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Author Topic: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch  (Read 7275 times)


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All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Harlot's Eve: The Devil Made Her Do It!
Starring Madelaine Petsch
(MMF, oral,anal, DP, DAP)
by MaxwellLord

It was a rare thing for Madelaine to look at an ancient hotel and see an oasis. She had nothing against old buildings but they were never her first choice for shelter. This time though, after months of being locked up and single, such a place never looked more like heaven.

Was that a bit dramatic? Madelaine wouldn't deny that. She was however an actress and being dramatic was, in fact, her business. So to her it wasn't unusual that she nearly broke into a song and dance number on her own when she was informed the producers of her show, Riverdale, said they were throwing a gigantic Halloween party for the cast and crew. The extra testing was an easy price to pay to be able to have fun, mask free and virus free, among friends and co-workers.

However, she would only be accompanied by one friend. Most of the male cast opted out. That proved to be a relief for the one member of the female side of the cast who was joining her, Lili Reinhart. Her blonde compatriot had no desire to be at a party with her ex. Madelaine couldn't blame her. That'd make her skip a party quick and easy too. And while it was a drag that Camila Mendes and Vanessa Morgan had also opted out, she and Lili were quite the combination all by themselves.

They both certainly had come dressed to impress. Lili had gone with her own interpretation of Harley Quinn while Madelaine added her own take the the tried and true "Sexy She-Devil". Madelaine had some of the traditional things. She had the horns and a plastic red pitchfork. Her clothes of course were also red, mostly at least. A red leather corset pushed her breasts up a bit, a delightful view of her sinfully sweet cleavage being created. The corset though was more outer wear, but barely, as what she was wearing underneath was a red mesh top. The one last little detail Madelaine adored about the corset were how the laces up the front tied into a pentagram shape.

However, above and below the corset was wear Madelaine added a bit of sugar to the spice. The make-up, aided by her lovely blonde compatriot, was a mix of Heaven and Hell. While there was indeed red to be seen, the main color obviously, it was not highlighted by the traditional black. Instead, Madelaine had opted for white.

Below the waist had the same details. While she was wearing red panties and a garter belt, the stockings attached were white, and the shoes once more went to red. The tiniest hint of black could be seen on tiny bows attached the the hem of the stockings. All wrapped up in a small, red satin cape.

The moment the two entered the floor, Madelaine's already uplifted mood shot through the roof, her already effervescent smile going brighter than a lighthouse.

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time," said Lili. "Were you going that stir crazy?"

"Are you kidding Lils?" Maddie asked. "Stir crazy would be putting it lightly. I missed just interacting with people. I thought I was gong to break down in tears coming back to shoot just from seeing so many different people at once! Also, single lady here, which I know you can relate to heavily. So...yeah, very happy and anxious to simply hang out and not have to worry about anything. No news channels preaching the apocalypse, no masks, just fun! You can't tell me you're not looking forward to that."

"I am, I guess I'm just a bit..subdued about it. And clearly not on the sugar high you're on. You're cut off from the sweets Mads."

"Try and stop me," Madelaine teased. "I brought my own supply." She opened up her red-sequin purse and took out a couple of vegan peach rings, eagerly wolfing down the gummy candy. Lili rolled her eyes in response and the pair began to make the rounds of the party. Half the fun of this was going to be just acting like human beings with social lives again.

First they made the rounds as a duo, but eventually split apart, especially once Madelaine saw a friend of hers from the crew side of the equation.

She tapped the fit man on the shoulder. he turned around to see the poker only to find Madelaine, who immediately gave him a hug.

"Hi Jason!" Madelaine said, her tone as sweet as her smile. "I LOVE your Nightwing costume. So good!"

"You actually recognized it?" Jason asked.

"Of course." Mads replied. "Who do you think you're talking to?" Jason smirked. Of course Madelaine would know. Of the cast, she was probably the friendliest to the crew. Not that the rest were snobs or anything, Madelaine was just, well, friendly. She was social and loved talking to people. So when she and Jason began talking, he was taken about she actually knew a lot of stuff about his main interest, the denizens of Gotham City.

She wasn't an encyclopedia about it, but she knew her stuff, all starting from the old Teen Titans cartoon show. Dick Grayson was her fictional crush, so she could mop the floor with most people in a Nightwing trivia contest. It was a surprising feature for the knockout ginger, but one that made her and Jason fast friends.

"I really love the symbol on this Jase," Madelaine said. "It's the classic one, right? Before they added the bird's head to the middle."

"Good eye." Jason replied.

"I try." Madelaine grinned. She noticed during their conversation about all things Dick Grayson that Jason's eyes were going between her and someone or something behind her. Madelaine took a quick peek behind her and saw where his eyes kept wandering too in the form of Lili Reinhart. "You know she's single now, right?"


"Don't play like that with me," Madelaine teasingly said. "It doesn't take the World's Greatest Detective, or his heir apparent, to see who your eyes are glued to. So....how about we cut this conversation short and you go talk to Lili? Besides, you two will match. Your both dressed as former partners to living legends. It's destiny."

"I'm not her type."

Madelaine raised her eyebrow and shook her head. "Jason, sweetie, allow me to let you in on a secret. While women do indeed have so many, many different types across genders and all that, one thing rings true most of the time. Obviously if you're not into men it might not work, but Lili is a switch hitter so I'd guess it works for her as well. That semi-universal truth? Women love dashingly handsome men and you fit the bill."

"Look, I'll just hang back," Jason said. "I...I don't think for a second a lady like that would go for a guy like me."

"Suit yourself," Madelaine shrugged. "But I'm not going to be your excuse for chickening out. I'll talk to you later." Jason nodded and Madelaine walked away. She hoped she didn't come off as rude but she knew she was right. Besides, she also had the knowledge that Lili had eyes for him on set, even if she didn't know who he was. To her he was just the "cute lighting guy", but Mads knew he could be a bit more if he just stepped up to the plate. Pushing him though wasn't her job.

Rather, her job tonight was having fun herself and this hotel was made for it. She'd even heard it was haunted. That was what made her super excited. While Madelaine wasn't a nonbeliever, she also wasn't a desperate dope. She considered herself more of a hopeful skeptic. She'd been on a few ghost hunts herself and always found herself a little disappointed when a lot of those experiences were easily debunked. Tonight however, she was hoping for a full on experience, maybe even seeing a full torso apparition. She just needed a couple people to join her on her search within the walls of this very alive, but very old hotel. That was half of her excitement for the night's festivities...the idea of finding a real ghost on the spookiest night of the year.

The sexy she-devil scanned the crowd, talking with some possible partners for the night. While all were pleasant, none of them really jumped out at her as "ghost hunters". However, once her eyes fell upon a certain couple of guys, their costumes made it look like they were the real deal.

Their costumes were a bit on the nose. As Ghostbusters it seemed too obvious. However the detail impressed her. Their proton packs looked legit with lights and tubes and wires attached. They seemed movie authentic and the jumpsuits looked similarly good. Then there were the extra accessories the pair had. The one who was her fellow ginger had a pair of very movie accurate goggles on his head while his black-haired friend had himself a spot-on replica of the ghost trap attached to his side. While Madelaine wasn't a Ghostbusters superfan or anything, she could spot quality work when she saw it. And as she got closer to her prospective partners in supernatural searching, she saw she recognized them from the prop department, which began to explain the authenticity of what they were wearing.

"Well hello boys," Madelaine said with a smile. The men turned from their conversation to scope out Madelaine. And scope her out they did. Madelaine could feel their eyes going over her. She didn't mind. That was the point of a sexy costume after all. She smirked at them, letting them take their moment before speaking to them again. Her brown eyes went to the ginger, Chuck Thompson, first. "Hey Chuck. LOVE the costume. You too Mike."

Michael Jarvis nodded and said, "Thanks. You look great as well."

"Oh, it's just something I threw together. Not like the work you guys put in or anything. You even have patches that say your last names on them."

"Not gonna mention the packs?" Chuck sarcastically.

"I thought that was too obvious a compliment."

"Fair enough."

"This hotel is pretty wild, huh?" Madelaine asked, not wasting time in leading them in conversation to her ghostly endpoint. "Old and new colliding. Very cool."

"Yeah, it's kinda like The Shining," agreed Mike. "Except, you know, no blood on the elevators. Or elevator, in this case."

"Of course," Madelaine giggled, making the pair in front of her swoon just a bit. "You're actually more right than you know."

"How's that?" Chuck asked, instantly intrigued.

"Well, this place used to be kind of shady back in the thirties and forties. Organized crime, prostitutes, murders, all the kind of stuff that happened in the Shining hotel before Jack Nicholson showed up. Which would make it ghost central...if the stories are true."

"S-stories?" Chuck gulped. "There are ghost stories about this place."

"Of course," Madelaine said with a sly smile. "You didn't hear? The world famous Ghostbusters?"

"Nope," said Michael. "But we're ready to believe you. What you got?"

Madelaine laid it out. The gruesome murders, the tragic suicides...and even the Satanic ceremony she'd only heard whispers about. The scary sightings and the ghastly ghosts rumored to walk the halls, stalk the rooms and how the epicenter of it all was the top floor of the hotel. The area currently closed off and used for storage and a makeshift attic.

"So not the basement?" Mike asked. "Whenever you see ghost stuff on TV stuff like this its all usually concentrated in the basement. Weird."

"Why don't we go ask the ghosts?" Chuck sarcastically asked. "I'm sure they'll be happy to answer why all the murderers and devil worshippers prefer the attic to the basement."

"That's why I like you Chuck," Madelaine said. "You're always a step ahead of me."

"Huh?" Chuck asked, confused and a little scared.

Madelaine reached into her red purse again and brought out a small device. It was dark grey in color and had an LED screen on it.

"What's that?" asked the increasingly concerned Chuck.

"EMF detector.," Madelaine answered. "Once I knew where this little party was being held and did some research, I couldn't resist the temptation to do an little ghost hunt. But the thing is, I don't want to do it alone."

"And you figured it'd be cool to ask the two guys dressed like Ghostbusters to join you," Mike said.

"Well, yes," she nodded. "I mean you have to admit, it really does seem appropriate, doesn't it? Kismet, fate, call it what you will."

"I don't know...." Chuck said. "That sounds a little bit too much like living the gimmick."

"Oh come on Chucky, what's the catch phrase from the movie?" Madelaine asked. "I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts, right?"

"She has you there man." Mike added.

"She has ME? You aren't even a little put off by this?"

"Of course not!" Mike replied. "I mean it honestly sounds kind of fun. And funny too. Two Ghostbusters and the Devil walk into a haunted hotel..."

"Exactly Mike." Madelaine looked to Chuck and put on her most playful pouty face. "Pleeeeeeease Chuck? It'd be so much fun. And if it turns out to be a bust, we can come right back down to the party. What do you say?"

Chuck was not a fan of the idea of real ghosts. Sure, he was 100% skeptic...but also figured why tempt fate? Howver, Madelaine seemed to instinctually know his weakness: insanely beautiful redheads in sexy outfits.

"Okay." Chuck relented. "But we stick together, okay?"

"Of course," Madelaine said. "I mean you're the Ghostbusters, not the Scooby gang."

Maddie's comment made Chuck laugh, soothing his nerves.

"I think we're all in agreement Mads," said Mike. "Let's bust some heads, in a metaphysical sense of course."

"Of course," she laughed. Madelaine led them out of the party and too the metal grate elevator. It was the only one the hotel hide, aside from service elevators. A real old timey one too, or at least it looked as such. it rose up right in the middle of every thing, dead center in the middle of the hotel.

The elevator ride was quick, but more than enough time for Madelaine's two companions to drink in more of her body. Madelaine couldn't object. She knew exactly how she was dressed. The costume was designed to get looks and she welcomed it. That's the reason to where a sexy costume. You wanted the attention. And maybe a little bit more than attention. Both Chuck and Michael were prime candidates for some full contact trick or treating, but she hadn't quite decided who would be the lucky faux-paranormal investigator, but the impromptu ghost hunt would give her ample time to decide...if a decision between them even needed to be made.

The elevator lurched to a halt and Maddie took the lead, sliding the doors open and stepping out into the dimly lit lobby of the top floor. Or Floors. This level was all suites with one penthouse, but they hadn't been used for years. At this point they were used as extra storage along with the basement and the actual attic the hotel had. The floor was also unique in that the floors actually surrounded the elevator, taking away the view below the others stories had.

"Gentlemen," Madelaine said as she took the first step out of the elevator. "Let's broaden our minds."

The paranormal pair followed behind, while both took quick glances at Madelaine's supernatural behind.

"So, uh, Mads," said Chuck. "Where do we start?"

"Well, that's the thing," said Madelaine. "It can really be our pick. The locks on this floor are all those kinds with actual keys, not keycards. Or, they were."

"Were?" Mike asked.

"They took 'em all out." Madelaine asked. "They were doing major renovations before the lockdown. The top floor was going to be the last. They got as far as getting rid of the old old locks. Probably won't get back to it all until things are normal again."

"So that means we can go into any of these rooms." Mike surmised.

"Exactly," Madelaine grinned. "Anything we want. My vote personally would be for the honeymoon suite or the penthouse."

"W-why's that?" asked Chuck.

"Because that's where the high class whoring went on of course."

"The what?" Mike asked.

Madelaine grinned and stopped her stride, her ghost-trapping companions pausing as well. She turned around, ready to explain The ribald redhead was barely able to contain her excitement.

"This hotel used to house....ladies of the night. The good ones too; no streetwalkers. High class whores, that kind of thing. Politicians, actors, cops....all would come here. Some would cross the borders just for a chance at some of the high class ass. The place was essentially lust and maple syrup. Probably both at the same time in many cases. And those two rooms....let's just say the stories I heard were particularly wild."

"How wild?" Mike asked, pushing the subject to Madelaine's delight.

"Well, let's ask the sprits when we get to the rooms. If they're not busy, you know...with ghost sex."

"They can do that?" Chuck asked, causing a pair of chuckles to erupt from Madelaine and Mike.

"I don't see why not." Madelaine replied. "But also, if you notice the doors to the rooms opening and closing, just remember there are no locks and they're going to move just from the air conditioning. That's not proof of anything. Now the doors IN the room however, well there's more of chance for spookiness there."

"Yeah, that makes me feel better." Chuck answered. The trio walked down the Hall, Chuck half-expecting to see a pair of ghostly twins asking him to come play with them. Soon though they reached the end of the hall. In front of them was a door, ghostly glowing moonlight shining through it while on either side of them was one door a piece. Usually the doors were in pairs on both sides of the room, but not here. ON the left was the Honeymoon suite, and on the right was the first floor to the penthouse.

"Well boys, where do we start?"

"Suite." answered Chuck.

"I'm saying Penthouse." Mike added.

"Well, that's not helpful." Madelaine reached into her purse and took out a coin. "Heads for the suite, tails for the penthouse." Madelaine flipped the coin, the silver-colored, metallic coin catching the moon light just enough to give it  spectral quality as it tumbled in the air. When it landed, the face looking up at the three from the coin signaled the Honeymoon suite would be their first stop between the two rooms of sin.

With just a simple push the door went open and stayed until Mike closed it behind them. No door jammer on this floor meant the laws of physics were going to be obeyed.

"Look at this place," Mike said. IT was quite a sight. Even after decades of hibernation the room looked, hell, it screamed upper class. Trashy, but upper class. The mini kitchen was essentially a mini bar and there were more than a few candelabras to be seen. The furniture all seemed red velvet with gold trim, dust dimming it's former luster. Mirrors with a similar gold trim and a chandelier also rounded everything out...for the first room at least, and the suite had two, not including the bathrooms.

"So, where we checking first?" Mike.

"Well, I think this is an occasion where we actually should do the Scooby thing and split up," said Madelaine. "But STRICTLY within the suite, okay? We stick together elewhere. Agreed?"

"Cool with me." Mike answered.

"Sure," Chuck agreed, though slightly less confident.

The three began to split up. Mike headed into the smaller bedroom while Chuck stayed in the living room. Madelaine chose the bedroom. That's where she was hoping thing would end up tonight anyway, so it was time to scope it out. It's not that the idea of finding some kind of supernatural activity was a bad one...it was just becoming secondary to having a little bit of her hunger for mischief sated.

Still, while she formulated exactly what she wanted and who that time was going to be shared with, she might as well play the part of paranormal investigator. It was her idea, after all.

She ran her finger over a nightstand. Not much dust. That was weird, but explainable. It wasn't that hard to get up here and the employees knew it. This had probably become a break area of sorts for them.

Madelaine moved over the the bed. It was even cleaner than the nightstand. Fresh linens. This was definitely more than a break room and Madelaine was a little disappointed she wasn't going to be the first person in decades to defile the bed with desire.

The bed being clean though made it a lot easier for Mads to get on the bed. She laid back. It was comfy. She could probably sleep in it. A bit firm, but that would definitely help for the -not-sleeping she was planning on doing. She rolled over on her stomach and noticed a bed stand. It did not look to be as clean as either the nightstand or the bed. It was very dusty and the redhead could swear she saw a cobweb or two on the legs of it when she looked down at it.  Then when she looked back up, her brown eyes fell on the drawer and it's brass handle. No lock. And one big smile on Madelaine's face.

She reached forward and pulled open the drawer. She found a small envelope with in. It wasn't sealed and was overflowing with pictures. OLD pictures. The envelope itself was dusty and yellowing with age. The picture though seemed spared the ravages of time. And they were indeed exposed to such ravages, but came out with nary a scratch.

Madelaine flipped through each and every photo, grinning and sometimes giggling. However it wasn't the fashion of the 1980s giving her a giggle fit. Clothes were barely to found in the picture in fact. Madelaine knew exactly what she held in her hands. One of the clients who used this hotel back in the day had himself a camera fetish. He loved being watched and having a record of it apparently. He also had amazing taste judging by the women he was with. These shots weren't from any hidden camera either. The Photo Enthusiast was flat out posing for the camera in some of these shots, regardless of how balls deep he was at any given time.

"Holy shit this is hot," Madelaine said. She had rolled onto her back and began to run her hand down her body. She was ready for fun now, and after looking through those photos, she knew exactly who and what she wanted.

She got out of the bed and composed herself. "Oh Chuck!" she said. "Could you come here a second?"

"Sure thing!" he responded. Nothing from Mike. He probably didn't hear him. That was fine. He wasn't needed, just yet at least.

Madelaine got herself ready, holding the photos in a much more civilized way than she had been. She needed to reel this catch in.

"Everything o-okay?" Chuck asked when he came in. Then he noticed Madelaine looking at the photos. "What'd you find?"

"Well, it's not supernatural but it's definitely concrete proof that the rather x-rated tales of this hotels past aren't simply myths to get the tourists.” answered Madelaine.

“How old are those?”

“I'm guessing the 80s due to the mountains of cocaine on the table in the back. That and the bush. Trimmed, yet wild. And a fellow ginger too.” Madelaine's eyes met Chucks as e moved to her side. He got a quick peek of her cleavage then went back to the photos.  Time to seal the deal. “Do you like redheads Chuck?”

As Chuck stuttered, searching for an answer, Madelaine went from his side to the front, a sexy little smile on her lips. “I won't take offense if you have preferences another way being one yourself...just curious.”

“Well...um...” he gulped. He drank in Madelaine's body with his eyes, but then once he reached her eyes he was glued. They demanded an answer more than her soft and sweet tone ever could. “I love redheads. And I think you're gorgeous....shit.”

“What?” Madelaine laughed.

“I....I didn't mean to say that last part.”

“Why not?” Madelaine playfully asked. “Did you not mean it?”

“No...I-I meant it...it was just...”

“Just what?” A compliment? And one I was very happy to receive.” It was time for the major move. Chuck was still nervous, and it was still cute. However just getting him to admit that he thought Mads was gorgeous was a definite chink in his armor of nerves and neuroses. “You don't need to be nervous around me.”

“I don't?”

“Not at all.” Madelaine began to untie the laces of her corset, the garment getting loose and her breasts getting room to breath. “I think you're a very handsome man. Even the jitters. Gives you a little extra something. A true gentleman. Afraid to offend to a detriment. Not too many gentlemen left in the world. Not genuine ones anyway. You...I think you're pure.”

“Why's that?”

“Because,” she said, letting the corset finally slip off. She pulled the mesh top off next, leaving her top half bare to him. “Despite my tits being on full display now you're still looking at me eyes. Not even a stolen glance.”

“Well, you're still talking to me,” he said with a gulp.

“Like I said, a gentleman.” Madelaine reached her hand to his head and brought his face down to hers, their lips connecting in a hot, soft kiss. “Gentlemen get privileges in my book.” The redheaded devil grabbed his hand and brought it to her breasts, the eager ghost hunter palming the round, pale tits in his hand. “You should take advantage of that.”

That he did, Chuck kissing Madelaine's full lips once more, his tongue sliding into her mouth to give hers a very friendly greeting. His lips then moved to her breasts. Madelaine moaned as his lips and tongues worshiped at the sinful altar of her chest.

“Ohhh just like that...right there Chucky...” she sighed with a smile. Her hands went back to his head, gently pulling him to her face again. “Would you like to do what those people in the picture were doing with me Chuck? Not exactly what they were doing of course. Coke's not really my thing, but you get my drift.”

“Y-yes I would Madelaine.”

“Good. Step one, take off your wonderful backpack. I'll take care of removing the rest.”

Chuck swiftly removed the prop proton packs, unbuckling the back and sliding the straps off. Once he had set it down, he went to the zipper on his flight suit...until Madelaine playfully batted his hand away.

“No...let me do it.” Chuck nodded, his mouth going bone dry. Madelaine clasped the zipper and began to pull it down. Her yes locked on his, both burning with white hot lust and soothing him at the same time. When the zipper moved to his midsection the Devilish Diva descended to her knees as well. “This costume really is amazing Chuck. So detailed. Every aspect right out of the movie...but so easy to take off.”

“Th-thanks.” he answered. “Yours looks great too. Sexy...but very original.”

“Mmm, now it looks like it's my turn to say thanks,” Madelaine said. “I think I know just how to do that.” 

The top half of the flightsuit hung loosely off of Chuck's torso. He was wearing a tight black shirt underneath, showing off his fit form much better than the loose flighsuit did. Madelaine gave the khaki garb one pull and brought it all down to his ankles. For underwear Chuck was wearing a tight , grey pair of boxer briefs, giving a Madelaine a wonderful preview of what he was packing, the bulge bringing a gigantic grin to her face.

Chuck quickly took off his shirt and tossed it aside and Madelaine gently raked her nails against his abdomen. When she reached the elastic waistband of his underwear she gripped it and pulled down to his ankles, his diamond-hard dick springing free into the air.

“Mmm, Happy Halloween to me,” Madelaine said, taking his cock into her soft hand. He moaned softly when she pumped him. It was gentle, barely a grip. But the heat of her touch was a sweet sear Chuck didn't know he needed.

“W-what about Mike?” he asked. “What if he comes in here?”

“We'll get to him joining the party later,” Madelaine said. “Right now...I'm just gonna focus on you.”

Before Chuck could ask about that “joining the party” comment, Madelaine wiped his mind of any thought but her when he felt her plump lips wrap around the head of his cock. He moaned her name as she sucked gently on his knob, rolling her tongue sensually over it in a tender-loving tornado of pleasure.

Madelaine took a certain pride in sucking cock. Every man she'd been with had told her she had lips made for sucking cock while in the throws of passion. And though that sampling size wasn't a huge amount, the fact it was a repeated phrase to her made her think there was some validity to it.

Still, no matter how amazing those lips looked, how they felt was always the true test and she never got a single complaint. She knew just when to move, just when to tease and Chuck was finding out as she took more and more of his meat into her mouth with every pass of those devil-red lips.

Of course to Madelaine a blowjob had to have some spice to it. The mouth and tongue did all the heavy lifting, but she added a few notes her and there. Taking it out of her mouth and running the slick rod over her beautiful face, moaning as streaks of precum bade a reckless road map on her face before taking the prong back in her mouth. Sucking on his churning balls, then delicately teasing them with her hands. Alternating between light traces of her nails on them and massaging them. All while listening to his voice, trying to hear a crack between his moans and calling out of her name. Any clue she could get of how to make his dick feel supernaturally good.

But not to the point of cumming. Madelaine didn't oppose sucking a guy off to completion, but that wasn't what she wanted tonight, and she knew Chuck was going to agree. Still...she wanted to give him one more treat before moving on to something so much more fun.

“Oh my God Mads...fuck!” Chuck yelped. Madelaine had surprised him by taking his cock into the root, his hard rod pulsing deep in her moist, wet throat. “Oh...oh wow...oh shit that's fucking good...oh...ohhhhh....”

Just when Chuck felt he could take no more, Madelaine pulled off of him, smiling with an open mouth and she breathed in big gulps of air.

“Now.....now it's time for some real fun,” Madelaine said. She got back to her feet and began to peel off her panties, revealing her slick shaved slit that made Chuck's jaw drop and his cock twitch. Once more her gaze pulled him in like a tractor beam. He was a captive audience as Madelaine laid her nude form, save for those devil horns and the garter belt & stockings, on the bed. “Come on...we both know what we want now Chuck...”

Chuck undid the laces on his boots just enough to slide them off, removing them and the remnants of his clothes from his body then got in between Madelaine's long, fit legs. He kissed the stocking clad flesh of her stems as he moved closer to his destination. How he was going to get there however was about to surprise Madelaine.

“Ohhhh...” she moaned with a smile. Chuck had taken position between her legs all right, but just his head. His gently sensually caressed her inner thighs almost prepping them for the butterfly kisses his lips would soon provide.  She'd fully expected him to sheath his sword within her...but the vivacious ginger wasn't going to complain one bit if Chuck wanted to return the favor. Besides...the bashful ones always gave the best head.

Signs that her belief in the bashful were being supported arrived as Madelaine hissed in some air when Chuck's mouth made contact with her bald, wet pussy. His tongue grazed her pink lips, like a paintbrush, gently brushing the sensitive skin with his tongue. Chuck's hands moved up Madelaine's tight body. They rested first at her hips, gently holding them, his grip somehow both firm yet barely there.

Madelaine moaned out “Chuck!” and her back arched. She propped herself up on her elbows, licking her lips at the view of Chuck lovingly munching on her muffin. He was working on her clit now,  giving the engorged button some TLC with this talented tongue. Soft, light licks into full on hand written letters of lust. All written with the quill of Chuck's tongue.

Madelaine hung her head back and moaned again, licking her lips as Chuck almost brought her to the limit, then pulled back, taking the heat from high to low. Her tight tummy rose and fell with the rhythm of her quick breasts. The breathing grew more desperate when one of Chuck's hands moved down her body, sliding across her sweat-slicked flesh to join his mouth at her sopping pussy. When those digits began to explore her velvet goldmine her eyes rolled in the back of her head like a slot machine, and it was all cherries.

Chuck did have himself a free hand however, though it wasn't free for too long. While his right hand went south, the left went north, taking a bit more of hold of Maddie's tits, squeezing it in his hand as he dined on her snatch.

“My niple,” Madelaine managed to croak out. “Squeeze it baby...don't be afraid...pinch...pull...I want tit...mmmmmmmChuckyyyyyyyy.....”

Too enamored with having his head buried in between Maddie's thighs, Chuck didn't second guess the vivacious vixen's requests, tweaking and pulling on her perky pink nipple. And with those newly added tweaks, pinches and pulls Madelaine felt herself getting more and more hot. She was ready to boil over. She was waiting for him to move up, stop her just short of a fireworks show and plunge his cock in to light the fuse...but he wasn't. He was giving her more and more. Her pale thighs  began to pressed against his ears and her face flushed pink. She was cumming...and it was going to be a big one...maybe even bigger because she wasn't expecting it...though a lot of credit was definitely do to the skilled team of Chuck's fingers and mouth.

“Oh my god...of god Chuck...gonna..fuck....gon-gonna...CUMMING!!!!!” Madelaine shouted loud enough Mike had to have heard. It didn't matter. After all, he was always going to join their party...the invitation was just a little different.

Madelaine writhed on the bed, arching her back and squeezing Chuck's head between her thighs tight. The pleasure had her coiled up like a snake just trying to figure out which way to slither. It felt like she could go in any direction.

The moment the pressure of Madelaine's thighs let up, Chuck moved over the sweet-as-sin devil's body until her met her face. He went in for a kiss, one that Madelaine welcomed. She sucked on his tongue, savoring her own flavor on it and his lips. She could also feel his hard cock pressing against her pelvis. While she liked the feel of his man muscle on the outside.

Madelaine rolled them over on the bed, with her now on top and in charge. She grabbed his wrists and brought his hands back to her body. Chuck took it from there, running them over every sinfully perfect inch.

“Mmm Chucky, Chucky, Chucky,” Madelaine said in a sexy yet playful tone. “You sure do know how to make a girl feel wanted...and to make her cum. Really, really hard.”

“I...well...I just wanted to make you feel good.” He said, his smirk showing just the right amount of confidence as he rubbed her thighs.

“Mission accomplished. Now...how about we make each other feel even better?”

The way Madelaine's eyes opened wide when she said the word “better”. Gave Chuck a delightful thrill as his cock lay against her wet pussy, aching to fill her as she ached for him to fill her up.

Madelaine looked at Chuck ad bit her lower seductively as she reached between them to grab her cock. She rose up and rubbed the sensitive bell end  against her throbbing pussy lips, teasing them both and turning up the desire past eleven all the way up to twenty-one.

“Holy shit you're beautiful,” Chuck said, the honesty in the moment of lust catching Madelaine. It was pure. It was the only thing that could come to Chuck's mind with Madelaine on top of him, her nude form almost glistening in the blue light of the full Halloween moon. She was almost spectral, otherworldly even.

“Flattery will get you everywhere my dear,” Madelaine said. “And lucky you, you're going very far.” Madelaine rose up, her cunt now hovering over Chuck's cock. She grasped it and ran the head up and down her swollen and hungry lower lips before sheathing his sword within her.

Oh Madelaine....oh wow...” Chuck groaned. Madelaine was still on top of him. She was savoring Chuck just as he was her. Still, there was only so much time for that. Chuck took hold of her hips, watching her and drinking every drop of her beauteous vision in. Madelaine gave a wink and smile and began to ride him.

She started slow, gently working the kindling of their fiery lust. She worked his cock slowly first, no so much rising and falling as dragging herself up and down his pole. Madelaine's hips rolled like the tide. Gentle at first, but each movement back, brought a stronger one forward.

Chuck just laid back for now, letting Madelaine do the heavy work. She didn't mind. He'd made her cum, he deserved some relaxion. Besides, Madelaine knew that all she had to do was ask and she'd get the fucking of a lifetime. Everything he had would be given to her before the night was over...and then some.

Chuck's grip on the vixen's hips tightened as she spread up, the tide getting rougher.

“Yeah....oh Chucky baby....oh feels so good...perfect fit....how about? How's that pussy feel? How do I feel on you?”

Chuck tried to form the words to answer, but something about having his cock buried in the paradise of Madelaine Petsch's pussy made that a difficult proposition at that moment. All he could manage was a moan., which was followed by Chuck doing his own writhing when Madelaine showed him the benefits of Kegel exercises.

“I think I can agree with that,” Madelaine said in response to Chuck. She flipped her red mane back and leaned back on her arms. She worked her hips faster, harder, building up the pace. Chuck had another reply for Madelaine. His grip on her hips tightened and he began to thrust up, matching her movement for movement. “Ohhh fuck yeah! Like that baby...right there....oh Chuckyyyyy....”

Their pace increased now, the springs on the mattress getting a solid work out. Chuck's boldness grew, fueled by every sensation of Madelaine was giving him. Touch, scent, taste, and sight.  Her pale skin slick with sweat, her red hair swaying and moving along to their frenzied passion. It emboldened him. He sat up on the bed,  moving his hands from her hip and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Madelaine let out a surprise laugh that turned into a moan when she felt his kisses begin to cover her stomach. The from her stomach Chuck moved to her breasts, getting a taste of those wonderful globes for once more.

“Ohhhh good boy,” Madelaine sighed. The action may have slowed down a bit but that was just the eye of the tornado. The sexy starlet felt tingles on her skin as his hands gripped her back and  his mouth made love to her supple breasts. Madelaine got an extra jolt when his lips wet to her pink nipples, sensually licking and sucking on them. She wanted more than a jolt, however.”

“Mite it,” Madelaine said. “Pull it with your teeth.” Chuck, no longer in second-guessing mode, took Maddie's nipple between his teeth, sunk down and pulled. Madelaine gasped in delight. “Yes!” she croaked. “Oh yes...like that...EXACTLY like that....oh my GOD now the other one!”

Chuck gave Madelaine every single thing she asked and Madelaine replied in kind. Her long legs locked around him and Chuck's hands slid up her back, stopping at her shoulders and taking a good grip.

“Yes! YesyesyesyesYES!” Madelaine squealed with utter delight as Chuck thrust up into her. She let go of the wheel once more, letting him have her and letting herself soak every single thrust of that wonderful cock in. There was just something about getting the sweethearts to cut loose. Even if they didn't have the skill, the enthusiasm made her knees weak. And when they were like Chuck and had both...that was a recipe for fun.

Madelaine laid back and placed her hands firmly on the bed. She gave him a look that would melt ice and began to meet him movement for movement. He thrusted, she pushed back. She worked his cock, milked it with her pussy while he gave her everything he had and the more she begged for. She paused only to pull herself up and place a searing hot kiss on Chuck's lips.

The two were so lost in each other that Chuck had no memory of anyone being in that suite with himself and Madelaine. It was just them and all the pleasure they were feeling. At this point, it was the same for Madelaine...but before the got lost in that wonderful kaleidoscopic haze of pleasure she knew there was someone with them, and that someone had just shown up at the door.

Mike wasn't ready just yet to make his presence known. He was having too much fun watching them. He was big into voyeurism but it was rare for him to get such an up close and personal view of the action outside of Amsterdam. And while it was fun to watch, he new he wanted a piece of the treat that was Madelaine Petsch. He just needed to catch his moment.

While Michael lurked in the shadows, Madelaine and Chuck continued. Chuck had rolled them over once more. He was kneeling while Madelaine was laid back once more, though this time his cock was still deep inside of her. She smiled and licked her lips as his hands ran over her legs. Chuck unfastened the snaps connecting the garter belt to her stockings.

Madelaine let out a content sigh as he began to roll them off her, pausing only to take her shoes off. When one leg was bare, Madelaine giggled a bit, being tickled as he kissed from her ankle down, giving her a playful love bite on the calf. They'd gone from hot as ghost pepper to sweet as honey. It was the kind of balance Madelaine loved. When one leg was done being worshipped Chuck moved to the next before finally grabbing on to her hips again, another firm grip that led Madelaine know the spice was about to be added to the mix once more.

“Ohhhhh fuck,” she grunted, her eyes fluttering as he gave her a hard, deep thrust. “Mmmm yes...more...more...” Madelaine's chants were answered by Chuck's deep and slow thrusts inside her cunt. Madelaine's mouth was on the verge of drooling but somehow felt bone dry at the same time. Her back arched for him when he started to swivel his hips. Working every inch of him inside of her and getting so many new spots attention.

Madelaine's head rolled to the side where her eyes. Caught the shadowy shape of Michael. He'd heard them. She smiled. Time for the things to get turned up a few more dials.

“Nnng....hi Mike,” Madelaine said with a grin. “Care to join the party?”

With that intro Mike entered the room. Chuck paused, the sudden appearance of his prop department pal almost snapping him out of Madelaine's spell....almost.

“Sshhhh,” she said, bringing his face to hers. “It's okay. Just a little fun. You don't mind sharing, do you?”

“I guess not,” Chuck said, pulling out but still unsure.

“Good.” Madelaine got up on her knees and brought her mouth to Chuck's ear. “Besides...any man who makes me cum before he gets his rocks off gets all the special privileges...” She kissed him on the cheek and then got on all fours in front of him, wiggling her perfect ass for him.

“And as for you my dearest Mikey...you're overdressed. Take care of the problem, then bring your cock to my mouth. I think we can wing it from there.” Madelaine then gave him a sly smile. She had to suppress a laugh too as he scrambled to take his clothes off.

While Mike got busy stripping, Madelaine turned her gaze over shoulder at Chuck. “Back in me,” she said, slowly twerking her ass as she waited for Chuck. “I want you inside me while I suck him.”

Madelaine's lusty smile was infectious, bringing one to Chuck's face. The smile soon gave way to a groan when he re-entered Madelaine. The groan was just as infectious as Madelaine's smile had been, one of her own escaping her lips..

With Chuck back in the rhythm of things, Madelaine's eyes went to the finally nude Mike, who's sundial was right at midnight while the clocks said 9:15.

“I think you can figure out what to do from here,” Madelaine said, taking brief pauses from Chuck's thrusts. “But...just in case you want...mmm...the words....put your cock in my mouth.”

Madelaine opened her mouth, sticking her wet, pink tongue out like a runway waiting for a plane to land. Mike stepped up to her and slid his veiny meat into her mouth. He moaned a bit as those full lips wrapped around him and began to suck.

Madelaine moved up and down his dick. A little faster than she had started out with Chuck. She was much, much more turned on now, much of that through Chuck's doing. Though Mike making three certainly added a bit of gasoline to the fire.

Still, Madelaine gave him the best she could in her position, but she kept getting more and more distracted by Chuck giving her everything he had. And it wasn't jackhammering her. He was more methodical. Still deep, still hitting all new spots in her from an all new angle. She began to moan with a mouthful of cock, the wild vibrations sending chills up Mike's spine.

Madelaine took his cock from her mouth. She wasn't done sucking him, but just ready for a new method.

“Fuck my mouth,” Madelaine said. “Come on Mike...don't tell me it never crossed your mind.”

“Well, now that you mention it,”  Mike snickered. He placed his hands on Madelaine's head, getting a grip while she took his cock back into her mouth. From there Madelaine gave up complete control, just for a bit, to both her lovers. It was a treat for all.

Mike used the opportunity to do what most men in his position would. He wasn't overly rough with his face fucking, but he wasn't taking it slow and sweet. He pumped her mouth as if he was fucking her pussy, drool and spittle leaking from Madelaine's mouth.

While there was a turn-on there; Madelaine loved getting her men off;  it wasn't exactly orgasm inducing....but then there was Chuck. He was bringing that to the table. His pace had increased, the vision of Madelaine's bubble butt bouncing against his pelvis was like rocket fuel for his libido. However, he still took it slow every so often, thrusting balls deep inside of her, making she she felt every inch of him and vice verse. It made Madelaine's moans so loud even he could hear them despite being muffled by Mike's cock. That drove him nuts...and made him want to hear even more.

Using that bit of inspiration, the hunger to hear more of Madelaine's moans, Chuck made his next move. He smacked her on the peach then slid the hand around to her pussy and began to play with her clit.

“Oh my GOD!!!!” she screamed, Mike's cock falling from her mouth. “Don't stop...Ch-chuck...oh my GOD just like that! Right there!!!” Her screams gave way to moans. She was close to orgasm number two from Chuck, nd if she wasn't so dick drunk at the time she might have been surprised...every pleasantly surprised.

Mike guided his cock back into Madelaine's mouth getting a for more thrusts into her throat in before it fell out once more, pushed out as Madelaine cried out in an ecstatic “YESSSS!” at her second orgasm of the night. Mike pumped is cock as Madelaine once again was hit hard with wave after wave of pleasure.  Her arms almost gave out on her, but before that could happen Chuck's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her up until her back was pressed against his chest. And all through this he continued thrusting, driving Madelaine further and further until finally the rollercoaster slowed down once more. Her lips met his his in a kiss at her shoulder. Sweet, passionate...but there was still life in Madelaine yet.

“So...my turn?” Mike said with a grin.

“Mmm hmm,” Madelaine said in a welcoming tone. “Lay on the bed.”

Mike did as he was directed, waiting for the wet tightness of Madelaine to envelope him. But before that, she turned to face Chuck.

“You know...I don't usually cum twice in a row...and you haven't even cum once,” she said.

“I...I just wanted to last...I don't know...”

“Chuck, stamina is nothing to be ashamed of...in fact, special men like yourself get special privileges in my book.” She licked his lips and turned it into a kiss. “Very special privileges.”

“Like what?”

“Well...,” Madelaine said, grasping Chuck's still hard cock, slick with her cum. “He may be taking my pussy...but that doesn't mean you have to settle for my mouth.”

“Really?” Chuck asked.

“Like I said, special privileges.” Madelaine winked at him. She them turned back to Mike, facing him as she lowered her sopping slit on his very ready cock.

“Holy shit Madelaine,” Mike said once she had sunk down completely. “”Wow...”

“And I haven't even started with you yet,” the redhead chuckled. She leaned forward, her back arching as Madelaine began to get started with him. Right away Mike was rendered speechless by her magic box, the pleasure almost supernatural on his wand.

While Mike got the full Madelaine experience, Chuck was waiting for his entrance in the back. Madelaine must have felt his gaze. She flipped her red mane over her shoulder and looked at him, her giving him the invite and her body slowing down his movement was the RSVP.

Chuck shot Madelaine a smile as he got in position behind her, pressing his cock against her asshole. “You sure about this?” he asked.

“Mmm yes,” Madelaine said. “Do it Chucky...” The next sound to escape her lips was a grunt as Chuck's bulbous cockhead pushed through. Madelaine froze for a bit. She bit her lip, whimpering softly as her ass was filled with Chuck's cock. When combined with the feeling of Mike taking up residence in her pussy, Madelaine was bracing herself for what was to come.

She was no stranger to this kind of sex, being double penetrated. It wasn't a usual thing by any means. She considered herself a one-man woman when she was in a relationship. However, she did have a thing for this level of attention. Having two men fucking her, needing her so bad neither could wait...it was an amazing high and one she refused to dull by making it too frequent. And right now as she began to feel the men thrusting into her holes, Madelaine was very thankful for her self-discipline.

“Oh....oh my...nnnng damn,” was all Madelaine managed to get out before her voiced melted into a series of satisfied grunts, groans and moans. It all felt so good, this cocktail of pleasure laced with pain, that Madelaine let herself go with it.

Chuck and Michael built up their rhythms, strokes alternating so when one pulled out, the other pushed in.  While they provided the rhythm, Madelaine's moans were the music both men moved to. When she turned it up, so did they, which made her go even wilder. It was sexual symbiosis.

“More,” the pale woman managed to get out. “Faster....oh my god faster....harder too...come on Chuck....fuck my ass....”

Chuck sped up as was asked, driving faster and hard into Madelaine's ass. She howled in approval. When Mike followed suit in her pussy. She was sandwiched between to very eager to please men and giving herself over to them. It was paradise, and despite the sinful sexual act they were doing, both men were giving her something unique.

Mike was all about the thrust, driving hard and fast into her. Every moan she made in response to him was another plea to give her even more. He was very happy to do so.

Chuck was giving her just as much pump in her rump, but he was still finding the time to be affectionate, kissing and licking her shoulders, a trail of sugar as the heat of the moment did nothing to cool off within her.

“Want to try something?” Chuck whispered into Madelaine's ears.

“Mmmmm what baby?” Madelaine responded.

“Mike, pull out for a second,” Chuck said, taking charge of the moment. Mike did as he was asked and Chuck lifted Maddie up, holding her tight around the waist with his cock still up her ass. The moment he stood up, both Madelaine and Mike knew what he was planning.

“Ohhhh fuck put it back in,” Madelaine said with a grin. Mike followed the request, re-entering the redhead. Now the sexy-she-devil had a third lover, gravity. Mike hooked his arms under legs and Chuck grabbed her perfect peach and the games resumed.

And gravity did play its role, as with every movement down, sandwiched between her men, their cocks penetrated her further than before. Her eyes went slot machine again, rolling the back of her head. She leaned back, her head resting on Chuck's shoulder.  She was in too deep now...and so were they.

As hot as the moment was, double penetrating the redhead was a real leg workout and was taking a lot out of both men, despite their eagerness. In addition to that, Mike was ready for a change of scenery.

“I want some of that ass,” Mike growled, taking a pause from sucking on Madelaine's delectable tits.

“Nnnggg...you...you mind Chucky?” Madelaine asked.

“Sure...mmm...no problem...”

“I love man who knows sharing is caring,” Madelaine said with a grin. She turned her attention back to Mike. “Pull out and lay on the bed.”

Mike once more followed Madelaine's directions to a t, getting in position in record time. Chuck then set her down, but had one more thing to tell her.

“I want to see your face,” he said. “You know...when we get back to...well...”

“Sure thing sweet pea.” Madelaine replied, giving him a quick yet deep kiss. “I got a surprise for you anyway.”

“What's that?” Chuck asked. He watched Madelaine crawl back on the bed. Her back was to Mike's face as she lowered her asshole down on his cock, grunting as his girth filled her to the hilt.

“Well...remember what I said about special privileges?” she asked with a cocked eyebrow. “How about you share the space with with Mike?”

“You mean?”

“Yup...both of you...in my ass.” Madelaine was almost as shocked as both men were at what she was saying...and even more shocked she meant it, that she wanted it. But in that moment, in that room on Halloween night nothing felt more right.  “If you don't want to, I get it....but...I think it'd be hot...”

Her confident tone drew Mike in, who heartily agreed. However Chuck saw the faintest hint of apprehension in Madelaine's brown eyes as he approached.

“You sure about this?” Chuck asked, his hard cock waiting for that last bit of confirmation before pressing forward into a much tighter situation.

“Mmm hmm,” she nodded, licking her lips. She leaned forward to kiss him, the last bit of permission her needed. He pressed his cock against her already occupied asshole and began to push. Madelaine grunted, her hands reaching forward and squeezing Chuck's shoulders as he pressed forward.

“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” Madelaine muttered in a high tone as her ass was utterly filled with cock.

“Stay still Mads,” Chuck said. “LEt yourself get used to it....and if it's too much just say so, okay?”

“Mmm hmm,” she nodded. “Oh fuck that's so much fucking cock!” She laughed a bit, almost delirious at being so filled. “Oh my GOD fuck me...holy shit...I actually LIKE this!”

With that major league green light the men finished what they all knew would be the last bit of this threesome. It couldn't get turned up any more than this. They were all sweaty heaps of lust, focused strcitly on getting off.

“Ohhh my GOD yes!” Madelaine cried. “Oh my....this is fucking AMAZING!” She wasn't bullshitting the boys just for show either. This definitely wasn't an every day thing...or even an every year thing...but it was incredible. The fact that neither man hesitated or balked at the idea also gave her an extra thrill.

Then along came Chuck with the kill shot. His hand darted to towards Madelaine's unattended pussy and began to work her clit. She responded with a silent scream, her face contorting with the new stimuli.

“Oh...oh my god don't stop...don't fucking stop!” she cried. “NEITHER OF YOU!”

Her gentlemen had no plans on stopping, though Mike had gone silent, sticking mainly to grunts and groans as he and Chuck's cocks ravaged Madelaine's ass. Chuck on the other hand not only got a bit more handsy, but vocal.

“Cum,” Chuck said,. He was forehead to forehead with Madelaine, his eyes locked with hers for the rest of this little party. “Cum for me...cum with two fucking cocks in your ass...cum Madelaine...cum for me...”

“Mmmm fuck yes,” Madelaine. “Look who lost his stutter.” The pair laughed before kissing, tongues wrestling as they moaned into each other's mouths. It was a matter of seconds now, and Madelaine knew it. Chuck was about to pull off a hat trick, albeit this time with an assist from Mike.

“Oh...oh my....FUCK! FUUUUUCKKK!” Madelaine cried out, her body shaking uncontrollably as the most uniquely pleasurable orgasms of her life, her asshole stuffed with hard cock that she squeezed tight while her body quaked and quivered. Mike slowed down, Chuck didn't, making every moment last longer for his fire-haired lover.

While Madelaine was the first to cum, neither of the men were too far behind her, and being so physically close to Chuck's face she could read the signs despite being in the middle of her own orgasmic haze.

“Gonna cum huh?” she said, a drunk tone to her seductive voice. Chuck could only nod, words escaping him as he tried desperately to stave off the inevitable. “Pull out....both of you!”

Chuck pulled out first and backed away and Madelaine pulled off of Mike's cock, sliding to her knees on the ground. Both men were on either side of her, ready for the final blast of pleasure.

“Come on boys...cum,” Madelaine pleaded, playing with her pussy as she waited. “Fucking cover me in your cum....slime me...every hot drop of it...mmmmm...”

Mike shot off first, grunting as his hot jizz rocketed out of his cock and splattered on her face and tits, with some even going a stray and getting on her devil horns.

“Mmmm that's it...good boy....” Madelaine cooed. That sight combined with Madelaine's seductive words sent Chuck over next, though he was a bit more vocal.

“Madelaine!” he groaned. The redhead smiled and opened her mouth wide, ready for a taste of the cum she'd earned from Chuck. With a series of grunts rope after ropes of cum fired into her mouth, Madelaine's continued moans only fueled him further until his tap had run dry.

When he could finally fully take in his surroundings again, Chuck looked down to see Madelaine, glistening with sweat and cum. She was dick drunk and very, very happy.

“Think the showers still work up here?” Mike asked. “I think I might need one before going back to the party.”

“Probably,” Chuck said. With that, Mike bowed out and headed to the suite's second bathroom. When he left, Madelaine return to her feet, scooping the cum from her body and swallowing it down.

“You know, a shower sounds like a great idea,” Madelaine said. “Luckily we have our own in the master bedroom.”

“We?” Chuck asked.

“Special privileges,” reminded Madelaine. She led him to the bathroom, where she flipped the light switch, illuminating the room. “Huh...apparently they still get power up here.” She opened the glass door of the shower and turned it on, testing the water with her hands. “Hot water too.”  She removed her horns and stepped in, letting the hot water run down her perfect body. “You joining me?”

Chuck answered that by immediately getting in, shutting the door behind him. Within moment his lips met Madelaine's once more under the hot water cascading down their bodies. Their hands roamed the bodies they both now knew very well.

“You know,” Madelaine said as their lips parted. “I can count the men who gave me three orgasms in one night on one finger. I owe you two by my count. Care to cash in on one before the night is over?” Madelaine reached down, grabbing his cock,
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Re: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2020, 08:26:06 PM »
already hardening again in her hand. “You clearly have one more in you.”

“What about the third?” Chuck said with a grin showing far more confidence than he had earlier in the night.”

“Well, we can talk about that on set...over lunch...in my trailer. Is that cool?”


“Excellent...in the mean time...while I have you, hot hard and ready in the shower...how about you take my ass again? Just you and me, no third party?”

“Right to the ass?”

“Well, of course you have other options...but with the amount of work I put into my backside I like to have be appreciated...as I think both you and Mike just learned.”

“Fair enough.” Mike replied before spinning Madelaine around. The redhead was bent over at the hip, bracing herself against the glass shower door. The pair of Halloween lovers both grunted as Mike re-entered her ass.

“Mmmm there we go sweet pea,” Madelaine purred. “Fuck my ass....make yourself cum....made me feel so good tonight....you earned it....”

“Oh...Madelaine,” Chuck growled. He pace was fast and furious, racing to get that second nut. And Madelaine was more than fine with that. She'd had more fun than she could have imagined when she saw Mike and Chuck earlier, and so much of that was with Chuck...another one of his special privileges.

He reached around and cupped her breasts, making sure to give those sensitive pink nipples the tugs and twists and had requested before. Her moans of passion at the sensation was enough to drive Chuck to turn up the heat. This wasn't about endurance, not this time. Madelaine had given him the green light to have his fun...that didn't mean she wouldn't get a bit of affection in return.

“Oooooh Chucky!” she squealed as he pressed her against the glass of the shower door. He was speeding up. It wouldn't be long now, both his body and voice were radiating that loud and clear. His face was buried in her neck, kissing, licking and biting the flesh. The grunts and releases of his hot breath on her flesh was driving her wild. She wasn't going to cum again but the chills running up her spine from his anal intrusion as well as his tender yet strong touch were enough to make this last little cap off to Halloween worth it. There was just one thing missing....Chuck's final release.

“Come on Chucky...come on baby,” Madelaine said, making sure every last syllable to come out of her mouth dripped with sex. “Cum in my ass....every last drop...just for me baby....come on....come on...fill me up...every drop...come on...do it...cum for Madelaine...”

“Oh my god MADELAINE!” Chuck said, giving her one last mighty thrust that nearly lifted Madelaine off of her feet. He pulled her close and grunted as he pumped his last load up her ass.

“Mmmm good....so fucking good,” Madelaine said with a sweet sigh. “You definitely know how to make a girl feel wanted Chucky.”

After that last bit of fun the ghost hunt was officially called off. While there had definitely been some activity, none of it was remotely paranormal, save for maybe Chuck's stamina. The trio redressed and headed for the elevator. There were all a little worse for wear. Neither Chuck nor Mike had zipper their flightsuits up beyond the waist and Madelaine's She-Devil make-up was long gone.  All three had matching smiles however, and Mike didn't see Madelaine and Chucks holding hands for a bit until they reached the elevator.

Madelaine pressed the button then a look of shock came over her face. She felt around on her head then said, “Shoot! I left the horns in the room! Mike, could you go grab them? They're definitely in the bedroom.”

“Yea, sure thing.” Mike replied before leaving Chuck and Madelaine alone.

“So,” Madelaine said, cozying up to Chuck. “Want to come to my room? I'm too tired to go back to the party...”

“Can't blame you there,” Chuck said with a laugh that turned out to be contagious to Madelaine.

“But I don't know if I want to spend the rest of the night alone. No sex though. I'm kind tuckered out on that end. But...a friendly face to get to know a bit better would be nice...along with a bottle of wine. Also, cuddling will probably happen.”

“I'm good with all of that.”

“Well, aren't I a lucky little devil?” Madelaine leaned forward and kissed Chuck. It broke just as Mike returned empty handed.

“Couldn't find them,” he said.

“Well it's the darnedest thing Mikey,” Madelaine said. “I checked my purse and wouldn't you know it? Horns. Slipped my mind. But thanks for looking.”

“No problem...hey, shouldn't the elevator be here by now?”

“It's probably just picking other people up,” Madelaine said before pressing the button again. This time a loud buzzing was heard that she didn't recognize. “What the heck was that?”

“It's the call button,” Chuck said. “It's like a buzzer when someone has the elevator stopped.”

“Stopped?” Madelaine asked.

“Yeah, these older elevators had a stop button you didn't need a key for like the newer ones.”

“Okay, but who's stopping the elevator?” asked Madealaine. She'd wait thirty minutes to find out, continuously pressing the buzzing button until she heard the elevator begin to move up. “Finally!”

After a few seconds the elevator arrived and Madelaine saw the culprits behind her delay, and she was pleasantly surprised. SO much so it almost got past her annoyance at having to wait and hear that inane buzzing for half an hour. Almost.

“So here you are,” Lili said as Chuck slid the doors open. “Mads, this is my friend Jason. He works in the lighting but honestly after spending some time with him I think the prop department is missing out.”

“It's about time!” Madelaine exclaimed, brushing off Lili's comments as she and her ghostbusting entourage entered the elevator. “We've been waiting for the elevator for thirty minutes!”

That didn't sit with Lili and Madelaine could read it on her face. “Mads I haven't seen you for two hours."

The redhead froze and blushed, the brightness of it being matched by Chuck's own blushing. Mike, to his credit, wasn't selling it.

“You know what? Doesn't matter. And I know Jason, but hello again anyway. This is Michael and Chuck and they're Ghostbusters. Michael and Chuck, this is Jason and he's dressed as Nightwing."

"You know who Nightwing is?" Lili asked.

“Lili, who doesn't know who Nightwing is?,” Madelaine said. “Besides, from the look of things I think you're now very, very familiar with Nightwing...or at least who's under the mask, Ms. Quinn.”

“Fair enough,” Lili said. “So...were ghosts the only thing you guys were busting up there or what?"

“Touché Lili,” Madelaine laughed, giving Chuck a quick wink. “Touché.”

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Re: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2020, 08:51:21 PM »
Great story like always. Now kinda want to see what happens with Chuck and what happened in the elevator
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


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Re: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2020, 09:33:55 PM »
Great story like always. Now kinda want to see what happens with Chuck and what happened in the elevator

The elevator action is in the Lili Halloween story I did. It intersects with this one.


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Re: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2020, 05:13:34 PM »
This story was hotter than hell.  With one sexy devil to match.  The perfect ending to this wonderful Halloween season you've given us! 
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Re: All Harlot's Eve: The DEVIL Made Her Do It! starring Madelaine Petsch
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2020, 08:40:06 AM »
Love her body, have enjoyed her photo's many times and this story made that extra intense, great set up and well written :)
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