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Author Topic: Crossing Paths starring Camila Cabello and Camila Mendes [Collaboration]  (Read 10258 times)


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Crossing Paths
With Camila Mendes & Camila Cabello
By MaxwellLord & Slyguy
Codes: MF, Oral, Anal

Tuesdays to most people were nothing to be excited about. It wasn’t the beginning of the week like Monday, which depending on who you were, either filled you with intense joy or awful dread. It sure wasn’t Friday, the gateway to the weekend which people went crazy for like it was a Stones concert. It wasn’t even Wednesday, hump day, the time of week where there was a hint of shining hope, the weekend.
However, this particular Tuesday was a fairly special one for Camila Mendes. She was seeing an old friend, one she hadn’t seen in person in almost four years, at least since she’d started on Riverdale. Sure, she’d spoken to Nicholas, or Nicky as she so affectionately referred to him, through Skype and text and all that stuff, but it was nothing like the way it had been when they were in college. Back in New York they’d see each other every day, laugh their asses off at stupid shit, offer shoulders to cry on. All of that. They were friends and she missed him, simple as that.
So when he told her during their last Skype chat that he was going to be in LA when she was, they both knew they just had to get together. Camila texted him as soon as she decided on what to do. They’d eat lunch in a deli, just like the old days, and Camila had the perfect one in mind.
She’d stumbled upon Lee’s one day almost by accident. Driving to her agent’s office, using backstreets to save some time, she decided on a little bite on the way. And there was the glowing sign straight from the seventies with a neo-noir neon class flashing the name, Lee’s, in big red letters. And it was good. Damn good. Not quite like Murray’s in NYC but definitely worth making a regular stop anytime she wasn’t in Vancouver shooting.
So she texted Nicky simple instructions:
Meet me @ Lee’s. 2:30 Tuesday. Can’t wait :)
And there she was, sitting in a corner booth, just like in New York, with her usual deli dish: a turkey club with avocado, light on the mayo on toasted wheat, coleslaw on the side. It was freshly delivered to her table and she hadn’t touched it. She wouldn’t until Nicky arrived. Tradition and all that. She figured he would be there any minute, it was 2:25 and she’d already gotten a text from him saying he was on his way. Camila did stop to think if maybe she should change seats. With where she was, she couldn’t see the door and anyone who came in could only see the back of her head.
Camila shook off that thought though. She asked the hostess to bring anyone who asked for Camila to be brought right to her table, that she was expecting company. Still, maybe she should switch seats. That thought was soon interrupted by a male voice calling out her name, “Camila!” with a lot of familiarity. But she didn’t recognize the voice at all. When she turned around she noticed that that unfamiliar voice belonged to an unfamiliar face. And that unfamiliar face had been brought to her table.
“Who are you?” They both asked each other. Camila didn’t recognize this man and he clearly had no clue who she was. And where the hell was Nicky?
Nicky walked cautiously into the restaurant, feeling out of place. He was more than a little surprised. Li’s: Authentic Asian bistro right in downtown Hollywood. It was an upscale place, real classy. He’d even put a jacket on for the occasion. It was far more than what he’d been expecting from Cami. He figured for a meetup in some deli. Something more low key. This seemed more like…more like a date. Maybe Hollywood had changed her.
Dim lighting caused him to squint after the brilliant sunshine of your average LA afternoon. Approaching the hostess, the only source of light came from meticulously hung lanterns on the wall, along with one on each of the tables he spied behind her.
“A reservation under Camila?” He asked more than a little hesitantly.   
She didn’t even need to check, instead responding immediately. “Of course sir. Please follow me, she’s been waiting for you.”
Checking his smartwatch, he knew he was a bit late, but still, he hoped he hadn't kept her waiting long. They passed other tables, heading to the very back of the restaurant. A private room, it looked like. There were a lot of couples, each with a more sickeningly lovesick expression than the last. It was packed. Way more than it should have been for a random Tuesday afternoon. He could practically smell the romance hanging heavily in the air. Or maybe that was just steamed pork rolls. The whole vibe just didn’t fit Cami. Still, when he caught a glimpse of shiny black hair pulled up in a high ponytail, he couldn’t help but grin as he hurried around to greet his old friend. That grin quickly faltered, because the beautiful face in front of him was not that of Camila Mendes. 
“Right here sir,” The hostess said, indicating the empty chair. “Ms. Cabello. Your guest has finally arrived.”
Nicky stared into the face of the stranger and she stared back equally perplexed. “Who are you?” They said at exactly the same time.
“I asked you a question,” Camila said. “Who are you?” He was standing at her table while Camila hadn’t moved. She didn’t want to create any more of a scene than there already was.
“I asked you the same question.” Replied the mystery man.
“You first.”
“I’m Nick. Your turn”
“You’re clearly not my Nicky,” Camila said. “And my name’s Camila.”
“Well, you’re clearly not my Camila.”
“Okay. This is officially too weird, but I think I have the perfect remedy.” Camila reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. “Modern technology saves the day again.” She texted a quick message to Nicky.
Where the heck are you? I have your name twin here.
After Camila hit send, he saw Nick sending off his own message. They both received a reply at nearly the same time. As they read, responded and read again, they both had the same reaction, rolling their eyes at the mix-up.
“I can’t believe this shit keeps happening,” Camila said. “You were expecting a Camila, just spelled C-A-B-E-L-L-O, correct?”
“Correct. This happen a lot?”
“Only on social media and in gossip rags almost every day,” said Camila. “For a solid year I had fans thinking I was a fan account for her and Shawn Mendes. Full name is Camila Mendes, so...kind of a recipe for social media disaster.”
“Sounds like fun. Mind if I take a seat for a second while I decide what to do?” Camila nodded and Nick sat down. “The moment I saw this was a deli I should have known something was up. Not exactly the spot Mila described on the phone. Autocorrect didn’t help. Thought I was going to some Chinese restaurant named Li’s, but spelled like this place.”
“Oh, that place is great,” Cami said. “I mean it’s a little extra for a Tuesday but it has amazing steamed pork rolls.”
“Which I’m missing out on. I should head out, see if I can make it.”
“At this time?” Camila asked. “You ever been to LA before? The traffic will keep you deadlocked for at least an hour and a half.”
“What do you propose I do?”
“We’re in a restaurant,” Cami said, taking a deep breath. “And, well, since I do have some kind of confirmation you’re not some weird stalker guy, join me. But since you’re not my Nicky, we’re going dutch. Deal?”
“Deal.” Agreed Nick. The pair shook hands and he got a bit more comfortable in the booth. He grabbed a menu and began to scan it. “So…your Nicky…he a boyfriend or something?”
“Old college friend,” Camila replied. She began to pick at her food, starting with the coleslaw. “What about you and Ms. Cabello? Lovers or pals?”
“Just friends. Little earlier than college though. Don’t really get to catch up too often, especially now.”
“Similar situation here. I had some time in LA while there’s a break on my show.”
“You’re an actress?”
“Yep. Riverdale. Prime time soap. Which means a whole lotta short skirts and lingerie scenes.”
“I might have to look into it.” Nick grinned, the comment and look on his face getting a chuckle from Cami.
“Anyway, he was going to be in LA too. Interviewing for a job at some video game studio. We were going to celebrate by having an old fashioned night in together. Late lunch or early dinner or whatever at a deli, then go back to my place for some serious Mario Kart time.”
“You like Mario Kart? What system?”
“64 of course,” Cami said with a grin. “I slaughter with Donkey Kong.”
The thought of this sexy woman in front of him going crazy huddled around a TV set getting serious about Mario Kart brought a big smile to Nick’s face. “Now that is a sight I’d love to see.”
“Well, the day’s still young, isn’t it Nick?” Camila winked at him before finally taking a bite of her sandwich.
“Well, it seems like my idiota of a dear friend is at the wrong place. All the way across town.  Damn.” She let loose a couple of other Spanish phrases that were lost on Nicky. 
“Believe it or not, it appears mine is as well. Anyways, sorry to bother you. Nice meeting you Camila Cabello.” He said, extending a hand.
Taking it lightly, she held the shake tenderly. She’d been watching him closely this entire time, and he appeared to have no recognition of who she was. Or if he did, he was very good at hiding it.
“It seems the world is screwing with me. Suppose to meet my own friend Nick here, and while you’re not him, a Nicky did show up.” Her words lingered heavily on the last few syllables, as she batted mascara-laden eyelashes in his direction.
“No one’s screwing you…yet.” He dared to say, feeling confident with the not-so-subtle signals she was currently giving him.
“Well then, Nicky. Why don’t you take a seat? I do so hate eating alone. And I think a cute guy like yourself…I could do worse for a dinner guest.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
“One caveat. Hand over your phone. Don’t want you looking me up and going all gaga before the appetizers arrive.”
“Why? You famous or something?” He asked, more of a joke than anything.
“I guess you’ll have to go all dinner without knowing. This is Hollywood after all.” She said, hand still held in his.
Nicky was intrigued to say the very least. He wasn’t sure if the frankly gorgeous woman in front of him was taking him for a ride or not, but he was game enough to play if she was.
“Deal,” He said, handing over the device without a second thought. “Plus those steamed pork rolls have had me salivating since I walked in.”
Camila laughed and looked him right in the eye, “Well then, let’s see if we can find something to satiate that appetite of yours.”     
“You sure you don’t mind me tagging along?” Nick asked. Their late lunch had gone much better than expected with the unlikely pair finding out just how much they had in common. Even with that however, Nick wasn’t exactly sure how far Cami, as she preferred to be called, wanted to take this accidental encounter. Now they were walking side by side on the way to her agent’s office. “I could just dick around a bit, kill time for an hour.”
“I’m fine,” said Camila. “I have some errands to run. I was going to have Nicky join me before we really got into some fun. But you’ll do. Besides, you made me laugh more than a few times in there. Killer Steve Brule impression by the way.”
“No match for yours.”
“Well as an actress I pride myself on being able to tackle any role, including a half-deranged morning show host.”
“Like I said, nailed it.”
That earned him another one of Cami’s million dollar smiles. He’d become addicted to them in a short amount of time. “You know, I wasn’t exactly expecting to discuss the ins and outs of Adult Swim programming or debating which is better kart racer between Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing.”
“Well there is no debate because the answer is Mario Kart,” Camila said with a grin. “But that’s what you get with me. Conversation guaranteed to cover the breadth of all things useless and trivial. Kind of my specialty.”
“Kept me riveted.” Nick replied.
“Thanks,” Cami said, very sincerely. “So what kind of conversation were you expecting?”
“Oh, you know. Just catching up with Mila. My Camila, at least. We’ve known each other since middle school. Met in a dance class. One that I now teach coincidentally enough. But you know how it goes, once she really hit it big with Fifth Harmony and all that, time got to be a hot commodity.”
“I know the story,” Cami said with a nod. “Happened with me and Nicky. Even after he switched schools to focus more on coding and all that game design stuff we still hung out daily in New York. After graduation? Still inseparable. But the moment I get Riverdale and have a full time gig? All Skype and texts and FaceTime.”
“Just emails and texts for me. When she went solo she got super busy. And I was actually getting paid to teach dance and all that. Time was just pretty slim. That’s what I was in LA for, a few days to catch up with her. Reconnect. All that jazz. Which is another kind of dancing I teach, now that I think of it.”
“Always with a quip. I like that,” Cami’s smile went soft. He was getting to her without even knowing it. Or he was fully aware. This day had been so confusing she couldn’t really rely on her ability to read someone. “You’ll get your catch up time. Just like I will. We just have some time to kill... and I think I know one perfect way to kill some.”
Cami stopped their walk right in front of an ice cream parlor. A mom and pop place that seemed to be fairly popular.
“This place is awesome,” she told Nick as she led him in. “They make all their stuff in house and they do some awesome boutique flavors.”
“Boutique flavors?”
“You know, like avocado or sriracha ice cream.” Camila saw the grimace on Nick's face as she described the flavors making her laugh as she began to reassure him. “They also have the normal stuff too. But the avocado’s better than you’d think. Me, I’m going for the old standby of Mint and Chip. What about you? I’m buying this time.”
“Butter pecan for me.”
“Oh, that’s pretty adventurous. Sure you don’t want to be a little more adventurous and go for the avocado?”
“Single scoop of butter pecan will do me fine.”
“One scoop?” Camila asked as she got in line.
“What can I say?” Nick asked. “I’m a cheap date.”
“Really? Well, we’ll see about that.” Camila raised her eyebrows, adding a bit of an exclamation point to the sentence. A point he couldn’t help but notice.
This day was going a lotter better than he could have expected so far.
“And no matter how much I protest; I just can’t escape the fact that I’m a Hufflepuff.” Camila was saying, throwing her arms up in the air, testing the integrity of her tight woolen sweater as she emphatically made her point. 
Nicky snorted into his Mai-Tai.  “I wouldn’t know anything about that. Being a Ravenclaw and all.”
“Pff. Yea right. You are probably a closet Hufflepuff too.” She said, pursing her lips suggestively around the straw of her own Mai-Tai and sucking so hard her cheeks caved inward. 
“Oh, I’ve got proof. Right there on my phone. I’ll show you right here, right now.”
“Now, now Nicky. No need to go whipping things out here at the table.”
The meal was just about wrapping up. It had been a remarkably enjoyable affair. Charming conversation. Flirty looks. Suggestive comments. They were lobbying quips back and forth at one another at greater speed than professional tennis players. If this had been a setup by two friends, it could not have been going better. It was like the best first date he’d ever had. Those full, luscious pink were pulled upwards in a sly grin, waiting for him to make the next move in their verbal repartee.   
“Really? And here I was getting the vibe you wanted me to whip something out.”
“That depends. You’re a game designer, right? Know any games we could play together? Just the two of us?”  She asked, feigned innocence dripping off every syllable.
“A few.”
“Then why don’t we get out of here, head back to my hotel room and see if we can’t find something more cozy to Slytherin into.”
He almost laughed at her pun. Almost. Instead, he simply smirked and called out with a serious tone, “Check please!”
“Ready for some real Hollywood glamour?” Cami asked. She and Nick had finished their ice cream and had finally arrived at her agent’s office building. “A world of staplers and photocopiers and yes, even paper clips.”
“Paper clips sunk it,” Nick replied. “Let’s go.”
Camila held the door open for him and they headed through the lobby to the elevator. Nick waited at the buttons, waiting to press at Cami’s command.
“Fourth floor. Such a gentleman. I mean minimum effort, but still, chivalry is appreciated.”
“I just wanted to make sure we were even for the ice cream now.”
“Almost there.” With the button pressed Nick moved to the back of the elevator, standing side by side with Cami, getting another whiff of her perfume.
“So, you have a place in LA, right?” He asked.
“For whenever I’m not in Vancouver, yes. Why?”
“What’s the rent like?”
“Over the top and rarely worth it, yet compared to New York it’s a bargain. Why?”
“One of the things I was going to be talking about with Camila was, well, opening a dance studio here. She’d be kind of like a silent partner, investing in leasing a building or something. If that happens, I move here. We were actually going to go studio and apartment hunting, so...what should I expect.”
“A diet of ramen and moments where you can swear you hear your wallet crying,” Cami joked. “But you’ll know at least one friendly face.” Surprising Nick a bit, she squeezed his hand softly and held it as she led him out of the elevator when it reached their floor.
When Nick got a view of the area, he realized Cami wasn’t far off in her description. It was rather mundane. A few movie posters and one with Cami’s face on it along with some other twenty-something actors. Given the text in the middle of it all said Riverdale, it was obviously for the show she was on.
Letting go of his hand, Cami headed for the receptionist desk, “Hey Sheila. Paul left me a message, said he had some stuff he wanted me to see?”
“He has a couple scripts in his office he wanted you to look over. He went home early though. Felt nauseous, but he said you could walk right in and grab the scripts if you got here before I left. Looks like you did,” opening the drawer, Sheila handed Cami a keycard. “You know where his office is.”
“Thanks,” Cami looked at Nick. “Hey Sheila, mind if I show my friend here around? His first time in LA, figured it might be nice to show him around, kind of ruin the glitz and glamour illusion of Hollywood. You know, the usual.”
“Sure, no problem. I’m going to be here for another hour or so anyway if your pal wants an up close and personal look at disappointment in Tinseltown.”
“You’re a gem Sheila,” Cami said, gesturing with her head to Nick. “Come on.” Holding out her hand for him, Nick eagerly grabbed it. The pair smiled at each other as she led him down the hallway.
At the end of the hall she turned to the left. Sliding the keycard through the doors lock, Camila opened it with a click.
“This your agent’s office?” Nick asked.
“No, he’s at the other end of the hall.”
“Then what’s in here?”
“Right now? Just us.”
Leading Nick inside, Cami turned on the lights. The office was empty. It had a desk with some chairs and a couch, but that was it. The desk itself was totally barren, not a sheet of paper to be found on it.
“Why are we in here?”
“So I can do something I’ve been thinking about for a couple hours,” she replied, following it up with a surprise kiss, a gesture he immediately returned. Wrapping his arms around Camila, he pulled her close, their kiss deepening with every passing second. Lips parting, their tongues escaped, intertwining.
Hands moving to grip Cami’s ass through her skirt, he lifted her up. The Brazilian beauty wrapped her legs around his waist. Their kiss only broke when he pinned her against the door, the loud thump startling them both as they came up for air.
“The door locked?” Nick asked, breathlessly.
“Automatically,” Camila replied, equally as breathless.
“Been thinking about this for a while?”
“It was the Steve Brule impression. Key to my heart. Now, how about you put me down and sit back on that nice empty desk?”
Nodding, Nick gave her a quick peck on the cheek before setting her down. Backing up, he did as she asked, sitting on the desk while his eyes focused on her. He almost had to remind himself to not lick his chops in preparation for what might be coming.
Camila though had no such worries, licking her lips sensually as she bent over in front of him. Both hands reached up on her skirt. Nick’s eyes grew wide when he saw what Cami was doing. A second later, she peeled off her black lace panties and dropped them to her side. Hiking up her skirt, she showed off the landing strip of dark hair atop her pussy.
“Your turn,” she said, striking a pose. “I showed you mine…show me yours.”
The hotel room door slammed, thudded shut behind them. They couldn’t have cared or noticed less. Instead, they were totally wrapped around each other, mouth on mouth, hands roaming from one scandalous place to the next. It had been that way ever since the restaurant. In the back of the Uber and in the elevator. Like two horny teenagers making out for the first time.
Nicky still couldn’t get over the softness of her full lips, bent over as he was, tongue exploring the deepest reaches of her mouth. He had nearly a foot on her, but still the smell of her filled his nostrils as they swapped spit. Fruity. Tropical. Sensual. The scent of a real woman emanated from her being. Stumbling towards the bed, freshly made with chocolate on the pillow, they kicked off their respective shoes and thumped onto the mattress in a giggly huff. Planting kisses down his still clothed body, Camila groped unabashedly at his crotch, feeling a nice stiff bulge there that had been present since they’d gotten up from the table. For his part, his hands were glued to her ass, marveling at the sheer size and feel of it.
“I never do this.” Camila said somewhat quietly.
“Me neither.”
They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, then she rolled him onto his back. Scooting down his body, Camila frantically tugged at his pants. In a frenzy of fumbling finger movements, she pulled down, tearing them off his ankles with some urgency. The elastic of his underwear struggled to restrain him. Camila quickly relieved it of that burden as it too joined the pants on the floor.
Chocolate brown eyes widening at the sight of the fleshy pillar standing tall in front of her, Camila licked her lips. Taking hold of it, she wrapped her perfectly-manicured fingers around it, stroking up and down slowly. Kneeling between his spread legs, her head lowered, even as her ass loomed high behind her, threatening to burst free from the confines of her body-hugging jeans. Puckering her full pink lips, she kissed the tip of it, sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. Watching his reaction carefully, she wrapped those lips around the throbbing head and began sliding them down, the seal tighter than a vacuum.
“Fuck. Mila.” He groaned as her eyes never left his face, inch after inch of his cock disappearing from sight into her mouth.
Moaning appreciatively, he could feel the vibrations shaking his very soul. Releasing him just before she reached the base, she left a sheen of slick saliva behind on the veiny hard inches. Kissing along one side of the shaft, her tongue lazily spilled over, curling around the meaty pillar as she made her way up and down. Doing the same to the other side, she laid kiss after kiss upon his member, fingers tracing light circles across his heavy sack sagging beneath.
Taking hold of the head once more, she took it in, pressing it against her inner cheek until she looked like a squirrel with a nut. Then with a *POP* she snapped it out of her mouth. Repeating this process several times, she took it back down, all the way to the base this time and held it there, lodged in her gullet. Unable to string two words together, Nicky could only grunt as his toes curled so tightly they were cramping. Releasing the spit-soaked shaft once more she looked back to him and jerked it slowly.
“Does a chica have to do all the work around here? Get over there and stand next to the bed.”
Undoing his pants, Nick pulled them to his knees and presented himself, all of himself, to the eagerly awaiting Latina.
“Very nice,” Cami said, impressed with what she saw. Walking over to him, she softly grasped his cock in her hand. Slowly starting to jack him off, she made her soon-to-be lover moan with delight. “Feels good in my hand Nick. Makes you wonder how good it might feel elsewhere, doesn’t it?”
“That’s one way of putting it.” He replied, his voice more than a little strained. Leading him by the cock to the front side of the desk, Camila now took a seat. Skirt hiked up and legs open.
“Don’t make me wait anymore,” Cami teased, voice like velvet. Her hand was still on his cock, rubbing the head against her inner thigh. It left behind a thin sheen of stickiness wherever it went.
The teasing continued, as she waited for him to fill her. Giving into the hunger they both felt, he took his cock from Cami’s hand and guided it quickly towards her very wet and slick opening.
“Oh!” Camila exclaimed as he entered her. Not all at once. Slowly. Inch by delightful inch, he filled her up, both of them breathing deep. With every thrust, more of him entered her. It was a perfect fit, the sword in the stone.
They kissed as Nick began to remove more of his clothing. Rolling his hips, he buried himself to the hilt inside of Camila and held fast as he discarded his sweater and shirt. Then he turned to Camila’s own sweater, breaking their equally deep kiss as she lifted her arms, allowing him to remove it. After that came her bra, until the only articles of clothing left on her body were her skirt and thigh high boots. Leaning back on the desk, she grinned while Nick took a good long gander at her body.
“Everything you were hoping for?”
“Reality has far exceeded imagination.” Nick replied. From there his mouth had better things to do than talk. He brought his lips to her chest, kissing softly along her breastbone before going on to taste the wonderful perky mounds.
Moaning, Camila brought her hand to the back of his head. Running her fingers through his hair, she caressed his neck. Coos and soft moans escaped her lips as Nick started thrusting again. Faster, but not by much. Every thrust he drove home, he held for a few moments, savoring the singular overwhelming sensation of it.
Looking up as he kissed Cami’s breasts, the view of her own face, drunk on pleasure, was a treat all its own. The most enticing thing was even as she moaned, the corners of her mouth were somehow always upturned just a bit. The total inability to hide the pleasure being delivered to her.
And what intense pleasure it was. Nick’s cock seemed tailor made for Cami. Just the right size. Just the right curve. It hit her in all the right spots. The fact he knew what he was doing didn’t hurt either. Her legs wrapped around him, the leather of her boots squeaking against one another as she pulled him in close.
“Oh...oh yes...mmmm. Nick this is fucking perfect,” she gasped. “Little bit more honey...not too much...do it...just enough...just that extra bit baby…”
As Nick began to fulfil Cami’s request, he licked from her breasts, along her collarbone, up her neck, settling on her lips. Both mouths opened just the slightest bit. It was a game of chicken. Whose lips would make the first move? Their tongues licked at each other before their lips collided once more, hungrily clashing together again.
Strong arms grasped Cami, giving her a bit of a surprise as she was lifted up and carried to the couch. Sitting down, with Cami on top of him, she reached forward, brushing the hair from his brow.
“Gonna make me do all the work now?” Camila teased. “Not that I mind of course. I just wonder if you can handle what I’m going to do with you.”
“Only one way to find out,” Nick said, caressing her cheek, leading Camila to kiss his palm. Cami’s lips went from his hand to his lips, kissing Nick as she began to ride.
A hot, squelching noise echoed loudly throughout the hotel room. Fast. Hard. Throaty. Nicky had Camila’s mess of black hair bunched up his both fists, holding it aloft above her beautiful face. Even so more loose strands spilled down across, escaping from the tightly held clutches of his hands. Knelt on the carpeted floor, Camila was wedged between his tall, looming figure and the edge of the mattress. Her gaze upwards was unwavering. Brown eyes, watery and bulging as he slammed his prick down her gullet with great gusto. Her own manicured fingers were dug hard into his ass, simultaneously urging him to go even harder and keeping her balance as the full brunt of his pelvis smacked against her face with every repeated penetration.
Those throaty gurgles sounded over and over again, but the sound was just delightful to Nicky’s ears as the sensation of pummeling Camila’s esophagus with his bulging cockhead at every pass. Camila took every inch, in fact she demanded it. Spit and saliva alike flowed freely over her plump lips, stretched wide, down her chin where they hung in thick slobbery swinging strings. They didn’t last long, either demolished by balls as they bounced furiously against her lower jaw, spattering the spittle every which way or flung against her bare breasts from the momentum of the face-fucking where they oozed slowly downwards towards the floor.
His hesitation had vanished. Initially reticent to do as she asked, the sizzling soft squelch of her throat as it stretched stupendously around his member made him abandon all inhibitions. That and any romantic overtones the afternoon might have once had. After all, he’d only met her about two hours ago, and now here was impossibly balls deep in her gullet, jackhammering away.
“Oh, Mila! Mila! Fuck yea! Take it! Take that fucking cock Mila!” Nicky grunted out each time he rammed himself fully into her, the stark-whiteness of his knuckles standing out brightly against the dark sleekness of the hair gathered up there.
With a roar, he gave himself one final deep thrust, holding her there, lips scrambling around the base, the bulge in her neck utterly apparent. Positively gagging on his dick, she coughed and spluttered, spit flying forward. Nick could feel it splatter against his groin as he continued holding her tight. incredibly tight pleasure working over inch of him as she contracted and uncontracted her vocal cords around him. He held her there until the smack on his ass told him to release.
Letting go, he staggered back, one last throaty squelch sounding as he extracted himself from her oral cavity. Thick drool hung off the tip of his member, as it did in copious amounts on Camila’s chin. Wiping both that and the mascara running from her eyes, she coughed once or twice before speaking.
“Not bad Nicky. Not bad at all. Let’s see how you are returning the favor.” A slight hoarseness to her voice was the only indication of anything amiss as she stood up and gestured towards the bed.
Positively leaping, he landed flat on his back, slobbery prick waving wildly. Laid on his back, he watched Camila hungrily as she strode up gracefully, standing atop the mattress. Moving closer and closer, a leg on either side of his body, she towered over him, the only way someone who was 5’2 could. Eyes drifted from her ruined, albeit still gorgeous, face to her tiny titties until they settled on her delectable looking pussy, a stark pink in contrast to her caramel colored skin. Above it was a triangle of dark shaven hair pointing to it. An invitation of sorts.
Getting his tongue ready to work, he was surprised when Camila, still looking down at him smugly turned around, careful to avoid stepping on him as she sank into the mattress. Presenting her ass in his direction which promptly made his jaw drop. Seeing it this up-close…was almost mind-boggling. A true thing of beauty. Packing enough ample jiggling flesh for two girls her size, the supple curve of it off her lower back, the slow transition of ass into meaty thigh, it was mesmerizing. It dominated her lower half and she knew it. Smacking it herself, he watched the ripples from the impact. His up-close view only got closer as it began to descend and before he knew it, those caramel-colored cheeks were resting comfortably atop his face, muffling his cry of surprise. Bent low in a deep squat, Camila grinded her backside with a satisfied cooed that Nicky could not see, and barely hear.
“Come man. Use that tongue. The price of that little face-fuck we just had. Eat my culo.”
The cheeks lowered even further, the ample flesh pressed against his facial features, smothering every square inch of them. The primal smell of arousal, mixed with a bit of sweat was all he could breathe in. Like a blind man seeking water in a desert, his lips searched out of her sphincter. Following the curve of her cheeks, he found it quickly, pursing his lips around it and pushing his into it, tasting her.
“Mhmmm. Buen chico.” Camila said with a gasp as his tongue probed ever deeper. “Keep going. Uh-huh. Just like that and then we’ll see what else we might get up too.”
As Camila rose up and slid back down on his pole Nick ran his hands down the smooth skin of her back. His fingers traced down her spine, tickling Cami in just the slightest way. It was enough to make her tremble, breathe in that much faster.
Hand’s going further, they slid past her skirt, over the smooth material and reaching under to squeeze her ass. Apart from his roaming hands, he let Camila take control. The view was almost as good as the velvet grip surrounding his cock. The soundtrack was impeccable as well. When she was moaning for him, the wordless cries of pleasure were beyond compare. There was almost a rhythm to it, one that matched her physical movement.
While Nick hung back Camila took full advantage of leading the dance. Working her pussy in just the right way, she made sure that with every movement Nick’s eyes were rolling in the back of his skull. And to make sure his cock hit even more of those perfect, oh-so-right places within her that he had overlooked. Nick had hit more than enough himself, but only she really knew just how to hit them all. Every new sensation of pleasure increased her pace. Up and down, back and forth, left and right, all around. It was driving them both crazy.
Feeling the grip on her ass, Camila leaned back. As her long dark locks swayed with their movement, Nick began to give back, taking on a bit more of the action. Giving as good as he was getting from Camila and vice versa. The pair were intensely focused on each other. That, and making one another cum.
Diving deep inside of her, Nick was striving to hit every sensitive spot he could find. Every single cry of “Yes!” or “Right there!” and “Just like that!” was another note. If she was going to give him a map, he was going to take it, use it, and give her that moment of pleasure she so rightly deserved.
Nick wasn’t alone in his desire to make the other feel off-the-charts-amazing. Camila squeezed his cock with her pussy, her velvet vice trying to milk him with every hard thrust of dick. As his groans became more desperate her won smile and cries of passion grew more intense.
Muffling his groans in her breasts, he sucked her nipples, taking the hard nubs into his mouth as the pair’s pace increased with every passing moment. The explosively amazing end was just around the corner for them both. Sparks were flying and it was just a matter of time before those embers burned bright.
Face down in the sheets, ass up in the air, Camila had a hand on each cheek. Pulling them apart, looking back at him with a snarl of desire curling her lip. His face was still flushed and red as he aimed his lubed up cock and stuck it between her cheeks. Collecting what might have been the last of his spit, he deposited it onto the already saliva-soaked butthole. After the better part of fifteen minutes spent with her perched atop his face, it was dripping and that was before he poured conveniently located lube all over it.
He pushed his swollen head, kept stiff as Camila slowly jerked him off while he performed analinguis, against her sphincter. Eliciting a soft coo from her, he gave a hard grunt as his initial attempt was rebuffed. Settling in, he pushed harder, Camila breathing heavily, an enormous pressure building up in her backside. It released with a loud *POP* as her sphincter swallowed his head.
Mierda!” Camila cursed, white teeth biting into the even whiter sheet.
“Is that ok?”  Nicky asked, a bit out of his element.
“Fuck yes. Keep going! Stick it all the way in!”  Camila said, taking the initiative herself and immediately slamming herself backwards, clapping those fat cheeks against his groin as he was engulfed in an instant.
“Shit.” He cursed himself, through gritted teeth.
Whatever tight sensation her mouth had provided before was nothing compared to this. The entirety of him was being squeezed like a vice as she worked her ass along his pole. Head spinning, he honored her request, grabbing hold of her hips and starting to thrust. Hard. It took a moment to get the rhythm down, but then it clicked. Together, Camila slamming herself backwards, and Nicky thrusting forwards, they reached a frantic pace of anal reaming. Loud meaty claps of ass on pelvis sounded, loud even over their own erotic exertions.
“Come on. Fuck me. Really fuck me!” She cried out.
Taking a cue from earlier, Nicky took one hand and tangled it full of that long luscious raven mane. Yanking it back savagely, it was exactly what Camila had been hoping he’d do.
Si! Si!” She moaned, neck arched and mouth open to the ceiling. Her cries of pleasure made Nicky go harder, seeing he was doing exactly the right thing. “AYE PAPI!  FUCK THAT ASS! YA! YA! YA!”
Camila was shrieking her head off. Nicky pulled back even harder, her entire back bending to accommodate the force he was exerting on her. With his free hand, he slapped the jiggling ass bouncing off his groin.
“Again.” She grunted out.
Complying he smacked it again. And again. And again until the one cheek was burning red, still rippling with the breakneck speed of thrusting. Their lengthy foreplay session had done nothing to ease the cauldron of bubbling spunk swirling around his balls, and even as he continued pounding, he knew that he would not be able to keep this pace forever.
“Mila. Fuck. Can’t last much longer.” Nicky said, barely hanging on as he pummeled her asshole.
“Don’t you dare fucking cum yet.” She said breathlessly. “Not till I do. You hear me? Don’t fucking cum yet!”
He only groaned in response, desperately trying think of anything else.
Pulling herself up, Camila locked eyes with Nick. “I’m gonna cum for you Nick,” she said, her voice like a soft hiss of silk. “Right on your cock...and you need to cum for me...show me how good I’m making you feel...mmm baby do it for me...yesss…”
Kissing Camila once more, their mouths refused to part ways as they both skated right past that point of no return. However, the explosion that had been building up ever since halfway through lunch, could not even be contained by such a passionate kiss.
“NICK!” She cried out. “Yes baby!” Cami panted and almost growled as the pleasure coursed through her. It was a sight beyond sights for Nick. He only wished he could have enjoyed it longer, but the sensation of Camila cumming, wrapped in his arms and around his cock was simply too much.
“Cami...cumming!” He said, his tone almost questioning. Cami had the answer ready for him.
“In me,” She gasped. “I want to feel you cum in me...let me feel it baby...I want to know how good it feels...how good I made you feel.”
Nick gave into Cami’s request without a second thought, firing off like a cannon inside of her. Moaning at sensation, his cock shot stream after stream of warm cum inside of her, even as she continued to ride him. It was only fair. After all, he didn’t stop fucking when she came.
Soon though all of that delightful tit for tat came to an end and all there was the afterglow. They melted into the couch, Camila still in Nick’s arms. Both were speechless, brains temporarily fried from pleasure, just holding one another.
The meaty clap of pelvis crashing into ass filled the room. Sweat beaded both of their bodies as Nicky rammed Camila with everything he had. Nuts slapped her taint as her asscheeks clapped together and he drove home like never before. But, that breakneck pace could not last forever and both had finally reached their limit. Unable to hold back for one second longer, Nicky gave an almighty roar and sheathed himself one final time, balls deep into her butthole.
“C-C-CUMMING!!!” He grunted, his grip tighter on her tighter than ever.
Camila needn’t have been told. That rod of steel in her backside somehow got even harder, stiffening to impossible length inside her colon. It was just enough to bring her to the crest of climatic bliss. That wave of carnal pleasure came crashing down an instant later as that first spurt of spunk streaked up her bowels.
“AHHHH!!!” Camila’s high-pitched shrieks joined his low guttural grunting as the two came in tandem.
Volley after volley of cum painted her insides white, his cock erupting every which way. Balls twitching and pressed flush against her dripping taint, they emptied the entirety of their contents into her ungodly ultra-fine bootylicious bottom. Limbs twitching, the orgasm washed over her as her screams turned to raspy whimpers. Each orgasmic wave made her sphincter tighten around him, ensuring that every single last drop was milked from him. Then, and only then, did it relax enough for him to pull out. Relinquishing his grip on her hair, he fell backwards with a thump. Collapsing forward, she once more pressed her face into the sheets, ass still high in the air and pointed towards him.
Eye inexplicably drawn to the winking-brown hole, it contracting slowly as it got accustomed to being empty once more. Watching carefully, he saw the slow ooze of his seed peek out as it began to run down the crack of her butt. His viewing party was interrupted as Camila rolled over, brown eyes still glazed over, stray strands of hair still sticking to her forehead.
“Perfecto. Eso fue increíble.”
“Yea it was.” He said, still panting and shuffled a bit closer to her.
“Bathroom’s over there.” She said, nodding her head in the general direction and with a perfectly clear tone that summed up everything he needed to know about what this afternoon meant. “Go ahead and get cleaned up.”
“So…this is it, huh?” Nick asked. He and Cami exited the Uber. They were in front of the hotel where Mila was staying. “Truth be told; I wish we had a bit more time.”
“Well, we could always get lost for another hour or so,” Cami said. Walking up beside him, she took his hand in hers. “Try to find someplace a bit more comfy than an empty office.”
“I don’t know; the couch was pretty comfy.”
“True. But I think we could do without the part where Sheila knocked on the door to check on us during officially sanctioned spooning time.”
“Yea, true,” Nick acknowledged. “Even that was kind of adorable. Can’t lie.”
“Besides...this doesn’t have to be it,” Camila said. Letting go of his hand, she stood in front of him just as they entered the lobby. “I didn’t give you my number just for fun. Call me if you’re ever in Vancouver. Or you know...whenever.” She smiled, blushing a bit. Here she was acting like a love-struck teenager, but simply lacked the motivation to care too much about it. It went unnoticed by Nick, as he was in a similar state of mind.
“You do the same,” He said, stammering a bit as he continued. “Except, you know...next time you’re in LA, because I’ll have a place here...and, uh, I’d like to see you again. But you can, you know...call me anytime too. I made it awkward, huh?”
“Nah, I found it cute.” Cami replied. Gently placing her hand on his cheek, she led his lips to hers. When they parted again, Cami said with a smile, “Sealed with a kiss.”
“Better than shaking hands,” Nick said. Now it was he who took Camila’s hand and led her further into the lobby. “This is where I’m supposed to meet Mila. My Camila that is.”
“I’m not your Camila now?” She said with a mock pout, then grinned. “And my Nicky continues to ignore me. He had better have a damn good reason. Still, all things considered I think I had a pretty fantastic day.”
“Same here Cami.” They shared a sweet silence together as they sat down in the lobby.
The hotel room door shut with a sharp click behind him. Nicky readjusted his trousers, tucked his shirt back in and headed down the hall towards the elevator. Camila had practically pushed him out the door. Something about being late. Just a quick thanks and he’d gotten the boot.
As he waited for the elevator, curiosity got the better of him. Pulling out his recently required phone, he saw a few texts from Cami. Ignoring those for a moment, he googled, Camila Cabello. Immediately he was bombarded by countless articles, images and videos. She was famous. And not just a little famous either. Pictures and articles headlines alike showed a lot of her with current boyfriend Shawn Mendes.
“Huh. No shit.” He said to himself as the elevator rang and he stepped inside.
Pressing the button to the lobby, he marveled too himself. This was not the way he had intended the day to go. At all. Still, what a great fucking day it turned out to be. He had the sneaking suspicion that, despite what Mila had said about never doing something like this, it was something she did with some regularity. As the elevator jolted, and someone stepped on, he snapped out of his reverie and remembered the real reason for his visit to LA. Quickly scrolling through the texts, he hurried out of the doors with his head down reading.
“Nicky?” It was questioning at first. “Nicky!” Looking up, he saw his Camila, seated in a cluster of fancy chairs with a good-looking dude resting next to her. “Over her you goof!”
More than a little confused to see Camila here, he nevertheless made a beeline towards her, and the two reunited friends greeted each other with a big hug and a kiss on Nicky’s cheek from Cami.
“Next time I’m just going to send you frickin’ GPS coordinates,” Cami said. “And why aren’t you answering your damn phone?” Shaking her head, but with a smirk, she then looked over to Nick. “Also, Nicky, meet your name twin.”
“Oh, so you’re Nick?” Nicky said. “Camila…is upstairs. I mean, I think she is.” He let the sentence die on his lips somewhat lamely.
They shook hands, still a little perplexed by this whole situation.
“Good to meet you.” Nick said.
“Likewise.” Nicky replied who let go and turned to face Camila.
“Uh-huh. Is she, really?” Cami was smirking like never before. “I think maybe you answered my earlier question about ignoring me, but that sounds like our cue to leave. Come on Nicky. Let’s go pick up some thai food. I really worked up an appetite since lunch, and I want you to enjoy your last meal before you’re murdered by Mario Kart.”
With that, Cami and Nick said one final goodbye while Nicky watched on in interest. From the looks of it, he wasn’t the only one who’d had an exciting afternoon. Parting ways, she turned back to Nick one more time, waving goodbye at him through the glass doors before stepping outside, arm-in-arm with her friend.
Nick turned to the elevator, ready to finally meet up with his old friend. He had a question or two himself about exactly what went down this afternoon. Still, what surprised him even more than seeing his friend, was the eagerness for the next time he’d see, or even just hear, from the new Camila in his life.

The End

« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 07:19:51 AM by Slyguy »
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Re: Crossing Paths starring Camila Cabello and Camila Mendes
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 08:52:29 PM »
We had great fun working on this, we hope you all enjoy it!
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, MaxwellLord, thenewcomer


Great job, I really enjoyed this despite not being into either of these women.

I thought it was a cool way of blending two ladies with the same name, haven't ever read a story like that before, so this one holds that uniqueness.

Pretty cool use of the gagging and slobbering noises during mouth fucking, I love that!  ^-^
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