Hotel NeighborsOriginally published February 2014
New York, New York
I'd been to New York on business a bunch of times before. It didn't take quite as much effort to book a hotel room, though. But after some haggling, I was able to book one of the last rooms available at the Hilton for the weekend. It would be for two nights and cost me hundreds of bucks, but such was the cost of business.
I resigned myself to it when I actually checked in, then took my luggage to the elevator. I heard someone getting on with me, but my mind was elsewhere. I didn't even let them go ahead of me when we got to my floor, but no one slapped or yelled at me for it.
Nevertheless, I heard someone following me as I went to my room. When I got to my door, I finally showed enough courtesy to look back and see a woman nearby. "Oh, sorry, hold on," I said quickly, clearing my luggage out of the hallway.
"That's cool, this is my stop anyway," the woman excused, standing in front of the door next to mine.
So this was my neighbor? Now that I wasn't dragging luggage anymore and was about to step in my room, I could actually notice her. She didn't have luggage – but that paled in comparison to what else I noticed.
Pretty black hair. Even lovelier blue eyes with a tinge of sass in them. An even more amazing pair of lips. An insanely amazing chest hidden behind a purple blouse. And an almost equally curvy lower body that was being shown off in blue jeans.
Fucking hell, this woman was my hotel neighbor? The fucking spitting image of Kat....
Hold on a second.....
"Hold on a second," I actually said out loud. Covering myself, I managed to ask, "Where's your luggage?" as a semi-legitimate question. Maybe if I heard her talk again, I'd get my real question answered.
"It's been stashed in my room since yesterday. Just wanted to get breakfast before the lunch rush," the woman stated, then opened her door. "Anyway, welcome to the fourth floor, neighbor," she greeted before entering her room.
Okay, that was her voice. That was Kat Dennings' voice. Kat fucking Dennings, the owner of network TV's two biggest boobs, and it's sexiest hourglass figure – at least among those that had been leaked online. Hell, it was still hotter than those who weren't. And it was next door to me.
Somehow, I kept quiet about this revelation and got myself in my own room. I didn't even cheer or scream in there, in case the walls weren't thin enough. But if an actual celebrity was staying here, that said more about the quality of this place than walls, four star ratings or huge room prices.
Nevertheless, I did actually have to prepare for work. It would start with a meeting tonight, then another one tomorrow afternoon, and then I could leave the next morning. So I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, getting myself prepared, and blocking seductive celebrities out of my brain.
Apparently I was really good at that, since I left the room just as Kat Dennings was coming out of hers, and I didn't bother or drool on her. She had sunglasses hanging off her v-neck, which was already low enough as it was – or at least her tits made it look that way.
Yet I kept my drool in my mouth, and wasn't caught staring – supposedly. Once again, we shared an elevator and kept quiet, only it took us down to the lobby. Afterwards, we walked over to the front door, then I acted like a gentlemen and opened the door for her.
By then, she'd put her sunglasses on, perhaps trying not to be noticed – or at least not recognized, since not noticing her was impossible. "There you go, ma'am," I pretended not to recognize her or point her out, just in case.
Kat just smiled and nodded, before going in the direction of Times Square. I took a bit longer to shake that out of my head, before going in the other direction to get a cab.
Work went well enough, I figured I'd reward myself with my own walk around Times Square. It wasn't because I expected to see Kat there – and yet as I headed to the M&M store, there she was coming out of it.
She still had her glasses on, as if that would hide from me who she was. Yet from the way she chuckled, I could imagine the ironic amusement in her eyes. I could imagine a lot more memories expressions in those eyes too – but it was best not to think of that in front of her in Times Square. Especially since she was holding the door open for me this time.
"Ma'mm," I said offhandedly as I walked by.
"Neighbor," she responded this time. I only recognized the folly in not staying and talking to her 10 seconds after she left.
Still, it was too late by the time I got back to the Hilton, and I had a busy morning and afternoon ahead. There were no more surprise run ins then, as I did my job and headed back to sleep off my last night in New York. After I had a nice dinner in the hotel.
And right on cue, there she was at a nearby table.
She didn't have sunglasses, and had a casual blue dress that didn't show any cleavage, although her various shapes still stood out. She seemed to be sitting alone, so before I thought any better, I went over just as she recognized me.
"Did you get through the doors okay?" I had to joke.
"One of those bastards put up a fight, but I was too much for 'em," Kat cracked. "You?"
"I was too much for the M&Ms, clearly," I referenced. With the ice broken, I gave her my name so she wouldn't have to call me neighbor, and I acknowledged I knew who she was.
Apparently, her show had finished filming for the year and she didn't have to film her next movie for a few more days, so she took a little break here to recharge. She came to get away from work, unlike me – at least at first on my part. But we would both be checking out tomorrow morning, so we still had that In common.
Kat put up with me talking about my non-acting work for a while, then the waiter came by to get her order. By the grace of Kat, she let me stay and the waiter wound up taking my order too.
So all of a sudden, this turned from a plain old last night in New York to a dinner date with Kat Dennings. Good to know.
When we finished up, we were once again going up the elevator together to our floor. For the second time, we went to our doors in silence – only this time, I wasn't sure which door I should try to go in through.
"You know, we've been living next door for a good 30 hours, and I haven't even welcomed you to the neighborhood," Kat commented.
"Leaving aside how we're both moving out tomorrow," I reminded.
"All the more reason to combine the house warming and good bye parties," Kat figured. "And since I have seniority in this cul-de-sac, I should host them," Kat offered, opening her own door as a clear invitation.
Gathering my strength and ignoring the little buzz I had – from the dinner wine and company – I made my way into Kat's room. It obviously looked exactly like mine, although she added touches that I didn't. Such as her own 70 percent full bottle of vodka and half of a candy bag she obviously bought last night.
"You know, I went to a lot of places to have fun last night. Saw a lot of stuff," Kat recapped. "But this is the only place in town that offers vodka and candy for dessert."
"Lucky me," I said, without thinking too hard about how lucky I might be. Nevertheless, once Kat cleared a table and set aside cups of vodka and candy pieces, we pretty much picked up where we left off from dinner.
In the middle of it, after most of the vodka had been polished off, Kat said fairly clearly, "You know, you can go somewhere to get your mind off things. Recharge, get ready for more work, that sort of thing. You plan out distractions so much, and wham! Here comes another distraction you can't get distracted from! Especially when it keeps coming back! You know?"
"I know you seem to know a lot about distractions. Takes one to know one," I tried to complement while my brain was still clever enough. "But I get it. You focus so much on coming here for one thing, it's nice to get taken by surprise. A really nice, cool, hot surprise."
"Aw. The perfect time to play 'awww' on a sitcom laughtrack, and it's while I'm on break," Kat playfully lamented. Yet after pouring us both a final shot, the mood was lifted back up.
Before I knew it, the next thing I heard was....snoring.
I opened my eyes with some efforts, and a bit of a headache. My next deduction was that I was sleeping on the floor below Kat's bed. I even had a pillow and a blanket and everything.
What happened? Other than getting drunk and falling asleep? If I was really sleeping on the floor, then....nothing.
Apparently we were drunk enough so Kat wouldn't let me leave the room, but not drunk enough to fuck. But it was still late at night, so....
Nope. Kat was clearly sleeping up on the bed. I could hear it from the floor. So much for that, then. I must have been the only guy on Earth who could drink with a celebrity – much less Kat Dennings – and not get anything out of it.
Maybe another few hours of sleep would make it less headache inducing.
Then the next thing I heard after that was....what sounded like a knob turning.
I got up and saw that some daylight was coming from the window. I next went and looked up at the actual bed, which was unoccupied – as was the chair and everything else in this room.
Then I heard another knob turn. Then the sound of running water got clearer. Then I realized where it was coming from, who was making those noises – and why.
While I was just waking up again, Kat was already getting herself refreshed by taking a shower. Within walking distance from me. She was in a shower, likely naked, within walking distance from me.
If I didn't still feel a little hungover.....hell, even now, I might....
No, I wasn't that drunk right now. Plus there must have been a hour or two left before checkout time. No sense going from here to prison for peeping on a naked, wet, sexy, stacked, luscious....right, no sense doing it.
Then again, she could have woken me up and sent me back to my room before cleaning herself up. Or just waited until I left on my own. Why would she do this now unless....
Damn it, I had to stop letting illogical things make sense. She was showering, I had no right to read anything into it – I had no right listening to it, anyway. Not in my condition. Kat had been too cool to me for that.
"Mmmhmmm....." I heard a very unhelpful moan. Or maybe it was just helpful enough.
God, the sound of it – not to mention my overactive imagination – was too sexy to resist. At least completely. Yet in my desperation and my semi-decency, I settled on a compromise.
I laid back on the floor where Kat left me. I got myself under the blanket, turned my back to the right side of the bed, reached into my pants and....went to work.
Imagining Kat's incredible body in the shower, and listening to it, would probably make me cum well before she came back. Stewing in my own juices until I publicly woke up would be worth it. Plus I could then go to my room and avoid any residual guilt – until the next time I saw her on TV.
Of course, it'd be easier if I actually came before she finished. Somehow, I wasn't doing it yet. Stupid alcohol. Stupid ADD riddled brain distracting me from naked Kat.
Stupid shower getting turned off right now – meaning no more naked Kat soon enough.
"Son of a bitch," I muttered, pumping my cock more out of panic than being turned on. Yet my worry was the only thing that made picturing Kat naked less....explosive. At that point, I knew I was fighting a losing battle.
Only I could take the simplest, easiest thing and screw it up. Now I had to live with the consequences of pretending to sleep near Kat, then pretending to wake up and take my leave – without looking like I just jacked off to her.
For now, all I could do was stay still, pretend to be asleep and pray she didn't notice me. I heard her walking back into the bedroom, but I wasn't going to see if she was looking at me. Especially since I hadn't zipped my pants back up under the blanket.
In my first tiny break, I heard Kat going back into the bed. At the least, she wasn't watching me. Maybe I could stay quiet enough to tuck my cock back in and get my pants back in order.
Or maybe a groan from Kat would throw me off yet again.
Without thinking, my hand went back under the blanket and grabbed my cock. Before I came to my senses, I heard Kat lightly groaning again. Before I really let my mind wander, I heard Kat clearly moving around nearby.
There was no way....
"Oh, fuck, I knew this'd be so good...." Kat whispered. If I was actually asleep, the noise probably wouldn't have woken me up. But I was awake. I was so much more than awake now.
I was a conscious witness to Kat Dennings playing with herself after a shower. It was one thing having her take a naked shower nearby – but her fingering herself right above me?!
It was sure one hell of a cover for me.
"Ooh, yeah...." Kat cooed, with a slight squeaking noise accompanying her. I wasn't going to make any sounds myself, just in case. But I couldn't stop myself from matching her in other ways.
My hand pumped my shaft with renewed purpose, as Kat pumped herself at the same time. Of course, she had more room to play around with, and didn't know she had a conscious audience. For all I knew, she was playing with....other things to help her along.
Hell, who knew if she even had clothes on right now? She had to have easy access somehow.
In any case, I heard more squeaking above me, and more quiet but sultry groans from Kat. I managed to keep myself quieter, in spite of how fast my hand and imagination were going. As my thumb went over my head – and I imagined it was Kat's lips – I think I let out a little "Yeah...."
"Yeah, fuck me," Kat whispered, covering my noise up and then some. Still, it made it harder for me to keep it down. Even if I wasn't talking or groaning, my sheets were getting somewhat noisy.
Kat's noise picked up, making me figure if I had been asleep, I'd have woken up by now anyway. She wasn't doing that good a job concealing this from me. Perhaps she'd gotten too hot and bothered to try – for some reason.
Shit, there goes my ADD brain again. I had to get it together and finish before she did – there really was no good excuse now.
"Come on, fuck me harder," I heard Kat whisper. Yeah, no excuse now.
Kat's words, sounds and every other dirty picture, thought and dream I had about her sent me into overdrive. I gritted my teeth and couldn't stop myself from whispering, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...." as I worked my cock harder. I even thrust my hips in order to fuck my hand and hurry this up.
"Yeah, yeah, right there...." Kat seemed to be getting closer too. I kept my mouth closed and stroked myself closer to the finish. After a while, I didn't hear any noise from Kat either.
Hopefully she didn't finish quietly – that would be a sadly ironic ending. Nevertheless, I kept jacking off steadily, waiting for any further inspiration. After several moments, I heard the squeaking begin anew.
Followed by, "Come on, cum for me."
Whether she was talking to herself, or an imaginary guy, I couldn't care right now. Not with those orders.
Since the squeaking and Kat's not quite quiet groans were getting louder, I could get away with one more burst myself. Maybe I'd even beat her to the punch. This was one time where it might be acceptable to cum before a lady.
"Just a little more....little more...." Kat muttered, giving me something to shoot for. Getting desperate to end this already, I put my other hand on my groin and juggled my balls. Yet Kat's subsequent hiss and "Fuck, yeah...." helped much more.
Nevertheless, I heard Kat let out a more extended, relieved little groan. If she was really finished, I'd just have to follow. And finally, I did.
I covered my cock head with my hand, trying desperately not to get cum on my jeans, or even the sheets. Even getting some on the floor might cost me in the long run. In any case, it felt like most of it was covered up by my hand.
I didn't hear anything from Kat, which could have been a good or terrible sign. Maybe she was asleep already. Perhaps if the coast was clear, I could get up, go to the bathroom and pretend I woke up right after the show.
Before I could think of anything better, I patted my wet hand on my stomach, rubbing my cum on it out of necessity. This left my hand dry enough to zip myself back up, and to be presentable if the worst happened.
Such as me finally rolling over, opening my eyes, and seeing Kat's head looking down at me from her bed.
"Jesus fucking – " I nearly screamed, instantly turning my back to her. I was probably in the fetal position at this point. Like I hadn't incriminated myself enough. Why else would she be watching me like that?
She wasn't telling me why, though. She wasn't saying anything. If she knew what I did, she would have killed me quick, so she'd have enough time to cover up my murder. Right?
I turned myself around with the little bravery I had left. Kat was still lying on her bed and looking down, not appearing too furious. But she didn't look like she was fooled, either. She knew I did something, and my little reaction earlier must have given the rest away.
"Just kill me quick. Write a good suicide note for me, if you can," I dared for my last request. Instead of agreeing, Kat lifted her head back up. Within seconds, she was on her feet and standing over me now – all the better to finish me off.
She was wearing nothing but a white, tied up robe – which explained her easy access to herself. One mystery solved before I went away.
"You're really fucking lucky, you know that?" Kat asked. Her words weren't a declaration of murder, but her tone hardly set me at ease.
"You're lucky we both gotta check out soon. I can't cut you up and write a good suicide note in time. Maybe I could do one, but not both!" Kate declared. "You're also lucky I was doing the same thing you were doing. So I got no moral authority over you, don't I?"
I didn't feel safe enough to answer, or say anything else, so I just let Kat continued. "You're also really lucky I love doing that too much to hold it against you."
"Do what? Are we on the same page here?" I spoke against my better judgment.
"If that page says I like getting off after getting a shower, yeah," Kat filled in. "I mean, getting off right after a shower is always hot. Fuck, doing it in the morning, after a long night and a nice, not too bad buzz on.... that's the perfect stress reliever right there."
"You seem to know more about it than me," I let my guard down just a little. "And I didn't use the shower, so...."
"Right, I gave you your own help," Kat addressed the other elephant in the room.
"I shouldn't have taken it, I know," I decided to escape while I could. "I'm sorry, I'll go," I got out of the bed and stood up next to her.
"Wait, we didn't get to my luck yet," Kat stopped me. "I'm lucky you're not good at keeping quiet! If I didn't hear you and catch the end of your little show, I wouldn't have finished mine so soon!"
"You wouldn't?" I couldn't believe on a few levels. "I mean, if you're used to doing this, you probably didn't need me."
"Maybe. But I'm lucky I didn't have to find out," Kat figured. "Hearing me get off got you off, and seeing you get off actually got me off. We're both horrible perverts, so now we're even."
"Oh. I can live with that. Thankfully literally," I breathed my relief.
"It's kind of too bad, though," Kat somehow went on. "If we didn't wait till the end to....expose ourselves to each other....maybe we wouldn't have....finished by ourselves. Hell, if we had more energy last night, we could have gotten it out of the way then! Now that we gotta check out soon, well...."
Fuck me.
"Right, exactly. On both levels," Kat said for some reason. The only likely one being that I said "fuck me" out loud. Fuck.
If that would have been possible, though, and if she really just said it was.....yeah, it was really fucking too bad.
"I mean, we just proved that listening to each other masturbate was....pretty hot," Kat reiterated. "And I got all the visual stimulation I need. You didn't, though. But if you went that nuts just from listening and thinking about it...."
"Hey, I covered myself up more than you did," I tried to argue. "And yet it drove you over the top anyway. If you went that nuts without seeing my own....visuals...."
Wait. Kat Dennings hinted it was a shame she didn't fuck me, and I'm arguing about my visuals? As if I could win that kind of argument with her? Come on, dumbass, less drunk brain, get your priorities straight!
Then again, my brain still had some usefulness. Like pointing out how it sounded like Kat was opening to fucking me. And she didn't seem to disagree with my visual argument. And the more depressing fact that we were in no condition to fuck now – and we had to check out of our room pretty soon.
In just an hour or two. Which was....somewhat workable.
"So you're saying, we'd have been a lot faster with more....visuals," I tried to be smooth before I knew better. "By that logic, we'd have cum faster and....recovered faster too...."
"Hmm....that's an interesting way to put it," Kat admitted.
"If we have to check out in a couple hours....we could prove that logic at least once," I dared to offer. "Once is all I'd need. But I could try to prove it for you more than once."
Before she could answer, I went for it and got on my feet, putting my right hand on her right shoulder – and brushing aside the part of her robe covering it. Once her shoulder was bare, I touched it, if only to prepare myself to touch the rest of her skin.
"For the record....that's the hand you used on yourself, right?" Kat asked. "I hardly made it possible for you to....properly clean it, right?"
I shook my head no – and before I knew it, she went for it and took my hand off her shoulder. If there was any trace of my cum off my hand, Kat got it by licking up my palm and fingers.
The way her tongue went up my hand, the way her full bottom lip dragged on my skin behind it, and the way she didn't break eye contact with me....sparked my vivid imagination.
"I finished thinking about doing that. But not on a hand," Kat spelled out even clearer. At that point, I needed no more spelling lessons.
Since my hand was wet with Kat's saliva, I probably shouldn't have put it on the back of her head when I kissed her. But the sensation of kissing those lips, and the fact she was kissing right back, drowned that concern out.
I willed myself to unzip my pants again, instead of going right for her robe, figuring I should set the example. However, Kat's hands went down to my belt – after gliding over the part of my stomach I rubbed my cum on. So if she could undress me....
My pants were down by the time I started untying Kat's robe. Once I finished, Kat broke our kiss, helped me lift my shirt off and then laid me down on the bed. I immediately felt more comfortable than I had all last night and this morning – especially with Kat lying on top of me with her robe open.
I couldn't see her chest and bare upper body, but I felt it rubbing on mine. "Oh, fucking God...." was my only appropriate response. Still, Kat wasn't sitting up or letting me get a full look at her tits and body, although they still rubbed against me just fine.
Kat distracted me further by kissing me across my face and down my neck. Conceding that she was in control, I put my hands on the back of Kat's robe. To give me something other to do than moan as Kat kissed my ear, I lifted the back of her robe up her body – until I exposed her bare, pantie free, juicy backside.
"Fuck, that's...." I couldn't finish. For all the justified hype on her tits, lips, curves and hips, that ass did not get enough justice. I'd have to change that. If I couldn't see or rub her tits yet, her ass would have to do just fine.
Kat stopped nibbling my ear long enough to moan, as my hands cupped as much of her ass as I could. After rubbing and squeezing both ample cheeks, my finger brushed between then and went down to her pussy. "Did you touch yourself this slow at first?" I was inspired to ask as I felt her lower lips.
"Oooh....couldn't waste time," Kat answered as she lifted her head back up.
"I sure wouldn't," I teased, suddenly putting my right forefinger right into her. It wiggled around as I went up to kiss and suckle her lips. In retaliation, Kat grinded her bare hips against my underwear clad groin, which sure taught me a lesson.
I gave Kat payback when my forefinger went in deeper, my right index finger rubbed her and my left hand jiggled and held her behind. In response, my punishment involved Kat rolling on her left hip and slipping her right arm out of her robe, then rolling on her right hip to get her other arm out.
Once that was done, I could throw her robe away – leaving nothing left on Kat's voluptuous, hourglass body. A body I had to roll on top of.
My hands removed themselves from Kat, before I sat up and finally took in her mind blowing naked chest, dizzying naked curves, and wet, now visible pussy. "Take a picture, why don't you?" Kat commented – whether she meant to bring up her own topless selfie leak or not.
Since I saw those pictures countless times, it might explain why I didn't have a heart attack over her naked tits. Or why I was content to finger her pussy again and kiss up her stomach, instead of going right for her chest.
My left fingers were getting her off, while my right hand went up and down her soft, full figure. I just wanted to take my time and savor every part of her in this bed – but I probably needed to be a little quick. So I put my tongue and lips below her left breast while my free hand went back and forth palming each one.
As I kissed up Kat's left tit, I was stroking her right nipple in tune with my left hand stroking her pussy. "'re missing a spot," Kat claimed, putting her finger on her left nipple. Taking the hint, my teeth latched onto it and suckled it down, as her right nipple and pussy got thoroughly rubbed down.
With Kat's hands free again, she put them on my ass so she could lower my underwear. Once my ass was exposed, she grabbed on for a bit and then went lower, just as I did. In her case, her fingers tickled and traced over my balls, making me grind down and finger her deeper.
She settled on leaving her left hand on my balls and ass – leaving her right to grab the back of my head. Once she did, she pushed her breast deeper into my face, which made me let go of her right nipple and finally take a good handful of her left boob. I pushed it up as my mouth devoured it and Kat thrust her chest against me.
Somehow, I could still thrust harder into her with my left finger, even as my right went all over her tits. "Oh fuck....I wish I could cum soon. And have enough left to fuck you and cum again," Kat wished.
"Your own fault for not stopping us the first time," I mumbled on her tit.
"Yeah....that means I'd better stop now," Kat conceded, taking her hands off my balls and head. She then rolled me back onto my back, before adding, "And I only got a minute or two to fit this in, huh?"
She had no problem going down and fitting my cock into her hot mouth. In fact, she kept it there and just licked me slowly up and down for several seconds. After popping off, she said, "If you're gonna last, I'm gonna need to go slow and give you half my A-game. Is that cool?"
"That's half...." was all I could say in disbelief. But it was enough approval for Kat.
With her hand on the bottom of my shaft, Kat licked up my underside and slowly put her lips over my head. Her seductive blue eyes zeroed in on me while her luscious lips slowly sunk lower, and her tongue teased my head. Finally she actually suckled on me, but it was slow and deliberate, albeit no less hotter.
All I could do is lay my hand on her hair and try not to fuck her face then and there. Yet after swirling her tongue around me and briefly sucking most of my cock down, Kat took herself off. It might have been for the best, but I wasn't happy about it then.
Putting her tits on me did help, though.
Again, Kat was being slow and sexy in stroking me with her sexiest body parts. She dipped down and gave my head a little dab with her tongue, then rubbed her nipples right on my skin. Finally I lifted my hips up and fucked her back, but she only allowed it for six seconds before taking her chest away.
"Oh come on!" I cried out.
"Cumming on is what you can't do yet!" Kat reminded me. "You already came once! We don't have time to go for a three peat, remember?"
"Fuck, you really should have told me you were watching me...." I lamented.
"Would have, could have, didn't, whatever. We can beat ourselves up for beating off too soon on the ride home," Kat made light of. At the least, light laughter gave me a temporary release from needing to release.
"Fuck it," I resigned myself, sitting up and backing up until I leaned against the wall, trying to relax.
"We can still do a few things before we get that far," Kat insisted, coming back over to me. "Me, for instance? I like seeing what the big deal about this is."
With that little warning, Kat pressed herself against me, but went down to kiss my nipples instead of my lips. Giving me a taste of what I'm sure every man gave her, Kat licked and suckled my much smaller breasts and nipples.
"There's only so much I can do with yours, unlike mine. I get that part," Kat said. "Just have to put a twist on the things I can do."
I hoped Kat didn't mean that literally – yet she still pinched my nipples and went back and forth licking them. Letting them go, she then went back and forth batting and circling my nipples with her tongue. Finally she settled on sucking them slowly, looking up with as much naughty passion as she did when she sucked my cock.
After finishing on my breasts, Kat went down and licked back up my chest, before trying in vain to motorboat me. "Fine, I still can't see what the big deal with that is. Not with a cut guy, anyway," she semi-praised.
"Well, stick with what you know," I suggested. What she knew was kissing, as she proved again by connecting her lips with mine.
Now that we were both less on edge, we could take our time on this. Kat got herself up and put herself on my lap, wrapping her legs around me. Yet despite our genitals being pressed together, they weren't on the verge of going off – and we didn't need to connect them right now.
I could have spent hours just kissing her, as her perfect lips went in and out of my mouth, and her tongue did the same. I could also let my hands properly worship her amazing curves, and push up both of her amaze-balls breasts. They stayed here by the time my lips went down to Kat's neck and worked her over there.
"Mmmm, aren't we thorough," Kat teased, as I proved it by nibbling her throat and rubbing her tits against each other.
"Gotta use what little time I have well," I insisted.
"Is this how you used it in your head? When we....came too early?" Kat alluded to.
"Well, I did a few other things," I remembered. At that point, I took the fantasy into reality.
Laying Kat back down on the bed, I had her back up so I had room to put my head between her legs. "I guess I only have a minute or two for this too," I called back, before licking her up as slowly as she licked me.
My tongue slid up and down her lower lips, teasing between them but not quite going in. My fingers did the same thing for a while, until I put the tip of one into her for a split second. Kat groaned in frustration as my tongue went back to teasing her – but she got some relief when I plunged it in and grabbed her tits at the same time.
I licked her at the same pace I stroked her breasts with my hands and palms. "Fuck, come on...." Kat let get away from her.
"Can't, remember?" I called back, though I still put my hand back on her and fingered her hard for a few moments. I stopped and pulled out, taking the juices on my finger and sliding them onto Kat's stomach, so I could lick it up. It fueled me to kiss up her body as I put my hands back on her chest.
Pushing her tits together again, I smothered my face on the bottom of her breasts, kissing and nibbling the undersides. Kat grinded herself below me, nearly lining up her pussy with my cock, but I went back down before I could go in.
"Come on, what's the hold up? Tick tock, remember?" Kat reminded.
"Just waiting for the right position," was all I said, before licking her up harder. After just a few moments, I stopped and sat up on my knees between Kat's parted legs. "Flip over. That should do it."
Kat paused, but after brushing my fingertip on her for just a second, she huffed and got herself on all fours. With her lush bubble butt now waving near my face, it made me hungry enough to really dig in.
Bending down, I pressed my face against her ass and dipped my tongue right into her pussy. This time, I spared no expense in eating her up, with my hands rubbing and savoring her thick rump along the way. "Fuck, that's more like it...." Kat approved, pushing herself back on my face for extra help.
I hardly needed the help to devour her, but I appreciated it, nonetheless. Enough to finally get one more step in.
After deeply sucking and nibbling Kat's pussy lips, I quickly got back on my knees behind her. Lining up against her ass, I sank my cock into her at last. "Ooh, shit....big difference from my fingers...." Kat noted, so I drove it home by driving the rest of my cock in.
The second her cheeks pressed against my hips, though, I was the one who lost it.
I just had enough brain power to reach over and grab her dangling tits, as she kept herself on all fours. With her breasts in my hand, her ass rubbing against me and her pussy covering my cock, I could only hold on and fuck her like a piston.
It was good that I worked her up so much beforehand. Otherwise, she might not have cum so soon – or gotten me to slow down before I came too.
As Kat clenched on me and moaned, I forced myself to stop – although the pressure and cum on my cock nearly made me go anyway. Yet I caught my breath and slowed as Kat gasped and panted harder.
"Fuck, that was too good...." Kat both praised and lamented. "Any second for you now, huh?"
"Maybe not...." I tried to tell myself and her. "Maybe you should relax now...."
I took my hands off her breasts and tried to put my arms around her waist, to signal that she could sit up. Eventually, Kat got the message and got off all fours, though I didn't get out of her. I finally did when I realized it would be easier to sit against the wall again.
Once I sat and leaned against the bed board, Kat went over and leaned back against me, her ass settling down on my groin. After she got comfortable in my lap, I put myself back into her, but didn't start fucking her again. I merely put my hands on her waist, massaging her supple curves and crevices.
With Kat feeling soothed after her orgasm, and with me calming down from the brink as well, I slid my hands up to her breasts and simply held them. This inspired me to put my mouth back to work, as Kat turned her head right as I went in to kiss her.
Kissing her and holding her breasts at the same time was enough to get me hot all over again. As such, my hips started pumping up into her, but not too quickly. Yet I did gyrate my hips a bit as I got deeper, and I could feel Kat's sexy smirk on my lips as she kept kissing me.
"You gonna try and get one more outta me after all?" Kat asked against my lips. "Or just finish up right now?"
"I can multitask. And I sure as hell don't wanna finish soon," I told her, sliding my right hand down to play with her filled pussy. "Still too much to do."
"Oh, is that so?" Kat asked doubtfully. "You fit in quite enough already."
"I thought up quite a bit on the floor," I informed her, tweaking her lower lips as my cock pumped her faster and my left hand palmed her chest. "I think the simplest thing should do it, though."
Before I did that, though, I laid my chin on Kat's shoulder and watched me fuck, finger and jiggle her for a few more moments. When I had my fill, I slowed down and told her, "Back on your back. Right in the middle of the bed."
Kat reluctantly lifted her hips up, then crawled to the middle of the bed and laid down, her legs spread and ready. I took in the sight for a few seconds, then settled myself down on top of her, putting my hands right on her tits as I resumed fucking her.
"This was always enough," I told her. "Holding your tits....feeling every inch below me....kissing you, fucking you...." I stopped to kiss her as I squeezed her breasts and fucked her deeper.
When I broke, I added, "I thought of this when I came because of you. Fucking a gorgeous, sexy bombshell nice and hard...." I proved by driving all the way into her hard and pinching her nipples.
"Oh, that's all?" Kat asked. "For all the tricks, you just want a good, hard, deep fuck?" she teased, pushing her hips back. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"
I kissed her instead of answering, letting my tongue slide into her mouth like my cock slid into her pussy. After trying to tongue fuck her mouth, Kat did the same to mine and was much better at it – not just because her hips were bucking against mine even better.
My lips, teeth and tongue teased and played with her thick lips while my hands squeezed her thick tits, and my thick cock worked over her pussy. Doing that in my head made me cum before, yet doing it in reality somehow didn't make me go. Go figure.
In any case, Kat stopped kissing me and caught her breath, although breathing was pretty hard at the moment thanks to everything else. Still, Kat panted, "I want this nice, hard fuck to make me cum.....then I wanna lick my cum off your cock...."
No better words came to my mind – how could they? So I just answered by putting my left hand between our crotches and rubbing her off further. I could still think enough to realize I'd need a different angle, though.
With that lucky thought, I rolled over and had Kat lay on top of me. She quickly got into riding me, while I took advantage and put both my hands on her bouncing, bountiful behind. Yet I only enjoyed holding that for a few moments, until my fingers got to her pussy.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...." Kat chanted, all while I held her ass and rubbed her off for dear life. But I was kidding myself.
"I can't hold on...." I gasped. Making her cum a third time before my second – especially in this setup with this woman – was way too much to ask for.
"Damnit! Fuck, hold on!" Kat demanded. However, she didn't mean hold on in that way. It was hold on, as in I had to wait while she got off me and went into another position.
Kat turned sideways, her lower body laying close by to my left. I could reach over and finger fuck her, and I could still see her sucking my cock and bringing me to the finish. That I did need to see.
First I saw my left hand and fingers go onto her pussy. When I got two digits into her and started pumping, Kat let me see her suck me off anew. This time she wasn't being so slow.
" don't have my cum on here, but it's still not bad," Kat praised when she popped off. "I just hope it's even better than your hand."
There was only one way to find out. Judging by how her lips and tongue trailed down my shaft, she'd find out soon enough. All I could do was rub her harder in return.
Kat fucked herself on my fingers while sucking me down – so I couldn't resist fucking her back in both holes. My fingers and cock drove into her while her pussy and mouth took them in deeper, making it an unforgettable sight and feeling.
Too unforgettable for me, as it turned out.
Nothing could stop me from cumming hard anymore, as I filled Kat's mouth right up. She came off just to catch her breath, yet she caught as much of my spunk in her open mouth as she could. Some still got on her face, however, but she got more than a mouthful.
I was sure the only thing keeping me from passing out was my finger work, as I added my thumb into the mix. Kat either moaned from swallowing me down or from my fingers, but I hoped she was close either way.
With the leftover energy I had left, I reached over with my right hand to hold the side of her breast. Grabbing it and squeezing it, just as I grabbed and rubbed her pussy, I tried to push her overboard too. She clenched harder on my left fingers when my right ones squeezed her nipple, so that seemed like a sign.
"Fuck, closer, more, one more, FUCK me!" Kat called out. At last, my forefinger and thumb pinched her lip as my other three fingers brushed her, and she finally got to number three.
My left hand covered up her pussy to catch her juices, almost like my right hand did for mine when this all started. The symmetry was enough to keep my head from totally spinning. But when she finished, I knew how to make it more symmetrical.
Once Kat came down and cooled down, I took my wet hand away from her and put it in front of her mouth, after she collapsed onto her back. "It's not off my cock, but...." I offered, yet Kat licked it up slowly and sensually anyway.
"Good enough," Kat ruled, pulling me back down to kiss me – with her juices and mine still fresh on her mouth. Hardly a deal breaker, even if the deal was pretty much at an end now.
I laid down next to her, not knowing or caring how much time we had till check out. It was probably under an hour – but between recovering from this, packing up, getting dressed and actually getting back to my own room, that might not be enough time. And since Kat had a lot more to pack up and sort out than me....
At the least, she gave me five more minutes to hold her in bed, before she really had to spring up and get herself ready to go. She even stayed naked in front of me for an extra minute before getting her robe back on.
I put my blanket, pillow and other things away, if only to be a help and to stay in the room a moment longer. I got away with staying for about five more, as I really had to get packed up and Kat had to fine tune her schedule.
Yet the timing worked out that we left our rooms together, walking down the hall just as we did two days ago. Both awkwardly aware of each other agaib, both unable to look at each other – but for different reasons this time.
Our time as hotel neighbors and other temporary labels was over.
Nevertheless, we got to be elevator roommates by ourselves for about 10 seconds. That was enough time to exchange a few final kisses, gropes and pinches for the road home.
Yeah, my next hotel neighbor had a huge bar to go over.