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Author Topic: In My Bed (Sabrina Carpenter)  (Read 7591 times)


In My Bed (Sabrina Carpenter)
« on: December 02, 2019, 12:55:20 AM »
The following is a work of fiction, none of the events have ever occurred. If you take offense to this story, you might be on the wrong site.

In My Bed

By The House of Weird

Staring Sabrina Carpenter

Codes: Con MF, Drugs.

It was day 4 of a 4 day shoot, the entire crew was slowly burning it's way into the night, and on everyone's mind was the thought of a warm bed to sleep in in a few more hours. Soon a director yells cut! A solid last shot from the camera man. They could all finally pack up and head home and enjoy their Friday. With no hesitation most of the crew started putting tech away and tearing down the equipment, knowing the sets will be taken care of another day. The night janitor, a young guy named Bobby, came in as the rest of the crew carried supplies to the storage room. The set producer informing young Bobby that the bedroom set stays up until Monday morning when the day crew will take it down for a different shoot next week. His only real requirement, do not lock up completely until the last of the everyone leaves. Bobby had no problem with that, it just meant less work for his lazy self to handle, how hard is locking a door?

Everyone left for their Friday weekend plans. Everyone... Except Sabrina.

Bobby found Sabrina sitting over in the corner of the bedroom set, her wandering eyes looking over the various set pieces that made the child's dream room complete. Her black and white pajamas for the shoot still on her as she sat by oversized ice cream cones and pondered.

"Uh miss?" Bobby caught her attention, making her see the young man in green overalls. "I'm afraid the stage is closed for the night."

"I know." Sabrina replied politely. "I'm just, taking in the acid trip of a set in one more time before heading out."

"Heh." He chuckled at that. "I do admit it looks like someone was high on something when this set was designed."

"Yeah." Sabrina continued. "But I'll let you get to work then so.."

"You know what." The janitor interrupted her. "I'll clean this place last so you can have a few more minutes here." He offered.

"Really? Thanks um.."


"Bobby right, I'm Sabrina." She introduced herself.

Bobby went of to the rest of the lot, finding the occasional bit of trash here and there normal stuff. A few cigarette buds to be removed from the smoking area as those kind of items are generally tossed out including booze for some reason. Looking at his watch Bobby noticed he somehow got the whole place done in 20 minutes, a new personal record.

"How's it going Bobby?" Sabrina called out from the bed set.

"Done in 20 minutes flat!" He called out in reply as he walked over to the 20 year old singer. "Not to toot my own horn but a new personal best if I say so myself."

"So the whole place is clean?" She asked.

"Yup, yet I'm stuck here for another 7 and a half hours due to my required shifts." Bobby explained to her while sitting on the bed. "Basically, I'm getting paid to do nothing for the rest of the night."

"Nice." Said Sabrina making small talk.

"So, ready to head home?" He asked her.

"Er not quite, I actually have a question." Sabrina told him.


"This yours?" She asked opening the drawer to the nightstand, pulling out two bags of various food items. "I found these in that nightstand, I'm not judging you if they are but do you anything about these?"

Bobby took a look at the bags, one was filled with little candies all of which were different colors. The second baggie was bigger but instead of candy it had large squares of brownie in it. They weren't his, but he knew what they are.

"Well there not mine." Bobby started. "But they might be belong to whomever made this set."

"You mean the set builders?" Sabrina asked curiously.

"No..." He said. "Remember when I said someone was high while making this?"

"Yeah?" Sabrina paused putting two and two together. "Oooohh. You know what that makes sense."

"Yeah. And they left the rest of the pot brownies in there to munch on. The candy might be edibles." Bobby informed her.

"So what happens to the secret stash?"

"Well according to my boss who's been around since the dinosaurs." He joked. "Weed isn't allowed on site to avoid having someone be high on camera so any amount of drugs no matter how little must the disposed of immediately."

"Well that's a waste of a perfectly good brownie." Sabrina told him. "And I'm not even refuring to the pot part."

"I'm sorry you feel that way but I have rules to follow, and they say to get rid of any weed as soon as I find it." He repeated himself.

The two just kinda sat there as Sabrina pondered on and Bobby thinking why did he have to make more work for himself by finding this stuff.

"Bobby?" Sabrina wondered aloud. "Is there a specific way TO dispose of it?"

"Um...actually...no, there isn't." Bobby told her. "Why?"

He couldn't really tell, but the sly smile on her face must have meant she had an idea.

45 minutes later....

"That was delicious." Sabrina Carpenter said aloud with a slight giggle in her tone. "I don't know why I'm so happy about the taste."

"That would be the pot kicking in." Bobby pointed out as they lay on the bed after their snack.

"Oh yeah, you're probably right Booby." She joked laughing at her own joke.

"How many did you have?"

"Just the same amount as you did." The actress told him.

"I'm just not that big of a pothead."

"Believe me it has a few perks." Bobby said.

"I still can't believe you're only a year older then me." Sabrina talked to him. "Yet here you are in a janitorial position. Why not be doing something more else like college?"

"Are you in college?"

"Um no?"

"My point has been proven." He retorted. "Life doesn't change just because you stay in school. It changes based on how you choose to live."

"And how do you choose to live." Sabrina asked shifting to her side to look at her new friend.

"Simple, I want to enjoy the peace of a relaxing job to enjoy a plethora of what I personally consider fun. And I feel like eating pot brownies with a beautiful girl is fun, then fuck it I'm going to do it."

Bobby looked over to see Sabrina just watching him.

"Sorry, I tend to get a little deep when high."

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked him softly.

"Well...yeah. I'm not going to deny that you're beautiful. That would be stupid."

She just giggled a his confession, her smile brought a sense of joy he hadn't seen in a while, and he didn't mind it one bit.

"Ah you're cute too. Though it could be the weed talking idk." She admitted. "Doesn't pot help with like sex or something?"

"It does make a good lubricant if made correctly."

"Oh so I could use it on that strap on then."

"Yeah you coul...come again?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah I um... Might have let my friend Joey King come visit on set yesterday and as a practical joke she sortta...put a, strap on onto one of the giant teddy bears in the back."


"Oh yeah dat ass for sure." Sabrina confirmed with him. "I might be high but I'm aware enough to not make dumb shit up."

Bobby laughed at this revelation and sat up to unzip part of his top to let the cool air hit his undershirt.

"Alright, what do you wanna do till this high wears off?" He asked his singer friend while she sat up as well.

"I mean, we do have the edibles. Why not just complete our high and get an uber home?" Sabrina suggested.

"Sounds good. Though I think I'll just crash here since I'm still on the clock. You wanna take your strap on home with you?" He asked.

"Nah if I take it with me my driver might find it odd. Besides, it only truly works with there's a second person." Sabrina joked while poring out the bag of candy onto the nightstand.

"So," Bobby looked over the options. "Factoring in the colors mean different fruity flavors I'd say we have Cherry, Orange, Banana for some reason, some type of Apple I believe and... That's just a viragra pill."

"What's the pink one? Sabrina pointed out.

"That...I'm not sure, is there anything else in the bag?"

"No that's it. Oh but there's a white one on the floor." Sabrina picked it up. "Must've rolled off or something."

"Alright so, here's your half." Bobby placed some into her hand which she scarfed down instantly. "And here's mine." He grabbed his, not wanting to be out done he followed suit with Sabrina and chucked them all at once.

"There a little chewy." Sabrina said in between bites.

"I know, they're like gummy bears only with weed melted in. Great for those who don't like the smoke."

"You forgot the three other candies." The ex Disney star pointed out.

"Yeah, wasn't sure about them."

"But don't we have to dispose of all of them?" She teased him.

Bobby thought it over for a second before saying. "Fuck it, here. You have the pink one." He offered it to her. "And I'll take the white one." He grabbed the white candy.

"Hey," Sabrina added, "I dare you to eat the Viragra too."

"You dare me what are you 12?"

"Please??" She gave a pouty voice with big droopy eyes to get his attention.

"Oh alright, but you don't get to make fun of the erection I get." He told her

"I make no promises." She teased once more.

"Alright on three." He said holding up his two and Sabrina her one mystery candy. "One, two, three!"

They swallowed them down like one would take medicine pills and they waited. For a good two minutes before they started getting bored.

"I don't feel any different." Sabrina admitted.

"Me neither," Bobby replied. "Must be a delay."

"Ugh, now I'm high and the only thing different is how horny I am." Sabrina cried out.

"TMI Sabrina." Bobby told her.

"What? All I said was that I'm high and hungry."

"Really?" He asked, "I thought I heard something else then hungry."

"Now why would you call me that?" Sabrina remarked with a light smack to his arm.

"Ow! hey what did I say?" Bobby asked confused.

"You know what you said."

"Not really no."

"Hey...do you hear something?" Sabrina questioned him.

"Like wha-"

Bobby heard it too. It sounded like a radio playing old music, something familiar about the song too.

"Bobby? What exactly did we eat?" Sabrina asked him as from her own perspective, her pajama pants were starting to change colors.

"If I had to guess.." He started before being interrupted by the sound of candy man playing in his head. "Something a little stronger then weed...."

"How much stronger?" Sabrina asked while unbuttoning her top a little bit.

Bobby tried to stand and walk around a little bit but his head just spinned with the room, like he was floating with every step. His heart beating faster then normal, and a erection putting a tent in his pants.

"My guess is..." He thought putting the pieces together. "There was a reason the bag had a little blue pill in it."

He turned around to face what he thought was Sabrina sitting on the bed but instead she appeared right in front of him, her shirt open but not removed so it covered her bare breasts underneath... And a crazed pair of big googly eyes looking right at him.

"So let's take advantage of that little blue pill." She seductively answered.

Sabrina grabbed hold and kissed him hard, almost forcing her tongue down his throat. Bobby while reluctant at first from the kiss, melted right into it and held her tight, letting her explore his mouth with her tongue. Their drug induced horniness fueled their make out session,  Bobby's overalls being pushed to pool around his feet to Let his tented boxers be in full view. Sabrina dropping quickly to her knees in front of him to fish out his cock like it was routine, the blue pill must have done something as she gasped at the 11 inch cock before her, but her surprised face only seemed normal with those big eyes that Bobby saw in his influenced mind. She made no hesitation to take the first 4 inches of his shlong with no regrets, her hand playing with his balls while the singular artist gave him the best blowjob he had ever gotten. His mushroom head given a good licking before taking him down to 7 inches.

Bobby just took his shirt off while the room kept shifting in his mind, the walls began to blend into a purple jazzy color and he felt like the stuffed animals were watching them. But he took one good look at Sabrina, drool from his cock deep within her mouth, seeing her stare at him with those big bouncy eyes, he lost control and came. His cum surprised both of them, Bobby thought he was done and Sabrina quickly started swallowing his man juice as fast as it came. Many ropes of cum had left him before Bobby faltered back a little bit, recovering from the intense orgasm he had. To surprise them again, he was still hard as a rock.

"Oh I like that." Sabrina admired his cock. She quickly turned around and put her upper body on the bed while her lower body stayed off it, Sabrina then pulled her pants down a bit to show her lack of panties and her cute white ass. "Go ahead and fuck me with that monster cock."

More of the song candy man kept playing through his head, but Bobby didn't mind it, instead he dropped to his knees, lined up, and pushed his massive cock into her awaiting pussy. No way in hell would he pass up an opportunity like that. Sabrina's eyes rolled back as she felt the full length of her new lover fill her insides. In her mind Sabrina was listening to old Beatles music, the thrusting of his cock only matching every other beat. Her pussy almost dripping with nectar as Bobby fucked her cunt with ease. Their heads felt groggy but in a good way, as if it knew what it wanted and tunnel vision kept it in place. They didn't remember when they changed position, but they do remember Bobby discarding the rest of his clothes and Sabrina taking off her pants and the two of them being placed in a 69 position on the bed. Bobby licked her vaginal lips that tasted like strawberries while Sabrina was on top sucking him off. Sabrina didn't know what to say, his member tasted like candy. She had only been with two other men in the past but this stranger, this man who she's only known for a few short hours, has the best cock she's ever seem. The best cock she ever fucked to say the least.

Out of nowhere she screamed, screaming that she was cumming as she lifted her upper body up to squirt her lady cum across his chest. A feat she never did before until that pink pill took over. She felt like she was floating, but them she fell, what had happened she didn't know. But she fell onto the bed with her shirt finally off showing her breasts, her legs up with feet close to her head, and Bobby on top fucking her again. Her big lust filled googly eyes starring at him with content, her gaze never changing while Bobby looked at the 'In my bed' singer with hypnotic eyes to Sabrina.

"Oh goodness!" Sabrina said with a high pitched voice to him. "I absolutely love your cock!" She teased playfully.

"And I love your body sexy one." Bobby told her, now with a deeper tone in his voice. "I love everything about you."

"Awww I love you too." Sabrina cooed, kissing hard in between thrusts. "Now...fuck me like there's no tomorrow!"

The room to them just kept on spinning, their minds almost fading in and out of awareness yet even if they lost control of their bodies they knew what to do. Like rabbits fucking they just kept going. One minute there they are, in bed with Bobby on top, the next as the room spined, Sabrina is on the room's desk getting fucked against the mirror. Her legs on top of his shoulders and his cock hitting her G spot. Her hands gripping the wooden sides keeping her stable as she felt another orgasm coming, random items falling off with each thrust except a lava lamp randomly placed there. At least until her orgasm, as she shook and cried out from cumming the lava lamp had enough and fell to the ground. Cracking on impact letting the lava flow out, the cool but strange liquid oozed out and shifted around until it faded into Sabrina getting face fucked by Bobby. His hands holding onto her dirty blonde hair as he pushed her head up and down for her mouth to suck his cock. Her hands playing with his ass with a lingering finger probing his anus. Their face fucking only divulging into her hopping on top of him, as he stood, to ride his cock once more. Bobby held her up while she bounced up and down using her own strength to keep herself up. His massive penis holding up until, and only until, the viragra started to wear off. He could feel it in his veins. Before he could react though he made one last thrust to simultaneously make the two of them cum. Both of them crying out in bliss as they shared an orgasm together. His legs feeling week and Sabrina feeling lightheaded, Bobby couldn't hold up much longer with the drugs losing it's kick and they fell over into darkness...

A ringing in the distance disturbed their slumber, admits their passing out, they ended up sleeping in the pile of stuff animals in the corner. The two lovers groaning at the blaring sound of a phone going off. Bobby being the first to wake up, his cock now shrunk to it's usual unharden state. He looked up to the roof above to see it definitely wasn't his room, sitting up he discovered his nudity and realized the weird thing gabbing at his back was in fact a strap on attached to a oversized teddy bear. His head hurting from trying to remember what happened last night. All he could remember was coming to work, finding pot brownies and... Sabrina woke up before he could finish his train of thought. She sat herself up groaning also from last night, she rubbed her eyes which have returned to normal sized and turned to see Bobby, who caused her to give a puzzled look.

"Huh." She let out softly, not fully aware she was in fact naked. "That really wasn't a dream. Shit that's a relief." She said falling back onto the pile of animals.

"Yeah." Bobby began lowering himself to be at her level. "Sorry about that then."

"I mean..." Sabrina pondered. "Was it good for you?" She asked.

"Um...yeah. Yeah it was."

"Good." She relaxed. "Because high or not. That was the best sex I ever had."

"Heh, I'm glad you liked it." Bobby replied, glad to know she wasn't mad at him for accidentally giving her sex drugs.

The phone went off again to their displeasure. Sabrina knowing it was hers stood up to get it from her discarded pants. Bobby taking in the view of her ass on display as she picked up her phone.

"Hey.... Yeah sorry I uh... Kinda slept in honestly." She spoke to the other side of the phone while turning to look at Bobby quickly. "Can you give me about, 20 minutes?... Cool thanks I'll be there soon.."


"Yeah." Sabrina answered ending the call. "It's apparently 9:07. My agent wants a late breakfast meeting to discuss my next project."

"Shit I better clock out before the boss gets too suspicious about my now overtime." Bobby thought aloud while standing up.

"Hm, little tired out from last night I see?" Sabrina joked pointing to his soft cock.

"Hey give me a break will ya? That white pill was so intense I feel like I'm forgetting parts of last night." Bobby confessed.

"Well I'll tell you what." Sabrina suggested while handing him her phone. "Put your number in there, and when I have the time I'll give you a call and tell you about how much I came last night." She told him ending with a kiss.

"Done." Bobby agreed, putting in his number before returning it to the actress.

"Thank you Bobby. Now, my real clothes are in the dressing room so I will see you, next time. Or you know. In my bed." She joked, walking away naked to the dressing rooms.

Bobby just stood there, silent but curious. He didn't expect last night to end the way it did. Would he take her call? Yes of course he would. The better question was.

"Where the hell do I get what the director was smoking?

The end.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
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