seven hundred for everything. I've been doing this since junior year of high school, I have a fairly large client list, especially now that I can do it somewhat legally at twenty years old. Still, my clients include students here, athletes, coaches, professors...they're all regulars and they'd all vouch for me if Yelp existed for whores. Which, let's be honest, I am and I love it. I also am a business woman and like getting new customers. So I run specials. For example, right now, back to school special. It's my not my first year on campus but I still love to make a good impression. That would bring the total package down to six hundred. However...this is just the weekend before school, and you're my first customer, I hope. So...I'm giving you a special discount. I like making my customers happy in the pants and in their pockets. I hope the price and the experience make you a return customer. And you can cum as much as you want. I don't watch the clock. I don't even fucking set the clock. We're done when we're done.” Bella licked her lips and smiled. She knew she had him. All Matt had to do was say the word.
“Done deal,” he said, reaching into his pocket and taking out the cash. He took out five hundred, which, thanks to meticulous saving, would not break his bank at all.
“No no honey,” Bella said. “Money after. I like it better that way.”
“So, where are we doing this?”
“Here,” she replied. “No one will find us. That's why this isn't an exit. When they expanded the library they had to essentially cut this off as an emergency exit. This whole area is walled off. No one here but you, me, and a bunch of cigarette butts for people who are in the know.”
Bella slowly moved Matt until he was against the wall. She was like a cat playing with her prey. She delicately licked at his lips before kissing him. She gave him a slutty smile then sunk to her knees. “You can be as gentle or as rough as you want...I like it both ways.”
“Oh shit,” Matt sighed as Bella took his cock in her mouth. She wasn't lying, she was a pro. Not a single wasted movement. Even the moans she made, the sucking sounds, the eyes contact all these things spelled out one thing,Bella knew exactly what her calling was and was not ashamed to embrace it.
She pulled her mouth of Matt's cock, bringing her hand to jack and tease it. Matt shivered and moaned as Bella rubbed the underside with her thumb, going up and down, then in circles.
“Mmm you like that, don't you sweetie? Mmm, don't worry, your whore is going to take good care of you.” Bella moved her mouth to his balls and eagerly began to give them a tongue bath.
“Fuck this is so worth it!” Matt exclaimed. “Every fucking penny.”
“Oh, honey, I haven't even earned fifty dollars yet. You haven't felt anything yet.” Bella extended her tongue and licked from Matt's taint to the tip of his cock, flicking her tongue against it before taking him throat deep and holding him there.
“Motherfucker!” he yelled. “Fuck, I'm already close!”
“Mmmmm, glad you're enjoying yourself,” Bella said. She took a few breaths before going back to attacking his prick. It was almost a reverse face fuck, Bella impaling her own mouth on his cock. It was a new experience for Matt, but one he was relishing. He had never been with anyone so cock hungry before. Whether it was for money or not, you can't fake a love for dick the way Bella was displaying it.
“It's okay if you cum,” she said, her tone almost begging for some jizz. “I told you, you can cum as many times as you want...make me earn that money...make this whore earn her keep...gimme some cum sweetie...make me swallow it...”
“Oh fuck fuck fuck,” Matt whined, bringing a gigantic, Cheshire grin to Bella's face. The grin would have grown even wider when Matt finally reached the breaking point and grabbed her by the head, finally taking charge and facefucking her, desperate to blow his wad right down her throat.
“Ung...unh...fucking take it you slut....fucking whore...ughh!!!” he growled, he thrusts producing a rhythmic “Glug glug glug” to come from Bella's mouth as he rammed it until finally he hit that ever so delectable wall.
Matt held Bella's head in place as he unloaded in her mouth, Bella not missing a beat in swallowing every drop down. It went even further, as Bella refused to let go of his cock, not allowing a second of calm for his cock. She was going to earn her money, and she couldn't do that with a soft cock.
The pleasure shooting through Matt's body was almost too intense, the aftershocks Bella was giving him making him wobbly and weak in the knees.
When Bella was confident he was staying hard, she backed off, placing one last, sensual French kiss on his cock head.
“Bet that felt good,” Bella said knowing all too well. Her vicious smile told the whole story, and her body language was the perfect punctuation. “Hope you don't mind all that post-cum sucking. Want to make sure you get to sample everything you paid for.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, hungrily, starving like the good whore she was. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him.
Their eyes locked, Bella staring him out with a smirk as she reached between them and grasped his cock, aiming it for her sopping cunt.
“No need to wait honey,” she teased. “Fuck me.”
Her grin, teasing and tantalizing combined with her cock hungry attitude was too much for Matt. He pinned her against the wall and drove his cock into her in one thrust, Bella howling in pleasure.
“That's the fucking spirit Matt,” she said. “Fuck the whore...fuck this whore cunt...fucking use me!”
“Fucking whore...earn my fucking money...fuck...” Any thoughts Matt might have had of Demi earlier faded away as he took Bella's heavenly cunt. Fuck, the mouth alone had ended up being worth this price in his summation. Her pussy was beyond belief. For a pro, she was shockingly tight. With every thrust, he could still tell she was a pro with how could tighten and flex her cunt muscles at will, knowing just when to do it.
He pulled her top down, her tits falling out and his mouth immediately went to them. He hungrily sucked and licked at them like a starving man served a three course meal.
“Fucking bight my nipples!” Bella demanded. “Not nibble, fucking bite!”
Matt pulled out and dropped Bella back to her feet. Before the slutty redhead could say anything, Matt spun her around, slapped her apple-round bottom and drove his cock back into her pussy again.
Bella let out a low moan, a smile on her face. She loved it when she got this out of her clients. It didn't always have to be rough or fast...but real. Real, raw sexual feeling, no holding got her hot. Hotter than she already was for her job. Now Matt was really fucking her, and she knew he wasn't done with her.
“Oh you dirty bitch,” he growled before giving in, the sensation making Bella squeal in delight.
“Mmmm...that's right Matt...fuck my sluthole...fucking take it and make it's all yours till you're done with me...then just leave...throw that fucking money on your little cumslut when you're done with her....fuck me! YES!”
“Oh I'm gonna fuck you like the dirty bitch you are,” Matt said, a sneer coming to his face as he got more and more into the depravity of Bella. He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fist and yanked her head back. He then pressed his lips to her ears. “You still owe me that ass, remember?”
“Oh yeah?” she asked, taunting him with her tone. “Then what the fuck are you gonna do about it big man? You gonna fuck it? Take that asshole and make it a your private fuckhole till you're done?”
“You fucking know it!”
“Then stop talking and start fucking! Fuck that ass!”
Matt pulled out of Bella and pressed his cock, slick with Bella's juices right up against her anus and pressed forward, the slut grinning and hissing as he popped the head through.
“Fuck you're tight,” Matt said. “Tight ass for a whore.”
“Not all men are man enough to know what they want and pay for it,” Bella said. “Most of these pussies just go for a blow. They aren't real men like you. Real men know what they want and get it...”
Matt yanked Bella's hair gain, bringing her lips to his for a sloppy, hungry kiss. “I'm gonna fuck your ass the way a slut like you needs it.”
“Mmm, wouldn't have it any other way baby.” It didn't take long for Matt to build his pace, a pace Bella loved to the core. Hard, rough, fast. He slammed into her tight ass with no mercy, and Bella requested none. The pleasureful pain made her hot, sopping wet. Anal was one of her favorite parts of the job, especially if the man was starving for it. The hunger was contagious, as it turned out. The more the man wanted to fuck her ass, the more Bella NEEDED her ass fucked.
Matt grasped Bella by her hips, smacking her ass cheeks hard as he slammed into her asshole as hard and as fast he could He was going to cum, no doubt about it. The only frustration in his head now was cumming up her ass or on her face.
“Gonna fucking cum,” Matt announced. “Fucking this whore ass is gonna make me shoot.”
“Mmmm, fill up my ass baby,” Bella pleaded. “Shoot that spunk up my fuck chute...fucking cum! Cum up my ass!”
“Oh you slut TAKE IT!” Matt growled, slamming into her one more time and unleashing a torrent of cum of her well fucked asshole. He held her still as his eyes rolled in the back of his head from the intense pleasure.
“FUCK YES!” Bella cried out, the hot jism hitting her bowels making her cum as well, every new pulse of Matt's cock sending a new ripple of pleasure through her body. After a few after pumps, Matt pulled out, bracing himself against the wall. He smirked as he watched some cum dribble out of Bela's freshly fucked anus.
“Mmmmm, that was amazing baby,” Bella said. “I only need one more thing from you.”
“What's that?”
Bella smirked at him while she crawled over to him and began to suck his cock, fresh from her ass, teasing the still sensitive head.
“Throw the money in my face and call me a good whore.”
Matt couldn't help but grin. He grabbed the money from his pocket and tossed it in her face as her lips were still on his softening cock. “Here's your money, you good little whore.”
“Mmm, thank you.” she replied. “You were a lot of fun. Don't be a stranger sweetie.”
While those two were composing themselves, Paul and Peyton found themselves just outside the library, Paul's hooks in deep and Peyton completely entranced. Paul knew how to play this. He wouldn't get any action tonight, at least not from Peyton.
He knew it would be at least a week before he got a piece of her. But she looked quality, so she was worth it. Besides, if he gained her trust, he could do just about whatever he wanted, and not just with her. Sure, he knew what people thought of him. He even knew some of his friends thought the same. It didn't matter to him. As long as he got what he wanted how he wanted when he wanted, that's all that mattered. It's the best lesson his father taught him and the perfect philosophy for life as far as he was concerned.
“So, you thinking about your Oscar speech already,” he asked. “Picking out the dress?”
“Oh stop,” she giggled. “I'm just studying. I don't even know if I'm any good. That's why I'm doing a double major in computer science. Back up plans and all.”
“Beautiful and smart. I'd also put money down on talent being in the mix as well.” She blushed. Hit confirmed. “This really is a nice day. Can't think of a better way to spend it.”
“I can't disagree.” Peyton replied. “Wouldn't mind a repeat...then another.”
“Well, I'm sure we could vary it next time Peyton. Maybe a nice, moonlit walk after dinner? Then the next time maybe pick you up for breakfast...not a long commute after all.”
“That sounds wonderful..especially breakfast.”
“I aim to please. I hope you get to see that in the long run.”
“Well, I can free up my schedule.” She smiles, beaming, Eyes sparkling.
“Wanna head back to the room? I'll help you unpack.”
“That sounds great.” The pair walked off, a sick sense of pride in Paul that beamed off him like a search light. So bright it couldn't help but be noticed by two passers by, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.
“Ooof, that guys bad news,” Selena said. “Girl's gonna get taken for a ride.”
“Aw, you jealous, Sel?” Taylor teased. “You want the ride instead?”
“Oh please Tay, I'm not that bad.”
“If you have a list, keep it to yourself right now. Let me enjoy the last weekend before class begins hang-up free.”
“List being put back mentally, and done.”
“Thanks,” Selena said. “So, when's your first class?”
“Ugh, Monday, seven in the morning. Biochem. The human brain is not designed for advanced chemical polymers for any time before noon. You?”
“Monday, but not till noon. Perfect actor's schedule!” Selena smiled. “Same class as Pete, we're probably going to go together, get lunch before hand.”
“Oh, Peter?” Taylor said with a smirk. “I like Peter.”
“So do I. That's why we're friends. Nothing more.”
“Does he know that?”
“Does who know what?” Peter said, coming up to the pair of beauties from behind.
“Oh nothing,” Selena said. “Nothing important.”
“Well, I don't know, might be important to someone,” Taylor remarked. Ever since she'd known Selena, she'd known Peter Farrano. And she could see someone utterly lovestruck when she saw it. That was Peter all over when it came to Selena. And in Taylor's eyes, it'd be a perfect match, if it wasn't for Selena's preference for bad guys. Not not even bad guys with a heart of gold. Just assholes. And she could see something behind her eyes whenever Peter was around, but it couldn't overpower Selena's tendencies towards the drizzling shits. Not that Peter was always waiting for scraps. He tended to be busy as well, something Taylor could certainly attest to.
“Not that I don't love both of you, I think I should leave the two person film crew alone to discuss their plans for the year. Taylor gave them each a hug, along with a kiss to Peter's cheek along with a whisper of advice: “Keep trying.”
“Didn't mean to intrude or anything,” said Peter.
“You didn't.” Selena replied, her smile making his heart flutter. “Walk with me. I'm heading back to the dorm.”
“Cool. What floor did you get?”
“Top floor, you?”
“Same. Kind of surprised you aren't staying in the sorority house. Thought it was required, actually.”
“More like preferred, but the opportunity was too good. The person I was assigned to live with got a place off campus at the last second. I've got a BIG suite all to myself. All I have to do is share the bathroom, which I'd have to do anyway in the sorority. Kind of want to really live alone as much as I can.”
“Damn that must be sweet. I'm sharing with someone named Cliff Hetfield. Seems nice enough but I get the feeling from the three guitars he brought with him I'm going to need earplugs just to sleep.”
“Aww, poor baby,” she teased. “Tell you what, if it gets really bad you can just crash with me.”
“Really?” Peter asked, a smile on his face too big for Selena to not notice what was behind it, yet somehow she always didn't. “I mean, um, aren't there rules or something?”
“I guess? I mean, technically the other person is still listed as being my dorm mate, but they're never going to show up. The school can't put anyone else in there for the entire semester. I guarantee there's going to be a lot more illicit activities then a friend crashing their because he can't sleep. You're in the clear. You know, if you need it.”
“No problem. It's what friends do.”
Friends. That word friends. It stung a little. There was no one Peter would rather be around than Selena, but it just being friends, he couldn't deny it stung him. He'd been in love with her since first grade, the day she moved in next to him. They'd been as inseparable as anyone save for Peter's other closest friend. Maybe even as much as her and Demi had once been. And as their interests grew together, her dreams of being an actress and his of making movies, they made some really bad short movies in high school together, but they were fun. And they got even closer. Nit just not as close as Peter would have liked.
But Peter didn't judge her. He loved her, but wouldn't leave her side. That's not what friends do, no matter how much it hurt.
“So, I'm guessing you have some ideas for shorts for the student film showcase?” Selena asked. “Or do you want to brainstorm in the dorm lounge?”
“Brainstorm.” he replied. “Wanna grab some Cokes and head over?”
“You read my mind.” Se smiled at him, taking a small moment. “You always do, don't you?”
“Well, we can discuss my amazing psychic abilities on the way, can't we?”
“Mmm, maybe I'm psychic, because I knew you were going to say that.”
“Well, aren't we a pair of mutant freaks?”
“I think we have a movie idea,” she laughed. While the two walked off, another pair of friends, with little to no romantic tension between them, walked right on by. One of those two was someone Selena and Peter should have noticed right away...and vice verse.
“What's the plan my blonde bombshell buddy?” Camila Mendes asked. “Last weekend before sophomore year starts, we have to do a big damn blow out before our weekend are consumed by studying and only moderate darn blow outs.”
“I have front row seats to WHW tonight!” replied a very excited Lili Reinhart.

“WildHeart Wrestling! Local federation. They have this AWESOME masked tag team. They're called Callous Pain. Saw them on YouTube and holy shit they're hot and talented and I need to see them.”
“Wrestling again?” Cami sighed, already exhausted at the thought of more men in tights. “Lili, I get it, you love wrestling. Your prize possession is your picture with Rey Mysterion.”
“Whatever. There's more to life than that.”
“I know. And we went out partying on that guy you know's yacht last weekend. I skipped a show for that.”
“See, you can't even remember the guy's name but you know the name of two wrestlers you've only seen on YouTube.”
“Hey, be fair, you don't know that guy's name either.”
“...okay, fair enough. But still, really?”
“I went on a yacht and threw up wine along with the entire day's meals because I got sea sick. I always get seasick. I still went. Pleeeeeassseee?” Lili comedically fluttered her eyelashes.
“Ugh, fine. You win. Just...just don't go nuts or anything.”
“When do I ever?”
“At the last show you dragged me to you spit on that one guy that spit the green mist and called him a dogfucking puke sack.”
“He flipped me off!”
“In the ring!” Camila exclaimed. “Part of the show!”
“And I was just getting in the spirit.”
“Whatever, you're buying the soda and popcorn.”
“Deal.” The two turned a corner to head to the dorm when they came across another pair, two men: Jose Heyman and Jake Triton.
“Oh...hi Lili,” Jake said, taking a deep breath at seeing his dream girl. “How've you been?”
“Oh, good.” she replied. “Cami, did you ever meet my lab partner from last year? Jake Triton.”
“Oh yeah, the huge guy! Hi huge guy.”
“Hi Cami.”
“Still huge, huh?” the sarcastic brunette asked. “Holy shit your biceps are like cantaloupes!”
“I'd say honeydew, but I'm not really a fruitologist,” Jose said. “Jose Heyman ladies. Esquire if you choose, I know I do.”
“Nice to meet you, little guy,” Camila said. “You two remind of those cartoon dogs that Bugs Bunny would fight with.”
“Charming,” Jose said, a grin on his face. “And you must be Lili. Jake talked about you a lot. Super smart. And hot too, he wasn't lying.”
“Oh god...” Jake said, facepalming while Lili blushed. “I'm so sorry.”
“No, don't worry about it, always happy to take a compliment,” she laughed. “I wouldn't mind hearing more, but Cami and I still have to unpack.”
“Yep, roomies again. And trust me, while we're unpacking we won't be making fun of you at all big guy.”
“No, scout's honor. I mean, with the little one we have more than enough material until we're finished.”
“Again, completely charmed.” Jose put on his biggest, fakest shit-eating grin, one which Cami returned.
“See you around, Jake.”
The women entered the building and the two men walked by.
“Hey, thanks for keeping your mouth shut, asshole,” Jake said. “Now I look like a stalker.”
“Yeah, but one with big muscles,” said Jose. “Though that might work against you. You could probably get in the pants of the brunette devil woman.”
“Cami's all right. You're just mad she can go toe to toe with you on the mic, Jose. Or should I start calling you Brimstone to get ready for tonight?”
“Wait till the masks come on, Magnus Pain. Because tonight, “Hell Priest” Brimstone Callous and “Saint Sinner” Magnus Pain bring the ultimate tag team to WHW...CALLOUS PAIN!” Jose then did an exaggerated “evil” pose mid walk, accentuating the name, garnering an odd gaze from his partner. “Too much?”
“Maybe, at least without our gear. Alison got it ready to go?”
“Yep. Ms. Brie has her and our gear ready to go. Apparently it looks sick as Hell. I'm gonna look like gambit with a demon mask man!”
“Ah, a boyhood dream more honorable than that of Shawn Michaels.”
“Do not compare me to the Heartbreak Hack. Ever.”
“Sorry. I mean why would anyone want to be compared to one of the single greatest wrestlers of all time?”
“That's right....wait a second.”
“Looks, let's just go check out the gym, maybe get a quick work out in before the match tonight.”
“Sure.” Jose replied. “And that Cami chick COULD NOT outdo me on the mic on her best night or on my worst.”
“Whatever you say.”
And so the rest of the day went into the night people paired off, as friends or more, good intentions and ill. Then night fell, and the wrestling show Lili had chosen as her big send off to the freedom of summer had started.
Lili and Cami were front row, Cami more entertained by the excitement her friend was showing before the matches even started.
“You really love this stuff, don't you?” Cami asked.
“You didn't learn that Freshman year?”
“I just didn't know the scope.”
“Well, just think of it the same way you love sarcasm. Besides, you like The Rock.”
“Well, more accurately I want to jump his bones and ride him like a bucking bronco, but yeah.”
“Okay, okay,” Lili said. “Just try to enjoy the show. You might even have some fun.”
“When does it start?” Right then, the sound of Nine Inch Nails' Wish began to play and Lili went nuts.
“Holy shit it's them! They're match one! OH MY GOD!”
“Callous Pain!” Lili pointed to the entry way to see a huge muscular man in black tights adorned with reflective fabric that gave off the look of dripping blood. His gloves, as well as his partners, were black with bones on them. Both men wore masks, the bigger one in black save for a sculpted skull on the face. The shorter one's mask looked almost demonic, inhuman if note for the hair sticking out from the top. They were being led to the ring by a very busty brunette. She was in what looked to be a one-piece swimsuit, her make-up dark and Gothic with licks a deep black, only looking more sinister with the toothy grin on her face.

Lili cheered like a madwoman as the trio entered the ring. The woman and the smaller man were both handed microphones and the music stopped.
“Would you look at this crowd Brimstone?” the brunette said to the smaller man. “I mean, when I booked us here, I thought we were finally going to be on the road to the big time, not in front of a bunch of loser marks.”
“Fuck you, lady!” a voice from the crowd yelled, followed by a water bottle being thrown in the ring, which the bigger man caught with ease.
“Nice catch, Magnus,” the brunette said. “I think made one of these idiots fighting mad.”
“I think you're right Aphrodite,” Brimstone added. “Too bad whoever did that is most likely, nothing more than a little bitch. You know the kind I'm talking about, right?”
“I think I do, but please, go on.”
“The kind of pathetic, backwards ass, obsolete redneck hick you always find in the armpit of wherever we end up going. The kind of idiot that the dark ones we follow wouldn't even bother looking at. You people, especially the little crap stain that got so mad at the lovely Aphrodite Gorgon. You sir, could not last ten second in the ring, and certainly not even one inside Aphrodite.”
The crowd roared with boos, except from Lili, who couldn't stop laughing.
“You do flatter me Brimstone. But that's not why we're here at Wildheart! No. The reason Callous Pain are here is simple. We are here to destroy. Not win. Not be champs. Destroy. Annihilate. Like we do every single place we go.”
“By the dark ones, do you remember the last town we were in?”
“I know, both of my boys utterly eviscerated not just the competition, but the whole locker room.”
“Calling that crowd jobbers would be an insult to jobbers, my lady.”
“And of course, we reigned supreme in their tag division. As podunk as it was.”
“And now, we're here to do even worse.”
Aphrodite nodded, her grin becoming even sicker. Cami had to admit, she was very in to the theatricality of it all. And the small guy, despite the mask, was kind of cute. She then looked over to Lili, who was totally transfixed, though not entirely by the whole show, as Cami would have suspected. Lili's eyes were drawn to the big man in the ring. She knew his name already, “Saint Sinner” Magnus Pain. She saw him move on the internet. All his moves. But the one thing it didn't prepare her for were the masked man's deep green eyes. Despite being the powerhouse and all the violent, hard hitting moves she saw him do, the eyes had a softness to them that she couldn't help but be drawn to.
“The fact of the matter is, all of you here, tonight and ANY night really, you're just stepping stones,” said Aphrodite. “Little nothings we will not only step on, but stomp on to get what we want. And my big man, what is it we want?”
She held the microphone up behind her, and the big man, Magnus Pain, leaned over and said one word.
“That's right big man!” Brimstone said with sick glee. “Tag titles, world title, TV title, and yes, that sad little, obsolete nothing of a Women's title you have here will be uplifted into the grand darkness by the lovely Aphrodite.”
Then, another song hit, White Zombie's More Human Than Human, and out came a slim blonde carrying a baseball bat. She was in a short skirt and heels, a perfect little blonde girl next door, but her eyes gave the idea there was something not quite right going on in her head.

In the ring, Aphrodite and the men with her were livid. The blonde was handed a microphone by a stage hand, the crowd roaring for her.
“Surprised to see me Aphrodite?” the blonde asked. “Because trust me honey, the surprises are are just beginning. But let's get one thing clear right off the bat. That belt? Doesn't work with your whole “evil and disgusting” vibe. What it need is to be around the waist of someone who's utter perfection. Someone who's more human than human. Someone that the fans of WHW deserve. They deserve a champion like me, Athena Zeus.”
“I will curb stomp you, bitch,” the brunette said.
“Oh, you'll try. And I'm sure your boys will be your insurance policy, just like you're theirs. It's smart. But never, EVER forget, I've always been smarter than you.”
More music played and two men showed up behind Athena, causing even more anger in the ring, and soon, a full blown brawl broke out. Cami, surprisingly, was into it. Not surprisingly, Lili was into it even more.
By the time whole affair was over, the brawl had turned into a match where everyone got involved. The women got even more brutal than the men, which Cami liked. What Lili liked even more was her team coming out with the underhanded win.
“I've got to meet him,” Lili said.
“I mean, I've got to meet them, Callous Pain. I have to get a picture with them. I'm going to go see if I can meet them out front. I'll be right back.” Lili got up and rushed out, leaving Cami alone.
“Great. Could be partying on a boat right now, getting down in a club. Sharing drinks with a dashing young millionaire...but nope. In a bingo hall that smells of stale beer. What a Saturday night.”
While Cami lamented her situation, the debuting stable celebrated a great night.
“We fucking nailed it!” exclaimed Jose. “Killed it even.”
“They actually knew who we were!” Alison Brie said, her smile wide as she removed her Gothic make-up. “When that dude called me a bitch and threw the bottle at me, fuck I almost came! And that catch! Jake, that was fucking legendary. Fucking sold and no sold at the same time!”
“It was good, wasn't it?” Jake said.
“Damn straight it was,” Gillian Jacobs said, entering the locker room. “Alison, they actually remember us from the Bakersfield feud! I can't believe it. And nice 450, Jose!”
“Me, what about how you sold Jake's turnbuckle power bomb? Holy shit, I smell a Slammy!”
“Yeah, you okay?” Jake asked.
“Oh please, not like it's the first time you did that to me. We trained at the same place and you always ask the same thing, you big softie. I just wish you'd go through with my idea next time to build up some real heat, make them hate you even more.”
“Gillie, I love you but I told you last time, it's either two tables stacked on each other with thumbtacks OR on fire, not both.”
“Whatever,” Gillian said, rolling her eyes. “You guys want to hit a bar with me and the Night Force after the show. I get the feeling we won't be doing much post-show partying for a while after Monday.”
“Sure, just gotta get out of Callous Pain mode first,” Jake said. “Gonna go to the merch booth first though, see if we pushed any shirts tonight.”
“Oh check for me too.”
“Sure thing, Gill.”
“Hey, we might be...tenaires, is that a thing?” Jose asked.
“You mean we might be able to get, gasp, one imported beer each?” Alison joked as she dropped her top. “We're in the big leagues.”
As everyone else dressed down while Jose looked at Alison's nude body and Alison pretended she gave a damn about anyone in the back seeing her naked, Jake still masked and in gear, bumped into Lili.
“Oh my God! Magnus Pain!” To say Jake was shocked at his dream girl being star struck by him would be underselling his reaction to the situation. “I am such a HUGE fan. Wow..just wow! That's a debut, that's how it's done! And holy shit you're hot!”
The already somewhat stoic Jake Triton was shocked further into silence. Lili being a wrestling fan was one thing. Her being a fan of his was another. Her finding him hot left his mind blown. Of course, that wouldn't be the only thing blown that night.
Lili pulled Jake's face down and kissed him, his lips mercifully being exposed through his mask. Their tongues collided and followed the theme of the night and wrestled as Jake pulled Lili closer. The kiss broke and Lili wasted no time in dropping to her knees. She yanked his tights down his hips, his cock free and soon in her mouth.
“Holy shit,” Jake growled in surprise. He wasn't the only one, Lili in the back of her head was screaming with surprise at her actions, but not to stop.
Lili sucked fast. No delicacy at all. That isn't what it was about. This was pure lust. It was sloppy and wet and intense. Her mouth and hands seemed to be everywhere, sucking his cock, sucking his balls, jacking him, massaging his balls, her mouth a blur of sex.
She was in complete control, Jake too lost in the surprise of the situation and sensation it was causing. He was completely in Lili's hands, and that was a very envious position.
Just the face of someone so angelic going so dark and nasty was enough to send him rocketing over the edge. Lili Reinhart, on her knees, cock-starved wanting only him to satisfy her hunger...he was never going to last, and they both knew it.
“Let me swallow it,” she simply said. That's what she wanted, and that's what Jake provided, releasing with a grunt of intense pleasure, pleasure that only grew at the feeling and knowledge of Lili swallowing every drop down.
With the last stream shot, Lili pulled back, looking up with her blue eyes locked on his green. He pulled his tights back up as she got to her feet. She kissed him one more time. He tried to speak, but was shushed with finger.
“Don't speak. Not yet. Later.” She turned to leave, before looking to him and saying, “See you next week.”