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Author Topic: Hotel Limbo original series  (Read 339030 times)


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2019, 01:34:50 AM »
Great job my friend, thank you for this surprise that I did not expect to see.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2019, 06:22:50 AM »
 Thank you Donuts! Thanx for the X-mas treat! (Who cares if it's summer). Anymore? Keep 'em coming!


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2019, 02:06:12 PM »
Britney Spears, Ariel Winter

It had been a long few days for Jack. He had arrived in Hotel Limbo and he wasn't sure if he'd like his new surroundings. Sure, the women were cute but deep down he knew he wasn't for multiple sexual partners, sex parties or orgies. He just wanted the quiet life. For all the sexual energy of Hotel Limbo, Jack had to admit the surroundings were peaceful and beautiful. He did enjoy wandering on the white sands of the large beaches and strolling through the sprawling vineyards located close by. He appreciated that he could go where ever he wanted and that no one would bother him unless he wanted.

Today, Jack had got up early and set off for the green hills past the hotel and vineyards. It was that time in the morning where the sun was just up and people were still in their beds. He had made it out of the hotel without seeing a soul and followed a small dust road to the hills. Despite it being early, Jack could feel it was going to be a hot day with the sun already beginning to warm his skin. This only made him more determined to get a move on as he was sure there would be a cooling breeze from the sea a bit higher up. Jack took a second to turn around as he looked over the top of the vineyards. Hotel Limbo had given him new life but this pace was getting to him a bit. Still he pushed on and took a swig from his water bottle as he started to climb the hill.

Jack climbed the winding dust path for hours, leaving the hustle and bustle of Hotel Limbo behind. He would stop every so often and admire the view as well as take in the tranquility that surrounded him. He would also try to take some water and make sure he stayed well hydrated. By now, it was about eleven and the sun was beaming down. However with a cool sea breeze at his back, Jack felt like nothing could really stop him.

Jack even thought he was growing to like this place, despite the seedy goings on that occurred. He would be happy in his own world and everyone else could have theirs. Jack looked up as he came over a small crest. The path led him to a small white house with a tree. The tree was large and offered him some shade for a second. The house fitted the surroundings perfectly, looking like a more modern version of the ones Jack saw from Mediterranean countries. He got his water bottle from his bag. He tipped it up and waited for the water. Empty.

Jack examined the bottle closely, peering down its small opening as if he expected something to appear. It did not. An exasperated sigh left his lips as he shoved his bottle back into his bag. He looked up and pushed himself off the tree. Jack was about to head for home but noted the spectacular view once more. It calmed him and he realised he wasn't done with it yet.

"Perhaps I could get some water from here," he thought to himself as he looked at the white building. Everyone so far had been very accommodating to him and apart from the overtly sexual tones of the place he generally liked it. And getting some water would allow him to carry on with his walk. He looked at the view once more. It was settled.

Jack climbed up the stairs, intent on getting water. To his surprise, there was a glass door at the top which led into a reception area. The reception area looked clean and welcoming so Jack entered, more confident of success. He immediately felt the cool chill of air conditioning and was a little thankful for it. Jack shut the door and stood at the desk. A young brunette looked up at him with a smile on her face. She had her hair done up perfectly and wore a small amount of make up. She wore a grey suit jacket with white shirt which was unbuttoned but did not show off gratuitous amounts of cleavage. She also had on a grey pencil skirt which reached just past the woman's knees. She also wore black peep toe platformed high heels which added about five or six inches. "Very professional looking," was all Jack could think, especially given the amount of flesh on display at the hotel. Jack smiled back at the woman politely and was about to speak but didn't manage first.

"Good morning. Welcome to 'Massage Escapes.' My name is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Do you have an appointment with us today?" Jack was a bit startled. All he wanted was water. He found his composure quickly and replied. "Eh. No I don't. I was just walking through this beautiful area and I was wondering if I could refill my water bottle. It's a bit hot outside."

Jennifer continued to smile. "Certainly sir, would you just like to follow me." The brunette's tone was bubbly and welcoming, like any good receptionist. She took the bottle from Jack as he handed it to her and she took him through a door to fill up the bottle. "Thank you," came the late reply. "Oh and just call me Jack by the way," added Jack, in an attempt to sound polite. He wasn't even sure if Jennifer heard.

When Jack reached the other side of the door though he was completely taken aback. The view he cherished was laid out in front of him. The sea, the vineyards and the hills he had just climbed. The sky was blue, not a single cloud in sight. He lost himself for a second and was only vaguely aware of Jennifer turning on the tap. He did however realise that he was in a massage room, complete with massage table, a sink and a selection of oils. While the room had a bit of a roof to protect from direct sun, the lack of a wall allowed direct views and contact with outside. Jack felt so relaxed. He could see why the place had been built here. He just took it all in. The sights. The fresh air. And the sounds. Suddenly the tap turned off and the sound of heels got closer to him although Jack didn't turn his head. Jennifer sensed how much he loved it by the look on his face and held on to his water. She spoke again, but with a less bubbly tone so as not to disturb the man's peace. "Perhaps you would like a massage in these tranquil surroundings?" "Ohh. Oh that would be lovely," said Jack softly.

"Well if you just get changed I'll just get a masseuse for you. Please make yourself comfortable." Jennifer gestured to the table and stepped out. Jack took a deep breath in and felt the clear air fill his lungs. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped off his shorts and sandals. He took his eyes off the view for a second to look at his underwear. He was most decidedly leaving it on. No doubt this place was used to giving happy endings but Jack wasn't interested in that. He just wanted to relax in this incredible place and there were worse things than a massage in the middle of this.

Jack lay on the table and felt the warmth of the sun on his back. He looked at the surroundings one more time and rested his head into the table. He could have gone to sleep. A moment or two later he heard the door open gently. Jack lifted his head to see who he was getting a massage from. Britney Spears stood in the doorway wearing a small white t-shirt and a matching mini skirt which stopped at the top of the thigh. Platformed peep toe high heels accentuated her long toned legs and finished her look. She wore her blonde hair up with chop sticks making her look more professional. Britney looked over at Jack from the door. "Hi, I'm Britney. I'll be in charge of your massage today. Just make yourself comfortable." Jack rested his head on the table as Britney came in. Jack was partially aware that the door was left open. However Jack was reassured as he felt Britney place a towel over his underwear.

"Jack..." Britney began coyly as she finished tucking in the towel. "I have someone who is learning with me and I was wondering if you'd let her join us." Britney paused waiting for an answer but began talking fast when one didn't come. "She's really good even though she's just learning. She's done a few..."

"That's fine," interrupted Jack , keen to let Britney start and induce that relaxed feeling again.

"Ariel," said Britney, a bit louder, "He said it's ok." Jack kept his head down although he heard the familiar sound of high heels moving across the floor. The door shut. Finally, the massage could begin.

"Hi Jack, my name is Ariel Winter and I'll be learning from Britney today." Ariel was perky and bright as she strutted over to the bed. Jack remained face down, able to see she too had on white platformed peep toe high heels for the massage. Jack could tell Ariel was a bit smaller from her legs but she'd painted her toe nails a beautiful pink colour. It went with Britney's lipstick red look well. Jack found himself looking at the women's feet under the table as the massage was about to begin. He liked the way you could make out two toes at the front of the high heel. It made him feel oddly relaxed as he prepared to have the women's hands touch him. Jack then tried to shake his thoughts of the feet and high heels. He tried to think of the heat of the sun and the beautiful surroundings but his eyes just kept drifting back to the shoes. "We're about to start now," said Britney as she rubbed her hands together. Ariel did the same thing but Jack could tell it was Britney who had her hands on him first. She started slowly, with sweeping motions across his back, spreading the oil around. Her touch was light but strong enough to let Jack feel his muscles. He was also aware of his flabby bits as Britney moved them around his back in a pleasant way.

"Remember what we did yesterday, slow and steady at the start, then gradually become a bit firmer as we go."

"Right," said Ariel as she joined Britney on his upper back, which was now and truly well oiled.

"Good. Now start at the back and neck and we'll work our way down." Britney stepped back and let Ariel start to do her thing. Ariel worked her hands over the shoulders and neck and Jack had to admit it felt pretty good. Ariel's hands were soft but firm and were applying the perfect amount of pressure. The combination of heat on his back, the oils and massage and he was feeling more relaxed than ever. Ariel was really working her fingers and thumbs over his shoulders and neck and it felt great. This left Jack's attention on Britney and Ariel's feet. He watched all the little movements, especially Ariel as she used her lower body to increase pressure. It was very relaxing.

"That's great Ariel," beamed Britney as she started to work her way down Jack's back. "Maybe we can look at using your elbows in a bit if it's going well." Jack was just happy to be left alone. He was having a better time than he thought. He was pleased that no-one was speaking to him though as it left him free to concentrate on Ariel's hands and the pair's feet. A few more blissful minutes passed before Jack felt Britney's elbows push into his back, freeing some stress instantly. Britney did it again explaining to Ariel what she was doing. "You've got to be firm. This isn't a soft thing. It just won't work. Jack felt an elbow from Ariel on her side of his back. It felt so good having both women touch him together although Ariel was quite firm enough.

"A bit firmer than that," said Britney gently who finished with her elbow and lifted off. Ariel at the same time pushed a bit harder. Jack immediately felt the release of tension from his lower back. A few amazing seconds passed. "That's it. And again over here." Ariel moved her elbow down a bit a started the process again at the same time as Britney across from her. Jack felt a rush of warmth from his back for a few seconds.

The pair lifted off as Britney smiled at Ariel reassuringly. Ariel began to use her hands again on Jack's back and took further instruction from Britney. "Now, normally we'd go for the buttocks now but some people don't like that so we're moving to the legs," Britney said, sounding positive as she did so. Jack took reassurance from this as he now felt he probably would be happy to have the pair massage his butt. As soon as the thought crossed his mind he realised that he could feel his cock and balls pleasurably tingling. Jack wriggled a bit at the thought and began to force himself to think of the view he loved so much. At least now the feet had moved down the table, out of his view. He was happy with Britney and Ariel's work so far though. He was feeling incredible.

He felt Britney pour oil onto his legs as Ariel fished on his lower back, just north of his towel. "Now, we can take a leg each. Concentrate on the larger muscle groups so he doesn't lose to much of the relaxation going from the back," said Britney as Ariel moved down at made contact with Jack's skin simultaneously with Britney. The touch of Britney and Ariel on his thighs caused a rush of blood straight to his cock. Their firm touch on his mid thigh felt great in the muscle but even better in his cock. All thoughts Jack had of the view were now gone as he fought the sexual tension in his groin. The girls' hands glided up and down his thigh, relieving tension with pressure. Britney had taught Ariel well and the pair seemed to almost be telepathic with what they did, their up and down strokes starting and finishing at the same time. They did this a few times, always respecting the boundary of the towel. Jack was at least thankful the pair were professional. Jack felt his cock harden with each stroke. He simultaneously wanted them to go higher and not to go higher. It just felt so good. Jack had not experienced anything like this in a while. He tried to make himself enjoy it. "Right Jack, time to turn over," said Britney as she and Ariel lifted their hands away.

Jack got a startle. He didn't want to show his hard on but he couldn't not turnover. At least they'd stopped touching him. In his panic he thought if he could make it quick they might not notice if he kept the towel in place. Jack twisted quickly tugging the towel. It came with a jerk causing Jack to use his legs to help. He felt the towel stick under him as his arms and body rotated. He felt his heel contact a large object. It was a bowl and he realised he had sent it catapulting up the table. The sheer horror of the moment allowed him to see clear massage oil fly towards him and Ariel at slow speed. He felt a large volume of oil land on his underwear. Jack turned round still in a bit of slow motion panic, his eyes immediately drawn for the first time to Ariel's soaked white vest. Ariel had massive tits, and now a thin white vest was clinging to them. It had gone so transparent that Jack could see her hard nipples through the material virtually. He barely noticed that he'd soaked her red black hair and her face.

"I'm so sorry," said Jack engaging after a moment of silence. He saw a look of shock but it quickly softened. He felt so embarrassed but his eyes moved to her irresistible tits again which looked fantastic in the now clingy wet vest. "That's quite all right," said Ariel as she just let the oil drip down her body. "It's only massage oil."

Britney pressed lightly on Jack's chest. "And besides you're meant to be relaxing." Jack took the hint and relaxed back not before glimpsing his own erect cock. He cursed his choice of white underwear today as it was producing the same effect as Ariel's vest. He could see the head of his penis straining the material. If the girls hadn't noticed already they would shortly. Indeed they had both noticed and had quickly settled Jack back and began to massage the front of his thighs. The feeling of the massage before the accident was returning although with the worry about his erect cock it could have settled. Ariel however was determined to get Jack totally into this and was really bending low as she worked Jack's thighs, letting him see her big oiled up tits with each stroke. Jack's eyes were wide open, caught by the enticing tits of Ariel Winter. A wet t-shirt looked incredible on her. He could also see his cock become more erect as he watched the couple, with both women edging further up his thighs every second. Despite Britney looking gorgeous Jack had barely looked at her in the past few minutes. She didn't mind really but felt left out a bit. "Maybe I need some of this too," said the blonde in a slutty voice. Taking another bowl of oil, Britney poured it down her t-shirt. It slowly became as soaked as Ariel's vest, allowing Jack to see her hard nipples. And even though Britney's tits weren't as big as Ariel's, they were still big and round giving a great rack for the t-shirt to cling to. Jack felt Britney's hand rejoin his his thigh as his eyes flipped between Britney's glorious body and Ariel's incredible body. He felt his cock stiffen further in his soaked underwear as the girls's oily hands made their was up his underwear brushing past his tingling balls. With a sudden pull, Jack's underwear was pulled down to his knees, freeing his cock. Jack couldn't have been happier at this development as he looked lustfully at both women.

"Now, gently grasp his big cock in your hand and stroke it slowly," said Britney as she began to instruct Ariel again. "I'll take his balls."

The young star wrapped her oiled up hand round Jack's big thick cock. Ariel felt a tingle of pleasure in her hand as she began to glide up and down it. She could feel Jack's excitement grow as she felt Britney grab his balls in her hand. "That's perfect," said Britney. "But remember to look at your customer." Ariel spun her head round as she slowly picked up speed with her handjob. Jack's cock was still getting bigger and Ariel could feel it in her hand. She penetrated Jack with a lustful stare as she let him drink in her body. She loved the way that he couldn't stop looking at her big tits. It made her feel empowered and completely in control. Ariel kept at her current speed. She wasn't going too fast and she loved the long slow jerk. She wanted to tease Jack as much as she could while giving him the longest possible time of feeling turned on. Britney took a similar view and gently cradled Jack's big balls.

Jack gripped the table as he let the pair continue. His whole body felt great but particularly his cock. Ariel was just going at the right speed and using the right pressure where he felt the cum building in his massaged balls but he wasn't going to blow yet. It was wonderful. Britney then removed her hand allowing which alerted Ariel to the next stage of the massage. To her credit, she didn't need to be told to keep giving the handjob while the next process was explained. Britney then crossed her arms in front of her chest lifted her t-shirt quickly over her head. Her big round tits immediately jiggled and then settled. They looked so inviting, especially given how shiny they were with the oil.

"Now Ariel, his eyes haven't moved from your chest for a while so we're really going to give him a treat." Ariel continued to jerk him slowly. "I'm going to show you how to do a titfuck." Ariel smiled enthusiastically. "It's very easy you just push your tits together round his cock..." Britney demonstrated what she was saying, causing Ariel to let go of Jack's cock. "And the you move them up and down like this. Jack felt elated as the blonde singer began to slowly titfuck him. Her oily tits felt incredible as they moved up and and down his hard shaft. Britney had incredibly round tits which felt so soft round his cock. Britney spent a minute looking at Ariel as she did so making sure she got it. Jack's gaze also flitted to Ariel from time to time, just to look at her big rack.

"I think I understand," giggled Ariel as she lifted her vest over her head. Jack's eyes lit up. He'd never seen such a great pair of big tits before. They bounced and jiggled on Ariel's chest before they settled. They were covered in oil which made them extra enticing. Ariel rubbed her breasts a couple of times in front of Jack, giving him a good idea of the weight of them. She then leaned over to where Britney was and waited a second with her tits in her hands. Britney gave a few final harder strokes and then stood up, leaving Ariel free to get started. She looked up at Britney as she enveloped Jack's big hard cock with her oiled up tits. She squeezed her boobs round it.

Jack let out a moan as his cock got sandwiched by Ariel's soft, slippery flesh. Ariel began to move her torso up and down. They were small movements at first as she was unsure but she managed to keep Jack's cock between her tits. Britney sensed the hesitancy. "That's it," encouraged Britney. "Try gripping a bit firmer." Britney reached out her hands and squeezed Ariel's hands and tits together. Jack immediately noticed the difference and let out another moan. The younger woman's tits felt incredible, maybe even better than Britney's and that was saying something.

Britney helped encourage Ariel for a few strokes, making her take the whole length of Jack's cock. Ariel herself noticed the difference and even let out a giggle. She loved how good the hard cock felt between her tits. It caused her whole chest to tingle. She looked at Britney again, developing more confidence in her skills. "Feels pretty awesome huh?" smiled Britney. Ariel's satisfied expression said it all. "Now just look at the customer and show him you're enjoying it as much as he is. You should be showing him how much you love and want his cock."

Ariel looked up at Jack and grinned as she says started to move up and down a bit faster. Jack returned the grin, just laying back and letting Ariel do her thing. The two were now totally in sync. Britney sensed the pair were set and was happy to let them continue. "You've totally got it now." Ariel and Jack gave her a quick happy glance before joining gazes again. "I think I'll pull up a chair."

Britney's hand slid down her toned stomach and down her skirt. She had poured enough oil to make herself totally covered. She was totally horny right now. She felt how wonderfully wet she was as she put a chair beside the massage table. She unhooked her skirt and let it fall. Britney settled on the chair and spread her shiny oily legs. She was now just wearing her white high heels. Britney wanted to orgasm so badly. She felt and all over body tingle as she rubbed her clit furiously and watched her student give an incredible tit fuck. She looked so hot as she used her amazing tits to pleasure the cock. Britney felt her free hand move up towards her tits as watched and she loved how her hand slid over the flesh. The oil felt so right. Her body felt so good. She knew that when Jack and Ariel looked over, they'd see she was having the greatest time.

Ariel's titfuck was now going a lot faster. She really bounced hard as Jack began to squirm as his muscles twitched with pleasure. For her part, Ariel let out little groan with each bounce, indicating that her tits were loving the feel of slippery cock in between. Ariel felt so turned on, her dripping wet pussy was driving her mad. She needed Jack in there or otherwise she felt she might explode. Ariel lifted herself up and let her skirt fall to the floor. Jack tried to take in the beauty of Ariel Winter. She had such large tits but a small waist line and sexy legs. Her pussy was trimmed close with just a small strip of dark hair. Jack could see how wet she was. But rather than jumping straight on to him, she started to swing him round, something that confused Jack slightly. He complied with Ariel however.

As soon as Jack had swung round he realised why. He could now see the view of Limbo that he had fallen in love with. He felt a rush of warmth as he took in the sea, the vineyards and the hills. He even loved he could see the hotel. He loved how he could feel the breeze on his now oily skin. Ariel let him have his moment before jumping on top of Jack. She was still wearing her white peep toe platformed high heels which Jack thought was incredibly sexy. Ariel impaled her wet pussy on Jack's big hard cock, a move which drew immense satisfaction for them both. They both breathed with pleasure. "It's some view up here," said Ariel, genuinely referring to outside.

"It's even better here though," responded Jack, causing a grin from Ariel. He looked as Ariel's big tits were just inches from his face. She looked magnificent and totally overshadowed the view. She lifted her hands to her hair as she started to bounce on his Jack's cock, making her oily tits more prominent. Jack loved this view and was lost in every slight jiggle from Ariel's tits or every smile of pleasure from her gorgeous face. Ariel started to massage Jack's cock with her pussy. She gyrated her hips at the same time as bouncing, a move which greatly enhanced the feeling for them both. Both their bodies were in harmony and were radiating absolute joy throughout. Every single inch of Ariel and Jack tingled with excitement.

Jack reached up and touched Ariel's large oily tits for the first time. Ariel smiled encouragingly as Jack started off shy at first but took his cue from the young woman. These tits that had given him so much pleasure felt great in his palms. He had started with light strokes but now was massaging and squeezing the big fleshy mounds. He particularly enjoyed how the oil made them slippy and made it even more fun to hold and explore. Britney looked on, proud of how her student had developed. She felt her pussy burn with heat as she rubbed her clit furiously now. Britney's round oily tits felt great in her hands as she gave herself the perfect massage. She loved watching people have sex and this was no exception. She was going to orgasm soon. Suddenly Britney felt her body begin to convulse as an orgasm fired through her hot pussy all over her body. Every muscle twitched in excitement as the warm feeling from her pussy was shared with every part of her flesh. Britney felt her pussy contract and relax as wave after wave of pleasure was released. She kept her finger on her clit which was super sensitive to even the slightest touch as Britney tried desperately to move. She was struggling to breath. Britney's focus on Jack and Ariel became hazy as a second intense orgasm took over. Britney could practically feel Jack's big cock deep within her as she watched. She could practically feel Ariel's big tits in her hands. The whole thing was just perfect. From her high heeled feet to her big tits and pretty face, Britney felt the most incredible feeling. She was experiencing pure happiness with sexual bliss. Jack took his hands off Ariel's tits as he felt his cock twitch inside Ariel's hot pussy. Ariel was giving him so much pleasure as she rode him he knew he'd cum hard. He briefly caught sight of his beloved view before he focused again on Ariel as he shot his first load inside the actress. He felt his cock and balls practically fire the cum into Ariel. The load must have been huge. It felt so good as it was such a release. As soon as Ariel felt the first blast of hot cum cover her pussy walls she could no longer bounce. Every muscle seized up as an orgasm took over her body. Just the slightest of twitches of her mouth gave Jack the clue to how much ecstasy she was in. A large second blast of cum caused Jack to feel so much pleasure in his muscles he could barely move. He just looked at Ariel who had been pushed even higher by the second load, even though she hadn't come down from the first. She was completely full now and it felt great, having all this hot cum inside her as well as a big thick cock. It just made her feel incredible. Another blast soon followed and a fourth. Ariel was in heaven. A second orgasm followed for Ariel as Jack emptied his balls into the young woman. She was so happy to share this with Jack and Britney that she wanted to tell them right there and then but she could barely breathe. Instead she summoned some strength to wiggle her hips a little which caused more excitement from her sensitive pussy.

As Ariel came down she felt like collapsing into Jack who was likewise exhausted. However, she felt it wasn't very professional so got off him when she could move her legs over him. She loved the feel of his big cocky sliding out of her followed by hot cum dripping down her sensitive thighs. Ariel went over to sit with Britney, her teacher and friend. This let Jack look out on the view. As he lay there, still feeling amazing, Jack reflected on recent events. Like the beautiful view, Hotel Limbo had much to offer and perhaps he had been too quick to judge. He loved Britney and especially Ariel for how they'd just made him feel and he thought that the others at Hotel Limbo would probably be able to do the same. Jack looked at the amazing view and decided to embrace everything Hotel Limbo had to offer.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, John Connors, MaxwellLord, TLMorgan, Viri, Downloadedscar, Cheogh, StS


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2019, 04:49:33 PM »
One of my favorite chapters, thank you so much for posting it!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: donut_plains


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2019, 05:39:27 PM »
   Thank you SO MUCH Donut!
The following users thanked this post: donut_plains


Re: Hotel Limbo original series NEW STORY 22 Aug
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2019, 10:59:43 AM »
Hotel Limbo: Lucy Pinder boosts confidence

Lucy Pinder, Nadine Mulkerrin, MMF, Fmast, oral, anal, DP, high heels, tit fuck

This story is completely made up.

This is dedicated to my friend Cadeauxxx. Thanks for all your help and support. Hope this story does you justice and cheers you up.


The warm evening air gently blew Nadine Mulkerrin’s brunette hair against her cheek. She left a small curl hand down the side of her face with the rest done up in a fancy bun. It had taken her ages. But now she decided it was all for nothing.

She looked at herself in the mirror forlornly, deciding that she wasn’t going to go to Hotel Limbo’s re-opening of the mansion. She was going to stay in and do nothing.

This was despite getting dressed in her finest black lace lingerie which made her feel sexy. The fine lace caressed her soft skin from her heat down to her thighs, hugging at all the right places. Nadine’s boobs were small but the lingerie made them sit proudly and enticingly. The panties were scandalous in the amount of flesh but showed her cute ass and long slim legs. The length of them was even more apparent with her designer black peep toe platform high heels which she loved.

Nadine felt flat. Nobody would miss her from the evening’s festivities.


The sound from her door shook Nadine from her sulking. It took her by surprise. She would surely be the only one who didn’t want to attend the Hotel’s biggest event. Nadine thought about not answering. She just wanted to be left alone, but she was a sweet and kind young woman and didn’t like being rude so she got up, feeling like she was using all the energy within her.

The sound of her high heels on the polished wooden floor was all she could hear as she reluctantly travelled to the door and positioned herself behind it to hide her body. Nadine opened the door slowly and peered through the small gap she allowed.

The first thing Nadine’s eyes were drawn to were boobs. Just below her eye level were two big round perfect tits just about to bulge out of their black and white silk bra. Nadine felt her eyes were about to pop out her head. A momentary smile crept across her face before she suddenly remembered what she was actually doing.

Lucy Pinder’s pretty face was beaming down at her. She looked happy and ever so glamorous with her brunette hair wavily hung over her left shoulder. She was stunning with a flat stomach and white panties and black lace that matched the design of her bra. She had shapely legs which finished with black peep toe high heels in the same elegant and sexy style as Nadine’s.

“Hi Nadine!” Lucy’s voice bounded positivity. “Just coming round to see why you aren’t at the party. Everyone else is there.”

Nadine looked down in embarrassment. “I just didn’t feel like it,” she said quietly, before opening the door more to let Lucy in. It was then she saw that Lucy wasn’t alone. She had two gentlemen with her who she knew well.

“James! Phillip!” Nadine was shocked. “What are you doing here!”

The two men remained silent, not sure what to say or think so Lucy spoke. “They were concerned about you and spoke to me. They were looking for you at the party and worried about you when you weren’t there.”

Four Days Ago

Nadine has two cocks in her hand as she jerked James and Philip of as best she could. She loved the look on their faces as they stood over her perfect body, only their long poles occasionally interrupting the eye contact. She was also desperate to have both men cum, ideally at the same time.

However as much as she wanted it, she had to admit it was hard work. She could feel her left arm getting sore as it worked hard to get Phillip off. She was worrying that he was noticing her technique was off. In her head, Nadine tried to balance out what she giving Phillip with what she was giving James but the more she concentrated the more her arm tired.

Suddenly Nadine had a thought. She sat up a bit more from the ground and took Phillip in her mouth, instantly wrapping her tongue round the hard shaft. Nadine felt her left arm release all it’s tension as she stopped working it, something that made her feel better. She began to slowly move her head down the shaft, sensually letting Phillip get to know the inside of her mouth.

And then slowly she took her head back with a twisting motion, all the way to the tip. Phillip’s breathing changed and Nadine knew the effect her mouth was having. She’d always been able to give a great blowjob and it was one of the reasons Phillip loved spending time with her.

The thought of James though suddenly popped into the brunette’s head. She was aware without looking her right hand was just holding his cock and not wanking him off. She started to move it again but her rhythm was now gone. Nadine then resumed her blowjob but was thinking about it too.

A threesome was something all participants had wanted. Nadine loved James and Phillip and they were best friends so when she suggested it would make her fantasies come true they both jumped at the idea. But Nadine didn’t think it would be this difficult.

Nadine started to panic. She was making it rubbish for the guys. She loved the idea of pleasuring two men at once but she wasn’t able to perform.

A feeling of relief swept over Nadine as she struggled to perform the blowjob and handjob simultaneously. James motioned for her to stop her hand job but stood her up so she now leaning over in high heels and stockings. Nadine loved the feel of his rough hands on her soft skin and loved the thought of being fucked as she sucked off another.

James looked at the young woman’s gorgeous ass he pulled her on to his cock, giving it a squeeze as he slid into her pussy. Nadine let out a moan.

“Mmmph!” grunted Phillip as Nadine suddenly realised she tightened the grip on his cock. She’d completely forgotten she was giving a blowjob and was just holding a cock in her mouth.

This was too much. Nadine stood up quickly releasing both James and Phillip from inside her. They could see the panic in her.

“I’m sorry,” Nadine exclaimed before running off, the click of her high heels the only other thing the two men heard.


Nadine hadn’t left her apartment since finishing with the two men. In herself she was shocked to see them again at all. One of the reasons she had stayed in was to avoid them, now they were here.

“I’m so sorry guys!” she begged, hoping to end this encounter quickly.

The guys looked at each other, “Sorry for what?” Phillip replied.

“Running away,” Nadine said before more quietly adding, “And spoiling the threesome…”

“What? You didn’t spoil the threesome!”

“We thought we did,” James added on to Phillip.

Nadine returned a quizzical expression.

“We were pretty nervous. We didn’t do as much as we should.” James looked at Nadine with an apologetic glint in his eye. “You were hot!”

A smile crept across the brunette’s face before she recovered her solemn facial expression. “I think it was my fault,” Nadine again spoke quietly again, genuinely apologetic.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed as the threesome tried to think of how to apologise more. However this state was not sitting well with Lucy who wanted them to move on.

“Sounds like no one is to blame!” Lucy eventually proclaimed. “Just a little nervous.”

The other three were still down and more worried about offending the others more.

Lucy was growing frustrated with the lack of energy. “You two come in!” She hooked arms with James and Phillip who were reluctant. Lucy dragged them through the door and into Nadine’s living room. “Sit down!” The two men sat down without a peep.

Next the busty brunette changed her attention to Nadine. “You, sit here!” Lucy pulled a wooden chain from Nadine’s desk and sat it opposite the men.

Nadine was shy and didn’t want to fight back so she walked slowly to the chair and nervously sat down, completely forgetting to close her front door.

“You three clearly belong together so I’m going to help things along a little.” With that Lucy reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, quickly letting it fall to the floor. Lucy’s perfect big round tits were revealed, barely dropping despite the support of her bra being gone. Lucy stood proudly with an expectant grin. She knew what would happen when she got her assets out.

Nadine stares at Lucy’s chest as the model let them all ogle her. Out of the corner of her eye, Nadine could see a tent growing in her partner’s tight boxer shorts. She didn’t know where to look.

Lucy gave a knowing smile. “Right, we’re going to get over this stupid fear guys.”

“First you get their attention. Something that should be easy to do with that hot little body of yours.”

Nadine didn’t react. She just sat staring at the show in front of her.

“Next you tease a little,” Lucy grinned more as she moved over to the couch and fell to her knees. She now had her back to Nadine mostly, however it didn’t stop Nadine from watching the show or Lucy’s body.

Lucy reaches out with both hands and gently run her hand up the pairs cocks through the material. Nadine could almost sense the caress as the two men’s bulges suddenly enlarged.

“Mmm, that’s it,” Lucy moaned as she continued to stroke the two shafts. James and Phillip both had excited looks on their faces. They were so turned on just now and couldn’t wait any longer to get their boxers off.

Both men stood up and dropped their underwear much to Lucy’s pleasure. “Then you crank it up a notch. But just stay relaxed. Enjoy yourself too.” With that, the brunette dived face first into Phillip’s groin, swallowing his cock whole. Nadine could hear the choking sound it made as it passed down her throat.

At the same time Lucy was able to reach over to Phillip and pull him in with his hard cock. She gave him a few quick jerks, ensuring he was fully erect before shepherding his cock to her big cleavage.

Lucy slowly withdrew her deep throat blowjob and fixed Phillip in between her tits, pushing them together to create a wonderful fuck channel. Phillip didn’t need a second invitation and slowly started to fuck the soft fleshy mounds enveloping him. Lucy gave herself a quick lift and down, further increasing the titfuck sensation for Phillip.

Lucy smiled at James who was stunned by the erotic sight in front of him. “And you can take your time. Sometimes it’s fun to watch someone fucking.”

Lucy gave continued her titty fuck, picking up the pace.

“That’s it! Fuck my big tits!”

Nadine at this stage could feel her body tingle with excitement. There were no more thoughts of the other day, she was totally taken in by the sight in front of her. She was getting so turned on that her hands had gravitated to her chest and pussy, working their way across the fabric of her lingerie firmly enough to stimulate her own pleasure.

“Aww yeah…” A small moan left her mouth, barely audible to the room.

Meanwhile Lucy continued. She had now build up a fast rhythm with Phillip and the show had made James rock hard but she wanted to include him. She stopped bouncing for Phillip but still continued to hold her round tits so he could fuck them.

“I love a good titty fuck but sometimes you just need a good cock to suck on.”

With that James moved in and Lucy began to suck off the long shaft, twisting and bobbing her head back and forth slowly, making sure her tongue covered every inch of hard cock.

This time Lucy really put effort in, starting of slow and running her lips up and down the shaft. She twisted her head to add to the sensation, occasionally flicking her hair away from in front of her. Lucy picked up a bit of speed but it was still an incredibly sensual effort while she let Phillip fuck her tits.

Nadine could see who relaxed Lucy was, just enjoying the moment rather than worrying. Something she too was doing as her hand had managed to find her zip and loosen off the top of her vest. Nadine’s hand gently caressed her fleshy mounds, taking the fullness in her palm and savouring the feel of her hard nipples. She loved the show in front of her and couldn’t wait to see Phillip and James cum.


The noises Lucy made indictated her oral demonstration had pick up pace. No longer was she caressing the shaft but now more sucking it and stuffing it further into her skilled mouth.


“Ohhh yesss!” growled James as he looked at Nadine masturbating through her lingerie while feeling fantastic from Lucy’s blowjob. He caught Nadine’s eyes and in that moment knew they were all sharing something special.

Phillip was now plowing Lucy’s rack, delighted by Lucy’s constant pressure on his cock, making him want to cum. He loved the sensation of his cock sliding in between her big mounds and the sight of her holding her jugs.

He looked up aware that Nadine was less likely to titfuck him and was concerned he might be enjoying it too much. However, the young woman was clearly loving the sight and she stared Phillip down all the while rubbing her clit furiously, her legs half open and her high heels touching the floor.

Nadine’s breathing was turning into a loud pant but she was still able to speak. “Fuck those big titties for me! Fuck’em as hard as you fuck me!”

Phillip didn’t need to be told twice as he picked up the pace and force again. He smiled at Nadine as he did so, just as Lucy gave him a rub of approval with her glorious tits.

The sound in the room was erotic. The sound of a sloppy blowjob, the slap of thighs hitting Lucy’s tits  as cock slid between them and the moans and whimpers of Nadine as she masturbated herself into a hot frenzy.



“Ohh! Mmm! Mmm!”

Lucy was loving the raunchy scene she’d helped create. The sounds, the sweat and the ecstasy. She could feel herself getting wet and wanting to get in on the action. The feel of hard cock between her tits and in her mouth was hot but she wanted more.

Despite her thoughts though, Lucy’s emphatic blowjob and titfuck combo never dropped or wavered. She knew how to pleasure two cocks at once and she was great at it. Sometimes she felt two was the minimum she needed! She just hoped her student would be able to see how she did it, by enjoying it.

Lucy gave a finishing flourish to her blowjob, holding the tip down her throat as she let James fuck her mouth. Not once did she break eye contact with him, even as she wanked Phillip with her round tits. She had the two men right where she wanted them.


As the cock left her mouth Lucy stood up freeing her tits too, her high heels making her as tall as the men she was with. She slid her panties down her long legs with a slow shake of her sexy ass.

“Time to take things up a level! Really test your men!”

Lucy looked at Nadine, who was now naked apart from her high heels, displaying her tight body for the threesome to enjoy if they wished. She enjoyed masturbating in front of them, making herself feel as good as the others. Still, as Lucy’s sultry stare locked on to hers, she stopped a bit as if Lucy’s gaze was giving her pleasure. Nadine’s hand stopped rubbing her wet clit as the other just held her breast, offering it to Lucy at anytime. She felt like a goddess.

The way that Lucy looked back convinced Nadine she was doing the same to Lucy, something twenty minutes ago she wouldn’t have dreamed of. Lucy turned to face James and with a hungry look in her leapt onto him, scissoring him in between her thighs.

“I want you to fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

James slid a hand down and positioned his long hard cock outside Lucy’s pussy before plunging it into the hot hole.

“Mmm God yes!!!”

Lucy started to buck her hips as James lifted her up and down his shaft, loving the feeling of Lucy’s curvy body against his skin. He also loved how he could feel her high heels dig into his legs as the clung tightly round his body to ensure maximum purchase.

Phillip just watched his friend hold up Lucy as her ass jiggled in front of him with the way she fucked. It was a beautiful hypnotising sight that he could have just stood and watched all night. The way Lucy’s ass revealed then hid James’s big powerful cock as it bounced up and down got his cock big and hard.

“Give me your cock Phillip! I need two!”

Phillip’s cock was already drawing him to the glorious bounty in front of him. Stepping up, he clasped his hands around the big round ass in front of him, helping it bounce as he gave it a firm squeeze.

“Loving my big sexy ass?”

It was more a knowing statement but Lucy indulged her lover with a spoken invitation.

Phillip held his cock behind Lucy’s perfect derrière and as she thrust down he jammed his cock into her tight hole.

“Aaahhhh,” Lucy moaned with pleasure, a rush of excitement pounding through her body. She couldn’t help but arch her back, thrusting her chest towards James who was happy to see Lucy’s tits in his face.

For now on, Lucy let the guys fuck her as she took the full force of two cocks deep inside her. The feel of the two hard shafts rubbing inside her, pushing her inner walls was all that Lucy needed.

“Love two big men fucking two holes at once!” giving Nadine a filthy look as she moaned. Lucy was at the height of her raunchiness.

Nadine could only stare at the model as she fucked, her breathing completely at the mercy of her masturbatory pleasure. She rubbed her clit as fast as she could, her fingers causing extreme pleasure as they moved over the slippery wet surface.

“Fuck… that’s... so... hot...” Nadine eventually got the energy to speak.

Nadine’s body tingle all over, barely able to move a muscle as she edged closer to her orgasm. She dug her high heels into the floor to brace herself for the impending rush.

“You hot slut,” Lucy laughed as she continued to be pounded. “It’s your turn next.”

Nadine suddenly felt a huge burst of electricity sweep over her body, causing all her muscles to spasm and contort. It was wonderful. She kept her fingers moving but now in a more disjointed way as her orgasm inhibited her co-ordination.

“Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Mmmm!”

The orgasm just continued to get higher as she watched James and Phillip’s cock slide in and out as Lucy’s perfect ass and tits jiggled with each thrust. Nadine could almost feel the pleasure of a big hard cock in her ass as she came, feeling it pulse further excitement through her ecstatic body.

A few moments later, James and Phillip’s dicks clearly began to pulse as they began to empty their big loads into Lucy. Nadine further lusted for the sensation as her pussy and ass craved a hot load. But this huge orgasm would do for now.

“Take my load you dirty whore!” James ordered as he erupted into Lucy’s pussy. He thrusted harder to make sure she got the point.

Lucy’s body exploded with passion as she felt the rush of hot salty cum inside her. An orgasm pounded round her curvy body as it bounced up and down, causing her to go almost limp, totally at the mercy of the two men.

“Mmm… you like me filling your hot ass.” Phillip now took his turn to drive Lucy, making sure he picked up the power too.

“Mmmm yessss!” Lucy moaned. “It feels so good.” Lucy just about managed to guide her hands to her big tits to give them a gentle massage. She loved holding them as she orgasmed, allowing her to build her own pleasure if no-one was giving them the attention they deserved. They were just too wonderful not to play with.

“Really fuck her hard guys, she deserves it,” Nadine chimed in as she watched hot cum dribble out of the brunette’s pussy and ass. Nadine wanted it in her badly.

Lucy felt cum splash inside as the two men continued to fuck her but she could feel the strength of the rush declining. Lucy looked at Nadine who was clearly finishing her own orgasm. The pair were elated.

Slowly all four participants orgasms died down and happy smiles appeared on all their faces. Lucy clambered off the two dicks and tottered over to Nadine. Lucy was barely able to walk and was grateful to put her arm round the pretty actress for support more than anything.

The pair spent a moment looking on as James and Phillip staggered to the bedroom. Lucy and Nadine giggles at them as they went out of sight.

“Thank you,” said Nadine , looking up at Lucy’s gorgeous face. “That was wonderful.”

Lucy beamed back with gratitude. “You think you can handle them now?”

The young actress smiled. “Definitely!” Nadine stood up, desperate to get to the bedroom.

Lucy gave another satisfied smile, knowing that she had taught Nadine all that she needed to know. And that was just to enjoy it. Thoughts of getting back to the party entered Lucy’s head, allowing Nadine the chance to be worth her lovers.

But just as she watched Nadine disappear behind a wall, Nadine’s head popped back out with an innocent smile.

“You think you could help me get them hard again?”

The innocent smile didn’t fool Lucy at all.

“And I want to see you get those tits covered in cum!” Nadine’s expression changed to a naughty grin.

“Definitely!” said Lucy, feeling her pussy tingle at the thought.
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Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2019, 11:22:59 AM »
That was fucking epic. What a day to read about Lucy getting her big hooker tits drenched in cum!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2019, 09:18:34 PM »
Loved that last chapter with Pinder, hot damn that was awesome.


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2020, 05:01:02 PM »
Hotel Limbo: The best bet

This story is completely fictional. It is set in a totally made up place

MF, FF, FFF, cons, titfuck, anal, scissoring, high heels, oral, big tits

Helen Flanigan, Holly Willoughby, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Kate Middleton
Lucy Pinder, Nadine Mulkerrin and Cheryl Cole

Some of the time, Hotel Limbo had to be something a little different from what it was. Sure, it was nice to feel happy and secure all the time but certain things needed a certain rush to go with them. For example, there seemed little point to the sky diving club if the rush of the jump was overwhelmed by a feeling of calm happiness. Likewise, the gym allowed its users to feel pain in the course of their workout so the high after was so much more satisfying.

The most straightforward example of this was the Hotel Limbo casino however, where the thrill of the gambling could only be found after guests’ sense of security had been taken away. And once it had been taken away by stepping into the casino, the sense that it was there in the first place or would come back again was also lost, something that gave the high roller venue a must experience status.

Sandeep was currently experiencing one of those nerve racking highs. He was staring down at the intricate red pattern on the back of his seven and nine of hearts. He fidgeted with his chips as he looked up at the flop and turn card. A five and six of hearts, a five of clubs and an eight of spades.

Sandeep took a deep breath and looked up, catching the sight of a big pair of tits straining in a short tight black dress. The sight made him forget briefly what he was doing as he admired the bounty on display. He looked to see Helen Flanagan flirtatiously smiling at him despite sitting on the lap of one of his competitors, Jack. She made sure her legs were visible over the edge of the table displaying how short the dress was, showing a generous amount of toned thigh.

Sandeep couldn’t help but notice how her blonde hair and red lipstick made her beauty stand out even more. He’d been grabbing looks at her all night. It gave her that sex kitten look and Helen knew it. She played on it and was using it for Jack’s benefit. Not that Sandeep cared.

Sandeep snapped back to reality and pushed in the chips in his hand.

“All in!”

There was a sharp intake of breath from the crowd gathered round the table. Several guests and women from the Hotel were watching, all of them dressed to match the sophisticated surroundings of the casino.

Of course the players remained calm. Or appeared to at least. All eyes were now on Lucy Pinder, who was dealing the cards. Now time for the river.

Lucy Pinder made an ideal dealer. She was wearing a blue sequined bustier which displayed her big round tits. She wore her long brunette hair down, with exquisite waves and curls, completing a sultry look which all players and guests had admired at some point during the evening. Even now, people would glimpse at her chest instead of the cards.

Lucy gave the slightest of smiles as she got down to business. She quickly burned the top card before flipping the next one over.

The eight of hearts.

Lucy remained silent as it drew another gasp from the gathered crowd.

Sandeep’s heart leapt but his face never changed. He kept his eyes on the table and then turned to his left. 

“Check,” said Matteo. He had the beautiful and elegant Nadine Mulkerrin standing behind him, her beautifully polished red nails on his shoulder. She was relaxed, looking as if she was enjoying the spectacle.

Nadine wore a short white dress with a plunging neckline which showed her small full tits off. Her skirt was short which showed her toned thighs and Sandeep could only imagine it was like to have them wrapped round his body. She looked gorgeous with her brunette hair down, contrasting the crisp white dress wonderfully. Nadine peered at the table and looked at the gentleman to her left.

George gave a look at the cards. He shuffled in his seat as Britney Spears hung over his shoulder embracing him her arms. She wore a small blue cocktail dress with plunging v neck displaying her big round full tits. She was aware that everybody could see down her cleavage as she leaned over George. But that was the point. She wanted everyone to be looking at her and not the cards.

Britney had her blonde hair up and her makeup done elegantly. She wore an expensive diamond necklace which would have caught anyone’s eyes if her tits weren’t immediately close by. She gave her partner a seductive kiss on the cheek almost shaking him from his daze.

“Check!” he said, to the surprise of no-one.

“Check,” followed Jack as Helen giggled on his lap, not so subtly wiggling her ass into his groin, checking out his growing erection. Jack though remained steely calm.

The most elegant person in the room was Kate Middleton who wore a short sleeved black dress with a black pencil skirt. She had a on a diamond necklace that hung in the V-neck of the dress. Kate has her long brunette hair over her shoulders with her makeup classically understating her beauty.

Kate stood next to a rather sophisticated looking chap whose name was Eldrick. He had chosen to wear a black top hat and with his best tuxedo. A monocle and curly grey moustache completed his old times look. He wrinkled up his face as he thought long and hard.

“I’m checking chaps,” he said loftily. Kate just stood with a soft hand on his shoulder.

Next came Phillip. He too was dressed in a fine tux with black tie. He looked round the table with an expressionless glare. He tried to hide that he had a good hand and while it wasn’t written all over his face, something about him was undeniably smug.

Kim Kardashian was hanging off his shoulder, marking her territory and exerting her and Phillip’s dominance over the table. She wore a tight black dress with plunging neck line. It showed plenty of her beautiful soft tanned skin as well as her big round tits. Unlike the others, Kim was prepared to show off a bit of leg, with the slit of the dress coming all the way up her thigh. She looked gorgeous.

Kim leaned in to Philip and whispered seductively in his ear. Sandeep could see her tongue just brush the inside of his ear, her beautiful full lips just moving gently outside the ear. Phillip squirmed in his chair, sitting straight up as Kim leaned back, her long black hair sling back over her shoulder.

“All in!” said Phillip confidently.

Kim grinned knowingly beside him.

There was a quiet murmur in the crowd as they took in the ramifications of all this. Phillip was chip leader with Demarcus who was up next.

Cheryl Cole had her hands on the shoulders of Demarcus as he studied the table. She massaged his shoulders hard as she felt the tension in them increase. As she bent over to increase the force, the room could see her full round tits being pushed together by her tight gold sequined short dress. The material barely got to her legs, however that was the point. Cheryl wanted to show them off.

Demarcus thought longer. It was almost as if he wasn’t really noticing the gorgeous brunette by his side.

“Fine,” he said dismissively, “We’ll see what you got.” With that he pushed his chips in, prompting Cheryl to work a bit harder to massage his shoulders.

It was round to Sandeep again but he was already all in. He wanted to put more money in to finish the game but he simply didn’t have it. He turned to Matteo to see what is move would be.

“Wait!” A beautiful English accent came from over his shoulder. It was Holly Willoughby, the blonde bombshell that had accompanied him tonight.

“Bet me!” She said it in a slightly hushed tone but the whole room still heard.

A confused look came over Sandeep’s face.

Holly looked stunning with her red lips contrasting her long wavy shiny blonde hair. She wore an elegant short white dress that pushed her big round tits together, creating unbelievable cleavage. Holly short white skirt showed off her incredible toned legs which ended in sexy 6 inch platformed peep toe high heels.

“Bet me!” Holly repeated, staring Sandeep in his brown eyes.

“Actually raise me! Use me as an anytime sexual favour for the call and I’ll go home with the winner for the raise!”

The whole room murmured with shock at the offer. Everyone seemed to do something, even the players, but Sandeep remained motionless. He looked at Holly stunned.

As the commotion started to settle down, everyone started to look to Lucy Pinder in the middle. A small smirk came across her face.

“I’ll allow it,” she said coolly, before pausing. “If the other girls can match it.”

Another murmur filled the casino room as the players conferred with their women and the audience gossiped to each other.

Helen Flanigan was quickest to say how she felt. “Oh I’ve always loved a bit of drama. Count me in!” She gave a sexy giggle then gave Jack a passionate kiss on the lips, looking like she just wanted to fuck him there and then. She pushed her tits into Jack as she slowly began to grind her ass in his lap. The whole room could sense Jack’s growing bulge.

“I’m in!” said Nadine as she smiled at Sandeep, almost knowing what he had. She was nice, the girl next door type personality which Sandeep found very attractive.

Britney Spears gave George a puppy dog eyes look and then fluttered her eyelashes.

“Why the fuck not?” George conceded as he relaxed back into his chair.

Britney gave him an excited kiss on the cheek before facing the table. A big grin rested on the singer’s face which suggested to Sandeep that Britney and George knew what was coming and might have been happy to part ways.

Helen and Jack has declared out of turn but that was ok. Helen was passionately kissing Jack and had swivelled round facing him. She was pushing her body into his and not caring about who was watching or what was going on. She just wanted to fuck and George was finding it difficult to resist now.

The wrinkles on Eldrick’s face deepened. He looked up at Kate.

“What would you say to a romp with these fine ladies my dear? Think an old man like me could handle it?”

Kate’s face changed and gave an excited smile. She knew he could. She thought of all the time they’d spent together and how incredible Eldrick was.

“I’d say they’d be lucky to join us!” Kate cooed, almost satisfying herself with the thought.

“Very well then!!” Eldrick bellowed, as excited by this as he’d been all evening.

Kim and Phillip looked pretty smug together. Kim stood proudly beside her man as he grinned.

“Maybe I’ll have Helen suck off my biggest strap-on before I fuck you in your ass,” Kim said aggressively at Holly whose idea it was. “All why my man watches.”

Holly was sort of taken aback by Kim’s arrogance but didn’t say anything in return, preferring to maintain her relaxed smile. Helen of course had her mind elsewhere and didn’t respond.

Phillip leaned back confidently. “Call.”

Demarcus too was confident. “That won’t happen because you and Holly will be licking my cum out of Cheryl’s hot pussy!”

Kim snorted with derision at the mere suggestion.

“I’ll call too!”

Everyone was in. The room fell silent.

“Time to show your cards gentleman,” Lucy said gently, the calmest person in the room.

Sandeep was first, having called the raise. Holly pushed herself next to him, thrusting out her chest glamorously. He turned over his cards.

The seven and nine of hearts. A gasp filled the room.

Lucy Pinder smiled as she took the cards and spoke loudly over the guests. “Straight flush! Five to nine of hearts! Sandeep wins!”

Nothing could better Sandeep’s hand. Holly Willoughby was ever so proud.

The other players had varying reactions. Eldrick just leaned back and said “Well done old chap!” before slapping Kate on her perfect ass and adding “Do give this one a good rodgering tonight for me.” He then stood up, turned on his heels and marched out leaving Kate blushing.

Matteo and George were both quite gracious as they quickly leaned over to shake Sandeep’s hand.

Britney had given a smile at Sandeep as soon as he looked her way, indicating her excitement at joining the winning pair. There wasn’t even a second glance back.

Meanwhile, Nadine Mulkerrin was the opposite. Sandeep and Holly watched as the brunette kissed Matteo on the cheek before saying goodnight. Nadine was very gentle with what she had done and Sandeep couldn’t help but smile when he thought he could lip read her final words to Matteo.

“I’ve let Amanda Clapham know you’re alone if you feel like some company.”

A huge grin appeared over Mattel’s previously sad face as he gave Nadine a huge bear hug of a cuddle before he raced toward the door.

“Fuck! What the fuck have you done!” Kim’s voice tremored.

Phillip looked dumbfounded.

“You said you had the best hand!”

“I thought I did!”

Demarcus laughed beside them. “Well I may not have won but this makes me feel like I did!”

Phillip’s face changed in an instant, turning red. “Shut the fuck up! I schooled you!”

“Well why the hell ain’t ya fucking your lady tonight?” Demarcus remained calm, and was deliberately poking the bear.

Phillip felt his patience break. He tightened his fist.

“Gentlemen!” Lucy Pinder snapped. “Take it outside!” She gave little doubt who was in charge.

Phillip had no choice but to back down before standing up and storming out of the room leaving Kim alone behind him.

Demarcus watched him out the door and then found himself the focus of a Lucy Pinder death stare.

“Sure! I was just messin!” He stood up and sulked out the door, leaving Cheryl Cole behind him.

Kim and Cheryl both looked a bit lost although clearly Kim was taking it harder.

The sudden almost quiet highlighted some heavy breathing in the background. It was Helen and Jack, going at each other passionately. Helen had her hands all over Jack’s chest while she kissed him. Jack has managed to work the straps of Helen’s dress down over her arms although he hadn’t managed to expose her chest yet. He was trying to hump her through his trousers as she rode his groin.

“Eh hem,” Lucy cleared her throat but the pair carried on kissing frantically.

Lucy stood watching for a second but grew immediately frustrated. “Guys!”

This shook the pair from their embrace as Helen turned to face Lucy. Jack peered round Helen’s shoulder.

“Sandeep won! It’s time to pay up!” Lucy spoke with more authority.

A grin came across the blonde’s face. “Oh good!” she said as she dismounted Jack and came round the table. Sandeep was stunned as she approached excitedly. She was slightly dishevelled with the action with Jack but it made her sexier. The way her tight dress hung over her shoulders exposed more of her glorious chest and made it even more busty. She had glorious sexy legs which even more apparent with the way her skirt rode up while she dry humped Jack. Helen finished with black peep toe platformed high heels.

Helen was so turned on already that she jumped on to Sandeep’s chair and started to kiss him at least as hard as she did Jack. Sandeep had barely got a chance to feel sorry for Jack before he could feel his hand on Helen’s dress, running up and down her tight body. Sandeep could feel his dick harden as Helen squeezed her legs round his waist, holding him close.

Sandeep found his hands rubbing over Helen’s big chest, giving the globes a squeeze for good measure. With each feel, Helen moaned with approval and drove herself into Sandeep’s palms. Sandeep had to experience them with out the barrier of the dress. With a sudden pull he saw Helen’s big round tits spring free and immediately ran his hands and vet the supple skin and hard nipples. They felt perfect. Sandee couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

Jack sat there just watching Helen just jump onto another man. He was stunned. He caught Lucy’s gaze as a protest came into his head. It was not a good idea. Resigned to losing, he got up and went with the last of the guests to the door.

Everyone stood in silence as Sandeep and Helen’s heavy breathing filled the room. Some didn’t know where to look or what to do. Holly Willoughby wasn’t one of those people. She stood proudly beside her man and put her hand on his shoulder again.

Holly looked at Kim, trying to get things started, knowing she was potentially the most difficult.

Kim caught Holly’s glance. “No way! I ain’t joining in this freak show!”

Holly was glad that Sandeep was preoccupied. He deserved his winnings. He didn’t deserve this. But Holly was determined to allow Sandeep to enjoy it.

“You’ve at least got to give him a kiss to congratulate him,” Holly said calmly as if that was what she expected.

Kim couldn’t have appeared less interested. However, if a kiss was all it took to get out of here then fine. Reluctantly she made her way over to the threesome.

“I hope you don’t mind though but I borrowed the strap on you mentioned earlier.” Holly interrupted Kim’s submission. The model paused as Holly addressed her. “I noticed it in your handbag and couldn’t help myself.” Holly started to undo her dress.

Kim raised an eyebrow. How dare Holly take these liberties.

Within a few moments though Holly was standing proudly wearing nothing but white pumps and Kim’s big thick red strapon.

Kim felt the anger swell up inside her. She was about to go ballistic.

“Remember you owe Sandeep a kiss,” Holly said. Right at that moment Helen Flanigan stopped kissing Sandeep and turned her head to take the plastic cock into her mouth. She shut her eyes as she did so making it look like she was heaven as she sucked on the shaft.

“Wow! Fuck that feels good,” said Holly smiling. I can see why you love it so much.”

Kim right now didn’t know whether to be angry or turned on. There was always something appealing to Kim about the sight of a beautiful woman in a strapon getting it sucked off by another woman. Especially as Holly’s big round tits were now on display. They just enticed her closer.

Sandeep was in heaven as Helen loosened his trousers and worked her way to his cock. He sat back and watched Helen give an incredible blowjob to Holly. Suddenly he became aware of a dark skinned beauty behind him.

Sandeep looked up to see Kim standing nervously above him. He was aware she’d be able to see his now exposed hard cock as Helen began to jerk him off but he didn’t care. It felt wonderful.

“Congratulations,” Kim stammered as she leaned over and planted a nervous kiss on his lips. The kiss lasted a fraction of a second but somehow Sandeep managed to make it a magical moment. Kim felt herself immediately drawn back and kissed him again. The same thing happened.

This time Kim stood up, her head in a spin. She immediately saw Holly Willoughby staring at her. She had no other thought than to kiss the English presenter.

The feel of Holly’s soft lips on hers was just as good for Kim. This time, she didn’t need to stop as she fully gave in to her lust. She opened her mouth and felt Holly do the same as tongues tangled. Kim drew herself in and felt Holly’s round tits and erect nipple brush over her own busty chest.

Helen meanwhile was seeing that Kim was getting close to Holly and didn’t want to get in between the pair. Besides she was now in the mood for the real thing as she fell to her knees and lined up Sandeep’s hard cock with her soft red lips. A delighted smile came across her face as she took in the size of it. Without wasting a further second Helen opened her mouth and took the whole length of the shaft in one go. Sandeep felt the tight warmth of Helen’s mouth around his shaft and couldn’t believe how great it felt. The star then proceeded to withdraw a bit, licking her tongue on his sensitive member causing further jolts of ecstasy. He couldn’t help but moan “Ohh fuck!”

Slowly, Helen began to move up and down, teasing Sandeep with her tongue and lips, showing how good she could make him feel. She sucked deliberately, creating different sensations as she went, wanting to get hi rock hard for later.

Sandeep looked at the blonde as she sensuously gave him a blowjob. He then looked up to see Holly Willoughby and Kim Kardashian both naked beside him locked in a sensual embrace. The tones of their skin made a pleasing contrast as the pairs big round titties rubbed over the others. Sandeep would have given anything to stick his head in the fleshy heaven and just play with round globes.

The other big contrast was the big red cock that Sandeep could see on Holly. Sandeep loved the sight of Kim grinding her caramel skin against it. He knew she was getting off on it. He could also see her big round luscious ass in the corner of his vision and hoped he could hold it as Holly was doing. He watched as her pale fingers explored the surface and then squeezed the bronzed meat. The legend of it was true. It was unbeatable and while Sandeep was not an ass man, he could only think of fucking it and shooting his load all over it.

Sandeep watched Holly and Kim for a few more seconds, getting turned on by Holly’s groping of Kim’s amazing ass. He felt Helen bob up and down and couldn’t imagine a better feeling. A moment later, however, he was taking in a different sight.

Britney Spears was standing above him, completely naked. She had a stunning body with big tits and a firm toned stomach. She had glorious legs and although he couldn’t see was sure high heel pumps were adding to her height. Britney’s blonde dyed blonde hair gave her a classy pornstar look already.

Sandeep then saw a wide smile come over Britney’s gorgeous face as a set of perfectly manicured hands slid round her hot body. Initially they appeared over the flanks of her tight abdomen but then they quickly worked their way up to Britney’s round globes, cupping them for their own, Britney’s and Sandeep’s pleasure. Britney lets out a breath of approval as they gently held the soft flesh and then massaged it sensually.

“Mmm congratulations Sandeep,” moaned Britney as she closed her eyes and let herself be seduced by her masseuse.

Suddenly a flick of brunette hair appeared from behind Britney as she gave in to the caresses. Sandeep then saw the happy beaming face of Kate Middleton from the top of Britney’s shoulder. She looked directly into Sandeep’s eyes.

“Well played Sandeep,” smiled Kate, looking genuinely happy for him. She then planted a soft kiss on Britney’s arm as she fondled Britney’s tits further. “Don’t suppose you’ll mind if I borrow this one for a while?”

Sandeep couldn’t help but smile as Helen responded to his hardening cock by rubbing his balls with her hands. Her blowjob was exquisitely timed and just kept edging him higher at the right times. He had no choice but to let Kate and Britney go, but made a note to make sure he saw what they were up to.

Nadine Mulkerrin made her way up to Sandeep as he knew she would. She had a happy smile on and that was about all apart from high heel pumps. She had a lovely slim body with small full tits and long shapely legs. She could see from her shaved pussy how wet she was.

“Mmm,” Sandeep couldn’t help but moan as Helen worked her mouth over his cock. He then felt her writhing around but wasn’t sure what she was up to.

Nadine smiled. “You just enjoy that. You deserve it.”

Cheryl Cole joined Nadine’s side also wearing nothing but high heels. Like Nadine she had a slim body with great legs but had bigger rounder tits. Both brunettes looked glorious next to each other.

“Nadine is right. You sit back there and let Helen take care of you for now.” Cheryl smiled naughtily. “We’ll be back later on.”

Suddenly Sandeep felt a jolt. Helen had come off his cock but was quickly able to press her big melons round his hard shaft. The sensation was incredible.

Helen looked up at him proudly as she started to bounce her big round tits up and down. Sandeep just about passed out.

“Unmmphhh!” was all he could manage as the star titfucked him wonderfully. She had some slicked up her tits and the soft mounds slid almost frictionlessly over his cock.

Sandeep was in heaven. All these beautiful women lining up to please him. He couldn’t have dreamed of winning better.

Although it was about to get better. Lucy Pinder walked over to Nadine and Cheryl and she was also completely naked save some high heels. Lucy’s brunette hair made it a lovely trio but her big round tits were much bigger than the others. She looked so hot and so naughty as she smirked sexily.

“I’m here to get my tip. But I guess I’ll just have to wait a while.” Lucy did not appear disappointed.

Sandeep very much lusted to make it a foursome. However Helen’s titfuck was keeping him occupied. He could feel his balls about to explode it felt so wonderful with her flesh tightly pressed round his pole. He took one last look at Nadine, Cheryl and Lucy as they started to explore each other’s bodies. He couldn’t help but feel Lucy and Cheryl we’re going to teach the nice sweet Nadine a naughty thing or two.

Sandeep looked down to see the tip of his cock poke intermittently through the top of Helen Flannigan’s cleavage. Sandeep couldn’t have ever imagined anything better, particularly as Helen looked so happy and excited giving it. The view of the star worshipping him in this way would be something he’d never forget.

Kim and Holly were now moaning loudly as they pushed their bodies as close together as they could possibly get. Sandeep could see Kim pushing her pussy into Holly, trying to feel the blonde’s dildo on her pussy. Holly in turn was pulling Kim closer to her by grabbing the Kardashian’s famous big ass.

“I need you to fuck me!” Kim breathed, barely able to believe the words she had just said.

Holly just beamed back a knowing smile as she felt her hands glide over Kim’s glistening buttocks. She knew Kim was desperate and that’s how she wanted it.

Kim complied mindlessly as Holly spun her around and bent her over.

“This ass is fantastic,” Holly said as she took it’s curves in for a moment before grabbing hold of Kim’s hips and pulling her back onto her big strapon.

“Oohhh,” cooed Kim as she got a moment of release from her desires. The dildo filled up her ass nicely as Holly pulled her onto her pelvis. Holly let Kim forward before thrusting again with a bit more vigour.

“Mmm yeah, fuck my ass you hot slut!” Kim felt another rush of pleasure as her ass was penetrated. She tried to gain some composure and maybe some semblance of control with the statement but Holly knew Kim was in fact begging for more.

Holly was kind and decided not to ask Kim to beg for more. Truth be told, Holly couldn’t resist Kim’s perfect ass and had no other desire than to fuck it with a strapon and turn Kim into a quivering mess. The thought of the plan working made Holly more excited as she picked up her pace.

Sandeep looked at the pair with lust. He loved how Holly was making Kim feel as she was reduced to a moaning slut. Holly was is control but despite Kim’s aggressive display earlier, Holly displayed nothing but lust for Kim. Holly was kind but also sex crazed.

Holly continued to pound Kim’s ass while the caramel skinned beauty rocked back on forth on her heels. Sandeep could see the contrast in skin tones beautifully, and it was something that highlighted the strapon as it came and went from view with each thrust.

“That looks like fun!” Helen chimed in, as Sandeep looked down at the English beauty. She gave the most wonderful of tit fucks but watching Holly fuck Kim had given him a taste for something different.

“I want you to fuck me like Holly’s fucking Kim. Make me breathless. Make my big titties bounce up and down. Make me cum over and over.”

Sandeep didn’t need told twice as he stood up and bent Helen over. She let out an impresses giggle as she tottered on her heels, presenting her fine ass for Sandeep.

A rush of pleasure run through both their bodies as Sandeep’s cock touched Helen’s tight anal entrance. The look of his cock sitting between her cheeks was all he needed as he thrust in slowly.

“Oh fuck Sandeep!” Helen moaned in pleasure.

Sandeep pushed slowly all the way in.

“That feels so good!” Helen continued as ecstasy took over. The blonde had the same breathless expression on her face as Sandeep began to build up a rhythm. All she could manage was to lift her hand up to her chest and give her big round tits a loving massage.

Britney Spears and Kate Middleton had rolled across the poker table causing chaos, sending poker chips and cards flying. Their bodies writhed as they explored each other’s hot naked bodies with their hands. They kissed passionately as they did so.

Kate Middleton was trapped underneath the blonde singer with her hands pulling the American’s body down on to her own. She loved the feel of Britney’s round tits on her own and her hands ran over the star’s butt and thighs. She could also the smooth long legs and high heels Britney had rubbing on her own. She was aware that Britney was occasionally using her thigh to rub her pussy as it glanced over her wet folds, leaving her desperate for more.

Britney loved having the elegant brunette beneath her body. She felt in control as gyrated her pelvis on top of Kate’s thigh, trying to stimulate her wet pussy. She loved the sound of their high heels clicking together as well as the sound of them on the poker table.

Britney was getting so hot as she thought of Kate’s gorgeous body. She wanted to see it writhe in pleasure. And then, with a sudden stop, Britney pulled back and looked Kate in her brown eyes. She knew Kate could read her mind as a smile came across her pretty face.

In unison the pair sat up and spread their legs before intertwining them so their wet pussies touched. The moment sent an excited shock through the sweat covered bodies of both ladies as they looked at each other with lust.

Kate took in Britney’s round tits and tight body with a naughty smile as she started to grind into the singer’s pussy. Kate used one of her high heels as purchase on the table to get as close a contact as possible as she felt her wet folds rub over Britney’s.

The same feeling of joy took over Britney as she began to gyrate into Kate. Britney loved how she could see Kate’s full tits and toned body, and especially those long sexy legs and high heels. Britney loved the cheeky smile Kate gave her as they scissored and the fact it made her blush a little as Kate looked at her with want. The pair didn’t need to speak, their bodies and minds were totally in sync.

Across the room Cheryl Cole and Lucy Pinder were showing Nadine Mulkerrin a few things. Lucy was leaning back and just letting Cheryl go to town on her big round tits. Lucy was cupping them as Cheryl bent over and kissed the perfect mounds.

Cheryl was in heaven as she didn’t know which breast to focus on. She kissed the right tit gently before sucking on the nipple and gently flicking it with her tongue. Then it occurred to her to do the other side and she moved across with excitement.

Lucy just smiled happily as she watched Cheryl enjoy her tits like so many had done before. She then looked round to Nadine, who stood there mesmerised, although just about able to feel her own small round tits as she imagined playing with Lucy’s tits and also Cheryl caressing hers.

“Come here sweetie,” Lucy cooed, “You can play with them too.”

Cheryl glanced over at Nadine and gave a welcoming smile, which gave Nadine enough confidence to make it a lesbian threesome. She moved over in her gorgeous high heels and smiled at Cheryl and then Lucy, who gently caressed the brunette’s sweet face and drew her to her left tit that Cheryl had just vacated.

Nadine felt stunned for a moment as her eyes were a few inches from Lucy’s glorious breasts. She stared before she was drawn in, taking the nipple in her mouth and tracing her tongue round it slowly.

Lucy gave an approving moan, “Mmmmphh!”

Nadine felt the joy Cheryl could feel as she started to lose all reservation. Slowly, she started to pick up her pace as she synced up with Cheryl beside her, lapping at Lucy’s juicy globes.

“Oh God ladies, you know how to make a woman feel good!” Lucy smiled as she looked down at the happy girls.

Nadine and Cheryl looked at each with a smile before Lucy used her hands to guide them into a passionate lesbian kiss. The embrace was made even more sensual by the closeness to the best tits in Hotel Limbo. Lucy just watched with joy.

After a few moments of sensual kissing Cheryl broke off the kiss and left Nadine wondering what was going on.

“Maybe we should let this little hottie experience them properly?” Cheryl asked knowingly in her Geordie accent. Lucy gave a grin and then slowly made her way to the floor. She pulled Nadine down with her before positioning Nadine on top of her chest in a kneeling position. Nadine looked a bit unsure but as Lucy pulled her onto her nipple and it made contact with her soaking pussy she knew what to do.

“Fucckkk…” Nadine groaned as she began to rub herself on to Lucy’s breast, letting it gently penetrate her lips. With each movement came a sensation of sexual pleasure, as the nipple explored her sensitive clit and pussy folds.

Cheryl looked down with glee as Nadine fucked Lucy’s tit. It was a glorious sight for a lesbian to see. “Looks like she knows how to ride your titties!”

Lucy was thinking of a response when she saw Nadine pull Cheryl over to her and plunge her face into the singer’s shaved wet pussy. Nadine had both hands on Cheryl’s round butt as she used her lips to kiss Cheryl’s swollen clit before circling it with her tongue.

Cheryl gave an instant moan as the cute Nadine began to lick her pussy. “Fuck!”

Nadine continued her oral treatment as Cheryl’s legs began to go weak in her high heels with the pleasure.

“Oh fuck!” screamed Cheryl as she surrendered to Nadine’s pussy licking. She felt Nadine’s tongue give a gentle flick before running round every crevice while gently teasing deeper.

The moans only made Nadine fuck Lucy harder.

Lucy let out a laugh. “She may be a better pussy licker…”

Suddenly Lucy felt delicate fingers on her wet clit which quickly found the right spot. She couldn’t finish her sentence as Nadine applied just the right pressure straight away. Lucy could help but arch her back feeling her high heels dig into the floor and her tits push into Nadine’s pussy.

“Fuck…” Lucy breathed. Nadine then began to rub Lucy’s clit with her hand rendering the model completely under the control of her touch. Nadine was riding Lucy’s tit while rubbing off the model’s pussy and eating out Cheryl Cole’s hot pussy. She was in lesbian heaven.

Both Cheryl and Lucy were ecstatic. They were both thinking how surprised they were at Nadine’s sexual skills but were too breathless to voice it. Nadine Mulkerrin was driving them both wild.

Sandeep had a moment to gaze at all the gorgeous women around him as his dick hammered in and out of Helen’s ass. He was in awe of their perfect bodies and the excitement they were giving everyone.

“Fucking bitch!” moaned Kim playfully as Holly Willoughby fucked her juicy ass. Kim was so close to oragasming and could only think of that to say. She loved the feel of the blonde slapping off her behind as she was bent over.

Holly had one more gear to go as she took a few hard swings with her cock, pushing it up Kim’s ass as far as she could.

“Mmm fuck…” Kim screamed as an orgasm took over her body, shaking her from head to toe. She loved the feel of Holly pulling her deep onto the cock, impaling her ass and stretching her tight hole. She loved she could see Holly’s high heels behind her along with her gorgeous legs.

Kim’s body shuddered as pleasure flowed from her ass as Holly continued to fuck her. Kim could feel Holly’s hands hold her cheeks tightly, generating more pleasure from her derrière. Kim’s big tits buzzed with pleasure as they bounced wildly on her chest with the force of the anal assault. It was perfect.

After a few final thrusts though, Holly was spent and Kim settled down with the feel of the dildo still inside her. The star’s skin tingled, a sensation that was boosted as Holly bent over pushing her own round jugs into her back. She then felt Holly’s gentle hands massage her big melon’s, pulling Kim into a relaxing cuddle.

Kim had to admit, she could get used to this hard fuck and soft cuddle routine.

Britney Spears and Kate Middleton only had eyes for each other as they scissored each other. They both stared intently, trying to make sure they would cause the other person to orgasm soon. Kate could see Britney concentrating on the task as she felt her wet pussy rub over the blonde’s causing tremendous pleasure. The brunette was determined to get get Britney to cum.

Britney wriggled her hips at Kate, aware that her own body was going over the edge. The blonde loved seeing Kate’s pretty face focused on her pleasure, but she was determined to change that to an uncontrollable orgasmic smile. Britney pushed herself harder and harder, loving the feel of her slick folds gliding in between Kate’s spread legs.

Kate broke the gaze for a second to reach out and squeeze one of Britney’s jiggling big round tits. She was hoping a gentle fondle would push the singer over the edge and those tits looked irresistible, especially with the shine the sweaty skin had built up.

However as soon as Kate felt the soft flesh in her hand, the amazing pleasure it generated caused her pussy to erupt into orgasm. She could feel everything acutely, Britney’s tit in her hand, the hard nipple, every fold of the blonde’s wet pussy on her own and the motion it was in and the feel of being in between her gorgeous thighs.

Kate’s vision went blurry as her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. It felt as if her whole body was wonderfully taken over by pleasure and lust. Just before her vision went completely she just saw Britney’s eyes roll upwards as the blonde’s grip on her pelvis tightened firmly.

Britney loved the feel of Kate’s hand on her chest and the way her hand brushed the sensitive nipple. It produced a wonderful tingle which excited her pussy and the rest of her body causing an orgasm to flood all her muscles and senses. She could hardly breathe it was that wonderful. All she wanted was to remain in contact with the stunning Kate, and for the pair to ride the wave they were on.

Cheryl Cole and Lucy Pinder were now moaning uncontrollably as Nadine Mulkerrin pleasured them both. Cheryl was pushing Nadine’s head deeper into her groin, begging the brunette to just get a little deeper with her expert tongue.

“Ohh!” Cheryl pleaded in her Geordie accent.

Lucy was just as close to orgasm although she was more relaxed, letting Nadine rub her clit with expert precision. Nadine seemed to tease Lucy with every motion, sometimes adjusting the pressure or speed depending on the thrust of the model’s hips.

Lucy had a gorgeous English accent that only got more desirable with her lusty moaning. “Fuck…”

Lucy could also feel Nadine’s wet pussy on her tit, grinding the nipple and soft flesh inside her. It gave Lucy a satisfying feeling knowing that she was getting the young woman off but she had to admit she just couldn’t wait til Nadine made her cum. She was right on the cusp.

Nadine loved the feel of big tits between her gorgeous, sexy legs. She loved exploring other women’s bodies with her own and she was loving getting two of the hottest women she knew off. She could taste Cheryl’s pussy dripping onto her tongue and chin while she could feel the heat building in Lucy Pinder. She was in complete control.

Suddenly, all that stopped as her body tensed and an orgasm flowed from Lucy’s big melons to her pussy. Nadine was in heaven as she lost control and came right there and then. The suddenness cause her to jolt on Lucy’s breast, grinding it harder and impaling herself deeper on the nipple which felt incredible and only made her pleasure heighten.

Lucy Pinder clenched her legs round Nadine’s hand as she too succumbed to orgasm. She drove the delicate hand onto herself, keeping it in place as all her muscles tightened with joy. In particular her big tits felt amazing with her own orgasm and Nadine’s warm pussy juices covering the top of them. The sound of Cheryl Cole orgasming added further to the perfection.

“Oh God! Lick my pussy!”

Cheryl had felt Nadine dive deep inside her as the younger woman came. The sensation drove the Geordie over the edge causing her legs to go weak. Cheryl sand down onto Nadine’s happy face, driving the skilled tongue into her pussy. Nadine gave a few stronger licks.


Cheryl moaned with approval as Nadine licked her out. She’d never expected this but that just added to the overwhelming giddy feeling of her orgasm. Cheryl could feel ever inch of her body tingle with extreme warmth and excitement.

“That was fucking incredible my lovely!” Cheryl cooed as she collapsed with onto Lucy and Nadine’s sweaty bodies.

Helen felt a large load of hot cum fill her ass as Sandeep explode inside her. She came instantly, and held her other hand up to her big tits to massage her own body.

Sandeep’s balls ached with cum despite the big first load and he was desperate to cum on the perfect ass in front of him. He pulled out quickly as he could, his body trembling with excitement.

Load after load landed on Helen’s perfect skin, causing Sandeep to feel even better. Helen let out a giggle as she approves of the excitement Sandeep was feeling. She could hear him furiously pumping his cock as he splashed his load on her arse.

Sandeep only had eyes for Helen’s ass as he jerked off over it, his gaze fixed on it and his cock. He loved Helen’s naughty giggle as he emptied his aching sacks.

Slowly he started to come down and Helen could feel less force with each load. However determined to finish looking at him, Helen turned round on her knees and took control of his jerking.

Helen’s gentle pace was instantly perfect as a few more shots flew out covering the balcony the was Helen’s tits. She looked up lovingly at him as he came, approving of every little drop.

As the flow dried, Sandeep felt the release of pressure from his testicles and Helen beat his less hard cock on her juicy mounds.


Sandeep looked up. He was now surrounded by seven gorgeous, naked, sweaty women who were all looking excitedly at him lustily. Helen continued to coax cum from his cock below him.

“Nice load!” said Lucy Pinder. “Can’t wait to get mine!” There was a murmur of agreement.

“Speaking of which… who is next?” asked Nadine Mulkerrin hoping to be chosen.

“Holly and I are next!”

Kim Kardashian spoke first and stepped forward.

“I owe both these people an extremely good time.” With that Kim reached a plunged a finger into Holly’s ass, getting things underway again.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Viri, Bb, Pike, Downloadedscar, Cheogh, StS


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2020, 12:39:02 AM »
FANTASTIC!!! This was definitely worth the wait. I am so happy to read something new from you and this included a lot of my favorite ladies and some new ones.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Freakydaughter


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2020, 02:45:45 AM »
Fantastic! Hotel Limbo stories are my ABSOLUTE favorite setting/stories! More of them (new or old) are ALWAYS welcome!


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2020, 03:02:26 AM »
I'm glad this series is still alive. It's great to see you writing again man, you're one of the greats.


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Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2020, 07:40:59 AM »
You're a legend. Could you post the story with Alison brie and the Thorne sisters?
The following users thanked this post: Bb


Re: Hotel Limbo original series
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2020, 09:12:40 AM »
Great, great stories.

Could you post the one set at the zoo with Britney Spears, Holly Willoughby and Danielle Panabaker?


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