Chapter 7

John awoke first and gave the succubae on either side of him a hug. They moaned and cuddled with him a bit. Lucy stirred and kissed his chest, “Good Morning Love.” She said to him. John smiled, “Good morning Love.” He replied back. They spoke telepathically as Kelly was still asleep. “I wish it was Demi last night, I feel so bad how hot I got.” “John honey, don’t feel bad, it was beautiful last night.” She kissed his cheek sweetly. “I know, I feel rotten though, I had fun making Kelly like us and all I wanted was her to be Demi.” Lucy smiled and traced on his chest sending succubus energy to calm and ease him, “Darling, it’s ok. You’re a good person. Kelly is very attractive and you should have fun with no regrets. Demi, you and I will do everything you want together as soon as we arrive back home.” They kissed and Kelly started to stir. John twitched instinctively, “Be a shame not to satisfy your morning wood with us.” Lucy said, massaging his balls. “Mmm yeah you’re right. You two meet me up top.” “Excellent idea my stallion.” Kelly then awoke, “Good morning lover.” She said to John. He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Good Morning Kelly.” Lucy and Kelly kissed on the cheeks and let John up. He kissed both their hands and proceeded up to the deck. The ladies admired his butt and cooed.
John got to the deck and took in the sun rise. He leaned in on the side railing and took the in a deep breath of fresh air. Kelly and Lucy took a minute to get out of bed and freshen up. “Lucy, how about we wear these for John.” She showed her two pairs of black stilettos. “Oh perfect Kelly, he will love it.” They giggled and both of eyes glowed as they were turned on. “Mmm I see you are accepting the succubus life well so far Kelly.” “Yes it is lovely, If I can have John it makes it worth it.” Lucy got perturbed, her eye color changed to purple to red and she turned and glares at Kelly, freezing her. “You wish to submit to me right?” “Yes, Lucy.” Lucy released Kelly and kissed her, releasing pheromones to make Kelly extra horny. They put on their stilettos and walk up hand in hand to John.
John turned and saw them, they smiled at him as he gasped “Oh my god!” Lucy and Kelly began to sway their hips, Kelly smiled at John and got behind Lucy. Kelly started grinding on Lucy, she then started to play with her tits and kissing her neck. John’s erection quickly grew to full mast and his balls started producing cum for the two succubae. Lucy turned and motor boated Kelly and vice versa. They began making out as John approached with purpose, his eyes glowing cobalt blue. “Mmm ladies this is exactly what I need for the morning.” Lucy turned to face John with Kelly necking her and feeling her stomach. “Ohhh and that is exactly what we need my beautiful stallion.” Lucy moaned as she gripped him, pheromones were exchanged with kisses between the three of them. He saw a reclined beach chair on the deck and led the women to it by the hand. He kissed them both and Lucy took the doggy position, leaning over the chair, butt in the air. “You always had a fabulous ass Lucy.” Kelly said “Oh yes, delicious and perfect for you Lucy.” John added. Lucy wiggled and ground on John. They moaned and John felt a cum shot shoot out, landing her butt cheek. “Mmm John baby, guess you’re an ass and tits man now hehe.” He moaned and spread his cum with his cock. “Oh my, I need that stallion cock too John, don’t cum too much baby.” Kelly said and kissed his neck. John looked at Kelly with his glowing cobalt blue eyes, “Attend to my queen.” He ordered. Kelly went to Lucy and they started kissing, John slowly penetrated Lucy’s pussy, easing in with three thrusts. Lucy moaned in Kelly’s mouth. “He’s not cumming early, mmm but he’s throbbing and so fucking hot, ahh I may cum early.” She said surprisingly and teasing Kelly. John moaned as he kept his pace with Lucy bearing down on him. Kelly kept kissing and necking Lucy, she and John played with Lucy’s tits. Lucy pushed Kelly off of her and rose up as she came. “FUUUCK JOHNNY YESS!” She exclaimed. Kelly watched as Lucy and John continued. “Give me that big load in your balls my incubus, you’ve gotten stronger, mmm Demi will be in ecstasy when we get back.” She communicated to him telepathically. John moaned, “Fuck I’m going to explode.” Lucy kissed him and came back down on Kelly. Kelly turned and went down into a 69 position. Lucy moaned as Kelly and her amazing tits came into contact. John gave a huge moan as he started shooting in Lucy. The ladies rubbed each other’s clits as he did. John withdrew as he shot, giving Kelly a facial of fresh cum as he did. Lucy turned and licked his cum off Kelly’s face. He came back to them still hard. The succubae sat up and pushed their tits out, he didn’t even touch his cock to shoot 6 shots on them.
Kelly laid back ready to be ravaged, John stepped back and Lucy got on top of her and straddled her. “You have done well my love, better than I expected.” Lucy then turned to Kelly, “He is my man and my power and strength are his and it will never be yours.” Lucy’s eyes became red as she licked Kelly’s tits and suckled on her nipples. “I need him mistress.” “Yes, I am your mistress now, and you will never have him unless he or I say you can.” Kelly moaned in tortured pleasure as Lucy fed her psychic impulses of how John’s cock felt in her. “You two are making me throb again.” They looked at John’s nine inch pole, moaning as they could visibly see his throbbing. “Let us ease your throbbing my love.” Lucy told him. He went to them, they both kissed his cock, blue streams of energy went from him to them. Then they wrapped their big, soft tits around John making him moan and stand straight up. “Mmm ease yourself John, embrace this new level of power, let us relieve you my love.” Lucy cooed at him. He was in ecstasy as his throbbing was turned into heat. The combination of Lucy’s firm big tits and Kelly’s soft big tits were heaven, “Oh mistress, he’s perfect, may I have him now?” Lucy smiled at Kelly calling her mistress. “Would like her John?” John looked at Kelly and then at Lucy, “Yes Lucy my queen, I want her.” They let go of his cock and again Kelly laid back. He entered her with one stroke and she screamed at the top of her lungs, her glow was a faint purple. He pumped his full length into her with every stroke, he held her hip and kept feeling her up, she wrapped her legs around to assure no escape. “FUCK you’re so filling John.” “Damn, you’re so wet and hot Kelly.” Lucy began to play with herself watching John fuck. “Mmm John you’re really embracing this new found power, its so hot darling.” John smiled and grunted, his eyes glowing and Kelly began to glow more, they both yelled as Kelly came. He let out a primordial scream as he came in her. Lucy looked over John’s shoulder and saw how his load diffused in Kelly. Kelly was exhausted and cooed as he withdrew from her. Lucy hugged John from behind as they admired his work on Kelly. “Mmm your power has reached impressive levels my love.” “Thank you Lucy, remind me to never get on your bad side.” “Oh you never will honey. My new succubus needs to do some more bidding before I’m done with her.” “Oh do I get to watch?” John asked excitedly. Lucy laughed “As much as I would love that darling, I know you want to share our new level of power with Demi. Go to her John.” They kissed and blew him an air kiss. John got cleaned up as a helicopter landed in the water just behind the yacht. John boarded the helicopter and it took off.
The helicopter got back to the docs at the resort by early afternoon. John was surprised no one was at the docs as it was usually busy. As they landed John saw only a woman with blonde hair and in a silk pink robe, when it land he saw it was Demi. When he exited, he ran to her and she ran to him. They embraced and kissed for at least a minute. “Mmm Demi I missed you. I love the new hair.” “Oh I missed you too babe, I thought a change in hair was good.” As Demi and John walked hand in hand another raven haired and busty young succubus watched them and stalked John in particular. “Why isn’t anyone here Demi?” “What ever you did with Lucy’s friend sent out big psychic waves to a new succubus Johnny, Lucy decided to close the resort for a bit so we don’t get any unwanted attention. Her name is Abigail and she wants to take you from us.” Demi pouted thinking about John being taken. John held Demi’s chin and stroked it, “Hey, we are mates right, nothing is going to make me leave you or Lucy.” He kissed her and she smiled. “I been working on our new home in the meantime hehe.” John giggled with Demi as they got into a cart and they drove to their new home. Abigail let them get some distance before she followed. “We will see how loyal you are John.” She thought and had a sinister smile on her face.
They came to where Demi’s bungalow once stood, now it was a one story indoor and outdoor home. Demi and John came up to the driveway and parked their cart. John was amazed at the simplicity and expansion. “Wow it looks amazing Dem.” “Thanks, most of the furniture isn’t in yet but enough of it is here to move in.” They took each others hands and walked in the front door. Abigail stayed back and hid behind one of the trees till they got in. John closed the door and Demi started showing him around. The living room area was bare as Demi said, the kitchen had an island and was fully stocked. The single hall way led to two half bathrooms with vanities and a huge closet. Demi opened the sliding glass door to the rest of the property. Her greenhouse was replaced by a huge garden and citrus fruit grove, with a sitting area and a fire pit. “It’s so peaceful and beautiful isn’t it John.?” Demi asked, now nestled in his arm hugging him. “Yeah its gorgeous Dem. Just like my mates.” They kissed and Demi lead him back to her meditation cave. She turned it into their bedroom. “Wow you brought the bed we had our first threesome in.” Demi smiled as the reply of their consummation replayed in John’s mind. “it’s the same style, but is actually a bigger bed so it fits all three of us. When Lucy returns we will turn this room into our love nest.” Demi kissed him passionately as she finished speaking. They exchanged tongues and pheromones as they made out, Demi felt John’s increase in power. “Mmm my proud stallion needs to be pampered, come I’ll show you the massage room.” John smiled and they walked to the massage room.
Abigail worked her way around the property and spotted then walking. Demi and John arrived at the massage suite. Demi undid her sheer robe, as it feel to the ground she smiled and turned to see John’s eyes glowing blue with desire. “Disrobe my love and relax.” “Mmm yes Demi.” He moaned and disrobed quickly. Abigail saw John’s definition in his upper body and but her lip. Then John dropped his shorts and his semi erect incubus cock was present. Abigail eyes glowed purple and she came into heat, “That is what I felt, I need it.” She thought. Demi purred and kissed him. “Lay on your stomach John.” He did as he was instructed and she poured out the massage oil on his back. Demi lightly massaged his back and neck, making him moan. “Oh John why so stressed love?” “I’m not stressed Demi, I told Lucy I felt bad cause you weren’t there to see my new power.” “Babe I felt it when you and Lucy turned Kelly. Don’t worry so much.” She continued to massage him and plant playful kisses on his back. He smiled as she did. Abigail looked on in frustration expecting them to have sex soon. Demi lightly slapped John’s butt, “OK turn over.” He smiled. As he rolled over Abigail moaned again seeing his cock again. “I’m sure you realized aphrodisiacs still work on you Johnny? “Yeah I did.” Demi applied oil to her massive tits and rubbed it in to them and then rubbed it on his penis, making John moan. “This is Sandha oil, I used it once on an older man who found me attractive, but I want to use it with you my powerful stallion.” As Demi spoke John’s erection grew, harder than with Lucy and Kelly. Abigail began to play with her clit. Demi then brought his cock to her cleavage and massage tit fucked. “Ahhh Demi fuck, you’re so soft, firm and warm my love.” “Mmm thank you John. Relax baby, let your incubus power run-through you.” Their moans muffled out Abigail’s moans as she took out her own big tits and tweaked her nips. John’s penis head came to the top of Demi’s breasts. She smiled and licked his cock head, sending so much pleasure to John and streams of sexual energy exchanged between the two lovers. “Mmm my incubus stallion, at his new found peak of power.” John looked at Demi and she instinctively crawled on to him and impaled herself onto his cock, both letting out animalistic moans. Abigail felt the same energy from John he did before, now she would be close to see and feel it at its epicenter. She began riding and grinding, they held hands as her ass clapped with an echo that Abigail could hear as if she was next to them. He began thrusting making her moan more, “Fuck John, ahh baby, I feel it already.” “Demi, ahh you’re hot and tight still.” The ass claps, the movement of her breasts and their connection were too much. “I LOVE YOU DEMI!” He shouted as he came huge. Demi screamed as she felt his huge shots fill her and mix with her orgasm. Abigail came as well and saw the waves of psychic energy. In the distance Kelly’s yacht came into Port. Lucy felt the waves of sex, love and pleasure from her 2 lovers. Demi grinned, still glowing. “Fuck I love you, stallion John.” She came down and kissed him. He began to cry a bit, something came to the surface he didn’t expect. Lucy felt it as well, it was resentment for being with Kelly. Demi felt it and wiped his tear with her thumb, “Baby don’t, Lucy needed you and you did it. We are more powerful and stronger.” She kissed John again and dismounted. She was leaking his seed as she withdrew. "Omg Demi you're leaking.” John said astounded. She looked down and scooped the excess cum up and spread it on her body and licked the rest off. “Mmm still tastes and feels wonderful. Kelly will never ever have this. And i told you youd be more then enough for us.” She reassured John.
Abigail decided to seize the opportunity, she approached them. John instantly felt her presence and then Demi. He saw her, while she was attractive he sensed her intentions, his eyes turned back blue and her reached out with his hand and she froze. Demi was impressed at this show of power, usually succubae are female dominant. “How is this happening?!” Abigail struggled to speak. Lucy also felt it now and turned to Kelly, eyes beat red. “HOW DID SHE GET HERE!?” Her queen rage made her skin glow red. “Please mistress, I only told Abigail so that she would know the pleasure we felt.” Kelly groveling. “YOU DARE BRING THAT BITCH TO MY HOME, TO MY MATES!” As she read Kelly’s mind she found no deceit in what Kelly said. “You will never do anything in regards to John or tell anyone about him without my expressed permission!” “Yes mistress Lucy.” They reached the dock and Lucy sternly but calmly left the boat. John let go of Abigail, “LEAVE, NOW!” He yelled in a demonic voice. Abigail quickly ran to her car and left. Demi immediately hugged John, “Are you ok?” “Yeah I think so Dem. I never felt that way before.” “Well you’re more powerful now, obviously you’re going to attract other succubae my love. Let’s go to the hot spring and relax while Lucy gets back.” He smiled and the left hand in hand for the hot spring.