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Author Topic: The Reality of Sex: Sarah Michelle Gellar  (Read 8941 times)


The Reality of Sex: Sarah Michelle Gellar
« on: September 29, 2021, 07:17:28 PM »
First published on CSSA August 25th 2002

Author: unknown

Disclaimer: The following story is a adult fantasy fiction. This story contains scenes which are not depicting the sexual orientation of Sarah Michelle Gellar or any other celebrity.

The Reality of Sex: Sarah Michelle Gellar

The last time you heard from me, I was going around the world with Britney but some things have changed.
since then. I decided that I was getting tired of the same girl and felt that Ms. Spears could feel her own dreams out without me. It was fun screwing her whenever she wanted but I wanted something new, so I packed my bags and went back to my place, I decided to re-open my business and I had to get the world around that it was re-opened.

It had been a long hard day, I was phoning everyone I knew in the entertainment business that help build my reputation up. I finally got home at around 11 o’clock that night, I put my keys down on the table next to the phone and I checked my messages as I sat down in the chair next to the phone. I heard for messages that said it was great my business had re-opened and how they wished me luck with it, I deleted these messages and then I got one that said that the office that is for rent that I want to use to run the business could be seen tomorrow. I didn’t have a office when I last ran the business and I was somewhat unorganized, so this time I decided to get a office to work in.

Another message came up and it was the last one, it was phone call that happened about 5 minutes before I got home. I listened to the message and realized that it was going to be my first client since my re-opening of the business. I listen to the message a bit more and found out who wanted to hire me and they left a contact number, I wrote the number down on a scrap piece of paper and I would phone them back when I had the business back up and running properly.

I put the scrap piece of paper down by the phone and I went back to my bedroom and the place was still a dump, just like I left it. I decided that I would clear it up when I had time, if I would get any spare time with the business re-opening.

I woke up the next morning and I looked over at my clock and it read 9:15 am, I thought SHIT, I was late for my appointment with agent that was going to let out the office to me. I quickly jumped out of my bed, went through everything in my closet, throwing jeans, shoes and everything that was in my way of my $5000 suit. I finally found the suit and I took off the cover and it still looked like it was just bought. I put the suit on as fast as I could and I ran into the bathroom, still trying to put on the suit. I got the pants on and I brushed my teeth as I put my shirt on. I got the shirt on and I finished brushing my teeth and I cleaned my mouth out and put on my tie. I picked up my jacket and my car keys along with the piece of paper of the person who phoned up, I wanted to contact my first client if I got the office today so that’s why I picked up the piece of paper. I put the paper into my pocket as I got into my car.

I got to the office around 9:30, after speeding through LA but staying below the speed limit as not to get caught or pulled over by the cops. I parked the car up and ran into the building, where my office was and I took the elevator up to the top floor. Once I got to the top floor, I saw the agent walk out of the office and he looked at his watch as he was unimpressed at me being late. I was suppose to be here at 9:00 am, I apologized to the agent and he said he didn’t have long and that if I wanted the office that I would have to sign everything right now or the office would go to another company or firm, I’m not quite sure what he said because I wasn’t interested at all, all I was interested in was signing everything and getting the office to work in.

“The whole floor has become available if you want it?” The agent asked.

“No, I just want these two offices, one for me and the other for the secretary.” I told the agent.

The agent nodded his head and he showed my to the first of the two offices, there was a desk with a chair on it in the middle of the room and some filling cabinets on the wall next to the window. The agent put the documents down on the table and he asked me to sign them. It was a 12 month contract so I had to rent the offices out of the year. I looked through the documents and I was pretty happy with everything and once I had signed everything, the agent thanked me and we shook hands and he went on his way as I went in what is my office of the two. I saw a desk and chair in the room with a phone on the desk and some filling cabinets against the wall that was made out of windows. I went over to the desk and walked around it, I sat down on the chair and put my feet up on the desk. This is what I should’ve done when I was first running the business. I put my hand into my jacket pocket and realized that I put the paper in it, I had completely forgotten about it until I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. I unfolded the paper and put it down on my desk, I saw the number and name of the client. I picked up the phone and looked down at the piece of paper and rang the number that I had written on it. The phone rang a couple times and someone finally answered, a man’s voice was heard. I explained who I was and I was told that Sarah Michelle Gellar was the one that wanted to hire me. I thought that this was great, I was also told that she was filming a episode of Buffy right now but if I wanted to I could head down to the studio right now and meet her. I told the man that would be ok and I said bye and hanged up the phone. I leaned back in my chair, my hands on my head, using them as head rest and I thought that I’m back in business.

I headed out of my office and down to my car, I drove to the studios where Buffy was being filmed and I was let pass security and I headed towards the studios where it was being filmed after getting directions by someone working at the studios. As soon as I walked into the studios I was told to remain quiet as there was filming going on. I stayed quiet as I walked over to where the scene was being filmed, I stood behind the cameras and directors and all the people working on the set but I stood so I could see what was happening. It looked like a scene where some big explosion was going to happen. A announcement was heard was the scene was finished filming that a big explosion would happen and that everyone should stand back, I did what everyone else did and stood back, except for everyone that was needed to film this scene.

Sarah wasn’t involved in this scene and she came over to me and she introduced herself to me and I thought that she didn’t need to introduce herself to me, it should’ve of been the other way around. Anyway, I introduced myself to her and she asked me if we could go and do it right away, I thought it was a bit quick but what the hell. Sarah wanted to fuck on one of the sets of Buffy and she told me that one of the sets wasn’t going to be used today and that it was locked up because of that, but she had gotten a key to the studio. Sarah walked towards the studio and I followed her, we got to the studio’s door and she unlocked it. We both walked into the studio and Sarah locked the doors behind us, I looked at the studio and it was the studio where the shop that Giles owns in Buffy.

Sarah was wearing some tight leather pants with a tight black tank top, I guess she was wearing it for the last scene she had done for Buffy but I didn’t really care as she just looked hot with her hair down like it was. Sarah came back over to me after she walked into the studio, she grabbed my hands and pulled me into the area where the shop is and she took me over to the big round table.

“I’ve always wanted to get fucked right here.” Sarah said in a eager voice.

Sarah got a hold of my jacket and she pulled it over my shoulders and she pulled it down off of my arms and she let it drop to the floor. Sarah now grabbed my tie and she pulled me towards her, once we got to the table, she stopped, she didn’t get on the table but she undid my tie and threw it across the studio.

“We’ve got to get you hard first before we fuck.” Sarah said as he put her right hand on the bulge in my pants and applied a little pressure.

Sarah moved her hand up and pulled my shirt from my pants as it was tucked in. She started to unbutton my shirt, from the bottom button. She undid it slowly at first but she got halfway up and ripped the shirt open to reveal my chest to her. The shirt fell to the ground and I saw Sarah smile at me just before she knelt down onto her knees. Sarah placed her knees between my legs so I had to part my leg and now Sarah had her face right in front of the big bulge in my pants.

Sarah placed both hands onto the bulge and she started to massage it, gently at first and it became more intense as she could feel me becoming rock hard. She removed her left hand and she began to stroke me with her right hand through the fabric. Sarah began to do circle motions with her right hand on my hard prick, she went back and began to stroke up and down again. Once she was done stroke my cock through the fabric, Sarah moved her hand down and placed it on my balls, she first began to feel my balls in her hand, rubbing it with her thumb and her fingers. She moved her hand over the balls one more time and then she moved them up to the top of my zipper, she undid the button on the top of my pants and then unzipped the pants. Sarah’s hands moved to the side of my pants and she grabbed the inside of them, she gently pulled them down, making sure she left my boxers on. Sarah looked down as she was pulling my pants down to my ankles, once my pants had reached my ankles, Sarah looked back up and a huge smile hit her face when she saw the bulge that she had made through my boxers.

Sarah bought her right hand up to my boxers and grabbed my cock through the boxers. She could get a better grip now that my pants weren’t in the way. Sarah started to stroke my cock up and down through the fabric of my boxers.

“Don’t cum for me yet, I want you to do that inside of me.” Sarah said as she was stroking my cock.

I only just heard what she said because I was nearly out with her just stroking me. However, I would hold onto it for her.

“Time to see how big you really are.” Sarah said, not waiting a second longer to see my cock.

Sarah grabbed the sides of my boxers and she pulled them down as fast as she could, this released my 10 inch cock and another huge smile came across the face of Sarah, bigger then her other smile as she looked at my cock in front of her.

Sarah put her right hand on the bottom of my cock, with her thumb and index finger facing the ground and touching the bottom of my cock. She stroked up the shaft of my cock and bought her whole hand over the head of my cock and he bought her hand down to the bottom of my cock and her hand is the other way up this time with her thumb near the top of my cock and the rest hand underneath her thumb.

Sarah started to rub up and down my cock, slowly as she wanted to pick up the pace when she could feel me on the verge of cumming. She would bring her over the head of my cock before taking it right back down the shaft of my cock. As her stroking became more intense, she just stroked the shaft as fast as she could. Sarah bought her other hand up and she placed it on my balls and she started rubbing as fast as she could, now she was rubbing my balls and stoking my cock, I forgot whatever Sarah had asked me earlier and I was going to cum right there. But Sarah stopped before I could and she looked up at me with a smile on her face as she sensed me cumming.

“Not yet.” Sarah said as my cock rested on her face.

With my cock resting on her face, she licked the side of it, from top to bottom and back again. She licked the other side, again from top to bottom and back again. Sarah grabbed the head of my cock with her right hand and she pushed it up so my cock was standing, balancing on me.

Sarah moved her head towards the cock and she bought her tongue out and I could feel it touch the bottom of my cock and I felt it move onto my balls. Sarah licked each ball a couple times and she licked in between them. She bought one of my balls into her mouth with her tongue and she started to suck on my ball. The sensation I could feel in my balls was becoming unbearable, but I restrained myself for Sarah.

Sarah let the ball drop out of her mouth and she licked all the way up my cock and she let the cock fall into it’s original position. Sarah got my cock in her right hand and she held it by the shaft and she pointed my cock towards her mouth. I felt her warm breath against my cock before her mouth touched it. Her lips made contact with the head of my cock and she sucked it a few times before taking in more of my huge cock. Her moved up and down slightly as she began to take in the first few inches of my 10 inch cock. Her hand was rubbing the shaft of my cock as she took in the first 4 inches of my cock into her mouth. Sarah took in more of my cock and soon she had all 10 inches in her mouth. Her thumb and index finger were around the bottom of the cock as she had it all in her mouth. I could feel Sarah’s tongue play with my cock as it was in her mouth. Sarah pulled her head away and my cock was coming out of her mouth but I put my hands on the back of her head and forced her to keep all 10 inches in her mouth a bit longer.

“You want me to cum in you, then you’ve got to keep all of my cock in your mouth until I’ve said you’ve had enough.” I said to Sarah in a forceful tone of voice.

I finally realized the pressure on the back of her head and she slid my cock out her mouth, leaving slavia all over my cock. Sarah grasped for air after her mouth ot off of my cock. She took in a few breathes off air and she came to her feet and she planted a huge kiss on my lips. Sarah slid her tongue into my mouth and we started a tongue fight with our tongues. Sarah broke the kiss and she sat on top of the table and lifted her tank top up. Her firm breast were a beautiful sight, I wanted to grab them with both hands but decided against it because Sarah had said something.

“Fuck me, right now.” Sarah asked.

“I’ll fuck you after I suck your tits.” I said to Sarah.

I went into Sarah and her legs came around my waste as I bought my head down to Sarah’s chest and between her tits. I put my head on her right breast and got her hard erect nipple in my mouth and I flicked it around with my tongue a few times and then I started biting her nipple. I heard little moans escape the mouth of Sarah and I knew she was enjoying this, so I continued on biting her nipple, but not to hard. After biting it a few more times, I sucked on it. I tried to suck in all of her nipple and some of her breast. After sucking on it, I went back to flicking it with my tongue but I sucked it sometimes and then I would flick it with my tongue. I moved onto her other breast and began to flick her nipple with my tongue, I decided that I wouldn’t bite this nipple so I began to suck on it, I heard louder moans from Sarah this time and she was enjoying this. I moved my hands away from her breast and slid them down Sarah’s side and slid them into her leather pants, I rose from in between Sarah’s breast and pulled her pants down as fast as I could, along with her thong and I threw both items of clothing aside.

Sarah now laid on the table with her legs apart, erect nipples and cleanly shaven. I smiled as I saw that she was cleanly shaven and I received a smile back from her.

“You want to be fucked? I’ll fuck you.” I told Sarah.

I moved back towards her, her legs went either side of me and they produced a grip around my waste. I grabbed my cock and placed it at the entrance of Sarah’s pussy, I slid the head of my cock into her pussy and I bought it out slowly, it went back in and then back out. Each time the head of my cock entered Sarah’s pussy, Sarah moaned out loud. I started to put more of my cock into Sarah and while I put more in, the louder the moans got. Soon my whole cock was in her and when it reached as far as it could get, the moans were so loud I thought someone would of heard her. I pulled my cock out but left the head in and gave another thrust and the whole of my cock went back into Sarah, I started to get a rhythm and I picked up my pace, each time I thrusted my body into her’s, the louder the moans became. The grip her legs had around me had tightened a lot now and the table we were fucking on started to move, so I grabbed the side of Sarah’s ass to make sure the table stopped moving and it helped me get my cock right up Sarah’s pussy. I thought see might of had a tight pussy but it didn’t seem like that and with every thrust I put into her it loosened. My balls were slapping against her ass and the noise of it couldn’t be heard over the moans coming from Sarah.

“Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’m gonna cum.” Sarah said in between moans.

After I heard that I went as fast as I could, pumping my cock in and out of Sarah’s pussy and with this she came all over my cock. I looked down and this was too much for me and between my moans I said. “Shit, I’m gonna cum too.”

I pushed my cock in as fast as I could and that was when I shot my load right into Sarah.

“Oh yes, that’s what I wanted.” Sarah said as her moans got quieter.

I pulled my cock out of Sarah’s wet pussy and she sat on the edge of the table and got off of it and went back down on her knees and she grabbed my cock and bought it to her face to lick off the cum that didn’t go in to her pussy. Sarah got my cock into her mouth and she sucked it until all the cum was gone, she bought her mouth away and she stroked my cock one more time and she got to her feet. I pulled my boxers and pants back up and I picked up my shirt and put it back on, Sarah also put on her close as I did my tie up and got my jacket back on.

Sarah thanked me for the great sex as we left the studio, we went back to the studio where Buffy was being filmed and I told Sarah I had to get back to work and she gave me a kiss on the check before she went back to filming, I left the studios and went home, thinking of what client I might get next.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
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