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Mean Girls Reunion
« on: December 08, 2020, 04:21:05 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion 1: Lacey Chabert

Originally published in November 2013


Working on the film crew for "Mean Girls" was one giant blur. So much so that I can't quite remember why I was relaxing one day in the wardrobe room. But I was sitting behind a few clothing racks during my break, trying to enjoy the solitude, until someone interrupted.

I could see the gossip queen of the Plastics, Gretchen Weiners – a.k.a. actress Lacey Chabert. Whether she could see me was unclear, but the fact she hadn't yelled at me to get out was a sign.

So was her going through sweaters, then taking hers off in my eye line.

She wasn't looking at me and couldn't see me from there – supposedly. She wasn't trying to show herself off in her blue bra and skirt, but there was a Hell of a lot to show off. It took me a while to register her taking off her skirt next – yet the sight of Lacey's incredible cleavage and toned, sleek curves kept her ass and legs off my radar.

I only had a few seconds to take in the whole package before she found a sweater. Once she put it over her face and chest, I remembered what trouble I'd be in if she knew there was an audience. Impulsively, I turned my head away and pretended to sleep – barely stopping myself from pretending to snore.

I heard some small rustlings and prayed they wouldn't be followed by loud footsteps. Yet when I heard them, they got softer as Lacey left the room. My movie crew career was still alive – though I needed more physical parts of me to die down before I left. As if she'd made that easy.

Like this entire production would make things easy for me.

January 2014

A Mean Girls reunion cover story and photo shoot.

If I could make that happen, it'd make this job so much easier for me.

While I didn't do much more work in movie crews since 2003, it got my foot in the door for other opportunities. Eventually, it led me to an assistant's job at a magazine that....well, many of you read every week. If not as much as Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide or Vanity Fair.

This meant that other publications probably had the inside track on a 10-year "Mean Girls" reunion piece, if they were so inclined. But I made the pitch that with my time on their set, I could get the stars to do our magazine. Plus it was the start of a new year, and the best time to publish a Mean Girls story would be in April, so I could get a jump start now.

Of course, my slight connection to the movie didn't mean I could land all the stars. What's more, they'd really need me to book one above all – and she was the wild card to end all wild cards. She might have burned too many bridges with her old co-stars, for all anyone knew.

But after I convinced my bosses I could book Lindsay Lohan, I still wasn't brave enough to go after her first. That was something you had to build towards. Hell, if I got all the others first – the ones who actually had their careers take off since 2004 – it might make Lindsay's absence okay.

Unfortunately, I aimed too high to start proving it.

I thought since Rachel McAdams had the best career and biggest name in the group besides Lindsay – at least in movies – she'd be enough of a headliner. But because of that big career, she wasn't available in the time we'd need to do the story and cover. So that seemed to be that.

If I couldn't land both Rachel and Lindsay, I was finished. Maybe that's why I still wasn't brave enough to contact Lindsay. One of the top five reasons, anyway.

Instead of warming up with a more legitimate star, perhaps I would have to start smaller.

I had to call Rachel because she was busy on a set. However, Lacey Chabert had more free time on her hands. When I gathered that after calling her, I offered to make my pitch in person.

That's how I found myself going to her penthouse in West Hollywood two days later. She'd bought it months ago, not long before her cover spread for Maxim magazine last fall. My memories really didn't need to go there – or to the last time I saw her in her bra – so I cleared my head before knocking the door.

Lacey answered in a blue top and matching jeans, so it kept my head clear. At least clearer than it could have been. "Hello, Ms. Chabert," I cleared my throat enough to say.

"You don't have to be that formal," Lacey said in her high but sweet voice. "This is the first of many Mean Girls reunions, after all. Right?"

"Well, if you want to see it that way. And believe I told the truth about being a crew member. Which I did, but how would you know?" I let get away from me.

"I used my two days of prep time well. But I didn't need to do that much research," Lacey assured. "I remembered myself that you were there. So I'm glad you're here now," she said, topping it off with a little hug. Which was both fortunately and unfortunately brief.

I shrugged it off and followed Lacey inside, letting her give me a tour of the condo. It was pretty extravagant by my standards, if not West Hollywood's. That speaks to how quaint three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a gym and wide views of the city are by comparison.

Despite having the least splashy career of the Mean Girls stars, Lacey still kept busy enough to do well for herself. As if the Maxim shoot didn't rub it in already. Luckily, I kept myself from saying both those things out loud.

At that moment, Lacey wanted to know about my post-Mean Girls career. This made me just a little bit more comfortable.

"Clearly, I went on a different path," I jested for starters. "I mean, I didn't flop out of crew work. I didn't hate it, and you guys didn't make me hate it. I just....realized I wanted a more creative direction. But I realized I wanted it in Hollywood, in some way."

"And a magazine about Hollywood was the answer," Lacey filled in.

"Not at first. I wrote some stuff myself at other places. I'm not doing that at my new place, but I can use it to open bigger doors. If I prove I have some value over there," I started to segway towards.

"And me and one of my old movies can give you that value," Lacey said.

"For the next few months, yeah," I agreed, perhaps less tactfully than I should have. "I know other magazines can make a bigger deal out of it. But they're just so....cliquey. I think you can understand that," I started joking. "I figure there's no need to give the magazine Plastics another win. It'd go against everything the movie stood for."

"Did you sell that to Rachel?" Lacey wondered.

"Maybe I should have. If she had a clear schedule, who knows?" I went along. But the memory of her being unavailable, and the long route I still had to go, made me more truthful.

"I'm not trying to put pressure on you, Lacey. I don't know how free you are, and there's no guarantee this'll even happen. I've got a long way to go before I can answer that," I admitted.

"Well, what's part of that long way? Who else are you asking?" Lacey asked.

"Tina Fey, Lizzy Caplan, Amanda Seyfried, you....and Lindsay," I finished off.

Sensing my hesitation at the end, Lacey offered, "Hasn't Lindsay been pretty good lately? Or did you guys....bury bad press on her?"

"I can't speak for other publications, but we heard good stuff," I answered. "Still....did she burn too many bridges with you guys when she....wasn't on good behavior? And could they be rebuilt in time?"

"I don't think that's necessary. I haven't seen Lindsay in a while, so my bridges are still standing," Lacey commented. "But I haven't seen much of the others, either. That really would make this a reunion for me. And for what it's worth....it'd be nice to see all of them again."

"So if I could make that happen, you wouldn't mind?" I double checked.

"Of course not," Lacey promised. "Working with them wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't before." After a pause, she started, "They even....even kept their distance when we were in wardrobe."

My face didn't move a muscle, so I figured I was safe. I felt myself blinking more than usual, but there could be worse tells. In the back of my mind, I wondered if it was more telling that she paused before finishing. "I see," was the only thought I said out loud.

I deflected by saying, "So, we want to make this a cover story for April. To do that, we need you to be available at the end of February. Can you clear a day or two for that?"

"Shouldn't be a problem," Lacey said. "Gives me plenty of time to get dressed up."

"Well, we'll have that covered for you," I said as steadily as possible.

"I know, but you're already going to enough trouble," Lacey stated. "I've got a lot of stuff in my closet. Maybe I could pick something and get it out of the way."

"If, um, if you want to take a shot," I conceded. I was relieved to see Lacey get up and leave, which gave me time to get back in order. But those dreams died fast.

"Your bosses would probably need to see my picks," Lacey called out. "You can either call them to come over, or just take pictures for them with your phone. The second one sounds easier." It did, in only one way. But it was the only way available now.

So I followed Lacey to her big closet, as she showed off the clothes that were hung up. I went along with the pretense of taking pictures, in case she was being serious. I had further doubts when she said, "I don't know. They'd probably pop more if they were on me."

"So you're saying you need to change?" I sighed in resignation.

"I might need time for that," Lacey replied. With that, I figured there was nothing to do but rip the band aid off.

"For the record, I stayed where I was when you changed back then. And I closed my eyes too. Eventually," I jumped ahead. "That should have made it impossible for you to remember me! I didn't do a thing, other than see you in far more clothing than you had in Maxim!" I let out, to which Lacey merely paused.

Before she could un-pause, I attempted damage control by adding, "Don't punish the magazine because I was a perv 11 years ago. I'll get someone else to give you privacy in here. If that's what you want."

"I almost wanted you to stop 'sleeping'," Lacey interrupted, adding quotation marks at the end. That was hardly the weirdest thing right now.

"I was pretty frustrated that day. Enough to still remember it 11 years later. Enough to remember I was changing to go out for a walk, saw you when you were fake sleeping....and almost wished you'd wake up. Just to help me get some of my emotions out....in some way," Lacey startled me.

"Some way....eh?" I ended less than smoothly.

"Yeah, there were a few ways. I calmed down and left, but when I saw you work after that....I still had to wonder," Lacey shared. "I didn't wonder that much for the next 10 years. But when you called me and I looked you up....it didn't take much to wonder again."

"You're kidding me," was all I could say. "So that was another near miss....or maybe...." I trailed off, having revealed way too much.

"Another near miss?" Lacey repeated, making me nervous with her peaked interest. But instead of asking further, she asked, "Is that what it would have been if I woke you up? Just a near miss?"

"If you wanted it to be," I recovered to change the subject – for more than one reason.

"And if you had a chance to get closer?" Lacey pressed on, her hands drifting to her hips.

"Well, then someone would probably come in and ruin my luck," I attempted to gest.

"And until they did? Would fucking me on my wardrobe be worth it till then?" Lacey got to the point.

"I...." I waited to find a good answer, but only one was accurate enough. "I don't see how I can say no."

Lacey didn't say anything or change her expression. Even when she lifted up her shirt and threw it off, revealing a blue bra barely containing her cleavage, she stayed nonchalant. While I dropped my jaw and made mental comparisons to 11 years ago and Maxim magazine, she just turned and looked through her closet. In fact, she seemed to be picking out a new shirt.

When Lacey took one and put it over her chest, I got her game. And I took the bait.

Like I imagined myself doing off and on for 11 years, I went up to Lacey and kissed her against a rack of clothes. She dropped her shirt and began to unbutton mine, while I got ahead of her in unbuckling my belt. I took a break once she undid my buttons, throwing my shirt off and inviting her to press her body against mine.

The feel of her large, contained breasts and the rest of her tanned, toned, tremendous body against me threw me off, so Lacey lowered my pants down for me. I snapped out of it to put my hands on her jeans, lowering them just as mine dropped. Soon we both had our underwear exposed, but I wasn't ready to remove hers yet.

In a flash, I lowered my underwear and pulled out my erect cock, then had Lacey lean back against her closet drawer. My hand moved the front of her panties aside, leaving them on as my cock head pressed against her pussy. After seeing Lacey in a lacey bra and panties in person, and in print, I had to fuck her while she had them on.

"Do it. Fuck me," Lacey agreed in a breathy voice. She squeaked and almost cooed as my head entered her, then groaned deeper when I added a few more inches. Once I adjusted and knew I could last, my adrenaline went back up as I started pumping her.

Lacey wrapped her arms around my neck and began pushing her groin back against me. I pushed mine forward as our hips got as loud as our voices. I tried muffling mine against Lacey's lips, her neck, and finally her bouncing chest.

I still let her keep her bra on, as I was too busy nuzzling her cleavage and pressing my face against her cups to take it off. She gyrated her hips faster the more I did it, so I wasn't the only one who liked this. But I was feeling the effect harder – perhaps too hard, too fast.

"Fuck, fuck," I muttered, which made Lacey moan her encouragement. But it was a frustrated fuck because I was boiling over too soon. I put my fingers on Lacey's panties to try and get her off before I did, yet she tightened around me and made it impossible.

"Fuck, shit, I'm gonna cum!" I yelled, quickly pulling myself out before Lacey could comment. I left my cock bare and wet, not daring to touch it or even looking at her. After a few seconds, I dared to look up as Lacey caught her breath – then started to smile.

She finally lowered her panties to the floor, bending down way too low for my sanity. When I looked at the ceiling, she cleared her throat and got me to see her unhooking her bra. "Aim it here," she gestured to her chest, then grabbed it and slowly lowered her bra.

I had made sure my hands were frozen – but when Lacey dropped her bra, they went on my cock like a magnet. I was barely aware I was jacking off, since I had to savor those big, bare double D's while I had the time. Unfortunately, I was aware 15 seconds later that my time was about up.

I used the last of my brain power to remember Lacey's instructions, then I pointed my cock up and followed them. The first few spurts landed on her left breast and right above it, but I got myself to cover her right breast in time. The last few spurts landed below her chest, although some strands of cum were oozing down there anyway.

At least until Lacey grabbed her cum drenched tits.

"Eat me. Now," Lacey demanded. On impulse, I got on my knees and put my face between her legs. But when Lacey started rubbing her tits – and rubbing my own cum on those giant, gorgeous mounds – I lost all reason. Which was probably the point.

I wasted no time in suckling and nibbling her sweet spots, or on sliding two fingers inside to speed things up. As Lacey moaned, arched her back and kept rubbing her boobs, I wiggled my tongue and fingers inside her and sucked everything in range. By the time her chest fully absorbed my cum, I didn't make her cum herself -- but I didn't want to lose the race by much.

Once I added a third finger and swiped my thumb and tongue on her, I got that wish.

Lacey grabbed the back of my head and arched her hips forward, exploding directly on me. It faintly registered that her hand had touched my cum and was now in my hair. Yet her cum was dripping on my lips, so we were even.

I didn't break away for much oxygen as I licked and cleaned Lacey up. When she removed her hand and backed up a few inches, I stayed on my knees as it all started sinking in. It didn't sink in fast enough for me to move an inch, although my cock was shrinking by a few.

"Go lay down on the bed. Take as long as you need," I heard Lacey say. As soon as I could do something about it, I made myself stand on my feet. I had enough common courtesy to put my pants and underwear on before I went to the nearest bed, but not enough to put my shirt on.

I laid on one of Lacey's beds, closing my eyes and seeing the images of the last several minutes fly by. At the least, I was too enraptured to go to sleep. Eventually, I'd have to get up, actually face Lacey and hope this didn't affect our deal – if we had really made one. For that and other reasons, I wasn't eager to open my eyes yet.

"For the record, I didn't think of those last parts 10 years ago. It just came to me now," I heard Lacey say. It would have been too easy to make a pun from that last part, so I stayed quiet – but thinking about it made me let out an accidental snort.

"Yeah, that just came on me – to me, too," Lacey pretended to accidentally say. I didn't try to hold back laughter that time, and neither did she.

I kept my eyes closed, but I felt a little looser. Loose enough to ask, "Why were you frustrated back then? Did something happen? Something with the other girls?"

"Trying to interview me early?" Lacey sidestepped.

"I still need to be sure there is one," I said seriously. "If there's really any lingering problems with the others....or ones that might come up with....other people....I should know before I put my career on the line for this. Not that I was that professional before...."

"Even after that, that's what you're really thinking about?" Lacey inquired.

"Well....if I was more established, I could afford not to care about work. I'm clearly a beginner here," I tried to jest.

I opened my eyes now, but I looked up at the ceiling instead of Lacey. I still heard her ask, "If I tell you, will you tell me about that other near miss? If there's any lingering problems you have with them, this might not come together anyway. Right?"

I acknowledged her twisting my own words against me, then answered, "I had some....moments with them. Not moments like....back there. Nothing they'd probably remember like you did. But....I did wonder what could have been a few times. Like I did with you."

"And look how that turned out," Lacey pointed out. "For what it's worth....they missed out. And they'd miss out if they didn't do your cover too. But I didn't do anything then that would make it a problem. And I won't do it when you get us back together."

Regardless of who she meant by 'us', it was what I needed to hear. "Thank you," I said, regardless of what I was really thanking her for.

"No problem," Lacey chimed. Now it was really getting ridiculous not to look at her.

I turned my head and saw Lacey lying next to me, her face a few feet from mine. A brief glance below told me she hadn't put her bra back on. Yet I looked back up in a flash anyway, which made Lacey giggle.

If she didn't want me to stare, she'd have put the bra on – as if that would tempt me less. Regardless, I clung to being a gentleman by watching her face. A face covered with gorgeous green eyes, full tempting lips, and a complexion both innocent and sultry. If I was trying not to look aroused, I was failing miserably either way.

If this could be called failure. Lacey pressing her lips to mine sure didn't feel like failure.

This time we were composed enough to kiss briefly, and almost sweetly. We gave each other several pecks until I gently suckled her lower lips, then slid my tongue past it. Lacey pressed herself against my body, although our bare chests did most of the touching.

Needing more, I rolled myself on top of Lacey and took a bit of control. I pressed my chest down against hers and slid my right hand onto her cheek and hair, while our tongues went back and forth in each other's mouth. Lacey moaned as I broke apart and kissed down her face to her neck.

With my pants and underwear back on, I was feeling pretty constricted. But as I tasted her skin and went down to her chest, I had better things to worry about. When I got to her tits, Lacey couldn't help but remind me, "You know what they were just covered in, right?"

"I do," I reminded. "You got it off well enough." Even if she didn't, I had to taste those tits. The thought that they were just covered in my cum shouldn't have made it hotter, but it did. In any case, her supple skin and full flesh canceled out any other tastes.

I pushed Lacey's breasts up and circled her nipples with my tongue, then flicked them and slid my tongue down her left boob. I suckled and kissed the underside and bounced the rest against my face, then did the same to her right tit.

When I finally sucked her right nipple down, I looked up and saw Lacey's face contort beautifully. She seductively glared down at me as my right hand tangled in her hair and my left rubbed her stomach. It trailed down to her panties – the only piece of clothing she'd put back on – then Lacey suddenly got me off of her.

"Sit up," she instructed. I got some of my breath back as I sat up on the bed, though Lacey worked fast to take it away again. She unzipped my pants and pulled my revived erection out – but instead of touching it further, she put a hand on my head and brought it down to her chest.

I took the hint and started suckling away, while her free hand took one of mine and put it on her panties. Getting that hint too, I slid a finger into her undergarment and into what lay below as well. Once I did, Lacey put her free hand on my cock as her other one played with my hair.

"Mmm, you had all the fun with this before. My turn," Lacey announced, then stroked my shaft as furiously as I did. I gasped and dropped my jaw, but promptly filled it with her left breast while my free hand went on her back.

Lacey slowed down, and soon I did the same. We settled down as we stroked and jacked each other off, while I ate out her tits at the same time too. Combined with me stroking the smooth skin of her back, the triple sensation was making me throb in her right hand.

Her left pushed my head further into her chest, making me groan on her nipple and making her groan and stroke me harder in return. "Yeah, that's it," Lacey encouraged softly. She got louder when my finger curled into her and my thumb swiped across her, cheering, "God, those fingers are good."

"You would know," I mumbled on her breast as her fingers tightened on me.

"They're not enough...." Lacey lamented. Thinking she was criticizing me, I added another finger and drove them both in knuckle deep. "Oh fuck....oh fuck it," she stated, thrusting her chest onto my face like it was fucking it.

I tried to suckle her right breast down, like Lacey would suck my cock down if I was face fucking her. Of course, I had too much to work with to make it perfect – in that regard, anyway. She watched me rub my face and mouth on her flesh, then jacked me hard a few more times and said, "Fuck it" again.

This time around, she followed up by removing her hand from me and taking my fingers off her. Lacey got off the bed and kneeled down in front of it – and me. Her mouth soon went a little lower.

She alternated between sucking me down hard and soft, her hands on my hips the whole way. Mine rested on her shoulder and hair, stroking it so I would be less tempted to push her head down. But Lacey went off me and slid her lips and tongue down herself.

When she finished suckling me just above my balls, Lacey went back up and stuck her chest out. I briefly lit up from what I thought was coming, yet she put my head on her left nipple instead of between her tits. In fact, she used it to get her tips stiffer and erect, which didn't hurt my erection per se. Maybe it even kept me from losing it sooner.

Not that Lacey rubbing my tip all over her breasts wasn't making me boil. She also rubbed it on her undersides, so that didn't calm me down. Neither did rubbing my cockhead between her breasts without pressing them together.

"You gotta learn to put more variety in this after a while," Lacey tossed out. As I began to understand it and feel a little guilty, the minx went and smothered my cock with her tits anyway. But she only gave it a few pumps before she took them off and replaced them with her mouth – although she went all the way down with it.

The brief tit fuck and deep throat left me wet and throbbing, which Lacey chose as the perfect time to really strike. She climbed onto my lap and hovered herself over me, without sinking herself down. Lacey looked at me and my barely composed face, then started to come down.

Once she got the top half of my cock in, I put my hands on her hips and finished pushing her down. Lacey groaned and pressed her forehead against me, then pecked my lips in an almost playful fashion. She soon moved down to my chin and jaw while she rocked her hips, in a far slower way than last time.

As it sunk in how this time would be far less feverish. I relaxed as Lacey suckled and nibbled my Adam's apple and neck. I kept my hands on her hips and started squeezing while she fucked me, and even started some fucking of my own. For that, Lacey gave me a deeper hickey while looking up with her most erotic glare.

After she pulled away from my neck, I rested my chin on her right shoulder. Lacey rocked me a bit faster while I looked down and saw her hips move, not to mention her ass. My hands slid over to cover it up, which led me to jiggle her cheeks around as a distraction.

"Oh, that's it....oh, you know what you're doing," Lacey cooed. I slid a finger between her cheeks to test that, and her louder moan suggested I did something right. My mind then raced for more good ideas, and I came up with a couple.

I leaned back and took Lacey with me, leaving her on top of me on the bed. She took her legs off me and got herself more comfortable, but I stopped her from lying on me when she put me back in. I kept Lacey sitting upright, allowing me to see myself inside her.

After a few moments of her riding me, I saw her tits were starting to bounce. My right hand caught them as my left trailed down her stomach, stopping at her opening. My fingers began teasing her pussy and nipples at once, although my left finger could do more than rub.

I tried to fit some of my finger along with my cock, but I did increase stimulation either way. My right forefinger and thumb pinched Lacey's tit, then I just palmed it as best I could. Nevertheless, Lacey was bouncing harder and getting herself closer.

Before she got further, I told her, "Lean over." I got her to put her hands next to each side of my face, hovering her tits over my face. Now that I could lean up and suckle them again, I put my left hand back on her pussy while I pumped it, while resting my right back on her ass.

"Oh, you're....oh, fuck," Lacey got carried away. That was before my right finger wedged itself against her ass, rubbing it without going in. With my cock and left finger fucking her and my mouth gobbling her tits all at once, she was really being worked over.

"Fuck me....ooh, fuck me, you naughty boy," Lacey requested. I was pretty much doing that now, but before I could remind her or show her, she continued, "If you won't, I will."

She was doing that already too – but now she was taking it up a notch. Lacey rocked her hips harder and faster, while keeping her hands on the bed and her body above me. Her tits swayed as her ass bounced on my groin, and all I could do was hold onto her hips.

I watched Lacey concentrate on me, letting out the occasional big breath and moan. For all that her tits and pussy were doing, I wanted to give equal time admiring her perfect face too. Not just because it was less likely to make me cum – barely.

Lacey seemed to smile while tightening and pushing down on me. "Fuck, I wanna cum again," she told me.

"Me too," I hissed out.

"This time I want it on your cock. I want it all over your cock," Lacey stressed. "Don't you want all that hot, wet cum there too?"

"Ugh....I want it anywhere you can put it," I settled on.

"It's going on your cock," Lacey confirmed. "It'll mix with your....fuck....cum." Despite the pause, it wasn't enough time to prepare me for that.

"Hold on..." I started, but couldn't finish as I felt my cock twitch. Hell of a time for it to have a sense of humor.

"I've got pills. I'll buy more if I have to," Lacey filled in. "First I want you to burst in me. Like you burst on my tits...."

"Not in your mouth?" I blurted out, since it was the only other original option.

"I'll suck us both off you when we're done," Lacey answered. "You want that? Want me to suck that wet cock before it fades away? Then make us both drip cum all over you...."

Lacey's voice could be quite high and squeaky, yet her experience as a voice actress obviously helped control her pitch. Saying those words with her sexy pitch was the last bit of convincing I needed.

Nevertheless, I couldn't go completely out of control until she went first. So my hands went back to her pussy, with my left and right forefinger rubbing her. Lacey gyrated her hips in return, yet I still kept my hands and fingers in place.

I watched my hands and cock work her down below, getting me extra hotter and faster. My eyes went up the rest of Lacey's body for extra inspiration, although her tightening and riding helped just as much. By the time I saw her tits swinging and her face panting, I knew it would at least be a photo finish to the end.

That was truly an apt metaphor, because I wasn't sure which one of us went first. I couldn't exactly do the math in the moment, though. In fact, I couldn't do much of anything but growl and arch my hips, then go limp when we both finished.

I laid there with my eyes closed until I felt another great weight lifted off me – well, not a great weight. But the thin Lacey did have enough energy to get off me, turn herself around and hover her wet pussy over my face. She even bent down to lick my deflating cock while she was at it.

Remembering this is what she promised to do, I had to return the favor. Although I was probably licking up both our juices, she was doing the same with me. So I powered through, despite how both our genitals were getting sensitive right about now.

Nevertheless, it felt like we got each other relatively clean. Before I could check closer, Lacey got herself off me again. This time, she turned around and laid on top of me, kissing me with both of us on her mouth. Since I had the same problem, this solution made sense.

We kissed for a while longer before Lacey laid her head on my chest. I put my hands on her for one last feel, then blurted out, "So that made my case for reunions too. Right?"

Lacey giggled and confirmed, "Yeah, that did set the bar." That, a few more kisses and tit rubs served as enough closure for us – and the promise to see her again for the story helped too.

Of course, I actually had to get a story and the rest of the cast together first. But I was a lot closer to that than I was hours ago. For that and other things, I let out a victorious growl when I got back to my car.

I would save the rest of the celebration for when I got home. First, I had to figure out how to see my next recruit. I hadn't figured out who I'd see after Lacey until now – but now I felt brave enough to see her.

Not Lindsay, of course, since I wasn't that fearless yet. But approaching Tina would be the next best thing – hopefully.
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Mean Girls Reunion 2: Tina Fey
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2020, 04:23:30 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion 2: Tina Fey

Originally published November 2013


Writers come up with 'meet cutes' all the time with future soul mates colliding into each other. No matter how big a mess they make, it's all adorable and romantic, or snarky if they hate each other at first.

So it was ironic that I bumped into a writer in this way. But this wasn't like the movies. When I ran into Tina Fey and spilled our food and drinks on both of us, there was no romantic cliché or even snark. Hell, I panicked and ran off to the wardrobe department before she could yell.

When I got some new shirts for her, I ran to her office in my still wet clothes. I knocked on the door and dared to say, "Mrs. Fey? You can put these on, if you want." I barely opened the door and held the shirts out, looking away and expecting her to take them.

"What are you doing?" I heard behind the door. "You don't need to hold those like crosses. Hell, if I was a shirt vampire and I blew up, that door would not protect you, pal." I knew she made a living with jokes, but I hardly expected her to keep....working then.

"Come on in. The prop girls beat you to it, anyway," Tina called out. After a second, I stepped inside and saw she was on the level. Tina was at her desk, wearing a new blue shirt to replace the one I ruined, making my borrowed shirts obsolete.

Nevertheless, I didn't use that to get me out of apologizing. "I am so sorry anyway, Mrs. Fey," I started. I wouldn't finish by saying thoughts of a half-naked Lacey Chabert helped me barge into her without looking. Instead, I said, "You can still yell at me if you want. If you cursed me out while changing, you can still give me the Best of moments."

"Nah. They wouldn't even fill out a commercial parody," Tina shrugged off. "Besides, you put me in that one-woman wet blazer contest at the right time. I was all cursed out about other stuff already. Fine tuning my first movie script, acting for the first time on film without a desk, those kinda things."

"Well, I don't hear anyone else cursing it out," I felt the need to assure. "Not even behind your back. Ironic for this movie, I know."

"Don't worry, the Internet should make up for that later," Tina replied. "Blogs are basically R-rated burn books."

"And you write far better stuff than real and Internet burn books. So their weaker stuff shouldn't be that hurtful or clever. Plus you got a big head start to think ahead of them," I worked out.

"Yeah, if you want to make me all big headed about it," Tina conceded. "Some days that is a nice change of pace."

"I guess it happens to the best of us," I said truthfully. I even went far enough to include, "At least I have that in common with the best. Aside from you guys being far ahead on good days."

"Wait, I thought you were just on the crew," Tina asked, looking really interested. "I didn't know you were....chasing the likes of me."

"Not yet. I'd like to someday, though. If it's possible to go from crewman to the writer's room," I said, then reached into my pocket and added, "Just in case, I came prepared with my own writer's glasses. Handy tool, I've noticed."

After I pulled out my writer's glasses, Tina -- whose own famed glasses were on her desk -- commented, "You didn't carry those around all day, just in case you could make a glasses joke at me. Right?"

"I haven't written enough to be that clever," I answered.

"Then let's hope you never have to," Tina joked -- I hoped she did. Yet she took her own glasses, reached out and tapped them with mine, like they were champagne glasses. "To being clever."

I couldn't help but laugh at her proving it, and she did the same. Although we both probably had work to do, Tina didn't kick me out, and I kept talking so she didn't have room to. But she did seem to like hearing about my aspirations and love of the business, and I ate up a few of her writer's room anecdotes. Given my time as an SNL fan -- and fans of hers for three years already -- I was certainly pleased to hear them.

However, her office phone rang in the middle of her third one, and she didn't look too pleased during the call. She hung up and sighed, "Sorry, writer turned actress business."

"Okay," I said, trying not to feel greedy after this much time with her. "At least you made sure you'll be clean when you do it. At least before you get there."

Tina paused when she should have left. "You know, you could have tripped in the middle of a heart attack finding this stuff," she gestured to the shirts I'd found, which I'd put on the nearest couch. "The least I can do is honor your almost sacrifice."

With that, Tina took the white shirt and purple blazer in my pile of outfits. Before I knew it, she was starting to take off her old new shirt, and I turned around just in time. I barely held back a sardonic laugh over being this close to a shirtless star again.

But this time, she knew I was there -- and she knowingly took her shirt off near me. Weird, given that she was a married woman. And yet when I thought about it, it made me feel....almost on par with what a half naked Lacey made me feel. Despite how Lacey was far more....filled out. Yet I'd actually gotten to talk to and enjoy myself around Tina. If that made a difference.

Tina made another difference by coughing, which made me stop my mental ramblings and turn around. With her new ensemble on, she topped it off by putting her glasses back on and saying, "There, ready for messy battle. Feel free to make that sound cooler in your autobiography."

"I'll try," I promised. "Go get em. And, um, thanks," I somewhat stumbled.

"You too," she said without stumbling. I got caught up and reached halfway for a hug, but stopped myself. Yet Tina rolled her eyes -- not in the fed up, comical way she'd later perfect -- and closed the gap.

I hugged her back for the first second. In the next second, I turned and my lips brushed her cheek, without pressing against it. In the next quarter of a second, I thought about pressing.

In the next, I broke off and left without looking back. In the next several, I kept walking forward and hoped yet again I wouldn't be kicked off the lot soon.

January 13, 2014

It was the day after the Golden Globes, as the Internet was flooded with clips of Tina and Amy Poehler's bits as hosts, for the second year in a row. While bloggers laughed with Tina from afar, I would get the chance to do it in person, if I was lucky.

I was lucky to get hold of her agent before the weekend, and lucky to make a deal to see Tina after the Globes -- if she wasn't too tired. If she wasn't, she would let me come to her hotel room, which she had for one more day before leaving LA. If not, I'd just have to try and do this over the phone later.

Not wanting to call directly, just in case, I went to her hotel and asked the front desk if Mrs. Fey was still expecting me. After the clerk made a call, he confirmed that she was. So I felt safe to take the elevator and head for her room door.

Once I knocked a few times, I stood back and stayed still -- until I heard the doorknob turn. The door itself opened to reveal Tina, clad in a blue blouse and jeans, instead of her various tight dresses on the Globes stage. She also had her glasses on, just like I did.

"Tell me you didn't wear those glasses in case I wore mine. Your memory can't be that big," I broke the ice, trying not to hint that I'd done the same -- and that my memory was that big. Since I didn't have a seven-year TV show, No. 1 book and tons of Emmys to block out one afternoon 11 years ago.

"I guess I'm just too clever for you," Tina said. I could only chuckle in awed surprise and enter the room. After closing the door, I wasn't sure how to officially greet her, but I almost heard Tina say, "This worked before," before giving me a brief hug.

I made sure to keep my lips away from her head, and Tina made no commentary. This helped me settle down and compliment her on the Globes, and everything else she'd done since 2003. After buttering her up quite accurately, we got to business.

"I'm sorry I didn't get back to you in person. Award shows, writing jokes about Clooney's posse and slavery movies. Turns out they take up some time," Tina jabbed.

"Of course. I know I'm probably lucky to see you now," I recalled. "You could have rested, headed home already or read your Internet reviews."

"I researched those burn books enough for my own book, thanks," Tina replied, showing weird memory again. "Besides, I wanted to hear about this big reunion of yours in person."

"And take part of it in person?" I jumped ahead of myself. "I mean, I know you must have a billion other things to do. Professionally and personally. I think we can do this in late February or early March, but if that doesn't work for you...."

"My next pilot's a month away from being ready. No one really works for me right now," Tina pointed out. "I can find any time I want. Just tell me when the girls are available and I'll fit it in."

Now I had to add, "Actually, I only have one girl so far. I couldn't land Rachel, but I got Lacey. I'm gonna talk to Lizzy and Amanda after you, then of course..." I danced around Lindsay again. "So there's still a chance this won't happen."

"Well, if it does, I'll be there," Tina promised. "Just send me the first few drafts of your story. For prosperity and entertainment's sake."

Now I had to add as well, "I don't know if I can. I mean, I'm setting this thing up, but I'm not a writer for the magazine. Someone else will probably do the interview part. I'm still catching up to the big shots....but maybe some of them will take notice if I do this."

"I'm sure they should. I say that as a spokesperson for big shots myself," Tina reminded. "Of course, our gang doesn't always have the best hours. You should know that going in."

At that, Tina started rambling more. "I mean, look at me. I survived another grind through the Globes, and I should be exhausted. I mean, I am, but I'm still pumped, too. But there's nothing to do until I go home tomorrow, for once, and I have nothing to help me come down. I guess that's why it's good you're here. That and getting back on paper they kill trees for."

"Anything I can do to help," I offered.

"This has been a nice anything so far. Let's stick with what works," Tina reasoned.

So like we had a decade ago, we fell into a pattern of talking and swapping stories for an hour. I had slightly more to offer than last time, but of course, she had dozens more. By the time she finished another Sarah Palin related anecdote, we were sitting right next to each other on the couch.

"Any more relaxed now?" I had to check.

"Getting there," Tina said. "I used to have this quiet time thing down to a science, you know. Had less people interested in wrecking the formula. But family and Hollywood have a way of making you rusty, even after 15 years." She shrugged it off and added, "Ah, I've had worse detox moments. This is nothing you'd put in the third act of an Oscar movie. Maybe the second act of a bad one."

"Would casting Joaquin Phoenix as me have saved it?" I jested.

"Nah. Even his fake crazy can do so much," she answered. "At least you didn't have to grow a beard."

Maybe she kissed me on the cheek to make that joke land better. I thought that for a second, and blocked out other thoughts, until she said, "Didn't have to taste beard hair, but now we're even anyway. Well, I guess I'm technically ahead."

"You.....oh, yeah," it sunk in. "So you remember I....didn't go any further."

"I know. You didn't even peek when I....forgot I wasn't changing alone," Tina reminded me too.

Since she knew I wasn't a pervert, I didn't have to defend myself. I then wondered if part of her was offended that I wouldn't check her out. It was unlikely, but she was probably still dismissed as just a dorky fake news girl in 2003. Of course, she didn't look like a dork at last year's Emmys, or last night's Globes. Or in that office 10 years ago. Or right now. Or when she kissed me.

We both stayed in silence as I got lost in those memories -- until I felt something inside of my pants.

Fuck. She probably saw the front of my pants move too. Fucking hell, I wasn't even that reckless with Lacey at first. How wasn't I that reckless with Lacey? How would Lacey Chabert make me less reckless than Tina Fey?

Okay, that came out way wrong in my head. Lacey drove me plenty wild enough anyway. Tina was just doing it by being a long time idol, long time crush, someone great to talk to and learn from, and being a legitimately beautiful woman. Different tactics, same end result, really.

Well, it couldn't be the exact end result with Tina that it was with Lacey. Right?

Somehow, this gave me the guts to turn and look at Tina. She'd been staring at me, and probably had while I was thinking everything over. She looked still, but deep in thought -- yet her glasses made it easier to detect a hint of desire in her eyes.

Nope. It wasn't the glasses. Not when she started to smile, took them off and made that hint look deeper.

I should have been a gentlemen and talked a married woman with two kids out of....looking like that. However, despite all our words, I was starting to feel talked out. I instinctively reached for my glasses to take them off too, but Tina took my hand and said, "Is it okay if you're the nerd?"

I couldn't help but snort out a laugh, which helped break the tension. Since she was the queen of nerds, I knew she wasn't being demeaning -- and maybe it turned her on to be the more glamorous one. Which she already was regardless.

Especially when she leaned in and kissed my lips this time.

Tina's kiss was gentle and a little tentative, so when she broke it, I went right back in myself. It felt like it did the trick, as she settled in more and moved her lips over mine. I became the tentative one and put my hand on her shoulder, yet she put her hand on the back of my neck and settled me down.

Before long, my hand went to her cheek as our mouths opened. The initial awkwardness was gone, as evidenced by our bodies pressing together -- and my even more noticeable bulge pressing against her jeans. This made Tina moan into my mouth and run a hand down my chest as our tongues rubbed each other faster.

When we broke, Tina pressed me against the arm of the couch, leaving little room between us. She still used that room to go further down my upper body, stopping at my belt. I went up and kissed her neck to give myself something else to do.

Yet I still babbled and said, "God, I've crushed on you for so long...." Slightly embarrassed, I tried kissing her neck deeper to distract her -- but when she unzipped my pants, I admitted, "Even before we met...." That earned me the honor of Tina reaching into my pants.

My hands barely stayed steady around her waist, while her left hand rubbed the back of my head and her right took a hold of my erection. As she started her hand job, I realized my hands had to do more. Therefore, they began to unbutton Tina's blouse.

My lips kept busy by kissing hers, letting me feel her tongue in my mouth and her thumb over my cock head all at once. She even rubbed my underside and made me groan harder, then pumped me even faster. She was truly good at this....maybe too good.

I broke the kisses and opened up Tina's unbuttoned blouse, revealing a simple but flattering purple bra. I caught a glimpse of a white one 10 years ago, so I supposed she wasn't doing an NC-17 reenactment after all. I hardly cared when Tina's hand went even faster, but grasped me much softer.

Her hand job, her chest and this being Tina Fey in general was doing a real number on me. I hid the effect on my face by putting it against her chest, then moving down to kiss her bra cup. At that point, her free hand went down to my balls as she stroked and rubbed the very top of my shaft, making me moan onto her breast.

Tina moaned too and pulled my face up to kiss me deeper. Once her hands went back on my cock and balls, she pulled them and made me lay down on top of her on the couch. She kept kissing me all the way and rubbing my head and underside, which made me tip right over.

I got my upper body up and started to warn Tina, but it was too late. I came on her stomach, bra and parts of her blouse before all was said and done.

"Dag, look at this!" Tina said as she saw her stained bra and blouse. "All night without spilling wine, and this happens!" There were so many ancient jokes to make about cum on a blue blouse, but we were both too clever for that. And too embarrassed.

I stayed on the couch as Tina took her blouse off and got up, looking to clean herself off. I was left with a hanging, flaccid cock that blew it, in good and bad ways. Tina took her bra off and tried to pad it and her blouse with tissue paper, and I waited until she finished to say, "I can go now."

Tina just looked at me, even studying parts other than my resting cock. Eventually, this made her take a water bottle, go over to me and use it to squirt my shirt wet. "There. Now we have solidarity," she concluded.

"Yeah....yeah this is the same thing," I deadpanned, a little annoyed but a little encouraged.

Tina paused and looked serious again, even with a bare chest and jeans still on. She then stated, "Look, if we got that far and stopped....it'll be even more awkward when we meet again for the story. Hell, I'm more awkward now because you left me hanging." That's right, I did only work on the upper regions....

"I mean, sure I could kick you out for....staining my clothes again," Tina said, making me see the irony for the first time. "But would you really be making it up to me? You went above and beyond to help me last time, even when you were embarrassed. Least you could do is try again."

Both of us knew she didn't want me to get new clothes this time. I let that wash over me, thanked anyone who manipulated this up above, then said out loud, "I do owe you one. If one is all you want." Before she could answer that, I finally removed my wet shirt and echoed her earlier, "Solidarity, right?"

Tina rolled her eyes -- again playfully and not in a Liz Lemon way -- and corrected, "Not quite." With my cock still hanging out of my jeans, Tina took that as a cue to unbuckle hers and take them off.

Now that she was standing in just her panties, I could truly take in just how beautiful she was. Giving birth to two children had had its effects, but as her Emmys and Globes dresses showed off -- and as her nude form did as well -- she still had a wonderful hourglass figure to show off. Her hips and ass were curvy and firm, her legs were long and gorgeous, and her breasts still looked like a perfect handful while bare -- and not popping out of a blue Emmys dress.

Given how others questioned her beauty before, and how she'd hid/underplayed it for laughs on TV for years, I wondered if I'd come off as condescending for making note of it -- like it was a surprise. However, I looked into her eyes and settled for saying, "Perfect," -- and the way they darkened told me I made the right call.

I made a better call by dropping my pants to resume solidarity. I topped myself by walking over in my underwear and kissing her. Somehow, I got better by putting my hands around her waist and enjoying her figure.

Soon we were kissing and stroking each other's tongues as deep as before. But this time I had the foresight to move our location. I looked around for the bedroom door, yet Tina pointed to it first -- though I then led the way to it. When we got in, we walked towards the bed and I took the plunge to lower Tina down.

"So you want me to go above and beyond?" I reminded her. To answer my own question, I laid on top of her and drifted my left hand down to her panties. Once it got there, my right hand took a hold of her right breast just as my mouth got there.

My fingers creeped to the edge of her underwear while my tongue played with the edge of her nipple. After my lips got around it, I teased her opening while my right thumb teased underneath her boob. As I started to hear Tina groan, I pulled her panties down just enough, then palmed her exposed genitals and rubbed them down.

When I peeked and saw Tina reach for her neglected left breast, I moved onto my next phase. My mouth shifted over to the left, but my hand stayed on her right. In fact, it moved up to her right nipple just as I started suckling her left -- and just as my finger went deeper into her pussy.

"Oh, fuck me..." I heard Tina curse. Fueled by her increasing passion and dirtier mouth, I tugged harder on her nipples and clit with my various tools. But I broke off and kissed down to the bottom of her left tit while my hand pushed up her right one. Down below, my thumb rubbed harder between her legs as my forefinger wiggled inside of her.

"Mmmm...." Tina growled. "Not bad..."

"That's it?" I responded, figuring/hoping she was underselling it. Just in case, I suckled and tugged her nipples and dug into her pussy one more time, then took my mouth and fingers away. As Tina moaned and came down from the sensations, I crawled down between her legs and put my hands on them, then buried my face between them.

I let my tongue do all the work as I rubbed her slender legs, but it sounded like it still made an impact on her. To add onto it, my hands slowly rose up her legs and went to join my mouth, with my thumbs rubbing each side of her pussy as my tongue licked up and down.

"Oh God....fuck, I needed this," Tina praised much higher. But once more, I broke away just as she was getting into it. This time, I went off the bed and kneeled down next to the left side, then had her lay in front of me and put her legs on my shoulders.

I went back to work on her pussy as her legs wrapped around my head -- raising her hips high enough for me to hold onto her ass. I kneaded Tina's plump, shapely flesh in back for several moments, then went back up to knead her flesh in front. And as I pushed her tits up, my teeth got into the mix on her lower lips.

Given her age and past child births, I wondered if it made her more or less likely to cum quickly. Tina certainly seemed eager either way, grinding her groin against my face as I ate and tweaked her harder. "Oh man....you're really into this," she noted.

"Mmm hmm...." I groaned into her, dismissing thoughts of whether I put this much effort into Lacey. But for Tina, I still rubbed my face up and down against her, then side to side as I made her wet all over.

"Yeah, yeah, like that," Tina commanded. I just licked her as deeply and wetly as I could, rubbing my lips and chin over every part of her I could. "Fuck, I wanna...I'm gonna...." Tina still held back just a little.

For a final surge, I brought my left hand back to her opening and let it work with my tongue. When my forefinger went back in her and my tongue rapidly licked next to it, Tina gritted out, "Oh God, you make me cum!"

Since God might have been too busy, I used a few more rubs and thrusts to do the job myself.

I buried my face into Tina as it received her cum, while her legs tightened around my face. I heard her pant and catch her breath as I dabbed her clean with my tongue, my hands rubbing her crotch and hip to help her come down.

Finally Tina uncrossed her legs and I was able to back away. I let her rest her ass back on the bed as I rested on the floor below. "Okay....I think we're even now," I called back to.

"If that's even....I gotta get ahead again," I heard Tina say. I got myself up and sat back down on the bed beside her.

"How do you figure on doing that?" I asked. Tina sat herself up next to me and didn't lose a beat.

"I can start by sucking your cock," she said without breaking her voice or eye contact. Hearing those words and that offer from her shouldn't have been stunning by now, but it still had shock value to me.

But clearly it didn't for her -- as she further showed by pushing me down on my back, kneeling down on the bed in front of me and doing just as she offered.

Tina cradled my head with her tongue as her lips sucked me off, then licked me in all my sensitive places. As she bobbed on me, it stunned me more than ever that this was coming from her, after spending seven years being so sex-phobic on TV. But she had two kids, so she had to know something about sex in real life -- and she sure knew a few things about this part.

She moaned on my shaft and licked it up, right as her beautiful brown eyes gazed into me. I backed up to lay my head on one of the pillows, then settled my hand into her hair when she resumed sucking. It didn't take much longer for her to pop off and lick my head, then kiss it before smiling.

"Now I'm getting it wet enough for you to fuck me," she said even more matter off factly. After licking me up and down for a while, she added, "Then you'll return the favor by making me cum on your cock. Then I'll lick it up and you'll give me more cum, so we'll be all square. Sound good?"

"Huh....good enough," was all the wit I had in me.

"Good," Tina echoed, then got herself on top of me. It seemed like I should have been on top of her, if I was making her cum first -- but this felt more fitting.

Tina lined herself against me, and once my tip touched her, I took over and slid my head in. My hands held onto her hips as her head laid on my shoulder, letting me watch her react while I settled in. When she looked settled enough, I pushed a few more inches into her and started moving below her.

I kept a good grip on her hips as mine went faster, setting the pace early on. As I picked it up, my left hand went to her center and started manipulating it, as if my cock wasn't already. Soon I was going pretty quick, if not too quick.

At that point, Tina increased her efforts and slammed her hips down against me. As I recovered, she began riding me and putting her hand up on the bedroom wall. She lifted her body up high enough for me to kiss and suckle her tits again, as my hands stayed on her pussy and ass.

Still, Tina seemed to be taking control by now. She rode me deeper and tightened around me, leaving me to just nibble her breasts and hold on. But she stopped me from doing that much when she laid herself down again, then went back to kissing me.

I made sure my hand could still stroke her between our bodies. When it did, I matched her kisses and soon got lost in them. She slowed them down and slowed her hips down as well, as we fucked and kissed in a slower and more sensual fashion. But before long, it got me more worked up.

I deepened my kisses and thrusts, with Tina letting me take the lead now. It soon dawned on me that this was the plan, though I was getting too used to it to mind. My hips sped up again and Tina rested her pussy and body, letting me fuck and stroke it enough for the both of us.

"Mmm hmmm," Tina groaned, kissing me a few more times. "Are you gonna make me cum? Or do I have to do it?"

"You do so much....I got this," I assured her.

To start proving it, I gripped both hands on her ass and drove my cock deeper into her. My face went between her neck and shoulder and kissed away, as my finger drifted below her ass and towards her pussy. When it started teasing her, I slammed myself into her harder and suckled her collar bone at the same time.

"See? I can do this for you," I panted.

"Yeah, you can," Tina praised. "But....oh, yeah.....just let me do one little thing."

Before I gave her permission, Tina lifted herself up while I kept pumping her. Once she was fully sitting up, she reached behind her ass and put her left hand against my exposed balls. By brushing them, she stopped me in my tracks -- by necessity.

"That's....not gonna help me hold on," I reminded her.

"Then I'd better go first and quick, huh?" Tina reminded me.

Getting the message, I thrust up with a renewed burst of speed. Yet Tina put her right hand below my chest and met me thrust for thrust. With my free hand rubbing her pussy and her free hand behind her on my balls, we seemed to be working in sync.

Yet Tina soon rode me a little faster than I was pumping her. "Come on, come on!" she called out, either to me or herself. But while my hips couldn't keep up with hers -- which could have made me somewhat uncomfortable -- my finger was fast enough to make up for it.

With a few fast tweaks on her and a few big thrusts from my cock, Tina groaned and jiggled my balls harder. This made me go faster to make her finish before me, and my efforts did start making her shake around. She let go of my balls and put both hands on my chest, leaning onto me as we both went into overdrive.

However, I had to slow down when Tina leaned and rode particularly hard on me. To fill the gap, my finger used one more burst of energy. As I used everything else I had to keep from cumming, Tina wasn't so lucky.

Tina panted and clenched onto me, cumming on my cock as promised. Eventually, she slumped back onto my body and caught her breath. Perhaps I'd made her exhausted enough to relax after all, despite her doing her share as well.

However, she'd promised to do one more thing. I wouldn't be the jerk to insist on it, especially after all she'd given me. But I didn't have to be.

With a deep breath, Tina took her groin off of me and left my erect, wet cock exposed. She then rolled over and headed down the bed, towards my own groin. "You don't...." I started, but promptly finished when Tina put her mouth back on me.

After licking herself off me, Tina settled for just sucking me down for a while. Fortunately, she put her tongue back on me and slid it down as far as possible, then steadily slid it up while I was still in her mouth. Once she popped off, she stroked my shaft and switched between kissing, suckling and licking my head, bringing me that much closer.

"You're really gonna....take it?" I asked. Tina merely hummed her approval while sucking and licking my head -- while pumping my erection and cupping my balls.

I let myself feel overwhelmed once again. Tina Fey, a long time idol and crush -- and one most wouldn't associate with this kind of act -- was sucking me off and ready to swallow my cum. The fact someone like her would do that for someone like me was....validating. Maybe moreso than this story would be if I pulled it off -- at least in one way.

In this way, I'd held back long enough. So I put my hand back into Tina's hair, saw her come down and take the rest of me in while humming and licking -- and responded accordingly just before she came off me.

Tina didn't miss a beat as I filled her mouth, though I threw my head back eventually and couldn't check. The next time I could, I was about finished and Tina looked to have gotten most of it down. I felt her lick my head after it stopped shooting, then she removed herself and I saw her swallow the rest.

She stroked me a few more times as I began deflating, before crawling back next to me. Despite what she'd just swallowed, she kissed my lips anyway, although she didn't open her mouth. Since it was over, I let myself kiss her and put up with the taste, even if it wasn't that bad.

After a few more kisses and a little use of tongue, Tina laid her head down next to mine and actually looked tired. "Should have gotten Amy to co-host this too," she muttered.

Once again, I lamented that Amy Poehler's part was too small in Mean Girls to put her in this story. Plus if Regina George couldn't be a part of it, it'd be weird to invite her mom. Now I was lamenting for different reasons as well.

But I did it in silence, with Tina going quiet as well. "Stay and leave whenever you want," I thought I heard her mumble. After a few moments, I realized she wouldn't mutter anything else because she was asleep.

I carefully got up and gathered Tina's clothes, putting them on her bed so she could quickly get dressed later. This reminded me I wasn't dressed myself, so I took care of that. Afterwards, there was pretty much only one more thing to do.

Before that, I managed to get a cover over Tina, run my hand down the side of her body, and give her sleeping face a final kiss. It did help me bring myself to actually leave.

Assuming that going all the way wouldn't make it too awkward after all, I had my second subject for the reunion, if nothing else. Two down, three to go.

Hopefully I'd already gotten through the hard part. But considering what was still ahead, I doubted it.


Mean Girls Reunion 3: Lizzy Caplan
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2020, 04:28:05 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion 3: Lizzy Caplan

Originally published November 2013


This time, I stumbled onto something while doing my job. Technically, I was off the clock and was only wandering around after goofing off with co-workers. But before I left, I walked over to the gymnasium set, which would be crowded for tomorrow's filming of some big third act scenes.

I came in to see if anything needed fixing or fine tuning, to save some work for tomorrow. But the second I got in, I heard some strange noises. Noises that soon started to sound erotic. Noises that seemed to be coming below the bleachers in the "gym."

Thinking ahead, I quietly slipped out of my shoes, so I wouldn't make as much noise by coming closer. Carrying the shoes in my hands, I tiptoed on my socks towards the bleachers, looking to see if I could make out who was below yet -- and what she was doing.

It could be one of two things at this point. But I didn't hear any other voices -- unless he or she was really quiet -- so that ruled out sex. Masturbation it was, then.

As the noises got louder and I got closer, I put on my writing glasses and started to make out who it was.

If I didn't know better, I'd say it resembled Lizzy Caplan -- a.k.a sharp tonged outcast Janis Ian. She had her head thrown back and her shirt still on -- but it was probably another matter below. Before I could try and confirm it, she got louder and one of her arms seemed to move faster.

Her moans and pants got huskier, sexier and closer to the brink. So close that she couldn't see me -- but that would easily change once she was done. And she sounded close to being done any second.

When that second came, I watched, heard and was enraptured for the first two seconds. However, my brain rebooted and helped me make my retreat in the next few. I heard her catch her breath and pant as I got closer to the exit, then I quietly opened the door and slid out.

Whether Lizzy could hear me by then, I didn't know. The fact I could get on the lot the next day gave me an idea. As if this fucking set wasn't giving me enough ideas already.

January 2014

Although I'd witnessed more graphic things from Lizzy 11 years ago than Lacey or Tina, I was less nervous to see her in person. For one thing, she didn't know me, and probably wasn't hiding that she saw me during a private moment. Then again, if she didn't remember me, it might not help my actual sales pitch for the story.

Nevertheless, Lizzy allowed me to see her in her apartment, after she got done shooting a movie for the day. Between her schedule and her appearance at the Golden Globes days ago, she could have easily declined to see me or just done this over the phone. Yet once again, I was fortunate to make my case in person.

Indeed, since she didn't see me in our biggest encounter on the Mean Girls set, she didn't recognize me. But I seemed to convince her I did work there, and assured her that Lacey and Tina could confirm it. She believed me and let me tell her about the proposed cover story anyway.

Yet as I pitched it, told her Lacey and Tina were on board and assured her we could work around her schedule, I got the feeling Lizzy's mind was elsewhere. With eyes as big and noteworthy as hers, it was easier to tell if they were distracted. She did nod and seem to follow along, yet I sensed I didn't have her strictest attention.

To get more clues, I tried to talk and study her other body language at the same time. I ignored how I was checking out someone's body for different reasons than usual lately. As I did, I noted Lizzy's posture looked straight, and her legs....

Her legs were pressed kind of tight together. And this was the second time her hand brushed between them.

"So you think you can get Lindsay?" Lizzy broke my concentration, by staying on the actual topic of conversation.

"Oh, oh right. I suppose I'll find out very soon," I got back on track. "After I finish talking to you and Amanda, I'll have no choice. That's why I want to sort out as much as possible first, just in case."

Shrugging my past suspicions aside, I got out a notepad and showed Lizzy when Lacey and Tina had for the shoot. Lizzy claimed she could get herself available, pointing to the best potential dates with one hand -- and keeping her other hand between her legs and on her skirt. Which almost seemed to arch against that hand.

What the hell could make her....

"So, one of those dates should work. I can call you once I work out the best one," Lizzy said, somewhat quickly. If my developing crazy theory was right, this would make a little more sense....

But it couldn't be. I couldn't have gotten in the middle of her....doing that again. "Is now a bad time?" I blurted out loud in my disbelief.

"Excuse me?" Lizzy asked back. "Are you in a rush or something?"

"No. Well, technically, yes. But if you're in one, I can come back," I finally settled on.

"I agreed to see you, remember?" Lizzy frowned. "I made time when I could have rested and pushed you off. So let's at least get something out of it."

"Okay, okay!" I said with some frustration. "We just need to pick the best date you can be there, and match it up with the others."

"I can make that work," Lizzy declared, pointing to early March on my notepad, without looking too hard. "If they can, I can."

"Oh. Okay. If Amanda and Lindsay can, then we're all good," I concluded.

"Good, looks like we're all set, then," Lizzy hurried along. Not knowing what else to say, I got up and started to make my way out.

I knew I couldn't expect the same thing as my last two trips.....even if it looked like it could set up that way. But I'd pushed my luck enough, I supposed. With that, I left Lizzy's apartment and closed the door behind me, yet I stayed in the hall.

I told myself I should leave now, but my feet stayed stuck. I didn't know what I was expecting or hoping for -- though I stopped guessing when I heard from behind the door, "Damnit, it's gone!"

I was too confused to leave now, especially when Lizzy suddenly opened the door. She looked annoyed and frustrated, but when she saw I was actually still there, she softened up a little. "Sorry," she quietly said as she calmed down further. "That....wasn't about you."

"That narrows it down," I quipped. It might have been harsher than I intended, so I got out a sorry before Lizzy let me back in.

When she closed the door, she explained, "I did have a long day. Still coming off a long Globes weekend, really. I figured I could....relax and be fresh and ready before you came here. But I lost track of time and I....didn't get done relaxing. Not as much as I wanted. I guess that made me antsy."

If I hadn't seen Lizzy's 'relaxing' techniques 11 years ago, maybe I wouldn't suspect a deeper meaning now. Some of it wasn't that much of a cover anyway. Hell, maybe I was wrong and she was on the level. Either way, I said, "I get it. I can still leave and let you relax again."

"That'd be nice, if I hadn't lost the mood. I was so close to it before, and now I gotta start all over again. Who knows how long that'll take?" Lizzy lamented. "I got too upset to stay ready."

"Is that my fault?" I had to ask.

"No, no! Well, not directly," Lizzy answered. She then sighed and continued, "It's not you. We used to work together, apparently, and now you're gonna get me back in with the Plastics. Except Regina, apparently. So I shouldn't take it out on you. You can go if you want."

"I don't want it to feel awkward if we see each other again," I stated, borrowing Tina's past excuse. I thought it out some more, sat next to her on the couch and let myself ask, "If there's any way I can help you relax....I'm in no rush. Really. Whatever you might need."

At this point, I could still claim innocence and say I thought she really meant "relax." By that skin of my teeth, I could make this offer and look okay if I read it wrong. Or my luck could be due to run out after all.

"I did it by myself before and almost got there," Lizzy broke the silence. "But I might need more to get that close again."

She still hadn't made the subtext 100 percent clear -- 80 percent, maybe. I studied her body language again, yet gave myself more freedom than before. I saw how she looked less stiff, and how her green blouse and black skirt clung to her in the process. I saw her legs weren't rubbing together, but she did cross one over the other to show off more tempting skin.

I looked up and saw the bit of exposed, tempting skin on her chest, although a lot more seemed to be hidden below. I only let myself see that for a second, but when I looked up and saw the sultry tinge in Lizzy's green eyes and developing smile, I lingered longer.

"Is that a yes?" I got out. "Are you getting more relaxed already?"

"I'm starting to think you might....help me get there," Lizzy commented, sounding more blatant and sexy.

She inched herself closer to me, which gave me the confidence to reach for her bare knee. When I got there and felt it -- and saw it as a final go ahead -- I responded, "Then I'd better get to work."

Before Lizzy could do anything, I got off the couch and kneeled down in front of her. Once she uncrossed her legs, I went right between them without even removing her skirt. I felt her up at first and detected a lack of panties, then lifted her skirt up and got right to work.

It was clear she really had been working on herself recently, even if she hadn't gotten all the way. Yet either her past work or my skills made her groan louder when I got going. I made myself believe it was both, but when my tongue circled her and my fingers grazed her before going deeper, I could believe it was mostly me now.

"Oh, fuck," I heard Lizzy exclaimed. "Put it in me. Tongue first," she instructed. I followed orders and let my tongue slide all over her, while my hands rested on and rubbed her upper thighs. "Mmmm....hands now," she instructed next.

She said hands plural, but I cheated anyway. I just put my left hand next to my face, keeping my right hand on her right leg. Lizzy had less reason to nitpick when I put my left forefinger in her, then licked the right of her pussy and suckled on her there.

"Oh, that's it....wiggle em," Lizzy moaned. My finger went as far into her as it could and rubbed her, while my tongue licked her from side to side and then up and down. She sounded impressed with how I followed directions.

When my thumb caressed her below her pussy, Lizzy all but squeezed my head with her legs. Undeterred, I finger fucked her faster while licking her and stroking her leg all at once, then removed my finger and put my tongue back in without missing a beat. As for my finger, it and the rest of my left hand palmed her inner thigh, while my right did the same to the other one.

I pushed Lizzy's legs further apart, then decided I finally needed a better view. My right hand went behind her and Lizzy pushed her hips up, giving me room to lower her zipper and push her skirt down. When I got it off her legs and left her pussy exposed, I put my thumb at the bottom and let my tongue go to the top.

My forefinger and thumb rubbed her below while my teeth, lips and tongue worked on top, making Lizzy cry out longer. "Fuck me....fuck me, I'm getting there again...." she praised. If she'd gotten that close before and couldn't finish before I got there, I'd have to add something extra.

I put my thumb into her next, which I presumed she could have done herself earlier. She couldn't keep her tongue on her pussy at the same time, though. It kept licking the top as I fucked her harder and deeper, only to have my tongue dive right back in the second I removed my thumb.

"Ugh, yeah, harder," Lizzy urged. I tried licking her deeper, but perhaps that wouldn't cut it. When my tongue found her clit, I got a better idea.

My forefinger and thumb returned to get a hold of her clit, tugging on it while I licked up every inch of her. Lizzy groaned deeper and breathed heavily, pushing herself onto my face and fingers. This helped distract her while I worked out my final move.

In short order, I put my left index finger and forefinger into her, placed my left thumb underneath her pussy, placed my right fingers and thumb next to them, and put my tongue back on top of her opening. They all fucked, rubbed, tweaked and licked Lizzy up accordingly.

"Oh, fucking God!" Lizzy called out. "Fuck, it's coming! Fuck, it's about time....fuck!" she gasped as she began letting herself go.

I took my fingers out and put my tongue back inside Lizzy, right as she started cumming on it. My lips covered her up as well, helping me catch and swallow what she gave me. My tongue left her as she came down and rested against her lips, then my lips left her.

My fingers gave her a few final rubs before I finally looked back up. Lizzy laid her head back, looking quite overcome and satisfied. "Oh, I was looking forward to that all day....worth waiting after all," she muttered.

"Thanks," I said. After a few more moments, I got on my feet and asked, "So you are relaxed now?"

"Yep," she replied. "That's always been relaxing for me." She paused and added, "So I know how it must be for people other than me." I didn't miss that she wasn't looking at my face anymore.

"Wait...." it dawned on me. "You sure you're not too relaxed?" I double checked. If she was too relaxed and really needed rest -- or couldn't get enough energy back for the job -- it wouldn't be worth it.

"I got some reserves left for this," Lizzy quipped. On that, she sat herself up and put her hands on my hips before I could move. Once she made sure I wasn't leaving, her right hand lowered my zipper, reached in and pulled me out.

Without another word, she lowered her mouth on me and started sucking. And God, it was worth it.

Lizzy gulped me down deep to set the tone, before massaging me more slowly. Her lips and tongue went up and down my shaft as she moaned quietly, yet she got louder before she came off. Without pausing, her mouth went to my underside and kissed it deeply, with the tip of her tongue soon replacing her lips. It went all the way to the bottom of my cock and went back up, right as her left hand grasped my wet erection.

She pumped me below and resumed suckling my tip and head above, while moaning and dabbing her tongue on me. Her eyelids lowered as her alluring green eyes looked up at me, seeing me visibly melt at her skills.

It was a blowjob that made my toes curl into my shoes, and made most of the rest of my body tingle. Lizzy took her time and made sure every inch of my cock was taken care of in some way. I didn't know if she learned this on her own or learned it in some way thanks to "Masters of Sex," but I couldn't look into it at that time.

Lizzy put both hands on my shaft and concentrated her lips and tongue on my head, kissing and rubbing it on her lips. She took her lips lower and removed her right hand, promptly taking the top half of my cock into her hot mouth and bobbling down. Her left hand pumped me in tune with her mouth stroking me, as her right went right onto my ass.

Although Lizzy had been so vocal and descriptive when I blew her, I had no words for my part. I didn't have the capacity to come up with them -- at least words other than "Ugh." Since my hands were just hanging there, I thought they could show my appreciation for me.

My right tried by going onto Lizzy's cheek, resisting the urge to push her head down further. Instead, I brought it to the back of her neck, rubbing my thumb gently over the front to sooth her. The next thing I knew, Lizzy licked up my cock, blew on it and then kissed up to my head, so I presumed it worked.

My left hand tried to massage her neck and shoulder too, which made Lizzy keep moaning on me. Maybe she would have regardless, but I wasn't about to make her come off and answer. However, she came off me anyway.

With nothing on my cock, I took my hand off her in a bit of childish revenge -- or maybe just to put something on there. Before I could take over the job, though, Lizzy's hands went on her blouse instead of me. She lifted it over her head and threw it away, leaving her completely nude, as it turns out.

I didn't see any nudity from Lizzy 11 years ago. I did see a share of it on "True Blood" and "Masters of Sex" so I already knew what I missed out on. But knowing it and seeing it were two different things, as I remembered while seeing her full breasts rise and fall. They must have been right between a B and C-cup -- maybe a B+.

I had no vocal comment, and neither did Lizzy -- aside from her mouth going back on me. My hands rested on her shoulders again, but it was clear she wanted them lower. There was little else I wanted at that point too.

Once I grabbed a hold of Lizzy's supple breasts, I pushed them up and put my palms on her nipples. I rubbed them as Lizzy rubbed my shaft, making us both moan in the process. I found my voice while cupping her tits and feeling her cup my balls, although it still just said, "Fuck, yes...."

All of a sudden, Lizzy remembered to unbuckle my belt and take my pants and underwear down. I wanted to get them off my ankles, but I couldn't once Lizzy put her hands on my bare ass and went back to town.

Gripping my ass tightly and pushing it forward, Lizzy bobbed up and down like I was really fucking her mouth. I almost did it myself, but I kept my hands on her tits and pushed them up in lue of pushing her head down. However, she got me down my throat without my help.

I groaned to the heavens at that point, distracting me from Lizzy popping her mouth off. Strangely, she went the opposite approach from before and licked me all too slowly. The tip of her tongue dug into my slit, only to slide right down my shaft in a torturously slow manner.

I kept speaking in only groans as Lizzy wrapped her lips around me, sucked oh so gently and moaned oh so deeply. She popped off, came back on and did the same, only with her tongue back on my slit. She came off, repeated the process and added a doe eyed glare up at me.

Just when I thought I could take no more, Lizzy broke the gentle treatment and sucked me right down into her throat. I held onto her tits and tried to hold onto my cum for dear life, but Lizzy tried to suck it down directly. When it seemed she'd get close, she came off and completely let go of my cock, leaving me in hellish limbo.

I almost forgot my pride and asked, "Please...." until Lizzy spared me by putting her tongue on my slit. She kept her mouth open and licked it up in plain sight, then slowly put her hands on my ass and her lips around my head. Finally, she moaned what sounded like approval for me to let go, with her lovely eyes encouraging me even further.

A few more suckles was all the added approval I needed, and all I could take.

I exploded right onto Lizzy's tongue and mouth, hoping I didn't churn out more than she could handle. She swallowed the opening spurts, but came off and let me land the rest into her open mouth. Mine was open for different reasons by then.

After I finally got everything out, Lizzy closed her mouth, kissed my tip before it started deflating, and sat back down with a smirk. I didn't have that much energy for a while, as I merely had enough to collapse next to her on the couch. My bare ass was on it, but so was hers, so I had an excuse -- if I cared to make one.

I had no comment on anything at that moment, leaving Lizzy to break the silence. "Interesting style you're going with," she noted, making me remember I was the only one with clothes on. With my shirt and shoes still on and my pants and underwear around my ankles, I looked as messy as Lizzy looked stunning -- nearly.

"Would you feel better if we matched?" I asked, risking that she wouldn't want to. When Lizzy reached up and fiddled with the top button on my shirt, I figured it paid off.

I kicked my shoes off and finally got my pants and undergarments on the floor. As for my shirt, I got it off myself and spared Lizzy the work. However, she worked on my chest in another way by kissing down to my nipples.

For symmatry's sake, I put my hands back on her nipples in return. I hoped this gave me the go ahead to kiss them as well -- but I remembered there was something else I hadn't kissed. Going by the principle of 'first things first,' I chose to kiss Lizzy's mouth instead.

While I knew her lips felt soft and hot on my cock, she had enough of that left over for my lips too. Her tongue slowly met mine as her hand went into my hair, and I kept one of mine on her tits. My free hand went onto her lower back and lowered her onto the couch, helping her to truly relax.

I laid on top of Lizzy and kept kissing her slowly, not caring that my cock wouldn't feel the side effects for a while. Lizzy was more likely to get going again right now, so my left hand moved down her body as my mouth moved down to her neck. Her husky moans gave me a tiny little tingle, but that was all I could muster for now -- perhaps not for too long, though.

As for her, I gave her more to go on when my finger returned to her pussy. It circled her gently while my mouth nibbled on her upper chest. At last, I reached her full breasts and pushed her right one up as my lips latched on.

"Mmm....think you can get me wet again?" Lizzy challenged.

"One of us should be," I muttered into her breast.

"We can be more ambitious than that," Lizzy argued, as I felt her hand drift down.

"I think you drained me too much for that," I pointed out.

"Then who better to fill you back up, right?" she counter pointed as she held my flaccid cock.

Despite her hand's talents, I wasn't gonna get back up any time soon. However, Lizzy had other tactics. Although I couldn't really go into her yet, she guided my head to her pussy and rubbed it against her lips. Admittedly, it gave me some sensation, and it sounded like she was getting some too.

Lizzy wrapped her legs around my waist and began dry humping against me, letting our bare, drained genitals rub up on each other. With her tit in my mouth and free hand, and her groans serving as a soundtrack, I saw and felt a method to the madness.

Both my hands went onto her hips as my lips went to her left breast. I got into humping her body and helped her tits bounce as a side effect, while I went back and forth on them. Eventually I went back to her mouth, just in time to cover both our moans.

I'd gotten up to half mast by now from rubbing against Lizzy. To get the rest of it up, I took my growing cock and rubbed my head onto Lizzy's lower lips again. I didn't go in, although I could have now, but gliding and teasing her opening was enough at the moment.

Lizzy stopped humping me and laid back, breaking our kiss. My mouth returned to her neck and my right hand went back on her chest, adding to her sensations. I felt my head getting fuller and wetter against her pussy, with the rest of my shaft not far behind.

"See? There's always something to do," Lizzy bragged, setting up to reach down for my cock and pump it along. She even fingered herself and put some of the juices on my shaft for extra help.

"Hold that thought," I forced out, ready to handle the next step. I moved her hand away from me and grabbed myself, teasing her pussy lips anew. This time, however, I put the head in when I was done.

I slowly started pumping Lizzy and added more of myself with each thrust. Once I got comfortable, I rocked into her and went back to kissing her. But before long, I got all of me into her and I lifted my body up in the process.

I settled into sitting on my knees on the couch, with Lizzy still on her back. She put her legs back around my hips as I reentered her, putting my hands on her waist for added balance. I quickly set a steady pace, leaving Lizzy to sit back and enjoy the show.

She saw me thrust in and out of her, and saw my hand go back to her center for good measure. I teased her with the tip of my left finger, right as my right fingers teasingly slid up her body. They landed on her right breast and stayed there for a while, before making their way to her left.

Lizzy looked and sounded like she was enjoying the journey regardless. She did try to reach towards me, but couldn't get far while she was on her back. I figured I would worry about that later -- yet Lizzy was more impatient.

She bucked herself back against my groin, which didn't strike me as suspicious, or anything less than hot, As it turned out, she was building momentum to rise up, wrap her arms around me and sit up on my lap. All I could do was try not to fall on my back.

Once I managed that, I started trying to adjust to the new position. Lizzy had a head start, holding on tight with her arms and legs and riding herself on me. I still needed to hold onto her in some way, so I settled on holding her ass.

"Hello there," Lizzy teased when I had it all sorted out. She quickly pecked my lips and fucked herself on my cock even quicker. I did make myself catch up and meet her thrusts while keeping my hands locked on her ass.

Lizzy's chest pressed against mine, keeping her tits from bouncing too much -- although they collided onto my chest quite well anyway. I watched her cleavage rise and fall, until I paid more attention further below.

My fingers headed back for her pussy to help Lizzy along, despite how she was helping herself -- and me by extension. Nevertheless, there was no such thing as too much help for her. Both my index fingers did their job to make sure of that.

"Oh, I like that," Lizzy filled me in. "Do you too?" she asked as her hips came down on me harder, skewering my answer.

"I got no complaints," I answered accurately.

"Good," Lizzy said. "Could use a rest, though."

Lizzy actually unwrapped her legs around me, so I thought she was being literal. Before I got too upset, she pushed me down so that my back landed against the couch's arm after all. She kept her hands on my chest to keep me down, then settled herself back on top of me.

In this context, relaxing meant lying on top of me as she slowly rode me again. It seemed to make a difference, as her seductive eyes and sultry smile sure looked relaxed in front of me. Her subsequent kisses were slow, steamy and relaxing as well, as she put a hand on my cheek and slid her tongue past my lips.

My left hand went back to her ass and pussy while my right landed on her hair. She fucked me faster while somehow keeping her kisses slow, although my hips couldn't quite keep up. Yet at that moment, I was content to let Lizzy set the pace.

I had just enough time to be amazed that snarky outcast Janis Ian/snarky actress Lizzy Caplan was doing this to me. Then again, these last several days should have taught me to expect anything. Like the fact I'd probably be cumming soon, despite being so drained earlier.

In that case, I didn't have much time to help drain Lizzy. With that in mind, I pulled out all the stops I had left.

I put my left forefinger back on her pussy, working it over along with my cock. In the meantime, my lips broke from her mouth and went to her left breast, while my right hand pushed up her right breast. Somehow amidst all this, I focused enough to fuck her faster than ever.

It was a four way attack that drove Lizzy out of control, in a nice last minute change of pace. She moaned, yelled out a few fucks, and tried to buck herself back on my hips. But with my cock and finger working her and my mouth and hand working her chest, she was left to just ride it out.

"Fuck me, make me cum!" Lizzy gritted, as if I wasn't going overboard to do that. I did have to slow my cock down so I wouldn't go with her, though. But my finger helped rub her further along, as my teeth and right hand tweaked her nipples enough too. Still, Lizzy's hips seemed to be getting a second wind.

"Come on, cum for me...." I asked, for my sake and hers. Lizzy rode me deeper and helped herself, though I wasn't sure about me.

With time for one last idea, I took my right hand off her tit and put it in front of her pussy -- rubbing it along while my left hand kept rubbing her in back. My mouth caught her breast and suckled it to add one more surge of pressure.

"Yes! Yes, fucking...." Lizzy left hanging in lue of more moans. The last few seemed to signal that I'd done the trick.

I suckled her nipple deeply one last time and pulled away, as my fingers and cock got her to the finish. Lizzy threw her head back and grabbed my shoulders, helping her stay steady as she rode her orgasm on me.

I closed my eyes to ride out her release, making sure to look away when I opened them. I felt Lizzy's hips slowing down and heard her pant in relief -- though she'd probably remember my relief hadn't come before long.

It didn't come at that moment, judging by how she laid back on the couch and slipped off me.

I finally looked down to see Lizzy on her back, catching her breath. My cock was now out of her, erect and fairly wet. I looked at how close it was to going off, then looked down at Lizzy in the midst of her afterglow -- exhausted, satisfied and sexy as hell.

The kind of sight that would make someone jack off then and there.

All things considered, that was probably the most fitting way to end this. Even if I was the only one who'd really understand how.

Before Lizzy's juices dried too much on my cock, I began pumping. I doubted I'd really need that much, as I studied Lizzy's wet opening and heaving chest before seeing her face. She locked eyes with me before seeing what I was doing, yet she didn't give out any reaction.

Either I fucked them out of her, or she was ready to see the show. Maybe 20 percent of the first, 80 of the other. Either way, it was a show she'd get.

My hand went faster and my thumb rubbed my head, feeling the pre cum coming out. I didn't have a specific plan on where to shoot, as I just wanted to get myself there. For the record, I had her stomach in range by the time I started boiling over.

I was all but lost now -- too much to mind as Lizzy reached over and took the bottom of my shaft. My hand stayed on the top as Lizzy cheated and rubbed me to the finish line.

Since she did, she made sure I shot my first few spurts on her stomach, then went up to her chest. She aimed the last few strands at her neck before we both let go of my shaft. It was deflating again, but it wasn't going back up any time soon. Not before I had to leave, anyway.

There was still a few minutes left before we had to worry about that. I stayed quiet and got my head back in order, while Lizzy cleaned my cum off -- both with a tissue from her skirt and her own fingers. After licking them clean, she sat up and took it all in like I was doing.

"You know I got myself off a lot on the set? Even late at night when no one was there," Lizzy temporarily made my blood go cold. "But clearly you can't get everything by yourself."

"Clearly," was all I had for her.

"You said the reunion's not all set yet. So all that's off the record by default, right?" Lizzy inquired.

"Well....I can keep a secret if you can," I answered, knowing well it was one of the most truthful things I'd ever said.

But I had two chances left to top that. Among other things I could wind up topping. As improbable as that looked right now.


Mean Girls Reunion 4: Amanda Seyfried
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2020, 04:39:13 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion 4:  Amanda Seyfried

Originally published November 2013


Amanda Seyfried was the newcomer on the Mean Girls set. Lindsay was the big star, Tina, Lacey and Lizzy all had prime time TV experience, and even Rachel had a body swapping Rob Schneider film under her belt. But Amanda just had a few years of soap opera work on her filmography, but Mean Girls would be her very first movie -- making her new to this side of the business, just like me. In a way.

I told myself it was a big reason why I couldn't take my eyes off her. It wasn't just her own incredible blue/green eyes, blonde hair, bright face and irresistible figure. At least those weren't the only reasons.

Yet after the mishaps with Lacey, Tina and Lizzy, I felt nervous about the same thing happening with Amanda. I knew I should have been excited and hopeful, though. She was just starting out in the movies, but I could tell she wouldn't be an unknown for long. If she was ever not going to be untouchable, this would be it.

But although I wasn't star struck or intimidated by Lacey, Tina or Lizzy, Amanda made me more....hesitant. I told myself I'd stumbled onto moments with them, and now thinking of it was throwing me off. If I just let it happen, something weird and hot would come up, as it had before.

Yet nothing did. It wasn't for lack of talking to her or trying to bond, though.

Whenever I was nearby and Amanda needed something, I helped get it for her. When I ran into her heading to the set in her sexy Santa costume, I kept eye contact throughout -- though that had its own set of problems. I appreciated her smiles and nods at me whenever she noticed me, and admired how she could go from playing a total dimbulb to being super bright off camera.

On her last day of shooting, I found her alone as she prepared to leave. I wished her luck and told her how this was my first film experience as well -- and joked that this would be a fun thing to look back on at the Oscars in 10 years.

She said, "I hope so too," with her big smile, then left after giving me a hug goodbye. It came too fast for me to savor her chest against mine, or to really hold her right back. Perhaps I was overconfident that this would set up something more, after coming close to it so many times on this set.

But Amanda left and took those hopes with her. And my ever growing "What could have been" list of fantasies had a new, perhaps permanent leader.

January 2014

I'd done a good job repressing and ignoring my old thoughts about Amanda. The old and new thoughts about Lacey, Tina and Lizzy certainly helped. In fact, they made me less nervous and intimidated by the time I reached out to Amanda.

Unfortunately for me, she had the busiest movie career of the group other than Rachel, who'd already been too busy to come onboard. So it didn't bode well when her agent told me she was on a shoot.

It bode somewhat better when he called me back an hour later. It got much better when he said Amanda did want to talk to me -- and do it in person. I was somewhat deflated when he said she couldn't until two days from now. But when he shared the next bit of news, I stayed high for the next 48 hours.

The nerves came back when I reached the restaurant Amanda would allegedly meet me at for dinner. I was told she'd meet me there when the shoot was over -- and I held back fears that she wasn't coming for about 10 minutes. It was better than five or two, like I expected.

Yet right after the 11'th minute, I saw someone coming.

I'd seen other women come by and been disappointed that they weren't Amanda. But when I saw an unmistakably familiar, unmistakably gorgeous blond in a light green dress, I had no problem letting that disappointment go. "Sorry I'm late," Amanda Seyfried added.

"Sure," I blurted without thinking. "Another thing to laugh about at the Oscars, then," I said with even less thought, since she was less likely to remember a 10-year old joke from a crewman.

"If you meet me there this time, I will. I'm the only one who went there on schedule this year, so don't put this on me," Amanda answered.

Oh, right. She was at the Oscars with the Les Miserables cast, 10 years after my joke. She remembered the irony and I didn't. Now I was the one laughing, almost in spite of myself.

Amanda broke out into a smile when I composed myself, conceding, "Well, better late than never." She went over for another hug, and this time I fully joined in.

When we broke, I led her into the restaurant and we were sent to our table. After we settled in and ordered, Amanda clarified why we were here.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to talk on the set. Like, really talk," she said. "Doing it on the phone or through my people seemed too impersonal. I mean, look at this. We started out together, kind of, and now here we are again. I figured that was worth a nice night to ourselves."

First, I made sure this dinner was all that came to mind as the definition of a 'nice night.' Then I made sure to warn her, "Well, we're not there yet. If you're in, we've gotta pick a free date you can drop by on. One that matches with the others."

"You got the others?" Amanda asked.

"Most of them," I had to recap. "Lacey, Tina and Lizzy are in. Rachel couldn't make it. And....the big get is next," I faced up to. "And that's gonna make or break this whole thing."

"I heard Lindsay was doing good," Amanda encouraged.

"Either that or she's covered up her antics better. She had to figure out how eventually, right?" I joked, albeit cautiously in case Amanda was still close with Lindsay. "Who knows with her? I guess I'll find out in a jiff now."

"Your magazine won't do this without her?" Amanda wondered.

"They never said that. But a Mean Girls reunion without both Lindsay and Rachel? Even if they do it, it's not gonna sell as much. Not even with you guys," I admitted. "If I get Lindsay, they won't mind that Rachel's not there. If I don't....it'll be more unpredictable. Even more unpredictable than actually having her there."

"So....you're warming up with me before you get to her," Amanda stated more than asked.

"Well, now I have good memories to take with me into battle," I said without thinking. This time I felt better about it, especially when Amanda smiled.

"You must have a lot of those already. If you talked to Tina, Lacey and Lizzy," Amanda nitpicked. "How are they?"

Without going into ultra graphic detail, I could only say, "You can find out when I get the shoot ready. Might as well think positive, right?" I dodged.

Amanda nodded, making me breathe an inner sigh of relief. There was no need for that graphic detail, since I didn't want gossip hounds and paparazzi spies hearing that about the others. That was the sole reason.

I stayed in thought until they brought us our appetizers. By then, my mind wandered enough that I had to say out loud, "I can't believe you remembered me. Or at least our broken Oscar date."

"I didn't until the Oscars," Amanda admitted, which was a little deflating. She seemed to notice that, backpedaling, "I mean, I did remember you. It's the movie that got me started, so of course I remember pretty much everything. But when I got my Oscar invitation, I just....remembered that part much better. And how right you were."

Amanda's huge eyes got even wider as she continued, "I know I didn't have to do much to get there. For that movie, anyway. But like you said, in just 10 years I got to the Oscars. You believed that right from the start. Or you didn't think it was a total joke." She brushed it off and finished, "Either way....you were the first regular person to think I'd go that far."

"It wasn't that hard to figure out," I said honestly. "Gorgeous newcomers who clearly aren't plastic....they tend to find their footing. Faster than most."

I didn't give Amanda much time to look flattered before I went on. "Let's leave Lindsay aside. Other than her, look at every single one of you. You and Rachel are flat out movie stars, Tina's a TV legend, Lizzy's having her dramatic breakthrough as we speak, and Lacey can still set everyone on fire. All that in 10 years."

I added the sad asterisk, "And now everything I've done the last 10 years....is in Lindsay Lohan's hands."

I should have stuck with just praising Amanda and the others. Yet despite bringing the mood down again, Amanda still didn't hold her against me. "Maybe I could call her first? I probably can't see her with you....but I can give her a good pitch before you seal the deal."

"No, I don't want you to...." I paused to make sure I said this right. "Don't put yourself through that for me. Agreeing to do the shoot is enough. I should make sure there is one myself."

"You're sure?" Amanda double checked. I nodded before I got too touched by her concern. She backed off and decided, "Well, I can still give you those happy memories before battle. That much I can make time for."

Amanda used her time well as the evening went on. I put work aside and focused on catching up with her, like I had with Tina. Yet this played out like regular old dinner conversation between old friends -- a new twist to this whole series of events. After all the insane setups and antics of the last few weeks, this felt....almost normal.

I shouldn't have liked normal after all the hot, less than normal things I'd experienced. Of course, having this with a celebrity like Amanda didn't feel normal to me. Regardless, it felt...soothing either way. And it had little to do with the wine.

The wine notwithstanding, we walked out on our own two feet and I still felt clear headed. So I couldn't use that to explain why I saw a limo pulling up. Amanda said it was hers and she'd take me wherever I wanted to go -- which struck me as a better explanation.

Home was about a half hour away, so I had time to savor being in a limo for the first time. It also helped me savor Amanda sitting next to me, with lights highlighting her flawless face, eyes, lips and hair. "You're so gorgeous..." I let escape in a whisper -- but not a quiet enough one.

"Thanks," was all she said, albeit just a little louder than me. Maybe I made her awkward - or maybe I said it with more reverence than the average person. Maybe the wine was talking to her more than me.

Regardless, when I brought myself to look at her again, we both shared a nervous chuckle. I was surprised she sounded as nervous, but she looked more okay as time went on. Just to be safe, I looked away every few seconds -- while I still had the power to -- yet that power began to fade fast.

"Making happy memories. To get you through the hard stuff," Amanda recapped. That was starting to be an ironic choice of words.

"If I thought about this, I might tune Lindsay out too much," I warned.

"I can see how that'd be weird for her," Amanda noted.

I would be paying enough attention to her when/if I got to see her. I had no choice, really. But I had a choice to think about better things now, before I put my future on the line. Compared to those stakes, focusing on Amanda was much better and much less risky.

I was only emboldened enough to get halfway to kissing her, though. Fortunately, Amanda took it from there.

She placed her full, pretty lips onto mine, breaking just after I'd closed my eyes and pressed back. She came right back a second later, when we both got into sync. My right hand went onto her cheek like a magnet, giving her face the same feathery touch I gave her lips. Before long, however, both touches got deeper and hotter.

My left hand didn't know what to do, or which part of Amanda's body to touch. It settled for her left leg, allowing me to feel another silky bit of skin. Her tongue joined the club soon after, gliding into my mouth as my hand glided up her leg. Yet just as my right hand got into her even silkier hair, she stopped all of my paths.

Amanda pulled back and took my hand off her leg -- only to put her hands on them. But their real target was the bottom of her dress, as she got it up enough to expose her panties. She sat back down with the bottom of her dress around her waist, and her covered private parts in clear view for me.

"Okay, then...." I muttered. Putting my hand back on her leg, I slid further up and drifted to her undergarment. I brushed the tip of my forefinger against her, but upped the ante by pressing my whole hand on her. After palming her a few times, Amanda started moaning and arching her hips up.

"I should get more comfy," Amanda reasoned. Backing away from me again, this time she went to the right side of the seat and laid her back against the wall. Her legs were open, so I would have to lie on my stomach and put my head between them. In little time, that's just what I did.

Amanda looked down and put her hand in my hair while I put my tongue on her panties. I made them wetter in at least two ways, before going over to lick the bare skin on her right thigh. Meanwhile, my left hand finally dipped into her underwear and began playing.

There was only so much I could do with that setup, so I had to sit up and help Amanda get her panties off. Once they were tossed aside, I laid back down and wasted no time getting to her bare center. I kissed it like I kissed her other lips at first, but this time I used my tongue a lot faster and harder.

Amanda groaned as I made out with her pussy, with her pushing it against me to sell the effect. In short order, I wrapped my lips around her clit and suckled, bobbing my head up and down to sell another effect. Finally, I put my hands on her hips and thrust my tongue in and out of her, for one last recreation.

"Yeah, fuck me...." Amanda asked, her sweet voice now tinged with naughtiness. My forefinger joined in as a more effective fucking tool, entering her while my tongue licked the top of her pussy. For Amanda's part, she thrust her hips back and forced more of my finger in her, beginning to fuck herself on me.

My tongue stayed on her and she somehow didn't give me a bump on the head. Speaking of big bumps, my free right hand went onto her dress, right below the bumps on her chest. I didn't know whether to go higher yet, or how I would do it, but Amanda solved it for me.

She put my hand on her covered right breast, which was the second best solution she could have used. Nevertheless, feeling ample flesh and smooth fabric all at once wasn't a bad runner up choice. Combined with my finger digging deeper and my tongue making her wetter all over, it blended in perfectly.

The position wasn't the most comfortable, though. To fix that, I needed a sacrifice.

I licked her up as deep as possible while fucking her and groaping her harder. As Amanda groaned louder -- and we forgot if the limo was sound proof or not -- I tried to get as much of her taste on my tongue as I could.

I didn't bother closing my mouth as I sat up, put my finger back in Amanda and pressed my body against hers. Her back was still on the car wall and I made sure there was no escape. As my thumb rubbed her on top, like my tongue had done, I kissed her and tasted even more of her.

Amanda tasted herself and my own tongue while I fucked and rubbed her below. My right hand stayed on her clothed tit, but Amanda used her hands to lower her dress straps through it all. She then pulled the front of her dress down and exposed her tits in full.

They were tits I saw in several freeze frames for Chloe and Lovelace -- yet they could only be fully appreciated in person. A 36C at the least, Amanda's chest shook as she arched her back and rode my finger. My right hand returned to her now bare right breast, and the difference was undeniable.

It also helped to have my mouth suckle her nipple and lick her areola as well

"Oh, fuck yeah, baby," Amanda cooed, her hips thrusting faster. Between that, my finger, both my thumbs rubbing sensitive areas and my mouth devouring another, she was probably close. As such, I could afford to take my hand off her breast and put it into her hair -- fisting some of it as I felt her tightening up.

"Ooh, so good," Amanda curiously said, even after I grabbed her hair. I shrugged off any meaning about that, focusing on making her cum. My finger pumped into her even faster and I nibbled her nipple for extra help. Once my hand ran through enough of her hair, it went back on her cheek and glided its thumb past her lips.

This helped Amanda startle me by taking my thumb into her mouth. I wasn't necessarily going for that -- but as I looked up and saw her suckle me, her eyes giving a sultry half-lidded gaze down at me, I let it slide. And let my finger fuck her harder as a thank you.

Amanda hummed around my thumb before letting it out, now free to scream, "Fuck, make me cum all over....fuck, I'm cumming all over!"

With that, I gave her breast a last big suckle, helping to make her prediction come true. I felt her cumming on my finger and hand, but I chose to look at Amanda's orgasmic face instead. It quivered and turned red as she closed her eyes and parted her moaning lips. Yet she was able to look at me as she came down.

Amanda let out more big groans as her orgasm subsided, her eyes opened wider and her lips started to close. She was somewhat composed while I took my hand off her groin and brought it to my mouth. When I finished licking it up, she went over to kiss me and taste herself again.

We merely kept pecking as Amanda closed her legs and put her feet back on the floor. I was too distracted to see her right hand heading for my pocket, until it tried to get in. I broke off and helped make it easier -- then she thanked me by reaching over to touch my cock.

Her left hand grabbed the visible bulge in my pants and pushed it over to my pocket. There, her right thumb brushed itself over my cock head, despite the barriers between them. As for Amanda's still visible left hand, it made its way to my zipper.

"After all that and this....I am not gonna last...." I warned. I feared I'd deterred her too much when she took her hands away. Instead, she left the seat and sat on her knees in front of me, before her hands went back to my zipper.

When she got it down, she went for my belt and quickly lowered my pants down. Even then, I couldn't stop myself from warning, "Seriously....you don't have to do much...."

"Then I should use the good stuff while I can," Amanda reasoned. That certainly described putting her tits on my shaft.

She fucked my cock with her chest, not even bending down to lick my exposed head. Somehow I kept from cumming, not even taking the risk of fucking her back. Still, I had to give a few thrusts between those ample beauties -- but five was my limit.

Amanda was almost psychic in taking her tits off then, if not disappointing. But when she opened her mouth and bent her head down, she was on her way to making up for it. Or she would if she put herself on my cock at all.

All she did was go down on me without putting her lips or tongue on me. With her mouth wide open, Amanda merely breathed on me before coming off, then did it two more times. The effect was torturous, until she came down and put her lips halfway down my shaft. Yet it came back when she didn't suckle me.

Amanda merely slid her lips up my cock without licking or sucking me. She didn't even put her hand on me, leaving me in complete limbo. Finally, her lips went onto my head and her tongue barely poked out, slowly teasing my slit as she kissed me and hummed, her eyes giving me a sweet glare up this time.

At this point, the slightest teasing and seductive look would get me close. But Amanda still drew it out by softly kissing and licking my head, with no other part getting attention. She then opened her mouth over me again and put her tongue on my tip -- right as her hand cupped my balls.

Finally having hand contact down there -- especially down there -- was nearly enough. Amanda jiggling my balls, saying "I wanna see that cum come out," then licking up my shaft and getting in two precious suckles -- well, that crossed the nearly out.

Amanda opened her mouth again right as I came, shooting onto her lips before spewing onto her tongue. She didn't close her mouth over me or grab my shaft, so only most of the rest landed in her mouth. The rest slid down her lips and onto her chin, but she wiped it off as she swallowed the rest down.

After she finished, I struggled to get my head on straight. While getting me off that way had it's....perks, I wondered why she went that way. Was she getting fancy because that was the end of this?

Since we were probably almost home, would she just drop me off and leave now? Even if I could get another load together, did it matter?

"You said you were going soon," Amanda interrupted. "So I figured I shouldn't use all my tricks. Save them for later."

With that, at least most of my important questions were answered. It held me over as Amanda fixed her dress and covered herself up again. I bothered to do the same right as the limo stopped.

We were home, but I couldn't bring myself to get out yet. On the other hand, Amanda stepped out and seemed to be going over to the driver -- who'd either been shielded from this or been one stealthy pervert. Either way, Amanda soon came back and got me to leave the limo -- which drove away on cue after I shut the door.

"He'll be back in time to get me to the set," Amanda assured. "But until he gets back..."

She gestured to my home and made my throat close up for a brief second. Despite the various hotels, apartments and bedrooms I'd been in during these....events, I'd never done any of it in my own home. Or brought a famous person into my own home.

It was intimidating -- but I remembered she probably wouldn't have much time for a grand tour. Not for more than one room.

With a few nerves still inside me, I still led Amanda to my front door. When we got past it, I gave her time to look around, then put a tentative hand on her shoulder. I didn't know if she wanted to get right to it, sit on the couch and talk, sit on the couch and do it, or some other combination. I hoped her reaction would give me a clue.

She turned around, smiled and gave me a small but steamy little kiss. The mystery seemed solved by then.

With that clarity, I took her hand and led her to my staircase. If I didn't, I'd have probably taken her on the living room floor, even with my cock still in recovery. For this, I wanted a bed -- my bed.

Once we entered my bedroom, I got to work unzipping and unbuckling my pants, instead of letting Amanda do it again. She was busy getting her dress off again, leaving her in nothing but her panties by the time I got my pants and underwear off. I knew I didn't look like I had much to offer right now, yet she had to know better.

Amanda came up and stopped me from unbuttoning my shirt. Instead, she backed me up to the bed and I had no choice but to lay on my back. She joined me and settled on top of me, kissing my neck as she unbuttoned me myself.

My flaccid cock was pressed against the soft skin of her stomach, so that helped it along. When she undid the last button, pulled both sides apart and laid the soft skin of her chest against mine, it helped more considerably. Yet Amanda still topped herself by kissing down to my chest and tonguing my nipples, like I tongued hers in the limo.

She didn't have as much mass to kiss and play with as I did, but she made do. It made me both raging and relaxed all at once, if that was possible. I watched and admired how serene her face was as she lavished my breasts and pecs. It made me serene enough to put my hand in her hair and softly stroke the back of her neck.

Feeling two wonderfully soft textures in my hand, combined with the soft touch of Amanda's lips and tongue, put me on cloud nine. I knew I had to stop her soon so I could pay her back, but I just had to enjoy it a while longer.

When she looked up at me and glided her face, lips and tongue down toward my bellybutton, I figured I had to get moving. To that end, I took her face and helped it go right back up towards mine.

After a few moments of kissing and licking, I rolled Amanda onto her back. I got my shirt completely off before settling on top of her, enjoying our completely nude bodies being pressed together. My lips went down to her neck, nuzzling it while quietly enjoying the honeydew scent from her hair.

I had to go down to enjoy her breasts some more, though. This time I went back and forth between both boobs, while my hands rubbed everything they could get a hold of. They eventually pushed her tits up as I stuck my tongue out to rub and tease her nipples. When I pushed her breasts together, my tongue licked between them until my lips joined right back in.

Amanda moaned quietly, as I felt her hands drifting towards my ass. She would probably go further in a minute, and my cock was already at half mast in anticipation. I didn't want it to be too ready too soon, so I let go of her tits and kissed down her stomach, like she did with me.

I enjoyed tasting and licking more of Amanda, teasing her and trying to give her the same sultry looks. I probably didn't have her talent and resources, though. Therefore, I just settled for reaching her bellybutton -- then backed up and had her roll onto her stomach before I reached her pussy.

Although her lovely tits and face were now buried into the sheets and pillow, her bare back, the back of her bare legs and her round bare ass were on full display. They would do as viable substitutes, especially when my hands rubbed her back and slid down to her ass and legs.

Amanda groaned into the pillow while my fingertips traced the top of her legs. They lightly brushed her full cheeks before my hands fully palmed both of them. I bent down and said, "On your knees," then backed up as Amanda followed instructions and got on all fours.

She looked back at me, clearly puzzled and aroused. I looked away from her face, to the nearly equally stunning sight of her heart shaped ass and pussy bent in front of me. My tongue stuck out to reach her lower lips, while my hands locked onto her ass before pushing it directly into my face.

Now my lips and teeth went to work on her, making her wetter with her juices and mine. "Nice and wet," I muttered and hummed into her, making her moan and arch herself against me.

"Keep going," Amanda called out, which didn't sound like a bad idea. But there were still better ones.

"I'd like to. Something else I'd like more, though," I confessed, driving it home by inserting a finger into her. "Only with bigger tools."

"Ooh, let's go with that, then," Amanda admitted. First I slid my tongue up and down and side to side, squeezing her ass harder in the process. Once I had my fill and she felt wet enough -- to go along with me feeling hard enough -- I was set.

I got up off the bed and stood in front of it, telling her, "Back up, please." Amanda turned her head back, watching herself and me as she crawled backwards, until her ass touched my groin.

I put just enough space between us for my erect cock to push against her. When she looked set, I pushed it in.

While it was old hat to be inside a celebrity -- at least from one specific movie -- this one was a start I wanted to savor. The novelty of doggy style wasn't bad either.

I pushed the first few inches in and fucked her slowly, adjusting to her warmth and this moment in general. Yet Amanda pushed her ass back and took my next few inches in, giving me a clear signal.

I took it to heart, placing my hands on her hips and thrusting into her faster. I didn't put my last few inches in quite yet, although the speed hopefully made her less impatient. I took in the sight of her taking me in, her side boob swaying in my eye sight, and her hair cascading down her shoulders and the side of her face. That was quite enough to make me go the rest of the way.

Once our groins collided, I pumped my hips faster and harder in one big burst. Amanda threw her head back and cried out, taken aback by the surprise if nothing else. But I surprised her again by suddenly slowing down, going back to a steady motion before I lost total control.

"Are you teasing me?" Amanda caught her breath to ask.

"I wouldn't dream of it," I replied. "I've got too much to get to. In such a short time."

"Like what?" Amanda asked curiously, and teasingly.

After thinking about it and reassessing my will power, I pulled out of her. Before I changed my mind, I climbed back into my bed and sat against the wall, patting my lap as Amanda turned around. She crawled over to me, wondering what I wanted her to do, so I settled it and told her, "Turn around and sit down."

Getting the idea, Amanda turned and leaned against me. I maneuvered us so that she was sitting on my lap, lined up with my cock, while her back rested against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I slipped between her lips, causing Amanda to lay her head on my shoulder.

"There....now I can feel everything," I told her. As I started pumping again, my right hand went down to her pussy as my left rose to her breasts. "Feel the inside and outside of that pussy...." I punctuated by rubbing her as I fucked faster. "Those glorious bouncing tits...." I said before bouncing one of them in my hand.

As Amanda moaned and lifted her head up, it was the perfect opening to put my face into her hair. "That golden hair...." I muttered as I shook my face in it, then moved over to her neck. "This smooth neck," I demonstrated by licking, kissing and suckling it. Finally I went up to, "Those soft, juicy lips....the ones on your face, I mean," before covering them.

When we broke, Amanda put her forehead against mine, her entire face flooding my sight. "And those ungodly gorgeous eyes...."

"Yeah, but you can't touch those," Amanda reminded. "I can't finish this blind." Since I was still fucking her, I could only chuckle -- making me both laugh and moan at once. A weird but pleasurable combination in many ways.

"You really put some thought into this," she kept noticing. "You wanted this a while, didn't you? Even back then," she asked as she rode me harder.

"Of course I did," I couldn't help but admit.

"Now I wish you'd told me then," Amanda admitted, stunning me a bit. But not enough to make me ignorant of her hand going to my balls. "I could have needed this back then. All that cum churning just for me," she reflected as she jiggled my sack.

"Uh huh," I gaped out.

"Yeah....I felt how hot, warm and yummy it was in the limo. Probably couldn't have gone 10 years without it," she kept admitting. "It's been half an hour, and I want more now. This time I want all that cum inside me."

"I did put it...." I started before Amanda really slammed her ass down on me.

"I want you to shoot it all in there," she confessed, her wall squeezing my cock to get the point across. "You love all those parts of me? Show it by cumming in one part....I wanna feel it inside, how hot I make you...."

"But inside there....are you...." I tried to ask.

"My guy can get my pills before he gets me. I'll be fine...." Amanda promised. "You won't be fine till you give me all that cum.....I want you to be fine so bad...."

Amanda rode me hard enough that I had to scoot ahead, so I could lay on my back to relax. This officially put her in a reverse cowgirl position, which she used to her advantage. She turned her head and let me see how hot she was, so I helped by putting my hands back on her breast and pussy. Since I could also see her ass jiggle on top of me, I was pretty set.

I looked back and forth between her face and ass, while going back and forth between squeezing her chest and rubbing her pussy. When I tried to do it all at once, Amanda yelled and fucked herself close to the finish. "Yeah, you gonna make me cover you with cum first?"

"Yeah...." I grunted out.

"Come on, let's cover each other," Amanda panted. "Like we should have done then. Cover us now!"

With a hard grunt, I squeezed her right tit and rubbed her pussy furiously, while Amanda rubbed my balls with the same commitment. I squeezed and fucked her harder, of course, especially as her ass jiggled from my thrusts.

I imagined I'd be out of breath in a second, so I really had to hurry. But finally, Amanda's squeals reached a particularly high pitch, which made me lose the rest of my self-control. I didn't know if that meant she was cumming right away, or know which one of us came first -- yet I lost track when I started cumming into her.

My hips froze up as I shot, although Amanda kept gyrating hers. As our orgasms washed over us, she did lose her balance and fall onto me, resting on my chest while she panted. When it felt like we'd both stopped cumming, I came out of her and she rolled off me soon after.

Amanda got some strength back to turn around and face me, only to rest on me once again. This time she was at my side, with her head on my chest and her body against my side. Otherwise, she kept breathing on me without a word, and I had none to offer myself.

All I could do was bask in the sensation and stay in the deep fog it created. Closing my eyes helped -- perhaps too well as I felt myself drifting off.

When I came to, I briefly feared she was already gone. Then it registered that there was something lying against me. Someone, really.

Despite all my recent hookups, I'd never actually slept with any of them, in the most literal terms. Tina was the only one I really shared a bed with afterwards. But apparently, I had been sleeping beside Amanda for hours, and she was sleeping right back. In fact, she was practically cuddling with me.

I looked at her sleeping on my shoulder, with her hands on my chest. Feeling a flood of warmth and comfort, I closed my eyes and draped my left arm around her. I wasn't the biggest cuddler in the world, yet this was a special occasion.

My hand drifted down and over the curve of Amanda's waist, while I savored her bare skin lying against mine. My face dropped down to the top of her head, feeling immediately comfortable. Almost unconsciously, my hand went to the top of her legs, nearly coming between them.

Before I went further, I sat up and put my right arm around her, somehow not waking her up. I softly rubbed her bare back as my left hand settled back between her legs.

This would probably wake her up eventually, and I didn't know if she'd even like that, but I felt a real need to get this in while I could. I wasn't aiming to wake her up for one more full round -- I just needed to take this in.

I kept my eyes closed, soothed by the softness of her back on my hand, the warmth of her front on my chest, the silk of her hair on my face, and the sheer heat of her on my other hand. My finger gently stroked her lower lips, not bothering or risking to press any deeper. It soon went up and down her faster, but without hurry.

I stopped when I heard Amanda moan quietly -- either due to me or her dreams. I didn't dare wake up and see if she was up, just in case. Plus I still wanted some kind of plausible deniability as a backup. Yet I then felt her hand rubbing my chest and nipple -- and the way she tweaked it was too detailed for a sleepwalker.

However, I still kept my eyes closed, not wanting to break the sleepy, sensual mood. On that note, I resumed rubbing between her legs, doing it harder now that I'd woken her. For Amanda's part, her hand kept rubbing me and going down my body.

I kissed the top of her head before her thumb joined in on her pussy. In return, I felt her moan on my collarbone and felt her hand going down to my pubic hair. But Amanda didn't go for my cock or balls, as she settled for resting her fingers beside them.

I tightened my grip around her and let more fingers rub her center. Her response was to move over and rest her hand on my balls, gently running one finger at a time over them. Finally, she went over and grabbed my cock, then guided it so that my head rubbed the entrance of her pussy -- but she wouldn't let it get in.

We both moaned a sleepy, erotic moan, as my head and Amanda's pussy leaked small juices on each other. Amanda took my cock away and jacked it off, then went over and fingered herself, her pussy fresh with her own juices and some of my pre cum. I wanted to get back in the mix -- yet Amanda stopped me by rolling on top of me.

This finally made me open my eyes, to the sight of Amanda's own stunning open ones. She gave me a brief kiss, only to slide down my body. She briefly kissed down my chest along the way, until she had her head over my erection.

"I told you I wanted to save some tricks," Amanda reminded me. With that, she went to work using them.

Her lips slid nearly all the way down my shaft, while her tongue licked me and coated me with saliva. She rose up to suckle and coat my head, leaving her hand to stroke the rest of me. Eventually, she settled on simply bobbing on me, slowly and almost sweetly.

I could only watch as Amanda treated my cock in loving fashion. Yet I did compose myself enough to put a hand on her shoulder and another on her cheek. She kept licking, teasing and swallowing me down as I reveled in her gorgeous face being filled with my cock.

And now it was humming on me to up the ante. Not just for show, either. Once I noticed her other hand was out of view, I realized what it was doing.

Amanda was stroking herself towards climax while sucking me off towards one. She pumped me and herself harder while her mouth devoured my head, but she came off shortly after. At that point, she used her free hand to press my cock against my stomach, so she could lick down from my head to my sack.

I gritted my teeth as Amanda's tongue danced on my balls, all while her hand was stroking my cock. I could even see her ass bucking against her fingers, right as her mouth closed on one ball. She hummed on it, licked on it and sucked it down, then did the same to the other and then both at once, as her hands kept pleasuring both of us.

I could barely help thrusting my balls deeper into her mouth. Amanda merely swallowed deeper until she popped off, yet my cock kept fucking her hand. She moaned from fucking herself harder, but recovered to place her open mouth over me.

"Fuck me," she told me. "One more batch of cum for the road."

Before I could follow her wishes, she batted her tongue on my head and slit before licking down. She licked back up before putting her lips onto me, sucking torturously slow until I thrust up. This made her try to suckle me harder, although I fucked her mouth just enough to make it harder for her.

Regardless, she could still cup my balls and herself at the same time. And she did it well enough to bring us both closer. Amanda helped by tickling my sack with her thumb, as I got deeper and deeper down her throat.

By the time I got completely deep, Amanda was getting close and had to come off. She breathed heavily and right over my head, which actually made me hotter. Her mouth opened an inch away from my cock, as her face struggled to compose herself.

From the sight of her, the pitch of her voice and the movement of her body, she was just about there. When she got there, she cried and groaned right over my head, which practically twitched over the whole package. I tried not to cum on her orgasmic face, or at least hold off until she was done, but it was a struggle.

Somehow I made it, even as Amanda's moans got quieter and she looked at peace. Once she noticed me again, she caught her breath as the afterglow flushed her face. When she got it back, she slid her lips halfway down my shaft and moaned peacefully.

Between that, the serenity on her face and a last swipe of her tongue, I was a goner.

Unlike in the limo, Amanda got every drop of cum into her mouth. Then again, since my head was thrown back, I couldn't see the proof. I felt it enough, though.

Soon enough, I felt Amanda crawl back up to face me. I then felt her kissing me, although she was courteous not to open her mouth after....what she had in it. Without another word, I felt us both drifting back to sleep, our arms settling on whatever body part of the other we could reach.

We only got an extra hour of sleep, since Amanda had to get her limo back here -- and tell her driver how to find her morning after pills. In the meantime, we got dressed and went downstairs to wait, in a silence that should have been uncomfortable.

But it wasn't because this wasn't goodbye -- even if it was goodbye in the bedroom. We'd see each other again at the shoot. And more than ever, I was confident there would be one, regardless of the last obstacle left.

Amanda indeed gave me the happy memories I needed, to carry into the final task. Once her ride arrived and we said our goodbyes, I got myself ready to meet that task head on.

It was just about time to finally face Lindsay Lohan again.

Whether she remembered how our last meeting went or not....well, I still didn't know if that would help or hurt me.


Mean Girls Reunion 5: Lindsay Lohan
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2020, 04:41:04 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion 5: Lindsay Lohan

Originally published in December 2013


When Amanda left, I had just about had it. All these sexually tinged encounters -- whether in my head or not -- all these near misses, and the uncertain future as a whole was doing me in. Before I could cope, I needed a breather.

I marched to the nearest closet I could find, looking for a few minutes to myself. The minute I found one and got inside, I saw how I failed.

I had to step into the one closet where Lindsay Lohan was on her knees, with a cock right in her mouth. Once she saw me and got it out, we both just stayed still and quiet --and so did the guy with the cock, apparently.

"Come fucking on!" I finally called out.

Shaking my head, I sat down on the nearest chair as I heard Lindsay and her 'friend' scatter. I heard the door open and close, but when I looked over, only Lindsay was still there.

"Well, obviously...." Lindsay started but couldn't finish. "I mean, that was...." she still couldn't excuse. Mind you, this was 2003 and Lindsay was still considered a good girl back then -- one of the last time periods where she was. She wasn't as experienced and open at this sort of thing as she's....presumed to be now.

"Look, you work here, right?" Lindsay finally steadied herself. "I've seen you talk to Amanda. This place has been good to you, right?" I couldn't argue, so I stayed quiet, which encouraged Lindsay to add, "If....what you saw doesn't stay between us, it'll be bigger than the movie. Probably wreck it in some ways, really. That's no way to be good to it, really."

"Really?" I asked, perhaps harsher than I should. "The movie's what will get wrecked?"

"Hey, it won't get buzz for the right reasons! Not the reasons Tina and Mark want!" Lindsay argued. "And you think Rachel, Amanda and Lizzy will break out if they're too busy talking about my mouth?" she pointed out. "You don't want their big break ruined, right?"

"That's really all on me?" I nitpicked. "I wasn't the first one in this closet."

"Hey, don't treat me like a criminal!" Lindsay spat. "I'm old enough for that stuff and then some! None of us cheated on anyone, so there!"

"Now you're proud of it? You just said it'd ruin the whole movie and your co-stars. Which is it?" I counterattacked. By then I realized we could go round and round on this all day. I really didn't have the patience or desire for that.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Lindsay actually gave up first. "I just....I never got caught doing stuff like that before. Hell, I just started doing it. I'm getting bigger out there, so if I'm ever gonna do stuff like that and get away with it....I figure I don't have much time left. I guess you made it run out, huh?"

I gave a little laugh, although I wasn't in a laughing mood yet. Lindsay continued with, "I want a little more time to....push myself. Before I gotta go back to being a good girl. Can you just help me do that? Please?"

Under normal circumstances, I'd probably just agree to keep quiet. If I hadn't had any sexually-related encounters with someone from this movie, I'd probably say yes right away. But under these circumstances, this was the breaking point.

Lindsay would get to keep her reputation and cocks, and I'd be left with nothing. Again. Nothing but more blue balls, and a barely plausible dream that I could make this gig start a career.

If I was getting nothing else for it in the future, I needed something now. Something to make the past and the future all worth it, if only for a few glorious minutes.

I deserved some of those minutes, I told myself. I wanted them. And after all those moments with sexy ladies on this set, what better way to top it off? And who better to do it with?

"You want to keep having....secret fun?" I let out.

"I was having it earlier, yeah," Lindsay said.

"But I stopped you before you finished," I recalled. "I don't think he gave you....all the fun you wanted. If you really want it....I wonder how much."

I let my eyes wander over her red top, grey skirt and boots -- and all the shapes and figures they showed off. I actually hoped I was getting hard enough for Lindsay to notice, if she needed the deal sweetened. I was new to the "extort someone for sex" game, so I just went off what perverts in movies would do -- after shaking off comparing myself to them.

Another look at Lindsay's chest, open v-neck, legs, hair and slowly aroused face, and I was able to stomach it.

I settled into my seat and pushed my hands onto my pants, accentuating my bulge. In case she still had time to question this, I started unzipping and unbuckling to distract her. Once I finally exposed my cock on this set, Lindsay gave me her full unquestioning attention.

"Not too shabby," Lindsay said, her raspy voice turning sultry. Maybe she was just putting on a performance, since I practically blackmailed her. Yet she got back on her knees and took me right down her mouth, in the performance of her life.

I was torn between thrusting into her mouth or reaching down to her tits. But when I saw them move in her top, and felt her mouth and tongue work on every inch of me, it was an easier decision. If I didn't distract myself with Lindsay's tits, I'd fuck her mouth way too quickly.

Of course, feeling those plump beauties didn't help me contain myself. Especially when I couldn't feel a bra beneath that sweater.

I reached down further to try and lift her shirt up, while I still could. Lindsay was going faster on my mouth -- for whatever reason -- but I was clearly interrupting her technique. She popped off me right as I almost exposed her chest, then went and did it herself.

Once she was topless, she went back to sucking me, although my attention was down below. I grabbed her again, this time with no barriers between my hands and her tits. The difference was almost overwhelming. Especially when I rubbed Lindsay's nipples enough to make her moan on my shaft.

"Am I gonna make you cum?" Lindsay asked in a teasing, smoky purr. Clearly she was pulling out all the stops to finish me faster. But I didn't care -- and I had to fit in a few things first.

Instead of answering her, I bounced her breasts up before she could suck me again. Getting the message, Lindsay sat up higher and let me place her tits on my cock. She let me stroke myself with her boobs, yet she soon took them off -- only to go down on me and lather me up thoroughly.

With my cock fully wet and even harder due to her moans and seductive eyes, Lindsay tit-fucked my soaking shaft by her lonesome. I sat back and watched the show, almost out of ideas to prolong it. As I realized I might cum soon, I reflected on the things I wouldn't get to do -- which didn't seem fair either.

After letting myself enjoy her tits for two more seconds, I sat up with more effort than ever before. "Go over to the wall. Turn around and put your hands up," I ordered before I lost my nerve. I even nodded my head towards the door, subconsciously reminding her I could still blab if she didn't listen.

Lindsay kept a poker face on, getting up and walking to the nearest wall. She faced it and turned around, leaving her naked back, clothed ass and boots on display. Leaving the boots alone, I sat on my knees and worked on lowering her skirt and underwear instead.

When they came down and Lindsay stepped out of them, her bare, heart shaped ass was right in my face, like I wanted. Wasting no time, I planted my face between her cheeks and my tongue between he pussy lips. Licking her out like a madman, my hands went on her hips and squeezed, as I practically motorboated Lindsay's ass.

I heard her moan as I rapidly licked her up and down -- I assumed it was genuine. She sure felt genuinely wet, though, and I genuinely couldn't get enough. Putting my hands on her ass and jiggling her supple flesh did help.

I wasn't even touching my cock, but Lindsay's taste and her noises weren't helping it go down. Maybe it'd be enough to fuck her for more than a minute, though. I figured this was the time to find out.

To get Lindsay ready, I thoroughly licked every inch of her pussy, then thrust my tongue in several times. When I took it out, I put it below her opening and licked up -- all the way up her pussy and up her ass crack.

After my tongue reached her cleft, I got up before Lindsay could comment on my extra effort. I lined my cock up against her lubed lips, put my chin on her head and thrust in to the hilt. My hands went on her waist to steady her, which also helped me stay steady as I pumped her rapidly.

I looked down and saw Lindsay push her rippling ass against me, then rested my head on her shoulder. My lips went to her ear, nibbling it and breathing my approval and grunts, although my voice couldn't have been as arousing as her's. She further proved it by cooing and cursing her approval, getting herself ready to go off.

I was almost out of tricks to stretch this out more, and almost out of things I had to do. Save for one on both counts.

I made myself pull out of her and take her back to my seat. "What the fuck?" I heard Lindsay groan as she caught her breath. Without answering her in words, I sat back down and had her sit directly on my lap, fitting me right back into her.

With her riding me and facing me, I could finally put my mouth on her bouncing chest. I caught her left breast with my lips, all as my hands slid over her ass. Lindsay bucked on me while her tits bounced onto my face, which went back and forth on each breast as fast as it could.

Finally there was no way around it. My left hand went over to stroke her pussy further, but my right stayed clamped on her ass. Their stimulation, and my oral work on Lindsay's chest, would hopefully be her last straw before mine came.

Unfortunately, it felt like it would be a photo finish.

Before Lindsay could cum on me, I had to get my cock out of her. It did feel like she was cumming right on my balls -- but when I came, it landed up on her tits and neck.

We still rode out our orgasms and the different ways we were painting each other. When I got my bearings, I noted the more visible paint job I left on Lindsay's upper body -- and so did Lindsay.

"I thought you'd let me have it in my mouth," Lindsay reminded. It did seem I denied her that mouthful of cum a second time. I wiped a spurt off her right tit and put my wet finger near her mouth, yet she licked it up too quickly and wiped and licked the rest off herself.

After she was done, she got off my lap and left awkwardness, uneasiness and unfinished business in her wake. Strange, since this was supposed to finish my little sexual running gag on this set. I finally had my release, thanks to an in her prime Lindsay Lohan -- which should have felt more triumphant than it did.

I figured the euphoria would fully come after I got dressed and left, ignoring the awkward silence with Lindsay. "It's all safe with me," I did manage to tell her before I left, at least putting her mind at ease about that. Her clean image was safe, and her more daring desires were still secret.

The irony of that was impossible to ignore over the next 11 years. So was the unintentional triumph of fucking Lindsay when I did, no matter the circumstances or awkwardness.

Little did I know just how it would matter later.

January 2014

"You're the guy?"

I heard Lindsay Lohan's question over the music. Part of me was still nervous about it.

The other part remembered she was asking if I was the guy for the story. Not if I was the guy from 11 years ago. Hell, there was probably a lot she didn't remember from 1 year ago.

"Yeah, I'm the guy," I finally confirmed. Lindsay didn't notice my little pause, as she found us seats at the club.

I was lucky enough to contact someone who could keep up with Lindsay's club schedule. Then I was lucky enough to get here before she left, and to get her attention enough to talk. Maybe I could stretch my luck a little while longer.

I didn't know if I'd caught Lindsay while she was on the wagon, falling off it, or if she was way off it again. There were so many conflicting tabloid stories, I didn't know which Lindsay I'd get.

She didn't have a drink in her hand, her now light red hair looked neat, and she had a black coat, white shirt and grey skirt on with no cleavage. It looked promising so far, but appearances could be deceiving -- as Lindsay herself taught me once.

"So they're telling me you're writing a Mean Girls sequel?" Lindsay asked. Well....that could be due to bad sources, not drunk or drug stuff. Hopefully.

"It's a reunion. For my magazine," I corrected, handing her my business card. "We want to do a cover story and photo shoot next month. We've got almost everyone other than you."

"Almost?" Lindsay asked. "Did you get Rachel?"

"No, she won't be able to make it," I admitted. "Amanda, Tina, Lizzy and Lacey are all in, though," I added, praying Lindsay wasn't feuding with any of them. Her expression didn't change -- and I chose to believe there were no chemicals involved. Encouraged, I continued, "But if we get you, we'll really be good to go."

"You mean you're not right now?" Lindsay asked. Damn. I figured she wouldn't catch stuff like that. Maybe she was too on the wagon. "If I don't agree to this, what happens?"

I sighed, having falling into a trap -- and not the one I feared getting into. But maybe appealing to her ego was the way to go here.

"Look, we already don't have Rachel. If we don't have you too....it'll be harder to get this story off the ground." I confessed. "I mean, Amanda, Tina, Lacey and Lizzy are great....but they don't move issues like you do. Obviously. You being with them....with us....would be a really big boost."

"So you need me," Lindsay figured out.

"Yes," I groaned, then dared to get more personal. "I've been putting this thing together for two weeks. I went above and beyond for this project," I said without getting more accurate. "I'm not even the guy on the magazine that does that. But if I don't pull this off, I'll never be. So....it'd be a big boost for everyone involved."

"You're the one that needs me," Lindsay rubbed it in further.

"Yes, that's been established," I struggled not to lose patience -- but perhaps I failed with my next argument.

"And you probably need it too. You can't go back on Oprah for a while, or do more nude scenes with porn stars," I needled. "You need another way to prove you're on the straight and narrow. Or at least convince people you are. Going back to your last real hit is your best option. You won't get a better chance like that for a while."

I tried to keep a poker face on, but I was succeeding less than Lindsay. That shouldn't have been right for so many reasons. Still, I'd come this far -- why would the universe let me fall short now?

"But I'll get one eventually. That's usually what happens," Lindsay pointed out. There was no way I could argue with that concept -- if not the logic of it. "You made it sound like this is your only chance."

"I wouldn't go that far," I tried to lie.

"I would. This is your big break, and it's all riding on me now," Lindsay hit the nail on. "So you need this more than I do. Which means you need me to cooperate to save your career. If I'm not pleased by you, I can choose to ruin you. No matter what you put yourself through."

This was getting way too specific. And familiar. And quite troublesome. That inevitable sense of cruel irony washed over me again -- only this time, Lindsay wasn't the butt of the joke. Maybe I was 11 years overdue to be the butt.

"You know, maybe this isn't the right place to do this," Lindsay predicted. "I could stand to go home early for once. We can hash out the rest there."

I followed Lindsay out of the club, now savoring the loud music that made it impossible to think. When we got into her car and sank into silence, I missed the music immediately.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't have anything to explain Lindsay's last few choices of words -- except the sadly obvious answer. She remembered who I was and how I blackmailed her for sex, and this was her revenge. Ruining my one shot at a real career was as vengeful as it got.

First I felt desperate, wanting to beg her not to turn this down to hurt me. Then I felt apologetic, wanting to assure her I'd never used a girl like that before, never had since, and never would again. Then I felt outraged, since she's the one who could have turned me down. Especially since she had no more problems looking like a whore in public after that.

Before I got angry enough to say that, we had arrived at her house. On the walk there, I realized that calming down was for the best, if there was any hope left for me. Unfortunately, I had no alternatives worked out by the time we got inside.

"Wait right here, I'll be right back," Lindsay told me before going up her staircase. I waited there without moving an inch, or sitting down on any of the couches. She probably wasn't being literal with the 'wait right there' order, but I wasn't taking a single chance. I had no legs to stand on, and I did a poor job of hiding it -- so in two ways, this was my own fault.

If having sex with the hottest version of Lindsay Lohan was something to fault. Blackmail be damned and being a nice guy be damned. But then again, I didn't have sex with Lacey, Tina, Lizzy or Amanda through blackmail. For one reason or another, they wanted me anyway.

They were all decent people that way. They were decent, gorgeous, talented women that way. They wouldn't hold a mistake over me like Lindsay was planning to -- however she was planning to.

"Okay, I'm done," Lindsay called out, letting my torment begin.

But....what I saw then wasn't exactly the torment I expected.

Lindsay came downstairs in the tightest, littlest red dress I could imagine. Her cleavage was pushed up and virtually every inch of her legs was on display, yet she was mercifully barefoot. For a moment, she wasn't the train wreck the world had come to define her as -- she was one of the sexiest women alive again.

All for me. After she all but told me she remembered who I was, and what I did to her. No way that was a coincidence -- or a good one. "What the...." I started.

"Sssh. No talking," Lindsay said softly, almost like 11 years ago. That didn't help my confused boner either. Neither did this next part.

"I'll tell you when to talk. When to thrust, when to move your hands, when to use your mouth," Lindsay continued. "If you do anything I didn't tell you to do....then there's no story for you. That includes cumming too. Especially cumming."

At that point, Lindsay turned her back to me and pretty much brushed her ass against my groin. I let out a groan, despite not knowing if that was allowed too. "That's acceptable," Lindsay concedes. "But you do anything else without my permission....your career is over."

Okay, now my boner was less confused. So was the rest of me. Didn't mean I liked being clear about this. "I can't cum once?" I had to be clearer on.

Instead of answering with words, Lindsay turned around, pressed the front of her body against me -- pushing up certain parts of it along the way -- and slid her hand down to my crotch. Her head rested on my shoulder as her hand cupped my bulge, but didn't free it.

Every part of me was a frozen, erect statue at that moment. Before I could think about changing that, Lindsay whispered, "No touching. No thrusting. Or it's all over."

I tried to remember that, even as Lindsay slowly stroked my bulge. Even as she moaned her appreciation in my ear. Even as her free hand took mine and put it between her own legs. Even as she tried to hump herself against my hand, which couldn't even stroke her like she was stroking me. Yet she still seemed to make it work for her.

Lindsay pulled away slightly so I could see her face. It was better to look at than her visible, half naked chest, or her hand still on my clothed cock, or her swinging hips working themselves over my frozen hand. Perhaps remembering the toll the last decade took on her face would help me calm down -- then I wouldn't be so aroused by the rest of her.

But it was no use. Despite her hair being less colorful, and despite the loss of youth on her face, there was still something beautiful and seductive that had survived. That applied to the rest of her body too -- I knew that even before tonight. I saw her nude in "The Canyons" and knew she was more.....well preserved than I expected.

Now to see all that....surprisingly still potent sexiness packed into all this....even in this context....

I gritted my teeth to avoid doing something against the rules. Of course, it made me look down at Lindsay's chest, so it did more harm than good. Thankfully -- somewhat -- Lindsay removed her hand from me and my hand from her. "That's enough of a warm up. Let's go upstairs."

I watched Lindsay go to the staircase, quickly realizing I should probably walk next to her instead. After one quick look at her swaying ass, I got next to her and walked alongside her. I still had to look at her to see where we were going, but not blatantly.

I felt some relief coming back by the time she got to one of the doors upstairs. When she opened it to reveal a bedroom, I followed her inside and tried not to get ahead of myself. "Take off your shirt and lie down," Lindsay ordered.

I had wished I could have freed more than my chest, but my wishes weren't important here. So I removed my shirt and laid on the bed, putting my head on her pillow and relaxing while I had the chance.

However, I savored it way too much -- until I finally felt something go around my wrist.

Before I knew it, Lindsay had handcuffed my right arm to the bed post. By the time I let that sink in, she had gone to the other side of the bed. There, she put one end of a handcuff on my left wrist and wrapped the other end around the other front bedpost.

"Until I can trust you to keep your hands to yourself," Lindsay informed. "I'm trusting you to keep your legs and cock to yourself. But that's all for now."

She was still giving me way too much trust. After all, it took everything I had not to move when she laid on me and kissed my bare chest. Between Lindsay's lips and tongue caressing me, and her chest rubbing against my stomach, these handcuffs were barely enough to hold me.

Whether she really wanted me to enjoy this or just learn a lesson, I didn't know. Whether this was appropriate payback, I didn't know. Whether she was really going to do the story no matter what, I couldn't begin to know. Whether I should have still considered this and Lindsay hot despite her....baggage, I was at a greater loss.

As long as she kissed my bare skin, slowly grinded on me.....and then pulled the top of her dress down....I could brush that aside a little longer.

How did those tits still look so full and delicious after everything she'd done? That was the bigger question. No wait, my hands being too trapped to enjoy them --that was the larger concern.

No, it was when Lindsay crawled up and brushed her tits over my mouth, then said, "Don't lick or kiss them. Keep that mouth still, or else."

Luckily, I could still enjoy the feel of her flesh brushing my mouth. Still, not kissing, licking, grabbing or biting it was a real shame. Especially when she grabbed her boobs and rubbed them up and down on my face -- as if she was tit-fucking it.

My face stayed completely still, enjoying this and trying too hard not to enjoy it more. Lindsay stopped fucking my face and went back to brushing her nipples over my open, still mouth. I began to hope that if I held out a while longer, she'd give me permission to do something.

Instead, she climbed off me and took away any hope I had. Until she reached back and unzipped the rest of her dress.

After getting it off and throwing it off the bed, Lindsay was left completely naked. Naturally, she had no panties on -- which I could see even before she turned and hovered her ass over my face. She went on all fours and hovered her own face over my clothed cock, although my view was otherwise occupied.

Like she did with her tits, Lindsay rubbed her pussy over my face. I assumed I still couldn't lick or kiss anything, so my head stayed frozen. Between that and trying to keep my crotch still below her face, this was really pushing it.

"Lick me," Lindsay finally said. "Just lick my pussy. Slowly." She slowly licked the front of my jeans as an example. Or for some other reason.

For my part, I was just glad to finally taste something of hers. No matter what condition it was in compared to a decade ago. However, I didn't taste much of a difference on her at first -- or maybe all the pussies I'd eaten lately were blending together.

"Now my ass," Lindsay stated. Well, that was new. At least for this year.

Lindsay moved her ass directly over my mouth, unlike last time. I only dabbed at her actual ass that time, but that wouldn't do now. Therefore, I had no choice but to start rimming her.

I went carefully at first, circling around her hole. Lindsay approved enough to put her mouth on my bulge again. I figured I'd get more by actually putting my tongue in her ass, which I did after about 15 seconds.

Lindsay still didn't free my cock or touch it with her hands. But she kept licking the shape of my shaft and ball sack -- making them feel even more cramped. My tongue had a bit more room to move in her asshole and crack, at least.

"Pussy now," Lindsay moaned, arching her ass back. Since she didn't say how she wanted to be licked, I did it as fast and hard as I could. It put a sweeter taste on my tongue and made Lindsay grind herself on my face, so I figured I made the right call.

"Mmmm....suck my clit. Don't make me cum yet," Lindsay purred. "You still can't either," as if I'd forgotten. Nevertheless, I almost forgot when she sucked on my bulge and sac through my jeans. Nibbling and sucking her clit distracted me a little too.

Lindsay had to be tired of tasting pants by now. She obviously wanted to taste my bare cock flesh at some point. Then again, the second she did, I'd probably cum in her mouth and ruin my life. Maybe she knew what she was doing.

She finally found the outline of my head, teasing and tonguing it as I did the same to her pussy. Yet after one more big lick, Lindsay lifted her upper body up, sitting on her knees with her ass still in my face. "Fuck my ass with your tongue," she commanded.

Her asshole went back over my mouth, waiting to be filled again. With no choice, I dove back in and tried to thrust like she wanted. Lindsay backed her booty up to meet my tongue, gyrating as much as possible.

That was all I could feel -- until her hands got back to work. Not only that, I felt them on my zipper at long last. Lindsay kept her ass level on my face while unbuckling my pants, giving my cock some much needed air.

"Make it really wet," she told me once my cock came free. The timing didn't feel like a coincidence.

Seeing what was to come, I did what she said and lubed up her ass with my tongue. One last wet coat made her come off my face, turn around and back up to straddle my lap. Her hand grabbed my bare erection and didn't bother to pump it, which was probably for the best.

But instead of pumping me, Lindsay lined me up right with her ass. Although my cock was dry, I'd gotten her ready enough to take me in anyway. She only fit my head in, which helped somewhat.

Otherwise, all I felt safe to do was wiggle my hands around in the handcuffs. It was useless, but the struggle was a better instinct to follow than others. The more Lindsay sunk her ass onto my cock, the more other instincts were harder to ignore.

When she got halfway down, Lindsay sunk the rest of her body back onto mine. She laid on me and went up to kiss my lips, in spite of where they'd been earlier. I didn't kiss back since she didn't order me to, but she seemed pretty content regardless.

Lindsay licked and suckled my lips while slowly rocking against me. Her hands rested on my head while her chest rubbed against mine -- as if I needed more friction.

In spite of everything, Lindsay was actually riding me nice and slow. With her lips gliding down my neck and her ass pumping me steadily, I thought I might make it a while longer.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard," Lindsay said quietly. So much for optimism.

"I can't," I got out before I knew better. Once I did, I corrected, "Not without cumming. Unless that's on the table."

"No," she still insisted. I trusted she realized the flaw in that strategy. If she did, it made her come off my cock and body, for some reason.

Lindsay left the bed, went into her drawer and got the keys for my handcuffs. Showing some overdue mercy, she freed me from my shackles. After I made sure my wrists were fine, though, I wasn't sure what I could do next.

Some clues came when Lindsay went back on the bed and onto all fours. "You're gonna fuck my ass hard for 20 seconds. But you're not gonna cum," she wouldn't give up on. "Get it all out without....getting it all out."

I laughed at the irony and at how impossible it sounded. Still, an order was an order, no matter how much it contradicted another.

Get it all out, eh? Order's an order.

I didn't start the clock until I got myself back into her ass. Once I grasped her hips -- with permission or not -- I had my mind start counting down from 20. And turn off everything else.

Without further thinking, I slammed myself balls deep into Lindsay. She moaned for a second, before I pumped her at least three times in the next one. I lost count of my thrusts, and most everything else, after that.

I didn't fuck Lindsay's brains out -- and that's not a veiled critique of her own brains. I fucked her hard enough that it took my own brains out instead. All that pent up need, that desire/anger at her, and the sheer spectacle of pounding that plump, jiggling ass as the rest of her moaned and jiggled....how could anyone think during that?

The only thing that kept my brain on life support was the countdown. When it was down to 10, I tried my hardest not to go so hard. I largely failed by the time I got down to 5. When Lindsay turned her head back, cried out, "Fuck me so good...." and pushed her ass back against my groin, I didn't think I'd make it to 2.

But zero came, and I didn't. With every last bit of strength left, I threw myself off Lindsay to preserve that.

I breathed heavier than I ever thought I could, not even daring to look at my cock, in case that made it go. There was no way I was looking at Lindsay either. I just stared at the ceiling and listened to my raspy breathing....but after a while, it wasn't the only one I heard.

When I started to hear Lindsay moan, I tried to breathe louder myself to drown her out. It barely worked, yet I didn't feel completely helpless by then. I dared myself to look at her, and only slightly regretted it once I saw Lindsay finger herself.

After she saw me, she sat up on her knees to address me. "Now that that's done, you can go in my pussy." She then held her hand out and said, "Sit up and stay still."

With no willpower to disagree, even if I could, I took her hand. I was sitting up on my knees like she was, but Lindsay let herself move. I couldn't, so I just watched as she laid down on the bed, spread her legs, wrapped them around me and inserted me into her pussy. "Stay still," she repeated.

If I moved, I wouldn't be able to stop. I did what I was told -- yet Lindsay actually made it easier to do. Instead of fucking me hard and tempting me over the edge, she rocked herself back on me slowly and sensually. She groaned quietly and relaxed while fucking herself on me, although she didn't keep her hands to herself.

First Lindsay rubbed her own tits to help her along, making me somewhat jealous. Then she took my right hand and put it on her hip, before gliding it down to her ass. "Finger me," she ordered, and I obeyed by putting my forefinger against her backdoor.

Next, she grabbed my other hand and put it against her pussy, so that we were both rubbing it. However, I knew she wanted the rest of my body to stay still. I didn't fuck her pussy with my cock, but fingering it and her ass was another story -- which made her buck against me a little faster.

Still, Lindsay didn't go into overdrive, even when she took my left hand and put it on her chest. "Squeeze," she told me, and I did as she fingered her pussy alone. She also glided my hand across her tits, all while riding her fingers, my finger and my cock.

The multiple points of attack helped her get closer, while I still struggled. At least it wasn't as unbearable as before, although that didn't make it easy. But if she got herself off more than she was getting me off, it had to help.

I finger-fucked her ass and rubbed her tits like she wanted, yet Lindsay was doing fine fucking my cock on her own. She went fast enough to get to the edge, but not quite enough to tip me over. I could only hold on for the ride as she began to tip herself.

"Fuck me, I wanna give you my cum," Lindsay moaned. "Leave that cum all over you....so much nice, hot cum waiting for you." Well, she sure mastered subliminal sexual torture now. "I'm gonna cum for you....pound that ass and rub those nipples and I'll cum so hard...."

That was still an order, and all I had to use was my fingers. Win win, possibly.

I helped Lindsay win by pounding my forefinger into her ass, as my other one teased and flicked the nearest nipple. For her part, Lindsay clenched her pussy on my cock and pumped it one last, hard, deep time. As long as my hips didn't move an inch, I was still good -- although that would be tested quite soon.

The test started when Lindsay yelled, "Oh, come on, cum on that cock...." and then followed her own orders this time.

She released herself on my stiff shaft as the rest of me tried to remain stiff. With all that cum on me -- and how Lindsay was saying cum every few seconds -- this was turning into a real mind game. But now that she....released, I was that much closer to winning. Hopefully.

Lindsay caught her breath and relaxed on me before backing away. I took a brief look down at my drenched, pulsating cock, without moving another muscle. I did dare to look at Lindsay as she stared at me and my lack of release.

"Now?" I dared to ask. Why else would I have to hold back now?

"No. And I didn't say you could ask me," Lindsay told me. Now I had to grit my teeth for more frustrating reasons.

"You cum now and you're finished. I'm not done with you yet," Lindsay stated. Again, what the hell else was left?!

She answered my silent scream by crawling over, laying me down and then putting her mouth on me. Right, there was that.

Lindsay took almost all of me in her mouth, but she didn't suck. Instead, she slowly licked the last of her juices on me, moaning as she did so. Her tongue went up to my slit and tickled it, as she looked up with a daring/seductive glare.

She kept it on me while slowly lifting her mouth off me. Her next move was to grab the bottom of my shaft and suck the top half, bobbling her head oh so gently. "Your cock tastes so good," she whispered when she came off, circling her tongue over my tip before taking my head in.

Lindsay's hand stayed still while her mouth, tongue and lips moved only slightly more. Oh God, if she did this 11 years ago, I never would have lasted that long....

God, I should have cum in her mouth then. I mean, I got some on her tits, but still. If that fresh, sexy, freckled face and that sweet, talented mouth did then what she was doing now....if I did to that young, stunning, irresistible Lindsay what this older, damaged, still somehow sexy version did tonight....

I had to do it to one Lindsay. I just had to. And this one was the only one on my cock.

With no more power to resist, I let Lindsay massage my cock head with her mouth -- before plunging several more inches into her. I started pumping before anything else could be done, and once I felt Lindsay sucking me in response, I was done.

I fucked her mouth and pictured it was her younger mouth and face for a few seconds, but that was enough. Without any time or ability to warn her, I spurted out more cum than I could care to keep track of into her full mouth.

It was finally all over. It...

It was over.

I was over.

After Lindsay took herself off me and swallowed the rest of my cum -- the cum I gave her without her approval -- I wanted to stay in bed forever. But not for more rounds with Lindsay.

If I stayed long enough, the bed might get the power to swallow me down to Hell. There was certainly nothing more for me to do on Earth now.

I disobeyed orders. I made sure Lindsay would never come to the shoot. I made sure there probably wouldn't be a shoot. Now my career and reputation was finished because I couldn't play ball -- no matter how unreasonable her demands were.

Lesson learned. Collateral damage all too clear.

"About time," I heard Lindsay say. If that was meant to mock me, I was going to....

But if it wasn't?

"When's the shoot gonna be?" I heard Lindsay say next. When I could make sense of it, I tried to reboot my brain for an answer.

"I think....the best time to get everyone is March 3," I got out on autopilot.

"Good. I'll be right there. I'll even call your bosses and tell them myself tomorrow," I heard next. "You can even stay over and remind me. Just in case."

"Huh?" I asked for multiple reasons.

"I'm heading back out. You stay and rest up, and we'll work out the rest tomorrow when I get back," Lindsay informed. "You can take that as more of a request if you want."

"K," I agreed on autopilot.

"Great," she said, as I finally looked over and saw Lindsay on her feet, putting her dress back on. "If you're not sleepy, I'm sure you can keep yourself busy here."

"Mmmhmm," I muttered, not feeling up to exploring anyway.

"Great," Lindsay repeated. "See you then," she parted with as she left the bedroom, all dolled up while I was naked, exhausted and confused in her bed.

I didn't leave her quite like that back then. But the end result was the same. I put myself through mental hell and physical joy -- yet my career and reputation might just stay intact after all. I kept my word to keep quiet, and it seemed Lindsay would keep her word too.

I had my photoshoot. I had my star making cover story. I fucked my way to it, only to be fucked myself -- in a good way in the end. But I had it all.

Now all I had to do was not waste my salvation, like Lindsay had after our first time.

But that was a matter for after I recovered from our second time. Preferably after hours of naked, sticky sleep in her bed.


Re: Mean Girls Reunion
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2020, 04:43:51 PM »
Mean Girls Reunion Finale (Rachel McAdams, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Seyfried, Lacey Chabert, Tina Fey, Lizzy Caplan)

Originally published December 2013

March 2, 2014

"What the hell?" That was probably not the best way to greet Rachel McAdams.

But when she suddenly appeared at my front door, near my house, on my day off before the biggest day of my career -- a day she couldn't be a part of -- I gave myself some leeway.

"Hello right back," Rachel said before making her way in. "You didn't answer your phone, so I thought I'd call on you here."

"I had it turned off. For my day off," I informed her. "And how do you even know my number?"

"Amanda squealed on you," Rachel told me, earning my strict attention. "I could have called your bosses, but I needed to talk to you before I see them."

"See them? For what?" I asked as if I didn't suspect. Comprehending was another matter.

"I changed my mind," she went on. "I want to be part of your reunion. So I made time to get off my movie and come by tomorrow. I know this is last second, and you've probably made all kinds of plans to go on without me. That's why I want you to make them put me in."

"Me?" I asked inadequately. "I....don't have that kind of power. Just talk directly to my bosses. Why would they refuse you?"

"They're not the ones who got everyone else on board, are they?" Rachel pointed out. "You did, if my snitch was on the level."

"You mean Amanda," I rolled my eyes.

"The point is, you got her and the others to do this. Even Lindsay," Rachel reminded me. "And that was after you hit a wall with me. So no way am I gonna be the odd one out now. I'm gonna get on there, and you're gonna help me."

I tried to get my head around it before I spoke. I didn't wait long enough, as I only had, "But it's my day off." Once I remembered my better excuses, I laid them out.

"All I did was get them to come. I'm not doing the interviews, the shoots or the costumes. What happens tomorrow.....I've got no actual part in it. I'm just a spectator. I'm sorry, but it's out of my hands now," I told her. "You don't need me to convince you to come, apparently. Just tell them you wanna do it and they'll get you in."

"They've got everything set up for Lindsay, Amanda, Lacey, Tina and Lizzy. I'm not giving them much time to fit me in. What if they can't think of anything good for me? What if there's too much they gotta change?" Rachel wondered.

"I want to do this, but I don't want to pay for a rush job. One that's kind of my fault, I know," she assured. "I need someone to look out for my interests. And my agents and managers have days off too. So....I figure the guy who made this possible, despite my best efforts, can look out for me. Help me make my case to sneak in there, and make sure I'm taken care of if it works."

"I don't think you need to be taken care of that much," I admitted. "You're the biggest star of the whole group. Biggest movie star, anyway," I qualified, disqualifying Lindsay, Tina and Lizzy -- while slightly dissing Amanda and probably Lacey. "They're not gonna turn your star power down, or let you look ridiculous. They can't afford to."

"You can never be too careful. How do you think I stayed a star after growing up?" Rachel asked.

"Nicholas Sparks?" I answered without a second thought. Luckily, Rachel laughed a little and bailed out my lack of thinking.

"That and covering my bases. Surrounding myself with reliable people, that sort of thing," Rachel explained. "You're reliable, right? I mean, you convinced the rest of them like that! You must have gone all out to get them on board, so why not do it for me, too?"

Before I answered, or admitted I didn't have much of an answer, Rachel decided to assume, "Is this because I turned you down? Okay, I could have set my schedule aside from the start, fine. But you didn't even know if this was real back then! What's done is done, so what do you want from me now? A blowjob?!"

Funny she went right to that. The only funny thing about it, really. But she kept being hilarious and said, "For all I know, that's how you got them on board! I could only put it off for so long, I guess!"

This was her being frustrated at me. Nothing else. I had to believe that. It wasn't because Amanda was that big of a snitch, or that Rachel was....that interested in my help.

Yet it had been over a month since that....experience with Lindsay. I hadn't had any with anyone else since, due to work, a few other possible factors, and the unlikelihood of topping January 2014 anytime soon. I was probably rusty by now -- but what if I wasn't?

I looked at Rachel to see if she was kidding around yet. Instead, I lingered on her annoyed but still pretty face, then down to her red polka dot dress. But when I looked down further and saw her legs in those heels, she really had my attention. Even if she didn't want it like that yet.

Despite Rachel being more accomplished than any of the Mean Girls -- on the big screen, anyway -- I'd followed everyone else a lot more, even before having sex with them. As such, it was news to me that Rachel had legs that shapely -- and had those kind of outlines on her ass.

If she could work those legs and everything else fast enough, then....

No. It seemed I learned nothing from Lindsay after all.

Blackmail comes with a cost -- even if Rachel probably wasn't into Lindsay's kind of 'payment plan.' It would be just my luck to be proven wrong the hard way. Why test that and make her think she had to blow me, so I'd do something I was already going to do? Doing that once was enough.

Plus if she was going to be in the shoot tomorrow, we really had no time to waste with blowjobs. It'd have to be a sloppy, disappointing rush job, which would be a real disappointing end to these sex escapades. And she'd have less time to prepare too, or something.

"We'll discuss other payment plans later," I finally shrugged off. "Now we've gotta get you to the office. And some other people too." Once I got my keys and my cell phone, I headed out with Rachel to start the busiest day off of my life.

March 3, 2014

So this was what five rounds of sex, incredible gambles, massive stress and 11-year-old connections yielded.

In the end, the editors and photographers settled on typical school-themed sets and costumes. The cover photo would have the Mean Girls walking down a hall, with Lizzy and Tina nearby. The lead photo for the article would have the girls sitting around a classroom and posing, while Tina was trying to teach them. And there'd be assorted individual photos in classrooms, the gym, a cafeteria, etc.

I might have tried to be more original, but that wasn't my job yet. I did my job just by getting everyone here, getting Rachel and my bosses in the same room yesterday, and helping them pitch their ideas to her. The rest was their problem -- although if this issue and these photos didn't take off, it's not like they'd take the blame. After all, getting them here was all my idea, no matter how I did it.

Still, I didn't see anything too disastrous or controversial. Maybe they saved that for their interviews, but I didn't see that part. As for the shoot, the girls weren't arguing, Lindsay wasn't making a scene, and their school clothes were in the revealing yet tasteful category.

Rachel had her old Regina George poise and command back, while Amanda and Lacey looked appropriately doting -- though I don't know how successful they were in not upstaging the Queen Bee. Maybe that was just my bias talking. In any case, Lindsay mustered up some of her old star power, Lizzy still rocked it in black, and Tina showed why the old "hot for teacher" fantasy was still so popular.

Whether I would have been more creative or not, this seemed to have all the elements that would make readers buy the issue -- or read it online. Once they did and I got credit for getting the ball rolling, the sky might be the limit after all.

There wasn't even any revealing, post-sex awkwardness between any of us on set. If these actresses felt it, they acted well enough to hide it. Maybe it helped that I only had time to greet and hug them before they had to work. But after they left for their interviews and came back for some final shots, I thought I felt some of them looking at me funny.

Perhaps it was nothing. Perhaps I should have savored it either way, since they might not ever look at me again after today. Either way, I chose to keep taking a victory lap in my head.

When it was exhausted and everyone else was changed and ready to go, I decided I needed a moment to myself before I said goodbye. I looked for the nearest storage room on the lot we were shooting at, then went in, closed it up and took it all in.

It was over. I did what I set out to do. And it looked like I did it just fine. Maybe I'd get to do other, more important things just fine too. All because of a hair brained idea that paid off in ways I....never imagined. Well, maybe not never.

I got to live a whole bunch of dreams and get away with it. Personally and now professionally. If that didn't call for a non-professional fist pump, and jumping up and down with silent cheers, nothing did.

"Should have saved that for the blooper reel," I stopped jumping around to hear.

While I was distracted, it seemed Tina had entered the room. She was back in the regular blue dress she had on before the shoot. Yet while she didn't have her glasses, her legs still had those tempting stockings on. But the time to notice that stuff had passed. "There are some things that even web exclusives aren't ready for," I joked to distract myself.

"Touche. So, you did it!" Tina noted, with a congratulatory slap to the shoulder. "You gave a fake high school their older, bitchy dictators back for a day. Good for you!"

"Was it good for you too?" I let get away from me, before I cleared up, "Seeing the dictators, I mean. Did you have fun?"

"Yep. Absence from the world of fake teaching does make the heart grow fonder," Tina commented. "Applies to a lot of things you haven't seen for 10 years. At least that's what I've noticed."

"A lot of that going around," I had to admit.

"Well, who knows if that'll be the case in 2024," Tina said. "I'll probably see some of them again a lot sooner. I hope so, anyway. Others....I'm not so sure about, but I'm hopeful." As I tried to figure out who she was talking about, she continued, "But others....I'm sure they'll be just fine either way."

I wanted to joke and say something about Lindsay, in case Tina was talking about her -- and in case she wasn't. But I still wasn't at a place where I could mock Lindsay without having....revealing flashbacks. Better to be sincere in front of Tina. "They will be now," I assured.

"In any case, I'm glad I was here. I learned a lot," Tina stated. "My co-creation is still going strong after 10 years. I'm sure your creation today will have some legs too."

"From one leggy creator to another, thanks," I went to there. Although that should have made me awkward -- so much of this should have, really -- I was more at ease in Tina's presence than not. Probably because I might not be in it again. And now the awkwardness set in a little. "Seriously, thanks for coming," I said less confidently.

"Same here," Tina replied, then slapped my other shoulder. "There, all even again," she explained. Although this might have been a veiled reference to our last meeting -- and its sexy context -- I still laughed like normal. Then when she went over and hugged me, I hugged back like normal.

When she broke from me and pecked my lips, I still looked normal -- I assumed. When I went on instinct and pecked her right back, she looked normal. Before I could have an overdue normal freak out, we wound up pecking each other. Then it sunk into a nice, normal extended kiss -- leaving the less than normal circumstances aside.

Of all the less than normal circumstances I could have pointed out -- like her being married, although it barely stopped me before -- I settled on reminding her, "There are people outside," while I still could.

"We'll have to cover our noisy mouths, then," Tina reasoned. Kissing me then certainly kept me quiet -- and made my moans easier to ignore.

I didn't know how far this was gonna go, how to keep this quiet, or whether the door was even locked. All I could make myself do was keep kissing Tina. Instinct helped me put my hands on her waist, while hers were locked on my face.

Once our tongues joined in, my hands went lower down her dress. My left one lifted it up and went to the top of her stocking, rubbing it and the top of her leg. Tina's left hand went to the back of my neck while her right drifted down my body too.

I felt my moans getting deeper, but her lips and tongue kept them muffled enough for the outside world -- hopefully. It did get harder when I felt Tina's hand on my zipper -- and remembered the good it could do. To distract myself, I put my left hand under her dress, hoping to remind her of its talents.

Tina unzipped me before I got to her underwear. Right as my fingers traced her covered center, hers reached to pull out my cock. Both our moans got louder and we had to break the kiss, yet our fingers went to work and made us have to cover our mouths again.

I slid a finger into her panties, yet Tina topped me by pumping my shaft and gliding her thumb over my head. In return, my free hand went to cup her right breast, while my occupied one got closer to her opening. Just as I slid over her lips below, her lips above suckled on mine, distracting me as she seemed to be turning me around.

I was standing straight with Tina right next to me, so she only used her right hand to turn my head and kiss me again. Before I could move my body, her tongue plunged right into my mouth as her right hand stroked the back of my head -- and her left worked its magic below again. With that in mind, I went with it and merely reached my left hand over to her pussy.

Before I could get there, I felt something funny on my cock. Something other than Tina stroking my shaft. This feeling was wetter and warmer on my head....and it wasn't coming from Tina. How could it? But who could?

The answer was Lizzy Caplan.

Yet I only saw Lizzy on her knees, with her mouth on my head, for one second. Tina turned my head back to her and kissed me, drowning out my "What the fuck?!" reaction. Lizzy's tongue and Tina's hand on me helped too.

But Tina did have to break eventually, and I got a "What" out before Lizzy's tongue reached my underside. For good measure, Tina's hand went down to my balls. At that point, the memories of how good these things were the first time -- and how they were happening again at the same time -- drowned out my need to know why.

"We're good?" Tina asked me at my most vulnerable. I could only nod, but Tina pecked my lips and Lizzy pecked my cock anyway. "Good. Sit down."

I nearly got enough strength back to ask what she meant. But when I saw a chair not far away from Lizzy, it seemed pointless. She really had been sneaky coming in here while Tina distracted me. Might as well sit down and see the payoff.

I went over to the chair, not bothering to put my cock back in my pants, or even take my pants off. Lizzy followed and dropped back to her knees, while Tina stood next to me. She lifted up her dress, and I saw how I would be able to cover my moans this time. Tina might have more trouble, however.

When Lizzy put her mouth halfway down my shaft, I had to risk it.

After watching Lizzy bobble on me, I turned my head and put my hands on Tina's hips. I lowered her panties halfway down her legs, then lifted her dress up to expose her bare pussy. I held her hips and the bottom of her dress, while I kissed up her leg and slid my tongue from her thigh to her opening.

I used my tongue right on cue, given how Lizzy licked all the way from my sack to my head. My groans vibrated onto Tina, which made her have to cover her moaning mouth. Soon, I was able to lick and suckle Tina with the same rhythm that Lizzy was suckling me. I even tried to very lightly fuck her mouth in tune with my tongue fucking Tina.

Lizzy held my hips down, putting an end to that idea. However, her tongue quickly licked me up and down on one side, then she pushed my cock down to lick the other side. I gritted my teeth, nearly biting Tina in the process.

I had to hurry Tina along, or Lacey would make me blow before I could see it. With that, I took my left hand off Tina and had to hold her dress up with my right. Still, this left my left finger open to drive into her and fuck her hard, while I licked and nibbled her harder.

Tina's muffled moans got louder, but she had enough freedom to grasp the back of my head. She rubbed it and pushed it deeper onto her, as if I was going anywhere. As I licked and fucked her deeper, I felt Lizzy bobble on my shaft faster, before taking it all the way down her throat.

She swallowed me up, leaving me too breathless to eat Tina, although I could keep fucking her. When Lizzy came off, I gave my loudest moan, but put my face back on Tina to quiet down. As I got back to licking her, I felt Lizzy slowly lather up my underside, then give it a deep, slow kiss -- repeating the same pattern with my head, shaft and sack.

I wasn't as close now, although I wasn't too confident about that. Lizzy was going back to her slow, sensual cocksucking, which I wondered if we had time for. Just in case, I added my thumb on Tina, still needing her to go first. Then again, it was just between me and her, I assumed.

As I wondered how Lizzy was going to get off, she stopped bobbing on my cock and just hummed on it. She added her tongue, yet her moans were vibrating harder on me. She popped off and rubbed her lips on my head, still humming her deepest and driving me nuts.

Fitting, since it appeared she was driving herself nuts too, in lue of one of us doing it.

"You wanna take care of Lizzy?" I heard Tina dare to gasp. "Then take care of me first. Make me cum all over that beautiful mouth. Let me taste myself there before I go....or taste Lizzy too, if that's how you're gonna go."

"Might be too late," Lizzy spoke up next. "I'm doing a good job....aren't I?" she asked right before suckling my head, rapidly tonguing it and humming as she fingered herself.

"So good," I gasped.

"She deserves something for it. Give it to her after you give it to me....before she beats you to it," Tina warned. "Better get going."

"Mmmhmm....before your cock and my finger make me more....impatient," Lizzy said seductively.

Now I finally had to turn my head and look at Lizzy. I caught her just as she put her lips over my head, with her hand clearly inside her skirt. She rapidly licked my slit and moaned while fucking herself, her eyes teasing me the whole way.

I then looked at Tina, whose face was clearly flushed although her right hand was over her mouth. Right as Lizzy nibbled and kissed my head, I figured I had to make Tina keep her hand there.

I turned my head back to her pussy and dove back in, my finger fucking her and her thumb rubbing her as my tongue stroked her. Tina's muffled moans nearly drowned out Lizzy's, and she even added a few "Fuck me" demands into her hand.

Her other hand went back on my head and pushed me, right as her hips grinded against me. In response, my right hand went under Tina's dress and onto her ass. Her free hand took over lifting her dress up, and soon all our hands were pretty full.

Lizzy's pumped herself and me while sucking me down, while my hands caressed the front and back of Tina's groin. Said groin then rocked itself onto my finger, which was a clear enough message.

With one more big burst, I finger fucked Tina and ate the surrounding areas up. My digit also wiggled in her as I bounced her ass in my other hand. Tina growled and cursed in her own hand -- all while Lizzy's hands worked even faster. Yet her mouth was as slow and toe curling as ever.

It really was anyone's guess who would cum first. Yet my finger rubbed Tina extra hard inside, to go along with my tongue's thorough work. Combined with my thumb's final effort, and Tina's muffled, "Fuck, here I come," the race was decided.

Lizzy helped -- somewhat -- by popping off me right as Tina came on my lips. The taste and the sense of triumph helped as much as it could.

When she was done, I put her dress down and sat back, although I had just a few seconds before Tina bent down and kissed me. She tasted herself on my mouth like she promised, and I was content to let her have her meal.

I was almost over Lizzy not blowing me by then. Until Lizzy sat on my lap.

Tina backed off as Lizzy lifted her hips and sunk onto my cock. She wasn't sucking it, so this was a mixed blessing -- despite the skills of what was sucking me down now. "My turn," Lizzy broke my thoughts, bending down to kiss me too.

She got the last of Tina's taste off, while I savored some of Lizzy's as well. Before long, it balanced out.

Though my fingers were exhausted, I had to finally use them on Lizzy. So I rubbed her pussy while it rode me hard, all as Lizzy kissed me to keep us both quiet. Yet with the way we were both worked up, it wouldn't be necessary much longer.

"Cum in me. I missed out on that last time," Lizzy got out, in Tina's earshot -- whether that mattered or not. Regardless, it made a much bigger impact on me.

My cock and finger worked faster, leaving Lizzy to drop her head on my shoulder and bury her moans there. But she had better luck controlling herself than I did. They'd just done too much of a number on me.

I couldn't hold myself before Lizzy came. Yet when I shot into her, Lizzy didn't sound disappointed, even while muffled. In fact, she tightened on me and rode me harder, leaving me to just hang onto her and ride my orgasm out. Just as I finished it, she began to ride her own.

My left hand stayed between us while my right held onto her ass, with both of us catching our breath. Lizzy eventually stopped breathing into my ear, lifting her head up to see me. She didn't look for long, as she got off my lap despite her exhaustion.

Nevertheless, she got back on her knees to see my wet cock start deflating. Despite its sensitivity, she licked and kissed it clean one more time before tucking it back in my pants. Once she zipped me back up, Lizzy got on her feet and kissed my lips once more too -- letting me taste everything on her lips too.

Lizzy straightened herself up while I noticed Tina was already right as rain. "You think that covers it?" Tina asked -- but not to me.

"Yep. I'd like to think we set the bar high. Probably not enough, though," Lizzy confused me, but not Tina.

"Won't know till next time, I guess," Tina said. She then bothered to notice me, adding, "I'll be reading, watching and illegally downloading all your stuff till then. It'll spare me from needing a.....more private icebreaker at parties."

Tina kissed my left cheek, apparently as some kind of closure. Lizzy followed suit by saying, "Well, I don't need any extra....motivation for fake TV sex. Not till Season Three, anyway. Until then...." she left hanging by kissing my right cheek, then walking out with Tina.

I just stayed in the chair, both to avoid suspicion and to get my head back in order. The sex throwing it out of wack was one thing, but some of those odd comments at the end was something else. In any case, I could only ponder them in here for five more minutes, before more people noticed my absence.

I walked out then, acting normal enough for goodbyes with some of the crew. Still, I was more than ready to get to the elevator and head home. Once I got to the elevator, I pushed the button to the ground floor, leaned back and closed my eyes.

I heard two sets of footsteps coming in, but I waited until the doors closed to see my company. On my left was Lacey Chabert -- in a blue top with the top two buttons off. On my right was Lindsay Lohan, back in her typical loose ensemble. Didn't that beat all.

"Fancy seeing you here," Lacey started.

"We saw him all day, it's not so fancy anymore," Lindsay nitpicked. "But you're not the one who had to pose and talk all day. How come you look more tired than us?"

"Weight of it being over, I guess," I guessed as an excuse.

"I get that. Look at us now," Lacey stated. "You started with me, and you ended with Lindsay. If you don't count Rachel." I couldn't....not in a certain way.

"And now it's over," I reminded myself as the elevator reached the ground floor. Yet when I walked out, they followed me into the parking garage anyway.

"Makes you think, though," Lacey continued. "If I'd turned you down after Rachel did, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. But I got the ball rolling for you."

"And that ball would have been useless if I didn't catch it," Lindsay argued. "You know exactly why that is," she stressed to me.

"But you never could have caught it if I didn't start throwing it," Lacey came back.

"Tina, Lizzy and Amanda took turns throwing it to me too," Lindsay retorted. "It was by luck of the draw that you got it first. Or the luck of having nothing better or bigger to do."

"Not bigger in one way, maybe," Lacey snarked. "In other ways...I've stayed pretty firm. Unlike some people."

"Or so you made Maxim think. Playboy knows better, trust me," Lindsay said, as I realized what they were really talking about. And how convenient it was for them that Amanda wasn't part of this....ample argument. And how I really didn't need to end this with a brawl on my watch.

"Ladies, come on," I tried to break up. "None of you have a single thing to be jealous about. At least not enough to fight about here. Or now. If you're still mad about it in June or something, that's a different story. But for now, let's just let....the story speak for itself."

When they didn't say anything, I felt safe to leave and let that be the end of it. But as I got to my car, I heard Lindsay say anew, "A story that wouldn't exist if you didn't go all out for me."

"Oh, you were doing it anyway, and you know it," Lacey said behind me. "You don't need theatrics to get the job done every time." Technically, those theatrics were blackmail/a lesson to me, but....wait.

"He was too drained to complain, so what does that tell you?" Lindsay argued. It was probably well past time to beat my retreat now. So I unlocked the car and made my way into the driver's seat -- only to see Lindsay and Lacey jump in the back before I turned the key.

"Okay, where is this going?" I cut to the chase.

"Clearly we have different....tactics," Lacey alluded to. "They both played their part in making this happen. But there's at least one area we're both equal in. Supposedly. That's a good tiebreaker."

"Right, like that really disqualifies me. My areas have been through hell and they're still here. You just take yours out of the box every 10 years. That barely counts," Lindsay complained.

"All right, hold on! Are you arguing about....who inspired me more, or your areas? Those are two different fights," I nitpicked.

"We can settle them both," Lacey insisted.

"Well, I can't see it happening in this car," I decided, getting out and opening the back seat. Lacey came out first -- then pushed me back in before going back herself. She closed the door and left me sitting in between her and Lindsay.

"Lindsay, since you're so confident, you won't mind me going first," Lacey said. I didn't hear Lindsay object -- all I saw was Lacey removing her top, leaving her chest bare except for one of her pink bras. Her pink, cleavage enhancing bras. "Go on," she softly added.

"Uh, I...." I stumbled, from my predicament and her boobs. "I just....peed," I coded the truth. "I can't....approve of anyone right now."

"All the better," Lacey still approved. She reached for my zipper, pulled it down and took out my cock, proving it wasn't ready to get erect. Yet.

Her hand went to mine, bringing it onto her covered tits. "Go ahead," Lacey gave permission. This helped me bring my other hand over there, as both of them cupped her breasts and pushed them up further. At that point, my head dropped into her cleavage and started kissing.

Since my cock was still spent, I figured I could afford to take my time. And taking my time with Lacey's breasts wasn't a bad idea for any reason. I went back and forth between kissing her bare skin and her bra cups, my hands stroking her along the way.

"Mmmmhmmm," Lacey moaned as my tongue dove deep into her cleavage. But it might have been because I felt myself growing. When Lacey took my head off her and removed her bra, I was pretty much throbbing. So point for Lacey.

Not much could take my eyes off Lacey's chest. Yet I felt hands on my legs and remembered Lindsay was still there. When I turned and saw Lindsay was bare chested herself, I knew I wouldn't forget again.

Especially not when Lindsay got on her knees on the car floor, put her chest over my cock and started smothering it. "You knew I was taking a turn at some point," Lindsay taunted Lacey, before turning her attention to my cock.

Lindsay only did this to my face last month, so I couldn't compare her tit fucking my cock to how it was 11 years ago. However, it soon became too hard to care. Lindsay's breasts still felt soft and inviting, even if the woman who owned them wasn't, and her nipples were ripe for the pinching. Once I proved it, Lindsay bent down to lick my full head as a bonus.

"Hey, you're only supposed to use the boobs!" Lacey interrupted. "You just lost your turn."

Lacey shooed Lindsay away from me, to my deep regret. At least until Lacey made me turn back to her and she dropped to her knees too.

Instead of putting me between her breasts, Lacey put my shaft against her left tit and started rubbing. Like last time, she wanted to do more than just tit-fuck my cock, although her extra tactics weren't as wild as Lindsay. She let the softness of her chest against my dick, and how she was letting me feel all of it, speak for itself.

Lacey put her right nipple against my slit, teasing it enticingly. She then rubbed the head under her breast, only to finally put my whole cock into her chest. The suddenness of it, and her fast paced fucking, made me feel like I could blow at any time again. Yet Lacey knew that was the right time to back off.

But to her, backing off meant batting my shaft against her left breast. I liked that interpretation.

"Come on, you can't run out the clock. It's my turn," Lindsay argued. Lacey sighed, then quickly put me back between her tits for two final pumps. At that, she smiled and let me turn back to Lindsay.

Lindsay was sitting on the car seat again, her hands holding her tits up. "Put your hand on your cock. I can't do it, but she didn't say you couldn't. And it's too late now," Lindsay pointed out.

I heard Lacey huff behind me, but I dared to put my hand on my shaft anyway. "It counts if you're jacking off to my tits. And I know you're real good at that. Aren't you?" Lindsay saw right through me.

"Do you have me doing this?" Lindsay asked before rubbing her tits together. "Or this?" she asked before bouncing them. "Or this?" she asked before bending down and licking her own chest and nipples. "Or did you want to do that yourself?"

I hadn't actually suckled Lacey's bare chest yet, so this was overdue. I slid over to her, but Lindsay stopped me before I put both hands on her breasts. "You keep jacking off, or you get nothing," Lindsay laid down the law for me anew.

This was weird -- but jacking off to sucking Lindsay's breasts was something I was familiar with. Only difference was that they were right here. Some of that had to be a good difference, by....well, law, really.

My right hand went back on my shaft, leaving my left to push up Lindsay's left breast before I took it in my mouth. I pumped myself and suckled Lindsay with equal speed, but I went faster on her nipple once my tongue got involved. I took more of her in my mouth as I stroked harder, then I moved over and did the same to her right breast as she pushed it up for me.

"Mmm, that's it. No matter what I do, you can't turn away from these, can you?" Lindsay purred. "I get that. That's why they make things happen."

I tried to ignore her sales pitch and just focus on my two tasks. Yet Lindsay went on with, "You just wanna be smothered by these big, powerful tits, huh? Smother that cute face and that big, throbbing cock....mmmm, you knew you wanted to save the best for last."

I wondered if Lacey would say that her voice violated the rules of....whatever this was. It was still sultry and smokey enough to get me pumping and sucking faster, after all. But the actual words from that husky voice were still questionable, so maybe that balanced it out.

"Hey, I gotta take another turn soon too," Lacey interrupted. Lindsay was the only one with a real problem over that -- but she wasn't me.

I scooted back over to Lacey and laid my head on her chest. I left my left hand there and brought my right down to touch myself, yet Lacey's hand got there first. "If hand stuff's allowed, I should take care of it," Lacey reasoned.

"Come on! Then it's not really your boobs doing the job, is it?" Lindsay argued.

"It is if he's got more room to play with them," Lacey replied. Indeed, I had both hands at my disposal for both breasts. That was quite a benefit. So I pushed them up and started feasting, barely noticing that Lacey wasn't stroking me. She just held my shaft as it throbbed from tasting her tits.

When I squeezed her breasts against my face, my hips shot up unconsciously. "That's it," Lacey brought it to my attention. "Fuck me like you want to fuck them....picture it and taste it and let it make you cum."

It sounded like good advice, so I went right to it. I licked between her breasts as I fucked her frozen hand, then nibbled each of her nipples. I even took her breasts and rubbed them up and down on my face, as I pumped her hand in unison.

"Come fucking on, copycat!" Lindsay yelled, but I barely noticed. However, Lindsay did what she always did, in those rare moments when no one paid attention to her. Force her way back into the spotlight.

In my case, she did it by getting back on her knees in front of me. There, she took my cock from Lacey's hand and put it right between her tits, while my face was still buried in Lacey's.

"You let him enjoy those all you want. But he'll be cumming on mine. He'll have the time of his life because I made it possible," Lindsay got less than subtle, even before she worked her tits on me.

Lacey didn't have an answer, and I wished I had one for her. Thinking wasn't a high priority at the moment, though. All I could do was put my hand on Lacey's left breast and suckle her right to help her feel better. To make it somewhat even, my free hand went onto Lindsay's chest as it fucked me.

I was fondling, sucking and getting fucked by all these breasts. Yet it looked like Lindsay's would get credit for my cum. I kept burying my head in Lacey's chest, hoping it would help. I moaned harder on her breasts, but that was as much due to Lindsay's effort as anything else.

"It's okay," Lacey broke my concentration. "Go on and cum for her. Let me see all that cum on one set of tits, at least."

"Gladly," Lindsay answered for me, bouncing her breasts on me and bringing me to the edge. I couldn't hold out much longer, so I reached over and gave Lacey's breasts a final kiss, suckle and nibble. With that holding my guilt over for now, I sat back and watched Lindsay finish the job.

"I'm gonna cum," I warned Lindsay. With that, she tit-fucked me with a few final strokes, then took her chest off me. She grabbed my cock and aimed it at her breasts, waiting for me to cum on them. A few pumps of her hand would pretty much do it.

Yet as I boiled over, I failed to notice Lacey sitting next to me. Until the final moment when I was ready to cum.

By then, Lacey had suddenly bent down and grabbed my cock right out of Lindsay's hand. She was too surprised to stop her, and I was too paralyzed to do anything but cum. Only now, I was cumming right into Lacey's mouth.

"Hey! Give me that, you bitch!" Lindsay yelled. But Lacey tightened her grip on my shaft as it shot into her. Yet she then took her mouth off, only to aim it at Lindsay's chest after all. The last half of my orgasm shot onto Lindsay's tits, while Lacey was swallowing the first half.

Lindsay and I watched my cum ooze down her chest, while Lacey was less distracted. "Yep, you made him cum. But I could have taken all of it. You earned that cum, but you never would have had any in the first place without me. Funny how that works."

She licked her lips and concluded, "But we both got some, and a lot more out of it too. So who the fuck cares?"

Lindsay's face stayed frozen, as did mine. If she was gonna start a fight anyway, I should have probably tucked my cock back in. Immediately. But it still deflated right in the open air, while my cum slid down Lindsay's open chest.

Finally, Lindsay had the foresight to wipe my cum on herself, licking it up along the way. When she was done tasting it, she still didn't change her blank expression. This put me on edge -- enough so when she finally smiled, I almost jumped.

When I saw her laugh, I leaned back and groaned at how she toyed with me yet again. This time, she even got Lacey in on it to some extent. How much, I probably didn't want to know. At the least, they weren't explaining as they sat back next to me and put their bras and shirts on.

I was at a loss for words myself, and a loss for energy, all things considered. Granted, I didn't really move much this time, but that kind of orgasm -- so soon after Tina and Lizzy's, at that -- could keep any man a pile of goo for a while.

That made me less than verbal when Lacey and Lindsay kissed each side of my face and left, without any words of their own. It took me another three minutes to get out of the back seat myself.

Another minute went by before I snapped out of it and started my engine. I drove out of the lot and headed home, without even bothering to turn on my radio. I had enough music and loud seductive noises in my head already.

Just when they cleared up and I reached my house, I realized there was one giant loose end I hadn't accounted for. Two of them, really. And they were sitting at my doorstep.

Once I parked the car and walked over to face Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried, I blurted out, "Okay, which one blabbed?"

To my credit, I opened the door and got them inside after that, since this wasn't a conversation for public eyes and ears. It was lucky enough that the paparazzi weren't here already -- or at least weren't visible.

When we were settled in, Rachel actually answered my question. "I wasn't trying to make them blab. All I did was tell them about my blowjob joke. They looked too suspicious after that, not me." But she added, "Although she looked more suspicious," pointing to Amanda.

"For the record, I never said anything!" Amanda protested. "I just....didn't argue well enough when she guessed."

"Then Lindsay had her fun mocking how 'high and mighty' we looked now, of course," Rachel rolled her eyes. "When she mentioned the whole bondage/blackmail stuff, the rest of it came out too." She frowned and asked, "Lacey didn't let her tie you to your car seat, right?"

"I don't see how that would.....hey, wait," I backed up. "Did they already blab to you again?"

"Blabbed, followed the plan, stuff like that," Amanda brushed through. She got more apologetic, excusing, "I mean....well, she's Regina George for a reason, you know?"

I looked to Rachel as she explained, "It wasn't like that. I didn't have to blackmail them like Regina would. Not even with Tina. I just....convinced them to do something they weren't planning to do. Like Regina."


Re: Mean Girls Reunion
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2020, 04:45:13 PM »
"Convinced them. To give me farewell pity orgasms?" I accused.

"Oh, poor you and poor them for that," Rachel mocked. "They jumped at the chance, since you're supposed to be good or something. I had to be sure before I did anything. So I convinced them to test you out, make sure you weren't rusty and all. From what the three L's are telling me, I was worried for nothing. But it's still good to know."

Once I got the three L's joke, and remembered Tina couldn't risk bragging about me, I pieced some more things together. "You....paired them to fuck me?"

"It's not like they made it hard," Rachel rolled her eyes. "Lacey and Lindsay had the boobs, so why wouldn't I pair them? I could have used Amanda, but I wanted to save her for this. That left Tina and Lizzy together by default."

"Wait, save Amanda for this?" I put aside the rest. "This what?"

"It's pretty obvious now, right?" Amanda chimed back in. She did have a point. "We know you already....went twice. You've only got one more in you, if we're lucky. That still gives us more than enough time for our own....grand finale."

As it all sank in, and looked pretty logical for that matter, I still had to ask Amanda, "You want that? With....someone else there?"

"That someone else is....very convincing. Not in a Lindsay way," Amanda corrected. "I know you're worn out, but I can go as slow and sweet as you want....or go the other way if you're ready. You know that. And Rachel can do that too."

"I'd better. After everything they told me, I got to see this for myself," Rachel added. "I could have seen it first back then. I could have insisted I see it first after the shoot. But I'm trusting they didn't fuck the best out of you yet. So I'll take it for last and leave some for Amanda too."

Rachel walked closer and backed me towards the back of my couch. "I could tell she was your favorite. But I made today an even bigger success for you, in a lot of ways. I won't even tie you up to make you thank me. I don't have to. I saw the way you checked my legs out last time....makes a lot more sense now, really."

A lot of things were making sense now. A lot of things were getting clearer, in the past, present and future. As I felt a familiar desire take over, I still remembered Amanda was right -- even she and Rachel couldn't get two more loads out of me. If I only had one left for this night, or any other night with this group, there was a lot more I had to do first.

Starting with those legs Rachel was talking about, and showing off beneath that ironic white dress. "Speaking of which," this made me say, ready to turn the tide on this fake teen mastermind turned real adult puppet master.

I maneuvered myself behind Rachel, then bent her over the back of the couch. I then went down on my knees behind her, putting my hands on the back of her knees and kissing up the back of her left leg. I licked and kissed it up and down, in a pale imitation of all the ladies who licked and kissed my cock.

Both my hands went on her left leg and stroked it slowly, savoring its shape. I realized I should have done this with Tina too, or one or two of the others -- I probably couldn't do it with Amanda later and not look like a copycat. Yet I pushed it out of my mind to give Rachel my attention.

I went over to kiss up her right leg as my hands caressed her left. When my right hand went to her right leg, my left stayed and inched towards the bottom of her dress. At that moment, I pulled her dress up to expose her ass, which looked quite peachy and delicious in her red panties. I even let out an "Mmmm" sound that made Rachel chuckle.

However, she matched my moans and surpassed them when both my hands reached her thighs. My tongue reached her underwear and licked all the way up, then my mouth kissed the exposed sides of her ass cheeks. My thumbs soon rubbed the bottom of her panties, right as my tongue went back on them.

"Is this what you wanted?" I taunted.

"Ugh....getting there," Rachel urged. That was good enough for me to lower her panties, exposing her bare ass and pussy. I slowly slid her garments down her legs while my tongue buried myself between her lips, causing her to arch against me.

"I want to cum," Rachel said obviously. "I want to cum on your mouth, then kiss it off. Are you up for that?" she challenged. Might as well answer her.

The answer came when I slid my left thumb into her, then slid my tongue down her pussy to her upper thigh. My right hand rested on her hip and squeezed, rubbing her outsides as my thumb wiggled in her insides. As for my tongue, lips and teeth, they had their fun right next to her pussy, while going back there a few seconds at a time.

Rachel bucked herself back against me, so I thrust my thumb deeper in kind. Wanting to add a little extra for her, I took my right hand and lightly slapped it on her ass. Once it stopped jiggling, I gave it a nip with my teeth and kissed it better.

"Oh, now I see it," Rachel complimented. To make sure her vision didn't get worse, I jammed my thumb harder into her. It fucked her mercilessly, then took some mercy on her by pulling out -- although that likely wasn't the mercy she wanted. Nevertheless, my thumb was soaked with her until it wiped her juices on her upper left leg.

My tongue licked it all off her and much more, yet I left Rachel's pussy bare, empty and hungry for more. My right thumb brushed her lips teasingly, winding her up further. "Come on, a little more," Rachel requested/semi-begged. But all I did was glide over her pussy and kiss her thigh.

This would hopefully catch her more off guard when I buried my whole face in her. Whether Rachel was surprised or not, she was properly worked up when I rapidly ate her out. With the teasing over, I used every hard core trick I had to give her relief.

After wetting, suckling, licking, biting and nuzzling her pussy, I merely tongued it to try and finish her off. Rachel writhed, yet she reached back and tried to touch herself for a final boost. Whether she was desperate or trying to give me a message, I brushed her hand aside and brought mine back into her folds.

"Get those lips ready," I said with a double meaning. I lightly licked her before roughly shoving my right forefinger into her, fucking her with abandon. Meanwhile, my tongue licked the side of her just light enough to balance it out. Combined, it made Rachel call out, "Fuck me, I'm gonna...."

She didn't finish with words, but her orgasm on my finger and tongue did the job. I kept them there to collect her juices, then finally pulled out after Rachel got quiet. My finger came out and brushed Rachel one more time, before I cleaned it up with my mouth.

Eventually, I got myself off my knees, although Rachel was still bent over my couch. This time, however, she came to me without warning and suddenly turned around. Now on her feet and facing me, she kept her promise and kissed my lips, tasting herself all over them.

Rachel devoured my mouth and I did the same to hers in return. Yet before long, she started to slow down and I followed her lead. Despite the steamy start, this was almost starting to get sweet. Like she was switching from cum-hungry vixen to her patented, sweet girl next door persona.

The only one who could match that kind of switch was....the other girl in the room. The neglected girl in the room.

Amanda seemed to sense that was her cue, as she came over to me once Rachel broke away. Now it was her turn to give me those sweet, toe curling kisses we shared the first time. As her gorgeous body sunk into my arms, and her pouty lips slid over mine, her pretty face broke and buried itself into my neck.

She licked, bit and suckled my neck and collarbone with increased intensity. Now she was switching from girl next door to vixen, as it turned out. If that was the case, I wanted to get comfier. "We should get comfier," I barely changed from my thoughts.

I should have qualified that I wanted to go to bed, in case either of them wanted to use the couch again. But Amanda got the message and once again led me upstairs, with Rachel following.

Once again, Amanda reached my bedroom first and started undressing. Once again, I followed her lead. The new wrinkle was Rachel doing the same. Since she only had her white dress left on, she finished before we did.

Amanda took her red shirt and black skirt off, but still had her blue bra and panties on. Rachel didn't bother with one, as she already had less to hide than Amanda. After my shirt came off and I got rid of my belt, Rachel acted quicker to get me on the bed -- clearly on the mend from her orgasm.

For several moments, I was cozy and content to make out with Rachel, savoring our bare skin and lips rubbing together. Her bare hips pressed against my still clothed groin, but I was in no hurry, even with my erection at full strength. So I kept a hand in her hair and the other on her upper back as my tongue slid over hers.

However, Rachel then pushed hers into my mouth and explored it with vigor. Her hips came down more forcefully as her hands brushed my chest and nipples. When they reached my tips, she brought her mouth down to my neck and started nibbling, her bright eyes turning devilish again.

I ignored a coughing sound nearby, too focused on seeing Rachel kissing my chest. Another cough made me break away reluctantly -- but I hardly regretted it when I saw Amanda next to the bed. She was leaning against the wall in her bra, yet every other inch of her curvy body was on full display.

My eyes went up and down her captivating figure, until a bite from Rachel made me turn back to see her captivating face on my pecs. Turning back and forth between the two sweet, stunning sights nearly gave my head whiplash. "Oh, baby...." I slipped out, as nothing else seemed to fit.

With my words gone, I stretched my right arm out to stroke and palm Amanda's center, while my left hand dropped onto Rachel's head. Amanda's head went back as I worked on her, yet she put her arms back as well to remove her bra. When that came off, I brushed aside Rachel unbuckling my belt at the same time.

Amanda got on the bed and laid on her side next to me, kissing me once she was settled. I tried to settle my hand back between her legs at the same time, so she turned on her side. As my finger got back into her, Rachel freed my cock while I wasn't looking.

She then sucked on my balls when I wasn't looking -- although I didn't ignore her for long.

As I saw Rachel take my sack into her mouth, my left hand gripped her hair tighter. In the meantime, Amanda nibbled on my neck, reminding me to keep working on her. When I did, she reached her right hand over to stroke my shaft while Rachel worked lower.

"Oh, yeah...." I groaned, right before Rachel kissed up my shaft and reached my head, leaving Amanda's hand to cover my balls. I felt myself boiling over, despite how that might not be the best thing. "Wait....this might be all I have...." I warned once Rachel tongued my slit.

"For now," Amanda predicted.

"No really....I don't even know how I have enough now...." I moaned as they kept stroking and sucking me anyway. "And....you can't stay long enough to...."

"We're good girls, and we just had a busy day," Rachel pointed out. "We're due one late day on our sets, I think. Didn't we make sure before you got here?"

"I seem to remember that," Amanda played along. "But if we're not wanted...."

Before I could even correct her, Amanda slid down and sat next to Rachel. She took over ball sucking duties while Rachel went back to my shaft. The simultaneous oral work, not to mention the arousal on their faces -- and the thought of what else I could get on them -- somehow made me ready to snap one more time.

I pumped my hips up a few times, then they took their mouths off and licked a side of my shaft each. After they took turns bobbling on it, I gritted my teeth and prepared to go.

I grabbed my cock and aimed it at Rachel first, covering her lips with the first spurts. I aimed it at Amanda and got more of her face on the next few. But it was Rachel who took it next and swallowed the rest down, leaving none for Amanda when I was done.

I didn't see what Amanda made of that. I could only savor their cum covered, even more gorgeous faces for a few moments before I had to lay my head down. That had to be my limit for the night -- my limit with them and all their friends. And other than that facial, I couldn't even give Amanda anything.

I sighed and put my left arm over my face, fighting a losing battle against my exhaustion. However, when I was ready to give up, I felt someone move my arm away. Once I opened my eyes again, I saw a clear faced Amanda come over and straddle my chest. "You still owe me one," she reminded.

"I don't....I can't....you took everything out of me," I said. "I don't know why I'm not sleeping yet."

"All you have to do is move your tongue. That should keep you busy," Amanda figured. "We'll see what else we can do later."

The fresh arousal right in front of me, and the feel of her thighs on my chest....well, it was keeping me awake. And I could certainly still wiggle my tongue, if nothing else.

I got enough energy to put my hands on her hips as well. Not a bad place to rest them, all things considered. The spot between them wasn't too bad to rest my head against, or lap at, ether. While I was probably lazy at first, I added my teeth every so often until I could put a full effort in.

Amanda helped along by grinding herself against my head, and kept doing so even when I upped the ante. Before long, my hands went back to her ass and pushed it forward, as my tongue and mouth met its thrusts. After Amanda put her hands on the wall and rocked her hips, we really got into a rhythm.

By the end, my hands could join in again, so I suddenly jammed my left forefinger into her pussy. When my mouth came back on her, she drained herself on it and my finger in short order.

Now that Amanda was tiring, she got off me and laid nearby after I cleaned her off. Much of my body still felt tired, and I was nowhere near getting hard again, if at all. But when I noticed a clean faced Rachel back in the room, I scrounged up a mini burst.

I reached over and put her on her back, then climbed on top to enjoy her. With no actual fucking on the horizon, I could savor lying on her body and kissing every soft, feathery part I could reach. From her lips, cheek, ears, neck and down to her upper chest and breasts, I lavished her while her shapely legs wrapped around my waist.

The feel and taste of her silky form soothed me, as my touch soothed her as well. We settled into another slow, steady, unhurried pattern, barely needing to brush and rub our genitals below. Yet just as I felt myself starting to really stir, Amanda laid besides us, inspiring me to give her the same treatment.

My left hand kept rubbing Rachel's body while I laid on top of Amanda, lavishing her face and breasts. But before long, Amanda flipped me over and settled on top, covering me with kisses as Rachel went over to do the same. I went back and forth between kissing their necks and faces -- regardless of what had been on them before -- as they relaxed onto me.

I felt like I could do this for hours, and perhaps I had. I went between loving kisses with Amanda, steamy nibbles and rubs with Rachel, and then back again. We took turns on top as we kissed and enjoyed each part of our upper bodies, while giving our lower ones some needed rest.

I didn't want it to end. And I was stretching it out beyond reason and logic so I wouldn't have to.

Yet eventually, Rachel made me sit up so she could straddle my lap, wrapping those long legs around me and grinding gently. Amanda sat next to me and kissed my right shoulder and ear while Rachel kissed my left, with Amanda soon adding her hand on my balls.

When I slipped into Rachel, I ducked my head down to her chest as her legs tightened on me. She rode me steadily while I played with her nipples, all as Amanda's left hand slid over my balls and her ass. Her right even slid between me and Rachel, brushing her pussy and my shaft whenever it was exposed.

After that was enough, I brought Rachel back on her back, although she still bucked against me hard below. My energy still wasn't up to hers -- though I got close when Amanda went behind me and nipped my ass, then licked down to my sack. As a byproduct, it reminded me I had to be inside her once.

I got myself off Rachel and went on top of Amanda, although I made sure Rachel stayed close. I still fucked and kissed Amanda along the way, and Rachel even kissed the left of her neck while I was on her right.

My energy went up when I went to Amanda's tits, which bounced more as I pounded her. I had to take my hand off Rachel, but she slipped her hand between me and Amanda to help anyway. I avoided crushing it as I pushed, squeezed, bit, sucked and motorboated Amanda's breasts for a final sendoff.

Having that in mind, my kisses got deeper as they went up to her neck and face. Once I got to her lips, I forgot why I ever planned to pull out of her. However, Rachel's hand on my ass made it all come rushing back. For all that Amanda and everyone else did, Rachel had waited the longest for this final act.

I poured one of my last bits of will power into my final kisses with Amanda, then used a few more big ones to get off her. I went to my left and inserted myself into Rachel, yet I left my right hand on Amanda to bring her off. Fucking Rachel with my cock while fucking Amanda with my hand would be difficult for a man at full strength, but I did all I could.

Rachel saw that and took care of the rest, pumping her hips below me. She pressed her head against my shoulder while my left hand went to her chest. Amanda fucked herself deeper on my right fingers, yet Rachel milked me more deliberately, not letting me completely tire out. And it was working.

"You want it inside you?" I panted. "It should have been in you first...."

"Yeah on both counts...." Rachel panted back. "Give me that cum now...."

"Me first.....oh fuck, me!" Amanda interrupted, furiously finishing herself off on me. She exploded on my hand, making me go still while Rachel still kept going under me.

This made me less guilty when I pulled my hand from Amanda and focused on licking it clean. Amanda had the same idea, and took over halfway, then kissed me when she was on both our lips. When she laid on her side next to us, Rachel went over to kiss both our tinged lips too.

My hips got going the more I went back and forth between kissing them. My right hand went into Amanda's hair, despite being less than clean, as my left pinched and rubbed Rachel's nipples. I felt my mind going blank and lost track of which lips were on me, since I just kissed whatever set was closer.

The intense three-way kissing was broken up by Rachel's orgasm -- a prelude to my own. The absolute last one. In every way relating to this saga, if not every way in life.

As if any future one in my life could match the last....dozen or so. As if any participants could match these -- no matter how famous, how many at a time or what movie they were in.

Maybe I would test that if I got more influential. Maybe this couldn't be topped, personally or professionally. Maybe this was the calm before the harsh reality check. Maybe regular reality didn't apply here anymore. Maybe a lot of things would or wouldn't happen.

As much as I'd like to say what those things were, what today's events led to, and what celebs returned to or reentered my orbit later -- in and out of bed -- I couldn't say. I couldn't even guess. And I couldn't even bother to care right now.

There was nothing but beautiful faces, eyes and lips, soft bodies, tight warmth and hot release. After blowing Tina, fucking Lizzy, gobbling Lacey's tits, fucking Lindsay's, spilling into Rachel and holding Amanda close by, the rest couldn't help but be an anticlimax -- so to speak. Why drag that out too?

For the record, I was passed out for 10 hours before the boring rest of my life began.



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