Just some guidelines to follow here before you post stories on the site.
We are an inclusive site that wants all types of
consensual content added here. Does not matter who you are or what your sexual preferences are. If you write fictional sex stories involving celebrities, you are welcome to post here.
That said, we have two simple rules for the content
we do not want to see here. 1. ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERAGE CONTENT AT ALL.: Underage here means
under 18 years of age. We are aware that different jurisdictions have different ages of consent but we are sticking to 18 years of age or older in terms of stories to be posted on this site.
2. NO STORIES WITH EXTREME CONTENT SUCH AS TORTURE, BESTIALITY, RAPE OR SNUFF: There are plenty of sites online where you can both read and post these. Just not here.
We are in favour of the First Amendment and writers expressing themselves but we have imposed these derogations on the site due to our collective, negative experiences on other forums and sites where this content has been allowed.
Pretty simple stuff really.