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Author Topic: Prologue: Conquest (Olivia Munn)  (Read 6730 times)


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Prologue: Conquest (Olivia Munn)
« on: June 15, 2019, 04:33:18 PM »
This story is written in parody and in no way reflects real event, and it is intended to be read purely for the intent of entertainment only. It is a consensual story in a quasi sci fi / sword and sorcery setting. WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, characters, franchises or places depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. No money was made as I result of the writing of this piece of fiction.


The following is intended as a prologue to a larger series involving other celebs, musicians and glamour models. This is the first story of this kind that I have written so please feel free to PM me here, or on Discord with feedback and criticism! I hope you enjoy :)


The Shadow: Olivia Munn

The dim blue light of the electronic panels that flanked the slim and elegent chamber reflected the wet sheen of
sweat that coated the muscular titan who stood at the room's end. He was not unlike a chiselled statue, proof of
his mortal nature became clear only in the subtle, sharp movements he made and in the deep throated grunts
that echoed in the small space. Despite the lights in the room, all was still in darkness as the charcoal
grey and curiously textured material appeared to consume the illumination around it jealously. If the Adonis that
stood at the room's end cared to consider it, there was a clear sentient intelligence to the otherwise technological
space, which was fascinating in all regards. He however was more concerned with the figure that knelt in front of him,
all garments removed and cast aside to expose its stunning, tanned perfection as her head rose and fell, sometimes slowly,
sometimes sharply, which drew out a gargled, gagging noise. The act of subservience had long been desired by the
warrior who laughed quietly as the pace of the creature serving him quickened. For all the scientific brilliance around
him, he was a simple man and cared only for conquest, be it on the battlefield or in the women that he brought to
their knees.

This conquest, was particularly special. The Shadow had eluded him forever, even as he destroyed her armies and laughed
as her sisters and personal guard walked willingly out of the gates to fall on their knees in front of him, always
The Shadow had managed to evade him and remain immune to his precious amulet, the Lure of Phalus. It hung around his neck
now, and he could not help but laugh, twirling the amulet in his hands as he looked down on the
carnal perfection that was his conquest. Her dark hair was long and flowing, bound in his right hand in order to control
her movements and actions. Her face must have been designed by the gods before they fled the world, it was perfect in
its symmetry. She was by reputation, a truly beautiful woman and the warrior could see that now. Her heavy eyeliner
only worked to accentuate her deep brown eyes that looked up, never breaking the stare of the man whose member she
now pleasured. Her mouth was luscious and her tongue flicked up, round and ground in small motions against the base
of the warriors cock, and it occurred to him that she was the perfect ideal of the Server caste, and would no doubt
be welcomed there soon. Her breasts were exposed as the torn robes of her now defunct order were cast around her, they
jiggled softly as her head bobbed up and down on the long, thick meat that now filled her throat. With a single motion,
the Adonis brought her head further down so that her full lips pressed against the base of his cock, and to his delight
she managed to work her tongue slowly back and forth to draw every drop of precum that she could whilst she gagged heavily.

Gripping her dark hair tightly and drawing her head back, the conquering warrior inspected her in the moment of her
utter surrender. 'This, is always the sweetest moment', he thought to himself as he beheld her gleaming body. 'This
is the moment where every ounce of sin in her soul is brought to the surface, and every carnal desire she has suppressed
is now mine to illicit', he thought with a growing smile.

"How delicious" he said aloud now, as The Shadow stared up at him, eyes wide and glassy with the shivers of anticipation
that ran through her body. She was sat with her back straight, her neck and head angled up to meet his gaze but her mouth
hung open as she dutifully waited to be taken again. A strand of saliva and precum wound down to run across her
ample chest, which only served to increase the warriors enjoyment. Her thighs were sooth and firm, with small dimples
where she was digging her nails into her flesh as she accepted surrender and now was focussed only in the revelry of
pleasure. Sitting on her knees in such a way gave a thickness to her rear that run in a deeply pleasing curve until it flowed up
and out into her particularly grabbable hips. She was, sitting there, mouth agape and drooling, the very pinnacle of the
Bimbo Sect within the Server Caste. Yet despite this there was still an elegance to her, a sense of command in her
smoky eyes that was intoxicating, and would of course be enjoyed in good time. For now however there was simpler work
to be done.

Dragging up his hand that bound her hair, he forced her to tilt her head up and a raise a little from squatted position. She half smiled, half flinched at the motion, and in that moment he knew that every
nerve within her was afire. Smiling with the satisfaction of a man about to take his due, the warrior used his free hand to guide his cock and slide the head tantalisingly close to the parted, wet lips of The Shadow. She responded precisely as he knew she would, her tongue flicking out quickly in a desperate attempt to drawn out more of his delicious precum and to, in some way, distract herself from the growing need that urged her to rail against his restraint and take every inch of him into her.

"What, are, you?" he said slowly, his deep voice like a asteroid grinding against a cliff face.

She blinked slowly and drew in a quick breath that was chased by a cute half smile and another flick of eye contact before she resumed her façade of mindlessness.

"I am...of the Servers now, I am...yo-" she got half way through her response before her answer was cut short. He released his grip on her hair and with a swift motion griped her tightly and swung her up and over one of the buzzing record-drives that lined the room. She was bent across it now, stomach pressed flat and ass raised as she forced herself to stand on her stretched toes and feet, her hands busy with bracing herself against the nearest support in preparation for the no doubt intense experience to come. Long moments of silence passed, and she wondered if he awaited further words, but she had none. Such consideration was proved unnecessary however as she felt a solid slap against her lower back, and recognized the distinct hardness of a rigid cock. She was shaking now, in excitement and anticipation and the most invigorating taste of fear.

"You are my Whore, one of many, and the many shall serve me as One".

SMACK! She yelped in surprise and shock as a hand struck her firm ass and the sting of it sent waves of need throughout her tensed form. Then, suddenly, two hands grabbed her hips and she was forced forwards, her arms barely keeping her from sliding forwards and off onto the floor. She felt the gel like liquid she had drawn from his cock run in rivulets down across her chin and back over the panting opening of her mouth. For all that she had fought and striven for, for all those that had believed that perhaps she would best Lord Phalus when so many had failed, all she could think of now was the burning need between her legs. Her whole body shook and she suspected that if this most pleasurable of tortures was to continue, that she would no doubt orgasm of her own accord without his touch. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she felt his hands tense against her flesh, felt the slide of his knot like, muscular thighs against hers...and then, the dripping, bulbous head pressed against the opening of her folds. A long shiver rippled throughout her body and her knees faced inwards as her whole body tensed and released, tensed and released. Her mouth was agape and her eyes almost filled with tears as the promise of completion reached a critical stage.

Then, without warning, he thrust.

Again she drew in breath sharply as he rammed himself into her, the pulsing bulge filling her in a way she had not felt before. She instinctually raised herself up and arched her back, her face of wide eyes and shock reflected in the black polished sheen of the floor. She watched absently, eyes rolling back as he pressed more and more of his length into her ever expanding warmth, and caught the reflection of his lustful grin. There was no control for her now, no command and no orders to be given or relayed, she was at his whims.

And she could not have been happier.

After what seemed like an eternity, he withdrew from her, and with one muscular hand took a firm grip of her hip with one hand, and leant over her to take hold of her shoulder on the opposite side. Dipping up and under, she felt his cock press pass her opening again until she reckoned most of his shaft was pressed deep within her.

Then it began.

With a half grunt, half roared chortle, Lord Phalus slammed the full length of his shaft deep within her until she felt the soft slap his considerable balls against her navel. She shrieked in pleasure and shock, and did so again, and again, and again, turning to look in disbelief after he pounded her with the same force that he might swing a blade. She was being destroyed in the best possible meaning of the world and wasn't conscious of how loudly she moaned and squealed, she was completely lost in the pulsing, tightening, quivering completion that was rapidly building. He seemed to get faster now as she was moments from finishing, feeling the tightening of her sex he drew himself slowly out and then slammed himself into her again. It was a heartbeat motion of withdrawal and pound, withdrawal then pound, withdrawal then pound. She scratched in a maddening erratic pattern against the record-bank's in front of her as her entire body turned into an ever tightening twist of raw sexual lust and promised release. She gave out a staccato wail as she reached completion and then her back arched and every part of her shook as she orgasmed to the point of utter mindlessness.

Lord Phalus paused momentarily, long enough to appreciate how she drooled freely from her half smiling, half slack mouth. She was still experiencing tremors from her orgasm as he grasped her neck and brought her upright against him. He was unnaturally tall for a human male and The Shadow could not help but giggle as she felt herself lifted high and then be braced against his near perfect form. Letting her stand on raised toes for a moment longer, Lord Phalus then turned her head and guided her to the window, whilst she stifled gasps of pleasure as his length still slid and rubbed against her warmth as they moved. Obsidian blast screens had kept out the din of battle and conflict, with only the most excessive attacks against the citadel shaking dust from the high ceilings. At the presence of The Shadow, thin streams of blue light lit between the sheer metallic shutters and the defences opened slowly, red light surging in. Fires were raging outside and there were shouts and cries that reached up even to the high tower the pair now stood in. The ivory banners of Lord Phalus forces were planted in almost every barracks, garden and estate within The Shadow's precious city, whose name would no doubt be changed soon to remember another easy conquest for the man that now held her in his grasp.

"It will be done soon, my victory will be total, and then, it can begin. The Pleasure of the Lord will be great indeed, this is a colossal city and there are many sensations and explorations to enjoy. I am sure that despite the loss, your people will thank you when the celebrations begin..."

She spasmed now, involuntarily, as he held her tight with one hand in her hair, the other ran rough fingers down her midriff and slipped into her moist opening, finding the sensitive bud that now drove her into ecstasy as Lord Phalus triggered his finger against it erratically. As she watched massive bi-pedal war machines force their way past defences and bring her city low, she could only loose herself in the mindless pleasure and turn her head slowly to look at the conceited grin of her new master. He waited, knowing what she wanted, yet ensuring that she asked for it, her composure and control the last bastion to be overcome. The words came slowly as she stuttered in response to Phalus fingers that moved in quick, small circles. She bucked and let out a long, low growl, her eyes running black lines of mascara as her ritual make up was ruined in her bodies pleasure response. She was grinding herself against the slick member that was slid between her thigh gap, nodding and smiling as Lord Phalus moved his hand to brace her throat and own her entirely.

"F-ff-fill m-m-me..." she stammered, short sharp intakes of breath marking every letter as she climaxed again, her whole body taught with pleasure and strain as she still stood upon her toes. She pouted then as she felt her masters fingers retreat from her warmth and wet fingers trail back over the curve of her hips. Lord Phalus raised a single eyebrow and lessened the grip on her throat expectantly, whilst the stream of noise that heralded the surrender of The Shadow's city meant that the Pleasure of the Lord was soon to begin.

"Fill, me, my lord..." she said slowly, eyes wide and mouth open as she readied herself to be the first of her people used for her master's pleasure in whatever way he wished. A smile split his face, slow and with a hint of cruelty at the edges . A clear bead within his ear sparked sharply as confirmation of victory was relayed to him. In a steady tone, he responded with quick sharp orders to control the aftermath of the battle and to tend to the wounded and dying before any revelry began. Another spark, and his work was done, his focus returning entirely to the woman that silently mouthed begging platitudes to be used and filled at his desire. He stepped back from her, placing one hand on her smooth, tanned shoulder and the other gripping her hip tightly. A long moment passed between them as he let her anticipation build to the point of torture, and he noticed with delight that she breathed hard in expectation of the pleasure to come.

"Let the city hear their mistress cry for more, and serve her masters pleasure. Beg, whore".

In a flash, he pulled her back and she shrieked as he launched her into the air and then slammed her down into the floor, barley giving her time to catch herself. Crashing to his knees, he pulled her hips back towards him as she bowed prostrate with her arms lowered, her thighs braced taught to receive his need. He scratched his nails from the dip in her back up to the back of her neck, holding her head down, face tilted to one side so he could enjoy the responses that played across her features. She smiled playfully, biting her lip and shifting herself further back so she felt the swollen, precum slick head of his meat against her. She already trembled, and expected that she was likely to be nothing but a drooling mess, completely lost in ecstasy and the loss of control, the thought of which only made her more aroused.

Snarling as he pressed himself in with a sharp thrust that forced the air out of The Shadow's lungs, he repeated his command a final time.


Slamming thrusts into her as though his life depended on it, he took no care of her body or needs, only consumed with what he intended to take from her. Despite her increasing tightness she managed to match his motion as best she could, all the better to receive as much of him as possible. At first she moaned, and then she screamed in insane pleausre as she bucked and reached completion, quivering and writhing as he jackhammered her into oblivion. After every orgasm she tried to claw away, hoping for a moment to recover from the impossible physical high she now experienced. Yet every time she thought she could handle no more, she would hear her new master growl and moan, a sound like a deep bass note played with each slamming motion he made into her. Above all else she needed him to reach release, she needed to feel his loss of control as he finished inside her. She wanted nothing more, as he forced her up to the edge of the high window with his pounding motions, than to be filled with his cum and left as a mess on the floor, to be returned to later. Years of resistance and conflict, all the heaped responsibility and demands, the praise and blame and hero worship she had lived through now melted away. Lord Phalus may have taken her city, but the strains of command had taken a great toll and in this moment she simply felt full and complete. She noticed that his thrusts were much faster now, the pleasure that she had felt magnified to the point where she no longer made sound but just tried to remember to breathe as she shook, orgasming with impossible intensity.

"Y-y-y-esss m-m-m-my l-l-l-ord" she managed slowly, biting her lip once more and pouting, seeing it drive his need even further, his thrusts now short, sharp and brutal.
"Pl-pl-pleaseee, f-f-f-f-f-illl meeeee!!!"
She repeated the stuttered please again and again, watching with carnal delight as Lord Phalus face contorted in strained pleasure, hip grip on her hips painfully tight. Her legs were cramping and she was shuddering, only held in place by her master, pain melding with pleasure to create a perfect storm of endless orgasm. As addictive as it was she needed to stop soon or she feared that she would be left a wreck without thought. Perhaps, she realised, that is precisely what he wanted.

His moans had now become shouts through gritted teeth, his own hips beginning to buck as he neared orgasm, his muscles clenched. He had raised one leg to find better leverage, his thighs shaking as he lanced himself into her, his body trembling. Seeing his building completion triggered The Shadow's own response and she squealed as his shouts became a roar and he shook like a man possessed. His member pulsed within her and twitched of its own accord as he reached his climax, his back arched and head raised as he roared his total victory into the night air to the shared cries of his men below. Pounding erratically as he finished inside her, he closed his eyes and revelled in the perfect feeling as she drained him of every drop. She laughed madly as she felt the warm fluid spill out as he withdrew, cum running down her sweat soaked, shaking thighs as she slid down to the cool relief of the floor. Her body bucked and twitched randomly as she continued to orgasm uncontrollably, and she noticed that her masters still hard member dripped with hot cum as he sat back on his haunches, breathing hard and lost in the moment.

After what seemed like forever, The Shadow managed to turn herself around on the tiled floor and slid over to him, dragging herself forward in exhaustion. She could still feel his seed overflowing from her and in a way, that was the most pleasurable experience. Total service to her lord, and surrendering to complete ownership completed her experience. Reaching him, he looked down and smirked as she raised her face, eyes illuminated by the streaks of make up that still ran with the sweat of exertion, and pressed her tongue against his slowly softening head. Every last drop of cum was worked out by her flicking motions and swallowed greedily, and it now glazed her smile and she held his gaze.

"That...that, was.." she began slowly, but was soon cut off as Lord Phalus ran a hand down her face and gripped her chin tightly.

"That, my whore, was the end of our battle. The Pleasure of the Lord, has only just begun".

Down in the city below, the moans of extacy rose up to the high towers, and the warriors took their due.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 05:19:39 PM by BabesForTheWin »
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Re: Prologue: Conquest (Olivia Munn)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2019, 05:54:20 PM »
Excellent start. You've got great talent as a writer, thank you for sharing this story with us!  :D
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


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Re: Prologue: Conquest (Olivia Munn)
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 01:15:58 PM »
Thank you so much! I look forward to sharing more :D


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