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Author Topic: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex  (Read 11462 times)


Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« on: June 21, 2019, 12:21:02 AM »
a series of short captions that describe a bust off between two starlets. No real sex, this is from my DA account. 


Rivalry. Betty and Joan, Nicki and Iggy, Kim Kardashian and everyone else. They battled it out on stage and screen, press and media. Yet, two celebrities had a more friendly rivalry. Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez were friends, but there was still a competition between them. Rather than battle it on in social media, they opted to try something a lot more interesting.

“Ugh!” Selena grunted and dropped the crate onto the coffee table with a satisfying thud.

“You could of asked for help.” Taylor stated as the brunette dusted off her hands.

“What and show weakness?” Selena snapped back. “There are 24 bottles in here.”

Taylor nodded and pulled out one. The glass bottle felt heavy in her hand despite being no larger than her palm. “Will it work?

“I was told it would. If not someone owes me a lot of money. Ground rules?”

“No overdosing, no more than 3 bottles a week.” Taylor started.

“Measurements along the way.”

“You bow out you lose.”

“Deal.” They shook on it. “When do we start?”

“Now.” Taylor said popping the cork off the bottle in her hand. “I hope it tastes better than it smells.”

“You're just afraid.” Selena removed her own bottle. “Cheers!”

With a clink of the bottles they both downed the elixir. Their faces were both sour as they slammed the bottles onto the table.

“Nope.” They said in unison. Taylor started collecting her things.

“Let's go.”


“To get measured of course. We'll go to my tailor. She can keep things under wraps.”


As it stands both ladies were nearly equal in size, yet as they continued to slam down bottles it was uncertain how long they'd be similar.

Selena: 32B
Taylor: 34B


Taylor woke up to her entire body feeling good. Good like she was just out of a hot tub. Good like she drank a mysterious potion that would grow her boobs. Her hands flew to her chest and she sized up her girls. She wasn't expecting bra busting mammaries overnight, but the girls hadn't grown at all. They were far more sensitive however, her delicate probing elicited a moan of pleasure. That moan became a cry as she flicked her cherry red nipples.

“Oh god! This feels fantastic!” She cried, both hands massaging her chest. The pleasure was far too much for her to contain and the blonde superstar fell into a haze of pleasure.


Selena, much like Taylor, had woken to an intense feeling of satisfaction. Unlike Taylor, her chest was warm to the touch. The brunette slid out of bed and made her way to her bathroom mirror. Flicking on the lights, she observed her chest carefully; a discerning eye scanning the boobs.

“I think they've grown.” Selena cupped her chest experimentally. Thinking quickly she ran out into her bedroom and ran back in with a fabric measuring tape. Carefully, she wrapped the measuring device around her chest then just under it. 32B. “No change, but they feel bigger.”

Slightly disappointed she didn’t have a mammoth set of milkers, Selena left the tape measure on the counter and got on with her day. “Wait is my ass growing?!”


Several days had past and the two ladies kept knocking back drinks on a regular basis. Taylor opted for a set routine every two days she’d pop open a bottle and down it in one gulp. That was the only way the blonde could handle the taste of the mysterious liquid. Selena on the other hand doiled it out in smaller doses; it could take a day for her to finish an entire bottle, but finish she did. The results were dramatic to say the least.

Selena had grown from her meager B Cup to a substantially larger C if not D. Her older bras were not up to the task of containing her bosom and she was forced to buy a new lot. She had to admit it was sexy to try on her old underwear. Her boobs pouring out of her bra, creating a sea of sexy deep cleavage; it took all of her willpower not to post a photo to instagram.

Taylor knew no such limitation. While subtle, her friend could tell she was growing as well. I may just be bigger than her. Selena mused, a certain amount of pride in that thought.

I think it’s time for a meetup. Selena’s phone buzzed with the text message. The brunette singer looked at her growing bust as if she consulted them for approval.

Agreed. Selena texted back.


Taylor set down the phone, pleased at the outcome so far. Her bust had expanded in size from the meager B cup size. Every time she turned around it seemed her breasts had increased in size and volume. She was not displeased by this outcome. In fact, she relished it. The blonde popstar could spend hours staring at herself in the mirror; picturing how she’d look with a larger chest. Lap filling boobs. That’s what I want.


“Looking good Tay!” Selena yelled from the doorway.

“Thanks!” Taylor smiled, bounding up the cement walkway with a single jump. Unfortunately for her, but fortunate for everyone else, she took the last step too hard. The result was obvious; her burgeoning bosom bounced all over the tight confines of her blue and white dress. They refused to yield for several moments.

“You're not wearing a bra are you?” The brunette smirked as Taylor got her chest under control.

“No.” Taylor replied, her face turning red. “You can tell?”

“Beyond that display? Yes, your nipples are poking out like beacons.” The smaller girl reached out and poked one to prove her point.

Taylor gasped, slapping the away the errant digit. “Hands off! They're very sensitive.”

What the blonde popstar left out was that every waking moment, when not otherwise occupied, was spent in a haze of self indulgence. Self pleasure and simply staring at the mirror were her chief vices at the moment. “Let's go.”

“Ladies, it's time for the measuring.” The female tailor stated in her french accent. “This way.”

She lead them to the back room of the suite and turned around. “Let's see them.”

Hesitantly at first, Selena pulled up her black tank top revealing her straining black bra underneath. Looking over, she noticed that Taylor had no such inhibitions; the tall blonde was just in her panties now. The brunette shrugged and popped off her bra, rejoicing as her ladies tasted freedom.

Taylor eyed Selena’s chest, mentally comparing it to her own. She might be bigger. For now. The fitter, Anell, worked quickly; Taylor found the tape measure wrapped around her breasts and then just under.

Anell didn't say anything, merely nodded a gave a self affirming harumph. She repeated the process on Select and stepped back. “Interesting ladies.”


“You've both grown in size. Since you're not getting larger your band won't change. Selena, you're now a 32C, just shy of a D. Taylor, you're a full D now.”

“Why does she look bigger?” Taylor whined.

“Cause she's smaller than you. And only a 32 band.” Anell paused, “Do I need to get a scale?”

“No.” The thought of weighing her breasts did appeal to her however. Maybe when we're too big for that tape measure. “I’ll need new bras while I’m here.”

“Of course, I can’t let you wander around like that can I? Though they do look quite firm. Anything else you need?”

“Yes,” Selena pipped in. “Can you measure my hips?”

“Are you growing there?” Anell wrapped the tape measure around Selena’s ass. “37.”

The brunette beamed. “Looks like I am.”


Taylor was both pleased and annoyed. Pleased her chest was growing larger than Selena’s, but annoyed her ass wasn't growing at all. The blonde admired herself in the mirror, her breasts took on a teardrop shape as they expanded outward. Amazingly, they remained relatively firm; a youthful perkiness with a hint of sag as if to declare ‘these are real’.

Satisfied, she gave her boobs a squeeze before moving away from the mirror. She couldn't help but wonder how Selena was doing. Week 2 was nearly halfway over, and the girls were going to get measured very soon. Taylor extracted a bottle from her and popped the cork. “Bottoms up!”


Selena slapped her ass experimentally, watching it jiggle for several moments before coming to a rest. “So nice, but now what I was avoiding.”

Carefully, the brunette stepped into her jeans, sliding the denim up her legs until the reached her thighs. This was the tricky part, her thighs had grown as well, thickening so they could support her massive rear end. Selena grunted and strained, pulling on the resistant fabric. Yet her efforts were in vain. The denim refused to stretch further and she was stuck with her pants around her knees. With a sigh, she took off the pants and tossed them aside.

Almost regretfully, she took a pair of black leggings out of her drawer. “I'm gonna cause an accident like this.”

Selena’s chest was already overflowing an EE cup bra. The thick straps dug into her back, but she brushed it aside. It was time for a measuring anyway.

At the tailor, they both learned of their new sizes.

Taylor: 34H
Selena: 32G with a 40 inch butt


They had not thought this through at all. Taylor forgot, in her eagerness to agree to a growth contest, that she had a music video to shoot. The horrified costume designer gulped nervously at first, but then regained a measure of composure. It was quite impressive that Taylor was able to fit into the top of the cheerleading outfit; her mammaries were busting out all the seams of the overburdened fabric. Every move only added to the pressure. She was not displeased in the slightest to this development. As Taylor bounced around the stage, jaws were on the floor and the white top cried for mercy. Her chest was testing the fabric in ways the designers never saw coming. Already her boobs were winning the war; her areola peaked out from the bottom, her turgid nipples pressed out the front. It was awesome!


Selena sat down in her chair, her oversized rump barely fitting in due to her mass. She was annoyed, but also pleased at this. I’m going to win Taylor! She thought. Idly, Selena flipped on the tv and started scanning. Winding up on E! The brunette discovered that the paparazzi had caught on to their little match. Even better, other celebrities were starting to take notice. Arianna Grande and Elizabeth Gillies were two such ladies that joined into the elixir drinking contest. Selena was intrigued by this development. At the end of the piece a poll was announced to see which lady would turn out bigger. While most of the votes favored Taylor, Selena knew that her own figure was just as good, if not better than the blonde popstar’s.


The bosomy duo met up again at an award show. Right on the red carpet they decided to compare their chests. The flashbulbs and roaring crowd made a delightful backdrop for this breast comparison. A breast off if you will.

"I think you can see I'm the biggest." Taylor empathize her point but pushing her breasts forward. Already her lap filling melons were resting on Selena's own generous chest and her action caused the brunette's head to disappear in a foot of cleavage. Selena yelled into her breasts before Taylor pulled them back. "What was that?"

"The competition isn't over Taylor!" Selena reached into her purse and pulled out her next dose of elixir. She pulled off the cork with her teeth and spat it aside. "Not by a long shot."

The blonde watched Selena gulp down the growth inducing formula. "Oh it's on!"
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, thenewcomer


Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2019, 10:05:25 PM »
[A/N] So Most of these are just short scenes or vignettes. I'll let your imagine take the rest.

Grande Growth

Word of the competition spread like wildfire. Celebrities clamored to obtain bottles of the mysterious elixir and it's magic properties. Arianna was one such celebrity. In a week she had downed 4 of the bottles, urgently expecting results. The petite singer was disappointed that her bust grew only slightly, she was more than pleased by how her butt expanded. Everything she owned was now skin tight and Arianna rejoiced at the new sensitivity her massive behind provided. The brunette debuted her new look on the red carpet. From the sounds of shutters clicking and people clamoring, Arianna knew she had succeeded.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2019, 10:05:58 PM »
Justice is Served

As the competition continued, Victoria was the next to formally reveal herself. Just like Arianna her butt grew immensely. So much that even custom made made jeans were skin tight across her ample and wonderful ass. To her enjoyment, and Arianna's annoyance, her boobs expanded. At the end of her treatment she was left was a large set of milkers that she enjoyed to no end. Her wardrobe change considerably; moving from modest attire to cleavage bearing and ass hugging outfits that she, and the public, enjoyed immensely.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2019, 10:06:48 PM »
Dynastic Expansion

Elizabeth Gillies benefited from the elixir in the way she wanted. Despite being a D cup, she always wanted more. As the weeks went by and she downed more of the chemical her bust expanded to unheard of levels of size. In this particular photoshoot at week 2, her unrestrained ladies pressed hard against the thin material of her top. It wasn't long after that the top failed and her breasts were completely out in the open. Elizabeth just smiled and took another swig of the potion knowing there was so much more to come.

In an alternate universe:

Elizabeth downed the magical elixir with gusto. The brunette expected to enlarge her already massive chest to untold sizes. However, magic being what it is, it rarely had a way of working out how one wanted. Instead of a set of ta-tas that would make men weak in the knees, her ass expanded outward. Her formerly pert ass was quickly become a large and wonderful piece of booty. Not to be left undone, her thighs grew as well; taut with muscle and a fine layer of fat to support her buxom new figure. Elizabeth’s rear grew so much that jeans were out of the question. In fact, her entire wardrobe went out the window in the few weeks that she had been drinking the concoction. Until she was able to ‘finish’ her treatment, Elizabeth was forced to wear skirts, yoga pants, and even just bikini bottoms such was her still growing size. Not that she minded, nor did any of her fans.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2019, 10:08:45 PM »
Victoriously Bootiful.

Daniella Monet heard from her friend Victoria about the informal contest going on and was quick to jump on board. Her body was often called an apple and she was quick to change that with the help of a dozen magic bottles. Downing the foul smelling liquid proved to be a challenge, but she wasn’t going to be denied the chance at a better body. Her efforts paid off in spades. Her small ass grew out phenomenally. It was the kind of butt she always wanted, bigger than even Kim Kardashian’s butt. Daniella acquired a certain strut in her walk, one that made her enlarged hips pop with every step. To her delay, such a motion made her enlarged boobs shake as well. The actress lost count of how many boys stared dumbfounded at her as she strutted down the street; their brains completely unable to comprehend her vision of womanhood. The brunette knew she had to thank Victoria somehow….
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2019, 10:10:06 PM »
Montana Mountains

Miley had no shame in her use of the elixir. Her instagram was filled with images documenting her relentless growth. One of her most popular was a selfie that looked deep into the cleavage she now possessed. The blonde loved her new found popularity and newfound boobs. She loved staring in the mirror; trying on different outfits and showcasing her chest. Yet, her chest was just one half of the picture. Her ass expanded out as well. She wasn’t above showing off junk either. In one particular case, Miley spotted a herd of paparazzi following her from all angles. Normally she’d just run away, but now the voluptuous blonde drank in their eagerness. She must have spent a good half hour posing for them, showing casing her thick rear end and bountiful boobs. Despite the cloth confinement, her nipples pressed themselves out against her white top, declaring just how much she loved the attention. And, she still had a week to go. 
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2019, 10:19:58 PM »

Something more

Kristen looked at her naked body in the mirror. Almost naked body. A small pair of underwear covered her womanhood, but otherwise she was al natural. I can do this. She told herself, mentally fortifying herself for what she was about to do. Word spread like wildfire through Hollywood of a new miracle concoction that enhanced the figures of those that drank it. At first Kristen laughed off the rumors as nothing more than the next gimmick; something to appeal to a woman’s vanity.

Then the pictures came in. The brunette couldn’t believe the images as they kept piling up. Shot after shot of some of Hollywood’s finest sporting impossible figures. Taylor Swift had tits bigger than her head. Selena Gomez had an ass that made Kim Kardashian weep, in addition to her her own massive mammaries. Even lesser known stars were getting bodies to kill for. Thus leaving Kristen on her own. Her own body was something she wasn’t exactly proud of. A serious lack of curves bothered her to no end.

Rather than drinking several bottles for a month, as most celebrities were fond of doing, Kristen instead decided to take a week’s worth and boil it down. The result was a syrupy elixir that sat on the counter before her. I can do this! Without further delay she grabbed the container and chugged it.

Gagging almost immediately as liquid hit her tongue she forced herself to gulp it out down. It coated her mouth as she struggled to swallow it, but swallow she did. Satisfied at her attempt she slammed the cup down on the counter. Kristen smiled to herself in the mirror, then promptly passed out.


Camera flashes blinded Kristen's vision. Looking down, she realized she was on the carpet. Moreover, she was in a red dress she'd worn before. Yet the dress didn't look the same. Her breasts forced the dress out to a high degree. So much that a large valley of cleavage existed where there was previously none. Kristen managed a rare smile. Ravenous photographers snapped thousands of pictures of svelte form. She turned, supposedly to give them a glimpse of her backside but also she could admire it herself.

Kristen was not disappointed in what she saw. Her ass was a large of display of femininity, whose majesty was barely contained within the bright red number. So much so, the dress appeared painted on her curvaceous rear end. She let a hand drop to it, caressing the enormity in a display of wanton self indulgence. Kristen suppressed a moan as her hand squeezed the rear end; the pleasure vixen received was incredible. It took all her willpower to not fall into a display of self pleasure.

The camera’s clicked even faster as each photographer sought a better shot of her enhanced figured. Kristen relished it. As the paparazzi shouted at her Kristen’s smile broadened. This is what I want. This is what I always wanted. A particularly bright flash blinded her again.

Kristen never really admired her bathroom rug. It served its’ function, but she never took a chance to admire it. Now, half dazed from her blackout, the brunette took the time to admire the soft fabric that comforted her head.

“Ugh….What the hell was that?” Kristen said to herself, grabbing at the throbbing in her head. Carefully, she picked herself up and examined herself in the mirror. No giant tits, no ass that would stop traffic. Just a little welt where she smacked her head. She thought to her recent dream, disappointed that it wasn’t a reality. Kristen tossed the cup containing the barest sliver of elixir into the sink; there was no need for it now that it proved ineffective. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair. “I’ll have to find another way.”

Kristen was about to leave the bathroom when she was struck with a feeling emanating from her belly. It wasn’t pain, it was pleasure. An intense warmth erupted from her stomach and cascaded through her entire body. Her knees knocked as strength left them. Kristen grabbed ahold of the towel rack for support; carefully guiding herself back to the sink.

Her entire was flush with color. She swabbed her forehead, noticing it was warm and took on a sheen. Kristen’s eyes widened in surprise as she drank in the mirror. Imperfections that dogged her face for years suddenly popped out of existence. Yet, that wasn’t even the most dramatic change.

Her nipples stuck out like oversized gumdrops on her chest. Cupping them, she was suddenly lost to an intense pleasure from the diamond hard teats. That overwhelming warmth had spread to her chest. Kristen moaned as her breasts expanded into her hands. Slowly at first, they pushed out from her chest, steadily increasing in size until her hands were too small to contain them.

“Oh God!” She shouted as her hands struggled to contain her growing breasts. Each one now was larger than a D cup by her estimation, quickly approaching the size of melons. With every passing second they grew larger, slowly slipping out of the her. They flopped down, filling the expanse of her chest, sagging slightly from gravity’s pull.

Kristen was torn out of tit inspection by a tightness around her underwear. Pulling her breasts apart, she looked down in surprise as her underwear steadily drew tighter across her body. The source was obvious. Her butt was enlarging. A longtime feature of disdain, her ass was making up for lost time by swelling in sizes she never hoped to achieve from hours at the gym. Quickly, her underwear was becoming a thong; the rainbow number was stretching tight and being dragged into the crack of her ass. The tightness was incredible as her ass swelled larger approaching then surpassing a JLo sized booty.

Her underwear snapped, having lost the fight against her growing rear end. A hand dropped to it and squeezed causing her to moan in satisfaction. Experimentally, she slapped at it. A wave of pleasure cascaded through her as her hind flesh jiggled. “Oh wow….”

Finally it stopped. The tingling warm sensation that dominated her change from a stick to a shapely svelte woman vanished. In its’ wake Kristen was transformed to a goddess of femininity. An ass that could stop traffic for miles dominated her lower regions supported on two shapely thighs. It was no doubt bigger than Kim Kardashian’s in her mind, bigger than she thought possible and it was all hers. And a chest, oh her chest. It stuck out nearly a foot from her body; dominating her chest and filling her rib cage. Each boob sagging just enough to say that they were real. Rock hard nipples, each larger than a gumdrop stuck out from her breasts. To say Kristen was pleased was an understatement, she was rocking a Cheshire cat smile as she inspected her newly made body over and over again.

“I can’t wait to show off the new me!” She shouted, bolting out of the bathroom and into her closet.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2019, 10:20:23 PM »
The biggest small one

Anna smirked, leaning even further back in her chair. She was at no risk of falling however, her new center of gravity made that an impossibility. Like many other celebrities, she was swept up in the craze started by Selena and Taylor. A growth contest of sorts where each celebrity knocked back a case of magical elixir and seeing what sort of changes were wrought upon their bodies. Anna was a special case though. Down with a cold at the time, the mysterious brew interacted with her meds. The result was obvious. The short celebrity’s breasts grew massively. So massive in fact that they rested in her lap in any situation. So massive she could barely encircle them with both hands. So massive they covered her chest and stood out over a foot; a monument to her beauty and femininity. Anna wasn’t disappointed to say the least. She bided her time, just waiting to make her *big* debut.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2019, 10:21:07 PM »
The Biggest Paramore

Hayley was often described as cute. Just cute. She was cute, but sexy is what she really wanted. Yet, there was apparently nothing she could do about it. The unofficial contest between celebrities had seemingly run its’ course and not a single drop of magic juice could not be found in the aftermath.

Hayley was despondent. Taylor, Selina, Anne, even Jennifer Aniston, and countless others were bounding around Hollywood with oversized asses and melon sized...melons. it made Hayley green with envy. 

Yet her position changed when a plain box arrived at her door with a note. She hefted the box inside and dropped it on the table with a loud thud. Setting aside the box she opened the letter.

Sorry you missed out. Hopefully this will make it up to you. -P0 CH

Curious. She thought, setting aside the letter she open the box, slowly at first but gleefully when she spied the contents. Bottles. Bottle after bottle of magic formula. The very same formula that turned women into vixens. And it was all hers. What followed was a bout of gluttony not since Old Country Buffet.

After several weeks Hayley emerged from her self imposed exile. What she had now were curves to die for. Her black dress only help flaunt the voluminous breast she now possessed. Each one hung in a near perfect teardrop down to her navel. And her ass, well let’s say her pants no longer fit her. The dress she wore wasn’t just out of desire but out of necessity. Each globe of her behind shook with each step; supported on two thick thighs that only helped highlight her zvaftig figure. Whoever P0 CH was, Hayley would have to thank them.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2019, 10:21:49 PM »
Modern Figure

Sarah was late to the game but no less inspired. Ever since starting Modern Family she was jealous of the curvaceous figures of two of her costars. Without even trying both Ariel and Sofia did their best to flaunt their hourglass curves in front of her. Not that she minded, yet she always felt herself lacking compared to the buxom duo and their gravity defying breasts. That was going to change though.

Sarah knocked back shot after shot of elixir in a rage worth of frat boy. Over the passing days she stared at her bust expectantly; envisioning a bust dwarfing either of her costars. Yet, she should have been staring further south. While her bust grew slightly, most of the elixir worked it’s magic on her rear end. Her tiny butt swelled to mammoth sizes, passing Kim Kardashian and JLo combined. Support on two enlarged thighs, the flesh was soft and pliable. To Sarah’s surprise: smackable as well. At first she panicked, but that soon gave way to delight. Jeans, leggings, pants, shorts and stockings all struggled to contain her massive booty, and she relished the feeling as her newly grown hindquarters fought for dominance over her outfits. Sarah grinned as she felt envious eyes upon her supple butt, especially when those eyes belonged to Sofia and Ariel.
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Re: Bosom Buddies (Mulit) BE, No sex
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2019, 10:22:30 PM »
Taylor's Finale?

Taylor smiled in satisfaction, taking a sip from her Diet Coke laced with elixir. The month was over and it was obvious she had won. The busty singer didn’t even need to consult with Selena to know that. Her breasts filled and overfilled her lap to such a degree that Taylor wasn’t sure she could even get a shirt on again. Just like now. Her custom made white button up started this morning fitting perfectly fine. Yet as the day went on the shirt kept higher and higher, or was it her boobs crept lower and lower. It didn’t matter to Taylor. Even as she let out a satisfied sigh as her breasts popped free of their cloth prison. Even as she penned her newest song. Even as she sipped at her tainted cola.

Taylor may have won the contest, but she was by no means finished with her growth, not by a long shot.
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