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Author Topic: The Nutcracker (Mackenzie Foy)  (Read 5626 times)


The Nutcracker (Mackenzie Foy)
« on: December 09, 2019, 12:36:46 AM »
The following is a work of fiction, none of the events have ever occurred. If you take offense to this story, you might be on the wrong site.

The Nutcracker

By The House of Weird

Staring Mackenzie Foy

Codes: Con, MF, Inter, First.

The young MacKenzie tip toed down the stairs to her living room as she tried to sneak a peek at tomorrow's presents that santa brought. She had waited all year for this night and couldn't wait another minute to see what was gifted to her. She knew it was wrong but as long as she put it back the way it was she could take a look and go back to sleep before the rest of her family found out. She looked under the large tree as the fire lit the room, most of the gifts to well wrapped to sneakily take a look at. A single box lay by the fire with her name on the tag, no wrapping paper nor fancy ribbon to hinder her viewing. Curious to the shoe box sized present all simple in design that she had to take a look. And behold within and beneath the tissue paper was a beautiful hand crafted nutcracker. She admired her nutcracker with awe as she went to the lounge chair in her long night gown, marveling at the craftsmanship on the most beautiful thing she ever saw. The wood carved face of the toy was done with excellence and the painting with great detail, his face in a smile as the brownish colored skin was making Mackenzie very happy. She whisked him up and away as she danced with him in her arms, in love with how wonderful her foot tall present was. No doll nor dress ever made her feel so...happy as she kissed the forehead of the nutcracker.

"Oh, my wonderful nutcracker." She told the toy holding him up. "I only wish you were real. Then I could show you just how much I love you."

Suddenly she felt a jolt throughout her body. A startling feeling that made her drop her nutcracker on accident as she felt it tingle up her spine and into her head. She felt the world get bigger and her mind was in a dizzy as she looked around to see that no, the room wasn't growing...she was shrinking! Her mind began to panic as the gown she was wearing began to become one size too big down to three sizes to big, nor four, five! She almost cried for help as she grew smaller and smaller until she was less than a foot tall in her own living room. Her bed garment covering her as she noticed her clothes didn't shrink leaving her basically naked. Mackenzie scanned the room wondering what happened until she heard footsteps from the distance. She hid under her own clothes as she listened to the sound of feet slowly approaching, she swore it was her father but the steps didn't sound like bare feet, but the sound of... boots?

"You wanted to show me your love?" Asked a voice she didn't recognize.

She popped her head out just a bit to see...him. Her wonderful nutcracker standing in front of her. He extended a hand out to help her up, and in awe of her toy coming to life she took the hand and pulled herself up keeping one hand to hold the fabric of her night gown to cover her front.

"There's no need to cover yourself." The nutcracker said. "I will love you regardless of what you wear."

MacKenzie just looked at her ebony friend, he was right in a way yet she wasn't sure how. It didn't stop her from letting the cloth fall to the ground exposing her petite flawless body. With not a hair on her skin that wasn't on her head.

"I..." the young girl tried to get out. "I don't know what to say."

He just tilted her head towards him using his hand under her chin. Making them look each other in the eyes.

"Then let's not say anything else." The nutcracker told her, as he closed the small gap between them to give her a kiss.

The actress was filled with new feelings and thoughts she had never thought would come from a nutcracker as they kissed more and more with such passion. Her wish had come true, and she felt more happiness than ever before. He swept her off her feet as the nutcracker carried the nude girl over by the fire, his hat being pulled off by the girl for her to wear it. After laying her down on the rug before him he started to undress himself to be naked like his lover. The young woman watching as he stripped to his boxers. She took control as she had him lay down himself to remove his boxers, exposing his growing 7 inch black cock. Stroking the base of her lovers member, she engulfed the tip of it in her mouth as she slowly gave him a passionate blow job, studying every inch of his erect penis. The two star crossed lovers soon moved to a missionary position, mackenzie opening her legs as her nutcracker prepared to take her virginity. She had been planning to save it for another time, but right here, right now, she wanted the nutcracker to make her a woman. With one push, he entered her forbidden spot as he pushed through her hymen and filled her up all the way. While squirming in brief pain from him taking her cherry, she felt pleasure quite soon as his cock fit perfectly inside her.

They soon began to move in sync as the nutcracker thrusted into her pussy as she rocked her hips to let his full length fill her. The two kissed as they had sex by the large fire, it's warmth being felt on their skin as the girl with skin pale as snow made love to her chocolate toned nutcracker. Soon the time came for both to cum as they reached orgasm together, her juices flowing over his cock as he thrust deep within her to release his seed. They snuggled together as they watched the fire slowly die out, her head resting on his bare chest while he played with her hair. The nutcracker gave her one last kiss before she fell asleep in his arms.

The grandfatherclock struck 8 A.M as MacKenzie awoke in her bed on Christmas morning. Her eyes looked around as the room and herself were normal size again.

"It was a dream." The young girl thought to herself. "Was it really all just a dream?"

Walking downstairs the sound of laughter from the living room meant her family was awake too, they ate treats and opened presents as they celebrated this Christmas day. But as the gifts were given Mackenzie just couldn't help but wonder if anything of last night was real. Her younger sibling soon gave her a gift with her name on it that no one knew for sure where it came from. And it was the box from her dream. 'Could it be?' She thought to herself. She opened the shoe box sized container to find yes, it was her beautiful nutcracker! Just like in her dream. She looked over the entire toy as she noticed something different, something that made her so happy that she almost forgot about all her other gifts. No one else knew why, but as they weren't looking at it, the wooden nutcracker gave MacKenzie a simple smile...and a wink...

The end.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]


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