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Author Topic: Saturday Night With Brittany Daniel  (Read 4384 times)


Saturday Night With Brittany Daniel
« on: September 11, 2019, 07:34:01 PM »
Codes: MF, Cons, oral, anal, feet fetish
Disclaimer: Not to be read by anyone under 18 & the story is a work of fiction, I don’t know when this will get updated, but the story was written way before Brittany Daniels' 31st birthday, so hence it’s impossible for this to contain any actual events. Hope you enjoy.

Author’s note: This is a story on a under rated celeb, Brittany Daniels from Sweet Valley High, Dawson’s Creek, Club Dread, Rampage and the recent Wayan Bros movie Little Man. I wrote this
story a while back. I got the idea of setting it on her birthday, but when I checked her D.O.B I saw that it was on 17th of March, which is on a Saturday, hence why that day is in the title. So I decided to wait until it was closer to her birthday when I submit it. So I hope you enjoy, whether you’re reading this on a update or a couple of months or even years down the line.

This story was originally published on March 18th 2007

“Kash! You’re late!” Jeff said as I walked in, behind the bar.

“What’s new?” I replied. Jeff nodded in agreement. He never asked me why I was late, even though I lived in the apartment upstairs. “Where’s Max?”

“He’s out back, taking a leak.” Jeff answered. It was a Saturday night and there was three of us on. Usually there’s two on at all times, but on Fridays to Sundays, there’s three of us on. It’s the weekend and it’s the time that most people come to bars to get drunk and this place is as good as any other.

“What’s up Kash?” Max said, as he walked up to me and stood beside me.

“Nothing much.” I replied. The place was empty for a Saturday night. It felt more like a week night. The doors opened and in walked five girls.

“Dibs!” I said automatically.

“Which one?” Max asked. I looked at them and noticed that two of them were twins.

“The twins.” I replied. As I continued to stare at them, they looked familiar.

“Shit!” Max said. “Do you know who those twins are?”

“They look familiar. But I can’t put my finger on it.” I replied.

“They’re Brittany and Cynthia Daniel!” He replied. “The twins from Sweet Valley High.”

“You watched that show? Wasn’t it, like… for girls?”

“So?” He replied. “They are fine. But Cynthia’s off limits.”

“Why?” I asked.

“She’s married.” He replied

“OK.” I replied. “Which one’s Cynthia?” Max laughed.

“The one in the pink top.” He replied. They were both in denim, blue skirts that were a couple of inches short of their knees. Cynthia had a pink top and Brittany had a white top that was low cut showing off her large breasts.

“Let me have her!“ Max said, staring.

“No way!“ I replied.

“You didn’t even know who they were!“

“That’s just because I wasn’t expecting celebrity’s to come. And besides, I called dibs.“ I said.

“Fair enough. The dibs system has never failed us before.“ Max gave in.

“I got a thing for Brittany ever since I saw her on Dawson’s Creek.“ I said.

“Dude! You watched that show?“ He asked me the same question I asked him.

“So?“ I gave him the same answer he gave me. I never knew why I watched it. The chicks on that show were OK but I never thought they were really hot or anything.

“You can have Cynthia.” I said and he gave me a sarcastic laugh.

One of the girls came up to the bar and placed orders with Max. He told her he’d bring it up to them. I started to think about how I could make a move on her while Max poured the drinks. Once he was done he came back.

“Tough luck dude.” He said.

“Why?” I asked.

“There’s five drinks there. Only one drink is non alcoholic and that’s Brittany’s drink.”

“So?” I replied. “It’s not like I have to get a girl drunk to score with her.”

“When have you ever scored with a girl in here when she didn’t have at least one drink in her?” He asked.

“Good point.” I replied. Before I could think about it, we suddenly had a burst of customers come in. We dealt with them as quick as we could and before we knew it, we were back to not being busy.

“Hi!” A female’s voice said. I looked up to see that it was Brittany.

“How can I help you?” I asked, trying my best not to sound nervous or intimidated.

“Another round of drinks, same as before.” She smiled.

“You celebrating?” I asked.

“Yeah. It’s me and my twin sister’s birthday.” She answered.

“So you guys are just hanging out. Getting drunk.” I asked.

“Well… I haven’t drank any alcohol yet.” She said.

“How come?” I asked. “I thought you’d be the first, along with your sister to get smashed.”

“I’m suppose to be meeting a guy here.”

“Boyfriend?” I asked.

“More like a blind date.” She said.

“I get ya! You don’t wanna be dunk when you meet him, so you don’t end up doing something you regret.”

“You mean like sleep with him?” She asked. “That’s the whole point.”

“Whole point?” I wasn’t sure I followed.

“There’s no way I’m spending another birthday by myself.” She laughed. What a lucky bastard! He was set up as a blind date, for him to be her sex toy.

“When are you meeting him?” I asked.

“Nearly an hour ago.” She sighed.

“Being stood up?” I asked, handing her the tray with the drinks.

“Looks that way.” She said, giving a weak smile as she took the tray. As the night went on, it looked more and more like the blind date was gonna be a no show. Cynthia’s husband came by and she left with him. Brittany came over often and just talked. She seemed quite lonely actually. Maybe a little desperate for a man.

“Hey.” Brittany said, sitting on a stool in front of the bar, pouting. “My friends have gone.” She said pointing to where they were.

“I don’t think he’s gonna show.” I said.

“I know!” She whined.

“Do you think he came in, saw you and left?” I joked.

“What? No!” She said. “Am I repulsive?”

“God, no! You’re gorgeous!” I said. “I’d kill to get a date with you.”

“You’ve pretty much been the closest thing I’ve had to a date in like a year.” She said.

“That’s quite sad.”

“I know!” She said, putting her face onto her hands. Jeff was putting the chairs onto the tables, to make it easier to sweep the floors. “Are you guys closing?”

“Kinda. Yeah. It’s a little quiet, so we’re just closing off one side.” I said. It was midnight and the place was already empty apart from Brittany and a couple of people around the place. Max had already headed out. He managed to hook up with a girl that came in after Brittany and her friends.

“You want me to go?” Brittany asked.

“I only live in the apartment upstairs. It doesn’t bother me.” I replied. “Plus, I have tomorrow off, so it doesn’t matter if I turn in late. I can hang out with for a while.”

“Thank you!“ She gave me a big smile. “Seeing as though I got stood up, I’ll have a beer.” I picked up a beer bottle, took the cap off and handed it to her. Brittany continued to talk about herself, her twin, mainly cause I asked and about her career. Being a bar man, I was use to hearing people talk.

The place cleared out and Jeff headed out, locking the door behind him, to stop any one else from getting in. Leaving me and Brittany alone. We continued to talk, flirting back and fourth a little until there was a moment of silence.

“You want to play a little pool?” I asked.

“Sure! Why not?” She said as we walked over to the pool table. “You know what is really annoying thing is about being stood up?”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Just like my 30th, I don’t get laid.” She replied racking up the balls. I didn’t know what to say.

“You play before?” I asked. She shook her head. “We’ll just play and not keep score than.” I said to her. Great! If I had an opening to make a move that was it and I had blown it. We both went over and picked up a pool cue each.

“Do you know how to hold the stick when you go to hit the balls?” I asked, realising how patronising I sounded.. She shook her head again. “Just watch me and copy what I do.” I showed her a demonstration.

“I think I got it.” She said stepping up to the pool table. She hit the white ball quite low down on the ball with a lot of power and the ball jumped off the table and rolled onto the wall. I laughed at her as I went to get the ball.

“Don’t laugh!” She said, laughing herself. “That was my first attempt!” I placed the ball on the table and she did the exact same thing again. I wasn’t expecting her to be a great pool player considering she’d never played before so it didn’t bother me. I got the ball and placed it down on the pool table. She lined up to hit it the same way again.

“Wait.” I said. “What do you think you’re doing wrong?” I asked.

“I don’t know!” She laughed. “I hit it like you do, but it keeps flying off.” I decided this was the perfect opportunity to get close to her.

“I’ll show you what you’re doing wrong.” I went up behind her and hunched over her, my chin on her shoulder. I placed one hand on top of her hand that was resting on the pool table. With my other hand, I held her hand that was holding the pool cue.

“You’re aiming the stick too low. You want to get it right here.” I said positioning the stick so the tip was directly aimed at the middle of the ball. Brittany turned her head to the side slightly to look at me. There was just millimetres separating her lips from my mine. She breathed out through her mouth onto my lips. I didn’t move my head and neither did she. I started to move my head forward to kiss her.

“So do I pull back and hit the ball?” She asked turning her head away from me.

“Yeah.“ I replied, still holding her hand, but very loosely so that I had no grip and she’d be able to do the work. She managed to hit the ball without it flying off the table.

“Look at that!” She said. “It stayed on the table!” I slowly got of her.

“That was great.” I said. We continued to play, she took to it quite well. A lot better than a beginner would. As we played we continued to talk. Just general conversation.

“How about we make this interesting.” Brittany said as we racked up the balls to play again. “Make a little wager?”

“I won’t feel right taking your money, so… no.”

“Ooh! Confidence.” Brittany smiled. “How about we wager something else instead of money?”

“Like?” I asked.

“Well… how about this? If one of us pots a ball, the other pays a penalty.”

“What’s the… penalty?” I asked a little intrigued.

“Clothes!” She said getting excited, smiling, showing her teeth.

“If you want me to see you naked, you could just get on the table and strip instead of embarrassing yourself.”

“Shut up!” She laughed, playfully slapping me on the stomach. “You game?”

“Sure! I’d love to see you naked.” Brittany just gave me a sultry smile. “To give you a fighting chance, you can pot them in any order and I’ll break.” I said as I hit the white ball as hard as I could sending it rocketing into the pile of balls.

“I’ll get the striped ones.” Brittany said as the white ball was lined up right next to a striped ball. She potted it and looked at me with a huge smile. I reached down and took a shoe off. “No fair!” She protested.

“Hey, I took something off.” I replied laughing.

“Mean!” She said pouting turning around and bending over the table as she lined up the next shot and missed.

“My turn now.” I said approaching the pool table as Brittany took a couple of steps back. Still quite close to the table. I stood beside her and took position for my first pot. I would’ve called out the ball number and which pocket it was gonna go into, but there was no point really, I highly doubt Brittany would understand what the hell it meant anyway.

I potted the first ball with ease and turned and looked at Brittany. She smiled, reached down and took one of her heels off.

“Hmm!” She stuck her tongue out as if to say two can play at that game. It didn’t really matter much. She had another shoe, skirt, top, bra and panties. Five item of clothing. Whereas I had another shoe, two socks, jeans, shirt and boxers. Six items of clothing. I went around to the other side of the table and quickly potted the next ball and she took her other shoe off. I walked around to the corner of the pool table, looked down and stared at her feet. She had red toe nail polish on.

“Nice feet.” I complimented her.

“Thanks!” She said, shuffling her feet around. I potted the next ball and looked at her. She undid the button on her skirt.

“You’d rather show me your panties than your bra?”

“I’m not wearing one.” She replied. “I thought I’d do my blind date a favour and make things easier for him by not wearing one.” True. Some guys do have problems with getting bras off. I walked around to the side of the table Brittany was standing.

“Turn around. Let me get a good look at that ass.” Brittany smiled and turned around. She looked back at me and smiled as she shook her ass. She had a black thong on that had gone in between her butt crack. “Bend over a little.” I said, not really expecting her to do it but she did. She had her hands on her knees, bending over a little, sticking her butt out. She giggled as she shook her ass. I could feel my boner growing.

“That’s an incredible ass!” I complimented her and she laughed. She stood up straight and nearly lost her footing, lifting one foot up, her heel nearly touching the back of her thighs as she regained her balance.

“That’s a sexy looking foot. Let me see the other one.” I asked.

“Got a little feet fetish?” She asked, with a big smile as she raised her other foot, her heel nearly touching the back of her thighs.

“A little.” I replied, walking around to the other side of the table. “A lot when I see beautiful feet. Now…” I said going back to the table, lining up the next shot. “…Time to see some big titties.” I said as I potted the next ball and looked at her. She smiled and grabbed the bottom of her top and quickly pulled her top over her head. Her tits looked incredible and they just took my breath away. They were flawless, beautifully tanned.

“Beautiful!” Was all I could say and Brittany laughed folding her arms to cover her bare breasts.

I walked around the pool table to the side where Brittany was standing. She was in the way and not giving me a lot of room. The next pot needed me to stand where she was. I stood in front of her and bent over the table, taking position. My butt stuck out and pushed back against her crotch. She bent over, pressing her bare chest against my back, placing her hands on my sides. I was aiming to miss my next shot to toy with her. but even if I wasn’t aiming to miss my next shot, I think Brittany was causing enough of a distraction for me to miss.

“The pressure is on.” She said, lowering her head, bringing her mouth closer to my ear her voice now a whisper. “He has one last ball to pot before he can see Brittany Daniel’s neatly trimmed… tight… wet… pussy, that’s been longer for a big dick all… night… long.” My hand jerked forward, I hit the ball and missed. There was no way it looked like I missed intentionally after what she said, even though I was aiming to miss. Brittany laughed.

“My turn now.” Brittany said picking her pool cue up and walking around to the other side of the pool table, very slowly. Swaying her ass side to side, arching her feet as walked slowly to the other side.

I stared at her beautiful body as she bent over, her tits hanging down looking even better than they already were. She was concentrating hard on the next shot. She had to get six in a row to avoid being naked. She actually managed to get the ball in which meant I lost another shoe.

As she lined up the next shot, I just continued to stare at her huge tits. She managed to get the next ball in as well, bringing me down to one sock.

“Going on a lucky potting streak.” I commented.

“Looks that way!“ She laughed. As she bent over for the next pot and got that too. “Oooh!” She said. As I took my other sock off. “Now it gets interesting…” She said lining up her next shot. “…I finally get to see some skin!” She said potting the next ball with ease. “Now do you show me your boxers or your bare chest.

“How do you know I have nothing on under the shirt?” I asked.

“Your nipples are poking out.” She said pointing at my nipples with the pool cue.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll give you a peak at my toned abs.” I said unbuttoning my shirt. Brittany stood there, biting her bottom lip in anticipation as I slowly undid each button. I took the shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. “One more ball and you’re done.” I said to here.

“Who says you’re getting back on the table to get that last ball?” She said taking position. “Five ball, middle left pocket.” She said potting the five ball in the middle left pocket. And that’s when it hit me.

“You hustled me!” I said out loud.

“Looks that way!” She laughed. “Now drop those jeans!” She said pointing at my jeans with the pool cue. I unbuttoned the jeans and pulled them down. “Looks like someone’s pitching a tent!” She said staring at my crotch. I decided to play it cool and make it not seem like a big deal.

“What can I say? You’re hot as hell.” She blushed a little. She walked over to the side I was standing on and her last pot needed her to stand in front of me. Just like what she did earlier, I didn’t move. I stood there.

Brittany stood in front of me, placed one hand on the table and started to position the pool cue and as she bent over, her ass pushed back against me, my cock head started to press in between her butt cheeks. She started to laugh and hanged her head down.

“Your dick is getting in the way!” She laughed looking back at me.

“I’m just standing here.” I said. She gave me a annoyed smile and started to shake her ass, moving my cock to the side so the cock head was pressed against her ass cheek. She pushed her butt back, pushing my cock to the side with her ass. She started to take aim and that’s when I decided to play mind games with her like how she did with me.

“The pressure is on.” I said, lowering her head, leaning over her, bringing my mouth closer to her ear, my voice now a whisper. “She has one last ball to pot before she can see Kash’s huge… erect… cock…” I reached down, positioning my cock in between her legs. My cock went harder and pushed up against her pussy, that was still covered by her black thong. She let out a little moan as my cock pressed against her.

“With the whole game riding on this last pot, will the pressure get to her?” I said, my voice just above her whisper as my lips were now touching her ear lobe. I put my arms around her body, holding her bare tits, one in each hand, squeezing them, causing her to moan.

“How long has it been since you had a big dick in your tight wet cunt?” I asked as I reached down with one hand, pushing my hand under her panties and rubbing her clit.

“Huh!” She moaned closing her eyes. I pressed my lips against the side of face. I pushed my index finger into her pussy. “Oh!” She moaned pushing her head back. She was already getting wet with anticipation. I pulled my finger out and slowly worked my hand around her thigh to her ass. I stood up straight and pulled her thong out from her butt crack and moved it to one side.

“I need to…” She moaned, looking back at me, her mouth open. “I need to… make this shot.” She managed to finally get out. I had boxers that had two buttons at the front. I tugged at them and they came undone, my dick sprang out and pressed against her butt. I was so desperate to fuck her and she was turning me on so much that when my cock touched her butt cheeks, pre cum oozed out onto her butt cheek.

Brittany was trying her best to get aim on the final ball as I rubbed my cock head down her butt crack and pushed it into her wet cunt.

“Uuhhh!” She let out a loud moan as I pushed my cock half way into her wet cunt as she took her shot, which came out weak and the balls just about made contact. I pulled back and thrust into her, getting my full length into her tight hole.

“God!” She moaned as I started to work my cock in and out of her hole at a steady pace. Brittany moved the pool cue out the way, at the same time using it to move all the balls in front of her to one side.

I started to build up the pace, watching her body from behind as I fucked her. Her butt cheeks jiggled every time I thrust into her and my groin smacked against her butt. I grabbed her butt cheeks and squeezed them as I carried on. Brittany was moaning louder with every thrust.

“I’m close to cumming!” Brittany moaned. “God I’m so close!” She moaned pushing the top of her head against the pool table. “I wanna see your face when I cum!” She moaned. I don’t know why she wanted to see my face, but I definitely wanted to see what her fuck face would look like.

I quickly pulled out of her and she turned around, her ass rubbing my cock as she did and she sat on the pool table. I quickly pressed my cock against her opening pushing my cock in, continuing from the pace I had left off at when she was bent over the table.

Brittany wrapped her legs around my waist and I could feel her heels dig into my butt cheeks through my boxers as she used her legs to pushed her body down to meet my thrusts, getting me deeper into her cunt.

“That’s it! Just keep fucking me!” She yelled. “Fuck me faster!” Brittany pulled herself up, putting her hands to the back of my neck, hanging off my neck. I held her by her waist as I continued to fuck her as fast as I could. She kissed me, deep and hard. Pushing her tongue into my mouth.

“I’m gonna cum!” She screamed. “Don’t stop!” She moaned through gritted teeth. “Just… keep… fucking ME!” She screamed, her hips bucking back and fourth wildly as her orgasm approached. I could feel my orgasm starting to approach very rapidly.

“I’m gonna cum too!” I moaned.

“Cum with me!” She said, looking into my eyes, pulling my face closer to hers. “You cumming?” She moaned through gritted teeth. “I can’t hold back any more! I’m gonna cum! Cum with me!” She moaned.

“Shit! I’m…” I started and she kissed me, pressing her lips against mine as both of our orgasms hit at the same time. I pulled her closer to me as I shot my load deep inside her, pressing my lips harder against her. As I shot the next few loads, I drilled into her fast as I could, emptying my loads into her. I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock and my balls started to get wet with her cum as I carried on thrusting into her.

As my orgasm started to subside, I laid her down on to the pool table, me on top of her, my arms wrapped around her. I gave a couple of quick short thrusts as my hips bucked. I lay still on top of her my mouth pressed against her neck, breathing hard. Her mouth was right next to my ear and I could hear her breathing hard as well.

“That was intense!” Brittany said once our orgasms had fully subsided. I pushed myself up with my hands placed at either side of her head.

“You’re telling me!” I said, still a little breathless. I pulled out of her, with a loud squishing sound.

“Guess we both came quite a bit!” Brittany laughed. It did feel like I shot more cum into her than I had ever shot before. I got off the pool table and Brittany and walked over to the bar. I picked up the bottle I was drinking from and emptied it into a glass and walked up to Brittany as I drank from the glass.

I stood in front of her as she sat at the edge of the pool table. Brittany spread her legs apart and leaned forward, lowering her head, bringing it closer to my cock. I could feel her hot breath at the tip of my cock as she took my cock head into her mouth.

“Mmm!” She moaned, looking up at my eye with those beautiful blue eyes and then giggled with my cock still in her mouth. She started to bob her head up and down my shaft, taking more in each time until she took my full length down her throat, which wasn’t too hard to do as my cock had gone flaccid and shrunk a little, but she was doing a good job on trying bringing it back to being hard.

I watched her suck my cock as I finished off the glass of beer. I stood there with the glass in my hand as she continued to suck my cock, getting it clean of both of our cum. As she continued to suck my cock for the next couple of minutes, my cock started to get harder and started to grow back to it’s full length. This made Brittany find it harder to take it down her throat.

“Huhhh!” Brittany let out a long breath as she took my cock out of her mouth. Her saliva dripped down my cock and onto my boxers and her tits. “God!” She said stroking my cock with her hand.

“You’re getting all hard again!” She said pushing herself up the pool table, leaning back on her arms. I placed the glass that was in my hand down on the floor, I didn’t want to get any marks off the glass on the pool table.

“If I remember correctly, you were checking my feet out before.” She said, touching my lower abs with one of her foot. “You want a closer look?” She asked. I didn’t answer her, instead I held her foot by her heel and lowered my head down, kissing the sole of her foot. Brittany giggled at my response to her question.

I sucked the ball under her big toe and she wriggled her cute toes around. I licked up the ball and took her big toe into my mouth and started to suck it. I bit down gently, sucking on the fleshy head part of the toe. Brittany started to wriggle her other toes, rubbing the side of my lips. I took the toe next to her big toe into my mouth and sucked it. I took my mouth of her toe and took all four of her smaller toes into my mouth at the same time, circling them with my tongue while they were in my mouth.

Brittany reached out with her other foot and started to stroke the side of my shaft with her big toe. She pulled her foot away from my mouth, bringing it down to my cock. She started to stroke the sides of my cock with her feet. She bought her heels together while my cock was in between her feet and started to work the sides of her feet up and down my shaft.

“You like that?” Brittany asked. “You like it when I rub your cock with my feet?”

“Yeah.” I replied as she started to stroke my cock faster and faster. My cock was struggling to stay hard and not go soft, I had just cum about five minutes ago. Brittany kept it up, not slowing down, not giving my dick a chance to get soft.

Brittany shifted on to her side, stroking one side of my cock with the sole of her foot, pressing my member down with the sole on to the top of her other foot.

“Shit!” Brittany said after a couple of minutes. “Hand me a glass!” I picked up the glass that I put on the floor and handed it to her. “Watch this!” She said with a very seductive smile on her face. She spread her legs apart and pressed the glass just under her pussy hole. She held it there for a couple of seconds before my cum started to flow out of her pussy and into the glass.

“I think that’s all of it.” Brittany said, wiping her cunt with the rim of the glass, making sure every drop went into the glass.

“Fuck!” I said in amazement.

“You haven’t seen nothing yet!” Brittany said bringing the glass up to her mouth and started to drink my cum. Once she finished drinking my cum from the glass, she jumped off the pool table and placed the glass on a table close to the pool table.

Brittany stood in front of me and than squatted down, getting on to her knees. She sucked the head of my cock working her lips half way down my shaft, getting my cock wet with her saliva. She then pulled my boxers down.

“That’s for putting me of my shot. You have to pay a penalty, making me the winner.” She said tossing my boxers to one side. She went over to the clothes on the floor, picked up my shirt and put it on. It was very big on her, the sleeves were too long and the shirt ended half way down her thighs. She did the top button and looked very sexy in my shirt.

Brittany bent over to pick up the clothes. I got another good view of her ass, she had moved the thong back in to place. She picked up all the clothes, including my boxers. She headed to the back of the bar, towards the staff room.

“Get the shoes.” She said heading into the staff room area. I picked up both her shoes and mine and headed to the staff room. As I got there, Brittany was nowhere to be seen and the backdoor was open. As a security measure, we had a top lock that needed a key that all staff had, and the key was in the lock. Brittany must’ve gone through my pants pockets to find them. I stuck my head out the back door.

“Come on Kash!” Brittany said. She was nearly at the top of the stairs that lead up to my apartment.

“Throw me my pants.” I called out. She just laughed, shook her head and started to walk to the front door of my apartment. Shit! Was she really gonna make me go to my apartment naked.

“Hurry up Kash!” She said before she walked into my apartment. Shit! She is. I looked around to see if I could see anyone. It was pretty late and I doubted anyone would be around. I switched the back light off, so that it would be too dark to see me if anyone was around. I got the keys and locked the door behind me.

I made my way to the stairs and looked up. Brittany had switched the lights on in my apartment, which gave me the light I needed to see. I quickly ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I ran into my apartment and closed the door behind me.

“Brittany!” I yelled out. “That shit wasn’t funny!” I made my way to the bedroom as I figured that’s where she’d be. As I entered the bedroom, I saw the clothes on the floor and tossed the shoes and keys next to them

“What took you so long?” Brittany asked, as she lay on the bed, her legs spread, with two fingers deep inside her cunt. “I got so horny that I had to start with out you baby.” She said. How the hell was I suppose to stay mad at her when she looked that beautiful?

“You know…” I started sitting down beside her kissing her shoulder. “..You know how you let me get a closer look at your feet, cause I was checking them out earlier?”

“Yeah?” Brittany smiled, still fingering herself.

“Well… I was checking your ass out before I checked your feet out.” I said. “And seeing as though you gave me a closer look at your feet…”

“You want a closer look at my ass?” Brittany asked, with a sly smile on her face.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Well… It is my birthday and I have had a cock in every hole except for my ass…”

“And I think it’s time we remedy that!” I said rolling her over on to her front. “Don’t you?” I said slapping her thick butt. Brittany let out a little surprised and excited yelp when I slapped her ass.

“Give it to me nice and hard!” She said looking back with a very seductive look, lifting her ass, re-positioning her arms so she was on all fours. I pulled her ass cheeks apart, one of them had a patch of dry skin, which was from when I pressed my cock against her ass cheek earlier and all that pre-cum oozed out.

I spat onto her ass hole. which caused her to let out a excited squeal. My cock was still covered in her saliva from when she sucked my dick, before taking my boxers off. I pressed my cock head against her brown hole and then pushed past her tight ring with a loud plop sound.

“Ahhh! Fuck!” Brittany moaned as my thick cock invaded her tightest orifice. I pushed my hips forward a little, pushing my cock further into her rectum and then pulled back. I pushed forward again, forcing more of my member in to her rear, causing her to scream this time. I had two thirds of my manhood in her ass, I guess that’s as far as I was gonna get, for now.

I paused for a second and slapped her big round ass again. Brittany let out another surprised yelp and laughed. I grabbed her ass cheeks, one in each hand and pushed them up, giving me a better view of my cock going into her ass hole. Brittany arched her back, sticking her ass higher into the air.

“You ready?” I asked her.

“Yeah!” She smiled, pushing her hips back, working my cock into her ass, then pulling forward. I thrust into her ass as she pushed her hips back, causing her to scream out even louder as the full length of my thick cock was now deep in her ass.

I pulled back, thrusting into her ass hard and slow, pulling her ass back towards me, making sure I got it deep in her ass hole. I start to build up pace getting faster with every thrust and Brittany started to lean back into my thrusts, allowing me to penetrate her ass hole deeper.

I started to feel her ass hole contract around my dick, loosening around my shaft as I thrusted forward, making squelching sounds as my cock pushed air out of her ass hole. Brittany’s sphincter gripped my cock real tight when I pulled back.

I carried on pounding into her ass hard, as fast as I could, Brittany thrusting her ass back, keeping in rhythm with my strokes. She soon started to get a little eager and started to go faster than me and ended up pulling her ass off my cock.

“Shit, that’s tight!” I said and Brittany laughed. “Suck my cock!” I said to her expecting her to say no, but instead she turned around and lowered her head on to my cock, taking my ass covered cock to the back of her mouth, bobbing her head up and down my shaft, getting faster with every stroke.

I pulled my cock away from her and pushed her onto her back. I lay down beside her on my side, the side of her hips touching my cock.

“Go onto your side.” I said to her and she rolled onto her side, her butt cheek rubbing against my cock as she did. I put one arm under her and with the other hand, I held my cock, pushed it in between her butt cheeks and rubbed up and down, pushing my cock head into her ass hole. I pushed my hips forward and her tight ring loosened as my cock went up her ass.

I wrapped my arms around her waist as I started to thrust in and out of her ass hole. I built up to a steady pace, trying to make this last as long as possible. I wasn’t thrusting into her hard, I was trying to make this more slow and sensual. Brittany’s moans were quite low, they were a little louder whenever I thrust into her a little too fast, but I’d bring the pace back down. I pulled her body closer to me, kissing her shoulders as I worked my dick in and out of her tight shit hole.

After a while I could feel my orgasm start to build and I stopped. I held Brittany around her waist, rolled her on to her front, not taking my cock out of her ass hole, rolling on top of her at the same time as I turned her over. Her legs were in between mine, together, making her ass hole even tighter around my shaft.

I put one arm under her arm, squeezing one of her tits hard, while I had the other arm go over her other shoulder, gripping the side of her head as I thrust into her as hard and as fast as I could instantly.

“Fuck! Arrrrghhh! That feels so good!” Brittany yelled as I drilled into her as fast as I could. I started to move my knees up, so that I was kneeling on the back of her thighs, with my upper body flat on her back.

I carried on at this fast pace, trying desperately to cum in her ass. I wanted to cum so badly that it started to hurt. My cock was so hard but it was taking forever to cum because I came not so long ago downstairs.

“Yeah!” I moaned. “It’s coming!” I moaned into Brittany’s ear, kissing the side of her face, as I started to feel my cock throb harder and harder with every thrust.

“Don’t cum in my ass!” She moaned. “I want it on my face.” I quickly got off her and she rolled onto her back. I straddled her chest and started to jerk off. I was close to cumming that my cock was starting to hurt now. Brittany bit her bottom lip in anticipation and started to squeeze her own tits. She looked up at me.

“You wanna fuck my tits!” Brittany asked in a sweet voice, pouting. I Didn’t answer her, I spat in between her tits and spread it around with my cock head for lubrication and placed my wet cock in between her huge tits. Brittany pushed them together, clamping my cock with her large mounds of flesh. I instantly started to thrust up and down her chest, my cock popping up at the top of her tits and poking her on the chin. Brittany re-positioned her head, so that my cock poked out into her mouth.

“Ahhh!” She moaned, opening her mouth wide as my cock went up her tits and into her mouth. “You like fucking my tits?” She asked as my cock went down her chest and then opened her mouth again as my cock poked up.

“Yeah!” I replied. “Your big tits feel incredible around my shaft.”

“Mmm…” She moaned while she tried to suck my cock when it poked up into her mouth. “I love feeling your huge cock throbbing in between my tits!” She moaned as I pressed my hand onto her tits, pressing them down as I started to thrust up and down in between her tits as fast as I could.

“Stop teasing me!” She pouted. “Just give me that cum!” She moaned. “Come on Kash! Cover my face in that hot spunk!” I could feel my orgasm building up and my cock was throbbing real fast and hard.

“You cumming?” Brittany asked, feeling my cock throbbing hard in between her tits and before I could answer, I thrust up her chest and blasted a load up her face. Brittany quickly closed her left eye as my first load went up the left side of her face and a line went from her eye brow to half down her cheek.

“Cum in my mouth!” Brittany said, opening her mouth, sticking her tongue out as I thrust up her tits and my second load went up into her mouth and down her chin. She wrapped her lips around my shaft, I let go of her tits and let her stroke my cock, hard, as each load shot into her mouth.

“Mmm…” She moaned as my orgasm started to subside. Brittany still had my cock in her mouth and as I ran out of cum she swallowed with a loud audible gulp. She stroked my cock slowly and laughed, while my cock head was still in her mouth.

“Looks like you did get laid on your birthday after all.” I said and Brittany laughed, taking my cock out of her mouth.

“Yeah! Twice!” She said sticking up two fingers, giggling. She then scooped up the cum going up her face and on her chin with her finger and put her finger in her mouth. I lay down beside her.

“Where’s your bathroom?” She asked.

“Go out the door, turn left and it’s the last door.” She left the room and came back a couple of minutes later, drying her face with a towel. She tossed the towel aside and lay down beside me on her side, hugging me. She went to kiss me.

“Don’t worry! I washed my mouth out too.” She said and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth and then pulling her tongue back. She rest her head on my chest.

“Do you have the number of any good pizza delivery places around here?”

“Yeah. I got a couple.” I replied. “ Why?”

“If I remember correctly, you said you had tomorrow off. So… I was thinking that we could spend the day in, actually spend it in this room, just fucking. You know?” She smiled.

“Yeah. I know. If I had a choice, I’d quit my job and just spend all my time fucking you.”

“Well you should, actually, I insist you do. There’s nothing I like better than coming home from a hard days work to a big hard cock.” She turned on to her back, resting the back of her head on my chest, I put my arms around her, going under her arms, my hands met in front of her tits. Brittany placed her hand on mine, holding them. We lay there like this as we both drifted off to sleep.


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