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Author Topic: Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity  (Read 12051 times)


Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity
« on: February 13, 2022, 05:38:11 PM »
Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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This was written as a commission for Jack, so thanks to him to sharing this with you.

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“Just hold there…got it,” the photographer said as he snapped a series of shots of Blake Lively. The actress held her look as he snapped several pictures of her to capture the perfect moment, allowing them to be sorted and pored over later to find the ideal one to publish in the completed set.

“Ok great, now just liven it up a bit, give us some character,” he said, focused entirely on his equipment and not even looking at Blake in front of him. She knew exactly what he meant and started to smile, pout, laugh and every other expression she could think of as the camera snapped relentlessly to capture picture after picture of her as she stood under the lit white umbrellas, casting soft light over her.

“That’s good, thanks,” he said, indicating she could move without saying it, Blake knowing the routine. She relaxed her pose and stretched out her arms, hearing her outfit creak; she was wearing some very tight fitting, kinky bondage-style gear that was arguably a size too small for her. Her gorgeous curves were tightly compressed by the compressive latex outfit, consisting of a black push-up top that crushed her gorgeous C-cup breasts and hot pants that pulled up her ass so intently she was sure they would give her a visible camel toe. To top it off was a studded leather collar snugly around her neck.

“How’s it going, Blake?” the director of the shoot asked her, seeing her take a moment to pause, shaking her arms out and giving a stretch even as the photographer continued taking shots.

“It’s good, bit hot though,” she said, understating how boiling she was inside the skintight rubber outfit. She was sure someone would need to hose her down before they could peel it off her after all this, but she didn’t give them ideas.

“We’ll get a fan going, that’ll add to the shots as well,” he replied, immediately indicating to his assistant to get to it. They did just that and brought up a large fan, getting it going so Blake could feel the cool breeze as the air rushed past her, a relief she had to admit as her blonde hair blew behind her. The photographer paused to change the memory card in his SLR camera, making her wait a moment before he resumed and had her pose to work with the wind, pushing her hands up into her hair and playfully pulling a light robe around herself as it fluttered in the wind behind her. She turned around to show her ass, dropping the gown just down over her peachy rear as her blonde hair tumbled around her face with a moody glower in the camera.

“Gorgeous, just gorgeous,” he encouraged as the tall actress twisted and turned, getting into it and just letting her feminine curves flow. At 5’10 her figure was to die for, with lovely firm C-cup breasts and a pinch to her waist before the beautiful womanly curve of her hips with a great ass and luscious legs.

“I think we can add something to this,” the director said as the photographer paused, giving her a chance to break and step down out of the lights, taking a proper breath and letting herself relax a little.

“Like what?” she enquired, looking down at her outfit, tits almost popping out of the skintight top, wondering what they could add that would somehow increase the allure of all this.

“Something a little more...suggestive,” he said, thinking a moment then going to the costume lady to ask what they had that might add to all this as the large fan was switched off again.

“I think it’s suggestive enough,” Blake smiled, looking down over her confined body. She didn’t follow him, the latex hot pants cut into her too much. She just took a few moments to drink in some cool air and let herself relax, the heat bubbling off her body as she stretched her arms out and let it flow around her, the gown sliding down them to her wrists.

“Something like this,” he said, interrupting her when she’d paused with her eyes closed, starting a little and looking up to him as he held a riding crop out to her.

“Ok, you want the bossy look, like I’m a dominatrix or something?” she said, getting what he was intent on.

“Yeah, yeah exactly that, give it some…edge, be fierce with it,” he said enthusiastically, glad she seemed to understand where he was coming from. She did, having done these shoots before; she’d done these kind of shoots before where she wearing kinky gear or acting like she was into it but the truth was she’d never explored it at all. Blake had never once got into kinky stuff like bondage or submission, even when the suggestion had been there to try it and her sex life really was pretty vanilla…and a little boring she had to admit. She’d been married for years now and things were stale in the sack; she still enjoyed it and looked forward to it but there was nothing new, she was either on her back or on her knees one way or another and despite the enjoyment of her husbands cock sliding in and out of her to the inevitable climax, things were very much the same.

“I’ve got something else that’d definitely spice this up,” the director said, indicating her to wait a moment as he went back to the costume co-ordinator to look through the boxes or stuff they had available. Blake was rather impressed they’d brought so much with them and widened her eyes a little as he turned back to her holding a black leather riding crop.

“Something like this,” he said, holding it out to her.

“Ok you want me to be...I dunno, bossy?” she said, wanting him to clarify what he wanted from her.

“Absolutely, give us that sense you’re in charge, I want bossy and dominant, not playful,” he replied.

“I can do that,” she said with a smile, knowing a pout and a few stern looks with the right hint of eyebrow arching would do the trick. Anyway, she was sure anyone looking at the photos would probably only care about what she looked like below her neck.

“Good good. You know what, give me the robe as well, let’s lose that for these shots,” he said, offering his other hand to take it from her. Blake shrugged it back off without hesitation and let it slip from her arms to free herself and give it to him, the silky material straight into his waiting hand. He exchanged the robe for the riding crop with her and she turned back towards the lights, walking back under them to position herself for the next shots. She knew eyes were on her but she didn’t mind that, she’s always loved attention and it was all positive, it was why she enjoyed doing photo shoots like this.

“Come on, Blake, give us some attitude,” the director encouraged with a smile, making her smile and strike her pose again, taking a few shots to start playing up the riding crop. Having never used one, or had one used on her, she wasn’t sure where to start with it. She smacked it into her hand to test it, doing it a little bit hard and wincing slightly at the pain but she decided to work with it and gave a classic “ooh” type look to the camera as the photographer got to work. Blake embraced the moment and looked down at it in her hand, then back to the camera with what she hoped was a sly sort of smile as she tried to give the director some of what he’d asked for.

She held the crop up towards the camera, almost pointing questioningly to the viewer as if expecting a response as she gave a series of facial expressions, pouting and glaring, giving a naughty smile as she gave options. As she pulled at her leather collar whilst biting her lip, she idly wondered what might eventually get chosen from this set as she leaned forward to let the camera see down her top.

“That’s great, keep going,” she was instructed, spurring her to continue as it broke her momentary distraction. She curled her fingers in a seductive, tempting manner and then turned to lightly smack herself on the ass with the crop, careful not to be too hard after having already felt its bite. She cocked her hips and pushed her curvy ass out to the camera, doing the same again and giving a variety of options with her expression before kicking up a high heeled foot to flash the bright red underside. Blake loved Christian Louboutin high heels with their trademark vibrant soles and she had a huge collection; she always wore them no matter what her outfit was and had amassed them over the years, getting to know the designer on a personal level, becoming one of his muses and even accompanying him to a gala event one memorable evening.

“That’s it, come on, fierce, give me energy,” he encouraged, not entirely sure himself what he was trying to get from Blake Lively at that moment but just wanting to try and unleash her a bit. Magic happened in the moment. She contemplated a moment, then took control a bit.

“Turn that fan back on,” she said, pointing to the large piece of equipment at the side of the set, “point it right in my face.”

“You heard her, can you get it over here please?” the director called to one of his assistants who obliged and rolled it across the floor so it was directly in front of her, turning it on to make her hair dance as it started to pick up.

“Let’s see it, Blake,” the director encouraged, photographer at the ready. She hoped what she had in mind worked as she gave a few more shots of her hitting the crop into her hand with an intent stare into the lens before she pulled the crop up her body, letting the tip pull over the crotch of the skintight latex shorts she was wearing and across her toned abs to glide between her constricted breasts, knowing there were dozens of photos being taken as she did. Flipping it in her hand, she turned it and bit down on the shaft, exposing her teeth as she practically growled through it into the camera while the wind blew her dirty blonde hair back, tussling it around her perfectly.

“Yeah that’s it,” she was directed, him letting her simply do her thing now as she wanted, watching as she seductively sank down onto her knees, letting her hands play and slide over her bare legs as she dropped down submissively, changing the tone for a moment as she looked into the camera obediently, imploringly to whoever the man might be. Blake fleetingly wondered if they might pitch a “Blake Lively – At Your Service” type headline for these shots before she rocked forwards off her heels and dropped onto all fours, biting the riding crop hard and giving it more attitude again as she threw in those stern looks and arches of her eyebrows she’d imagined would work earlier.

“Come on, crawl forwards towards us,” her director said, urging her forward with his hands, wanting the capture the motion and find that one shot that showed everything perfectly. Frankly, the look down her tight latex top was already perfect, especially as her nipples made neat little points through it as her breasts hung heavily under her. A few more shots was all it needed for the director to call cut, indicating to his assistant to shut the fan down as Blake took a breath and pushed up onto her knees, sweeping her hair back from her face.

“Those are brilliant,” her director said, smiling widely as she stood up, hearing the latex creaking as she did, the hot pants pulling up her ass in the process and accentuating what she was sure was a visible camel toe.

“Good, I hope it’s what you want,” she replied, taking a breath, feeling heat bubble up inside her.

“Definitely, take five, we’ll catch up in a few,” he said, turning away and heading back to speak with his photographer to review the photographs in detail. Blake carefully stood up from the floor, taking care not to scrape her heels before she awkwardly pulled at the latex shorts, trying to get them down a bit and make herself more comfortable. The skintight rubber was stuck in place though and it was difficult to move it even the slightest bit, fumbling as she tottered out from under the lights and looked for a seat, catching sight of a man watching her for a moment.

She eyed him up a moment as she walked over to a chair that was available and sat herself down, finding herself immediately fascinated by him, her eyes drawn across to check him out subtly. He was older than her, probably in his 40s but ruggedly handsome with his dark hair greying at the sides to give him a great silver fox look. He was quite tall, a three-day stubble and clearly worked out, in great shape with some visible muscle tone through his shirt, his exposed biceps a good size; she was sure he could easily pick her up and throw her around, a thought that suddenly made her scold herself, catching herself suddenly and so easily letting herself dream of something illicit.

He was well dressed, a tidy black shirt that was well fitted and a quality looking watch on, seemingly effortlessly uninterested or troubled by her or anything going on around him. Blake had noticed the director of the shoot going to him a few times for a talk, which had been a mixture of some kind of explanation and deep conversation to near elation or excitement after their words. The director was quite an enthusiastic man and he evidently liked what he heard, which only made Blake intrigued as to who the guy was, tempting her up from her seat with a creak of her latex to go over to him and find out.

“Good afternoon,” she said as she introduced herself to him.

“Good afternoon,” he replied warmly, giving a smile and taking her outstretched hand.

“I’m Blake,” she added.

“I know,” he said with a little twitch of his eyebrow, the smile evident in his eyes, real and genuine as he raised her hand and leaned forward to kiss it. She couldn’t help but tremble a little and giggle, smiling girlishly as she loved the chivalrous edge to it all.

“I guess I walked into that,” she said, rolling her eyes a little since it was obvious who she was to everybody on the job.

“Don’t beat yourself up, it must be hard being famous,” he said, playfully teasing as he released her hand and stood back up, still taller than her despite her tall 5’10” figure and a few extra inches of heels. She realised how physically imposing he was, not in an intimidating way but he just seemed so strong and confident, his muscular body more noticeable than when she’d been glancing at him.

“And you are?” she asked, quick to take back a little composure.

“Dan,” he replied.

“Nice to meet you,” she said.

“Likewise,” he replied simply, a man of few words it seemed. He was, liking to be direct and clear
when he spoke, though it wasn’t to say he didn’t like conversation.

“So Dan, what is it you do? I mean, what’s your job?” Blake asked, quickly expanding so she didn’t seem too demanding or questioning.

“I’m a consultant,” he said smoothly, seeming cool and unphased by her, something she wasn’t entirely used to with people she’d just met.

“A consultant? What is it you consult on?” she asked, intrigued as she’d never run into anyone calling themselves a consultant on a photo shoot before.

“Well, how you look and the...presentation of your shots,” he said carefully, seemingly pondering a moment before speaking, holding his cards close to his chest.

“Isn’t that what these people are here for?” she asked, indicating the director and wardrobe assistants, the people that had provided her the tight latex outfit that she’d quite forgotten she was wearing. It certainly wasn’t how she normally dressed to meet new people.

“Yes and no. They would normally but for this shoot I was brought on board to give a more in depth opinion of it given what they wanted you to wear, how you should act and so on,” he said.

“Really? I’ve never had someone like you on one of my shoots before,” she replied, curious as to what it was he brought to the table here.

“Well I’ve never been on a photo shoot with a gorgeous actress like you before, so I guess it’s a first for both of us,” he replied smoothly with a smile, loving how it made her blush a little even though she’d heard it plenty of times before.

“So what is it you bring such knowledge about? Come on, let me in on the secret,” she asked, sliding onto the seat beside him as they talked.

“Well, bondage and BDSM actually,” he replied simply.

“Really?” she asked after a pause, surprised but also immediately excited by the idea, hoping the tone didn’t come across in her voice.

“Yeah, that’s my speciality here, I’m a professional in it and I was asked to come here to advise on your shoot today, your look and so on,” he replied, having already noted the tone in her voice, knowing she was very intrigued by him immediately.

“So I have you to thank for this, do I?” she smiled, indicating the skintight latex rubber outfit she had on that was a size too small.

“I suppose you do,” he said with a slight laugh, “how does it feel?”

“Tight...and hot!” she replied honestly, giving a laugh as she reached down to try and smooth a wrinkle from the waist of her hot pants.

“It looks great though,” he said.

“Thanks, I think it does too. I hope these shots come out as well as you all hope,” she replied.

“They will, don’t worry. The next outfit is hot as well,” he said.

“Hot as in phew hot I bet,” she said as she fanned herself with a laugh.

“It might be that as well,” he conceded with a smile.

“What’s it like?” she asked.

“More covering than that,” he said as he pointed to her latex two-piece and just let his eyes linger on her gorgeous flesh a moment longer than necessary.

“What else?” she pried, wanting something.

“It’ll be a surprise, I’m sure you’ll love it,” he said and with that Blake knew he wouldn’t tell her any more, somehow reading him and knowing that was going to be all until she got her eyes on it.

“Fine, I’ll find out soon then,” she muttered with a playful roll of her eyes, “so what is it you do? You say you haven’t been on a shoot like this before?”

“Not as such, not with someone as...high calibre as yourself,” he said with a flick of his eyes to her prominent cleavage, taking advantage of the opportunity to glance down her skintight top once more. Blake might have called him out another day but right now she just wanted to hear what he had to say and figured a glance at her tits was hardly a big deal, especially with what she was wearing. It seemed frankly he was there to look at them given what they’d brought him along for.

“But shoots like this?” she probed.

“Yes, very similar. I mostly work on magazine shoots for specific publications, bondage or fetish style magazines you know, that kind of thing,” he elaborated.

“No, I don’t,” she blurted out rather unintentionally, honesty getting the better of her. She’d never looked at such magazines though she had an idea of what he was talking about, however she’d never actually seen the material with her own eyes that much as she’d never explored it.

“Ok well I’m sure you have an idea,” he said, not lingering on her admission.

“Well, kind of. Maybe…” she started, only to be interrupted by the director calling everyone back together for more pictures.

“To be continued,” he said with a flick of his eyebrows. His confidence that she should come back to him after the next session was both irritating and well placed, Blake absolutely hooked on the conversation and intent on completing it with him. His cool confidence rankled her a little bit, unable to get the better of him even when she was wearing so little – it made a change to how most men acted around her.

“Right Blake, let’s grab some more shots,” her director said as she stood up and walked back to the illuminated area, shaking her mind back into focus.

“Same outfit?” she asked, wanting to find out what the other outfit was they’d prepared for her now.

“For now, just a few more shots,” he said, calling his make-up artist in at the same time.

“I want to pull your hair up, like a tight ponytail,” he said as Blake stood in front of him, over six feet tall in her heels but completely at his mercy almost.

“Like this?” her make-up artist said, gathering her long, dirty blonde hair together and pulling it back behind her head, jerking Blake a little as she was taken unawares.

“Yeah like that, and a bit more on the eyes,” the director said, nodding knowingly, clearly having a good idea exactly how he wanted her for these shots.

“No problem,” the make-up girl said and took charge immediately, leading Blake over to her station to quickly get to work as the actress stood obediently and just let her do her thing. Her hair was swept back and tugged, making her gasp a little as it was wrestled into the hairband behind her head, casting a glance across to Dan as he watched on and loved seeing her being prepared. It was his kind of interest and he loved to see her being controlled, even if it was only by the make-up artist as she pulled her hair and then set about glamming her up a bit more with some additional black eye design.

With a wave of a hand Blake was sent back to the stage, such as it was, and back into posing up a storm for the camera. It loved her and she just worked so well, clearing her mind and focusing on what she needed to do for the director as he called the shots. It took another ten minutes or so, wanting similar pictures to what she’d done before now that she had different hair, more bites of the riding crop and staring intently into the camera, suggesting mistress Lively would punish anyone that disappointed her. He also got a few more shots of her from behind, taking in her lovely curvy ass and long legs, making her kick up her heels for the flash of red and look back temptingly over her shoulder.

With those shots taken she got a chance to cool down out from under the lighting and headed back to the costume area, concealed away for privacy which gave her the chance to finally wrestle herself out of the constricting latex. The girl helping her was professional and had no issue with assisting Blake in escaping the skintight rubber, her heat bonding it to her skin so she struggled to free herself and it was up to her to peel the actress out of it, first the tight top which she pulled over her head to let her beautiful, full C-cups spill out and then the hot pants. Blake had to brace herself with her legs together as she fought with them and then rolled them down, inside out to get them to relinquish their grip at the actress and let her fumble them off her legs, pulling the expensive high heels off before she could help Blake step out of them.

“Thanks Christie,” Blake said, being on first name terms with the young woman that helped her so intimately as she now stood in front of her wearing just a small, flesh-tone G-string. She sighed in relief as she stretched her arms out and felt the heat billow away from her body, the dampness of her skin meeting the cool air that surrounded her.

“That better?” Christie smiled as she saw Blake fanning herself.

“Yeah, it’s really hot in there under those lights,” she said, not caring in the slightest as she stood topless before her.

“I know, we’ll get the air con on, this next one will be hotter,” Christie said, grabbing the outfit from its hanger and holding it up to Blake. Before her was a black latex bodysuit, full length sleeves  with a low collar that would fit around her just below the leather one she was already wearing. The front of it was open in a slender diamond shape with corseted laces across the front to allow it to stretch open over her breasts and show them off before moving down in a tight, hugging design around the waist and over her hips, completed with a tight crotch and integrated panties that she knew would pull up tightly. It wasn’t a thong but she knew her ass was gonna eat it when she wrestled herself into it, which she assumed was the point.

“We’ve got fishnets to go with that as well,” Christie said, shaking Blake from her focus.

“How the hell am I going to get into that?” Blake murmured, eyeing it up, knowing that like the other outfit it was fractionally too small for her and was going to take a stretch to pull it over her feminine curves. Her eyes continued to take in the matt finished, wet look latex suit as she stared, imagining how she was going to get into it and marvelling that this was something she’d never worn in her life. She’d worn a lot of different fashion items, but never a suit like that.

“What about shoes?” Blake asked, sure she would be asked to put on a pair of thigh high boots or something else kinky.

“Director’s happy for you to keep the Louboutins on, he likes you in those,” Christie smiled.

“Well at least my legs will be able to cool down,” Blake laughed, breaking the tension for herself as much as anything as she took a deep breath and thought about getting into it. She looked at the fishnets and at her tiny G-string; Christie seemed to have the same thought, wondering quite how it would work with the tights when underneath the thin, skintight latex suit that would show every ripple and curve beneath.

“I think you need to take that off,” she said to Blake with a point towards her minimal underwear.

“Yeah,” Blake replied simply, looking down at it before she hooked her thumbs into her hips and pushed it towards the floor.

“Not like anyone is going to see me under that suit anyway is it?” she said, keeping her cool as she stripped away the last bit of fabric that provided her any modesty and threw it aside, catching Christie taking a glance at her before she turned away to grab the fishnets. Christie might be straight but there was no doubt that Blake was a beautiful woman and to have her strip naked in front of her was still a small thrill, eyes drawn to her pussy, taking in the neat, sharp landing strip she was sporting. Blake had waxed every inch of her bikini line utterly smooth ready for the shoot to be sure so all that remained was a dark, thick patch of pubic hair pointing down at her clit.

“Here,” Christie said, handing the fishnets to Blake and then turning back to get the bodysuit off the hanger in readiness while the actress wasted no time in rolling the tights up and shoving her foot into one leg to pull it around her toes and pull it up her calf a little way before switching to the other. With both feet in she pulled them up her toned legs, round her thighs where she took a moment to straighten and smooth them before she pulled them up over her naked pussy and nice round ass, wiggling as she pulled the waistband up around her tummy. She took a moment to look down over herself, having to admit she felt pretty sexy like that and was sure she looked it as well, noting how her assistant deliberately kept her eyes up as she came to her with the latex suit.

“Ok, now how to do this,” Blake pondered aloud, looking at the unzipped suit as Christie handed it to her. She contemplated it a second longer then lowered it and stepped into it, putting her fishnet wrapped feet through the bottom of the suit before pulling it up her legs. The tight, stretch-fit latex pulled around her thighs as her limbs flared towards her curvy hips, making her pause and reaffirm her grip on it before yanking it harder. She could feel its strength and trusted it wouldn’t break as she hauled on it and slid the suit up over the fishnets, easing it into position until the suit pulled up against her near naked crotch and wrapped around her hips perfectly like a second skin.

“First bit’s done,” she smiled, looking up to Christie before she reached around to pull it out of her ass a bit, correcting it a touch around her body before she continued.

“I think you’ll need some help for the next bit though,” her assistant smiled.

“Definitely,” Blake replied, knowing she’d never be able to do it up at the very least as she untangled it and then pushed her hand into the sleeve as she pulled it onto her body with her spare hand. The latex creaked as she strained to pull it over her shoulder, stretching and pulling it, feeling it yank up between her legs again and split her labia over the seam as she did. Her boobs jiggled as she twisted and turned herself to wriggle into the suit that she was convinced was a size too small for her so it would show off everything she had to offer, just like the first outfit.

She didn’t care though, intent only on getting into it now as she shoved her other hand into the sleeve and forced her way into it, the latex stretching around her arm, grabbing slightly at her skin as she tried to pull it into place as her fantastic tits forced out against it, providing an obstacle to getting it fully on now as they were compressed by the suit.

“Christ, how do women do this?” Blake remarked as she untwisted the rubber to get her arm fully into the sleeve and stroked it out firmly to smooth it, the suit barely over her shoulders and completely open down the back still.

“Practice,” Christie remarked simply, stepping forward to help now as she grabbed hold of the sides of Blake’s suit and pulled it hard, staggering the actress a little as she tried to resist it. The suit pulled tight into her and squashed her breasts, cutting into her crotch and under her arms as it was yanked backwards against her.

“Breathe in,” Christie ordered, taking charge for the final step, Blake obliging and hauling herself in to let her assistant yank the two sides of the latex suit together. Close enough, she held it awkwardly with one hand for a moment as she grabbed the concealed zipper, wiggling it to get it to move through the crinkled latex as she drew it up.

“There we go,” she commented with a satisfied smile as she pulled the zip smoothly closed to seal the suit over Blake, drawing it up to her neck as she reached behind to keep her hair out of the way.

“Done,” she said after closing the suit completely, Blake letting out her breath with a struggle as she felt the compression of the latex around her, inhibiting her motions as she let her hair sag over her shoulder.

“Fuck this is tight,” she exclaimed, taking a steady breath as she just got used to the constricting feeling of the outfit.

“You’ll settle in once you warm up to it,” Christie said, having dealt with similar situations before on other sets. The women were usually fine after a few minutes once they got used to it and she was sure Blake would be exactly the same.

“Easy for you to say,” Blake replied.

“Yes it is easy, now come here,” she said, focusing on her job now to get Blake ready. She turned her round and looked over her, seeing how the suit was sitting on her body. Without a word or boundaries she set to work, leaning down and shoving her fingers into the suit at the crotch and pulling it out, tugging the whole suit down just a little bit to alleviate the camel toe it had created despite the fishnets. Her fingers slid round over her hips and freed it from her ass as well, relieving the wedgie created as she’d hauled it on and settling it neatly over her in just the right position.

“I hope you’re gonna buy me dinner after this,” Blake joked as Christie touched her intimately, standing back up, eyes focused on her suit intently as she worked her way up it.

“That depends, you putting out?” Christie replied with a smile.

“If I do, you have to get this suit off me,” she countered as hands pushed over her waist to smooth the matt effect latex.

“You’re right, forget it, I’m not putting in that much effort,” Christie replied with a grin.

“Hey fuck you, alright?” Blake replied in a playfully heated manner as she was smoothed out. Christie took a moment to judge her chest then grabbed the suit and shoved her hand into it, pulling her breast that had been compressed by the latex back forwards, towards the elongated diamond shape cut out in the front. Her hand snaked between the corset style laces to massage and settle her breast in the most professional way possible before repeating it on the other side, Blake unable to keep from laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole situation as this other woman groped her.

“You having fun there?” she asked as she was jerked about by Christie’s intent pulling at the suit.

“You want your boobs to look good right?” she laughed.

“Always,” she replied. Christie finished settling her chest, pulling her lovely breasts forwards so they were perky and proud, pressed in the right way by the latex now, her nipples just tucked under the edge so her cleavage showed perfectly in the laced open section up the middle.

“Looking good,” Christie said, surveying her work as she walked around the actress, suit just gathered up a little in the small of her back to allow movement if she bent down.

“Yeah?” Blake asked, since there wasn’t a mirror to hand.

“Yeah but it needs something,” Christie said, visibly pondering for a moment before she stepped up and pulled the hairband carefully out of her hair again to let her dirty blonde curls tumble down over her shoulders, reaching up to fluff it all out again so they flowed nicely.

“That’s it and…” she said, turning away to fumble through some box or another before turning back with some big bangle bracelets for Blake to wear.

“Ooh, lovely,” she exclaimed, loving wearing such things. She did it in her day to day and happily slipped into the polished stainless steel bands, before putting on a studded one on her other wrist as Christie found it.

“Oh yeah that’s it, looking great now,” she beamed, standing back to ogle Blake a little.

“Yeah? Good, because I’m already overheating so let’s get out there,” she giggled, turning to find her Louboutins once more, flipping them with her foot and stepping into them, struggling to bend down to pull them on properly before she tottered out into the main area again with a clack of her heels, announcing her arrival to make everyone look up at her. She cast her eye towards Dan, watching her entrance back to set with a smile, knowing it was more than likely his idea for her to wear this. She simmered a little but then remembered the point of this shoot was to be more risqué, more sexy, to take a bigger chance and really show herself off. There was no doubt the suit did that and she just listened to the slight creaking of the latex as she strutted back into place, kind of liking it.

“Wow ok, that looks fantastic,” the director said with a broad smile as she walked back to set, smiling proudly as she turned up, ready to shoot. There was no doubt she looked amazing with the fishnets wrapped snugly around her legs to match the skintight latex bodysuit, highlighting every curve perfectly.

“Thanks, but can we get on with this? It’s pretty hot,” she smiled, already feeling herself bubbling up.

“Absolutely, let’s go,” he said, understanding her predicament as the photographer got back onto the camera ready for her.

“Let’s have some fan on here please,” he called out, glancing around and then focusing back onto Blake. She got into position as the air ramped up, her loose hair tussling and blowing back at the slow but voluminous flow from the fan. The shoot went fantastic, she felt sexier, more emboldened, as if being dressed this way had kindled something inside her as she posed and flexed in front of the camera. Blake did everything she was told, doing many of the same poses and expressions she’d done previously but also some new ones. She again had the riding crop for a few shots, the director wanting to capture the bossy, dominant edge to her as well as the playful, submissive edge that would make men drool over her being their polite little submissive toy.

The director had Blake do some new poses as well to show off her new suit this time, knowing the photos would be absolutely fantastic. He had her step away from the main area they were using and lean up against one of the walls; he had her do several with her legs apart, leaning onto the brickwork with her back arched tightly to push her ass out and give a glimpse of the sweet, secret bulge of her pussy between her legs before having her switch to a somewhat more coy position where she was stood up straighter, still leaning on the wall but far less intently with her legs together and just slightly crossed over to show off her ass in a far less gratuitous manner, the hint and tease more the intention. The pattern of her fishnets showed through the tight latex, perfectly wrapped over her nice round ass, but the outline of her thong was delightfully missing.

She took some shots with her hand on her ass, pulling it apart slightly, groping and squeezing herself, playfully spanking it as she got caught up in the momentum of the whole situation. She was fierce, she was submissive, she was everything the camera needed her to be and more. It was some 45 minutes later when the director was sure he’d got every angle possible of her; up against the wall, standing, crouching, kneeling, on all fours – he’d taken her everywhere and she’d performed perfectly to give him a great set of shots. There were thousands that he knew would take hours, days to go through but it was far better to have more than less and she had posed excellently for him, acting so professional and seemingly just embracing her position as his bondage model for the day.

“Blake, that’s fantastic, let’s wrap it there,” he said, breaking her away from the moment.

“Yeah? We done?” she asked, taking a deeper breath and bringing herself back to reality almost.

“Oh yeah, we’re great, we’ve got everything we need,” the director smiled, stepping forwards to reach out and shake her hand, keeping it all professional.

“That’s great, I hope they’re as good as you want,” she said, stepping down from the small podium she’d been posing on.

“Oh they’re fantastic, Blake, I know this is gonna be a great magazine cover,” he said, beaming with pride and satisfaction in her and what they’d seemingly achieved.

“Brilliant, I really hope so,” she said, taking a deep breath and blowing it out, pushing her long hair back from her face as she contemplated the completion of the shoot.

“Don’t worry, you nailed it. So you go get out of that, get yourself comfortable,” he said.

“I dunno, I might keep it actually,” she smiled, flicking her eyebrows a little.

“Hey if you wanna keep it you go ahead, I’ll look the other way. You’ve earned it,” he laughed, stepping away to speak with the photographer and review a few of the shots. Blake stepped back and felt the cooler air, realising how hot she was, the sweat threatening to prickle on her brow and ruin her perfect, ice cool persona. She could see Dan staring at her, a knowing smile on his face as he gave a slow nod that suggested approval. Blake couldn’t help but let a secret smile steal over her lips, one most people never saw as she walked towards him.

“Hey, you were great up there,” Dan said, commending her on her show as a model.

“I hope so, hope they won’t regret booking me for this,” she replied, looking down so he didn’t see her slight blush.

“They won’t, trust me. I’ve seen a lot of fetish models and you did a great job up there, they’ll love it. So will the audience,” he said.

“Good, I hope this was all worth it. This thing isn’t the most fun to wear under these lights,” she said with a laugh, pulling at the latex body and feeling it stick to her skin.

“I bet you love it really,” he teased.

“I bet you love your...subjects wearing things like this. It’s all new to me,” she replied, looking up at him, honesty in her eyes.

“Everyone starts somewhere, it’s new to everybody once,” he said.

“I suppose so, so I guess this is my beginning,” she said after a moment of thought.

“Indeed, and it doesn’t have to be your end,” he added.

“It doesn’t, but I don’t know anything about this. I wouldn’t know where to begin,” she commented, knowing what she was doing; she was fishing, hoping he would take the bait and make an invitation. She didn’t know what it was but he was so cool, calm and confident that it just turned her on immensely and she’d found the latex outfits strangely relaxing and enjoyable, loving the tight sensations of them and being displayed as she had.

“You need a teacher of sorts perhaps, if that’s something you genuinely want to explore,” he said carefully, a measured tone that suggested he wasn’t propositioning her, merely putting it on the table for her to pick up.

Exactly as she wanted; she simply couldn’t help herself, so attracted and turned on by it all, the guilt of the fact she was married overwhelmed by her sudden but subdued lust, like this was something she’d wanted for a long time and finally woken up to. Like she’d realised it at last, and now it was so prominent in her mind. She loved her husband but the vanilla nature of their sex life had built up this want and lust for something more and now here was a man in front of her that could offer it, everything there was to be explored and she just felt compelled to follow it.

“I do. Perhaps you would be willing to...discuss it with me? Give me some guidance?” she said, heart pounding in her chest as she put herself forwards. Whilst it was a request for advice, they both knew exactly what it was.

“I would be delighted, miss Lively,” he replied with a smile, a little hint for a split second suggesting he knew he could have far more than that from her.

“Excellent,” she replied, her voice quieter and tighter then she intended, feeling like a teenager having asked out a boy she liked, “I’ll go get changed and come meet you.”

“Sounds good, I’ll be here,” he replied. She turned and headed straight for the changing area before she lost her nerve and changed her mind, compelled and frustrated in equal measure by his cool, nonchalant manner with her. Blake walked noisily back to the concealed changing area with her assistant following her, heels clacking noisily on the floor as she stumbled a little back to where she could free herself from the hot latex bodysuit. It was really starting to build up on her now and she got straight into position for Christie to free her from it, kicking her shoes back off as the zip drawn swiftly down to expose her back and allow a deep sigh of relief as the constriction was relaxed and cool air washed over her.

Christie wasted no time in helping release her from the skintight outfit, pulling it down over her curvy pelvis and off her legs as Blake stepped carefully out of it. Her assistant grabbed the hanger for it to let it air off, hooking it up as she glanced back to the actress stripping out of her fishnet tights to stand completely naked, casually handing the bracelets back over as well.

“Do you want to freshen up?” Christie asked, figuring Blake might like the opportunity.

“Yeah that’d be good,” Blake said, thinking about it for a moment and realising it might be a sound idea since she was going out with Dan...for what she wasn’t quite sure. Anything she wanted if she took the plunge she supposed. Christie passed a packet of body wipes to her, which she quickly opened and set to work with, wiping herself down to freshen up after the clinging latex outfits. She wiped under her arms and then down through her dark strip of pubic hair before discarding the wipe into the bin, looking for her bag to find her clothes. Blake hadn’t turned up wearing the tiny flesh tone G-string and with the shoot completed she didn’t need to put it back on, finding her normal underwear from her bag.

“Much planned for the evening?” Christie asked, making conversation with her back turned as Blake found her simple black cotton panties from her bag and slipped into them, already grabbing for her bra as she yanked them up.

“Nothing much, just going home, take it easy,” she lied, nerves of it hitting her a little as she knew what she was letting herself tumble into, her infidelity more real now as she slid into her equally simple black lacy bra.

“Sounds a good idea,” Christie responded, wiping the bodysuit down. Blake didn’t respond, clasping her bra behind her and settling it on her chest with a grope of her tits. She dressed into her jeans and a simple black jumper she’d worn, having not brought anything with her that was more suited to going out. It had never been the plan.

“I’ll take that,” she said, interrupting Christie and pointing to the bodysuit.

“Really? You want to take it?” she exclaimed, a little surprised. The latex outfits were usually not what any of the celebrities she’d worked with wanted to keep. They usually tried to nab the shoes or accessories.

“Yeah, I deserve it, and the director said I could take it,” she replied.

“I’ll take your word on that,” Christie smiled, grabbing the suit off the hanger and handing it over to Blake, the actress feeling the matt effect rubber under her fingers, loving the creak as she carefully folded it and eased it into her big bag.

“Right we’re about done I guess,” Christie said, glancing round for anything else she’d forgotten as Blake slipped back into her expensive high heels once more, wiggling her ankles to get them onto her feet.

“Great, well have a good evening, maybe again sometime,” Blake said with a smile, giving Christie a brief hug and turning to leave.

“Maybe, have a good night,” she replied, watching Blake pick up her bag and head out, back into the main studio area. She hefted it over her shoulder and walked back out to meet with Dan, finding him still sitting casually waiting for her though he was ready to go, standing up as he saw her approach.

“So, where do you want to go?” he asked, falling into step with her as they headed for the elevator.

“I don’t know, what do you fancy?” she replied.

“You invited me, I assumed you had something in mind,” Dan countered with, putting her back on the spot a little.

“I...well I just figured something casual, like a drink or something?” she said a little hurriedly, falling over her words as her mind stalled for a moment. She was flustered and scolded herself, wondering why she was like this as she took a breath and calmed herself, pressing the call button for the lift.

“Drinks sound good,” he replied.

“Good, there’s a few bars just down the street here,” she said, striding into the elevator as she waved her arm in the general direction of where she thought they were, knowing they were close by. She’d invited him out for a drink despite being teetotal because that’s what people did. They rode down in silence, just taking the chance to say nothing before the doors opened on the ground floor and he followed Blake out to the doors and onto the street. She took a moment to get her bearings and then lead the way, Dan just hanging back a touch to get a nice look at her ass while she walked in front of him. She decided to be bold, more decisive as he clearly wanted her to be and show she had a plan, heading into a bar she’d been to before. It was a place she knew they could get a booth or table in a more secluded corner, at least unless they’d changed it all around.

Thankfully they hadn’t and Blake led him to a small booth type seat near the back, tucked into the wall and away from general foot traffic. Being only late afternoon, fading into early evening, meant there weren’t many people around and it was pretty quiet, giving them some privacy which she knew they would need. Well, she would need – he seemed pretty confident with it all.

“I’ll grab us a drink, what would you like?” he asked as she sat down.

“Just an orange juice please,” Blake said, looking up to him and watching him leave as he quickly turned away to go to the bar. She settled herself and took a breath, holding it and exhaling slowly to just relax. She checked her phone and quickly batted away a couple of junk emails before switching it to silent and putting it away, just in time for him to walk back over with the glasses. He placed her OJ down on the table along with his own glass of bourbon whisky, Blake eyeing the golden liquid momentarily as he slid into the seat opposite her and made himself comfortable.

“That was quick service,” she remarked, glancing over to the bar.

“Well there’s not exactly a queue,” he smiled, lifting his glass and inhaling the vapours, loving the aged aroma of whisky.

“You like your whisky?” she asked, just breaking the ice as much as anything.

“Love it,” he replied, “do you not drink?”

“No I don’t, I’ve been teetotal for years. I just don’t like the way it makes me feel,” she replied, feeling almost silly for it, only to be encouraged by him.

“That’s healthy, and it’s good that you know what you like. You have to be yourself,” he said.

“Definitely,” she murmured, loving that he understood it. At least he made out that he did, maybe he just wanted to get in her pants.

“So, what is it you want to ask me?” he said, starting the conversation she’d alluded to earlier on.

“Well...I don’t know really,” she said after a moment, not quite sure how she expected this to go.

“Okay, well that isn’t a great start,” he smiled, breaking the tension that had coalesced as she hesitated.

“No, I know,” she laughed, feeling silly. All she had to do was speak after all, but it was admitting it – somehow putting herself in his hands.

“I’m sure this is all rather confusing, if you want to talk about what I think you want to talk about,” he said with a careful, measured tone, wanting to feel her out. She said nothing in reply, still unsure how to begin.

“You must have something in mind, so why don’t you start with that,” he suggested, trying to let her open up.

“Why don’t you tell me what it is you do first,” she countered.

“What I do?” he replied, since that question was very broad.

“Yeah, you say you’re a professional in bondage and stuff, could you tell me more about what you do first,” she said.

“Very well. It’s a range of things and this is a part of it. I generally work for more specialist publications or websites, not usually for a mainstream magazine such as this if you want to put it that way,” he said.

“Kinky places,” she said, a little louder than she intended to.

“Yes, if you want to put it like that. Not your everyday magazines you’ll find on every shelf. I work as a consultant for them helping to choreograph the shoots, the outfits and so on,” he said.

“Don’t they have people that do that? I mean like every other photo shoot?” she interjected.

“Of course, but it’s all about capturing the essence of it, the mood, that...intangible appeal. It’s not always just about the look of it, you have to put that special something into it,” he said.

“Sounds interesting, but how did you come to be in this position? Like, why do they call you for these shoots?” she probed.

“My background is long and detailed is why. I’ve got years of experience, decades now in fact and that gives me a knowledge they want to put to use,” he finished.

“Decades?” she murmured, looking up into his eyes, holding his gaze for a moment and biting her lip slightly before taking another drink of her orange juice.

“Yes, it is now. I’ve taken a long time building up this knowledge,” he said as Blake took in his distinguished looks with the flashes of silver hair behind his temples.

“What is it you do exactly then?” she asked, needing details.

“I’m a professional in the art of bondage and BDSM,” he replied simply. She was almost taken aback at how forward and open he was being, as he had been since she’d first started talking to him at the shoot, somehow still finding it oddly refreshing and unnerving at the same time.

“Ok, and who do you work with?” she asked.

“Women exclusively. To a degree it’s whoever wants it and has the honesty to ask. If they approach me wanting training and experience in that...aspect of things then I will indulge them,” he replied.

“Indulge yourself as well,” she said quickly.

“Yes, Miss Lively, that too. That is the point of it after all,” he smiled.

“So what’s it all about, whips and chains, all that sort of stuff?” she asked, trying to involve herself.

“There’s a lot more to it than that,” he replied, leaving her staring, unsure what to follow up with.

“I advise you to forget all you think you know about BDSM,” he said with a slight raise of his eyebrows, “as most of what you’ve heard or seen is likely just mainstream stuff that focuses on certain points, such as the bondage or pain as you suggest with whips and chains, rather than what it’s really all about.”

“Ooh too mainstream is it, bit of a hipster are you?” she teased, smiling warmly.

“Not at all,” he laughed.

“What do you mean by mainstream stuff?” she asked, wanting to get back to it.

“What I mean is there’s been lots portrayed by books, television and movies, especially in recent years, that gives an idea of what BDSM is to people. That it’s all pain and punishment, all orders, canings and handcuffs,” he replied.

“Isn’t that part of it?” she asked, hooked on his words now, barely noticing her rapid heartbeat.

“Of course those aspects are part of it, pain and punishment have their place as does the bondage but there’s so much more to it. It’s an entire spectrum of indulgences that everyone has varying amounts of desire and tolerance for. People all want something different and BDSM offers that, it’s just not the vanilla experience so many people have,” he said.

“It sounds quite...intense,” she said, pondering what he meant by it all as she realised she knew potentially even less than she thought about it.

“It can be. It’s very intimate, trusting. There’s a bond formed in it like no other,” he said.

“Not sure I trust someone to hit me with a whip,” she laughed, some nerves to her tone.

“Would you want someone you don’t trust to do it?” he countered, a genuine question that made her fall silent.

“No, I wouldn’t,” she replied quietly. She hadn’t even decided if she wanted to be hit with a whip yet, she’d never had the chance to feel it and decide if she liked it or not after all. Who would she want doing that for her first time, she wondered.

“It’s an experience like no other if you’re into it. Not everyone is, of course,” he said.

“How many women have you...trained, I suppose is the word,” she said quietly.

“Dozens. As I say I’ve been at this for years now, a long time, and in that time there’s been a lot of women,” he replied.

“And you have this special bond with all of them?” Blake asked.

“Most, not all. Some explored and didn’t want to take it further, they tried it and just didn’t click with it. But the rest, yes we share an intimate bond, trust beyond measure even if they’ve decided to leave BDSM behind,” he said.

“Wow, it sounds...overwhelming almost,” she murmured, able to tell how serious he was. He clearly wasn’t messing her around.

“It can be, but you build it up slowly. It’s all about us working together to explore what we both want and mutually achieving that for perfect pleasure and fulfilment,” he said.

“Us?” she blurted out, giving herself away. She’d already been dreaming of giving herself to him in some fantasy world where she surrendered herself completely.

“Me and my submissive,” he said with a smile.

“Right,” she mumbled, hiding her blush a little. It wasn’t untrue that she had come to him with the ultimate intention of taking things further just she hadn’t quite admitted it to herself yet.

“So why are you coming to me?” he said, looking her in the eyes with open hands, getting to the point.

“I’m not sure,” she replied, holding back.

“Just be honest, tell me. You know why, so let’s cut to the chase,” he said, downing his whisky with a sigh of pleasure at the lingering finish.

“I...fine. My sex life is boring,” she blurted out. It was a blunt admission, one that made him fractionally raise his eyebrows, not quite expecting the sudden, straightforward statement she’d given.

“Well, that’s not quite right...or fair. It’s not that I find it entirely dull, I love my husband and still enjoy sex it’s just...always the same. We’re stuck in a rut or something maybe I don’t know,” she said, trying not to babble but having to just let it out.

“Okay, a lot of couples go through things like that,” he offered, wanting to wait for her to bring him and his background into things before pushing it at all.

“They do, I know that. It’s just I don’t think there’s ever a chance of exploring something new or different, that’s just how we’re gonna be and I either have to accept that, or…” she trailed off, looking up at him then back down at her drink.

“Have you never explored it?” he enquired.

“We have sometimes, or we did, just we haven’t in ages now and I don’t know that we’ll go back to it,” she said, a rueful expression on her face as she contemplated what they were missing.

“Sounds like you didn’t enjoy it or didn’t connect with each other as you wanted to,” he offered.

“I guess not, it didn’t work out the way either of us hoped I guess,” she replied with a sigh. Thinking back, she wished she’d pushed it more perhaps, but also knew that might not have worked.

“You could revisit that, give it another go,” he suggested, since there was always the option to try again. He was a big believer in second chances.

“No, I think that’s closed. At least for now, I need to discover more about myself I think before I go back to that. It was as much my own doubts as anything else,” she said, admitting her own failings in it. He had no idea if it was actually true or just what she’d decided about the whole affair.

“Understandable, you want to explore something more dangerous or different,” he said, summing things up.

“Yes,” she breathed, voice losing power for a moment.

“It’s something you can do, of course,” he said.

“Is it something you can do for me?” she said quietly, glancing around quickly lest somebody hear her.

“Is it something you want me to do for you? Is this what you actually want to explore,” he asked.

“I don’t want you to pursue this for the wrong reasons,” he finished. Blake thought about it, how during the shoot she’d felt calm and satisfied, being ordered around as she posed up a storm, how the latex outfits had been confining but somehow relaxing, feeling at home wearing them and liking his approving gaze upon her when she’d noticed it. She knew it would be a stark change to her sex life, that the real thing would likely be a lot more intense than playing around with a few outfits and a riding crop, but she felt it was something her body yearned for and mind craved.

“Yes, it is,” she whispered, barely able to form the words, noticing her racing heart rate now as she took a breath so she didn’t get dizzy.

“Are you sure about that?  With a stranger something new can be more thrilling and raw but are you sure you want to?” he tested, since she didn’t seem it. Blake looked down, took a controlled breath and then looked back up into his eyes with a determined, decided focus.

“Yes,” she replied, cool and clear.

“Very well then, I can definitely fit you in,” he replied calmly, turning and holding his hand up to call a waiter over. Blake felt her indignation bite for a moment as he practically seemed to ignore her, indicating she was fine for another drink as Dan ordered another whisky and then turned back to her, seeing her expression.

“Patience, Blake. You’ll need to learn that I assure you,” he smiled, immediately knocking her back and making her smile stupidly to herself, turning away as it was like things had already begun.

“Don’t you care that I’m married?” she asked, having to address it.

“No, I don’t,” he replied simply, again pausing as the waiter brought his glass over.

“Why not?” she said, immediately wishing she hadn’t.

“Would you rather I did? You’re not the first married woman I’ve had and I’m sure you won’t be the last. This would be about us alone and nothing else. Your marriage is your business, and that’s all there is to say about that,” he said with a finality that told her he meant it.

“Good,” she replied. She knew exactly what she was doing and to hear that he wouldn’t make an issue of it, and therefore not risk jeopardising her marriage, was a relief. She was very protective about her family life and couldn’t have anything coming between that.

“What will you do to me first?” she asked after a pause curious as to where he would start with her even as her nerves jangled. She was worried that she’d opened Pandora’s box and this was perhaps the last moment to slam the lid shut before it all got out of hand.

“I don’t think we need to start discussing that yet, there’s plenty more to come before that,” he replied, batting her question aside.

“Oh really? Such as?” she asked.

“We won’t be simply diving into this head first, Blake,” he said, using her name rather deliberately as if chiding her.

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because we have to make sure we’re compatible first and enjoy one another. We’ll discuss all the...details later on,” he smiled.

“Compatible?” she said with a raise of her eyebrows.

“Yes, physically in tune with one another,” he smiled.

“So you want to fuck me basically,” she replied. It was hardly the first time she’d come to that conclusion.

“If you want to be so crude, yes,” he said.

“What would you call it then?” she asked, a little surprised at his manner, expecting him to take the opportunity immediately.

“Making love, if you want. Fucking could come later, it entirely depends how this all unfolds,” he said.

“Making love? Sounds very personal,” she said with a little apprehension.

“It is personal, very personal, as I’ve told you. This is no one night stand or something,” he said.

“But the first time? I thought that would all come later. After all, you’re the one saying we need to make sure we’re sexually compatible,” she replied.

“Start as you mean to go on,” he said quietly, a little twitch to his eyebrow as he gazed into her pretty blue eyes.

“Your dedication to this is quite impressive,” she admitted, feeling the need to complement him. He was absolutely sticking to his guns, so genuine with her and not the least bit blinded by her celebrity status as he handled her with ease.

“Thank you, I like to think I’m an expert at my craft these days after so much experience,” he said, draining his whisky for the second time.

“Well you seem it, though I thought you’d want to do something more, I dunno, visual,” she said, not quite sure what she meant. Being taken home and screwed by him was hardly a surprise but given their conversation she figured he would want to demonstrate it in some way first.

“More visual, how do you mean?” he responded.

“I don’t know, I just figured you’d want to show me some videos...or take me somewhere else,” she answered.

“Take you somewhere, like a show or club you mean?” he said, figuring he knew what she was getting at.

“Yeah exactly, something like that to let me see what this is all about,” she enthused in agreement, glad he got it.

“That might be some peoples technique but it certainly isn’t mine,” Dan replied.

“No? Why not?” Blake probed.

“It isn’t, I prefer a far more measured approach,” he said.

“You want to get me on my back first,” she suggested with a little playful tone.

“Whilst that is certainly something I want, that’s not why,” he said with a smile. Her silence encouraged him to go on and tell her what he meant.

“There are of course bondage clubs and such I could take you to if I wanted to simply let you see it, though none of them are open yet,” he said, “but the point is that this relationship we want to build has to be done right. I only want to expose you to things when you’re ready or I want you to see them and going to a place like that is just as likely to put you off it. Some of it is pretty hardcore and you won’t be ready for it, you haven’t the knowledge or understanding by your own admission.”

“True,” she conceded.

“So I’d rather do it my way and introduce you to things as you’re ready. I’ve had no problems with the women I’ve worked with so far,” he smiled.

“So why don’t you show me your way,” she offered after a pause, giving a sexy little wink even as her pulse raced. Blake knew all she had to do was give him the come on and he would do the rest now – she wasn’t wrong.

“Gladly,” he said with a smile, sliding from the booth to stand before dropping down a bill to cover the whisky and holding his hand out to help her up. She took it, feeling his strong grip as she slid her hand into his and swung up onto her feet, grabbing her bag and following him out of the bar. He let go of her lest they be seen; she could explain away being seen out with another man but not walking out of a bar with him holding hands.

“How did you get here?” she asked, since she’d gotten a cab into the city though they were a little further out now since the photo shoot hadn’t been in the heart of L.A.

“Drove, my car’s just parked a little way away. I can go get it then come and pick you up if you’d like?” Dan offered, not expecting her to walk with him.

“No it’s fine, I’ll come with you. It’s just easier, we’ll be on the way then,” she replied. Blake took a quick look around to make sure nobody with a camera was watching her and then followed him, walking briskly away from the main street with him as he led her back to where he’d parked. He didn’t hold her hand or treat her anything other than casually as they walked for around ten minutes, walking a little ahead of Blake as they got back to his car. It was a black BMW but not new, a beautiful condition classic; she wasn’t big into cars so wasn’t quite sure what it was but she could tell he cared for it as it was in beautiful condition, the bodywork gleaming and so clean it was like new.

“This is lovely, what is this?” she asked as she sat into the tight leather passenger seat, looking around at the now antiquated dashboard and interior.

“BMW M5,” he replied, not bothering to bore her with any more details than that. It was actually the last of the second generation M5’s, finished in Arctic Silver with a 3.8 litre straight six and over 300bhp. He’d had this car for a lot of years and kept it in perfect condition, one of his passions and he loved driving it. He didn’t get much chance to stretch its legs around Los Angeles but he took it out at weekends to show it the highway and beautiful twisty roads up into the hills when he could. Not that she cared about that as she sat back into the leather seat and fastened her seatbelt, settling it nicely across her chest so the belt pressed down between her breasts temptingly as he clipped his own into place and started the smooth engine.

“Where do you live?” she asked.

“A little bit further out, maybe half an hour. I can’t afford to live in the middle of L.A. and I don’t really want to either,” he said as the car pulled away from the road side and they got going.

“Yeah, understandable,” she murmured as she reached round and put her bag into the back seat as the sun beamed down through the glass, engine burbling as he picked up speed a little to transport them back to his place. The journey passed easily, Blake riding and casually looking around as he drove them back to his, making general chat as the silver BMW cruised along under the Californian sunshine. They didn’t discuss the issue at hand, what Blake was desperately curious about, hungry for knowledge; she wanted to know what he had in mind for her, how he imagined their bondage journey might unfold, what he might subject her to, what he was going to do to her when he got her home and stripped her naked. She wanted answers, but knew she would get none and merely had to wait to experience it. The tension, nerves and arousal made her pulse flutter even as her vagina squeezed and her panties stuck wetly to her.

He turned off the highway into the suburbs and weaved round a few roads, an area Blake didn’t know but that was hardly a surprise given the size of the city.

He pulled up outside a pretty typical suburban house and shut off the engine, the smooth note dying as Blake checked it out; she wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting and realised that given his cool, calm demeanour it should have been more obvious. He clearly didn’t overstate things, liking them subtle and quiet which she figured was probably a good thing for his activities...and for her. She followed him in opening the door and stepping out into the late afternoon sunshine as it smothered them, the pavement hot and unforgiving as he ushered her ahead of him towards his front door.

“This is it huh?” she said, half-joking through her nerves as he unlocked the door to let them in.

“This is it, your voyage of discovery if you will,” he replied, playing up to it a bit. She breathed deeply and stepped into his place, Dan following her in and closing the door behind her. It was a tidy, fairly typical three-bedroom home and she was pleasantly impressed by the style of it as she glanced around, seeing no evidence of his craft.

“Not quite what I was expecting,” she commented with a slight laugh.

“What did you think it’d be, straight into a dungeon or something?” he smiled.

“Honestly, yeah. I figured there was a chance of that,” she giggled.

“Well as I said things probably aren’t as you may imagine them to be. They can be that way, but don’t have to be,” he replied.

“Evidently, this is certainly more relaxing,” she said, glancing around, “but do you have a dungeon?”

“If that’s what you insist on calling it, yes. It’s downstairs in the basement,” he replied with a laugh. He loved her straightforward but innocent approach to it, a sexually experienced woman but so new to it all and full of questions.

“Lure me into your basement huh?” she said, glancing back to him with playfully wide eyes.

“Hardly, you’re the one trying to get in there,” he smiled, turning away to drop his keys down.

“Are you going to show me?” she asked, a little hotly.

“No, I’m not. Later, as I said. Good things come to those who wait. But right now we need to go upstairs instead,” he smiled and took her hand, leading her towards the stairs. Blake’s heart surged as she felt nerves hit her, knowing it was the moment as her pulse accelerated and she followed him, her feet just going where he led her. He took her up to his bedroom and directed her into an equally neat and tidy bedroom, the bed spread out before her with crisp sheets on as if it were ready for her. Dan was simply thankful that he could afford a maid and today she’d changed all the sheets to leave it perfect to throw Blake down on.

She didn’t have a chance to give an opinion as he pulled her to him and kissed her intently, their lips locking firmly, not overly aggressive or intense but dominating, somehow making out to her that he was in charge as his tongue pushed tentatively into her mouth. She mumbled in pleasure, responding in kind and feeling the thrill of a different kiss that wasn’t merely professional, not an on-screen moment that didn’t count as she might encounter during filming. This was something else and she melted into it, dropping her large handbag down and pulling her arms around him, blending fully into the moment as his hands pulled around the small of her back and squeezed her firm ass. He loved finally getting hold of her, a moment he relished as he let his hands pull into her, feeling the tightness of her body, her warmth and the way she shifted in his grasp as she kissed him back.

“Wait, Dan, I…” she stuttered, not knowing what she felt, gripped by momentary hesitation but also such lust that she knew she’d never be able to walk away.

“Ssh, just relax, don’t worry about it. We’ll talk afterward,” he whispered to her, looking deeply into her blue eyes with his own that were a piercing green, something she’d somehow not noticed until that moment. She didn’t reply, didn’t talk as he’d instructed and just let herself give into it as she wanted to. Blake could feel his lust and want for her, his hands on her so confidently, squeezing and stroking every inch of her body it seemed, squeezing at her ass and drawing up her sides to grope her lovely chest for a moment before he grabbed the bottom of her jumper. She just obediently put her arms up and let him pull it off over her head to expose her full tits supported by the black lace bra.

He didn’t say a word and simply squeezed her, firmly feeling them as he kissed down her neck, hearing her gasp in his ear as she trembled and leaned back to let his lips find their way over her soft skin and down onto her breasts. His hot touch covered every inch of her that it could as her nipples strained at the lace, his hands releasing her to slide down her sides and squeeze into the pinch of her waist before pushing over the waistband of her jeans. The rough denim was such a contrast to her smooth, silky skin under his hands as he slid them past the widest part of her pelvis before they pulled back across to her belt. With dexterity and ownership now he easily released the leather around her hips, unbuttoning and unzipping her effortlessly to pull her jeans open and reveal the top of her simple black panties.

He looked up and stared intently into her eyes, Blake’s widening as she felt his power and dominance, like she was totally controlled as his hands moved out and yanked suddenly, roughly at the denim to yank them off her hips, the tight trousers unable to hold onto her gorgeous body and pulling down her thighs, threatening to take her panties with them as the elastic rolled down and almost exposed her dark strip of hair. She stared into his eyes even as he pushed at her shoulders, shoving her back onto the bed, Blake tumbling onto the fresh sheets, bouncing on the mattress and looking back up at him with her feet dangling off the edge.

He grabbed her high heels one at a time and pulled them off her almost daintily, being careful with her even though she knew he didn’t need to be. He could easily dominate and control her physically but he chose not to, something she loved as he took his time to pull her red soled Louboutins off, standing them aside before he returned to her to grab hold of her jeans and slip the tight denim off her to leave her in her underwear.

She wished she had something sexier on, something for the occasion but it didn’t matter as he crawled over her, not caring in the slightest as he planted little kisses up her body and let her hands go to his shirt to deftly release the buttons. Shrugging it off, he gave Blake a chance to see his muscular physique, murmuring to herself in pleasure as a smile crossed her lips, loving how strong and defined he was. It was from years of dedication to fitness, keeping himself in great shape and building muscle, relishing the fitness and also the strength it offered him for what he did. Women loved how he found it effortless to control and manoeuvre them and he was sure Blake would do as well since she was already responding.

He leaned over her, braced on the bed either side of her as he slid back on with her, gazing over her toned body as she waited for him. He stopped short of her though, looking into her eyes and spurring her to push herself up onto her elbow with a smile, coming to him. Their lips locked again and she slowly sank back onto the bed, him in control as they pressed together, tongues twisting against one another. His hand slid down her side and over the waistband of her underwear, hooking his thumb temptingly into it before caressing down her toned thigh. He felt the strength of her and gorgeous tightness of her form as he stroked over her and pulled her towards him, hooking under her knee to roll her to him, her black panties pulling up her toned ass as she hungrily kissed him.

His hand pushed up her back and unclipped her bra strap with practiced ease, unclasping it so the black lacy straps fell loose around her body, peeling it from her organically as she rolled onto her back once again to reveal her gorgeous C-cup breasts. Casting it aside, his hand immediately took a squeeze of her chest to make her murmur, gasping when he swiftly kissed down then ran his tongue over her breasts, circling her stiff nipples and making her shudder in arousal. He teased at her then kissed down her tummy, making her breathe steadily as she controlled herself, his soft lips and hot tongue touching delicately at her skin as he made his way to her simple cotton waistband.

His kisses were tempting, threatening, as if he’d suddenly peel her panties off and go to town. His teeth pulled down and teased at them, lifting them from her in a final moment of temptation before he suddenly pulled away and stood up. Blake gasped and opened her eyes, looking up with confusion and indignation as he refrained from sliding her underwear off. She instead saw him standing up again from her, releasing the belt of his jeans as he made her wait and just took a moment to undo his clothes, sliding them off to leave him naked and erect for her. Her eyes immediately locked onto his cock, taking in the first glimpse of his thick, pulsing manhood in front of her, ready for her, hungry to slide deep inside her.

She couldn’t help herself and pushed up to slide forward onto her knees, reaching out for him to wrap her hand around his cock. Blake felt it pulse and strain in her hand, her touch electric as she wrapped her digits around his hot, hard cock and carefully stroked it to feel her hand roll over the ridge of his bulbous purple head. He groaned with pleasure, loving the actress finally stroking his aching prick; he’d been hard relentlessly it seemed since she’d first expressed an interest in his services and now to finally have her here, on his bed, knelt down before him stroking him was just perfection and he intended to make the most of it.

Blake stroked his manhood, loving the way he pulsed and jumped at her touch, so hard for her she knew he could split her in two if he wanted. His hand slid into her dirty blonde hair and pulled her towards him, directing her pointedly to what he wanted, what he was essentially ordering her to do. She had no problem with it, knowing it was coming and opened her mouth happily to take him into the velvet heat. He shuddered a little as he felt his bulging head slide across her tongue, the roughness just an eclectic mix when combined with the heat and wetness, the silky sensation as she let him rub into her cheek a little in the process as her full pout wrapped around his shaft.

He just murmured in pleasure and satisfaction at having her fellate him, feeling her slide to her natural stopping point then pushing her a bit further, catching her off guard as his cock slid into her throat a little more than she was used to and threatened to trip her gag reflex. His hand in her hair told her he was in control however, feeling him twisting her locks through his fingers as he almost stroked her in a caring way, like they’d been lovers for years. Blake relished it, only spurring her to suck firmly and start bobbing her head to let him rub perfectly over the liquid sensation of her tongue. The muscle rippled and twisted underneath his cock, an exquisite feeling before she curled the tip up to tease under the tip of him, just into his head at the most sensitive spot to make him shake a little and murmur with pleasure.

She certainly knew what she was doing and Blake only worked to prove that, bobbing slowly and building up faster, keeping the same stroke, letting his thick cock rub into the velvet, perfect softness of her cheeks and push into her throat. She worked to let him deeper, holding back her gag reflex as she could tell he liked deep throat and she was in no position to refuse him after all; she was his toy, his plaything almost, at least that’s how she had surrendered herself already even if there was no strict agreement in place. With a flick of her hand she swept her hair back over her ear, out the way as she sucked cock, working to alter her speed and pressure of her sucking, feeling him respond as he pulsed and strained in her mouth. She could tell he loved it but also that she’d have to do a whole lot more to make him come, that he was well practiced and could withstand any blowjob she would throw at him until he decided he was ready to climax.

It didn’t stop her from trying though; she was horny and hungry for it, wanting to impress him, to somehow show she was good enough to train as she got the impression he wasn’t entirely swayed just yet. She thought that maybe he saw her as an actress that was just after something new or liked the face value of it, the excitement of the idea rather than the reality of it all. She wanted to prove him wrong and indulge her, to train her, educate her, use her. He simply enjoyed the blowjob right then though, loving her energetic technique, able to tell she was focused on it and trying as she clearly threw every possible option at him.

He certainly didn’t mind, she was good at it and it was only her inability to deep throat that disappointed him. Dan knew however that was a minor issue however and he could train it into her, he’d done it with many other women and Blake would be no different even if she saw herself that way. Overall he was pleased with how she gave a blowjob, her enthusiasm and energy was enjoyable and he closed his eyes to enjoy it for a couple more minutes, relishing every motion of her tongue, Blake desperate to please him, wanting to show off how she could fellate him. She was sure he’d had better – she knew he’d had better, the little voice in the back of her mind telling her she wasn’t the youngest, hottest or most skilful woman he’d ever had sucking his cock and it only spurred her to try harder as she felt him swell and thrust into her mouth.

With a final push into her throat that caught her off guard, making her gag, her body heaving as he drove deeper into her than she was comfortable with, he pulled back as she expelled him and withdrew his slick stick from her mouth, his throbbing manhood bouncing up in front of her face as she gasped. He reached down and slapped her face a couple of times, playfully but with enough edge to make her wince a little, closing her eyes before he pulled her back up with his hands under her arms and kissed her again passionately to make her melt a little and murmur in pleasure. It was a mere moment of calm, respite before he shoved her forcefully, dominantly back onto the bed so she squealed in surprise before bouncing on the mattress, legs out, gorgeous breasts shaking.

Blake looked up with a tilt of her head, nails digging into the bedding as his hands dragged down her waist and hooked into her panties, fingers stretching the waistband now as he deliberately pulled them away from her curvy hips before pulling them down. He let them cling to her pussy, holding onto her sweet lips and hiding her landing strip for a moment longer before they peeled away to reveal her completely as she spread her legs a little more to let him slide them off and cast them aside, leaving her totally naked before him. He slipped the black cotton panties off her feet and immediately slid between her legs, cock standing up rock hard for her; Blake eye’s locked onto it, loving how it pulsed primally, wanting him to just grab it and drive straight inside her.

But he didn’t, surprising her as he drew his hands down over her hips and onto her thighs, sinking to his knees between her legs. He took hold just above her knees and yanked her back to the edge of the bed a little, surprising her again with his power and easy control, physically dominating her as he put her where he wanted her and wasted no further time in pressing his lips to her neatly shaved pussy. Blake let out a shuddering gasp, overwhelmed as his tongue found her clit effortlessly, lapping over and curling against it to make her tremble before trailing up into her neat, dark triangle of pubic hair that pointed straight to it.

“Oh my god,” she breathed, opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling as his tongue started to dance at her most delicate nub. He didn’t waste time, not building her up or teasing her, his tongue simply surging through her sweet folds a few times as if to check her out, mapping her body for a moment before he turned up the heat and went for it. Her elbows dug into the bedding as she braced herself and tried to refrain from moaning too loudly in pleasure, his touch almost too much but not quite, somehow touching her just enough without going overboard and sending overwhelming waves of pleasure through her. His skilful tongue danced around her clit, flicking over it in all ways then suddenly switching to slowly but firmly circle it as he brushed her soft clitoral hood aside with ease.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, shakily sounding almost like begging as she pulled her legs back a little in his grasp and pushed her pelvis down into him, rolling it back and forth slowly to ride his tongue and help him get every possible nerve ending. He allowed her some motion, accentuating her pleasure and ecstasy as his tongue danced around, working her clit and dipping down to pull his tongue up so it split her lips and licked into her silky, soaked entrance. She was so wet, absolutely drenching his chin as he worked at her, desperate for him to slide inside her even as she loved every touch and turn of his tongue. Her vagina squeezed firmly at him as he thrust his tongue inside her, eliciting a deep moan from her, yearning in want and need now for penetration.

He didn’t give it to her however, making her wait longer as his tongue slipped back out of her and vigorously assaulted her clit, harder and more ferociously now. Blake gave a cry of sensation as the burst ran through her body, making her abs tense, curling from the bed as he suddenly turned up the intensity and probed directly, intently at her clit. His tongue was buried under the soft tissue of her hood and racing around her button now, making her hip movements struggle as her head dropped back to the bed, eyes squeezing shut as she shook with pleasure and dug her nails into the bedding. She loved getting her pussy eaten and realising it’d been a while since it had been done with such passion, though maybe it was just the situation that turned her on – stepping out on her marriage and opening the door to something so naughty and new.

Blake shook as she felt a twinge of oncoming orgasm; it wasn’t the start of it, the point of no return, it was just a feeling that told her it was there and on its way as his tongue continued to lash at her. His hands were now pinning her hips down to the bed, her legs drawn back to give him complete access to her now as her toes curled. She worked her hips into him, grinding her clit against his mouth as he licked her, knowing her tumble into ecstasy was seconds away, a few more circles of his tongue and her pleasure would be unlocked.

Only she was denied as he swiftly pulled away from her, surging up over her as she gasped helplessly and looked up, raising her head to see what he was doing as he stood up between her bent legs, his rock hard erection throbbing and ready for her, harder than he’d ever been it seemed like as he was about to fuck Blake Lively. A few hours before he’d been consulting on her photo shoot, now he had her on her back and ready for his cock which he would certainly deliver. He grabbed her smooth leg with one hand, holding around her knee and keeping it folded up as his other took control of his waiting cock and aimed it perfectly at her silky slit.

He didn’t make her wait now and pushed himself to her, just touching her before he thrust forward and buried his stiff cock inside her. He slid easily into her, not quite full depth but nearly, grunting with pleasure to match hers as she tingled all over and shivered at the sensation of finally being filled. It was the first time a new man had fucked her in years, since before she was married, and to feel the different sensations of it, his different shape but also manner as he took her was electrifying. She knew it was wrong, that she shouldn’t be doing this and that the guilt would hit her later on but right then she didn’t care, just melting to the sensations of him inside her. His cock throbbed against her walls, giving a definite strain in her haven, taking a second to just relish to feel of a new woman on his cock before he pulled back and started to thrust into her properly.

He wasted no time in getting into a rhythm, keeping things hard and fast as his cock plunged inside her, taking only a couple of thrusts to get full depth. His hips pressed to hers as he did, both of them groaning with pleasure, her pussy squeezing him firmly for a second before he resumed pumping into her with a pace that just made her quiver and groan in pleasure. They both felt it, the fantastic sensations and tingling nerve endings as their bodies worked together, Blake rocking her hips with him to help get every last millimetre of him full depth, loving how hard he was, feeling his bulging purple head driving against her cervix as he penetrated her.

The thump of him against her, his hard breaths, his evident control and coolness, just taking her as if she were any other fuck toy right then was so arousing to her. Blake gazed up at him in between moments of just submitting to the pleasure of it with her eyes shut, loving how he was just in charge, taking control and evidently not caring that she was a famous actress, simply taking her primally and loving the sensations her body gave him, much as she was doing herself. A lot in fact as she felt the tingle of climax again, his cock rubbing at her just right, filling her and tingling her G-spot enough that her orgasm was on full power again and building up to a peak.

She prayed he didn’t stop this time, didn’t make her wait or tease her, holding onto the bed as he fucked her, making her rock intently on the mattress as she just held on now and let him do as he pleased. Her relief was momentary as her prayers were answered, fucking her hard, harder in fact as he felt the characteristic squeezes and twitches of her pussy and knew her climax was close. He wanted to let her have it now, having built it up to reward her with a hard orgasm so he held her tightly and thrust hard, shorter strokes to bury himself full depth inside her soft, hot body, pounding his cock into her faster than ever before. She hadn’t been fucked so hard in years and whined with pleasure, toes curling, fingers digging into the bed as she writhed in the inexorable sensations that built in her soul and tingled excitingly through her body.

With a few final moments of pounding she slipped over the edge and her body raced, heart pumping, chest and neck flushing red as the orgasm swept over her like a wave in the ocean, completely unstoppable, sweeping away all in its path including Blake. She tensed up, fighting it, holding it back but that only made it more intense as it resisted her for a few seconds, a few harsh breaths from her as her pulse pounded before it burst through her, emanating from her pussy and shuddering rapidly through her body to make her let out a long, loud cry of pleasure to the bedroom as she quaked violently in ecstasy. She shook completely, rocking and writhing as she let out moans and cries, arching spasmically from the bed, abs tensing as the waves of pleasure hit her, her head shoved back into the bedding as her body belayed its utter release.

He just smiled and kept pumping into her, thrusting hard and fast, his cock throbbing in excitement at her climax but he had full control. Dan loved watching her come for him, creaming herself over his cock in pure, unadulterated pleasure, her body shaking and rocking for a few more moments before she came to her senses and the peak faded. Sweat prickled all over her in a delightful sheen, another expression of her enjoyment as she gasped hungrily for air and sank back into the bed for him to fuck. Her hand pawed over her tummy towards him, trying to urge him to slow down and give her a break but he had no such intention.

“No, Blake,” he said authoritatively, “not until I’m finished.”

It was clear and final, something she knew she couldn’t challenge and as a result her hand sagged back to the bed, digging in again as she resolved to take the hard, overwhelming fucking in the wake of her hard climax. She could barely handle it but knew she had to, it was as he decreed and she was his submissive little toy to do with as he pleased. Besides, he’d made her come so fantastically that she wanted to do the same for him if she could. To action that she started to squeeze her vagina, eyes clenching at the incredible feeling that buzzed her as she did for the first time, fighting through it and working her muscles to make her pussy a pulsing pleasure house for him to bury himself inside.

He noticed, smiling to himself as he thumped his cock deep inside her and felt her muscles rippling around him, tightening to hold then release him as she started pushing her pelvis against him again to help Dan get as deep inside her as possible and press against her cervix. It was an eclectic mix of sensations, his nerve endings stimulated perfectly by her hot, wet pussy, gripping him in an undulating mix as she clamped down at him. His control was excellent but he didn’t want to hold on now, having already made her come and wanting to indulge himself and enjoy her body as his grip on her legs became tighter and he thrust his hips against her hard. His strokes were the shortest and fastest they’d been as he pumped himself into her, loving the feel of her when he was deep and could feel her pussy clenching around every inch of him.

His balls were tight and he felt the familiar feelings as his climax announced its arrival, just letting him know it was ready to go; he could control it, he’d spent years working on himself as well as all the women he’d trained and as a result knew he could prolong it, building it up more intensely. He chose to do so, for a little while at least, not wanting to deny himself too long as he held the gorgeous blonde actress and pumped into her hard. He stepped up to find his final gear and absolutely hammered her, driving her down into the mattress as he leaned over her, slamming his hips down in short, tight bursts that made her wail. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been fucked so hard, just pinned underneath him and taking his cock deep, unable to control things at all as he leaned on her legs – as she realised she kind of liked it that way.

He only held on for another 30 seconds or so, smashing himself into her hard before he drove down powerfully and buried his cock full depth as it gave a tremendous pulse, jumping inside her as he unloaded his first thick burst of come. Blake groaned as she felt his hot load explode into her, splashing directly into her womb as he came so deeply, relishing the feel of his rock hard shaft jumping and straining inside her as he emptied his balls, loving the fact he hadn’t asked her permission. He pinned her down and gave a couple of short, strained thrusts down into her as his manhood pulsed and twitched, swelling so hard as he emptied every last drop of himself into the moaning Hollywood star. With a final strain he was done, leaning down on her legs and bracing himself on the bed, both of them gasping hard, his eyes shut to mirror hers as they just took it in for a few moments afterwards.

Pushing up off her, he carefully pulled back onto his feet and slipped his cock from her, Blake feeling empty as his softening manhood slid from her velvet tunnel and he turned to sit down on the bed beside her, reclining slowly to lie with her. His hand slid into hers, their fingers meshing as they both breathed hard and fast in recovery, hearts pounding with the intensity of it all, physical and mental.

They just relaxed together for a few minutes, pumping hearts slowing into a steady, satisfied rhythm as they enjoyed the quiet aftermath together. Blake was a little taken at how calm and natural it felt, not awkward as she imagined it might be, their hands entwined neatly, his fingers playing over hers as she gave little squeezes to him. It was an intimate moment, one full of relaxation but also trepidation and expectation.

“So…” she mumbled, breaking the silence, not entirely sure what she wanted to ask. He didn’t fill the pause, leaving her hanging to form her words.

“That was great,” she added, wanting to make sure she expressed that as if it hadn’t been physically obvious.

“Yeah, it was,” he smiled, squeezing her hand as he cast his eye over her gorgeous naked body beside him.

“If we...pursue this, what would you teach me?” she asked, voice tight, hard to get the words out as if she was scared to ask, worried about what he might say.

“Everything, Blake,” he said softly. The implication was clear and he meant it.

“Well yeah, you alluded to that, I just meant where would you start with me?” she clarified.

“Where I start with all my submissive girls. Discipline,” he said.

“Discipline? But I’m not a bad girl,” she blurted out, immediately blushing at what she’d said, not intending it in the way it had come out. She meant she wasn’t intending to play up and was asking him to teach and train her and didn’t need to be disciplined.

“I bet you are really,” he said with a sly smile and a wink as he glanced across at her, “but that’s not what I meant. What you mean is far more the punishment side of it, which you will experience if you’re really a bad girl.”

“Right,” she mumbled.

“Discipline is the foundation of it, the core. For this relationship to work, you would have to be my submissive. That means I would be your master, and you need to do as ordered without question,” he said.

“I can do that,” she said, trying to sell herself.

“No, you can’t. You won’t,” he replied. She gave him a look, slightly affronted that he was questioning her without putting her to the test.

“Trust me, you won’t. I’ve done this for a long time and you won’t submit as easily as you think. You will beg and cry, refuse me, play up. I’ve seen it with every woman I’ve ever trained,” he said.

“Oh,” she said, looking away, put out already.

“It’s nothing to concern yourself with, it’s natural, and why you need to be trained in discipline,” he said.

“Ok, so what does that entail?” she asked, wanting to find out how to achieve what he would desire of her.

“Lots of things, and I will need to find out what aspects you particularly respond to so I can get the best from you. But it will be control, I will be in charge and you will have to follow orders. Those might be sexual or not, it’s up to me and you will have to prove yourself,” he expanded.

“Seems straightforward,” she tentatively replied.

“It is in principle but it’s harder than you think, you’ll naturally try to resist it, especially if it gets out of your comfort zone. We have to work so it becomes unconscious, a state of mind that you simply live and breathe.”

“Sounds a lot more complicated than I thought,” she said. It was a half truth, as she didn’t entirely get it and wouldn’t without experiencing it, but she was eager to learn more. It was intriguing.

“It is, and it’s a task both you and me have to work on. I have to understand you, get to what makes you tick and respond, seek out what true desires you have,” he explained, making her somewhat understand that it wasn’t simply fun for him and he had to work.

“I see your point about intimacy,” she said, starting to understand the close bond he had touched on earlier.

“It’s a very close bond, as I said.”

“So it starts with discipline, where does it go after that?” she asked.

“It depends what I discover about you. Obviously there’s things I like but I want to focus on things you like. You’ll get the utmost from this if you enjoy it and you will bring me the most pleasure at the same time,” he said.

“I want to bring you pleasure though, and do whatever you want to that end,” she said thoughtfully.

“Even if you hate it?” he asked.

“I…if you train me as you say then I will do as I’m told,” she conceded.

“Yes, you might, but I don’t work that way. For me pleasure is not generally degradation, it’s not me humiliating you or taking only what I want. I like to see women submitting but enjoying it at the same time. That’s what will bring me pleasure,” he said.

“Ok,” she breathed, realising that sounded rather delightful, that this wouldn’t be quite what she’d imagined – much as he’d told her. She really didn’t know anything about this world.

“As I say I have to learn about you through this process, if we go ahead of course,” he said.

“So if we do, what else?” she probed, wanting to find out.

“Well there’s lots to explore. The discipline is a key aspect but there’s also bondage, I will want to put you through plenty of that,” he said.

“What kind of stuff?” she asked.

“Different methods, so rope, chains, shackles, that sort of thing. All different positions and methods to discover what works best with you,” he said, enthusing for a second as he got ahead of himself.

“What else?”

“If necessary, punishment.”

“Like spanking?” she enquired.

“Spanking, canes, whips, riding crops, that sort of thing. Again whatever you respond best to and the level of punishment I feel you deserve at the time,” he said.

“Are they different?” she asked, having never felt much besides the spanking.

“Very, you’ll know when you feel them,” he replied.

“What else?” she asked, still hungry for information.

“You know what, let me show you,” he said, sitting up from the bed and pushing onto his feet.

“Show me?” she asked a little nervously, thinking he might get her straight into it, really let her feel it.

“Yeah. I consult on a lot of photo shoots and also do my own photography. Come with me,” he said, urging her up from the bed. She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet, pausing to take the robe he offered before he quickly grabbed his shorts then led her out of the bedroom. He took her from the bedroom to what she might call his study, clearly somewhere he did work and watched as he pulled a big box out. It was one of many stacked on the shelves and he took the lid off to reveal hundreds of carefully sealed and sorted photographs. He pulled one out and offered it to her, Blake taking it only to widen her eyes as she was met with the sight of a young woman, gorgeous and slender with curves in the right places, red hair and a fierce look to her, completely bound with rope and rendered helpless on her knees.

“Wow, ok,” she breathed, not so much shocked by the material but by the suddenness of its introduction to the conversation.

“How’s that? What do you make of it?” he asked, wanting to gauge her reaction more thoroughly.

“She’s beautiful,” Blake said, drinking it in as she scanned across it, taking in every detail of the pale redhead. Her skin was so soft and delicate looking, hair a stark contrast, her dark eyes full of passion but obedience as she looked into the camera.

“She is yes,” he replied.

“Those ropes look tight, but she looks so...relaxed, comfortable you know?” Blake said, contemplating the satisfaction of the woman in the shot as she handed it back over.

“Yeah, she loved the rope bondage,” he said, taking the picture back and slotting it into the box.

“Who is she?” Blake asked.

“She’s 26, and that’s all I’m gonna tell you,” he said with a smile.

“Secret huh?” Blake asked.

“Private. Which is surely what you want? Or do you want me telling other people what I got up to with Blake Lively?” he asked, pushing her a little.

“Good point,” she conceded, looking away for a moment.

“Please, just take a look,” he said, offering the box for her to delve into. She decided to just go for it and take a chance, grabbing one of the pictures and sliding it out to reveal a beautiful, hard body black girl standing with her hands secured behind her back. A leg spreader bar was fastened between her legs, a leather collar round her neck and some kind of ring gag in her mouth, making Blake pause as she absorbed the image before sliding it back into the box and grabbing another. There were so many and the variety was huge; the girls were almost always naked, wearing some kind of bondage gear to display them or nothing but the ropes and collars of submission, their assets prominently accentuated by their constraining outfits, chosen perfectly to show off their feminine figures even if the tiny waists of some made her wince.

He just stood silently and watched as she delved hungrily through the pictures, unable to help herself as she looked at one after another, gauging her reaction to everything as she stared and drank it all in. Dan couldn’t establish very clearly what she did and didn’t like from her gaze and took it to mean that she was simply curious about all of it. Whether that meant she would enjoy experiencing it herself was another matter as people often liked watching something they would never want to experience themselves. He was sure Blake was the same and figured he’d have to discover what she wanted down the line if things went that way.

“All these women are so beautiful,” she commented as she looked through the pictures.

“Yes, they are,” he said.

“Their beauty is in more than their looks, it’s their submission isn’t it?”

“It’s the bond we built, not just their submission. I share something deeply with all the women in those pictures,” he replied.

“And I could be one of them?” she asked, turning to look at him.

“Possibly. It depends if you want to be.”

Blake continued looking through the pictures, seeing every aspect almost of what he did but realising it would never be clear, that her own experience would be entirely unique and personal to her, to them, something only they would know if she went ahead and did it. And in that thought she realised that she wanted to; she wanted to go for it, to run wild and let him train her, to show her everything from this darker, more dangerous and exciting side of sexuality, to experience it, to feel it, to know what it felt like to be owned and have a master, to be controlled so intently and fully submit to a man. He seemed like maybe he was the right person to try it with, someone that wouldn’t abuse her or take her for granted, someone wanting to build something special with her through the most intimate of sexual experiences.

“I do want to be,” she whispered, barely audible.

“What was that?” he asked. He’d heard her, hearing the break of her submission immediately, but he wanted her to say it more clearly for herself as much as him.

“I want you to train me,” she said, looking up into his eyes and speaking clearly as she took hold of herself, her want, offering herself to him.

“Are you sure?” he asked. Plenty of women backed out after their initial bravado.

“Yes, teach me,” she replied instantly, clear and intent, confident in her decision now as she gave herself to him. She was sure this would be a steep learning curve but he could have fun with her and she was sure that would sway him if he was at all unsure.

“This is not a lightweight thing, Blake,” he said slowly, raising his eyebrows to accentuate the point.

“I would be training you, not teaching you. It will be real and very intense, like nothing you’ve ever been through before.”

“Our relationship will be close,” he continued, “very close, very intimate. More so than anything else you’ve ever had.”

“This is not something to just dive into. You need to be absolutely sure,” he said, filling her silence. They stared at one another for a moment, deeply into the eyes where an agreement was born.

“I want to,” she breathed.

“Be certain,” he replied quietly.

“I am.”

“Very well,” he said after a pause, turning away from her towards his desk.

Blake watched curiously for a moment as he found a thick paper document and then turned back to her, holding it out for her to take. It was a contract of all things, clear legal writing on it that looked ever so formal.

“A contract?” she asked, wanting him to clarify it. She’d heard of such things but had never really quite believed they were real.

“Yes, a contract, which lays out clearly what we will be doing, what is covered and expected of you and obviously the privacy between us regarding that,” he said. He’d obviously repeated this many times before, she noted.

“So you want me to sign that before we go ahead?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Fine, give me a pen then and I’ll sign it right now,” she said, glancing around and reaching out towards one she saw on his desk.

“No, Blake,” he said, his voice calm and commanding, putting his hand in front of her, stopping her grabbing the pen. She stepped back again and looked at him, as if he didn’t want her to be his or something.

“As I’ve said, this is not to be taken lightly. This is not some light bondage play session or exhilarating exploration. This is a deep, intense dive into it and it’s not something you want to just commit to. I want you to take that contract away and read it, really go through every part of it and be sure that you’re ready for this and it’s what you want,” he explained.

“You won’t let me just sign it now?”

“No, please go and do your research. I want to take you through this, of course I do, but I need you to be absolutely positive.”

And that was where they left things, which was a surprise to her. She’d expected him to take her back to bed and whilst she could tell that he wanted to she was surprised and a little disappointed when he refrained. They dressed and shared a deep, soulful kiss before she left his house to a waiting cab that she’d called to take her away, back to her normal life. On the ride home she contemplated what had happened and felt the temptation pulling at her, wanting to take the contract out and read through it but she refrained, holding herself back as she knew he wanted her to, to wait so that she could look at it properly.

It took until later in the evening when she got time alone to read it, having to put it aside frustratingly when she got home to engage with her family and return to her normal routine. When Blake finally had a chance to take a breath, she relaxed and made herself a coffee, sitting down alone on her bed and pulling the contract from her bag. Her husband was away filming on location so she had the space all to herself as she settled into the pillows to read the document.

It was a very formal legal document and frankly she’d seen less well written contracts for movies and television shows she’d been involved with. She didn’t know if it was his own handiwork or whether he’d engaged a lawyer to write it, but as she read through the first page it was clear that it was legally very well structured. It had his details, name and address and so on, and then spaces for her to complete hers, asking for her legal name rather than her stage name. It made her wonder if it really needed to be so formal and binding, but then she thought over how he’d repeatedly reminded her of that fact.

Flipping past the first couple of sheets that were detailed yet straightforward legal information, she got into the detail she was waiting to see; the first page was titled “Ownership” and just seeing that title made her shiver in trepidation. Her eyes greedily read it, flicking over the page to see what it meant. Her eyes only got wider however as it immediately became clear to her just what that entailed as it clearly outlined his legal position over her should she sign the contract.

It started with a clear consent definition, indicating that throughout their exploration of bondage together she was free to refuse or take a break any time she wanted. They would have established safe words or actions should she not be in a position to speak and was free to stop proceedings if she wanted explanations or because she was uncomfortable. It detailed how BDSM was a deep trust, one of mutual respect and consent that they both agreed to and as such she was always at liberty to take a break.

Beyond that he went into his definition of her submission and what was expected of her; His hold on her would be complete and she would have no standing within their relationship to complain or refuse him apart from in the manner outlined. For all legal purposes she would be owned by him, under his control within the realm of the law. It clearly stated that it was all within the overriding law of the country, but that penalty clauses could be imposed if so chosen.

Blake tingled, squeezing her legs together as she read on, through the next section that detailed her submission to him in further detail and laid out how she would be expected to act and perform for him. It clearly stated that whilst it was a training process he wanted her to do as she was told and submit to him, his teachings, his domination of her and that her progress would be directed by a mixture of encouragement, teachings and discipline. That piqued her interest and she read avidly through the following paragraphs that outlined that, through a collection of techniques, he would punish and correct her attitude.

That would include but was not limited to spanking, caning, whipping, flogging, clamps, humiliation and essentially any form of physical or emotional pain he wanted. She was to do as she was told or face the consequences. Her heart was racing as she took it all in, realising she’d been holding her breath as she gasped; it was all so intense but frustratingly proper, laid out before her as some sort of training course. A course that was making her clit tingle, shifting as she felt how wet she was getting, unable to refrain from letting her hand slide down and under her waistband teasingly.

It went on to expand on how her duties weren’t simply sexual and that she was not merely a bedroom plaything. Her subservience would be put to work as he saw fit which could include things such as maid work or maintenance, of what she wasn’t sure but she was convinced her duties would still remain largely in the bedroom...or dungeon. It also alluded to her being ordered to perform sexually for people other than him at his request, which made her heart surge as she didn’t know what that really meant but knew it could mean she was having sex with more people than just him, if he so chose. The bottom line was that she would be expected to do as she was told, the overall theme clear, and serve him as she was ordered to. She told herself that was something well within her grasp, though he’d assured her that she would take significant training to achieve it.

Her clothing, all outfits both of the kinky variety and her normal clothes would be dictated by him if he chose. The document went on to detail that all her measurements would be taken in detail to allow custom made clothing to be designed for her by his own chosen suppliers, which she assumed to be fetish places that specialised in that sort of thing. On top of that he had opinion over her daily clothing if he wanted it and could order certain outfits, restrict her wearing certain items or demand she wore toys while she wasn’t with him. To go with the clothing he also had direct say over her style of pubic hair and how she maintained herself, wanting control of her physique and appearance beyond the clothing. Blake’s hand had pushed down her jeans now and her fingers were playing slowly yet firmly over her labia, unable to resist now as she imagined him taking control of her and demanding she went commando or spanked her for playing up.

She gave a groan of pleasure, stifling herself in sudden yet unwarranted embarrassment as a blush spread across her cheeks as the next heading of “Bondage & Restraint”  passed before her eyes. It went into details of how he would restrict her movement how and when he wanted to and the devices he might use to do that. It started with things he might use on her in bed such as handcuffs, ribbons, ropes, chains, belts and straps which was all things she might have expected but then expanded into specific bondage set ups such as benches, stocks, suspension from frames or the ceiling. The contract detailed a variety of heavier items that could be used such as fixed metal shackles and cuffs and imprisonment using things such as a cage.

Blake had barely noticed it but her fingers were moving rapidly now, a mind of their own as she used all her conscious focus on taking in the contract, finding herself rereading passages of it as she struggled to take it all in. She knew she’d never remember everything she was potentially about to agree to and would have to check back if anything happened she wasn’t sure about, though he didn’t seem like someone that would step outside the specific agreement they might make. She gasped wantonly as her fingers worked vigorously at her clit, eyes drinking in the words as it went into the sexual acts that were expected of her.
They were detailed and expansive, covering just about everything she could think of. Through their training together he expected her to give blowjobs that included everything from tongue work and teeth to deep throating intently in whatever manner he wanted, swallowing and facials. He would fuck her in every possible manner, every position, training her into anything he pleased and his contract reeled off a list of positions, half of which she’d never heard of. On top of that, he dictated that he would have anal sex with her; it made her blood chill for a second and a flush of exhilaration and fear hit her. She didn’t like anal sex, having tried it before, but the contract left no wiggle room on that and it was clear that, if she signed the contract, he was gonna fuck her in the ass.

It only made her hornier, gasping hard now as she contemplated it, being tied up and rendered helpless only to get fucked in the ass, perhaps the pain of it biting at her but finding an enjoyment in it, some as yet unknown pleasure...and the satisfaction of submission. She fantasized for a moment before focusing her eyes and continuing, reading through the part that stated clearly there would be no protection used and they would both submit to whatever medical requirements before initiating their relationship. She snorted a little to herself, figuring it was a bit late for that given they’d fucked that afternoon and he’d emptied his balls deep inside her...and she’d loved every second of it.

On top of all of if that the contract stated that he would be free to take whatever photographs and videos of her that he pleased. They would all be held for his own private collection and it went into legal detail about his usage of the images and where she might have a case against him if they were shared anywhere. Frankly she figured she’d have bigger problems than that if they were leaked but it still excited her to know that there would be photos of her in her kinkiest, and most vulnerable, state where she was being used as a bondage fuck doll essentially. She knew the contract didn’t state that but it was the basic gist of things. The contract went into much more detail, covering every possible aspect of his control of her body and what he might potentially do with it, but by then she was trembling on the bed and breathing hard.

Blake lost herself to the pleasure of her climax, unable to help herself now after holding back as she’d read through the contract. The legal agreement threatened to bind her completely in servitude to him for a sexual nature and in exchange she would be properly trained on how to perform that role for him, the section about his responsibility to her following on from what he expected her to do. It was a blur that she read up on after focusing on her imminent orgasm. She dropped the contract and her head onto the opulent bed as she fingered herself hard and fast, knowing how to get herself off as she danced her fingertip around her clit to bring on an intense, shuddering climax.

She quaked intently, far more than usual as the huge orgasm crashed over her soul, making her arch up from the bed as her muscles contracted and trembled. Blake bit hurriedly into the covers to muffle her wail of pure ecstasy as she shook at the body-controlling pleasure, jolting with every irresistible touch of her clit, the sensitive nerve endings desperate for a break even as her wants made her continue to brush over them to sustain the peak. She writhed in ecstasy for a few moments  before giving a few final jolts and falling still on the bed, breathing hard, heat spreading through her body as she bubbled over and gasped in the wake of it with her head spinning.

Recovering, she picked the contract up again and resumed her reading, feeling more calm and collected as she pressed on with it. She went through all of his obligations to her, understanding what he was promising her and the evident security of it, knowing this contract put him in a legal position, much as it did her, for how he should treat her. Blake stopped and thought about it, really letting her mind consider it for a few minutes before she came to the conclusion she had in the first place – she was going to sign it. She just knew it, even if she didn’t quite want to admit it to herself yet, knowing her pride was somewhat stopping her.

With her decision made, well affirmed as it hadn’t changed since she’d first contemplated it, she mused over some of the things he’d defined in the contract and just what she knew about them. With some she had an idea, others none at all and resolved to do some research on the subject. She knew perhaps it was the worst place to do real research but, with no other options, she flicked onto her tablet and started searching for some of the things he’d named. She fell down a rabbit hole as she looked into bondage and discipline, seeing the domination of girls she imagined to be herself as her hand pushed down her jeans again. The evening faded away as she furiously fingered herself to what she saw, mind racing even as she was scared by some of it, wondering how she might cope if he did it to her.

It wasn’t if, she knew – it was when.

* * *

Blake resolved to wait until the following day to sign the contract, wanting to sleep on it and be absolutely sure as he’d said. She wasn’t sure they needed the contract as she was already doing what he told her to.

In the morning her position hadn’t changed and she laid the contract out on her table to sign it. With a slight shake in her hand, she paused and pushed her long hair back over her ear as she stared at the illicit contract. She grit her teeth, decision made and pressed the pen to the paper to sign her full, legal name of Blake Ellender Brown. Taking a deep breath to quell her pumping heart, she calmed down before turning to the back pages where he had helpfully included an area for specific clauses. She wrote down in the box provided that she wanted complete restriction on this relationship to be between them with absolutely no contact outside of it unless otherwise agreed.

Essentially it meant he could not, by agreeing to the terms, interfere with her marriage or life outside their bondage entanglements. Although it was mentioned earlier she wanted it absolutely clear, she simply couldn’t afford it. With her notes and requests written down she gave it a few moments to dry then closed the contract, taking a breath and putting it back into her bag. She intended to get ready for the day and then go and see him.

Later that morning, approaching noon, she pulled up at his place in a cab once more. She didn’t want to bring a car in case she was recognised or followed and this was just easier. Dan had told her he was available so she paid her driver and got out, not sure if he knew who she was. If he did, he didn’t comment on it. It pulled away as she walked up to his front door and rung the bell, still a little surprised at how normal the neighbourhood was as she heard footsteps.

“Blake,” he smiled, opening the door and then welcoming her into his home once again.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, stepping inside and looking around again to take it in, sure she wouldn’t have done it properly the day before.

“How’s things?” he said, locking the door behind her as she pulled her sunglasses off and slid her bag off her shoulder.

“Good, going good,” she said, stumbling somewhat as she was in close proximity to Dan once more, the handsome silver fox that so imminently proposed to turn her sex life upside down.

“That’s good,” he said, remaining calm and cool. It frustrated her no end that he, an average guy, wasn’t the least bit tense but she was, a famous actress used to being scrutinised and photographed everywhere she went.

“So have you thought about the contract?”

“Wow, straight to it huh?” she laughed.

“I’m direct, and let’s not pretend you came here for anything else,” he smiled.

“True,” she conceded.

“So do you want to sign it, or have you decided against it and come here out of courtesy?” he asked.

“That’d be a bit of a raw deal, wouldn’t it?” she said with a raise of her eyebrows.

“You could say that, if I was a kid. I’m a professional, and frankly I’d merely appreciate the courtesy,” he shrugged. Cool and calm to the end it seemed. Blake was both irritated yet turned on by it, somehow knowing that her usual powers of fame would not work here.

“Well, I’m not backing out,” she said, looking him in the eyes.

“Good,” he replied, a knowing smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

“But I do have a few things we have to agree first.”

“Sure, let’s see them,” he replied, stepping through to his dining room and a waiting table where he invited her to present her contract.

“This isn’t a problem?” she asked, even though she knew surely it wouldn’t be given he’d literally provided an area within the contract to make comments.

“Of course not. I need us both to be comfortable and in agreement within the contract. I know everybody has their own lives, responsibilities and pressures...especially someone such as yourself,” he finished.

“I appreciate that,” she said, and she genuinely did as she took the contract out for him and laid it on the table.

“Blake Ellender Brown?” he said with a smile, since he’d never actually heard her real name.

“Shut up,” she said with a slight laugh; it’d been so long since anyone other than her family had used her full name. Everyone had used Lively for years now and it might as well be her real name.

“Let’s have a look then,” he said as he turned to the back to look at her comments. She stood silently as he took in her notes, taking his time to review them as she nervously waited for him.

“This is all perfectly reasonable,” he said, looking up to her.

“Really?” she blurted out, somehow expecting her demands to be refused.

“Of course. I don’t want to interfere with your personal life, as I wouldn’t want you to try and interfere with mine.”

“Good,” she said after a pause, their agreement clear. He took a couple of minutes to copy her comments onto his version of the contract then presented them side by side, one signed by her, the other by him.

“Ok, so is that all?” he asked.

“Yeah, that was it,” she said.

“Are you sure?” he said after a pause.

“What? Of course,” she replied hurriedly, as if he were testing her.

“It’s a fair question. Be honest about this, Blake. Are you sure?”

“Of course, why would I be here otherwise?” she replied.

“Pride? Some sense of commitment? I don’t know. What I do know is I’ve had girls do this for the wrong reasons and it never works out,” he said.


“So when I ask you if you’re sure, think about it, be sure,” he said. She contemplated it, taking in what he’d said and giving it a final consideration.

“I’m sure.”

“Last chance,” he said after a pause, giving her a final half opportunity to withdraw.

“I’m sure, let’s do this,” she said, taking a deep breath and looking him straight in the eyes. He smiled and simply slid her his contract to sign as he took hers and did the same. She scribbled her signature onto the paper and they exchanged, making it so they held the copies each other had signed.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said, offering her hand to shake.

“It will be, Miss Lively,” he replied with a smile, raising her hand to plant a kiss on it.

“So, what happens now?” she asked as the moment passed, wondering how things were supposed to progress at this point.

“Now, you go to the bedroom,” he replied simply.

“Right now?” she asked, a little taken aback. His tone had shifted, a subtle change that she would later realise she’d be hearing much more of.

“Yes, Blake. Do as you’re told,” he said with a slight smile, knowing he had already revealed her disobedience, the one Blake swore wouldn’t be an issue. It was somewhat of a trick but still amused him, and embarrassed her somewhat as she blushed a little.

“Ok,” she said, turning and heading for the stairs, getting a few steps up before a hard slap landed on her ass to make her gasp, in shock as much as anything else.

“That’s Yes, Sir,” he instructed her pointedly; Blake looked back down at him with a smile, almost a giggle at it but saw the focused expression on his face and immediately turned away, looking back up the stairs as her heart squeezed. It was real now, actually happening and that made her both excited and scared, new experiences awaiting her.

“End of the hall,” he instructed, in case she’d forgotten or was at a loss momentarily.

“O...yes sir,” she said quietly, trying it on; It felt odd to answer him in such a way, something she’d never done before but it was alright. It made her feel immediately like a part of her new life, well...if she took it that far. She stepped into the bedroom again, the one where just the day prior she’d been on her back and subjected to a very enjoyable fucking. Blake shoved the contract into her bag and stood it aside, figuring she wasn’t exactly going to be needing it before turning back to him.

“What now?” she asked innocently, eyes wide.

“Now, you’re going to be silent,” he replied sternly. Blake stared at him, their eyes locked on one another as she followed his order, her first moment of obedience as he pulled her forward a little to stand clear of the bed frame behind her. He stood back and checked her out, his eyes roaming freely yet deliberately over her as he took her all in, from her dirty blonde hair to her Louboutins, wearing her trademark footwear as usual.

“Your safe word for now will simply be “stop”. If you call out we will stop. We can agree another one after this,” he said.

“Ok,” she breathed, briefly wondering what word they could agree, losing her focus. Dan appreciated her curves as she drifted for a moment, displayed simply in a close black jumper and a pair of tight jeans, pulled snugly over the strength and tone of her thighs. She was tall at 5’10, even taller in her expensive high heels though still a couple of inches shorter than him; that made her feel small, weak almost, that she was dressed in her killer heels yet he still stood over her, not to mention his physique that gave her the sense that he could both dominate yet protect her.

“Turn around,” he commanded, gentle yet clearly in charge, Blake able to sense the quiet power to his voice. She did as instructed and spun around for him on the rug, pausing so he could look at her, knowing he was staring at her ass and just giving him the time.

“Grab the bed.”

“Why?” she asked, chiding herself immediately for talking back and not taking the simple order.

“Because I told you to.”

The instruction was clear so she leaned over and grabbed the rail, feeling the cold metal beneath her hands as she gripped it. Blake knew what he wanted to see and arched her back, curving her body to push her ass out for him and present herself.

“Good girl,” he playfully noted, making her smile to herself, feeling silly but a little proud at doing what he asked. It was somewhat surreal and she didn’t quite know what to make of it all, knowing this was just the beginning and he wasn’t going to throw her off the deep end after all.

“Stand up, turn round,” he ordered, which Blake complied with smartly to stand in front of him again. He stepped closer to her, her pulse increasing a little simply from not knowing what would happen next. Dan paused before reaching out and pressing his hands to her ribs, under her arms and onto the sides of her full breasts. She dared not speak as he squeezed and then ran his hands slowly down her, taking in the pinch of her waist, her womanly figure as they trailed down over her hips to the widest part of her pelvis and the tops of her thighs. As his hands pulled back up they hooked her jumper and peeled it smoothly up her body, revealing her toned tummy and then the dark blue lace of her bra.

She’d made an effort with her underwear, aiming to be more appealing for him than she was the previous day after the photo shoot, so had a matching dark blue lace set on. It consisted of a balconette style bra and thong, the lace sheer with embroidered design that left little to the imagination. She’d worn it for him, even though she hadn’t known that he’d actually see it and may have worn it for nothing but right now she was glad that she had as he revealed her bra and gorgeous boobs nestled into it. Without hesitating she raised her arms and allowed him to roll the jumper smoothly over her head, peeling it off and throwing it aside with her bag.

Without a word he stood before her, staring into her eyes as his hands reached down for a full, firm squeeze of her breasts, gripping her easily to make her mumble in sensation, his touch rough but somehow right, making her feel like his plaything. She held his gaze then looked away, feeling his dominance, not wanting to challenge him as he took a harder squeeze of her chest to make her wince a little before his hands slid down over her toned tummy, fingers curling round her sides as they found their way to the tight waistband of her jeans. He reached down inside the snug denim, his digits just teasing their way down over her hot, silky skin and over the front of her lacy panties with one hand as his other yanked firmly to release the button.

Blake gave a slight gasp, not sure that she should but so turned on as he just handled and treated her now as his, his living doll to pose and play with. He yanked the zip down and then pushed her jeans off her curvy hips with both hands, peeling them open almost as they yielded around her gorgeous body. With another stern push he drove them down her thighs and revealed her sexy matching panties, looking down with a smile as he took her in. Though he’d seen her the day before it was still delicious to peel Blake Lively’s pants off and he took a moment to savour it, loving her dark landing strip barely concealed by the sheer material.

“Shoes off,” he commanded, stepping back out of her way. She fumbled to obey, jeans hampering her movements as she quickly pushed her feet out of the shoes and kicked them aside, stumbling awkwardly in her haste to do what he wanted. With them out of the way, she sank onto her heels, rug beneath her toes now as she was inches shorter than she had been and feeling even more overwhelmed now as she felt the carpet beneath her long feet.

“Jeans off,” he ordered, exactly as before. Figuring it made no difference now, she reached down and shoved the tight denim over her knees, bending to fumble them off over her ankles before treading them down and kicking them aside to leave her in just her underwear. She felt shy, on display now as she stood before him, bending her knee up as she squeezed her legs together and put her arm across her chest.

“Arms by your sides,” he said, waiting as she reluctantly dropped them. She didn’t know why she was nervous, she was very confident of her body, something she worked hard for and spent hours keeping in shape. He checked her out, making a signal with his hand for her to spin around for him which she dutifully did, slowly turning to show herself off and let him see the blue thong pulled tightly up her ass.

“Very nice, now stay,” he said as she faced away from him, making her immediately stop. He reached out and without a warning flicked her bra strap undone, letting the lace drop loose around her body, allowing her gorgeous C-cups to spill out.

It slid down her arms and she flinched, resisting the urge to instinctively remove it; she would normally but held back, controlling herself as she waited for instruction, knowing he was in control and wouldn’t want her to take the initiative. He was pleased to see her restrain herself and pause, loving how unsure she was even as she worked to refrain for him, running his hands down her back to the elastic of her sexy thong. His fingers hooked into it and he took a moment to pull it away from her body, stretching it a little before pulling it up tighter into her pussy; it made her gasp before he yanked them down her legs.

The sheer underwear pooled around her feet to leave her essentially naked as he ordered her to stand back up and face him, stepping out of her underwear as he pulled the bra off her wrists and casually threw it aside. Blake stood naked before him, completely revealed and awaiting his decisions; she wasn’t shy now, knowing there was no reason or point in being so, simply stood naked before him as his submissive, his newest conquest. She didn’t admit that to herself though, still somehow subconsciously feeling like it was her idea or that she was in charge, there was a way out if she chose. There was of course, a safe word that released her, but that would be admitting defeat or weakness.

“On your knees.”

The order and intention were clear, Blake pausing for the briefest moment before getting down to her knees on the rug and focusing her mind. She was intent on giving him the best blowjob she could, wanting it to be the best he’d ever had though she knew that would be a stretch as he undid his trousers and let his already hard cock free. He’d been very aroused by her immediate submission, following orders and doing as she was told, not to mention her gorgeous body and sexy underwear. Blake was so well prepared and presented for him, that was a turn on without a doubt and it helped to make his cock strain in readiness for her.

“Mm all ready,” she breathed, heart immediately jolting as she wasn’t sure she should had said anything at all. He hadn’t ordered her specifically not to speak however. He let it slide, loving her excitement, clearly loving how he was turned on by her and ready to get straight on with it. Without room for another word he pushed forward and slipped his cock into her mouth, Blake obediently letting him in and enveloping his stiff manhood in liquid heat. He groaned a little with pleasure to let her know he liked what she was doing as her tongue swirled in the velvet heat of her mouth, feeling the technique she’d applied the day before as she reached up to grasp his hips, stabilising herself as she started bobbing her head quickly.

His cock stroked over her tongue as it pushed into her mouth, to the back but not into her throat as she rocked back and forth, pushing it up against him, curling it to press the tip in beneath his sensitive head. Dan’s hand slid into her dirty blonde hair and twisted through the dark roots, holding her firmly even as he let her continue doing her thing. She turned her head to suck noisily along him with her lips, hurriedly stimulating him as effectively as she could, switching from that to bury him into her velvet cheek to feel the softness that was so similar to her sweet pussy that she was sure he’d plunder shortly.

“Hands down,” he ordered abruptly, shaking her from her concentration sucking his cock; she started and hesitated for a moment, then took her hands away from him as she was told, pressing them to his legs as she resumed fellating him. Blake kept working her head, body rocking more as she powered herself forward onto his cock, flicking her tongue up the sides of his shaft. It was for nothing though as his other hand pushed through her hair and took hold of her head, taking charge and wasting no time in pushing deeply into her throat. His bulbous head shoved over the back of her tongue and made her gag, catching her off guard as he drove into her.

He loved the feel of her constricting and pushing him out, exquisite around his tip. Her blowjob was nice, she knew what she was doing, but right now he didn’t care for it. He’d had it the day before and now he wanted to test her out, to find her limits and triggers.

He let her choke for a moment, collecting herself before he shoved himself back into her mouth roughly, hands gripping her head tightly as his fingers twisted in her hair. It was an abrupt change for Blake, something she hadn’t been expecting and that sudden switch made her go with it, swept along by his energy as she tried not to fight him. Her eyes streamed and tingled as she squeezed them shut, body heaving powerfully as she gagged on his thick prick driving into her throat, way beyond what she could handle as he tried to fit it all into her.

He didn’t try and cajole or order her, simply silent, holding her dominantly. It wasn’t excessively tight or forceful but she knew he had her, holding her head effortlessly to restrain her as he tipped it back and tried to bury himself into her. He was fast, then slow, rough before using more gentle but increasing power to try and drive past her gag reflex. He couldn’t break her, though she imagined he could if he wanted to and simply chose not to on this occasion, which was actually true. Dan knew how to get into her throat, to force her muscles to let him pass, but for right now he decided there was little point. There would be abundant time to train Blake to deep throat like a champion fuck toy later on.

He relaxed and spent a minute fucking her mouth, letting her get back under control and attack him with her tongue again as he rocked her head to rub himself into her velvet cheeks and across her lips for a moment before he pulled himself out. Dan released her and she sagged forward onto her hands, breathing deeply and wiping her face; guys didn’t treat her the way he just had and it both angered and excited her, loving how rough he was, how he just took what he wanted.

“Up,” he commanded after giving her a moment to recover and doing his trousers up, grabbing her wrist to direct her as she fumbled her big feet underneath her and pushed up from the rug, standing only for him to turn her to the bed.

“Hold the rail.”

Blake did as she was told, leaning over, feeling the tears still seeping down her face as she watched him take a brief pause, a lull in the tempo, to open a drawer and pull out lengths of silk scarves. They were made of a deep purple silk, smooth and delicate looking despite their strength that made them ideal for what he intended. He turned back to her and raised a scarf, seeing her expectant eyes, a gaze of curiosity and trepidation.

“Stand up.”

Blake did as she was told without releasing the rail, not even realising she was subconsciously following orders as he stepped around behind her; she was worried he might pull it around her neck, trusting him but unsure how she might react if he went that way. She was relieved when he didn’t, grabbing her hips and pushing her forwards against the foot rail of the bed to stand as he’d ordered, the cold metal pressing into the soft skin of her thighs as she gave a loud gasp and her skin prickled, twisting away from the railing instinctively.

“Stay,” he commanded firmly, grasping her and pressing her back to the steel, making her whine and shake a little as it spread through her, relieved as the bite of it relented and dissipated across her skin. The tall blonde did as ordered and held still as he crouched down behind her and took one of the silk scarves, sliding it round her smooth leg and through the railings of the bed. Blake looked down to watch him, fascinated by the well practiced and skilful motion of his hands as he swiftly secured her leg to the railings. It wrapped and twined around her all the way up the back of her calf muscle, over her knee and up the back of her powerful thigh to bind her to the bed.

It felt strange but interesting to be bound to the bed, not too tight or constricting, like perhaps she could slide out of it if she wanted to, though she didn’t try. She just stood as his obedient toy while he restrained her other leg in the same way to leave her tied to the bed, restricted completely before he picked up another scarf. She expected him to pull her hands behind her as Dan stepped to her again but was caught off guard as he suddenly pulled it over her head, covering her eyes to blindfold her before tying it behind her head, making her take a deep breath. It felt a little weighty, almost cumbersome as the ends of it flapped excessively over her bare shoulders, now rendered blind as she stood holding the bed.

Now she realised she was at his mercy as he pulled a hand off the frame and tied another scarf around her wrist, Blake feeling the smooth, sensuous silk glide over her skin yet firmly knot around her. She hadn’t even heard him move around the room, unexpected speed bringing the next item of bondage. Dan knew his knots and secured her in a manner than wouldn’t let the scarves tighten if she pulled; she was completely restrained by it, unable to loosen it or wriggle out, but it couldn’t draw up tighter and compress her wrist which eliminated the risk of nerve damage or numbness. He left the scarf tied to her draped on the bed, pausing to repeat the same trick on her other wrist so she was stood with them on her arms.

Grabbing them, he pulled firmly forwards, Blake letting her arms out to follow before she realised he wasn’t going to stop, mumbling in concern that she was about to fall forwards, forgetting that she was restrained at her legs and couldn’t slip over. It would take some getting used to after all and he could tell this was her first bondage session, at least one that was any more than some playful handcuffs when on her back. He drew her over the bed and stretched her out to reach towards the headrail, Blake’s lithe body beautifully defined as she reached out to her full length; he made her wait a moment with one hand as he pulled the scarf around the headrail, silk pulling tightly over the steel bars to stretch her out as he drew it up firmly to just test her a little bit, knotting it robustly to hold her in place.

“Ok, Blake?” he checked, since she hadn’t said a word and he was concerned maybe she was holding back on saying her safe word. It was a common thing he found, that someone didn’t want to break the moment or interrupt things by using their safe word despite being uncomfortable because they weren’t yet comfortable in the relationship. It was all brand new, after all.

“Yeah,” she breathed, remaining calm even at the pull of the bondage. It had started tamely but now seemed more serious and she was just taking it in.

“Remember your safe word. You’re free to use it any time,” he reminded her.

“Yes sir,” she said after a pause, affirming it and showing the respect she knew he wanted. She still had trouble imagining that their dynamic had changed so suddenly but it had, the ink barely dry on their contract had seen to that. He wasted no further time in securing her other arm in the same way to stretch her out over the bed, suspended above the sheets as he pulled her body in tension between the head and foot rails, not that she could see it through her blindfold. He stepped back around her and enjoyed the sight of her displayed for him, restrained and rendered helpless, her gorgeous breasts hanging firmly below her chest, lovely round ass pushed out for him to admire, to plunder.

Instead he chose to stimulate and excite her, to ease her nerves with pleasure as he positioned himself behind her and slid down to his knees, drawing his hands over her hips and down the sides of her gorgeous ass as he did. Blake breathed quicker, wondering what he was doing, her senses heightened by the blindfold as he squeezed her bum and spread it apart to reveal her tight asshole and lovely juicy pussy. She held her breath as he surveyed her and then dove into drag his tongue straight up from her clit to her asshole, his tongue delving into the slick pink folds and splitting the plump lips before pulling over the tight ring of her anus.

Blake shuddered powerfully, feeling the tingle spread across her like her skin was tightening over her skeleton, pulling back at the scarves around her wrists, quaking hands trembling then closing over the fabric as he wasted no time in repeating his motion. A few of those got her going, melting like butter at his hot touch, his tongue dancing up her silky slit as she writhed and rolled her hips under his ministrations. He dragged his tongue up her and then circled her asshole, making her groan at the first time she’d had ever had her tightest hole licked and teased, spending a few seconds at it before he pressed it at the centre and pushed it into her ever so slowly.

Blake didn’t know how to respond but she knew she didn’t want him to stop as he probed her anus, feeling the alien sensation of something penetrating her anally but she wanted to go with it, feeling him drive into her just enough to open her up before frustratingly withdrawing. It made her growl but then groan as he applied himself to her clit, tongue flicking under her to stimulate her button. She rolled her hips back into him, pushing her pussy between her legs to give him optimum access to her sensitive body, wanting the ultimate sensation. He didn’t disappoint her and buried his face in her ass to work his tongue over her clit firmly, tip of his tongue probing this way and that, circling and swiping at her as her juices leaked into his mouth.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped, immediately knowing she had broken his orders though she was pleased to find he didn’t stop or punish her. Dan decided to let it go, wanting her to enjoy this as he worked his tongue at her. Pulling back from her clit, he teased up her labia before sinking himself into her, lips yielding easily to let his tongue probe deeply into her body. He felt her muscles squeeze at him, so hot and horny that she loved every touch and effort he gave, his tongue so powerful, pulsing and undulating inside her, almost feeling the ripples of it as it surged and swelled. He upped the tempo and pulled back to flick over her asshole again, enjoying the fact that she clearly liked it, gasping and pushing back into him as he again probed at it, just easing it open before yanking away again to tease her.

He decided to finish it and shoved his tongue back to her clit, turning it up to eleven now as his skilful muscle danced and flicked at it furiously, mixing slow moments with bursts of energy as the tip pressed firmly into her most sensitive spot. Blake wailed helplessly in pleasure as it built up, unable to stop him, unwilling to protest, his tongue circling her, this way and that, rotating around her then stroking across her clit in all directions. It took only a few further seconds of that attention to make her pop, her orgasm rushing up on her quickly and overtaking her, her body shaking after a tight tense up that just burst into immense pleasure.

He kept licking to sustain her climax for a few seconds as she kicked and bucked, legs fighting the bondage as she pulled back against the scarves on the headrail, straining the bed as she cried out in ecstasy until he stopped licking her, withdrawing as her peak faded to leave her breathing heavily over the bed as he stood up. Dan walked around to the drawers again as she took a moment to recover, pulling out a leather flogger and heading back over behind her where she stood prone, vulnerable.

He laid the flogger aside and ran his hands over her ass, feeling her clench and relax as he rubbed her a moment before laying a firm smack on her. Blake had been playfully smacked before, what girl hadn’t, but she’d never been spanked like this, in some proper way like he was about to. Dan stood confidently and laid his hand on her back, pushing her down a little to arch properly and assume the position for him, getting her into the right place and then smacking her firmly, making her jiggle and murmur. He gave her a second then repeated it, hitting the other cheek with the same intensity, letting her process it. It was a slap, barely a sting, nothing she had a problem with.

He wasn’t focused on giving her an enjoyable spanking however as his intention was to test her limits and see how much she could handle, so he hit her again, harder this time, getting a similar reaction. Dan spanked her repeatedly, hitting both sides of her ass, building up the pace, the pressure, getting harder and more painful for her. Her booty jiggled gorgeously, shaking sexily as his hand landed on her, her mumbles and slight gasps of pleasure and enjoyment turning into rasps and then growls through her teeth of pain as the bite stung at her. Her skin turned red and she clenched more, pulling forwards against the foot rail as she tried to resist as much as her bindings would let her.

He could tell she was at her limit, having worked on enough women to read them well, so stopped spanking her and picked up the flogger. Different types of physical stimulation hit with different feelings so after she took a moments break he flicked it out and then landed it across her ass. She gasped, wincing a little as the tip flicked out and caught her, the sting sharper but somehow thinner, dissipating faster as he started flogging her. She breathed deeply and took it, a different sensation to the spanking as the leather strands landed across her ass in a cacophony of little slaps and bites, tingling her in a curious manner of pleasure and pain. She’d never had this before and it somehow felt good, submissive and relaxing, but conversely felt exactly as she’d expected. His intensity increased, ramping up the energy again until his blows shook her and expelled a cry of pain from her lungs.

She never told him to stop, never begged for mercy even though she’d rather have it, wanting to be the submissive she’d promised she could be even as her skin burned and she wondered how she would sit down. Dan could read her however and knew she was reaching her limit, deciding that attempting a cane would be far too much for her and that he’d found her pain threshold...or near enough. Delivering a final swat with the flogger that was just a bit too much for her, he threw it aside as she gave a howl and clenched hard, gasping and shaking as she felt the pain chew at her soul momentarily before dissipating. It was over, but her ass was a deep red colour and she wasn’t going to forget this introduction to discipline.

“Very good,” he said, commending her and reinforcing her submission, proud of her for enduring so far. She had done quite well after all and certainly seemed to have the makings of a good submissive. Time would tell however, and he just continued with his intended programme as he undid his trousers to release his rock hard prick once more. His hand slid to her hip as his other guided his manhood to her waiting pussy; without hesitation he was inside her, wasting no time and burying his hot, hard cock deep into her as she grunted hard, taken faster and deeper than she was ready for despite her arousal. His cock surged deeply into her and with just his second stroke, that he drew back and plunged into her powerfully, he drove his bulging head against her cervix to sink completely inside her.

He took hold of her hips and settled his feet, gripping her bound body tightly and starting to fuck firmly. Dan wasn’t making love to her, not relishing or taking time with her sweet pussy as he had before or she might expect, he was fucking her. His hips thrust against her in a hard, fast rhythm as his cock plunged into her over and over, starting with longer, slower thrusts to slide his whole length in and out of her that devolved into harder, faster thrusts as his hips slammed against her stinging ass. Blake groaned at the assault of his body, the power and pace of him completely different to how she normally got screwed, bound and unable to get away as he took her primally.

His cock pulsed and twitched inside her, taking every sensation her squeezing vagina had to offer, so hot and snug around him, her velvet walls wet and inviting as he plundered the gorgeous actress. Pulling his hand over her, he pulled her ass apart again and drove his thumb down to her tight asshole, feeling the strong muscle tense beneath his touch as she mumbled. He worked at it a moment and then pressed into her, splitting her ass open and quite forcefully delving his thumb into her ass, fighting her resistance. Blake entertained it for a moment then pulled forward a bit with a mumble, sphincter squeezing tightly as she expelled him; she wasn’t a fan of anal clearly, that was something he was going to have to train into her. Ignoring it, he grabbed her intently once more and started pounding himself into her harder.

She grunted and groaned as she was fucked, bed shaking beneath her, senses heightened from the blindfold as his hard breathing and infused growls told her he was close, that her body was doing the business for him. Dan had impressive stamina and could keep going longer if he wanted, it was something he’d spent years training himself to do, but right now he didn’t need to and just wanted to enjoy Blake. He loved the stimulating squeezes and ripples of her muscles, her evident enjoyment, her overwhelmed gasping as his hips slammed against her red booty. He held onto her hard and gave her a final few seconds of intense fucking, making her give a shuddering wail of overwhelmed pleasure that made his cock jump before he suddenly pulled back out of her to leave her gasping wantonly.

He laid a smack on her ass while she shook and wished he was still inside her, leaning over the bed and yanking her blindfold up off her head to leave her blinking at the brightness she was suddenly subjected to. With her state of confusion magnified he used the opportunity to step round and hop on the bed beside her, standing over her and grabbing a hard handful of her hair to wrench her up to him as he stroked himself furiously with the other. Blake could hardly work out what was going on for a couple of seconds as he jerked off and grunted deeply, aiming himself to her and then letting a huge spurt of come eject onto her pretty face.

Blake gasped gutturally and shook, the shock of it hitting her harder than the physical sensation as he wrenched her tighter, making her wince as her hair twisted in her scalp, dominating her and almost tempting her to beg him for mercy as he gave several deep, primal grunts of release, his load bursting onto her face with every one to leave thick, hot streaks of him over her soft skin as her twisted her head to the side. They cooled as they covered her cheek, forehead and lips, one running into her eye as she gasped heavily at her first proper facial; she’d never let guys do this and to have it done now without question, without need for permission only made it hotter...especially as she kind of enjoyed it.

With a final squeeze of himself and a wipe of his thick head over her chin he released her, letting her sag as he stepped back off the bed. Blake pulled against the scarves and breathed intently, feeling it sliding down her gorgeous face where she couldn’t help letting her tongue probe out to take a taste of his thick, salty load. Dan smiled as he took a moment to stare at her, head down and fucked out, exhausted from their first quick session together; it was to be expected, it was always a roller coaster of emotions that first time, without structure and discipline, without training. She’d done well though and he was pleased as he gave her a second to relax in her bondage.

They both took a breather in the aftermath, Dan making her wait as he sat down and rested, enjoying that he now had Blake Lively to play with. It was certainly unexpected, something he’d never have even imagined, and so he wanted to drink it in. After a couple of minutes however he decided to be kind to her and let her free, standing and stepping to the bed, reaching for the head rail to release the smooth, silky scarves and allow her to lean gratefully down. She carefully stood up, back stiff from being bent over so long as he grabbed a tissue and handed it to her to wipe her face with.

Blake cleaned up as he easily released the bondage at her legs, his technique and skill such that he’d bound her securely without making it complex, allowing him to easily release her. He always started this way with bondage as it was a lot less threatening or overwhelming to be bound with silky scarves than ropes or chains as might be expected. She murmured in relief as he unwound them from round her legs, leaving a light pattern up her skin as she stepped back from the bed on the rug, turning and sitting against the foot rail with a deep sigh, looking up with a slight smile at the end of her first proper bondage session, light though it had been.

“All good?” he asked with a smile.

“Yeah,” she replied quietly, flicking her eyebrows. They both knew it was the start of a journey and would only get tougher from there on out. He took a moment to grab a large white gown from the back of the door, fluffy and comforting, stepping back to her and urging her forwards to he could slide it around her shoulders.

“What’s this for? I’m not cold,” she said curiously.

“After care. This can all get a bit much and it’s to give you a comfortable recovery afterward. I’m not saying it will always happen, but it can so this is all part of me taking care of you afterwards,” he said.

“That’s nice,” she smiled, genuinely pleased at how thoughtful it seemed as he wrapped her in the gown before disappearing out of the room. He returned a minute later with a glass of orange juice, urging her to drink.

“The sweetness will help you stabilise if it hits you.”

“Thanks,” she said as she sipped the full, crisp juice, enjoying the cold edge. She was pleased at how thorough he was, clearly intent on taking care of her, certainly as much as physically enjoying her body.

“Another thing I want you to read about is something called sub drop,” he said, looking into her eyes.

“Sub drop?”

“Yeah, it’s something that can happen after an intense session. It won’t hit right away, it’s usually the day afterwards or later, it can really pull you down and make you feel shit,” he said.

“Really? I hadn’t heard of that,” she said, but then, what had she heard of?

“It can be a big deal and it hits some people harder than others. I want you to research that so you know some of the symptoms and signs of it. You will likely get it at some time through this.”

“Ok, I’ll read up,” she replied.

“Good, and of course you can call me any time to discuss this, you know that right?” he clarified.

“Yeah, and I will if I need to,” she said, acknowledging their intimate relationship, well the intent of it.

“You can get dressed if you want to,” he said, offering her clothes with a wave after a moment of silence.

“Do I have to?” she asked, just curious really.

“No, you don’t. It’s your choice, stay naked if you like,” he laughed.

“I’ll get dressed,” she giggled in return, bending down to pick up her panties. He waited as she spent a couple of minutes getting ready, pulling her bra on and settling her lovely breasts before squeezing back into the tight jeans. Rolling her jumper down signified the end and he interrupted her as she finished up.

“So, my assessment,” he said.

“I was being assessed?” she asked, suddenly feeling a rush of nerves, like she’d forgotten an exam or something.

“I’m always going to be assessing you through this process, you’re here to train and that means you have to learn. I’ve got to observe what you need work on.”

“Makes sense. So what, are you giving me a D or something?” she joked, giving a playful wink. He laughed, loving her sense of humour and it broke the tension.

“You won’t be getting a grade...only much more training,” he smiled.

“Oh,” she replied, life gone from her. She thought she’d done alright.

“Don’t be put out by it. You did well, better than a lot I’ve trained before but you need work,” he said.

“What on?” she asked, wishing she had the courage not to. She didn’t want to hear her faults but was morbidly curious.

“I’ll keep it brief but your lack of obedience, as I warned you, your inability to deep throat and absolute refusal on anal penetration. You were good with the bondage, calm, and you took the pain quite well. Obviously we need to work on that but it’s a start, and you’re a good fuck,” he said with a smile, the cherry on top that told her she was good at something.

“Well, that’s a start!” she blurted out, both of them laughing.

“Exactly, a start.”

“So we’re done for now?” she asked.

“For today yes. We’ll continue tomorrow,” he said.

“Ok, what will we be doing?” she asked, wanting to know what to expect.

“Everything,” he said slowly, letting her know that was all he’d say about it.

“Sounds intense.”

“It will be. Now we’re just going to work, so I don’t need you made-up or anything, just be here by ten and we’ll get started,” he said.

“Deal,” she replied.

She called a cab which came surprisingly fast, arriving to collect her only a few minutes later. They made chat until he showed her out, pausing to kiss her deeply, passionately at the door before she took a breath and walked out confidently, like it had never happened, straight across the pavement and into the waiting taxi to speed her away from her new, dangerous habit.

It was going to be an adventure – she had little doubt of that. A painful, pleasurable adventure.


To be continued.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.



Re: Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2022, 10:31:12 PM »
If this is part 1 I can't even imagine the later parts, great job!
The following users thanked this post: Noj, selenalove


Re: Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2022, 08:42:58 AM »
Looking forward to the next part!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2022, 12:38:12 PM »
Looking forward to Pt. 2
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Blake Lively – Part 1: Introduction / Discovery / Infidelity
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 09:25:21 PM »
Damn fine work.

You and Cade have given Blake some dirty journeys in the past year.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


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