Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)  (Read 156878 times)


Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« on: September 11, 2021, 02:49:59 PM »

Disclaimer: This FICTIONAL Story Contains Sexually Graphic Situations. If You're Under Age or Easily Offended STOP READING NOW!!

I drew a deep breath as I actually made my way inside the club. That itself had taken several long moments as my credentials had been checked, my picture verified, all the other checks made to make sure that I was exactly who I said I was.

It had taken me a long time to get here. It was a relatively new establishment and to say it was exclusive really wasn't doing it justice. There were fees of course, memembership, background checks, down payments as a guarantee of silence over exactly what happened.

Even having an vague idea of what to expect this blew my mind. As I crossed the entrance and entered a room there was a stage to one end and right there in the middle swinging expertly around the pole was Jennifer Lopez. I supposed it was her that was really the inspiration for this.

Her performance both fun, skilled and dedicated had shown of many things. Suddenly it was a bit of fun craze that celebrities like to toy around with. Dancing, performing, putting on a little show. It was all fun and good natured but I'd heard it made for quite the spectacle.

From my first impressions it didn't disappoint in the slightest.

Almost finding my way inside I crossed over the room and headed towards the bar rather than go straight towards the comfortable sofas or the tables that were positioned closer to the stage. I had a thought then, wondering if the celebrities themselves came of the stage and worked the crowd as well. I was looking forward to finding out.

I sat myself down at the bar and one of the staff came over and took my order while I waited. On the stage Jennifer looked like she was finishing her routine athletically rocking back and forth on all fours in front of an adoring crowd of onlookers. I shook my head again smiling at the prospect of how much fun this was going to be. At the same time two things happened.

My drink was brought over and placed in front of me and then I felt a light brush fingertips sliding across my shoulder as a figure sat themself down beside me, tumbling blonde hair in waves framed her face bright blue eyes a playful smile on her face as she shot me a side glance. With a jolt I recognised who exactly it was.

Kate Upton had sat herself beside me at the bar and made a quick gesture to catch the attention of the staff there. "I'll have a glass of the usual Rick." I heard her murmur before she turned her attention back towards me.

"You must be new here." She added smiling at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I added finally managing to find my tongue.

"Only a little." I tend to notice the new people more sometimes they tend to stand out when there here for the first time."

"I can't imagine why." I added wryly my attention glancing back towards the main stage. Jennifer had finished and had descended into the crowd sat down at one of the tables mingling with the fans.

"It does tend to attract attention doesn't it. Sometimes it can depend on when you arrive and exactly what is going on but it seems like today was a lucky day for you." She smirked a little and paused to take a drink as a glass of wine was set down in front of her.

"I'm feeling pretty lucky right now. I'm sat down right next down to Kate Upton I
I think most people would think that was a good day." I smiled at her and watched her lips flicker as she looked at me closely.

"Well you learn quickly anyway. Just for that why don't I show you around and give you a brief tour."

"I'd love it." I agreed easily more than happy to have her show me around.

We both grabbed our drinks and then I began to follow Kate as she led the way, already admiring the way she moved, a white dress hugging her figure and all those delicious curves.

"I think you've already seen the main stage." She chuckled glancing towards where I had seen Jennifer performing earlier. Most nights someone will, it can vary though sometimes it's busier than others so it may depend on how lucky you are. Sometimes we have live music." She began to explain things as we moved across the floor and made our way through the club.

"We have the bar and of course there's food available as well. Either a proper meal or something lighter. There's a few bigger rooms upstairs for parties and groups that can be catered for."

She continued on weaving her way around the club floor talking and occasionally pausing to point something out. Honestly I was surprised that no one else seem surprised I was casually walking around with her but already in the short space of time I'd seen a few more familiar faces, maybe it was just the normal thing here.

"At the back there's more rooms although there mostly quieter or for something specific. There's the bathrooms and shower rooms, some areas for the staff some lounges if people are just relaxing and want to chat or watch tv, play games just chill really." She informed me as we paused at a junction.

"Of course some of the bigger function rooms are down that way but I don't think you need to worry about those today. We'll head upstairs and i'll show you around up there and you can take a look and see if there is anything you like."

She smiled at me and then I was following behind her again as she led the way the up a stair case and we began to climb up towards the next floor. Again I was struck by how normal everything felt. Everywhere I went there was just a fun relaxed atmosphere and everyone just enjoying themselves.

I couldn't help but stare, everything was new, every direction I looked in had a different sight or spectacle and then there was of course the beautiful blonde herself escorting me around. I looked at her again as we climbed the stairs and couldn't resist asking the question on the tip of my tongue.

"Have you ever performed here yourself or do you just enjoy visiting?" I couldn't help the inquisitive thought about how well she knew the place. I saw her just flick a look at me from the corner of her eye as we reached the top of the stairs.

"You'll find the balconies up here overlooking the stages below and some more tables and viewing areas if you wanted a different perspective on the stage." She continued to explain blithely bypassing my question as she continued the tour.

"I don't think that you answered the question." I half joked looking at her again.

"I didn't did I." She teased me just turning to look at me more directly and smile broadly before she continued on.

I shook my head grinning at her as she moved away wondering if her reply was an answer to my question. I almost felt a wave of heat wash through me at the prospect. Shaking my head I drew in a breath and then started of following her again.

She walked down an aisle to the side of the tables that over looked the stage below and then led me to one side and gestured towards another doorway. Glancing inside I could see more tables surrounding another stage this was smaller and much more intimate than the one below.

"That sometimes is where you can find smaller groups or private shows sometimes when people are just entertaining some friends. It's quieter tonight though not as busy." She smiled and continued on.

"Then we have the really small rooms along here much more quiet and secluded if you're after a more intimate close setting. Personally this is this kind of atmosphere I tend to find is much nicer as well." She flashed a smile at me as we walked by several.

"Although it does seem very quiet here today not to much going on compared to some nights but I guess it's the luck of when you arrive. Why don't we go and take a look at one." She took my arm and took me aside leading towards one of the doors beside us.

Opening it up she led me inside. There was a table to one side some chairs scattered around. On another side there was a longer sofa and then a couple of arm chairs. Moving inside we walked in and then we both sat down close together drinks in hand and settled on the sofa.

"So did you enjoy the tour?" She asked me smiling as she looked at me.

"Yes definitely it's nice to have a more experienced hand show me the ropes so to speak. I think it will be good to explore. I think there is a lot to take in here. I don't know what the rules are here outside of getting in and I suppose it will take some getting used to." I chuckled softly.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it soon enough and with some more experience see how things work. It just takes a little time." She paused and sipped her drink and looked back over the rim of her glass at me. "I think you'll find you settle in quickly enough."

"Maybe, though I don't know how long that would take given all the different things you might see around here." I shook my head smiling wryly again. "The night could probably end now and I wouldn't forget it in a hurry I think."

"Don't settle to quickly the night isn't done yet." She chided me grinning as she emptied her glass and then pushed herself back to her feet. I felt my pulse skip just a moment thinking she had something planned. Whether she read my mind or not I wasn't sure but she flashed a grin.

"I'm going to freshen up and maybe grab another drink but I'll be back so don't go to far it won't take me long." Then she was slipping away moving gracefully back through the door shutting it behind her and leaving me there alone. Taking a deep breath I shook my head and feeling restless stood and walked towards a mirror that was positioned along one of the walls.

It looked at myself in the reflection straightened my jacked and just grinned at how the evening had gone, the things I'd seen and the fact i'd been there talking to Kate Upton all seemed slightly surreal still. Shaking my head I wondered where she had gone and hoped oddly that she hadn't disappeared for the night.

At the same time I heard music begin to play soft and low from somewhere above me. Speakers I guessed hidden away somewhere. Just afterwards I heard the door open and after it closed again, a few seconds later I saw Kate appear behind me in the mirror two fresh glasses in her hand. She set them down on a small table and then continued forward.

I stayed where I was just watching her move closer until she was stood just behind me a little to the side.

"I hope you don't mind the music I asked them to put it on when I grabbed the drinks and thought it would add to the atmosphere."

"No I don't mind at all." I quickly assured her.

"Good, good." She murmured smiling at me as she stood there and then took a step forward so I felt her body suddenly ever so lightly just pressed against my back. She reached under my arms and grasped my jacket straightening it out her palms then sliding smoothly over me.

"So I think earlier you had a question about performances didn't you?" She murmured softly once more looking at me in the mirror.

Just like that my world suddenly erupted. I felt my heart flutter my pulse skip a lazy beat at the sudden direction the conversation had turned. "I believe I did make an enquiry along those lines. Call it a new guy's curiosity." I added slowly.

"I see. Well I could answer it of course and you'd know but I also remembered that I haven't really started explaining the rules here either which is remiss of me. So I think a more practical combination of things might work better for someone new. So I think I should just show you. How does that sound?"

I swallowed hard just looking her at her watching me, her hands still lightly resting on my body. I had no idea what she was thinking or what the rules might be. I also didn't really care for that matter. The chance of a practical demonstration........that sleek white dress she wore coming of..........

"I think that sounds like a great idea. I tend to think a practical element while explaining the rules will probably help me take things in more quickly especially since I'm new and that." I slowly replied as I looked at her again, her smile turning into a wide grin.

"Excellent in that case take a seat."

She leaned forward pressing herself against me her hand moving away to the side until it found my own her fingers wrapping around mine and then turning me around until we were stood face to face. I watched her lips part her mouth looking tempting enough that I wanted to kiss it right then.

I think she knew it, she flashed a wider smile and squeezed my hand. "Come on this way." She took my hand and pulled me along back towards the chairs and guided me back towards the arm chair I was in before and nudged me back into it.

"Ok rule number one before we start. I want to see those hands on the chair. Absolutely no touching at all ok. I want to see them resting on the chair at all times, can you do that for me?" She murmured the question grinning at me.

"I think so, just about maybe." I agreed taking a deep breath as I prepared for what I knew was coming next.

Swallowing hard I sat back and took a deep breath my focus entirely on the busty blonde stood just in front of me. It was an entirely new experience for me something like this. I didn't know what to expect what exactly she had planned but I just felt like it would be memorable.

I shifted again settling back parting my legs to get a little more comfortable and just watched Kate, letting my eyes enjoy her fully now, skimming all over her body and the white dress she wore. Finally she began to move with the music.

"You'll have to forgive me as I'm really not a great dancer at all, one reason I tend to stay away from the main stage as well." She teased me swaying side to side her hips moving before she turned slowly around and skimmed her hands over the front of her body.

"I think a setting like this is more fun. I feel a little less self conscious and the more intimate setting I think means we're all more relaxed and comfortable and can enjoy ourselves more."

I glanced at the glass of champagne just out of reach suddenly feeling like my mouth was dry and parched the anticipation of what was about to unfold gripping me tightly now. "Yes, I can see that. I can't fault your logic as I think this happens to be perfect right now but then maybe I'm biased." I replied slowly finding my voice.

"Is that so? I didn't realise you were quite so easily entertained. If that's the case would you like to call the evening a success then and we can say goodbye?" She murmured grinning at me as she turned smoothly a full circle her legs stretching and flexing, her body always moving as she swayed and glided around ending up facing me again.

I swallowed hard again watching her grin at me. "I mean don't get me wrong as perfect as it is I'm sure it's good to strive for even more right?" I added drawing a soft laugh from her as she began to move towards me now slow and measured steps one foot after another.

I watched her every move straining to keep myself still as she looked back at me smiling, strands of hair framing her face as she arched her back and leaned forward. I couldn't help letting my eyes dip down as her breasts swelled and rose up lush soft and inviting.

Her fingers reached the chair and delicately ran over the back of my hands as she rocked side to side making everything just bounce and sway a little as she continued on forwards moving closer until she was gripping the seat as well tugging herself forward until she was almost pressed against my body as she slowly straightened up pushing herself back up until her face was right in front of me grinning.

She straightened slowly until she was stood right in front of me and then slowly raised a leg the dress pulling back as she lifted it revealing more bare skin soft and smooth the shapely curves of her muscled flesh as her foot came to rest directly between my legs.

"I think we could probably find a much better way to improve on the evening yet don't you think?" She continued on teasing softly her fingers reaching down and toying with the hem of her dress just flicking it up and down and flashing more and more of the tempting body that just lay hidden beneath.

I looked down watching her foot, her leg, almost feeling my muscles twitch full of restless energy and the urge to slide my fingers up the length of it but mindful of her rules I held myself back. "I think we definitely need to find a better way to finish the night, since it's my first and all."

Her foot stretched just a little and I felt her foot clad inside a polished heel just press right against my cock where it had sprung into life. Then she was moving again leaning forward arching her body leaning down towards me so we almost touched again her mouth drawing close to my ear. "Well then, lets make sure it's one that you don't forget."

I didn't think i'd be forgetting this in a hurry as it was but I decided to keep quiet instead just watching Kate as she continued to dance and perform. She moved up and down and then was virtually laying in my lap before she flipped over and pushed herself back to her feet this time facing away from me.

Her legs parted and she arched over bending forwards that dress pulling up riding high on her body tightening over the lush curve of her rear as she dipped down touching her toes in a far more flexible way than i'd have managed before she straightened and turned again.

"You can make requests as well that is another possible rule." She murmured sliding towards me again.

"It is?" I double checked.

"It is yes, it doesn't mean I have to agree with them but there is the option available  if you like." She chuckled circling slowly around the chair I was sat in.

Licking my lips I tried to follow her. "In that case........" I began wondering if it was sensible and then remembered she would say no if she didn't want to anyway. "What about taking the dress of?"

She paused and very slowly and very deliberately turned her head and glanced at me over one shoulder. Her eyebrow arched her hand rested on her hip and I hesitated wondering if i'd over stepped before the fun even really began as she just shot me a slow silent look one second, two, three I counted them ticking by almost kicking myself.

"You want me to take the dress of?" She finally spoke her voice as low and as soft as I'd heard it so far. There was something in it though that just made me shiver.

"Well I mean you are a model there are lots of shots of you wearing less of course I just thought a close up more personal look would be a much better experience for the night." I breathed out slowly.

"I don't care about that." She countered her arm coming up and her fingers pointing at me directly. "I asked if you wanted me to take my dress of. No mixing reasons, just a plain simple answer. Do.....you....want.....me......to.......take......the.....dress........of?" Every word was deliberately dropped a pause between every one as she made her point.

I just looked back at her and nodded. "Yes I want to see you take it of."

"There now that wasn't to hard was it." She teased softly beginning to move as I drew in a sigh of relief that I hadn't blown my evening so quickly. I watched her until she slipped behind me then felt her fingers run across my shoulders before she murmured just beside my ear.

"You may need to give me a hand with the zip."

I almost moaned there and then. I knew my growing erection pulsed happily at the thought, my mind was already conjuring up several fun ideas even as I tried to draw it back under control watching as she slipped around standing in front of me.

She walked forwards leaned down again so I had another tempting view of all that cleavage as her hands reached out and just took my legs her fingers on my knees and pushed them further apart creating a little space on the chair directly between my legs. Then she turned slowly around and flashed me a smile over her shoulder again.

"Just remember rule one. No touching."

"Rule one, yes." I murmured shaking of the growing tension I felt.

"Apart from the zip obviously you will need to touch that." She added chuckling.

"Just the zip i'll remember." I nodded my head again and sucked in another breath as Kate turned away from me again and then slowly sat herself back on the seat with me just positioned between my legs. I felt her just brush against me, just on my thighs as I lifted my arm.

I reached up and gently took hold of her zip and then slowly began to tug it down, an inch at a time sliding it down watching all that smooth soft bare skin being revealed then the white material of her bra matching it all. I continued on drawing it all the way down to her waist and then released it.

As it reached the bottom I watched her drop her shoulder and reach over to pull the dress of her shoulder, first one and then the second. Then she continued on guiding her dress with her hands and pushing it down to her waist still sat down in front me until she slowly rose up again.

She looked over her shoulder a small smile on her face as she grasped the dress and continued to push it down over her resr, over those hips until it was sliding and slithering down her figure to finally pool at her feet and she nudged it away with her foot.

I didn't have a chance to do anything but watch then as she moved and danced again. Her body moving and swaying, twisting and turning around in ways that just caught the eye especially when she turned and dipped and my eyes drifted down over her cleavage even more visible as her breasts pushed and swayed against her bra.

I shook my head and just grinned at her captivated as she stepped forward leaned in close with her hands resting on mine and arched her back and then rose up right in front of me gifting me another close tempting view of her breasts before she flipped around her back sliding over my chest as she slid down my lap grinding on me before rising half bent over and giving me an enticing view of her ass before she began to circle again.

"I'll tell you right now you can keep your magazine's and photos Kate. It doesn't compete with this." I shook my head as I felt her fingers brush my shoulder on the way around.

"Good. I'd be disappointed if it didn't." She smirked at me as she moved around and then perched herself on the arm of the chair and leaned back in front of me. I watched her kick out her legs and then reached forward and draw her fingers slowly up the length of her legs, up over her belly, and then slowly across her breasts my eyes following her every move.

She spun away standing in front of me bounced up and down several times in a way that ensured my gaze couldn't be torn from her bouncing lush breasts. Even now as fun as this was I wasn't expecting more, even if my mind and imagination maybe hoped for it.

"So is this a better first experience?" She teased me grinning still.

"I think being here was a great experience.......being shown the ropes by you, the rules I think it got even better." I added shaking my head and grinning at her.

She spun around and moved backwards and then pushed herself into my lap sliding her body over mine until her rear was nestled firmly over my thighs, her back on my chest. She reached one arm around my neck and used me as a support as she moved and ground herself on me.

"I can feel exactly how much you enjoy it right now." She murmured against my ear in a way that made me shiver. It was all to true my erection throbbed and pulsed pushing firmly against her rear.

I was still fighting to keep my hands of her as I sat there not helped by her sliding over me as she currently was. "Oh definitely. I'm really feeling the experience right now, it's quite stimulating." I added dryly still half wishing I could grab a drink.

She ground against me again and then pivoted turning around so she was straddlin me instead looking right at me, pushing herself up and down a little just making her big perfect breasts bounce right in front of my eyes. She leaned in even closer so they were almost touching, her arms around my neck. "Close your eyes for me." She murmured softly.

I looked at her, just a second but then did exactly that taking a deep breath and closing them as I sat back just relaxing.

"What else would improve the experience?" She murmured softly. "Right now tell me what you want don't think about it just tell me the first thing that comes to mind." She murmured again.

"You." I replied smiling a little as I felt her lean against me.

"Yes?" She whispered softly her breath tickling my ear.

"Naked." I added softly.

I felt her fingers knead my shoulders. "Is that so........" She teased me again.

"Yessssss" I breathed out softly. "I want to see you take of that bra, slide of those panties right in front of me. I just want to see how good you look wearing absolutely nothing."

It was silent then she didn't say anything and again I wondered briefly if i'd strayed in what i'd said. I didn't really need to worry about it though.

"Open your eyes." She murmured again her lips close to my ear.

Slowly I opened them and found myself face to face with her.

She shrugged and smiled. "It isn't much of a view if you aren't looking is it?" She teased me softly rocking against me before she slowly pushed herself back and stood up briefly before she slowly began to circle me once more.

"Are you ready to see me then? All of me?" She murmured softly in my ear as she paused.

I was almost squirming in the seat unable to hold myself still as the anticipation built. "Yes" I breathed out slowly. "You're Kate Upton, who wouldn't want to see that."

"I guess this really is a good day for you then" She laughed softly as she slipped back around.

"I don't know how I'd ever beat this." I chuckled again eyes fixed on her.

"Oh I don't know it's still early who knows what trouble you'll get into." She flashed me a smile as she stood in front of me and slowly reached up to draw one of her bra straps down.

I just groaned watching her as she turned around dropped her other shoulder and slowly lowered the second bra strap. We watched each other entirely focused at least until she turned away and even then it was only seconds before she turned and looked at me over her shoulder as she reached up behind and pinched open the hooks on the back of the back.

She leaned forward still facing away from me and shrugged the bra of, gathered it between two fingers and spun it lightly in the air before she tossed it in my direction. Her aim was spot on as it landed just on the arm of the chair.

I felt my pulse skip as I watched her waiting to see if she was going to turn around and show me more right then but she seemed to enjoy teasing. She did slowly although with her arm held across her breasts covering them mostly. Even then they were to big to hide completely. They spilled over her hands just big, soft and tempting.

Before I knew it she had whirled around again facing away only this time her hands reached back and brushed her hip and wrapped around the waistband of her panties. Her fingers curled around the material and she spread her legs a little wider apart and arched her back presenting a perfect tempting sight.

Almost holding my breath I watched her slowly slide them down over her gorgeous round ass down her thighs and then let go as they slipped and fell away of their own accord and then just turned and flashed me a grin as I looked at her naked shapely form.

"I think you liked it." She chuckled softly as she looked at me.

I couldn't even muster a reply I just stared my eyes roaming across her from head to foot shaking my head in disbelief.

"Maybe we need to find out." She continued on smiling at me.

I gripped my seat and watched as she sauntered backwards one step at a time until she reached my seat. Then she slowly guided herself back onto lap and leaned herself against me her back resting on my chest her now bare soft rear sliding devilishly along my throbbing cock. What was worse this time was the fact I could look over her shoulder and catch a glimpse at her luscious bare breasts.

I groaned then trying to keep still as she wriggled and squirmed slowly rubbing all over my cock. I held the chair tight fighting the urge to touch her, fighting the urge to thrust and grind myself back against her inviting body.

"Well it definitely feels like you enjoyed this." She smiled turning her head as she grinned at me circling her hips all over me.

I tried to distract myself again sucking in a breath letting my eyes close just a second anything to dial back the heat rippling through me. I breathed out again and looked at her as she reached around to hold my neck her fingers stroking over my skin.

"So the rules....." I began again. "What other rules are there?" I asked her.

"Ah the rules." I heard her murmur as she shifted again letting go of my neck and just sitting up a little. Her hands stretched out and she ran them down my arms until they covered my hands.

"The thing about the rules." She continued on. "Is there more like guidance really. It's about what you and whoever you are with agree upon. Take rule one. Absolutely no touching. You wouldn't come in and grab people as you'd be kicked out. But say if I did this."

She paused and took my hands her fingers entwined with mine as she lifted them away from the chair and then placed them on her knees. "Then now you're touching me. But since I clearly instigated it that is acceptable." I shivered a little listening as I felt her skin warm and soft under my touch.

She shifted her grip fingers edging back to grasp my wrist and then slowly drew my hands up her legs sliding across the outside of her thighs following her muscled flesh until they settled on her hips feeling her move and circle herself against my erection.

"Likewise me putting your hands here is fine because I'm guiding them and that is perfectly acceptable." I sucked in a breath listening to her, watching her over her shoulder because she wasn't done far from it. She continued to guide my hands further  until they were pressed against her belly my palms sliding over her soft smooth flesh. But even then she didn't stop.

She drew them onwards sliding up over her body until she guided them to her breasts. Suddenly those luscious big soft mounds were filling my hands. I wasn't small but I couldn't hold them. The abundant flesh spilled around my hands as I held them and I just groaned feeling them.

"And see this is fine as well because I put your hands on them." She murmured softly rubbing back against me her hair tickling my face as she did.

"So this would be acceptable, because you put them there?" I asked her my voice straining a little because I couldn't resist squeezing them rolling them in my hands and just kneading them. I heard her breath catch them as she felt me enjoy them.

"Yes, that would be fine because I put them there." She almost purred at me even as one of my hands was guided back down the way it had travelled until she pressed it firmly between her thighs so I felt her warm and enticing just as she ground herself into my palm.

I couldn't help myself then running my palm up and down her entrance that heat was to enticing I teased my middle finger along her lips and gently parted them and slipped inside her feeling the slick heat of her arousal coat me as I did. I think we both groaned at the same time.

"I take it that is fine as well?" I murmured again and was met by another chuckle.

"In that case what does it feel like?" She quipped back.

"A good point." I agreed smiling and just letting myself enjoy her now seizing the moment.

I gripped her breast kneaded it again and then captured her nipple circling it lightly before pinching it gently and tugging feeling it harden under my touch. At the same time I pushed my finger inside her properly now and just began to stroke it in and out feeling her squirm against me.

She wasn't still herself, accidentally or not her hips and bare rear kept sliding against my aching cock so I could feel it almost painfully hard straining against the front of my slacks. I just tried to hold myself as still as I could and just enjoy the feast she had presented me with.

We wriggled and squirmed together now, Kate still sitting on my lap her legs parted enough for me to stroke first one finger inside her and then soon add a second, entirely worth it just to hear the gasp of pleasure from her again. I could feel how wet she was her juices coating my finger as I pinched lightly on her nipple.

Exploring her, touching her meant I began to learn what she liked while I teased her, and soon my fingers explored even further as I traced up her lips and found the harder bud at the peak. I heard her breath catch, a shudder ripple through her body as I stroked it rubbing her clitoris as she ground against me hard, making me moan again.

Her head turned and she flashed me another smile. "I'm going to need a drink just to cool of." She added.

I sucked in a breath and nodded. "I could definitely use a drink myself." I agreed softly.

She patted my leg and slowly I took my hands of her letting her push herself up and slowly stand.

"Wait there, i'll grab them and you can sit back and enjoy the show a little more." I nodded and sat back eyes glued to her. She took her time hips swaying as she moved that perfect round rear bouncing a little as she grabbed a glass. Of course then she turned around and my eyes just really for the first time saw most of her.

Naked walking towards me she really was breath taking. She had that beautiful face, the lush curves, the tempting figure, the smooth bare sex that i'd really enjoyed already. But her breasts were just perfection, watching them bounce just full round and heavy as she walked towards me was an exquisite temptation.

I couldn't tear my eyes of them as she reached the chair lifted her legs and placed them either side of my thighs and slipped onto my lap straddling me again only this time looking right at me. Those beautiful, big, round, soft breasts right in front of my face.

I heard her chuckle softly. "I'm glad you like them, but did you want a drink?" She teased me.

"Yes might be a good idea." I agreed my mouth dry even as I realised she'd only brought one glass with her. She took a sip nodding her head as she drank and then flashed me a grin. She took another sip and then she lowered her head down to meet mine.

Her mouth met mine the kiss soft and teasing at first more fun as her lips then parted and the champagne spilled out into my mouth over my lips as we shared the mouthful. She caught my lip with her teeth gently, and bit down before her tongue flicked out and licked the corner of my mouth catching a stray drop.

Her eyes were bright watching, full of pleasure and amusement as she edged back and licked her lips. But then she swooped forwards again and her mouth was crushed against mine just hot now and passionate as we melted against one another.

I gripped her hips and held her as she moved, fingers lightly exploring her as she edged against me still just straining and grinding herself onto my hips making me ache even more with every second. Our mouths pressed tightly, tongues teased and nipped until we edged apart breathlessly.

She flashed me another smile. "Want another drink?"

"Why not." I smiled back and watched as she dipped her finger into the glass wetting the tip and then traced it across the top of her breast, leaving a little glistening trail. I looked at her as she smirked at me half a challenge I thought. But I moved forward watching her the whole time and pressed my mouth to the gleaming trail dropping a line of kisses across it.

"I'm not sure that counts as a drink though." I laughed.

"Maybe." She chuckled in agreement. "Lets see. What about this?"

Watching, her free hand clutched my head gripping my hair and running through it but guiding my mouth closer to her breast even as she moved the glass a little closer and tipped it so drops of champagne splashed across it and began to run across the lush mound gathering around the nipple.

I glanced up at her but she didn't say anything and I leaned closer and licked across her nipple and her breast tasting more of the champagne. The feel of her, the taste of her made me ache. More drops splashed across her as she held the glass my mouth moving, darting to catch them.

I lifted my hands running them up her body under her breasts to cup them and lift them higher for my mouth to enjoy. Then I positioned my mouth just under her nipple as she began to pour the glass again liquid sliding across her bare skin running over her breast and nipple and into my mouth.

I moaned tasting it feeling her nipple a hard tempting peak under my tongue and I closed my mouth over it and just sucked hard squeezing my hands around her breasts as I did my fingers toyed with her other nipple, teasing it as well, making her moan now as she basked in the attention.

I flattened my tongue stroking it over her nipple and then caught it between my teeth tugged and bit gently and circled it again with my tongue feeling her fingers in my hair holding me against her as I enjoyed her. She was so soft, so tempting I couldn't get enough.

I slipped free and looked up as she grinned at me and bit her lip playfully more champagne poured across her breasts and I groaned again shaking my head. I dropped my mouth back onto her kissing and licking my way over tracing all that soft skin, her hard nipples and then made my way up to take her mouth.

I heard her gasp against my mouth, then a throaty chuckle and then her body warm and soft was pushing me back in the chair and my hands reached around stroking down her back and then gripped her ass and squeezed as she pressed herself against me.

That contact, the sleek softness of her body, her breasts on my chest, my hands on her exploring, our mouths nipping and teasing one another made me ache even more. She put her hands on my chest and pushed herself back a little still smiling at me. Bringing the glass around she tipped it forwards towards my mouth this time spilling some over my lips until I felt it drip down my neck.

"Oops!" She smirked me at me.

Leaning in she kissed me again soft and teasing while I felt my body ripple in pleasure at each and every point of contact.

"Why don't you let me help clean that up." She smirked at me.

"If you insist......"

Her head sank forwards, her tongue flicked across my lips and then her mouth light and teasing was pressed on my throat little licks and kisses, her teeth nibbling as they grazed my skin. I squirmed beneath her just holding her hips tight as she delved lower and lower.

"I think some went beneath this. I'll have to check." She bit her lip flashed me another smile as her fingers began to unbutton my shirt. Then that teasing warm mouth was on my chest sliding down tracing my bare skin as my head fell back feeling her lips and tongue tracing over my muscles all that time sinking lower until I felt her tongue slide across my belly.

"I think I got it all." She grinned at me again.

"Good, that's good." I murmured weakly.

She flashed me another smile leaned in and bit my lip tugging on it playfully with her teeth. 'I think it's hot in here, and I think it isn't good that i'm the only one under dressed now."

I blinked and stared at her puzzled until I felt her hand run across my chest again and then deliberately pause at my waist. "Oh!" I murmured drawing in a shaky breath. Even now, even after what we'd done I guess I still thought it was more for fun and just Kate being particularly playful. The possibility that we were far from done though......that made my heart race.

I took another breath and then ran my hands up her sides just lifting her a little so I could ease myself out from underneath her and set her on the chair while I stood. Glancing back though I could see her on all fours naked and bare just looking at me over one shoulder.

I shook my head just watching her as I shrugged my jacket of and draped it over one of the other seats. My shirt followed much easier now Kate had already unbuttoned it. Then I dropped my hands down and unbuttoned and unzipped my slacks tugging them open and then pushing them down.

It was my turn to feel eyes on me as Kate looked at me eyes roaming across me as I pushed my boxers down and let my erection spring out hard and firm rising in a gentle curve. I kicked everything of and turned my attention back to the gorgeous blonde in front of me.

I moved back and ran my hand down across her rear briefly squeezing it and then drawing it back and spanked her just enough to make her cheek bounce under the shock before I let my fingers glide back to to rub against her entrance. I could feel her warm and wet impossible to resist.

I curled my finger and gently caressed her entrance sliding over those bare wet lips and then stroked inside her. I heard her moan instantly and then her body rocked and pushed back against my touch as her back arched and she moaned softly.

I could've taken her then, I was more than tempted to. Instead I sank slowly down to my knees behind her and gripped that delicious round rear of hers to hold her steady. Then I leaned closer and just pressed my mouth against her bare flesh kissing her cheeks teasing her by edging my teeth against her and biting gently before I sank lower still.

I found her sex warm and wet the smell of her arousal just making me ache as I met her lips with my own kissing and teasing that bare flesh and using my tongue to slide up and down over her gently before I began to stroke inside her, parting that eager flesh and delving deep.

I moaned as I tasted her. Her arousal covered those lips seeping out and spilled over me now onto my lips, onto my tongue. She was sweet and succulent and it only made me want even more of her. I gripped her ass spread her cheeks and delved deeper.

I pushed my tongue inside her parting those glossy lips and sliding inside. I could trace my way up and down her sex licking across her, teasing her, working my way up to her clit and edging across that feeling it pulse under my attention listening to her moan and pant as I did.

She was restless above me pushing herself back onto my mouth trying to increase the pressure and the friction that I was putting on her. Just trying to guide my mouth to exactly where she wanted it the most. I licked, sucked and played with her now given full access to enjoy her body however I wanted.

Keeping a hand on her rear holding her there I moved the other up between her thighs tracing my fingers along her smooth skin until I found her entrance and as I moved my tongue to focus on her clit I slipped it inside her stroking deep feeling her body respond to the added stimulation along with her added moans.

She quivered her hair tumbling over her face her back arching and she pushed herself back almost fucking my fingers as I added a second twisting turning and sliding inside her to stroke and press against her walls as I continued to lick and tease the swollen bud of her clit.

She shuddered and moaned writhing with pleasure now every sound, every noise she made just making me ache even more for her. I wanted to make her explode, wanted to feel her cum and taste it all over my mouth as she did just hot and sweet so I could enjoy every second of pushing her over that edge.

I stroked my tongue along her folds once more pushing inside around my fingers, gliding back up to run across her clit. Between her pushing back against me, and me pressing against her the contact and friction increased every second. My head was buried firmly between her thighs from behind just roaming across as much of her as I could reach.

I worked my fingers in and out sliding, pushing delving inside the slick heat of her feeling it coat them gripping her rear with my free hand and squeezing it as she drove back onto my tongue. I began to finger her harder, faster, thrusting inside as I was aching to do myself and then used my tongue on her clit.

I lapped at her tasting the sticky fluids seeping from her, rolled my tongue over her clit again and then just closed around it sucking lightly and continuing to push and thrust my fingers inside her trying to add as much pleasure to her as I could possibly manage trying to send her over that edge.

She was pushing against me more and more almost bouncing against my mouth, driving my fingers deeper inside her and making sure more and more pressure and friction was focused on her clit. The two of us moaned together, hers louder and more intense, my own muffled by her body.

I plunged my fingers inside her again twisting and turning sliding my way inside her sex even as I sucked her clit. Then with my free hand I reached up gripped her rear and squeezed it filling my hand with her tender flesh before pulling her down against my mouth as much as I could.

It was to much for her to take. Letting herself go completely her cries of pleasure rang of the wall as she came. I could literally taste it as more of her juices filled my mouth dripping from her soaking my fingers as they continued to thrust in and out of her soaking wet sex as she clung to the seat.

Her upper body virtually collapsed as she fell panting to rest against the top of it  breasts squashed on the seat as I continued to lick and suck her and tease my fingers in and out until she pulled herself away from me, to sensitive to endure any more teasing.

I rocked backed just giving her a moment to breath and instead ran my palms up and down the back of her thighs and over that gorgeous soft rear just stroking and caressing the pliant softness exploring all of her now while she caught her breath and then finally looked at me.

She looked hot all flushed cheeks ruffled hair licking her lips as she smiled at me and puffed out her cheeks. "Well now, that was fun. Now I think I need a drink." She chuckled softly as I grinned at her.

"That I can do for you." I smiled and pushed myself to my feet to walk over to the table where she had left the remaining glass. Picking it up I was about to bring it over as she slowly pushed herself back and slowly stood up.

"Come on lets go over here, a little more room and should be a bit more comfortable right now." She smiled at me and headed across to the sofa instead of the arm chair I had been sat in before hand. It definitely offered more room anyway.

Carrying the glass over I reached the sofa and waited as she stood there but she gestured for me to go ahead and I sat down making sure to leave her plenty of room. Instead she reached for the glass I held and took it from my hand instead just lifting it to her mouth and taking a sip.

She grinned at me playfully and then slowly lowered herself down her hand reaching out to spread my legs further apart so she could slip between them. Watching her made me ache as I felt her body brush against my own soft, warm, deliciously tempting.

She settled herself comfortably between my thighs and grinned at me. "Someone still looks very happy right now." She teased me softly fingertips running across my thigh, her nails teasing my skin lightly before she wrapped them around my hard shaft.

I shuddered head falling back as I enjoyed the feel of her fingers around my shaft as she stroked up the length her thumb paused and rubbed over the swollen head I felt myself pulse in her careful grip just aching at this point wanting her to do anything to enjoy it more.

Apparently though Kate was most definitely a great tease. "This is thirsty work." She grinned at me bringing the glass closer. Releasing me she dipped her finger into the glass and then pulled it free moving to let a few drops fall onto the head of my shaft. "Oops, here let me get that for you." She teased me.

I watched her lean forward her mouth part and her tongue warm wet and soft slide over the head of my shaft flicking back and forth and then slowly push down the length of my shaft just lightly stroking and teasing me making me quiver as I enjoyed her attention.

I groaned under her touch my cock pulsing as her tongue played over my swollen length. Gripping the seat tightly I held onto it as she brought the glass close once more gently tipped it up and spilt more of the champagne over me so I watched as it drizzled along the length down to my balls.

Kate tilted her head back kept her eyes on me and starting gently licking again the tip of her tongue edging around the head sliding over the tip and then gently stroking its ways down my shaft and over my balls. It was exquisite, pure sensual delight as she made me ache.

Her lips parted and she closed them lightly over the base of the shaft and then rubbed slowly back and forth just making me twitch against her touch eager for more and more of her attention as we both just looked at each other and I tried to not just let myself go like that.

It all felt so good the whole evening had been an eye opener every bit as much as I'd thought it might be and Kate was far from finished. The glass returned she tipped it up splashing more liquid over my shaft and then leaned forward  rose up and came down lips parted to take my cock inside her mouth.

I watched her unable to look away as her lips parted and then closed around the head. I heard her moan softly felt it in my shaft as she closed over me sucking lightly her tongue dabbing and edging around the head. Then she was gliding down smoothly taking more of me inside her mouth.

Her hand rested on my balls lightly rubbing her palm over them while her eager warm mouth started to just enjoy me now. She moved up and down teasing and enjoying me, every time she slipped down a little further and took more of my length inside the warm wet heat of her mouth.

Groaning in delight I arched my body bucking and straining against her touch, desperately wanting more. Kate being the perfect tease she was grinned at me as she looked back up. She moved back to the head and started sucking that never taking more than she wanted.

Then as my body relaxed and the tension waned a little her mouth sank back down and she was taking me deep again sliding around the shaft edging her way down until she was taking the whole length as I gripped the seat just watching her work loving every second of it.

As she slowly moved back she popped of the head and chuckled at me, lazily stroking as she looked back at up with such a playful grin. She reached for my hand gave it a tug until I was on my feet again this time standing in front of her with my erection thrusting out.

She grinned at me a playful smirk running across her face as she positioned herself right at the tip of my cock her head tilted back and then raised the glass and slowly drizzed more champagne over me so it ran down to her waiting mouth.

She held me on the tip of her tongue champagne running across into her mouth until as it slowed to a stop she stroked and teased her tongue over the head and then closed her mouth around sucking hungrily. I couldn't help myself this time reaching up and brushing her hair back from her face.

I began to rock my hips pushing against her mouth and she was moaning now her hands reaching out gripping my hips and thighs as I began to glide and edge myself in and out just slowly fucking that gorgeous warm wet teasing mouth as she looked back hungrily at me.

I felt her breasts pushing and bouncing against my legs as she held onto me. I let my hands run through her hair and just guide her mouth enjoying watching her, enjoying feeling her, just savouring the feel of her mouth so deliciously teasing as she bobbed eagerly back and forth along it.

It made me groan to watch her her do it she loved the eye contact holding my gaze letting me see her eagerly sucking and taking the length of it her tongue swirling around the head, teasing and tasting and taking it all so perfectly until she pulled back moaning with me now as she looked up hungrily.

"That's it I think we're done with the games for the night." She murmured softly standing slowly up.

For one terrible moment I thought the night might be finished. Thankfully a hand on my chest pushing me back into the seat proved that wrong. Instead she climbed onto me straddling my thighs and holding my cock up she shifted herself into position.

I watched her edge the head over her entrance, felt it hot and wet and enticing as I rubbed against her. Then she sank down slowly sliding down my length a little at a time until the smooth soft cheeks of her rear were resting firmly on my thighs.

I reached forward and grasped her hips and hungrily leaned forward and took her mouth kissing her deeply as I felt her squeezing my cock, lush and wet as she squirmed all over me moaning against my mouth.

I let my hands roam again grasping and squeezing her ass, sliding up over the soft skin of her back and up to her shoulders before moving back to her hips and sliding along her thighs even as I felt her luscious bare breasts brushing all over my chest as we pressed together.

"Rule one." She murmured nipping at my lips.

"Rule one?" I replied swallowing hard.

"Rule one yes. You can't come in me. We can fuck each other's brains out until I cum all over your cock but you can't come inside me." She prompted me.

"Ok." I stammered slowly.

Chuckling she bit my lip and then my ear as her head moved around to the side of my head. "I'm sure that we can still take care of you properly. Give you a one final last fun memory to leave with for your first experience." She whispered softly making me groan as my mind raced.

Slowly she began to rock against me as I held her hips. "I think you liked that idea. So tell me, what would your perfect way to finish this night be exactly? Do you want my mouth on you again? Do you want to explode as I take you nice and deep perhaps?" She continued gripping my shoulders as she rode me.

"Or would you rather spill it over me instead? Cover my pretty face all over my belly and up my body, bend me over and fuck me hard until you cover my ass?" Her voice soft and teasing combined with her body as she gripped my cock squeezing it as she rocked made me ache my mind loving every single thought she gave.

But really there was only one answer for me. She was Kate Upton, if I couldn't cum inside her, then I was definitely going to cum over her. Just the thought alone made my cock pulse and throb even more inside her. Groaning I let my mouth trail across her neck kissing hungrily.

"Is it cliche if I mention breasts right now?" I half laughed, half moaned as the image began to focus in my mind.

Kate gave another throaty chuckle moving a little more so the breasts we were talking about were suddenly right in my face sliding over my skin reminding me of exactly why I wanted them.

"Cliche maybe but you want, what you want. She murmured softly rising up on me so just the head of my shaft was inside her again. Her arms now circled around my head, running through my hair and drawing me forwards into her soft curves pressing my eager face into her breasts as I moaned.

Her head dipped again nipping and licking playfully at my ear. "All I said was rule one. Don't cum inside me." She murmured softly. "So if you really.....really......really want to finish your night by sliding yourself between my big, soft and very tempting breasts who am I to stay no?"

She continued to tease me making me groan at the thought at least until I felt a nipple brush my lips and I eagerly caught it, my mouth closing around it and biting down gently before swirling my tongue over the hard tip. I brought my hands up and cupped her breasts lifting them up higher making it all the more easier to enjoy them.

I shuddered again partly just the pleasure I was feeling, partly knowing full well what else i'd soon be doing. I heard Kate gasp and felt her slide back down on my shaft until I was nestled deeply inside her again still eagerly sucking and teasing her nipples.

Her fingers ran through my hair as she moaned. "God that feels so good right now, with you inside me like that, and there sensitive enough as it is. Just makes it feel that much better." She moaned again slowly pushing herself up and down along the length of my cock.

She rode it perfectly smooth and sleek her pussy gripping and tightening around my shaft as she rose up before sliding back down so I drove up deep inside her and the whole time those gorgeous big soft breasts and aching hard nipples just pressed all over my face as I nipped and teased her bare flesh.

Leaning further forwards she pushed me back on the chair grinding on my hips moaning as her breasts were squashed even more snugly against my face so I finally released them and dropped my hands to her hips instead, gripping them tightly as she bucked against me.

She began to move more now, faster, harder, bouncing her round soft rear on my thighs as she did. "We're going to make such a mess of each other by the time were finished. I'm going to cover that cock of yours and I know you're going to absolutely cover my breasts so fuck me, take me, pound that cock inside me."

Every word made me ache even as I gripped her tightly and began to thrust up to meet her driving my cock up deep inside her slick wet folds feeling her juices dripping and threading their way down my shaft as we came together. It wasn't enough and still holding her tightly I lifted her up flipped her over and laid her back on the sofa.

As much as I was looking forward to enjoying her breasts I still wanted to enjoy her. I grasped her leg lifted it up spreading her apart and moved forwards so I could guide the head of my cock back to her entrance running it up and down against her lips before pushing inside her again.

She moaned softly beneath me her eyes fluttering as her body arched and those delicious bare breasts heaved. I began to thrust again in and out of her letting my cock plunge deep and drinking in the erotic sight of her gorgeous blonde body writhing beneath me as I did.

Her breasts began to bounce back and forth at least until she clutched them with her hands squeezing, kneading and playing with her own nipples. I watched her, legs parted, watched my cock plunge inside her folds, felt her grip and squeeze me until I pulled back glistening wet the scent of her sex lingering in the air now.

I pushed in and out of her smoothly enjoying the change of pace, the chance to really just enjoy her now I was in control as well as enjoy how good she looked and felt as we both moved together. She rippled around me her body milking my shaft just tight as I thrust inside.

She let one of her breasts go and ran her hand down between her thighs and began to play with herself her fingers pressing against her clit and rubbing occasionally edging against my shaft. At one point as I popped free she caught the head and squeezed lightly fingers playing over it before she guided it back inside.

Moaning I thrust again burying myself inside her again sinking deep feeling the slick heat of her body just squeezing me as I enjoyed her. I leaned over caught her breasts again kissing and biting my way up her body pausing to take her nipple swirl my tongue around it and then tug before continuing up to kiss her again.

I was virtually laying on top of her now, bodies pressed tightly together and sliding over one another. I felt her breasts squashed against my chest felt her nipples dragging over my skin. I felt her arms grip me tight holding my hips and squeezing my ass pulling me against her as she arched beneath me moaning.

Rocking my hips I pushed myself in and out steadily stroking my shaft into her lush wet heat still feeling her grip and squeeze my hips now locking us tightly together. The heat, the friction, the feeling of the two of us slipping and sliding together all did make me ache deliciously.

I reached down gripped her hips and tugged them up a little more pushing them in closer to her body and easing myself back, just began to thrust harder driving my cock inside her so the sound of my hips slapping against her filled the air mixing with our mutual moans of pleasure.

I was throbbing hard, straining and driven to the edge now by her perfect tempting curves. I had to remember not to let myself go and just empty myself inside her even as tempting as it was. Naked and rolling around with her was nothing if not a distraction.

I moaned her name lips pressed to her throat before tasting her mouth again and then groaning pulled myself away and slipped free of her body just panting as I sucked in a breath. My eyes roamed hungrily across her lush bare body and reaching down I grasped her hand and pulled her up.

I kissed her again my hands dropping to her waist sliding over her hips and then turning her around facing away from me. Then a hand on her shoulder blades pushed her over the chair so she was arched over, her hips and ass raised up and pointed right at me.

She leaned against the seat her breasts squashed against it and looked back over her shoulder at me, hungrily biting her lip as she squirmed and wiggled her hips and rear. Groaning I gripped her cheek gave it a firm slap spanking her watching the flesh bounce before moving forwards.

I held her still just lifting her, just creating that perfect angle as I lined my cock up with her gleaming wet entrance. I let my other hand grasp the tip guide it forwards and pressed against her pussy sliding myself up and down against her even as she moved and wriggled again trying to push back against me.

"Fuck me, fuck me." She repeated moaning out the words. I couldn't resist anyway. Kate's naked body was teasing enough, her urging me on asking me to fuck her..........I thrust forward eagerly and just drove myself inside her deep and hard burying the entire length of my cock inside her.

Groaning I held myself there pressed tight against her ass just enjoying how good she felt as she tightened and squeezed my cock inside her. Finally I began to edge back until only the head was inside her partiing those delicious folds before easing forward again.

She murmured again pushing and thrusting herself back to meet me and I teased and toyed with her a little sometimes holding back never pushing to far or pulling back making her wait as I watched her quiver beneath me, but even so I couldn't hold back long now.

We both wanted this. We both certainly needed it. So soon enough I was moving faster, harder, deeper, rhythmically working myself in and out of her as I watched her move beneath me sliding over the seat as she tried to hold herself in place as I enjoyed her.

I watched her breasts bounce and sway with every thrust the delicious eager moans spilling from her lips as her nipples rubbed against the seat. I held her hips tight holding her in place trying to drive myself as deep as I could inside her throbbing all the time.

Thrusting inside her over and over again it was harder and harder to think. Harder to resist the growing urge I felt to just explode and I needed to hold on at least for a short while longer. Holding her with one hand as I drove inside her I reached my other hand around her hip between her thighs and began to circle a fingertip over her clit.

I kept the touch very slow and very deliberately at first gradually picking up the pace as she thrust back against me using her growing moans to pick up the speed at the same time that I fucked her harder thrusting deeply every stroke growing more ragged now as we both lost ourselves in the raw pleasure and need.

She pushed herself up driving back onto my cock so her rear soft and firm slapped against my hips with every thrust. She groaned, her back arching her big luscious breasts swinging wildly as she rocked and I toyed with her clit just grinding and rubbing the pad of my finger against it until finally she cried out again.

I felt her orgasm as she exploded against me. Felt her juices soak my cock felt her flesh grip and tighten around me so it was all I could do not to just cum with her. I gritted my teeth plunged myself in and out of her and just clung on until she collasped against the chair panting and I finally let her clit go.

Breathing heavily myself and throbbing hard I held myself inside her buried deep still feeling her soaked folds ripple and squeeze my length and just tried to steady myself. I was aching to cum but knowing what I would be doing I wanted it to last as long as possible.

I let my hands run across her body just exploring her a little as she still lay sprawled over the chair. I rocked my hips still feeling her grip my cock until finally she pulled herself forwards sliding free of me and then rolled over onto her back arching as she drew in a breath.

"Someone looks about ready to explode." She teased me flashing a smile.

My eyes dropped to her breasts. Understandable given what I was going to do, what I was aching to do. Those lush inviting mounds of flesh heaved with every breath she took, glistened a little as small beads of sweat trickled across her skin. She followed my gaze and grinned.

Her hands dipped and came around them squeezing them together, pushing them up close and I groaned watching her throbbing hard and wanting nothing more than to be pressed between them. She released one reached out her hand bent a finger and beckoned me over to join her.

A few steps and I joined her on the chair her hand reaching out wrapped around my shaft and leisurely stroked along the length making me shudder. "I'm guessing you're ready to finish now right?" She teased me flashing a smile as she bit her lip.

"After tonight i'm more worried about just exploding over you straight away." I chuckled shaking my head as her thumb caressed the head of my cock.

"Well I'm pretty sure exploding over me at some point is all part of the plan right? So i'd consider it a success however it happened." She smirked chuckling at me. "But lets find out." She murmured and lay herself back on the chair stretched out her body arching to just offer up the tantalising sight of her luscious bare breasts.

I couldn't resist it I moved forward straddling her body almost sitting astride her looking down as she held her perfect big breasts together for me and pressing down I pushed myself between them. The result was instant, I groaned as I was swamped by her soft warm flesh.

I didn't even move, my head fell back and I just savoured the feeling. All that big soft flesh wrapped snugly around my shaft just felt so good. Finally looking down and just seeing it, her breasts surging around my length almost made me cum there and then. It was an effort of will to resist the double stimulation of feeling her and seeing it unfolding.

Her hands squeezed them around my shaft rolling her breasts around so they glided up and down my length just adding layers of pleasure to the experience. A little movement of my hips and I rocked against her. As the head of my shaft popped free from the top of her cleavage a trickle of pre cum oozed out over her skin.

We both looked watching it spread out sticky and glistening on her skin before I moved again and it smeared it over her. It was so deliciously wicked it made me ache even more, if that was at all possible right then given what I was already doing with her.

I reached down covered her hands with my mine holding her breasts tightly around my cock before I made several shorter harder thrusts pumping my cock deep into her cleavage every stroke making more creamy fluid drip out and smear against her skin.

I was edging myself, just using those delicious soft curves to hold myself right on the precipice of exploding just trying to enjoy her magnificent breasts as much as I could. It made me throb with pleasure as I did even before you added in the fact she wasn't just watching or doing nothing.

She arched into me sliding her breasts along my shaft, she squeezed and rolled them around me, held them tight surrounding my shaft and as I began to move and thrust she half sat up so her tongue could flick out slide over the head of my shaft or just close her lips over me to suck.

If thrusting between her boobs was hot, thrusting between them and then finding her mouth teasing the head of my cock and moaning softly as she tasted it was even harder to resist. Once again the impulse to let go and release was there. Just to explode like that all over Kate's face and boobs.

But once again I gritted my teeth and hung on groaning as I thrust between her lush round breasts and just rocked my hips sliding myself back and forth between them and popping in and out of her mouth. With the head of my cock in her mouth she flashed me a hungry look and then pulled away.

"Come on ease back and then take a seat." She murmured her hand nudging me back.

Swallowing hard I stepped back and then as she sat herself up and swung around I sat back on the seat my cock thrusting up proudly still dripping pre cum which ran down the shaft in fine little trails as Kate turned herself around and ended up in front of me now.

She pressed against me, her soft curves sliding over my legs a sultry little smile on her lips as she gently bit down and looked at me. Her eyes were wicked and bright so full of mischief it was enough to make me groan which I duly did as her fingers wrapped around the shaft of my cock.

"I think someone is definitely enjoying their first night here." She smiled at me her head dipping down to rest her lips just against the head rubbing lightly and making more fluid seep out from the head.

"I'm going to be enjoying it even more in a few minutes." I managed to stammer out just thrusting against her smearing it over her lips before she drew me back inside her mouth and lightly sucked on the head again.

"And why exactly is that?" She teased again as she slipped free.

"Because I'm finally going to explode and I don't think there is any way i'm not going to make a mess of your breasts."

"Really?" She practically purred the words and even as I watched her smirk the head of my shaft was suddenly pressing and rubbing over the hard tip of her nipple. I groaned again, thrusting against her as even more pre cum covered her skin. The friction of her nipple was a great contrast to the soft skin.

"You mean like this?" She continued on making me quiver as she guided me to her other breast and did the same. The teasing was only making me ache even more and I knew it wouldn't be long and no willpower I had would stop me then.

"That is definitely at least part of what I'm thinking although I think it might be more widespread than that." I hissed out gritting my teeth as I spoke. Reaching forwards I slapped my cock over those nipples again and then pushed myself back between the lush curves.

Now I was just fucking them and squeezing her big soft breasts firmly around my length as my hips rocked and just thrust myself between them. It wouldn't take much I knew. My balls were aching, every thrust I made left even more glistening trails of fluid across her perfect skin.

Her head dipped forwards occasionally to tease the head of my shaft and make me groan and right now I just wanted it, I needed to cum yes, but I wanted to see it all over her perfect breasts. As her head came up briefly I leaned forward and took her mouth kissing her hungrily continuing to fuck those gorgeous big breasts.

"Don't put your mouth on me." I warned her.

"No?" She smirked at me.

"No, I'm going to cum, you're going to make me cum but I want to see it, I want you to see it. If you keep doing that you might end up just getting a mouthful you can save that for after." I managed to stammer out.

She leaned in close her lips grazing my neck all sultry and heated bright eyes. "Then stop talking about doing it, and just do it. Let us both just enjoy it. I want you to cum for me, I want you to cum on me." She murmured softly.

She probably had a good point I enjoyed the tease but I wanted to cum even more then. Groaning I kissed her hard and then leaned back just enough to be able to hold her breasts and still see my weeping cock sliding between them. She leaned into me arms drawn close just squeezing her breasts together to make the friction and heat even acute.

She held them as well squeezing them around my cock and just began to pump them up and down my shaft while I thrust and pushed against them. My hips surged every thrust gliding between those lush soft peaks and then Kate moving faster and more rhythmically really squeezing the head of my cock applying even more pressure.

The effect was near instantaneous. I moaned as I thrust again pulling back as far as I could go before surging forwards felt the soft warmth of her breasts surrounding me, the extra pressure on the head of my shaft and then I just exploded out, my cock pumping wildly as I came.

We both watched, Kate looking down jerked a little as the first shot erupted out and struck the corner of her mouth and across her chin, a second splattered across her neck. The next as I drew back surged across the curve of her breast in a sticky wave dripping back over us both.

More followed soon after as I spurted out every last drop of the thick load that had built up. Thrusting again more splashed across her neck and then her breasts cascading across the tops of them and then slowly sliding down in sticky hot trails glistening where they landed until the rest was just smeared and rubbed across her as we moved together.

I was panting at this point, absolutely shattered as I watched the last shots bubbling out as she squeezed her breasts around me again just milking my shaft before she finally let me go my cock still trickling out cum slipping free of her cleavage.

We both just looked at each other my eyes drifting over her now thoroughly glazed cleavage not to mention the corner of her mouth. Her fingers caught the base of my shaft and held it just leaning in to rub more cum around her hard nipples. Still sensitive after my orgasm I groaned again.

Then moaning softly she captured it in her mouth and sucked lightly just on the head  making sure every last drop of cum didn't go to waste before finally she let me go. I shook my head and finally let my head fall back. "I don't know what just happened to me but I doubt any night could match this."

I heard a soft chuckle and glanced at her again as her finger brushed the corner of her mouth gathering more of that cum and licking and sucking it clean. "Well I do like to make sure a first night is especially memorable and I don't think you'll forget about this." She smirked at me.

I just stared at her again my eyes lingering and running across her naked figure, bare dripping breasts and all. "Kate, I still think i'm going to wake up and realise this was a dream."

She leaned forward and brought her mouth close to my ear. "If it's a dream, then you have a rather wicked imagination. If it isn't......" She paused and flashed me a playful smile. "Next time if we meet again we'll have to see what we can do to better it won't we." She trailed a finger across her breasts smearing more cum across them as she went. 

Then she caught my mouth and teased it with another kiss. "Now fortunately their are showers here as well, because after this I really need to clean myself up." She stood up slowly and grinned at me. "Enjoy the rest of your first night. Maybe we'll bump into each other again." She blew me a kiss gathered her clothes and then quietly slipped away.

I sat back closed my eyes and drew a breath. For a first night it truly had been spectacular. But Kate was right, maybe next time it would be even better. I wasn't sure how, or whether it would be possible. But it might be damn fun finding out.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 03:07:16 PM by Cadeauxxx »


Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2021, 04:22:53 PM »
This story was brilliant!

I loved every last minute of reading this. The dialogue with Kate was perfect. You captured her personality perfect with teasing and the dirty talk had a touch of elegance. I love how everything built up to the titfuck and in the end, she got a face full of cum.

This is hands down one of my favorite stories of the year.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2021, 12:01:03 PM »
Wow this is a great story. Very engaging with your character and Kate.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath

Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2021, 07:44:33 AM »
Really hot story
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2021, 11:04:53 AM »
Thank you all! I enjoyed this. Had a lot of fun writing it had fun playing with it and have a solid idea for a sequel maybe so might not be finished yet.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko


Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2021, 01:25:06 PM »
I loved this, it had so much build up to the sex. The teasing only builds more tension and makes the situation hotter. Excellent job with Kate playing up seduction.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Peronath


Re: Club Fantasia (Kate Upton)
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2022, 03:35:27 AM »
What an awesome story!
Very well written, the dialogues are good, everything was perfect and the action as well as the intensity mounted for an explosive end in apotheosis for Kate. She gets plenty of it, it's massive. Loved this epic story so much.

This little game of seduction is torrid as Kate knows how to play it so well.
Great job and great story!
Thank you 😊👍
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


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