Starring: Hayley Atwell
It had been a whirlwind few weeks at my little suburban hotel. Less than a month had passed since Jessica Chastain’s first visit and already she’d returned on three separate occasions. She came for two nights the following week, then for three the week after that, followed by the piece de resistance- a week-long stay that had finally concluded just five short days ago. Quite what she was telling her husband when she embarked on these trips I assure you I do not know. She didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. Frankly, I didn’t much care. I was having the time of my life, and no amount of guilt as to what these visits might be doing to her marriage was going to put a stop to that.
Needless to say, her four night stay had left me a little worse for wear and I gave serious thought to cancelling my booking that weekend. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. The woman had booked her stay three months in advance, so calling it off at the last minute would have been a serious dick move on my part. Anyway, now it was Monday and the woman had been and gone. I’d expected another booking from a certain redhead at some point that weekend but nothing came. She texted me Sunday night suggesting it would be wise to skip a week so her hubby didn’t get suspicious. How he wasn’t suspicious already was a mystery to me, but honestly, I was a little relieved. I must have had sex 20-odd times over the last seven days and my energy had all but vanished.
I never thought there’d come a day when I’d be
glad not to be getting laid but it appeared that day had arrived. There was a lot of week left of course and plenty of time for bookings to be made. But any potential reservations would have to be seriously tempting to interrupt my week of rest.
Seriously tempting. Hayley Atwell-kind of tempting.
I got the call that afternoon. I gave serious thought to ignoring it but curiosity got the better of me. You never know who it might have been.
“Hello,” I said, holding the phone to my ear.
“Hi. Is that Tyler?”
“Yep, this is he.”
“Oh, hello, love. I was wondering if I could make a reservation. For this week?”
Immediately the voice had me hooked. I’d never been with a Brit before and that sexy posh accent just drove me wild.
“Erm…we’re a little busy this week, but I’ll see if I can fit you in.” Which was my way of saying ‘tell me who you are and I’ll decide if I want to fuck you’. “What’s your name, please?”
She told me her name, and well…I did want to fuck her. I really, really did.
“Ah, pleasure to meet you, Miss Atwell. And what day were you hoping to visit?”
“Hayley. Please. And I was hoping for Wednesday?”
I pretended to look at my calendar and then answered.
“OK, yep, I can do that for you, Hayley,” I said, knowing full well that I would have been given the same response no matter what day she requested. “Any special requests for your visit? Anything in particular that you’d like to do?”
“Oh…no, not really, love. I have a few days off from filming, and really, I’m just looking for a good time. I heard you’re the man to call.”
My reputation precedes me again.
“You heard right,” I replied.
I saw no need to be self-effacing and wondered who had been singing my praises this time. Whoever it was I was eternally grateful. We worked out the finer details and she gave me a typically chipper British goodbye. ‘Cheerio’, I believe she said.
I was excited and had two days to prepare for my guest. Which basically meant getting my energy back and refraining from ejaculation. I actually had a couple more calls that day, but the resulting booking requests were politely declined. After all, a creature like Hayley deserved nothing less than a re-energised body and a fully loaded scrotum.
The next 48 hours or so passed without incident. I slept in nice and late on Tuesday, had a light workout (emphasis on the light), then called in a cleaning crew to give the place a once over while I chilled by the pool. I got an early night and woke up refreshed the following day, ready and raring to go. My guests wasn’t arriving until 3pm so I had another light workout (even lighter this time), took a shower and fixed myself some lunch. I ate and watched some TV and, after the customary fifteen minute traffic delay, the doorbell rang.
I answered the door and there she stood, Celebrity Guest #2. She was dressed casually, as guests often are upon arrival. Which for her was a loose-fitting pink blouse, a pair of skinny blue jeans and some open-toed sandals. We shared a hug and kissed each other on the cheek. I commandeered her suitcase and wheeled it to her room, then gave her a tour of the house. I started upstairs, showing her the second floor bedrooms, then continued downstairs with the remaining guests rooms, my room, the massage room, the gym, the lounges, etc. Then we went outside and I showed her the yard and pool. She seemed impressed.
“Very nice,” she said, taking in her surroundings. “Quite the gaff you’ve got here.”
“Thanks,” I replied. I didn’t know what the hell a ‘gaff’ was but I assumed it was a compliment.
“Phew! Warm, isn’t it?” she said, tugging at the collar of her blouse. “I’ll never get used to LA weather. Think it’s raining in London right now.”
I laughed. “Well, if you need to cool off I know just the place for it.”
She looked at the pool and grinned. “I like the way you think. I’m gonna slip into my cossie. Fix us some drinks?”
We went back inside and Hayley took off to her room. There had been a vital component of her previous sentence that I hadn’t understood, but I assumed it meant swimming attire, so I changed into mine as well. I opted for a Speedo, sporting a hefty bulge that I was sure my guest would enjoy. I grabbed two towels and a bottle of sunblock, and returned to the lounge. Hayley was still in her room so I went to the bar and mixed us some drinks. Watermelon margaritas- a specialty of mine. I grabbed both glasses and headed for the yard when her bedroom door swung open.
I stopped to watch, my jaw almost hitting the floor as she sauntered out in a vintage-style polka dot two piece. And well…she looked phenomenal. The brawn she’d cultivated for
M:I 7 and 8 had robbed her of some of her curves, but thankfully it hadn’t taken away from that lovely big rack of hers, and it looked as great as ever, wedged into a little strapless number that was tied in a knot at the front.
“Wow!” I said, almost drooling into her drink as I handed it over.
“I could say the same,” she grinned, taking a scan of my body as she sipped her margarita.
Seeing her in that outfit had only increased the size of my bulge and I could tell from the twinkle in her eyes that she liked what she saw.
“After you,” I said, ushering her in the direction of the open glass doors.
“Why, thank you,” she replied and I followed her across the room, getting a great view of her ass (or her ‘arse’, as she’d call it) in the skimpy little tie-up bottoms she was wearing. Her tits get most of the plaudits and rightly so, but damn…this
arse is not to be slept on.
We headed back out into the yard and settled into a pair of recliners, putting our drinks down on a table in the middle. We lotioned thoroughly, getting ourselves acquainted as we basked in the afternoon sun. I tan pretty well and use a pretty low factor sunblock. I wasn’t sure it would suit Hayley’s pale complexion so I was glad to learn that she’d brought her own. Though, I’d be lying if I said that watching her apply it wasn’t more than a little distracting. Her boobs jiggled and shook as she rubbed it into her arms and I found myself losing track of the conversation as I watched those delicious mounds wobble like Jell-O on a plate.
With sunblock applied, she sprawled out lazily across her recliner and I was glad I’d now get to know this woman properly without just staring at her tits. She asked me some questions about my establishment and I answered them as honestly as possible, without going into details about my other guests. How long had I been running the place? How many guests did I get? Anyone she’d know? Which I think was her way of saying ‘were any of them celebrities?’. But like I said, I didn’t go into details.
Then we flipped the script and I asked her some things about herself, focusing mainly on her latest role. How did she like the shoot? What was it like working with Tom? Where did she stand on his infamous COVID outburst? She answered my questions affably, and I felt like I got the real scoops, rather than the carefully rehearsed, generic responses that she might have given to a journalist or reporter.
We finished our drinks and she suggested taking a dip. Grabbing our towels, we set them down at the edge of the pool. I went in first and offered her my hand, helping her down the steps and into the shallows. She bobbed in the water, allowing it to wet her chestnut brown hair, and I enjoyed the sight of it splashing against her chest. Even with the heat climbing into the high 80s, the water was a little chilly and her nipples poked teasingly through her sodden bikini top. Both of us were feeling the bite so we swam a few lengths to warm ourselves up. I freestyled it while Hayley went for backstroke, giving a spectacular view of her breasts as she glided through the water.
Once we’d fought off the cold, our time in the pool was a lot more casual. Frolicking, as I believe it’s known. We talked, we laughed, even splashed each other a little. It was fun and it was flirty. Physical contact was inevitable and as we bobbed in the shallow waters, Hayley threw her arms around my shoulders. I leaned in and our lips embraced, that very first kiss sending shivers down my spine, her lips so soft and succulent. My hands went to her ass and I hoisted her into the air, squeezing her buns as I kept her suspended. She curled her legs around my waist and some tongue was added to the equation as I walked us to the edge of the pool.
I set her down on the coping and her legs stayed locked around me, hands running through my slicked back hair as the kissing continued. My hands moved up those fantastic tits and I mawled them thoroughly, drawing moans from my guest as I kneaded the ample flesh. I was dying to see them and my fingers went straight for the knot in the middle, untying it without further ado. How such a flimsy tie had ever contained such a large pair of breasts, I was truly none the wiser, and the slightest fiddle was all that was required to free those puppies from captivity.
I laid her bikini top across the floor, leaving it dry in the sun as I returned to her boobs. Fuck, they were incredible. I think everyone knows that Hayley Atwell has spectacular tits, but believe me when I tell you, they are even better in person. Big and soft, yet they hang so pertly from her chest, defying gravity in all their perky fullness. Taking them in my hands, my mouth went straight for a nipple, suckling with ravenous greed. It stiffened between my lips and I popped it free, licking water from her chest as I switched to the other. I didn’t go for the full on motorboat, but I think it would be fair to say that every inch of her chest had been thoroughly inspected by the time I was done.
Returning to her mouth, I grabbed a towel from the side of the pool, laying it out behind her as our tongues re-tangled. Prying my lips from hers, I guided her down onto the towel, setting up shop between her thighs as she spread them readily. Her ass hung over the coping and she let her legs dangle as she laid across the floor, her feet dipped into the water. She propped herself up on her elbows, watching with a grin as I removed her bottoms. A slight tug at the knots on her hips and away they came, joining her bikini top at the side of the pool.
The water at the edge was only a few feet deep and I was submerged to around mid-chest as I knelt on the bottom. I hooked my arms around her thighs and my tongue shot out as I buried my head in between them. The water trickling across her labia made it glisten in the sun and I licked her slowly from bottom to top, lapping up the excess water and any other moisture that may have accumulated. The cool of the water had her clit already standing to attention and my tongue homed in on it with razor-sharp focus. A breathy whine escaped her lips and she tipped her head back, wet brown locks falling towards the paving stones as my tongue made contact.
Fetching the second towel, she rolled it into a makeshift pillow and stuffed it under her head. Now her hands were free to do as they pleased and one quickly found the top of my head, fingers sliding through my slicked back locks. The other went straight to her chest, pawing at a giant breast for increased stimulation. My lips wrapped snugly around her clit and I licked her softly, slowly, my tongue tracing rings around the swell of her nub. She tasted divine and I savoured each drop of creamy, warm juice that trickled across my tongue.
She balled her hand into a fist, clutching harder at my half-dry hair. I looked up from between her legs as I continued to lick her, enjoying the look of ecstasy now plastered across her face. Our eyes met, gazing deeply into one another as my tongue worked its magic. Her lips shook, spouting soft moans into the afternoon air. She was close now, teetering on the edge both literally and figuratively as her feet hung down into the water. My tongue swirled faster, spiralling around her clit like a whirlwind.
“Oh, God, yes!” she purred, fingers tightening in my thick nest of hair. “That’s it, love. Just like that.”
Her moans grew louder and I could feel her body tensing as I showcased my talents, licking her towards the kind of orgasm she clearly hadn’t experienced in quite some time. A final swirl of my tongue and she surrendered to the growing sensation, granting me the payoff that I’d worked so hard for. Hot fluid gushed forth from between her labia, coating my lips and tongue as her thighs began to quiver in my arms. My tongue wound slowly around her throbbing clit and I didn’t stop licking her until every drop of fluid had been extracted. Her grip loosened and I surfaced from between her thighs, lips shining with the fruits of my labour.
“Blimey!” she panted, puffing her flushed red cheeks. “How’d you get so bloody good at that?!”
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” I declared, returning a sticky-mouthed grin.
“I can tell,” she said, willing herself off the floor.
I rose from the water, now submerged to just below my ass. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss, sharing the delicious taste still lingering on my tongue. I pulled down my trunks, kicking them down my legs and letting them float back up to the surface. I gripped my cock as our tongues entwined, water dripping from the rock hard shaft. I rubbed the tip against her slit and steered it forward, entering her with a delicate push. Our mouths came apart and she gasped softly at the point of penetration. Her inner walls clamped me firmly as I pushed in deep, her toned muscle and lack of children gracing her with a tightness rarely felt in a woman of 40.
I slid my hands beneath her thighs and her arms went to my shoulders as I lifted her up. Hands gripped tight to the back of my head and her mouth returned to mine, kissing with renewed passion. My fingers dug into her thighs and my biceps popped as I guided her along the shaft, pulling her up to the edge of my crown. I held her there for a few seconds then dropped her down again, and I savoured the sight of those brown eyes bulging as I filled her to the brim.
I repeated the action, slowly at first and I relished each appreciative squeeze as I pulled her pelvis into mine. The pace quickened and soon those pink pussy lips were soaring along my shaft, thighs splashing in the water as she plummeted to the base. She tipped her head back, wet brown locks spilling down towards the paving stones as she cried out in ecstasy, that posh sexy accent filling the clear blue sky.
“Oh, GOD! Fuck, that cock is bloody HUGE!”
Hearing her scream like that only made me want to fuck her harder and my biceps were flexing like mad as I powered her up and down my pole. Those lovely big boobs of hers started flopping up and down, and I opened my mouth to catch one, sucking on them as best I could as they bounced all around her chest.
Her ass hit the water with increasing force, sending little waves coursing through the surface of the pool. Hayley was so pent up that I had her on the brink already, and one last plunge was all it took to ignite the orgasm she’d so desperately needed. She clenched me tighter as I felt her cum and I held her at the base, feeling the muscles contract around every inch I possessed.
Her head shot up and she stared into my eyes, rewarding my efforts with one of the prettiest O-faces I’d seen in a very long time. I watched intently, enjoying the throes of climax and making sure it had ran its course before unleashing one of my own. My grip on her tightened and my fingers burrowed deep into her ass as I held her against me, succumbing to the sensations now surging through my entire body. Roaring up into the clear blue sky, I gave it to my guest with both fully loaded barrels, firing copiously into an aging womb that had yet to serve its intended purpose.
“Uh, fuck!” I panted. “Goddamn!”
A giddy smile stretched lazily across her face and her lips returned to mine, the last few drops of cum oozing into her molten snatch. I held her like that for several seconds, feeling her grip on me slowly start to loosen as our tongues entwined.
“Wow! You were
definitely the right man to call,” she said with a grin, returning to the line that she’d fed me over the phone.
It had been a few days since that call but you better believe I remembered her saying it. When Hayley Atwell regales you with a line like that you don’t forget it in a hurry.
I flopped back into the water and the two of us separated, our bodies drifting slowly apart. Such rigorous activity in the afternoon sun had raised my temperature considerably, so the cool water was a godsend as it immersed my melting torso. We swam for a bit to cool off and I tried my hand at Hayley’s backstroke. She made a joke about my dick looking like a snorkel as I cut through the water, and I replied with a gag of my own about her natural flotation devices.
We made out in the pool some more then returned to the loungers to soak up the last of the sun. Hayley went to refresh our drinks, and I towelled myself dry, applying a new layer of sunblock. My trunks were still in the pool so I opted to go without. Not like there were any neighbours around to see my junk. Hayley returned with a towel around her body and set our drinks down on the table. She ditched the towel and perched on the edge of her recliner, fetching her sunblock from beside her glass.
“Could you do my back?” she asked, peering back at me with a bat of her lashes.
“I’ll do the rest of you too if you like.” It had sounded dirtier than I had intended but Hayley didn’t leap on the obvious gag. What can I say? She’s a classy lady. Snorkel-dick joke aside.
“Well, I’m not going to say no to that.”
I hopped down from my recliner and knelt on the floor at her feet. She handed me the sunblock and then sat back in her chair, sipping her drink as I got down to business. I started at her ankles, smearing the lotion into her skin and delighting in the muscletone as I moved past her calves and up to her thighs. I perched on the edge of the recliner and Hayley rested her feet on my lap, the sole of her right foot sliding smoothly along my shaft. I’d finally gone soft after the sex in the pool but the foot on my member awoke it with a start. I slid my hands up her thighs as her foot jerked me off, stopping just short of her pussy.
I skipped straight past her groin, drawing a playfully shocked gasp from my guest as I moved up to her tummy. Her foot slid off my shaft and the grin she gave me wasn’t hard to interpret.
Two can play that game. I was asking for it, truth be told, and I’m probably lucky she didn’t use said foot to kick me square in the balls!
I stood up from the chair and motioned for her to lift her back. She sat up straight and I slotted in behind her, pouring out a fresh dollop of sunblock and smoothing it across her back. I slid my hands around and cupped her breasts, giving those hefty mounds a thorough going over. A soft whine fluttered from her lips and she turned her head, kissing me ravenously as I groped her chest. My dick was fully hard now and the crown started to poke into the crack of her ass. Hayley reached back and started jerking me off, applying perfect pressure with every delicate stroke.
“Put it between my tits,” she said softly, eyes smouldering as our lips came apart.
I didn’t need a second invitation. I leapt up from the recliner and hurried to the opposite end, Hayley laying back across the padding as I got into position. I parked my knees either side of her tummy, wedging them in beside the arms of the chair and slapped my dick down between her tits. Gathering them in my hands, I kneaded them gleefully as I pushed them together, wrapping them around my shaft. Hayley’s breasts were the perfect size for sticking your dick between (provided, or course, that your dick is as big as mine). Big enough to fully enclose it, but not so large that it vanished completely.
Keeping them squished firmly around the width of my shaft, I held them tight and started thrusting. Sunblock actually made for a surprisingly good lubricant, and my dick slid through her chestal chasm with minimal resistance. I looked down at the woman beneath me, watching as her eyelids fluttered, soft coos pouring from her full red lips. Arousal was surging through my shaft and she clearly relished the feeling of my member throbbing as it cut through her chest.
The head poked out from between her tits, precum leaking from the open slit. My dick was now coated with sunblock, so understably Hayley didn’t want it in her mouth. But she was happy to let my helmet prod against her chin, sticky smears of precum left behind with each pelvic thrust. I hadn’t fucked a good pair of tits in a while and I forgot how good it felt being ballsdeep in such a gorgeous rack. I was close to cumming already but I managed to fight the urge, and no matter how great her titties might have felt, I was dying to get back in that pussy.
Her boobs spilled from my grasp and Hayley took hold of them as I grabbed my rod. She was expecting me to spray her tits, so my guest was a little surprised when I moved down to the foot of the chair, giving off a little excited eek sound as I gripped her legs, spreading them far and wide. I nudged my crown against her puffy pink slit, the extra lubricant making entry even easier than before.
I slid straight down to the balls and held onto her thighs, gripping them firmly as the thrusting resumed. I was far too pent up for any kind of slow buildup and I was giving it to her hard from the very beginning. Her coos turned to moans and she fondled her tits with greater ferocity, even sucking on her own hard nipples as I went to town on her glorious snatch. It was fast and it was fiery; the true definition of a quickie. Hayley knew I wasn’t going to last long, so she was doing all she could to get herself off. Angling a tit up to her mouth with one hand, the other reached down and started strumming her clit, fingers a blur as they prodded her pleasure point.
“Oh, yes! That’s it, love,” Hayley purred, between sucks on her titty. “Come on. Give it to me!”
Her pussy was tight to begin with and only grew more so as the thrumming continued. Both of us were giving as good as we got, and it was difficult to tell which was harder- the grip of her pussy or the force of my thrusts. I lifted her legs and rested them against my chest, keeping them spread so she could play with her clit. Now my pelvis was clattering against the backs of her thighs, loud smacks carrying through my yard and beyond.
The sun was beating down on us and my chest was glistening with sweat as I threw myself into her, unperturbed by the stifling heat. Hayley felt incredible, looked even better too, and I would happily have given her my all if we were fucking on the surface of the sun. She frigged herself harder and her pussy responded, squeezing me tighter than words can describe.
“Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!” she squealed, her voice rising in both pitch and volume.
The look on her face during her previous climax had been sweet and serene, all fluttering flashes and puckered red lips. But this time it was nothing of the sort, and those usually stunning facial features were violently contorted as the quake of orgasm rocked her buxom frame. I remained inside her, thrusting in earnest until the tremors subsided. Now it was my turn, and while cumming inside her earlier had felt nothing short of spectacular, those lovely big tits of hers were just
begging to be finished on.
Wrenching myself from the grip of her snatch, I scurried desperately across the recliner, jerking it wildly as I knelt above her chest. My balls were fit to burst and all it took was the slightest stroke to empty my scrotum completely. Hot spurts of cum shot forth from the hole in my dick, leaving thick ropes streaked across her giant cans.
“Ooh, yeah!” Hayley purred, grinning as the cum struck her chest. “How’s that for some lotion?”
I laughed, carefully palming my tender rod.
“Better wash this off before it gives me tan marks.”
I hopped down from the recliner and offered Hayley a hand to help her up. We took a quick skinny dip then went back inside as the sun began to set, taking a shower to wash off the chlorine smell. It started off innocently enough, but when Hayley started to soap up her titties I couldn’t fight the urge to shove my dick in between them. After an extended stay beneath the shower head, we returned to my room to towel ourselves dry and Hayley suggested dressing up for a sit down dinner.
I gave her a kiss goodbye and she went to her room to get herself ready. I picked out my best pair of pants, my crispest shirt and my buffest pair of brogues, selected my finest cologne and ran some pomade through my hair. I was ready first, as was often the case, and headed to the kitchen to get started on dinner. I diced some chicken and chopped up some veggies for a stir fry, my standard first date special. I fried up the chicken and was just about to add in the veggies when Hayley came and found me, distracting me from the contents of my wok.
She’d squeezed her busty frame into a beautiful sparkly silver dress that hugged her curves and put her famous assets on full display. Her makeup had been done to perfection and her silky brown locks dangled elegantly over one of her sculpted shoulders.

“Jeez!” I said, nearly ruining dinner entirely as I gawped at her gorgeous figure.
Hayley smiled and sidled up close, planting a soft kiss upon my lips. I wrapped an arm around her, relishing in the feel of her body against mine. I went in for another kiss but was quickly rebuffed, and a hand on my face turned it back towards the stove.
“Eyes on the prize, big boy,” Hayley warned. “I don’t want to be eating charcoal for dinner.”
“Then you shouldn't have worn that dress,” I quipped, eliciting a giggle from my celebrity guest.
“Maybe I oughta go and fetch us some wine. Before this kitchen goes up in flames.”
“I think you better.”
Hayley laughed again and gave me another little kiss. I dumped in some soy sauce and gave the pan a stir, though the sight of her ass swinging back and forth as she left the room did little to aid my concentration. She returned shortly after with a bottle of Italian white and poured us a couple of glasses. We fooled around a little while I finished up dinner, Hayley doing her best not to distract me
too much, which again was difficult with her choice of attire.
By some miracle, my stir fry ended up edible and I fixed us a couple of plates that we took through to the dining table. Mealtime conversation progressed from the getting-to-know-you stuff from the backyard and onto the subject of cuisine, with Hayley listing her favourite foods from across the globe. This segued into travel and my guest regaled me with her globetrotting exploits before quizzing me on my own. Had I been here? Had I been there? How about here? What about there? I replied with a polite string of ‘no’’s, admitting shamefully that I’d never left the States.
Hayley found this amusing. “Oh, you Yanks and your travel habits. Well, I think we’re going to have to fix that, aren’t we?”
“Absolutely,” I replied, almost as a reflex. Travelling had never been too high on my agenda, especially since opening this place. Everything I needed was right on my doorstep. But honestly I'd make a pilgrimage to Timbuktu if this woman was gonna be there.
We finished up dinner and I offered her dessert.
“Hmm, don’t think my trainer would like that much. I’ve already had too much booze,” she admitted, taking a swig of her wine.
“Well, at least you’re burning off the calories.”
Hayley laughed. “True. I’ve got a half a bottle to burn off now,” she said with a suggestive smirk.
“Then maybe we oughta get to it.”
Her grin grew wider. “May-be.” She drained the rest of her glass. “My room or yours?”
“Yours has a bathtub.”
“Well, mine it is then. We could open that bubbly?” That’s what Brits call champagne. She’d brought a bottle with her and stashed in the fridge upon arrival.
“More calories, huh?”
“More to burn off.”
I took our plates back to the kitchen, swapping them for the champagne and a pair of flutes. Hayley was waiting by the bar and she took my hand, leading me across to her room. She went straight for the ensuite and I heard the running of water as I popped the champagne. I poured a couple of glasses and handed one to Hayley.
“Why, thank you,” she said, moving in close, her body mere inches from mine.
“Bottoms up,” I said.
“Cin cin,” my guest replied, clinking my glass with her own.
We each took a sip, the sharp bubbles stinging my taste buds.
“Mmm,” I said, attempting to sound refined. “A fine choice.”
“I’ve made a few good choices lately,” Hayley said. Her brown eyes twinkled and if looks could fuck I’d be adding another notch to my bedpost. “Back in a mo.” Short for moment. I was really getting a handle on this British slang.
She handed me her glass and hurried off to the bathroom to turn off the faucets. Good job she remembered. If it were up to me (distracted yet again) the place would have looked like Atlantis. Hayley returned and retrieved her glass.
“Water’s a little warm,” she declared, taking a sip of her drink.
“Then maybe we oughta let it cool a little,” I suggested.
“Hmm,” she grinned, cocking a manicured brow. “And how are we gonna do that?”
“I’ve got a few ideas.”
I put a finger to her chin, angling her face towards mine. I leaned in slowly and my lips touched hers, tongue pushing softly into her mouth. Hayley reciprocated, and soon our tongues were tied in a knot. We were both still holding our drinks, but our other hands were free to explore. And explore they very much did. Mine began at her hip, sliding around slowly until it cupped her ass, fingers enjoying the unyielding muscle. Hayley’s started at my chest and migrated downwards, stopping at the lump in my pants.
Our lips came apart and Hayley did something with our drinks. Not sure what; she could have tossed them on the floor for all I cared. She returned with both hands free and her lips had found a new target. Undoing my shirt a button at a time, she left light kisses along my neck, moving past my collarbone and down to my chest. She continued south, kissing to my abs as she lowered herself slowly, freeing buttons as she went. Her knees hit the carpet and I slipped off my shirt as her hands went to my belt, unbuckling in one smooth motion. Unhooking the clasp, she slid her fingers under the waistband of my boxers, the pressure from my hardon unzipping the fly all by itself.
“Wow! Magic!” she said with a laugh.
My pants fell and I grinned back at her as she kissed my groin, just above my trimmed batch of pubes. She lowered my waistband slowly, her lips leaving kisses along the shaft as she revealed it inch by inch. She tugged it past the crown and her lips came open, catching it in her mouth as my dick sprung free. Her hands went to my hips and her eyes found mine, gazing up at me as she bobbed her head. Her mouth was warm and wet, and she was drooling copiously as she started blowing me, bathing my crown in spittle. Her lips pushed past the head and I could feel her tongue against the underside, writhing gently as she took me deeper.
I tilted my head back, unleashing a moan towards the second floor as she started sucking, coaxing out precum from the open tip. Her cheeks hollowed inward, forming a vacuum seal around my shaft as the spit kept swirling, soaking my member in copious volume. Her mouth felt incredible and my dick was throbbing already. Blood was flooding my shaft, drawn by the powerful suction that the orifice provided. Her lips went deeper, my dick blocking the moans now trying to escape as I pulsed against her tongue.
She clearly loved giving head, the enjoyment of a man’s arousal a clear sign of an accomplished cocksucker. And the more I throbbed, the harder she sucked me, her efforts rewarded with a fresh flow of precum that leaked from my tip like a sieve. Her head bobbed faster, lips puckering delightfully as they bore down on the base of my shaft. One more pass and they were glued to the hilt, hands gripping my thighs as she held me inside her.
“Oh, Jesus!” I groaned, my knees nearly buckling as the tip touched her tonsils.
She held me there for as long as she could, only expelling when her gag reflex told her to. Pushing against my thighs, her lips slid along the length of my shaft, leaving a thick coat of spittle in their wake as they slipped past the twitching crown.
“Goodness!” Hayley gasped, sucking in lungfuls of air. “I’ve never sucked one that big before.”
“Coulda fooled me,” I said with a grin, drawing a chuckle from my red-faced guest.
She rose to her feet and kissed me, spit still smeared around her lips.
“Aren’t you gonna finish me off?” I asked, my balls already turning blue.
She shook her head. “Mm-mm. We don’t want that water getting cold now, do we?” She turned on her heels, brushing hair from her neck as she peered back over her shoulder. “Now, unzip me.”
I removed my remaining clothing then did as instructed, unclipping the clasp at her neck and letting her dress fall down to her ass. I dropped to my knees and lowered it the rest of the way, leaving her in her sheer black panties. Those came down too and I grabbed her meaty butt cheeks, shoving my face in between them.
“OH!” she yelped, and though I couldn’t see anything, I could picture the shocked expression etched across her face as I burrowed into her ass crack.
I pushed those thick cheeks up around my face, that cooling bath water naught but a distant memory as my tongue worked wonders on her clit. A hand gripped tight to the back of my head, holding me deep in her crevice. I was buried to the ears and my oxygen supply was pretty much nil. But did I let that stop me? Fuck no, and I licked her with a zeal and fervour that I could tell she hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
“Mmm, fuck!” she squealed. “Yes, love! That’s it. Right there. Don’t stop!”
Heat was radiating from between her cheeks and I could feel her moisture oozing across my nose and lip as I tongued her furiously. Her legs began to shake and I curled my arms around her to keep her steady, licking without mercy. I had her on the verge in a matter of minutes, and tempting thought it was to leave her hanging there like she did to me, my thirst for those sweet, sweet juices just could not be ignored. She gripped a handful of hair, tugging at it roughly as pleasure overcame her.
“Oh, God! Yes, keep going. You’re gonna make me cum!”
I dug in deep, tonguing at her clit with fierce determination, not stopping until I achieved my goal. A shriek flew forth and moments later my taste buds were ignited as a warm gush of fluid poured across my tongue. Her grip weakened and I fought my way out from between her butt cheeks, rising to my feet before her climax had even ceased. Keeping her ass spread, I pressed my dick up against her slit, steering it in with an assertive push.
“Oh, JESUS!” she yelped, flinging locks of chestnut hair across my face as she threw her head back, mewling towards the ceiling.
I held her against me and started slamming into her, those juicy ass cheeks cushioning each blow. My hands reached up and grabbed her tits, mauling them vigorously as she turned to face me, devouring my mouth with her own. The earlier blowjob had left me throbbing, so if I was going to get her off before I did, I was going to have to resort to some pretty drastic measures. Keeping a hand clutched firmly to her chest, the other slid along her tight, toned midriff until it found her clit, thrumming aggressively as I continued to thrust.
A deep groan passed from her mouth to mine and her pussy tightened, squeezing my dick like a ligature. Her body went limp and she threw her arms back around my neck to steady herself as I kept on thrusting, driving myself into her with increasing force. Soon I was going full pelt and the already loud smacks rose in volume as my pelvis beat down on her ass. Ripples were coursing through body and I felt those huge boobs jiggle as I held her tight, punishing her pussy with merciless thrusts. The moans grew louder and muffling those sounds with my mouth was no longer going to cut it. I wanted to hear her and I pried my lips from her own, allowing her to make as much noise as her libido required. Which, it turned out, was a heck of a freakin’ lot!
“Oh, fuck yes! Fuck me!” she squealed, her face just inches from mine. “Gimme that big fucking dick!”
Her words delighted me, and hearing such filth spouted in such a posh and refined-sounding voice only made it that bit hotter. I had her on the ropes now and I pummelled her pussy with little restraint before delivering the finishing blow. Driving to the hilt one final time, I remained inside her as I rubbed her clit, drawing a loud scream from my bested opponent.
“Oh, God! Fuck! I’m fucking cumming! I’m cumming on your COOOCCCKKK!!!”
I clung to my load for dear life as she tightened further, her inner walls clenching harder by the second. I held off for as long as I could but I was fighting a losing battle, those powerful muscles breaking down my walls of resistance. Moving my hands to her hips, I gripped the actress tight as I admitted defeat, blasting rope after rope of piping hot jism deep into innards.
“FUUUCCCKKK!” I yelled, holding her against me until my sack had been emptied. I think we’ll call that a tie.
We remained like that for a minute or so, sharing deep breaths until her arms slid down from my shoulders and she turned to face me, my dick popping free from her pussy. She pressed her body against me and a hand went to the back of my head, guiding me down for a kiss.
“Think it’s cooled down by now?” she quipped and I laughed as I refilled our glasses.
Hayley took me by the hand and opened the bathroom door, revealing a tub that was brimming with bubbles. The water
had cooled considerably, but it was nothing the hot faucet couldn’t sort out. Hayley tied up her hair and climbed in first. I handed her our drinks then followed her in, slotting in behind with her back up against my torso. We sipped our drinks and she turned to kiss me, our hands clutched tight beneath the surface.
We made out for a few minutes then I took both our drinks, setting them down on a nearby table. I shifted back a little and rested against the edge of the tub, Hayley laying back against my chest, water up to her chin. We stayed like that for a while, enjoying the warmth of the tub until I gathered a bottle of body wash from the edge of the bath and offered to wash her. Of course Hayley accepted and she moved back a little in the water until her shoulders were above the surface. I started there, squeezing out a palmful of fragrant liquid and rubbing it into her shoulders and neck. Hayley loved it and let out a series of little satisfied coos as she enjoyed the finesse of my touch.
We both knew what was coming next and Hayley shifted back a bit more, raising her chest from the water. I squeezed out a fresh dose of body wash and got straight down to work, massaging her huge breasts and coating them in scented foam. I still couldn’t get over how great they felt and I gave those lovely big boobs a thorough going over; squeezing and groping and enjoying their flawless shape. Hayley liked it too and her moans grew louder as I kneaded her tits like two lumps of dough, teasing her nipples with my fingers. Turning her head to the side, our eyes met for a moment before I leaned in closer, ravaging her mouth once more.
Hayley broke the kiss and turned to face me, planting her knees on the bottom of the tub. I did the same and she took my face in her hands, kissing me with renewed intensity. My hands went straight for her breasts, caressing them tenderly until our lips came apart.
“Up,” she said simply, patting the edge of the tub.
I needed no further instruction and parked my ass exactly where she indicated, water dripping from my cock as I emerged from the water. The tub had a wide edge and I was able to sit there comfortably with my back against the wall tiles. Hayley knelt before me in the water, half her ass submerged as she took command of the bottle of body wash. Holding my dick at the base, she gave the bottle a hearty squeeze, extracting a generous portion that trickled down onto my tip. The liquid dripped down the length of my shaft, lubing it thoroughly for whatever was to come.
She wrapped her tits around my goo-soaked wang and started working them along the shaft, water splashing up the walls of the tub as she bobbed in the foamy depths. Body wash made for a more than effective lubricant and the goo turned to foam as her titties caressed my pole. She started slowly, squeezing them tightly and jiggling them along my shaft, spreading the foam across every inch. But the pace soon quickened and it wasn’t long before my buxom guest was jerking me off like her life depended on it.
Hopping and bouncing in the water, she slid her tits up and down my pole, loud *PLAP* sounds ringing around the room as the soapy undersides smacked against my pelvis. My head fell back against the tiles and I gazed down at the woman beneath me, groaning softly as she beat me off. Those boobs around my dick felt truly phenomenal, and the soapy coat of makeshift lube allowed her to work them along my shaft with consummate ease.
Hayley grinned at me, staring a hole through me with those big brown eyes as she kicked things up a notch, bouncing her tits off my groin with greater ferocity. A tempest was raging and every pass she took sent torrents of bubbly water pouring over the edge of the tub. My cock was throbbing more violently than ever and beads of precum started to leak from the slit, merging with the foam now smeared across my entire helmet.
Hayley squeezed tighter, the wet, squelchy titfuck sounds growing louder by the second. It was more than I could handle and I gripped the sides of the tub, nearly denting the porcelain as her huge sets of tits nearly spanked me into a coma. Resistance was futile, and as those huge, weighty tits kept slapping my groin, I gave into the sensations now surging through my every inch. One last blow and the volcano erupted, a geyser of creamy, hot magma firing up into the air and raining back down onto the tops of her titties. The jerking slowed and a contented smile spread across her face as I continued to spew, cum pumping from the tip and gushing down into her cleavage. Her grip eased and my dick came free, flinging thin strings of spunk down into the water as it sprung from between her tits.
“Fuck,” I panted.
My muscles had turned to jelly and I allowed myself to slide off the edge of the tub. I hit the surface with a loud splash, sending another foamy waterfall spilling over the sides and onto the bathroom floor. Hayley chuckled, looking mightily pleased with herself as she peered at her chest, thick dollops of spunk now slopping down towards her midriff. She fell back into the bubbles, allowing the water to wash all the cum from her chest as her boobs sank beneath the surface.
Hayley replenished the tub with a fresh burst of hot water and then sat back against my chest. We stayed like that for a while, sharing the occasional kiss as we finished our now quite flat champagne. Not much was said and both of us were happy just to enjoy the feel each other and the heat of the bathtub.
Once we’d finished our drinks, the kissing became more regular and it wasn’t long before the two of us were connected at the mouth once more. Hayley yanked the plug from its hole using just a foot- a clear indicator that she was done with the constraints of the tub. We climbed out of the bath and grabbed a pair of towels, drying ourselves quickly as we returned to the room.
We went straight to the bed and my oral talents got a further airing as I tongued her to climax in a matter of minutes. We fucked in missionary and she came again before we rolled over into spoons, finishing up with doggystyle and a particularly verile cumshot that was fired across her sculpted back. We took a short break then did it a couple more times, finally passing out when our collective energy levels dropped down into the negative digits.
I slept in late the following morning, finally waking at close to 11am. I turned slowly in my king size bed, expecting my bleary eyes to fall upon locks of chestnut hair. Or better yet, a world class cleavage, poking out from the top of the sheet. But instead there was…nothing. Just an empty pillow, the groove of her head still sunk into the expensive filling. Curious. Morning sex was very popular at my establishment (as was just about any other kind of sex), and it was rare for a woman to emerge from the sheets without cumming a couple of times first. I was rock hard, as I often was first thing in the morning (and throughout most of the day, to be honest), and to wake up in an empty bed was more than a little disappointing. That said, I had a pretty good idea where Hayley might be and was quietly confident that AM intercourse may still be on the cards.
I hopped out of bed, took a leak and went off to find my guest. Emerging from the guest room, I could hear Carly Rae Jepsen’s
Emotion album playing somewhere down the hall. I knew Hayley was a CRJ fan from a certain leaked video that I definitely didn’t watch- ahem- and suspected my instincts may have been right. I went to my room to brush my teeth and throw on some clothes, then headed in the direction of the music. Just as I’d thought, it was coming from the gym, so I poked my head around the doorframe and there she was, completing a set on the pec deck.
“Ah, there you are, sleepyhead,” she panted, clocking me in the doorway as she did her reps.
“Morning,” I replied as I entered the room. “Making use of the facilities, I see.”
“Mmhmm. Hope you don’t mind. PT’s got me on a pretty strict programme.”
She was kitted out in ultra-tight fitting spandex, her skin was shining with sweat, and every rep she completed thrust out those fantastic tits in the most enticing way possible. So, no, I didn’t mind. I didn’t mind at all.
“So I see. Need a spotter?”
She finished up her set on the pec deck, and I observed her exemplary gym etiquette (and a couple of other things too) as she wiped her sweat from the handles. Next she hit the bench press and I stood over her as she pumped her iron. Just to examine her form, of course, and definitely not so I could stare at her tits from above.
Then she went on the treadmill and I took up position beside it so I could work the controls. She started slowly, what roughly equated to a hike in the hills, and I enjoyed the sight of her asscheeks moving as she climbed the imaginary slope. Then she kicked things up a notch, progressing to a brisk jog and saying ‘higher’ when she wanted me to up the ante. Her tits began to flop up and down, and I’ll admit a few of her directions might have passed me by as I gawked at her bouncing chest. Eventually she began to tire and singalled for me to stop. I pushed the button and the treadmill slowed to a standstill.
“Whew!” she whistled, panting heavily as she fetched her towel.
“Good workout?” I asked, handing her some water to hydrate herself.
“Uh huh. Nice little setup you’ve got here. Was that a sauna I saw next door?”
A grin stretched across my face. I liked where this was going. “It was. Want me to show you how it works?”
“Pfft!” she scoffed. “Fuck that. You’re coming in too!”
Her sweaty body pressed against mine and she pulled me in for a kiss. A hand reached down and grabbed her ass, glutes still flexing from her workout. She pried her lips from mine and took me by the hand, leading me through to the room next door. We stripped off our clothes and went inside. Hayley took a seat on the bench as I adjusted the settings and the stones began to heat up. I joined her on the bench as the room began to fill with steam, the heat soaring to a balmy 150.
Hayley straddled me and she took my face in her hands as the kissing resumed. I ran my hands down her back, fingers gliding smoothly across her pale, wet flesh. Sweat started to bead on my skin and soon my body was as shiny as hers. The kissing intensified as she ground against me, the temperature rising in more ways than one. I lifted her slightly as I rose from the bench, lips still locked together as I set her down on the wood. I leaned over her as I left her lips behind, moving down to her neck and chest.
Collecting them in my hands, I immersed myself deeply in her glorious tits, licking sweat from the valley between. As you can probably imagine, I stayed there for a while, moulding her boobs with my hands and licking and sucking at both of her nipples. Continuing south, I kissed along her midriff, her body getting warmer as I edged towards the epicentre. Settling on my knees, I pushed her thighs up onto my shoulders and curled my arms around them, holding her tight as I dove into her molten core.
I started at the slit, sliding my tongue along it slowly and lapping up a cocktail of sweat and arousal. Moving upwards, I set up camp at the nub of her clit, remaining there for the entire duration. I felt her button stiffen as my tongue spun a spiral around it, heat emitting from the hole underneath. She wasn’t as fresh as the night before, but I still enjoyed the flavour- every drop of clammy arousal a delight to the senses.
Hayley was loving it, her features changing as a thick fog of steam began to engulf us. A hand reached down and grabbed at my head, holding me right where she wanted me. Fingers combed through my hair, locks that had dampened from the humid conditions. I felt her thighs start to shake and her core tightened as my tongue did its thing, swishing and swirling around her sensitive clit.
She was close now, that much was clear, and I decided to add a little something to push her over the edge. Wetting two fingers, I rubbed them against her slit, lubing them further before I pushed them inside. I curled them towards her belly button, finding her g-spot in record-quick time. Her hidden pleasure point was wildly engorged and I jabbed at it repeatedly as I buried my fingers to the knuckle, tongue still tending to her clit. It worked like a charm and a few sharp prods were all that was needed to spark the inevitable climax.
“Oh, fuck!” Hayley shrieked. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Her pussy tightened, clamping so firmly around my probing digits that I wondered if I’d ever get them back. Clawing a fistful of wet, sweaty locks, she tugged them sharply as my tongue kept swirling, licking her through the throes of climax. Fluid gushed from deep within her, soaking my fingers as they massaged her g-spot. A string of squeals sailed forth from her lips, with a final high-pitched scream signalling that she’d reached her peak.
Her walls began to loosen and I slowly retrieved the two long digits that were drenched in her stickly arousal. I returned to the bench and Hayley mounted me, resting her knees on the expensive wood. She reached back and gripped my cock, then rubbed the tip against her slit, grinning as she felt it twitch. She held it at the base and eased herself onto it, lips sliding past the swell of my crown.
My hands went up and grabbed her tits, pushing them together as I pushed my face in between them. I licked along the curve of her breast, lapping up sweat until my tongue touched a nipple. Hayley sunk to the base of my cock and remained there as I sucked her, worshipping those gorgeous tits. Switching back and forth from one large breast to the next, I felt each nipple grow between my lips, her pussy reacting with a tightening grip around my shaft.
My hands moved down to her ass and a tit spilled from my lips, falling back into place as my mouth returned to hers. I kissed her passionately as she started riding me, fingers digging into her asscheeks as I helped her along my length. Her thighs began to crash against my own, meaty ass globes jiggling in the palms of my hands. She was riding me hard, impaling herself on all eight inches and she started to moan into my mouth as my tip touched her cervix.
Her lips left mine and she hopped onto her feet, performing textbook squats as she worked her pussy along the span of my shaft. Her back straightened and her arms curled around my shoulders, keeping herself steady as she bounced on my lap. My face was now level with her chest and I stared at those huge, heavy tits, occasionally catching one between my lips as they flopped around before me.
“Oh, God,” she groaned. “Fuck, you’re so big!”
Gazing ahead at those lovely, full breasts, I could have said the exact same thing. But it was no time for jokes and I simply tongued at a nipple as her tits flew past my face, moving my hands to her hips as her ass beat down on my thighs. Deep, heavy breaths started to pour out from above me as she rode me harder, using my dick like a sextoy to get herself off. Each and every pass sent her right to the hilt and her insides seemed to grip me harder with every passing second.
Sinking to the base one final time, Hayley remained there as her orgasm overtook her and she squeezed my dick so tightly that I almost joined her. I held her tight against me, utilising every ounce of willpower I possessed to keep from firing straight up her snatch. But Hayley wasn’t making it easy, and the intense look of pleasure etched across her features and the heavenly sounds spewing from between her lips only added to my torment. Finally, and to my great relief, the sensations began to subside and Hayley relinquished her vice-like grip. Her euphoric expression gave way to a sweet smile of satisfaction and those lovely breathy coos became fewer and further between.
She took a moment to compose herself then rose from my lap, giving my dick one final squeeze as the head popped free from her pussy. Setting her feet down on the steam room floor, she leaned forward at the waist, resting her hands on the bench as she stuck her ass out behind her. She dipped her head towards my groin and wrapped her lips around my helmet. Finding the slit with the tip of her tongue, she lapped at the puddle of precum, extracting every last drop. She slid her lips down the length of my shaft, slurping up the fluids that were smeared across every inch.
“Ugh, fuck!” I groaned, resting my head against the wall as she went down deeper, lips edging closer to the base of my cock.
The sound of sucking soon filled the room and all I could see was her ponytail rising and falling as she showed my dick who’s boss. A hand went wandering and I cupped a swinging breast, caressing it gently as she worked me over. A few more bobs of that pretty brunette head and her lips were puckered at the hilt, my crown twitching at the back of her throat. She kept me there for close to a minute, then withdrew to the tip, spit dripping to the root of my shaft.
She caught her breath then went back for more, sinking to the base in a single motion. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’d encountered some formidable cocksuckers in my time, but nobody quite like her. A talent like this comes around once in a lifetime and I relished every moment that I spent between her lips. Every slurp and suck, delivered with gusto and at optimum pressure. Every swirl of her tongue around my bulging pink helmet. Every lap at the veiny underside. Every plunge to the base, each more effortless than the last. Her final descent was met with a violent spasm and Hayley pried me from the depths of her gullet before I lost my load inside it.
“Uh huh,” she said, lightly stroking my tender schlong. “Not yet, love.”
Rising to her feet, she turned to face the sauna door, backing up that heart-shaped booty. Gripping my dick at the base, I pointed in the direction of her pussy as that beautiful backside slowly descended upon it. The crown touched her lips and both of us groaned as it slipped inside, the warmth and width of our respective parts pleasing one another to the highest degree. I put my hands down at my sides, gripping onto the edge of the bench as Hayley lowered herself down my pole, her tight pussy swallowing inch after inch.
She placed her hands on her thighs, bending her knees slightly as she worked her body back and forth, sliding her pussy up and down my dick. The buildup was gradual but it wasn’t long before my buxom guest was riding me like a rodeo, slamming those juicy buttcheeks into my groin as she took my dick to the hilt. Hayley was in complete control and I had no choice but to sit back and take it, watching those ass globes rise and fall above me at an ever-increasing pace.
“Mmm! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” Hayley gasped, punctuating each word with a hard smack upon my burning crotch.
Her asscheeks rippled as they struck my pelvis and the urge to latch my hands onto those peachy spheres was simply too great to resist. Fingers dug into her thick twin orbs and before I knew it I was guiding her motions, steering her ass from bellend to base. Her taut inner walls contracted further and her pussy squeezed tighter with every descent. Moving my hands to her thighs, I gripped them hard and pulled her into me, allowing those asscheeks to pummel my groin.
My balls were bulging and I sought to fit in one more position before another satisfied customer was sent on her merry way. My hands migrated to her hips and I rose to my feet, standing my guest up straight as I slotted in behind her, still deeply embedded in her balmy insides. Curling my arms around her trembling frame, I held her steady as I started thrusting, driving into her with all my remaining energy. One hand grabbed a titty, groping it eagerly while the other went down to her clit, thrumming with little restraint. It drove the actress wild and she turned her head to the side as I dicked her senseless, my mouth finding hers and muting the loud screams that had filled the expanse of the sauna.
Now she was putty in my hands and our tongues tousled aggressively as I threw myself into her, giving her all I had. I strummed her clit with expert precision, and it was clear from the moans and groans that both of her two main pleasure points were being vigorously stimulated. Her lips broke free from my own and she stared back at me with wide, unblinking eyes.
“Don’t stop,” she instructed sternly. “Don’t stop until you make me cum.”
I gave a simple nod and Hayley turned to face the door, wanting no distractions from the body-quaking pleasure that was soon to come. Throwing her arms back around my neck, she braced herself for impact as I delivered a sharp burst of intensely violent slams deep into Haley’s pussy. My fingers worked their magic on her throbbing pink clit and a high-pitched scream flew forth from the bowels of her throat, echoing around the sauna from one wooden wall to the next.
Sheathing myself to the hilt for the very last time, I concentrated fully on the actress’ clit, thrumming it wildly and prolonging the ecstasy for as long as was humanly possible. The contractions that squeezed me through the duration of her orgasm were almost unbearable, and how I managed to retain my load during such an onslaught I honestly do not know. It took her a while to recover but when she did my buxom guest was as ravenous as ever, and she dropped to her knees before me as I palmed my rod, jerking like a man possessed.
Cupping her boobs in her still very shaky hands, she held them up as I pulled my prong, inviting- no,
ordering- me to glaze them with the contents of my balls.
“Mmm, yes,” she purred, giving her titties an enticing jiggle. “Do it, love. Shoot that load for me. All over my tits, baby. Come on. Give it to me.”
No further encouragement was needed. Jerking furiously, I trained my dick on that incredible set of breasts and unloaded all over them, drenching both cans with countless streaks of burning jism. But I wasn’t done yet and as the stroking continued, I recalibrated my aim and fired again, shooting the last of my load over her lips and chin.
“Oh, wow!” she said simply, licking the cum from around her mouth.
She took my cock in her hands and put her lips to the tip, sucking out the final few drops. Her eyes gazed upwards and she grinned, giving my tender prick a few last torturous strokes. I retrieved my rod then sat down beside her, exchanging tired smiles as we basked in the heat and humidity.
Finally dragging ourselves from the warmth of the sauna, we went back to my room to take a shower. Hayley washed the cum from her tits and since they were all nice and soapy, it would have been remiss of me not to stick my dick in between them one last time. And not fucking her again before she left? Well that would have been just plain rude.
We left the shower, drying and dressing ourselves, then I went to Hayley’s room with her and helped her with her things. I wheeled her suitcase out to her car and we kissed each other goodbye. She was in the States for a few more weeks and said she’d love to pay me another visit before she headed home. I said she was welcome anytime and she gave me a hug, saying that she’d recommend me to all of her friends. And given her involvement with Marvel Studios, that was a very exciting prospect.
She climbed into her car, blowing me a kiss as I waved her off. I went back inside and had just settled in front of the TV when my phone started ringing. I went to answer it and a familiar voice greeted me with a warm “hello”.
“Miss Chastain,” I said with a grin, “I’ve been expecting you.”
ENDThanks for reading, and if you enjoyed this piece be sure to check out the first Getaway story if you haven't already!