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Author Topic: Bitch Control (NEW - Kelly Brook)  (Read 373766 times)


Bitch Control (NEW - Kelly Brook)
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:56:28 PM »
Bitch Control Vol. 1
Starring: Kate Upton

Codes: MF, Oral, Anal, Facial, MDom

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

Los Angeles, California

Bright sunlight pierced through the window of a car moving down the street. A man sat in the driver's seat, behind the wheel and a pair of dark sunglasses as he made the drive through Downtown L.A. His next stop was a gym that went by the name of Tight 'N Fit. His job depended on the gym with a funny name. Most of his life had been dedicated to eventually reaching the role as a personal trainer where he would make his living from fitness, something that the man loved. Joe Murdock was that man. Though California was not his home state, fate had tipped the scale in his favor to make a living there. He was a former athlete who turned fitness trainer. This was the safe route to go with his life after suffering some knee injuries playing college basketball. A shattered knee completely ruined what he had hoped would be a career in the NBA.

Joe earned his first nickname around work as 'Duke' from the fact he used to play at the famous university of the Blue Devils. His other nickname was 'Big Joe' due to his height. He was a Center on the team with a dominating height of 6"8. He was just 22 years old in the year of 2006 when he blew his knee and ended his college career. It came in a game during March Madness playoff season against LSU. They went on to lose that game but the damage was enough to end his hopes for entering the NBA draft. After suffering the injury, he finished his scholarship in marketing and moved out to California. Coming from a poor family, the scholarship he earned to an elite college came entirely from playing basketball in high school. It took a few years to get over the depression of having his hopes and dreams crushed, but Joe learned to move on and enjoy new things in life.

Now he was a man at 34 years old, living a good life in Los Angeles. Joe was able to still channel his love of basketball as a personal trainer. He worked with athletes for a few years, training up and coming rookies and D league players for a year before he landed the job at Tight 'N Fit. The gym was a high roller, fancy and only for those that had money deep in their pockets to pay premium for private work outs and trainers. Joe found himself working with women more than men in the past year. Every now and then, there was a young trainer who had to be taught the rules and introduced into the job. Today however, was a special day. He had a job with someone who would be a dream come true for anyone to work with.

Super model Kate Upton had come into Tight 'N Fit just a few days ago requesting a private trainer. Joe gladly took the job. It would have been a dream for most men in the country, to be able to work alongside the most famous model in America right now. Kate was easily the most high profile client he had received as of today. Before her, the most pleasure he had was working with some no-name NBA players and a few rookies. Occasionally, a player for the Lakers dropped into the gym but gone were the days when they won championships. He smiled to himself while pulling his car into the parking lot of the building. He had his own personal parking space in the back, just like anyone else who worked there. His car was a white Lamborghini Diablo. A speed demon of a car just to show off his wealth.

Stepping outside the car, the hot air could be felt over his face. Joe sighed and ran his hand through his short brown hair before he shut the door and went walking to the entrance. The security guards just smiled at him, as they knew he was a regular face. He wore a pair of jeans and a yellow shirt. His arms may not have been huge, but he still had strength in his muscles. Joe walked in and made his way around the desk before one of the assistants came walking towards him.

"Joe, you've got a visitor waiting outside your office."

"Thanks, I'll get to it right away."

That visitor had to be Kate Upton. Joe had met with her yesterday when she came to the gym requesting a personal trainer. He did not trade phone numbers with her as she had not signed the paper work yet to become his client. Kate told him yesterday she would return for that, and he figured that's why she was back. Walking through the lobby, he seen the blonde model sitting in a chairing waiting in the room. She wore a black T-shirt and some yoga pants with her hair curled up in a pony tail. He waved to her and smiled.

"Miss. Upton, is that you?"

She turned to look at him, her pony tail whipping about.

"Hey, Mr. Murdock! Happy to see you made it in time."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this day if my life depended on it. Come on, Kate! Step right into my office, this way."

He gave her a reassuring smile as she raised herself from the chair and followed him out of the lobby and down the hall. His office was on the left side with a big name plate that simply said 'Murdock' on it. On the opposite side was a door that said 'Johnson', one of the other trainers. He and Kate walked into the office room and she looked around. The room was fixed in white paint on the walls with a big black marble stone desk. His desk had a number of notebooks and files while his walls were decorated in photos She looked around and noticed pictures of him in what appeared to be college basketball. His degree from Duke was framed on the wall next to the photos. While she was distracted at the frames hanging up, Joe sat behind his desk and went through the contract files. Kate spoke up while he flipped through the paper work.

"Wow, you played basketball in college?"

"Yeah, that's from a long time ago."

She studied the photos and then gasped.

"Oh, you went to Duke!"

"Yes I did, Miss. Upton. Everyone around here calls me that as my nickname."

Kate turned around and smiled at him while he laid the paper down on the desk. She moved to sit down in front of the desk and grabbed the contract in her hands. Joe spoke again.

"Have a full read through of it before you sign it. Who knows? You might be calling me Duke too not before long."

She gave him a smirk before her eyes fixated over the piece of paper. Everything read as a legal form to the Tight 'N Fit gym on the first few paragraphs. It wasn't until Kate made it to the bottom did she see the demands for the personal trainers. Everything read as a stock contract, nothing exactly personalized whatsoever. Her first thought was that all trainers must have the same contract. It granted her complete control of her diet and choices for work out exercises. Each trainer was assigned his or her own private gym according to the paper. Kate read it over and then reached for a pen on his desk and signed it. Joe sat back listening to the pen sign over the dotted line on the phone. Once she was done, she lay the piece of paper on his desk and Joe smiled back at her.

"I guess you have no questions or anything since you went on and signed it. Welcome to Tight 'N Fit."

Shaking her head, Kate laughed.

"No! I've already made the payment arrangements too before you came in. So with signing the deal, I think you will be my new personal trainer now, Mr. Murdock."

"Oh please, call me Joe."

"Call me Kate!"

He held his hand over the desk for them both to reach out and shake hands together. After breaking apart the hand shake, Joe looked back at her and smiled.

"Do you have any plans when you want to begin work outs yet?"

"Yeah, I want to come in tomorrow and work with you."

Joe slowly got up from his chair while sliding out the drawer from the bottom. Inside contained keys and various other items. He went through until he found the key for his personal gym. It was silver with the number '8' on it. He sat it on the desk for Kate.

"This is the key to my private gym, I'm sure you read that part in the contract."

She nodded her head while grabbing a hold of the key. Joe continued speaking.

"You can come in any time as long as it's on the hours of the gym. There will be no one inside but you and I. If any janitors come in and you don't want them, tell them to get the hell outta there. Understood?"

Kate giggled at his words, informing her she could kick the janitors out.

"Yeah, I got it. You're gonna be showing up too right? I don't want to be all alone in there."

"Of course! I'm your trainer now, I will definitely be there."

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow morning Joe!"

The buxom blonde super model got up and moved to the door. Her hair waving around in a ponytail as she went for the door and made an exit from his office. Back in the lobby, a black man came through the front door with a duffel bag in his hands and a pair of expensive red headphones tucked over his ears. The man wore a suit in a black jacket with one button over a white shirt and then white pants down on his legs. He walked through the lobby as the blonde super model passed him up. As she walked by, the man stopped and turned to look over his head. He knew exactly who she was, for he was another trainer at the gym. Sam Johnson laughed to himself and continued walking, grabbing the headphones from his head to pull them down to his neck. The black man smiled big when he looked at Joe.

"You got her signed up, huh?"

Joe looked at Sam confused.


The other man just rolled his eyes.

"Come on, man. Did you just have a brain fart? You know what I'm talking about!"

He looked back and laughed. By now, Kate was long out the door.

"Oh, yeah! I got her down on contract, I'm officially her trainer now as of today."

Sam smirked, turning his head to look at the empty doorway and then back at Joe.

"Lucky man. I'd give anything to have Kate Upton as my next client."

"Oh, don't worry Sam. I'll get her to sign an autograph for you."

Joe laughed at his own joke. He and Sam liked to go back and forth trying to aggravate one another. They were good friends, easily Joe's closest in the past two years since Sam began to work at the gym.

"I ain't gonna spoil all the fun you're going to have with that busty chick. Who knows? Maybe in the near future I'll get lucky to land someone like her as my next client."

"It don't hurt to dream, I'll give you that."

The two men walked off together. Joe had turned around to head back down the hall and into the offices. Outside the lobby was the main gym where anyone could apply membership and enjoy what the business had to offer. It was up in the top floors that had the private areas for the premium membership with a personal trainer. There was three private gyms where two of the personal trainers had their own playground and all the tools necessary at their disposal. Joe figured after the meeting with Kate, he would close shop and head back home to relax. It would be the second day he had to get it through his mind, that his new client was the most famous super model in the country right now.



The doors to the gym opened at 10 AM, just half an hour before lunch break on the work schedule. Kate arrived at 10:38 accurately on her watch. She had a small meal before heading out to the gym. The buxom blonde super model came in wearing a white shirt and matching yoga pants with a pair of neon green sneakers over her feet. In her hand, she came with her iPod and a pair of headphones. It was obvious that Joe had not arrived yet as she checked out at the front desk and then headed to the elevator to take the next floor up. The key he had given her yesterday was tucked into her pocket. Once the elevator made it up, she looked over the rooms in the hall and found the one that said 'Murdock' on it.

Sliding the key into the door, Kate took a step back as she opened the door forward and looked into the room. Bright lights shined from the big dark glass windows on the right side of the room. She had seen the windows from outside the building, but didn't quite guess that they covered the private gyms. She closed the door behind her before she began to walk about, observing the room in front of her eyes. The room was large in size, but was at least 1/4th the size of the main gym downstairs. The room contained all the equipment necessary in numbers greater than one: weight benches, utility benches, squat racks, pull up bars, purple and yellow exercise balls, cycle bikes and only a single treadmill. There was a wide variety of useful items, Kate simply looked around as she walked around the room. On the floor remained two large black mats, obviously there for comfort when working on the floor.

Off in the corner of the room opposite of the windows, she noticed a large white chair and a foot stand. Below it sat a white mat, which appeared to be some sort of relaxing zone she guessed that he used. In the same corner was a matching white couch. Up above the couch, she seen glanced at a few large picture frames. One of them contained an NBA jersey, purple with a white #34. Over it was the signature and the name 'O'Neal'. Right next to the framed jersey was a picture of Joe himself with Shaquille O'Neal, she laughed after walking away from the corner.  While she walked around the room, she peeked out the tall glass windows. Looking her blue eyes down on the streets of traffic moving and pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. In that instance, she heard the door move and then turned her head.

"Joe, is that you?"

The man stepped into the room. He wore a pair of sweat pants and a blue T-shirt as he came in. Kate walked forward to him and he smiled.

"Yes, good morning Kate."

"Good morning to you!"

"I see you've made it before me, you like the place?"

She nodded at him while smiling.

"Yeah, I was just looking around. I saw your picture up on the wall with Shaq. I'm guessing that was your idol when you played basketball?"

He laughed and nodded his head.

"Correct guess! I played Center position, the big man was my favorite player growing up."

Placing her hands on her hips, she gave him a little smirk before responding.

"Pretty funny that you are some Lakers fan and ended up in L.A. to work. That must feel kinda like a dream come true, huh?"

With a laugh, Joe nodded.

"Well, that's how it goes sometimes. Coincidences in life can lead you places. My dad watched the Show Time teams of the 80's with Kareem and Magic. To be honest with you, I didn't become a fan until Shaq came along."

Joe flashed her a wink but Kate just smirked.

"How lucky of you, Joe."

"Well, yeah anyways...Let's get down to the real business!"

Looking at Kate, he raised his hands and clapped them together as he looked back at her.

"Come along, this way."

He stepped forward, walking her to the right side of the room back near the door. Kate had not even noticed a second door in the room. He opened it, walking her inside what was a mini-hall way in marble floor and white paint on the walls. There was a fancy bathroom behind another door with a large sink and mirror. The main part of the hallway had two large lockers. Kate watched as Joe grabbed the metal name plate from the locker. The one on the left had his last name in a plate on it. There was a small desk at the end of the hall with some paperwork, books and schedules on it. Above the desk was a microwave and small refrigerator mounted on the wall with a few photos hanging up by magnets. Kate just watched his every move. He fixed the nameplate and then came back, placing it into the handle of the locker. She read 'Upton' on the plate and then smiled back to him.

"Oh, nice. So I get my own locker huh?"

"Yeah, you can come back here and change clothes and whatever. There's also a shower to your left, right in there."

As he pointed his finger, Kate looked into an open doorway that led into a large shower room. The floors were beautiful, sparkly white marble and with ten large sprayers. The room was at least big enough to hold a dozen people all together. She stepped back into the room while she watched Joe open the locker and take his shirt off. From that moment, Kate got a clear view at his chest as she watched him change into a muscle shirt. After he changed, he looked over at her and nodded.

"Come on Kate, let's get started."

"So you're gonna be working out with me?"

"Yeah, for sure. What would be the point of you paying me as a trainer if I didn't share the room with you?"

They walked out of the little room and returned to the gym. Kate just smirked at him before winking.

"I like that, it's easier when I have the trainer working alongside me."

"So what do you wanna do first, Kate? We gotta set up a schedule and all that, your routine work out."

"I like to start the day off jogging."

"Well, what about we use the bikes?"

Kate nodded her head.

"I would love to start with them, let's go for it!"

Joe moved to set up the cycle bikes for them both. It was the perfect way to begin the daily work out. It took a few minutes to get situated, but once they did, the clock had started on a work out session. Kate used her iPod to listen to some music while her feet pushed down the petals and she moved on the stationary cycling bike. She listened to a few Hip Hop songs, as well as old pop songs from the mid 2000's while she rode the cycle for the next hour. Since this was the first day, Joe usually allowed his client to set up their own workout routine how they seen fit. He didn't care, for he was getting paid to do all of this. He and Kate went on to spend an hour with the cycling bikes and then it was time for some new work outs.

Squats and push ups were done between the two of them side by side on the mat. Like Joe had promised, he did every exercise with Kate to keep them even as trainer and client. Later on, they broke out the exercise balls to do some stability exercises. Joe showed her a number of routine exercises that Kate already was experienced with through using a ball. She did variations, five small work outs to pass two hours in time. Before calling it a day, she had to discuss with him how she preferred to use a treadmill while lifting small weights. Before calling it a day, Joe offered to take Kate out for some food which she agreed. As her trainer, he felt he was already beginning to grow a friendship with the beautiful super model.



The bright daylight burned with intensity in the sky by the afternoon over L.A. Joe sighed while he jogged down the sidewalk with Kate at his side. Her hair was wrapped up in a ponytail and she wore a dark blue shirt, yoga pants and sunglasses while he wore a purple shirt and similar pants. Over time doing their workout schedule, Joe refused to neglect Kate's desire to do a jogging exercise outside the gym. Only as long as he could accompany her like he did with all the other exercises. It had been two weeks of hard work for five days a week. He couldn't help but admire and respect her dedication to training. Kate never told him exactly why she wanted to work out so much, but he never asked. It wasn't any of his business and with this being his first famous client, Joe made it a point in his mind not to push himself too far into their personal lives.

Kate was thankful that she could get out in L.A. and avoid the paparazzi somehow. Today was Thursday and this was their first jogging exercise together of the week. Joe had arranged a schedule where they could run for two days a week. She was impressed with his careful eye, never planning too much to work her into exhaustion. So far with two weeks of training together, everything had mostly been business. She never flirted with him but occasionally thought to. Sometimes they would have a small conversation about the usual topics. Joe had teased Kate last week about her beloved New York Jets, in which she responded by reminding him of what the Lakers had become. Small little stuff like this was always fun. The music stopped in her iPod after she snatched the headphone jack out of it. She looked at Joe as they came to a stop down the road.

"Ready to go back to the gym?"

"Yeah, are you tired out yet?"

She smiled, nodding her head. Joe returned a nod as he turned himself around to walk back with her.

"Alright, Kate. I want you to lead the way."

"Oh, you're following behind me, then! Okay, let's go!"

He laughed as she took off running, forcing him to chase her. The walk they took was just a few blocks down from the gym's building. It was an easy sidewalk to memorize and Kate didn't have a problem as she burned the rest of her energy heading back to the gym with Joe forced to follow behind her. About ten minutes later, they were marching back into the Tight 'N Fit gym building and heading back up the elevator to their private gym room. When they returned, Joe went and fetched them some water bottles out of the little hallway connecting to where the lockers and shower room was. As he returned, Kate took the water bottle from his hand and unscrewed the top off before holding it up to his.

"Here's to a good day!"

The bottles slightly touched one another before Joe opened his own. They drank down the ice cold spring water together. He swallowed it down before opening his eyes to focus back on her. Kate smirked at him as she finished up.

"You know, Joe you're a pretty good trainer. This has been two weeks, I'd like to continue working with you."

"That's fine by me, Kate. I must admit, I've never trained a famous woman before. You are my first and what a shock, huh? I get to train the most beautiful model in the world."

A smirk ran over her lips. Finally, after two solid weeks now he wanted to poke around a bit of flirtatious speech with her.

"Thank you, Joe."

"No need to thank me for saying nice things. I'm sure you are flattered enough with most guys you talk to who probably worship your body."

Again, she couldn't help but smile. Kate thought for a minute before replying back to him, changing the subject almost immediately.

"You know tomorrow is Friday, right?"

Joe nodded his head.

"Yeah, which means it's the last day of the week for us."

"But it don't have to be. What if I called you up this weekend to do something?"

He laughed at her.

"If there is one thing I like doing with you, it's right here in this gym room. No place else."

"That's fine, I enjoy working out with you. I'll be back tomorrow and we can have some more fun busting our asses and making one another sweat in front of each other."

There was something different in her language this time. So far, Kate had been all business with him but Joe was now realizing a shift in her focus. He didn't reply. Joe simply stood there sipping on the water bottle as Kate had finished hers off. She crushed it in her hand and moved to toss it in a small trash can sitting by the doorway that led to where the lockers were. She didn't tell him, but she went in there to change her clothes and get ready to leave. Many things were on Kate's mind, all about him. Kate changed her clothes and then came out with her little purse bag wrapped over her shoulder. When she returned in the room, Joe was sitting down in his white chair far across the room in his little comfortable corner. She walked over, smiling big before he looked up at her.

"You're going Kate?"

"Yeah, I gotta get back and make some calls. I'm going to be busy come next month."

"Mind if I ask why?"

She bit her lower lip, sinking her hands in her pockets before replying to him.

"I have a big photo session next month. I'm getting paid big money for this magazine session in France. It's pretty racy, I haven't done a shoot like this in a while."

"So does that mean you're gonna be naked in the pictures?"

"Yeah...I just will have nipples covered up, maybe."

An inviting smile over her lips told him that she was telling the truth. Kate's voice changed seductively during the moment. So this was probably the reason she wanted to go through a full work out routine. He didn't really care, just the fact that he had a chance with this woman made it all worth it. She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek, just to see if he would blush. Instead, he smiled back at her and nodded.

"See you tomorrow, Kate."

"See you in the morning, Joe. I'm gonna be looking forward to this."

She turned around, giving him a full show of her tight ass pushed into a pair of yoga pants. All Kate did was change her shirt when she went into the room with the lockers. Without turning her head, she just knew that Joe's eyes would be glued to her ass moving back and forth as she made her walk to the door. She slung her purse over her shoulder before reaching the door and leaving him in isolation to himself. Tomorrow was going to be fun, at least she hoped. In her lifestyle, she had been a bit lonely the past few months after a break up that was messy in the media. Thankfully he didn't ask any questions, for Kate wasn't in the mood lately to talk about it to anyone.

In her past she had dated jocks within football and baseball. Never once had she been with a man who had a basketball career, but Joe had the opportunity to easily become her first, despite not having a professional career. He was on her mind at the moment and tomorrow, she looked forward to finally having some fun back at the gym. Kate had a surprise in store, one that she knew he would never say no to. Men like him were easy for her. The jock could be a complete asshole, but he was just the type that turned her on. So far, so good, Joe had all the makings of just the right man that she liked to spend time fucking. Tomorrow would be a glorious day.



Back at the gym, Joe had arrived early before Kate around 8 in the morning. He liked to get there right at the afternoon, a result of his sleeping habits from staying up late at night. So far with Kate, she always beat him to the gym early no later than a few minutes past ten-thirty. Today would be the first time that he actually made it first before her. The gym room had been set up for over a week now with their work stations. There was a reason that he liked to have a little couch and chair off in the corner of the room. It was his little relaxation zone, all to himself. He sat there for an hour, propping his bare-feet up on a little stand in the chair while reading through a magazine. The copy just happened to be a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, the 2013 edition that featured Kate on the cover.

Joe had dug out the old magazine from his room last night. He sat there, looking over the pictures while sitting in his chair. All he wore was a pair of red workout shorts and a white T-shirt. The light shined from the tall windows behind him as he sat there, flipping the pages and looking at the photos of Kate. He wanted to see how she would react walking into the room with him looking over the old photos. Sure enough, right at 10:32 on the clock, he heard the door opening and the voluptuous blonde stepped in. He could hear an echo of the door clicking and then looked to see her figure walking in.

"Morning Kate!"

She gasped, not realizing that he was here. She took her sunglasses off before waving her hand to him across the room.

"Hey! You're here early for a change!"

Her shoes were heard over the floor as she came running to him. Joe's white chair remained fixed in a position, it didn't move at all. He had to turn to look over his shoulder. His eyes focused on her great big tits that could be seen jiggling as she came towards him. Kate noticed the magazine in his hands, licking her lips before she spoke.

"What's that you're reading, Joe?"

He gave her a shit-eating grin before flashing the front of the cover. Kate looked to see herself on the old Sports Illustrated cover and then she smirked.

"Oh, what have you got there? Let me guess, you been sitting here all morning jacking off to that magazine thinking about me?"

Kate crossed her arms over her chest while Joe shook his head.

"No, why would I-"

"Don't deny it!"

"I don't think I have any reason to jack off, knowing that I see you five days a week. I just had to look at some old pictures, you know? Get myself in the mood for today."

His words were enough to tell Kate that they would not be working out today at all. At least not by the normal standard of the term. She looked at him and smirked, just what she wanted out of him. Underneath her shirt and jogging pants, she had a surprise for him. Kate spoke again.

"If I were you, I'd put that stupid magazine up. You never know, I just might make you jack off to it if I want."

"Ohhhhh, babe. You ain't gonna be making me do shit. If anyone is going to be setting the rules in here, it will be me. You'll be following my orders."

The tone of his voice was somewhat stern. Kate wasn't bothered by him yet. He got up from the chair and tossed the magazine down on the white couch to his side. Standing up face to face with Kate, he put his hands on her shoulders while starring back into her beautiful blue eyes. The color of her eyes was so unique. It always stood out to him in photos but to gaze back into them in person, showed that the beauty was real. Kate quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and reached in to kiss him. She thought about doing this all last night when she lay in bed. Moaning into his mouth, Kate broke the kiss before taking a few steps back. She now had his complete attention, giving him a big smile before speaking.

"You know what? I'm not really in the mood for a workout today."

"Bullshit, Kate! I think you're definitely in the mood, just for a different kinda workout!"

She laughed at him, leaning back up into his face until they were breathing up one another's nostrils. Kate replied to him in a low, whispering seductive tone.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for this..."

When they broke the kiss, Joe took a few steps back and then snapped his fingers. He had an order for Kate, quick to assume his authority over her body.

"Take your clothes off, now."

His voice rang out sternly. This was an order, all obvious from his tone of voice. Kate stepped back from him, ready to reveal her surprise now. As she grabbed the bottom ends of her shirt, she pulled it over her head to reveal what was a holding her tits together. They jiggled around in a green bikini that was too small to contain them. Joe simply crossed his arms and nodded. At last, he was seeing Kate's beautiful skin for what it was. That amazing stomach and her glorious boobs. She slung the shirt to the floor and then sighed, but he spoke.

"Nice, keep going."

Joe began to walk a circle around Kate, forcing her into a position she had not felt before with him. His arms remained crossed while he surveyed her body as she undressed. Kate went for her shoes first, untying them and then throwing them off. She tossed her socks to the floor as he continued, walking in a counter-clockwise circle around her. Next, she pushed her yoga pants down. As they came off, she revealed her nice ass tucked in a matching green bikini thong. Joe nodded his head, coming to a stop directly behind her as he looked at her ass bent over.

"Very nice."

She turned around, giggling before placing her hands on her hips and stepping forward a bit. Her giant breasts jiggled around.

"This was supposed to be a surprise! Do you like what you see?"

He smiled hearing her words and nodded his head. Finally, he moved his arms away from his chest and began to walk off. Joe moved back to his little corner in the room with his big white chair. Joe sat back down and then Kate walked over, stepping her bare-feet over the matching white mat on the floor. He pointed at his little foot stool.

"Move that outta the way, babe."

Following his command, she leaned down and grabbed the little stool and moved it off the mat. Her guess was that he wanted her down on her knees real soon. Kate smirked back up at him before speaking.

"Aren't you gonna take your clothes off too, Joe?"

Shaking his head, he grinned.

"Nope. That's your job, babe. Do it now."

Kate couldn't prevent herself from just looking up at him with a goofy face. This was obviously a man who liked to be in complete control at all times. She went for his shirt first. Pulling at the bottom ends as he raised his arms and she slid it off his body. It was the first time she was able to view his torso, witnessing that he was in great shape. She then moved down to her knees, gazing into his eyes as she placed her hands over the front of his workout shorts and began to push them down. At once, she moved his shorts and underwear down together. His hardening cock sprang to life out it's newly found freedom.  While pushing his shorts and underwear down to his ankles, she wrapped her right hand around his cock and looked into his eyes.

Joe instantly rose up from his chair. He wanted to kiss her one last time time, before those lips would be wrapped around his swollen prick. As they stood together, he reached his hands up and held her huge breasts from within the little green top. Kate looked down, moaning softly as his hands squeezed her most famous assets. Kate bit her lower lip, starring back into his eyes while she wrapped her hands around her back. She pulled on the straps to her top a little bit, forcing her tits to jiggle a bit in his hands. Thoughts ran through her mind of the day she signed the contract to the gym. Specifically, the moment he told her of his nicknames.

"You know something? You never told me what nickname you wanted me to call you. Was it Duke or Big Joe?"

He looked back to her beautiful blue eyes before responding.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll choose one real soon."

"You seem like a man who...likes to be in control."

With a nod, Joe cupped her chin with his fingers.

"You're gonna find that out soon enough, Kate."

She moved her hands over his body before leaning in to kiss him. While they kissed once more, she roamed her hands across his stomach. Kate reached down, wrapping her little fingers back around his pole as she began to stroke it. After breaking the kiss, Kate licked her lips and looked back at him. Joe was ready to give the next order to the buxom blonde model now.

"Get down on your knees, babe."

Kate did as she was told. A predictable request from him. As she lowered herself down to her knees, her eyes never left his. All the while, her hand stroked his fat cock. She could feel him as he had reached his full length wrapped around her fingers. She finally looked down and gasped seeing his hardened rod. She slowed down her hand from wanking him, pushing it down to the base before she glanced back up at him.

"Can I-"

"Yes, do it. I want my cock sucked."

His voice cut her off before she could finish speaking. She looked back at his rod and wasted no time parted her lips and sinking it into her warm mouth. Kate moved her free hand to play with his balls, softly massaging them over her finger tips while she took the first taste of his swollen meat. Sucking on the first few inches of it, she began to bob her head up and down on it slowly. Joe just stood there, letting out a slight moan. This may have been the most famous super model in America right now on her knees blowing him, but he didn't think about her status of fame at the moment. 'Mmmmm', her mouth moaned as she sucked on his cock. Kate's hands moved to his hips, allowing her to concentrate better with pumping those lips down the shaft.

Coming up to release his cock from between her lips, she made a pop noise and then flicked her tongue before spitting on it. Joe reached down and ran his fingers through her blonde hair. Kate looked up into his eyes as she felt his fingers tighten up into a grip. Now he was assuming control of her oral talents. She continued to stare back into his eyes as he pushed her mouth down to take his rod once again. Joe pushed her mouth all the way down, forcing her to deep throat his cock. He held her there for a few seconds, counting until he heard her gag and choke. He then pulled her hair to release his dick from her mouth, causing a flood of spit to overflow from her lower lip and drip down her chin and neck.

"Good girl!"

Kate took a deep breath as she looked up at him. All she did was smile when he called her a 'good girl'. She had experience with jocks like him in the past. His hand remained on the back of her head. He pushed her mouth back towards his cock, but Kate decided to tease him for a moment by twirling her tongue around the head in a circular motion. She closed her eyes, just as she felt him push her head back down. Kate's lips sealed around his long dick and she began to suck on it once more. 'Mmmmmmmm', she softly purred a muffled voice against his shaft. Joe began to slowly buck his hips forward while holding her head in place, taking control as he fucked her mouth.

"That's it, you're a good girl baby. That's it, take that fucking cock, oh yeah!"


Her mouth began to create a fusion of sucking and slobbering noises as he slowly fucked her oral hole. Back and forth, he rocked her lips while his cock pushed in and out.


Strings of saliva began to dangle down from the corners of her lips. Joe pushed her head all the way down, forcing her to devour every inch of his long pole. As Kate's mouth pushed down to the base, he moaned while holding her there. He listened to her mouth, gagging after a few seconds. Kate's eyes watered up, smearing her mascara. After a few more seconds, Joe finally pulled her mouth from his cock to release her. She breathed in relief while long ropes of saliva dangled from his cock back to her mouth. Kate looked back into his eyes while catching her breath. Joe was a classic jock, all the way to the point that he had that usual shit-eating grin on his face. His eyes looked down as her spit began to drip down to her tits tucked in that little green bra.

"I want that off."

His finger pointed down to her bra. Kate was still catching her breath. As she looked down at her bra, she giggled and glanced back up at him before speaking.

"You want me to release these?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, get those big hooker tits out. You're about to use them."

Once again, Kate giggled. What he called her breasts was just funny. He still kept his hand in her hair, just holding her there while he watched her pull at those straps and then remove her bra. Her breasts were so big for the bra that was too small, they popped out before hanging freely. Joe yanked at her hair, forcing her to look up at him. She smiled while using her hands to hold her breasts up and jiggle them around. He broke eye contact, unable to focus on her pretty face while he watched those giant jugs moving back and forth.

"Good fucking god, just look at those things. They're fucking massive."

"They're quite something, huh? I bet you wanna fuck 'em?"

"Yeah, that's what you're about to be doing right now. Come on, bring those big hooker tits to me."

She laughed again at his words mentioning 'big hooker tits'. Joe took a few steps back while still gripping her hair and forcing her to move with him. He sat down in his big white chair and then finally, he let go of Kate's hair. She wasted no time, situating herself on her knees. The chair was leveled perfectly for her to use her breasts to give him the proper titty fuck that he ordered from her. Joe rested his hands over the arm rest of the chair as he watched Kate grab her breasts and hold them up. As she moved them on both sides, she reached her hand out to shove his dick between them. Her eyes gazed into his long pole, starring directly into the head while she squeezed her tits around it and began to slowly pump them up and down.

Joe let out a slight moan as he watched her begin to fuck him with her breasts. This was just what any man would have wanted from Kate. To sit in a large chair like this, almost like a king while one of the greatest pair of tits in the world was wrapped around his dick. She concentrated, licking her lips she pumped them up and down slowly. Since she was in control at the moment, she wanted to go slow so he could enjoy every second of her beautiful tit-flesh. Her breasts were so big that his thick cock disappeared between them. Only the head poked up. Over and over, she slowly pumped them up and down, listening to him moan.

"That's it, babe...that's it. Fuck me with those big hooker titties."

Opening her mouth, Kate leaned her head down and used her tongue to lick over the head each time she slowly pumped her breasts down on his cock. She figured at this rate, he probably wanted to cum already. The man had chose this pleasure before he was to truly fuck her. Joe took a deep breath, still moaning before he called out to her.

"Look at me, Kate."

His voice was the one of authority. Her eyes instantly looked back into his while she ran her hands under her breasts. Kate gritted her teeth, pushing her lips out as she softly moaned. She tilted her head to the side, starring him down with one of those 'bad girl' looks she guessed he had witnessed from her photo shoots. All Joe did was smile, starring back at her as he felt like a king. Her huge tits moved and down on that long jock cock, all while she just licked her lips and gazed into his eyes. Kate softly moaned, almost matching his own crying voice.

"You like that, Joe? Or should I now call you Big Joe? Mmmmmmmm, such a big fucking meaty cock pumping between my tits. Yeah, you like that?"

She called out to him in a slutty voice, teasing him even further. He didn't reply back to her. All he could do was witness the moment that would last forever in his memories. While Joe took a deep breath, he knew that at this rate he would probably bust a nut right now. Kate moaned once more, teasing him in her words.

"I know you've got some cum in those thick balls, Big Joe.

"Oh yeah, you want it? You want that cum, Kate?"

"Mmmmhhhhhmmmmm, I wanna taste it."

"Then go for it, what are you waiting for? Finish me with your filthy fucking mouth!"

Under his approval, Kate let go of her breasts and brought them down. She quickly wrapped her lips around the head of his jock cock and pushed it down into her mouth. She could feel his body tensing up, just as he breathed in hard and then yelled.

"Ohhhhh, yeah! Fuck!! Take it! Take my cum, baby!!"

'Mmmmmm', a muffled moan could be heard from her mouth as Kate drained his balls. She could taste wad after wad, flowing into her mouth. The buxom blonde super model just sucked on his dick harder. She could hear Joe taking in a deep breath and moaning out. As she milked his cock to the final drops, she released it from her mouth with a pop sound. Kate leaned up, opening her mouth to reveal to him his white seed drenched in saliva. She then closed her lips and loudly swallowed it before moaning.

"Mmmmmm, yummy."

If she was attempting to impress him, the job was already done. Joe smiled and leaned up, kissing her on the forehead as if she were a pet. He already had told her she was a 'good girl'. The man leaned up from the chair while Kate just looked up into his eyes, awaiting the sound of his voice.

"Come on, it's time for some real fucking."

"Oh yeah, you're gonna fuck me now, huh?"

As they stood together, Kate just smirked at him while he nodded. He took her hand into his and walked her over to the couch. Joe had a seat while he pulled Kate to him.

"Come on, get on top of me."

"You want me on top, huh? I bet you want these big hooker tits bouncing in your face. Am I right?"

"Yeah, you're a smart girl. Get that thong off and get up on me."

She smirked hearing his compliment and then licked her lips when he gave her the next order. Kate didn't waste a second, reaching down both of her hands and quickly tugging her green thong down. Her pussy was wet, shaved and begging for some attention. She stepped out of the thong and then looked at him. As he sat down on the couch, he held his arms out, motioning for her to get on of him. Kate reached down and grabbed his cock in her right hand, holding it straight up as she climbed on the couch and sunk her knees down. His dick began to push into her pussy. Kate gasped her breath, looking at him. Joe placed his hands on her hips and then she pushed herself down, sinking his cock inside of her.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah! That's it baby! Mmmmm, come on!"

Joe began to buck his hips, pumping his cock into her pussy while Kate moved her hands to his shoulders to help herself up. She wanted to bounce for him, her huge tits were already jiggling around. Within a few seconds, the sound of his balls slapping up against her ass could be heard as she pumped herself down into the rhythm of him bucking his hips. Kate closed her eyes, arching her head back as she moaned.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Fuck me!!"

That beautiful long golden hair began to wave around while her breasts bounced back and forth. Kate's pussy hammered down on his cock to the point Joe was forced to move his hands down to her ass. She arched her body forward, moving one hand to the back of his neck as she pushed his head down to where her big boobs could crash over his face. Joe pushed his lips out, beginning to shaking his head back and forth as his mouth created various slurping and slobbering sounds. Kate moaned as she felt his cock pump into her and his mouth over her tits.

"Ohhhh, my god! Yeah!! Mmmmmm, suck on those big hooker titties you love so much! MMMMMMMMM, FUCK ME!!!"

Kate knew exactly what he was doing. The act known as 'motor-boating'. She gasped her breath, still pumping herself down on his shaft while his hands gripped into her ass cheeks. Joe pushed her down, pumping his cock into her as fast as he could buck his hips forward. Her time of climax was so close to imminent reach. Kate knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself from cumming, not at this point while his cock pumped into her at this fast rate. Forcing herself to stop, his cock still pumped into her pussy back and forth. She raised her head, her hair waving all around. Her hands moved back down to her breasts, smashing them over his face as his head moved between them. Joe felt the suffocation of being trapped within her wonderful tit-flesh while the super model closed her eyes and raised her head screaming out.


As she screamed in experience of her orgasm, slapping sounds could be heard of his nuts smacking up against her ass. Joe still pumped his dick into her, all while moaning against her drool covered tits that were slammed up against his face. Kate took deep breaths, moaning as she swallowed her breath. It wasn't until a minute when he finally slowed down his thrusts, pumping one final time into her tight pussy. she moved her hands off her tits, running them through his hair as she leaned down to kiss his lips. Joe moaned into her mouth before abruptly ending the kiss to speak to her.

"Did you like that, baby?"

"Ohhh, yeah! I've wanted you to fuck me all day like that!"

He kissed her lips again after her response.

"Come on, Kate get up off me. You're gonna make me cum inside of you, if you don't."

She giggled back at him before leaning up and then raising her knees to ease his cock out of her tight entrance hole. Kate looked back at him with a mischievous grin before replying.

"Oh, so you are gonna cum again?"

"Yeah, but not inside of you."

He didn't say just exactly where he was going to cum again, Kate didn't bother asking him either. It seemed more fun for her to guess. Would it be her ass? Her tits? Or maybe her face? Joe held his hand out, which Kate responded by grabbing a hold of it to help him off the couch. He smiled back at her before speaking in a low voice.

"Good girl, now I want you to put your hands on the couch and lean over."

His hand reared back and playfully slapped at her left ass cheeks. He watched her firm skin moan as the super model moaned.

"Ohhhh! Mmmmm, do you want to bend me over and fuck me in the ass? Is that where you plan on blowing your hot load?"

"Maybe, you'll just have to wait and see."

Kate did as she was told, leaning down and pushing her hands over the couch as her big ass was pushed out to his sight. Joe had to admit, Kate's ass often overlooked among her beauty. She had one of the best pair of titties to ever grace a magazine cover, but she also had a nice ass. He would know, since he was a made witness in all the work outs she did in the gym with the exercise ball. Joe reached his hand down to feel her pussy in all of it's wetness. Some of her juices had dripped out. He ran his fingers over it, collecting some of it up before he brought it back to his mouth. While loudly sucking his fingers of her cum, Kate leaned over her head and gave him a little innocent smile.

Her act of teasing caused him to rear his hand back and smack her the right cheek of her ass. Joe wasn't ready to fuck that cute bubble shaped ass of hers until he cleaned her juices from his fingers.  Once he was ready, he grabbed his cock within his left hand and then used his right to push apart her ass cheeks. Kate closed her eyes and licked her lips, for she knew what was coming next. Soon, she felt the head of his dick pushing her dark little hole. The blonde model gasped her breath while he slid his fat cock into her. Now that he was ready to pump her ass, Joe moved his left hand to hold one of her ass cheeks while his right hand pushed down the small of her back. He began to slowly thrust into her cute ass while bragging aloud.

"Damn, this is nice. So, you like getting fucked in the ass, Kate?"


Since she didn't answer him immediately, he reared his hand back and slapped her ass hard.

"I can't fucking hear you, baby!"

"Mmmmmm, yeah...I do like feeling that big hard cock in my ass! Fuck my ass, do it Big Joe!"

To hear her refer to him by the nickname of 'Big Joe' was just enough to force him to thrust his hips forward harder. Joe pumped his long cock in and out of Kate's beautiful ass. Her big tits were crushed up against the couch, otherwise they would have been shaking all around from under her. Kate moaned.

"Ohhhhh, god! Ohhhh, yeah! Fuck my ass! FUCK MY ASS, YES, YES YESSSSSSSSSS!!!"

Over and over, his hard shaft pumped in and out of her ass. Joe reached his hand back and began to spank her ass with each thrust. A loud smack echoed through out the room while Kate screamed out louder.


Spank. Smack. Spank. Smack. His hand crashed down over her cheek time and time again until the stinging over his palm was unbearable. Joe didn't stop as he thrust his cock into her ass and back. He knew that soon enough, he would be forced over the edge into blowing his load. Her ass was not the place he wanted to spend his load, for his mind was already made up before they had even began. He took a step back and then came to a complete stop before slowly easing his cock out of her ass. Kate flipped her hair while looking over her shoulder. She was instantly alerted to his move, Joe called out to her.

"Come on, baby! Get down on your fucking knees again!"

"Ohhhh, you want me to suck on that cock again, Big Joe?"

"Fuck yeah!"

No woman had ever called him 'Big Joe' in the act of sex before Kate. Just to hear that while thinking of his long cock stretching out her holes made the feeling even better. Kate quickly got up, turning around from the couch until she felt his hand find the back of her hair again. Joe helped her, pushing her down to her knees faster. Kate wrapped her hand around the shaft and stroked it hard and fast. Before she wanted to suck it, she looked up into his eyes and gritted her teeth, giving him one of her hungry faces. Joe simply smirked, as he could see the smeared eyeliner over her right eye from earlier. Kate's hand jacked his cock as fast as she could before she felt him push her head down. She knew what to do next.

She took his rod back between her lips and began to quickly pump his shaft with her hand while sucking on it simultaneously. Kate worked her lips and hand in a perfect sync, giving him the dual hand and blow job all while his hand rested on the back of her head. Joe petted her head with his fingers, his way of saying 'good job' as if she were his pet. At this rate that she sucked and stroked his cock in unison, Joe was already thinking about the explosion of cum that was fast approaching. She was impressed herself, just the fact that the man could go from all three of her holes and still not blow another load. That was amazing, since no other man had accomplished such a thing with her voluptuous body in the past. Joe pulled at her hair to get her attention, forcing his cock to pop out of her mouth with a slimy string of saliva dangling down.

"Hold those big hooker tits up for me, baby!"

His words came at an order. Kate followed his command, letting go of his cock and reaching down to hold her amazing breasts up. He finally let go of her hair, just to grab his cock and push it towards her giant mounds of flesh. Kate parted a passage down the middle, allowing his cock to slither right into a tunnel of flesh. She pushed them together, trapping his cock in the prison of her giant tits. Joe began to buck his hips forward, pumping his cock between them. His hands moved to her shoulders, just to hold her in place while he bucked his hips forward and back. Kate looked into his eyes, gritting her teeth as she teased him in that slutty seductive voice.

"Yeah, do it! Fuck my titties, Big Joe! Mmmmmmm!"

Her eyes never left his while she bit her lower lip. Kate always enjoyed to watch a man's face while he fucked her tits. They rarely ever looked in her eyes. She knew that her breasts was her most powerful asset, always moving to use them on a man. Joe began to pant, not wanting to think about the fact that he was going to blow his load soon. Over and over, he slowly pumped his cock hard between those lovely breasts. Kate's eyes never broke contact, still starring up at him as she gave a smug grin knowing that she was going to force this man to empty his balls over her. The only question that remained was if he would cum on her tits or her face. He took a deep breath, grunting before screaming out to her.

"OHHHHHHH, FUCK!!! That's it! I'm gonna cum baby!"

Joe quickly yanked his cock from between her tits as Kate just looked up at him. She felt him reach back and grab the back of her hair, holding her in place with his right hand while his left wrist moved as he stroked his dick. She swallowed her breath, for now she knew where he was going to bust that last nut. Looking up into his eyes, she teased him with nasty words.

"Are you gonna cum on my face, Big Joe?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Gonna cum all over my fucking face, huh? Cover me down in that hot load!?"

"You fucking know it, baby!"

"Mmmmmm, cum all over my face! Gimme that hot load, I want it!"

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Within just a few seconds she heard him moan and then felt a thick string of cum shoot up over the right side of her forehead, drenching her eye and down her cheek. Joe grunted as another wave of cum shot, splashing over her forehead and stretching out into her hair. Kate gasped, just as another wad went flying over her left cheek and dripping down her face.

"Ohhhhhhh, yeah! Take that fucking cum, baby! You earned it!"

Kate licked her lips while she felt another string of cum go over her right cheek, stretching over her nose. As his spurts began to weaken into drops, he held his cock over her forehead to empty out the final drops. Her face was a complete wreck in smeared eyeliner and now his hot seed, almost like layers of icing over a beautiful cake. As he was finished, Kate slowly opened her eyes. She blinked, feeling the cum in her eye lids while a few drops fell from her eye brows. She wrapped her little hand around his cock and then Joe smiled while tugging her head forward.

"Kiss it, baby."

Doing as she was told, she moved the head of his dick to her lips and then kissed it. Joe finally let go of the back of her head now. She let go of his cock to use both of her hands to scoop up some of the cum from her face and lick it from her fingers. Joe smirked and spoke again.

"Aren't you gonna tell me 'thank you' for that cum, baby?"

Looking back up at him, Kate couldn't help but laugh. He was a true jock, all the way down to having a pompously inflated ego, begging for her to stroke it. She wouldn't say no to him.

"Thank you, Big Joe!"

He smiled big, taking in a breath of relief.

"I had a lot of fun with you today. You know where the showers are, right?"

She nodded while the cum dripped from her face. Joe spoke again.

"Alright, you can go get yourself cleaned up."

"This was a better workout than we usually have, Big Joe."

"Yeah, as long as you keep calling me that baby."



"See you later, Big Joe!"

Kate smiled back at the man before stepping out of the doorway of the office. Her gym back slung over her shoulder, she fixed her sunglasses while her hair was wrapped up in a pony tail. Sam was walking out of his office when he caught sight of her. The blonde model just walked by him as if she didn't notice the tall black man whatsoever. Any other time, Sam would have watched her walk out, but it was useless today as he found himself bored. He heard that nickname 'Big Joe' and figured he would go and aggravate his friend a little bit. Walking near Joe's office, he knocked on the door before walking in and speaking.

"Hey man, got a moment?"

Joe was sitting back at his desk reading over a paper. As he looked up at Sam, he nodded and replied.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Stepping into the office, Sam leaned over the desk with a big grin over his face before he answered Joe.

"That was Kate leaving your office, huh?"

"Yeah, we just finished up her contract."

"You've been working with that pretty girl for over a month. You've been fucking her, haven't you?"

Joe just looked back at his friend and gave a fake smile before he replied.

"I beg your pardon?"

Sam shook his head.

"Come on, man! Don't bullshit me on this! You've been fucking her! I know it! She calls you 'Big Joe' and the way she looks at you...yeah I know you've been giving it to her."

"Seriously Sam, I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"That lying act might work on someone else, but it ain't gonna fly with me!"

"Alright, alright. Yeah, I fucked Kate Upton. What are you gonna do about it?"

Finally, Sam smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, now that's better. Be a man about it and confess your achievement you lucky son of a bitch!"

"She just signed off on her contract, so she's done with the gym."

What Joe didn't reveal to his friend was that Kate had given him her phone number. While it was true that she wasn't going to be returning to the gym, Joe was sure that they would be texting and calling in the near future. Sam just sighed and looked around the room before he moved to walk out the door.

"Lucky bastard, I'll holler at ya later. Maybe I'll get lucky and some hot girl will come ask me to be their trainer."

"Yeah, who knows? Maybe word is gonna get around and this gym will get some more famous names arriving."

« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 12:12:33 AM by Cadeauxxx »
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Re: Bitch Control
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2018, 03:57:56 PM »
Bitch Control Vol. 2
Starring: Lucy Pinder

Codes: MF, MMF, Cons, Oral, Anal, Double Penetration, Interracial, Facial, MDom, Submissive, Big Hooker Tits

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

Los Angeles, California

The work day went by through the blazing heat on the west coast of a typical Monday. A little bit of rain felt like a blessing, but there was sense in asking for a true cold front to blow over. It was just wishful thinking of part of anyone inside the city. Joe found himself back at the gym, pulling the chain to his ceiling fan in his office. He had just returned to the office after a walk around the block, sweating from the heat. For the past two weeks, he found himself bored from the job as he had no real client since the last one had left the gym. Today he would be interviewing a potential new client. All he knew was the name 'Lucy Pinder' was somewhat recognizable to his mind. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he figured soon enough he would discover that reason. A scheduled appointment was on the bill for today after she filed in a registration at the gym a few days ago.

Just a month ago, Joe had landed a dream opportunity with a famous client. A buxom super model signed a contract and he became her trainer. He worked alongside Kate Upton for five total weeks, a time well spent as she prepared for a big modelling shoot in France. Despite having her phone number, Joe didn't spend a lot of time communicating with Kate since she had left. He texted every now and then but it was rare of her to respond. He figured she must have been busy, but that didn't matter. He had a job to tend to and until yesterday, his presence within his own private gym remained lonely.

"Anybody home in there, Joe?"

A talk-back box buzzed on his desk before coming through in loud volumes. The voice on the other end was Cindy down in the hall behind the desk. He held in the button while leaning over to reply through the short microphone.

"Yeah, what's up Cindy?"

"You've got a visitor waiting for you outside."

"Oh yeah? Is it Miss. Pinder?"


"Send her up, I'm ready."

From the hall, the woman on the other side of the desk simply smiled back at the receptionist. Cindy glanced back up and spoke.

"Mr. Murdock will see you now. His office is down the hall, you'll know it from the sign on the door."

"Thank you."

"Just invite yourself in, he's waiting on you."

Lucy smiled back at the receptionist before she began to walk down the hall. Her high heels clicking and clacking over the floor loudly. She wore a white and black striped shirt, hugging over her entire chest while she had a pair of blue jeans on from her bottoms. Her long brown hair hung from her head, softly moving as she made her way into the hall and turned to read the signs on the doors. There was only two offices, she quickly walked towards the one that said 'Murdock'. Reaching for the door knob, Lucy opened it and stepped into the room. The man sat behind his desk wearing a white muscle shirt. He watched her walk in and smile at him.

"Hi there!"

She spoke to him in a strong British accent. Joe nodded at her and reached out to offer his hand. As Lucy extended her arm out, he replied.

"You must be Miss. Pinder, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing just fine, how about yourself?"

He chuckled a laugh before grinning back to her while she moved to sit in the chair facing him.

"That's one gorgeous accent you've got. Where are you from Lucy?"

"Winchester, England! I just moved out here to L.A. a few months ago."

"I'm sorry, you probably get asked that all the time."

"Oh, no! It's fine!"

With a final laugh, he looked back down at the desk and over her resume sheet. Lucy crossed her legs while sitting in the chair directly across from him. Joe read over the paper while speaking to her.

"So, you're looking for a personal trainer I see."

"Yes I am."

"Would you mind telling me how you discovered Tight 'N Fit? I'm just curious since you left that blank on the resume."

"I saw an ad in the local newspaper."

Joe looked back at her and smiled.

"Oh really? I didn't think anyone read the papers these days."

"Yes, really! I still like to look at it every now and then. Reminds me of living back home."

"Let's go over a few things first about the gym. You'll be offered a contract part time. You can set however long you want to stay. It can be just a week, a month, maybe two months, whenever. Upstairs in this place are private gyms. I have my own. If I become your trainer, it will be just the two of us working together in privacy. You get to choose your exercise routines, the stuff you like to do, the whole works."

"I like the sound of this."

His eyes looked back at her and smiled, just before he finished speaking.

"This is all if you can afford the payments. Here is your contract, Miss. Pinder."

She took a hold of the paper in her hand and then slowly read it all out. While Lucy's eyes wandered over the sentences and paragraphs structuring the contract, Joe just sat back with his hands leaned up over his desk. He cupped his face within his hands, watching her read it out. Lucy looked over the payments, everything ranged for a few grand costing a week and then adding up on the chart. Finally after a minute, she spoke up.

"Alright, this looks fine. I can afford it, that won't be a problem at all."

"How long do you want to train here, Miss. Pinder?"

Biting her lower lip, Lucy looked back at him while setting the paper back on the desk.

"How about...three weeks? I think that will be enough."

"Alright, three weeks it is."

After replying, he reached over to grab a pen and handed it over to her. Lucy simply smiled as she clicked the pen and then signed her name over the dotted line. After she was done, she smiled back at him while setting the pen over his desk.

"I'll call the bank after I leave and get the payments arranged."

"Alright, that's not a problem. Welcome to Tight 'N Fit, Miss. Pinder. Mind if I call you Lucy?"

He reached his hand out for hers to shake. She grinned, as she shook his hand for the second time today.

"No I don't mind at all. What do I get to call you?"

Sitting back in the chair, he looked up into her eyes before answering.

"Joe will be just fine. When do you want to begin with your work sessions?"

"Tomorrow would be perfect, Joe. I can swing in by eleven o' clock, how is that?"

"That's a good time, Lucy. The gym opens at ten, so you'll be getting here before any busy hours. I'll be looking forward to this tomorrow. Here's the key to my gym in case you get there before me, just take the elevator up."

He handed her the key to his gym, watching as she picked it up in her hands before replying.

"As will I. Would you like for me to shut the door on the way out?"

"Yes, please. Thank you Lucy, see you tomorrow."

She grinned, winking at him before she raised her body out of the chair and began to walk out. Joe sat back, listening to her high heels click and clack. It was rare that anyone walked in here within a pair of heels, a clear hint that she was a different type of woman from what he was used to working with. Apart from having a beautiful face and a lovely accent, there had to more to her. Something about her name was still recognizable in his conscious mind, but he didn't think about it while he heard the door shut behind him. It was funny that she asked him if he wanted it shut, that was something that only the assistants around the office would speak back. Joe figured he might as well be prepared to be at the gym before her arrival tomorrow afternoon.



Lights beamed through the large glass windows overlooking the private gym under Joe's name. He arrived early, determined to prove to Lucy that he was no lazy man of a trainer. Long before she arrived, he prepared the gym for her. The first thing he did was go into the little room and put her name on the locker. 'Pinder' it read, while it felt like not that long ago the name 'Upton' was on that same metal box. He then fixed up the gym room, making sure everything was well placed and not needlessly out in the open. Joe was still unsure just how Lucy wanted to work out, but he would find out in the next few hours, he guessed in his mind. After he was finished, he walked back over to his little corner in the room with his white chair and sat relaxing while he awaited her arrival.

Lucy was true to her spoken word, arriving a few minutes after eleven struck on the clock. Joe heard the door open from a distance and the light shining in front the hallway. She came in, wearing a black tank top and a pair of purple yoga pants with empty hands. Joe rose from his chair to walk over and greet her, all smiles. Lucy didn't notice him at first while her eyes looked over the large room. By the time he approached her, she finally caught the figure of his body and smiled. She spoke in her thick accent.

"Good afternoon, Joe! Glad to see you!"

"Likewise, Lucy. So, you didn't bring anything with you?"

She looked back at him a bit dumbfounded before shaking her head.

"No, should I have?"

"I don't suppose. But if you did want to bring any accessories or clothes, I've got you a locker in the room."

"Oh, that's nice."

"Come on, Lucy. Let me show you around my gym."

Walking together, Joe stepped around the room. The first place he showed her was the door leading to the inner-hallway with white painted walls and marble floor. Inside, he showed her to the locker. Lucy smiled big when she noticed her name on the locker.

"That was nice of you, you didn't have to do that."

"Oh that's nothing, Lucy. Just a small gesture of kindness. Down the hall there, you can see the showers. If you're ever sweating bad enough you need to wash off, feel free to use it."

She turned, walking to stick her head through the hall. Lucy was immediately surprised at how large the room was with the showers. It was quite possibly the most immense shower she ever seen before. Large enough to fit at least a dozen of people by her own guess. Joe walked back out of the hall and Lucy followed behind him. This time, he led her around the gym. Her eyes looked over at the racks of equipment and stationed utility. Once in the middle of the room, Joe turned around to face her and smiled.

"Welcome to my little inner-world, Lucy. Now, we need to decide on just how you wanna work out and what you're into."

"Right, well to be honest...I'm not really a mad person when it comes to working out. I guess I am more casual with it."

Joe nodded his head to her.

"Very well, I understand. Are you expecting me to work you into exhaustion with something you don't want to do?"

He raised his eyebrows and smirked, hoping she would realize the joke. Lucy shook her head and laughed.

"Oh no, it's just I don't know how to explain myself. I mostly do basic work outs and stuff I find to be fun."

"That's my job, Lucy. To make working out fun for you. By basics, do you mean push ups, sit ups, and maybe also jumping jacks?"

She nodded her head, smiling.

"Yes! I love to do jumping jacks. I usually can go up to fifty in counting, then I do push ups."

"How about we start a work out session arranging them? What about push ups and sit ups first and then jumping jacks?"

Once again, she nodded with approval to him.

"I like the sound of that. Are you gonna be doing them with me?"

Joe nodded, patting her on the shoulder with a big smirk on his face.

"Why not? I'm your trainer after all. it would only be fair if I did."

"Alright, how about we get started with those push ups then, Joe?"

"Fine by me, let's go Lucy!"

Together, they lowered themselves down on the floor. Lucy followed his move, lowering her hands and knees down to the mat on the floor. One by one, they situated themselves before commencing with the push ups. Joe was determined to allow Lucy to work with whatever pace she wanted to. The push ups began and then he counted aloud as she would do one and then he would follow right behind her. Several minutes passed until Lucy became tired, counting up to forty before she was done. She rolled over on the floor until Joe offered his hand to help her up. Next was time for jumping jacks. Lucy told him she wanted to do fifty, and he was determined to follow her request through.

Lucy faced Joe as their bodies were just a few feet apart from one another when they began. When she jumped up from her feet, her huge breasts began to bounce in front of his face. Like before, she jumped first and then he followed behind her. One another the other, the sound of their hands clapping together followed in a double harmony. Joe had noticed her massive breasts, despite being covered up by her black tank top, it was impossible to not take sight of them moving up and down. He closed his eyes and all she did was grin at him while he still counted at the sound of their hands clapping together. After they were finished, they shared a laugh before Joe went to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water for them both. So far so good, day one had come to a fine start in their chemistry as trainer and client.



"There you go, nice and slow...."

Thursday came to pass while Joe and Lucy remained in the gym together. She found herself laying down on a work bench, slowly lifting up small weights in both hands. With the third day of their work outs, Lucy found herself in a comfortable with Joe. They started with their routine basic work outs but after the second day, she was confident to try something new for a change. Joe suggested small weight lifts and she promised not to let him down. He couldn't help but find himself surprised at her work ethic and the way she talked to him as a man. It was almost as if they were in a sort of relationship. For Lucy, it was funny that he so far did not seem to have any idea who she was. It must have slipped his mind to do a background check, for he never once asked her a single question about her career as a glamour model.

She thought about a man while she was gone. Back over the pond in England, she had many lovers. Many men who wanted to get close to her heart but she never trusted them. Lucy had enjoyed keeping herself on the low end of light, away from the fame that attracted her name back in her home country. There was something about Joe that she found to be exciting. The way he was as a trainer, she could tell there was something in his mind that could be unlocked between the sheets. He seemed like the kind of man who enjoyed being in control. Lucy knew many men like him back home. The right one could be a lot of fun for her when going through a lonely stretch such as the current moment. 

While laying down on the work bench, Lucy teased Joe with her breasts. She wore a grey shirt with straps and a low cut. While her massive breasts were contained in a large sized purple bra, it still gave up an ample view of amazing cleavage. Men were so easy when it came to her. She knew how to tease them with her glorious large tits, something she was well aware of. All day so far, he couldn't stop himself from looking at them when it came to eye contact. He would look in her eyes and then glance down. While she pushed her wrists up and down with the weights, she looked at him standing above her and called out in her lovely English accent.

"Hey Joe..."

"Yeah, Lucy?"

Licking her lips as she looked into his eyes, she dropped one of the weights in her left hand and offered her arm up. He instantly got the hint, reaching his hand out to help her up. As she rose from the work bench, she pushed herself up against his chest. He was wearing a blue muscle shirt, her big breasts smashed up against him. She watched his eyes wander down to her cleavage and then back up into her eyes. Lucy starred in his eyes and then spoke in a low voice.

"They're quite the attraction, aren't they?"

For a moment he found himself clueless, sweating as he thought of an answer back to the busty lady. Lucy was either teasing or grilling him, or maybe it was the jock in his brain talking. He looked back at her and gave a fake smile. Lucy spoke again before he could.

"You like starring at my boobs, Joe?"

The man shook his head before replying.

"What kinda question is that, Lucy? You come in here wearing something like that, what did you expect me to do?"

"Do I sound like I'm complaining? Pardon me, I'm not."

The heat of the moment seemed to be getting to him. Lucy didn't want to pressure the man too much. She turned around for him, looking up on the wall as she noticed the clock was reaching three PM. This offered a good excuse to leave soon.

"Oh...it's almost three, I have to get going soon."

"Not just yet, Lucy."

Hearing his words, she quickly turned around. Joe had a smug grin on his face before speaking again.

"What's this about? Are we working out or are you gonna come in here tomorrow and tease me with your tits again? I know they're big. They look fucking amazing if you want me to be honest with you."

Lucy smirked, chuckling a bit before she answered him.

"You still don't know who I am, do you?"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

A rude answer from him, but not a surprising one. He fit the bill of American jock, but a funny one to the point he didn't realize who she was. Lucy figured he would have went on the internet and searched her name like most did when she applied for something. Biting her lower lip, she took a few steps back before replying.

"Search my name on the internet, Joe. See what you find with one little search. I'm surprised you didn't do this before, you might be surprised with the results that come up. Anyways, I better get changed and leave. I've got some stuff to do back home."

"Alright, that's fine Lucy. I'll get on my laptop after you leave."

She smiled, leaning up close to him before whispering in his ear.

"Good, I think we'll be doing a different kinda workout tomorrow. As long as you don't mind."

Pulling away, she winked at him before walking away. Joe just stood there thinking to himself. What was up with this woman? Was she truly attempting to seduce him with her voluptuous busty body while working out? Something about Lucy seemed different from most women, perhaps searching her name online would give answers to the clues at hand. He never thought to search a client's name, for he respected their privacy entirely when they took him as their trainer. Once Lucy left the room, he went to go take a shower and wash away the sweat from his body.

While in the shower, he thought about her. That cute but thick accent of hers was driving him nuts. From the first day they worked out, he couldn't keep his eyes away from her boobs despite them being covered up. For three days straight, she did jumping jacks and bounced them in his face. Just a few hours ago was the most torture he had so far as they bounced and jiggled in view from her heavy cleavage. After he was done washing his body alone in the large shower, he put on a pair of purple shirts and a casual Lakers shirt from inside his locker. After he was ready, he left his gym room and took the elevator back downstairs to where his office was. Stepping out of the elevator and walking back into the main hallway, Cindy from behind the counter spoke.

"Joe, you gotta minute?"

"Yes Cindy, what's up?"

"Miss. Pinder left you her phone number on a sticky note, I put it on your desk for you."

"Thank you, appreciate that Cindy."

Now she was leaving him her phone number? So many thoughts ran through his mind as he walked back into his office to sit behind the desk. Sure enough, the note pad had a nine digit cellphone number and 'XOXO, Lucy' written on it in a pink marker. Once he sat back behind his desk, he leaned down to grab his laptop that was charging up. He often kept it on the floor since the plug was too short to reach his desk. Raising it up, he sat down and opened it up before powering it. Within a few short minutes he opened a browser and then typed in the name 'Lucy Pinder' on the search. Joe's jaw immediately dropped on the first page of search results.

"Holy fucking shit! This can't be true!!"



The morning hours came brushing with dew and a rising sun, buy by almost ten o' clock, a usual day had dawned. For Joe, the unusual aspect was staying up all night on the internet looking at photos of Lucy Pinder. He couldn't believe that the thought slipped his mind. He had never seen this woman before, could have never guessed she was a former English glamour model. Thinking about it, he still couldn't decide why her name was somewhat familiar to him before they met in his office on Monday morning. He couldn't stop himself from staying up and jacking off to old photos of her. The thoughts ran through his mind up until midnight of what he wanted to do with her. He knew exactly what she was speaking of with a 'different kinda workout'. She gave him the impression right away that she possibly enjoyed being put in her place by a strong man.

By the opening hour of the gym, Joe found himself sitting in his white chair within the corner of his room. His hands were stretched out over his head while his bare-feet were propped up on the foot stool. All he wore was a purple shirt with a Los Angeles Lakers basketball logo on it and a pair of white gym shorts. He was waiting for her, knowing that she would be arriving soon. At any moment, the door would swing open for her to walk in. All Joe thought about was the heat and intensity built up between the two of them in desire. Their time as trainer and client would eventually become a form of playing master and servant. From the corner of his eye, he thought he seen the light as the sound of a door opening was heart.

Lucy bit her lower lip as her heels loudly echoed over the floor. She had arrived today wearing a little black jacket hugging over her body. Underneath was a surprise, not something she wanted to spoil. Joe could immediately hear the heels loudly clacking and clicking over the floor. The door shut behind her and then she stepped in. At first, she couldn't find him in her line of vision among the room. it wasn't until she walked half way in, looking over the empty mats on the floor and work utilities, she seen he was over in his corner sitting by himself in the big white chair. Lucy walked over, the sound of her heels becoming louder with each step. When she stopped, she placed her hands on her hips and spoke. He didn't turn his head at all to greet her.

"So....Did you go online and look me up?"

When he didn't answer her, she walked in front of him. Her black heels stepping over the white mat on the floor. Joe looked up at her before giving her his classic shit-eating grin. Lucy's face was so beautiful, she had dark eyeliner and her long brown hair was split down the middle. The man slowly nodded his head while looking at her behind his foot stool.

"Yeah, I did. I spent quite a look looking at your boobs."

"Ohhhhh, did you Joe? You haven't really seen them yet."

"I saw pictures of them, that counts right?"

Lucy just smiled and shook her head. Joe decided to taunt her with his words.

"What about the millions of horny guys that look at those pictures? Let me ask you something Lucy: do you take pleasure knowing men jack off to your big boobs? They probably stay up all night thinking about covering them in cum."

"Listen to you! Are you confessing what you want to do to me?"

"No, I wouldn't ever confess my dirty thoughts to a woman."

"Not even me?"

"Not even you."

She frowned hearing his reply. All Joe did was smile back. She could tell he had some vibe of a jerk to him. It wasn't exactly clear yet that he was taunting her while she put on her innocent little act. Joe spoke up.

"That was nice of you to leave me your phone number."

"I was about to ask you, why didn't you call or text me last night? I figured you were intimidated."

"Me being intimidated by you? No, I had a famous client last month. Much more famous than you."

The last line of his speech was somewhat insulting. Lucy didn't let it bother her ego though. She just bit her lower lip before responding.

"Was it a she?"


"What did you do with her, Joe?"

Rising up from his chair, Joe looked down into her eyes as he stood just inches away from her. His foot stool was the only thing standing between their bodies. Lucy never broke eye contact as he answered her back.

"We had a different kinda workout on a Friday afternoon."

"Oh, so you like getting laid on Friday's?"

"Sometimes. Anyways, I made her take her clothes off...then I made her take my clothes off."

He put his hand on Lucy's shoulder. She looked down just for a moment before gazing back into his eyes while he continued speaking.

"She was a cute blonde haired and blue eyed model. The all American type girl, and she had huge boobs."

Laughing to himself, he continued.

"I told her they were big hooker tits. That's what I called them. You've got big hooker tits too, Lucy."

Slightly giggling, she bit her lower lip while looking into his eyes. The busty British woman responded.

"That's quite a funny nickname, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but it sticks for you. You've got some nice big hooker tits, the British variant I'll add. How is that?"

Lucy just smiled before nodding. His hand moved from her shoulder as she responded.

"It's cute, I like it. So what did you do with her?"

"What do you think I did with her? I told her to get naked and then take my clothes off. I fucked her mouth first, to set in the tone of how I like to play."

"Did you make her fuck you with her...big hooker tits?"

Joe nodded.

"Yeah, now you know what I have planned for you ahead of time."

She bit her lower lip. Her suspicions seemed true about him thus far. He was a man that liked to be in control. Lucy enjoyed a dominant man like him, if they knew how to use her body correctly as she was built. So far, he seemed to be just the type of man to use her breasts for what they were made for. Joe sank back down in his chair, continuing to stare back up at her. Now was time for the final question before they were to begin.

"Let me ask you something, Lucy. I go by one of two nicknames so what's it gonna be that you call me? Big Joe or Duke?"

Thinking for a moment, she looked up at the ceiling and then back at him once her decision was made.

"How about Duke?"

"Duke? Are you sure, baby?"

She nodded her head.

"Yeah, I've known a lot of guys that go by Mr. Big, Duke sounds more unique."

"You ready for a real workout?"

Nodding again, Lucy smiled. Joe then spoke in a stern voice back to her.

"Good, now take your fucking clothes off!"

Obeying his command, she unbuttoned her jacket and quickly worked to get it off her body and onto the floor. Lucy stood in nothing but a matching black bra and thong. She leaned over, giving him a great view of her cleavage while she grabbed her left heel. Joe instantly protested her move.

"Oh no, keep the heels on!"

"You like my heels, Duke?"

"Yeah, I like 'em baby."

She smiled and he winked at her. Leaning back up Lucy ran her hands to her back and then looked in his eyes while she slowly undid the strap holding her huge breasts in the bra. As it snapped off, she quickly pulled it and tossed the bra to the floor. Joe dropped his jaw.

"My god, look at those things."

Lucy ran her hands up her breasts, holding them up close so he could see them. Joe leaned up in his chair, stretching his hands out. She got the hint that he wanted to touch her breasts. She leaned forward and held them up for his grasping hands. Joe softly caressed the before he slowly squeezed his hands over her tits. She closed her eyes and moaned while he felt her nipples harden up under the palms of his hands.

"Are these what you would call big hooker tits?"

"Oh, fuck yeah. God, these are amazing. I was thinking last night, you have the greatest boobs I have ever seen in my life."

Dropping her lower lip, she gasped before speaking.

"Oh my god! You mean that!?"

"Now that I've seen them in person, yeah. I do mean that, now I want you to take my clothes off baby."

He instantly lost track of time. Forgetting that she had not removed her thong yet. Lucy wanted to correct him, but she knew better. For she had experience with dominant men, knowing just the fact that their word was all that mattered. She leaned down while he still ran his hands over her breasts. She grabbed the bottom end of his shirt and went to pulling it over his head. He let go of her tits so his shirt could come off. After Lucy was finished, she lowered herself down to her knees. The foot stool was in her way.

"Move that too, get it outta your way."

His words commanded her to push aside his foot stool, something she did first. Joe stood up, looking down at her as she grabbed the front of his gym shorts and began to tuck it down at the same time with his underwear. The busty model looked into his eyes while his hard cock sprang free from it's nest. She wanted to wrap her hand around his cock, but he didn't order her to do that, just yet. He stepped out of his shorts and underwear once they were a pile on the floor. Joe then reached down and grabbed Lucy's hair from the back of her head. She knew what was going to come in the following minutes. Looking down into her eyes, he grabbed his cock with his free hand and then pulled her hair to get her attention.

"Ready baby?"

Nodding like before, Lucy licked her lips.

"Yeah, I'm ready! Give me that cock!"

Her lips parted, opening her mouth while Joe pushed her head down and allowed his cock to enter her oral hole. Lucy's hands went down to her legs, keeping them below as he began to slowly move his hips and thrust his cock into her mouth. Closing her lips around his cock, a muffled moan escaped her lips as he moved back and forth. Joe pushed her head all the way down, forcing his entire length to push down her throat. Holding Lucy there for a few seconds, she gagged and choked. Her eyes watered up and then he pulled her back, giving her a release of air. A few strings of saliva dangled from her lips back to his cock.

"Spit on it."

Following the order, Lucy flicked hrer tongue over her lips and then spit on his cock. Her eyes looked back into his as she felt him pushing the head of his dick past her lips. Locking eye contact, she felt him slide his entire length back down into her mouth. Joe began to buck his hips, fucking her mouth like before.


Her mouth created numerous sucking sounds as she slobbered all over his rod. Eventually, Joe pushed her mouth all the way down and held her there. Just like before, she too his entire length into her mouth while her lips buried at the base. Lucy held it there for several seconds until gagging. Her eyes teared up, this time ruining her eye liner as it began to run down the corners of her eyes. Joe pulled her head slowly. She moaned into his cock until her lips came off the head with a pop noise. Joe smiled down at her like a jerk. He noticed the smearing dark eyeliner and tears and decided to taunt her with his words.

"What's the matter, baby? You're a big girl aren't you? I thought you could handle my cock."

Lucy couldn't believe his words, truly teasing her as he owned her mouth with his rod. She was bound and determined now to prove her point to him. Before he pushed her head back down, she squeezed her lips around his cock and began to bob her head up and down it. Joe was impressed at her new motivation and he began to thrust his his forward, fucking her mouth while a slimy string of saliva dripped from the right corner of her lips down to her big tits. Soon enough, Lucy's mouth was making slobbering and sucking noises yet again.


Joe groaned and pushed her mouth all the way down on his dick, just like before. Lucy gagged before he pulled her head up and released his rod from her mouth. Long strings of saliva sway back from her mouth to his dick. She took a deep breath before moaning and spitting on his dick. He moved his hands over to his hips. Standing tall, as he watched one of the most beautiful glamour models of the world. She wrapped her little hand around the shaft and looked into his eyes before spitting on it. Lucy wanted to prove to him, she didn't have to be told to do it. Her soft pink lips moved to the head and she kissed it.

He then grabbed a hold of his cock and then put his right hand back into her hair. He held Lucy in place as he began to slap his cock up against her right cheek. 'Mmmmm' Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. She closed her eyes and moaned as she felt his saliva coated rod slapping across her cheek. Her hands moved back to her legs, resting them in place while he had his fun toying around with his big dick and smacking it over her face. Joe was ready to put her big tits to use. It's all he thought about last night while searching her images on the internet. Lucy's Pinders were made to be fucked. Looking over his shoulder, he moved to sit back down while holding her hair.

"Come on, get over here."

Pulling her hair, he sat down as he tugged Lucy towards him. His legs stretched while he sat down in the chair. She was positioned right in the middle, starring up at him with his hard cock springing up. Joe nodded to her while he let go of the back of her head.

"It's time to put those big hooker tits to use, baby. Wrap 'em around my cock."

"As you wish!"

Lucy looked down at his rod standing straight up for her. She gripped her hands around her huge breasts and then leaned in, smashing them around his hard cock.

Joe moaned, watching his long thick meat shaft completely disappear between the folds of her massive tits. She began to slowly pump her breasts up and down while starring into his eyes. The result brought much satisfaction upon his approval. While she moaned and looked at him, his eyes were watching the show that her tits created. Joe moaned aloud in joy.

"Pump 'em up and down, baby. Yeah! Just like that!"

Each time her immense boobs moved, his cock was devoured between them. Occasionally, the head of his rod would poke up as she moved her breasts up and down, over and over. Lucy slowly pumped her breasts, allowing him to enjoy every moment of her massive tits fucking his cock. She knew this is what she was built for with a large rack. She also knew the three important rules on how to deliver a great titty fuck: #1. Keep it tight at all times, #2. Use your hands to apply pressure, and #3. Never forget to make eye contact. Lucy didn't speak a word, only moans were heard from her mouth while she continued to fuck Joe with her amazing big breasts.

The man sat in his white chair like a king. He grinned the smile of a winner, feeling like a champion of the world as Lucy pumped those breasts up and down over his cock. It brought so much excitement to him, to have this woman use her famous assets and pleasure him this way. He was in complete control, she obeyed his every word so far. While it was an amazing feeling to have her breasts pump up and down over his cock, he was already thinking about what was going to end up happening. He was going to cum, she knew it too. The look over his face was a clear giveaway as he began to curl his face up. Lucy just smiled back at him, rocking her breasts up and down as she titty fucked him. Soon Joe spoke up.

"Lucy, baby..."

"Yes, Duke?"

Taking in a deep breath, he replied back to her. He loved the sound of her strong British voice calling him 'Duke'.

"Get up for me."

His request caught her by surprise, but she didn't protest him. She let go of her breasts, freeing his American jock cock from the trap of British tit-flesh. Lucy stood up in her heels. Joe began to rise from his chair and then she offered him a hand, helping pull him up. He gave her a smile as they stood together.

"Good girl, thank you Lucy."

Reaching in to cup her chin with his fingers, he held her face up and then leaned down to press his lips to hers. Lucy couldn't believe they waited all this time before kissing. He kissed her passionately, dancing his tongue against hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting to end the kiss. As their lips eventually parted, he smiled back at her.

"Come on, I want you to bend over on all fours for me. Right over this couch, baby. I want you to assume the fucking position!"

Without saying a word, she simply turned to the couch and stepped to it. She liked how he could be romantic, then turn around and give her a stern order just like that. Her heels clicked and clacked loudly before she bent over and pushed her thong covered ass out to him. Lucy gasped before calling out.

"Oh, no! I forgot to take my thong off earlier!"

His hand softly caressed her back while responding.

"Relax, baby. You've been a good girl so far. You're also a pretty good kisser, I gotta say that."

She giggled before softly replying.

"Thank you!"

"I'm gonna take your thong off myself."

Leaning down, Joe ran his hands over her hips and down her lovely legs. He moved his head to the point he could grip her thong between his teeth. He then quickly began to pull it down. Lucy gasped and moaned once she realized what he was doing. She looked over her shoulder and down, feeling the thong fall down her smooth skin. Once it was down past her ankles, she stepped her heels out of it. Joe remained on his knees, looking at her soft entrance hole drenched in wetness. That was not the hole he planned to finish himself in, but it was lovely enough to kiss softly. Lucy moaned when she felt him kiss over her sweet pussy lips.

Once he was standing tall back on his feet, Lucy could see his shadow from over her before she felt both of his hands over her ass cheeks. She moaned while feeling him pull them apart. Joe used his left hand and grabbed his cock, rubbing the head up against her wet pussy. While teasing her, she moaned but didn't say a word. He simply loved the sound of her strong English accent moaning out to him. Lucy closed her eyes, figuring that she knew what was about to happen to her luscious body. Joe pulled his cock forward and then pressed the head into the entrance of her dark hole. Lucy's eyes opened wide as she felt his cock pushing into her ass. The busty British babe moaned loudly as Joe slid his long shaft into her tight ass.


He had caught her by surprise, this wasn't what she expected. Lucy always did enjoy it when a man took her ass, this shock was well worth it. Gasping her breath, she moaned out loudly while he began to thrust his hard rod into her. Her hands reached up, gripping the top of the couch as he began to pump harder into her ass. Joe planted his left hand over her ass cheek while reaching his right hand up and gripping her shoulder.

"God, this ass is so fucking tight!"


Panting and moaning, Lucy lowered her left hand to finger herself. She began to push her middle finger frantically into her pussy while taping her ring and index fingers. Each time, his hard rod pounded into her ass and his balls slapped up against the underside of her nice booty. Joe didn't stop, pumping his hard cock into her ass over and over. He looked down and noticed her fingers moving over her soft mound and then chuckled.

"The fuck are you doing down there, baby? Trying to play piano?"

The joke was ill-timed. Lucy couldn't laugh as all she could think of was the pleasure, feeling his hard cock pound into her ass over and over. Joe was so close to blowing his load, and this was just the place he wanted to. Slowing down his thrusts, he pumped into her ass slower. Counting to himself with the final thrusts; one...two......three.


"Mmmmmmm, yeah! I want it!"

Her lower jaw dropped as she felt his hot load shooting into her ass. Joe's hands moved, he let go of her shoulder to run his hand down and slap her ass cheek hard. The smack echoed across the room while he shot his seed deep within her ass. While Lucy moaned, he began to push his cock to exit her ass. His cum pouring out while he released. A thick trail of his steamy liquid substance ran out of her ass and down her thigh. Joe took a few steps back and smiled big as Lucy looked over her shoulder.

"That felt awesome, now are you ready for me to really fuck you?"

"Yes! I'm ready, Duke!"

She winked at him, causing him to laugh. Lucy could be a bit humorous, even when she was a sensual beauty forcing men to lust for her. He stepped back towards her, reaching his hand down to grab her hair and force her up. Lucy moaned as he tugged in his hand through her brunette locks. She turned around and then looked in his eyes before they kissed. She pressed her big breasts up against his bare chest and wrapped her arms around the man. Eventually he would kiss her again, she figured. After breaking their lips apart, Lucy looked in his eyes and smirked before speaking.

"So how do you wanna fuck me, Duke?"

"I want you spread out on the couch, that's how."

"Ohhhh, that way you can watch my big slutty hooker boobs bouncing up and down?"

"Yeah, something like that."

With a giggle, Lucy softly kissed his lips again and then moved back to sit on the couch. While sitting there, she looked up into his eyes just to tease him a bit. She spread her legs, prompting a focus on her wet hole she desperately wanted him to slide his hard cock into. Joe took a few steps forward and grabbed his cock, pushing it into her entrance as he teased her. The busty British girl moaned, crying out to him as he rubbed the head of his cock over her pussy. A few seconds later, he slowly pushed it in. She gasped her breath, finally feeling them become one before calling out.

"Oh, yes! That's it, mmmmm! You're the Duke, fuck me like one!"

Her words were a funny bit of encouragement. Lucy stretched back on the couch as he put his hands over her legs and began to pump his hard dick onto her sweet pussy. Each time he bucked his hips and thrust into her, those huge boobs went bouncing. She moaned, screaming out louder to him.


Joe couldn't say a word. All he did was grit his teeth while pumping his hard cock into her, over and over. This was the fucking she deserved, even with all her dirty talk back and forth to him to entice him to ravage her voluptuous body. This would be a lifetime achievement for him, to have fucked one of the most beautiful glamour models ever, and how could he had not known before yesterday? It was an amazing feeling, all the thoughts continuously ran through his mind while he fucked her. Ramming his cock back and forth into her.


She closed her eyes, yelling out louder while her big breasts bounced up and down. She was so close and he was going to eventually push her over the edge. Her voice changed a bit, crying out to him before she belted out in high pitch. Her body began to shake and the climax was reached. Lucy closed her eyes and yelled loudly.


Very few woman in Joe's life could scream as loud as Lucy during an orgasm. He slowed down a bit, still pumping his shaft into her pussy as she cried out to her orgasm. He took a deep breath, feeling her juices coat his rod from within. She opened her eyes, gazing back at him while catching her breath. He began to step back, allowing his cock to exit her sweet pussy. Lucy's eyes moved down as she ran her hands over her large breasts and squeezed them. She watched his cock come out of her entrance, covered in her own juices. Her eyes looked up at Joe now, the man had a new request for his good girl.

"You wanna taste your own juices, baby?"

"I was waiting on you to ask me!"

They smiled at one another and Lucy winked. Joe reached for her hair, gripping it with his fingers as he leaned her down. Lucy fell to her knees from the couch and wrapped her little hand around his shaft. While looking into his eyes, she brought the head of his cock into her mouth and then the shaft between her lips. 'Mmmmmmmm', still looking into his eyes she moaned over his thick rod before coming up and making a pop noise as she released it. His dick had been cleaned thanks to her tongue. She swallowed her own juices and then smiled up at him. Joe nodded.

"Good girl!"

Lucy giggled. She quite enjoyed when he told her she was a 'good girl'. It meant that he was satisfied with her actions. Joe leaned down and kissed her lips, enjoying the aftertaste of her juices within her mouth. She moaned into his mouth before breaking the kiss.

"Get up on the couch again, baby. I want to fuck your titties one last time."

"Oh you want my slutty big hooker titties?"

All he could do was laugh at how she worded her speech to him.

"Fuck yeah, one last time! I gotta fuck 'em again before I load you down in my cum!"

Reaching to grab her wrist, Joe helped Lucy stand back up. She moved to the couch and laid down, realizing that he wanted to get on top. Luckily his couch was big enough to support them. While she was laying on her back, she gripped her big breasts as he moved to sit down on her stomach and sink one of his knees into the cushion while his other leg hung below the couch. As he sat on his stomach, he took his cock and rubbed the head up against her left nipple. Lucy moaned before pushing apart her massive tit-flesh and allowing a massage in the middle. He stuck his dick right into the tunnel, only for her to smash them together and trap his cock.

"God, that feels so fucking good."

"Mmmmmm, yeah. Your hard cock between my big hooker boobs. It feels so good right there."

As he began to pump his cock forward, bucking his hips as it thrust between her tits, she looked into his eyes. Joe called out to her while moaning.

"Oh, yeah! Baby, I want you talk dirty to me."


"Fuck yeah! Talk nasty to me while I fuck your titties!"

Lucy's hands remained locked over her breasts. The head of his dick pushed up with each thrust he made. Joe gripped the back of the couch with one hand while looking down at her and continuing to buck his hips. Her eyes remained locked on his while she began to speak naughty words into his ears.

"Mmmm, yeah. You like that? You like pounding your big meaty cock between my slutty big hooker tits? Oh yeah, you like that Duke? You like fucking your whore with big boobs after getting her sweaty all week from working out? Oh yeah, you like telling me what to do? You're the Duke! The one who deserves my big boobs wrapped around your cock."

"You're so fucking beautiful baby, keep talking!"

He bit his lower lip, still pounding his cock between her big breasts. Lucy continued speaking in sweet dirty talk.

"Ohhhhhh yeah...FUCK MY TITTIES! I'm your British whore with the big hooker boobs and I want you to fuck 'em! Fuck my tits hard! Go on, you know you want to! You're the Duke and you own these boobs, they're yours! FUCK THOSE TITS, YEAH!!!"

Joe began to grunt, unable to keep up with the fast pumping between her breasts. When Lucy called herself his 'British whore', that was it. He reached down with his left hand and grabbed the back of her hair. The man pulled back as he quickly got up from the couch and pulled her to a sitting position. Lucy's hands went to her breasts, holding them up. She knew what he was about to do and it took him long enough to finally reach the last breaking point. He wanted to cum on her face, just the place that he usually shot his load. As he pulled her hair to hold her head up, he lost his aim of sight. Her huge breasts were a major distraction and he ended up aiming his cock down.

"OHHHHH, take that cum baby! Yeah, this is for you!!"

The first spurt of cum shot powerfully striking into her hair and down her neck. Lucy gasped her breath before smiling up at him. Her beautiful face just teased him while he shot a thick strong of cum up her right breast and then aimed to equally splash the other one in his cum. Joe ended up misfiring like his first wave of cum, more went into her hair and over her neck. The man grunted, not a single line of cum so far got on her face so he failed on one point. He aimed his cock down and finished himself over her breasts. Layering her skin in hot strings of his spunk, the man moaned as Lucy simply gazed into his eyes with the biggest smile on her face.

"Ohhhhhhhh yes, that feels so good. Your hot cum all over my big hooker tits!"

As he was finished, all he could do was think about blowing his load all over her face. If there was ever a second time, Joe would be determined to correct that error. Lucy looked down, smashing her hands over her breasts before taking her right hand and gathering up the cum on her index finger. She looked back into his eyes while bringing her finger to her lips and sucking the cum off. It was remarkable that this was her first taste of cum. She wanted it earlier, but he denied her that pleasure by shooting his load in her ass.

"Mmmmmm, your cum is delicious. You are indeed my Duke."

Lucy giggled while sucking his cum from her finger. Joe smiled, nodding at her while he patted her on the back of the head. A soft little gesture to remind her that she was his 'good girl'.

"I want you to say 'thank you' for that cum, baby."

Smiling at him, she looked in his eyes before speaking the words he wanted to hear.

"Thank you, Duke!"

He couldn't refuse the opportunity to cup her chin in his fingers. There was something about this lady. She could be so sensual, something about Lucy made her stand above other women in his life with class. She seemed like wife material that a man would dream of having. He raised her chin and then leaned down to cup her face and passionately kiss the busty British model. After breaking the kiss, he looked back down at her and nodded.

"You should go take a shower, get yourself cleaned up."

"Yeah, I suppose I should. You made a big mess over my boobs and you even gave me a pearl necklace, mmmmmmm."

"You're welcome, babe."

She chuckled at his response. This man clearly had an inflated ego, she couldn't deny that. There was no sense in arguing with him though. She raised herself up from her knees and then began to walk across the gym room. Her heels clicked and clacked over the room as she walked in the nude, only in her high heels and the cum over her tits. Joe smirked to himself as he watched her walking off, heading for that door where the shower was in the gym room. He couldn't help but think in his own mind: 'hell yeah! You're the fucking Duke!'.



Saturday afternoon came like any other weekend. It was the only off time from the gym going by schedules of a five day work week. Joe found himself back home at his apartment home thinking to himself. After the day he spent with Lucy in his gym, he wandered about his friend Sam. He had not seen his friend much in the past week, work had been slow for him in the past few months. Joe remembered when he worked with Kate last month how Sam wished so dearly he could've had a chance with her. Apart from giving each other a hard time and joking back and forth, they were still good friends. The two men were jocks at heart, as Sam had a career as a football player in the rear view mirror of his life.

While watching television sitting on the couch, Joe kept thinking about his friend. Occasionally Lucy was texting him during the day. Simple stuff, little flirtatious messages and hints. She wanted him to come visit her during the weekend but Joe refused. He wanted Lucy in his gym, the one place where he was always in control at all times. Finally after the last texts with her, he decided he would grow some balls and give a call to Sam. The most negative thing that could happen was for him to just get cussed out for disturbing the man during his off period. That was a chance Joe wasn't afraid of. He scrolled the contact list on his smartphone and then hit Sam's call button. Raising the phone up to his ear while he heard it ring, he sat back watching the television. Within a few seconds, the phone clicked and the other man answered.

"Well, look who's calling me on a Saturday. What up Joe!? How the hell you doin' bud?"

"Hey Sam, I thought I'd holler at ya."

"Holler away, what you got for me on a fine afternoon like this?"

"Did you go through the list of paid clients this past week at the gym? Just curious."

"Hell no! Why the hell would I do that!?"

Joe laughed, pausing for a moment before he replied.

"Remember that conversation we had about a month ago? That day you came in my office and we talked about Kate Upton?"


"Well, this is why I think you should head up to the gym and check the books. I've got a model who is working with me. Her last name is Pinder. If you're near a computer, go search 'Lucy Pinder' online."

"Wait, wait hold up. I know who the fuck that is. She's that bitch from Britain with the big tits, used to get 'em out in Page 3 or whatever the fuck it was called. They had a magazine over there and she was always topless in it, good shit ya know?"


Sam gasped on the other end of the phone before replying.

"Hold up! You mean to tell me that she's in our gym!? Fucking seriously, when did this happen!?"

"Just last week. She's my client right now."

"You went from Upton to Pinder? Holy shit, daaaaammmmnnnn!! This ain't a fucking prank is it?"

"I wouldn't lie to you about this, Sam! Remember when you told me you wanted a chance with a hot chick?"

"Man, I got a collection of Pinder magazines. I bought them myself, and you better not be asking me if I just want a fucking autograph."

"I'm not. Look, I fucked her yesterday."

"You did? What is she like?"

Joe sighed before responding to his friend over the phone.

"She's different. She's very sensual...I don't know how to describe it. Something about this woman, it's like she can be so dirty and so romantic at the same time."

"You're full of shit."

"No I'm not! I fucked her! She was amazing, probably the best woman I've ever fucked in my life! Look man, I'm calling you to give you a chance."

"Oh yeah, really? What are you about to tell me next, Joe? You gonna tell me that she wants some chocolate dick?"

Sighing, Joe rolled his eyes before replying into the phone.

"You never know. I'm telling you, this woman is kinky as hell. I can't wait come Monday, we've been texting all day. We're planning on getting hot in the gym again Monday. I was calling you to offer you a chance."

"A chance with Lucy Pinder, huh? I ain't gonna say no to that. But only if she wants to. I gotta be respectful to a woman, you know?"

"Yeah I know what you mean, man. Will you let me try and talk her into a threesome? You and me man, this could be a lot of fun."

"If you can do it, that's on you. I'm gonna check the gym. You better not be full of shit on this."

"I'm not! You'll see it in the books!"

"Alright then, see you later Joe."

The phone clicked hanging up. Joe sighed before he looked back at the screen of his phone. Lucy had texted him while he talked to Sam. With a new plan in his mind, he quickly texted her back. 'Hey, got a sexy idea if you're up for something different.' After a few seconds of waiting, he grabbed the remove from the arm rest of the couch and clicked to turn the television off. After the distraction was shut off, the phone beeped with a new text message. 'I like new ideas, what you got in mind?'. Looking across his room, he took a deep breath before pushing his finger tips over the screen to type in the next message. Joe didn't want to waste any time beating around the bush, just to get straight to the point. 'I have a friend who could join with us Monday afternoon. He's black, let me know if you're interested.'

Hitting the send button on the phone, Joe sat back on the couch and yawned while stretching his legs out. He was unsure how Lucy would respond, for all of this was a big chance he took. After several seconds of waiting, the phone beeped again and she had replied. His eyes became big as he read the text back from her. 'Oh? I haven't been with a black guy in some time! If it's a threesome you want, invite him since you're the Duke after all. I can handle you both XOXO'. Joe almost dropped his jaw with that reply. He re-dialed Sam from the call history. Sitting there patiently until the man answered and then Joe blurted it out.

"It's a go! She said yes!"



A slow weekend washed over, all in a matter of forty careless hours. For three people, Monday morning wasn't a 'blue' day whatsoever. Joe had teased Lucy in texts the past few days, talking of sweet naughty words back and forth. Today was the day though, the time had come to put all those teasing efforts into a show. Joe didn't waste any time getting himself prepared for the morning. He talked it over with Sam the night before, as the other man realized his friend wasn't creating a prank on him whatsoever. Of course her name was in the books back at the gym, why wouldn't it be? Back in Joe's private gym, the two men had arrived an hour before the gym opened. They had all the time to kill by themselves while awaiting her.

It was times like this that an hour felt like slow time moving on. Joe was nervous, for he had never participated in anything with Sam. The black man had arrived and took a shower before putting on a basic robe. Joe only wore the casual dress code he always did in his gym: workout shorts and a T-shirt. The action was planned to take command in the corner of his room where that white couch was. It was his little 'man cave' zone. Joe took great pleasure knowing that two women famous for having what he called 'big hooker tits' worked to please him when he sat in his big white chair. To him, it was his king's throne. The two men sat on the couch looking across the room. Finally, once the clock hit 10:12, the door opened. Joe spoke up to Sam.

"Hey man, look! That's her coming in right now!"

The light shined in from the doorway before disappearing after the door closed behind her. High heels were heard clicking and clacking, moving forward to their way. Sam stood up the couch, a bit shocked that it really was her. He watched Lucy walk towards them, greeting both men with a smile as she stood in a white dress, low cut to reveal her cleavage and with matching white high heels. Lucy's face had heavy makeup, dark eyeliner and pink lipstick. Her hair was fixed up and she had big gold hoop ear rings. Over her left wrist, a small gold wrist band was there with a pink ponytail band next to it. Her left hand had a shining gold ring. The woman was dressed to kill. Sam looked at her and spoke.

"Wow, you really are Lucy."

"Oh hi, you're the guy Joe talked about right?"

"Yes, he is. This is my friend Lucy, meet Sam."

Sam didn't pay no attention to Joe speaking. His eyes remained fixated simply on Lucy standing tall next to him.

"You work out in high heels?"

She shook her head.

"Oh no, I didn't come here to work out like that. I think you know why we're all here. I had to dress for the occasion."

While she smiled at Sam, Joe just laughed and walked towards her. He came behind Lucy until she turned her head to look at him. The busty goddess moved her hand to cup the back of his neck and then kiss his lips. Breaking the kiss, Joe turned back to his friend and spoke.

"What did I tell you, man? She's fucking class."

Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, classy coming into a gym dressed to kill. You like you're all set for a night on the town."

Lucy giggled at his words. For Sam, it was the first time he ever heard Lucy Pinder speak. He had looked at her from magazines and on the internet for years and knew of being from English, but he had never heard her voice. She was so sexy, even when speaking.

"I quite missed my Duke over the weekend, what's your name?"

"Call me Sam."

"Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Lucy."

"I know exactly who you are. Oh fuck, this is like a dream come true. I never would've thought I'd get this opportunity in life."

The sound of Sam's voice was enough to tell her just how badly he was anticipating this day. She got the hint somewhat, just due to him wearing the black robe over his nude body. Lucy turned to look at Joe and spoke again.

"Are we ready to begin? I know you guys gotta be horny. I can feel it in here."

"Fuck yeah, I'm ready!"

Joe spoke first. All Sam did was smirk and nod back at her. He spoke after his friend.

"Ready when you are. Let's see what you got, sexy bitch."

Lucy took two steps back. While she got herself ready, Joe went on and took his shirt off. Sam didn't move an inch. All three of them stood together, the two men watching Lucy. She threw her hands into her hair. Gritting her teeth, she teased both men before she grabbed at the straps over her shoulder. Her dress was a one piece outfit, easy to push right down. Her huge breasts popped out first. She heard one of the men gasp as her big boobs were exposed.

"Holy mother of god. I always knew those tits were fantastic in the pictures."

"Hell yeah, man! I told her those are big hooker tits!"

Sam sighed. Lucy pushed the remainder of her dress down, exposing that she had no bra or thong underneath the dress whatsoever. She stood naked to both of them in nothing but her heels and gold jewelry. She kicked the dress behind her before raising her hands to her hips. Her pussy was dripping wet, shaved from over the weekend. Both men had looks of shock on their face. The woman's beauty was enough to knock them right out. Sam spoke up.

"You let this man give your boobs some cheesy nickname like that?"

Lucy giggled.

"Oh, what? Big hooker tits? I thought it was adorable."

Joe glared at Sam. His friend just grinned back at him, it was always funny how easy they could aggravate one another Lucy took a deep breath before calling out.

"Alright, I think we're ready. I shall go down to my knees, I want your big cocks in my hands!"

"Fine by me."

Joe stood on her left while Sam was on the right side. The black man pulled apart his robes and let them fall to the floor, exposing his nude body. Sam had an athletic build, similar to Joe's. The only difference besides skin color was a heavy number of tattoos all up his right arm and chest. Lucy quickly moved her right hand towards his big black snake, wrapping her fingers around it. Joe pushed his gym shorts down as quickly as possible and then Lucy looked up at him while her left hand found his hard cock. Within seconds, both men were moaning as her hands worked their cocks simultaneously.

"Are you really gonna take both of our dicks, Lucy?"

Her eyes looked up at Sam. She smirked, still stroking their poles in her hands.

"Yeah, that's the plan."

"You are one dirty fucking bitch."

"Thank you, I like that nickname."

Lucy giggled. She quite liked a 'bitch' nickname every now and then. It had been some time since a man was brave enough to use that word affectionately to describe her. Her hands still wanked their hard rods. She licked her lips and decided on which one to taste first. She moved towards Sam, but not before she glanced back at Joe and winked at him. Focusing on the dark meat, Lucy opened her mouth and pushed her pink lips over the head. Her right hand pushed to the base of Sam's big black cock, as her left hand continued to stroke Joe's pole. She began to slowly bob her head up and down, slobbering all over Sam's long black cock.

Joe moaned as he felt Lucy's hand pumping his dick up and down. He couldn't help but notice that Sam's cock was somewhat bigger than his. In his mind, he estimated it was at least one inch longer. Was that why Lucy went to him first? His ego had to be inflated after this newly found revelation. He couldn't bear knowing another man had a bigger dick than him. Sam moaned to the British glamour goddess until she came up to release his shaft from her mouth with a pop noise. Shen then turned to her left and smiled at Joe. Lucy licked her lips and then spit on Joe's cock. All before she enveloped her lips around the head and pushed it into her mouth. Just like before, she used her right hand to wank Sam's cock while she was bobbing her head up and down on Joe's meat.

"God, what a dirty bitch. Look at how she sucks dick, she fucking loves it."

"Yeah man, I told you! Lucy is something else!"

She moaned over Joe's meat as she listened to Sam's words, the two men bragging aloud. Once again, she was turned on more as he called her a 'bitch'. Lucy alternated their cocks from her mouth. Moving back to the right after she made another pop sound coming off Joe's dick. She spit on Sam's long black dick before pushing her lips back down on it. Like before, her left hand went to stroking Joe's dick. The busty girl continued alternating her lips over both cocks. Strings of saliva dripped her the corners of her mouth as she slobbered and sucked on their dicks. Over and over, she repeatedly changed and alternated between their dicks. Sam was the first one to speak up.

"You ready to get your mouth fucked?"

Her eyes looked up at the man and she nodded. Lucy swiftly responded.

"Yeah! I've been ready! You want to fuck my mouth with your big black cock?"

Sam responded by placing back of his hands down in her hair. Lucy let go of Joe's cock and opened her mouth wide. Sam pushed her head down, his black dick pushing in as she gagged on it at first. Lucy kept her mouth wide open as he began to buck his hips and ram his rod back and forth into her mouth.

"Ohhh, yeah! That's it! Take my fucking cock, you dirty bitch!!"


Her jaws repeatedly made various sucking and slobbering noises as Sam proceeded to fuck her mouth. Joe simply stood there and watched. His friend moaning, having the time of his life as Lucy's hair went waving all over the place. Her big tits bounced as her mouth pushed back and forth.


After a good bit of time bucking his back and forth, fucking her beautiful mouth, Sam stopped. He moved his hands from her hair and released his rod from her lips. A flood of spit ran down her chin and to her tits. Lucy caught her breath, but she felt a hand reach down from the left side and grab her hair. While tugging her to the left, Joe looked down at her and spoke to catch her attention.

"Come on baby, my turn!"

Joe's saliva coated rod smacked up against her cheek. Lucy looked into his eyes before quickly wrapping her lips around it. Now it was Sam's turn to stand back and watch as his friend began to fuck her mouth. Joe moved his hand to the back of her head. Her hair waved in her face as he began to thrust his hips and force his cock back and forth between her lips.


"Take that fucking cock, baby! Yeah!!"

While her mouth made more sucking noises, Lucy right hand grasped for Sam's dick. He grabbed her wrist to guide her fingers back to his black shaft. She gripped it and began to stroke it hard while Joe was determined to try and outdo his friend with fucking her mouth. Her hand pumped Sam's shaft while Joe pushed her lips all the way down to the base of his cock. Lucy proved that she could multi-task, at the same time her lips were buried at the base of Joe's shaft and he stopped bucking his hips. He held her there until he heard her gag. Her eyes watered up as Joe pulled her head back up, releasing his dick from her lips with a flood of saliva.

"I think your tits need some cock."

Lucy slowly caught her breath, swallowing back as she heard Sam's voice. She looked back up at both the men. Joe had a look of pleasure over his face while Sam was smirking. She ran her hands down, grasping for her huge breasts as she held them up. Before she could speak, Sam blurted his words out.

"Yeah, there ya go! Hold 'em up for me. Get your hair outta the way too, behind your shoulders."

Taking a deep breath, Lucy let go of her tits and followed his command. She straightened her hair directly behind her shoulders. Lucy thought that maybe was the time to use her ponytail to get her hair in order, but she passed on the idea for now. Once she was ready, she licked her lips and looked up at him while holding her tits apart. Joe simply stood there and watched. Sam guided his big black cock between her luscious giant white breasts. Lucy smashed her tits together, trapping his cock between them and then raised her neck. She looked into the man's eyes, gritting her teeth as he began to pump his hard dick between her breasts.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck!! Goddamn, her big ass titties are fucking amazing!"

Each time Sam thrust his hard black shaft forward, the head of his massive pole would rub over her neck. His balls pushed up against the underside of her giant boobs. Lucy's gold hoop ear rings jiggled around a bit, but she refused to break eye contact. With her teeth still gritted, she began to tease him while he pumped his dick between her breasts.

"You like how my boobs feel around your hard dick?"

"Ohhhhh, yes I do. Dirty bitch, you were made to have your tits fucked!"

"Mmmmmmmm, yeah!"

Her moaning voice sounded like music to his ears. Sam continued to thrust his cock between her glorious boobs, all while Joe stood there simply watching. He felt a bit left out, so he stood behind Lucy and began to slap his cock over her forehead from behind. Since her neck was arched up and she still looked into Sam's brown eyes, she found herself in a bit of a struggle. She didn't want to break eye contact with the man, but she couldn't neglect Joe of pleasure. Arching herself back a bit, she licked Joe's dick with her tongue until Sam finally stopped pumping his dick between her tits. He grabbed his cock, pulling it free of her massive tit flesh. As Lucy was free, the man looked back at Joe and spoke.

"I'm ready to fuck her."

"Yeah, me too. I wanna be in her ass."

Lucy looked up at both men before she rose up from her knees. While facing Sam, she smiled and grabbed his cock with her left hand. She then turned to look at Joe and wrapped the fingers of her right hand around his pole. Softly moaning, she spoke to them both.

"You both wanna fuck me at the same time, right? I'm a big girl, I can handle it."

She winked at Joe, remembering when he taunted her last week. The man just smiled back at her. Lucy's heels clacked on the floor as she stepped towards the big white couch. Holding both of them by the cock, she forced them to walk with her. As she faced Sam, she let go of their dicks after reaching the couch. Lucy ran her hands up his chest before kissing his lips. The man moaned into her mouth. After breaking apart their lips, he sat down on the couch. Lucy straddled him and then sank her knees down on the couch as she lowered herself into Sam's lap.

The man lowered his hand, guiding his rod to slip into the wet folds of her pussy. Lucy moaned feeling him inside of her. She kissed Sam again before pushing her big white tits to his face. Sam was in heaven feeling his cock pushing into her pussy. That was one pleasure, but it was even better having her big breasts smashing up against his face. Lucy arched her back forward. She used her hands to cup the back of Sam's head and then she looked over her shoulder at Joe. The other man had stepped around from behind the couch and used his hands to pull apart her ass cheeks. Lucy looked at him before biting her lower lip.

"Go ahead, I know you want to! Fuck me in the ass! I want both of your hard cocks pumping in and outta me!"

Stepping forward, Joe didn't waste anymore time. He guided his cock into her dark little hole, listening as Lucy began to cry out. Once his cock was pushed into her ass, the man began to slowly thrust forward. At the same time, Sam bucked his hips forward to push his cock back and forth into her pussy. Lucy gasped at the feeling of both of their hard rods pumping in and out of her holes.


One after the other, Sam and Joe pumped their cocks into the busty glamour model. Lucy moved her hands, pushing up on the couch as Sam's face was finally free of her large boobs. He took a deep breath, watching her tits bounce as he bucked his hips and pushed his dick in and out of her pussy. All the while, Joe was pounding her ass with his hard rod. Lucy threw her head back, her hair waving all the other place as she screamed out.


Grunting was heard among both men, but they didn't utter a word. Lucy continued to breath in heavy, closing her eyes while moaning out. They still pounded their dicks into her.


Instantly, Sam took a deep breath and cried out.

"Oh, shit! I'm gonna end up busting my nut if I don't get outta this pussy!"

"Come on, man! I'll get her up!"

Lucy paid no attention to the men speaking but heard their words. She felt Joe's cock exit her ass, freeing her back door. Sam didn't want to cum just yet. He planned to empty his balls near the end, that way he could truly make her face into a mess. Lucy turned to look at Joe from over her shoulder. He reached down to grab her arm and help her off his friend. Her heels stomped over the floor and then she turned to Joe, he had a new position in mind.

"Bend over for me, baby!"

"Not just yet, one thing first!"

After replying to him, she grabbed his head within her hands and pressed a kiss over his lips. They moaned into each other's mouths before pulling their lips apart. Joe looked back into her eyes, ready to give her an order.


"Yes, Duke?"

"Assume the position."

She obeyed his order, giving him a smile before she lowered herself down to her knees on the floor. Her hands planted over the surface floor next to the couch. Sam just stood there watching as Joe came behind her and slid his cock back into her pussy. Lucy wanted to reach her climax and Joe wasn't going to refuse her of that pleasure. She ran her hand over her face as her body began to rock back and forth. Her big tits bounced from under her. Joe reared his hand back and slapped the left cheek of her ass.

"Fuck yeah!! That's my baby right there, yeah!"

His hand came smacking down over her ass again. Lucy whimpered, moaning out to him as her body rocked. She was so close to her climax, it was all she could think about. Sam sat on the couch watching, the sound of Joe's hand striking over her ass could loudly be heard through the room. The busty model moaned.

"Oh my god, I'm so close!! I'm almost-OH!"

Spank! His hand struck down hard over her ass, startling her from speaking. Lucy swallowed her breath and closed her eyes. She gasped for breath before screaming out as she felt her body tense up.


The sound of her voice screaming echoed all throughout the large gym room. While Sam sat on the bed, he looked down at her and smirked. He was impressed with how hard she hit an orgasm to belt out in a high pitch voice like that. Joe took a few steps back, allowing his rod to slither out of her warm pussy. His dick was drenched in her juices. He stepped over until reaching out to grab her hair.

"Come on baby, clean that cock!"

Lucy moaned until she looked at his dick, dripping from her juices. She wrapped her lips around it and then began to quickly bob her head up and down. She obeyed his every command, clearly showing to Sam that she was a submissive lover. Joe removed his hand from her hair while she moaned into his rod. 'Mmmmmm', he felt the vibrations going through his body. Once Lucy had sucked all her juices from his dick, she came up with a loud pop noise.

"Wow, do you always lick your juices up?"

She looked back at Sam who spoke.

"Only when I make her clean my dick."

Joe answered for her. Lucy giggled from the floor. Sam spoke directly to her.

"I like to taste some pussy, you mind if I lick you? You're a dirty bitch, I can clean that pussy out real nice."

"Mmmmm, I would like that."

After replying to Sam, she licked her lips and gazed up at Joe to answer him.

"I want you to push your cock between my boobs next, while he's eating me."

"That's fine, baby. Come on, let's get you up on the couch."

Lucy raised herself back up and then she let Joe show her the position on the couch. It was almost the same position from Friday, just on the opposite end of the couch. She laid down, her head just under the arm rest of the couch. Joe sank one of his knees down in the couch to straddle her stomach while his other leg dangled off. At the same time, Sam walked around the opposite end of the couch and leaned over where her pussy remained in his line of sight. Her hands went to her giant boobs, pulling them apart to allow Joe to slither his cock between them. Once in the passage way, she smashed them together to trap his dick. Within a few seconds, she could feel Sam's tongue licking over her clit.

"OH-Ohhhhhhh, yes!"

She smiled while looking into Joe's eyes. Lucy made it a job to never break eye contact when a man was fucking her tits. She gasped her breath, feeling Sam's tongue slither into her pussy as Joe began to pump his cock between her tits. Joe grunted as he began to thrust his hard rod between her breasts, pounding them.

"God, I just love your big hooker tits!"

He reached his left hand down, grabbing the back of her head. Lucy had gritted her teeth but parted them to let out a soothing moan. The look in Joe's eye was one of intensity, she could easily see that he was having the time of his life between her boobs. Over and over his hard cock pumped between them. She gasped her breath before crying out loudly.

"Oh, ohhhh, yeah!! Mmmmmm!!!"

Sam's tongue was pushing into her back and forth, almost like a snake. He caused Lucy to wiggle her legs around. It was difficult for her to focus eye contact with Joe as the other man licked her sweet entrance over and over. As Joe was pumping between her breasts, he screamed out.


Hearing his friend speak, Sam instantly came up from her pussy and put his hand on Joe's shoulder. Alerting his friend, he yelled out.

"Hey, now wait just a fucking minute! Don't blow your load yet, I got an idea!"

Taking in a deep breath and sighing, Joe came to a stop. Lucy let go of her breasts, but the two men chatted for a moment. Joe responded to his friend.

"What's your idea?"

"She's a dirty bitch. Let's make her into one."


She giggled before replying.

"You wanna cover me down in cum?"

Stepping away from the couch, Sam walked over to look at her face. He nodded his head before replying.

"Yeah, I want to drown you in it."

"All over my face?"

"Yep, right where it should be."

"Mmmmm, that would be sexy."

With a giggle, Lucy bit her lower lip after replying. Joe remembered the first time he fucked Lucy, how he missed the opportunity to blast her face in his seed. He was determined not to let that opportunity pass, especially not when in the presence of another man. The man began to rise up, moving off her stomach from the couch. He looked back at Sam and spoke

"You want us to cum on her together or not? I'm pretty fucking close right now."

"Nah, you can go first. I want to see what you can do."

"Hold on just a minute, please!"

From behind them on the couch, Lucy had sat up. She took the ponytail band from around her wrist and began to gather her hair up. Applying the pony tail, her hair was pinned up and hanging over her shoulder. She brought the little band for a reason and this was just the perfect time to use it, to give them both a clear view of her face to blow their hot steamy loads. Joe snapped his fingers and pointed down to the floor. The man began to stroke his cock as he watched Lucy obeying his command. With her hair neatly wrapped up in a pony tail, it whipped around from her back before she lowered herself down to her knees. Joe reached his right hand to grip the back of her head as Lucy looked into his eyes. She licked her lips.

"Open your mouth, baby."

Parting her lips, the busty model looked into his eyes while he pushed his rod into her mouth. Lucy figured since he had just fucked her tits, maybe he wanted her to slobber all over his rod before the final explosion. Lucy gagged as he pushed her lips all the way down to the base of his cock. She sucked, slobbering on it as he began to slowly buck his hips forward and back.


He pushed her lips all the way down the base of his cock. As Lucy held his rod down her throat, she gagged and her eyes watered up. Joe grunted as he was finally ready. He pulled her hair, forcing his cock out of her mouth as saliva strings dangled down. While still gripping her hair, he began to stroke his cock with his left hand and aiming it to her face. Lucy closed her eyes, for she knew what was about to come. She opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out.


Joe grunted as a hard wave of cum shot out of his rod and drenched over her left eyelid and into her hair. Another burst of cum went over her left cheek. He pulled her hair, forcing her head up a bit so he could shoot a thick string of cum down her right cheek. Another blast of cum went on the left side of her nose and streaking up to her forehead. Little drops went into her hair. His warm seed coated her face with another wad of cum drenching over her right cheek and dripping down her neck. As his load was beginning to lose steam, Joe continued stroking and layered another string over her left cheek. Taking in a deep breath, he pushed his dick over her tongue. The last spurts of his cum shot into her oral hole.

"Ohhhhh, man. That was so fucking good."

Lucy opened her eyes after hearing Joe's words. He pulled her hair forward so his cock could sink into her mouth. She got the hint and closed her lips, sucking on it as she milked the final drops of his cum over her tongue. After he was done, he pulled his rod from her mouth as a string of saliva dripped down. Lucy opened her eyes, as she felt him rub his dick over the right side of her face, up against her nose.

"Thank you."

A sigh of relief was heard from the man in front of her. Joe could not believe that Lucy remembered to thank him for his cum, just like Friday. As he was finished with her, Joe walked away. Her face was drenched in a mess of cum, and yet she still had one more cock ready to explode for her. Sam looked down at her with a big grin on his face.

"Now you're really a dirty fucking bitch. Ready to get even filthier?"

The other man stepped forward, swinging his black pole towards her face. Look swallowed the cum in her mouth and then nodded up at him.

"Yeah, you wanna cum for me too?"

"Not yet. Fuck me with those big ass titties one last time."

A strand of cum dripped from her right cheek while Lucy moved her hands down to grip her massive breasts. She held them up for him while looking in his eyes. The cum all over her face was shiny with the light in the room. Joe moved to the couch, sitting down for a rest while Sam was finishing up. Lucy trapped the other man's big black cock between her breasts. She licked her lips and smiled at him as she began to pump her boobs up and down. Slowly, she fucked his cock with her giant breasts. Sam took a deep breath, standing there and enjoying every second as she titty fucked him. After a good minute, he finally called to her.

"Alright, I'm ready!"

Lucy let go of her breasts, freeing his long pole as he gripped it in his hand. She looked up at him while he began to stroke his hard cock. Unlike Joe, Sam didn't bother putting his hand in her hair. He didn't care about that at all. Lucy didn't close her eyes this time, all she did was open her mouth and stick her tongue out. Finally the man gritted his teeth and screamed out.


The first wad of cum went flying over her right eye. Lucy blinked as it drenched up her eye brow. A thick wad of cum covered her right cheek, creating another layer of cum as it began to drip faster from her face. Sam kept his cock aimed at the right side of her face, since her left cheek was already drenched in enough cum. A thick drop hit her nose and then Lucy closed her mouth momentarily.

As she parted her lips again, she stuck her tongue out as a heavy string of cum dropped out of his cock and over her right cheek. It dripped down her cheek and to her tits.

Yet another large wad of spunk covered her right cheek. As his cum began to weaken, Sam simply squeezed his dick hard to empty the final drops over her nose. As both men had now become depleted in cum, it was all over. Sam took a few steps back and joined Joe on the couch. Lucy sat on her knees, moaning at the hot sticking feeling all over her face. She was drenched, she could feel it all over her face. While gasping her breath, she looked at the couch at both of them. The men were smiling ear to ear. Those infamous shit-eating grins that only a jock could do. Joe couldn't keep his eyes off Lucy. He spoke up.

"Damn, you are fucking soaked down there."

Lucy giggled, nodding at him while drops of cum dripped from her face.

"Oh yes, I am a big mess down here."

"Yeah, go get a shower baby. You need it, clean yourself up good."

Sam looked over at his friend and smirked. Lucy watched as the man held up his hand and Joe clapped his, sharing a 'high-five' together. She got up from her knees, soaked and drenched in their cum. Her high heels clicked and clacked as she walked across the room to find the door leading to the showers. The two men sat there breathless, simply watching her walk off. For Joe, he still had two more weeks with Lucy or working out. To Sam, this was simply a one time only gig but one that he was proud of.



The ceiling fans turned repeatedly from above, blowing cool air into the gym room. Within the work week, Joe and Lucy shared the gym together doing one of two things during the day. When they weren't doing exercise routines, Joe was fucking her in every position that they enjoyed. Lucy still called him 'Duke' and he loved every moment of it. Sam never joined them again in the gym, but Lucy spoke with him a few times during the week. They chatted during lunch breaks from time to time, but Joe was her main trainer and always would be. She enjoyed the man for a friendship, one that came with benefits that brought a lot of pleasure to the both of them.

Inside the gym today, Joe found himself alone. It was a hot afternoon, the typical weather in the city of angels. Lucy had yet to show up to the gym. The clock said 1:03, an unusual time for her to be late. She was always on time before twelve hit on the clock. Joe walked around the gym room, making sure all the ceiling fans were running to bring some cool air into the room. He hoped that nothing had come up, but he didn't want to bother her with a phone call. While he walked around the room humming a song, his cellphone began to ring. He ran across the room back to his little corner where he had left the phone in his white chair. Sure enough, it was her calling. Joe answered the phone.

"Lucy! I was just wondering where you're at, is everything okay?"

"Hey Joe...I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to tell you today. I'm getting ready to board a plane back to England. Something came up today and it's urgent."

"Oh, I'm sorry baby."

"I have a friend who needs me right now."

"I understand."

"Thank you Duke, I mean Joe! Look, I'm sorry I had to leave without giving a notice but this has to be done. I probably won't be back in L.A. for a while. My friend needs some help right now, I can't let her down."

"That's fine, Lucy baby. You've still got a week left on your contract though. Do you want me to reimburse you the payment?"

"Oh no, you don't have to do that. I still have a week left huh? Hmmmm....Save it. Who knows, I might be back some day. I loved spending with you as my trainer, wouldn't mind doing it again if I have the opportunity."

He smiled to himself hearing that reply.

"That opportunity will always be on the table for you baby. You're right, you got a week waiting for you if you ever are to come back."

"Thanks Joe, I'll remember that. Please take care, I'm going to miss you. I gotta go now, I'm about to board the plane."

"Alright Lucy, you be safe baby."

The phone clicked hanging up. Another chapter in his career as a personal trainer had come to a close. Joe smiled to himself before setting the phone down. Lucy was gone, but he had a feeling she would probably come back another time.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 01:57:37 PM by Cadeauxxx »
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Re: Bitch Control
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2018, 03:58:51 PM »
Bitch Control Vol. 3
Starring: Jessica Alba

Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal, Facial, MDom

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

Los Angeles, California

A new day dawned with the morning breeze. Monday came as it always did, with a feeling of the blues and emotional disdain to a new work week. Most who worked through week days, didn't feel like showing up come Monday morning. The doors to the Tight 'N Fit gym opened on the usual scheduling. Joe found himself back in the office, greeted by Cindy when he first walked in. The man had spent the previous weekend partying in downtown L.A. Among things he normally did not indulge in. A 'blue Monday' had certainly come true in his regard. He spent most of Sunday night throwing up after drinking too much, but he still went to work, just as he always did to make his living back at the gym.

One month had went by since his last client left. Lucy had proven to be quite a memorable experience working alongside. Since then, only a few no-names had dropped into the gym but no requests for a personal trainer were made on document. Today, he discovered four registered applications sitting on his desk. Among them were three women and a man. He looked over the names registered, noticing one that seemed familiar: Jessica Alba. Joe looked back at the paper, just to make sure that he did not misread the name. Sure enough, it was really her. A scheduled interview was set on Monday, meaning that within a few hours, he could expect to see her through the door.

Joe sighed while reading over the application one last time. Jessica Alba had filled out the form, requesting a trainer to prepare herself for a film role. In the referral form, she put the name 'K. Upton'. He sat back, almost to the point he could grin to himself. The fact that Kate had spoke to friend of hers about the gym made him happy. Perhaps he was growing a reputation around Hollywood and more famous names would come in. As eleven AM hit the clock, Joe left his office to grab a soda from the machine outside. Within the lobby, he watched a few people come into the gym to work out in the main large room downstairs. His mind was already racing over the thought of witnessing Jessica Alba walk through those doors. Upon returning to his office, he immediately discarded the other three applications to Sam's office. His friend had not arrived to work yet, but it didn't matter.

Outside the gym, a black car pulled up into the parking lot. A short woman stepped out, wearing a light orange shirt and black jogging pants. Below, she had a brand new pair of white sneakers with pink laces. Jessica ran her her hand through her brunette hair, feeling the hot sun beat down on over her face. Taking a pony tail from around her wrist, she fixed her hair up in a pony tail just before putting on a large dark pair of sunglasses. Now ready, she made her short walk to the front doors of the Tight 'N Fit gym. She witnessed her reflection over the doors, just before they slid open automatically. She stepped in, looking around the room before eyeing the reception desk. A man stepped in behind Jessica, walking with a hand bag. She slid her sunglasses up over her head before greeting the receptionist at the desk with a friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm here for a scheduled interview with a personal trainer."

The receptionist looked back at her, nodding before speaking.

"What's your last name, Miss?"


Cindy turned her attention to the computer monitor to her left. Her fingers created a rhythm of clacking as she pressed on the keyboard. After submitting the data and pulling up the name, she replied back.

"Ah yes, Alba. I see you now. You have a scheduled meeting with Mr. Murdock and he is in today. I'll buzz him right now and let him know you're coming up."


Jessica responded with a smirk. The blonde girl from behind the desk pressed a button near her computer to ring Joe's office. Cindy then glanced to her right and pointed her finger.

"It's just down the hall, right there. You'll know cause one door says 'Murdock' on it."

"Alright, thank you."

Ignoring the woman, Jessica turned to walk down the hallway outside the lobby. Reaching the small hall, she looked down one side to see just the door that was referred to. The name 'Murdock' was on a plate hanging over it. Jessica stopped at the door, raising her left hand to knock on it softly.

"Come on in, please!"

Hearing those words, Jessica pulled the knob and invited herself in. As she entered the office, she stepped in to see a muscular man in a black T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Joe was much taller than her, he extended his hand out and greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, you must be Miss. Alba. How are you today?"

"I'm good, thank you Mr. Murdock."

The two shook hands, just as the door shut behind her at the same time. Joe moved back to his desk chair while Jessica moved to sit down in the chair facing the desk. It was definitely her, that charming smile and the blonde strands in her brunette hair was enough for Joe to see it was truly Jessica Alba herself. As they sat facing each other, Joe opened up speaking of the interview.

"So, I read over your form. I've been waiting to ask you all morning, did Kate Upton really refer you to this gym?"

A smile curved over her face before she nodded. Jessica replied after giggling.

"Oh yes! Kate told me about you, she recommended this place and talked about you. You're Big Joe right?"

"Right you are, Miss."

Joe's face turned into a smug grin. Kate rarely ever texted him back, but to know that she referred to him as 'Big Joe' to a friend such as Alba, was enough to stroke his ego. Jessica continued speaking.

"I've heard a lot about you. Kate told me this was a good place to hire a trainer, she said you were among the best she's worked with. I need to keep a low profile, I'm working out for a movie."

He nodded, smirking back to her.

"Everything here is private business. If you take me on as your trainer, we'll have a private gym upstairs all to ourselves."

"Yeah, Kate told me all the important details."

"Did she tell you how the rules are set? If you sign up to Tight 'N Fit, you'll be in control of your own work out schedule and what you want to do. I'll be at your side at all times, working out right next to you."

"Oh no, she didn't tell me but I like that. I just need to get into shape for a movie role. I didn't want to let the studio give me a trainer this time, I figured this would be more low profile."

With another nod, Joe thought to himself. He wanted to ask the question, just what the details were of the film role she was gearing up for, but he stopped himself. It was better not to intrude on such details. He grabbed the contract paper from his desk, sliding it out to her with a black pen.

"Here's your contract, Miss. Alba. If you really want to work out here, go ahead and sign. You'll have to make a payment arrangement and how long you wish to stay."

"I was thinking just three weeks? That will give enough time to get into shape. We beginning filming in two months, so I'm on a time table."

Joe observed her movements after she spoke. Jessica took the pen in her left hand and proceeded to write her signature down on the paper. It was then that Joe realized Jessica was left handed, such a detail he didn't know in the past. After she was done signing the paper, she dropped the pen on his desk. He extended his hand out to hers, offering another shake.

"Welcome to Tight 'N Fight, Miss. Alba. You may call me Joe."

"Thank you, I would rather you call me Jessica."

A giggle was heard from her as they departed their hands from one another. Joe nodded, speaking back.

"Very well, Jessica. When would you like to begin training?"

"We can start tomorrow. I'll be in before 1 PM, if that's fine with you."

"That's a little later than some of my previous clients."

"Is that a problem, Joe?"

"No, not at all. It means I'm going to get a few extra hours of sleep tonight. Here, let me get your key to the gym room. It's upstairs, you'll know cause my name is on the door."

Jessica laughed at him. Rising up from her chair, she glanced to watch him slide out the drawer of his desk to hand her the gym key. With it firmly in the palm of her hand, she shoved it down into her pocket and smiled back to him before responding.

"See you tomorrow, I can't wait to work out with my new trainer."

The man sat back in his chair, watching as the famous woman moved to the door and made her exit. Joe couldn't help but sit back, smugly grinning as he thought of what was to come. So far this year, he was off on a roll with famous clients. It all began with that famous blonde super model with the big hooker tits. At least word was getting around Hollywood, spreading the name of the gym. While he had all day to keep the Sin City actress on his mind, Joe decided to leave his office and get the gym ready for his new client. He had to move some equipment out of the way and get a janitor to sweep the floors.



Music played through speakers in the corner of the room. A Tuesday afternoon had dawned before him, Joe found himself back in his private gym awaiting Jessica's arrival. Just a few weeks ago, he decided to bring in his iPod and a pair of cheap speakers. He listened to a few songs from the 90's; an album by Madonna known as 'Ray of Light' and a few hits by Ultra Naté from the same decade. He sat in his white chair in the corner of the room, listening to the music while flipping through the pages of an old Iron Man comic book. Joe occasionally liked to look through old Marvel comics, a reminder of his childhood that didn't revolve around basketball.

The clock across the room said 12:58 PM just when the door was heard cracking open from beyond the large room. Jessica had arrived, stepping into the door wearing the same pair of black yoga pants from yesterday and a white shirt. Over her arm hung a black leather purse, inside containing various necessities she required. Joe turned the iPod off once he saw the light shine in front across the room. Setting the comic book down on the white couch, he made his walk across the room to greet the actress. Jessica ran her hand through her hair, just before smiling as he approached her.

"Hey! Glad to see I'm not coming in alone."

"Oh no, Jessica. I've been here waiting the past few hours."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I'm a morning bird though. I'm always up before the clock hits 10, since I gotta be here."

"I've got mom duties to play before I can tend to anything."

Joe laughed at Jessica's reply, just before giving a nod to her. The first thing was always to give a warm welcome to his new client, unveiling the private gym before them. He looked over to his right, motioning for her to follow him.

"Come on, this way. I'll show you around the place."

Jessica followed behind Joe's movement. He walked her around the room to where a small doorway was, leading into a mini hallway. Just as Joe always did with a new client, he had to reveal the gym fully to them. She followed him into the hallway and watched as Joe pointed at a twin set of large lockers before speaking.

"You can keep your stuff in here. If you ever want to bring your own work out clothes or anything, everything will fit."

"How sweet of you."

He ignored her compliment for now. Moving to the desk in the corner of the room, he made a new nameplate that simply spelled out 'Alba'. Her eyes observed as Joe slid the nameplate in it's proper place on the locker to the left. There was no lock on it, simply a button to open it. Once he was done, Jessica smirked.

"Thanks, I'll keep my purse in there when I need it."

"The shower is also down there, right there!"

She turned, looking her head to where he pointed his finger. Jessica stepped closer, just enough to stick her head through the door and see the large shower room. She had witnessed similar rooms in various film studios over the years. Turning back to face Joe, she gave him a nod before speaking.

"This is all nice. I'll put my purse in the locker and meet you outside where we can get started."

"That sounds good to me. Did you think of how you want your work out routine to go?"

"Yeah, I just need to do basic work outs. I'm about to do a movie that requires a lot of dancing, I wanna get my body into shape for it."

"Would you mind if I asked what kind of dancing this is?"

Jessica smirked.

"Yeah, a stripper routine with pole dancing."

Right then and there, Joe realized he lost himself and intruded on a personal question. He didn't ask her such things yesterday, but he couldn't help himself. The thought of Jessica Alba dancing was enough to put his mind out of place. Almost thinking to ask her if she would like a pole in the gym, he managed to stop himself from the thought. Joe began to walk out of the room, returning to the large gym room.

"I'll meet you outside, I'll get everything ready for you."

"Thank you!"

The man walked out, leaving her alone as he returned to the large gym room. The rays of light shined brightly through the tall glass windows. One could be thankful that the L.A. heat from outside on an afternoon couldn't fade it's hot air into the room. A couple seconds later, Jessica reunited with him in the room. She proved to be enthusiastic about today, the smile on her face was enough to tell Joe that.

"Come on, Joe! Let's get started working out!"

"How would you to begin?"

"What about stomach crunches first? Then we can do some pull ups, that's how I like to start the day."

"Fine by me, it's your choice anyway!"

Offering her a hand, Joe walked her to the black mats laying on the floor. Together, they laid down and prepared for a work out with stomach crunches and later on the pull ups. Jessica was sometimes militant about her exercise sessions. Some days she could do over 100 pull ups and push ups if she allowed herself to. Today was nothing about pushing her frame to it's limits, she had to get herself into a routine to practice working out with him for the next few weeks. The basic practices were the best to begin with, just before moving on to other things to truly flex her muscles and work out. This would not be the first time training for a film that involved articulate dancing choreography.



Jessica and Joe had formed a tight bond through the business relationship as trainer and client. After a week of working out together, they appeared to be more relaxed in the presence of one another. Jessica formed a work routine consisting of basic work outs before moving on to other things. She did her stretches, all with Joe helping her and repeating the motions in front of her. Afterwards, they spent time together on the treadmill. Jessica used two small rubber dumbbells to pull up as she walked the treadmill. The work out sessions extended from four hours to five, pushing them both to exhaustion once the evening hours of the day settled in.

Come Wednesday afternoon, the two began to realize that they became relaxed around one another to share personal details. Joe had told Jessica about his love for basketball, all while she spoke of her children and how much she enjoyed being a mother. Joe had already circled her as a MILF, one that he began to desire more than any woman in his life at the moment. Right now, Joe and Jessica both lay on the floor doing sit ups. They had worked a schedule to do sit ups last during the week, alternating up the routine so they didn't get burnt out on the same exercises back to back on the five day week span. So far, Jessica had counted to 30, while she moved her body. She spoke up, striking a conversation with him as they worked out.

"You know, Kate told me some things about you."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

A grunt came from Joe's voice as he moved his body upwards. He continued to silently count Jessica's sit ups as she replied to him.

"Yeah, she told me what you really did with her after work outs. I think you know what I'm talking about."

Jessica's words offered no subtly. She laid down the heat, no beating around the bush whatsoever. Joe didn't reply to her instantly. Instead, he did another sit up while thinking about it. He gave her a half-thought response, just a needless question.

"She told you what?"

The woman rolled her eyes, sighing. She made one final sit up before coming to a stop and replying.

"What you and her were really doing in this gym when not working out."

"Are you asking me if-"

"I'm not asking you anything, you're the one with the stupid questions trying to bypass what I'm telling you."

Joe sighed. He pulled himself up, sitting next to Jessica. His vague attempt of dropping the subject had failed. This time however, he decided to give Jessica a real question though it answered itself.

"Did Kate ever tell you that I fucked her?"

"Yes, she told me about that. In fact, that's what I'm referring to."

"You're starting to make me think you came to this gym for more than just a work out."

Jessica turned to him, giving him a smug grin before shaking her head. Her hair whipped around from a pony tail holding it together.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself, Joe."

"It's Big Joe."

"Whatever. I'll call you 'Big Joe' if my clothes ever come off, but not right now!"

Turning away from him, Jessica began to rise up from the floor. She intentionally pushed her knees together, giving him a clear view of her ass stretched in a tight pair of shorts before climbing up to her feet. She had been working out bare foot and in a pair of small shorts, providing clear view of her nicely built legs. Joe observed her body movements before gazing back up at her and prompting a new question to her.

"You are married, aren't you Jessica? So from that, I don't think I'll make a move on you."

"Have you seen a wedding ring on one of my fingers lately? I'd think a man like you wouldn't opt out on any excuses like that."

He laughed at her words, just before replying.

"I like your attitude. You should be fun if we ever do it, as I'm sure Kate gave you all the details."

Jessica turned around, looking at him before nodding. She didn't want to say no, for she truly did have the urge to get down and dirty with this man. It had been some months since she last had any fun time with her husband, a true shame as she loved to be fucked without a drought forcing her to wait. As she looked at Joe, she gave him a nod before responding.

"Kate told me you're a rough kinda guy. She told me you took control and she loved every moment of the way you fucked her."

"You heard correct, babe. The only true question is: can you handle a man like me in control?"

His words were straight to the point. Jessica stood there, looking down at him as she thought for a few seconds. Kate did tell her that Joe liked to play rough, 'in command' were the words she used to describe his style of fucking. Already, she was wondering to herself how she could make a challenge for this man. Jessica nodded to him, placing her hands on her hips before speaking back.

"You'll just have to wait and see about that."

Joe sighed, he began to raise himself from the floor to stand up next to her. Once he was standing up, he took a few steps moving so their bodies were face to face only inches apart. Jessica gazed into his eyes and then Joe responded in a stern tone of voice.

"It was just a question, but I take that response as a no. You sure you wanna play like Kate? She wasn't wrong, I am rough baby. I know what your body is made of and I think I would do a wonderful job working you out tomorrow. So, how about it? Can you handle it, Jessica?"

She smirked, forming her lips into an arrogant grin before speaking back to him in a low voice.

"I've fucked many guys in the past like you. You'll just have to wait and see if you can really handle me, so to speak."

"Is that a challenge?"

Jessica nodded, still grinning.

"Yeah, consider it one. How about tomorrow? I can come in and use you for my dance routine."

"A lap dance?"

"What else? You don't have a pole in the room, so I'll be on your lap. Tomorrow afternoon, let's play and I'll see for myself if you can handle a woman like me."

She leaned over and kissed his lips softly, just before stepping away. Jessica left Joe standing there by himself before walking away to gather her stuff and leave for the day. He had all the time to think about her loaded language, all a teasing act. If she were to be a challenge, he accepted. He could see it within her choice of words, she spoke two words: 'use you', this offering a hint of how she could be from within the bedroom. Kate and Lucy were good girls as he told them, but he had the impression now that Jessica would be fun offering a true contest of control. He had all night to think about it, yet already was lost in the thought before she even left the gym. Tomorrow was going to be a day of satisfaction.



Hot weather was the forecast yet again over the city. If it weren't for Jessica's glamorous life of high society and fame, she figured L.A. could be a boring place for someone normal such as Joe. She spent the remainder of yesterday analyzing what she knew of him in her thoughts. She almost considered texting Kate about him, but why spoil something working out so well? It was already obvious what kind of man he was. Jocks could be some of the most predictable men when it came to sex. Jessica had planned on teasing him, showing her attitude just to see how he would react. If he truly would be a commanding man, this would be a fun challenge. She often had her own way of teasing men and trying to take control of them, often enjoying herself on top for a nice ride.

Taking the short drive out to the gym, she spent a few minutes thinking about how she would approach him today. Since a lap dance was of the question, she almost had decided to dress herself up fancy earlier in the day. She applied her makeup for a change with purple eyeliner and mascara. Soft pink lipstick, but didn't dress for the occasion. Her hair was pined up in a pony tail, nothing elaborate by any means. She didn't require skimpy clothes to give a lap dance, her work out pants and a black tank top would fit the occasion. Her feet were in the same pair of sneakers that she had been wearing since signing up for the gym. She got out of her car and wasted no time entering the gym and heading to the elevator.

By this moment, she felt like a woman with a plan but that would probably change in near time. The elevator was lonely, but a short ride up. She witnessed her shadow over the floor, revealing that it had just been cleaned by the janitor. She walked to the door leading to Joe's private gym and found the door unlocked, a telling sign that he had arrived before her as usual. The cool air breezed over her skin as she entered the gym, allowing the door to loudly shut before her as she entered. Jessica took the long walk across the gym, stepping over the various mats and work out tools among the room. She discovered Joe sitting in his white chair alone in the far corner off to the opposite side of the windows. He didn't look to her way as she approached, Jessica had to stand in front of him to strike his attention.

"So, what's up today Joe?"

She spoke while placing her hands on her hips. He stood there with his fingers crossed, his arms propped up on the arm rest of his chair. His eyes gazed up at her before speaking.

"Big Joe is what I want you to call me today."

Jessica giggled.

"Yeah, whatever you say Big Joe. I'm pretty sure I told you that I would refer to you by that nickname if my clothes ever came off."


"I haven't stripped yet."

Once again, she laughed. It seemed apparent that he was not amused with her humor. Joe nodded, just before changing the subject.

"You need music to do the lap dance right?"

Jessica shook her head.

"No, I have the choreography memorized. It's to a specific song in the movie I'm working on, so no other song would work."

"Very well then, you can begin whenever you want."

'Was he always this serious?' Jessica asked herself. He didn't even greet her or ask how she was this afternoon, he went straight to the point of their plans for a lap dance today. Maybe he spent all night lusting over her, it was the least she could think of as answer. She turned around to him, her back facing his eyes. The first thing she did was lean over and untie her shoes, giving him a full view of her nice tight ass. Joe turned his neck to the left, admiring the view before he blurted out a compliment.

"Very impressive. You've always had this beautiful ass, I can't wait to feel it grinding over my dick."

"You say that like you've been spending a lot of time thinking about it."

"Oh, I have! I stayed up all night thinking about what I was gonna do to you today."

His words confirmed the truth, just as she could've predicted. Men like him were easy to read. He didn't greet her or say anything remotely casual about the day. Men like Joe used their dicks for thinking, carelessly blurting out the obvious truth. Despite her annoyance, she didn't waste any time moving into her dancer routine. Raising hers back up again to stand tall; she ran her hands over her hips and to her back, just before slowly pushing her ass out and doing a slow grind. Joe sat there, raising his head as he watched her move, working her body slowly. Her hips began to sway, shaking to the left and then the right, all while she continued to move her buttocks for him. Swinging and rotating her hips around, Jessica began lower herself down but didn't place her ass over his lap just yet.

Her hands raised up to her head, giving Joe the impression she would remove her pony tail and allow her hair to wave around freely, but she didn't. His eyes shifted back downwards, watching her juicy booty move to the left and right, sinking down lower with each turn of her hips. After a bit of teasing, she was ready and pushed her ass down on his lap. Jessica moved her hands to the arm rest of the chair and looked forward just before closing her eyes. Joe let out a moan, embracing the feeling of that tight ass grinding over his crotch. He moved his hands to lightly touch over her hips, but Jessica ignored his cold hands. She moved her hips down into a rotation to grind them. Her ass slowly moved over his cock, she could feel it sticking up, almost within the crack of her ass.

"Yeah, that's it. Damn, you handle yourself well."

Jessica listened to his moans, but more than anything she could feel his cock each time she pumped her ass down over his crotch. He was hard and ready for her, but it appeared that Joe was calling all the shots. She took peculiar notice that he began to refer to her as 'baby'. Joe's hands crawled past her shirt, running over her smooth skin. The touch of his hand caused her to return moans out, but she continued to grind her ass into him. He was ready to turn up the heat and get their clothes off, enough of this teasing. Joe leaned over and whispered into her ear the first command of the day.

"I want you to get up and strip for me baby, you can do that, right?"

"Oh yeah? But not until I do this."

She just had to kiss him. Before she discarded any clothes, she wanted to feel his lips. Jessica got up from his lap and turned around. Joe responded by leaning up and allowing their lips to brush together. She threw her arms behind his neck, sinking in the passionate kiss, just before pulling away. With a moan, she closed her eyes before his voice alerted her.

"There's your kiss, now take off your clothes."

With a giggle, she teased him as she leaned up. Jessica grabbed the ends of her shirt and began to pull it over her head while she spoke back to him.

"You say that like you're always in control with women."

"That's right, I am. Always, this is my gym after all. You'll do as I say."

A sigh could be heard with the ruffling of her shirt as she tossed it to the floor. Jessica stood wearing a black push-up bra, but Joe's eyes narrowed down over her muscular stomach. She was so beautiful, her navel was pierced with a gold belly button ring that looked wonderful with her tanned skin. With a soft smile, he nodded and spoke again.

"You're not finished, I want to see your pussy next."

His eyes went back to her face, studying the annoyance displayed over her face. 'Oh my god, like this asshole hasn't ever seen a woman's clit before?', Jessica spoke in her mind. Pushing her hands down, she shoved her jogging pants down to her ankles and stepped out of them. A matching black thong remained over her body, but was simply disposed as she shoved her finger down and let it fall. Joe's eyes narrowed over her sweet slit, it was slightly wet. He laughed and spoke.

"Now that's some fine pussy right there, damn that's nice."

The bulge was clearly visible in the front of his pants. Jessica took once glance before moving her hands over her bra to unsnap it. Pulling the last remaining piece of clothing from her skin, she stood nude to him before holding her bra out and dropping it to the floor creating a clack sound. Now that she was completely in the nude, Joe stood up the chair and motion for her hands. It was time to deliver the second order for disrobing his own body.

"Come on baby, time to take my clothes off now."

"You're not gonna to take your own clothes off?"

"Fuck no! That's your job. I didn't tell you that for nothing. Come on, do it baby. Take my clothes off for me."

She rolled her eyes. It was from this moment, Joe realized she would be something of a challenge for his control. Jessica offered signs, proving that she didn't seem submissive like his previous client. But still, she put her hands on the front of his shirt and moved to slowly pull it over his forehead and away. She took a moment to look over his chest. He appeared to be in great shape, true proof of his work as a training paying off. Once she threw his shirt off, she lowered herself down to her knees and grabbed the front ends of his gym shorts. Jessica looked up and gave him a fake smirk while pulling his shorts and underwear down slowly, forcing his hard cock to spring out and nearly bounce onto her face.

After she was done, Joe stepped out of his clothes around his feet, making then a pile on the floor. Jessica brought her left hand up and wrapped her frail fingers around the shaft. Still looking in his eyes, she lowered her lips and kissed the head of his cock. He didn't say any words to ruin this moment. Just the sheer fact that he had Jessica Alba of all women down on her knees kissing the head of his big dick made him feel as if he had just won a championship. She used her tongue and circled the head, pushing another soft kiss while moving her left hand down to the base of his shaft. Giving him a little smile, she giggled before pumping her hand up and down. Jessica spoke excited now.

"For a man like you, you've got one great big cock! I think I love it!"

"Oh yeah, they don't call me 'Big Joe' for nothing. You might just love my big dick, huh?"

Deciding to stroke his already pompously inflated ego, she nodded before answering him back.

"Yeah, that's right Big Joe! I'm about to blow your mind with the way I suck cock."

"Do it baby, I want to see you live up to that promise."

Suddenly, she parted her lips and slid them down his pole. Jessica had lied, for she had seen many cocks in her life and Joe was just another big guy, but she wanted to toy with his ego a bit. With a slight moan, she moved her left hand down to the base and began to slowly bob her head up and down. Her pony tail moved about from behind her head, but Joe paid it no attention as he took a deep breath experiencing Jessica's oral skills. 'mmmmmm', she moaned as she began to move her head back and forth, guiding his cock between her lips and back. Joe didn't want to interfere with her yet, she was proving to be a good girl so far. She continued to slowly suck on his dick, just before rising up to make a pop sound as she released it from her mouth. Jessica spit on the head and then stroked it with her left hand once again. Looking into his eyes, she smirked before teasing him in a low slutty voice.

"Isn't this one of the best blow jobs you ever had?"

Joe laughed while gazing down at there.



Her voice raised, expressing shock to his response. Joe shook his head.

"I've had a lot of girls suck on my dick before. You're up against some pretty good competition, baby. Prove to me you can do more than just slobber on it, come on suck it."

Looking into his eyes, she became bewildered from his response. Did he just insult her? Stroking his ego resulted in nothing. Jessica looked back at his cock now and spit on it again. She began to pump her hand up and down fast, showing him that she had been somewhat offended by his remark. Joe taunted her once more.

"No hand, baby. Just use your mouth."

"Why don't you show me how you want it?"

He reached his hand down and gripped her hair. Jessica knew he eventually would take control, so why not tease him about it? She figured it would be the best to turn this into a true rough contest between them.

"You sure about that, baby?"

Jessica rolled her eyes, attempting to annoy him before replying.

"Yeah, why not? You want to fuck me hard so bad, right? I'll let you, go ahead. Fuck my mouth!"

His hands gripped her hair tighter. Snatching her locks of hair up as the pony tail was tucked between his middle and ring finger. Jessica spit on his cock again, finally letting her hand go from it as she expected him to take control.

"I want you to be a good girl, baby. Don't act like a fucking bitch."

Jessica giggled, looking in his eyes.

"A bitch? I thought I was acting like a nasty little slut to you. After all, I did give you a lap dance and now I'm asking you to fuck my mouth. What more could you possibly ask for from a good girl?"

She winked at him before giggling. Finally, Joe was beginning to catch on the little game she played with dirty talk. He nodded his head but Jessica spoke again, demanding his actions out of impatience.

"Come on, fuck my slutty mouth with that big fucking cock!"

"As you wish, baby!"

Instantly he pushed her mouth down shoving his cock in. Jessica moaned just before she felt him hold her head in place and begin to buck his hips back and forth hard. Never had a woman demanded to him that he fuck her mouth, so Joe took great pleasure in fulfilling her request. He grunted, thrusting his hips forward hard. She gagged at first, choking on his road as Joe buried her lips at the head forcing his cock down her throat. Jessica's eyes immediately watered up, the purple mascara smeared a bit as a string of saliva began to dangle from the right corner of her lip as she pumped his cock forward and back from her mouth. He pushed her head all the way down, her lips buried over his ball hair. As he held her there, Joe counted to himself how long she lasted before he head her gag. She went a whole seventeen seconds, an impressive count. He then pulled her hair, forcing his cock to release from her mouth. Two strings of saliva flowed back from her lips to his rod while a third string dripped down to the floor.

"Damn, I'm impressed. You can take my entire dick, that's good skills right there."

Jessica didn't reply to him. She caught her breath as a small wave of spit flooded under her lower lip and dripped down her chin and neck. As he looked down at her, he noticed the smearing of her eye liner, the purple mascara dripped down from her right eye. Joe smirked that classic shit-eating grin that only a jock could do.

"You like that cock, baby?"


"Spit on it, slut!"

Finally Jessica was able to push him to call her a 'slut'. She looked down at his cock and spit on it. Her own slobber was already dripping from his thick rod.

"You wanna worship my big cock, don't you baby?"

"Mmmmm, yeah!"

"Come on, then! Put your hands on it, stroke it like you're down on your knees at the fucking altar."

She slowly caught her breath while raising her left hand first. Gripping his cock, she moved her right hand over top the left, twisting her fingers around his thick shaft. Joe was happy as she obeyed his command, he still held her hair firmly with the grip of his fingers.

"Good girl! Come on now, I want you to suck on my balls while you stroke that fucking cock with both hands."

"Mmmmm, yeah! You want me to worship your cock and get your balls soaking wet from my slutty fucking mouth. Is that what you want, Big Joe?"

"Fuck yeah! Keep talking like that, baby! Damn, you're a dirty fucking angel!"

He let go of her hair, just to watch her obey his command on her own. Jessica's hands remained gripped around his cock, slowly moving them up and down as her puffy lips found his nuts. She shoved the left nut between her jaws first, slobbering all over it loudly. 'Mmmmmm!' A loud moan was heard before she popped her lips from one ball and moved to the next one. Joe moaned as she began to loudly suck and slobber over his right now. He raised his hands to his hips, holding them there as if he were posing in a victorious stance. Jessica alternated his balls in her mouth, each time she shoved one in, it would inflate her left cheek as she sucked on it. Strings of drool began to fall from his nut sack down to the floor. Joe grabbed her by the hair again, taking her attention as she looked her eyes at him waiting for his next order.

"One last time, worship it with your mouth baby."

While removing her hands from his cock, Jessica opened her mouth allowing him to slide his cock right back in. She closed her eyes as he took control once again. Joe held her head in place just like before and began to thrust his hips, forcing his cock back and forth in her mouth while creating numerous sucking and slobbering noises. Jessica didn't gag this time, instead her mouth created several noises. She took his rod as if she owned it, slobbering on it as he fucked her mouth. Joe continued, not wanting to stop but knowing eventually he would end up blowing his load. He came to a halt, pulling her hair to force her lips to make another pop noise as she came off his cock. Another flood of spit overflowed from her lower lip as a few streams of tears ran down the corners of her cheeks. Jessica looked back at his slobber-coated shaft and spit on it. His cock dripped in her own slobber. Joe let go of her hair and looked down at her. She slowly caught her breath and looked in his eyes, just before lowering her lips to kiss the head as if she truly did worship that big cock.

"Good girl, that was really fucking nice."

"I haven't made you cum yet, so I ain't done."

He laughed, nodding before answering her back.

"That's why I made you stop. Don't worry though, I'm going to drench your angel face down in cum after I fuck you."

Jessica smiled at him.

"I liked what you called me, your 'dirty angel'. That was sweet and sexy, and as for your cock-"

Her eyes glanced back down at his rod, once again she kissed the head.

"Allow me to worship it, I want to get on top and ride it."

"You've been a good girl, so I'll honor that request. Come on, get up baby."

He offered a hand to help her up from her knees. Jessica grabbed it, pulling herself up. As they stood face to face, she took the time to kiss his lips yet again. Joe took a few steps back after finishing the kiss. He held her hand, walking her over to his white coach and then setting himself down on it. Once he let go of her hand, Jessica observed his position, seeing as it would be easy to plant her feet down and impale his large length pole into her dripping wet pussy. By now, she was soaked down below with her clit begging for his cock. Joe sat down, watching her every move. It was the only time of the day she would have any control over him. Jessica straddled him, spreading her legs and moving on top of him.

"Yeah, that's it you dirty angel, come on! Go ahead and ride it!"

His words revealed eagerness if anything. Jessica decided against using her feet and bent her knees down, gripping his cock from underneath with her left hand, she guided into her lovely tight honey pot. A gasp was heard from her lips just before she thrust herself down, taking his entire length into her opening. Jessica gasped and yelled.


The sound of her voice echoed all throughout the large room. She planted her hands down into his chest and began to thrust herself up and down. Once again, her pony tail waved around from behind. Joe's eyes watched her as tits began to bounce a bit. He ran his hands over her smooth skin, planting the palms of his hands over her breasts as Jessica began to bounce herself down and up. The sound of his balls beating over her ass with each thrust could be heard.

"That's it, baby! Yeah, do it!"


It had been so long since Jessica experienced a hard cock in her tight clit. A drought in her sex life could be truly depressing, but she was enjoying every minute of him. Now that she was in control, she wasn't going to stop until they both reached their climax. Before their clothes had even come off, Jessica was determined to some how find a way on top and riding him, the wait had paid off. This was her moment, loving each thrust of her pussy forcing his cock to absorb inside of her, she closed her eyes and continued to cry out loudly.


"Talk dirty to me, baby! Who's my dirty angel, baby!?"


Unable to neglect a compliment about his cock, she couldn't forget her duty to 'worship it' in this little dirty game they were playing. His hands squeezed tighter over her boobs, but Jessica couldn't focus on anything but drilling herself down over his fat cock. Over and over, she thrust herself downward to take his rod. He was so close to blowing his load, but it seemed apparent that she was going to force him to cum inside of her. Joe didn't refuse, allowing her this one moment as she was in complete control. A drop of sweat ran down his forehead, he closed his eyes and swallowed his breath. With the removal of his hands from her tits, Joe reopened his eyes and watched them bounce before starring into her focused face. Jessica eventually stopped, allowing him the moment to pump his hips one time and then she planted her hands over his shoulders.

"Ohhh, fuck!!"

Joe grunted in pain as her finger nails carved into his skin, scratching him. Her pussy tightened up and finally her orgasm was released. Jessica moaned loudly.


Just as she screamed aloud, Joe's own climax had been reached. His cock exploded deep within her, releasing at the same time as he experienced her orgasm. Jessica felt her body push into a heavenly form of pleasure. The best climax was always experienced together at the same time. Taking in a moment to catch her breath, she slowly opened her eyes while looking down at him. Jessica leaned forward, allowing her tits to brush up over his face before Joe wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Upon breaking their lips apart, Jessica began to climb off him, slipping his cock out of her pussy.

"Baby, that was fucking amazing."

"Yeah, well I had one amazing big fucking dick to ride today!"

He laughed at her words, she got off him and stood up before the couch. Joe stood up and now it was time for him to take control back over from her. As they stood together, Jessica brought her left hand to grab his cock and stroke it. She bit her lower lip while smirking at him. Joe lost his thought while gazing into her puffy lips.

"You know something, baby?"


"Your lips were made for sucking huge cocks, look how puffy they are."

A giggle crackled past her lips while she hook her head. Jessica replied to him in a low voice.

"You are far from the first man to remind me of that, Big Joe."

"Oh yeah? But I'm sure I'm the first man to tell you who you call Mr. Big."

"Mmmmmm, maybe."

He couldn't help himself, he had to kiss her once more. Jessica let out a soothing moan as their lips smashed against one another's. She began to wank his cock back and forth in her hand as they shared a passionate kiss. His rod was sticky from her own juices. Upon breaking the kiss, Joe had brought his train of thought back to the final hole of her body that he was ready to experience. He gazed into those beautiful brown eyes of hers but she spoke first.

"Will you allow me worship your cock one last time, please?"

"Sure, but only after I fuck you in the last hole."

She smirked, teasing him with her low reply.

"That wouldn't be my ass now would it?"

He licked his lips while nodding to her. Jessica smirked, allowing her hand to let go of his cock as it bounced free.

"I am sure this is how you want me."

Without saying a word in response, Joe observed the position she moved to. Jessica spread her feet over the floor as she leaned over the couch and planted her hands down into the front cushion. Her nice plump ass was pushed up for his gazing view. Joe nodded, impressed with this recent submissive action from her. He ran his hand over her right ass cheek, softly caressing the skin as he looked into the crack of that ass. It was beautiful, quite possibly the best feature of her sexy body. He licked his lips and decided it was time to throw her a bone for good behavior.

"Since my dirty angel is such a good girl, I've got a surprise for you before I begin."

"I think you know that a girl enjoys surprises, so what have you got in mind, Big Joe?"

There wasn't a need to spoil such a kind gift for her. Joe laughed a bit while he used his hands to spread apart her ass cheeks. She expected him to thrust his cock into her deep dark hole but instead, she felt his tongue circling over her little hole. Jessica gasped, surprised that he of all men would rim her.

"Oh my god! Fuck yes, that feels so fucking good!! Don't stop, yes!"

She had to close her eyes and enjoy this moment, allowing her fingernails to graze the fabric of the couch cushion. Soon enough, the tip of his tongue was darting into her ass moving in a circular rotation. Joe took the time to give her this small pleasure, simply hearing Jessica cry out her moans was enough to tell him that he did his job. After a few moments, he leaned his head up and then Jessica anticipated what was to come next. His hands kept her ass cheeks pulled apart, allowing an easy entrance for his cock to push into her small dark hole. Jessica gasped feeling him slowly slide his cock into her ass, all set to pound her ass.

"Mmmm, yeah!! Get it in there, come on! I want you to fuck my ass, pull me by the hair and ram it!!"

Throwing his arm out, he reached for her hair and undid the pony tail, tossing it to the floor. Jessica felt her hair loosen and fall freely, but not before he found a grip with it and pulled her hair hard. She moaned at his rough touch and soon felt his cock thrusting in while his hand pulled at her hair. This was how she preferred to have her ass fucked, nice and hard with a good touch.

"Ohhhh, yes!! Fuck my ass! Ram it!!"

"Like this, baby!?"

Picking up the pace, Joe bucked his hips harder while thrusting his cock back and forth into her ass. By now, his entire length was pumping into her ass and back. Jessica moaned, her voice raised with sudden loudness.


He could've laughed at her words but Joe didn't. He reared his left hand back and spanked one of her ass cheeks. His eyes fixated on the firmness of her skin, just before he spanked her again. Jessica screamed again in excitement.


Over and over, he reared his free hand back and would smack the left cheek of her ass with each thrust. Joe grunted, her ass was so tight but he couldn't stop himself. Jessica appeared to be reaching the same level of pleasure he did from this act. He couldn't believe how dirty of a mind she had after the clothes had come off. As he pumped away into her ass, he knew the time was coming for when he was going to blow his load again. Joe figured it was best to finish by blowing his load all over her pretty face like he did every woman before her, allowing her the chance to worship his cock one last time. He made one final thrust into her ass and a spank, still gripping her hair as he called for her attention.

"Come on, you dirty angel! You want to worship this cock one last time, get down on your fucking knees and make me cum all over your face!"

A groan was heard from Jessica, she gritted her teeth and forced the noise. She felt his cock leave her ass and then he pulled her hair hard to force her to stand back up. Joe took a few steps back and from the grip of her hair, lowered Jessica down to the floor on her knees. She didn't hesitate to use her hands to run over his thighs. She wished he wouldn't have her released her pony tail, for now her long hair sway around in a mess. As she glanced back down, she seen his cock and he let go of her hair while her lips enveloped around the head. Joe stood there, watching as the famed actress began to bob her head up and down his shaft once again. Jessica quickly pushed her lips down and up, devouring his cock as she did before.

"Yeah, that's my dirty angel right there! She takes it up the ass then gets down on her knees to worship my cock!"

Laughter crackled from his voice, but Jessica ignored him. 'Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmm' were the only muffled moans that could be heard as she sucked his cock again and again by bobbing her head up and down. Joe couldn't believe how she worked so exceptionally well without his interference. He lowered his hands and gently ran them through her hair, pushing her long brunette locks behind her shoulders so they didn't get in the way. He took a few deep breaths, trying not to think about the incoming explosion that was building up, but Jessica was determined to quickly work him to his climax. A soft cry was heard past Joe's lips and then finally, he blurted out his words.


Jessica instantly reacted by releasing his cock from her mouth with a pop sound. Joe reached down and grabbed the back of her hair, forcing her head up to get a clear shot while she yelled at him.

"Yeah, that's it! Go ahead, stroke your fucking cock! You want to cum on my face, don't you!?"

He took his cock into his left hand, stroking his drool-covered rod while replying to Jessica's filthy words.

"Fuck yeah, baby!! You're about to get loaded in my cum!"

"Oh yeah!? You're gonna load me down in that hot fucking cum, is that what you're gonna do!?"

He continued to stroke his cock while answering her back.

"Yeah, you're gonna it baby!"


"Here it comes, here you go baby! YES!!"

It seemed she had closed her eyes just before the impending splash. From the stroke of his hand, Joe cried out once more as a thick wave of his cum shot up the middle of Jessica's face to create a line of spunk into her hair, down her forehead and over her nose. He grunted as another thick wad shot, this time over her right eye lid, running down into the already formed mess of her runny makeup from earlier. Another wad shot over her nose, running down her upper lip. Jessica finally gasped, opening her mouth as a few drops of cum trailed down her skin. Joe didn't focus on the left side of her face whatsoever, allowing another string of cum to shoot up her forehead and drip over her hair.

"Mmmmm, that's it. Make your dirty angel even dirtier in your fucking cum, yeah..."

Once he began to lose steam, Joe shot a few drops of cum down her right cheek and watched them drip down. A few drops of cum misfired, going down to her tits and one drop into her hair. Jessica's voice seemed more relaxed as she had teased him, but he couldn't pay much attention to her. As Joe's shaft was completely drained of every last drop of his seed, he moved the head over her lips and began to rub it over her face slowly. First over her lips and then under her chin, allowing his cock to rub over her skin. Jessica opened her eyes, gazing up at him as a drop of cum remained in the eye lash hanging over her right eye.

"Now your angel really is dirty. Mmmm, your cum is so fucking hot all over my face."

She closed her eyes again, feeling his cock rub over her nose and across her cheeks, smearing his seed over her beautiful skin. He moved his cock to her lips again, allowing her to kiss it.

"You look so beautiful, baby. I want you to tell me 'thank you' for making you look pretty."

"Mmmmm, thank you."

She softly kissed the head of his dick one final time, he was pleased that she told him 'thank you'. Her eyes looked up at him as she licked her lips, Jessica found it funny that he would ask her to do such a thing after blowing his load all over her face. Joe took a few steps away from her and then Jessica moved her hands over her cheeks. She tried to wipe up some of the cum over her right cheek and forehead, all while giggling.

"God, I need a shower now."

"I was just about to tell you that!"

They shared a laugh together, her pearly white teeth flashing as she giggled. Joe changed the subject with his next question.

"So, did you enjoy yourself today?"

Jessica nodded as she still smirked.

"Yes, I had a great time!"

"Now tell me, how did you enjoy fucking me? I mean, you do love my cock, don't you?"

An unbelievable question, it was as if he just could not refuse. Jessica laughed at him while shaking her head. As they were finished for the day, she figured it was best to simply tell him how she honestly felt about the man. He was a bit of a jerk but she liked him for that. Beyond his ego, he made a great trainer.

"Oh my god, if you want me to be honest with you, alright."

"Yeah, be honest with me! What did you really think, baby?"

"Okay, I think you're a bit of an asshole Joe, but you're a fun asshole. Don't get me wrong! You're not like other guys who just brag endlessly about the length of their cocks and don't let me get on top to ride it. I had a lot of fun with you today, that's me being honest!"

"Wow, seriously, holy shit!"

She looked at him, shaking her head to try and prevent herself from laughing. He exageratted his response back to her.

"How can I be an asshole AND fun at the same time!?"

"I don't know Joe, maybe some assholes are more fun than others?"

Raising her eyebrow, she offered him a cute grin.

"I'll have to agree on that one, baby!"

He bust out laughing at her remark. Soon enough, Jessica joined him in laughs while the cum began to drip from her face. She couldn't help it, her honest opinion was valid but at least he took a joke and could laugh about it.

"So, maybe we can have some fun again another time?"

She nodded while standing back up, wiping her forehead from his sticky seed.

"Yeah! Get me a stripper pole in the gym and I'll show you my full dance routine I've been practicing, but only if you tell me that I'm your dirty angel."

"Alright, I'll take you up on that one, baby. You're my dirty angel."

Soon she disappeared from the room to go get a shower, leaving Joe standing there lost recollecting the thoughts of today's events. He only felt guilty at this point that soon she would be leaving him like past clients did, but that wasn't to say he had not enjoyed his fun with her. Jessica so far had proven to be a different woman when it came to his pleasure, it didn't even bother him when she poked fun at him for his massively inflated ego. True thanks went to another woman to thank for passing down word about the gym and himself. Perhaps the Tight 'N Fit gym truly would spark more interest with Hollywood. Even if it didn't, he hit a landmark achievement in his life with the most famous woman to share a gym with him so far. Joe couldn't be more satisfied with himself, truly feeling on top of the world at a higher status now.

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Re: Bitch Control
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2018, 03:59:25 PM »
Bitch Control Vol. 4
Starring: Charlotte McKinney

Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal, Facial, MDom, Submissive, Big Hooker Tits

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

Los Angeles, California

The ceiling fan spun in a rapid rotation, blowing air all through out the hot office room. Though the room was not occupied at the moment, there had been a note left by Joe to the janitors, instructing them to turn on the fan before he arrived at work today. Spring time meant nothing for southern California, as it was merely an early prelude to a long blazing hot summer. The morning hours may have been cool, but it never took long for the day to heat up come afternoon time. Around 9:30, he would be at work soon before the lunch hour breaks made traffic slow down. The doors to the Tight 'N Fit gym would be full of the usual trainees and members coming and going.

Joe's last client had left him after another week of training. He spent quite some time with Jessica Alba, enjoying their dirty fun together. He was beginning to grow an inflated ego, after the three famous women he had taken in his private gym. Word was getting around through Hollywood, an obvious sign from the more famous names that began to show up at the gym. Sam was out of town for the month to visit his family. This left Joe all the applications to himself, giving him whatever he wanted to pick through to take a job as someone's personal trainer. Today would be a special interview, one that he had been looking forward to all week.

Charlotte McKinney had dropped by the gym last week and filled out an application form for a personal trainer. Joe had already met with the voluptuous model once a few days ago, but they had only spoken briefly. Today was Monday and he was expecting her to arrive. Once he had made it to work, he stepped through the doors wearing a pair of green cargo shorts and a purple T-shirt that said 'Los Angeles Lakers Basketball'. Even though his favorite team was a dumpster fire in the regular season, he wasn't shy of displaying loyalty as a fan during the NBA playoffs. Cindy greeted him behind the desk, allowing the two a moment to exchange smiles before Joe headed back to the office.

Once back in his office, he sat down and let out a sigh of relief. Joe had been thinking of taking a little bit of time off. He wanted to go to Las Vegas and blow through some money to have a good time. Not until Sam had arrived back would he dare to take time off. At the moment, he was the only private instructor active at the business. Work came first, play came later. For now, he had over an hour to wait for the buxom blonde model to arrive for an interview. While relaxing in his leather chair, Joe opened up a notebook and went over a time schedule just to waste a bit of time.

As 11:10 hit the clock, a red car had pulled into one of the many parking spaces outside the building. A woman got out, dressed in a pair of short black shorts and a matching tank top. Over her head was a pair of dark sunglasses, her feet in flip flops and hair fixed up in a long pony tail. Charlotte sighed as she had arrived to her destination. She slipped the keys into her purse and then began to walk towards the large glass doors to enter the Tight 'N Fit gym building. She made her way to the reception desk, raising her sunglasses up above her head before greeting the woman behind the desk.

"Good afternoon, I'm here to see Mr. Murdock."

The woman glanced up at Charlotte, nodding to her. Cindy already knew the details beforehand about this interview. Joe had left her a note to watch for a blonde model arriving. Cindy answered her back.

"You're Miss. McKinney, correct?"

Charlotte nodded her head. Cindy then leaned over to point her left arm out towards the hallway. She instructed her further.

"Go down the hall way there, then make a turn. You'll see the office doors, knock on the one that says 'Murdock' on it. I'll go ahead and buzz him so he knows you're here."

"Okay, thank you!"

She turned, walking down the hallway to follow the directions. Across on her right side, she saw the doorway to the main gym. There were already a few people who had arrived early. Charlotte made it down the hall and then turned to see the white door holding the gold name plate on it reading: 'Murdock'. Joe had already been alerted that Charlotte was a minute away from knocking on his door. He stood up once he heard the knock, calling out to her.

"Come in!"

As the door opened, Charlotte was met with the feeling of a cool breeze. She stepped around the room, heading to the desk as she looked towards Joe. He offered his hand out to her.

"I'm Joe Murdock, you remember me?"

"Yes I do, Mr. Murdock. Call me Charlotte."

Their hands met, shaking together. Joe smirked back before they let go of each other's fingers. Joe moved to sit down in the desk chair. Charlotte fixed herself in the chair across from him, crossing her legs as she sat down. Across from Joe's view was her original application. He had read over it before she arrived, prepared to discuss the business side of training. Charlotte's form requested two weeks of working out, going as far as to label herself a 'workout fanatic' in the notes section. Joe couldn't deny that he was impressed at her written statement.

"Alright, I went over your application. I'm quite impressed, you sound like you take working out seriously."

Charlotte laughed at his remark, just before nodding her head.

"Why, yes! I have to work out religiously, you know? I like my body to be the center of attraction when I am modelling."

"I see, this should be fun then. So, you want two weeks to stay at the gym?"

Once more, she nodded her head. Joe could already see the negotiations would go over quickly with this woman. He grabbed the pen from his desk and slid over the contract so she could see it. All she had to do was sign her name on the dotted line, just like anyone else that came to the gym. Joe continued explaining.

"We'll be working out in my private gym, with me as your trainer."

"Yes, I know that's part of the deal."

"I'll give you a key so yo can enter and come as you go. Your schedules, diet, choices of exercise routines are all under your choice."

Charlotte didn't respond back. Instead, she simply read over the document form, seeing the payments and range of costs for per week. Luckily, she wasn't starving for big money, so while this may have been an expensive cost, it wasn't going to hurt her in the least bit. She took the pen and slowly signed her name among the dotted signature line at the bottom of the page. Joe spoke again.

"Are you ready to make the payments for two weeks?"

"Yeah, I'm going to deposit the money as soon as I leave from here."

"Alright then, Welcome to Tight 'N Fit, Charlotte. I'm honored to be your trainer here."

He stood up from his chair, offering her to shake his hand a second time. This chance around, she would be shaking the hand of her new trainer. Charlotte stood up, as the two began to shake hands she smiled and replied after their hands were removed of one another's.

"It's my pleasure to be here with you, Mr. Murdock."

"Please, call me Joe. Or Duke, that's my nickname around here."

"Oh, Duke huh? Did anyone ever tell you that you're a number one?"

Joe looked back at her confused. Charlotte then busted out laughing, seeing as he did not immediately catch the reference she was making to a specific old movie.

"You're the Duke! You're the Duke! A-Number-One! The Duke!

Once again, Joe still was bewildered. Charlotte laughed harder now.

"What...What are you talking about?"

"Oh my god, no one has ever told you that before, Joe? It's a quote out of Escape From New York."

"Oh, so that's where this line comes from."

She couldn't help herself. Charlotte was laughing so hard now. It was clear to her that he had no idea about the movie. She expected someone to have made the joke by now, but she was glad to be the first to introduce it to him.

"Alright, I think I'll call you the Duke since you like that. Now to get back to business, when can we begin working out?"

"Tomorrow, if you'd like."

Joe's reply made her smirk. He reached over his desk to grab the key to his private gym, handing it over to her.

"There's my key. You can come in any time past 10 A.M. Just ride the elevator or take the stairs, you'll know the correct room because it has my name on it. No one can enter but us, it's our private gym room now."

Charlotte nodded.

"Can we go in there now? I would like to have a look at it."

"Sure, why not? Come along, then."

He stepped away from his desk, offering her the chance to follow behind him. This was the first time that Joe was going as far as to show off the private gym before the first day on schedule. Together they left the office, going down the hallway to the elevator. Joe took her into the private gym, happy knowing that the place had just been cleaned up the weekend prior to today's meeting. Within the gym, he spent half an hour showing her the various work out tools and other utilities in his large workout room. The next thing he showed her was the locker area and the shower. Like Joe had previously done for his other clients, he made her a name plate to put on the locker saying 'McKinney'.

Charlotte spent some time in the gym discussing her various work out routines. Joe had informed her to let him know just what she wanted to do, since the point of hiring him as a trainer was to give total freedom to the client with their work out routines and diet. She went over the first exercising, just before explaining to him how she liked to do boxing work outs and the treadmill. The two spent the next hour planning out a strict work out schedule, all guided by her own dedication to fitness itself. Tomorrow was all set with a heavy rotation of work outs that would last 8 hours. Joe was thrilled, let alone the fact he was working with yet another amazing beautiful woman with huge famous boobs.



"One, two! One, two! One, two, three, four!!"

A bead of sweat rolled down Charlotte's face as she lifted the weight while counting. She had been lying down on a work bench, lifting repeatedly for the past thirty minutes. Sitting next to her was Joe, repeating the same work outs with a weight. Today was Friday, making the third day in a row that they had been working out together. So far, Joe was astounded at how crazy this girl could work out. Her body was in amazing shape, all revealed by the yoga shorts and tank tops that she would wear. Charlotte had brought a few other outfits during the week, stuffed in her locker along with her purse and iPod. Occasionally, she wore ear buds and would listen to music while working out.

Weight lifting was her idea for today. This was the first time in a while that Joe wasn't looking forward to Friday for a pay check, but more to work out. Charlotte had resurrected a short love he used to have for fitness. He had memories and flashbacks to his basketball days when he would hit the gym every morning and work out. He only wished that they could take off and go shoot some hoops, but he wasn't the kind of trainer to push his own ideas into what the client wanted. Yesterday they went through a 'boxing' routine. Charlotte was usually barefoot in the gym, working out without any shoes at all. Joe was forced to find a good punching bag to hang up and then do exercises with foot movements and rotations while Charlotte punched away. He joked with her before that she was strong enough to do some serious damage to someone if she wanted to.

In her love life, a lonely stretch had just washed over in the past month. Charlotte tended to go through men like changing the seasons. Being a model who was one of the most sought after fantasy women in the country, she took great pride in having men that would literally line up to date her. It gave her the sense of choosing, remaining picky about what man could get lucky enough to be between the sheets with her. Charlotte liked the cool guys. Men with fast cars and snarky attitudes. It was the old fixation of having a 'bad boy' to live dangerously, or just a guy rough around the edges. From looking at Joe, Charlotte was confident there was more to him besides a nice trainer. He had that same rough edge to him that she enjoyed in men, he certainly had the look with his big muscles and confident attitude.

It seemed that every day, Charlotte would catch him starring into her cleavage. Never one to avoid teasing, after yesterday, she made sure to wear something tighter so that her natural round breasts would look like they were about to pop out. Sure enough today, she had captured his gazing eyes looking down below her face more than once. Joe seemed like a business first type man, but she could tell that he was hiding something as a man who could get kinky. His attitude displayed a full 'hands-on' type approach in the gym, it just made her more curious. As she finished up with weight lifting, the blonde model took a deep breath before setting it back down and then leaning up from the work bench table. Her hair had been a mess in a pony tail.

After Charlotte had stopped, Joe did the same. He took a deep breath while placing the weight back on the rack under his head. She got up and walked towards the small refrigerator in the room to grab two bottles of water. She thought that she caught a glimpse of him starring into her ass as she walked, but Charlotte ignored the thought. Over the course of working out, they had flirted occasionally from time to time. She liked to refer to him as "a Duke" to tease. After grabbing the small water bottles, she turned and walked back to the black mats. By now, he was standing up. Charlotte tossed one of the water bottles to him.

"Here, catch!"

Joe caught the water bottle, leaning over as it went into his chest between the grasp of his hands. Charlotte unscrewed the cap off her bottle, drinking down the cold spring water to rejuvenate her energy. Joe opened his bottle like her, slowly drinking half of it down in a number of gulps. After he was done, he removed the bottle from past his lips and smiled.

"Thanks for this, Charlotte."

"You're welcome! About ready to call it a day, huh? I bet you're looking forward to leave and cash your check like a deal Duke!"

"Damn, you read me well. That's just what I'm planning to do. It's Friday after all."

He was forced to chuckle a bit. Charlotte could read a working man so easily. After she finished drinking the water, she stepped back and smirked at him. Ready to change the subject after his eyes appeared to shift down to her glorious cleavage. She had lost count at how many times he glanced down, but Charlotte was ready to tease him about it.

"See something you like, Duke?"

"I beg your pardon, Charlotte?"

She rolled her eyes, sighing.

"Don't play stupid with me. I've been watched you for days, you just can't keep your eyes on my face. So, do you like big boobs or what?"

"Are you fucking serious, Charlotte?"

"Yes!! Do you think I'm just asking you for that nothing!?"

Finally, he smirked. Joe took a few steps forward, facing her as their noses were merely inches apart. He could smell her breath, just as she could inhale the scent among both their sweaty bodies. Joe replied in a low voice.

"Yeah I like big tits, especially yours. They remind me of a certain kind of big boobs that I am quite fond of telling girls what they are."

"And what would that be?"

"Big hooker tits. Yeah, your boobs Charlotte. They're big fucking hooker tits. They remind me of another blonde model I had the pleasure of working out with some months back. I think you know who I'm talking about."

"Yeah, I do."

Charlotte didn't bother saying the other model's name. They indeed had a little rivalry going as the 'big tit American blonde' label went. Joe smirked again, flashing a sinister smile with his pearly white teeth. He continued speaking.

"I'd put your big hooker tits to work if we weren't working out traditionally. Why should I like? I'm sure every other trainer you work with, has fantasies about fucking you."

"Who's to say, I don't want the same? I know. I'm the type of girl that most men dream about, but who are you to say I wouldn't want to have some fun with you too?"

"Just my kind of girl, Charlotte...You wanna play in a different kinda work out?"

Smiling to him, she nodded. Joe spoke once again.

"I just have to warn you, baby. I'm the kind of man who likes to be in control."

"I kinda figured that about you. Don't worry, I'm strong enough to handle the Duke."

"A number one?"

"Yeah, a number one."

Before he could say anything stupid, Charlotte pressed her pink lips to his for a soft kiss. Joe responded by running his hands over her sides, feeling her sweaty skin. After breaking the kiss, he starred back into her big beautiful blue eyes and spoke.

"Shame it's Friday and I have to go cash my check soon. If it weren't for that, I'd be fucking the shit out of you right now."

"There's always tomorrow, honey."

"Not here. If I'm gonna fuck you, Charlotte I'd rather it be right here in my gym. We're closed tomorrow, never open on the weekends. Only the janitors will be here tomorrow to clean up."

"But we have a key to this room. Who's to say we can't invite ourselves in?"

Joe laughed, nodding his head.

"You're a smart girl, baby."

"Tomorrow afternoon, Joe?"

He nodded.

"Sure, tomorrow afternoon baby. Be here around eleven, I'll walk you through the doors."

"Be ready, Duke. I'm going to blow your fucking mind."

Before it was time to leave, Charlotte had to kiss him one more time. This time as their lips met, she sank it into a burning passionate kiss. Joe's hands wrapped around her body to feel her skin. After breaking the kiss, she winked at him while beginning to walk back. She wasn't going to bother changing her clothes in the locker. It wouldn't be the first time she got back in the car to drive back all sweaty. As Charlotte approached the door to make an exit, Joe called out to her.

"Remember, eleven A.M. I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot."

"Alright, I'll be here Joe. Catch you waiting for me, handsome Duke."

As Charlotte left the room, Joe stood in silence nodding his head. A smug grin ran across his lips. She would be yet another famous woman he fucked in his gym. He planned on starting right in the same place that the three women before her had graced. 'God, I love my fucking job. She's right, I am the Duke! What trainer has it better than me? None! I can't wait to make that bitch slobber all over my cock and fucking worship it!' He spoke to himself in his mind like a true jock, his ego was shooting through the roof already thinking about seeing the famous Charlotte McKinney in all her nude glory. Joe walked over to his little corner across the room, stepping his feet over the white carpet. Tomorrow, he would be sitting in that chair like he did with the previous three women before her. He went on and moved his foot stool out of the way so it wouldn't be sitting there to distract tomorrow's agenda. He then checked the white couch, making sure there were no visible cum stains on it from the last session he had a few months ago. Since it was clean, he figured it was time to go home and rest up for a hot Saturday.



Dark clouds formed overhead, demonstrating that the weekend would have a slight chance of rain. It didn't matter if one ignored the weather warnings, the L.A. heat would still make a rainy day go dry after it was all said and done. Joe stood in the parking lot of the Tight 'N Fit gym wearing a pair of white shorts and a yellow T-shirt. His feet were sunk into a pair of purple flip flops. He had already went into the building and checked with the janitors, giving them a made up story that he had only arrived on the weekend to go over staff and clean his office by himself. It was just around two minutes before 11 A.M. when he spotted a red car pulling into a parking space. She was just in time, even arriving a couple minutes early. Joe couldn't say that he wasn't impressed with Charlotte's ambition for a true body workout.

Behind the driving wheel, she pulled the car up and shut the engine off in the parking space. Charlotte stepped out, wearing a pair of pink flip flop shoes and 'Daisy Duke's' style jean shorts. They were so short, it hugged every curve, revealing her bubble butt from behind. Over her chest was a ripped white shirt, revealing her amazing abs and stomach. Charlotte slipped her sunglasses off, feeling the heat of the sun pouring over her skin. Joe shoved his hands into his pockets and approached her. It was then that he caught her heavy dark eye liner around her eyes. For once, her long golden hair wasn't in a pony tail. It was split down the middle, making her radiant beauty even more electrifying. Charlotte waved to Joe while she shut the driver's door to her car.

"Hey baby, right on time!"

"Hey Joe!"

The two greeted each other in soft words before embracing in a hug. Charlotte kissed his right cheek while Joe gently held her hand.

"God, you look beautiful today."

Charlotte smiled, nodding.

"Thank you. I wanted to look pretty for you, since this is more than just a work out."

Her words made it seem almost like they were on a date. Joe cupped her face in his free hand and kissed her again. After their lips had parted, Charlotte turned to look towards the walkway to enter the building and spoke.

"Come on, let's not waste any time."

"As you wish, I like your attitude baby."

She spoke as if she couldn't wait to get back in his gym and get what little clothes she had on off her body. Together, they walked hand in hand towards the big glass doors. Charlotte and Joe entered the gym, walking past a janitor who had a yellow 'Wet Floors' sign up while mopping the marble stone floors in the main lobby. They didn't waste any time heading to the elevator, witnessing that they were alone for the short ride up. Charlotte thought to tease him for a minute while they rode the elevator, but stopped herself. She didn't want to say anything silly and ruin this moment. All Joe was thinking about was taking control of her once they were back in his gym. He couldn't wait to have her following his every order. To put her in complete submission was his goal.

After exiting the elevator, they walked through an empty room to the locked door of the gym. Charlotte stood there and watched as Joe let go of her hand to grab his key ring out of his pocket. Among it was the various necessities of keys he used on a daily basis. He slid the large key into the door and unlocked it for their private gym. Previously before she arrived, he talked to the janitors not to disturb them in the gym today. He usually left the room unlocked every Friday so they could clean it, but for once that door would be locked with two people inside. Once they entered, Joe shut the door and re-locked it behind them. Charlotte let out a sigh of relief while looking at the light shining from the tall windows on the right side of the room. The grey clouds had made it a little bit dark.

"I think it's gonna rain today, Joe."

"No rain will be bothering us in here, baby. Come on, let me show you to my little corner where I like to relax."

Charlotte followed him, as they walked to the corner across the room. During the week she had noticed the white couch and big white leather chair, but she didn't bother to ask him about it. Now she was curious, speaking up as they walked.

"Have you fucked any other girls in your gym before me?"


"Do you always fuck them over in your corner?"

"Yes, I do baby. It's my favorite spot, my little corner where I relax."

They stopped on the white carpet. The big white chair stood to the right of where his feet had stopped. Joe turned around to look into her face before speaking again.

"Is that a problem, Charlotte? You don't mind being fucked in a spot where other women have sucked me off before, have you?"

She shook her head. Before she could say anything, Joe spoke once again.

"Good, now that's what I like to hear. Let's not waste any time, are you ready to begin?"

The blonde model was taken back a bit how he cut her off, speaking for her before he changed the subject. It was apparent that he was dying to get laid today, so it seemed. She nodded to him.

"Yes, I'm ready."

"From here on out, baby I want you to call me either 'Big Joe' or 'Duke'. Or you know what, just call me Duke. I like that better."

Charlotte giggled to him.

"Yeah, you're the Duke!"

Now it was time to begin. Joe smirked to her, flashing his teeth in a sinister smile. Soon enough, he would learn how she followed orders from him. He spoke back to her in a stern voice.

"Take your fucking clothes off, baby."

He crossed his arms, glaring at her to show that he was a dominant man that liked control. Charlotte swallowed her breath, not bothering to reply. She kicked her flip flops off, watching them fall onto the carpet. Joe's eyes were stuck observing her every action. She then unbuttoned her little shorts and began to slide them down, revealing that only a small pink thong was tucked between her thighs. Joe nodded his head, impressed with the curves her legs. After she was done, Charlotte kicked the little shorts off the carpet. Joe spoke in praise.

"Very nice, turn around for me. I want to see that ass while you slide that thong down."

She didn't say a word, she only followed his order. Charlotte turned around, bending over to show her ass while sliding the thong down. Joe reached his hand back and spanked the right cheek of her ass hard. The smacking sound echoed across the room and she moaned, forcing him to laugh.

"You've got a fine ass, baby! Everyone loves your big hooker tits, but I like that ass too."

There he was, referring to her breasts as 'big hooker tits' yet again. This time, Charlotte giggled at the small gesture. As she turned around to him again, his eyes glanced down to see her wet shaved pussy. Joe grinned.

"Very nice, I knew a girl like you would keep that pussy shaved and clean."

So far, she was being a good girl. Charlotte grabbed the ends of her small shirt and pulled it over her head. Her large breasts were not contained in a bra, so they flopped right down into his eye sight.

"Holy shit!"

She laughed hearing his shocked words. By now in her life, Charlotte was used to hearing men and women alike express astonishment at her large natural breasts. As she threw the shirt away, revealing her naked body to him, she smiled. His eyes were still glued to her amazing breasts. Charlotte cupped them in her hands, pushing them together so he could admire her natural beauty a bit further.

"You know, I've seen a lot of great big tits. Especially in the past year, and yours are certainly unique. God, look at those big hooker tits! They're fucking amazing!"

"Thank you! Do you wanna touch 'em?"

"Yeah, bring 'em over here, baby!"

Taking a few steps to approach him, Charlotte let out a moan as she felt his cold hands touch her big breasts. Joe gripped them gently, squeezing them between his finger tip. His touch was enough to make her wet, not discounting the obvious bulge that appeared between his pants. Joe leaned down to lick over her left breast, kissing her hardening nipple. He then moved to the opposite breast, lapping his tongue over it equally. With one final squeeze between his hands, he heard the blonde model moan. Joe looked into her eyes, smirking as he was ready to deliver the next command.

"Now that you're naked, I want you to get my clothes off now. Go on, do it."

"Yes, Duke!"

Replying swiftly, she answered him with the only word he wanted to hear back: yes. Charlotte pulled his shirt first, watching as he raised his arms and allowed her to slip the shirt from over his torso. She slung it to the floor and then went down to her knees. With her hands on the front of his shirts, Joe went on and kicked his flip flop shoes off while she pulled his pants down. Charlotte could see the bulge sticking up in his underwear. His cock was already rock hard, even without her touch. As he stepped out of his shorts, she then tugged his underwear down, forcing his cock to flop out and smack over her forehead. She giggled feeling his hardened member slap across her face. Once he stepped out of his underwear to complete the disrobing of his clothes, Joe smirked down at her as the blonde goddess wrapped her little hand around his cock.

"I think you know what to do with that, don't you baby?"


Her eyes starred into his, just before she began to stroke his cock. While looking into his eyes, Charlotte leaned down and kissed the head of his cock. Joe grinned big. Soon enough, he would have her worshiping his cock before he took control. He watched as she stroked it in her hand, parting her lips to circle them over the head in a rotation. Charlotte wanted to make sure he was at full size before she began to blow him. She continued to stroke it with her grip, while leaning down to slurp and suck on his nuts. Her tongue lapped over his balls, causing Joe to moan.

"Ohhhhh, yeah. There you go, suck on those nuts, baby! Get 'em all nasty and wet from your filthy fucking mouth!"

Slobbering and sucking sounds were heard from below. A string of her saliva dripped down onto the white carpet from under them. After a minute, Charlotte came up and brought her lips to breath over his cock. She was ready, as he was at full size. She kissed the head again, sliding her hand down to the base before she moaned and spoke in a soft soothing voice.

"God, this is such a big cock."

"Oh yeah, it is. I am a Duke after all, right? One with a big fucking dick."

She giggled, looking up at him. This man clearly had an ego, but she wasn't bothered by it. Charlotte parted her lips and winked at him before replying.

"Mmmmmm, yeah. You're a Number-One with a big cock!"

Just like that, she was able to stroke his ego in words and then slide her lips down the shaft. 'Mmmmmm', Charlotte moaned as she slowly began to bob her head up and down on his meat. She sucked him nice and slow, offering a sensual blow job. For the time being, Joe was enjoying how slow she was with him. He took a few deep breaths, listening to the audible noises her mouth made as she slowly slobbered over his cock. Soon enough, he would be taking control but he was enjoying this for the time being. 'Mmmmmmm', Charlotte moaned again, sending vibrations through his skin. She came up for a bit, making a loud pop noise from her pink lips as she let his cock go. A string of saliva dripped down his rod and over the floor. Charlotte looked into his eyes before speaking.

"You like that, Duke."

"Ohhhhhh, yes I do baby. No hands, move your hand. I want you to show me how far you can take it."

"Oh, you want to see if I can take your entire cock? I bet I can."

"Then, fucking prove it!"

His words were pushing her almost like a competitive game. Charlotte removed her hand and slammed her lips back down on his shaft hard. Joe was taken back at the force she showed, moving from sensual slowness to a hard mode. He groaned as she quickly pushed the head of his cock to the back of her throat. Her lips met among his ball hair.


He cried out, looking down at her as she proved that she truly did have deep throat skills. Due to the sudden change of pace, Joe was ready to take control. He brought his right hand down and curled it up into her hair. Charlotte took the hint, knowing what was to come next. His stern voice was the only hint she had, apart from fucking rough men in the past. Joe held her hair and pulled her back a bit, forcing his cock to release from her lips. She gasped after a pop sound was heard. A flood of saliva ran from her lower lip and down her neck. Joe gripped her hair and yelled to her.

"Spit on that fucking dick!"

Flicking her tongue back, Charlotte spit on his rod under his command. Joe grabbed his dick with his left hand, still holding her hair in his right. He took his slobber coated rod and began to rub it against her right cheek. Charlotte closed her eyes and let out a moan. He was in complete control, proving to her what a dominant man he could be. After rubbing a bit of her own slobber over her cheek, he spoke.

"You know what I want you to do with this cock, baby?"


"I want you to worship my big fucking cock! Don't you wanna worship it, baby?"

"Ohhhh, yeah..."

"You do, don't you!?"

"Yes, yes!!"

Charlotte knew better than to tell him 'no'. This was a game, as she had previous experience with men similar to him. Joe smirked and took his cock and began to lightly smack it up against her right cheek. Charlotte, gasped moaning out.

"Oh my god!"

Smack. Smack. Smack. She moaned before gritting her teeth, pushing her lips out. When Joe caught sight of this, he moved his cock to smack it up against her lips. Still making a similar repetitive sound: Smack. Smack. Smack.

"Open your mouth again, baby!"

She followed his order, parting her lips. Charlotte kept her eyes closed as she felt his cock slide back in. She quickly squeezed her lips around it, all while Joe gripped her hair tighter and then took control to fuck her mouth with his cock. He began to thrust his hips hard, forcing his cock to move back and forth between her lips. Her long golden hair began to shake around all over the place while her mouth created a melody of slobbering and sucking noises.


Pushing her head all the way down, Joe grunted when he felt the head of his dick slam to the back of her throat. He held Charlotte's mouth down, devouring his entire rod. After a few seconds she choked, gagging and coughing. Her eyes watered up, forcing her heavy dark eyeliner to become a bit runny. He smirked to himself. That classic, shit-eating grin that only an egotistical jock like him could perform. Memories flashed in Joe's mind of his college days. Charlotte reminded him of the big tit blonde sluts that used to hang out with the basketball team after games. He occasionally would get drunk and fuck one lucky girl silly after a home win.

He moved Charlotte's face as he began to ease his cock from between her lips. Turning her head, it forced his cock to inflate her right jaw, making it puffy. He saw that her eye liner had become ruined and chuckled before he pulled her hair to release his cock from her mouth. She took a deep breath as his cock popped free. Numerous sticky saliva strings were attached to his cock, breaking off back at her teeth. She had to catch her breath, looking up into eyes as she gritted her teeth. He was still grinning, as if he was mocking her. Joe couldn't help but to taunt her in a smart ass tone of voice.

"You look you've got something to say."

"Yeah I-"

"What!? I can't hear you baby, speak up!"

As if he couldn't display what an asshole he could be in control, Charlotte wanted to roll her eyes at him after he cut her off speaking. She spoke up, yelling to him.

"You like fucking my mouth, huh!?"

Joe nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

"Fuck yeah, you've got one slutty mouth. I like it, but I want something else about now."

Without telling her exactly what he desired, Joe let go to free her hair from his grip. He took a few steps back and then sat his naked ass down into the big white leather chair. It was time for her to put those big titties to work in the same manner that the previous two women with 'big hooker tits' had done before. As he sat down, he spread his legs out and snapped his fingers at her.

"Come on, get between my legs baby. I want you right there, get those big hooker tits and wrap them around my cock!"

She didn't reply back. Charlotte was somewhat annoyed when people would snap their fingers at her, but she let him slide for now. He was proving to be quite a jerk in the mood, but she still was having a bit of fun. Before moving, she wiped her mouth with the backside of her hand and then crawled between his legs. By now, Joe was resting both of his hands behind his head, sitting there as if he was a king about to be worshiped by a loyal slut of a servant. Charlotte sat up on her knees in between his legs. With her hands gripped around her large tits, she moved them to smash his cock between them while taking her right hand to hold his cock up. She moaned, tilting her head to the right side to force her long golden hair to move a bit.

Joe's eyes watched as her giant breasts came up and imprisoned his cock between them. Charlotte removed her hand from his cock, allowing herself to push both hands to squeeze her massive boobs around his cock. Joe was in heaven, sitting on his throne and watching as the busty model famous for her big tits was pleasuring him. He let out a soft moan, not saying a word as she moaned too. Charlotte couldn't deny herself this pleasure. She enjoyed a good titty fuck, knowing that her body was built for this delightful joy. Slowly, she began to rock her breasts back and forth. His entire rod had disappeared between the folds of her tits flesh, only for the head to occasionally pop up each time she thrust down. Charlotte looked into his eyes, licking her lips as she continued.

"Mmmmmm, you like that?"

"Oh, fuck yes...Those tits, look at 'em. This is what they were made for, you know that baby?"

"Ohhhhh yeah..."

"Your tits were made to be fucked, baby."

"Mmmmm, yes they were."

"Good girl."

The smirk on her face was inviting, she blushed when he called her a 'good girl'. Charlotte continued to pump her breasts up and down, fucking his cock. She squeezed them harder, arching her back forward as she looked down to watch the head poking up each time she thrust. She figured he was the type of man who would want to aggressively pound her breasts, so she found herself surprised that he enjoyed this kind of slow tit fucking progression.

Joe took a deep breath, sighing. He didn't want to think about blowing his load yet, but between fucking her face and now her titty fucking skills, he was forced to consider that inevitable moment. Charlotte teased him in her soft voice.

"Your big cock feels so fucking good between my big breasts, oh yeah..."

"Your big hooker tits, baby."

She giggled as he corrected her.

"Yes, my big hooker tits!"

They both laughed together at the correction. Joe knew that this soft torture over his cock was going to force him to bust a nut, but he wasn't ready yet. He had to fuck her, as he had other ideas of where he wanted to blow his load. Leaning up in his chair, he gently gripped the back of her hair to get her attention. Joe spoke up.

"Ohhhhh, that's it. You're a good girl, baby. Come now, you're gonna make me cum before I get to fuck you. I need to you to get up for me."

Charlotte let go of her tits. She expected him to pull her hair, but instead he let go of the grip. As she came up from her knees, Joe leaned up from the chair and pressed his hands to her stomach. She leaned down and he kissed her lips while running his hands up to squeeze her breasts like he had done earlier. It was strange to her how he could be a complete jerk at times during control, but kiss her in the most passionate way. This man was more unpredictable than she previously would've imagined. After their lips were broke apart, Joe stepped back and pointed to the couch. Unlike before, he didn't snap his fingers at her. Charlotte took a few steps, noticing the ray of light from the window was a sign that the grey clouds had passed. She spoke to him in her soft voice.

"How do you want me, big guy?"

"How do I want you?"

He smirked at her after repeating the question. Joe's voice immediately turned into a stern tone.

"Assume the fucking position!"

"Yes, Duke!"

Her answer was more playful than it was before when she spoke those specific two words. Charlotte stepped to the couch, pushing her hands down as she bent over. Her feet spread out on the floor to part the lips of her clit and offer an invitation for him to fuck her in doggy style. As she looked over the white plush fabric of the couch, she gasped her breath as a stinging feeling was felt over her skin.


Spank! Joe chuckled mischievously after he had reared his left hand back and swatted her ass cheek. It caught Charlotte by surprise, instantly alerting her to his presence from behind. Softly whimpering, she looked at him from over her shoulder. Her eyes giving him an innocent look almost as if she were playing a game with him. Joe's right hand embedded over her right hip, the other rubbing her clit from underneath. Charlotte turned her head, sinking it down into the couch as she moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yes. Come on, fuck me! You're the Duke! A Number One, fuck me like one! Oh, yeah!"

If stroking his ego wasn't enough to influence him, Charlotte didn't know what would. She felt the head of his cock rubbing over her clit, teasing her. She called out to him again.

"Come on, yeah! Come on, FUCK ME!! I WANT YOUR COCK, DUKE!! FUCK ME!!!"

Grinning to himself, Joe was ready to fuck her. Just not that specific hole. To her surprise, she felt his cock quickly slide between her ass cheeks and then push towards her dark back door hole. Charlotte immediately opened her eyes, gasping hard as she felt his cock push into her ass.

"OHHHH!!! OHHHH....Y--YES!!"

Joe reared his left hand back, spanking her ass loudly again as his cock slid in. The sound of the smack echoed across the room. Charlotte yelled out again.


Spank! His hand reared back once again, smacking across her ass cheek. Charlotte was at a loss of words. Joe began to slowly buck his hips, forcing his cock through her tight ass. She gritted her teeth, crying out loudly in the moans. She began to pant as he slowly moved his cock back and forth into her ass. As he heard her whimpering, Joe moved his right arm up to grip her hair tightly between his fingers. Charlotte groaned, almost growling as he snatched her by the hair and tugged it hard. As he thrust his cock into her ass, he yelled to her.

"You sound like you've got something to say, baby!"


"You ARE my slut, baby! That's what I like to hear!"

Over and over, he pounded his cock into her tight ass. Joe was bound and determined that he wasn't going to stop until he shot his load within her bowels. He continued bucking his hips, ramming his cock in and out of her. He was so close to busting his nut. Had it not been for her slow titty fuck, he would've already exploded by now. He began to rear his hand back and lay smacks over the left cheek of her ass in a constant rhythm with each thrust he made. Charlotte gritted her teeth. Her huge tits were bouncing around up against the couch from under her. She tried to speak while the sound of his hand striking across her ass kept cutting her off.












Finally, Joe came to a stop and groaned loud. His hand was stinging, as a red palm print was visible on the left cheek of her ass. With one final thrust, he groaned before yelling out.


Charlotte moaned as she could feel his hot load pumping into her ass. Closing her eyes, she whimpered. Though he could not see it, she was grinning to herself. Joe pulled his cock from her ass, watching as his hot load began to pour out, dripping down her thighs and legs before hitting the floor. He finally released his hand from her hair, freeing her long golden locks of his grasp. Charlotte cried out to him.

"Now you've got to fuck my ass, I want you to finally take my pussy! Please, don't make me beg for it!"

Joe began to laugh. He stepped from around her. Charlotte didn't lean up yet, for he did not tell her to. By now, she had grown to enjoy playing his submissive little whore in the gym. He sat down on the couch next to her, nodding his head before speaking.

"You're a good girl, baby. Come on, I'll let you get on top and you can fuck me. I want to see those big hooker tits shaking in my face!"

"Mmmmmm, I'd love to get on top and ride it."

Charlotte began to move, but not before she leaned back over and ran her hands up his muscular chest. He cupped her face gently, kissing her passionately as he had done before. After breaking the kiss, Charlotte was ready to take control. Joe sat there, his feet planted down on the floor as he watched this blonde goddess move to straddle him, sinking both her legs down into the couch as she climbed atop. Joe had teased her by rubbing her clit before he decided to fuck her ass. She used her left hand to hold onto his shoulder, while her right hand moved underneath to hold his cock up so she could lower herself down onto it. While she began to slowly move down, Charlotte smirked and teased him.

"You know something, Duke?"

"What, baby?"

"I can really worship your cock on top. That's what you wanted me to do, right? To worship this big fucking cock?"

"Yes, baby! Yes, take that cock!"

In an instance, Charlotte slammed herself down to force his cock to push hard into her pussy. Her thighs came crashing down, taking his entire length inside of her. She gasped while Joe moaned. Not wasting any time, she put her hands on his shoulders, scratching her nails down as she gripped his skin. Charlotte began to thrust her hips downward, forcing his cock in and out of her pussy. Joe groaned, calling out to her.

"Yeah, there you go baby! Fuck yeah!!"

Those huge tits of hers began to shake, wobbling around as they bounced about. Charlotte closed her eyes, calling out as she began to feel him thrust his hips forward to meet with her own downward thrusts.


Joe wasn't distracted at all from her screaming voice. Charlotte's loud words echoed throughout the large room. His eyes remained locked, watching those big breasts bouncing up and down repeatedly. Joe ran his hands up, catching them to feel her luscious tits bounce around between his finger tips. As Charlotte moaned and continued to thrust herself down, he groaned.

"Ohhhhh, god! You feel so fucking good, and look at these big hooker tits moving around!!"


"Don't stop, baby! Don't you fucking stop!! FUCK ME UNTIL YOU CUM!!!"

Over and over his cock thrust back and forth into her sweet pussy. From hearing his words, Charlotte made it a goal in her mind to not stop until she truly did explode from within. Joe knew that he could hold off a second orgasm since he went so long until finally busting his nut in her ass minutes earlier. Charlotte began to pant, moving faster as she leaned up. By now, Joe could thrust his hips forward at an easier pace, sending his cock back and forth into her clit at a faster rate. With her eyes closed, she cried out.


As she moved up, his face became buried between her amazing breasts. Charlotte moved her hands, gripping her nails into the upper part of the couch to latch on. She opened her eyes, gasping as his cock continued to pump into her pussy. Joe didn't slow down, he wanted to make her burst in her overflowing juices. She was so close, just seconds away as she gritted her teeth before parting them and crying out.


Smack. Smack. Smack. The sound of Joe's balls slapping against the underside of her ass could be heard among her moaning. His hand print was still there in bright red across her left ass cheek. Charlotte exploded, reaching her climatic breakthrough but Joe could not stop himself from pumping into that pussy at his fast rate. She had to catch her breath, still moaning in her voice. As Joe had finally began to slow himself down, he knew that if he continued to fuck her pussy, he would end up blowing his second load. He never wasted his final load inside of a hole. This cum would be a decoration over her face, like he always had to do after fucking a woman.

"Baby come on, get off me! Come on, get back down on your knees!"

Charlotte had caught her breath quickly. Before moving off Joe, she leaned down and kissed his lips softly. She then obeyed his command, moving off him as his cock slithered out of her warm, wet hole. As she stood up, Joe raised himself up from the couch and she dropped down to her knees. His dick dripped from her juices. Charlotte reached up and wrapped her hand around it and then began to lick it clean, sucking up her own juices. Joe smiled big, as he didn't even have to tell her to do this.

"Good girl! Yeah, clean that fucking cock of your juices! Swallow it down, baby!"

A slobbering sound was heard as Charlotte pushed her lips to the underside of his cock and slurped up her juices. After she was done cleaning him of every drop from her own juices, she looked up into his eyes and spoke.

"Like that, Duke? Your cock is ready for worship again!"

Pushing her lips down, she kissed the head while he replied.

"That's right, baby!"

"I want to make this big fucking cock explode again! Where do you want it, Duke? Between my slutty lips again? Or maybe back between my big hooker tits?"

"The big hooker tits, yeah!"

Charlotte didn't waste any time. She used her right hand to hold her breasts up, before shoving his cock into the small tunnel between them. Her large tits absorbed his cock as it completely disappeared between them. As she squeezed her hands over her breasts, she looked into his eyes. Joe was smiling, pleased at her efforts.

"Good girl!"

She smiled at him as he called her a 'good girl' for what would be the final time today. Joe brought his left hand down to her shoulder, gripping it as he began to buck his hips and force his cock to pump between her breasts. Charlotte kept her eyes locked on his. She knew that he would end up blowing his load again, for this would be the final event to finish him off. She dropped her lower lip, moaning before calling out to him.

"Mmmmm, yeah! Go on, fuck my titties-I mean, FUCK MY BIG HOOKER TITS!!"

It it weren't for the immense pleasure Joe was receiving from feeling his cock thrust between her breasts, he would've laughed at her own correction. He grunted, knowing that his time was short, but he didn't want to stop fucking her tits. Over and over, his cock pumped between them. Charlotte still gazed into his eyes, teasing him once more.

"Ohhhhh, yeah, mmmmmmmm. Go on, fuck 'em! You're the Duke! Fuck 'em like the Duke! Yes! YES!!"

"Oh god, baby! I'm gonna cum!"

"Mmmmmm, yeah. Cum for me, Duke! Yes cum for me!"


With one final thrust between her boobs, Joe let go of her shoulder and snatched his cock out from between her breasts. He used his left hand to grip the back of her hair, holding it up to get a clear shot. Charlotte got the hint, immediately realizing that he was about to blast her face in his warm seed. Usually, she closed her eyes but Charlotte didn't this one time. She gasped, parting her lips to smile and tease him. Joe aimed his cock directly at her face, stroking it like a mad man. After a few seconds, he grunted.


Charlotte finally closed her eyes and gasped as she felt the first splash of his hot load. The first wad sent a thick droplet and streak over the right side of her forehead. A string dripped down over her right eyebrow, stretching over her eye and her cheek. Drops went spraying over her nose and left cheek. Charlotte closed her eyes, moaning and gasping as she looked into his eyes while he still shot his load. Joe tightened the grip of his fingers in her hair. More strings of cum shot over her nose and streaking over her right cheek, all while a little string dripped over her eye lip.

"Mmmmm, cum on me! Yeah, cum on me, Duke!"

He moaned, grunting as his balls were becoming depleted of cum. A few thick drops shot down over her breasts. By then, Joe knew that he was finished and had nothing left. He took a deep breath, letting go of her hair as he starred down at her beautiful face drenched in his cum. She was a mess, not unlike the women before her who he had fucked in his gym. When he let go of his cock, Charlotte grabbed it and brought the head to her lips. She gave it a kiss, sucking on it to milk the final drops between her lips. Joe had to catch his breath slowly, but not without forgetting one final request to her.

"Say 'thank you' for that cum, baby."

She moaned over the head, looking into his eyes before releasing it with a pop noise. Charlotte smiled before replying to him.

"Thank you."

Joe patted her shoulder as if she were a loyal pet.

"Good girl, that was a lot of fun baby."

"Yeah, it was! We should do this again."

"I'm sure we will, since you still have another week left on your contract."

"I'll be looking forward to this next week."

Charlotte ran her hands through her hair after replying. The cum began to drip down from her beautiful face. Joe began to step away, but not before one last order.

"You need to get a shower, baby. Go clean yourself up for me, I'll make you messy again next week."

"Yeah, I'll do that..."

Raising herself up from the floor, Charlotte gave him an innocent smirk before winking. She then turned her naked body around to march off to the shower. Joe smirked, feeling as if he were on top of the world. Yet another famous woman as a client who he had fucked in the gym. Charlotte's memory would be in place with the others, as his ego was beginning to grow at this point. 'I could get used to doing this', he said to himself. Fact remained, he already was becoming used to it. Maybe the lucky streak could continue with more hot names of famous females showing up at the gym.



A busy day proceeded back at the gym in the offices on a Monday morning. Sam was back in town, catching up with a few requests from some athletes who needed a trainer to begin work out sessions. Joe found himself back in the office, over the phone with requests from a previous client who needed his help with some diet advice. The specific client was one Joe had mentored some years back, but had not seen him in a few years. He was a bit annoyed, rolling his eyes while chatting with him over the phone. While he was busy on the phone, Cindy stepped through the door holding an envelope in her hands. Joe glanced at the assistant as she stepped in, sighing as he hung up the phone.

"Hey, sorry! Didn't mean to disturb you, just wanted to bring you this."

"Oh no, you're not bothering me Cindy! It's just, that guy."

Joe shook his head, sighing.

"He's fucking annoying, you know?"

Cindy just smiled, offering the envelope to him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I think this might cheer you up, hun."

"Oh, what's this?"

"A gift from someone you know."

With a soft smile, the assistant left the office leaving him alone. Joe glanced at the white envelope. All it said was 'To Mr. Murdock' on it with a little heart in red ink. He pulled it apart, opening it to a glossy black and white printed card. The card had a blonde model on it, looking elegant in a sensual posse with her head propped up under her hand. Over the card was a bright red marker in cursive ink with the following quote written out:



Joe's jaw dropped before he laughed to himself and smiled. It was definitely her, as she had teased him with that famous movie line repeatedly. It had been a week since Charlotte finished up her contract. From the first time they got naked together, they spent the last week having various fun in the gym a number of times after each work out. This picture made a perfect goodbye memento. Smiling to himself, he sat it on his desk while giving it a second glance. Joe made a mental note to buy a small frame, this was a photograph he planned to hang on the wall within his office.

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Bitch Control Vol. 5
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 05:46:09 AM »
Bitch Control Vol. 5
Starring: Scarlett Johansson

Codes: MF, Oral, Tit Fuck Anal, Facial, MDom, Submissive, Big Hooker Tits

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.


Los Angeles, California

A cool breeze was a nice welcome upon stepping through the front doors of the Tight 'N Fit gym. Any summer afternoon in L.A. was better spent in an air conditioned building than out sweating in the heat. Joe Murdock had arrived a bit later than he usually clocked in at his job as a personal trainer. Still one of the two trainers who had a private floor on the upper level of the gym's building, he smugly grinned to himself while making his way to the elevator. Today was a special day for he had a client that had landed in his lap that he didn't expect whatsoever. Not even after a handful of famous female clients searching for a personal trainer did he expect this woman to find her way stepping into the doors of the Tight 'N Fit gym.

Last week an agent representing for Scarlett Johansson had called requesting to speak with Joe. It was an unbelievable experience to sit on the phone with an agent claiming to work for the actress. Joe didn't believe it at all and requested to speak to the woman herself. His wish was granted when she showed up at the gym and introduced herself alongside a bodyguard. There was no mistaking her big blue eyes, voluptuous body and a lovely smile despite the casual outfit she had picked for the day. Her hair had been dyed in an orange color, proving a point as Scarlett had told him that she needed a trainer to prepare for her next role of the Black Widow character in a new Marvel film. Having not kept up with the film franchise at all, Joe wasn't sure the details but gladly agreed to allowing the actress to write out her own work out schedule upon signing her name in a contract for the gym and making a direct payment.

Two weeks had been arranged for work out sessions and training, per the writing that was in her contract and now signed under name. Scarlett had told Joe that she heard of him through a friend and decided to opt out on her usual trainer that the studio paid for. Whoever this friend was, she did not reveal the name but Joe had sat and wondered since they began working out together yesterday. He didn't push her on revealing her friend's identity, but he couldn't help but wonder. Scarlett's schedule was an intense work out, utilizing various tools at her expense within the closed doors of Joe's private gym. The schedule had arranged her to focus on one specific work out each day and rotate in a schedule. She had spoken about wanting to run the treadmill and an exercise bike. One day had been dedicated to weight lifting, stomach crunches and push ups.

This level of dedication from an actress with getting into shape had required Joe to grow a deep level of respect for Scarlett. Despite signing her contract last week, she waited until Monday to begin training. As of Tuesday, it would be his second day working with her and Scarlett had already mapped out the day to do a bit of boxing with a punching bag. She had other plans for a few arm based work outs, taking this day on the schedule to focus entirely on the strength within her arms and hands. Per contract, Joe had two keys to his private gym room, always giving the second one to his client so they could invite themselves in and make use of the personal space before he had arrived. Since her hours began around twelve PM and Joe found himself late arriving forty minutes after that, he had no doubt he would find her within the gym once he got there.

Stepping out of the elevator, Joe made his way down the hall and to the door leading into his private gym. He had arrived in work in nothing more than a purple pair of gym shorts and a white T-shirt. If he wanted to change his clothes in time for a lunch break, he had some casual outfits back inside in the locker. A janitor was busy scrubbing the floor with a mop outside, not even bothering to glance his way so Joe ignored the old man entirely as he made his way to the door. Turning the knob, he found it to be unlocked. Scarlett had to indeed be inside, if the janitor himself had not went in and did any cleaning. Opening the door, he was greeted to the bright sunlight beaming into the large wall of windows and the sound of rustling heard from within the room. Upon shutting the door, he whistled and then called out.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

"Over here, Joe!"

Scarlett's voice called out to him as she turned around and placed her hands onto her hips. He offered a smile before stepping his way to see the buxom bombshell actress. Her long red hair was curled up into a pony tail dangling from behind her back. She wore black yoga pants hugging every curve up her body, all to go with a black T-shirt that matched and covered her chest. Scarlett was barefoot, showing off her beautiful pale skin that stood out to Joe's eyes with the black outfit. The only thing that wasn't black over her body was the blue colored fighting gloves. Behind her, the punching bag dangled from the chains above. She exhaled a bit and offered him a smile.

"Nice of you to join me today. Are you always late like this?"

The tone of her voice in asking that question had struck Joe. Scarlett expected a reply right away, but he had to force a fake smile as a way to not take offense to her.

"Maybe. It depends on if I'm going to randomly oversleep, let's just put it that way."

She glanced away, seemingly ignoring his reply and turning her focus back to the red colored punching bag facing her. Joe watched her move her feet down below, arching her toes into a fighting stance and raising her fists up. Her pony tail whipped around as Scarlett took the first jab at the bag with her left hand and then punched with her right.

"You do know I am not a boxing trainer right?"

"You didn't tell me that yesterday."

Quickly replying to him, she continued to punch at the bag, forcing it to rattle and the chain to shake. Joe was taken back a bit at Scarlett's attitude. Perhaps she was disappointed that he showed up late today. Either way, it had bothered him though he wasn't going to say anything aloud. He was used to women giving him respect, whether it was earned or not. Joe was beginning to quickly learn that Scarlett wasn't like his other famous female clients in the past. Crossing his arms, he began to walk a circle around her, his eyes studying her curves right down to her plump ass that was clearly visible in the stretchy yoga pants. She paid him no attention as he walked a clockwise rotation around her. The punching bag shook from all directions as Scarlett continued to punch it with power within her fists. When she finally came to a stop and exhaled, Joe clapped his hands at her.

"That's enough, you look like you're working yourself down to a sweat. Take a break, Scarlett."

"I'm just getting started for the day. I'm going to need your help with some work outs."

"I'll get you a bottle of water and then you tell me what you want to do next, alright?"

Without replying in words, she quietly nodded at him and pointed her left hand over to one of the benches on the right side wall of the room.

"My water bottle is over there. Bring it to me."

Wow, Joe couldn't help but think to himself. She didn't thank him at all for offering water, instead ordering him to go fetch something as if he was getting paid to pamper her. What a fucking bitch, he thought to himself. His past female clients didn't treat him like this, even when he would arrogantly assert himself as a dominant male. Despite being bothered by Scarlett so far, he didn't say anything. The man quietly stepped aside from her and went to grab her black tinted large water bottle and bring it over. Scarlett grabbed the bottle from him and turned the top, opening it before raising it to her mouth and taking a sip. After a few seconds, she pulled the water bottle away from her puffy pink lips and smiled back to him.

"Thank you."

He blushed as he looked back to her, offering a fake smile. At least she said thank you, but that wasn't enough to erase the first impressions of the day for Joe. Scarlett placed her free hand to her hip and spoke up.

"I know today is supposed to be arm work outs, but I'm feeling a little lazy today."

Joe offered her a smug grin, figuring now was an opportunity to tease her with how she was talking to him.

"Oh yeah? It isn't cause your trainer was late today, or is it?"

Scarlett grinned back at him, quirking her eyebrows up as she responded.

"Perhaps, yes. I think I wanna get on a bike and take a slow ride."

"I'll join you, we can both work out then."

"I like the sound of that."

After Scarlett's reply, she carried the water bottle as she made her way over to the exercise bikes. There were two bikes sitting side by side across the room, far away from his lounge corner where Joe had made precious memories with his previous famous clients. The thought had crossed his mind a number of times after Scarlett had signed her contract, the possibility of adding her name next to the other women he had fun with. A woman like her was different, for he already figured she wasn't a natural submissive. He watched Scarlett climb onto the exercise bike on the right side and then he followed his actions right behind her. His fingers gripped the black comfort piece of the chrome bars to the stationary bike and then Joe turned to look at Scarlett and spoke up.

"How fast are you gonna run this thing?"

"Not sure yet."

Letting out a sigh, she looked back at him and leaned forward over the bike.

"Like I told you, I'm feeling kinda lazy. You don't mind if we take this slow?"

Joe laughed.

"Why are you asking me that? I'm your trainer, you're the one that makes the decisions for your work out. You wanna go slow, that's fine by me."

"Thank you."

Hearing her utter the words 'thank you' had made Joe grin. It was the second time so far today and brought some memories to the front of his mind about the other women before her who had thanked him for a special something. Perhaps that moment would come for Scarlett later on, but for now his focus had to be centered upon working out alongside her. Joe brought his feet down to the pedals of the bike and began to push them down, forcing the cycle to move in a moderate speed matching that of Scarlett's own feet pushing the pedals to her bike down. Both of them sat there, leaned up and gripping the handle bars of their stationary exercise bike. Joe exhaled deeply, as he felt the blood rushing through his veins and a sense of relief now. It was always liberating to work out and get his muscles flowing. He felt the urge to strike up a conversation with her now.

"So, you doing the boxing stuff to get into shape for any fighting scenes in your movie?"

"Well, something like that. I know there's a few in the script, but I won't know the full details of them until we're back on set and filming."

The sound of the pedals moving in a steady rhythm could be heard among their breathing. Joe glanced over to look at Scarlett, studying the pale white complexion of her skin and looking to see if her boobs were moving from within the tight black shirt she was wearing. He continued to rattle on their conversation while studying her beauty with his wandering eyes.

"I've gotta hand it to you for your dedication, Scarlett. The way I see it is, you're getting paid millions of dollars to be in this movie. You're already in good enough shape, I'd tell them that's good enough."

She cracked up laughing at him, still concentrating on moving her legs as she pedaled the cycle. Her head turned and her eyes gazed back at him upon replying.

"I can see why you would say that, but I don't want to let the fans down."

"I don't think you'd be letting them down. They already get to look at you in that hot, leather zip up outfit showing all your curves."

Joe gave her that classic, shit-eating grin that only he could do so well in all of his jock nature. Scarlett's eyes glanced back at his face as she quirked her eyebrows up and slowly curved her lips into a grin.

"Thanks, I was waiting on you to say something like that."

He laughed at her response, nodding his head and then looking over her body again. Joe couldn't see much from the black shirt she wore covering up her breasts, they gave a slight bounce with the movement she made while riding the bike. That bit of movement alone was enough to tell him that Scarlett Johansson still had big hooker tits hidden within her top. Feeling confident that he could flirt with her now, Joe didn't beat around the bush with his next comment.

"It wouldn't hurt you to come dressed like that sometime. Let's say the next time you feel lazy and want a different kind of work out."

"A different kind of work out, you say?"

She came to a halt from moving her feet over the bike's pedal and suddenly, Scarlett's lips curved into a grin. It was almost as if she were mocking the same kind of expressions Joe had tossed at her.

"You think you can handle me, Joe?"

Looking back at her, Joe shook his head to her question.

"I don't think so, I know. I know for a fact I can handle a woman like you. Wanna give me a shot tomorrow?"

"Maybe, I'm thinking about it."

"Then show up in that sexy black zip up suit. I'll give you some real Black Widow training."

Returning the smile, Joe couldn't help but to mock her. He looked at Scarlett with that same, smug shit-eating grin that only he could produce so well. She began to pedal her feet once more, working the bike as she looked away from him. Without an immediate answer, Joe couldn't help but wonder if Scarlett was about to back out of this challenge, but when he began to worry, she turned and smiled at him.

"You've got yourself a deal."

Smirking at him, she came to a stop and continued her words.

"Tomorrow we are going to have ourselves a bit of fun."

Scarlett spoke in that heavy New York accent buried within her low tone of voice. All Joe could do was grin. When she came to a stop on the bike and climbed off, he figured it was nearly time for her to leave the gym for the day. A few minutes later, Scarlett quietly gathered her stuff to leave and tied her shoes back on. Joe had stood back, taking a sip from his bottle of water as she grinned at him and softly spoke.

"See you tomorrow. I hope you're not late for something like this."

"I won't be. I'm a little curious to ask you, what makes you give in so easily?"

"Oh, I haven't given in yet. Agreeing to have an affair is one thing..."

She glanced down and then back up at him while biting down on her lower lip.

"What will come out of it, is another. Does that answer your question?"


His quick reply seemed to catch her off guard. Joe continued as he dangled the water bottle between his fingers among his right hand.

"Why don't you tell me who your friend was that recommended you to me? I can take a few guesses, but I wanna know who it was."

"I don't spill my secrets. Let's just say it's someone you worked with a while back and she was quite impressed."


With a smug grin, she nodded at him while stepping back. Scarlett wasn't going to answer his question, not with that expression painted across her face. 

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Joe... I hope you can handle me."

Turning her back to him, Scarlett grabbed the door knob and made her exit from his private gym, leaving him standing there in his own thoughts. Such a rude exit, Joe couldn't help but consider to himself. He had already come to guess what other famous client he had who may have spilled their heart out about the kinky fun they enjoyed behind the locked door of his private gym. Joe's money was on Jessica Alba or maybe it was Kate Upton who he knew had already ran her mouth gossiping about their affair. It left him at least feeling prideful that his name was circulating among Hollywood social circles as a man who knew how to satisfy women, his way. Joe no longer cared about who it was, for he planned to give Scarlett her own story to tell. Since she wanted to challenge him like this, she would be telling whatever friend it was of hers, a different story about Big Joe and his games.

This woman had no idea what would be awaiting her within this gym tomorrow. Would Scarlett be a good girl or would she act like a bitch? Such a question did not need answering in the back of Joe's mind. He knew a bitch when he seen one, based on her attitude and how she acted to him. That was all fine for him, as he planned to put this bitch in her place tomorrow. The thought of adding Scarlett Johansson's name to his short list of famous women who had been put through their paces in his gym was driving the motivation. It didn't matter which previous babe it was that told Scarlett about him, this woman thought she could challenge his dominance. That was the motivating factor for tomorrow's events as Joe was determined to be the one in control from start to finish. Scarlett would submit to him and thank him for it when he was done with her.



While 10 AM was the official opening time for the Tight 'N Fit gym, that didn't mean Joe couldn't arrive earlier in preparation for what was going to be a long day. He had slept well, arising early before sunlight and mentally preparing himself with the usual routine. Making sure he was the first one to arrive at the gym. Once he became isolated beyond the door of his private gym, Joe undressed and began to prepare himself as he had done for previous 'private sessions'. Purple gym shorts were his choice for comfortable wear, no shirt required as his muscular stomach and arms would be on full display by the time Scarlett had her entrance. It had been so long since he sat in his little corner of the gym, leaned back in the comfort of that white chair with his feet propped up on the stool.

Behind him was the same couch that he had taken the famous women before Scarlett. Cum had stained over the white leather surface long ago. Thoughts were still roaming through his mind, as Joe sat back and built up the lustful temptations in the spare time he needed to wait. Unlike previous women, he didn't bother looking at photos or lusting for a pair of large tits to get his hands on. He knew what he would be getting out of Scarlett Johansson and given the attitude on display yesterday, she would posse something of a challenge. That alone made all the difference in the world to him as he sat back and continued to wait for her. A woman like that wouldn't have any idea what awaited her and Joe was confident that she wouldn't disappoint him. Something about her told him that she would rise to the occasion.

He didn't have to sit and wait for long. Joe turned in his chair to gaze out the large windows from his left side, looking at the grey clouds that hid away any trace of blue in the sky. From the corner of his eye, he could see the door opening and then the faint sound of high heels stomping in the distance. Joe didn't turn to glance her way when he rolled the chair forward. Still resting his right foot against the little stool in front of his chair. When he didn't hear her heels continuing to clack, it could only mean that she had stopped to look around the large room. Joe had not figured that she couldn't see him from his small corner of leisure in the back of the room. He soon heard the heels boom once more, the door clanging shut behind her. As he glanced forward, he could see slight movement as she appeared to be dressed in a black suit outfit of sorts.

"Over here, babe!"

Joe's voice was loud, echoing throughout the private gym. He turned his head to the left, glancing beyond some equipment stacked in his direction of sight. Scarlett came stomping her way towards him. As she drew closer, he was forced to do a double-take at the outfit of choice she had come here wearing. It was none other than her zip-up, black leather Black Widow costume. Her orange hair was split down the middle, giving her an elegant look despite wearing her movie outfit. Little could Joe have guessed that he would have the Black Widow standing before him. The zipper of her leather outfit tugged down, offering a view of cleavage as Scarlett's breasts looked as if they were going to pop out. All he could do was smirk at her.

"Wow, so you come here all dressed up like this? You're brave for being a famous woman."

Scarlett folded her arms, shoving her tits up as she gave him a smug grin.

"Right, tell me something I don't know."

Her reply made him laugh. It was all about her attitude on full display that forced Joe to smirk at her, flashing his teeth.

"I thought a woman like you would be afraid of some paparazzi jackasses snapping photos with you walking around in full costume like that. You didn't get any funny looks at the check in?"

"The receptionist gave me a second glance, if that's what you're asking."

Joe chuckled again.

"Oh yeah? Cindy didn't ask you for an autograph?"

Her blue eyes gave him a cold gaze as Scarlett replied back.

"I'm not in the mood to sign any autographs today, so it would've been pointless for her to ask."

"Take the suit off."

His words rang in a stern manner, low tone showing who would be in control today whether Scarlett anticipated it not. She didn't reply back, only glancing down as she ran her left hand up to the black zipper of her leather outfit and began to slowly slide it down. Joe expected to hear a noise from that, but only the sound of her breathing as those big blue eyes gazed down at him. His eyes watched as the dark suit was now revealing her voluptuous figure coming out. Her breasts nearly popped out of the outfit, the smooth pale skin of her body radiated from the light in the distance as Joe looked at her erect nipples and a smug grin slowly formed across his lips. Scarlett had unzipped the jacket entirely, sliding it from her arms and then tossing it to the floor below. She turned around, bending over in front of him now.

Going from the view of her exposed breasts before him, now Joe was starring into her plump ass bent over and still clothed for now. He wanted to make some comment about how he didn't have to ask for a strip show to receive one, but there was no use in uttering such words to ruin this moment. For the time being, he sat there shirtless and allowed Scarlett to continue stripping that costume from her buxom body. She started by taking her heels off, kicking them to the side and then Scarlett undid the belt. Joe could hear the metal clanking before she tugged her the leather pants down. From the crack of her ass, his eyes spotted a black thong sucked up by her firm cheeks. Scarlett shoved the pants down to her ankles, still bending over as she stepped out of them, wiggling her feet free.

"Oh, my. What a nice ass you've got there, baby. I was gonna say something about how you didn't have a bra containing a hell of a rack... but..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Scarlett had turned around. Joe only caught sight of her back tattoos momentarily before she was smirking at him and leaning over, breathing in his face and softly kissing his lips. Her hands ran down as she squeezed his cock within the gym shorts he was wearing. Upon breaking the kiss, she spoke.

"No need to say anything. I think you need to get these shorts off for me."

Joe grinned at her, ready to order her.

"Get down your knees then and take 'em off."

Scarlett pushed her lips to his once more, kissing him passionately this time around. With her tongue in his mouth, Joe was taken back, moaning into her mouth and then softly caressing her cheek. For a moment, he felt as if she were playing a game of tenderness with him, bringing the passion as a way to weaken his dominant resolve. If that was her plan, he was ready to prove it an ineffective one. No, he couldn't give in to these feelings, not even for a woman like her. Joe broke the kiss and shoved her back a bit. As Scarlett looked at him in surprise, he commanded her again.

"On the floor, Scarlett."

This time, she did as she was told. Scarlett fell to her knees, looking up at Joe as he decided to remove his gym shorts himself. He slid them down along with his underwear, quickly stepping out of them as his cock was in clear view of her. Scarlett didn't hesitate to reach with her left hand, gripping it but Joe wasn't happy about this sudden reaction from her.

"I didn't tell you to touch it."

"I know you're not about to complain about me grabbing your dick."

Scarlett's retort was enough to make Joe glare down at her as he reached for her with both hands. With his right hand, Joe used his fingers to grab her mouth, squeezing it to open her lips into an 'O' while his left hand moved to grip her shiny red hair.

"Look at me, bitch!"

Once Scarlett's eyes looked at Joe, he squeezed his fingers around her mouth. The fingers of her left hand were still wrapped around his cock, stroking it back and forth as he spoke to her.

"You're gonna drop the fucking attitude right now. I'm the one calling the shots here, and you're gonna know your place real soon."

Moving his hands away from her, Joe watched her hand move away from his cock. It appeared Scarlett had accepted his message, but he wasn't done setting the tone for this. Usually he liked to go slow with a woman, but not her. Scarlett was in for a rough fucking session after how she dared him yesterday and Joe was more than prepared to show her what he was capable of. Gripping his cock, he stroked it himself, pushing the head towards her lips and then ordering her.

"Start sucking."

Her eyes looked at him and Scarlett smirked, almost as if she were about to taunt him.

"As you wish. You're the man after all."

Joe glared down at her sternly, placing his hands on his hips but Scarlett did as he commanded. She began by kissing the head of his cock and then sliding it between her puffy red lips. Wrapping her hand down over his cock, she pushed it to the base as Scarlett began to bob her head up and down. As she sucked his cock, Joe took a deep breath. Scarlett had begun slow, almost as if she were sucking him sensually despite how far Joe was going to set the tone for this session. There would be no love making, only hard fucking that he was craving.

"Move your hand away. I didn't tell you to use your hand. I want a fucking blowjob, I'm not asking for a handjob."

Scarlett came to a halt, looking up at him as she moved her hand away from his cock. She closed her eyes and continued to suck, bobbing her head up and down as she made muffled moans. Her hair bounced a bit with the movements of her head as she pushed the palms of her hands down to the carpet below. Joe still wasn't pleased so far.

"You know what? Put your hands behind your back instead."

Again she stopped, but his cock remained in her mouth as Scarlett folded her arms behind her back. Joe gave her a nod and spoke again.

"And don't fucking move them until I tell you."

Pushing her lips to the head of his shaft, Scarlett released it with a popping sound. Eyes locked on him, she gave him a smirk before replying in a low tone of voice.

"Yes Sir."

This simple reply made Joe grin in that smug, shark-like smile with his teeth barred. Oh, how it was so lovely of her to stroke his ego like this. Usually he liked to ask a woman to refer to him as 'Big Joe' or 'Duke', but for Scarlett to call him 'Sir' right out of the blue? That made his heart rate to begin flowing at a faster pace. He reached down with his right hand, gripping the back of her hair as he prepared himself to take control now. As Scarlett's mouth was open, Joe slowly slid his dripping wet dick between her lips once more.

"Remember what I said. Keep your hands behind your back, baby."

She winked at him, almost as if a way to silently gesture at Joe that she knew what was coming. Taking in a deep breath, he began to buck his hips slowly as he fucked her mouth. Joe had decided before she even showed up that of all the things he wanted to do with Scarlett Johansson, a hard skullfuck was a much desired agenda. He went slow at first, thrusting his cock into her mouth and making sure that she kept her hands precisely behind her back. Moving his other hand down to her hair, Joe established a firm grip, running his fingers through her orange locks of hair and spreading his legs a bit further. Scarlett closed her eyes, only momentarily. Again, it felt as if she knew what was about to come for her. Joe could only wonder if she anticipated when he would pick up the pace and begin to truly fuck her mouth.

Scarlett didn't have to wait for that moment for much longer. Joe immediately slammed his cock to the back of her throat, expecting her to choke or at least gag on his long, thick jock cock. She maintained herself as Joe could feel her breathing down his skin from having her nose buried in his pubes. Pulling her lips back up, Joe went slow one final time and then gripped her hair tighter as he began to buck his hips hard, shifting his body movements with a sudden quickness as he began to truly skullfuck Scarlett. His balls smacked against her chin with each full thrust he sent into her mouth. She closed her eyes, moving her arms a bit from behind her back as Joe was now giving her every inch of his cock, slamming it to the back of her throat.

"Don't move your arms!"

Though he yelled at her, that didn't stop Joe from bucking his hips as he continued to fuck Scarlett's mouth. Inch after inch of his cock pounded between her lips. Unlike before where she slowly sucked his cock, now her mouth was generating various slobbering and sucking noises that delighted him.


Down below, her big tits shook, wobbling to the left and right. Joe took one hard thrust, pushing every inch of his cock into her mouth until he felt the head reaching the back of her throat. Scarlett gagged, choking on his length as her eyes watered up and smeared the mascara around her eyes.

"Take every fucking inch of it! Yes!! Suck that fucking cock, bitch!"

He grunted while calling out to her. Joe checked to make sure her hands were still behind her back as he eased his cock from her mouth until only the head was still between her lips. He could see the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes as Scarlett opened her eyes and looked up at him. Despite how rough he was in his movement, he couldn't look away from those angelic blue eyes. Joe resumed thrusting his cock into her mouth as Scarlett continued to gaze at him with her eyes.


Once more, her mouth made those same slobbering and sucking noises as a string of drool began to dangle from the left corner of her mouth. Joe's eyes wandered down below, watching her big tits shake with each hard thrust of his cock that he sent into her mouth. Over and over, he continued to fuck her mouth. The feeling of his balls rubbing against her chin was only a subtle reminder to him that he would want them sucked next. For the final thrust, he wanted Scarlett to deepthroat his cock one last time. Joe pushed it to the back of her throat like before, only this time she didn't choke initially. At first she gagged, hands still behind her back like a good girl. He couldn't have been anymore impressed with her obedience and cock sucking skills thus far.

"That's a good girl, baby..."

Joe pulled his cock from her mouth by gripping her hair and then listening to her exhale, breathing hard. Long saliva strings dangled from his shiny, saliva soaked rod back to her gaping mouth.

"You can move your hands now."

His eyes gazed over her face, noticing the tears had created a smear of her eyeliner around her left eye. Joe then watched Scarlett her hands back to her front as she looked up at him and spoke.

"Where do you want my hands now, Sir?"

"You can hold your tits up with them. Let me see those big titties, baby."

Scarlett gritted her teeth, breaking the saliva string as she presented her large breasts to him, holding them up with a look of pride. Joe thought to himself, they weren't as massive as the glamour modelling whores he had fucked in previous years, but that didn't take away from their magnificence. Nevertheless, her rack was worthy of a nickname he liked to call a good pair of tits that impressed him.

"You like my busty chest, Sir? I take it you're into big boobs."

Once again, Scarlett was calling him Sir and Joe almost moaned at the sound of her low, seductive tone of voice. He bit down on his lower lip.

"Absolutely, you were always stacked. You've got big hooker tits, baby."

She looked back at him somewhat puzzled but then suddenly grinned and began to laugh at his words. Joe wouldn't have cared either way if Scarlett was offended by what he called her tits, but it was fun to hear her laugh about it.

"You wanna fuck my tits, Sir?"

Joe shook his head at her words.

"Not yet. I want you to suck on my nuts first."

"As you wish, Sir."

Immediately after uttering her reply, Scarlett guided her head below his cock and began to lick over his hanging ball sack. Joe was satisfied, grinning like the jock at heart he was that this buxom woman was indulging in his lust. Scarlett kept her hands on her breasts down below as her tongue darted out and lapped over his hairy ball sack. Joe gripped his cock, slowly stroking it as he felt her shove one nut into her mouth and begin slobbering on it.

"That's it, that's it... Turns out you know how to follow orders well once someone reminds you that they're the fucking boss. You're a good girl, baby."

Bragging aloud, Joe began to stroke his cock as the sound of Scarlett's mouth slobbering all over his nuts was heard loud and clear. She moaned slightly and only came to a stop when he gripped her hair. That was the cue for her to halt and then hold her breasts up. Scarlett gazed up at him, biting down on her lower lip as she pulled her breasts apart.

"Go ahead, I know this is what you want. You wanna fuck my... big... hooker tits..."

Scarlett slowly grinned as she spoke the final words and then busted up laughing. Something about that term had made her giggle when she spoke it. Her funny charm was strong enough to the point Joe nearly dropped his guard as he blushed, grinning down at her. It was evident to him that this was the first time she had heard the term 'big hooker tits', so he could easily scratch off the name of the glamour models he had previously fucked. It surely wasn't them who had informed her about him, so that left only Jessica Alba. Joe didn't think too much on it as he was still quietly thinking about which woman had told Scarlett about him. For now, he slid his cock right between her breasts and watched her squeeze her tits together. Joe placed his left hand behind her back, ready to lock her in place as he resumed control. Scarlett's eyes gazed up at him and she spoke.

"Go ahead. Fuck my big titties."

"You mean your big hooker tits, right?"

He began to thrust his cock between her tits as he spoke. Scarlett flashed her teeth, smiling again as if he were teasing her. She let out a moan and then Joe spoke again.

"Say it. Tell Sir that you want your big hooker tits fucked."

She licked her lips and then broke eye contact only to glance down and spit onto the head of his cock. Scarlett glanced back up and then spoke in a low, seductive tone.

"Sir, please fuck my big hooker tits."

This time, Scarlett didn't laugh when she spoke those silly words. Joe began to thrust his cock between her tits, watching as the head poked up with each full thrust. Scarlett moaned, glancing down to watch his cock slip back down between the folds. Each time the head of his dick poked up, she darted her tongue out and licked it. Joe let out a moan, pushing his palm down against her back from behind as a subtle hint that he was about to take control like before. Scarlett leaned her head back up, looking at him as he fucked her tits.

"Go ahead, Sir. Go ahead and fuck my big titties! I know you wanna do this rough, so go for it!"

"Ask and you shall receive!"

Scarlett adjusted her hands over her breasts, still holding them as Joe picked up the pace, bucking his hips harder and faster. His cock easily glided between her tits as he moaned, watching the head continue to poke up with each full thrust, almost hitting her chin.

"Ohhhh yeah, mmmmmm yeah! Fuck my tits, Sir!"

Hearing her utter those words once more, Joe couldn't hold himself back. He thrust as hard as he could, pounding his cock between her wonderful breasts. Scarlett let out soft moans with each full thrust, but she had to know he couldn't keep up this pace for long without tiring himself out. Maybe that was her plan to wear him out, but Joe was certain he would maintain control until the end.

"Ohhh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh yeah!"

Gasping for breath, Scarlett moaned, still looking into his eyes regardless of the fact that Joe's line of sight was directed on the action of his cock pumping between her boobs.

"God damn, this is fucking amazing! You're big hooker tits were made for a big cock like mine. I should've guessed you always had a slutty side to you."

Unable to hold back his arrogance, Joe grinned only the way he could and then began to slow down. Scarlett smiled at him, teasing him in reply.

"You're far from the first man to tell me how good my tits are, Sir."

Letting out a moan, Joe came to a complete stop and pulled his cock from her tits while speaking.

"Correction, big hooker tits."

"Yes, my big hooker tits."

He held his cock towards her lips and then watched as Scarlett pushed her lips to the head and kissed it lovingly. Since she was still holding her breasts up, Joe took a moment to move his cock towards her left nipple and rub it up against her skin, teasing her. He listened to her out a soft moan before he began to smack it up against her nipple. Scarlett moaned and bit down on her lower lip, gazing up at him as he quietly teased her. Joe moved his cock to her other nipple, poking it with his shaft like before. He expected her to say something, perhaps utter some filthy words but Scarlett remained quiet apart from her soft cries. Now that he had his fun of pleasure, it was time to truly fuck her. Gripping her long red hair, he began to pull her up from her knees.

"Get up, baby. Stand up."

Scarlett let go of her breasts as she began to rise up from the floor, but it was from Joe snatching her by the hair she was forced to stand on her feet as he stood up from the chair. The thought had escaped him that she was still wearing her black lacy thong. After glancing down, Joe looked forward to see her leaning in to him. Scarlett shoved her busty tits up against his chest and then moved to kiss him passionately. Once again, it seemed to him that she was trying to soften the mood with passion. If that was her plan, it was going to fail like before. Joe broke the kiss after moaning into her mouth, but kept his hands gripping her by the hair. He took a step back, pulling her hair as he moved behind her.

"You know something, baby? You might be acting like a good girl now, but it don't take away the fact you came in here acting like a bitch."

Standing behind her, Joe used his left hand to roam across her pale skin and grip one of her ass cheeks. He pulled her hair and moved his head over the right side of her shoulder, breathing down her neck. As Scarlett out a moan, she ran her hands up to her breasts, squeezing them upon feeling his breathing blow past her neck. Joe spoke to her in a low, stern tone.

"Do you know how I like to punish a bitch like you, hmmm?"

Immediately after speaking, he grabbed her thong with his left hand and pulled it. Scarlett moaned, whimpering as she replied to him.

"By fucking her in the ass?"

A correct answer. Joe began to wonder if Scarlett had affairs with other men that matched his style and approach of fucking. Still gripping her hair, he used his other hand to smack her ass and then gave her orange hair a good tug.

"That's fucking right. Get on all fours over on the fucking couch."

He let go of her, but only to use both hands and pull her thong down to the floor. Joe used his other hand that had previously gripped her hair and gave her buttocks a good spank with it. Scarlett moaned and stepped forward, going to the white leather couch that was behind the chair. She planted the palms of her hands down into the plush surface of the cushions below. Joe moved behind her, his shadow visible across the leather front of the couch. Scarlett began to glance at him from beyond her left shoulder when he spoke.

"I want your hands behind your back again."

"Yes Sir."

Scarlett's voice was so low, but spoken obediently. Joe watched as she moved her hands away from the couch and instead leaned down and moved her right cheek up against the couch. Her breasts were pushed into the leather surface of the cushions and now her wrists behind her back like they were before.

"Good girl! Face down, ass up. That's the way I want you."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, visible from where he was standing. Joe licked his lips as he looked down at her nice, round shaped firm ass. It seemed evident to him that her cunt had to be dripping wet as her thighs were shiny and glistening down below. He was saving her pussy for last, as he planned to have her clean his cock with her mouth only after he had made her cum. Joe reached forward with his left hand, gripping her hair as he simultaneously used his other hand to guide his shaft up the crack of her ass cheeks. Scarlett moaned upon that feeling. He could see her left eye opening as she dropped her lower lip and moaned once more.

"Do not move your hands. Keep them behind your back, understood?"

"Yes Sir."

It was pointless of him to give her the command, if only to hear her say those two words again. Joe couldn't get enough of hearing Scarlett address him as Sir so submissively. He let go of her hair and moved his other hand to grip one of her wrists as he shoved the head of his cock to her dark little hole. Since her face was laying across the couch, he got to witness the expression on her face. Her lower lip dropping again and that look of shock as his cock pushed into her ass. Joe grinned as he saw that look on her face remain.

"Damn, I should've known you were gonna have a tight ass, baby."

With her hands behind her back, Joe gripped her wrists, holding them behind her back as he began to slowly buck his hips and thrust his cock into Scarlett's ass. She moaned, softly crying out as the further inches of his shaft thrust into her dark tunnel.

"Ohhhh... Ohhhhhhhhh..."

"You like getting fucked in the ass, baby?"

"Yes... Yes Sir, I do."

Still slowly pushing his lengthy shaft into her ass, Joe replied.

"If that's right, then I want you to beg for it. Tell Sir what you want."

"Sir, fuck me in the ass! I want you to fuck me in the ass with your big fucking cock, please Sir!"

She didn't have to say those last two words and go that far with begging, but Joe couldn't have been more pleased. As he gripped her wrists with his hands, he spread his legs and began to buck his hips forward. Scarlett gasped as she felt every inch of his cock thrusting into her ass.


For the first time of the day, Scarlett was screaming. She began to take deep breathes as Joe didn't hold back any of his strength. He thrust his cock into her ass as hard as he could, grunting as every inch of his long rod slammed into her.


Her voice echoed throughout the large room as the sound of Joe's balls smacking against the undersides of her round ass were also audible with subtle smacking noises. Scarlett continued to take deep breathes as she closed her eyes. Joe had watched his cock sink into her ass before pumping and now his eyes fixated on her hands. He had wanted to witness her finger movements and he wasn't disappointed seeing her fingers clench into fists with each full thrust he sent into her ass. Scarlett cried out again, her eyes popping open.


"You like getting fucked in the ass!?"

Joe raised his right hand up and brought it down hard, smacking her right ass cheek with authority. Scarlett moaned, screaming to him.


He brought his hand down again, spanking her ass while his cock pumped in and out of it. Scarlett closed her eyes, and gritted her teeth. her toes curled up along with her fingers still balling into fists behind her back. Over and over Joe pounded her in the ass with his long thick shaft. Grunting loudly, Joe continued to fuck her ass before slowing down. Scarlett was able to catch her breath, eyes still open as she breathed back and forth. Joe took his time, pulling his cock from her ass and then giving her one last spank before he ordered her.

"Turn around! Sit on the fucking couch!"

Without replying in words, Scarlett did as she was told. She moved her hands from behind her back, pushing herself up and then quickly turning around to face him. Her red hair flew around as she was now face to face with Joe, spreading her legs for him as she sat on the couch with him ready to enter her. Scarlett looked up at him, panting as Joe gave her a nod and spoke.

"You look like you've got something to say, slut. Spit it out!"

"Sir, I want you to fuck me. I need you... I need this so bad. You have no idea how long I've had to wait for this all day!"

She pleaded to him, begging so submissively and then lowering her left hand down below to play with her clit. Joe's eyes glanced down, looking at her beautiful pink folds of a freshly shaved pussy. Shaking his head at her, he yelled sternly.

"Move your fucking hand and leave that to me!"

Scarlett didn't hesitate, following his order and moving her left hand away from her clit. With her hands free, she used them to squeeze her breasts, poking her nipples between her fingers as Joe replaced her own hand with his, playing with her clit. He listened to her moan as he gripped his shaft with his other hand and guided it over her vulva lips. As he rubbed his cock over her wetness, Scarlett whimpered, almost squirming around. She looked as if she were about to say something, but like a good girl she didn't. Joe continued to play with her clit as he slipped his cock inside of her and watched her facial expression change.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yes...."

Her eyes appeared as if they had rolled to the back of her head just before she shut her lids. Scarlett looked to be in heaven having his cock pushed into her moist pussy. Joe went slow at first, planting his hands at her hips as he thrust his rod inside of her. His eyes focused on her breasts, watching her squeeze them and then Scarlett opened her eyes and glanced down to view the action herself. She watched as his dick was pumping into her and then she called out to him.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, nice and hard, please..."

"You want it hard, huh?"

"Yes I do!"

Joe reached out with his right hand and slapped her across the face, his palm hitting her cheek. He continued to buck his hips, still thrusting into her as he then gripped her face with his right hand, similar to as he had done before. Squeezing his fingers over her cheek, he forced Scarlett's mouth open as he then yelled at her.

"Yes what!?"


He wasn't going to forget her not addressing him as 'Sir' in the heat of a moment like this. Joe was satisfied with her screaming reply so he moved his hand to her hair instead, snatching her pretty red locks within the grip of his fingers. Her head tilted down a bit due to the weight his hand and grip above. Scarlett continued to squeeze her breasts, pressing her palms down over her nipples as they began to wobble, bounce and shake with each full thrust of his thick shaft inside of her. Her eyes focused on watching his cock disappear within her cunt and then pull back out, again and again with each passing second.


Scarlett screamed as she gripped her tits again, squeezing them hard. Joe pulled her hair hard as he continued to thrust his cock into her tight cunt. Her voice echoed throughout the room with each cry she made before gritting her teeth and letting out a growl. Joe was in complete control and was well aware. From her growling and moans, he figured she had to be drawing closer to an orgasm and what better way to do it than make her beg? That was a question he pondered in his thoughts as he began to slow down and moved his hand out of her hair. Scarlett's big blue eyes gazed up at him as she dropped her lip, panting at the feeling of his cock still inside of her. She let out another cry as she tried to speak to him.

"Don't stop Sir, please! I'm almost-"

Joe cut her off in speech, yelling at her.

"You're what? Almost there? Is that what you're trying to tell me, Scarlett? Huh!?"

"Yes! Yes Sir, please!!"

"Beg for it you nasty fucking slut!"

Leaning forward, Joe kept his eyes locked on hers as he moved his right hand to her neck. He didn't grip it just yet, as Scarlett began to utter her words. He had completely halted his movements with his rod still inside of her. She took a deep breath, still gazing into his eyes as she began to speak softly.

"Fuck me, Sir. Fuck me until I cum. I want to cum all over your cock, Sir!"

Just as she spoke, he began to move once again. His cock thrusting in and out of her at a moderate pace. Joe kept his eyes locked onto her, lowering his free hand down to her pussy where he pinched at her clit. Scarlett cried out and began to speak once more.

"Fuck me, ohhhhh yeah.... Just like that, Sir! I'm almost there, almost... OHHHHHHH, SIR!!"

With each word she spoke and every moan, Joe would move faster until he was bucking his hips at such a speed, Scarlett's great big tits down below wobbled and shook with each complete thrust he made inside of her. Joe gripped her neck, lightly choking her but that didn't make Scarlett look away from his eyes. She moaned and gritted her teeth. He almost expected her to growl and scream in his face but what she did was even better. Scarlett grunted and moved her hands away from her breasts, throwing her arms up as her body began to shake.


Her inner walls began to leak and suddenly, Joe felt that familiar rush of warm juices flooding his cock from within. Oh, it had been so long since he last experienced this moment with a woman. His fingers squeezed over Scarlett's neck, choking her but it wasn't strong enough to hurt her or silence her screams.


Hearing her scream out calling him Sir one final time, Joe immediately let go of her neck and had to quickly his cock from her cunt before he shot his own load within her. Stepping back, he pulled out from her and then felt the flood of her juices squirting up his stomach, splattering across his skin.

"Damn, I didn't know you could squirt like that."

Joe chuckled feeling the warm juices across his skin. Scarlett was attempting to catch her breath, looking back at him from where she sat on the couch. All he had to do was look at her and motion with his right hand for her to rise. Joe then snapped his fingers hard, commanding her.

"Get over and clean me up with your slutty fucking tongue!"

She only had to swallow her breath, plant her palms down into the couch cushions and lean forward first. Scarlett nodded and subtly replied.

"Yes Sir, as you wish."

Placing his hands on his hips, Joe stood there and watched her get up, falling down to her knees and then parting her lips. Her warm tongue lapped across the skin of his stomach and she began to lick up the excess juices that sprayed across him. Joe was pleased enough to use his right hand and pat her on the head as if she were a loyal pet.

"Good girl!"

His fingers stroked across her orange locks of hair as Scarlett's tongue was still slathering across his skin. Once she got the last bit of cum, she kneeled between his legs and wrapped her hands around his cock. She slid them down to the base and then brought his shaft between her lips, sucking on it slow and sensually. Joe moaned as he stood there, embracing this moment.

"God... You know how to suck cock. Just like that, baby. Keep sucking it."

Scarlett didn't stop after swallowing down her own juices that covered his shaft. She continued to bob her head up and down, slowly sucking his cock. Her big blue eyes gazed at him as she made muffled moans. 'Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm'. Joe smiled and stroked her hair once more, petting her on the head.

"Good girl!"

Shoving her lips all the way down, Scarlett moved her hand away from the base of his cock so she could properly deepthroat him on her own. She didn't gag or choke, but made slobbering sounds as she moved her lips back up to the head, then repeated the motion. Joe stood there, taking in deep breathes as he figured that he would allow Scarlett to blow him until he was finally ready to explode. Like the other famous women before her, she would be in for a sticky surprise in a short amount of time. Scarlett moved her hands down to his balls, softly rubbing and squeezing them as she continued to bob her head up and down, sucking every inch of his long cock.

"Fuck! That feels so fucking good, baby."

Her eyes gazed up at him once more as Joe was beginning to exhale a deep breath. He was so close but he didn't want this moment to end. Scarlett didn't change her pace, still sucking on him slowly to give him the impression she also didn't want this to end. The moment Joe knew he couldn't hold back, he reached down with his right hand and gripped the base of his shaft, waiting for the perfect moment as Scarlett had pulled her lips back to the head. She knew he was about to blow his load, releasing his cock with a popping sound and gazing up at him.

"Are you about to cum for me, Sir?"

Letting out a moan, Joe reached out with his left hand and gripped the back of her hair. He held her head up, allowing Scarlett to know she wouldn't be dodging this cum if she tried. Grunting, he began to stroke his cock with his right hand, aiming it directly at her face below.

"Cum for me, Sir! Cum on me!!"

He thought to say something but with Scarlett begging like this, there was nothing for Joe to say. He gripped her hair tighter, letting out a grunt as his hand continued to wank his cock back and forth. She didn't close her eyes, instead keeping them locked on him as she parted her lips and slid her tongue out eagerly anticipating his creamy seed that was about to decorate her million dollar face. Within seconds, Joe grunted again as he finally began to cum.


A thick string of cum splattered across her forehead, streaking into her hair. It was followed by another string that slathered across Scarlett's left eye and temple. She blinked her eyes as Joe continued to wank his cock.


Scarlett moaned as she felt a thick wad of cum land over her left cheek, followed by another wad that shot up her forehead and into her hair. She swallowed her breath and smiled, slowly crackling into a laugh as he let go of her hair and then finished stroking his cock with the final spurts of his cum landing on her tits down below. Joe grunted one final time and stroked his cock, forcing the final drops of cum out. Scarlett pushed her lips together, kissing the head and then bringing it into her mouth to milk him of his last drops. He watched her throat muscles move, notifying him that she had swallowed the only bit of his seed that wasn't splattered across her face. When her eyes looked up at him, Joe spoke the final command to her.

"Say 'thank you' for that cum, baby."

Pulling her lips off his shaft with a popping sound, Scarlett licked her lips and gazed up at him before speaking.

"Thank you, Sir."

All Joe could do was grin as he thought to himself, he could get used to future female clients calling him 'Sir' as she did. Scarlett had endured his dominance like a champion among whores, now gazing up at him with her face dripping in his cum. He couldn't have felt more proud of this accomplishment. The cum trickled down her pale skin as Scarlett climbed up from her knees and offered him a grin, quirking her eyebrows and then winking as she began to walk off to the showers. For Joe, he had achieved yet another famous female client and one who had certainly lived up to his fantasies and expectations. Once the Black Widow costume came off, Scarlett's wild side was one to remember for all times.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 06:15:56 AM by Cadeauxxx »
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2021, 01:23:15 PM »
Great sex treatment for Scarlet  >:D

Nice story as always!
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2021, 12:54:10 AM »
It's been a while since I sat through and read the older stories. I remember the first and second chapter well, and cause I'll read anything with the term 'big hooker tits' in it for giggles, but I had almost forgotten how hot the Lucy chapter was. Joe made her taunt him with dirty talk and it turned into a master's course of intense sex. Lucy worked him over to the point he had to call a friend to help him tame that wild woman in the second round. I like that kind of commitment. She made him slip up once, he wasn't making that mistake the second time around.

I thought Joe went a little easy on Jessica Alba, but it's not a bad story. I just felt that she got off easy compared to what this man could really do. Charlotte was a bit goofy and she isn't really my cup of tea.

But enough of this, Scarlett getting railed was Red.Fucking.Hot. and it helped that you did her with the red hair and Black Widow look with the leather outfit. There are few stories out there taking advantage of her red head look.

I'm glad to see that you are no longer scared to do a bit of choking and slapping in male dominance. Between this story and Wrecked, you are doing a better job than you previously did at writing a dominant male character. I loved this. The best part for me was the whole exchange "Yes what? YES SIR!!"

Scarlett calling him sir was a lot hotter than the silly Big Joe or Duke. If I were locked in that gym with him, I'll go with sir before I call any man Mr. big.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 12:57:28 AM by diamond_luv »
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2021, 12:43:35 PM »
Hey! Didn't expect to see this series back again. What a nice surprise.

As usual, you're really good with the use of gifs and photos from film scenes. It gives the reader important visual cues to what's going on, and it makes it easier to believe we're actually watching a montage of Scarlett being fucked hardcore, for real;D
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, Dexter07


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2021, 04:44:59 PM »
Many thanks for all this wonderful feedback.

I'm glad to see that you are no longer scared to do a bit of choking and slapping in male dominance. Between this story and Wrecked, you are doing a better job than you previously did at writing a dominant male character. I loved this. The best part for me was the whole exchange "Yes what? YES SIR!!"

That came at the heat of the moment and I'm glad I was able to do it! Thank you, glad you liked it.

Hey! Didn't expect to see this series back again. What a nice surprise.

As usual, you're really good with the use of gifs and photos from film scenes. It gives the reader important visual cues to what's going on, and it makes it easier to believe we're actually watching a montage of Scarlett being fucked hardcore, for real;D

Huge thanks. I might write some more chapters here if people are still interested in this series. I have one chapter I never published that I wrote a good bit to back in 2017 featuring Kelly Brook.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, flawed_existence


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2021, 11:21:54 PM »
An over the top jock character putting bitches in their places? Sign me up. There's something funny about this theme that is hard to describe when reading it.

Nice work with Scarlett, you always do well with her. I hope you publish the Kelly Brook story you mentioned, she would fit in well with the other ladies who have 'big hooker tits' lol
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2021, 09:40:57 AM »
Alright, you folks win  ;)

Kelly Brook chapter will be completed from the archives when I get around to it. It was about 20% done when I quit writing it in December of 2017 (I have a handful of KB stories in my archives I'd love to finish). 
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko, meohmy23, Dexter07


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Scarlett Johansson)
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2021, 09:27:28 AM »
Glorious! This Volume 5 is definitely one of my favorites, damn it Cade it was just amazing! ScarJo is there in his place, as it should be from the start. Once again, your illustrations fit well with the scenario, everything fits perfectly well. Her 'treatment' that she receives is logical, she wants it and also deserves to be said! And their exchanges are great, this chapter of Scarlett is a firework !! Thank you.


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Kelly Brook)
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2022, 12:21:42 AM »
Bitch Control Vol. 6
Starring: Kelly Brook

Codes: MF, Interracial, MDom, BDSM (Master/Slave), Dirty Talk, Oral, Tit Fuck, Anal, Facial, Big Hooker Tits

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This story originally began back in December of 2017 and I only finished it until now. I guess that makes it a story from the vault!

Los Angeles, California

Another day dawned over the clear skies with only a few large white clouds hanging above. Seasons changed, but the heat of L.A. remained the same. Even if winter had truly made things cold during the evening hours, this wasn't the case in the afternoon and while the sun was hanging high above. Sitting in the usual spot was a high class gym, one that was growing in popularity among clients with deep pockets. With light traffic on a Monday afternoon, a tall man made his way through the glass doors to enter the Tight 'N Fit building. A sigh was heard amidst his loud stomps as he ignored the greeting by Cindy behind the desk and instead ventured off to his office. He wasn't in the mood for chit chat, as the Monday blues were now seeping through his mind after taking the drive away from home.

Sam Johnson was more or less, a simple man on the outside. He stood tall, towering with bulky muscles that could be seen any time he wore the proper gym clothes. Sometimes he wore suits that hugged over his strengthened body. His head was shaved bald while he only had a slight beard over his dark face. His body beneath clothes was covered in various tattoos. While the other male trainer who had an office was known for his love of basketball, Sam had made his name in sports through football. It all went back to growing up in Texas where he had dreamed of becoming a linebacker while watching his dad's career on TV. His father had played in the NFL back in the eighties, drafted by the Denver Broncos whom he played for until the nineties when he joined the Houston Oilers near the end of his career. The position his father had played was defensive end, as he had made the Pro Bowl a number of three times, achieving the rank of All Pro for the year of 1987. He had played in all three of the Broncos' Super Bowl loses of the eighties decade.

Growing up back home in Texas, Sam had idolized his father and wanted to carry the mantle of his old man's football pride. He began at an early age, training to become a linebacker with the ultimate goal to be drafted into the NFL and hopefully play for his beloved home state team, the Dallas Cowboys. During his childhood, he witnessed the Super Bowl winning dynasty era of the Cowboys, always dreaming to become a part of the team he adored. It was his father's advice to become a linebacker instead of a defensive end, as he believed that Sam would have a longer career span. Early on through his life, it appeared that he was going to have a successful career as an athlete. Sam had finished high school as a top ranked athlete by scouts in the state, going on to be recruited by the Florida Gators for his college university. In his freshman career, he continued to improve but his life soon would soon spiral out of control. After being let loose from his parents, Sam was easy to fall into the party lifestyle of a typical jock.

Long nights of partying among the indulging of drugs and alcohol had taken over Sam's life faster than he realized. After his sophomore year playing in Florida, he was forced to completely drop out of college and enter rehab after an incident off campus. Sam was arrested with another student for assault and battery charges after they spent a night in a local bar that ended in a drunken rampage of them beating a man. Sam's father was disgraced at the negative publicity, dragging his name through the mud from his son's behavior. As punishment, he used a chunk of Sam's college funds to pay for the medical bills of the poor man he had beaten. When the smoke cleared, Sam was forced into rehab by his father to get help with his alcohol problems. He was only twenty-two years old and had already created a habit of abusing the bottle. What his father did not know however was the other addiction that Sam had picked up, one that went up his nose while sucking away the rest of his college funds.

For the next six years, Sam battled the demons spawned from his addictions. There was no glorious career for his athletic abilities, as cocaine and booze took the better of him. Early on, he didn't see where drugs were really a problem in his mind. Besides his father, the one NFL star that he idolized more than anyone else was a linebacker who went by the nickname of 'LT'. He had read all the notorious stories about LT's drug problems, figuring that it was possible to balance a career while enjoying the fun side of life. It all came to a rude awakening with his life turning into a mess. At twenty-eight years old, the ride came to an end when Sam suffered a minor heart attack and went into emergency surgery. He was forced to learn the hard way just how destructive his lifestyle had become, resulting in ending all the dreams he previously had.

Seven years had passed since then as Sam had rebuilt himself into a new man. After another period of time in rehab, he moved to California where he began to start over for himself. Since his body was still in relatively good shape, Sam decided that he wanted to make his living with fitness training. He began to conquer his demons, going on to do charity work and offer his help alongside other former drug addicts. When March 2017 hit on the calendar, it made seven whole years of sobriety and drug free living for the man. Before he had joined Tight 'N Fit, Sam had worked at a charity organized gym for three years. He wanted to make better money, which was the main motivation why he moved on to join a more high class gym. He had been working for a year now, embracing his now clean image after years of trying. Though he wasn't the same person from his youth, Sam was still a jock at heart.

When the new month had began, Joe decided to go for a short vacation. With him gone, Sam now was the main private trainer who would be going over all the paper work of new clients requesting membership for a stay with the gym. Sam was somewhat relieved to have Joe gone, as he had his fair share of lucky moments with beautiful female clients over the course of the year, all while he was usually stuck with male athletes searching for trainers in their off time. Among the various papers filled out by potential clients was one on schedule for the afternoon. Sam went over a membership registration, written out in fancy cursive writing with a red pen signed by a woman who called herself Kelly Brook. He wasn't at the office when she had dropped by, so he wasn't sure who she was as of yet. The appointment was schedule on a Monday, right at 2 PM. Back in his office, Sam patiently awaited for her to drop in while he enjoyed a glass of green tea at his desk. A little over ten minutes passed as he sat there before the talk-back box on his desk buzzed. Sam pressed the button and was greeted to the voice of Cindy from the lobby.

"Sam, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm right here Cindy. What's up?"

His voice was deep, calling out into the box before Cindy answered him back.

"Miss. Brook is here to see you, can I send her in?"

"Yeah, send her on in. I'm ready meet her."

As soon as he replied, the man stood up from the chair of his desk. He took a deep breath before sitting back down. Over Sam's body was a black fitness shirt with the Tight 'N Fit logo over the front. From below, he wore a pair of matching black sweat pants. His office was simple, only with frames hanging on the wall with pictures that were of the most importance to him. Sam refused to put up anything from his short time in college at Florida, instead using only recent photos in the past few years with his recovery. The largest picture hanging above was an old photo with his father from a high school football game. A book shelf was arranged behind the desk where he had various decorations. He licked his lips while sitting in his chair, just as he heard a knock from the back of the door. Rising up from the chair, he called out.

"You can come in, the door ain't locked."

The door came open with a squeak noise before a brunette haired woman stepped through the office. A radiant smile was across her beautiful white face, Sam glanced over her figure. Kelly Brook stood wearing nothing more than a black low cut blouse, exposing a heavy cleavage towards his eyes. He approached her, more than impressed by the appearance she had put on as he tried his best not to glance down into the amazing cleavage that her outfit revealed.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Johnson."

She spoke in a heavy British accent, delighting his ears. It wasn't everyday Sam heard a lovely voice like this. He extended his hand, shaking hers while he nodded and reply.

"Yes ma'am, that's me. You must be Miss. Brook. It's a pleasure to meet you, but you can call me Sam."

"Oh please, just call me Kelly. That's what all my friends call me."

"But I ain't your friend yet."

"Not yet, but maybe soon."

A giggle crackled from her lips as she gave him a soft grin. Kelly's friendly nature was enough to lighten him up, as they were soon to discuss business. Sam stepped his way back around to his desk, sitting down as she followed suit and found a seat from the chair directly across from him. He licked his lips while grabbing the registration paper from his desk, taking one final glance at what the woman had filled out in her form. Since she didn't fill out any major details for training sessions, he would have to work this out with a verbal negotiation. The paper itself mostly gave the basic details with her birth date and some words about her career in modelling.

"So, you're here cause you need a personal trainer, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is indeed correct."

Sam nodded and looked away from the paper and back to her face.

"What exactly do you want to train for, if you don't mind me asking. I see you put here that you're a model and actress, I take it that you're from England, huh?"

"Yes, you've got that one right. I'm actually working in Hollywood now, I'm surprised that you don't recognize me."

He chuckled, almost blushing. Sam didn't expect her to pull a 'Don't you know who I am?' type of exchange in words with him. The last model from England he had the pleasure of having some time with had left quite the impression in his memories. Nodding back to Kelly, he smirked, flashing his teeth to her.

"Yeah, I've heard of you. You're one of those glamour models outta Britain, am I right?"

The smirk across her face may have looked arrogant from the distance, but it was the gaze of confidence that Sam found to be attractive from a strong woman. Kelly nodded to him, just as he figured that she was the type of woman who knew what she wanted in life and always got it.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that I'm not signing autographs today, so don't break out any magazines if you have any in your office."

Sam raised his eyebrows, almost dropping his jaw as he replied back to her.

"Wow, you must be a busy woman with a lot of fans."

Kelly giggled at him, her British accent coming off strong once more in the tone of her voice.

"I guess I am. Usually when men recognize me, they want autographs or a selfie pic."

"Well, I ain't got any magazines with your photos here or anything. Working as your personal trainer is as much of a reward for me as I can take. It would be my honor to work with you, Kelly."

"I have a feeling we are going to be good friends, Sam."

"I hope that comes to pass, Kelly. So when do you wanna get started with working out?"

"How about tomorrow? I can come in and we can work in a routine together."

"Tomorrow would be perfect. I guess I should go ahead and show you to my gym upstairs. I'm gonna give you a key so you can come in any time I'm not here."

She offered him a smile while he slid out the drawer of his desk to grab the spare key leading to his private gym. He handed it back to Kelly, who thanked him in her thick British accent of voice.

"Thank you, dear."

"Come on, I'll take you up to gym."

Together, they stepped out of the office with Kelly leading the way until Sam's large figure stepped ahead of her. He walked her towards the elevator where both of them stepped beyond the sliding doors. Sam's private gym was something of a personal space for him. Much like the other personal trainer in the building, Sam liked to keep his gym in a certain order just the way he liked it and no one else. Only he and his client were allowed beyond the locked door. Once a week, a janitor came in and cleaned the doors and shower area, but most of the time Sam was left all alone in a room with various tools for body building. The door to Sam's personal room was right across from Joe's very own private gym. With Kelly standing behind him, he pushed the key through the lock and turned it. Kelly stood back as the door came open with a cool breeze pushing out. From the distance, both of them could see rays of light radiating the room.

"Welcome to what I like to call 'home sweet home', I hope you like my private place."

Sam spoke just before stepping through the doorway and offering a subtle invitation to Kelly. Across from the room was the large windows that were visible from outside the gym, offering rays of sunlight to illuminate the room without any need of flicking the light switch. As Kelly began to walk behind him, her eyes gazed up at the white painted ceiling that matched the walls. There were no decorations hanging on the walls by any means, giving her the impression that he kept his gym with a basic look simply for the purpose of the necessities it contained. Various blue colored mats were over the floor, covering most areas. Kelly instantly caught eye of a tread mill and an exercise bike stationed and ready for use. With her planned routine for working out, she hoped to be making use of them very soon.

"You've got quite the excessive space for a private gym. I think I like it."

"Thanks, Kelly. Come on this way, I'll show you to the changing room."

Near the doorway off to the right side was a small passage leading to another room. Sam walked her through, showing her what was a private room for his guests and a shower stall that contained multiple faucets hanging from a ceiling of white stone tile. Sam spoke once more while pointing to the private room.

"That room is yours. You can lock the door. Bring any work out clothes you want. That's your personal space."

Kelly nodded her head.

"Don't worry, I'll make proper use of it, all in due time."

She tossed him a playful wink before Sam stepped aside and left Kelly all to her own to observe the room. Tomorrow they would begin working on the clock as his new job at hand was to be her personal trainer. She soon departed from the room and returned to the main gym room. Kelly already had thought out her work out routines and wanted to write them down with him. As long as it was on paper, they would never forget or skip something that was important to her. So far in today's time, Sam was impressed with how dedicated she was to this. They had yet to begin but he couldn't question the determination and commitment that Kelly presented before him. Tomorrow was going to be the start of a fine week with his client.



Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. A constant thumping sound was heard as Kelly worked with a jump rope that constantly moved in the air. She had arrived at the gym at 10:30 AM and wasted no time getting to work with Sam after he completed his early lunch. They began the day with the tread mill before moving on to other work outs. Kelly stood wearing a pair of black stretch pants and a matching black top over her giant breasts. The sports bra she wore wasn't strong enough to prevent those boobs from bouncing up and down. Her stomach was visible along with every curve of her voluptuous body, teasing Sam with the visual of her glamourous beauty. When he had arrived home yesterday, he had to fight off the urge to go online and view the glorious pictures of her modelling. Kelly was one of the most beautiful women he had laid eyes upon, but he couldn't allow himself to sink into her personal life as it wasn't part of his job.

After the jump rope routine, Kelly stopped and was now ready to do some leg stretching. Her feet were tucked into a black pair of sneakers that would've matched her outfit if not for the neon blue shoe laces. Sam helped her into position as she spread her legs out and began to bend over while working the muscles in her knees. As he stood behind her, he couldn't stop himself from licking his lips as he watched her juicy ass bent over in front of him Kelly soon stopped and pushed her feet together. She then proceeded to squat, working her body downward and then back up as she repeated the process. All Sam could do was nod his head while leaning over and glancing down her top into her wonderful cleavage. With her eyes closed, she softly counted to herself in a whispering voice.

"Very nice, you're doing great."

Sam was unable to hold back from giving her a compliment. Kelly opened her eyes and looked up at his face to give him a grin before coming back up. As she stood tall, she let out a sigh and then turned around to face him. She placed her hands on her hips while speaking out to him.

"I think you see something you like."

Her words had caught him by surprise. Sam raised his eyebrow while moving his hand over his white shirt. He stood before her wearing the same kind of gym clothes with a blue pair of shorts and no shoes over his feet.

"What do you mean by that, Kelly?"

Kelly giggled in her strong British accent before replying.

"You don't think I could see you? You've been starring at my tits all day and now my bum."

Sam blushed before laughing. She had busted him red handed and he wasn't about to deny it. With a smirk, she spoke again.

"So, I'll ask you again, do you see something you like?"

He couldn't believe she was flirting with him like this. It wasn't something he expected to come from her, let alone from their first day together in the gym. Kelly approached him, stepping forward slowly as she stomped her feet to cause her breasts to bounce in the little top containing them. She stopped once her body was merely inches away from his. The tall dark man smirked at her and replied.

"Of course I do, but I think I've got a job to do with you first. I ain't getting paid to look at those big ass titties, am I?"

She laughed while stepping away from him. Kelly knew his response was nothing short of a cop out. Licking her lips, she was determined to tease him just a bit further to try and push him over the edge. With her back turned to him, she spoke once more.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me in full detail. Just know that I know your eyes are watching me and you won't be able to get enough of me as the time goes by."

Sam was still surprised at how she teased him like this. Kelly moved away and they were now ready to begin a new work out that was pre-planned on her written routine schedule. Before they were to start, she fixed her hair up into a quick pony tail. For the time being, he let her flirting slide and focused on his job as her personal trainer. It wasn't until several minutes later when Sam watched Kelly lay down on the work bench to do some weight lifting did the thought cross his mind again. It seemed as if she were showing off to him, as she would glance over her shoulder and give him a grin. He stood near by, watching as she lifted sixty pounds to begin bench pressing. Once again, Sam couldn't prevent himself from starring in amazement as Kelly had impressed him.

"Easy, easy! That's it!"

She ignored him while lifting the weight and then pushing it back. Kelly repeated the process, counting to ten before she was finished. A bead of sweat dripped from her forehead as she demonstrated her strength to him at full display. After stopping, she leaned up and now it was the time to tease him once more as she figured he would least expect it.

"See something else you like, Sam? Starring at my big tits again, are you?"

Kelly crackled a laugh as she had expected him to blush. This time all he did was grin at her and nod.

"If you want me to be honest, yeah. I've seen your rack before in printed pics, but I never expected I would be face to face looking at them."

"You haven't got to see them yet."

He sighed before blurting out his response.

"What is it with you? Are you giving me some kinda chance or is this just a game for you to tease me until I can't take it anymore?"

She got up from the work bench, standing before him and placing her hands upon her hips like before.

"It never crossed your mind that maybe I signed up to this place hoping to find a nice, strong man and get shagged?"

Looking at her puzzled for a moment, Sam had to consider if she was playing mind games with him. He knew women in his past who liked to tease and play hard to get, but Kelly seemed different. He shook his head before replying.

"No. You're Kelly Brook. I bet you've got men drooling over you from every corner of this city. There's probably a sea of poor bastards who'd leave their loving wives just to have a one night stand with you."

"That may be true, but what makes you think I'd want some random guy? I like a strong man, someone like you."

The smirk across her lips was enough to tell Sam that she was lusting for him without her obvious words. This wasn't something he had anticipated from Kelly but he didn't have to think twice about her temptation. If she wanted to play this way, he would be more than happy to plan for a day of nudity inside his private gym. Giving her a nod, Sam replied.

"Alright, I'll play along. How about we call off tomorrow and do a different kinda work out together?"

"That would be lovely."

Kelly licked her lips as she had replied in something of a seductive voice with her heavy English accent. She spoke again to him.

"Tomorrow afternoon. I'm not coming here for a normal work out day. I want something kinky with a handsome dark man."

"Yeah, I hear you babe."

The time had come now for Kelly to depart from the gym and call it a day. Sam had little time to make any plans for tomorrow. His mind was already rolling, focused on the lustful tensions that had built between in this short amount of time. He didn't think something like this could come so easily from Kelly but she had proven him wrong. Her flirtatious behavior had opened up the dirty part of his mind, almost as if she knew that he had to be lusting over her yesterday. Sam was aware that she was a glamour model, but tried his best to remain profession as her personal trainer. None of that mattered now as he knew that by tomorrow afternoon, they would be locked in his private gym naked together. At least he had the time to plan how he wanted to take Kelly all to himself. Sam was a man of control in the bedroom as he liked to play his dominant hand with a strong woman. Going by how Kelly had worked out today, he believed she was stable enough to handle him.

More than anything, he had the impression she was the kind of woman who could take control from a man not expecting it. While thinking of this, Sam had one solution in his mind. To take part of his gym and play it as something of a light dungeon tomorrow. Back home he kept a small box of kinky tools to be used in the bedroom. It had been a long time since he had broken out the leather collar and chain. Few women in his life had worn the collar for some fun dominant play. There was only one woman in the world right now whom he believed the collar would fit perfectly around her neck. As he walked to the back corner of his gym, Sam got the idea to re-arrange a bit of his furniture in the corner. A chair sat there along with a black leather couch. He remembered how Joe had set up his gym to have some fun in one corner and now Sam had thought to do the same with his lounge area. Since he would be holding the chain if she agreed to wear the collar, all that was needed was to make sure the corner was probably secured from the rest of the gym. It wasn't much of a dungeon yet, but he had time to break out his tools.



With the sun hanging high in the sky outside the Tight 'N Fit building, time was fast approaching for a meeting between Kelly and Sam. The anticipation was high, as Kelly didn't know what to expect from this man besides his entire attention being focused on her voluptuous body. Stepping out of her car, she fixed her sunglasses shielding over her eyes. A long sleeved black and white striped blouse hugged over her body, revealing her impressive busty breasts that were begging to pop out from the clothed prison. With no bra on, her nipples were visible from poking out of the top. Down below she wore a pair of jeans, fitting over the curves of her hips while her feet were pushed down into a pair of black high heels. She turned away from the car and began to move towards the front doors of the gym, heels clacking every step of the way.

Inside his private gym, Sam had prepared himself after an early arrival. He wore nothing but a pair of blue gym shorts, no underwear beyond the elastic band to contain his growing cock. There was no need to keep a shirt on for today, knowing that both of them wouldn't be wearing their clothes for long once she arrived. inside his private gym room, the corner had been rearranged properly. Previously it was somewhat cluttered with gym stools and large exercise balls, but Sam moved it all out the way for today. His tools of the trade were spread out across the couch. A silver metal collar was the main piece he looked forward to introducing to Kelly's neck. It locked with a chain to attach. Beyond the collar were matching wrist cuffs, shiny with silver gloss. The cuffs also linked to a small chain, but it was the longer round linked silver chain he planned to be attaching to her collar for a proper leash.

The door across the room opened, allowing a sliver of light to pour through in the distance. High heels stomping across the tile floor down below was another way to alert Sam to the presence of Kelly Brook entering his gym. He could hear the door slamming shut as he sat down on the couch, then watching as her figure became draw closer from the distance. Kelly strutted her hips, pushing her sunglasses up above her head as she then smiled wide flashing her teeth. Sam figured that she could see him in the distance so he decided to rise up from where he had been sitting on the couch. Her long dark hair bounced as Kelly continued to hold the grin across her soft red lips. He could see her erect nipples poking up through the front of her blouse. The stripes matched with her pants, but he wasn't concerned about her fashion choice. Those clothes would soon find their way on the floor, Sam thought to himself.

"Well well, good morning to you. I see you're ready for today before I am."

Kelly giggled, noting that Sam was shirtless. Her eyes scanned across his muscular chest and then she leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Returning the kiss, he pulled away as she pushed her warm palms against his chest. Her touch was enough to begin hardening his cock down below.

"Yeah, I've been ready for this all morning."

Stepping away from her, Sam reached for the collar that had been seated on the black leather couch. He held it up, watching the reaction flush across Kelly's beautiful face as he grinned back at her.

"You wanna put that on me?"

Sam slowly nodded his head, still grinning. Kelly's eyes studied the metallic shape of the collar. He waited a moment before replying back to her.

"Yeah, but only after you take off your clothes."

Her eyes wandered, noticing the wrist cuffs sitting on the couch. The metallic silver glimmered and shined from the distance. Kelly pointed with her left hand index finger.

"What about those? You gonna cuff me up too?"

"Maybe... I think you might need to use your hands though when you're down on your knees."

Kelly rolled her eyes. She shook her head, giggling.

"Here I thought you just wanted to fuck me. I went to bed last night thinking of how you were gonna shove that big fucking black cock up my arse."

She spoke in her strong British accent. Kelly bit down on her lower lip, exhaling before she teased Sam again with words of pure filth.

"I'm planning on blowing your mind when I'm down on my knees, whether I'm chained or not."

Ignoring her words, Sam ordered her in a low but strict tone.

"Take your fuckin' clothes off, baby."

Moaning out to him, Kelly bit down on her lower lip again but she obeyed his command. She grabbed the ends of her blouse, untucking it from her jeans as she began to pull it over her head. Within seconds, Sam got to witness her giant all natural E cup tits flopping freely. Kelly's nipples were hardened stiff, poking straight up. He was tempted to reach out and caress them with his hands, but not yet. She was still busy stripping naked. Turning her back to him, Kelly slipped her feet out of her pair of black high heel pumps. From where she was standing, Sam had an excellent view of her buttocks. The jeans hugged over her curves perfectly, demonstrating her thick figure. When the sound of her front button was heard popping, Kelly giggled again as she moved her hands to her hips and began to shove down her pants.

"If you're gonna put that collar on me, do I have to call you master?"

His eyes were fixated on her booty. Kelly wore a black thong, sucked up down the crack of her mighty ass to reveal it's bubbly shape. Sam anticipated to reply as he watched the jeans fall down to her ankles. She pushed her legs together, bending over and shoving her buttocks out. Kelly glanced from across her right shoulder, noticing his eyes focused on her rump down below.

"You like my arse? Quite lovely, isn't it?"

Sam was completely distracted, hence why he had forgotten to answer her first question.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice and no. You don't have to call me master, but I expect obedience from you."

She began to laugh as he stepped back to the couch. Kelly carefully stepped her feet out of the jeans, leaving them on the floor as she replied.

"Oh, thank you! It would be weird to constantly say 'yes master' and 'no master'. I'm not the kind of girl who is used to getting chained up, I can tell you that much."

He grabbed the chain and then watched as Kelly turned around. She moved her hands behind the back of her head, flexing her elbows and showing off her shaved arm pits. Her big brown eyes gazed back at his face as she patiently waited to feel the cold steel of that collar pushing around her neck. The collar itself folded out when unlocked. Sam carefully moved it around her neck and folded it together, locking just beneath the front ring where a chain attached. Once it was properly locked, he grabbed the wrist cuffs. Kelly then held her arms up. He placed the left one on first, looking her in the eyes as the metal links locked together. Sam had to think quietly, if he truly wanted to chain her wrists together. She would probably need to use her hands while on her knees, so he wasn't in a hurry to chain her wrists. After he cuffed her right arm, he leaned in to kiss her deeply.

Plunging her tongue into his mouth, Kelly returned the kiss ferociously. Her lust was beginning to come out with such force that Sam thought to himself silently that she was better off chained. The last thing he wanted was for her to get the upper hand on him in his gym. A woman like this could easily flip the tables, he thought to himself. After breaking the kiss, he used the chain to hook into the ring at the front of her collar. Now she was properly collared and chained. Kelly purred a soft moan, gritting her teeth and glaring up at him as her eyes trailed the chain link back to his right hand fingers grasping at the leash. Taking a few steps backwards, Sam was ready to take control and begin this session of hard fucking with a chained beauty. When he began to bend his knees, sitting down on the couch, Kelly fell down to her knees. The chain dangled up to his hand as she made eye contact and spoke in a low voice.

"Do you want me to take those shorts off for you, honey?"

Nodded at her, Sam loosened his grip on the chain as he brought his hand down. He didn't utter a word in response, leaving Kelly to do his bidding quietly. She raised both of her hands up at the front of his shorts. With a double grip, Kelly pulled them down to reveal his growing black cock down underneath. She licked her lips and then gasped upon witnessing it.

"Ohhhhh, my... Look at this."

Her big brown eyes gazed back up at his face as she pushed the shorts down past his knees to fall to his ankles. Sam dangled his feet, allowing the shorts to hit the floor and then he was completely naked along with the chained busty glamour model. Kelly smiled wide, flashing her teeth as she used her right hand to grab his dick and twist her fingers around it. Holding his cock straight forward, Kelly began to stroke it up and down. Sam groaned, calling for her.

"You know, I didn't tell you to start stroking it yet."

She giggled.

"Are you complaining?"

Sam shook his head.

"No, but you should wait before I tell you to suck it when I'm ready."

His words only made Kelly begin to wank his long black pole harder and faster. She used both hands, pumping his cock up and down momentarily. Kelly dipped her left hand down below to squeeze his hanging nut sack, grinning as she heard Sam moan aloud.

"You're gonna allow me to indulge myself with this big black cock right? It's been some time since I've had any dark meat."

Chuckling at her words, Sam flashed his teeth in a grin.

"You say that like you've been deprived of something."

Kelly bit down on her lower lip, still stroking his cock up and down with her right hand.

"I guess you could say I have!"

"Go on and start sucking it then, Kelly. Show me what a dirty bitch you are."

Being called a 'bitch' had clearly caught her off guard. Kelly's facial expression dropped into some bewildered look. She slid her right hand down to the base of his mighty long black cock. Gazing down at the head, she leaned in and parted her lips. Kelly began by twirling her tongue around the head. Sam sat there, keeping the chain among his right hand, prepared to yank it at any given second when he was ready to take control. For now he sat there, watching Kelly's big brown eyes gaze up at him as she licked his cock. When she was finally ready, she enveloped her lips around his pole and went down. 'Mmmmmm', softly moaning, Kelly sucked the first few inches as Sam moaned aloud.

"Yeah, that's it... Suck it."

His loud voice called out to her as Kelly began to slowly bob her head up and down. The links to her chain jangled and made a clanking noise as she began to suck in a steady rhythm. Slow and sensually, she worked his cock to the back of her throat, pushing her lips all the way down to the base. Sam was impressed with this quick display of deepthroat action, as she had proper gag reflexes without choking. Pulling her lips back to the head, Kelly released it with a popping sound and then gripped his black cock again. She began to slide her hand up and down while holding his shaft up against the left cheek of her face.

"Mmmmm, you like that? You like how I suck it?"

She began to rub his cock up against the left side of her face. For a moment, Sam got to witness the length of his long black shaft up against her pretty white face.

"I didn't tell you to stop sucking it."

Kelly giggled at his complaint. It was obvious to him by now that she was a playful woman and liked to tease. Thankfully Sam didn't have to speak again as she shoved his dick back into her mouth and resumed sucking it. Bobbing her head up and down, Kelly closed her eyes and began to devour his shaft. Sucking it inch by inch, she made muffled moans while Sam sat back on the couch. He let go of the chain, moaning in approval.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck... There ya go, I knew you had a dirty mouth when I first met you. Suck that cock, you dirty fucking bitch!"

Sucking harder and faster, Kelly moved her hands to roam across his legs as she made an effort to deepthroat his cock. The way Sam screamed was only a prelude for what was about to become a session of hard skull-fucking. For now, Kelly was holding her own, shoving the head of his cock to the back of her throat and forcing her lips to meet at his pubes. Impressed by this wondrous display of oral talent, Sam groaned. He let go of the chain, moving his hands to the side of her head as he then bucked his hips upward to drive his cock in her mouth. Kelly's eyes popped open. She gazed forward, pressing the palms of her hands down on his legs as she looked up at him to see the sheer determination in Sam's face. He bucked his hips harder, driving his cock back and forth in her mouth to the point Kelly finally gagged and choked on his length.

"You nasty bitch! SUCK IT!!"

Sam grunted, gritting his teeth as he screamed and continued to buck his hips upward. Kelly gagged again as drool began to leak out of the corners of her mouth. She kept her eyes locked on Sam, feeling his shaft pump between her lips. It didn't take long for his actions to result in her making incoherent slobbering and sucking noises.


A string of drool broke off from the right corner of her mouth, falling to the floor below. Sam let go of her face, moving both hands away and allowing Kelly to pull her lips back to the head and release his cock with a popping noise. It fell, flopping against his stomach as she grinned and teased him with her strong English accent.

"Ohhhh, you wanna fuck my face, Sam? Go right on ahead!"

"I'll be glad to fucking do that to you, baby."

She moved her right hand down to grab his cock, feeding it back between her lips as Sam then moved his hands to cup her face again. As soon as Kelly began to suck, she moved her hand away and looked up at his face. Not wasting any time, Sam began to push her head down, bucking his hips in unison to slam his cock into her mouth. He grunted as he began to fuck her face. Once again, those same slobbering noises began to echo again from Kelly's mouth.


Still thrusting his cock into her mouth, Sam grunted and continued. He could hold himself back long enough to properly fuck her mouth without blowing his load yet. Kelly closed her eyes, feeling them water up as the tears streamed down the corners of her eyes. Down below, the chain dangled from her collar between her great big tits as they bounced slightly. Sam slowed down, keeping his hands against her cheeks as she pulled her lips back up to the head of his shaft. Sam screamed at her.

"Look at me, whore!"

Eyes wide open, Kelly glared up at Sam as his cock was still throbbing between her lips. Sam made a few light thrusts, only to hear her slobber all over his shaft. Strings of drool dangled from the corners of her mouth. Breasts shaking down below, Kelly tried to slide her hands up his legs to maintain a grip while keeping eye contact. Sam smirked wickedly back at her and finally let go. Kelly pulled her lips off his cock with an audible gasp for air, followed by a flood of her own saliva that streamed down her chin and neck. Grabbing the chain, Sam gave it a playful tug just to make sure he had her complete attention.

"I wanna see those big ass titties you've got down there. I think it's time we did some titty-fucking. Work 'em for me."

Kelly wiped her mouth, gazing back at him as she bit down on her lower lip for a moment. She moved her hands to her great big breasts, holding them up for him as he pulled the chain again. The metal links dangled above her busty chest as she held those tits up and spoke.

"Mmmmmmm, ohhhhhhh... you want these big tits wrapped around your big black dick?"

Holding the chain with his right hand, Sam reached down with his free hand to hold his cock upward. He gave her chain another light tug as Kelly pulled her breasts apart to offer a passage for his cock. She glanced down to see his long dark pole awaiting her and then she moved her tits around it. Squeezing them together, she raised her head and let out a soft moan. Light cast from the window shined across the metal collar around her neck, momentarily blinding Sam for a few seconds. He moved the chain so it was dangling across her left side, then letting go of it as he let out a soft moan. It didn't matter how long his cock was. Kelly's breasts completely swallowed it up with only the head poking up between the wonderful folds.

"Work 'em up and down. Show me that you know how to use these titties."

Licking her lips and purring soft moans, Kelly quietly prepared herself. She flexed her elbows, making sure her hands had a nice grip over her breasts before she began to pump them up and down. Sam sat back, watching as his shaft had disappeared entirely and the head would poke up with each thrust Kelly made. She went slow at first, moaning again at this wonderful feeling. It was evident to him that she had experience with using her tits for pleasure like this. Sliding both of his hands down to the base of his cock, Sam carefully held it forward to make this act slightly easier on Kelly.

"Up and down, up and down. Work those tits, baby."

Hearing his command, Kelly gritted her teeth and looked back at Sam. She adjusted her hands, sliding her right hand fingers between her hardened nipples to pinch at herself. Biting down on her lower lip, Kelly began to pound her tits up and down. She fucked his cock to a pulp, pumping her breasts up and down at a steady pace. Her long brunette hair sway, almost moving into her face as the chain attached to her collar rattled and clanked together. Kelly locked eyes with Sam and began to talk dirty as she worked her tits up and down his cock.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yeah... Mmmmmmm, you like that? You like how good your big fucking black cock feels between my big titties?"

Teeth barred beyond her soft lips, Sam got to witness her lustful hunger on full display. The sound of the chain rattling was muted beyond smacking sounds of her breasts still moving up and down. He didn't answer her back as Kelly continued to work her tits over his cock.

"Your big black cock feels so good between my tits."

Again, Sam didn't bother responding to her. He just sat there, breaking eye contact with her to watch the head of his shaft poke up with each full thrust. Kelly began to pump her tits harder and faster. She bit down on her lower lip, purring more soft moans as the chain was still rattling and shaking.

"You know how much I love having a big fucking cock sliding up and down between tits?"

Finally a question that prompted Sam to nod and reply back to her in spoken word.

"Yeah, I can tell you've done this before."

Kelly began to giggle, still pumping her breasts up and down. She slowed herself down slightly upon replying to him.

"Oh yeah... My tits were made for fucking, that's what guys usually tell me."

Not once did she break eye contact with Sam. Softly moaning, Kelly continued to pump her tits up and down. The sensational feeling was strong enough that he figured he could sit all day and make her work those tits, but there was more to fucking than that. Sam was ready to see how well she could ride. Grabbing the chain with his right hand, he gave it a tug, catching Kelly off guard as the metal collar dug into her neck. She came to a halt, no longer thrusting her tits. Sam then nodded at her and spoke the next command.

"Get up. It's time you took my cock for a ride. I wanna see how wet you are, you dirty bitch."

Smiling wide, she flashed her pearly white teeth.

"I'm soaked down below. I've just been waiting to get your big fucking black inside of me."

She let go of her breasts, freeing his cock from between them. Kelly grabbed it with her right hand. When she twisted her fingers tightly around that pole, Sam began to lean back and tug on her chain. The collar dug into her neck, choking her as Kelly was forced to get up from her knees.

"Get on top of it, you dirty bitch!"

As he yelled to her, she moaned from the choking of the collar. Kelly quickly climbed up onto the couch. Her right hand remained gripping his long erect pole, bending her knees to hover her juicy wet cunt directly above it. For a moment, her great big tits were shaking towards Sam's face as he let go of the chain and smashed his hands over her breasts. As Kelly moaned at his touch, she rubbed the head of his shaft against her pink folds.

"Mmmmm, you feel how wet I am for this big black cock?"

Not answering her words, Sam moved his hands off her tits and then planted his palms onto her hips. Kelly took her time, easing herself down on his cock.

"Ohhhhhh, fuck..."

Hearing Sam groan aloud had caused Kelly to giggle before her laughter faded into a loud moan. She carefully lowered herself down, sending his cock into her tight pussy. Moving her hands to her boobs, Kelly pulled them apart and then shoved those tits around Sam's face. She giggled again while smothering him with her large breasts, soon feeling him lick and attempt to suck on them. He shook his head around, flapping his lips to properly motorboat her breasts. Kelly giggled, moving her hands to bounce her tits up and down, still smothering his face with them. Sam began to lean back on the couch, sliding far enough that his legs stuck out. This gave Kelly a bit more room, as her feet were at the edge of the couch, now falling down to the door. A slight change in the position made it easier for Sam to rest his back across the cushions and for Kelly to have more room to ride him.

"I hope you're ready for this, I know I am. I'm gonna ride this fucking cock like there's no tomorrow! You would like that, wouldn't you?"

There was no way for Sam to reply with his head still between her perfect breasts. He continued to slobber and drool on her tits as Kelly moved her hands over his broad, strong shoulders. Taking in a grip, she began to roll her hips and then moved his face out from between her breasts. Sam grabbed at her tits, squeezing them hard as Kelly began to rock her way up and down on his cock.

"Ohhhh yeah! That's it! Ride that fucking cock, baby! Show me how bad you want it!"

Moving his hands off her tits, Sam was tempted to grab the chain but he didn't. Instead, Kelly shoved her forehead down against his chest. Her light skin contrasted against his ebon body. The cuffs around her wrist shook as Kelly continued to push her hands down into his shoulders, working her hips in a rotation to force that long black snake in and out of her juicy cunt. Kelly gasped when she could clearly see forward, upside down the sight of that beautiful black cock pumping into her. Sam moaned feeling her pussy push down on it, sending him inside of her again and again.

"Work it, work it! That's it! THAT'S IT!!"

Groaning as he grunted and screamed at her, Sam raised his right hand and smacked it across her buttocks. She slammed herself down with such authority, the couch began to rock and shake. Kelly eventually leaned her head back up and then felt Sam's hands clamp back down over her shaking breasts. She pushed her hands down to his muscular stomach and continued to roll her hips, riding that cock at a fast and steady pace. Closing her eyes, she moaned and screamed aloud in her thick English accent.


Smack. Smack. Smack. The undersides of her phat ass cheeks plopped down on his thick balls down below. Kelly continued to thrust herself down, riding his cock harder and faster as her erect nipples poked into the palms of Sam's hands. The chain was dangling from her collar, swaying from the right side and hitting up against Sam's forearm. He finally reached for it with his right hand, yanking it back. Kelly gritted her teeth as the collar choked her. She slowed herself down, moaning at the feeling of his long shaft still shoved in her cunt.

"Come on, get up, baby!"

It was time to quickly change positions. Sam moved his hands at her hips, pulling Kelly off him as she began to rise up, slipping his shaft from her pussy. As Kelly climbed up, she moved to the right side of the couch, pressing the palms of her hands and knees down against the black leather surface. Seeing her crawl in that direction on all fours had sparked a new idea for Sam. He began to climb up on the couch, moving on his knees as he got directly behind her, still holding the chain. Kelly's long brunette hair flipped around as she glanced from across her right shoulder. Teeth gritted, she groaned before yelling at Sam.

"Are you gonna fuck me!? Get that big fucking black cock back in my pussy and ram me from behind!?"

Those words were enough for Kelly to get a hard smack across her ass from Sam's left hand. He spanked her and then yanked the chain hard, forcing her to elevate her neck forward. Wrapping the chain around his wrist hand wrist, he grabbed his cock and began to rub it down between her thighs. Kelly closed her eyes, raking her nails across the surface of the couch as she anticipated the moment he shoved that cock back into her twat. She didn't have to wait for long. Raising her head, Kelly moaned as she felt his cock sliding back in. Sam withdrew his right hand, dangling the chain above her back, ready to yank it at any given moment. As he began to slowly thrust inside of her, Kelly purred soft cries of pleasure.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yes. That's it... Mmmmmmmmm, fuck me..."

Exhaling and gasping, Kelly began to curl her toes up as she felt Sam pick up the pace. Thrusting harder and faster, he grunted at the warm feeling of having his cock back in that sweet British pussy. Her breasts began to shake, bouncing all around as Kelly braced herself for this feeling. It was clear to her that Sam wasn't going to stop until he pushed her into a hard climax. She took a deep breath and then began to scream at him.

"Ohhhh god! Ohhhhhhh, god, YEAH!! FUCK ME!!"

Pulling the chain hard, Sam grunted as he could hear Kelly taking a deep breath. The metal collar dug into her neck yet again, as she curled her toes up and gritted her teeth. Down below, her tits were shaking and bouncing in every direction as he pumped his cock into her juicy cunt. Over and over, he gave Kelly inch after inch as she screamed to him once more.


He yanked the chain again, causing Kelly to let out growling moans behind her barred teeth. Her screaming voice echoed throughout the gym room. She was so close to reaching her orgasm, she didn't want him to stop. The couch began to rock, wobbling around and creating several clanking noises. Sam continued to buck his hips, driving his cock in and out of her tight cunt.


Spank! His left hand palm came striking down across her buttocks as Kelly then gasped and closed her eyes. As she curled her toes up, she balled her fists up, slamming them down into the couch. Sam came to a sudden halt when he felt her warm juices from within. Kelly's legs were beginning to shake as he quickly snatched his cock free and watched at the explosion of her excess juices down between her thighs. She drenched the couch while moaning in pleasure. Slowly attempting to catch her breath, Kelly sat there, still on all fours as she felt the couch slightly shake from Sam rising up. He placed his feet down on the floor, walking towards her as the chain was now dangling around her face. She grinned and then began to move, sitting down and then laying her back across the couch.

"That was good. You know how to give a girl a good pounding."

While resting on her back, Kelly's eyes trained up at the chain links. She moved her hands over her great big tits, spreading her legs out so Sam could see her drenched pussy. Not a hair in sight of her pink folds, Kelly leaned back, spreading her legs further as she attempted to bring attention to her other hole down there.

"You know, I still want you to shove that big black cock up my arse. Don't think I've forgotten about that."

Raising her legs up, Kelly moved her arms to pull them up, demonstrating a level of her flexibility when she pushed her feet as high as where her head was. Down below, her phat buttocks was now hanging off the edge of the couch in clear sight of Sam's eyes. Split down the middle was her back door hole, just above her cunt. Kelly kept her hands holding her calves, legs still raised as it became clear to Sam in the passing seconds that this was the position she wanted to take it up the ass in. Moving the chain into his left hand, Sam wrapped his right hand fingers around his long black dick. Kelly watched as she bit down on her lower lip and then called to him.

"Think you can do that for me? Shove that big black cock right up my arse? Hmmmm?"

"Oh yeah, I can do that for you."

The expression across Kelly's face had changed from one of concern to now flushing in a smug grin. Her eyes glanced down as she was still holding her legs up. She watched as Sam pushed the head of his big black cock to her dark little hole. Gasping upon feeling him enter her, she moaned out.

"Ohhhhh, that's it! Let me feel that huge black cock up my arse. Pound me with it. That is one of my favorite things, you know? Getting pounded in the arse by a big fucking black cock."

He chuckled. It was hilarious to him to hear her thick English accent and choice of word referring to her booty. As he thrust in, Sam grunted at the tightness of her ass hole. Kelly sighed in relief feeling his cock entering one of her holes again.

"Mmmmmmmmm, yeah. This is what I wanted from you. Been looking forward to this all fucking day long."

She bit down on her lower lip again, grinning up at him. The chain attached to her collar dangled back to his left hand. Sam began to buck his hips, moving into a steady rhythm to brace himself while his eyes glanced at her huge tits pushed together. Her hands were still gripping over her legs to hold them up, making it easier for him to fuck her ass in this position.

"Ohhhhh bloody hell, that's it!"

Her thick English accent came out once more as Kelly's eyes almost rolled to the back of her head. Sam began to thrust harder and faster, prompting Kelly to re-open her eyes and glance down. She watched as inch after inch of that long black cock pumped into her ass.

"Ohhhhhhhh god, yes!"

As her eyes glanced back up at his face, Sam spoke.

"You like that!? You like taking it up the ass, you dirty bitch?"

"Yessssss... Yes I fucking do."

Kelly purred her words, gritting her teeth together as she whimpered soft moans. She finally let go of her legs, trying to keep them held up steady while folding her arms directly below her big tits, shoving them up. She knew where Sam's eyes remained locked, but he continued to thrust his cock into her ass for the time being. Groaning aloud, he gave her a nod and spoke.

"Those tits are fucking perfect."

She giggled at him, flashing her teeth and winking.

"Yeah, I know you love 'em. I figured you'd want to fuck 'em one last time before you cum for me."

Such a choice of words was enough to prompt Sam into a sudden halt. He carefully pulled his cock from her ass, followed by Kelly letting out a frustrated whimper. Gripping it with his right hand, he used his left hand to yank her chain, forcing her to sit up a bit as he raised his right foot into the couch to lean up onto the couch. Sam then carefully fed his long black cock to her pretty red lips, witnessing her go from ass to mouth. Kelly opened her mouth, locking her eyes onto his as she began to suck the head. 'Mmmmmmmm', she let out a muffled moan, refusing to break eye contact with him as Sam spoke to her.

"Ready to get down on your knees again?"

Unable to properly respond in spoken word with a mouth full of cock, Kelly quietly nodded. Sam responded by pulling his shaft from her lips with a pop noise. He stepped back, pulling the chain as she got up and began to fall down to her knees giggling.

"I just knew I was some how gonna end up right back down on my knees again!"

Still giggling, Kelly seemed to have more energy left inside, even after her hard orgasm from minutes earlier. Sam finally dropped the chain, allowing it to dangle between her breasts as she moved her hands to his cock. Gazing up at him with her big brown eyes, Kelly kissed the head of his long black shaft. Moving her hands away, she trailed them up his legs, as if she were preparing to take a moment and properly worship his big black cock. When Kelly shoved it into her mouth, Sam planted his hands onto his hips and commanded her in a stern voice.

"Suck it hard. Show me how much you love it."

Closing her eyes, Kelly followed his order by shoving his cock further into her mouth. She lowered her hands down to his hanging ball sack and began to massage his nuts, grazing her fingertips across them. She let out a muffled moan as she began to bob her head up and down, much to Sam's delight.

"Yeah, there you go, baby. You're a nasty fucking bitch, suck it like one."

'Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmm', Kelly continued to bob her lips up and down. Not using her hands at all as her fingers were still massaging his nuts. She pulled her lips back to the head, releasing it with a popping sound and then gripping his shaft with her right hand. Darting her tongue out, Kelly gazed up at his face as she began to slap his cock up against her wet tongue. Smack. Smack. Smack. She slapped that cock against her tongue a few more times, then shoved it back between her lips. Kelly's great big tits began to bounce and sway down below as she aggressively choked herself on his length.

"Ohhhhh, fuck..."

Sam moaned at the sound of her slobbering and gagging on his cock. Drool began to bubble up down the underside of his shaft, but Kelly continued to bob her head up and down. She pulled her lips back to the head, releasing it again, she did so with spitting on the head. Using her right hand, she wanked him back and forth, biting down on her lower lip before speaking.

"Mmmmmmm, you like that?"

She spit on his shaft again. Her hand glided with ease across the slick black snake Sam had for her. He nodded at her.

"Yeah, you're nasty."

"For you I am."

Kelly winked and then shoved that big black dick back into her mouth. She wasn't done sucking on it yet, as she went back down and made more slobbering and sucking noises. Kelly devoured his shaft, gorging herself on the taste of his dark meat. Drool began to leak out the corners of her mouth like before, proving how nasty she could be. Sam was tempted to lower his hands onto her head and take control. The urge was there to roughly fuck her face again, but he stopped himself. There was no need to interfere and interrupt Kelly as she was still sucking his cock aggressively. Moving her hands down to her breasts, she pinched her own nipples and then used one hand to pull the chain out from between her tits. When Kelly shoved her lips back to the head of his cock, her big brown eyes gazed up at him. She released his cock with a loud pop noise and a thick string of saliva dangling back to her open mouth. Kelly spoke to him in a low voice.

"I hope you're ready to fuck my tits. I know where I want this big, beautiful black cock right now."

The string of drool dangled from the middle of Kelly's lower lip. Sam would've guessed that it would break and fall by now, but it didn't. Using both hands, she brought up her titanic sized tits, stuffing his long black shaft right between them. Sam brushed aside the chain dangling from her collar, moving it beyond her right shoulder and then planting his hand back there to hold her in position. That string of drool continued to hang from her lower lip as he wasted no time beginning to buck his hips, fucking her heavy tits.

"God damn! Such big ass titties! I could fuck these titties all day, every fucking day!"

Kelly's big brown eyes were focused up on his face above as she blew spit bubbles and the string of drool finally broke off from her lower lip, falling down to the head of his cock as it poked up. Sam bucked his hips as hard as he could, driving his cock between her tits. She could feel the head hitting her chin slightly, rubbing against her metal collar.

"Ohhhhh yeah! Fuck my titties!"

Moaning out to him, her English accent came out so strong. Sam continued to fuck her tits at his fast pace, grunting and gritting his teeth together to groan. All Kelly could do was grin up at him so smugly. She knew the effect she had on this man, as her tits were going to be the part of her voluptuous body that finally made him explode and decorate her in his cum.

"Fuck my tits! Mmmmmm, yeah!!"

Sam made an attempt to thrust harder and faster after Kelly called out to him, but she knew he didn't have much time left. His face was scrunched up, as she knew that look all too well. Grinning with her teeth pushed together, Kelly felt her body rock from how hard he pumped his cock between her tits.

"Ohhhh, yeah! Are you gonna cum for me, Sam? Gonna give me your spunk!?"

Her choice of words spoken in that thick English accent was enough to almost push Sam over the edge. He made one last thrust between her tits, nodding at her.

"Yeah! All over your fucking face! I'm gonna drown you in cum!"

Kelly cracked up, giggling loudly as he finally pulled his cock from her tits. Licking her lips, she grinned again as Sam wrapped his right hand fingers around his long black cock.

"Mmmmmmmm, give me that spunk! I want you to make my face all sticky and wet!"

He didn't reply. Instead, Sam grunted as he began to stroke his cock back and forth with hi hand. Kelly kept her hands on her tits, holding them up. Her hands were directly pushing at her nipples. She knew to hold her breasts up, so they could catch any strands of cum that didn't go on her face. Panting and groaning, Sam continued to wank himself as she parted her lips and darted her tongue out.

"Ahhhhhhhh, give it to me! Give me that hot load! Let me taste your spunk!"

Exhaling deeply, Sam didn't want this day to end. All through the hours of fucking her, he couldn't get enough. It was one thing to reassure himself that there would be a next time, but not right now as he could feel the cum surging through his cock. Gritting his teeth, he grunted as Kelly's big brown eyes locked on him. She kept her tongue slid out, still grinning as she awaited his cum like an obedient whore.


His groans echoed through the room as a thick string of cum blasted out of Sam's cock. he watched the line splatter across right eye, up the temple of her head and into those long locks of brunette hair. Another thick string followed, splattering on her left cheek. Kelly began to giggle, keeping her tongue extended. With some cum on her face, Sam aimed at her big tits down below. He stroked his cock, watching as spurt after spurt of cum drenched her skin. Some of his cum splattered up her neck, dripping with streams down to give Kelly a worthy 'pearl necklace'.

"Mmmmmm, cum on my face! Make me sticky!"

He aimed his cock back up to her face, noticing that smug grin that Kelly had now engraved in his mind. Sam grunted as another wad of cum splashed across the left cheek of her face. He extended the head of his cock to tongue her tongue, then watched as Kelly squeezed her lips around it and proceeded to suck.

"God, you are one nasty bitch."

She ignored his words for now, bobbing her head up and down a few times while milking his cock of the final drops of cum. When Kelly was done, she pulled it from her mouth with her right hand, holding his cock upward as she opened her mouth to show Sam the puddle of his spunk drenched across her tongue. She began to gargle his cum, blowing small bubble. All that did was make Sam nod his head to his own words. It was as if she were taunting him with this display of filth.

"Yeah, I called you a nasty bitch, alright."

Kelly closed her lips together and loudly swallowed down what was in her mouth, all while the cum drenched across her face and tits was beginning to drip down. She let out an audible 'ahhh', smirking up at him before she replying.

"Nasty, indeed. All for you."

Glancing down at her arms, she let go of her tits and looked at the wrist cuffs. Sam was exhausted and spent at this point. He stood there, trying to catch his breath and needing a moment as he studied his masterpiece of art with the canvas of her skin decorated in his seed. The showers would be their next destination, that was only after he removed the wrist cuffs and collar from her body. Kelly let out a giggle, speaking again.

"We're gonna have to do this again. Maybe next time you won't forget about these."

She held her arms up, demonstrating the wrist cuffs with the shiny silver glaring up into his eyes. Sam laughed at her, nodding his head to her as he watched the cum drip from her face.

"Yeah, I guess I'll remember that next time."

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Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Kelly Brook)
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2022, 01:19:35 AM »
Wow amazing job Cade. Kelly and Lucy are amazing. 8#=D
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Bitch Control (NEW - Kelly Brook)
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2022, 10:55:48 AM »
Thank you for another Kelly story and one where she really gets in on some rough fun.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


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