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Author Topic: Emilia Clarke - A Kinky Switch  (Read 16211 times)


Emilia Clarke - A Kinky Switch
« on: June 25, 2021, 02:02:03 PM »
Emilia Clarke – A Kinky Switch

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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Warning – This story is about Pegging. If you don't like that topic, I advise you to stop reading now. If you don't like it, please don't send me abuse about it.

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“You ready?” Emilia asked, smiling up at her boyfriend laid out on the bed before her, relaxed and ready for her. She was positively gorgeous, skin glowing and smooth, long dark hair tussled into soft curls as it cascaded down over her shoulders, eyes just nicely defined by some dark eyeliner and ruby red lips. She looked down, naked except for the thick, completely black strap-on dildo at her hips; the harness was pulled tight, done up snugly to her body, the straps pressing into the soft skin of her thighs and round her hips, the loose ends trailing lightly beside her. She made sure to do it up properly to give herself maximum power and control, making it a part of her almost so make the most of the experience….for both herself and her man.

“Yeah, come on,” he encouraged, waiting for the lovely Game of Thrones star to climb onto the bed with him. She smiled, loving that he enjoyed it as she spread lube thickly all over the shaft, eight inches long and thick, contoured and medium firmness to let her get some power and pace behind it. It was almost too big for her petite, 5’2” figure, but she knew from experience what worked well and she found somewhat larger toys got her the desired effect, allowing her to really hit the right spots and have the impact she wanted to.

“One moment,” she said, stroking her hand up her dildo, spreading the lube thoroughly over it with her dainty hand before she grabbed an old towel to clean up. He was ready and waiting, with her having taken her time to build him up with her fingers and a plug, easing it in and out of him to relax and get him in the mood for it. She had followed that up with a good rimjob, having no problem applying her tongue to him and working it around and into him to give him more intimate sensations. He liked her doing that and Emilia loved to hear him groan and squeeze at her tongue as she took her time to warm him up – he did it for her as well so she figured fair was fair. With that completed she’d rubbed some lube onto him and stepped back to slide her toy on, always shivering in excitement when she pulled it up her legs and into place, tightening it almost erotically with a pull of the straps.

“Ok baby,” she murmured, climbing onto the bed with him, shuffling over on her knees as the silicone cock bobbed in front of her, glistening slickly with the thick lube. She straddled his legs and worked her way up his thighs, gazing down at him as she got into place, settling just behind his ass and working her knees into the bed properly before she leaned down on the small of his back. Pushing up on her knees, she rocked over him to aim her toy at a better angle and reached down to grip it, closing her fingers strongly around the base to guide it as she let her knees slide outwards to allow her hips to sink down towards him.

She guided the bulging head of her silicone toy down against him, her aim perfect as always as she pressed it to his waiting asshole, slick and ready to go as there was a pause, just a moment as the pressure built up against him a little. Her toy was thick, which he loved, and it still took a moment to ease it in, her slight weight sinking into the harness for a second before he stretched and the thick black silicone slipped into him as he gave a slight grunt and a groan as she pushed down to bury it inside him. Emilia giggled a little to herself, always loving this moment as she took control and dominated him, even though that wasn’t the aim of her pegging; she wanted it to be hot and sensual, to take charge in that moment and make it enjoyable for them both.

She did like being in charge for the purposes of pleasure. Emilia loved pegging and was hooked on it, having got into it when a previous boyfriend had suggested it and she’d just found it suited her, loving how much pleasure she could bring him once she got into it and found her groove. She was also a little smug with it as guys usually resisted the suggestion completely, but when she wore them down and got them to agree to try it she gave them a sensual, loving fuck session with it and eventually brought them to the hardest, most intense prostate orgasms they’d ever had, having to admit she was right and were glad she’d talked them into trying it.

She sank her hips down slowly to drive the thick silicone toy inside him, the thick black shaft sliding easily inside him, lube covering every contoured inch of it as she pressed herself down to bury it into him. Emilia loved to go deep from the very off, letting him feel it completely from the start and she wasn’t changing that this time either, spreading her thighs to let her knees slide wide on the bed so she could thrust her pelvis down against him and embed the whole of her toy. She was glad she was strapped up tight so she could make full use of her motions, no slack or looseness in the harness allowing her to expertly push herself down into him, smiling to herself as she felt him push up underneath her to assist her in getting all eight inches of the thick black strap-on into him.

“There we go,” she whispered as she bottomed out with a grunt, shoving her pelvis against his ass as she leaned on his back, him breathing heavily beneath her. She knew he loved it, giving him a moment to relax and take her, imagining how he was squeezing and accommodating her penetration much in the same way she did when they had anal sex. Emilia firmly rocked and rolled her hips against him as she patiently, or rather impatiently waited to get on with it, knowing to give him a chance to relax before she got going. She pushed her hands onto the bed and slipped down on top of him, pressing her firm breasts into his back as she slowly descended and let her knees slide out from under her to push her legs out behind, closing them onto to his as her hands slid under his shoulders to hold him close and brace herself.

“Let’s go baby,” she whispered as she lifted her hips and slowly pushed them down again to slide her sizeable toy into him, the thick shaft easily gliding into him with the copious lube she’d applied. They both murmured in pleasure as she got started and she just slipped into a well practiced rhythm, holding herself close to him as she slowly, methodically pulled her hips back and then thrust them firmly but slowly back into him to drive her strap-on from the head all the way until she pressed against him. They both murmured in pleasure as Emilia kissed softly over his shoulders, resting her head on them as she snuggled close and slowly fucked him with her toy. She just loved the feeling as the tight harness pulled into her hips and ass as she fucked him, the rocking motion moving it against her, grinding her clit into the harness as she drove the toy into him.

The gorgeous British actress held herself close to him, warmth of her body pressed to his as she worked her hips, her back pinching into a tight arch as she lifted them and then curving as she sank them down to embed the toy into him. He could feel her stiff nipples rubbing at his back and hear the hard, sharp breaths in his ear as she exerted herself in one of the ways she loved most; she absolutely loved wearing a strap-on and giving it to her man, having been introduced to it years before by a previous boyfriend that had suggested it. She’d been reticent at first, mostly because she’d never done it and had no idea how, but had found it an enormous turn on that had left her craving more. She’d gone on to explore it and learn, finding out so much and getting her technique down pat so now she was an absolute expert at it, able to bring the men she convinced to try it orgasms like they’d never imagined. She’d learnt what toys suited it, what worked best and how she could deliver the more intense but intimate experience.

He groaned in pleasure as she slowly rocked her hips and buried the thick eight inch dildo into him, pulling back with a beautifully tight arch of her back so the bulging head threatened to pop out before she slid it all back inside him so her harness pressed into him. The thick toy was almost obscenely big against her petite 5’2” frame, dominating her hips when she had it strapped on but she knew what suited her man and this toy definitely suited his size, so much bigger than her even as she pinned him to the bed. Emilia pulled close to his taut muscles, his shoulders broad and strong for her to lay against, planting soft kisses over them even as she effortlessly continued to pump herself into him to both their pleasures.

“You like that baby?” she whispered, words cutting the air intently with her raspy breathes as she steadied her elbows into bed beside him, hands still under his shoulders as she pulled her knees back under her as she withdrew to alter her position. It changed the angle of her penetration to allow her to push down more intently over his prostate gland and make him immediately shiver beneath her, making her smile to herself as she pushed her hips down more vertically now with her weight rather than the roll of her curvy hips. She knew he loved it but refrained from giving in to the urge to start pounding him, wanting to keep it slow and steady, powerful, just letting his climax build up steadily to an immense peak. It was also building her up as well as she could feel the orgasm ratcheting up, the harness rubbing at her clit to stimulate her combined with the sheer excitement of doing this. That’s why she did it, she just outright loved it as much as anything.

She settled herself and started thrusting intently, with slow, hard thrusts that buried the strap-on deep inside him, making sure to sink every inch inside him as he grunted with pleasure beneath her. Her body was taut and tensed, toned muscles directing their energy perfectly as she thumped her toy down into him, directly over his prostate to make him shiver and shake in pleasure. Emilia certainly knew how to hit the spot and used it to her advantage, making sure the thick contours of the dildo hit all the important places as she worked. She breathed hard, deep controlled breaths as she held his shoulders and thrust down into him, her lovely ass squeezing tightly as she pumped herself down into him. The harness was tight, straps pulled up intently so she wasted no motion, wanting everything she did to go through her cock as if it were part of her.

She let herself go a bit and started thrusting harder, using shorter, faster strokes as she shoved her hips down with more pace and passion. Her harness shoved into him every time as she slammed against him to make sure she got full depth and let him feel everything, her thick black toy stretching and stimulating him perfectly exactly as she knew it would. The gorgeous actress fiercely fucked him for another few moment, culminating in a rapid flurry of hard, fast thrusts that made him completely lose control for a second, writhing and twisting under her as he groaned in overwhelmed sensation before she suddenly stopped and pushed up away from him.

He didn’t question her, having done this plenty of times before and knowing she was in charge and had it all covered, just letting her do her thing as she sat up over him and flicked her long dark hair back out the way. With the intensity he’d closed his legs, inhibiting her access somewhat as she sat up over him and moved her hands onto his back again as she repositioned herself. Lifting her feet, she rocked on her knees and shoved them dominantly between his legs, just above his knees and forced them apart to spread his legs again and let her sit down just a little bit more, sinking a few more millimetres of the thick black toy into him.

“Stay there,” she commanded, soft but dominant, running the show. He did as she asked, pinned underneath her as she pulled her feet back over his legs to her comfortable position and then carefully leaned back to grasp her own ankles, arching her back and pushing her gorgeous chest out, perky C-cup breasts heaving with her breath, nipples sticking out stiffly as she looked down over them to where she was impaling him with her toy to study her own thrusts. She started to pump her hips forward, confident as she’d done it so many times before but still paying attention to her motion, letting her hips slide back and forward, her ass smoothly sliding up the back of his thighs as her knees splayed a little with each thrust to let her get deep into him. They both groaned in pleasure at the new angle of her toy, filling him completely every time as the harness rubbed her clit, tingling the actress and only spurring her on.

“You like that?” she breathed, flicking her hair back with a smile as he groaned deeper and more gutturally, loving the feel of her hot body gliding against him as she thrust her thick dildo into him. Sweat prickled all over both of them as she cranked it up and started thrusting harder, pumping her hips expertly with increased speed to shove her harness against him as she buried herself as deep as possible every time because she knew he loved it. She loved it as well, loved how she made him feel and how she drove such pleasure in his body to bring him the most incredible climax. Emilia gave a few more shoves of her hips with power and intent to make him jolt before she buried it deep and then pushed up off her ankles and seamlessly rolled herself forwards, flexing sensually as she leaned over him again and pressed her hands down into his lower back again.

“I know you like that,” she purred, starting to roll her hips as she knelt over him, thrusts shorter now as she rocked her body against him to stimulate him in a different way, keeping her styles and positions changing to give him every sensation her thick toy could. Her long chestnut hair cascaded down over her shoulders, framing her face as she looked down at him gripping the bed beneath her, breathing and grunting hard as she fucked him. Her abs worked hard, fluctuating in a gorgeous rhythm as the tensed to roll her hips forwards, looking down over her bouncing tits as they jiggled with her motion, relishing being in charge as she fucked him firmly. He gave a groan, somewhat more different and intense, shivered and pushing back up into her, the clear sign that his climax was imminent. She knew the signs well...and also knew exactly what to do, rocking forward dominantly to plant her hands next to him on the bed as she pushed back up onto her knees again.

“Come for me baby,” she whispered hotly as she immediately plunged down deeply into him to bury all eight inches of her thick toy inside him and drive a heavy gasping groan from him as she drove the bulbous head over his prostate gland. It was just the beginning of her onslaught however as she immediately stepped up into top gear and started pounding him, her fingers digging into the bed, knees set tightly as she thumped her hips pumped up and down determinedly. Her pace was fast, powerful and precise, knowing exactly where to stimulate him with her dildo as she thrust herself up and down, powering down into him with weight behind her pelvis, driving her clit against the harness and stimulating herself in the process.

She knew all it would take was around a minute of this intensity to make him come and set to it with all her power and energy, thumping her body down intently. The harness was tight and perfectly fitted to her body, no slack or wasted effort at all and that only meant she could fuck him harder, deeper, with the utmost power and pace. Emilia used that to her advantage, as she always did, fucking him with all her energy as she grit her teeth, her hard breaths cutting the air sharply and blending with his ascending groans of pleasure as he completely lost himself to her efforts and felt his orgasm rushing towards completion.

“Fuck, don’t stop,” he growled, even as he knew she never would, Emilia smiling through her tumble of hair as she fucked him hard, the hardest she could, hips thumping up and down, her gorgeous ass tight and toned, sweet pussy leaking into her harness from her own arousal. He pushed his hips back up into her, shoving up from the bed to accentuate her ministrations and maximise every sensation she drove into him as she smashed him with her thick strap-on. All it took was another ten seconds of that, the hot British star thumping into him, to drive his orgasm over the edge, making him tense up and shudder with a growl of pleasure, time seeming to stretch for a few moments until he suddenly exploded with a colossal shake and loud cry of intense pleasure.

Emilia giggled dirtily to herself as he exploded beneath her and emptied his balls onto the towel beneath them, jerking and jolting as he gasped in utterly overwhelmed pleasure, completely slave to her in that moment as his body writhed and shook with ecstasy. His cock was as hard as it had ever been, balls tight and clenching to unload thick, hot spurts of his load onto the bed as she continued to pound on him throughout. As it wrapped up he gave a shudder and gasped, reaching back to paw at her and push her off even as he slumped forward onto the bed to get away from her, making her almost slip out of him as he tried to escape her. There was no need for words, she knew he’d had enough and that there was no time for her to fuck him any further, no matter how horny she was and with that she pushed back up to straddle him and sank back to sit on her ankles, the thick dildo pulling out of him with a soft pop as with withdrew.

“Fuck that was hot,” she breathed as she turned and tumbled onto the bed beside him, landing in the pillows with her strap-on sticking up thickly from her harness. She was tired, but also desperately horny, pegging always getting her going like nothing else. He just breathed hard beside her, recovering from the intense climax she’d given him as her hand pushed down her tummy and shoved under the harness to seek out her clit. Emilia squeezed her fingers under the tight fitting toy and over her smoothly shaven lips, easily finding her rock hard clit between her puffy lips as she slipped effortlessly between them thanks to her abundant juices. She gave a groan and shuddered, body juddering with pleasure at touching her delicate button before she got straight to work, wasting no time in circling her finger quickly around her button.

She gasped and groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and dropping her head back as she rubbed herself,  shoving her hips up to make her strap-on bounce as she fingered herself, going straight for it to induce the orgasm that was on the brink. He turned to watch her, smiling as she got herself off, finger working with practiced skill as she rapidly and aggressively worked around and over her stiff clit, almost slipping off she was so wet, gasping and grunting in an ascending manner until she couldn’t take any more. With a tense and a few final, furious ministrations of her finger she gave a huge shudder and a ragged gasp of ecstasy, followed by hard, intense rasps of breath as she came, her orgasm shaking her soul harder and more intently than she’d hoped as she writhed in her twisting brown hair.

She trembled and gasped, thrusting her hips up into her fingers for a few seconds before she shook and dropped back onto the bed, hand going still as she gave a huge sigh of satisfaction. Her chest pounded, heart thumping against her ribcage in the aftermath, body desperate for oxygen immediately after her climax. She slipped her hand back out from under her harness and flopped on the bed to rest with him in the wake of her their kinky, enjoyable fuck session; she didn’t take the strap-on off however, keeping the harness tightly strapped to her hips with the eight-inch silicone dildo sticking up into the air.

They lay together, breathing initially hard and hungry but abating, settling into deeper, satisfied rhythms as he stretched and turned over on his back to lie beside her. Emilia took the chance for a glance at his cock, semi-hard and, she knew, ready to awaken soon as he had good recovery – she knew he wouldn’t let her go without a good hard fuck to balance things out. Their hands entwined and they lay silently together, staring at the ceiling, his eyes taking a glance over her toy. He found it a little odd that she didn’t take it off, she always kept it on after this and he didn’t get why, figuring it must be something she just loved about wearing it. Her gorgeous curves attracted his gaze however and he took them in, her lovely C-cups, her petite but stacked figure, the flare of her hips and toned legs.

As if on cue, her hand slid up over his hip and wrapped softly around his cock, squeezing his already stiffening member and feeling it pulse in her hand. She tingled with excitement as she felt him throb, just gently working her hand back and forth, rocking it over the ridge of his head to stimulate him as he swelled in her grip, working him back to full erection in under a minute until he was rock hard and ready for her. Emilia just waited, continuing to tease him, stroking at his rock hard cock as she waited for the moment he would take charge and put it to use. She was pleasantly not kept waiting long as he pushed up from the mattress and leaned over her, tongue delving deeply into her mouth as he kissed her hard, their lips pressing together passionately as he snogged her and squeezed her tit with his spare hand to drive a groan from her.

“Take this off,” he said firmly, reaching down to tug at her strap-on, jiggling her hips.

“No,” she said defiantly. It wasn’t unexpected, he knew she’d refuse to take it off. He grabbed her hips and rolled her over, easily flipping over her slight, 115-pound body to press the toy down beneath her, Emilia laying on it before he pulled her back up into a doggy style position to expose her gorgeous, tight, shaven pussy and even tighter asshole, straps around her thighs framing her.

“Take it off,” he commanded, playing along with her.

“No! Fuck me with it on,” she complained, looking back at him fiercely. He replied with his hand, smacking her gorgeous round ass hard so she cried out in pain, the sting searing through her skin as she shook from the impact, not playing around or teasing her slowly with it and going straight for a hard spank. She cried out again, then again as he landed hard, heavy blows on her ass to make her shake and immediately turn the pale skin red. Emilia would’ve complained or begged him to stop if she didn’t love it; she absolutely loved being treated roughly, especially after pegging him, it only served to make her feel like the woman again, his woman, as he spanked and fucked her hard.

The latter was imminent as, after landing repeated blows on her that made her clench her ass tightly even as her pussy leaked in arousal, he hopped behind her and pressed his rock hard cock to her sweet slit. Her own toy bumped against the bedding beneath her, her slight stature making her close enough that the thick, eight-inch dildo touched the sheets. She knew she wasn’t really ready for what he was about to do to her but it didn’t matter as he grabbed her hip, fingers pressing into the straps of her harness, and lined up his throbbing cock with her slick pussy. Emilia cried out loudly and shook, her vaginal muscles clamping and spasming as he held her tight and drove himself forwards to bury all of himself inside her in a single stroke, her slick juices betraying how tight she still was.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed as her hips twisted in his grasp, trying to pull away a little even as she wished to push back into him and let him bury every possible millimetre of his shaft inside her. She was his fuck doll now and happy to take whatever he could throw at her, which was a lot as his other hand grabbed her hips as well and he set about absolutely pounding her from the get go. There was no time to get used to it, no careful, probing thrusts to open her up and get full depth; no, he was inside her now, slamming his hips into her ass to make her take it all, silky walls of her vagina clenching around him as he immediately stepped on the gas and accelerated into a hard, fast pace.

All Emilia could do was groan gutturally as he started fucking her hard from behind, her body his to use, completely lost to the sensations of pleasure and subsiding pain as his rock hard cock slammed in and out of her snug pussy. It was the opposite of how she’d fucked him, going intensely on her from the off and wasting no energy in absolutely smashing her pussy. She loved it but it gave her a lot to take in, everything a blur of sensations and tingling feelings; the stretch of her pussy, pleasure of his thick cock lighting up her nerve endings, the fading pain of his rapid penetration and thump against her cervix, the trembling of her overwhelmed muscles. Squeezing them only accentuated the short, sharp pains through her but at the same time she loved it, only encouraging her to do it more until it subsided into the sheer pleasure of her man holding tightly onto her hips and absolutely smashing his cock into her as her thick toy bounced beneath her.

“Oh god, don’t stop! Don’t be gentle!” she gasped, urging him on in his intense fucking of her, wanting everything he could throw at her. He was going to give it to her whether she begged for it...or begged for him not to. His hands dug deeply into her waist to pull back against the gorgeous, feminine curve of her hips, the skeletal flair of her body to perfectly haul her ass back against him to slam his thick cock deep inside her. Emilia’s hot, velvet pussy gripped him perfectly, tunnel clenched up smooth and tight on his cock as it ploughed into her and delved into her most intimate depths. She was absolutely loving how he was fucking her, as she always did when he fucked her after a pegging session as he was just full of energy and wanting to seemingly get even with her.

“Like this?” he growled as he pounded on the diminutive actress, fingers white with pressure as they dug into her soft body, dominating her complete as his hips slapped hard into her ass noisily. Her toy bounced beneath her against the bedding as she braced herself against his motions, arching her back and shoving herself back into him so he could thrust as deep as possible into her slick cunt. He took every possible advantage and pushed up on his toes in his efforts to penetrate her fully, leaning completely on her, Emilia taking it as he leaned over her and fucked her in a short, intense flurry that made her wail in pleasure to contrast against his short, harsh breathing as he concentrated on destroying her pussy.

He sank back down onto his knees and switched his strokes up to slower, longer ones that used all of his cock, still shoving into her with the same power and prowess, harder even, that made her rock forward on her elbows and struggle to stay up for him. He almost shoved her into the prone bone position but she resisted, pushing back strongly to be his perfect fuckdoll to bury his cock inside. He continued to pound, his energy boundless as he thumped into her, absolutely loving the sensation of her sliding over his manhood as he plundered her, encouraged to chase more, giving longer strokes into her and letting his head pull back into her gripping muscles at the entrance of her sweet pussy for maximum stimulation.

“Fuck,” he muttered as he pushed it too far and slipped out of her, the clench of her muscles at the wrong instant squeezing him out so he shoved forward into fresh air, cock sliding over her clit between her legs as she gave a gasp, suddenly empty, hungry for more. She groaned as he shoved it straight back inside her, thick cock plunging full depth immediately to probe her cervix and make her twitch, hands on her hips again as he slammed her with several short, fast thrusts, thumping hard against her ass before he switched into his long, indulgent strokes once more and slowed the pace. Emilia groaned deeply with a shudder and pushed back again, loving the feeling and every contour of him sliding in and out of her sweet pussy as she squeezed at him to deliver maximum stimulation.

She huffed as he slipped out of her again and pushed up over her ass, grabbing his cock and aiming it again...but at her asshole this time. Emilia had no idea as he lined up and pushed into place, barely registering it before he powerfully shoved forwards and drove his thick, hard cock straight up her ass. She jolted as her sphincter was stretched open and squeezed exquisitely over the bulbous shape of his head as he slipped into her, giving a cry as a bolt of pain went through her at the same time as a deep, primal convulsion of pleasure that made her vagina clench hard, feeling the juices rushing in arousal and almost leaking from her already loosened pussy. His hand was already back on her hip and she was powerless to stop him forcing himself balls deep in a slow, strong push as she gave a strained, soulful growl.

It was rough and unexpected, sudden, but she absolutely loved it; Emilia loved to be taken roughly and feel all his passion for her, his energy and hunger to take her most forbidden hole. She did anal plenty and could take it fine, it was a busy part of their sex life, but she just loved when he took it like this, unlubed, unquestioningly. Emilia just let out a wailing groan as her pussy quivered, overwhelmed by his immediate thrusts, fast and intense, hips slamming into her ass noisily to make it jiggle as he pounded on her. He seemed invigorated and even more energetic now, like he had a new burst of energy as he positively slammed against her and made her body shake and shiver, tight asshole gripping him tightly as he plundered her depths and groaned with pleasure in unison with the actress.

“Oh fuck,” Emilia groaned helplessly as he pounded her ass, always a sucker for anal sex, having loved it since she’d first been talked into it as a teenager. Her elbows slid down and she pressed her forehead to the bedding as she rocked with his incessant pumping, just giving in and focusing on the hard, naughty sensations of him smashing his cock into her ass. He was so thick and hard for her, absolutely loving her tightest hole as she gasped and groaned beneath him, totally at his whim, the domination of her strap-on seemingly long forgotten even as it jiggled beneath her. His fingers dug into her pale skin once more and he pounded on her hard, harder than he had her pussy if that were even possible, absolutely swept up in the sensations of her tight asshole squeezing and clenching on him as she relished it.

“Fuck that’s tight,” he grunted, sweat prickling his forehead as he exerted himself to shove his manhood into her, pelvis slapping loudly against her nice round ass, putting it to good use to cushion his pushing. It was hard and fast, hardly the way most girls wanted it, but she just took it like his perfect fuckdoll, absolutely under his control now as his cock pounded her. He slipped out with a pop, murmuring his irritating as he grabbed his cock to reinsert himself, then groaning with pleasure as the sensation of her tight sphincter stretching over his sensitive head again made him shudder. He drove into her hot depths again, harder this time to really grind himself against her and get that last few millimetres of penetration, making both of them groan in pleasure before he resumed his thrusts on her. The next time he slipped out it was on purpose, pulling back to let his thick cock spring free of her as his thumbs spread her ass open to make her gape.

“Fuck yeah,” he smiled as he gazed down at her gaping asshole, Emilia careful not to clench, knowing he wanted to see it before he grabbed his shaft and shoved himself back into her. She just moaned in pleasure as he used her, pussy absolutely dripping wet and her climax buzzing in the background as she edged towards climax. Anal sex always built her up to a huge orgasm and he was certainly getting her there now as he plundered her booty. He smashed against her for a couple more minutes, throwing another pull out and gape to make her feel like a porn star before he gave her a few final, hard, deep thrusts that made her gasp in pain, tingling new spots, then pulled back out of her.

She didn’t have time to think about it as he shoved straight back into her pussy to make her shake and spasm, the pleasure too much for a moment as he drove full depth in her silky tunnel, abundant juices making his penetration effortless. Emilia gave deep, grunting groans of ecstasy as he started to thump into her once more, completely lost to the fuck now as he leaned over her to pressure down onto her G-spot, bulbous head driving against it to tingle the ribbed little spot inside her, the key to her ultimate climax. She shuddered, a pre-orgasmic quake that told him all he needed to know, and with that he suddenly slowed down, his thrusts slow and deliberate, working his hips more to let him tease every nerve ending on the walls of her vagina.

“Ohhh fuck no, please, don’t tease me,” she begged, hips twitching, trying to push back into him. It didn’t work as he was holding onto them and just rode her motions, smiling to himself as she begged to get fucked harder even though he knew exactly what she needed.

“No, this is what you deserve,” he whispered to her; somehow it made it more intense and meaningful, telling her quite clearly that this was what she was getting...and exactly what she needed. She gave another shiver of arousal as he owned her, just tingling and throbbing as he cranked her up and over the edge. His thrusts were so carefully measured, frustratingly slow and precise, amazing her that he could read her body so perfectly as he teased and tempted her body to the big orgasm building from her soul. Emilia knew she couldn’t encourage him to fuck her again, an exact reversal from the way she’d fucked him slow with a hard, fast finish to deliver him a prostate orgasm.

Despite building up slowly, the exact moment of climax rushed up on her quickly, finding herself tumbling into it as she was lost to the pleasure with him holding back to keep up the long, steady thrusts until she popped. Like a balloon it only took moments and she shook, shuddered and gasped rapidly up the moment she gave a loud, guttural cry of ecstasy, the orgasm breaking over her and shaking her soul like a huge wave on a beach as it crashed against her very being. Emilia tensed up as she came, only accentuated as he took his cue to start slamming into her hard and fast again with very short, powerful strokes to smash his manhood balls deep with a pace she could barely handle as she climaxed.

“Oh god!” she whined desperately as her body shook and thighs squeezed, clenching together and feeling her toy between them, fingers digging into the mattress as he pounded on her again and turned her body up to 11 for the most intense, overwhelming orgasm she’d had in weeks. Her pussy clenched and grabbed at his invading shaft, pulsing around him, her velvet tunnel gripping intently as her abs pulsed, knees threatening to collapse completely beneath her as she braced herself on the bed. She gave loud, gasping cries of pleasure to the bedroom as she lifted her head from the bed, tangled by her long brown hair, eyes clenched shut as she wailed in complete satisfaction and release.

“Fuck, please!” she gasped desperately as her climax ended almost as suddenly as it began, sensitive and unable to take his pace, reaching back to pathetically paw at him in a bid for mercy as he pounded her.

“I’m not done yet,” was all he growled in return, aiming to use her body for his own pleasure, rock hard inside her and chasing his own climax now as hers had taken him to the brink, the squeezes and succulent sensation of her sweet pussy on his shaft having done their job. All the gorgeous British star could do was brace herself and hang on, eyes almost crossing as she wailed in overwhelmed sensations and begged for him to come through her gasping breaths. Luckily for her it only took a few more seconds of pounding on her to do the job and she felt him tense up, cock even harder inside her for a few seconds of even harder thrusts, hips slamming against her ass in a silent, almost other worldly moment as he held his climax before he released with a huge shudder and loud, deep growl of pleasure.

He smashed his hips forward into her so hard he knocked her down onto the bed prone bone as he almost had before, pinning her down with his bodyweight as she desperately shoved her hips up, arching her back so her bum pushed back into him to hold him full depth as his cock jumped and burst a thick jet of his load into her. She moaned in pleasure and relief as he jammed himself deep and pressed her down to empty his balls inside her, loving the feel of his rock hard shaft jumping and pulsing inside her with every hot burst his come deep into her body, surging straight into her womb as he grunted hard with every jolt. He put all his remaining energy into it to make sure he emptied every possible bit of himself inside her, taking all possible enjoyment from shoving her down on the bed and absolutely destroying her pussy.

His breaths became deeper and heavier, slower as he gave a few final squeezes inside her before holding the last one and sagging over her back, both of them collapsing onto the bed as their sweaty bodies pressed together. They gasped for oxygen, taking deliberate slow breaths to haul it in deeply, recovering from the immensely pleasurable fuck session they’d just indulged in. He pinned her for a minute or so before stirring, pushing up and slipping back out of her as they both murmured at the sensitivity, him rolling off her and collapsing beside, Emilia staying face down and exhausted even as she gave a fruitless squeeze to clamp her gaping asshole shut.

“Fuck that was good,” he breathed, heart rate slowing.

“Yeah,” she mumbled, absolutely fucked out in the wake of it all. She gave a shudder as his thick load leaked from her aching pussy, down over the thick strap-on pressed between her legs in the aftermath of her fucking. She might have had the power to start with, but she certainly didn’t now...and that was exactly how she truly liked it.


The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.
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Re: Emilia Clarke - A Kinky Switch
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2021, 12:22:18 PM »
Another fantastic Emilia Clarke story from you Noj and of course a fantastic story in general.

I have probably said it before, but I'll say it again, the way you write sex scenes is phenomenal. Sure, it is rough, but there is a tenderness in how the way you describe it that leaves no doubt that both parties are enjoying it. Even in the stories you have written featuring some reluctance, it still comes across as the people involved only pushing boundaries and never forcing the other into something they don't want.

It is perfect, to cut it short.

Also, I like to imagine the male protagonist is the same from your other Emilia Clarke story titled Lick it First.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Emilia Clarke - A Kinky Switch
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2021, 06:06:35 AM »
Being a bisexual man, I have an appreciation for pegging as a kink and it's something I have seen no other author do except for you. It's one of the many reasons I have such high respect for you and am grateful to read your works on this site.

I had fun reading this story last night and wanted to give your story some much needed praise.  :Y: You continue to inspire with your writing style. If no one else will tell you, at least I'll be the one to publicly say how much of an influence and inspiration you have on me.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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